Toronto FOCUS - Spring 2014

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TORONTO Canada Green Building Council


ISSUE 7, SPRING 2014, Greater Toronto Chapter, CaGBC Regional Publication / SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE & BUILDING MAGAZINE

Toronto’s newest community On Track for 2015 Building Energy & GHG Benchmarking Labeling & Transparency

Toronto’s High-Rise Retrofit Improvement Support Program

LEED v4 in Canada What’s Coming and What it Means to You

SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS


A UniqUe ApproAch to VAlUe creAtion

2013 Toronto-Dominion Centre Sustainability Report

Go to for the full CSR Report.


SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS

Welcome to Toronto FOCUS

Even with the challenging weather conditions we experienced this winter, the amount of construction in the city proceeds at an impressive rate. What is also impressive is the amount of these buildings that are being built to LEED or other green standards.

Message from the Greater Toronto Chapter of the CaGBC

In this regard, Infrastructure Ontario and Waterfront Toronto (TO)

We are all looking forward to the CaGBC’s National Conference

are to be congratulated on the leadership role they are playing in

and Expo which will be taking place in Toronto June 2-4. Building

promoting green building and green communities as shown in the

Lasting Change 2014 – Exploring the Value of Green Building

articles on the Athletes’ Village and the new athletics stadium at

will explore the value of green through the lens of sustainable

York University, both being built originally for the Pan Am Games,

building, real estate and neighbourhood development.

but ultimately to leave a massive legacy for the city in terms of

As part of the Conference, the Chapter has planned several pre-

housing and sports facilities.

conference tours to sites that feature green buildings and green

Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) continues to

communities. Join us for the tours, the conference, and the many

raise the standard with its newest project, the BRE Innovation

other diverse events we are holding throughout the year that

Park, which will be designed to showcase the very best in green

will enable you to connect with old and new friends in the green

building practices and products while simultaneously serving as

building community.

a centre for innovative demonstration, research and education.

Thank you to our volunteers, members, partners and friends for

Here at the Chapter we continue to celebrate and promote

providing some of this supplement’s content; and especially to our

sustainable design through our Innovation in LEED awards, our

sponsors and advertisers who have helped make this publication

Green Building Map, the Ontario Green Policy Hub, the Thank

happen. Our next edition of Toronto FOCUS will be coming to you

you Campaign, and our green Building Blitz as part of our annual

this fall. Please continue to share with us your projects, lessons,

Spring Open reception on April 30th. Also, we continue to provide

and successes as we continue to showcase the many inspiring

relevant and topical education and information sessions on such

stories of the green building sector. These publications and your

topics as the Toronto Green Standard, the Ontario Building Code,

support of the Chapter greatly contribute to the strengthening

LEED v4, commissioning and building materials transparency.

promotion and success of our green building community. We hope you enjoy this supplement and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Hazel Farley

Andy Schonberger

Executive Director Greater Toronto Chapter Canada Green Building Council

Director, Earth Rangers Centre Chair, Greater Toronto Chapter Canada Green Building Council

SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS




See a digital version of Greater Toronto Chapter FOCUS at

In this Issue Spring 2014



7 v4 in Canada 9 LEED What’s Coming and

Professional Development & Events

What it Means to You

City Campus 14 ThePartLiving of the BRE Innovation Park Networks


Building Energy & GHG Benchmarking Labeling & Transparency


Race to Reduce Ahead of Target


CIBC Pan Am Parapan Am Athletics Stadium

Newest Community 26 Toronto’s on Track for 2015

Environmental savings for this issue: Toronto FOCUS is printed on Rolland Enviro 100 Satin, a 100% post-consumer fiber that is certified FSC and EcoLogo. It is processed chlorine-free,

12 trees

45,044 L water

682 kg waste

1,774 kg of CO2

FSC-recycled and is manufactured using biogas energy.

Cover photo: George Brown College Residence by architectsAlliance, for the DundeeKilmer Integrated Design Team.


Editor: Courtney Good, Greater Toronto Chapter of the Canada Green Building Council A joint publishing project of the Greater Toronto Chapter - CaGBC and SABMag. Address all inquiries to Don Griffith: Published by Janam Publications Inc. | |

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SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS

Professional Development & Events EDUCATION. INNOVATION. COLLABORATION. The Greater Toronto Chapter of the Canada Green Building Council (GTC-CaGBC) helps you connect with Ontario’s green building movers and shakers, as well as access the cutting-edge information you need to accelerate your LEED credentials and stay at the forefront of the green building industry. Here’s a highlight of Chapter initiatives and upcoming events and workshops.

INTRODUCTION TO LEED V4 April 2 – Ernst & Young, Toronto In this half day introduction course, learners will gain a broad understanding of the newest version of the LEED rating system. The enhanced LEED v4 system goals and their impact on LEED point allocation will be covered, including increased performance requirements, the new Integrative Process credit, the new credit category, and new and improved tools for use in the certification process.

ONTARIO BUILDING CODE BREAKFAST April 29 – LoyaltyOne Conference Centre, Toronto The 2012 Ontario Building Code (Ontario Regulation 332/12) came into effect on January 1, 2014. The Code includes enhanced minimum requirements for energy efficiency, carbon dioxide equivalents and peak electric demand. Join our three expert panelists for breakfast as they highlight the energy efficiency compliance alternatives, as set out in Supplementary Standards SB-10 and SB-12 of the Building Code, describe energy modelling strategies and design specifications that comply with the new requirements, and share some examples of projects that have strived to meet those requirements.

AGM / SPRING OPEN April 30 - Centre for Social Innovation (CSI) Annex, Toronto Come join us as we welcome spring and celebrate green building at an exciting new event location. Guests will be inspired at our 3nd annual Building Blitz as some of the city’s greenest buildings are each presented in succinct sound bites of two minutes.

