April 2020 Newsletter | Bayside HS Key Club

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Bayside High School Key Club Newsletter

April 2020 Edition


Table Of Contents Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 - 11 Page 12 - 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 - 23 Page 24 - 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29

Cover Preview Table Of Contents Farewell Notes Introducing New Board Member Of The Month President’s Introduction Supporting Local Businesses Getting Creative Thanking Essential Workers First Virtual Meeting Coming Up Next Contact The Board|Stay Updated


Farewell From The 2019 - 2020 Board Immediate Past President First of all, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! Key Club has been so precious to me, as to all the seniors out there, for four years. I was so blessed to have such a great service year, and I couldn’t imagine achieving so much success without you guys. From the little unknown girl to becoming an Executive Assistant, then the LTG of D8 and now your Immediate Past President. I have never dared to dream that I would be in any of these positions. But remember, you should never need to follow where the path may lead. Go where there's no path, and leave a trail instead. Thank you guys for making everything I do possible and thank you for believing in me. I have found that as President, the difference I can make to the club and community is so darned satisfying. It makes every effort very worthwhile. Key Club taught me how small acts can simply make a huge difference, supported by massive arms. We are a team ready to conquer the world. Let kindness become your motive.


Farewell From The 2019 - 2020 Board Immediate Past President I have so many people to thank, all the past board, committee chairs, my friends, Kiwanis members, my parents, Jacoby, and all of YOU. I’m so thankful to be able to call you my family. I know Jingjie and the new board will continue to grow and prosper the club. My deepest gratitude for the opportunity to serve as your President! You all are the BESTT ❤ Remember to continue the GREAT WORK! I’ll come back and do a surprise check in :)) Best Regards, Asia Lin


Farewell From The 2019 - 2020 Board Immediate Past Vice President To our amazing Bayside High School Key Clubbers, Thank you for letting me serve as your 2019 to 2020 Vice President. It was my honor. You are all AWESOME! This is my last year in Key Club and I am extremely reluctant to leave a club that made me who I am today. Where I met so many new people and made great friends. The club is what it is today because of all of you. Thank you. I really mean it. ~ Kelly Yang â?¤


Farewell From The 2019 - 2020 Board Immediate Past Secretary

Just like that, four years passed. In the blink of an eye, my term is over and it is time for me to move on from Key Club. Hi Key Clubbers, my name is Jessica Li and I was your 2019-2020 co-secretary, but most importantly, I was your fellow Key Clubber. I would like to say thank you. Thank you to Key Club, and thank you to everyone who welcomed me with open arms. The Jessica four years ago, who sat in the first meeting clueless, would like to say thank you as well. Because of Key Club, I was able to step out of my shell and see how strong kindness can be. I was able to view the world from a different perspective and learn from those who shared the same interest as me. I am grateful to have served as your co-secretary. Because of you, my role as secretary has been a memorable and enjoyable experience. Although there were countless nights when I stayed up to enter service hours or design posters, the beauty of Key Club shone regardless. Hopefully, I was able to make the many passionate individuals feel welcomed. I hope that as your fellow Key Clubber, I was able to make you smile for even a second :’) Thank you to everyone who has dealt with me and my *sometimes* funny jokes. But don’t be too hectic without me haha!


Farewell From The 2019 - 2020 Board Immediate Past Secretary I hope I can see you all soon and be back in the club that gave me the things I cherish the most. And remember, enjoy high school while it lasts. These four years are only a small chapter of your life. Learn to grow, cherish, and find yourself in the process. Like always, fill your heart with the most powerful gift of kindness. Yours in service, Jessica Li


Farewell From The 2019 - 2020 Board Immediate Past Treasurer Hey Key Clubbers! This is your 2019-2020 treasurer, Hana Ho. I just wanted to say thank you for a productive service year, and we couldn’t have made as much impact without all of your contributions, fundraising, and volunteering. I encourage everyone to work with Chere, your new treasurer, the same way that you have supported me. I am confident that she will be just as successful, if not more, in her position. I would also like to thank Mr. Jacoby for being an amazing, understanding advisor throughout my administration. I am appreciative of all the friendships and experiences I have made in Key Club. Although my term has come to an end, I hope to meet with you all again in the near future. ~ Hana T Ho


