RYAN MAHONEY Business During a Pandemic:
The Winners and the Losers
UAE Property Market
Business During a Pandemic: The Winners and the Losers The COVD-19 pandemic has affected almost every corner of the globe, impacting people and businesses everywhere. Some industry sectors have benefitted from the changes in lifestyle the pandemic has prompted, while others have struggled to survive.
Ryan Mahoney
UAE Property Market
Ryan Mahoney
The Winners
The Losers
The residential housing sector has benefitted from the new ‘work from home’ system, with home workers more likely to invest in property resulting in house prices soaring. Technology companies facilitating home working have also been booming, with tools such as Zoom and Slack in higher demand than ever before. Online grocers and other online retailers have also benefitted hugely from lockdowns and temporary closures of physical stores, with more people shopping online.
The hospitality industry has been one of the biggest losers of the pandemic, with thousands of businesses forced to close or struggling to survive. Airlines have also suffered, with travel restrictions forcing most planes to stay grounded. Higher education institutions have also seen a downturn in enrolments as many students prefer to wait until things become more stable.
You can learn more about how the Dubai property market is faring following COVID by visiting the blog of Ryan Mahoney of Dubai, UAE.