Guests will also have the opportunity to meet and mingle with the GTC-CaGBC’s 2014 Newest Board Members at the AGM.

LEED GREEN ASSOCIATE STUDY COURSE May 21 & 22 – Morrison Hershfield Limited, Burlington Study for the LEED Green Associate exam in Burlington this Spring! This two-day course provides the foundational knowledge to prepare you for the LEED Green Associate exam. The LEED Green Associate Exam is an introductory-level examination for individuals who wish to demonstrate a general knowledge of LEED and green building practices, or continue on to more advanced LEED credentials, such as LEED AP with specialty. Our most popular course will also be offered at the Evergreen Brick Works in Toronto on: August 19 & 20 and October 14 & 15.

placed on the raw ingredients that are being sourced, the energy conservation practices adopted during the manufacturing process, the methods used for transporting products, local factors that impact material production, and this will translate into a more targeted procurement of “green” products. What does this mean for green building professionals, building owners and facility managers? Come to Session II of the 2014 LEED Breakfast Series to find out!

GREEN LEGACY GALA October 16 – Arcadian Court, Toronto Come celebrate our fifth annual Green Legacy Gala. This is our largest / most anticipated event of the year. It is a great opportunity to network, support the Greater Toronto Chapter’s continuing education and training programs and meanwhile promote the success and viability of sustainable building practices.

Chapter BBQ June 4 – Richmond Adelaide Centre, Toronto Kick off the summer with the GTC-CaGBC! This event welcomes everyone throughout the entire ‘green’ industry – whether you are a green building enthusiast or a LEED certified expert – close out the National Conference and network over food, drinks and music.

LEED BREAKFAST SERIES SESSION #2 – MATERIALS: THE QUIET, EMERGING FORCE OF LEED! June 25 – Royal York Hotel, Toronto The newest version of the LEED rating system (LEED v4) emphasizes life cycle assessment of materials. This means more attention is

TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ANY of these initiatives and to register for workshops + events, visit our website:!

Looking for the best way to gain CE hours and green building know-how?

Choose GTC-CaGBC All of our workshops are stringently peer-reviewed by GBCI for high relevance, quality and rigor, and have been deemed as guaranteed for CE hours by GBCI. We also offer a number of different webinars to share local green building knowledge and best practices.

SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS


Professional Development & Events UPCOMING WORKSHOP

+ EVENTS Education Event Networking Event

April 2

Introduction to LEED V4

April 29

Ontario Building Code Breakfast

April 30

AGM / Spring Open

May 21 & 22

LEED Green Associate Study Course

June 4

Chapter BBQ

June 25

LEED Breakfast Series Session #2 – Materials: The Quiet, Emerging Force of LEED!

October 16

Green Legacy Gala

Plan ahead to visit these inspiring green building sites: » Niagara Region Green Building Highlights

Building Lasting Change 2014

Green Building Tours

» Community Connection and Innovation in Regent Park and Richmond Street East » Future of Healthcare and Education Facilities » Discovering Toronto's Waterfront and Pan Am Athletes' Village » Exploring Downtown Toronto’s Best of LEED » Visit some of Toronto’s Greenest Homes » The Living City at the Kortright Centre for Conservation in Woodbridge

Save with early bird pricing and earn CE hours prior to the conference!


SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS




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MCW Consultants Ltd.



Architectural School Products

CS&P Architects Inc.

Astley Gilbert Limited


Delta Management

Pomerleau Inc.

TD Centre, Cadillac Fairview Corp.


LUNCH + LEED SPONSOR Morrison Hershfield

Join us! Presenting sponsor

as we kick-off spring with our annual Building Blitz and networking event Gold sponsor

SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS


LEED v4 in Canada What’s Coming and What it Means to You The Canadian green building market has evolved rapidly over the last 10 years. There are now over 4500 LEED projects registered in Canada, of which over 1500 are certified. The Canadian green building industry and LEED have driven continual improvements in building construction and operation and maintenance meanwhile making real impacts on energy and water consumption, waste reduction and occupant well-being. LEED was always intended to evolve with the market, and LEED version 4 (LEED v4) is about taking the next step towards market transformation and raising the ceiling of building performance. By Mark Hutchinson


LEED 2009



At least one project principal shall be a LEED Accredited Professional [AP].

At least one principal shall be a LEED AP with the specialty (Building Design & Construction, Operation & Maintenance, Interior Design & Construction, Neighbourhood Development) most appreciated for the project.

Summary of changes from leed 2009 to leed v4, Innovation in Design.

The CaGBC’s role in LEED v4 In developing LEED v4, it was time to re-evaluate where

LEED v4 was launched at Greenbuild in November 2013 and is currently available in

to set the bar on performance, but also take what has

Canada, but in order to facilitate the transition, Canadian projects will still be able to

been learned as an industry and reconsider how the bar

register under the current rating system (LEED Canada 2009) until June, 2015. This

is measured. To do this, there was large-scale industry

will give professionals and owners a period of time to learn about and prepare for

dialog with six public comment periods that generated

the new requirements.

over 22,000 comments. The result is a better rating

The Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) will continue to provide certification

system that focuses on:

reviews under LEED v4 to ensure an appreciation and understanding of the unique

• Increased stringency, including increased thresholds in

Canadian context. We will also continue to provide local support for any questions

energy, water, waste and indoor environmental air quality

and issues that may arise during the design, construction, and certification of

to ensure LEED v4 projects continue to drive change;

projects. Lastly, CaGBC will also be developing Alternate Compliance Paths for

• The addition of Environmental Product Declarations,

Canadian projects.

life cycle assessment, and material ingredient reporting as next steps in addressing the environmental impacts

Canadian Alternative Compliance Paths

from materials;

In an effort to increase the range of LEED resources for Canadians and follow an

• An increased focus on human health, biodiversity, green

internationally consistent approach to how LEED is deployed in different regions of

economy and community.

the world, the CaGBC will not be developing stand-alone Canadian rating systems.

