Scanpan Repositioning

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PROLOGUE This report documents the complete process and insights of the design team for the purposes of contextual repositioning of the Scanpan brand. In order to take Scanpan to the next stage of the dining process the brand and the context surrounding Scanpan were dissected to find key insights. These insights were used by the design team to conceptualise a new range of products; The Scanpan Atmosphere range. This document was curated with the utmost care and respect of the Scanpan brand and it’s values. We hope you enjoy reading through our design process as much as we enjoyed working with this inspiring and respected cookware brand. Sincerely,

James Atkins

Kyle Ian Dawney

Karina Krauss

Dylan Bevan

Ryan Haydon

Daniel Meruz


BRAND This chapter focuses on the Scanpan brand. Their brand is one of the most concrete elements of this project. An in depth decomposition of the brand revealed it’s inner essence, providing foundation for the project to take root. Each element of the brand’s essence influences the steps taken to reveal the future of Scanpan brand.

Brand | 06

LEGACY Scanpan has a deep legacy spanning back to it’s conception in 1956 with the innovation of squeeze casting by G.A.L. Thorsen. Since then Scanpan has continued to manufacture innovative cookware of the highest calibre for the best chefs worldwide. Their ceramic titanium coating developed in 1986 has formed the basis of all their cookware including the renowned Classic Series introduced in 1987. With the establishment of the export department in 1991 and the new Ergonomic range developed in 2000, Scanpan underwent a re-branding to the modern day Scanpan which has become the global number one in quality cookware. Becoming a ‘Danish Designed’ private label in 2006 solidified their Scandinavian heritage in history. Scanpan have continued to develop new ranges such as the superior CTX in 2008 or the innovative Induction+ in 2012. This is a brand with a rich and proud legacy of innovation, family history and above all, a passion for producing superior quality.

Brand | 08

PASSION The passion that Scanpan shows for everything it does stems deep from their legacy. Scanpan has become world renowned with a reputation built on a deep love and belief in the products they produce. Throughout their existence this passion has never faltered, still as strong as when the first pan was produced. It is this passion which drives them to create the very best cookware available. The passion for doing the very best shows in everything they do; from their sustainably sourced materials and traditional Danish manufacturing, to the skill of their workforce and the active steps to provide innovative cookware.

Brand | 09

MADE IN DENMARK A statement that can instantaneously emote absolute quality and craftsmanship. A statement that provides a mental smörgåsbord of imagery, abundant in graceful designs and minimalist style. A statement that is unrivalled in it’s constant prowess and heritage. Made in Denmark carries with it a tremendous amount of pride, and only the finest of Danish products can bear it’s mark and carry the weight of it’s reputation. Scanpan is one of those companies, and can proudly display it to show that they are branded in a different league, a league of only the finest products available on the market.

Brand | 11

VALUES It is their strong passion which keeps the brand values of Scanpan consistent. Their love of good food fuels a need for uncompromising cookware while their Danish heritage produces timeless design. They are determined in all they do to take responsibility in commitment, being prepared to perform to a high standard every day. It is this knowledge of never failing to strive which maintains their pride, and it is this pride which fuels traditional avenues of craftsmanship when producing the ultimate innovative tools. Although their values are clear to all who know the brand, their commitment, responsibility and traditionalism may be lost to a new market. Within this project, it was the aim of the designers to highlight these values to a new audience, bringing new innovation to this traditional Danish brand.

P r o d u c t v al u e : U n c o m p r o mi si ng

B r a nd va l ue : Commi t t e d

P r o d u c t v al u e : Ti m e l e ss

P r oduc t va l ue : Tr a di t i ona l

B r an d v al u e : De t e r m i ne d

B r an d v al u e : R e s p o n si bl e

P r oduc t va l ue : I nnov a t i v e

Brand | 14

FUNCTION WITH FORM Though Scanpan appreciates the significance of

producing functional tools that are also

aesthetically attractive, they hold function in much higher regard when designing their products. This is evident in the rigorous testing through which all new products and materials are required to undergo.

As a result of this extensive product

testing and development, Scanpan is able to create high quality and durable tools that allow them to remain a step ahead of their competitors. Their limited consideration of Scandinavian form should be addressed in order to compete with the current market leaders in the future.

Brand | 15

LUXURY Scanpan products ensure the highest level of quality and design to deliver true luxury to their customers. Luxury only comes in the very finest of materials, something that Scanpan delivers above all else. A critical and uncompromising approach must be maintained to ensure the perfection of quality, function, and comfort is echoed throughout Scanpan products.

