Spring 2020
Healthy Living in
Loundsley Green & Holmehall
Your guide to local servives and facilities
Healthy living in Loundsley Green and Holme Hall
“We are facing difficult times. Many of us are cut off from our friends and are having to cope with all of the challenges resulting from the Covid-19 virus. We will get through it though and, when things return to near normal we will all be ready to get out, make the most of the facilities around us, and rebuild our friendships and active lives. This guide provides you with a glance at some of the facilities, services and support that will be waiting for you. Do plan to make the most of them.
Do you realise just how many services and facilities are available in Holme Hall and Loundsley Green that could help improve the quality of life for you, your friends and your family? Services that can contribute to better physical and mental health. Many people say that we live in very unhealthy times: We face increased stress and pressure from all around; many people live alone and don’t get the social contact which is so beneficial; we don’t always eat healthily; and it can be hard to get the amount of exercise that is good for us. Improving our health and wellbeing is not just about eating sensibly and exercising more, though. It is about finding enjoyable things to do, meeting with other people, and knowing where to go for help. This booklet will tell you some of the things going on within Loundsley Green and Holme Hall which could help enrich your life.
Outdoors This unique park is the largest in Chesterfield and covers an area of 141 acres.
The park has good facilities with two car parks. There are two children’s play areas. The lower one approached from Linacre road also has outdoor gym equipment. The other one is situated near the pavilion. There is an excellent cafÊ in the pavilion with pleasant outdoor seating.
Holmebrook Valley Park
There is a Petanque area near the pavilion car park. The park has a fishing lake, orienteering course, mountain bike course, model plane area and a bird hide. There are many paths suitable for walking and cycling and has seating and picnic tables in various locations. The Holme brook runs through the park with areas that can be explored. There are maps of the park situated at the main entrances. The park is popular with dog walkers. There is a dog training area. The park was awarded a Green Flag on 27th July 2011 and has been awarded Green Flag status every year since. A Green Flag is a sign to visitors that the park is wellmaintained and well-managed, with excellent facilities. The Friends of Holmebrook Valley Park has been in existence since 2008. We are a group of people who care about the park and are supported by Chesterfield Borough Council.
We work to improve the park by applying for funding for projects in the park. We have two monthly litter picks throughout the year.
You may contact us by looking at the website www.holmebrookvalleypark. org.uk Or emailing the Secretary at fhvpgroup@gmail.com
Holme Hall Community Garden The garden, which is 2 years old now, is situated next to the Woodlands Nursing Home, and backs onto open countryside, bordered by a stream, thus attracting birds and wildlife. It's good for your mental health to be able to spend time in natural surroundings, and the garden provides a calm space for people to visit. Make use of the garden – there is a picnic area – or join a dedicated team in helping to work on the garden occasionally. During the summer there is an abundance of insects and butterflies around the wildflower area, and we have started to grow vegetables in raised beds for the community. There are fruit trees, with more to be added this year.
The garden has won two RHS Awards and with extra volunteers we have plans to develop the space even more, with the inclusion in 2020 of a greenhouse. Get in touch for more details.
Leave a message on 01246 498080 or e mail mail@holmehallunite.co.uk
Walking for Health Walking is a great way to get fit, explore what’s on your doorstep and make new friends. Come and join one of our free, friendly short walks. No special equipment needed, just wear sensible shoes and dress for the weather. For more information on any of our health walks or on other opportunities to become more active, or you are interested in starting a health walk in your local area please contact: Chesterfield Borough Council Community Lifestyle Officer on:
01246 345669 or email: tina.hensey@chesterfield.gov.uk Find other health walks near you at: www.walkingforhealth.org.uk
Holmebrook Valley Park Health Walk • Every Thurs at 10.30 am • Meet at Café by pavilion, Holmebrook Valley Park • Watermeadow Lane entrance • Walk is around 60 mins followed by refreshments in café. • Meet at 10.15 for 10.30am start • Please note - some slopes and uneven surfaces in park
Meeting Others Holme Hall Community Hub The Hub (which is based at 41 Mercaston Close, Holme Hall) provides a local meeting place for residents, and offers various activities (e.g. Coffee Morning every Tuesday at 11am, and Social Afternoon every Friday at 2pm). We run day trips (city / coast) during the summer months and a regular Lunch Club (visiting a local hostelry for a pub lunch). Its good to socialize and make new friends. We also host a number of groups for various activities – eg Knit and Natter groups etc. Get in touch for more details. Leave a message on 01246 498080 or email mail@holmehallunite.co.uk or just pop along to the coffee morning one week and see for yourself.
