Go Play Guide Spring/Summer 2018

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GO PLAY Parks, Programs & Events Guide

LETTER FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT November 7th marks my first day as the Rutland Recreation and Parks Superintendent. I was overly impressed by the many programs the Recreation offers-specifically the Rutland Youth Theatre. I am stunned by all the facilities, including our wonderful parks, and excited to be involved in the opening of the White Memorial Park in June 2018! There are so many amazing partnerships that have been established which I have already had the chance to collaborate with. I am inspired by the 15 full-time staff members and the many seasonal/part-time staff who are passionate about their work with the Rutland Recreation Department. The Community, Staff, City Hall, and many partnerships have welcomed me as the new Superintendent and I am anticipating an exciting Spring and Summer Season. The Recreation and Parks Department has many other projects and focus areas for the next 6 months. The basketball courts at White Memorial Park will get an upgrade, Rotary Park updates including a pavilion, continuing upgrades at Giorgetti, and recently a new floor at Godnick was installed. Many other smaller projects will continue to keep the staff busy. In regards to programs, we added a wrestling youth program with 40 kids joining, a variety of aquatic programs for summer will be added, and a re-focus on many of the sporting programs we currently provide to the community. The next few months will bring change and transition to the Recreation Department and I am open to new ideas and challenges. I honor the tradition of excellence the staff, programs, and events bring to the Rutland Community. My door is always open, come in and say HI! (or if it’s a warm and sunny day you may find my office at the White Pool). The Rutland Recreation and Parks Department serves our community through sports, events, programs, and a connection with each other. I encourage everyone to try a new adventure, activity, event, or program this upcoming year, we offer so many opportunities and hope to offer more in the years to come. Serving the Community,

Kim Peters Superintendent Recreation and Parks

THE POOL OPENS FRIDAY, JUNE 22nd The Rutland City Community has been without their own pool for over 3 summers, and the White Memorial Park is due to open June 2018 with a newly renovated Bathhouse and 2 pools. A special thanks to everyone involved in the opening of the pool: • Cindi Wight and all the Program Directors for all the pre-work • Pool Committee • Bob Peterson and the entire Maintenance Staff at the Rutland Recreation Center • Board of Alderman and Mayor for continued support • Todd Davis, Bob Cunningham and their crew at Russell Construction Services • Ed Clarke, NBF Architects • Mark Mariano, Weston and Sampson • Rutland Town for the usage of their pool for the past three years. • Community for patience and support

TABLE OF CONTENTS 4-5 6 7-8 9-12 13 14 15 16-17


Alexander Keefe Memorial Park



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Baxter St and Library Ave

Water St

Baxter Street Park Cioffredi Complex

Temple St

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1 Deer St Madison St and Prospect St

Meadow St

STAFF Kim Peters, Superintendent KimP@rutlandrec.com Bob Peterson, Parks Director BobP@rutlandrec.com Brittany Malmgren, Program Director BrittanyM@rutlandrec.com Lori Hickey, Program Director LoriH@rutlandrec.com Jeff Pratt, Maintenance Specialist II JeffP@rutlandrec.com Nicole Densmore, Program Director NicoleD@rutlandrec.com Tyler Dahlin, Maintenance Specialist II TylerD@rutlandrec.com April Cioffi, Program Director AprilC@rutlandrec.com Jaime Colburn, Marketing Marketing@rutlandrec.com Kyle Bourgeois, Maintenance Specialist I KyleB@rutlandrec.com Conrad Zeller, Maintenance Specialist ConradZ@rutlandrec.com Zach Phelps, Maintenance Specialist ZachP@rutlandrec.com Michael Loso, Custodian MichaelL@rutlandrec.com Denise Greene, Front Desk Info@rutlandrec.com Ruthellen Weston, Facility Reservations rentals@rutlandrec.com

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River St and Meadow St North Main St

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White Park

Rotary Park

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River Street Mini-Park

2 Oak St Ext

Main St and West St

Main Street Park Monsignor Thomas Connor Memorial Park Patch Pond Trail

Justin Thomas Memorial Park

Godnick Adult Center

16 North St Ext Merchants Row and Evelyn St

Giorgetti Arena & Pine Hill Park

Depot Park

Courcelle Building


Center Street Alley

21 Avenue B

OFFICES COURCELLE BUILDING 16 North Street Extension Office hours: 8:30AM-5:00PM Mon-Fri GODNICK ADULT CENTER 1 Deer Street Office hours: 8:30AM-4:30PM Mon-Fri GIORGETTI ARENA 2 Oak Street Extension REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Recreation Office: 802-773-1822 Email: info@rutlandrec.com Website: www.rutlandrec.com

FAQ HOW DO I REGISTER? You can register anytime during office hours at the Courcelle building (SEE REGISTRATION FORM FOR DETAILS) Payment for recreational programs can be made with cash, check or credit/debit card (visa or mastercard). Cash or check only for Godnick Center Programs. You can register for programs anytime online at www.rutlandrec.com. Registrations will be accepted until the program is filled, unless a deadline is stated in the program description. Early registration is encouraged as programs fill up quickly PLEASE NOTE: Programs incur a $10 late registration fee less than 10 days from the start date.

DO YOU PROVIDE SCHOLARSHIPS? The Rutland Recreation and Parks Department and the Recreation Committee recognize that the charging of fees for programs may place such an economic hardship on some individuals that they are unable to participate. For that reason, a fee reduction waiver system is available for eligible residents of Rutland City. All scholarships will run from July 1st to June 30th of each year. Persons applying must do so before June 15th to be activated by July 1st. You must reapply each year to see if you are eligible for a scholarship. Contact the recreation office for information or to apply for the scholarship. Confidentiality will be maintained.

AM I A RESIDENT? OFFICE HOURS AND REGISTRATION METHODSÂ Our hours for registration are 11:30am-5:00pm from Labor Day to Memorial Day. Summer Hours are 8:30am-5:00pm. Registration options include a registration form available on our website at rutlandrec.com and we will take phone registrations during our open registration hours. We will continue to have on-line registration available 24/7!

WHAT IS THE REFUND POLICY? A full refund (minus a $5 administrative fee) will be given for withdrawal from a program if requested ten (10) business days prior to the start of the program. If the department makes changes to a class that prohibits a participant from attending the class, there is a full refund with no administrative fees. A 50% refund will be given for withdrawal from a program if the request is made less than 10 days prior but before the class has started. In the case of team sports, the date the program has started is the date the teams are formed. A 25% refund will be given for withdrawal from the program if a request is made on the day that the program started (or the day after for evening classes). There are no refunds after that date. All requests for refunds must be made in writing by filling out a Refund Request Form, which is available in the office or at rutlandrec.com

RETURN CHECK FEE POLICY There is a fee of $40 from customers whose checks have been returned to the city.

If you live within the Rutland City limits you are a resident.

WHAT DO NON-RESIDENTS PAY? Non-residents pay an additional $11 administrative fee per program Limited access programs may have a later registration date for non-residents. If so, it will be noted under the program information.

WHAT IF A PROGRAM IS POSTPONED OR CANCELLED? Inclement Weather: In the event of rain some programs may be cancelled. You should check our website www.rutlandrec.com Other Cancellations: We reserve the right to cancel any programs due to insufficient enrollment or for other reasons preventing the acceptable presentation of the activity.

DO YOU PROVIDE INSURANCE? The Rutland Recreation and Parks Department does not provide accident or hospitalization insurance for participants. Participants are strongly advised to have adequate insurance. Participation is at your own risk.

ARE YOUR PROGRAMS ACCESSIBLE? Reasonable accommodations will be provided upon request to ensure that programs are accessible to all individuals regardless of challenge.

DO YOU HAVE A PARTICIPANT BEHAVIOR POLICY? Behaviors of participants that pose a risk to other participants, staff and or the participant himself/herself or that so alters the program to such a degree that we are no longer offering the intended program, will be a cause to remove the participant or participants from the program either temporarily or permanently.


COMMUNITY GARDENS The Recreation Department oversees three community gardens. Each one is unique! The Northeast Gardens have a range of sizes with trails right off the gardens.. The Southeast gardens have six raised beds available with two of them part of our “marina.” The Northwest garden is in the middle of a neighborhood and has 16 plots available in 4 raised beds. The Northwest garden has no running water on-site.

