Wishing the community of Windsor and Essex County a happy and healthy holiday season.

Wishing the community of Windsor and Essex County a happy and healthy holiday season.
Celebrating 41 years of excellence
You shared your favourite moments with us. Now it’s our turn to share them with our community.
My husband and I recently upgraded our family vehicle to a Ford Explorer and couldn’t have had a better experience anywhere other than at Rose City Ford. The team was honest, friendly, and professional. The whole process was easy and fun!
A satisfied Rose City Ford customer.
Rose City Ford. Rose City Proud
Photos by Trevor Booth
SPOTLIGHT 14 Sarah Booth
THE DRIVE PORTRAIT 24 Michael Piccioni, CEO of CanAm Currency Exchange
By Matt St. Amand
Photos by Syx Langemann
for Friends or Family Photos by Trevor Booth
By Jen Brignall-Strong Photo by Syx Langemann
By Devan Mighton
Photo by Syx Langemann COMMUNITY
By Alley Biniarz
Photos by Zishan Ali
Photo By Trevor Booth
We can hardly believe it 2022 is coming to a close! The holiday season is a time for our team to take the time to appreciate our accomplishments and reflect on the memorable stories we’ve been privileged to share with our readers.
Thank you to our supportive advertisers, hard-working team, and loyal readers for making this year one of our most successful to date. This year also marks our 22nd year as your premier lifestyle publication! We are extremely proud to continue creating a memorable magazine with impact and purpose. This was our intention from day one, and it continues to be the passion that drives us all at The Drive Magazine.
Our holiday issue resumes the tradition of the holiday spirit, loaded with stories of festive cheer, including our discussion with the funny men behind the Brewing for Comedy holiday show at Craft Head’s Brewing Company. We’re excited to bring you the details of the return of the Willistead Manor holiday tours, as well as mouth-wa tering recipes from Oh So Mona, perfect for the holidays.
As always, we encourage you to shop local and support the many small businesses throughout Windsor and Essex County as we head into the season of giving.
We wish you Happy holidays from our family to yours and all the best in 2023.
Yours truly,
Paul St. Pierre PublisherIn Three Pines, everything is connected.
The seemingly idyllic village in southeast Quebec is the backdrop for the eponymous new mystery series premiering December 2nd on Prime Video starring Alfred Molina, Rossif Sutherland, Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers, and a familiar face to many Windsorites; actress Sarah Booth.
“It’s been such an incredible experience,” says Booth. “The show is very tense and there’s a lot of suspense and twists and turns. They say it’s kind of like Fargo meets Twin Peaks.”
The series is based on the Chief Inspector Gamache novel series by Canadian author Louise Penny and follows Chief Inspector Armand Gamache (Molina) as he works to unravel a series of murders in the quiet Eastern Townships.
Booth plays Agent Yvette Nichol, a police officer training to become a detective, eagerly assisting Gamache; whom she views as a sort of idol.
“She’s very interested in becoming a detective and Gamache is like the rock star of detectives, so the first time she meets him, she just really wants to work with him,” she explains.
Booth says that while many of the characters in the show are similar to the ones in the books, Agent Nichol’s character is portrayed quite differently.
“I had the liberty of playing a very different character than how it was written in the book,” she says. “In the book, she’s very hard-headed and opinionated; there’s a bit of a negative vibe around her. In the series, she’s more awkward, clumsy, eager, and has a very different way of solving crimes.”
For Booth, the role has been a sort of homecoming; allowing her to tap into her French Canadian upbringing to bring her character to life.
“My character speaks French and English on the show, so when I got the script I was able to do lines in ‘Frenglish’ which was great,” she explains. “Just to add a French word here or there and to have that input was so fun, but to improv in French was challenging.”
Booth, who now calls Windsor home, is originally from a small rural community outside of Montreal. In preparing for the role, she not only watched police documentaries and series, she also spoke with family members to refresh her French Canadian vernacular.
“I tapped into childhood friends and the people I grew up around for mannerisms and things that just made sense physically with the character,” she explains. “We were shooting in Montreal and there’s French all around you, so the more you immerse yourself, the more it comes back to you.”
Originally cast for five episodes, Booth’s quirky character will now appear in all eight episodes of the show’s inaugural season.
“I’m excited to see where her storyline goes,” she says. “They say the audience gravitates toward my character because she breaks the tension with lightness, which I’m not used to doing because I usually play the aggressor or the aggressed.”
Although the role is one of Booth’s most prominent to date, she is no stranger to playing complex characters, with more than 70
iMDB credits to her name and guest roles on hit shows like Law & Order: SVU, Star Trek: Discovery, and Heartland.
She’s also starred in numerous shorts and feature films written and directed by her husband, local filmmaker Gavin Michael Booth, including Scarehouse, Rent Do, and the critically acclaimed Last Call, for which she was recently nominated for an ACTRA Montreal award.
“Growing up, I would have never even imagined that acting was a job,” she says. “It’s unpredictable, but I love it.”
Booth fell in love with performing at an early age, she says, taking ballet, figure skating, and competing in horse dressage shows. At 16, her high school began offering an arts program with music classes, dance, and acting.
“I was cast as the lead in the school’s production of Fame and that’s when I really got the bug,” she says. “I would skip math class and go help out at dance class and I just kept thinking, ‘Man, this is what I want to do. Can I really do this?’”
After graduating from the professional theatre program at Dawson College in Montreal, Booth began her career, pursuing roles in Montreal, Toronto, and Los Angeles. She and husband Gavin now call Windsor home again, moving back during COVID-19 to help grow Windsor’s burgeoning fi lm scene.
“I’m really excited to be in Windsor; I love it here. I’m looking forward to seeing that artistic community grow,” she says. “Gavin and I have projects we want to shoot here so we’re so excited to bring crews and other actors to the area.”
As for Three Pines, Booth says she hopes to remain a series regular for the duration of its run. The actress says she believes the show’s storyline will resonate with audiences, as it deals with many timely subject matters, including police corruption and indigenous peoples’ rights.
“I think it’s going to go over well; we already have a built in fan base because of the books and the story is so timely right now,” she says. “One of the main directors of the series, Tracey Deer, is a Mohawk director from Montreal. She and several other women in the cast are part of the indigenous community and were very hands on with the scripts to make these characters authentic and to not only tell their stories of tragedy, but their stories of resilience. I think they did a really amazing job.” D
1. Preheat oven to 350.
2. Line a baking dish with parchment paper and set aside.
3. In the bowl of a food processor, combine the diced cold butter, flour, and icing sugar. Pulse until a crumb mixture forms. You can also use a pastry blender if you do not have a food processor.
4. Press the mixture into the bottom of a lined baking dish and bake for 15-20 min. Remove and set aside.
5. In another bowl, combine the eggs, salt, corn syrup, brown sugar, vanilla extract, and flour and beat until combined.
6. Using a spatula, fold in the chopped pecans. 7. Pour the mixture over the baked crust and bake for 35-37 min.
8. Once baking is complete, let the bars cool completely before cutting and enjoy. D
The CEO of CanAm Currency Exchange discusses the potential upcoming financial collapse and how you can protect yourself.
Michael Piccioni, CEO of CanAm Currency Exchange, has a way of breaking shocking news. Hearing what he had to say is like receiving a bee sting: an initial prick of discomfort, and then a moment later the full throb of pain—reality—takes hold.
