Running Without Borders Estaque – Cassis 42km
Estaque being an emblematic part of Marseille which you unfortunately won’t really enjoy during that run. However here is the step by step • Surprisinly enough arrive on Time at Vieux port’s deck. The RTM Ferry / Navette leaves at 7 :30 sharp • Prepare 3 euros for the 45 mn Trip to Estaque Port Ticket has to be bought on board ~ No Change available ~ • Start your run around 8:30 am folllowing side walk/bicycle path beside main littoral road for about 11 km to Roman Catholic cathedral «the Major» • Make sure you go around Fort Saint Jean allowing you to have one of the most beautifull Vieux port morning view. • You will find an opened Bakery on your left where you can enjoy your morning breakfast and Coffee. • Go around VieuxPort and keep running on Corniche • Upon reaching Pointe rouge km 20 then turn left on Mireille Jourdan Barry • Keep on uploaded GPX file provided and on Km 25 find an HyperMarket where you can refill on Fluids and Solids • Luminy is the start of the Gineste There you can still catch the bus back Home Once climbing you have no much choices nor support.