Farewell From The 2019 - 2020 Board Immediate Past Webmistress Hello Key Clubbers, My name is Jing Wen Ren, now your immediate past webmistress. It's been an honor serving you all this 2019-2020 service year. For the past four years, Key Club has always been a significant part of my high school life. I could never imagine what my life would be without this club. From attending various events like Light the Night, Ronald McDonald, Passport to Taiwan, Japan Day, I’ve learned to pass along awareness about people with cancer and about many cultural events. For little things like these, they brought everyone together and along the way, I was able to meet many people who I call my friends today. This club has brought me endless help and support within the four years. Few words can’t describe how grateful I am to be considered a part of this large family. I remember when I first walked into the auditorium for the Friday Key Club meetings, and now as I walk out, I am happy to have said this journey has brought me many unforgettable memories. Everything ended with a blink of an eye. I never knew how fast time flies, until now, as this journey felt like it just happened yesterday. I’m beyond thankful for all my friends, club members and of course, Mr. Jacoby, for all the support you gave me along the way.


Farewell From The 2019 - 2020 Board Immediate Past Webmistress Without them I wouldn’t be who I am today. So once again, thank you all for everything you have done. I would also like to congratulate the new board offices and hope they’ll have a great upcoming service year. Good luck to you all. Yours in service, Jing Wen Ren


Introducing The 2020 - 2021 Board Advisor

Hello Key Clubbers. My name is Mr. Jacoby and I've been Key Club advisor at Bayside High School since 2007. Even though this Key Club service year is not starting off under typical circumstances, I know we will have a great year as soon as things get back to normal. In the meantime, stay safe and I look forward to our first Key Club meeting back in school!


Introducing The 2020 - 2021 Board President

Hey Key Clubbers! I'm Jingjie Ren and I will be serving as your 2020-2021 President. I have been in Key Club since my freshman year. My definition of Key Club three years ago would have been different from today. I would be lying if I didn't say that I first joined Key Club just for service hours. But, I stayed in Key Club because of all the new people and valuable experiences that I gained. This club has definitely played a big role in building my work ethic, interpersonal, and leadership skills which is what I'm bringing to the table as president. I have many ideas ranging from new fundraisers and service events to make this year remarkable. Besides my passion in Key Club, I enjoy golfing, traveling, eating, watching Netflix, and listening to music. I'm adventurous and I love to meet new people. I hope to meet you all, and create new memories as we go along our service year. If you have any questions or just want someone to talk to, feel free to talk to me after meetings or message me. I'm looking forward to seeing and working with everyone to make this service year extraordinary! Yours in service, Jingjie Ren


Introducing The 2020 - 2021 Board Vice President

Hey Key Clubbers! I’m Cathy Yang and it is my honor to be your 2020-2021 Vice-President. I joined Key Club in my freshman year and it’s been an important part of my high school experience. I can’t imagine how different high school would be for me without it. When I first entered high school, I was just a shy freshman who was unable to talk to anyone. But now, after 3 years of volunteering and constantly meeting new people, I stepped out of my comfort zone and made some unforgettable memories. I became more open to people and gained confidence in myself. These 3 years of Key Club has been an amazing journey and with 1 year left of high school, I hope to end my final chapter of high school with an even more amazing and unforgettable experience with you guys. As always, feel free to message or talk to me whenever you need to. I look forward to meeting you all, so let’s make this another amazing year!! ~ Cathy Yang


Introducing The 2020 - 2021 Board Secretary

Hey Key Clubbers! My name is Komal Majid and I am honored to be one of your secretaries for the 2020-2021 session. When I first joined Key Club, I never realized just how much I would come to love it. Key Club allows me to be myself with other like-minded individuals who are also interested in helping others. Our job as a whole is to go to fundraisers, and events, so that we continue to make a change. As one of your secretaries, I want to help guide you guys throughout the year to make it as memorable and fun as it was for me. ~ Komal Majid