Brand | 17

LANGUAGE The language used by Scanpan across all elements reflects a blend of luxury, professionalism and functionality. The visual language is clean, precise, and clear. Their written language is professional to speak directly to the customer base. Scanpan uses a clear understandable language to which chefs worldwide can relate, down to the semiotics of the cookware itself. It could be said that this style lacks personality, however, Scanpan lets the food itself reflect the personality of the brand while the products remain functional tools.

N ati v e T i mbe r

R e c y c l e d A l u m i ni um

Ce r a mi c Ti t a ni um Coa t i ng

Gl a ss

S t ai n l e s s S t e e l

Brand | 20

SCANPAN MATERIALS Scanpan use 100% recycled aluminium with their ceramic titanium coating for their pans, these are made in their factory just outside Aarhus, Denmark. We feel it is only right to keep up the ‘Made in Denmark’ legacy that Scanpan have rooted into their company, along with their use of recycled materials. Scanpan also make use of stainless steel and glass in some of their more recent series of cookware. As the company expands and new ventures are explored, Scanpan plan to introduce the use of locally sourced Scandinavian wood into their products.

Brand | 22

COLOUR PALETTE The colours used by Scanpan are associated with luxury, classic and traditional brands (George, J 2012). These colours reinforce the company values and accurately reflect the nature of the brand. The Scanpan colour palette is made from calm, inviting and neutral colours which beautifully compliment the brand. The eye-catching splash of gold gives the repositioning proposal a signature of luxury and unmatched quality.

Brand | 24

FINISHES The pride of Scanpan and its defining feature is its remarkable ceramic titanium non-stick coating. This coating was developed in house and is unique to Scanpan - a coating which is 10x stronger than steel. Unrivalled in its performance and durability, the ceramic titanium coating is inbuilt as part of the cooking utensil, not applied later as a top coating like most manufacturers. From this uncompromising process, all of Scanpans products are PFOA free, and will last a lifetime.

Brand | 25

COSTS Through delivering timeless and uncompromising products to the user, Scanpan is established as an elite brand. From which come elitist prices. Scanpan is bracketed in the top percentile of the cookware market as all of their products hold great value, sentimentally and through performance. It is only through providing the highest quality products that Scanpan will remain as the luxury brand for every affluent household to crave.

Brand | 27

COMPETITOR Assessing Scanpan against competitor market leaders within the kitchenware sector revealed that Scanpan, in comparison, has a very limited range of products. Scanpan ranges are currently confined purely to cookware, whereas other brands venture into home-wares to create a culture of products around their brand. This will be addressed in the repositioning proposal, which aims to enhance the brand by introducing an entirely new range of products that elevate the dining experience .

Brand | 28




Le Creuset





Swiss Diamond


Brand | 29

BRAND INSIGHTS Conducting a complete brand analysis gave the design team a clear focus into the traditional Danish roots of manufacture. By using existing Scanpan materials and manufacturing processes wherever possible the new range will fit with existing range products. It is clear that Scanpan has a focus on performance within design. It is the aim of the team to produce functional tools with the ultimate performance blended with pleasurable Scandinavian form. The new range will also use materials and processes which are not only traditional, but also environmentally responsible as per the brand’s core. By analysing the main competitors to the brand, it was clear that Scanpan has a small range dedicated to food preparation. In comparison, those which have a larger market share have a wider range to create a culture around their product brand. The design team aim to replicate this success through the repositioning.

Ma nu factu re


P e r f orman ce

Envi r on men tal

L u xu ry


S c a npa n Cu ltu re


SCANDINAVIAN DESIGN Danish roots intertwine deep within Scanpan’s heritage. Understanding each area of Scandinavian design is necessitous to de-constructing the style and depicting the fundamentals of the movement so that the ideals can be implemented naturally into the new repositioning range.

Scandinavian Design | 33

PHILOSOPHY Modern Scandinavian design is at the forefront of the minimalist product design movement. Danish design celebrates the chosen materials aesthetically, drawing from natural patterns and simple colours. The popularisation of minimalist design is creating a culture of simplistic sweeping curves and smooth geometric shapes within cookware, home-wares and more. The philosophy that guides this is summed up perfectly by Danish design collective, MENU; ‘We like designs with a simple naturalness and a subtle authenticity. Something with an obsessive attention to detail, something that meets the need while also providing joy to the user. We strive for timelessness in our productions. The designs should be aesthetically durable in the sense that you can keep on looking at them and continue to find them interesting. By balancing the masculine and the feminine – and the visual, tactile and sensual – we’ve created an unusual but harmonious experience. It’s something we like to call: soft minimalism.‘