Once again the Rutland Kiwanis Club and the Rutland Recreation & Parks Department will be hosting a special fishing day for children up to age 13. A parent/guardian must accompany the child. Registration is at 8:30AM. Prizes are awarded in various categories. Fish will be provided by the Vermont Fish & Game Department. AGES 13 & UNDER - COMBINATION POND SA 5/5 8:30-11:00AM FREE EVENT

KIWANIS BIKE RODEO The Rutland Kiwanis Club, Killington/Pico Cycling Club and the Rutland Recreation & Parks Department will be hosting a bike safety day for children up to age 13. A parent/guardian must accompany the child. There will be a road safety course, mountain bike skills course, bike checks and helmets provided. Remember to bring your bike! AGES 13 & UNDER - GIORGETTI PARK SU 5/20 1:00-4:00PM FREE EVENT

CHALK THE WALK Hands On Minds On Children’s Art Studio’s 4th Annual Chalk the Walk, a sidewalk chalk art festival. Enjoy art and the outdoors! Grab friends, or come and make new ones, and create a colorful piece of art in one of the squares. Families are encouraged to come participate in chalk art or just come to watch and enjoy some of the other activities. More details about the event are available at www.rutlandrec.com/chalkthewalk. This is a free event with a suggested donation of $3, proceeds benefit the Hands On Minds On Art Studio. We hope to see your there! ALL AGES - GODNICK CENTER SU 5/6 11:00AM-3:00PM RAIN DATE SATURDAY 5/12



CONCERT SERIES Bring a picnic basket, family and friends and enjoy a summer evening of free live music in Main Street Park! All Concerts are 7P-8:30P. WEDNESDAY NIGHT CONCERT SERIES A new band performing each week! W

6/20-8/8 7:00PM-8:30PM


June 20 Phil Henry Band June 27 Enerjazz July 4 Rick Redington & the LUV July 11 The Aaron Audet Band July 18 TBD July 25 TBD August 1 TBD Aug. 8 Satin & Steel SUNDAY NIGHT CITY BAND Our very own Rutland City Band every Sunday! SU

6/17-8/19 7:00PM-8:30PM


ULTIMATE FRISBEE All are welcome. Any age and ability. Even if you’ve never even thrown a disc before. We love introducing new people to the sport and meeting people from the area. For more information contact Wheaton Squier: wheatonsquier@gmail.com ALL AGES - GIORGETTI PARK FIELD TH 5/17-8/30 6:00P $5 (ONE TIME FEE)

The fee to rent ranges from $10 - $40 - depending on the size of the plot. Non-residents add $11 to the fee. A refundable clean-up deposit of $10-$25 is required. Registration for Rutland City residents starts March 1st and April 2nd for non-residents. For more information or to rent a spot visit rutlandrec.com/communitygardens.

STONE BENCH PROJECT 2018 is the 9th year of the Stone Bench Project. The functional public art sculptures created become a point of pride for their makers and the communities they are placed in. Teamwork, skills building and cultural/historical appreciation are among the benefits derived by participants. Examples of previous works are in Rutland’s Giorgetti Park and West Rutland Town Hall. Students are selected through an application process. There is no charge for participation to students who are selected. Application deadline is May 25, 2018. For more information, please contact the Carving Studio and Sculpture Center at 802-438-2097 or info@carvingstudio.org. AGES 13-19 - The Carving Studio Center M-F 7/9-7/20 9:00AM-3:00PM Free

ART IN THE PARK Back for an incredible 57th year, over 130 fine artists and crafts persons come together for a weekend of fantastic shopping and fun! Get a jump on your holiday shopping, as you enjoy live music, hands-on art projects and demonstrations. Fabulous food, drink and fun for all. Sponsored by the Chaffee Art Gallery. For more information visit www.chaffeeartcenter.org/art-in-the-park/ ALL AGES - Main Street Park SA/SU 8/11-8/12 10:00A-4:00P SA/SU 10/6-10/7 10:00A-4:00P


INSPIRATIONS IN NATURE NIGHT HIKE Join local naturalist Tom Estill on a night stroll along the Carriage Trail as we search for the "night critters" of Pine Hill Park. We'll especially be listening to the call of owls, foxes, coyotes, and frogs, and observing the night work of beavers at Rocky Pond. Wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather. Bring along water, a small snack and a flashlight. Difficulty: Easy to Moderate Walk AGES 11+ - Giorgetti/Pine Hill Park F 4/13 7:00-9:00PM Free

EARLY MORNING BIRD WALK Join local naturalist Tom Estill as we stroll along the Park trails in search of the numerous and varied birds flying through the area as they head north during their annual migration. We should see and hear dozens of species of birds, many of which will be in their colorful breeding plumage stage. Bring water, bug spray, binoculars and comfortable walking shoes. Difficulty: Easy/Moderate BIRDERS (ALL AGES)-Giorgetti/Pine Hill Park SA 5/12 7:30-9:30AM Free

NATURE HIKE Come and learn about the wildlife of Pine Hill Park on this moderate stroll through some of the trails of the Park. We'll be looking at the various plants and animals that inhabit this wonderful park, and work with some of the tools a naturalist uses in their work. Bring your wildlife guide books, binoculars, comfortable walking shoes, bug spray, and love of the outdoors. Difficulty: Easy/Moderate AGES 11+ - Giorgetti Pine Hill Park SA 6/9 9:30AM-12:00PM Free

The Rutland Recreation Department in conjunction with the Vermont Recreation & Parks Association is offering discounted tickets to Great Escape, Six Flags New England, Killington Adventure Center and Bromley Sun Mountain Adventure Park. The tickets are good for the 2018 season. Buying your ticket from the Rutland Recreation Department supports local and state recreation and accommodates you by not having to stand in line for your tickets at the parks. You need to bring cash for payment. Great Escape Good-Any-Day Tickets Great Escape Parking Tickets Six Flags New England GAD Tickets Bromley Mtn. Adventure Park GAD Tickets (GAD = Good-Any-Day Admission Tickets)

$40 $18 $40 TBD

($61.99 gate price, $46.99 for under 48") ($20 gate price) ($67.99 gate price, $57.99 3yrs old to 53")

Tickets Available May 29th

GO PLAY RACE SERIES The Go Play Race Series is sponsored by Join us this year for another summer of fun, camaraderie and fitness! All events are $5* per adult and FREE for 12th grade and under. Register at rutlandrec.com or visit us at the Courcelle building. All on-site registration opens 45 minutes prior to each race. *With the exception of the Droopy Down Hill.

WALK, WAG & RUN A dog friendly (on a leash) cross country running event. Distance: 5K or 2.5K. All adults who run or walk with a dog will have their $5 race registration covered by S.E. Smith! Youth fees for all races are covered by our title sponsor RRMC Rehabilitation Services. ALL AGES (kids free)-College of Saint Joseph TU 5/29 6:30P $5 TU 6/26 6:30P $5 TU 7/24 6:30P $5

SUMMER SUNSET Come run, or walk, through the woods in this 5K trail event. ALL AGES (kids free) - Giorgetti Park/Pine Hill Trails TU 6/12 6:30P $5 TU 7/10 6:30P $5 TU 8/7 6:30P $5

DROOPY PEDAL MOUNTAIN BIKE Our mountain bike series returns in 2018 to offer fun and fitness for all ages and ability levels. The event ranges from 3 to 8 miles based on ability. A great way to track your progress throughout the summer! ALL AGES (kids race free) - Giorgetti Park/Pine Hill Trails TU 6/19 6:30PM $5 TU 7/17 6:30PM $5 TU 8/14 6:30PM $5

DROOPY DOWNHILL: DOUBLE SERIES MOUNTAIN BIKE RACE The Droopy Downhill is back for it’s second year. Except this time, we’ve added another race! One to kick off the mountain bike season and one to end it! Come join us again for this Enduro style mountain bike race. Come test your skills and conquer you’re best time! This race is a single run, timed-trial race. Fastest time walks away with bragging rights for the summer! Register ahead online or anytime during the race. Join us for a summer BBQ after! ALL AGES - Giorgetti/Pine Hill Trails M 6/4 4:00-6:00PM $10 M 8/27 4:00-6:00PM $10






Open Swim: Monday-Friday : 12:00-8:00 PM Saturday-Sunday: 12:00-7:00 PM *Hours will change to 12:00-6:00 in August

Parent and Child Aquatics (Aquatots): The purpose of Parent and Child Aquatics is to teach safe behaviors around the water and develop swimming readiness by leading parents and their children in water exploration activities with the objective of having fun and becoming comfortable in, on and around the water. Ages 6 months-18 months

MID MORNING: Aquatots 10:00-10:30 Aquatots 10:30-11:00 Preschool Level 1 9:30-10:00 Preschool Level 1 11:00-11:30 Preschool Level 2 9:30-10:00 Preschool Level 2 11:30-12:00 Preschool Level 3 10:00-10:30 Preschool Level 3 9:30-10:00

Lap Swim: Monday-Friday 6:00 am-7:45 am Saturday-Sunday: 11:00-1:00 Lunch Time Lap Swim 10:30-12:00 *Check for detail schedule on www.rutlandrec.com.