Introducing The 2020 - 2021 Board Secretary

Hey Key-Clubbers! My name is Ziyi Feng and I’m one of your secretaries for the 2020-2021 service year. I am super honored to be on board and surely we’ll be having an amazing year together. I am beyond excited to work with all of you and enjoy ourselves at events. This is my first time as a board member and of course I will make mistakes but that will not stop me from persevering and striving for success. Though it’s only been a year since I joined this club, I felt all the support and welcomeness from the upperclassmen and members. I believed that this is the club that I can put my time & effort in, without regrets. I believe that if we all work hard, we can make Key Club more enjoyable for future members. I hope to share this connection with all of you and make you feel empowered just like I was. Let’s grow, learn, and go further together <3 ~ Ziyi Feng


Introducing The 2020 - 2021 Board Treasurer

Hey key clubbers! I’m Chere Hong, your treasurer for the 2020 to 2021 service year. This is my first time being a board member but I’m filled with excitement to start working with the rest of the board! Key Club helped to introduce new friends and build more on my personality. I am now more open to talk to new people. In addition, I have attended many events, which helped me learn how to work as a team and improve my work ethic. As a treasurer I will be in charge of managing the money and budgeting. I will try my best and don’t be afraid to come talk to me! ~ Chere Hong


Introducing The 2020 - 2021 Board Editor

Hey Key Clubbers, how do you feel!? My name is Michelle Shi and I am your 2020 to 2021 bulletin editor. I joined Builders Club in middle school which is another club in the Kiwanis Family. I always enjoyed volunteering and helping others because it gives me a sense of pride that I'm able to serve my community. Inevitably, I joined Key Club when I got into high school. My time in Key Club so far has been amazing. I love feeling accomplished as I go home from an event, feeling happy after having a good conversation with someone new, feeling excited about the next event, and feeling admiration towards my peers who can guide others to be a compassionate individual. As your editor, I hope to guide you to be a leader. I will also be as creative as possible and capture memories you'll never forget, even after graduation. Caring, our way of life. ~ Michelle Shi


Introducing The 2020 - 2021 Board Webmaster

Hello everybody, my name is Roy Lu and I am currently, for now, your 2020-2021 webmaster. Being the webmaster of this year may be easier than most. But I’ll probably jinx myself later down the line. Anyways, I'm a dedicated Key Club member and that's it. I don't do much else after this (like I don't even Netflix and chill since I'm broke). I do Key Club as a hobby. A hobby that removes me from my couch potato lifestyle. Which up until now would be a detriment to my health. I joined Key Club for the friends I’ve made along the way and the friends I would make in Key Club. I will hopefully continue with my plan of recognizing the past board members for their efforts and leaving no action without praise. Key Club is always an experience. Its something as a high schooler that you can say to your mom and not be yelled at for. An experience that has kept me awake until midnight trying to think of how I should take a selfie. Anyways, I hope I’ll be able to meet your expectations of a webmaster. Whether they would be good or bad because in the end, I carry my way of life and my traditions and I hope to fulfill my role as being your webmaster. ~ Roy Lu


Member Of The Month

Even though we are not in the auditorium right now, we are still continuing member of the month remotely! This month, the member of the month is someone who has been really active from the beginning of the service year. Its her first year in Key Club. She contributed to f undraisers, donations, and went to a lot of events. Recently, she has been really engaged in remote activities and shows her support constantly. Her efforts and commitments are noticed and without f urther ado, our member of the month for April is Sahra Wahedi!


President’s Introduction

During these times, it’s important to thank the front-line essential workers and support local businesses. Therefore, the board came up with simple but meaningful activities for members to do that’s impactful to our community. ~ JingJie Ren


Supporting Local Businesses Local businesses are negatively impacted due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Let me give you the facts. According to a study done by US Private Sector Job Quality Index, “37 million jobs are vulnerable to layoffs as a direct result of the covid-19 economy.” That’s crazy. So many people are struggling personally and financially. But as a community, we can help our local businesses. To support restaurants, you can simply order takeout over the phone or from food delivery apps, such as postmates! Another way to support local businesses is by donating! Feel free to use social media as a way to influence others to support their local businesses as well. LiftFund is a non profit organization that supports small businesses through donations. I hope everyone is healthy and well, we will get through this, stay safe! -