S w e e p e r & F u nne l


Ma r bl e Wa l l Cl oc k

C r af t S al t an d P e p p e r Mi l l

T an g l e V a se

Scandinavian Design | 35

HYGGE When it comes to happiness, no one seems to do it better than the Danish. Once immersed in their culture the relaxed nature of the Danes is clear, as if exempt from any annoyance. The Danes are so far into this state of calm and tranquillity this state of being has its own Danish term, hygge. Hygge is described in the dictionary as “A complete absence of anything annoying or emotionally overwhelming; taking pleasure from the presence of gentle, soothing things.� Hygge has embedded itself into Danish culture; the people, the places, the food and even the products. It personifies a feeling of cosy warmth within an atmosphere. This concept is deeply embedded into the philosophy of Scandinavian design, creating minimalistic yet natural use of materials taking inspiration from the natural forms of the Scandinavian landscape.

Scandinavian Design | 37

FORM WITH FUNCTION Scandinavian design produces functional products of exceptional quality. However, Scandinavian design commonly gives connotations, not of functionality but of a superior level of minimal artistry. It can definitely be said this particular design style reveres form over function. Scanpan in comparison, places far less emphasis on the form of their kitchenware products, instead they promote their superior practicality. In order to create a new Scanpan range that better reflects the Scandinavian design style, all products will need to be as aesthetically attractive as they are perfectly functional.

Scandinavian Design | 39

TRADITION Scandinavian design is regarded as honest design, with traditions rooted in responsibly manufactured products. This is reflected in governmental regulations on the environmental impact of companies. In addition to this, a consideration for aesthetics, function, and meaning makes Scandinavian design recognisable across the world. Scanpan’s products are born from a deep sense of history and tradition. Scandinavian style reflects traditional Scandinavian methods, and tradition is ingrained into their core beliefs. It will continue to be passed down through the generations of their distinctive designs.

Brand | 40

Clea n, simple for m

H o m e l y , c o m f o r ti n g f e e l

Cr a f t sma nshi p e l e me nt s

Scandinavian Design | 42

SCANDINAVIAN FORM Scandinavian form is full of tradition and often thought of as clean, bright, cold

and minimal.

But in actuality it is warm and welcoming creating a sense of daily pleasure through use of simple proportions, no ostentatious features and a distinct influence from craft processes. It is these subtle yet vital nuances that are key to ensuring a product feels genuinely Scandinavian. Lifestyle provides another dimension to the form factors of Scandinavian products. People outside of the countries feel as though they are buying in to the life that is lived there, often seen to be relaxing, happy and content people. All of these traits are reflected in the narrative and form of their products.

De l i c ate s t r u c t ur e s

M aje st i c

C o n s i de r a t e

N or ma nn Cope nha g e n 69 l i g ht

Me nu Je we l l e r y t r e e

Muut o F l ow j ug s

Scandinavian Design | 44

SCANDINAVIAN NATURE Scandinavians love summer, and the Danes are no exception to this. Being so close to the Arctic circle, winters are long and perilous - with up to 60 polar nights. This abruptly disrupts the access of their beautiful landscape, unrivalled in it’s magnificent array of fjords, valleys and gorges. It comes as no wonder then that the Danes ingeniously bring nature into their homes. So that they can indulge in it’s valour, all year round. This influence seeps through into all Danish design, with forms resembling natural elements, and with lighting being a prized tool to establish ambiance. Rustic grains and tasteful pastels bathe Scandinavian design forms so that they provide constant comfort throughout the darkest winter days.

Scandinavian Design | 45

SCANDINAVIAN MATERIALS Scandinavian design aims to humanise the products through the use of natural materials (wood, leather, glass, ceramic etc.) and processing techniques. It uses innovative and cost effective methods to make objects in series at reasonable, accessible prices. Norway spruce is Scandinavia’s most widely used timber, it is of medium density with a regular thin grain, relatively soft so machining, sawing and gluing can be easily accomplished. Scots pine is the second most commonly used timber, similar in density to the Norway spruce, it is used mostly in furniture. It has a pleasant scent once warmed. Glass in Scandinavia has enjoyed a rich history, beginning after the Second World War, it now has a reputation for high quality and craftsmanship. Pottery and the creation of ceramics is a tradition born from the Royal Copenhagen Porcelain and the creation of the Flora Danica. Since then the region has continued to produce exquisite ceramics for a modern audience.

