inhabit - where do you feel at home?

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ity, our creativity)

ife) sharing between is me, you, us.

ing space. from all over the world.

.they decided to share

es. they went beyond


where do you feel at home?

This graduation project has been made during the academic year 2014/2015 at IED, Istituto Europeo di Design, in Milan.

inhabit where do you feel at home?

Sara Signorini Martina Strata Giulia Tassinari

to our families and to everyone that supported us through the realization of this book alle nostre famiglie e a tutti coloro che ci hanno supportato nella realizzazione di questo libro

inhabit where do you feel at home?

Graphic and publishing project Sara Signorini Martina Strata Giulia Tassinari

Takeo, Satogami Snow 81 gr

Supervisor Mauro Santella

Favini, Burano Giallo Zolfo 90 gr

Assistant Dea Curić

Favini, Burano Rosso Scarlatto 90 gr

Translations Giulia Tassinari Barbara Tassinari Julie Mason

Takeo, Satogami Light Grey 81 gr

Collaborations Filippo Manfredi Daniele Tansini Print Arti Grafiche Panzeri Font Simplon Norm Simplon Mono Emmanuel Rey Swiss Type Face, 2011 Newzald Kris Sowersby Klim Type Foundry, 2008

IED Milan Istituto Europeo di Design a.a 2014/15

Paper Fedrigoni, Serimax Usomano 100 gr, 300 gr

Š 2015 Images and texts rights belong to the authors that have collaborated

the flow il flusso

how to read the book come leggere il libro

brown marrone

white bianco

white bianco

our idea was conceived in a bar la nostra idea nasce in un bar

flip through the pages viaggia tra le pagine

how to create it... ma come realizzarlo...

yellow giallo

yellow giallo

artists from all over the world artisti da tutto il mondo

and that we wanna share with you e che vogliamo condividere con te

don’t miss them! non lasciarteli sfuggire!

yellow giallo

white bianco

if not through “sharing”? se non condividendo?

sharing places that we discovered spazi di condivisione che abbiamo scoperto

and you’ll find out that... e scoprirai che...

grey grigio

do you agree? siete d’accordo?

white bianco different home visions diverse visioni di casa

we took part in the project as well abbiamo partecipato al progetto anche noi

white bianco

red rosso

brown marrone

you are probably wondering why home vi starete chiedendo perché casa

finally satisfied finalmente soddisfatte

white bianco

inhabit is a project about sharing inhabit è un progetto di condivisione

white bianco

aren’t you curious? non sei curioso?

brown marrone stress and stress again ansia e ancora ansia

white bianco

red rosso there are lots of reasons i motivi sono tanti

white bianco

red rosso

inhabit is me, you, us inhabit siamo io, te, noi

brown marrone and now? e ora?

preface prefazione

Mauro Santella

Sharing and community. These are the “magic words” that’s been circulating for a few years now and that should contribute to the creation of a new (is it really new, though?) way of leading innovation and development. This was the starting point of Giulia, Martina and Sara’s project: the girls were driven by a natural curiosity and by the will to understand if this new concept of sharing would really represent a cure for the wickednesses of our era. With an unaffected and genuine spirit, they started to investigate the topics leading this transformation: in fact, their research started from the economic and communication aspects. Immediately, they obviously ran into the everyday life and how the word “sharing” is commonly used: we have car-sharing, bike-sharing, co-working, co-housing and so on. Eventually, this wasn’t enough for them. They realized that sticking only to the economic and marketing aspects would represent a limit to their expectations. They wanted to analyze the origins of the problem and deeply understand the reasons of some choices (sharing is a social choice indeed), which are never universal and complete but inhabit the core of everyone. It wasn’t about creating a product/service anymore, as they planned it at first: their project needed to be modified in some aspects and contents. The first thing to do was to reduce the intervention field (sharing is a very general word), which is where the topic of this publication comes from: “home”, in its English acceptation (not to be confused with “house”, the physical place), a mental and intimate space created with each one personal experience, a place shared with ourselves and others. The second thing to do was to find and produce contents for the project. They chose sharing and the social networks as the solution, and the storytelling as their report style in order to keep an emotional freshness. The topic became both instrument and content of the project. Giulia, Martina and Sara thus reached the crucial point, their real bet. Can sharing actually work? Could we ever build up the contents of our project by just involving people – that we don’t know – from all over the world, hoping they would participate selflessly? What if we don’t receive anything? The girls were determinated to take the risk, so they started to design and build up the “machine” that would have made all this possible. Therefore, for three months, they became bloggers, editors, reporters, photographers, hand writers, illustrators, video makers, community managers (as well as graphic designers) of Inhabit – which is the properly chosen name of their project. The community became bigger and bigger within an incredibly short time, beyond their expectations. The number of people involved continued to grow and to participate, persuaded and motivated by Martina, Sara and Giulia’s thesis. These people themselves became the project’s engine and fuel. About forty selected people (from all over the world) decided to convey their private and intimate reflections in the form of pictures, texts, illustrations, paintings. A multitude of fragments that assembles an emotional puzzle, a partial little map – precious and extraordinarily human – of different but simultaneous stories. This is the story behind the birth of Inhabit and this book/diary is its mark and memory.

Sharing, condivisione, community. Sono queste le “parole magiche” che ormai circolano da qualche anno e che dovrebbero contribuire a creare un nuovo (ma è davvero nuovo?) modo di guidare innovazione e sviluppo. Ed è proprio da questa sollecitazione che inizia il lavoro di Sara, Giulia e Martina, spinte dalla curiosità di capirne di più e chiedendosi se veramente questo nuovo a venire sia veramente la panacea per tutti i nostri mali. Con spirito schietto e con occhi ancora limpidi hanno iniziato ad interrogarsi sui temi che guidano questa trasformazione, ed è proprio dall’aspetto economico e di comunicazione che sono partite con la loro ricerca e analisi. Si sono scontrate con il primo aspetto che ormai il vivere quotidiano ci pone di fronte trattando di sharing, e quindi le parole della ricerca sono diventate car-sharing, bike-sharing, coworking, cohousing... Alla fine, tutto questo alle ragazze non è bastato e si sono rese conto che elaborarne soltanto l’aspetto economico e di marketing non era sufficiente per le loro aspettative: sono quindi volute andare alla radice del problema e capire a fondo le motivazioni di certe scelte (condividere è una scelta sociale), che non sono mai univoche ed esaustive ma risiedono nel profondo di ognuno di noi. Quindi non si trattava più di costruire un prodotto/servizio come inizialmente pensavano di progettare, l’operazione da fare doveva cambiare faccia e soprattutto contenuti. Prima di tutto bisognava ridurre il campo di intervento (sharing rimane una parola fortemente generica) ed è proprio da questo che nasce il tema di questa pubblicazione: “home”, nella sua accezione anglosassone (da non confondersi con “house”, lo spazio fisico). Uno spazio esperienziale, mentale, intimo e di condivisione con se stessi e con gli altri. La seconda cosa era recuperare e produrre contenuti per questo progetto. Lo sharing e i social-network stessi sono stati la soluzione che si sono date. Lo stile, quello dello storytelling per mantenere quella freschezza emotiva che ha sempre il sapore irrazionale di un’urgenza. Il tema diventava strumento e contenuto del progetto. Giulia, Martina e Sara erano arrivate al nodo cruciale della questione, perché alla fine la loro scommessa è stata proprio questa. Lo sharing può funzionare? Riusciremo a costruire i contenuti del progetto coinvolgendo persone da tutto il mondo, che non conosciamo, per puro spirito altruistico? E se non ci dovesse arrivare niente? Decise a correre il rischio, hanno iniziato a progettare e costruire la “macchina” che avrebbe reso tutto questo possibile. Così per tre mesi sono diventate blogger, redattrici, reporter, fotografe, calligrafe, illustratrici, videomaker, community manager (e graphic designer) di Inhabit, questo giustamente il nome scelto per il progetto. E così la community è cresciuta oltre le loro aspettative e in tempi rapidissimi. Le persone coinvolte hanno continuato ad aumentare e a partecipare convinti e motivati alla tesi di Martina, Sara e Giulia, diventando loro stessi motore e carburante del progetto. Una quarantina di persone selezionate da tutto il mondo hanno deciso di mettere a nudo un loro pensiero privato ed intimo sotto forma di fotografie, testi, illustrazioni, dipinti. Una moltitudine di frammenti che compongono un puzzle di emozioni, una piccola mappa parziale di storie diverse ma sincrone e per questo preziosa e straordinariamente umana. Questo un po’ il racconto di come nasce Inhabit e questo libro/diario ne è traccia e memoria.

about the story sulla storia

the project il progetto

High school ends, you graduate and it feels like you have the whole world in your hands. So, after a finally free-from-dreadful-holidayhomework summer, you enroll in the university, move away from you city, start living by your own but, when you’ve just started to familiarize with your new “surroundings”, it’s graduation time! At first, you can’t even explain it to yourself and you hope that it is just an administrative mistake. When you realize that it isn’t a mistake though, and after the phase “I want to go back to mum’s”, you start struggling and thinking about what your thesis’ topic should be. You look for something satisfying and for the right people to work with. You are a volcano of ideas. Everything is beautiful and exciting. You find inspiration everywhere and in anything, also flipping through the pages of gossip magazines in the doctor’s waiting room. You feel like you have what it