ADMISSION RATES Daily Admission Resident Youth (17 and under) $5.00 Adult $6.00 Resident Senior (60+) $5.00 Daily Admission Non-Resident Youth (17 and under) $6.00 Adult $7.00 Resident Senior (60+) $6.00 Resident Summer Passes Youth Pass $45.00 Adult Pass $60.00 Family Pass $85.00 Non-Resident Summer Passes Youth Pass $56.00 Adult Pass $71.00 Family Pass $106.00 Senior Adult Discount (60 and over) Senior Resident Pass $30.00 Senior Non-Resident $41.00

SWIM TEAM Activity Number 235521 6/18-7/5 Ages 5+ Mon-Fri AM practices 11-19 Years Olds will practice 8:00-9:15am 5-10 Year Olds will practice 9:15-10:00 am Mon/Wed PM practices All ages 6:00-7:00 PM Cost: $95.00R/$106.00NR *All swimmers must be a member of Whites Pool Purchase a full pass or a swim team only pass (limited to practices and meets) for $30.00

Preteen and Adult Lessons: Lessons are geared toward beginner and advanced beginner swimmers. Great opportunity to learn swimming, but also for adults who may want to improve their skill of swimming.

RUTLAND SWIM SCHOOL Preschool Aquatics (3 levels): Preschool Aquatics aims to promote the developmentally appropriate learning of fundamental water safety and aquatic skills by young children. Preschool Aquatics teaches aquatic and safety skills in a logical progression through three levels of courses. Ages 18 months-2 years Ages 3-13 (6 levels): Consists of six comprehensive levels that teach youth of varying abilities how to swim skillfully and safely. The 6 levels include: • Level 1: Introduction to Water Skills: Blowing Bubbles, Front Float and Back Float • Level 2: Fundamental Aquatic Skills: Floating and movement in the water independently for 5 yards. Face submerged in water • Level 3: Stroke Development: Build on skills learned in Level 2. Freestyle and Backstroke with the fundamentals of treading water • Level 4: Stroke Improvement: Confidence in Freestyle and Backstroke while increasing endurance. Breastroke and Butterfly introduced • Level 5: Stroke Refinement: Stroke drills introduced for each of the four strokes. Swimmers entering into this level should be able to swim 50 yards of freestyle • Level 6: Skill Proficiency: Personal Water Safety, Fundamentals of Diving, Fitness Swimmer

Level 1 10:30-11:00 Level 2 11:00-11:30 Level 2 11:30-12:00 Level 3 10:00-10:30 Level 4 10:30-11:00 Level 5 11:00-11:30 Level 6 11:30-12:00 Adult Lessons Beg, 12:00-12:30 Adult Lessons Adv. 12:30-1:00 EVENING (MON-THURS): Aquatots 6:00-6:30 Preschool Level 1 6:00-6:30 Preschool Level 2 6:00-6:30 Preschool Level 2 6:30-7:00 Preschool Level 3 6:30-7:00 Level 1 6:30-7:00 Level 2 7:00-7:30 Level 3 7:00-7:30 Level 4 7:00-7:30 Level 5/6 7:30-8:00 Adult Lesson Beg. 7:30-8:00 Adult Lesson Adv 7:30-8:00 Session 1 Dates: 6/25-7/6 Session 2 Dates: 7/9-7/19 Session 3 Dates: 7/23-8/2 Days: Mon.-Thurs. (8 classes) *no classes on July 4th Cost: $30R/$41NR

DAY C AMP SUMMER DAY CAMP INFO Activity Number 226011 Our Rutland Recreation Summer Camp prides itself on providing children with a chance to experience a summer full of amazing field trips. We engage our campers in various types of physical activities, and, we expose them to Vermont's natural environment. A summer spent with us will help to develop your child's independence--while giving them a chance to just enjoy being a kid. Our experienced camp staff will guide your children through some of the hidden treasures that this area has to offer. Details: All camps offer pre and post care at no extra charge; early supervised time 7:45 to 9:00 AM and late supervised time 4:00 to 5:30 PM. Each camp runs weekly. If you register for 3 or more sessions of a camp you can post-date checks and we will deposit them 10 days prior to the start of the session. The first session must be paid in full at time of registration. This allows you to secure a spot in the camp. CAMPS WILL FILL UP!

NEW LOCATION: White Memorial Park * Camp fee per week $160 Resident / $171 Non-Resident * Children grades K-6 (ages 5-12) * Swim Lessons are included in camp fee M,W,TH,F 8-9am * New this summer - 9 week package fee $1199R/$1298NR * Sibling discount available for those purchasing the 9 week package. $1099R/$1198NR sibling.

$10 late registration fee added 10 days from the start date.

End of Summer BBQ: Friday August 17th 6-7:30pm at White's Park Open to all campers and their families.!! **Potluck style (bring a yummy dish to pass)**

WEEK 1: 6/18-6/22 LET THE GAMES BEGIN School is out for the summer. Let the Games Begin for your camper during an Olympic themed week of camp. With a miniature summer camp version of the Summer Olympic Games. We will have activities all week that focus on the community, competition and celebration that the Olympics bring to the world every four years. Let your camper experience the Olympics created especially for them.

WEEK 2: 6/25-6/29 EXPLORING VERMONT We will be spending the week exploring the history, landscapes and symbols of beautiful Vermont. With visits to a state park for swimming and hiking, ECHO Museum in Burlington for a look at Vermont's water life and the New England Maple Museum for a look at how one of Vermont's favorite things are made. This is sure to be a week that sparks love and pride in your camper for their home state. Note: ECHO field trip will leave early (8:30AM) and return later (5:00PM).

WEEK 3: 7/2-7/6 GREEN MOUNTAIN ADVENTURE This week will be full of adventure found right in Rutland’s local area. With hiking at Pine Hill and a trip to Killington Adventure Center for a ride on the mountain coaster, zipline and ropes course. A scenic and beautiful day at Lake Dunmore state park and a quick hike up Mount Zion. With a Thursday night campfire to toast s’mores. You camper is definitely in for a Green Mountain Adventure this week. Note: No camp Wednesday due to July 4th holiday

WEEK 4: 7/9-7/13 GO PLAY! This week will be filled with fun and games. Keeping your campers active with trips to Stone Bridge and Caves for a little hiking and climbing and a field trip to Otter Creek Fun Center for mini golf and arcade games. We top all that off with a trip to State Park Lake Bomoseen for some swimming and trail walking and visiting a city park in Rutland. What an awesome week t o play with Rutland Rec Summer Camp! Note: Stone Bridge & Caves field Trip could possibly return later 5:00PM

WEEK 5: 7/16-7/20 THRILLS THAT GIVE YOU CHILLS This week is filled with spine chilling thrills. With field trips to Great Escape for thrills like roller coasters, fast and furious spinning rides and fun all day. We will also be in for an exciting Nerf War at Head Over Heels in Rutland. We add to the thrills with some Fear Factor and Mystery games. Get your camper ready for some excitement and adventure with Thrills that Give you Chills week. Note: Great Escape trip will leave early (8:30AM) and return later (5:00PM).

WEEK 6: 7/23-7/27 FUN WITH FOOD Delicious, scrumptious, delightfully, tasty, yummy food. We will be visiting a real life professional restaurant kitchen, and getting to make our own pizzas and learning how they are cooked at a pizzeria. With a visit to Lake Dunmore for a day of relaxation and swimming. We will top the week off with cookie decorating and ice cream sundaes. We will also enjoy a sweet treat of s’mores at our Thursday night Campfire. Get ready for some Fun with Food.

WEEK 7: 7/30-8/3 SUMMER OASIS Soaking up the summer sun in Summer Oasis week at Rutland Rec Day Camp. We have trips to the wet and wild fun Water Slide World and the beautiful beachy shores of Lake Bomoseen. Throwing in some wet water games, and Amazing Race and time by the pool. We will be sure to get plenty of summer fun in this week.

