Ruvimbo Nyamupanedengu. Architecture Portfolio 2019-2023

Page 4


Year : Status:

Firm Name

Pudi sandamus ne net eaquiam sendis endantio bearum dolum voluptatus aut acias ant offic to que re aut rero maionseditis rerem quis aut eventio bearcia vellitate odit fuga. Elis debis que sita dolecer iostio. Gendesc ipsapit atiur, est am non re eniet occupta dolorrum re estrum fugitasit, sitatum harchici con nobissi ntotasit renihicias earcid que mi, occulla nditia velenest, ut volorro quae dit raecess ecabore vendaep erovidestia simpos rercidi alit omnis resedi dignis am nis ditatqu atius, etur?

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Hicienihil inctem. Modipis essinul laborib usamus dent adi ut omnis ipidus, temporrum lant que erio et ommolup tasitatur?

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Work Portfolio

(Year 2019 - Year 2023)

Ruvimbo Nyamupanedengu

Master of Arch(Professional)

University of the Witwatersrand 2021


University of the Witwatersrand 2020


University of Johannesburg 2018


Ode to Oak|04

Commercial Architecture|2019

(Construction Documentation Included)

House Nya|15

Residential Architecture|2022

House Suka|19

Residential Architecture|2019 - 2020

(Construction Documentation Included)

Ber Offices and Retail|25

Mixed-Use Commercial Architecture|2023

House Chi|30

Residential Architecture|2023

Mobile Change House|34

Industrial Architecture| 2022

(Construction Documentation Included)


Ode to Oak

Year : 2019

Status: Complete

Rebel Base Collective

The curved roof of the northern patio of CCJ Auckland park meets the desire to create a light and voluminous space that is also intimate.

The purpose of this project was to create a sophisticated building that addresses all the club’s practical needs as well as the challenges posed by the existing architectural heritage, both structurally and socially.

The undulating roof hovers above the existing art-deco railing which needed to be retained. The rounded perforated-ceiling surface absorbs and disperses sound enabling optimal acoustic performance.

The clear story windows shed light on the open space while creating framed views to the sky and into the canopy of the grand old oak tree, which is further celebrated through a semi-circular cut out in the easternmost vault. The soft tapered profile of the vaults allows the building’s roofline to merge into the sky and carries the eye out to the northern forest.

Duties :

1. Measuring existing architectural components and modelling them in Revit

2. Assisting in compiling documentation for submission to the Heritage council.

3. Revit modelling of the outdoor bar area, kitchen and pizza oven.

4. Preparing drawings for council submissions and construction.

North Elevation. Rebel Base Collective(Photographer).
Preserved Oak tree. Rebel Base Collective(Photographer).
Left: The roof creates a light and voluminous space that is also intimate.Rebel Base Collective(Photographer) Above: Construction images. Rebel Base Collective(Photographer).


WALLS [SANS 10400-K:2011] The wall designs comply with:


Masonry walls

Free-standing walls

Control joints

Articulation joints

Bed joint reinf. lintels and/or PPC lintels per SANS 1504

4.2.11 Roof fixing [Type B anchors]

4.5.1 Water penetration

4.5.3 Rain penetration

4.5.3 Rising damp

4.6 Behaviour in fire ANNEX A K 1-5 Deemed-to-satisfy ANNEX B Design of lintels

ROOFS [SANS 10400-L:2011] The roof designs comply with:

4.2 Coverings

4.2.1 General

4.2.2 Roof coverings-pitched roofs


level of 460mm under GL Waste pipes from UPVC to be 50mm.

Soil & open ventilation pipes from UPVC to be 110mm

2 WVV to be 110mm.

Resealable traps to all fittings to be fully accessible.

Any sanitary fixture connected to a soil/waste pipe exceeding 3 meters must have an antisiphon trap (avt).

Traps for all showers (bt).

Soil pipes exceeding 6 meters in length to be vented.

Gradient of drains to be min. 1:60 and max. 1:40.

All drain pipes concealed in ducts, must have external entrance/holes for re's, covered with removable fibre cement panels, or as ndicated on plan. Geyser installation to comply with SANS 0254.