Le superiori finiscono, ti diplomi e ti sembra di avere il mondo in mano. Dopo un’estate finalmente libera dai temibilissimi compiti delle vacanze, ti iscrivi all’università, cambi città, vai a vivere da solo e, proprio quando cominci ad ambientarti, arriva l’anno della laurea! All’inizio non te lo riesci a spiegare e speri solo che si tratti di un errore burocratico. Quando ti rendi conto che non è così, superata la fase “voglio tornare dalla mamma”, cominci ad arrovellarti e a pensare di cosa dovrebbe trattare la tua tesi, cerchi un argomento che ti soddisfi e i compagni giusti con cui lavorare. Sei un vulcano d’idee. Tutto è bello e appassionante. Trovi ispirazione anche sfogliando Sorrisi e Canzoni nella sala d’attesa dell’oculista e ti sembra di avere le carte in regola per ribaltare la teoria aristotelica: la terra è triangolare perché lo dico io. Ma per tutti puntualmente arriva il momento dello sconforto: ti rendi conto che niente andrà come ti

takes even to turn upside down the aristotelian theory: the world is triangular because I say so. But the time of despair comes along for everyone: you realize that nothing will go as you imagined and you seriously start considering to run away as far as possible and to postpone your graduation to a time when you will be more soulful and mature… This phase of deep depression is usually followed by the arrival of “the Idea.” The genius one, which changes everything. It may arrive after two days as well as after two months, that just depends on how lucky life decided you would be. In our case, the idea popped up in our heads one evening, by chance, and teachers liked it too! Unbelievable. It seemed too easy, but we thought that life owned us some “lucky credits” as well, that’s why we didn’t ask ourselves where the trick might be. Because let’s face it… Some trick had to be necessarily some-

eri immaginato e cominci a vagliare la possibilità di scappare il più lontano possibile o di rimandare la laurea a quando ti sentirai abbastanza profondo e maturo... Dopo questa fase di depressione acuta arriva (quasi per tutti) “l’idea”. Quella geniale, che svolta tutto. E se arriva dopo due giorni o due mesi questo dipende solo dalla dose di fortuna che la vita ti ha riservato. Nel nostro caso l’idea è arrivata una sera, per caso, ed è pure piaciuta ai docenti! Incredibile. Ci sembrava troppo facile in effetti, ma abbiamo pensato che la Dea bendata ci dovesse degli arretrati, così non ci siamo chieste dove fosse l’inganno. Perché, diciamoci la verità, doveva esserci per forza. Qual era l’idea? Siete curiosi, eh?! Una piattaforma che riunisse le varie tipologie di Sharing esistenti, che ne spiegasse i vantaggi e promuovesse nuove iniziative, il tutto tramite quelle belle cose che vanno di moda oggi, come la guerrilla marketing. Termine fino a

where. Are you wondering what the idea was, right? Curious much?! Our aim was to create a platform that would collect, explain and promote all the different existing types of Sharing, through some cool new advertisement strategy concepts such as guerriglia marketing. Guerrilla marketing, for example, was unknown to most of the world population until six months ago, and it recently became popular in Italy thanks to Pif and his commercials. If you don’t believe us, feel free to have a look on Youtube. What we wanted to do, basically, was to help users in the choice of the various Sharing services that big cities offer nowadays. In Milan, for example, there are five different types of Carsharing services and our platform can advise the user on which one would suite him best. Our main purpose was to free people from that eternal state of uncertainty caused by friends’ statements such

sei mesi fa sconosciuto al 97% della popolazione mondiale, ma portato finalmente al meritato successo grazie a quella pubblicità, che non stiamo a descrivervi, dove “recita” Pif. Se non vi fidate, cercate su Youtube. Quello che volevamo fare, in pratica, era facilitare gli utenti nell’utilizzo dei vari servizi di Sharing che offrono le grandi città. A Milano, per esempio, esistono diversi tipi di Car Sharing e la nostra piattaforma avrebbe consigliato all’utente quale poteva fare al caso suo. Il tutto al fine di sottrarlo allo stato di eterna incertezza che comporta l’affidarsi all’amico che “Ma guarda che l’ho già provato e va alla grande”, ma soprattutto dall’erculea fatica di dover leggere il regolamento del servizio. Potete pure provare a dirci che voi l’avete letto, ma non vi crederemmo mai. A costo di perdere la tanto sudata reputazione e la stima che si spera i professori nutrano nei nostri confronti, vi racconteremo della nostra gita di settima-

as “I’ve tried it before and it works brilliantly”, but especially from the huge effort of reading the instructions. You can go ahead and tell us you’ve read them, but we would never believe you. Despite the risk of losing both reputation and esteem of our professors, we want to talk to you about one of our recent trips. So, one of us (not mentioning names) was driving her “Sharing little car” and the passengers, once close to the only free parking area within kilometers and instigated by her rising panic, had to check – as fast as possible – if they could park their car on the “yellow” or leave it in the middle of the street. The latter, trusting the fact that there is always someone with the phone handy and ready to book cars anywhere they may be, even if that means taking a bus to reach them. Seeing is believing. We obviously decided to trust Yahoo Answers. Not saying anything bad about the great and

na scorsa. Mentre una di noi (non si fanno nomi) guidava la sua “Sharing macchinina”, le passeggere, fomentate dal panico crescente della donna al volante, giunte in prossimità dell’unico parcheggio libero nel raggio di chilometri, hanno dovuto controllare alla velocità della luce se per caso si potesse parcheggiare sui “gialli” o conveniva lasciarla in mezzo alla strada, confidando nel fatto che ci sia sempre qualcuno con il telefono in mano pronto a prenotarla ovunque essa si trovi, anche a costo di dover prendere un autobus per raggiungerla. Provare per credere. Ovviamente ci siamo dovute affidare a Yahoo Answers. Adesso, senza nulla togliere al fantastico mondo di Yahoo (dove “utente senza nome_78” cinque anni fa aveva già inspiegabilmente formulato la domanda che volevi fare tu, non importa quale essa sia) la nostra piattaforma I Sharing aveva tutta l’intenzione di voler essere un po’ più seria. Vi starete chiedendo dove

somehow useful world of Yahoo (where “anonymous_78” had unbelievably asked the same question you wanted to ask, five years ago), we wanted our platform, I Sharing, to be more serious and effective. You are probably wondering where and when the “Ok, we got it all wrong” panic came out. March the third, to be precise. If you’d like to know the time as well, feel free to consult the records of the administrative office of Via Sciesa 4, Milan. A week after we got the approval of all the teachers who followed the first phase of our thesis, we met Mauro, our supervisor. Intelligent, adorable and with a vivid laughter, we were already dreaming about having coffee and reading some twentieth-century theater plays together under the gazebo of the university courtyard. Then, one small little problem – almost insignificant, we would say – pop-ped up. He was not satisfied with our

e quando è arrivato il panico da “Ok, abbiamo sbagliato tutto”. Il 3 marzo con esattezza. Se volete sapere anche l’orario sentitevi liberi di consultare i registri della segreteria amministrativa di Via Sciesa 4, Milano. Il fatidico giorno, dopo aver ottenuto la settimana precedente l’approvazione di tutti i docenti che avevano seguito la prima fase di ricerca della tesi, abbiamo incontrato Mauro, il nostro relatore. Intelligente, adorabile e dalla risata squillante, già pregustavamo i caffè insieme e le letture di pièce teatrali novecentesche sotto gli ombrelloni del cortile dell’università. Poi è sorto un piccolo, piccolissimo problema, oseremmo dire quasi insignificante: la nostra idea non lo soddisfaceva. Nel momento esatto in cui Mauro ha detto la sua, come per incanto ci siamo rese conto che forse aveva ragione. In effetti, nelle due settimane precedenti ci siamo domandate il perché della disperazione di alcuni nostri com-

idea. Right the moment when Mauro told us his opinion, we realized that perhaps he was right. In fact, in the previous two weeks we asked ourselves why some of our classmates were complaining about being “far behind” and not having had the “enlightenment” yet. We obviously ignored the chance of being somewhere wrong, and convinced ourselves that we could finish our project by the end of March. Maybe, the Lucky Goddess owned us another big favor. In fact, our natural optimism bumped into the harsh truth. Not that our project was not good. I Sharing was marketable and Apple would fight against Android to buy in our App first. What we missed in our work was the passion, that “extra mile” that everyone craves to reach. That is why Mauro asked us to get more emotionally involved, and leave behind everything we had done until that mo-

pagni che lamentavano il fatto di non avere ancora avuto “l’illuminazione” e di essere “indietrissimo”. Ce lo siamo domandate e ovviamente abbiamo fatto finta di niente, auto-convincendoci che fosse possibile avere già la tesi fatta e finita a marzo. Forse la Dea bendata ci doveva un altro favore, bello grande anche. In realtà il nostro innato ottimismo questa volta si è dovuto scontrare con la dura verità. Il nostro progetto non è che non andasse bene. I Sharing era vendibile e di sicuro Apple avrebbe fatto a pugni con Android per potersi accaparrare per prima la nostra App. Quello che mancava alla nostra tesi era la passione, “quel qualcosa in più” che tutti vogliono ardentemente trovare. Così ci è stato proposto di metterci in gioco, di lasciare da parte tutto quello che avevamo fatto fino a quel momento. Pianti, urla, una repentina ricaduta nella fase “Voglio tornare dalla mamma” e uno svenimento dopo, ci siamo riprese. Così, abban-

ment. We screamed, cried, got back to the “I want to go back to mum’s” phase for a while, collected a few occasional faints, but got it back together quickly. We decided to abandon the concept of sharing as we were developing it before, observing it in its economic aspects, and to concentrate our efforts on the term sharing in its purer acceptation, looking at it with human and sensitive eyes (not dollar-shaped, as before). Chatting with Mauro and our coordinator about how to make a fresh start, we bumped into the “family” topic and we decided to come up with a new and brilliant idea for the following week. Not as easy as we imagined, though. Family, family… or did you mean “house”, maybe? Or – even better – “home”? What is the most widely reknown sharing space (not necessarily physical), if not “home”? This is how, for the second time, we gave

donato l’aspetto meramente economico dello Sharing, abbiamo deciso di concentrarci sulla condivisione guardandola con occhi diversi, più “umani” e meno a forma di dollaro. Chiacchierando allegramente con Dario, il nostro coordinatore, e con Mauro di come potevamo ripartire in quarta, è saltato fuori il tema della “famiglia” e ci siamo salutati con la solenne promessa che per la settimana successiva avremmo partorito una nuova e geniale idea. Facile come bere un bicchiere d’acqua del Mar Nero. Famiglia, famiglia... o forse volevi dire “casa”? O meglio ancora “home”? Qual è il luogo/non luogo di condivisione per eccellenza se non la casa? Così, per la seconda volta per caso, nasce inhabit. Il nuovo progetto ruota appunto intorno alle diverse interpretazioni che ognuno di noi ha della propria “home”, intesa come spazio vitale e di condivisione. Casa non deve essere per forza quattro mura e un tetto. Casa non è uno spazio


enjoy your trip! buon viaggio!

