Faculty of Civil and
E nv ir o nm e ntal
myPBLkit Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam dan Alam Sekitar
U T H M . F K A A S.PB L.no.2/ 2013
What are the benefits of implementing PBL?
What are the steps in PBL?
INFO TO US The PBL can, regardless of discipline, enhance students' achievement of both professional skills and process skills. Therefore, higher education institutions should consider shifting to PBL. The shift to PBL cannot be accomplished as a sudden change. It should be considered as a strategic change and the necessary measures should be taken for successful completion of change (Anette Kolmos et al., 2007) .
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Benefits of Implementing PBL 1. Students will undergo the similar process approached in PBL when going into working environment. 2. Students will not learn the facts, skills and concept in single entity, but they will find the three entities are interrelated. 3. Soft skills (e.g. leadership, team working, presentation skill, communication, problem solving) can be enlightened in students’ personal.