This almost sounds like a riddle but it’s no joke.
What do you get when you combine the expertise of a membrane elasticity theorist, an optical physicist, mathematicians, specialists in solar flare activities in outer space, biomedical engineers skilled in computational fluid dynamics, and an NJMS associate professor of neurosurgery? And, the answer to the puzzle is? A more accurate way to predict whether aneurysms will break, bleed and wreak havoc on victims. Charles Prestigiacomo, MD, is the NJMS leader of this eclectic mix of extraordinary talent culled from within UMDNJ, as well as collaborations with researchers at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) and Delaware State University. “I just love science. And there is so much to learn if you look outside your own field,” he says. Which is exactly why he sent an e-mail to the head of the biomedical engineering department at NJIT in August 2002, shortly after he arrived to practice, research and teach at NJMS. A specialist in neuroendovascular surgery as well as cerebrovascular microsurgery, Prestigiacomo doesn’t have an engineering background but has always been interested in how aneurysms form and why they rupture. This is his passion. “Not all aneurysms bleed,” he explains. In fact, bleeding from a brain aneurysm, or subarachnoid hemorrhage, occurs in a relatively small proportion of the population, but it affects patients, about 30,000 a year, during the most productive years of their lives, between ages 30 and 65. And there is a 50 percent chance of dying from these strokes. Even if the patient doesn’t die, “He or she could be debilitated somehow from this bleeding. Aneurysms hit you early and they hit you hard.” Signs and symptoms of an aneurysm can be non-existent until it ruptures or grows large enough to impinge on surrounding physical structures of the brain. And aneurysms are often discovered by accident in routine physical examinations during an Xray, ultrasound, or CT scan being done for another reason. “The best thing we can do is find them and figure them out before they pop like a blister,” says Prestigiacomo. 24
Meanwhile, his simple e-mail to David Kristol, PhD, chairman of the NJIT Department of Biomedical Engineering, asked, “Is there anyone in your department who might be interested in aneurysms?” Within an hour, he had his answer from Driscoll and Hans Chaudhry, PhD. “Love to talk to you.” Soon after, he was on his way down the street in Newark to NJIT for meetings, collaborations and entrée into a world of pure mathematics, computational fluid dynamics, elasticity and biomechanical properties of membranes. “It was great. I like math and I like engineering though I was a biology major and a classics minor back in college. These guys are pure mathematicians.” His excitement about the fruit of the collaborations is still evident years later as he recalls how serendipitous the conversations became. “At one point during a discussion, someone said, ‘Hey, a friend of mine is an optical physicist with a machine that can calculate the thickness or springiness of tissue by how it reflects light and the levels of tension. Maybe we can apply this to aneurysms.’” That machine, by the way, is still too big to drag into the operating room at University Hospital. However, plans are underway to size it down. This neurosurgeon is even working with experts who study solar flare activity using mathematics to predict eruptions on the sun’s surface. The belief is that this predictive technology can be applied to the understanding of volatile aneurysms inside the body. These exchanges were electric. Prestigiacomo taught the biomedical engineers everything he knew about aneurysms and soon, the team was giving back, studying the alveoli of the lungs as a simple model for aneurysms, looking at anatomic features, shapes, dimensions, all kinds of parameters applicable to aneurysms, and posing all the right COURTESY OF CHARLES PRESTIGIACOMO, MD, AND WENZHUAN HE, MD