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November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20th is


JOIN US FOR THE FIGHT against pancreatic cancer by helping us light up the world in PURPLE during the month of November! For the past three years, we have had supporters from across the United States light up their homes and businesses with purple lights, including Hartford City Hall. Our goal is to have a home / business lit in every state and internationally. We already have partners in the United Kingdom and Germany participating.

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Please share pictures of your lights with us at info@ronsrun.org Please “LIKE” us on the Power of Purple Facebook page!

Ron’s Rescue Fund: When Pamela Walters was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in April of 2012, she was given a 5% chance to survive beyond six months. “I remember my surgeon told me about an organization he thought I should look into, but honestly I was so sick and overwhelmed I didn’t even remember he’d mentioned it. It wasn’t until I was going through chemo that my advocate brought the Ron Foley Foundation to my attention.” Up until that point, Pam and her family had been “We really just needed to get caught up. I’m lucky that I have good insurance, but the initial costs still took a huge toll on our ability to stay current

West Hartford Center businesses will be lighting up their windows with purple lights with many donating a portion of their day’s sales to the Ron Foley Foundation. Others are selling purple wristbands and setting up pancreatic cancer awareness tables. Stay tuned through our website www.ronsrun.org and Facebook page for a list of businesses generously participating.

A few of the businesses participating this year… BK & Company Bob DeGemmis’ Dressed to the Nines Lux Bond & Green Labrazel Home DeRobertis Jewelers Webster Bank

We are excited that Aetna has agreed to light its Hartford headquarters in purple again this year!

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In West Hartford Center and Blue Back Square

Pamela Walters with our bills.” are no other organizations out there willing to help – it’s the paperwork combined with the fact that you really have to be diligent to make your case and follow up. “It’s a full time job that’s most amazing thing about Ron’s Rescue Fund is that because you’re working with such a well-run grassroots Foundation, the decisions are made personally and quickly.” were able to catch up on their mortgage and pay a much needed oil bill. “I can’t tell you what it meant to us.”

Volunteer Spotlight:

After being in remission for most of 2013, Pam’s tumor returned shortly after Christmas. She is back in chemo and researching alternative treatments. Pam shared her journey with the 450 2014 Ron’s Run for the Roses attendees because she feels it’s important for is to diagnose and just how devastating it can be.

Mary Froeb

A pancreatic cancer survivor and longtime friend of the Foley family, Mary Froeb worked with Barbara planning the very

as a volunteer and contributor year after year. For the last two years, Mary has chaired the silent and live auction at Ron’s Run. If you’ve attended the event, you’ve seen for yourself how much work goes into the auction. She and her team are careful to make sure there is something for everyone.

the Roses in 2009. And although Mary didn’t actually make it to that initial Kentucky Derby gathering due to the birth

so I know how lucky I am to have beaten it,” says Mary “I want to do whatever I can to make others aware. Even more than that, what I like most about the Ron Foley Foundation is the focus on

need when no one else will. Research is important, of course, but people helping people – that’s what it’s all about for me.” Mary also feels that what sets Ron’s Run apart is “I love that the event caters to young professionals as well as those more established in their careers. It’s such a fun day, and I’ve met so many wonderful people I might not have. I really feel like what I

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