Within a few moments of beginning his interview with The Drive Magazine, Michael spoke in apocalyptic terms.
“This is why I wanted the cover,” he says. “I want the people of Essex County to know what’s going on—what’s coming—and how to protect themselves.”
“What is coming?” his interviewer asks.
“We’re in an ‘everything’ bubble,” Michael replies. “I think the bond market will collapse, the stock market will crash, and the housing market will crash. We’re looking at a whole different world. When all three asset classes begin to collapse, people will look for alternative investments.”
For as harsh an assessment as that might sound, Michael has two things on his side: numbers and history. However, he also has the solutions.
“We are seeing a rapid increase in inflation similar to what we saw in the 1970s. In the late 1970s an ounce of silver increased from $1.33 to $50, and an ounce of gold increased from $35 to $800, in only a few years,” he says. “The main cause of this was inflation rising from five percent to twenty percent in the same time period. The U.S. Federal Reserve stopped that inflation by drastically raising the interest rates to twenty percent, which led to the crash of the housing market.”
He continues: “However, this time is different. They do not have the luxury of raising interest rates to the same level as inflation because it will cause the entire financial system and housing market to collapse. They will likely have no choice but to let inflation run wild.”
It is difficult finding a flaw in Michael’s logic. He notes that everything runs in cycles. That is certainly true.
“The bond market, the biggest bubble of them all, has been inflated for the past forty years, due to the continued reduction and suppression of interest rates” he says. “That’s more than others. The stock market has been in a fifteen-year bull market, which is more than double the average of the seven-year cycle for stocks. We may have reached the top in the stock market. I believe we have reached the top in bonds, stocks, and housing.”
Michael points out: “The U.S. dollar is down ninety-seven percent since 1913, when the U.S. Federal Reserve was created.”
So, now that everyone’s pulse is pounding, what in the world can investors do to protect themselves from the Great Reset?
First things first: “People should have between ten percent and twenty-five percent of their portfolio in precious metals,” Michael says. “I would push more on the higher side because the time we are living in right now is the perfect scenario for gold and silver. Inflation is at a forty year high and precious metals has always been the best hedge against inflation during periods, such as this. The war in Ukraine and the whispers of a potential nuclear war are also great reasons to invest in precious metals.”
Michael explains that the price of gold is a leading indicator of fear in the markets. When the price of gold rises, people get nervous and start selling their stocks, bonds, and even real estate.
For those who are interested in moving towards precious metals, CanAm Currency Exchange has a range of solutions.
As a registered dealer with the Royal Canadian Mint, CanAm has a large selection of coins, bars, and rounds from mints around the world.
“CanAm is the only walk-in retail precious metals dealer in Windsor,” Michael explains. “This is important. Working with other dealers, customers can wait between two to four months to have their silver delivered, for instance. At CanAm, you can get it right away—within certain limits, of course. We have a large inventory of bars, coins, and rounds, which allows us to fulfill customer orders immediately.”
More than that, CanAm saves customers money on currency exchange transactions. Human beings are creatures of habit, and the habit, right now, is going into a bank for such
transactions. That is fine but dealing with banks comes with one unavoidable detail: fees. High fees. Hidden fees.
“Our main foreign exchange customer base are people working in the U.S. and businesses who deal with the U.S. dollar,” Michael says. “We have thousands of cross border workers, engineers, medical profes -
It was around 2016 when Michael saw a void for foreign exchange companies in the area. As a border city, there is high demand in Windsor for buying and selling U.S. dollars.
“Windsor is the busiest city in Canada for foreign exchange—with import/export companies, tool and die shops, cross border workers, and travellers,” Michael notes. “CanAm has full corporate services—currency risk management and hedging strategies for every business. We built a whole system so clients can book transactions online. I saw an opportunity that didn’t exist in the area and created an online trading platform that allows our customers to book their exchanges from anywhere.”
Signing up for CanAm’s online trading platform can be done in less than five minutes on their website. Once a customer has registered, they can begin booking their exchanges the same day.
sionals, and businesses. Working with CanAm, they can save up to three percent from the banks when they are selling or buying U.S. dollars. Consumers have educated themselves. People in Windsor are savvy when it comes to exchange rates.”
CanAm also services travellers.
“We keep a large variety and high amounts of foreign currencies on hand,” Michael says. “For example, if you want five thousand Euros, you can come into CanAm
People should have between ten percent and twenty-five percent of their portfolio in precious metals.
and leave with five thousand Euros. We buy and sell over a hundred currencies globally.”
CanAm can also help people buy and sell real estate in other countries.
“People buying cottages and houses in Florida, for instance, can save a lot of money on these transactions working with CanAm,” Michael says. “People don’t realize this. Usually, they go through their bank and pay all those high fees. CanAm will save them significant amounts of money, as we are up to three percent better than the banks.”
One aspect of the business Michael takes pride in is educating his customers.
“We do this through social media,” he explains. “We’ve turned our Instagram and YouTube channel into education platforms. We make two to three videos per week explaining the importance of precious metals, differences between coins, rounds, and bars, how and where to buy and store your precious metals, and a variety of different foreign exchange topics, such as the U.S. forecast, foreign, and exchange spreads.”
So, how does one get started with CanAm?
“Register on our website,” Michael says. “Upload your documents to our secured online portal. Set up an account and start trading from day-one. Or you can walk into our store or call-in and speak with one of our team members.”
CanAm anticipates having a full-service online precious metals store by the end of December 2022.
“Customers will have the ability to pick up their order in-store, or have it delivered,” Michael says. “We plan to offer this service to all of Canada and the U.S.”
Michael firmly believes we are living in extraordinary financial times, the like of which we may never see again in our lifetimes. This is not just a business to him. He is in the mix with everyone else.
“I’ve been married to my wife, Stephanie, for the past thirteen years,” Michael says. “We have two amazing children, Ella, ten, and Mikey, eight. Like everyone else, my primary concern is preserving my family’s future security and comfort.”
Find out more about CanAm Currency Exchange at canamcurrencyexchange.com D
I think the bond market will collapse, the stock market will crash, and the housing market will crash. We’re looking at a whole different world. When all three asset classes begin to collapse, people will look for alternative investments.
Opening a brick and mortar business in the middle of a global pandemic is a gamble to say the least, but for the team behind Cotta Food Bar, it was a necessary risk that’s more than paid off.
“Opening during the pandemic gave us the opportunity to find a stable staff, do some training, and get feedback from customers,” says co-owner Tania Sorge. “The local community really supported us through every Covid restriction.”
The popular South Windsor restaurant came about as a result of a flourishing catering business. Cotta Catering was initially created in 2013 to meet the demand for in
house private events and special occasions, creating memorable ways to celebrate the Italian way. As the business grew, co-owner and executive chef Antonia Maceroni knew it was time for the next step.
“In 2020, a good friend of ours mentioned this space was available,” shares Antonia. “Despite the uncertain times, we decided to take a chance and create Cotta Food Bar restaurant.”
Antonia is a Red Seal Certified Chef and Culinary Instructor with the WindsorEssex Catholic District School Board and has been in the restaurant industry for over two decades. Her passion for cooking started at
a young age with the influence of her nonna and mother.