S p r u c e c ha i r

A l v a r A a l t o V a se

Ce r a mi c s

S p r u c e Log

P i n e F or e st

Scandinavian Design | 48

COLOUR Neutrality is the one principle Scandinavian colour follows. Pale blues, refreshingly cool greys, complimented peacefully with smooth creams and crisp whites - all that personifies elegance. Reducing visual clutter through a cleansed palette is essential, it cancels out the unnecessary and gives way to the essential. Allowing the unadulterated minimalism to radiate from each Scandinavian design form.

Scandinavian Design | 49

SCANDINAVIAN DESIGN INSIGHTS Scandinavian design is a crucial component to the execution of the repositioning proposal. By designing the warm cosy ‘Hygge’ philosophy back into the products of Scanpan, the new range will have a clear Scandinavian essence of form while maintaining their tool-like level of functionality. Hygge is ‘the absence of the unnecessary’, therefore the new range will follow the soft minimalist design trend. This continues through to the insight of implementing traditional Scandinavian complementary materials and colour palettes within the new range. The range will be a blend of Scanpan’s key materials with those commonly found within Scandinavian design, the colours will follow the same format. As Scandinavian design takes much of it’s inspiration from nature, natural forms and materials will play a key role within the new repositioning of the brand.


S c a ndi navian form

B l e ndi ng Materials

N e ut r a l br a n d colou rs

N a t ur e in des ign


TRENDS In depth research into trends, in both design and food cultures, has helped to broaden the foundation on which the Scanpan brand transition has been based. Minimalism has become an increasingly popular trend within design; it reduces a product or object to its necessary elements, creating subtle forms and clean lines. Minimalism can be traced back to the 20th and early 21st century and has strong links with both Scandinavian and Japanese design. Scanpan’s products have all taken strong influences from both the minimalism trend and Scandinavian design.

Trends | 53

STEVE ANALYSIS The Analysis of; social, technological, economic, values and environment has helped to discover appropriate trends for the future of Scanpan. By a thorough investigation into all areas, a group of four trends has been unfolded. The Land & Place trend takes influences from regional foods including an environmental outlook of sustainability; one culture to really begin to escalate in popularity is Scandinavian dining. Wellbeing looks into the current increase in people’s concern for healthy living including physiological and physical benefits all of which are important to Scanpan. The Hybrid food trend describes a new trend which involves creating new fusions of old dishes to create new taste experiences. Scanpan currently provide culture based cookware to feed the worldwide market. Lastly is the open kitchen trend; opening up the dining room and kitchen, to create a greater social atmosphere in the home.

Trends | 54






Trends | 55

WELL BEING The well being trend is and has been guiding design throughout the last decade. It is the realisation of well being both in mind and body, that people need to consider their physical and psychological state. This trend has produced various fitness related designs such as applications and has stimulated many health food trends in recent years. The Scanpan team looked into well being as six forms; Physical, Mental, Dietary, Online, Financial, Technological and Social. Looking into future trends as a platform, it was found that while Dietary well being will continue to be at the forefront, the main future trend is to be mental well being, in particular the social spaces which people create for themselves. It was this insight which plays such a key role within the development of the project.

Trends | 58

LAND AND PLACE Taking influences from different cultures is a key part of developing innovative products that provide unique cooking experiences. The rise of different cultures and their culinary traditions has provided a wealth of different cooking styles and tastes associated with those places. The understanding of different cultures and how their cooking styles vary is a key element to the future of a diverse dining experience. Scandinavian cooking is becoming ever more popular, its natural roots and focus on fresh food is making it at the forefront of growing trends. This is set to make a big impact in the future of cooking and will bring Scandinavian brands into the spotlight.

Trends | 60

HYBRID Within the cooking sector, the hybrid trend is the process of marrying cultures to bring about a virginal creation. The same process of fusing a mixture of communities can permeate effortlessly down into the dining atmosphere. Whatever the culture, whatever the dining setting, atmosphere is always indispensable. The fusion of different cultures will birth a unique atmosphere, elevating the dining experience.

Trends | 62

OPEN KITCHEN The Open Kitchen has gained fame in restaurants over the last few years due to the fascination of experiencing the kitchen atmosphere whilst dining. Although many homes have had open plan kitchen/dining rooms for a long time it is only recently that people have started cooking and entertaining simultaneously, with the rise in trends of faster foods (Asian, Italian etc.) rather than meals that are left in the oven. This insight was gained during an inspirational trip to Denmark, experiencing in



the atmosphere




through conversation with Henrick, Scanpans representative during the trip.

Trends | 63







justification of future direction for the Scanpan brand. The Open Kitchen trend gives a blend of dining and entertainment to create a well being environment





Hybrid and Land and Place combine to give the insight of ‘Scandinavian Essence’. This is defined by creating minimal culturally neutral products to be inoffensive in any setting while using locally sourced materials and clear Scandinavian forms.