8 CLIEVEDEN KINGSWAY FAWLEY NAPIER LOTHBURY STREATLEY CORING THANET WALTON HURLEY CHATOU CLAMART PARK CEDAR DORMY HOUSE LAUNDRY G LBERT BROWN SQUASH COURTS EX STING POOL EX ST NG GYM EX STING SQUASH PAVILION EXISTING SERVICE CLUSTER CLUBVIEW JOHN SILTON PAVILION EXISTING CLUB HOUSE AND OFFICES PROPOSED ADDITION CRICKET PAVILION TENNIS COURTS 1 2 D C B A E F G 3 4 Existing Roof Existing Roof New Roof RNDP RNDP RNDP RNDP RNDP RNDP Existing Roof Extisting ie FallFall FallFall FallFall FallFall FallFall FallFall 10534 12150 1586 14482 3354 19422 12150 10534 5325 5325 ROOF COVER NOTE: Cranked 16mm 0.53mm fish eagle white chormadeck S-PROFILE corrugated Sheeting fixed onto 76x50 mild steel C-Channel with M5.5mm 50mm long self drilling TEK-screws with bonded washers wall thickness to ENG. SPEC CLERESTORY NOTE: 6.38mm safety glass in white powdercoated aluminium frame with neoprene thermal break to specialists spec. TIMBER ROOF NOTE: 18mm Shutterply timber roof on 114x38 joists at 400 centers onto 152x50 rafters at 800mm centres into 228x38 ringe beam with fibre cement edging board to match existing roof and detail R 4630 1616 5004 5530 5 6 7 8 10 Drawn by: Date: Project:
Architect Name: SACAP Number: Contact Number: Email: Address: Signature: R E B E L B A S SS E C CC C O L L E EE E C CC C T TT V E These drawings and the depicted design is and remains the intellectual property of the architect The architect accepts no responsibility for errors resulting from misinterpretation of the drawings. Any errors, discrepancies or omissions found on the drawings are to be reported to the architect immediately. Any and all measurements mus be checked against the drawings on site before any work commences. The contractor must report any discrepancies between the existing building, the specified Bill of Quantities and the drawings to the architect or project leader before the work commences. All relevant details, levels and dimensions to be checked and confirmed on site prior to commencement of work. All drawings to be read together with the Engineer' drawings. All work is to conform to the latest version of SANS 10400, N.B.R. and Local Authority bylaws. Contractors are to locate and identify existing services on site and to protect hese from damage throughout the duration of the works. All dimensions are given in millimetres (unless denoted otherwise). Drawings are not to be scaled. All levels shown are measured as level above M.S.L. No foundation or structure is to encroach on boundary. All electrical and plumbing work is to be carried out by a registered Tradesman. All demolition work to comply with SANS 10400 Part E. S.S. Refers to Grade 316 Stainless Steel on all notes. The Contractor must ensure the safety on site of the workmen and visitors in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1993. It is the responsibility of the Owner/Initiator to ensure that act 85 of 2003 is met.
Vedhant Maharaj PRARCH 45968517 +27 83 432 5823 3 Gale Road Parktown West 2193 Engineer Name: Pr. Number: Signature: Client Signature: 2017/030213/07 2017/030213/07 2019/06/03 09:21:27 C1-CCJ_01 VM 1 Napier Road ERF 3/1125 Auckland Park CCJ Terrace Roof Country Club Johannesburg
Plan and Roof Plan CON-101-Rev 3 1 : 2000 2 00 SITE PLAN USE ZONE: SITE AREA: DENSITY ZONE: PARKING: BUILDING LINES: HEIGHT ZONE: Private Open Sace Medium Density as per Johannesbrg planning scheme Not Specified 3m Along Boundary 149441sqm 2 Storeys EXISTING BUILDINGS: 7925sqm NEW: Ground Floor: 486sqm First Floor: 0sqm TOTALS:Total Floor Space (Gross Building Area): Total Dwelling Space (Bulk): Coverage/Footprint: 8411sqm 149441sqm 6728sqm COVERAGE: Allowed: Actual: 35% 4.5% SITE SOIL: Hydromorphic DRAINAGE All drainage to comply with SANS 10400 Part P All drain pipes to be min. 1m away from building. RE's & IE's to all changes in direction and junctions, or at max. 25m with marked covers at surface level. Drains under buildings to be load protected. Min. Invert
4.3.2 Gutters
4.4.1 Softwood Rafter beams Battens and purlins Ceiling assembly 4.5 Fire resistance & combustibility SANS 10400-XA Section 4.4.5 -ROOF ASSEMBLIES EXTERNAL FINISHES Type, texture and colour of external walls, doors, windows and roofs shall comply with the local Zoning Scheme Regulations, or the latest applicable version of local Aesthetic Guidelines. CONSERVANCY TANK shall be constructed in accordance with the detailed requirements listed in Section 4.8.2 and 3 and those imposed by local Municipality. PART XA: HOT WATER SUPPLY All hot water supply shall comply with SANS 10400 Part XA All calculations to comply with TABLES 2 and 5 of SANS 10252-1:2004 Solar water heating systems shall comply with SANS 1037, SANS 10106, SANS 10254 and SANS 10252-1 Requirements for water installations in buildings shall be in accordance with SANS 10252-1 And SANS 10254 Hot water service pipes shall be insulated as below Internal diameter of pipe (mm) <= 80 = R1,0 Internal diameter of pipe (mm) > 80 = R1,5 Floor Area Ratio: 0.05 BUILDING ZONE: H1 EXISTING:Ground Floor: 7925sqm N 50mm dia. W.P for: SHR (Showers) (Baths) WHB (Wash Hand Basins) (Sinks) 110mm dia S.P for: OVS (Overhead vent stacks) WC (Water Closets) Sewer lines 1 : 200 1 06 ROOF PLAN AREA SCHEDULE No.RevisionDate 1Issued for Constructio n 12.04.'19 2Issued for Information 30.04.'19 3General Updates 17.05.19
Sheeted roofs
and downpipes
timber construction
9 1 2 D C B A E F G 3 4 LineofPaving Line of Paving 400 6458 IE POLISHED CONCRETE FLOOR: Polished conrete floor with 100mm thick bed, polished to stage 4 120 grit non slip floor with 3 coats of seal and cast at 1:150 fall to drains. Existing Building untouched BREAK FOR OPENING New Pizza Oven to specialist's specifications Charcoal pigmented concrete 3mm brass strip expansion joint EXPANSION JOINT NOTE: 3mm copper strip expansion joint permanently cast as shuttering for concrete floor 1409 IE S 5000 5000 4700 5000 4700 4700 4750 5828 14700 7508 200 2270 200 1440 12291 230 5347 230 200 5232 400 4600 400 4298 400 203 200 3800 200 205 400 4294 400 14337 200 543 400 400 409 396 215 1455 395 402 215 10523 1816 225 UP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5000 5000 4700 5000 4700 4700 531 PLINTH NOTE: Cast insitu Off shutter concrete plinth to specialists fabrication with drainage cast inside. 300mm round steel column to ENG. SPEC fixed to top with chemically anchored bolts WALL NOTE: Cast insitu concrete wall with vertical TnG shutter 100x20mm patterned surface to specialists fabrication with 100% OPC mix FLOOR NOTE NATURAL CONCRETE: Cast insite 100mm cast insitu concrete surface bed (MIN 35MPa) with Ref. 193 steel reinforcing mesh. Floor to be polished to 120 grit diamond disk finish with 3 coats of tool-co lithium floor sealer FLOOR NOTE CHARCOAL PIGMENT CONCRETE: Cast insite 100mm cast insitu concrete surface bed (MIN 35MPa) with a mix ratio of 5:1 cement to black oxide powder with 10-13mm aggregate mix with Ref. 193 steel reinforcing mesh. Floor to be polished to 120 grit diamond disk finish with 3 coats of tool-co lithium floor sealer NEW INDIGENOUS PLANTED AREA NEW INDIGENOUS PLANTED AREA NEW INDIGENOUS PLANTED AREA Original paving on building Original paving on building removed for polished concrete finish. FLOOR NOTE PIZZA AND SUSHI KITCHEN: 100mm cast insitu silane polished concrete floor polished to 120grit diamond disk finish. Existing Building untouched 10 50 500 NEW BRICK STAIRCASE TILE NOTE: 100x100 terracota tiles from edge of existing doors to line of front of existing columns PAVING NOTE: 330 mm Brick-on-edge paving detail wrapping around the front of the of terracota tile edge EXISTING ACCESS ROAD BARK MULCH GRASS PLANTED GARDEN EXISTING PLANTED GARDEN EXISTING 515 1465 500 13843 B A A B TILE NOTE: 100X100 terracota tiles Polished concrete Polished concrete DB 5 6 7 8 10 5777 1616 5004 5530 1600 709 1125 600 585 585 585 585 230 5380 285 230 1919 1506 200 503 200 1525 200 230 700230 1106 230 760 271 820 740 2544 650 3444 1994 230 2488 130 2729 230 130 2073 230 230 767 3680 901 1485 3463 6170 533 500 500 4000 500 500 9450 3126 2060 200 123 110 100 380 230 3678 3678 1853 1570 230 1800 130 3291 130 5419 230 8840 5348 4034 15200 11813 4144 BRICK ON EDGE TO LINE WITH GRID 1 NEW STAIRCASE AS PER NEW STAIRCASE DETAIL as per CON-124-01 740 861 1469 514 1676 827 827 4319 2054 2722 EARTH AND GRASS FLOOR NOTE NATURAL CONCRETE: Cast insite 100mm cast insitu concrete surface bed (MIN 35MPa) with Ref. 193 steel reinforcing mesh. With raft edge cast for 220 x 55 x 110 brick on edge paving detail Floor to be polished to 120 grit diamond disk finish with 3 coats of tool-co lithium floor sealer EDGE NOTE: 220 x 110 x 55 Brick on edge clay bricks with 10mm mortar joint to bottom and joining side laid after concrete has been polished and sealed 100 17 100 110 220 10 12500° 82 94 EXPANSION JOINT NOTE: 3mm x 25mm brass strip expansion joint fixed to cast charcoal pigmented concrete, cast first, with 25mm concrete nails into predrilled pilot holes every 800mm FLOOR NOTE NATURAL CONCRETE: Cast insite 100mm cast insitu concrete surface bed (MIN 35MPa) with Ref. 193 steel reinforcing mesh. Floor to be polished to 120 grit diamond disk finish with 3 coats of tool-co lithium floor sealer FLOOR NOTE CHARCOAL PIGMENT CONCRETE: Cast insite 100mm cast insitu concrete surface bed (MIN 35MPa) with a mix ratio of 5:1 cement to black oxide powder with 10-13mm aggregate mix with Ref. 193 steel reinforcing mesh. Floor to be polished to 120 grit diamond disk finish with 3 coats of tool-co lithium floor sealer Drawn by: Date: Project: Notes Architect Name: SACAP Number: Contact Number: Email: Address: Signature: R E B E L B A S E C C O L L LL L E EE E C CC C T V E ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST VERSIONS OF SANS 10400 SANS 10400-AZ4 COMPLIANCE WITH NBR Part A: General principles and requirements Part B: Structural design Part C: Dimensions Part D: Public safety Part F: Site Operations Part G: Excavations Part H: Foundations Part J: Floors Part K: Walls Part L: Roofs Part M: Stairways Part N: Glazing Part O: Lighting and ventilation Part P: Drainage Part R: Stormwater disposal Part T: Fire protection Part V: Space heating Part XA: Energy usage in buildings which are applicable to the work specified. The Contractor shall be responsible for ascertaining the "Deemed to Satisfy" requirements of SANS 10400 as escribed and listed in SANS 10400-A:2010,Section 4.2 and must ensure that all these requirements are complied with as work proceeds, except where a Rational Design and/or Rational Assessment is carried out by Appointed and Approved Competent Person[s]. In such cases, the contractor shall carry out the work strictly in accordance with the designs, specifications and instructions issued by the Approved Competent Person[s]. COMPLIANCE WITH NHBRC In addition to compliance with SANS 10400 all work must comply with the standards set out in NHBRC HOMEBUILDING MANUAL Part 3: CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS ALL OPERATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH: Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 85 of 1993, as amended; and relevant Municipal By-Laws. ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION Vedhant Maharaj PRARCH 45968517 +27 83 432 5823 3 Gale Road Parktown West 2193 Engineer Name: Pr. Number: Signature: Client Signature: 2017/030213/07 2017/030213/07 2019/06/03 15:46:29 C1-CCJ_01 VM 1 Napier Road ERF 3/1125 Auckland Park CCJ Terrace Roof Country Club Johannesburg Floor Plans CON-102 Rev 5 50mm dia. W.P for: SHR (Showers) B (Baths) WHB (Wash Hand Basins) S (Sinks) 110mm dia S.P for: OVS (Overhead vent stacks) WC (Water Closets) Sewer lines 1 : 100 1 01 GROUND FLOOR PLAN 110mm dia uPVC pipes for: Storm water draininage drain and to Wetland water store 1 : 5 2 FLOOR EDGE DETAIL 1 : 5 3 FLOOR DETAIL NOTE: ALL CONCRETE FLOORS TO BE POWERFLOATED FOR OPTIMAL GRINDING demolish and rebuild new staircase No.RevisionDate 2General Updates 30.04.'19 3General Updates 17.05.19 4Staircase Updated 5General Updates 31.05.19
10 1 2 D C B A E F G 3 4 GLASS FACADE NOTE: 4mm glass wall as per window schedule WN01 and WN02 Line of Paving Line of Paving Chrome Pizza floor LINE OF ROOF ABOVE LINE OF ROOF ABOVE 260 529 260 2360 260 1541 89 60 111 5639 770 34401 11 260 15129 294 18447 141 60 59 200 5000 5000 4700 5000 4700 4700 5101 New Rc concrete plinth to engineers specification as per top floor plinth addition detail Existing Windows Existing Windows Existing Windows EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING 5000 5000 4700 5000 4700 4700 WN 01 WN 01 WN 01 WN 02 WN 02 WN 02 WN 03 Gutter to drain back as per fabrication detail 5 6 7 8 10 Demolish existing brick plinths New Rc concrete plinth to engineers specification as per top floor plinth addition detail NEW PLINTHS Core drill for services and add 110mm PVC sleeve WN 03 Drawn by: Date: Project:
Architect Name: SACAP Number: Contact Number: Email: Address: Signature: R E B E L B A S SS E C CC C O L L E EE E C CC C T TT V E ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST VERSIONS OF SANS 10400 SANS 10400-AZ4 COMPLIANCE WITH NBR Part A: General principles and requirements Part B: Structural design Part C: Dimensions Part D: Public safety Part F: Site Operations Part G: Excavations Part H: Foundations Part J: Floors Part K: Walls Part L: Roofs Part M: Stairways Part N: Glazing Part O: Lighting and ventilation Part P: Drainage Part R: Stormwater disposal Part T: Fire protection Part V: Space heating Part XA: Energy usage in buildings which are applicable to the work specified. The Contractor shall be responsible for ascertaining the "Deemed to Satisfy" requirements of SANS 10400 as escribed and listed in SANS 10400-A:2010,Section 4.2 and must ensure that all these requirements are complied with as work proceeds, except where a Rational Design and/or Rational Assessment is carried out by Appointed and Approved Competent Person[s]. In such cases, the contractor shall carry out the work strictly in accordance with the designs, specifications and instructions issued by the Approved Competent Person[s]. COMPLIANCE WITH NHBRC In addition to compliance with SANS 10400 all work must comply with the standards set out in NHBRC HOMEBUILDING MANUAL Part 3: CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS ALL OPERATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH: Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 85 of 1993, as amended; and relevant Municipal By-Laws.
CONSTRUCTION Vedhant Maharaj PRARCH 45968517 +27 83 432 5823 3 Gale Road Parktown West 2193 Engineer Name: Pr. Number: Signature: Client Signature: 2017/030213/07 2017/030213/07 2019/06/03 09:21:32 C1-CCJ_01 Author 1 Napier Road ERF 3/1125 Auckland Park CCJ Terrace Roof Country Club Johannesburg First Floor Plan CON-103 Rev 4 1 100 1 02 FIRST FLOOR PLAN No.RevisionDate 2Issued for Information 30.04.'19 3General Updates 17.05.19 4General Updates 31.05.19

