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I do not believe in defining oneself; definitions can be equivalent of a crucifixion of a person, object, or neologism. I could say that I am a philosopher, a ponderer of the controversial, an artist, an illustrator, a graphic designer, a photographer and an all-round creative person. This, however, would not be a good way to define myself, as I am much more and everyone has the potential to be so much more. As an academic, I frown upon anyone who disgraces academia in order to replace it with artistry. Academia is perhaps more important than a knowledge of art and design alone. Academia is understanding. Without understanding, one cannot problem solve in a mature and sensitive way. Knowledge can be an art. Artists and designers strive to break the rules, but there is a fine line between controversy and the grotesque. I do not believe in editing the beauty of nature, but would do so if a client required me to. A job, is a job, is a job. In the world of employment, job satisfaction comes from the money. Pride in your work comes from the craftsmanship. Happiness comes in the inspiration. Morals and ethics should only come into play if you are willing to lose work. In an economy such as this one, one cannot be choosey. In saying this, if you can separate your morals for the period of a job requirement, from what you know will put food on the table, then you will not lose yourself. You should always be reflected in your work, no matter what the subject matter or company it was made for. This can be done in

craftsmanship, or style. An artist must be able to be distinguished by their work. Whether their heart and soul is in a project, or not, they must still uphold their standard of work. As a young individual it is easy to say “Oh, I’d never do that” when it comes to the subject matter of working in the industry for specific companies or companies that work in specific sectors. The truth is, however, for the right price, most human beings will do practically anything. If I, personally, felt working for a certain company was doing something that I disagreed with, I would still do the design work I was employed for, but request to be kept anonymous unless they had my specific consent. I do not strive for fame, I strive for a comfortable life and nor do I strive to be rich, only to feed myself and not have to worry about the money on the majority of days. My future goals consist of just being happy in whatever I do and to always be inspired. Even in the shadows there can be beauty, you just have to look a little harder. There’s nothing wrong with challenging something, or being challenged. A challenge can often inspire me to push forward harder. Rugby scrums have nothing on me when it comes to pushing through to achieve something. Just because I’m not given foot holes to climb up the mountain, doesn’t mean I won’t forge my own or at least try. Being told that I cannot do tasks because of health or any other reason, does not mean I will not fight to at least try.

Music used to inspire me. The way music danced made my mind’s eye dream up worlds unknown. Just because I cannot hear the majority of pitches anymore, does not mean I am not inspired anymore. I am not limited to weakness, I am limited by the opinions I have of myself. I am not a self-confident person, rather a person who has knowledge of myself. Every day I learn about myself and my abilities. I had to learn how to listen to music with more than just my ears when my hearing started to fade. Art and design should reflect on that. One should not be limited to just experience a piece in one way. An experience is to be memorable for a long time, not just five minutes. A piece of work is an extension of the experience of the designer or artist.

In short, my manifesto comes down to one simple phrase: To Define is to Restrict. This as a slogan for a lifestyle that it represents. The manifesto I live by, may perhaps be more relateable to a young adult, or teen, audience. The design of the physical representation of my manifesto is therefore very youth oriented. Young people strive to look good and therefore, these mock designs would fulfill the brief.

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