WEEK 8: 8/6-8/10 MOVE N' GROOVE Dancing and swinging our way into Move N’ Groove week. We will enjoy the beautiful sounds of our campers singing during karaoke and a Dance with a real live DJ. Throwing in some more grooving with Just Dance and some dancing exercise. We will get our mid-week relaxation at Lake Dunmore. What a great way to end the summer.

WEEK 9: 8/13-8/17 CHAMP CAMP End the Summer with a fun packed week at Champ Camp. With a trip to go River Tubing in beautiful scenic Vermont to a day at White’s Park for blow out fun with a blow up water slide. With one more beautiful trip to State Park Lake Bomoseen. End the summer with a bang! Your Camper will love Champ Camp!! Topping the week of with a Friday night pot-luck BBQ.

DAY C AMP PRESCHOOL SUMMER DAY CAMP Activity Number - 216401-1/2/3 Join us on a journey to fun, adventure, and imagination. We partake in handson projects, enjoy several forms of arts & crafts, and participate in fun outdoor activities. Children must be 3 at the start of the program and must be toilettrained. A snack will be provided! Camp Director: Jane Brown

WONDERFUL WEEK OF DISNEY Join us on a journey into imagination. Ages 3-5-Stafford Technical Center M-F 7/9-7/13 8:30-11:30AM $87/$98

TEDDY BEAR, TEDDY BEAR We're going on a bear hunt to find out favorite furry friends. Ages 3-5-Stafford Technical Center M-F 7/16-7/20 8:30-11:30AM $87/$98

ONCE UPON A TIME Sing along, act out and just have fun learning traditional nursery rhymes. Ages 3-5-Stafford Technical Center M-F 7/23-7/27 8:30-11:30AM $87/$98

P R E S CH OOL J U N I OR CA M P E R S F U L L D A Y CA M P NEW this summer*** Ages 3-5 at White Memorial Park enjoy the outdoors every day with sports, nature walks, scavenger hunts, quiet time crafts, playground, swim lessons, and fun pool time. Ages 3-5-White Memorial Park M-F 8/6-8/10 9:00AM-4:00PM $109.00/$120.00 M-F 8/13-8/17 9:00AM-4:00PM $109.00/$120.00

COUNSELOR IN TRAINING Activity Number 241011 Looking for a great summer experience working with children? The Counselor in Training (CIT) program is a wonderful opportunity for teens who want to further develop their leadership and communication skills as well as gain experience in planning and instructing activities for young children. NEW THIS YEAR: ENROLLMENT BY APPLICATION & INTERVIEW Apply at rutlandrec.com For those Entering 7-9 Grade (Age 13-15) Fee: $100/$111 (paid once accepted into the program)

REQUIRED TRAININGS: Wednesday 6/6 The training will run from 5:30PM-7:30PM at Courcelle. First Weekend in June (day to be confirmed) We’ll travel to White River Junction for Summerama Staff Training. Meet at the Courcelle Building at 7:00 AM and we’ll return at approximately 3:30 PM. Full Staff Training Saturday 6/16 The training will run from 9AM--3PM at Courcelle. Note: All participants in the CIT Program are required to commit at least three weeks over the summer to work with the children of the Rutland Recreation Day Camp Program.



Activity Number - 522071-A The Rutland teams are part of the Rutland County Girls’ Softball Association. Games are played on Tuesday and Thursday evenings with Saturday used as needed. Once teams have been organized through a draft process, coaches will notify players about practice and game schedules. If we have more than one team we will hold a draft and notify players of the draft date. STAFF: Volunteer coaches *All registrations after 4/6/18 will have a $10 fee added to the cost of the program. DEADLINE: We will accommodate all girls that register by 4/6/18. After that date it will depend on availability.

Activity Number - 221013 This is an instructional Tee Ball program for boys and girls using a safety ball. We’ll use fun games and drills to teach the basics during this 45-minute introduction to the world of baseball/softball. Parent participation is mandatory. $10 late registration fee added after May 4, so register early and save your money.

Grades 3-6 - Northeast School Softball Field LEAGUE April - June $49*/$60*

MAJOR DIVISION Activity Number - 522071 The Rutland teams are part of the Rutland County Girls’ Softball Association. This is a travel league that runs from mid-June to end of July. Games are played on Monday and Wednesday evenings and some Saturdays. Once teams have been organized, coaches will notify players about practice and game schedules. *$10 late registration fee added after May 25, so register early and save your money. Coaches- Volunteer Girls 6-8 Grade - Home Field Northeast, Travel Fields TBD M-SA $52*/$63* June - July

SENIOR SOFTBALL Activity Number - 222071 The Rutland teams are part of the Rutland County Girls’ Softball Association. This is a travel league that runs from mid-June to end of July. Games are played on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and some Saturdays. Once teams have been organized, coaches will notify players about practice and game schedules. $10 late registration fee added after May 25, so register early and save your money. Coaches- Volunteer Girls 9-12 Grade - Home Field Northeast, Travel Fields TBD M-SA June - July $57/$68

Ages 5-6 by 8/31/18 - Northeast School SU 5/13-6/24 (no 5/27) 3:00-4:00PM $33/$44

MITEY MITES COED Activity Number - 222013 This is a coach pitch league for boys and girls using a safety ball. Players will also have the opportunity to work on and expand upon the skills that were learned in Tee Ball through skills sessions and games. $10 late registration fee added after May 4, so register early and save your money. Grades 1-2 - Northeast School SU 5/13-6/24 (no 5/27) 4:30-5:45PM $38/$49 W 5/16-6/20 6:00-7:00PM

JUNIOR LEAGUE Activity Number - 222023 The teams are part of the Rutland County Youth Baseball league. This is a traveling league that runs from mid-June to mid-August. Games are played on weekday evenings and Saturdays. Players must play for the community that they live in. Also in order for players to be eligible for playoff participation they must play in 70% of the games. Once teams have been organized, coaches will notify players about practice and game schedules. TEAMS ARE LIMITED IN SIZES, so sign-up early! $10 late registration fee added after May 25. Born between 5/1/02 and 4/30/05 - Home Field Giorgetti, Travel Fields TBD M-SA June-August $60/$71 Uniform Deposit $40

MINOR AND MAJORS BASEBALL The Rutland teams are apart of the Tri-Town Youth Baseball League. Games are played on weekday evenings with occasional Saturdays used as needed at fields throughout Rutland County. Once teams have been organized through a draft process, coaches will notify players about practice and game schedules. All players must attend a mandatory evaluation on Sunday April 8th on the turf at Giorgetti Arena. Grades 3&4 from 12:00-1:00, Grades 5&6 from 1:30-2:30 STAFF: Volunteer Coaches MINORS BASEBALL Activity Number - 521013 Grades 3-4 -White's Field LEAGUE April - June $49*/$60* (plus $40 uniform deposit) MAJORS BASEBALL Activity Number - 521013 Grades 5-6 - White’s Field LEAGUE April - June $56*/$67* (plus $40 uniform deposit) IMPORTANT BASEBALL NOTES: Evaluations - Sunday April 8th at Giorgetti Arena *Late Registration Fee - *$10 late registration fee added after 3/23/18 Deadline - Once teams are formed, your child will be put on a waiting list

U19 GIRLS RUGBY Activity Number - 542321 Join one of the fastest growing youth sports in the nation and see what the excitement is all about. We teach all our players proper playing technique, laws (rules) of the game and proper conditioning to ensure they will enjoy the sport. Open to all high school age students in the area regardless of school affiliation. Practice twice a week – games on Saturday or Sunday. Fee includes USA Rugby Membership and transportation to away games. Need based scholarships available. Girls Grade 9-12 - Gawet Rugby Field, West Rutland LEAGUE March-June $88/$99




Activity Number - 531032 New this spring! Learn about running for fun and health. Kids should come ready to run and play fun activities related to the sport. We will build up to run in the Walk, Wag and Run 2.5K or 5K as a end of program goal.