Not everybody can decide where to live, but most of them can design their own living space. I think that everybody has a dream in their head about how to inhabit a place. There are 1000 ways and more to design a living space.

In western societies the living space is like a third skin. So I feel it too. But I think that, wherever the people I love are, that is the place where I can feel a little bit at home. In my flat with my boyfriend are many plants, because I need nature in my immediate surroundings. Furthermore, I love to have animals around me. At the moment we live together with two cats: Azreal and Bernd. I hope that we can move in a house with a garden, soon.

Illustrator W端rzburg, Germany

You can fill your home with lots of chairs, tables, electronic devices and clothes, but if you do not fill it with what really matters, it will probably

Illustrator, Designer Bilbao, Spain

about sharing sulla condivisione

places in Milan luoghi a Milano



with others, create good stuff and organize events! This is just an example of what Milan can offer!

Milan, Italy

You can find good places, regarding sharing and similar concepts, also here in Milan… Well, we’ve found a few hanging around and we wanna write something about them! We discovered the PopCorn Garage Market in via Molise 62 (inside Palazzina Liberty 7). Lots of people were looking around at some stands of homemade or second hand things! There were photography workshops as well and lots more. The most fascinating thing we found out, is that this place was an abandoned property. However, Milan district and the association decided to reorganize the space and to put it into the hands of some design students! They made a wonderful place out of it, where you can co-work


08/05/2015 Milan, Italy

On Friday, we went on tour to the beautiful Fabbrica del Vapore, where we found some traces of the Fuori Salone that just ended, as the installations in the courtyard.

we found the laboratory Careof’s residences really interesting, as they allow the artists to stay there, in a beautiful building “home-like”! This way an artist (being him foreigner or not), can live and share the common areas of the residences with other guests, creating a truly inspiring cultural exchange during his stay in Milan!

Fabbrica del Vapore is a place managed by the Municipality of Milan: it hosts a variety of activities and promotes sharing and collective participation. There are several laboratories, each one dedicated to different artistic disciplines, like theater and photography! The great thing about the factory is that it allows not only mutual collaboration between laboratories but also with the outside world, through exhibitions! Regarding the topic of our project, “home”,

PopCorn Garage Market


19/04/2015 Milano, Italia

– Si possono trovare posti interessanti, che hanno a che fare con la condivisione e simili, anche qui a Milano… Noi abbiamo trovato qualcosa di curioso e vogliamo raccontarvelo! Abbiamo scoperto il PopCorn Garage Market in via Molise 62 (all’interno della Palazzina Liberty 7). C’erano moltissime persone, tutte intorno agli stand di oggetti di ogni genere, usati o fatti a mano! C’erano anche workshop tra cui uno sulla camera oscura. La cosa più affascinante, che abbiamo scoperto, è che questo bellissimo posto era una proprietà abbandonata! Fortunatamente, il comune di Milano e l’associazione hanno deciso di riorganizzare lo spazio e di affidarlo ad


08/05/2015 Milano, Italia

Venerdì siamo andate a fare un giro alla stupenda Fabbrica del Vapore, dove abbiamo trovato ancora qualche traccia lasciata dal Fuori Salone appena concluso, come le installazioni presenti nel cortile interno! La Fabbrica del Vapore è uno spazio gestito dal Comune di Milano dove si svolgono attività di vario genere, in un clima di condivisione e di partecipazione collettiva. Ci sono diversi laboratori,

ognuno dedicato a discipline artistiche differenti tra loro, dal teatro alla fotografia! Il bello della Fabbrica è che dà l’occasione ai laboratori di collaborare tra loro ma anche con l’esterno, con mostre ed esposizioni! Per quanto riguarda il tema del nostro progetto, “home”, abbiamo trovato interessantissime le residenze del laboratorio Careof, che offre agli artisti, con cui collabora, l’opportunità di alloggiare all’interno della Fabbrica, in una bellissima palazzina adibita a “casa”! Così un artista, straniero o non, durante il suo soggiorno milanese può vivere e condividere gli spazi in comune delle residenze con gli altri ospiti, creando uno scambio culturale davvero stimolante! Ricordate che Milano non smetterà mai di stupirci!

del Vapore

alcuni studenti di design! Hanno dato vita ad un posto meraviglioso, in cui è possibile collaborare con altri giovani, creare e organizzare eventi! Questo è solo un esempio di ciò che Milano può offrire!

La Fabbrica

Remember that Milan will never stop amazing us!

I feel at home wherever my heart is comfortable. The “Sudanese people”, which I belong to, have a problem about feeling comfortable in their own country, since the economy of Sudan started to deteriorate and it became harder to stay for many. In the past four years, a lot of Sudanese traveled the world looking for a place that could offer a good living: it is true that staying in Sudan can make us tired but being away from our country breaks our heart. Being abroad and far from Sudan can become comfortable too though, as soon as we find and rejoin with part of our family, friends or even just any Sudanese: as we use to say, “Sudanese are everywhere”.

Photographer Khartoum, Sudan

People nowadays are wanting for more and more. This strong desire creates a lot of problems in our cities. People build factories just because they desire to have more - more money, more useless things. Industrial Environment creates a number of negative effects on human health, poverty, isolation from society.

Illustrator Prague, Czech Republic

Director, Actor, Singer Sofia, Bulgary

Home (n.): My refuge, my sanctuary and my safe haven. It’s the calm thoughts that put me in a comfortable and relaxed state of mind. Alexandria, Egypt; the place where I grew up and spent my childhood, had always remained an iconic status whenever I thought of what “home” stands for. Having been living in London for the past 6 years has altered this status, though. Mobility has become a part of the natural course in life especially in the western world, yet there still seems to be a deep attachment between one and the environment in eastern communities and cultures like where I originally come from. Even though I’d like to imagine that home could be anywhere and everywhere, I seem to only consider home

as the places where I have most memories. If home is where the heart is, then by its most literal understanding, my home is where I physically am, but the question is why do I feel homesick when I’m already at home? I’ve come up with a conclusion that home for me isn’t necessarily about the place but more of its atmosphere, aura and it’s people. If I had to go back to Egypt and my friends and family were gone, it wouldn’t be home anymore and the same goes for London. This could possibly be my utopian dream, but my home is the idea of the merge between two different worlds; two different countries, two different cultures and the different people.

– Naguib Mahfouz

Artist Alessandria, Egipt

about home sulla casa

why home? perchĂŠ casa?



Under certain aspects, “home” is a controversial and actual subject. Integration, immigration, emigration: those who go, those who come, those who stay, as well as those who escape. We didn’t want to explore this minefield. Instead, we were looking for a deep and intimate meaning of the word “home”, a strictly personal meaning, far from sociocultural and economic complications. Everyday, we live side by side with people who come from “outside”: friends, university classmates, work colleagues. The person seated next to you on the bus. We all live and feel our home in different ways and this is what we wanted to investigate in our book. In this section we would like to mention some examples, famous and less famous: a little research on the “home” subject, that was explored in various fields, from art to psychology, throughout the years.

1 a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household 2 the place in which one’s domestic affections are centered 3 an institution for the homeless, sick, etc.: a nursing home 4 the dwelling place or retreat of an animal 5 the place or region where something is native 6 any place of residence or refuge 7 a person’s native place or own country Origin Before 900; Old English hām (noun and adv.); cognate with Dutch heim, Old Norse heimr, Danish hjem, Swedish hem, German Heim home, Gothic haims village.

Petroglyphs 1000 a.c

– INHABIT DEFINITION 1 to live or dwell in (a place), as people or animals 2 to exist or be situated within; dwell in 3 to occupy as a place of settled residence or habitat Origin Middle English enhabiten, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French inhabiter, enhabiter, from Latin inhabitare, from in- + habitare to dwell First Known Use: 14th century.


“Home”, tema attuale e controverso, se analizzato sotto certi aspetti. Integrazione, immigrazione, emigrazione: c’è chi va, chi viene, chi resta, ma anche chi fugge. Noi non ci siamo volute addentrare in questo campo minato, ma siamo andate piuttosto alla ricerca di un significato di casa intimo, profondo. Un significato strettamente personale, lontano da complicazioni di carattere economico e socioculturale. Viviamo ogni giorno a contatto con persone arrivate “da fuori”, amici, compagni di università, colleghi di lavoro. La persona seduta accanto a te sull’autobus. Ognuno di noi vive e sente la propria “home” in modo diverso e questo è proprio ciò che il nostro libro vuole indagare. In questa sezione desideriamo riportare alcuni esempi celebri o meno celebri, una piccola indagine sul tema della casa, affrontato nel corso della storia in diversi campi, dalla psicologia all’arte.


1 una casa o un qualsiasi altro rifugio che rappresenta la residenza di una persona o di una famiglia 2 il luogo in cui gli affetti di una persona sono concentrati 3 un ospizio per i senzatetto, gli ammalati etc..: casa di riposo 4 la dimora o il rifugio di un animale 5 la regione o luogo originario di qualcosa 6 qualsiasi posto di residenza o rifugio 7 il luogo o paese di origine di una persona Origine Prima del ‘900; dall’Inglese Antico hām (nome e avverbio); affine all’olandese heim, dal Norvegese antico heimr, dal Danese hjem, dallo Svedese hem, dal Tedesco Heim, dal Gotico haims.

Incisioni rupestri 1000 a.c

– DEFINIZIONE INHABIT 1 vivere o risiedere in un posto, come persone o animali 2 esistere o essere situati in; dimorare in 3 occupare un posto adibito a residenza o abitare Origine Dal Latino; Anglo-francese inhabiter, enhabiter, dal Latino inhabitare, da in- + habitare a dimora Primo uso conosciuto: 14esimo secolo

Home� is not a place for me, but it is a feeling that changes in every step we take in life.