75" TV installed to bulkhead


FLOOR NOTE CHARCOAL PIGMENT CONCRETE: Cast insite 100mm cast insitu concrete surface bed (MIN 35MPa) with a mix ratio of 5:1 cement to black oxide powder with 10-13mm aggregate mix with Ref. 193 steel reinforcing mesh. Floor to be polished to 120 grit diamond disk finish with 3 coats of tool-co lithium floor sealer

374 885

plaster and paint painted white with planter box drainage holes with Coprox internal lining

imprinted wall BA3419 FOOTRAI Brass bracket at 1000mm c/c with 50mm brass foot rail at 150mm above FFL FFL 0 Powdercoated mild steel carcas with stainless steel shelves with burmog mahogany doors on soft closers with Cabinet Handle Modern Bar in Satin Brass 96mm Beer Kegs and Taps installed to specialist's specifications with 750mm x 750mm x 700mm large blast chiller for SAB and small 450mm x 450mm x 700mm small blast chiller for Windhoek u/c 100mm min cavity with kickplate to allow for services as per kitchen specialist spec. steel shelves for glasses with 50mm vertical mild steel legs powder coated in charcoal. 15mm cold water. Connect to flash cooler at 150mm AFFL. Provide stopcock at 800mm AFFL. Provide flexible pressure hose. Water pressure: 2-4 bar. 700 x 700 x 750mm flash cooler and 450 x 450 x 750mm flash cooler as per specialist installation and specification. S/steel speed rails to be specified by kitchen specialist with ice wells with adequate drainage as per kitchen specialist spec Undercounter space for kegs. 50mm vertical mild steel legs powder coated in charcoal. 255 18 210 18 210 18 156 75 805 80 Powdercoated mild steel carcas with stainless steel shelves with burmog mahogany doors on soft closers with Cabinet Handle Modern Bar in Satin Brass 96mm 15mm cold water. Connect to flash cooler at 150mm AFFL. Provide stopcock at 800mm AFFL. Provide flexible pressure hose. Water pressure: 2-4 bar. 155 NOTE: Louvred doors not visible in this view for ease of visibilty for water supply to flash coolers 1115 85 1200 Drawn by: Date: Project:

1 2 B A 3 Line of Paving Beer Kegs and Taps installed to specialist's specifications Serving and Entertainment 930mm x 560mm x 455mm La Marzocco Linea Classic Espresso Machine plumbed with drainage Stacking roller timber door to specialist's specifications Kwikot 600 dual slimeline electric water geyser ESG-50 50L capacity length 650mm by dia 480mm u/c Wine rack installed by specialist to architect's design Cast in situ concrete bar counter with same charcoal pigment as the floor to be polished to 7th stage of the polishing process with 3000 resin pads sealed with 2 coats tool-co sealer Chinese Jerapena or Silver paradiso Granite counter top 900mm door installed by specialist to architect's specifications WALL NOTE: 220mm brick wall with plaster and paint ainted white WALL NOTE: 220mm brick wall with plaster and paint painted white with planter box drainage holes with Coprox internal lining with alum frame doors below with keg area PLANTER NOTE: Index Defend Antiroot abe internal waterproofing to planter walls. Base of planter made from 85x110mm lintels with 25mm dia. copper drain spouts for drainage DB Point of Sale on counter 1800mm Undercounter glass door underbar Compressor installed as per specialist specifications Compressor installed as per specialist specifications Kegs installed as per specialist spec 515 675 332 1396 280 1396 332 969 285 230 230 1106 230 930 1402 R470 1570 230 110mm cast insitu vertical tongue and groove imprinted reinforced concrete wall 4 Kegs installed as per specialist spec. 2 on ground level, 2 on lintel shelf 800mm above FFL. BA3419 FOOTRAI Brass bracket at 1000mm c/c with 50mm brass foot rail at 150mm above FFL 5133 5380 700 200mm x 800mm x 450mm deep Ice Well and Speed Rail infront as per specialists's specification. 50mm Waste Drain standpipe 100mm AFFL. Drainhose from icewell into standpipe 200mm x 800m x 450mm deep Ice Well and Speed Rail infront as per specialists's specification. 50mm Waste Drain standpipe 100mm AFFL. Drainhose from icewell into standpipe Point of Sale on counter 230 440 110 1900 110 1900 110 1095 230 510 1800 3736 230 700 655 614 FFL 0 1 2 UNDERSIDE OF BEAM 4750 02 FIRST FLOOR PLAN 4140 Wine rack installed by specialist to architect's design Sliding stacking lockable timber door to specialist shopfitter fabrication. Stacking roller timber door to specialist's pecifications, rail to be cast into concrete surface bed Allow for white washed finish 2200 FLOOR NOTE NATURAL CONCRETE: Cast insite 100mm cast insitu concrete surface bed (MIN 35MPa) with Ref. 193 steel reinforcing mesh. Floor to be polished to 120 grit diamond disk finish with 3 coats of tool-co lithium floor sealer 212 460 100 150 460 150 100 30mm Granite counter top Cast insitu reinforced concrete wall with vertical TnG shuttering to engineers detail as per WEST WALL DETAIL CWD 01 Cold Water Supply Over-counter bulkhead with lighting and enclosing rail and storage for shopfitters fabrication 1100 1100 75Inch TV mounted to bulkhead 2190 Over-counter bulkhead in brickwork with concrete beam as per engineer drawing 5 Cold water supply for tap mixer and coffee machine and u/c geyser u/c geyser Kwikot 50L u/c geyser FFL 0 B A Stacking roller timber door to specialist's specifications FLOOR NOTE NATURAL CONCRETE: Cast insite 100mm cast insitu concrete surface bed (MIN 35MPa) with Ref. 193 steel reinforcing mesh. Floor to be polished to 120 grit diamond disk finish with 3 coats of tool-co lithium floor sealer Beer Kegs, compressor and Taps installed to specialist's specifications 2x 40kg ice wells 100 150 Existing Windows
WALL NOTE: 220mm brick wall with plaster and paint painted white WALL NOTE: 220mm brick wall with
85mm RC cast insitu bar counter with same charcoal pigment as the floor to be polished to 7th stage of the polishing process with 3000 resin pads sealed with 2 coats tool-co sealer. Reinforced into cast in situ concrete wall to engineer detail. 30mmChinese Jerapena or Silver paradiso Granite counter top 1100
48 2090
Brickwork above polish concrete beam as per engineer spec.
Architect Name: SACAP Number: Contact Number: Email: Address: Signature: R E B E L B A S E C O L L E C T V E A L L SANS 10400-AZ4: COMPLIANCE WITH NBR FOUNDATIONS [SANS 10400-H:2012] to comply with: Strip Foundations Additional steel reinforcement design is subject to a Rational Assessment by an Appointed and Approved Competent Person, should this be required. Site Class designation is assumed to be S/S1. FLOORS [SANS 10400-J:2010] to comply with: 4.4 Floors on ground or filling 4.3 Suspended timber floors STAIRWAYS [SANS 10400-M] to comply with: 4.1 General 4.2 Dimensional requirements 4.3 Prevention against falling 4.5 Timber stairways Balustrades to have a minimum height of 1000mm. LIGHTING & VENT. [SANS 10400-0:2011] to comply with: 4.1 General 4.2 Lighting 4.3 Ventilation SPACE HEATING [SANS 10400-V:2011] to comply with: V4.1 General VV4.2 Flue pipes VV4.4 Hearths and fireplace DOMESTIC WATER AND DRAINAGE to comply with: P4.8 Conservancy tanks, septic tanks and french drains P4.14 Sizing of discharge pipes P4.15 Sizing of drains P4.17 Sizing of ventilating pipes SANS 10252-1:2012 Drainage installation shall be a two pipe system with the soil water draining into a 6000 litre conservancy tank accordance with SANS 10400-P Section 4.8. The waste water shall be drained to an approved storage chamber where wil be filtered before use in garden irrigation. ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION Vedhant Maharaj PRARCH 45968517 +27 83 432 5823 3 Gale Road Parktown West 2193 Engineer Name: Pr. Number: Signature: Client Signature: 2017/030213/07 2017/030213/07 2017/030213/07 2017/030213/07 2019/07/15 16:30:21 C1-CCJ_01 Author 1 Napier Road ERF 3/1125 Auckland Park CCJ Terrace Roof Country Club Johannesburg Bar Detail Plans and Sections CON-110 Rev 5 1 : 50 1 04 GROUND FLOOR BAR DETAIL 1 : 50 2 CCJ SECTION CC - BAR DETAIL 1 : 50 3 SECTION DD - BAR DETAIL No.RevisionDate 4Water Supply added, Beam Updated 31.05.19 5Speed rail updated to single rack. 15.07.19 1 50 4 Bar - Long Elev 13
WALL NOTE: 110mm reinforced concrete cast insitue vertical tongue and ggroove
A light and voluminous space that is also intimate. Rebel Base Collective(Photographer).