“I grew up in an Italian home where working the garden was second nature and Sundays were spent rolling gnocchi or fresh spaghettini by hand,” she says, noting that her culture and her love of travel played an integral role in her culinary inspirations. Her philosophy on food is based on the Slow Food Movement; carefully preparing meals using traditional methods and locally sourced, organic ingredients, meant to be eaten and enjoyed slowly.
That way of cooking is also the inspiration for Cotta’s mouth-watering menu,
which features a variety of freshly made pastas, seafood dishes, shareable apps, and Pinsa Romana; a Roman pizza that is glutenfriendly and offers a crispy crust and a soft, airy middle.
“We try our best to feature food that is not offered at any other local restaurants,” says Antonia. “We really want to offer dishes that are unique to Cotta like chocolate pasta with local exotic mushrooms to complement its earthy flavour, or Peruvian potato gnocchi with a rich gorgonzola sauce.”
With Antonia’s culinary prowess and Tania’s flair for entertaining, Cotta Food Bar has become a local neighbourhood hub for foodies, with a relaxed, inviting atmosphere and eye-catching artwork.
“I love people and music and food,” shares Tania. “I really enjoy interacting with our customers, getting to know them, and ensuring they have the best dining experience in town.”
Tania, an elementary school principal and the co-founder of Transition to Betterness, manages Cotta’s team of over 25 and credits the dedicated staff with creating such a welcoming space.
“Our front of the house team is so kind and attentive,” she beams. “Combined with our back of the house staff, they are the heart and soul of our restaurant. Because of their commitment to Cotta, we are successful.”
Tania says the team is excited for the upcoming holiday season, with live entertainment booked for every weekend for the month of December. Cotta will also be offering gift cards, custom catering menus, and are available to host Christmas parties in their festively decorated space.
They’ll be expanding their hours for dine-in and takeout as well to meet demand.
“We’ll soon be open for Saturday lunches, as well as Sundays and Mondays for lunch and dinner,” she says. “We definitely encourage people to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates and to make reservations to ensure your spot.”
Cotta Food Bar is located at 3891 Dougall Ave in South Windsor. For reservations, please call 519-915-6882 or visit them online at cottafoodbar.com today. D
Andrew J Smith Real Estate started in 2006, with one single agent, and a lot of dreams. Fast forward 16 years, and we are proud to be a successful team of 26, with more room to grow. Our recent move to the Walker Power Building was a necessary move to be able to service our clients better. With the team growing so rapidly, we wanted to ensure that we had the space not only for our agents to work comfortably, but where we would be able to showcase to our clients what this team is really all about.
Despite having a strong presence in the East side, including Lakeshore and Belle River, we wanted to expand into other areas, and are incredibly excited to see the rejuvenation that’s taking place in the Walkerville/Ford City area. Having several agents who call this area home, we wanted to be a part of the growth, and do our part to help make this city what it is slowly becoming. We will still maintain a satellite offi ce in Tecumseh, to continue being able to serve our clients in that area.
As mentioned, when planning and then designing our new space, we wanted to make sure it refl ected who we are as a team, and what we can bring to the table as far as servicing our clients. The new space brings forth fun and function, both for clients and agents. We are excited to off er a Sales and
Selection showroom in the new space; an area dedicated to our developments and our builders. We wanted clients who wish to build to come in, enjoy a coff ee or tea, and look at all available options for designs and fi nishes. Our goal was to create an environment that was as informative for the clients as possible, while remaining relaxed and comfortable, as we understand fi rst-hand how stressful building can be.
In addition to our Sales Centre, we also wanted to make room for a designated media room. The way we market ourselves, and the image we present to the public is one of our top priorities, and we wanted to ensure that we had the space to not only continue to provide the current content, but to improve; to be better than we are now. We have brought a full time Digital Media Director, as well as a Videographer to the team, to ensure that all of our agents have the tools to present themselves to the world in the best way possible.
With all these positive changes being made, we decided to do yet another complete rebrand for our Brokerage. As this is our third rebrand inside 6 years, we’ve had several people question the need for constant change. Our response is simply that the world, our town, our environment is forever
evolving, and we want to make sure that we keep up with that. In real estate there is always space to evolve and room to improve; staying stagnant is not an option for us. In my 16 years in this industry I’ve learned how quickly the world of real estate moves, and that in order to provide the best for our clients we have to be willing to move faster, and stay ahead of the changes.
I have been very fortunate throughout my career to develop and maintain some amazing friendships and partnerships, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without these people. Most notably, Jen Pavao and Kelly Schroth of Deerbrook Realty. These ladies have encouraged me at every turn, and have been there to support me every step of the way, while still allowing me to maintain my autonomy, and do things my own way. I will never be able to explain to them how important they are to myself and my team.
Creating this offi ce and building this brand has been an incredible experience, not just for me, but for my team as well. I was willing to incur my largest business expense to date to bring this offi ce into reality, because I believe in my team, and I want to make sure Windsor and Essex County know that we believe in them, and are willing to do what is necessary to further growth and development.
Office images: Alex Marentette - HomesByAlexAfter a two year hiatus, one of Windsor’s most beloved holiday traditions returns to historic Willistead Manor.
The Willistead Manor Holiday Tours allow local residents and visitors from all around to tour one of the area’s most elegant and storied mansions all decked out in its holiday finest.
The tradition began nearly four decades ago with the Friends of Willistead group, but was put on hold for the past two years due to COVID-19 restrictions.
“We certainly missed being able to welcome folks inside the home,” says Chris topher Menard, Cultural Development & Willistead Manor Coordinator for the City of Windsor. “We’re all looking forward to opening the doors wide once again for people to explore this special, one-of-a-kind place.”
Menard says it was difficult to see the manor closed during the pandemic, but the time was used to get some important work done, including the installation of the new Coach House Historical Exhibit.
Now, the Manor is refreshed and ready to welcome the public with festive flare, featuring over 14 rooms adorned with twinkling lights, greenery, glittering ornaments, and breath taking Christmas trees.
“Decorating Willistead is quite a process. Planning begins months ahead of time,” says Connie Pitman, President of the Friends of Willistead. “The spirit of each room is taken into consideration, along with what we’ve done in the past.”
Pitman says it takes about four days of hands-on decorating by teams of people including Friends of Willistead volunteers, interior designers, City of Windsor workers, and St. Clair College student volunteers working collaboratively to bring it all together.
“The Friends of Willistead are very excited about resuming the Christmas tours, a long-time Windsor tradition,” says Pitman. “We’re eager to show off the Manor in all of its splendour and share information about its history.”
Built in 1906, the 16-century style Tudor-Jacobean English manor home was
designed by renowned architect Albert Kahn for Edward Chandler Walker; the second son of Hiram Walker, founder of the world-renowned distillery.
Menard notes that during the time Edward and his wife Mary resided at Willistead, they held parties that were called “At Home”, filling the halls with people who wanted to be together, celebrate, and explore the Manor. Today, he says, they honour that tradition of being a community gathering place, hosting various events throughout the year, including the holiday tours.
“We’ve always wanted to use the holiday season to showcase the Manor in a special way; dress it up and invite people in to see something whimsical, magical, even a little bit of another time,” shares Menard.
In addition to the tours, there’ll also be several holiday events hosted at the Manor, including a performance by The Silver Bells Bell Ringers on December 11th and Breakfast with Santa on December 4th, 11th and 18th catered by Thyme to Go. Tickets for the break fast event can be purchased at thymetogo.ca.