Illustrator Barcelona, Spain

I have lived in 8 m2 as well as in 120 m2. What makes me feel at home does not depend on the size of the flat or the house but on finding some comfort, tranquility, calm, because these are the things that, once you grow up, make you feel like a child again. There are some objects that make us feel at home. We just need to carry them with us to feel at home, wherever we are, as a cuddly toy. It might be because they remember us a nice moment or because a loved one gave them to us. Also, an object can

be important because it has the power to remind us the past and make us feel safe with our future. For me, this object is a patchwork blanket which represents home. When I was a child, this blanket was like a landscape where I could play. When I became a student, I bought one patchwork blanket for myself, as a memory of this games and to snug in, while working or watching a movie alone. It was also a way to turn my bed into a couch, so that I could welcome my guests with some nice decorations whenever they came visiting me in my 14 m2 flat. Because of its bright colors, its various patterns and its softness, I could easily start to consider my new place as “home�. Snugging in my patchwork blanket is like having some Paris atmosphere in Florence,

Type and Graphic Designer Beuzeville, France

For me “home� is an abstract concept, a feeling in front of a inner landscape, intimate and deep.

Illustrator Bologna, Italy

Looking up the name of your project in the thesaurus as a starting point, it made me smile to see that the 2 branches of the word ‘inhabit’ are to ‘dwell’ and ‘possess’. You ask me about home. Where do I feel at home? What does home mean to me? Home should be a haven, the place you feel most comfortable and safe in the whole world. The place where you can relax completely, let yourself go and be totally natural. Of course this is not always the case. Sometimes home can feel like a prison or a place of danger or sadness.

Illustrator, Graphic Designer London, England

Constantly evolving, never completely finished, for lots of reasons, Partly because both its inhabitants and their needs are constantly changing. It’s not always something that’s at the top of the ‘to do’ list of course but it usually appears on there somewhere.

I feel at home when I’m surrounded by some of my things. Probably less would do it but for one reason or another I seem to have rather a lot of them! I dream of a place where there’s practically nothing, or at least nothing showing, but for now I’m surrounded. Using things is endlessly satisfying to me. They’re almost always simple things; at breakfast time it’s a turquoise plate I bought in Nice several years ago with a friend, then coffee in a Japanese bowl from viale Monza. On the garden chairs I have cushions made from a dress I bought in Mexico in 1998, while the bed-linen is something of a mixture, from Ikea, Muji, my grandmother’s house in Yorkshire and from the Italian side of my family. Objects may seem superficial but on closer inspection they can say a lot about a person and their life. I’ve lived in a surprising number of different houses which as a consequence have been my homes.

(Interesting the distinction between house and home in English, not so clearly defined in Italian...) I’ve probably felt more or less at home in all of them, though the latest ones that I have created myself or with my family, after ‘leaving home’, are the ones I have loved the most and luckily my absolute favourite so far is the one I live in at the moment! Many of the objects I have today have journeyed with me or my family from one house to another over the years.

In a way this movement plots the life of the owners of the objects, thereby becoming a family map. Soon after organising a move of the entire contents of my mother’s house from London to Wales, I was struck by the amount of travelling these particular objects had done (and it wasn’t over at that time as the place in Wales was only temporary!) I decided to start describing the situation and began the project ‘Things Moving’.

Illustrator Milan, Italy

A year ago, my wife and I moved back to our home in Vancouver – after living in Munich for a couple of years. But it hasn’t felt like home, being back. We loved Munich, and Germany, and Europe in general – and felt like home to us. As a photographer, new places open my eyes – so my eyes were always open while we were away. Everything was always new, or different – and it inspired me to capture it with my camera. But upon coming home, I returned to a place that I was very familiar with – and realized that I wasn’t inspired any more. In fact, until last week,

hadn’t taken a picture since I’ve been home. Not a single frame in one year. It’s been really disappointing and frustrating. Though my ‘home’ is in Vancouver, I don’t feel ‘at home’ here – my heart, or spirit, is still in Munich. I’m not sure that any of this helps you at all, but I feel responsible to reply to you honestly. So maybe that’s the answer – maybe the saying ‘home is where the heart is’ is correct.

And the works that best capture my feelings of Munich can be seen in my series.

Photographer Vancouver, Canada

Illustrator, Visual Artist Mexico City, Mexico

I currently live and study in Xi’An, traveling on weekends, I follow the flow that seems to draw me towards new experiences. There are countless places to which I felt to belong, from Yunnan to the Tibetan plateau, from Beijing to Agra, from London to the wonderful Sicily, from Andalucia to inner Mongolia, and I am linked with many families and friends who are now spread throughout the world, but what really matters, as I’m realizing from my travels, is that just when you feel at home inside yourself you can feel at home outside of yourself. That’s how this space called “home” has

been evolving in my life until now. It’s become more abstract, it’s dissolved, it’s now bigger and universalized, protecting me on a long and unknown street that connects travel and study. I’m writing this text while traveling to Beijing. Apart from me and the vagon guard, everybody is already sleeping. Two people rest over my head and three in front of me. I got used to this hot and noisy train. I’m feeling at home here, and it feels good.

I’d like to say a couple of words about my pictures. I thought about it

for a few days and I realized that the dorm where I’m living now

is my “home” just as far as I keep in mind all of my past, the people that are and were with me. Anyway, I’m ready to live this place or to stay here, cause my home is inside me. So I printed some photos of my past “Homes” and I placed them on my actual writing desk, in my room at the seventh floor of the foreigner student dorm of the Jiaotong University. I took some pictures of my closest friends and the dorm guardian sitting on the bed, cause when I come back from my travels and see them I feel like I’m in my small Xi’Anese nest again, while my home keeps being everywhere.

Amateur Photographer Zoldo, Italy

This is one of the many faces I saw growing up in my grandmother’s house in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn. This was created in my grandmother’s living room, the only place I will forever call home.

Street Artist New York, USA

Home country is the best for me. No matter where to travel, or where to settle...

Photographer Aleppo, Syria


birth to inhabit. The new version of the project is based on the different interpretations that each of us gives to his/her own “home” – meant as a vital and sharing space. “Home” is not necessarily made by four walls and a rooftop. “Home” is not a physical space as much as freedom is not participation (but this is another subject). The topic here is sharing: we all agreed on that. But how could we possibly create a project about sharing if not by sharing? That’s when we reached the aforementioned “extra mile”. Somebody else would work at our project, 43 other people to be precise. That’s genius, right? But don’t be prejudiced. We know you are all thinking that we are just three lazy girls who googled “How to graduate without working one second?”. We are sure that anonymous_78 wouldn’t disappoint us, but we have a much more noble intention. Sharing must

fisico e la libertà non è partecipazione. Ma questa è un’altra storia. Il tema quindi è la condivisione: siamo tutti d’accordo. Ma come realizzare un progetto di condivisione se non condividendo? Ecco che anche per noi arriva “quel qualcosa in più”. La nostra tesi ce l’avrebbe fatta qualcun altro, per l’esattezza 43 persone. Geniale no? Non siate prevenuti. Sappiamo che state pensando che siamo le solite scansafatiche che hanno digitato su Google: come fare la tesi senza farla davvero? Sicuramente “utente senza nome_78” non ci avrebbe deluso, ma la nostra intenzione è molto più nobile. La condivisione, oltre che tema, deve essere mezzo. Così abbiamo deciso di coinvolgere persone di tutto il mondo, interessate all’arte, alla scrittura, alla fotografia o all’illustrazione, professionisti o amatori. A queste persone abbiamo chiesto di raccontarci la loro esperienza e di realizzare un’opera visuale capace di esprimere la loro


My car is my home. It takes me wherever I want. I live in Milan, Porto, Sarajevo, Hamburg, Valencia, Marseille, and so on. I host my friends and the people I meet in my living room, where it’s nice to look outside at the beautiful landscapes while maybe eating or drinking something I prepared in the kitchen. In my office I usually decide the place I want to reach, and sometimes it is just exciting to choose it taking a look from the top of the panoramic terrace.

Communication Designer, Photographer Milan, Italy

Illustrator Empoli, Italy

Illustrator Barcelona, Spain

As a polish citizen currently residing in the US and constantly moving from place to place,

Illustrator Boston, USA

Home is where I work, where I stay quiet and where I rest. It’s my living room where I read my books, my local park where I get some sun. Home is where I prepare breakfast meals, but also it is where my heart is.

Graphic Designer, Illustrator Porto Alegre, Brasil

just around the corner proprio dietro l’angolo


14/05/2015 Milan, Italy

Look at what you can find behind our University! We watched this project grow and in almost three weeks, it was done! At first there was just a huge painting on the wall. Soon after, another one came. Both of them are just amazing! Plus, look at what they created in the space below: a great area to share! This is the interesting explanation of what this project is about.“The recovery of the area of ​​Via Morosini comes from the desire of the city administration to ensure the re-generation of disused areas by her citizens. The public area has been transformed into a collective resource. This is for the common good of the city. “Il Giardino delle Culture” is a project run by citizens, organized in association with a private donor. Its purpose is to give back to the community a place where cultural activities can flourish. Today “Il

Giardino delle Culture” is a new part of the city. It can accommodate a variety of activities and become a garden in which cultures can grow. Art, music, theater, cinema, games and sports, can all be created in this space - a laboratory of life, thoughts and community. This initiative was made possible thanks to the economic contribution of Lino Faccincani. By funding this work, he intended to promote actions aimed at children especially, in memory of his mother Elena Fiore Bizarre (July 5, 1903 - May 27, 1941). He dedicates to her the following words: “Do not cry, I will be the invisible Angel of the Family, God will not deny me anything when I will pray for you” St. Agostino Association “Giardino delle Culture” (Milan, April 2015) Murals: Dittico “Lost and Found”, by Millo, 2015 Installation: Tacheles (Parole Chiare), by Gianni Gatti Ruggiero, 2015.”