Nicole Cao


Supporting Local Businesses


Getting Creative Covid-19 is a worldwide pandemic that has influenced every aspect of our lives. If not handled properly, this disease can lead to sinister, long-lasting damage that may take years to reverse. As we all know, a vaccine for this disease has not been discovered yet so preventing the spread of this virus will be difficult. Until the development of a vaccine, we can solely rely on precautionary measures to play our part in preventing this virus to become increasingly threatening. I made an awareness poster, highlighting the symptoms of Covid-19 because it is pivotal for us to know the symptoms of this virus to be able to detect it as soon as possible, ensuring that it doesn’t get transferred to someone else. I also included some of the most important precautionary measures for the prevention of the virus because often times people tend to ignore these methods of prevention, endangering the people around them and so it can’t be stressed enough how important it is to follow these simple steps to achieve a much bigger goal. -

Rumla Irfan


Getting Creative Our poster is mainly addressed to healthcare workers who risk their lives every day by going to work. This poster showed our appreciation for those who’re trying to help during this chaotic situation. We hope health care workers see this to know that their efforts are greatly appreciated. We want everyone to practice social distancing so that this whole situation can end faster and the efforts of healthcare workers are not in vain. -

Elizabeth Nazginov & Julie Su

Julie Su


Elizabeth Nazginov

Thanking Essential Workers I believe it is important to thank healthcare workers because these people are currently fighting on the front lines of the Coronavirus, working day and night to help as many as they can. Therefore, we should be appreciative of them, as they have the knowledge and kind hearts to aid so many people in need. Healthcare workers risk their lives every day when they come to work. They do this to protect us and to keep us healthy. It is extremely important that we, as a society, are grateful for all healthcare workers, who work long hours every single day. They care for us even though they have their own families. We are being asked to stay home daily but healthcare workers do not have that option. Instead, they wake up every day hoping for positive outcomes. Ultimately, healthcare workers should forever be appreciated, as they do everything in their power to help people thrive. -

Victoria Krivitskiy


First Virtual Meeting As a member of the Bayside High School Key Club, I would say the first online meeting was a complete success! It was a better turnout with members than I expected! We were able to address all necessary topics, we got to know the new board and played a very informational Kahoot about Covid19 symptomes and Key Club in general. It wasn’t only great because I won in second place, but it was great because it informed the members of who the new board members are and who the new lieutenant governor is. In addition, I loved seeing how everyone stayed determined and bright in such hard times. Overall, it was a success. -

Ryan Kwon


Coming Up Next

SEND A NOTE OF HOPE Every year 4 million babies are born. This is an exciting and challenging time, but can also be scary when everything doesn’t go as planned, and even more so during this uncertain time in our country. Please show your support sending a note of hope. This could include: ●

A note to a mom or dad to be or to a family with a baby currently in the NICU. Sharing your advice, experience and words of encouragement. A note to healthcare providers, nurses, and staff who are on the frontlines making sure that moms and babies are receiving the best possible care.

March Of Dimes: April 2nd, 2020 to May 14th, 2020 Note Of Hope: April 2nd, 2020 to May 14th, 2020


Contact The Board & Stay Updated President: JingJie Ren Number: 646-258-2630 Instagram: @jingjieren Vice President: Cathy Yang Number: 929-990-6631 Instagram: @cathy.a.n.g Secretary: Komal Majid Number: 646-897-7557 Instagram: @komal._.bleh

Google Classroom: iwsxyut Facebook Group: Bayside HS Key Club ‘20-’21 Instagram: @baysidehskeyclub

Secretary: Ziyi Feng Number: 347-591-8725 Instagram: @ziyifengg

Website: https://baysidehighschoolkeycl ub.weebly.com/

Treasurer: Chere Hong Number: 929-333-0377 Instagram: @cherehongg

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/cha nnel/UChIBBVZdQB6bycv1IF2U pHQ

Editor: Michelle Shi Number: 929-391-0662 Instagram: @cyu.shan Webmaster: Roy Lu Number: 929-264-0354 Instagram: @gust212920


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