The Willistead Manor Holiday Tours run Wednesdays, December 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th from 6pm to 8pm and Sundays, December 4th, 11th and 18th from 1pm to 4pm. Admission is $6.25 for adults, $5.25 for students and seniors, and $2.75 for children 12 and under. D
From all of us at Sechopoulos Valente Group, we hope your holiday season is filled with peace, relaxation and happiness. May the closeness of your loved ones fill your heart with joy.
Panos Sechopoulos, BA (Hons), MA (Econ), CFA, CFP, FMA Senior Portfolio Manager & Wealth
Lou Valente, MBA, CIM, PFP, CFP Senior Portfolio Manager & Investment Advisor
RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. *Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. is a member company of RBC Wealth Management, a business segment of Royal Bank of Canada. ® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. ©2022 RBC Dominion Securities Inc. All rights reserved. 22_90621_MT6_018
Welcome to our custom content page meant to highlight unique news from the Windsor-Essex region
Windsor Surgical Centre and Windsor Regional Hospital (WRH) are proud to announce the continuation of their partnership with the opening of a brand-new facility which will serve thousands of eye surgery patients every year while freeing up hospital resources. Windsor Surgical Centre which is owned by Dr. Tayfour and Dr. Barry Emara, is excited to announce the grand opening of their new state of the art facility located at 10700 Tecumseh Road East in Windsor. The new, 12,000-square-foot facility is equipped with four Operating Theatres, 15 pre- and post-operative bays and a dedicated Laser Room.
Dr. Abby Jakob is thrilled to announce Kingsville and surrounding area’s premier destination for dry eye and medical aesthetics, BRIGHT!
Located at 30 Main Street East in Kingsville, BRIGHT offers innovative, scientifically proven treatments that allow clients to feel good and discover their most polished selves. Their medical grade devices and products, plus attentive service set them apart. Book an appointment today by calling 519-733-3766 and receive best-in-class dry eye and medical aesthetics treatments in a gorgeous, inviting, Instagram-wort hy space.
Wicker & Wardrobe is bringing that boho, hippie vibe back in a big way! Owner Beth Lanoue, along with the help of her mom Pam Langlois, her son and social media support Trent Lanoue and the rest of her family, have injected a full-on splash of tie dye, a kaleidoscope of colour, texture and scent into the heart of Belle River. The mission was to give something back to the town and community, to help grow the retail experience while complimenting the already excellent shops in town. Wicker & Wardrobe is chock full of comfy, casual, boho clothing, accessories, and home goods. They also have an amazing and ever-changing selection of thrift and vintage clothes and treasures. Next time you’re out and about stop in to visit Wicker & Wardrobe at 562 Notre Dame Street, Belle River. They’re open Thursdays and Fridays 11-6 and Saturdays 11-4.
Dr. Eugiena Brokalakis, is pleased to announce the opening of her new dental office. Harmony Dental is located at 12049 Tecumseh Road East in Tecumseh and is now accepting new patients. Through excellent preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry, using technologies that make dental visits more pleasant, Harmony Dental will work with you to achieve a smile that can maximize your personal health and appearance and raise your self-esteem. To book an appointment, please call the office at 519-956-7684 today.
"Erie Street Gastro Pub (located at 839 Erie Street East) is a hidden gem in the heart of Walkerville, Windsor. Having opened in August of 2021 and bringing with it delicious Asian fusion food and elevated pub fare such as Pad Thai, Brisket Burger and Stacked Sushi. New customers have quickly become regulars thanks to the beautiful atmosphere of the establishment as well as the constantly rotating menu of 60+ Ontario craft beers, local Ontario wines and delectable handcrafted cocktails. For the Whisky lovers, a menu of classics as well as more rare finds is also available. Dessert lovers will not be disappointed by the recent launch of alcohol infused ice-creams, with flavours changing seasonally. Every Sunday night is Trivia Night at the pub for those that like a little brain workout with their drinks. For special events, a party room is available to host up to 49 people.
Urban Home Windsor, interior design and furniture studio is excited to announce the opening of their new showroom at 4145 7th conces sion, Windsor, ON across from Windsor Airport. This new convenient location is open for design inspiration and a lifestyle shopping experience. New to Urban Home is an exciting line up of stylish and fun home décor and giftware. Full-service interior design, furniture and styling is the team’s specialty, however, the new lifestyle giftware will provide shoppers with the opportunity to be inspired and perhaps pick up a little something for their home or for someone special. Their photo realistic 3D design service is the perfect place to start allowing clients to visualize their project before the process begins. Come by the new showroom to meet the Urban Home design team to discuss your upcoming projects.
The Hospice of Windsor and Essex County officially concluded the 20th annual Face to Face Campaign September 30th, and this year the total raised was an astonishing $107,530.00! Over the last twenty years of the campaign over 1.5 million dollars has been raised, with funds staying right here in our community, and directly supporting our friends and loved ones. Face to Face has supported our Fairley Family Transporta tion, providing much needed rides to medical appointments. New this year, it will also support Hospice in granting exceptional and impactful experiences to patients and their families through the G.E.N.I.E. Trans portation Program. The Hospice Face to Face Campaign runs annually from August 15th to September 30th, and in 20 years has raised over 1.5 million dollars for Hospice.
In 1940, Aleutario Colasanti, a 38-year-old Italian immigrant, purchased a small farm outside of Leamington, Ontario. For his seven-year-old son, Joe, this would become his legacy.
Two years later, the Colasanti's produce stand would be erected, and the family never looked back. Some 80 years later, the Colasanti's Tropical Gardens are a four-generation endeavour and a bedrock of the local community.
"I'm the oldest; I had two brothers and a sister," recalls Joe Colasanti, 89 years old, and still a fixture at Colasanti's. "When my parents bought this, it was just a piece of land, a house, a barn, and a team of horses. Back in 1940, that's when we started here—and we've built it up since then."
"Back in those days, you started working almost as soon as you could walk—and, you know what, it didn't hurt me a bit. You hear a lot of people say that, if I go to work, I'm not going to live long. Well, my dad worked very, very hard and he lived to be 96. I'm at 89 and I'm still going."
Colasanti is the lifeblood of the family legacy, having been there since day one. He still recalls fond memories of the early days and the joys of working on the family farm.
"I loved working with the horses," reminisces Colasanti. "We used to farm with horses, so you'd get up early in the morning and you'd feed them, you'd put the harnesses on, and you took them out and hitched them up to whatever piece of equipment you were using that day. That was quite a thrill."
Nowadays, his son and grandson, Lee and Lee Jr., are running the show, but Colasanti's Tropical Gardens has always been a family aff air. Colasanti, who suffered a stroke in August, but no matter what the circumstances, the help of his family has always got him through.
"Whatever I've done, I couldn't have done alone," he states. "I've always had my family behind me."
"It's a pretty good feeling because everybody that's helped in running the place is a part of it, so you know everybody is going to try and make it go the way it should go."
Colasanti's has always had strong ties to the community and for many in the Leamington and Kingsville area, working with Joe was their first job.
"It's amazing how many times I run into somebody and they say, 'I used to work for you 20 years ago,'" he explains. "I'm from the old school, and anytime I had something to do with employees, I tried to make them learn it the way things are supposed to be.
