SaafConsult Brochure

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Water Resource Management SaafConsult is specialized in management issues related to water. These include: •

About the Company

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Virtually established in The Netherlands in 2005, its consultants live and work worldwide. Since 2005 the company has brought on board a select group of consultants with relevant expertise in the various fields. The mission statement of SaafConsult is, “To provide consultancy, project management and investments to projects, organisations and funds that contribute to sustainable use of natural resources in developing countries and countries in transition.”

Water User Associations for Irrigation or Water Supply. Central or Regional Ministries for Water Management. Watershed and river basin management organisations. Municipal Utilities for Potable Water and Sanitation. Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) and processes of Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT). Monitoring and Evaluation of projects and programmes in the water sector. Public-Private Partnerships and Privatization of water management organisations. Water for Nature – Wetlands and Ecosystem Management, River Basin Management and Watershed Management

Whether it is water for environmental flows, agriculture, energy, fisheries, industry or livelihoods, SaafConsult actively works with its clients to develop tailored and applicable approaches and solutions to its needs and requirements.

SaafConsult B.V. Address: President Steinstraat 9, 2312 ZP Leiden, The Netherlands

Lorem Ipsum Dolor +31 (0)6 526 36 031

Tel: + 962 (0)797375727

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Clients and Partners Some of the main clients of SaafConsult are the African Development Bank, KfW Development Bank, German International Cooperation (GIZ), the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Wetlands International, the European Union, the World Conservation Union (IUCN), Austrian Development Cooperation, Czech Development Cooperation, private sector firms such as Sachsen Wasser in Germany and international NGOs such as WWF, IUCN, Wetlands International and Friends of the Earth Middle East. For its work in Egypt and the Middle-East North Africa (MENA) region, SaafConsult works with several companies in Jordan, Palestine and Egypt. In South Asia we are currently working with partners in Pakistan and India. We have also established a broad network of contacts with local NGOs and other strategic partners to complement our services.

Water supply and sanitation - Donec vehicula mauris in est

SaafConsult, in cooperation with partners, actively assists water utilities and rural water service providers with institutional and organisational aspects of the provision of potable water and sanitary drainage. Issues dealt with include decentralization of water provision, cost recovery, organizational structuring, institutional embedding, regulation, training and public relations. We are a firm believer in the need and effectiveness of appropriate water services pricing. Valuing of water results in a rational allocation process based upon socio-economic considerations. Valuing of water also contributes to water demand management within systems. This is also where the link between water resources management and water supply and sanitation should be made. Our work experience in Water Supply and Sanitation includes working with the AFD in Palestine, KfW Development Bank in Egypt, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia, GIZ in Syria and Jordan and Netherlands Development Assistance in Surinam, Mozambique, Romania and Moldova.

“Green” Investments SaafConsult has the necessary inquisitive and pioneering spirit to identify potential for investments in water and environmental infrastructure in developing and transition countries. This spirit is backed up by a strong sense of commerce and value for money. Once we identify potential projects we are also able to provide services to acquire additional subsidies and financing for feasibility studies and investments. In Hungary we are currently developing investment projects in biomass for the generation of electricity. In Jordan we are looking at investments in fish farming in the Jordan Valley. Much work is also being done on the development of specialised fund for investments in water infrastructure, and on valuation of ecosystem services.

The RENEW Fund SaafConsult has established the RENEW Fund. The RENEW Fund is a fund that invests in projects, companies, other funds or ventures that contribute to the sustainable use of natural resources. The fund invests in: • • • • • •

Renewable energy (wind power, solar power, biogas, biomass, hydropower, tidal power, etc.) Negotiable/tradable rights (water rights, carbon credits, emission rights, etc.) Environmental infrastructure (water/wastewater treatment, energy efficiency, water conveyance, etc.) Management contracts (water supply, sanitation, irrigation, solid waste management) Aquifer Storage and Recovery ASR) projects Any other related activity within the overall objectives of the fund

The fund is oriented towards the Middle-East/South Asia region. It is in this region that a vast potential for these investments exists, and where serious investments in environment and (re-)use of natural resources, such as water, are vital. It is also the region where SaafConsult has the strongest representation and experience.

This map shows the locations of water related projects of SaafConsult since 2005

Brief selection of relevant projects Project: Client: Services:

Assessment of the Development Cooperation of the Czech Republic in the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector in Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region in Ethiopia Czech Development Agency Country: Ethiopia Period: 09/ 2011 • • • • • •

Project: Client: Services:

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Client: Services:

International trainer, responsibilities include programme design, curriculum development, materials development, provision of training, guidance of the co-trainer, evaluation of the course, reporting and on-line coaching.

Integrated Water Management Quality and Entry Review and Country Strategic Programme Review African Development Bank (AfDB) Country: Regional Africa Period: 1/ 2012 – 5/ 2012 •


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InWEnt funded “Competency Based Training and Retraining in the Water and Wastewater Sector” - the main aim is to qualify selected trainers / staff of the Holding Company for Water and Waste water and its affiliated water companies as well as Technical Secondary Schools. InWEnt GmbH Country: Egypt Period: 6/ 2010 – 6/ 2011 •

Project: Client: Services:

Consultation on strategic and operational issues related to water and sanitation systems design, implementation and evaluation in developing countries Review international assistance in water and sanitation sector related to project in the region Methodological approach to assure complementarity/synergetic effects of future Czech Development Cooperation in water and sanitation sector to relevant international donor operating in the region Technical supervision, water and sanitation quality review of reports Expert assessment and input to reports as required by Lead Expert Integer egestas orci Expert input and participation during debriefing workshop in Prague

Using the IWRM principles as set out in the IWRM (2000) policy statement, construct an analytical framework for assessing and scoring each project document for IWRM quality at entry and finalize it in consultation with OPEV2. Collect all the necessary documents and reports, including Country Strategy Papers, Project Appraisal Documents, and sector assessments relevant to the water related interventions (as available) for the detailed QAE review; Analyze each project against the analytical framework to consider the extent to which IWRM principles are addressed and/or reflected in the intervention noting particular strengths and shortcomings; Identify practices that are considered to be synonymous with the IWRM approach and could be considered as emerging best practice in the Bank; Review the corresponding CSPs for each of the countries in the sample to examine whether a strategy for Bank intervention in water related sectors is set out at this level; Based on the above tasks, produce a report that sets out the methodology, the sample and the findings from the review and their implications for the Bank. (The report will provide recommendations and issues for consideration during the country case study field work and for inclusion in the final report.) Make presentation on the key findings, lessons and recommendations to OPEV2 and the Bank’s water related operations departments; Finalize the report incorporating the comments and suggestions provided by the OPEV2 and Bank staff during the presentation, and submit the final report to OPEV2

Water for Production: Review of recent implementation experience and identification of strategic options to support the WfP subsector as a component of the planned Joint Water and Environment Sector Support Programme (JWESSP 2013-18) Austrian Development Agency Country: Uganda Period: 11/ 2011 – 1/ 2012 • • • • •

Reviewing key documents, existing policies/strategies, master plans, studies etc. that are relevant for the WfP sub-sector; Consulting key stakeholders involved in WfP activities, not limited to MWE but also including selected representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Local Governments, water resource management and the private sector; Conducting field visits to at leas two Districts, including at least two sites of irrigation dams, two sites of valley tanks and two sites of projects implemented by the government. Technical assistance on water for production Presenting analyses and recommendations in a concise, strategic final report including an action plan.

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