Loundsley Green Community Centre This is a community owned and managed facility in the heart of Loundsley Green. It hosts a wide range of regular activities including: • • • • • •
Afternoon social groups and Sunday lunch club Physical activities (badminton clubs, yoga, walking and running groups) Young people’s groups (Brownies, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts) Parent and child activities (Parent and toddlers group, Baby sensory sessions) Educational groups: University of the third age (U3A) and others Support activities: Weekly Foodbank
It also stages occasional events such as Barn Dances, Table Top Sales, Christmas Market. And the centre is available to hire for people to run their own activities, meetings or parties, including weddings. In 2020 it is hoped that the adjoining old vicarage can be adopted by the trust for use as a hub for local small businesses. Loneliness can have a massive impact on people’s physical and mental health. Taking part in regular activities with other people can be of enormous benefit. To see details of what goes on at the centre check out www.lgct.org.uk If you want to take part in any current activities, would like to volunteer to help run the centre in any way, or come to our monthly open meeting to suggest new ideas, contact our manager Naomi (07419 336062; manager@lgct.org.uk). To book a room for your own event contact our bookings manager Janet (07422 575855; bookings@lgct.org.uk).
Young People
Youth Project For several years a Youth Club met weekly at Loundsley Green Community Centre. Funding cuts meant that had to be discontinued, though. We would love to re-form the Youth Club and, if anyone is interested in volunteering to help to run this, we would love to hear from them. Meanwhile a small amount of funding has been received to set up a Youth Project, working to find out what young people in the area need and helping to fill some of the gaps in services. At the time this newsletter was printed details of the project are still being developed, though a Friday evening project being run by Extreme Wheels has recently started. If you would like to find out more about the above activities please contact the centre manager at Loundsley Green manager, Naomi (07419 336062; manager@lgct.org.uk).
Brownies, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts The Brownie, Beaver, Cub and Scout groups all meet weekly during term times at Loundsley Green Community Centre. They provide fantastic opportunities for young people to make friends, to learn valuable skills and to enjoy themselves. The Scout group has recently run a successful “back to basics” summer camp and a "Chilly Challenge" one night camp in January. At their meetings members are constantly working towards badges and aiming towards their Chief Scout Award. They also run fundraising events such as a Halloween disco, quiz night and fashion show. The groups are well attended, well supervised and extremely active organising events for their members and for their families. For more information contact: • Brownies : Deborah (07545 232897) • Beavers, Cubs and Scouts: Mark (07870 671426) Lg38thchesterfield@outlook.com
Finacial Health Help to work: Building better opportunities
Building Better Opportunities is a support programme for unemployed or economically inactive people aged 16+ designed to help people back into employment. The programme is funded jointly by the European Social Fund and the National Lottery Community Fund and has four strands: 1) Doing Good Business : For anyone not currently working and would like to return to work by working for themselves. Participants receive 1:1 coaching from a business expert who will explain how self-employment is not as complex as many people think. Also provides access to training courses, and funding for specialist training courses. We can meet people at Loundsley Green Community Centre, at your home, or at a venue of your choice. Contact: paul@clowne-enterprise.org.uk; 07973 522772; Website: clowne-enterprise.org.uk/doing-good-business 2) Towards Work – For people who want to access training or employment but have barriers preventing them from moving forward. Examples of barriers could be mental health, disability, low skills, criminal record and childcare. Personalised 1:1 support to move closer to work, education or training for 12 months, including 3 months in-work support. Support with the costs of travel, childcare, qualifications and other barriers if identified within their needs assessment. Website: https://www.towardswork.org.uk/ Case Studies: https://www.towardswork.org.uk/casestudies/
3) Opportunity and Change – For people who have multiple complex needs, which are preventing them from being socially included and preventing them from achieving stability to gain employment. Multiple and complex needs include homelessness, or being vulnerably housed, having mental health issues, substance misuse issues, offending or ex-offending. Personalised 1:1 support with work for 12-18 months. Support with the costs of travel, childcare etc. if identified as a barrier. Website: http://www.opportunityandchange.org/ 4) Money Sorted – For people who require assistance with money management and financial inclusion support. Personalised 1:1 support with work for 6 months. Support with the costs of travel, childcare etc. if identified within needs assessment at a barrier. Website: http://moneysortedind2n2.org/ Case Studies: https://moneysortedind2n2.org/case-studies/
Don’t get bitten by a loan shark This campaign, led by Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire Credit Union (CNEDU) has been running in our area for over 12 months. Its aim is to address problems caused by doorstep lenders. We know that this is rife in our area with some residents being charged interest rates as high as 550% APR. Some residents are easy targets for these activities and, when borrowing money in this way, can soon run up a huge debt. If they seek help it can take many years to clear these debts, however many are targeted and their loans are continually renewed which has led to isolation, depression and even suicide. CNEDU is working out of the Holme Hall Hub to combat these activities and give the residents an alternative way to borrow money. They give residents an opening to borrow money in a responsible way, and hopefully encourage residents to save money. The team is at Holme Hall Hub every Tuesday where residents can talk about our services and become a member of the Credit Union. The Credit Union’s campaign is titled “Don’t get bitten by a loan shark“. They are look for local volunteers to support this programme which would be a great opportunity to learn new skills and could eventually lead to part time employment. The Credit Union has also launched the Junior Savers Scheme at Holme Hall Primary School which gives children an opportunity to save money each week with the focus being on EARN, SAVE, SPEND. If we can install this mind-set in these children from an early age, then we have a better chance of avoiding some of the issues around debt in later life. Contact : Alan Hall, CNEDCU : 01246 278 833, webmail@cnedcu.co.uk
The Holmebrook Conservation and Improvement Group was formed to help improve the natural areas around Loundsley Green by planting trees and plants, tidying existing planted areas, clearing litter and brightening up some of the paved areas. The group is run by volunteers but works in close collaboration with Chesterfield Borough Council and has had a great impact on the area that has been welcomed by residents and visitors alike. Their projects include: • Planting trees • Creating a wildflower meadow • Developing a wild fruit orchard • Clearing brambles • Installing planters in the Pingles diamond garden with plants chosen to attract bees and butterflies • Leading litter picks If you would like to help with this great project, and spend a bit of time out in the open please call Angela on 07985106041 for more details.