B l e ndi ng di ni ng & e nt e rtain men t

We l l be i ng e nviron men t

Cul t ur a lly n eu tral

S e nsi t i v i t y - Lo cally u s ed

Esse nc e of S can din avia


TECHNOLOGY Innovation is embedded into the Scanpan brand. It formed the birth of the brand through the ceramic titanium coating. This innovation within the brand is juxtaposed by the lack of electronic technology within its ranges. This chapter details the research behind the traditional yet innovative nature of Scanpan leading to focal insights used throughout the ideation and design phases of the brand repositioning proposals.

Technology | 67






philosophy, Scanpan pride themselves on creating timeless design within their ranges. As cooking is a primal and timeless activity, the core tools to achieve a cooking and dining experience are also commonly primal and of a timeless nature. The minimalist designs being produced by Scandinavian home-ware brands continue this timeless ethos into their use of materials by blending natural woods with primal metals with a neutral colour palette.

Technology | 70

TRADITION Scanpan value their traditional historic roots, considering traditional manufacturing techniques and processes to have a care and passion far greater than modern manufacturing, despite increased cost. Scandinavian material use and Scandinavian design principles create modern minimalist forms with connotations of timeless heritage and tradition.

Brand | 71

Technology | 72

INNOVATION Innovation has been at the root of Scanpan since the conception. This innovation has always been within materials and functional properties of the product, creating the ultimate tools. Innovation within Scandinavian design focusses on beauty within simplicity while facilitating cost effective production. This generates affordable aesthetic design products. However, this principal of innovation rarely focuses on technology within the electronics of the product.

Technology | 73






focusing on the materials and tradition within innovation to create timeless design. As technology is becoming obsolete at a faster rate in the modern throwaway culture, Scandinavian design traditionally does not focus on technological innovation. Brand which do, such as Bang and Olufsen, use an emphasis on materials and form rather than the functional properties. This forms the basis of creating a range which focuses not on the technological future, but the traditional. Therefore, within the repositioning proposal, technology has been kept to minimal use.

Ma t e r i a l emph as is

Mi ni ma l t ech n ology

Ti me l e ss tradition

Min imalis t


THE FUTURE The insights gained throughout the previous chapters were collated to find patterns and areas to form a design direction. The result of analysing the information gained is the repositioning proposal of ‘Creating functional and timeless tools to elevate the dining atmosphere.’ This direction aims to extend the ranges of Scanpan beyond cookware and into home-wares over the next 10-20 years, creating a ‘culture of Scanpan’ in the process. To achieve this, the proposal focuses on designing products which can affect the social atmosphere through stimulation of the senses.

The Future | 77

EMOTION One of the key insights gained is that of the emotion beyond the creation of the meal. The emotional event gives meaning to cooking, affecting the individuals, environment and the food created. This social occasion is fuelled by a passionate love for the food, for people to show their affection for others in a pleasurable setting. The anticipation of the event and food itself creates enthusiasm for the guests and pride for the host. Beyond the meal is an entire event affected by emotion, these emotions are affected by the senses, the sights, scents, sounds, temperature, the tactile and the lighting. These senses form the key ingredients of the atmosphere of the event.

P r i de

Ent husi a sm

P l e a sur e

A f f e c t i on

P assi on


The Future | 79

ATMOSPHERE Analysing research into future trends, the Scanpan brand and Scandinavian design philosophy, one key insight was uncovered: The atmosphere of the dining experience. It is a common link between the influence of Scandinavian design within the home and future trends and is a logical extension from the kitchen to the complete dining experience. The elements of the atmosphere are the senses, it is through the senses that the atmosphere is perceived, on both a physical explicit level and a subconscious implicit level. The repositioning proposal will aim to create tools which allow the host to manipulate the senses to enhance their experiential dining atmosphere.

Brand | 80

TRENDS Well Being Land & Place Open Kitchen Hybrid



Minimalist Modern Elegant Efficient

Traditional Performance Best Experience Responsible









S c e nt

V i sua l

Li g ht

Te mpe r a t ur e

Ta c t i l e

S ound

The Future | 82

SENSES The senses are the key ingredients forming the atmosphere. By influencing and manipulating each of the senses, the host will be empowered to create the desired atmosphere. The repositioning proposal focuses on the design of a future range of tools each influencing a selection of the core senses; scent, sight, sound, temperature, tactile and lighting. It is the aim that the tools will be of a neutral Scandinavian design, allowing for use at a range of differing social dining occasions.