"I have three things I live by, they are service, quality, and value. You go out of your way to give good service, and you make sure what you're doing is not garbage, and make sure you aren't charging $20 for a $10 item."
Colasanti takes great pride in his ability, over the years, to accommodate his customers and to make them feel at home.
"I think part of it is that we try to have stuff here that will satisfy people from the smallest kid to the oldest person," he says. "There's something here for everybody. Right now, there's a family walking in, they've got four little kids. They'll be playing mini golf later or going to the arcade and they can run loose. You don't have to just sit them at a table, and they sit there until you're ready to leave."
"I just treat other people like I'd like to be treated myself. That's part of what I'm all about. They [would call me] 'Never Say No
Joe'. If somebody wanted something, I would try to go out of my way to satisfy them. Many times, I could have said, 'I'm really sorry,' or 'you're going to have to come back another day,' or 'I can't do it right now, I'm busy.' I always try to make time for anybody that needs something."
Colasanti likes to make memories for his patrons and one of his ways he used to accomplish that is by gifting small cacti to children who visited on bus tours. He says that, years later, people still approach him telling him that their cactus is alive and is still a reminder of his generosity.
For his part, Colasanti is content to keep working. Treatment for his stroke was successful, and despite a bit of fatigue in the aftermath, his enthusiasm for people still shines through as he greets them while they enter Colasanti's Tropical Gardens.
"I plan to stay here until they have to carry me out, I guess," he states. "It's not like working for a big corporation or something, where you've done your time and you just walk out and forget about it. When it's something that you helped build, it's pretty hard to walk away from it." D
I have three things I live by, they are service, quality, and value. You go out of your way to give good service, and you make sure what you're doing is not garbage, and make sure you aren't charging $20 for a $10 item.
25 years ago, Transition 2 Betterness (T2B) started with a simple vision of refurbishing two oncology rooms in hopes to bring a warm and comforting space to families and their patients. Since then, the organization has expanded their programs across all Windsor-Essex hospitals to help bridge the gap between hospital and home.
“Our unique comfort-based programs provide tangible items, so patients and their families feel more at home; this distinguishes the work of T2B,” Executive Director Amber Hunter says. “As a result, our programs have impacted thousands of members within the community on an annual basis.”
As a grassroots charitable organization, T2B is dedicated to providing comfort to those impacted by a life-altering illness and has had the opportunity to give back to the community with over 20 ongoing comfort-based programs such as the T2B Comfort Cart, Art and Music Therapy Program, T2B Comfort Blankets, The Dr. Michelle Prince Comfort Care Tote, and many more programs. “Each time we’ve launched a new program it was founded on the direct need of a patient or family to help provide comfort along their journey”, Amber adds.
Even though T2B is a grassroots organization, they’re not afraid to take on a larger-scale project and grow their mission of comfort in our community. The key to providing this tangible success for the community is rooted in their great relationships with volunteers and donors who are our “Partners In Comfort”.
“For the past 25 years, I have witnessed the power of change. T2B taught me that change happens when people get involved,” Co-Founder Doris Lapico says. “We came together and demanded change in our health care; we had a purpose and made a difference for the people we serve. I had the chance to experience the pride of giving back and the inspiration and drive to be part of something bigger than I could have ever imagined.”
With no government funding, T2B relies solely on the generosity of the local community who always step up to Give Where They Live. All funds raised stay local to help support patients and families within our region, which has made impacts socially, economically, and culturally.
“I am inspired every day by our generous community, our dedicated and selfless volunteers, and the hardworking T2B team. Their commitment has taught me that together we can make a difference in the lives of so many,” Co-Founder Tania Sorge says. “I am proud of how T2B has grown through the years and has become a force of energy that continues to support Windsor-Essex. I am honoured, blessed, and humbled to be just a small part of this movement. I have learned that life is so much more when you have a full heart and live to make the lives of others better.
The team of over 200 volunteers and the volunteer Board of Directors feels like a family; together they work towards providing these essential services to the community.
“Windsor-Essex is the most giving community anywhere and that is reflected in every one of our donors and community partners who are involved in our day-to-day from helping us develop programs to executing large events,” Amber Hunter says. “Thank you to our volunteers who are the heart and warmth of our movement; to my staff and working board who operate as a family; to this incredible network who all strive to make the patient experience better and more comfortable. I am grateful to be a part of this incredible community and to lead our T2B family. Together we’ll continue to listen and respond to the needs of our community.”
T2B is the softer side of healthcare and has been a pioneer for social change in the system for 25 years and has no plans of slowing down. From running 20+ programs, a 20-bed palliative unit, healing garden to so much more. Amber says that this organization’s backbone is always comfort, to lessen isolation, and to help provide moral and emotional support to patients and families. “It’s the small subtle gestures that add up to kindness; that is our job to spread.” D
It was 1997 and the Detroit Red Wings had finally, after four decades of waiting, fulfilled their promise and brought the Border Cities their eighth Stanley Cup championship. At the same time, Graeme Hossack was helping to quietly open the first location of Perani’s Hockey World in Canada, here in Windsor.
“It was an interesting time in the city because people were celebrating hockey,” recalls Hossack. “Back then, there were a lot of different brands and a lot of different stores that were open. I remember meeting the Starter salesperson at Golden Griddle on Huron Church and after Bob Reaume got his hats, after Nantais got their hats, and after Jeff
from LaSalle got his hats, and after everyone got their hats, there was a bunch of boxes left over and they were t-shirts. They were like, ‘Whose are those?’ Nobody really knew we had opened our store here—so it was a pretty interesting opening.”
Fast-forward a quarter-century, and just as quietly as it came, Perani’s is gone. In its place is a new and more sports-diverse sports mecca for your athletic needs—Victory Sports.
Victory Sports, which has taken over the old Perani’s location at 7540 Tecumseh Rd. E, is a brand new entity owned by Hossack and Sean and Karrie Maine—with a focus on not only hockey, but baseball, lacrosse, and
different sports that the community has a passion for.
“That’s the new motivation of where it gets rebirthed,” explains Hossack. “It gets rebirthed with new owners, new partners, but it also gets rebirthed with what people in the community are telling us that they want. Yes, they play hockey—we know those people, let’s help them—baseball, the reception has been unbelievable—lacrosse, coming back after being shut down indoors, to grow this past season was amazing too. Just to see people wanting to get back to playing and getting back to participating and competing—that’s the best thing.”
“It was never just going to be a hockey store when I came back. We came back, weathered the storm from COVID, got the ship going in the right direction, and then, as an ownership group, we looked at it and decided that we were not going to continue the Perani’s Hockey World banner in Canada anyway.”
“It’s nice that, in this area, we had what we had and we built what we did, but it’s time to move on and it’s time to let it morph into something more.”
Hossack says that he started in the sports world after university with the help of Bob Perani. Hossack started in the manufacturing and wholesale side of the sports retail business in Toronto, but Perani encouraged him to help him open his first Canadian location in Windsor back in 1997.
Karrie started working at Perani’s as a cashier in 1997 at the encouragement of her future husband, Sean, on the weekends.
“They wanted a female because it was all males,” states Karrie. “I think I was 22 at the time, so I would drive home on the
weekends and work at the store. It’s funny, Graeme and I are both here now, but we were both here back then.”
Karrie and Sean have always had a deep investment in local sports, as, of their three children, their eldest son is a former junior hockey player, while their youngest boy is a 13-year-old hockey and baseball AAA player.