House Nya

Year : 2022

Status: Conceptual Design

Rogue Studio Architecture (Independent)

Conceptual design of a contemporary 400m² house in Mutare, Zimbabwe. The client’s brief requested the design of a modern 5 bedroomed house that can function as an Airbnb. The design utilises a simple array of colours and materials.

The main material used in the design is locally sourced and affordable farm bricks with a matte white paint finish or a charcoal grey chromadek finish.

Duties :

1. Measuring the existing site.

2. Conceptual Design of the Project

3. Revit modelling of all components

4. Lumion Rendering

5. Client liaison

House Nya: North Elevation
Top Right: North west Axonometric View Bottom Right: Western View of boundary wall Top Left: Northern Elevation Left: South west axonometric view Bottom Left: North East View
House Nya: North Elevation

House Suka

Year : 2018

Status: Awaiting Construction

Rebel Base Collective

The brief called for the extension to the existing main and back house. Key to the brief was adding character to the previously blunt east elevation while respecting its existing geometry. The new design also includes the addition of a mezzanine floor level to the main house. The existing kitchen is extended giving more counter space, storage space and a new kitchen island adjacent to the new dining room. Windows on the eastern façade of the 44 square meter dining room allow natural light into the room. A new glass enclosed entrance sits between a 37 square meter lounge and an existing TV room. The designed main bedroom has an en-suite, study and walk-in closet. An outdoor bathroom sits between the main house extension and the cottage. The addition of the dining room and lounge allow for the extension of the existing garage and a new 19 square meter store room. The existing concrete staircase is retained, refurbished and structurally reinforced to create a new entrance from the newly extended garage to the TV room on the ground floor. Alternatively, from the basement, the family can use the new concrete ramps In the new design, the small backhouse is extended into a separate cottage.

Duties :

1. Preparing documentation for submission to heritage council.

2. Preparing presentations for Client.

3. Client meetings and site visits

4. Designing the new cottage.

5. Designing the new kitchen layout.

6. Detailing and modelling project in Revit.

7. Preparing drawings for council submission.

House Suka: Axonometric View
Top Right: Site Plan Bottom Right: Axonometric View of House and Cottage Top Left: Northern Elevation of cottage Left:North East view of Main House Bottom Left: North View of Main House

under buildings to be load protected.

Invert level of 460mm under GL

pipes from UPVC to be 50mm.

& open ventilation pipes from UPVC to be 110mm.

WVV to be 110mm. Resealable traps to all fittings to be fully accessible. Any sanitary fixture connected to a soil/waste pipe exceeding 3 meters must have an antisiphon trap (avt).

Traps for all showers (bt).

Soil pipes exceeding 6 meters in length to be vented. Gradient of drains to be min. 1:60 and max. 1:40.

All drain pipes concealed in ducts, must have external entrance/holes for re's, covered with removable fibre cement panels, or as indicated on plan.

Geyser installation to comply with SANS 0254.