Feeling Safe
Dealing with Anti-Social Behaviour Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) can make the lives of people truly miserable, The behaviour doesn’t need to be directed at the individual for it to affect them. It can include creating excessive noise, rowdy behaviour, damage to property, harassment or threats towards people. The police and local authorities are committed to stamping out ASB in all its forms. But they need the help of local people to take action. Here’s how you can help: • • •
If you see someone doing something criminal, and it needs an urgent response, call the police on 999. If it’s not urgent please ring 101 If you want to report a crime anonymously call crime stoppers on 0800555111. This information gets passed to the police so they can put a picture together of what’s going on in an area.
The Council also have two officers who deal with anti – social behaviour that causes nuisance or annoyance to people, but that may not be criminal. To talk to this team please ring Dianne Illsley or Jessica Maidens on 01246 345224 . They are part of the Community Safety Partnership and work with other agencies to deal with local problems or you can talk to one of your Councillors (see back page for contact details). Housing Services also deal with anti- social behaviour that affects or is caused by Council tenants. The Council want to know if someone is causing problems for their neighbours as they can use housing laws to try and end the poor behaviour. If you want to report a council tenant, or are one and you are affected by someone else’s behaviour, please ring 01246 345071 or ring the Estates and Neighbourhoods Officer for the area, Nina Skelton, whose number is 01246 345179. Housing Services will not tell the person you are complaining about without your permission unless you are reporting a crime that they have a duty to pass on.
Where to go for further information or advice: Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire Credit Union: 01246 278 833, webmail@cnedcu.co.uk CAP : providing one to one help in managing debt 0800 3280006; 07856 417740; timsoar@capuk.org Chesterfield Borough Council Community Lifestyle Officer on: 01246 345669; tina.hensey@chesterfield.gov.uk Friends of Holmebrook Valley Park: fhvpgroup@gmail.com Holmebrook Conservation and Improvement Group: Angela : 07985106041 Holme Hall Hub and Community Garden: 01246 498080; mail@holmehallunite.co.uk Loundsley Green Community Centre: Manager : 07419 336062; manager@lgct.org.uk Bookings: 07422 575855; bookings@lgct.org.uk www.lgct.org.uk
Your local Councillors: County Councillor : Mick Wall mick.wall@derbyshire.gov.uk 07970 305679 Borough Councillors: Ray Catt ray.catt@chesterfield.gov.uk 07768 443145 Avis Murphy avis.murphy@chesterfield.gov.uk 01246 207941
Reporting Anti Social Behaviour: Police : Urgent – 999; Not Urgent – 101 Anonymous reporting (Crimestoppers) – 0800555111 Chesterfield Community Safety Partnership : 01246 345224 Problems with Council Tenants : 01246 345071 or 01246 345179 Young People Brownies : Deborah 07545 232897 Beavers, Cubs and Scouts: Mark 07870 671426, lg38thchesterfield@outlook.com Loundsley Green Youth Projects : 07419 336062; manager@lgct.org.uk
Help to Work Programmes (Building Better Opportunities): Doing Good Business (self employment): paul@clowne-enterprise.org.uk; 07973 522772; www.clowne-enterprise.org.uk Money sorted (help with money management): www.moneysortedind2n2.org/ Opportunity and Change (people with complex needs): www.opportunityandchange.org/ Towards Work (people facing barriers) www.towardswork.org.uk/ This Newsletter has been produced and distributed by Loundsley Green Community Trust: www.lgct.org.uk; secretary@lgct.org.uk. Thank you to Derbyshire County Council and Chesterfield Borough Council for their support in producing this guide.