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Faculty of Civil and

E nv ir o nm e ntal


myPBLkit Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam dan Alam Sekitar

U T H M . F K A A S.PB 2013

PBL Resource for Learning Three pictures presents with a problem set Research, discuss, analyze, and produce tentative explanations, solutions, or recommendations Develop a set of questions that need to be addressed. These questions then become the objectives for students' learning

INFO TO US Norman and Schmidt (1992) state there are three roles for PBL. The first is the acquisition of factual knowledge, the second is the mastery of general principles or concepts that can be transferred to solve similar problems, and third, the acquisition of prior examples that can be used in future problem-solving situations of a similar nature.

CONTACT US or find us on pbl fkaas

I have no idea what PBL is!

I have an idea of what PBL is but I’ve never used it. Why should I use PBL?

Death by repetitive presentations!

myPBLkit What is PBL? Hi Miss Ani, I’m a new lecturer in this university. I have been hearing people talking about PBL. What is it?

Oh Mr Din, PBL stands for Problem Based Learning. It is actually a style of teaching where student learn about a subject through experience of problem solving.

Oh OK. That’s sound interesting. Can you explain the concept of PBL?

It simply as we as a lecturer provide our students with a problem. Any real-life problem! Students will discover and work with the content that you provide so they can use it to solve the problem.

Oh I got it. I will use this technique in my teaching. Perhaps I can use it at home to teach my kids. Thanks Miss Ani.

Yeah, that certainly a good idea. Good luck!


Generate your thinking, excel your soft skills

myPBLkit What PBL must have?

Other than problem-based, PBL must also be student-centered and self-directed to promote effective reasoning environment. - Rise up problems and issues that are aligned with real world concern.

Phases of PBL Gathering Information “What do We Already Know?� Engage to the Problem and Defining Learning Issues Discussion and Problem Solving

Simple Steps of PBL 1. Read and analyze the problem scenario

2. List what is known.

3. Develop a problem statement.

4. List what is needed.

Students and the instructor become co-learners, co-planners, and co-producers, co-evaluators. - Every student should feel free to say whatever comes to mind, any ideas or comments, no matter how unsophisticated or inappropriate they might seem, without being put down or criticized.

5. List actions, solutions, or hypotheses.

6. Analyze information.

7. Present findings.

Generate your thinking, excel your soft skills


Faculty of Civil and

E n v i ro n m e n t a l

Engineering Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia 86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, MALAYSIA.


Gain experience of problem solving Develop effective problem solving skills. Gain memory structure and reduces forgetting.

myPBLkit September 2013

Why PBL?

Working in group Develop of communication skill. Led to social and academic integration. Future professional practice Closely resemble future professional problem.

Instructor Promote active learning Encourage student to think Promote two ways communication.

Traditional Lecture Format - Students retain little of what they learn. - Students often do not appropriately use the knowledge they have learned. - Information is learned and later applied.

Develop new knowledge Learn new knowledge based on flexible solution.

Faculty of Civil and



myPBLteam 2013

ABOUT US Coordinator: Sabariah Musa siti

Members: Ismail Ibrahim (IBI) Azra Munirah Md Daud Nor Amani Filzah Mohd Kamil Siti Radziah Abdullah Design: A.J Hemmy


Generate your thinking, excel your soft skills



saba azra

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