14/05/2015 Milano, Italia

Ed ecco cosa potete trovare proprio dietro la nostra Università! Abbiamo visto questo progetto crescere e concludersi in circa tre settimane! All’inizio vi era semplicemente un enorme dipinto sul muro del palazzo. Poco dopo ne è stato fatto un altro nel palazzo accanto. Entrambi sono semplicemente fantastici! Ma guardate anche cos’è stato realizzato nello spazio sottostante: una fantastica area tutta da condividere! Riportiamo qui l’interessantissima spiegazione del progetto: “Il recupero dell’area di via Morosini nasce dalla volontà dell’amministrazione comunale di garantire

la fruizione da parte dei cittadini delle aree in disuso. L’area pubblica è stata rigenerata e trasformata in risorsa collettiva. Questa è la città intesa come bene comune. Il Giardino delle Culture è un progetto di cittadini organizzati in associazione e di un donatore privato con la finalità di restituire alla collettività un luogo dove produrre attività culturali. Il Giardino delle Culture è oggi un nuovo luogo della città, può accogliere una molteplicità di attività e diventare un giardino in cui si coltivano le culture. Arte, musica, teatro, cinema, gioco e sport, possono costituire in questo spazio un laboratorio continuo di vita, di pensiero e di incontro. L’iniziativa è stata resa possibile grazie al contributo economico messo a disposizione da Lino Faccincani, che finanziando questa opera

ha inteso promuovere azioni destinate alle giovani generazioni in memoria della madre Elena Fiore Bizzarro (5 luglio 1903 - 27 maggio 1941). Mancatagli nell’età infantile, a lei dedica le seguenti parole: “Non piangete, sarò l’Angelo invisibile della Famiglia, Dio non saprà negarmi niente quando lo pregherò per voi” S. Agostino Associazione “Giardino delle Culture” (Milano, Aprile 2015) Dipinti murali: Dittico “Lost and Found”, autore Millo, 2015 Installazione: Tacheles (Parole Chiare), autore Gianni Gatti Ruggiero, 2015.”

Artist Cagliari, Italy

I’d like to know how to shoot in an image the concept of home... I cannot choose a truth, like the one of the soldier that returns home after war ends, or Mizgin’s when gets off the job, whom that goes out of school, running down the kindergarten, or Julia’s from the jail, the hospital, Brao’s one with the permission to escape from his “rest home”... What about the priest after the mass or “Bocca di rosa” after love?

Why not a sailor in the sails, or a singer in a plane? How many emotions there are inside this place? there... Tunç doesn’t even have a house and he is walking the road living the district. However when I think about “home” I smell the sea and the olives trees and vendemmia comes to me... So, actually, I feel home in each place that I’m living. I want to give a gift to those that have departed... looking for something and bring the own hull living with themself.

Writer La Spezia, Italy

Ongoing series reflecting on being alone in a home full of people. These photographs describe the feeling of comfortable solitude. I started this series when I moved out of my parents’ house to move in with my friend. By taking pictures of situations and parts of the house, I mark them as my own, thus becoming pieces of memory. In a way, this is how I try to remember who I am.

Photographer Zagreb, Croatia

To me, home means the green and blue colors of water and sky. Landscapes with all kinds of birds –

I love Costa Brava. It contains, within just a few kilometers of space, all the pleasures of what I consider home. Water is the most important element to me. When I’m in the water I feel like flying – it relaxes me – whether I am in a bathtub, or at the sea.

Illustrator Palafrugell, Spain

In this self portrait series I’m trying to picture the feeling of “being home”. However, in the series, hair, skin and patterns sometimes appear to be similar and the body tries to fit into to environment. The absence of the face reinforces the presence of the body in the space. “Nest” was shot in 2013 in my apartment in Bolzano-Italy.

A room, full of upholstered furniture. A huge playground of blended fabrics in muted shades, from grey to beige up to fancy black or red orange. The journey begins. Lying, sitting, kneeling, or crouching the upholstery gets conquered. The series was realized in a typical

german upholstery shop with the concept of camouflage - the clothes being the same color as the background. Clothes were taken from “Can you keep a secret” Vintage Store in Cologne/Germany and “Mittelsächsisches Theater” in Freiberg/ Germany.

Photographer Bolzano, Italy

With eyes closed, moves like on ice. tightrope walker. It’s all dark outside, and he’s sleeping deeply.

Fearless, tries it awake. Can’t see the end of the cable, but knows where’s the light, to turn it on.

Illustrator Sant Carles de la Ràpita, Spain

Even though I have been living in a city for many years now, I would still describe the Black Forest (the place where I spent my childhood) as my “home”.

It’s more like an idea or a concept of a certain place. A very individual space in my mind, where cultural codes, emotions, local fairy tales, childhood memories and early visual impressions merge.

Photographer Black Forest, Germany

I really did some deep thinking regarding the subject. At first, I tried to consider what home is for me I thought that it’s definitely my family: my daughter Mathilda, my husband, parents... But then I thought about all the constant changes that may happen within a family: my beloved daughter will leave me one day to enjoy her own life, my parents will pass away, my husband may leave me (who knows); people come to life, die, leave us, get closer, get distant, move around… so I realized that the concept of the family as home is not as true as I thought before. Secondly, I thought about the “physical” place: like my city, my country - but I have moved in my life more than 20 times.

I changed continents, cultures, places, houses, people around me... So home as a place was not correct either. But what would be always with me? Where I feel secure, content, safe, happy, pleased and where I just like to be? Where I love to come back, always?

I’m always with myself. I would not hurt, betray or do any damage to myself. I would not leave myself. I love myself. Well, it’s true that I don’t like myself sometimes, I know I’m far from being perfect, but I definitely love who I am. So now I can say that to me, Kasia, “home” is within my own soul, head, heart, whatever you call it. But I will keep on thinking about it, so maybe my concept of home will change. Who knows :)

Artist Polanica-Zdr贸j, Poland

How can one give a definition to the word “home�, when it means something different to each of us? To me, home is not just the place where I feel safe and free. It is something even bigger.

Visual Designer Athens, Greece

about us su di noi

our thoughts i nostri pensieri

I remember when I used to live in Newcastle Upon Tyne. My father traveled all over the world because of his job and, at that time, he was living in Australia. My sister was a flight assistant for Emirates Airlines and she was in Dubai. My mother was the only one who was still in Milan. After three months not seeing each other, my sister had a flight to Paris and my father had to go there for work. My mum and I decided to go there as well so we could finally meet and be all together for one day.

Home could be the entire world to me‌as long as I’m with the people I love the most. Home is a state of mind. It’s a connection of good feelings.

Giulia Tassinari

Graphic Designer Milan, Italy

Martina Strata There’s no place like home. How many times have you heard it? Another false legend. Good only for those who consider home just as the bed and the sofa. For me, when I talk about home, I mean the sea. No matter how much you love it, it will always scare you a bit. No matter how much you think you know it, an unexpected wave could always come to devastate you and to erase all your certainties. You will look at it with fear and dreamy eyes at the same time. Since you can’t see where the sea begins and where it ends, you can’t be certain about where your home is. That inner place where you jealously keep your feelings and your hidden worries. That place where there isn’t any shame about

who you have been, who you’d like to be and who you are. Young people often feel an oppressive weight on their shoulders. The weight of not having done enough so far. The constant nightmare of not being able to reach the horizon line. Behind that line, fears vanish and peace remains. Leopardi’s “Quiete dopo la tempesta” (“The calm after the storm”). Then I stop my thoughts. I put my hand up, I clench my fist, as an orchestral director at the end of a symphony.

So I tell myself that’s right. The years of storms, of dreadful thunders and of dazzling lightning are now. The years when you don’t know who you are or, maybe, you just pretend not to know. Well, my friends, I’m deeply sorry. I’m going to disappoint you. I can’t say where my home is. But don’t worry. I know the way to reach it. Beyond the horizon line, where the sea ends.

I close my eyes. I’m on the roof of my house, the one made by bricks and shingles. I look at the sea and I can’t imagine anything more beautiful. Maybe just because it doesn’t exist.

Graphic Designer La Spezia, Italy

Graphic Designer Milan, Italy

Home for me is a place where I feel safe and protected. It is the place where I grew up, the place where I always want to come back to and the place that I will never be able to leave. These are thoughts that intersect each other, thoughts that bring me and my mind to the one and only place, such undefined but at the same time deeply present and concrete.

Sara Signorini

Multimedia creative Gaeta, Italy

Graphic Designer Costa Masnaga, Italy


be the mean, as well as the topic. That’s why we decided to involve people from all over the world, people who are simply interested in arts, writings, photography and illustrations – professionals or amateurs. We asked these people to tell us about their experience and to create a visual piece that could express their personal point of view regarding the word “home”. This is kind of ambitious, we know that. But this idea was successful and the project slowly started to grow. We decided that we wanted to stick to the meaning of sharing, so we turned to the powerful social networks army putting at risk our reputation (and soul) for the second time – hoping to become the next Zuckerbergs. First, we created a Facebook page (yes, we did it!), as well as an Instagram, Vimeo and Twitter profile, and a blog on Tumblr. After this first and delicate phase, we started contacting all the people

visione personale di “home”. Il tutto un po’ ambizioso, lo ammettiamo. Ma l’idea è piaciuta e il progetto piano piano ha cominciato a prendere forma. Abbiamo deciso che volevamo essere fedeli alla condivisione fino in fondo così abbiamo fatto appello al potente esercito dei social, dando in pegno la nostra reputazione una seconda volta e la nostra povera anima mortale, con la promessa di un posto in paradiso vicino a Zuckerberg. Per gli amici Markone. Infatti come prima cosa abbiamo aperto una pagina Facebook. Ebbene si, l’abbiamo fatto. E anche un profilo Instagram, uno su Vimeo, uno su Twitter e un blog su Tumblr. Dopo questo lavoro certosino, abbiamo cominciato a contattare tutti coloro che volevamo partecipassero. Tramite mail, Facebook, Behance, Tumblr, Instagram e chi più ne ha più ne metta. La necessità di essere presenti su vari social nasce proprio dall’esigenza di farsi conoscere da “il grande pubbli-