“Hockey’s always been here,” explains Hossack. “With the proximity to the US— the junior game, the pro game, and amateur sports in this area—just with the population and, I’m not sure if it’s demographics, but if you played hockey, your kids will probably play hockey, and if you played lacrosse, your kids usually play lacrosse. It’s just one of those things that if you enjoy a sport, chances are your kids will try it or pick it up and see if they enjoy it.”
However, the success of local sports clubs doesn’t hurt, shining a spotlight on the fun and competitiveness of something available to try.
“I think the proximity to the US— you have exposure to all the sports at a
professional level, but before the Blue Jays won their first World Series in 1992, Essex County was always a good area for baseball,” says Hossack. “It’s not like baseball is new to this area. This area’s always been entrenched with baseball, whether it was the Tigers, or our teams up the highway, but when the Jays finally won, that kind of launched it a little bit.”
With the slow release of the COVID-19 pandemic, sports have come back with a vengeance and Victory Sports is here to help. Whether it’s hockey, baseball, lacrosse, or something else you are engaged in—they probably have it and are here to give you the competitive edge.
“People have come back with attitudes and they realize how much they miss their sports,” states Hossack. “They miss the camaraderie and I think everybody’s ready to move again, and they’re ready to play sports and have fun. It lets us look into the crystal ball and say, ‘Okay, what’s next for us?’ I don’t think we’ll become everything to everybody, but sports, we can cater to— sports, we can help.” D
Set peace as your highest goal and organize your life around it.
1. Light a candle. Notice the flicker of the flame.
2. Open a window.
3. Breathe in fresh air.
4. Watch the trees sway in the breeze.
5. Record last night’s dreams in a journal.
6. Dance to a song from your teenage years.
7. Belt out showtunes in the shower.
8. Burn some incense. Observe the smoke bend and flow.
9. Listen to spa music.
10. Write a love letter to yourself.
11. Lay on the ground, close your eyes, feel the weight of gravity.
12. Before going to bed, step out your front door, count seven stars.
13. Forgive someone from your past.
14. Forgive yourself.
15. Smile while reading this sentence.
16. Dim a lightbulb.
17. Lie still under a pile of cozy blankets.
18. Wear your favourite colour on Mondays.
19. Bake a cake from scratch.
20. Call your best friend and ask what they admire about you.
21. Call a friend and tell them what you admire about them.
22. Lean back and let the universe take over. If only for one day.
23. Notice the colour blue in every room you walk into today.
24. Turn off technology for eight hours straight on the fifteenth of every month. 25. Write your name using your non-dominant hand. 26. Drive home a different way from work. 27. Take a bath in Epson salts. 28. Organize a drawer. 29. Put your right hand on your heart and your left hand on your belly. 30. Stretch your arms up. 31. Watch the sunrise. 32. Hug a tree and count to ten. 33. Watch your favourite movie. 34. Count your blessings. 35. Count your blessings twice. 36. Call up an old friend. 37. Turn off the news. 38. Read a book. 39. Doodle on a sketch pad. 40. Pray. 41. Laugh with young kids. 42. Stroll down a street you have never been on.
43. Notice the colour red in the room that you are in. 44. Celebrate today as if it were your first. 45. Honour tonight as if it were your last. 46. Play euchre with old friends. 47. Go for a long drive to nowhere. 48. Jump on a swing in a nearby park. Enjoy the feeling of weightlessness. 49. Walk around the block. Twice. 50. Be here now. Let love in.
“We can really tailor the burger to what each person likes,” says Odette. “Everyone loves burgers; you can make them as fancy or simple as you want.”
The Windsor food scene is making headlines once again. First it was our pizza, now it’s our burgers.
Mamo Burger Bar, an Ottawa Street staple for nearly a decade, recently gained international attention for landing on “The 50 Best Burgers in the World” list by global travel site Big 7 Travel. Not only did they make the list, they also placed in the top ten.
It’s not the first time the restaurant has slipped into one of the top spots on the guide’s list, says owner Ryan Odette. However, it’s the first time they’ve really be able to celebrate the acknowledgment.
“Somebody sent me the link (to the list) one day,” says Odette. “We had actually made that list before, so I thought they were sending me the old story. Then I looked at it and realized it was a new one. After that, I started seeing it everywhere.”
Odette said a similar list was published by the site just prior to the pandemic. News was slowly starting to spread before COVID-19 lockdowns were implemented.
“Not even a week later COVID hit and we had to close, so we really didn’t even get to talk about it at all,” he recalls.
This time, word of the accolade spread quicker than Odette and his team were prepared for.
“It was just crazy how it all happened,” he laughs. “We started getting really, really busy almost overnight.”
“The list came out and we had already put our (food) orders in for the week and did our schedules so everything was pretty much set and then we just got hit,” he continues. “We actually had to close early a few times because we ran out of food.”
Odette says the phone has been ringing off the hook daily and staff have been working hard to keep up with both dine-in and takeout orders. The influx has been a mixture of new customers and regulars, he shares. People wanting to see (and taste) for themselves.
“It’s been great for business. It’s got a lot of people in Windsor to try us that haven’t been here before,” he says. “It’s just one of those things where when people hear something is the best, they want to immediately try it. It just kind of legitimizes it for them.”
Mamo is no stranger to garnering praise for their cuisine. Over the past nine years, they’ve consistently been ranked as one of the
best burger joints in the city by multiple local publications and tourism agencies.
“It’s really cool. It’s kind of the whole point of having a restaurant; to have people excited about what you serve,” says Odette, who also owns the popular Georgia Rae’s BBQ & Hot Chicken restaurant in Tecumseh with his wife Tina.
So what goes into making one of the best burgers in the world? Surprisingly, not much. Odette says they prefer to keep things simple.
All of Mamo’s beef is sourced from a small Ontario farm and ground daily in house. There are no breadcrumbs, egg, or other fillers or binders. Just quality meat and salt.
“I think it’s mostly to do with the fat content,” he says. “Over the years, we’ve kind of figured out what (ratio) works best for us because that’s what makes a burger juicy.”
Odette believes variety has also played a part in Mamo’s success. In addition to their lineup of gourmet burgers with toppings ranging from peanut butter to mac and cheese, they also offer a ‘Build Your Own’ option for customers to dream up their own combinations.
“We get people who want something very simple, so they usually go for our ‘Build Your Own’ option,” he says. “We also have people who like to just make them all crazy and put like 17 different things on them.”
They offer options to suit most dietary needs, including gluten-free and vegetarian selections.
“I’m really proud of our veggie burger; we have a lot of non-vegetarians who like to order it just because it’s so tasty,” he notes. “Our turkey burger is also delicious; it’s a blend of dark and white meat and it’s very lean so it’s perfect for someone looking for a healthier option.”
Burgers come served on a brioche bun, but can also come in a lettuce wrap or on a salad.
“We can really tailor the burger to what each person likes,” says Odette. “Everyone loves burgers; you can make them as fancy or simple as you want.”
Odette says he’s happy with Mamo’s accomplishments and looks forward to continuing to build upon the concept they’ve created.
“I just love burgers and I always wanted to have a burger restaurant,” he shares. “I’m proud of the product we put out and I’m glad so many people enjoy it.” D
Congratulations to Eva Berg for being our November winner! We
our community through continued literacy and a path to higher education.