The changes to the Materials Credits are a very exciting

Instead, we will streamline development work by providing Canadian options for

aspect of LEED v4. These changes will lead to a greater

demonstrating compliance – termed Alternative Compliance Paths (ACPs) – within

knowledge and expertise within the industry about the

the international rating systems. These will be made available to Canadians at the

use of sustainable materials and the impact they can have,

CaGBC National Conference and Expo, Building Lasting Change, which will be held

and also generate a lot of innovation from manufacturers.

in Toronto June 2 - 4.


SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS

CONTACT US The CaGBC is here for you – to answer questions, provide LEED Online webinars (beginning in March) and to help guide you through LEED v4. For more information go to or email CaGBC National at or contact the Greater Toronto Chapter at

ACPs will allow the CaGBC to identify equivalent means of

workshop will provide a deeper foundational grasp of the major changes

demonstrating compliance to the credit requirements. For example,

and more thoroughly explore the impact of LEED v4 on Canadian

where an equivalent Canadian reference standard exists, an ACP

projects and show how they can ultimately benefit from the Canadian

can allow for the use of that standard.

Alternative Compliance Paths that are currently under development. As a part of the National Conference pre-conference programming, the

What is new for Canadians?

CaGBC will be offering a half-day workshop - Materials in LEED v4. This

For Canadians, LEED v4 brings big changes and big benefits. All 21

workshop will delve into the details of the LEED v4 materials credits –

of the LEED v4 rating systems will now be available to Canadians,

providing the information you need to ensure your products meet the

including new rating systems for data centres, hotels, warehouses

needs of the green construction market and helping those who specify

and other specific project types that will make LEED even more

materials understand how these new tools and information will lead to

accessible to various types of projects.

the use of healthier, more sustainable products.

Also, while the CaGBC will continue to provide certification reviews under LEED v4, Canadians will now use LEED Online to coordinate the submission process as well as certification review. LEED Online provides a platform for the whole project team to coordinate their work, view their areas of responsibility and upload supporting documentation.

Learn more about LEED v4 The CaGBC is developing a number of education opportunities, from local workshops to webinar series, to help provide the resources Canadians need to understand LEED v4. For the latest information, visit the Education section at To start, you can watch our one-hour LEED v4 intro webinar (free to all CaGBC members) which gives a brief overview of LEED v4, touching on the major themes and detailing how the rating

Mark Hutchinson is Director of Green Building Programs, CaGBC

systems will be introduced in Canada. Members can view the webinar by signing in on “My CaGBC”. Locally, the Greater Toronto Chapter (CaGBC) is offering the new Introduction to LEED v4 in-class workshop on April 2, 2014. This

SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS


We asked our members: Why did you become a member of the Greater Toronto Chapter of the Canada Green Building Council? I joined CaGBC to be a part of a community of professionals who seek to raise the collective environmental consciousness. As young designers, we have a moral obligation to carry the vision of sustainable building into the future. CaGBC also provides me with resources and keeps me up to date on various green building projects around the city. – Carrie Chan EBG, LEED GA and winner of the 2014 Membership Campaign draw for an iPad Air. Being a member of the Greater Toronto Chapter of the CaGBC provides me with numerous opportunities to connect with others in the green building industry and allows me to stay current on emerging trends that impact our business. – Michelle Xuereb B.E.S., B.Arch., OAA, LEED AP BD+C, Associate, Sustainability Strategist at Quadrangle Architects Ltd.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Maintain your LEED AP for less by receiving a 15% -40% discount on all Chapter workshops and lunch ‘n learns, as well as free access to webinars. AWARDS Be recognized for your success through our annual green building awards. Nominations for awards must be made by members only. TOURS Get access to special tours of leading green buildings across the GTA – another great opportunity to learn and network.

ALSO • Discount to the CaGBC National Conference • Complimentary subscription to green building magazines • Access to a member-only portal which includes free webinars, promotional offers, and more... • Member exclusive volunteer opportunities

Theo Skudra

Nomad Designs

Nomad Designs Nomad Designs

Nomad Designs

Nomad Designs

SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS

NETWORKING EVENTS Receive discounts for major Chapter events.

MEMBER APPRECIATION EVENT Attend our annual free member appreciation event.

To learn more about becoming a CaGBC Greater Toronto Chapter member, go to


We also offer the following benefits:

SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS




PROGRAM Grants for Green and Cool Roofs in Toronto • Residential

• Commercial

• Industrial

• Institutional

The City of Toronto offers grants to support the installation of green and cool roofs on buildings in Toronto. Eco-roofs help reduce energy use and the emissions that contribute to climate change.

Green Roof Grants $75 / m2 to a maximum of $100,000 Grants are available for green roofs on: • existing buildings; • new buildings with a gross floor area of less than 2,000 m2; • all new and existing Toronto Public and Separate School Board buildings.

Cool Roof Grants $2 / m2 for a coating over an existing roof or $5 / m2 for a new roof membrane, to a maximum of $50,000 Grants are available for cool roofs on all existing buildings.

Learn more and apply online at:


SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS

The Living City Campus

The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) vision challenges the organization and its partners to make the Greater Toronto Region into one of the most sustainable, liveable city regions in the world. A key TRCA strategy to move the vision forward was the development of an innovative demonstration, research, and education centre called “The Living City Campus”. The Living City Campus, located in Vaughan at the Kortright Centre for Conservation, is Canada’s largest environmental education centre.