Activity Number - 521202-C Join RHS Varsity Lacrosse coaches and their players for a non-contact, skills program that is designed to introduce America’s “First Sport” to your child. Required equipment: lacrosse stick and mouth-guard. There will be limited sticks available to rent for the season at the Recreation Center. Rental fee is $5 with a $45 deposit. *$10 late registration fee added after 4/19/18 Grades K-2 - Rutland High School Field SU 4/29-6/3 10:00AM-11:00AM $34*/$45* (no session 5/27)

Grades K-2 - Northeast School TU/TH 4/3-5/24 3:30-5:30PM $10/$21 TU 5/29 6:15PM @ College of St. Joseph


Activity Number - 521021 Level 1 offers basic level beginner archery. TRAVEL LACROSSE Students will gain knowledge and understanding of equipment, safety, form, shooting, and Our girls teams play in the the Northern Vermont marksmanship. Students will learn how to safely Youth Lacrosse League and our boys teams play in and correctly handle the equipment while enjoying the Tri Mountain Lacrosse League. Games are their newly acquired skills on different targets at a primarily on Saturday mornings and Sundays with range of distances. We will supply the targets and a few weekday evening games. Practices will be bows and arrows. If your child has their own recurve bow they can bring that as well. determined by coaches. All the teams will play in Level 2 is for students who have already taken the Middlebury tournament in June. The season Archery 1 and are interested in going further. Learn starts mid to late-April and runs through mid-June. and hone more refined techniques, while growing All players will need to become US Lacrosse members ($25/player in addition to the program as an individual Archer. Instructor: Melinda Laben fee) prior to registering with the Rutland Recreation Department. No registration will be taken without a Ages 7+ - Coucelle Facility current US Lacrosse Membership. LEVEL 1: W 4/25-5/16 4:00-5:00PM $48/$59 Required equipment- Boys: helmet, shoulder pads, LEVEL 2: W 4/25-5/16 5:00-6:00PM $48/$59 elbow pads, mouth guard, lacrosse stick and gloves. Girls: eyewear, mouth guard, and lacrosse TRACK AND FIELD stick. (Note that girls and boys sticks are not the same.) A limited amount of equipment is available for rent by the Recreation Department if you do not Activity Number - 237142 This is your opportunity to learn about a very have your own. Please ask at time of registration. Please note this league will conflict with off season exciting sport that combines the best attributes of both individual and team competition. Campers will sport leagues. It is up to each family to make the commitment to the teams. *$10 late registration fee also have the opportunity to participate in the added after 3/30/18. *$40 uniform deposit required. VRPA State Track Meet being held on July 21st in St. Johnsbury. $10 late registration fee added after June 18, so register early and save your money. Girls/Boys Grades 3-4 - Traveling League LEAGUE April - June $62*/$73* Entering 2-8 Grade - RHS Alumni Field Track M/TH 6/28-7/21* 5:00-6:30PM $83*/$94* Girls/Boys Grades 5-6 - Traveling League LEAGUE April - June $62*/$73* Girls/Boys Grades 7-8 - Traveling League LEAGUE April - June $70*/$81*

TENNIS SUMMER NIGHTS Activity Number - 231032 Learn the lifetime sport of tennis from the professionals of Vermont Sport & Fitness. Join Dan Doenges and Rob Purdy for tennis FUNdamentals at Meadow Street Park. Equipment supplies will be provided, so no racquet=no problem! Limited enrollment to 25. Enroll early to reserve your spot. Ages 5-14 - Meadow Street Courts $20/$31 TU 6/19-7/17 5:30-6:30PM No session July 3rd

FOOTBALL FULL PADDED FLAG Activity Number - 342642 The Rutland teams are part of the Southwest Vermont Middle School Football League. This is a travel league with practices 3 - 5 nights per week and 1 game per week. Games are played on weekday evenings, Saturdays and Sundays. Practices start early August and games begin in September and go through late October. $10 late registration fee added after July 20, so register early and save your money. Entering grades 7-8 - Practices/Games TBD SU-SA August - October $175/$187 Uniform & Equipment Deposit $100

FLAG FOOTBALL Note: In addition to the middle school football program, the Recreation Department will offer flag football for grades 3-6 in the fall of 2018. Details will be available in our fall/winter brochure late July 2018.

YOUTH SPORTS SUMMER CAMPS MOUNTAIN BIKE CLUB Activity Number - 230011 Our youth mountain bike club is open to all levels of mountain bikers from all towns in grades 3-12 (younger participants are welcome with an accompanying adult). Participants will need a mountain bike with gears, helmet, closed-toe shoes and appropriate attire. Club members will ride together two times per week with the option to compete in the Droopy Pedal Series at Pine Hill Park. Mountain bike skills will be taught for beginners through expert youth riders. Register early and get on an e-mail list for possible preseason rides. This summer we will also be offering a day trip up to Killington. There is an extra fee for this if you choose to attend. Head Coach - Shelley Lutz; Assisted by Brittany Malmgren. Grade 3-12 - Giorgetti & Pine Hill Park M/TH 6/11-7/26 6:00PM-8:00PM $26/$37 W 6/27 all day @ Killington Adult Mountain Bike Lift & Trail 1-Day $20.00 Junior Mountain Bike Lift & Trail 1-Day $20.00 MB Lift, Trail & Rental Adult 1-Day $50.00 MB Lift, Trail & Rental Junior 1-Day $50.00

Britt Malmgren, Program Director Joined the team February 2018 Britt is native Vermonter and a 2017 graduate from the University of New Hampshire, where she majored in Program Administration. Prior to joining the team here at Rutland Recreation as an intern, she also had the privilege of interning at Danvers Recreation (Danvers, MA). With the knowledge and experience gained through her internships, she feels she will have a positive impact on the community. She is excited to be your new Program Director and cannot wait to see what lies ahead.

STRIDER BALANCE BIKE RENTALS Learn how to ride a bicycle on a Strider Bike. You can check out one of our Strider balance bikes at the Recreation and Parks Department to practice at home or at one of the parks. We will give you a quick training on how the bikes work and some tips for successful striding. Rentals are FREE. We offer Strider Bike Camp (see next page). If you are interested in an individual or group training session please contact us at info@rutlandrec.com or 773-1822.

What is a balance bike? Balance bikes are a very simple bike designed to teach you how to steer and balance on two wheels. Bikes in both youth and adult sizes!



Led by PGA Professional Tom Stevens, this camp will focus on fundamentals, swing theory, rules, and etiquette. The curriculum will be geared toward the beginning to intermediate player. In addition to a fun-filled week of instruction, all participants will receive a 2018 season membership to Pinewoods Golf Range, included in the enrollment fee. The Recreation Department will provide clubs if you do not have your own. Want to learn the game of golf or improve your current skills but can't join us for camp? Tom also offers private and group instruction to players of all ability levels. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Tom at 779-6232 or tstevens@pga.com.



Activity Number 237102 A great camp for both beginners and experienced players led by the head coach of the Rutland Raiders. You will learn the fun and fundamentals of football, while receiving instruction in both offensive and defensive tactics. *$10 late registration fee added 10 days from the start date. *NEW Full Day available After lunch campers will be transported to the White Memorial Park for swimming, tennis, basketball and outdoor fun. Please pack a lunch and bathing suit. Drop off at RHS Gym/Alumni Field, pick up at White Memorial Park.*

Activity Number 231022 Join Coach Shortle and his highly talented and dynamic staff for a truly enjoyable and informative football experience. This camp is a must for anyone interested in the quarterback or receiver positions and will focus on all of the fundamentals necessary to excel at these positions. *$10 late registration fee added 10 days from the start date.