Christmas is a very stressful time of year. Instead of being happy and joyous, most people are stressed over money. Study shows 61% of people get more stressed over the holidays than any other time of year. But there are ways to reduce this stress and save money. Ways such as thrifting, recycling, arts-and-crafts, budgeting and having a fun game of Secret Santa with your friends and family are just some of the ways Christmas can be enjoyed on a budget.
First off is thrift shopping. Thrift shopping may have a bad name; however, it is very environmentally friendly and can cut costs. Personally, the other day, I spent only $10 on a vintage purse and wallet that should have been well over $50! In addition to cost, thrifting has become quite a trend in the youth these past couple of years, as they find something fun in never knowing what they will find. It also reduces their carbon footprints, which the youth these days care about more significantly than any other generation. But maybe thrift shopping isn’t your style, and you want to do something else.
Another choice is ‘recycling,’ or regifting. Regifting has a bad reputation, but I believe it is time to put an end to this. Regifting a nice gift that you never use, and think another person will, is a great way to save money and be more environmentally friendly. As long as you don’t give it to the original owner again. Not only does regifting save you money, but it also clears room in your closet space and can make you happier, knowing you gave someone something they would use that you never did. In addition to your happiness, saving money and clearing space, you are also being environmentally friendly, as you are ensuring something you would most likely throw out is being put to good use. In the end, you are preventing landfill waste, because every piece counts. Aside from that, another worry you might have had is this: is regifting ethical? In short, yes, it is. If you think about it, it would be more rude not to regift, due to the fact that you are wasting someone's gift by just keeping it in the closet to collect dust. Regifting is morally and ethically correct because you are now putting use to that gift you never would have touched. But maybe you don’t like the idea of regifting, that is perfectly fine, especially if you have artistic abilities.
A separate idea you can use to save money is making the gift yourself. The gifts that you make yourself end up being unique and can be seen as more sentimental. Plus, it is a great way to reduce stress and is an excep tional outlet for creativity. Handmade gifts are good for the environment because you get to choose what they are made from, the colour, basically anything you want, and it can be completely sustainable. Homemade gifts are more cherished than any other gift, as they mean something more. To you, it may just be something you worked on for a couple of hours, but to the receiver? It is something you took time out of your day just to make for them, something that you know they would like. Besides, anything you may need for the craft,
you will most likely be able to find whatever it is somewhere cheap, like a thrift shop.
A fourth way to save money is to budget. Yes, it is absolutely dreadful, however, budgeting can help you save money as long as you stick to the budget. If you proportion your money correctly, and know what to prioritize, you will be able to effectively divide your money and buy things for Christmas. With good budgeting, you will obtain the perfect Christmas gifts and decorations. Besides, you will be able to see what you should and shouldn’t be spending during the rest of the year, which will help you in the future. Not only is it good for the holidays, but it’s also good during the rest of the year as well.
Lastly, instead of buying gifts for every single member of your family or your friends a more unique way to save money is having a little more fun by doing Secret Santa. Assuming you and the members have money/ jobs, this may be the best option for you. Basically, the point of Secret Santa is that each member who is participating pulls a name and must buy a gift for them. The best part, in my opinion at least, is that it’s supposed to remain a secret, that way, when you finally do the exchange, you must guess who has you. Personally, my family and I, everyone has a job, except for my little brother and I, so everyone in my family helps my little brother and I and gives us money to shop. We put a budget/range on how much we can spend (for us, this year, is around $100, however the first year we did this we only did $20 to see how we would like it) that way my parents didn’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on the six of us.
There are a magnitude of ways we can save money for the holidays, including making things yourself, thrift shopping, regifting, budgeting and Secret Santa with your family/ friends. Buying Christmas gifts doesn’t need to be stressful; it can be fun and environmen tally friendly. D
I believe in democracy and the rule of law.
But anyone who has ever been fortunate enough to serve in an elected government position (or, even more so, anyone whose job it is to regularly attend council, legislature, or parliament to observe those proceedings) knows that the knowledge, skillset, and temperament to be truly effective in that position are entirely unconnected to the knowledge, skillset, and temperament it took to have been successful in the election to get that position in the first place. One does nothing to inform the other. Mr. Trump is, perhaps, the best example of this truism – although plenty abound, many locally.
If this is true of local politicians and your representative, however well-intentioned or popular – or merely a long-time member of an active provincial or federal political party – is not particularly astute, then you may end up with higher taxes, substandard delivery of utilities and services, or poor planning.
But what if that’s true of your local judges? What if the person deciding upon your traffic ticket or lifetime of incarceration is congenial, but dimwitted? What if their only demonstrated competence for the position is their previous admission to the bar as a lawyer? In the United States there are 203 accredited law schools graduating 35,287 law students every year).
I also believe in the separation of the legislative and judicial branches of government.
Twenty-one of the United States hold elections for judges and fortythree of them for prosecutors (called “district,” “state,” “county” or “prosecuting” attorneys). The remaining states employ either legisla tive election for the appointment of judges (in which case the elected
members of the state legislature make the appointments), gubernatorial (state governor) appointment, or assisted appointment (where a nominating commission reviews the qualifications of candidates and submits a list of names to the legislature or state governor). As well, many states employ a hybrid of these systems and ‘retention’ election requirements for continuing terms.
Proponents of electing judges believe that the electorate will have more confidence in the court system if the judges are directly accountable to the people. Verdicts and sentencing decisions, the theory goes, will be more readily acceptable to the public if they are delivered by a known and elected pillar of the community.
There are studies, however, that indicate that what often happens is that in order to bolster their electability, judges start to reflect current public sentiment into their controversial decisions. Put another way, stare decisis and legal precedent, which often develops over years, decades, and even centuries, can become a victim of judicial electorate pandering. And even if those decisions are ultimately reversed by higher, appointed bodies of appeal panels, the confusion and expense of the uncertainty does nothing to strengthen the institutions of justice.
Another significant problem is that, aside from what the judicial candidate may disclose in their election literature, there is a dearth of publicly available information about their relative expertise and qualifications. How can an informed public ascertain the candidate’s qualifications if their institution, class standing, year of call, disciplinary record or history of pertinent achievements are largely unknown or protected by privacy? They are left with only negative opposition research with little context.
Worse yet, of the 21 states referenced above, 8 have partisan public judicial elections – where the candidate’s party affiliation appears on the ballot. Accordingly, for the vast majority of a candidate’s voters, especially in this polarized environment of American politics, his or her party affiliation is all the information upon which they relied. How can such a process result in a strong, reliable, and trustworthy judiciary?
Politicization of the administration of justice foretells the end of independent oversight of the remaining institutions of democracy, if not the end of peaceful democracy itself. Even in the United States Supreme Court it is an open secret that major changes on matters of social justice have divided along partisan lines: it is no coincidence that that Court’s decision to end constitutional protection for abortion last summer came only 6 months into the term of Justice Amy Coney Barrette, the latest, and majority-tipping conservative justice added to the 9-judge panel. This despite that public opinion polls have consistently shown that support for legalized abortion in the American electorate has never dipped below 60%.
In this year’s American mid-term elections 60% of voters will have an election denier (one who refuses to accept the 2020 national election results) on their ballot. Although there appear no figures to assess how many of these are judicial candidates, the fact that many of these will become elected – and in a position to appoint, or otherwise influence judicial selections – cannot but dilute the competency of the people sitting on the benches of the very courts that may be called upon to address the same issues in future elections.