No Part XA Required


22 Existing House Existing Cottage Existing Pool New Pergola EFR 59 EFR 61 PAVED DRIVEWAY 2720mm HIGH BOUNDARY WALL 2720mm HIGH BOUNDARY WALL 2720mm HIGH BOUNDARY WALL 2720mm HIGH BOUNDARY WALL A B C D GAVIN AVE 3000 3029 3576 3150 New Landscape 7190 Existing Trees 4370 9331 5706 1500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -2000 -2500 RE1 Head of Drain vp g RE2 ie g TRE 100mm dia UPVC soil pipe at 1:60 to municipal connection dia 100mm UPVC soil pipe at 1:60 dia 100mm UPVC soil pipe at 1:60 LINE OF DEMOLISHED PERGOLA Proposed new concrete flat roof with screed laid to fall min 1:100 and new additons New Ramp Proposed new garage and new additions EFR 60 B 56,46M 27,05M ie ie ie ie ie ie g Proposed new additions to existing cottage with new concrete flat roof and screed laid to fall min 1:100 into FBO with new bitumen waterproofing Proposed new mezzanine concrete 270mm concrete floor slab with new precast concrete planter box Parkade Floor Existing Trees Existing Trees FBO FBO FBO ie FBO 50mm dia W.P for: SHR (Showers) B (Baths) WHB (Wash Hand Basins) S (Sink) 100mm dia S.P for: OVS (Overhead Vent Stacks) WC (Water Closets) Sewer Lines Boundary Line USE ZONE: SITE AREA: DENSITY ZONE: PARKING: BUILDING LINES: HEIGHT ZONE: EXISTING: NEW: 66sqm TOTALS: Total Floor Space (Gross Building Area): Total Dwelling Space (Bulk): Coverage/Footprint: COVERAGE: Allowed: Actual: SITE SOIL: DRAINAGE All drainage to comply with SANS 10400 Part
drain pipes to be min. 1m away from building.
& IE's to all changes in direction and junctions, or at max. 25m with marked covers at surface level.
WALLS [SANS 10400-K:2011]
wall designs comply with: 4.2.1 General 4.2.2 Masonry walls 4.2.4 Free-standing walls 4.2.6 Control joints 4.2.7 Articulation joints Bed joint reinf. lintels and/or PPC lintels per SANS 1504 4.2.11 Roof fixing [Type B anchors] 4.5.1 Water penetration 4.5.3 Rain penetration 4.5.3 Rising damp 4.6 Behaviour in fire ANNEX A K 1-5 Deemed-to-satisfy ANNEX B Design of lintels ROOFS [SANS 10400-L:2011] The roof designs comply with: 4.2 Coverings 4.2.1 General 4.2.2 Roof coverings-pitched roofs Sheeted roofs 4.3.2 Gutters and downpipes 4.4.1 Softwood timber construction Rafter beams Battens and purlins Ceiling assembly 4.5 Fire resistance & combustibility SANS 10400-XA Section 4.4.5 -ROOF ASSEMBLIES EXTERNAL FINISHES Type, texture and colour of external walls, doors, windows and roofs shall comply with the local Zoning Scheme Regulations, or the latest applicable version of local Aesthetic Guidelines. CONSERVANCY TANK shall be constructed in accordance with the detailed requirements listed in Section 4.8.2 and 3 and those imposed by local Municipality. PART XA: HOT WATER SUPPLY All hot water supply shall comply with SANS 10400 Part XA All calculations to comply with TABLES 2 and 5 of SANS 10252-1:2004 Solar water heating systems shall comply with SANS 1037, SANS 10106, SANS 10254 and SANS 10252-1 Requirements for water installations in buildings shall be in accordance with SANS 10252-1 And SANS 10254 Hot water service pipes shall be insulated as below: Internal diameter of pipe (mm) <= 80 = R1,0 Internal diameter of pipe (mm) > 80 = R1,5 Floor Area Ratio: BUILDING ZONE: 1 : 100 Site Plan 1 EXISTING: Ground Floor: 37sqm Mezzanine: Drawn by: Date: Project: Notes Architect Name: SACAP Number: Contact Number: Email: Address: Signature: R E B E L B A S E C O L L E C T V E R E B E L B A S E C O L L E C T V E R E B A S E O L L T R E B A S E O L L T COUNCIL SUBMISSION DOCUMENT These drawings and the depicted design is and remains th intellectual property of the architect The architect accepts no responsibility for errors resulting from misinterpretation of the drawings. Any errors, discrepancies or omissions found on the drawings are to be reported to the architect immediately. Any and all measurements must be checked against the drawings on site before any work commences. The contractor must report any discrepancies between the existing building, the specified Bill of Quantities and the drawings to the architect or project leader before the work commences. All relevant details, levels and dimensions to be checked and confirmed on site prior to commencement of work. All drawings to be read together with the Engineer's drawings. All work is to conform to the latest version of SANS 10400, N.B.R. and Local Authority bylaws. Contractors are to locate and identify existing services on site and to protect these rom damage throughout the duration of the works. All dimensions are given in millimetres (unless denoted otherwise). Drawings are not to be scaled. All levels show are measured as level above M.S.L. No foundation or structure is to encroach on boundary All electrical and plumbing work is to be carried out by a registered Tradesman. All demolition work to comply with SANS 10400 Part E. S.S. Refers to Grade 316 Stainless Steel on all notes. The Contractor must ensure the safety on site of the workmen and visitors in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1993. It is the responsibility of the Owner/Initiator o ensure that act 85 of 2003 is met. Vedhant Maharaj PRARCH 45968517 +27 83 432 5823 3 Gale Road Parktown West 2193 Engineer Name: Pr. Number: Signature: Client Signature: 2017/030213/07
2020/04/26 21:55:10 R11-SUK_01 VM 3 Gavin Road Pine Park, Johannesburg HOUSE SUKA Mr & Mrs Suka Site A101 Basement: Ground Floor: Mezzanine: Basement: 136sqm 208sqm 0sqm 57sqm 507sqm 1527.63sqm 173sqm Hydromophic Residential 1 397sqm 0.33 474sqm
23 DN 121110987654321 UP 1211109876 4 3 121110987654321 UP 1211109876 50mm dia W.P for: SHR (Showers) B (Baths) WHB (Wash Hand Basins) S (Sink) 100mm dia S.P for: OVS (Overhead Vent Stacks) WC (Water Closets) Sewer Lines Boundary Line 25 m² MEZZANINE 32 m² D2 INTERIOR FLOOR NOTE: 250mm thick cast insitu reinforced concrete with black oxide pigment 3L mix to be polished to 1500 resin bond and bunished concrete and densified with toolco densifier sealed with toolco lithium and colour enhancer, to engineers detal and spec. with laminated hardwood timber flooring SCREEN NOTE: 126mm timber screen artwork vertically mounted on floor slab and roof pitch to architect's detail Line of roof above BALUSTRADE NOTE: 900mm high balustrade with 50x12mm mild steel flat bar on 50mm dia. tube balustrade posts wuth 30x8mm flat bar ribs stacked horozontally at 80mm centres from the top PLANTER NOTE: 100mm RC cast-instu concrete planter box with bituminous waterproofing to interior wall and drainage holes cut through planter box with 50.8mm drainage tubes CURTAIN WALL DOOR NOTE: Powder coated mild steel tube framed stacking curtain wall with 12mm Low E double glazing STAIR NOTE: Pre-cast reinforced concrete staircase to eng. detail and spec 250mm TREADS 12 x 170mm RISER TO SANS 10400-M E E A A 100 400 100 2209 280 3805 600 2209 280 4942 BALCONY 600 1661 471 1138 4641 600 4807 600 6035 1447 100 400 100 EXTERIOR FLOOR NOTE: 250mm thick cast insitu reinforced concrete with black oxide pigment to be polished to 120 steel cut desensified with toolco densifier, sealed with toolco lithium and colour enhancer to engineers detal and spec Masonry wall attached to pitch roof DINING ROOM EXTENDED KITCHEN EXISTING BEDROOM EXISTING BEDROOM STUDY ROOM EXISTING BATHROOM EX BATH NEW BEDROOM CLOSET SHR NEW ENTRANCE SCULLERY BEDROOM STORE STUDY 3650 TV ROOM PRAYER ROOM 4090 NEW STORE 220 10460 6685 17365 765 3000 1803 3000 1600 3000 443 930 1500 2199 220 4090 330 4855 130 4086 230 3969 330 460 13611 4629 7648 2937 1045 4086 4218 5240 4090 3308 4855 230 3150 130 1717 2470 130 1043 150 1965 230 11215 13781 3504 3504 3990 1635 813 1655 813119 2475 3270 5035 10448 3970 1062 5196 BEDROOM LOUNGE RE1 Head of Drain vp g ie ie RE2 ie ie ie g g g ie TRE g dia 100mm UPVC soil pipe at 1:60 to municipal connection dia 100mm UPVC soil pipe at 1:60 dia 100mm UPVC soil pipe at 1:60 ie LOUNGE AND KITCHEN NEW LANDSCAPING NEW RAMP EXISTING POOL PAVED DRIVEWAY NEW PERGOLA NEW PERGOLA NEW PERGOLA D1 D1 D1 D1 D5 D1 D4 D1 D1 D1 D5 D5 D5 D4 D3 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 NEW BATH W7 W7 W7 W7 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W4 W6 W6 W6 W6 W6 W6 W6 W6 B E 14 m² 14 m² 9 m² BTHRM 5 m² m² 2 m² 8 m² 46 m² 3 m² 3 m² 20 m² 17 m² 6 m² 4 m² 4 m² 44 m² 3 m² 10 m² 37 m² 34 m² UP 14 m² W1 W2 W8 ie ie 14 m² 12 m² 1045 DN UP EXISTING TREES 4400 1490 STAIR NOTE: Pre-cast reinforced concrete staircase to eng. detail and spec 250mm TREADS 12 x 170mm RISER TO SANS 10400-M STAIR NOTE: Pre-cast reinforced concrete staircase to eng. detail and spec 250mm TREADS 12 x 170mm RISER TO SANS 10400-M RAMP NOTE: Minimum fall 1:12 ramp cast insitu RC ramp on compacted G5 fill, polished concrete to 120grit non slip finish with 2 coats stoncor 731 seal. 4305 29401 220 847 813 320 1548 220 2200 1548 3353 2215 130 2275 330 1090 330 5021 230 10460 TILES TILES TILES TILES TIMBER TILES TIMBER TILES 15 m² GRASS GRASS TILES TILES TILES TILES TILES TILES TILES TILES TILES TILES 230 2893 230 5978 230 3990 230 890 TILES TILES TILES TILES 230 9439 TILES 1556 3236 PERGOLA NOTE: Powder coated mild steel Tbracket supports fixed to Rubio 2c Monocoat Oiled 228x50mm Meranti rafters spanning @ 600mm bolted with U channel between 50x152 timber columns bolted on 150x150mm powder coated U channel welded to 22mm solid round bar pin cast into submerged concrete footing B C C 220 4090 1975 2737 1548 220 1290 330 1770 270 2970 B B B WC WC WHB WHB WHB S 3695 E G G A A D D PASSAGE INTERIOR FLOOR NOTE: New timber parquet floors relaid F F EXISTING RAMP CURTAIN WALL DOOR NOTE: Powder coated mild steel tube framed stacking curtain wall with 12mm Low E double glazing BALUSTRADE NOTES: 1000mm high balustrade with 50x12mm mild steel flat bar with 50 dia. tube balustrade bar posts with 38x8mm flat ribs stacked horizontally at 60mm centres from top 220mm RC reinforced beam to design and spec WALL NOTE: 230mm double skin stock brick wall with brick force every 5 courses, fininshed with 15mm sponge fininshed plaster, 1 coat primer and 2 coats plascon paint on both sides NEW LANDSCAPING NEW RAMP A EXISTING GARAGE E STORE ROOM D4 D4 W3 6148 220 3045 220 4288 220 1346 RAMP NOTE: Minimum fall 1:12 ramp cast insitu RC ramp on compacted G5 fill, polished concrete to 120grit non slip finish with 2 coats stoncor 731 seal. 6378 220 840 220 330 5718 330 19 m² 47 m² NEW GARAGE 2 m² G 220 4280 220 1707 220 2003 220 1355 250 2280 250 370 220 5845 110 4340 250 1386 250 220 510 14141 7302 330 150 6368 7773 35 m² EXISTING 220mm STRUCTURAL CONC. BEAM ABOVE 1845 POLISHED CONCRETE FLOOR: Polished concrete floor with 100mm thick bed, polished to stage 4, 120 gritnon slip floor with 3 coats of seal and cast RETAINING WALL NOTE: New 330mm reinforced concrete retaining wall with 150mm dia. drain every meter to engin. design and spec STAIR NOTE: Pre-cast reinforced concrete staircase to eng. detail and spec 