8-15yrs -Pine Woods Driving Range M-F 6/25-6/29 9:00-10:30AM $89/$100

Grades 4-7 - RHS Gym/Alumni Field M-F 7/9-7/13 9:00AM-12:00PM $68*/$79* M-F 7/9-7/13 9:00AM-4:00PM $109*/$120*

Grade 4-8 - Rotary Field Sa/Su 8/11-8/12 9:00AM-12:00PM $43*/$54*

YOUTH SPORTS SUMMER CAMPS STRIDER BIKE CAMP Activity Number - 211014 Strider Camp is a Learn to Ride Class that teaches kids of all ages and all abilities how to ride on two wheels. The Curriculum is built around five 1-hour sessions of learning, fun, socialization, and instruction sure to ignite a passion for riding. Upon completion of the course, children will have the balance and bike handling skills to ride on two wheels and never need training wheels! Ages 2.5-5- Courcelle Building W 5/23-6/20 5:00-6:00PM




Activity Number 237022 Join Rutland High School Boys Coach, Mike Wood, and his energetic staff for a great week of basketball skills, games, and fun competitions! $10 late registration fee added 10 days from the start date. *NEW Full Day available After lunch campers will be transported to the White Memorial Park for swimming, tennis, basketball and outdoor fun. Please pack a lunch and bathing suit. Drop off at Keefe Gym, pick up at White Memorial Park.* Entering 3-6 Grade - Keefe Gym M-F 6/25-6/29 9:00AM-12:00PM $68*/$79* M-F 6/25-6/29 9:00AM-4:00PM $109*/$120*

Activity Number - 211013 Spend your Thursday evenings working with your child to introduce them to a variety of sport skills in a non-competitive atmosphere. This program requires parent involvement. Registration deadline is May 14th. Director Nicole Densmore Ages 3-5 - Allen Street Campus TH 5/24-6/28 5:30PM-6:15PM



PRESEASON FIELD HOCKEY CAMP Activity Number - 247092 This camp is designed for middle school and high school players with a focus on stick skills, game situations, and fitness. Get a jump on your fitness and skills before the season starts! Campers must provide their own stick, mouthguard and shin guards. *$10 late registration fee added 10 days from the start date. *NEW Full Day available After lunch campers will be transported to the White Memorial Park for swimming, tennis, basketball and outdoor fun. Please pack a lunch and bathing suit. Drop off at Rutland High School, pick up at White Memorial Park.* Entering 3-12 Grade - Rutland High School M-F 7/30-8/3 9:00AM-12:00PM $68*/$79 M-F 7/30-8/3 9:00AM-4:00PM $109*/$120*

Entering 7-9 Grade - Keefe Gym M-F 6/25-6/29 12:15PM-3:15PM



SOCCER CAMP & BRITISH MULTI SPORT CAMP British Soccer Camp & Multi British Sports Camp Join us for the most popular soccer camp in the USA and Canada featuring individual skill development with an innovative camp curriculum and a daily World Cup style tournament. This exciting camp, with its highly trained British coaches will not only provide your child with a great soccer experience, but also a cultural education, introducing them to the traditions and cultures of other great soccer nations. Make camp week extra special for your child by hosting a coach! BACK AGAIN! Ever wanted to learn cricket? This year we will be offering a British sports camp where you can actively learn and participate in sports that are uniquely British! REGISTER BY: June 17 and receive a free official British Soccer Jersey. SIGN UP: ON-LINE ONLY at www.ChallengerSports.com A $10 late fee will apply to all registrations received less than 10 days from the start. All players will be grouped by age, ability and team affiliation.

Activity Number 237062 The RHS Girls Basketball Summer Camp wants to foster great habits for the upcoming basketball season. We will build great habits in a competitive, but positive learning environment, stressing fundamentals, team play and sportsmanship. In addition, we want them to learn things other than basketball - leadership, responsibility, and the value of hard work. We hope you will join us! Director: Nathan Bellomo, RHS Girls Coach $10 late registration fee added 10 days from the start date.

Ages 6-14 MULTI SPORT - Giorgetti Park M-F 7/30-8/3 12:00PM-3:00PM $150/$161

Entering 4-8 Grade W 6/20-7/25 6:00PM-7:00PM $68*/$79* No Session July 4th

Ages 7-14 SOCCER & MULTI SPORT Giorgetti Park M-F 7/30-8/3 9:00AM-3:00PM $205/$216

MINI STARS CAMP Activity Number 227042 Led by Rutland Recreation Department’s Youth Basketball Director Joan Olson, this promises to be an exceptionally fun week for your budding basketball star! $10 late registration fee added 10 days from the start date. *NEW Full Day available After lunch campers will be transported to the White Memorial Park for swimming, tennis, basketball and outdoor fun. Please pack a lunch and bathing suit. Drop off at Keefe Gym, pick up at White Memorial Park.* Entering 1-3 Grade M-F 7/16-7/20 9:00AM-12:00PM $68*/$79* M-F 7/16-7/20 9:00AM-4:00PM $109*/$120*

Ages 5-14 SOCCER - Giorgetti Park M-F 7/30-8/3 9:00AM-12:00PM $150/$161

FLIP SIDE SKATEPARK SUMMER CAMP INFO LOCATION: Giorgetti Arena, 2 Oak Street Extension, Rutland, VT PHONE: 775-7976 CAMP FEES: $85 resident $96 non-resident * ($10 late registration fee will apply after the deadline; see descriptions) CAMP TIMES: 9:00AM to 12:00 plus includes full skate park access on Thursday and Friday after camp until closing and 1 hour of free skate on Monday and Tuesday. *With the exception of Traveling Skateboard Camp. See description for fee & schedule. SAFETY EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Helmets Mandatory - Kneepads and Elbow Pads Highly Recommended **NEW : Full Days Available. After lunch campers will be either transported to White Memorial Park for swimming, tennis, basketball and outdoor fun. Some days they may stay at Pine Hill Park for hiking.**

SKATEBOARDING 10 AND UNDER CAMP Activity Number 238011 This camp is geared directly to beginners 10 and under. Anyone that is interested in skateboarding and would like to learn with their peers at the same ability level this is the camp for them. The skatepark can be intimidating for a young beginner; this camp will allow kids to learn at their own pace. There will be a lot of one on one time with fun games and activities. $10 late registration fee added 10 days from the start date. Beginner 6-10 years - Flip Side M-F 7/23-7/27 9:00AM-12:00PM $85/$96 M-F 7/23-7/27 9:00AM-4:00PM $125/$136

BMX BIKING CAMP Activity Number 238061 Whether you’re just learning how to ride your bike in the park or you're already riding the mini-ramp, we can help you improve your skills. From trail riding to learning new techniques and tric ks on ramps, rails and jumps with one-on-one teaching time, group games, fun activities, and video analysis. Should have their own bike. $10 late registration fee added 10 days from the start date. Beginner to intermediate 6-15 years - Flip Side M-F 7/16-7/20 9:00AM-12:00PM $85/$96 M-F 7/16-7/20 9:00AM-4:00PM $125/$136




Activity Number 238031 Whether you’re just learning how to skateboard or you're already riding the mini-ramp, we can help you improve your skills. Learn new techniques and tricks on ramps, rails and jumps with one-on-one teaching time, group games, fun activities, and video analysis. $10 late registration fee added 10 days from the start date.

WED – FRI 3:00 – 7:00PM SATURDAY 1:00 – 8:00PM SUNDAY 1:00 – 6:00PM CLOSED MON-TUES

Beginner to intermediate 6-15 years - Flip Side M-F 6/25 -6/29 9:00AM-12:00PM M-F 7/9 - 7/13 9:00AM-12:00PM M-F 8/6 - 8/10 9:00AM-12:00PM **All Day Camp: 9:00AM-4:00PM

Thank you to our Summer Hour Wednesday sponsor: Dr. Lakatos Total Patient Care Dentistry

$85/$96 $85/$96 $85/$96 $125/$136

GIRLS SKATEBOARD CAMP Activity Number 238021 For the fourth year we are offering a camp for girls. This camp will have female instructors. We have always had girls coming to camp, but they have been heavily outnumbered by boys This camp is aimed at girls who are new to skateboarding and will also challenge those who can already ride the mini ramp. There will be one-on-one teaching time, group games, fun activities, and video analysis. $10 late registration fee added 10 days from the start date. Beginner to intermediate 6-15 years - Flip Side M-F 7/23-7/27 9:00AM-12:00PM $85/$96 M-F 7/23-7/27 9:00AM-4:00PM $125/$136

SKATEBOARD CAMP INTERMEDIATE AND UP Activity Number 238041 This camp is geared toward kids who already know how to skate and are ready to take it to the next level. There will be a lot of one-on-one learning and video analysis. Campers will focus on what they would like to learn. Camp will also have fun games and group activities. $10 late registration fee added 10 days from the start date. Intermediate 6-15 years - Flip Side Skatepark M-F 8/13-8/17 9:00AM-12:00PM $85/$96 M-F 8/13-8/17 9:00AM-4:00PM $125$136




SKATEBOARD TRAVEL CAMP Activity Number 238051 Intermediate and advanced only, ages 8 and up Hit the best skate parks in Vermont and beyond. Each day we travel to a new skate spot; from 12 foot vert ramps to cement bowls and everything in between. This camp is for intermediates and above, and fills up fast. So if you want to be a part of Flip Side travel team, you better get on it quick! There will be one-on-one teaching time, group games, fun activities, and video analysis. $10 late registration fee added 10 days from the start date. Intermediate to advanced 8+ years - Flip Side/Travel TBA M-F 7/30 - 8/3 9:00AM-6:00PM $175/$186