we wanted to be involved. We reached them through emails, Facebook, Behance, Tumblr and Instagram (to mention just a few). “Existing” on social networks was a way to give legitimacy to the inhabit-project and to promote it among the public (before contacting the people). Everyday, we post on Facebook a link to interesting articles somehow connected to our topic. On our Instagram profile, you can find funny videos and pictures because, as Mauro says: “You need to show yourself!” (our reputation was already tainted anyway). On Tumblr we post articles related to sharing and living spaces within the city of Milan, and not only (all pieces are written exclusively by us: we didn’t want to exploit friends and family… Yeah, sure). We wrote – and re-wrote – the email a thousand time, looking for the right words and style. We decided not to be too formal in order to

co” prima di contattare “le persone”. Così da regalare al progetto un aspetto il più vicino possibile a qualcosa di ufficiale e aggirando l’assai poco remoto rischio che inhabit-project venisse ingurgitato dal temibile “spam/cestino”. Su Facebook postiamo ogni giorno un link ad un articolo o ad una notizia interessante e legata in qualche modo al nostro tema. Sul profilo Instagram potete trovare nostre foto e video divertenti. Perché, come dice Mauro: bisogna metterci la faccia! E così abbiamo fatto (tanto la nostra reputazione era già inevitabilmente compromessa). Su Tumblr invece pubblichiamo articoli riguardanti luoghi e spazi abitativi di condivisione presenti nella città di Milano e non solo. Tutti scritti da noi personalmente. Abbiamo scritto, scritto e riscritto mille volte la mail, preparandola con cura, cercando il tono e le parole giuste. Abbiamo abbandonato uno stile troppo formale in favore di uno più confiden-

Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium Poland France Germany Crimea Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germ Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium Poland France Republic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polo blica Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium tia England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States of Ame land Canada Croatia England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Greci Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greec Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria mea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Sir Crimea Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia England Czech Republic cia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca France Germany Crimea Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia Englan Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterr Belgium Poland France Germany Crimea Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada merica Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada C of America Spain Belgium Poland France Germany Crimea Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulga Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulg Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium Poland France Germany Crimea Russian Federation T Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Crimea Russia Tu Greece Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium Poland France Germany Crimea Russ Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania C Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium Poland France Germa blic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium P England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America S Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States of Ame land Canada Croatia England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Greci Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greec Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria mea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Sir Crimea Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia England Czech Republic cia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca France Germany Crimea Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia Englan Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterr Belgium Poland France Germany Crimea Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada merica Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada C of America Spain Belgium Poland France Germany Crimea Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulga Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulg Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium Poland France Germany Crimea Russian Federation T Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Crimea Russia Tu Greece Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium Poland France Germany Crimea Russ Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania C Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium Poland France Germa blic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium P England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America S Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States of Ame land Canada Croatia England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Greci Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greec Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria mea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Sir Crimea Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia England Czech Republic cia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca France Germany Crimea Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia Englan

a Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia England Czech Republic Brazil mania Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Germany Crimea Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia England Czech onia Francia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubm Poland France Germany Crimea Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croaa Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia erica Spain Belgium Poland France Germany Crimea Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotn Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria n United States of America Spain Belgium Poland France Germany Crimea Russian Federation Turkey a Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia ce Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium Poland France Germany Crimea Russian a China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Criria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium Poland France Germany Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Frana Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium Poland nd Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna ra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain a Croatia England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’ACroazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States ary Scotland Canada Croatia England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca garia Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia urchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy sian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto any Crimea Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia England Czech RepuFrancia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Poland France Germany Crimea Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia erica Spain Belgium Poland France Germany Crimea Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotn Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria n United States of America Spain Belgium Poland France Germany Crimea Russian Federation Turkey a Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia ce Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium Poland France Germany Crimea Russian a China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Criria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium Poland France Germany Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Frana Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium Poland nd Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna ra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain a Croatia England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’ACroazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States ary Scotland Canada Croatia England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca garia Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia urchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy sian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia England Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Ceca Brasile Egitto any Crimea Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia England Czech RepuFrancia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia Inghilterra Repubblica Poland France Germany Crimea Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotland Canada Croatia Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria Scozia Canada Croazia erica Spain Belgium Poland France Germany Crimea Russian Federation Turkey Mexico Bulgary Scotn Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia Messico Bulgaria n United States of America Spain Belgium Poland France Germany Crimea Russian Federation Turkey a Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Crimea Russia Turchia ce Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium Poland France Germany Crimea Russian a China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Francia Germania Criria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium Poland France Germany Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna Belgio Polonia Frana Brasile Egitto Siria Cina Italy Greece Denmark Sudan United States of America Spain Belgium Poland nd Czech Republic Brazil Egipt Syria China Italia Grecia Danimarca Sudan Stati Uniti d’America Spagna

sound more “familiar” and friendly. It worked, and a lot of people answered us. Some of them kindly declined (“Brilliant idea, awesome, but no time sorry”), but most of them congratulated us for the current and stimulating topic. Of course it happened to all of us to wonder where we really feel at “home”, right? Especially nowadays, where everything is moving fast and it’s hard to imagine to spend a lifetime in the same place. Liuna Virardi, one of the participants, published her project on Behance already, mentioning inhabit and our names: it goes without saying what a satisfaction it was for us! Riccardo Guasco wrote us (and we imagined him crying in front of his desktop) that he really wished to participate but couldn’t as he was organizing his move and wedding! We think that his future wife wouldn’t enjoy the sight of him drawing on his graphic tablet

ziale alla “eravamo quattro amici al bar”. E ha funzionato. Ci hanno risposto in tanti. Alcuni un po’ frettolosamente, alla “Bellissimo eh, però no”. Ma la maggior parte si sono complimentati con noi per l’idea, per il tema così attuale e stimolante. Chi non si è mai domandato dove si sente davvero a casa? Oggi che tutto è in movimento e non ci si arrende facilmente all’idea di doversi fermare in un posto solo per tutta la vita. Una partecipante (Liuna Virardi) ha già pubblicato il suo progetto su Behance, citando inhabit e i nostri nomi. Non serve dirvi che soddisfazione immensa sia stata per noi! Riccardo Guasco ci ha scritto (ce lo siamo immaginate in lacrime davanti al PC) che avrebbe voluto davvero partecipare ma che stava organizzando un trasloco e il suo matrimonio! Probabilmente la sua futura consorte non sarebbe stata così contenta nel vederlo inchiodato alla tavoletta grafica piuttosto che con le mani incollate agli scato-

instead of helping with the boxes and stuff, so we forgave him. Now, our project is coming to the end of its first phase and after months of work one of our mums (who is going to stay anonymous) asked us if we were preparing our graduation speech... The daughter explained her the story behind the whole project and the comment – a month away from the graduation – was: “ Oh, so you are writing a book...?” You certainly understand why we cannot say how the daughter replied to this statement. In this 2.0 world web, made by appearances and virtual friends, 200 persons answered to our email and 43 decided to participate in our project. We asked ourselves how we would end our work, in the case that nobody replied us. We could have talked about how, nowadays, nobody wants to share his/ her story or how ideas are considered too precious to be shared with the rest of the world.

loni. Quindi l’abbiamo perdonato. Adesso il nostro progetto sta giungendo al termine della sua prima fase e dopo mesi di lavoro arriva una delle nostre mamme (ha voluto mantenere l’anonimato) che, leggendo questo testo, ha domandato se ci stessimo preparando il discorso per la laurea... La figlia le ha spiegato che era la storia del nostro intero progetto, da inserire all’interno del libro. La sua risposta a un mese dalla tesi? “Ma perché, state facendo un libro?”. Capirete che non si può riportare in questa sede come la figlia abbia ribattuto. In questo mondo del web 2.0 fatto di apparenze, ovvietà e amici virtuali, sono stati 200 a risponderci e in 43 a partecipare. Ci siamo domandate come avremmo fatto a concludere la nostra tesi, se questo non fosse successo. Potevamo raccontare di come nessuno abbia più voglia di raccontarsi o di come oggi le idee, quelle vere, siano troppo preziose per poter essere condivise con il


I chose a photo of Strasbourg at night, my hometown. I like the atmosphere there at night, it’s more relaxed. I like playing with shadows and light to capture the silhouettes.

Street Photographer Strasbourg, France

I have been thinking a lot about where I feel at home but, at the beginning, I was making the mistake of trying to talk about a normal typical “physical” house. I could’t find the answer. Then I started to widen my thinking and considering any place where I feel good and the answer just came to my mind: this place is the sea! It may seem easy, but I believe that feelings, when sudden and unexpected, always tell the truth. I was born in Crimea and grew up there, by the sea.

I used to travel a lot by sea, which got me inspired: as a matter of fact, I believe that the horizon line between the sea and the sky is always visible in my paintings.

but this is just my feeling and I do not expect that the viewer would see it too. Now, being far from the

Black Sea and writing about the horizon and the sea, I’m realizing how much I love it and how much I wish I was there: to me, that is my house!