Part of the BRE Innovation Park Networks Top Photo: BRE Innovation Park Watford, UK Bottom Photo: BRE’s International Network of Innovation Parks

The primary aim of the Innovation Park model is to provide a platform for the construction industry to demonstrate innovative solutions to achieve low carbon buildings and sustainable neighbourhood development and to provide government and industry with data on capital costs, skills gaps and carbon savings. The secondary objective is to trial industry’s ability to meet future policy targets in building code prior to legislation being implemented. The BRE Canada Innovation Park will provide a showcasing platform, a testing facility, a hub of innovation, an educational resource, a marketing opportunity, a collaborative enterprise and a catalyst for change. Operational activities at the proposed park will include the provision of building and product monitoring, training programs, post-secondary To help accelerate the development of the Living City Campus,

research, in-situ testing and evaluation and technical tours.

the TRCA has partnered with the Building Research Establishment

By undertaking these operational activities, the main objectives of the

(BRE) - one of the world’s largest building research, certification, and

Innovation Park will be to:

training organizations. BRE developed a concept called “Innovation

• Stimulate the Canadian construction industry to innovate and develop

Park” to help builders in Britain achieve new building code stan-

new sustainable solutions by engaging with other industry sectors and

dards, Similar to TRCA’s existing Archetype Houses, but on a much

postsecondary research opportunities;

larger scale. Innovation Parks have driven Britain’s building industry

• Provide an internationally accessible platform for the Innovation

towards net zero sustainable homes production by 2016. The first

Park’s industry partners to showcase their ability to deliver new building

Innovation Park was established in 2003, four others are currently

technologies that support sustainable communities;

being designed or constructed in Scotland, Brazil, Portland Oregon,

• Provide a location to engage the industry in learning the skills needed

and China. Working with BRE, TRCA aims to collaborate with municipal and corporate partners in the building industry to expand its existing demonstrations, research and education programs at the Living City Campus to become Canada’s BRE Innovation Park.

to build sustainable communities;

• Foster technical papers and real-life research that influences future building standards in Canada. To make the Innovation Park viable, it will require widespread support from all sectors of industry and government. TRCA and BRE Canada are seeking support through cash and/or in-kind contribution of services, materials and construction labour to enable the development of the BRE Innovation Park at The Living City Campus. For more information, please contact Glenn MacMillan and/or visit our website - Those who are interested in having their product(s) or services showcased at the BRE Canada Innovation Park, please complete the Expression of Interest form on our website.

Glenn MacMillan P: 289-268-3901 E: SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS



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siding Reclaimed ern house melds mod neighbourhood ic into histor iers ient Air BArr tial ingred The essen envelopes of building

A niAgAr House in ciency energy effi ndation up fou from the

House Tiny TAck concept

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Testing the lly small rea of living





Black Bank Hill Energy efficiency from the foundation up


1 in ontario’s Niagara The house at Black Bank hill is situated overlooking the surrounding escarpment region on a high plateau couple who aim to live off the landscape. The owners – a retired efficient, comfortable, low land – wanted a house that is energy with a connection to place and maintenance, modest in size, and the surrounding agricultural landscape. Site plan

Master bedroom B athroom Bedroom Great room Wood stove


7 8

The house, seen here from the northeast [1]. overlooking the Niagara Escarpment

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7 5 2 1

1 6




3 7

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ecohouse | SPRING 2013



corner, is situated on a large hill




Mud room 1 Stair to root cellar 2 Closet 3 Powder room 4 Mechanical 5 Kitchen 6 Pantry 7 Great room 8 Bedroom 9 10 Bathroom Master bedroom 11 Study 12 Bedroom 13 Laundry room 14

1 2 3 4 5

Ceiling plenum to circulate heat from stove Electric in-slab heating cables Future solar panels


Floor plan

design highlights in this project, most There are a number of green home forms [ICFs] in the exterior walls notably our use of insulated concrete wood fibre. They come in varymade of 100% recycled cement-bonded wool insulation insert. The deciing thicknesses and have a rigid mineral very early on in the design process, sion to use this product was made full were designed to make use of the and the shape and size of the walls re-shaping. or cutting for blocks with no need

Building section


ecohouse | SPRING 2013

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SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS

Photo: Naomi Finlay and Quadrangle Architects

Building Energy & GHG Benchmarking Labeling & Transparency Better building performance will be key to economic and environmental success in the 21st century. Several efforts in Canada are foreshadowing a nationwide building “nutrition label” to compare building energy and GHG performance, joining a growing global movement.

Global Momentum The European Union first introduced building energy and public disclosure legislation in 2002, which has now been implemented by 34 EU nations. The EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) now applies to all buildings, and requires public Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) when they are built, sold or leased, and in sales and

Building benchmarking, labeling and transparency offer many benefits:

rental advertising. Benchmarking, labeling and transparency is now rapidly spreading across many nations, including the United States. New York, Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington DC, San Francisco, Denver and Austin have already introduced regulations, and many more cities have regulations in process. California and Washington have also enacted state-wide legislation to benchmark commercial, residential and public buildings. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager is emerging as the most common U.S. benchmarking tool for commercial and institutional buildings, as it provides a robust,

widely accepted – and free - tool to compare similar buildings regard-

less of location.

Benefits With 40% market penetration, Portfolio Manager is the most widespread building energy benchmarking tool in North America. A 2013 analysis of its 35,000 building database showed an average 2.4% energy savings annually, with the worst-performing buildings improving the most; typically those starting with below-average performance saved twice as much as above-average buildings. A growing body of research shows that certificates of energy efficiency improve building asset value, vacancy rates and rental income. A 2013 European Commission report showed that a one-point increase in the Energy Performance Certificate score increased average property

• Informing market purchase, lease, operations and management decisions with energy & GHG performance; • Providing accurate data to measure, track and manage building energy use and cost; • Identifying and spurring investment in buildings with the most cost-effective savings opportunities; • Reducing utility and government energy conservation incentives wasted on “free riders”; • Bolstering market competition, highlighting industry leaders and laggards; • Informing policy, capital and asset management decision-making; and • Fostering clean technology skills and jobs.

sales prices to 11% from 1%, and rents to 6% from 1%. It concludes that “Provision of clear and reliable information at affordable cost and at the appropriate time to prospective tenants and buyers is crucial for making energy efficiency investments more attractive.”

SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS


Benchmarking in Canada Canada now has several public voluntary building energy benchmarking initiatives, including REALpac’s “20 by 15”, BOMA’s BESt Energy and Environmental Report (BBEER), Toronto CivicAction’s “Race to Reduce” programs; and LEED Canada for Existing Buildings refers to Portolio Manager for its energy Prerequisite and voluntary Credit. All aim to spur voluntary conservation efforts, foster skills and share lessons learned, and have had considerable success; Race to Reduce voluntary benchmarking program successfully allied leading office owners and tenants to improve their buildings energy consumption by 9%, two years ahead of schedule. However, voluntary programs inherently attract participation by and compare performance of market leaders. As a result, they leave out buildings with the greatest conservation opportunities, so can’t provide full and fair comparisons of all similar buildings. Other Canadian benchmarking databases already exist; several energy management firms have proprietary databases for internal use, and most provincial government buildings’ energy performance is recorded and compared in terms of Energy Use Intensity (EUI).

Sample Energy Performance Statement for Commercial Buildings

Ontario’s Green Energy Act recently required public transparency of annual EUIs and GHG emissions of schools, health care, provincial and municipal buildings. To address this emerging patchwork of different approaches and tools across Canada, in July 2013 Natural Resources Canada introduced a national benchmarking tool based on Portfolio Manager. The Canadianized tool currently supports office and school benchmarking, using new Statistics Canada data for baselines, and NRCan now plans future releases for hospitals and retail occupancies. While legislative authority for energy and building energy benchmarking lies with the provinces, both Toronto and Vancouver now see mandatory building energy benchmarking, labeling and transparency as a powerful and cost-effective policy option, and are considering mandatory disclosure for existing private-sector buildings. The Canada Green Building Council’s Greater Toronto Chapter is now working with the Toronto Atmospheric Fund and other stakeholders to ensure best benchmarking lessons benefit all stakeholders. U.S Building Benchmarking and Disclosure Policies Map

By Ian G. Theaker, P. Eng.


SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS

Congratulations to the Innovation in LEED Award winners who received the following awards at the Greater Toronto Chapter’s annual Green Legacy Gala in October 2013.

Existing Buildings: EBOM Toronto Dominion Centre, 66 Wellington Street West, Toronto

Commercial Interiors MMM Group Limited Toronto Office 119 Spadina Avenue, Suite 500, Toronto

Nominated Company: Cadillac Fairview Corp. Ltd. LEED EB:O&M: Gold – Towers 1,2 & 3 LEED EB:O&M: Platinum – Tower 4

Nominated Company: nermodal Engineering, a member of MMM Group Limited LEED CI: Platinum

New Construction / Core and Shell Sherbourne Common Pavillion

Residential 27 Farnham Avenue, Toronto

61 Dockside Drive, Toronto Nominated Company: Waterfront Toronto LEED NC: Gold

Nominated Company: Wiliam Dewson Architects LEED Residential Platinum

The Innovation in LEED Awards were sponsored and presented by:

Nomination Period for Innovation in LEED Awards 2014 starts in April 2014.

With keynotes:

Join us at

Building Lasting Change 2014 Save up to $200 by registering before April 1

World-renowned architect Stefan Behnisch CaGBC National Conference and Expo Toronto, June 2-4, 2014

Image courtesy of Waterfront Toronto

Mike Pedersen President and CEO of TD Bank SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS




Andy Schonberger accepting a “Lowest Energy Use” award for Earth Rangers Centre at the 2013 Race to Reduce awards. From left to right: Brett Sverkas, Facility Manager Earth Rangers Centre; Andy Schonberger, Director Earth Rangers Centre; Jim Lord and James Donath from Ecovert Sustainability Consultants.

CivicAction’s Race to Reduce is a friendly corporate challenge that represents unprecedented collaboration between office building landlords and tenants to encourage smart energy use.

On December 5, 2013, the third annual Race to Reduce Awards, hosted by Ben Mulroney, host of CTV’s ETALK, were held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre as part of the Toronto Real Estate Forum. Over 200 senior leaders – building owners, managers, and tenants attended the event to recognize the achievements of Race participants from a range of building types, sizes and ages throughout the Toronto region. One of the highlights of this year’s awards ceremony was the announcement that Race participants achieved a 9% collective energy reduction - just two years into the four-year Race to Reduce. This industry

To see the full list of award winners, visit the Race to Reduce website,

accomplishment triples the 3% reduction projected for the second year of the Race and is on the heels of the Race’s ultimate collective reduction goal of at least 10% by the end of 2014. The evening also saw organizations recognized for their efforts in the award categories of Team Excellence which recognizes the energy reduction efforts that come with active and sustained landlord and tenant collaboration and Energy Champion which recognizes superior

For more information on the Race to Reduce visit or contact Nicole Beayni at 416-309-4480 x507


SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS

industry leadership in energy reduction and Building Performance, which recognizes energy reductions within a building.

VALUE THROUGH ENGINEERING Inline Fiberglass Ltd. is proud to be community partners with Toronto, having donated all the windows for the Children’s Teaching Kitchen in High Park.

Straw Bale Children’s Teaching Kitchen, High Park, Toronto. Architect: Petroff Partnership Architects. Contractor: Joe Pace & Sons Contracting Inc. Photo: Adamski Tom Photography

LEED PLANTINUM PROJECT: A SPECTACULAR PROJECT REVITALIZING A FORMER INDUSTRIAL SITE INTO A SHOWCASE OF URBAN ENVIRONMENTALISM As a Canadian manufacturer of High Efficiency Windows and Doors for building envelopes, INLINE is a proud supplier of fiberglass windows for the Brickworks project. INLINE triple glazed fiberglass windows installed in the Brickworks provide an R-8 insulating value. That gives the highest possible impact at the envelope’s weakest point.