250mm TREADS 12 x 170mm RISER TO SANS 10400-M EXISTING RAMP 1345 TILES Existing 330mm retaining wall TO ENG. DETAIL & SPEC GRASS PARKADE FLOOR NOTE: 220 110 x 55mm clay facebricks with 10mm motar joint on all sides arranged in Stretcher course bond TRE dia 100mm UPVC soil pipe at 1:60 to municipal connection G E WALL NOTE: 250mm stone retaining wall with 150mm dia. drain every meter to engin. design and spec BALUSTRADE NOTES: 1000mm high balustrade with 50x12mm mild steel flat bar with 50 dia. tube balustrade bar posts with 38x8mm flat ribs stacked horizontally at 60mm centres from top BEAM NOTE: New 220x500mm reinforced concrete beam above to eng. detail and spec Drawn by: Date: Project: Notes Architect Name: SACAP Number: Contact Number: Email: Address: Signature: R E B E L B A S E C O L L E C T V E R E B E L B A S E C O L L E C T V E R E B A S E O L L T R E B A S E O L L T COUNCIL SUBMISSION DOCUMENT ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST VERSIONS OF SANS 10400 SANS 10400-AZ4 COMPLIANCE WITH NBR Part A: General principles and requirements Part B: Structural design Part C: Dimensions Part D: Public safety Part F: Site Operations Part G: Excavations Part H: Foundations Part J: Floors Part K: Walls Part L: Roofs Part M: Stairways Part N: Glazing Part O: Lighting and ventilation Part P: Drainage Part R: Stormwater disposal Part T: Fire protection Part V: Space heating Part XA: Energy usage in buildings which are applicable to the work specified. The Contractor shall be responsible for ascertaining the "Deemed to Satisfy" requirements of SANS 10400 as described and listed in SANS 10400-A:2010,Section 4.2 and must ensure that all these requirements are complied with as work proceeds, except where a Rational Design and/or Rational Assessmen is carried out by Appointed and Approved Competent Person[s]. In such cases, the contractor shall carry out the work strictly in accordance with the designs, specifications and instructions issued by the Approved Competent Person[s]. COMPLIANCE WITH NHBRC In addition to compliance with SANS 10400 all work must comply with the standards set out in NHBRC HOMEBUILDING MANUAL Part 3: CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS ALL OPERATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH: Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 85 of 1993, as amended; and relevant Municipal By-Laws. Vedhant Maharaj PRARCH 45968517 +27 83 432 5823 3 Gale Road Parktown West 2193 Engineer Name: Pr. Number: Signature: Client Signature: 2017/030213/07 No Part XA Required 2020/04/26 21:56:56 R11-SUK_01 Author 3 Gavin Road Pine Park, Johannesburg HOUSE SUKA Mr & Mrs Suka Floor Plan A103 1 100 02 Mezzanine Floor Plan 3 No.RevisionDate 1 100 FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1 1 : 100 00 Basement 4 0 12.5 5 10
24 00 Basement Floor -2450 01 Ground Floor 0 02 Mezzanine Level 2750 03 Paraphet 3708 BEDROOM RC Foundation to engineer's detail FLOOR NOTE: 150mm cast-insitu concrete floor slab with black oxide pigment to be polished and burnished concrete and densified with topico densifier NGL LOUNGE TILES WALL NOTE: 230mm double skin stock brick wall with brick force every 5 courses, 15mm sponge fininshed plaster, 1 coat primer and coats plascon paint TILES ROOF NOTE: 190mm Rib & Block Concrete Roof Slab to engin spec,with 350x100mm Precast concrete parapet wall cap on 230mm double skin stock brick wall with brick force every five courses, finished with 15mm sponge plaster, 1 coat primer and 1 coat bag wash finish RC Foundation to engineer's detail Existing Foundation BALUSTRADE NOTE: 50mm thick round tubes casted into wall precast conc lintel KITCHEN TILES 958 2750 2450 00 Basement Floor -2450 01 Ground Floor 0 02 Mezzanine Level 2750 03 Paraphet 3708 D4 D5 D5 D4 D4 D1 Stanless steel 1000mm high balustrade PLANTER NOTE: 100mm RC cast-instu concrete planter box with bituminous waterproofing to interior wall and drainage holes cut through planter box with 50.8mm drainage tubes STAIR NOTE: Pre-cast reinforced concrete staircase to eng. detail and spec 250mm TREADS 12 170mm RISER TO SANS 10400-M EXISTING BEDROOM EXISTING BEDROOM SHR STUDY ROOM TV ROOM PRAYER ROOM LOUNGE NEW BATH LOUNGE & KITCHEN MEZZANINE WALL NOTE: 230mm double skin stock brick wall with brick force every 5 courses, 15mm sponge fininshed plaster, 1 coat primer and 2 coats plascon paint NGL ROOF NOTE: 190mm Rib & Block Concrete Roof Slab to engin spec,with 350x100mm Precast concrete parapet wall cap on 230mm double skin stock brick wall with brick force every five courses, finished with 15mm sponge plaster, 1 coat primer and 1 coat bag wash finish CLOSET EXISTING GARAGE NEW GARAGE BEAM NOTE: New 220x500mm reinforced concrete beam above to eng. detail and spec POLISHED CONCRETE FLOOR: Polished concrete floor with 100mm thick bed, polished to stage 4, 120 gritnon slip floor with 3 coats of seal and cast NEW RETAINING WALL: 330mm reinforced concrete retaining wall with brick facing NEW PROPOSED RAMP Existing 330mm retaining wall TO ENG. DETAIL & SPEC PARKADE FLOOR NOTE: 220 110 x 55mm clay facebricks with 10mm motar joint on all sides arranged in Stretcher course bond RC Foundation to engineer's detail ROOF NOTE: Marley roof tiles to match existing on 38x38mm timber battens of king post on exposed timber roof truss at 750 c.c and 50mm thick isotherm insulation fixed to underside of battens. RC Foundation to engineer's detail Timber Bookshelf to architects design 958 2750 2450 RC Foundation to engineer's detail D1 D1 D14 W7 00 Basement Floor -2450 01 Ground Floor 0 02 Mezzanine Level 2750 03 Paraphet 3708 EXISTING POOL NEW PERGOLA RC Foundation to engineer's detail INTERNAL WALL NOTE: 230mm double skin stock brick wall with brick force every 5 courses, 15mm sponge fininshed plaster, 1 coat primer and 2 coats plascon paint NEW BEDROOM NEW BATH TIMBER TILES TILES ROOF NOTE: Marley roof tiles to match existing on 38x38mm timber battens of king post on exposed timber roof truss at 750 c.c and 50mm thick isotherm insulation fixed to underside of battens. precast conc lintel PERGOLA NOTE: Powder coated mild steel T-bracket supports fixed to Rubio 2c Monocoat Oiled 228x50mm Meranti rafters spanning @ 600mm bolted with U channel between 50x152 timber columns bolted on 150x150mm powder coated U channel welded to 22mm coated solid steel plate bolted into floor surface 958 2750 2450 00 Basement Floor -2450 01 Ground Floor 0 02 Mezzanine Level 2750 03 Paraphet 3708 W3 D2 PLANTER NOTE: 100mm RC cast-instu concrete planter box with bituminous waterproofing to interior wall and drainage holes cut through planter box with 50.8mm drainage tubes BEAM NOTE: New 220x500mm reinforced concrete beam above to eng. detail and spec POLISHED CONCRETE FLOOR: Polished concrete floor with 100mm thick bed, polished to stage 4, 120 gritnon slip floor with 3 coats of seal and cast NEW RETAINING WALL: 330mm reinforced concrete retaining wall with brick facing NEW PROPOSED RAMP ROOF NOTE: Marley roof tiles to match existing on 38x38mm timber battens of king post on exposed timber roof truss at 750 c.c and 50mm thick isotherm insulation fixed to underside of battens. 400 1400 HANDRAIL NOTE: 50mm stainless steel continues round hand rails with closed ends screwed into wall at top, center and bottom at 1100mm high RAMP NOTE: Minimum fall 1:12 ramp cast insitu RC ramp on compacted G5 fill, polished concrete to 120grit non slip finish with 2 coats stoncor 731 seal. PARKADE FLOOR NOTE: 220 110 x 55mm clay facebricks with 10mm motar joint on all sides arranged in Stretcher course bond 150 3606 916 740 230 290 220 250 400 250 200 RC Foundation to engineer's detail 8031 6568 Drawn by: Date: Project: Notes Architect Name: SACAP Number: Contact Number: Email: Address: Signature: R E B E L B A S SS E C CC C O L L E EE E C CC C T TT V E SANS 10400-AZ4: COMPLIANCE WITH NBR FOUNDATIONS [SANS 10400-H:2012] to comply with: Strip Foundations Additional steel reinforcement design is subject to a Rational Assessment by an Appointed and Approved Competent Person, should this be required. Site Class designation is assumed to be S/S1. FLOORS [SANS 10400-J:2010] to comply with: 4.4 Floors on ground or filling 4.3 Suspended timber floors STAIRWAYS [SANS 10400-M] to comply with: 4.1 General 4.2 Dimensional requirements 4.3 Prevention against falling 4.5 Timber stairways Balustrades to have minimum height of 1000mm. LIGHTING & VENT. [SANS 10400-0:2011] to comply with: 4.1 General 4.2 Lighting 4.3 Ventilation SPACE HEATING [SANS 10400-V:2011] to comply with: V4.1 General VV4.2 Flue pipes VV4.4 Hearths and fireplace DOMESTIC WATER AND DRAINAGE to comply with: P4.8 Conservancy tanks, septic tanks and french drains P4.14 Sizing of discharge pipes P4.15 Sizing of drains P4.17 Sizing of ventilating pipes SANS 10252-1:2012 Drainage installation shall be a two pipe system with the soil water draining into a 6000 litre conservancy tank n accordance with SANS 10400-P Section 4.8. The waste water shall be drained to an approved storage chamber where wil be filtered before use in garden irrigation. TO COMPLY WITH SANS 10400-PART XA ORIENTATION to comply with Section 4.4.1 Longest elevation with main living areas faces north or within the north sector EXTERNAL WALLS to comply with min. R value for climatic zone (see calculations & specifications) FENESTRATION to comply with SANS 613 Rational design for Fenestration > 15% to SANS 204 (See window & door schedules + calculations to comply) ROOF ASSEMBLY to comply with: SANS 10400-L:2011 and SANS 10400-XA Section 4.4.5 Roof to comply with min. R value for climatic zone (See calculations & specifications) FLOORS Under floor heating system as indicated, with sufficient under slab insulation as per specialists (min R-value = 1.0) ENERGY SERVICES (lighting and power) to comply with: SANS 10400-O and SANS 10114(See calculations & specifications to comply) No air conditioning or mechanical ventilation HOT WATER SYSTEMS to comply with: SANS 10252, SANS 10254 and SANS 10400-XA 4.1.3 & 4 All exposed hot water service pipes plus all cold water supply pipes and pressure relief piping (min. 1m from hot water vessels/tanks), to be clad with insulation to manufacturer s specifications: (pipes <= 80mm – min. 1.00 R-value) (pipes dia. >= 80mm – min. 1.50 R-value) All hot water vessels/tanks to be insulated with a material achieving a min. 2.0 (R-value) - supply Geyser blanket to manufacturer specifications to comply ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION Vedhant Maharaj PRARCH 45968517 +27 83 432 5823 3 Gale Road Parktown West 2193 Engineer Name: Pr. Number: Signature: Client Signature: 2017/030213/07 2017/030213/07 No Part XA Required 2021/05/19 12:08:45 R11-SUK_01 Author 3 Gavin Road Pine Park, Johannesburg HOUSE SUKA Mr & Mrs Suka Sections A107 1 : 100 Section C-C 3 1 : 100 Section A-A 2 1 : 100 Section B-B 1 1 : 50 Section E-E 4 No.RevisionDate