The Future | 83

FUTURE INSIGHT The result of

the atmosphere is the occasion

itself. The future repositioning concept aims to allow hosts to manipulate the atmosphere in any setting, producing an enjoyable and memorable occasion.





range will aid the host, being unobtrusive and complimentary to every situation and setting. The positive experience with the new range will invoke emotional attachment to the products, inspiring those who are not yet part of the family to adopt the Scanpan culture.

The Future | 85







“A professional tool to ease the transition between arriving and sitting down to dinner”

“A professional tool for perfecting the visual element of the dining atmosphere”

“A professional tool to enhance the social atmosphere of the dining experience”







The Future | 86







“A professional tool to add refined entertainment to the dining atmosphere”

“A professional tool to enhance post meal reinvigoration”

“A professional tool to bring some life to the dining experience through sound”


SCANPAN CULTURE Over a 10-20 year time line, by using the Atmosphere range as an entry to home-wares, it is hoped that Scanpan will continue to develop new home products with uncompromising function. Through the positive and pleasurable experiences that users have with the products, the consumers would seek to purchase more Scanpan designs over time, eventually personifying a deep culture of Scanpan.

Scanpan Culture | 89

RANGE Scanpan currently have a large range in a very specialised area of home-wares. This range focuses entirely on the cooking and preparation aspect of the dining experience. In comparison, other leading competitors in the market commonly have ranges extending beyond the kitchen and into other areas. Scanpan have created the ultimate tools within cookware and this has helped them to dominate the Australian and American markets. However, within Europe, brands which create a culture of the brand around their products such as Le Creuset control the market share.

Scanpan Culture | 91

EXPERIENCE Competitors have individually designed products which






atmosphere of the dining experience, however, no other leading competitors have designed a range devoted entirely to the dining experience. As Scanpan currently only have ranges within the cookware sector, the new range for the dining experience will provide a logical link to homewares for the brand.

Scanpan Culture | 94

BRAND EXPANSION As the ranges of Scanpan expand, the brand will become recognised for their uncompromising functional











recognition would encourage those who are already aware of the Scanpan brand to purchase more reliably functional products for their home. As the existing consumers share their love of the experiential range, new consumers would be drawn into the culture of the brand.

Scanpan Culture | 95

CULTURE Over the next fifteen to twenty years Scanpan will create a new brand culture through the extension into functional home-wares focusing on tradition and innovation. This culture would follow the values of Scanpan with considered product designs aimed at creating a unique timeless experience for the consumers.

Scanpan Culture | 97

INSIGHTS The vision for the future of the Scanpan brand is to create a culture surrounding the brand over a long time period. This culture will have such depth that it would be simple to visualise the type of individual associated with the brand and the lifestyle that they might lead. To do this their range will be gradually extended into home-wares, using the atmosphere range as entry products. Over time brand recognition will be developed through pleasurable experiences with Scanpan products and post-purchase services.

Scanpan Culture | 99


ANKOMST Ensure guests experience a pleasurable and welcoming arrival by placing the Ankomst lanterns on the journey to your dining table. These can be outside or inside. They will act as the primary touch point for your guests and provide instant feelings of joy, cosiness and calm. Key ingredients to any hygge atmosphere. Diners can then disassemble and remake the lanterns in new ways to decorate the room.


Illuminate the atmosphere with the Belyse table mood light. Adjusting the rotation of the top and bottom alters the spread of the light, while the buttons adjust the intensity and the colour. Whether the setting is romantic, lively or relaxing, use the light to create the perfect atmosphere at the table.

Ă…RSTID Serve up a new social atmospheric aspect to your dining experience with the Ă…rstid hot and cold plate. Simply place hot coals or ice into the dish to change the temperature of the plate. Use the plate to create a social cooking environment at the dining table.















Scanpan Culture | 100

BRÆNDE Ignite the room and be captivated by the primeval enjoyment of indulging with fire. Place Brænde table fire into the environment to create a relaxing yet engaging ambiance.

RØGELSE To finish off the meal, create an entirely new atmosphere by releasing specialised scents. The Røgelse scent diffuser not only removes any lingering odours from the meal but also manipulates the senses to reinvigorate and energize tired guests.



KEGLE Fill the room with deep, vibrant sound which inspires the soul and senses. The passive Kegle speaker will bring life to your music and all the time it uses no electricity. Natural sound, better sound.



DESIGN LANGUAGE To design a range communicating the Scanpan brand within the repositioning proposal, a clear design language was defined. The design language aims to clarify terms used throughout the proposal, giving in depth visual stimulation for designing ranges within contextual areas relating to the insights. Within the definition of this language, problem areas associated with current design language have been highlighted. The repositioning proposal aims to address these areas and adjust accordingly to create a range consistent with the Scanpan brand and it’s values.