Evergreen Foundation Brickworks. Construction Design: Targetting LEED Platinum. Diamond + Schmitt Architects/ Du Toit Architects Limited/ Eastern Construction. 1.866.566.5656 member/membre

SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS


Green Professional Building Coming to a classroom Skills Training (GPRO) near you this June!

When Greenbuild came to Toronto in 2011 we were excited

All participants start with Fundamentals of Building Green (4 hours),

to learn about a new green building training and certificate

which presents key sustainability issues and jobsite practices applicable

program specifically geared to the trades - GPRO. As two green

across all trades. They will then take a trade-specific course (6-8 hours)

enthusiasts working in the trades we had never seen a program

loaded with engaging, hands-on exercises using real-life scenarios.

like this before and were keen to know how we could get GPRO training in Canada. At that time it seemed the only way was to go

After taking the course and passing the exam, GPRO participants will

to the US. Nearly two years later we are pleased and excited to

have the know-how to work in accordance with LEED—and to meet the

be part of the Canada Green Building Council - Greater Toronto

expectations of owners and tenants who want homes and offices that

Chapter’s initiative to bring GPRO into Canada starting this year.

are healthier, more sustainable and reduce energy costs.

Designed by the trades for the trades, GPRO is a comprehen-

When participants pass the required exam, they become a GPRO

sive training and certificate program that teaches the people

Certificate Holder—demonstrating that they have a solid overview of

who build, renovate and maintain buildings the principles of

green building and how it applies to their trade.

sustainability combined with trade-specific green construction knowledge. The curriculum supplements participants’ existing

GPRO is a program of Urban Green Council, USGBC New York, and

knowledge of their field by teaching sustainable tactics to utilize

was developed in collaboration with leading unions, construction firms,

on future projects. Trade-specific courses include: Construction

trade specialists and educators. In the Toronto area, a GPRO Advisory

Management, Operations & Maintenance Essentials, Electrical

Council and a variety of trade specific subject matter experts, have

Systems and Plumbing.

been working to ensure all relevant Canadian and Ontario codes and standards are incorporated into the training material before GPRO is rolled out in the GTA starting in June 2014.

Shane McCarthy, LEED AP Training Director at JTAC/U.A. Local 787


SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS

Michael Tiffe, LEED AP+,CET,CPMP, HBDP President, TAB Mechanical Inc.

Toronto’s High-Rise Retrofit Improvement Support Program Need to reduce energy and water use at apartment buildings? The City of Toronto has launched a pilot program through the Tower Renewal Office called High-rise Retrofit Improvement Support Program (Hi-RIS). Hi-RIS makes financing available for eligible apartment buildings of five or more storeys to complete energy efficiency and water conservation improvement projects.

Apartment building owners have generally been reluctant to make capital investments for improvement projects that have longer payback horizons or substantial upfront costs. As a result, these projects are frequently not pursued and the resulting potential savings and building condition improvements are not achieved. Hi-RIS helps to address this barrier by making financing available at competitive, long-term, fixed rates. Repayment terms range from five to twenty years [1]. Qualifying property owners interested in pursuing energy and water retrofits can take action through Hi-RIS. The City provides financing for improvement projects and the property owners repay the City over time via installments on their property tax bill.

Other attractive features of Hi-RIS are: • Funding of the improvement project does not tie-up other traditional sources of capital; • The repayment obligation is attached to the property, not the property owner; • If the property is sold, the benefits and costs of the obligation are assumed by the new owner; and • Property owners are able to hire their own energy auditor and retrofit contractors. The Tower Renewal Office is now accepting applications for a limited funding envelope. To learn more about Hi-RIS and how to apply, please visit www. or contact Aderonke Akande, Project Manager, Tower Renewal at or 416-397-5257.

Eleanor McAteer, P. Eng. MBA Project Director, Tower Renewal City of Toronto [1] Payment terms offered under the Program cannot exceed

the useful life of the improvement.

SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS



CIBC Pan Am Parapan Am



The CIBC Pan Am / Parapan Am Athletics Stadium, located at York University’s Keele Street Campus, will be the host venue for the track and field competitions during the 2015 Pan and Para Pan Am Games (Games). The stadium was designed for certification by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) as a Class 1 track suitable for hosting Olympic and other top-tier competitions. Other key drivers in the design were a focus on sustainability and the need to integrate the facility within the already dense and complex York University campus. In addition to meeting IAAF standards, the facility will be fully accessible, targeting LEED Silver certification and meet the Toronto Green Standard Tier 1. The stadium was designed to meet the legacy needs of York University with 3,000 permanent seats and the potential to accommodate an additional 2,000 temporary seats for major events. For the Games, a further 7,500 temporary seats will be added, for a total of 12,500 seats. The stadium will have a 400-metre running track and an infield for throwing and jumping events. The facility includes professional broadcast capabilities, athlete change rooms, equipment storage, coaches’ offices and classroom space.


SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS

Owner York University Planning Design and Compliance Consultant B + H Architects Architect Cannon Design Structural, Mechanical & Electrical Consultant Arup Civil Consultant Morrison Hershfield Limited Contractor Bouygues Building Canada/Kenaiden Contracting 2

Stadium site rendering in games mode with temporary seating [1]. Pedestrian pathway connection leading to the new Steeles West Subway Station [2]. Rendering of the south plaza [3].


The focus on efficiency is seen in all areas of the stadium’s design.