Ber Offices and Retail

Year : 2023

Status: Conceptual Design

Rogue Studio Architecture (Independent)

The client’s brief required the design of a “mini complex” with self contained shops on the ground floor and office space on the second and third floor in Chipinge, Zimbabwe. The brief emphasised on a “modern and stunning building” which is also simple and affordable on a 600m² plot. The design response utilised a steel framed building with brick infill. The brick walls have a matte white finish, red paint or metal cladding. The ground floor accommodates seven small shops and a cafe/restaurant surrounded by gardens. The second floor has two offices, a boardroom, reception and common working area. There is also a common room on the third floor which can also function as a conference garden space.

Duties :

1. Measuring the existing site.

2. Conceptual Design of the Project

3. Revit modelling of all components

4. Lumion Rendering

5. Client liaison

North East View
Top Right: Ground Floor Plan Bottom Right: First Floor Plan Top Left: East Elevation Left:South Elevation Bottom Left: West Elevation
Top Right: South West Elevation Bottom Right: North East View Top Left: South East View Left:South Elevation Bottom Left: Second Floor garden common room
South Elevation

House Chi

Year : 2023

Status: Conceptual Design

Rogue Studio Architecture (Independent)

The client’s brief required the conceptual design of a 4 bedroomed house on a sloped 400m² site in Nyanga Zimbabwe.

Duties :

1. Measuring the existing site.

2. Conceptual Design of the Project

3. Revit modelling of all components

4. Lumion Rendering

5. Client liaison

North Elevation
Top Right: North 3D View Bottom Right: East View Top Left: West View Left:North Elevation Night Bottom Left: East View Night render
North Elevation

The brief required the design of a simple mobile change house for workers using prefabricated materials.

Duties :

1. Measuring the existing site.

2. Conceptual Design of the Project

3. Revit modelling of all components

4. Lumion Rendering

5. Client liaison

6. Producing Initial construction documentation.

Mobile Change House

Year : 2022

Status: Conceptual Design


South Elevation
Top Right: Site Plan Bottom Right: North Elevation Top Left: North West View Left:Mobile Change House Interior Bottom Left: South East View


Wilo Booster Pump: Q max=8m /h H max= 42m 230v single phase, frequency= 50Hz. Istalled to manufacturer's specifications

Boundary Wall Note: Clearview fencing 76 x 12.7(Mesh opening) Wiretech. Horizontal wire 2mm. Vertical wire 3mm.

Finish: Powder coated. Installed to manufacturer's

50mm dia W.P for:

SHR (Showers) B (Baths)

WHB (Wash Hand Basins) S (Sink)

100mm dia S.P for:

OVS (Overhead Vent Stacks)

WC (Water Closets)

Sewer Lines

Boundary Line


SANS 10400-AZ4 : COMPLIANCE WITH NBR WALLS [SANS 10400-K:2011] The wall designs comply with:


All drainage to comply with SANS 10400 Part P

All drain pipes to be min. 1m away from building.

RE's & IE's to all changes in direction and junctions, or at max. 25m with marked covers at surface level.

Drains under buildings to be load protected.

Min. Invert level of 460mm under GL

Waste pipes from UPVC to be 50mm.

Soil & open ventilation pipes from UPVC to be 110mm. 2 WVV to be 110mm.

Resealable traps to all fittings to be fully accessible. Any sanitary fixture connected to a soil/waste pipe exceeding 3 meters must have an antisiphon trap (avt).

Traps for all showers (bt).

Soil pipes exceeding 6 meters in length to be vented.

Gradient of drains to be min. 1:60 and max. 1:40.

All drain pipes concealed in ducts, must have external entrance/holes for re's, covered with removable fibre cement panels, or as indicated on plan.

Geyser installation to comply with SANS 0254.


All hot water supply shall comply with SANS 10400 Part XA

All calculations to comply with TABLES

2 and 5 of SANS 10252-1:2004

Solar water heating systems shall comply with SANS 1037, SANS 10106, SANS 10254 and SANS 10252-1

Requirements for water installations in buildings shall be in accordance with SANS 10252-1 And SANS 10254

Hot water service pipes shall be insulated as below:

Internal diameter of pipe (mm) <= 80 =


Internal diameter of pipe (mm) > 80 =


Area Schedule

in fire ANNEX A K 1-5 Deemed-to-satisfy ANNEX B Design of lintels

ROOFS [SANS 10400-L:2011] The roof designs comply with:

4.2 Coverings

4.2.1 General

4.2.2 Roof coverings-pitched roofs Sheeted roofs

4.3.2 Gutters and downpipes

4.4.1 Softwood timber construction Rafter beams Battens and purlins Ceiling assembly

4.5 Fire resistance & combustibility SANS 10400-XA Section 4.4.5 - ROOF ASSEMBLIES


Type, texture and colour of external walls, doors, windows and roofs shall comply with the local Zoning Scheme Regulations, or the latest applicable version of local Aesthetic Guidelines.

CONSERVANCY TANK shall be constructed in accordance with the detailed requirements listed in Section 4.8.2 and 3 and those imposed by local Municipality..

These drawings and the depicted design is and remains the intellectual property of the architect

The architect accepts no responsibility for errors resulting from misinterpretation of the drawings. Any errors, discrepancies or omissions found on the drawings are to be reported to the architect immediately. Any and all measurements mus be checked against the drawings on site before any work commences.

The contractor must report any discrepancies between the existing building, the specified Bill of Quantities and the drawings to the architect or project leader before the work commences. All relevant details, levels and dimensions to be checked and confirmed on site prior to commencement of work.

All drawings to be read together with the Engineer's drawings. All work is to conform to the latest version of SANS 10400, N.B.R. and Local Authority bylaws. Contractors are to locate and identify existing services on site and to protect these from damage throughout the duration of the works.

All dimensions are given in millimetres (unless denoted otherwise). Drawings are not to be scaled. All levels shown are measured as level above M.S.L. No foundation or structure is to encroach on boundary. All electrical and plumbing work is to be carried out by a registered Tradesman.

All demolition work to comply with SANS 10400 Part E.

S.S. Refers to Grade 316 Stainless Steel on all notes. The Contractor must ensure the safety on site of the workmen and visitors in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1993. It is the responsibility of the Owner/Initiator to ensure that act 85 of 2003 is met.









Hydromophic Residential 1 0000sqm 000sqm



VDD Ablution Block - Seriti MMS

11 September 2022

Ms R.Nyamupanedengu

Mr J Sithole

SERVICES CONNECTION POINT SERVICES CONNECTION POINT SEPTIC TANK 2500 LITRES 1000 LITRES JOJO WATER TANK LAUNDRY FEMALE CHANGE HOUSE MALE CHANGE HOUSE ROOF CANOPY A B C D E F DN RE1 RE2 RE3 RE3 ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie vp vp vp vp TRE ie dia 100mm UPVC soil pipe at 1:50 to municipal connection dia 100mm UPVC soil pipe at 1:50 g g g g g g g g g g g g g 29.5M BOUNDARY WALL 8.1M BOUNDARY WALL 21.4M BOUNDARY WALL 31.1M BOUNDARY WALL 14.6M BOUNDARY WALL 16.6M BOUNDARY WALL RAMP NOTE: Minimum fall 1:12 ramp cast insitu RC ramp on compacted G5 fill, polished concrete to 120grit non slip finish with 2 coats stoncor 731 seal. Roof Note: White color finish Full hard IBR sheets on Double pitched roof , manufactured from lightweight steel trusses and purlins installed to manufacturer's specifications Mobile prefabricated buildings assembled on-site on steel chassis. erectect on a levelled and compacted site. FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL New Paving Note: Paving bricks on P.V.C sheet on 25mm sand levelled and rolled on compacted and levelled ground South Section West Section East Section A A ie
3079 Scale Checked by Drawn by Date Project number
4.2.1 General 4.2.2 Masonry walls 4.2.4 Free-standing walls 4.2.6 Control joints 4.2.7 Articulation joints Bed joint reinf. lintels and/or PPC lintels per SANS 1504 4.2.11 Roof fixing [Type B anchors] 4.5.1 Water penetration 4.5.3 Rain penetration 4.5.3 Rising damp 4.6 Behaviour
COVERAGE: Total Floor Space(Gross Building Area) Total Dwelling Space (Bulk) Floor Area Ration Coverage/Foorprint Allowed Actual
1 : 100 2022/10/21 15:17:23
1 : 100 Site 1

New Paving Note: Paving bricks on P.V.C sheet on 25mm sand levelled and rolled on compacted and levelled ground

Wall Note: White finish Panels manufactured using 0.5mm Chromadeck sheeting on both sides, with a poly-urethane injected foam core. Installed to manufacturer's

BALUSTRADE NOTE: 900mm high balustrade with 50x12mm mild steel flat bar on 50mm dia. tube balustrade posts wuth 30x8mm flat bar ribs stacked horozontally at 80mm centres from the top.

Air Source Heat Pump: Heating capacity 45.6KW, input power 16500 watt, Max discharge pressure 3.3MPa. Installed to manufacturer's specifications.