Design Language | 103

SEMIOTICS The most popular and widely recognised products from the Scanpan brand were examined to find common semiotic relations between the products. It was found that the design language of Scanpan, although present, is loosely defined. Common with other aspects of the brand, much of the three dimensional language is based upon the functional and physical properties. For example, Scanpan cookware commonly has thin walls and a shallow radii, this is possible through their extensive use of squeeze cast aluminium. Their handles often appear bulbous for comfort, angled upwards for ease of use. With much of their core ranges, the handles are black, connected to the pan via a aluminium curved rectangular section. Scanpan almost always have the Scanpan logo embossed within an oval form, on a silver background. Scanpan have few semiotic elements between ranges, however these elements can loosely define a Scanpan product.

S c a npa n l og o i n ov a l

a sd B ul bous ha ndl e

E l e ga nc e

Thi n wa l l s

R ai s e d a ng l e

U s e o f g l a ss

Design Language | 105

BRAND RECOGNITION Brand recognition describes the extent to which a brand can be recognised purely by its attributes rather than its logos, slogans or colours. Certain brands have a fluent understanding of brand recognition and manufacture products which can be instantly recognised, based entirely on their form. Though Scanpan’s products do show some basic brand recognition considerations, the form language spoken by their products could very easily be confused with that of other brands. Brands such as Le Creuset and Eva solo are great examples of cookware companies whose brand language speaks with eloquence and distinction.

Design Language | 108

RANGE CONNECTION Scanpan have extended some their ranges according to popular trends. However, this has led to confusion within their design language. The language of the ranges have become blurred, from the colourful Spectrum range which loses their quality aesthetic to the Mauviel styled copper Maitre’d range. The design language often appears inconsistent within the brand, following conformative design within the current market instead of staying true to Scanpan’s brand values and legacy.

Design Language | 109

INGREDIENTS Current ingredient mixes of each of the leading brands were portrayed within simple graphics to better understand how each of the successful brands control the market. It was found that those who were more creative and emotive generally produce a stronger connection with the market/ consumer. Brands which use carefully considered details instead of extensive logo use such as Mauviel and Eva Solo tend to produce greater brand recognition of products. They also tend to have a more creative feel to the brand across advertising and media. It was felt that Scanpan, although basing themselves on a lot of function were lacking emotion and recognition surrounding the products.

Design Language | 110


n io ot Em n tio nc Fu e tiv ea Cr ss ne si Bu er um ns Co n



Em n




e tiv ea Cr


ss ne si Bu

um ns Co

d an Br

n io ot Em

n tio nc Fu

e tiv ea Cr

ss ne si Bu

er um ns Co

d an Br


d an Br

n io ot Em n tio nc Fu e tiv ea Cr ss ne si Bu er um ns Co d an Br










t nc





s ne










u ns









t nc





s ne





u ns




Design Language | 111

NEW INGREDIENTS Post-analysis of the ingredient graphics of the leading brands revealed areas which Scanpan could improve upon to gain a deeper user experience, eventually creating a culture surrounding the brand. The repositioning proposal aims to give Scanpan more creativity, define a clearer brand product language for deeper recognition, and give more emotion back to the products by creating beautiful forms which a consumer would be proud to showcase within their home.

Design Language | 112










t nc Fu


s ne

ea Cr

si Bu



ns Co

d an Br

Design Language | 113

CONSUMER JOURNEY Within the consumer journey of current Scanpan

grow less attached to their Scanpan product due

products, there are various events which produce

to the lack of emotional or creative association that

a negative customer experience for the user.

perhaps an Alessi product might portray. However,

Initially, the disappointment of difficulty finding

over longer periods of time, due to consistently

the products in store when compared to the

high performance levels, nostalgia would reverse

market leaders. The next negative user experience

this negative process to produce positive customer

is associated with the packaging, in which the

experience. It is the aim of the repositioning

presentation and opening experience does not

proposal, though good, emotive design to lessen

match user expectation of quality and aesthetics.

this negative experience for the user during the five

Beyond the positive initial use, over a five year

year use phase.

time period it was predicted that the user would


In store



First use

Design Language | 114


Initial use

Successive use

Customer Service

Disposal & renewal

Design Language | 115

COLOUR PALETTE This carefully considered colour palette is a gentle blend of the Scandinavian colour palette with Scanpan’s traditional colour range. The colours can be manipulated with the materials to create traditional Scandinavian design. The natural use of wood will give light brown hues to the palette while the slight use of gold colour comes from brass material. This brass can be used for highlighting functional elements. These colours have been selected to compliment each other while being the embodiment of Scandinavian design within Scanpan. They have connotations of quality and functionality, building upon the luxury experience with the brand while the subtle cool greys calm the palette to add space and minimalism.