An approximately 5 metre wide partially-covered walkway, which

The mechanical design takes advantages of the existing district

extends under the upper tier of the building on the west side of the sta-

heating and cooling system that supports the remainder of the

dium will provide a connection between the new Steeles West subway

University campus, helping drive energy efficiency. The building will

station and a gateway to other pedestrian pathways in the University.

also include energy efficient lighting and lighting controls, low-flow

Plantings and seating along the walkway are designed to both permit

water fixtures and energy recovery systems.

circulation and allow for social gathering.

The design includes a rainwater harvesting system that will pro-

As the facility will be situated within the University campus, no

vide adequate volume to support the irrigation system for the field

new public automobile parking spaces were added as a result of this

of play. Through the use of light colored surface materials, extensive

development; however, 48 new bicycle parking spaces are included

use of planting and a green roof, the design will significantly reduce

in the design.

the heat island impact of the development.

The stadium is building on the world-class athletics infrastructure

Large, native shade trees are selected for drought tolerance, salt

already present at York University. The design of the facility and the

tolerance and to create large canopies of shade. Water-use in the

Games’ legacy will contribute to student life on the York campus for

landscape is limited to hose bibs placed strategically around the

years to come.

building to provide spot watering in times of drought. Spectators in the grandstand will have an unobstructed view of the field of play, as well as the natural landscape of the campus’s protected Boyer Woodlot, one of four urban woodlots now formally recognized on the York University campus. The design of the stadium, field of play, temporary seating, con-

Amanda Smith, P.Eng. LEED AP BD+C, Senior Project Manager, Infrastructure Ontario

struction hoarding and siltation control were developed to ensure the woodlot is not impacted as a result of the development.

SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS


Toronto’s newest community

on track for 2015 Taken in summer 2013,

the site is shown nearing the peak of construction

Long after the games are over, medals won and memories made, the CIBC Pan Am / Parapan Am Athletes’ Village will be transformed into the Canary District (part of the West Don Lands), an award-winning community that will continue to boost the regional economy and improve the quality of life for thousands of local residents in an environmentally responsible fashion.


SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS

“Locating the Athletes’ Village in the West Don Lands has significantly accel-

with capacity for 500 students; the newly built, state-

erated Waterfront Toronto’s revitalization of the area (five to 10 years earlier

of-the-art Cooper Koo Family YMCA, which will provide

than expected) and is a very positive legacy of hosting the Games,” said John

services and programs to support over 8,000 people;

Campbell, President, Waterfront Toronto. “Following the Games, the West Don

and 253 units of affordable rental housing split between

Lands will be a beautifully designed mixed-used community adding vibrancy

two buildings that will be owned and operated by Fred

to this long-neglected area of the city.”

Victor and Wigwamen for newcomers to Canada, veter-

The 35-acre, former industrial lands will be transformed into a beautiful, sustainable, mixed-use, LEED Gold certified neighbourhood. There will be 808 units of market housing split between Canary District Condominiums and Canary Park Condominiums, up to 100 units of which will be made available for affordable ownership;

a new George Brown College student residence

ans, aboriginal families, families with disabled children, seniors and carded athletes.

Accelerating the Community’s Development and New Infrastructure Before any revitalization or development could occur on the site, the area required remediation and flood mitigation. Construction of a Flood Protection Landform (FPL) – a massive landform constructed from approximately 400,000 cubic metres of clean soil – unlocked the development potential of the area by permitting the area to be re-zoned for mixed-use. In addition to allowing the construction of this new neighbourhood to proceed, the FPL will help prevent an estimated $162.5 million in flood damage to existing development in the event of a storm the magnitude of the historic Hurricane Hazel in 1954 which saw winds reach 110km per hour and 285 millimeters of rain in 48 hours. The Flood Protection Landform was recognized with a special 2012 “Brownie” award by the Canadian Urban Institute for its contribution to the Public Realm. Today, the Ontario-led project being overseen by Infrastructure Ontario is on time, on budget and more than 70 per cent complete. Dundee Kilmer Developments, the private-sector consortium responsible for completing the project, and its construction partners, EllisDon Ledcor PAAV, have made tremendous progress since the start of construction in September 2011. Along with the blocks that will house the market and affordable housing and other community amenities, a significant amount of infrastructure and road work is underway. Once complete, Front Street and Bayview Avenue will be extended into the Canary District, along with connections to other commuter routes that will enhance linkages to neighbourhoods east and north of downtown. A pedestrian friendly network of roads like bike paths and public spaces will connect the Canary District with adjacent communities. As the largest infrastructure project associated with the games, the new community, which will house 10,000 athletes, coaches and officials, will be ready in early 2015. When they arrive in Toronto, athletes will be housed in the market and affordable buildings as well as in the new George Brown College student residence, a nine-storey,

Taken from the corner of Front and Cherry and looking east, this artist’s rendering shows the historic CN building on the left and the Canary Restaurant on the right, forming the gates to the Canary District

175,000 square foott facility that will help the College better accommodate a growing student enrollment once the games are over.

SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS


“This is our first residence at George Brown College, and we hope

The individual buildings are designed to increase the community’s

to hit a new high water mark for residence construction in Canada.

stormwater retention capabilities, provide additional insulation, help

It is a tremendous opportunity for our students to live in downtown

lower the urban air temperature and provide habitat for wildlife.

Toronto, close to two of our campuses, and most importantly - in a

“The Games will bring a legacy of infrastructure benefits for Ontario.

vibrant, new, and highly sustainable neighbourhood. George Brown

Modern, iconic and reliable infrastructure drives our economy, creates

College is in a co-location partnership with the YMCA which will be

jobs and enhances our quality of life. The investments in infrastructure

a great experience for our students. In addition to dynamic places to

our government has made at the Village will benefit Ontario long after

study, work and play, our students will access onsite state-of-the-art

the Games,” said Glen R. Murray, Minister of Infrastructure.

fitness facilities, swimming pools and the wonderful social and com-

The cranes have been removed from the site with the last 30 per

munity infrastructure of the YMCA,” said Terry Comeau, Executive

cent of construction consisting of finishing the interior and landscap-

Director - Waterfront Campus Development, The George Brown

ing. The Canary District will be approximately 2-million square feet

College of Applied Arts and Technology.

upon completion, approximately one-third the size of the West Don

At the corner of Front Street and Cherry Street, the new Cooper

Lands development planned by Waterfront Toronto.