ARTS & THEATRE continued... HANDS ON MINDS ON SUMMER CAMPS RECYCLED ROBOTS Activity Number - 226331 Build a friend with all kinds of recycled materials using tape, glue, cutting, tying, paper-mâché, and paint. *$10 late registration fee added 10 days from the start date. ENTERING GRADES 1-3 - GIORGETTI M-F 7/23-7/27 9:00AM-3:00PM $78*/$89*

PO T T E R Y WHE E L WO R KS Activity Number - 551012 Projects to include goblets, altered forms, sculpture, and of course bowls and mugs. Previous wheel experience recommended but not mandatory. Glazing not included in class (glazing can be done during any open studio available) Instructor: Helvi Abateill LIMITED ENROLLLMENT AGE 13+ - COURCELLE TU/W 6/5-6/13 6:00P-8:00P $40/$51 TU/W 8/7-8/15 6:00P-8:00P $40/$51

OPEN POTTERY STUDIO Get muddy with our drop in clay at the art studio. This is a great chance to make some functional art for yourself or as a gift for someone else. This is a drop-in program there is no instruction other than peer pottery support from fellow dropin participants. Check out one of our Adult Pottery Classes for more instruction! AGES 14+ - COURCELLE M 7:00P-8:30P TH 6:00P-8:00P F 9:00A-11:00A (through June 16th) 5 Visit Punch Card $20R/$31NR

ADULT SOFTBALL LEAGUE Leagues: Mens | Womens | Coed Round up some friends and enter your team in Vermont’s largest adult softball league! Whether your team is an accomplished group of former high school all-stars or the Bad News Bears, we have a division for everyone including Men’s D or E, Women’s B or C and Coed. Team rosters are available for pick up beginning on Monday February 20th at the Main Office (16 North Street Extension), open Monday through Friday 11:30AM-5:00PM. Roster due date (with full payment) Thursday and Friday March 15th and 16th between 12:00PM and 6:00PM at Courcelle. Season start date is Monday April 30th. Fees vary by division, team size and Rutland City resident status. For more information regarding the league, please contact Nicole Densmore at 802-7731822 or nicoled@rutlandrec.com.

PICKLEBALL Open to anyone interested in playing pickleball. The group plays weekly throughout the spring and summer. Adults - Meadow Street Courts TH May-Aug 6:00PM FREE

WOMEN'S MOUNTAIN BIKE CLINIC Activity Number 561041-1 This class is designed for beginning to advanced beginner mountain bike riders. Bike handling skills will be taught to build confidence for biking on the trails. Coach: Shelley Lutz Adults - Giorgetti/Pine Hill Park TH 4/26-5/24 6:00PM-7:30PM $13/$24

ADULT DROP IN SOCCER CO-ED Age 18+ - Giorgetti Arena W 3/14-5/2 8:00-10:00PM

WOMEN'S BASKETBALL LEAGUE Gather a group of ladies and get ready to play some hoops. Team registrations are now being accepted for the summer women's basketball league. Players must be 18 years old or have graduated from high school by the start of the season. Team packets are available online or at the Courcelle building (16 North Street Ext). Rates listed below are per team. In order to qualify for resident team rate more than half the players must reside in Rutland City. Games will be played on Wednesday nights late June through early August. Games will be played at Mount Saint Joseph Academy. Full roster, payment and waivers due by Friday June 1st TEAM FEE: $500/$550

INTEGRATIVE YOGA Activity Number 171303 This class is gentle to moderate in nature, and all are welcome. Beginners will have an experience that is challenging but safe; experienced students will learn how to work at a deeper level to develop a more personal practice. Each class will include postures, breathing exercises, and relaxation as well as other yogic techniques. Please bring a towel or mat. Minimum enrollment of 6 so register early. Instructor: Stephanie Jones AGE 18+ - COURCELLE W 3/7-4/25 5:00PM-6:15PM $46/$57 W 3/7-4/25 6:30PM-7:45PM $46/$57 W 5/2-6/20 5:00PM-6:45PM $46/$57

STRENGTH TRAINING Activity Number 171343 This course is designed to Burn the Fat and Feed the Muscle. This total body fitness program has been designed to teach proven principles of progressive weight training and nutrition for maximum muscle building, toning and fat loss. You will need to purchase a set of adjustable dumb bells. Instructor: John Scaralia

$10/night AGE 18+ - GODNICK CENTER TU/TH 4/10-5/17 5:30PM-6:30PM TU/TH 5/29-7/5 5:30PM-6:30PM TU/TH 7/17-8/23 5:30PM-6:30PM

$70/$81 $70/$81 $70/$81

GODNICK ADULT CENTER PROGRAMS FACILITY RENTALS Godnick Building: 1 Deer St. Classroom/meeting space, exercise room, kitchen, gazebo, shuffleboard courts Contact: Lori Hickey 773-1853 lorih@rutlandrec.com For all other park rentals please contact Ruthellen Weston 773-1822 extension 17 rentals@rutlandrec.com Baxter Street Park: Playground and shelter Center Street Marketplace: Downtown Outdoor event space Cioffredi Complex:Temple Street Softball fields Courcelle Building: 16 North St Extension Classroom/meeting space, exercise room Giorgetti Arena/Pine Hill Park: 2 Oak Street Ext Baseball field, indoor turf field, ice skating and skatepark Depot Park: Downtown Outdoor event space Justin Thomas Memorial Park: Madison Street Playground and gazebo Main Street Park: Park and gazebo Monsignor Thomas Connor Memorial Park: Meadow Street Basketball courts, tennis courts, softball fields, gazebo River Street Park: Playground Rotary Park: North Street Tennis courts and playground White's Park: Avenue B off Jackson Ave Pools, tennis courts, baseball field, and basketball courts ** We do require insurance when renting space** Additional information available at https://www.rutlandrec.com/parks/ Reservation Request Form available at https://www.rutlandrec.com/facility-reservationrequest

BUS TRIPS More info will be in the April newsletter on our trip to “OGUNQUIT, ME” - June 13 and June 14. We will spend the night at the Meadowmere Resort and attend “Oklahoma” on Thursday, June 14, at the Ogunquit Playhouse. A deposit of $25 is due at time of registration which begins at 9 am Monday, April 2, for city residents and Tuesday, April 3, for nonresidents. Balance is due June 1st. “New Hampshires’ Turkey Train” on Wednesday, October 3. We will arrive in Meredith, NH on the shores of Lake Winnepesaukee for the Turkey Train. Lunch provided by Hart’s Turkey Farm (Roast Turkey, whipped potatoes, butternut squash, beverage and a delicious sundae to top it all off), the foliage train ride and transportation. “ISLES OF SHOALS, Lighthouses and Portsmouth Harbor Cruise”, Tuesday, July 24. A Harbor Cruise on the Victorian style M/V Thomas Laighton and a great meal at the British Beer Company in Downton Portsmouth. Watch for more information.

SOCIAL ACTIVITIES READING AND DISCUSSION The last Tuesday of each month at 2:00 PM. For our current reading selection please contact Lori Hickey at 773-1853.

MOVIE Join us each month for a movie. Check out the monthly newsletter to find out the movie selection for each month at rutlandrec.com/godnick.

"KNITTING AND MORE" Want to knit or crotchet with a group? Come join us on Tuesday afternoons at 12:30PM. Meet new friends, work on personal projects, help with new ones.

BINGO Mondays and Thursdays at 1:15 PM

RUMMIKUB Join Carol Ballou on Friday mornings at 10am. Rummikub is a tile-based game for two to four players, combining elements of the card game rummy and mahjong. Join us for a fun filled morning!

PARTY BRIDGE Tuesday afternoons at 12:30PM. The bridge group is always looking for new players.

MEDITATION FOR LIFE With Brian Salmanson on Thursday mornings at 11AM and Friday afternoons at 4PM. Meditation creates the ability for improving all of our daily challenges. Meditation for Your Life is easy to learn and easy to practice. Meditation happens naturally and is a state of being, no different than being in a state of sleep. We teach you how to allow this to happen. We believe that meditation will be be neficial to seniors and we will gear our classes to accomplishing a healthy attitude and spirit for all. It should be noted that all participants will be sitting on a chair.