Design Language | 117

MATERIALS Aluminium is key to the material palette of Scanpan. The repositioning proposal will make use of aluminium within all the products as the main structural material as they currently already have facilities to process this material. The main difference being the finish of the aluminium. In certain circumstances, glass may be used instead of aluminium, as an absence of material. To ensure the new range has a traditional Scandinavian feel, a matt-ceramic finish will be applied. Scandinavian timber will form the next main material component, this adds nature to the design.

P ine on m att f i n i s h

P i n e o n W hi t e

Coa t e d A l umi ni um

F ro s t e d G l as s

Gr e y A l umi ni um

Ma t t g r e y a nd whi t e

M att B l ac k

Ma t t Whi t e

Light wood

Design Language | 119

TOOLS Scandinavian professional tools were defined as a physical product which has a focused function, one which is instantly known due to the form describing the function. These tools only use the materials necessary to complete the task at hand, only using components which aid the function. The fixings within Scandinavian design are limited while the finishes are often natural, with an earthy feel. Tools often provide feedback, assuring the user of action beyond their input to the tool. The tools must have the minimal information to inform the user of how to achieve their outcome from the tool, in the most efficient manner.

N at u r al e l e m e nt s

F oc use d f unc t i on

I n s t an tl y known f unc t i on

Mi ni ma l i nf or ma t i on

P r o v i d e f e e dba c k

Ach i e v e a tas k

Limit v isi b l e f i x i n g s

Esse nt i a l ma t e r i a l s

Mi ni ma l f or m

Design Language | 121

PROCESS In order to define the concept direction further, the atmosphere range based upon the senses were combined with the culture and design language insights in order to create a matrix of ideas. This matrix defines the key direction ideas for each member of the team to design within. By naming and defining these ideas clearly with strong imagery provides instant reference to maintain a consistent range.


Scanpan Social Scandinavian Design



Design Language | 122

Brand Culture

Experience Range 1






Semiotics Ingredients Design Language

Brand Colour palette Materials


Design Language | 123

MATRIX Scales of disruption vs how ornamental or tool like the product outcome could be were plotted to create a matrix of five key areas to design within. These key areas were plotted in limit zones. These zones were defined as being the limit of the brand and the limit of the project. The overlap between these creates a focus for the project outcomes. One area is outside the brand limits, this is where it was believed that the brand could be stretched to create designs which may be outside their usual comfort zone.

Design Language | 124






3 4

2 S


Brand limits

Project limits

Design Language | 125

01: SCANDINAVIAN REBELLION Pushing the boundaries as to what is acceptable and moving products out of their comfort zone. These concepts disrupt the norm of Scandinavian products and are driven by form over function.

Design Language | 127

02: DISRUPTIVE TOOLS Orientated around function, these products invoke a deeper sense of emotion from the jobs they serve. Challenging the conformity of function driven aesthetics.

Design Language | 129

03: THE WORKMAN These are the essence of tools, simple and functional they rely on the integration into day to day activities. These products are conformative and fit with the current market style.

Design Language | 131

04: ALTERED PRACTICALITY Aiming to differ from existing solutions, these products provide a different perspective on day to day tasks. The new approach to completing a task makes them stand out from the crowd. However, these functional products have complete focus on the task in hand.

Design Language | 133

05: DISTINCTIVE AESTHETICS The ornamental spin of these products on typical Scandinavian design makes them stand out from the crowd. Their ornamental nature combines equally to their function to produce a product that brings emotion into its use.

Design Language | 135

CONCEPT DEFINITION Products were designed within each of the defined directions before a focal decision was made. Through analysis of the designs, direction 04: Altered Practicality was chosen as the final design direction. This direction gave the potential of designing products which were both disruptive in a Scandinavian manner while retaining the toollike functionality of Scanpan.

Brand | 136







Brand limits

Project limits


EPILOGUE This project was undertaken in collaboration with Scanpan. The insights from these chapters were taken forwards into three dimensional development of the atmosphere range. The range was developed as a collective within each of the concept ideas from the Matrix diagram and translated through justified decision before the final direction of Altered Practicality was chosen. This final direction formed the basis of the Atmosphere range designs. This documentation of insights details the process up to the final range and definition. This complete range can be viewed via contact with the design team referenced in the front of this book. It is hoped that this document was both informative and pleasurable for yourself. Thank you for following this journey with the team.

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