Painter Vladivostok, Russian Federation

what you didn’t know quello che non sapevi

– HOME AND SYMBOLS Texts from: La casa e i suoi significati Doc. S. A. Martini Toc, toc F. Casana

Home symbolism is rather complex, as it carries along a lot of interpretations and reflections about it. It deals with the whole subjective, cognitive and emotional part of a person as well as with its memories and experiences. Both in a physical and symbolical way, the concept of “home” brings a lot of meanings that go from to the warm safety of a solid dwelling to the vulnerability of a cold and dirty hovel, through infinite shades that reflect the inner path of a person. Houses could be seen in the distance, blurry, little and unrecognizable. They could be seen from outside, from inside, from above, as well as from a hiding place behind a tree. They could be imagined, dreamed, sketched in

black and white, colored or drew with a shaky or secure stroke. They could be modified in their structural elements or in their design. They could have a fireplace, lots of rooms and objects or they could be empty and cold. They could have things hidden under a carpet, or “broken” clocks that are either not working or marking time in a significant way. In fairy tales, which are known for bearing symbolical meanings about life, the unconscious and reality, houses have always had an essential role. – In The Three Little Pigs, the process of growth goes from the construction of a precarious straw-made dwelling to a stronger but still fragile wooden structure, to a definitive and solid construction made with bricks. – Snow White has to hide in an unknown place, after running away from her own house. This represents the symbolic transition into the grown-

up life, which is depicted – in this case – by a new and more comfortable dwelling. – Cinderella is a servant in her own house, oppressed by her stepmother and stepsisters. She’s looking for a place where she would feel belonging to. – Hansel and Gretel wander away from their house in order to provide food for the family and get attracted by the magnificence of the marzipan house, which is actually a place of suffer and tricks. After overcoming all the problems and obstacles, the siblings will find out that they are wiser and more diligent than they thought. A Russian proverb says: “My home is my fortress.” By reading some fairy tales though, we find out that this is not necessarily true. Home, that usually represents a safe and comfortable place, is not always like that.

– CASA E SIMBOLI Testi tratti da: La casa e i suoi significati Dott.ssa S. A. Martini Toc, toc F. Casana

La simbologia della casa è piuttosto complessa e portatrice di innumerevoli letture, interpretazioni, osservazioni, proprio perché fa riferimento all’intera soggettività dell’individuo, alla sua parte cognitiva e affettiva, all’insieme dei suoi ricordi, dei suoi vissuti e delle sue esperienze. La casa è depositaria di innumerevoli significati che vanno, sia in senso fisico che simbolico, dalla sicurezza e dal calore di una solida dimora alla fragilità di un tugurio freddo e sporco, passando per infinite sfumature che rispecchiano il percorso interiore dell’individuo. La casa può essere vista in lontananza, sfuocata, piccola e irriconoscibile. Può essere vista da fuori, da dentro, da sopra, da un nascondiglio dietro un albero. Può essere

immaginata, sognata, disegnata in bianco e nero, colorata, con tratto sicuro o tremolante. Può essere modificata nei suoi elementi strutturali o nell’arredamento. Può avere un caldo camino, molte stanze e oggetti o essere povera e fredda. Può avere oggetti nascosti sotto il tappeto, orologi fermi ad una determinata ora o che segnano il tempo in modo significativo.

fuggita dalla sua stessa casa. Tutto ciò costituisce simbolicamente la transizione verso la vita adulta, rappresentata anche da una nuova e più accogliente dimora. – Cenerentola è serva nella sua stessa casa, oppressa dalla matrigna e dalle sorellastre. Anch’essa è in attesa di una dimora che le possa appartenere. –

Nelle fiabe, contenitori di significati legati alla vita, all’inconscio e alla realtà, la casa ha sempre un ruolo fondamentale. – Nella famosa fiaba de I tre porcellini, il percorso di crescita passa attraverso la costruzione di una dimora instabile, fatta di paglia, a una costruzione meno debole, ma ancora fragile, fatta di legno, fino alla definitiva costruzione di resistente e sicuro mattone. – Biancaneve è costretta a rifugiarsi in un luogo estraneo dopo essere

Hansel e Gretel si allontanano dalla loro casa per procurare cibo alla famiglia e vengono attirati dalla sontuosità della casa di marzapane, un fasullo contenitore di inganni e sofferenze. Superate le difficoltà, i due protagonisti si ritroveranno più saggi e coscienziosi. Un proverbio russo recita: “la mia casa è la mia fortezza.” Ma leggendo alcune fiabe questa convinzione può venire meno. La casa, che solitamente rappresenta un luogo sicuro e confortevole, non sempre lo è.

Illustrator Prague, Czech Republic

The series started as a documentation of the places in which I lived between 2009 and 2011. During those three years I lived in five cities/towns and in two different countries (Glasgow, Edinburgh and Liverpool in the UK, Ponferrada and Gijón in Spain). While I was living

in those places the word ‘home’ lost, somehow, its meaning to me. I really didn’t know where I was going to end up next and the photos were an excuse. After I moved to Edinburgh in 2011, I decided to continue the series photographing these places every time I go back to them.

Photographer Ponferrada, Spain

Home for me is where I feel safe and protected. The real home in my mind is still my first one.

Artist S達o Paulo, Brasil

not only here non solo qui



31/03/2015 Bologna, Italy

30/05/015 Reggio Emilia, Italy

We couldn’t miss the event of “Illustri-Festival”, the new benchmark for illustrators. First of all, we wanna tell you something about Bologna! Just a wonderful city! In three words? Porches, colors and vitality! We went into the tiny Spazio ZOO, in Strada Maggiore n. 50, where we found some guys showing their portfolio to illustrators such as Ale Giorgini, Gianluca Folì and Sarah Mazzetti! Indeed, the Association also promotes this: give visibility to young talents of Italian illustration. Soon after, the conference began and they told us what “Illustri” is about and what projects they’re working on! We suggest you have a look at their very interesting website! Well, what can we say.. just great! And remember… let’s share!

You can find interesting places of sharing almost everywhere in Italy, for example in the wonderful Reggio Emilia... Emilia Romagna again! Spazio ZOO

Reggio Emilia is a stimulating city that offers every year lots of exhibitions and every kind of cultural initiatives. There’s a lovely and fascinating place that you can find wandering in the center, that we’d like to share with you. Some artists, that live and work in “Via Dei Due Gobbi” 3, opened their ateliers for a two weeks period in May (15.05-31.05). But this is not the first time. Actually, exhibitions and open spaces are frequent there. This group, of mainly photographers, is happy to share their studios and their artworks with people from everywhere, especially during the European

Photography Exhibition that Reggio Emilia hosts since 2006. For this year edition, the topic of Viaduegobbitre was “Land Effect”. Wineries, galleries, rooms, corridors, every corner displays photography shoots. Many people guarantee that this place is the best one of the OFF circuit, that collects all the free and independent spaces of the European Photography Exhibition. If you have missed it this time, try not to miss it next year. Who knows… maybe you’ll find us there!





Bologna, Italia

Reggio Emilia, Italia

Non potevamo mancare all’incontro di IllustriFestival, nuovo punto di riferimento per gli illustratori.

Puoi scovare interessanti posti di condivisione quasi ovunque in Italia! Per esempio, nella fantastica Reggio Emilia. Di nuovo Emilia Romagna!!

La prima cosa che vogliamo dirvi è che si tratta di una città meravigliosa! Bologna in tre parole? Portici, colori e vitalità! Ci siamo recate nel piccolo spazio ZOO, in Strada Maggiore n. 50, dove abbiamo trovato un gruppo di ragazzi intenti a mostrare il loro portfolio ad alcuni importanti illustratori, come Ale Giorgini, Gianluca Folì e Sarah Mazzetti! Infatti l’associazione Illustri si occupa anche di questo: dare visibilità ai giovani talenti dell’illustrazione italiana. Poco dopo è iniziata la conferenza dove ci hanno raccontato cos’è Illustri e quali sono i progetti a cui sta lavorando! Vi consigliamo di andare a sbirciare il loro sito, davvero interessante! Che dire, fantastico! E ricordate... condividiamo!

Città ricca di stimoli e interessi, Reggio Emilia ospita ogni anno numerose esposizioni, mostre e altri tipi di iniziative culturali.

Via dei Due Gobbi 3

Esiste un affascinante luogo, che puoi scoprire girovagando per le vie del centro e noi lo vogliamo condividere con voi. Alcuni artisti, che vivono e lavorano in Via Dei Due Gobbi 3, hanno aperto i loro atelier per un periodo di due settimane (15.05-31.05). E non è il primo anno che lo fanno! Esposizioni e spazi aperti qui sono all’ordine del giorno. Questo gruppo, formato principalmente da fotografi, è felice di condividere i suoi atelier e le sue opere d’arte con persone provenienti da tutto il mondo, specialmente durante la Mostra di Fotografia Europea che Reggio Emilia ospita dal 2006. Per l’edizione di quest’anno, il tema di Viaduegobbitre è stato “Effetto Terra”. Ad ogni angolo puoi trovare scatti fotografici, tra cantine, gallerie, stanze e corridoi. Molte persone considerano questo luogo il migliore del circuito OFF, che riunisce tutti quegli spazi liberi e indipendenti della Mostra di Fotografia Europea. Se questa volta ve lo siete perso, cercate di rimediare per l’anno prossimo. Chi lo sa… magari ci troverete là!

I feel at home... ... cooking food for my family in our kitchen ... saying good night to my children and turning off their bedroom lights ... sleeping and dreaming next to my beautiful wife Laura ... painting or making music in my studio

with loving interactions. A home is a way of living which encourages its inhabitants to live their lives fully.

Painter Los Angeles, USA

I’m a graphic designer and a former classical musician. Music used to be ‘home’ for me. When life was difficult and relationships troublesome music was a soothing and blissful refuge. When I was singing an orb of warmth and beauty seemed to be created, a feeling of being present, alive, centred and anchored. It was a sphere I could invite people into when giving concerts. Then the audience and I was connected in this warm presence. When I decided to leave classical music it was truly saddening, but also necessary I knew. I changed. I compared it to leaving the love of my life. Music and I couldn’t just be friends. It was all or nothing. For some years I felt homeless on an identity level. I didn’t have music as my shelter anymore. If you’ve ever been without a job or occupation you might have felt this fragile, vulnerable stage also. No label to put on who you

are or what you do. It was a great lesson! There was no title to hide behind. When I started to study graphic design I realised that I somehow had found my way home to art, which has been a great passion since my early teen years. The home feeling started to reoccur. The more I work with graphic design and digital art, the more I know I never left my life path: My search for meaningfulness in life and passion for beauty on a soullevel is continuously and unbroken! I’m still connected to the the source of creativity. The frequency/ vibration of the outcome has just changed slightly. The message is still the same. Home isn’t something I look for on an outer level. The home­feeling can occur when I meet someone I have something in common with. Someone who’s equally passionate about being creative or share the same kind of sensitivity for example.