SENIOR SEMINAR DAY Sponsored by: The Godnick Adult Center & TRIAD Date: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 Time: Sign-in and refreshments 8:30AM-9AM Seminars from 9AM-12PM Luncheon at noon with singer Charles Woods Registration forms are available at the Godnick Center.

WELLNESS FOOTCARE With staff from RAVNAH is the last Wednesday of each month at 12:30PM. Fee is $10.

HEALTH CLINIC Blood pressure and health guidance with volunteer Krista Pike, RN on Thursday mornings at 9:30AM Bring questions on health for you or your family.

MEALS BRUNCH We have brunch on the last Wednesday of each month. The menu usually consists of pancakes and maple syrup, scrambled eggs, bacon or sausage, potatoes, fruit salad, juice and coffee. The fee is due at time of registration. Adults Only - Godnick Adult Center W 2/28 11:00AM $4 W 3/28 11:00AM $4 W 4/25 11:00AM $4 W 5/23 11:00AM $4

LUNCHES Please contact Meals on Wheels at 775-0133 for reservations. ADULTS OVER 60 - GODNICK CENTER M/TH 12:00PM ONGOING $3.50(DONATION) ADULTS UNDER 60 - GODNICK CENTER M/TH 12:00PM ONGOING $5

GODNICK ADULT CENTER PROGRAMS OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE Sessions are 1:30 to 3PM. on Friday afternoons at the Godnick Adult Ctr. Each session includes a talk followed by time for questions & answers, comments & discussion. For non-members the fee for each lecture is $5 at the door. We are grateful to the Rutland Recreation and Parks Department and to the volunteers who make this program possible. For more information call 446-2041 or 4922300.

March 2 - Claude Monet: Impressionism Master Joan Hoffmann, a well-regarded landscape painter who resides in South Royalton, Vermont, will look at the many facets of this famous French artist. She will outline and demonstrate how he painted “en plain air” as he coined the term. Additionally, she will assess his status as one of the enduring great artists of the nineteenth century French art movement called “Impressionism”. March 9 - Rembrandt, Portraiture, and Identity in 17th Century Holland Stephanie Glickman, a lecturer at UVM’s Department of Art History, will explore how his portraits and self-portraits defied conventions of his era. The appeal of the artist’s unusual style and images of both studio models and paying patrons sheds light on his enduring popularity. He had a long-term impact and influence on the genre of Western portraiture. March 16 - The Fleming Museum of Art Christina Fearon, Curator of Education and Public Programs, will guide us through the world-class art and diverse visual culture that comprise the Robert Hull Fleming Museum at UVM. Founded in 193l in Burlington, this venue draws many visitors who explore its over 25,000 artifacts, permanent collections and visiting exhibits. March 23 - Andrew Wyeth’s World Katie Wood Kirchhoff, PhD, is an Associate Curator at the Shelburne Museum. Her program will explore the 12 paintings by Andrew Wyeth selected for the United States Postal Service’s 2017 Forever Stamp series. The iconic scenes from New England locales - Maine and Pennsylvania—all have the coloration and style that made his work so distinctive.



February 6 through April 14. Free tax counseling and preparation for taxpayers 60 and over, and for younger folks with LOW TO MIDDLE income. You do not have to be a member of AARP or a retiree to use this service. Please call RSVP 775-8220 Ext.106 for an appointment.

Low impact, aerobic, and stretching routines; move to lively, sing-a-long music led by Marilyn Sheldon. Feel better, increase strength, balance and flexibility. The fee for Fit and Fun is $25/month 2x/week, $15/month 1x/week.

AARP SAFE DRIVING Join Sharen Underwood on Wednesday, March 21 and Wednesday June 20, from 11 am to 4 pm. Pre-registration is required. Call Sharen Underwood at 235-2132. Fee is $15/members and $20/non-member.

EXERCISE PROGRAMS COUNTRY LINE DANCE Join us for a fun cardiovascular workout with both new and old-line dances. No experience necessary and no partner needed.Buy a pass for 10 classes for $25 and save $5. Instructor: Marilyn Sheldon ADULTS ONLY - GODNICK ADULT CENTER TU 9:30-10:30AM Ongoing $3

GROOVEY GRANNIES LINE DANCE Intermediate line dance, mostly country with a little variety. No partner is needed. The line dance class also includes the option of practicing routines for entertaining residents at the local nursing homes. Buy a pass for 10 classes for $25 and save $5. Instructor: Marilyn Sheldon ADULTS ONLY - GODNICK ADULT CENTER TH 9:30-10:30AM Ongoing $3

PRANA YOGA No experience necessary. Gentle movements with body awareness, and breathing exercises to invigorate and relax the body and the mind. Bring a mat or blanket, and wear comfortable clothes. Poses may be done in a chair, or standing. The student is guided to move into a posture only so far as it feels right to her/his body. Instructor: Tammy Brown. ADULTS ONLY - GODNICK ADULT CENTER F 10:30-11:30AM Ongoing $7



BONE BUILDERS EXERCISE PROGRAM Weights are provided. All you need to bring is a bottle of water. Program is provided by RSVP. Please contact RSVP for more information at 775-8220. ADULTS ONLY - GODNICK ADULT CENTER M/W 9:00-9:45AM Ongoing $0 M/W 1:00-1:45PM Ongoing $0 M/W 5:30-6:15PM Ongoing $0 TU/TH 3:30-4:15PM Ongoing $0

MOVERS AND SHAKERS This free program of low impact exercise is designed for people with Parkinson’s, or anyone else who wishes to maintain or improve flexibility, strength and balance in a supportive and relaxing environment. Start your week off right and work out with us. Mondays, 10:30 am. ADULTS ONLY - GODNICK ADULT CENTER M 10:30-11:30AM Ongoing $0

TAI CHI TAI CHI for ARTHRITIS/FALL PREVENTION Often described as “mediation in motion,” it is a mind-body practice, originating in China as a martial art. In addition to addressing general overall wellness, studies confirm Tai Chi has value in treating or preventing many health problems including arthritis and balance issues. And you can get started even if you aren’t in top shape or the best of health. This class is a fun, relaxing and enjoyable way to move with mindfulness and enjoy the comradery of others while practicing. Certified instructors Nan Hart and Lori Hickey will lead the classes. Please register as soon as possible. Class fills fast ADULTS ONLY - GODNICK ADULT CENTER TU 4/3-5/8 12:30-1:15PM $0

Register for a Rutland Recreation and Park Department Program! Online at www.rutlandrec.com

Mail-in, Walk-in or Phone-in

Payment Methods

Courcelle Office 16 North Street Extension Rutland, VT 05701 802-773-1822 11:30A-5:00P Mon-Fri

Cash (Walk-in) Check (Mail-in or Walk-in) Visa/Mastercard (Online, Phone or Walk-in)

Online registration is available for all recreation programs unless otherwise noted in program details. (Except Godnick Adult Center Programs)

To complete the registration form below:

∙ ∙ ∙

Use one form per child. Be sure all information is correct. All fees must be paid in full. *Please note a late fee is applied when registration is received less than 10 days from the start of a program.



Guardian (Please Print) FULL Name Street Town


Home #

Cell #


(Please Print) Emergency Contact


Relationship___________________________ Household E-mail Emergency Phone # ________________________________ REGISTRATION INFORMATION (Please Print) Participant’s Full Name T’shirt size



Birth Date



___ Grade ________ START DATE

LATE FEE* ($10)


NR FEE ($11)



Waiver % _____

Waiver Amount ______ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED


Cash (in person only)

Check (payable to “Rutland Recreation Dept) Check #_________ Check Name _____________

 SPECIAL CONCERNS: List any special needs or concerns of participant:

WAIVER: I realize that as with any physical activity there is a possible risk of injury to myself or my child while participating in this activity. I agree to assume the risk of injury which I or my child might suffer while involved in the Rutland Recreation and Parks Department activity and I will not hold the City of Rutland or its instructors liable for any injuries which I or my child may suffer while participating in these activities. I consent to the use of my child’s photo, video, artwork, etc. to be used by the department for flyers, brochures and other methods of advertising . Signature


SAVE THE DATE: Sept. 15, 2018 Join us on Center Street Rutland, VT Race loops you through historic downtown Rutland. Various distances make this an event for all fitness levels to enjoy! proceeds benefit the

Foley Cancer Center P

Enjoy the post-race party featuring fun, food & music. For More Info: 802.747.3634 or tmmoore@rrmc.org

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