Koo Family YMCA will be 82,000 square-feet, providing athletes

“The CIBC Pan Am / Parapan Am Athletes’ Village is an amazing proj-

a place to train during the games and then later a facility that will

ect for the City of Toronto and the revitalization of its waterfront. Our

provide services and programs to support over 8,000 local residents.

athletes will be just the first tenants in this new 14-hectare development,

This much-needed facility will draw families into local networks and

which is coming together at an amazing speed thanks to the leader-

help build a strong community , where the population is projected to

ship of the Province of Ontario, Infrastructure Ontario and Waterfront

increase 13.5 per cent by 2020.

Toronto. Long after the Games are over, the city’s newest neighbour-

In addition to bringing to life a community where people will live, work and play, this exciting new neighbourhood is also going to be

hood will pulse with life,” said David Peterson, Chair, TORONTO 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games Organizing Committee (TO2015).

among Toronto’s most walk-able, with a Walk Score of 95, and a Bike Score of 100. With an aim to achieve LEED Gold, the Canary District has been designed to include green roofs and drought-tolerant plants to minimize irrigation and maintenance, low-flow fixtures in washrooms and Energy Star-rated appliances to reduce water consumption and increase energy savings.

A place where people will live, work


SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS

and play, this new neighbourhood is located just east of

Toronto’s downtown




Archive of all SABMag and

for designers, Builders And Homeowners | SPRING 2013


ecoHouse Canada articles

Reclaimed siding melds modern house into historic neighbourhood

Halifax Seaport Farmers Market

shipping warehouse achieves LEED Platinum

Interior Living Walls

Construction of an indoor air biofilter

Air BArriers The essential ingredient of building envelopes

Product Directory

Testing the concept of living really small



House in niAgArA energy efficiency from the foundation up

Tiny TAck House

by Product Category and by LEED Category

Issue number 38 | nOVember - DeCember 2012 | Pm40024961 | $6

Centre For InteraCtIve reSearCH most sustainable on SuStaInabILIty The building in North america

sabMag - NOVeMber/DeCeMber 2012

ecohouse | SPRING 2013

ecohouse | SPRING 2013


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A special Continuing Education section to maintain your LEED accreditation

Digital issues of SABMag, the annual CaGBC LEED Buildings Year-in-Review, and GaGBC Chapter FOCUS publications Sustainability News section on what some of the most progressive companies are doing in sustainable products

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SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS




As part of our Thank you Campaign the Chapter recently recognised two very exciting achievements, each sharing in the common goal of creating greener, more sustainable environments. In this spring edition of Toronto FOCUS, we would like to take the opportunity to say thank you to Loyalist College and North Star Homes for their exceptional ‘green’ additions in Ontario. Thank you for doing your part to ensure a greener future! Loyalist College - Sustainable Skills, Technology and Life Sciences Centre which has earned LEED® Silver Certification The new Sustainable Skills, Technology and Life Sciences Centre at Loyalist College in Belleville is raising the bar in environmental sustainability within a learning environment. The 121,800 square-foot Skills Centre features 50,950 square feet of re-purposed ‘green’ space, and an additional 70,850 square feet of new, flexible space for teaching, laboratories, shops, research labs and classrooms. The new space is linked to the repurposed space with a beautiful Link Lounge, which features a living wall. The Honourable Gary Goodyear, Minister of State for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario was on campus to help celebrate the LEED certification, in January along with Daryl Kramp, MP for Prince Edward-Hastings, and other dignitaries. Congratulations to Loyalist College on attaining LEED Silver – this is a momentous achievement.

North Star Homes - Cotton Lane which has earned LEED® Silver Certification on all 78 units In achieving 78 individual LEED Silver certifications, the Cotton Lane stacked townhouse project was a mighty undertaking. Located on Old Kennedy Road in Markham, Cotton Lane was a two-phased project of 78 stacked townhouses plus, 44,000 square feet of mixeduse commercial/residential space, which earned LEED certification in December 2013. Our Executive Director, Hazel Farley, was on hand to present a LEED certificate to North Star Homes for their outstanding achievement at a Sustainable Housing Foundation dinner on January 28th.

Natural Building Clean, Green and Affordable

Making Better Buildings

A Comparative Guide to Sustainable Construction for Homeowners and Contractors Chris Magwood | US/Can $32.95 | MEN Wiser Living Choice Systematically describes the real-world implications of the most popular green and natural building materials and techniques, presenting the pros, cons and overall viability of each.

Available at fine bookstores, ebook retailers and online.


SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS EcoHouse ad.indd 1

2014-03-14 12:16 PM


Helping you maximize the energy efficiency of your new buildings. With our comprehensive Savings by Design program, builders participate in an Enbridge Integrated Design Process (IDP). The IDP brings together experts in energy efficiency and sustainability to identify ways to maximize energy performance in your new construction buildings. In addition to covering the cost of the IDP, Enbridge also provides incentives to help you implement the IDP’s recommendations to achieve 25% or more above Ontario Building Code (2012). To qualify for the program, your project must be a minimum of 100,000 square feet.

To learn more, visit

SPRING 2014 | Toronto FOCUS




T h e O n e - S t o p S o l u t i o n t o O p t i m i z e Yo u r B u i l d i n g s Building Assessment 路 Financial Modelling/ROI Analysis 路 Guaranteed Implementation 路 Monitoring


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