The Benefits Of
Scott Anson Painters
The Benefits of Sustainable Decorating Over 9 million tons of furniture are added to landfills every year, which has made many decorators and DIYers rethink their usual approach to giving their homes a makeover.
As more of us try to cut down on our individual carbon footprint and adopt more sustainable habits, here are some of the benefits of sustainable decorating.
01 Cuts Down on Your Household Waste First, by adopting a more sustainable approach you can help to cut down on the 4.9 pounds of waste that the average person throws out every day – a figure that will be even higher if you’re throwing furniture away.
Trends come and go, but if you can stop yourself from buying new furniture all the time, you can retain your signature style and curate a space that is uniquely tailored to your tastes.
02 You Don’t Follow Trends Trends come and go, but if you can stop yourself from buying new furniture all the time, you can retain your signature style and curate a space that is uniquely tailored to your tastes.
03 Time for Budgeting When you slow down with your décor purchases, you have more time to think about your budget and keep your decorating costs down. It can also encourage you to reuse and recycle some of your existing furniture to help stay within your planned budget.
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