WM WM WM WM TD TD TD TD 1 7 8 10 11 12 13 1 7 8 10 11 12 13 1 7 8 10 11 12 13 1 7 8 10 11 12 13 1 7 8 10 11 12 13 1 7 8 10 11 12 13 1 7 8 10 11 12 13 PIGEON HOLES PIGEON HOLES Heavy Expanded Metal Screen PIGEON HOLES PIGEON HOLES PIGEON HOLES PIGEON HOLES SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW WC WC WC WC WC WHB WHB BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH LOCKERS BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH BENCH D 01 D 01 D 01 D 01 D 01 D 05 D 05 D 05 D 05 D 05 D 05 D 05 D 05 D 05 D 05 D 05 D 05 D 05 D 04 D 04 D 04 D 05 D 05 D 05 D 05 D 05 D 05 D 05 D 04 D 04 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 ROLLER DOOR WHB WHB WHB U U U DN DN DN SERVICES CONNECTION POINT SERVICES CONNECTION POINT 1000 LITRES JOJO WATER TANK SEPTIC TANK 2500 LITRES DN 79 m² LAUNDRY 72 m² LADIES CHANGE HOUSE 4 m² FOYER 6 m² FOYER 148 m² MEN'S CHANGE HOUSE 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 913 913 913 100 17239 100 2833 100 913 100 913 100 913 100 23411 18100 7060 3980 7060 100 1824 100 2054 100 2782 100 3980 100 2206 100 2094 100 2360 100 100 1372 3400 2088 100 100 2548 100 2302 100 1910 100 11500 100 1779 1019 1000 997 1000 1000 1000 1000 1003 913 11500 11611 1500 6038 100 1773 2100 2076 4684 STAIR NOTE: Steel staircase staircase to eng. detail and spec 280mm TREADS 2 x 126mm RISER TO SANS 10400-M A B D C F E
RE1 RE2 RE3 ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie vp vp vp TRE ie ie dia 100mm UPVC soil pipe at 1:50 to municipal connection dia 100mm UPVC soil pipe at 1:50 g g g g g g g 1850 2164 2752 ie Roof Line Roof Line Roof Line Roof Line North Section South Section West Section East Section A A ie Boundary Wall Note: Clearview fencing 76 x 12.7(Mesh opening) Wiretech. Horizontal wire 2mm. Vertical wire 3mm. Surface Finish: Powder coated. Installed to manufacturer's specifications Extraction
Fan 2000W
Reflex warm water tank type AF1000/2_Cw. Tank volume 972L. Hot water 972L. Air Source Heat Pump: Heating capacity 45.6KW, input power 16500 watt, Max discharge pressure 3.3MPa. Installed to manufacturer's specifications. Extraction Fan 2000W Wilo Booster Pump: Q max=8m3/h H max= 42m 230v single phase, frequency= 50Hz. Istalled to manufacturer's specifications Interior Floor Note: 2mm industrial vinyl tiles on 21mm Plywood floors treated against water damage and insects infestation, fitted on the steel chassis to manufacturer 's specification Exterior Floor Note: 2mm industrial vinyl tiles on 21mm Plywood floors treated against water damage and insects infestation, fitted on the steel chassis to manufacturer 's specification Scale Checked by Drawn by Date Project number No Part XA Required COUNCIL SUBMISSION DOCUMENT ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST VERSIONS OF SANS 10400 SANS 10400-AZ4 COMPLIANCE WITH NBR Part A: General principles and requirements Part B: Structural design Part C: Dimensions Part D: Public safety Part F: Site Operations Part G: Excavations Part H: Foundations Part J: Floors Part K: Walls Part L: Roofs Part M: Stairways Part N: Glazing Part O: Lighting and ventilation Part P: Drainage Part R: Stormwater disposal Part T: Fire protection Part V: Space heating Part XA: Energy usage in buildings which are applicable to the work specified. The Contractor shall be responsible for ascertaining the "Deemed to Satisfy" requirements of SANS 10400 as described and listed in SANS 10400-A:2010,Section 4.2 and must ensure that all these requirements are complied with as work proceeds, except where a Rational Design and/or Rational Assessment is carried out by Appointed and Approved Competent Person[s]. In such cases, the contractor shall carry out the work strictly in accordance with the designs, specifications and instructions issued by the Approved Competent Person[s]. COMPLIANCE WITH NHBRC In addition to compliance with SANS 10400 all work must comply with the standards set out in NHBRC HOMEBUILDING MANUAL Part 3: CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS ALL OPERATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 85 of 1993, as amended; and relevant Municipal By-Laws. 1 : 100 2022/10/21 15:17:24 LEVEL 01 FLOOR PLAN VDD Ablution Block - Seriti MMS CHANGE HOUSE BUILDING 11 September 2022 R.Nyamupanedengu Mr J Sithole A102 NOTES 1 : 100 Level 01 1 North 50mm dia W.P for: SHR (Showers) B (Baths) WHB (Wash Hand Basins) S (Sink) 100mm dia S.P for: OVS (Overhead Vent Stacks) WC (Water Closets) Sewer Lines Roof Line No.DescriptionDate 38
Level 01 -613 Level 02 3060 Ground Floor -1000 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 Boundary Wall Note: Clearview fencing 76 x 12.7(Mesh opening) Wiretech. Horizontal wire 2mm. Vertical wire 3mm. Surface Finish: Powder coated. Installed to manufacturer's specifications Extraction Fan 2000W Wilo Booster Pump: Q max=8m3/h H max= 42m 230v single phase, frequency= 50Hz. Istalled to manufacturer's specifications 10000L JoJo Tanks Level 01 -613 Level 02 3060 Ground Floor -1000 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 g g g g g g g ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW WC WC WC WHB WHB WHB U dia 100mm UPVC soil pipe to septic tank ie RE3 ie dia 50mm vent pipe WHB dia 100mm UPVC soil pipe at 1:60 to municipal connection ie dia 50mm vent pipe ie cl IL IL ie cl fgl ie New Paving Note: Paving bricks on P.V.C sheet on 25mm sand levelled and rolled on compacted and levelled ground Extraction Fan 2000W Level 01 -613 Level 02 3060 Ground Floor -1000 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 Level 01 -613 Level 02 3060 Ground Floor -1000 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 W 01 g g g g g g WM SHW WC TD TD TD TD WM WM WM SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW WC S S S S g ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie dia 50mm vent pipe cl RE1 RE2 cl dia 50mm vent pipe ie ie Air Source Heat Pump: Heating capacity 45.6KW, input power 16500 watt, Max discharge pressure 3.3MPa. Installed to manufacturer's specifications. Reflex warm water tank type AF1000/2_Cw. Tank volume 972L. Hot water 972L. Scale Checked by Drawn by Date Project number No Part XA Required COUNCIL SUBMISSION DOCUMENT SANS 10400-AZ4 : COMPLIANCE WITH NBR WALLS [SANS 10400-K:2011] The wall designs comply with: 4.2.1 General 4.2.2 Masonry walls 4.2.4 Free-standing walls 4.2.6 Control joints 4.2.7 Articulation joints Bed joint reinf. lintels and/or PPC lintels per SANS 1504 4.2.11 Roof fixing [Type B anchors] 4.5.1 Water penetration 4.5.3 Rain penetration 4.5.3 Rising damp 4.6 Behaviour in fire ANNEX A K 1-5 Deemed-to-satisfy ANNEX B Design of lintels ROOFS [SANS 10400-L:2011] The roof designs comply with: 4.2 Coverings 4.2.1 General 4.2.2 Roof coverings-pitched roofs Sheeted roofs 4.3.2 Gutters and downpipes 4.4.1 Softwood timber construction Rafter beams Battens and purlins Ceiling assembly 4.5 Fire resistance & combustibility SANS 10400-XA Section 4.4.5 - ROOF ASSEMBLIES EXTERNAL FINISHES Type, texture and colour of external walls, doors, windows and roofs shall comply with the local Zoning Scheme Regulations, or the latest applicable version of local Aesthetic Guidelines. CONSERVANCY TANK shall be constructed in accordance with the detailed requirements listed in Section 4.8.2 and 3 and those imposed by local Municipality. 1 : 100 2022/10/21 15:17:29 ELEVATIONS 01 VDD Ablution Block - Seriti MMS CHANGE HOUSE BUILDING 11 September 2022 Ms R Nyamupanedengu Mr J Sithole A103 NOTES 1 : 100 East 1 1 : 100 East Section 2 1 : 100 West 3 1 : 100 West Section 4 No.DescriptionDate 39

No Part XA Required


Level 01 -613 Level 02 3060 Ground Floor -1000 Boundary Wall Note: Clearview fencing 76 x 12.7(Mesh opening) Wiretech. Horizontal wire 2mm. Vertical wire 3mm. Surface Finish: Powder coated. Installed to manufacturer's specifications Extraction Fan 2000W Level 01 -613 Level 02 3060 Ground Floor -1000 g New Paving Note: Paving bricks on P.V.C sheet on 25mm sand levelled and rolled on compacted and levelled ground Air Source Heat Pump: Heating capacity 45.6KW, input power 16500 watt, Max discharge pressure 3.3MPa. Installed to manufacturer's specifications. Extraction Fan 2000W Scale Checked by Drawn by Date Project number
SANS 10400-AZ4 : COMPLIANCE WITH NBR WALLS [SANS 10400-K:2011] The wall designs comply with: 4.2.1 General 4.2.2 Masonry walls 4.2.4 Free-standing walls 4.2.6 Control joints 4.2.7 Articulation joints Bed joint reinf. lintels and/or PPC lintels per SANS 1504 4.2.11 Roof fixing [Type B anchors] 4.5.1 Water penetration 4.5.3 Rain penetration 4.5.3 Rising damp 4.6 Behaviour in fire ANNEX A K 1-5 Deemed-to-satisfy ANNEX B Design of lintels ROOFS [SANS 10400-L:2011] The roof designs comply with: 4.2 Coverings 4.2.1 General 4.2.2 Roof coverings-pitched roofs Sheeted roofs 4.3.2 Gutters and downpipes 4.4.1 Softwood timber construction Rafter beams Battens and purlins Ceiling assembly 4.5 Fire resistance & combustibility SANS 10400-XA Section 4.4.5 - ROOF ASSEMBLIES EXTERNAL FINISHES Type, texture and colour of external walls, doors, windows and roofs shall comply with the local Zoning Scheme Regulations, or the latest applicable version of local Aesthetic Guidelines. CONSERVANCY TANK shall be constructed in accordance with the detailed requirements listed in Section 4.8.2 and 3 and those imposed by local Municipality. 1 : 100 2022/10/21 15:17:33 ELEVATIONS 02 VDD Ablution Block - Seriti MMS CHANGE HOUSE BUILDING 11 September 2022 Ms Ruvimbo Nyamupanedengu Mr J Sithole A104 NOTES 1 : 100 North 1 1 : 100 North Section 2 3D View 02 3 No.DescriptionDate 40

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