The feeling probably has to do with connecting to your core essence, the soul, the source of creation. It’s as if everything is created in an ongoing flow and when you connect to this stream or force it’s my experience that you’ll get a deep feeling of meaningfulness and a warm home-feeling. Some look at this from a scientific point of view, some from a religious.

Graphic Designer Lystrup, Denmark

To me, home is the place where you really feel comfortable and protected. It’s a place where you can be relaxed and safe. Maybe it isn’t your own house. It may be a park for children or a church for parishioners. Your own house could also be a nightmare, though. If you experience violence inside your house, with your family, maybe you don’t feel that your home is actually “home”. If you mostly care about freedom, and you are one of those people who can travel around the world with a bicycle, maybe the bicycle and the world themselves are your home. Sometimes I feel that I’m home when I’m

at a friend’s house. My friends aren’t rich. They live in tiny flats. If I go to visit a friend and he lets me sleep on his sofa, when I wake up on that tiny sofa, I feel at home - even if my back hurts. Because I feel safe and loved.

Home could be any place where you feel you can stay for a long time. A place where you forget where you come from or that you have to go back somewhere. Home is the real “now”. Home is that place where you feel you don’t need to escape.

Illustrator Gij贸n / Xix贸n, Spain

and what you thought you knew e quello che credevi di sapere

– SCENOGRAPHY STORIES Ambra Azzarini Scenography student School of Fine Arts

home, the scenic designer has to take a further step. It’s not like drawing any other place, it cannot be a sterile and standard representation.

Florence, Italy

The house gives a lot of information about the person and can effectively represent a precise description of his/ her personality. In the movie industry, the scenic design is usually created based on the script – so after the script itself has been written. The scenic designer has thus to interpret the text and choose which elements are functional to the creation of the settings described, interns and externs. After an initial research phase, the scenic designer has then to deal with the reconstruction of a setting as similar as possible to the one depicted in the script, through the drawing of maps, elevations and sections. When the aim is to recreate a private space though, like a

A good scenic designer is the one who is able to keep in mind every single characteristic of the inhabitant of a house, and analyze them in details: work, personal interests, socio-economical condition, home country. All these elements define the inhabitant and mark him/her as a “character”. Thank to accurate analyses like this, the domestic ambient can be perceived – during the movie or the play – as a representation and a reflection of who lives inside. Home is often a mirror of the character’s personality. Let’s take “The Great Gatsby” as an example of this. It is a novel written by Francis Scott Fitzgerald in 1925, which was successfully brought for the fourth time to the movie theaters in 2013. Gatsby, the main character, lives by his

own in a big and luxurious house, in order to get the attention of the desired and beloved woman. His house collects all the objects that she could possibly desire: anything she would dream to have. In this case, as in many others throughout history and literature, it’s not an exaggeration to define home as the mirror of its inhabitants. It’s not a mistake to give a place the role to reveal passions, dreams and fears: the deep soul of the character. In everyday life, it is inevitable to personalize our own house: this happens in scenic design as well. The result is what the scenic designer aims at recreating with his work, both in the cinema and in the theater. With just one difference. It’s about make-believe.

– STORIE DI SCENOGRAFIA Ambra Azzarini Studentessa Scenografia Accademia di Belle Arti

la casa, che si tratti di un monolocale o di una villa, lo scenografo deve compiere un passo in più. Non si tratta di un luogo sterile e standard.

Firenze, Italia

La casa fornisce molte informazioni sull’individuo e può effettivamente rappresentare un quadro preciso della sua personalità. Nell’ambiente cinematografico la scenografia, solitamente, si sviluppa dopo che la sceneggiatura è stata scritta. Lo scenografo ha il compito di interpretare il testo e desumere tutti quegli elementi utili alla creazione degli ambienti descritti, interni ed esterni. A seguito della prima fase di ricerca, quello in cui lo scenografo deve cimentarsi è la ricostruzione, attraverso il disegno di piante, alzati, prospetti e sezioni, di un ambiente il più possibile somigliante a quello delineato nella sceneggiatura. Quando si tratta di ricreare un ambiente privato come

La bravura di uno scenografo si ritrova nella sua capacità di prendere come riferimento ogni singola caratteristica dell’abitante della casa per analizzarle nel particolare: lavoro, interessi personali, condizioni socio-economiche, paese di origine e tutto ciò che appunto caratterizza e rende l’abitante “personaggio”. Quest’analisi approfondita fa si che, durante la visione del film o dello spettacolo teatrale, anche l’ambiente domestico rappresenti e “rispecchi” chi vive al suo interno. La casa così assume spesso il ruolo di specchio di un personaggio. Prendiamo come esempio “The Great Gatsby”, romanzo di Francis Scott Fitzgerald del 1925, nuovamente oggetto nel 2013 (per la quarta volta) di una felice trasposizione cinematografica. Gatsby,

il protagonista, vive da solo in una casa eccezionalmente grande e sfarzosa, al solo fine di catturare l’attenzione della donna amata e tanto desiderata. La sua casa è il ricettacolo di ogni oggetto che possa mai piacere alla sua amata: qualsiasi cosa lei sognasse di avere. In questo caso, e in molti altri punteggiati qua e là nella storia, non è quindi eccessivo definire la casa come specchio del suo abitante. Non è quindi da sprovveduti affidare ad un ambiente il ruolo intimo di rivelatore di passioni, sogni, paure: l’anima stessa del personaggio. Come nella vita quotidiana e reale risulta inevitabile che ognuno di noi personalizzi la propria casa, così accade in scenografia. Il risultato è ciò che lo scenografo aspira a ricreare con il suo lavoro, al cinema come a teatro. Con una sola differenza. Si tratta di finzione.

normally tied to the people that we care about the most, like family, friends and lovers. Home is what you feel when you’re surrounded by people that allows you to be yourself and, most importantly, are themselves around you too.

Amateur Photographer Carrara, Italy

Most of us can trace the shape of our lives back to one physical place. A childhood home that played a role in defining how we see ourselves and how we choose to make our way in the world. When the question “where do you feel at home?” came in my mailbox I realized that it has always been my studio. Even when I was a child, I made one for myself. Since then, I moved a lot, like a wanderer in the world, but somehow I always managed

to get this quiet place of reflection. A safeguard where the world can be recreated according to the need of the moment. So the question has an easy answer. But what do I really remember? Some rooms with a view? Some details, structures that I used? I began to reconstruct them from memory. And as the collection now begins to grow I realize that these drawings, in many ways, are the

Painter Ghent, Belgium

Artist Xuzhou, China


Luckily, we didn’t need this back up plan. Each and every answer we got back represented a small victory for inhabit. Why did people participate, though? Without having nothing in return, neither honors nor money. Just friendship, passion and the desire to help three university students, desperate but determined to follow their intuition. Maybe they did it for the satisfaction of seeing their names printed on a 10-copies book... We don’t know how to answer this question and actually we are not interested to investigate the reason why this people decided to help us. Because this is what they’ve done, they helped us. They met us halfway, they bore the thousands of emails and the thousands of questions. Some of them surprised us and some of them gave us chills. But what really matters is that they shared with us. Images, words, feelings. And if inhabit has a meaning now, the credit goes to them.

resto del mondo. Per fortuna non ce n’è stato bisogno. Ogni risposta che ci è arrivata è stata una piccola vittoria per inhabit. Ma perché la gente ha partecipato? Senza ricevere nulla in cambio, niente onori o denaro. Solo per amicizia, per passione, per il desiderio di aiutare tre studentesse un po’ disperate ma che ci credono davvero. Oppure per la soddisfazione di poter vedere il loro nome stampato su un libro con la tiratura di dieci copie... Non sappiamo con certezza la risposta a questa domanda e in realtà non siamo interessate a conoscere la motivazione esatta che ha spinto queste persone ad aiutarci. Perché è questo ciò che hanno fatto: ci hanno aiutato. Ci sono venute incontro, hanno sopportato le mille mail e le mille domande. C’è chi ci ha sorpreso e chi ci ha emozionato. Ma quello che conta davvero è che hanno condiviso con noi. Immagini, parole, sentimenti. E se adesso inhabit ha un senso, è grazie a loro.

inhabit is me you us and...

Maria Martin Jon Angulo Mansour Ahmed Omer Lana Kasianova Ruscen Vidilniev Nada Elkalaawy Natalia Zaratiegui AurĂŠlie Lenglet Liuna Virardi Julia Binfield Anna Ramunni Cory Stevens Luis Barbosa Giulia Pra Floriani William Brighton

Salah Maraashi Francesco Paleari Lisa Gelli Cinta Vidal Monika Grubizna Fernando Volken Togni Tellas Gianmarco Benedetto Glorija Lidze Anna Grimal Jasmine Deporta Ferro Alexander Binder Kasia Gawron Virginia Christakos

Francesco Di Cecca Chiara Pirovano Louis-Pierre Henry Polina Orlova Barbora Idesova Igor Termenon Chico Baldini Mike Biskup Maria Grønlund Pablo Alvàrez Gonzàlez Nathan Pagano Olivier Deprez Sang Miao

these are the ones that participated in the project questi sono coloro che hanno partecipato al progetto a special thank to all of you for sharing your ideas with us a tutti voi, grazie per aver condiviso le vostre idee con noi

Four Quartets, East Coker, III T.S. Eliot, 1940

home is where one starts from la casa è da dove uno inizia

now it’s your turn ora è il tuo turno

All the images in this book were taken from different sources. All the images mention their source. This volume was made for didactic purpose only.

Sara Signorini

Martina Strata

Giulia Tassinari

inhabit is sharing between people (myself, yourself,

sharing between friends (my creativity, your creativ

sharing between strangers (my life, your life, our li countries (my home, your home, our home) inhabit inhabit investigates the concept of home.

home as an inner place. home as a sharing and livi we involved artists, photographers and illustrators

we asked them to think about the meaning of home.

with us words and images which speak by themselve

the physical aspect and beyond geographical bord this is the result, this is inhabit.

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