The verdict on electing judges is an easy one. D
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The beauty of art is that it can come from anywhere.
That’s how it is with Dream Reapers, written by George Morneau and illustrated by Keith Ashton: two guys in Windsor with a vision.
A few years before their collaboration, George experienced a spiritual awakening, which was accompanied by an outpouring of creativity. He began painting, writing, seeing the world and his own life differently. From the vortex of this awakening, an idea for his magnum opus was born.
While exhibiting his paintings at an art show, George thought that would be a good place to connect with an illustrator for an idea he had. It would be a comic book. More than a comic book, actually. A series.
“I asked an exhibitor near me if she knew of any illustrators,” George recalls. “She said: ‘There’s one over there.’”
George left his exhibit and went in search of the illustrator, who turned out to be Keith, a talented young artist. He listened to George’s idea for a comic book series.
“I felt a bit of hesitation,” Keith recalls. “I tried projects like that in the past and they didn’t go well. I had enough commission work that I didn’t need to worry about illustrating a comic. When George approached me, there was something different. I thought: ‘Let’s give it another shot.’”
“I am more an orator telling stories,” George explains. “I would tell stories to my kids, at bedtime, when they were little. The next night, they’d say to me: ‘Can you continue last night’s story?’ Often, I couldn’t remember what I had said!”
Those oratory skills came in handy making his pitch to Keith. They agreed to work together and fell into a routine of meeting at a coffee shop to discuss ideas and vision for the story.
“I believe that all people have their own stories,” George continues. “I draw from my
childhood—other titles I have ideas for are based on that. Everyone has a demon within that they are battling. For myself, I have battled through stuff. Everyone does.”
Over the course of months—moving into the lockdown period brought on by the COVID-19 global pandemic—George and Keith worked on the story and Dream Reapers took shape.
Conflict’s idea for saving the world involves going back in time, invading the dreams of evil people, and bringing about positive change in them. These two otherworldly figures need the help of an earth bound man. That’s where Slade comes in, an ordinary guy with an office job.
The first installment of Dream Reapers was published in the fall of 2021. The second installment was published in the spring of this year.
“There will be sixteen stories in total for Dream Reapers,” George says, who has written the third installment, which is expected out by the end of 2022.
I believe that all people have their own stories, I draw from my childhood—other titles I have ideas for are based on that. Everyone has a demon within that they are battling. For myself,
I have battled through stuff. Everyone does.
The story centers on three characters: Conflict, Carl, and Slade. Conflict is one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. As he and the other Horsemen lay waste to the world, Conflict believes there is still good in humanity, that people can redeem themselves. He breaks away from the other Horsemen, journeys into hell, where Conflict rescues a soul he believes was wrongly condemned to eternal damnation. That soul belongs to Carl, a Michigan state trooper in life. A miscarriage of justice sent him to prison for the deaths of his children in a fire. Carl encounters inmates who knew him as a state trooper, and he incessantly attacked. He finally kills one of his attackers and receives the death penalty. Following his execution, he ends up in hell, where Conflict finds him.
The artwork in the comics is stunning. The illustrations are reminiscent of album art in that the deeper ones looks into them; the more details reveal themselves.
For instance, at a glance, the cover art for the inaugural issue is striking - Carl, clad in his state trooper’s Stetson and a trench coat. In each hand, he holds a bed in which a sleeping person lies. In the background, countless “Easter eggs” are there for anyone willing to look.
The narrative and drawings are an excel lent pairing of talents. Keith explains that each issue took him approximately 450 hours to illustrate. The story, itself, begins with a bang—the Apocalypse—and doesn’t slow down from there. Each issue balances action and philosophy, offering interesting explanations for the supernatural happenings.
Ultimately, Dream Reapers is a redemp tion story. Each character has their own demons, their own desires to battle and strive for.
Dream Reapers is available for purchase at Juniper Books, Storytellers Bookstore, as well as Border City Comics, Rogues Gallery Comics, and Paper Heroes, among other outlets. To learn more about the series, check out its Instagram space @KarmicMal iceComics. D
For local comedy show “Brewing for Comedy,” the holidays are definitely a laughing matter.
The group, which hosts stand-up comedy every Tuesday at Craft Heads Brewing Company, will be celebrating the season with two festively funny shows featuring some of Windsor’s top comedians, as well as acts from around Canada who are home for the holidays.
“Everyone’s got family from Windsor,” says comedian Rob Kemeny, co-founder of the group. “We have a lot of guys who come here when they’re in town.”
“For our last regular show of the year, we pull out all the stops,” shares fellow comedian Paul Montanier, who together with Rob formed the group nearly eight years ago.
“It’s a conclave of way too many comedians with special guests, delicious beer, and holiday cheer,” he continues, noting Windsor natives like Rob Mailloux and Dave Merheje have stopped in to perform in years past.
The “Brewing for Comedy Christmas (or Whatever) Party Show” happens Tuesday, December 20th. Admission to the show is free but the group asks each audience member to bring at least one non-perishable food item or contribution for The Downtown Mission.
The show brings in a sizable donation each year, and the group looks forward to continuing on the tradition.
It’s not the first charitable initiative the comedians have been a part of, recently
working with Hospice of Windsor to have several local acts perform for patients and their families in their rooms.
“It went really well and people were happy with it,” says Rob. “We’re looking to do more things like that in the near future.”
“They had a really fun time and we had a really fun time,” echoes Paul. “It was a great experience and it felt good to be able to do that.”
The comedy show and their rotating lineup of nearly two dozen regular performers have been making crowds laugh weekly at the Craft Heads’ tap room since June 2015, when co-owner Bryan Datoc agreed to make the brewery the unofficial permanent hub for comedy in Windsor.
“How can you not support people pursuing their passion?” wonders Bryan. “We’ve been given that chance more often than not and the best way to pay it back is to pay it forward.”
“I came in on my high horse demanding to do an open mic show,” jokes Rob. “Bryan was just like, ‘Yeah, sure!’ He really understands what we’re trying to build here.”
The shows started off bi-weekly and quickly grew into a weekly occurrence, says Paul.
“We wanted to give comedy one hub in Windsor,” he explains. “We needed just one home base and the more we put into this show, the more people started filling it up every week and now we’re kind of in that stage of expanding.”
The shows are a balance of seasoned veterans and newer comedians working through their material and building their careers, says Paul, noting that they try to give an equal shot to every act.
“It’s like what we do with our beer, you just gotta try it,” says Bryan. “The best way to learn is from experience and I think giving people as many tries to get that experience is important.”
The group also puts on monthly, “Pro Shows” featuring national touring acts sharing the stage with local favourites. They’ll be hosting a special holiday “Pro Show” Roast Battle on Friday, December 23rd, where some of the area’s sharpest comedians battle it out with the most brutal jokes imaginable before judges Paul, Rob, and Craft Heads’ bartender, Mike from behind the wood.
“It’s comedy’s closest thing to a sport,” laughs Paul.
Tickets are $10 and available through the Eventbrite link on the group’s Facebook page. There will also be several pairs of tickets hidden in Craft Heads’ annual beer advent calendar, featuring 24 unique one-off beers, as quirky and fun as the comedians that grace their stage every week.
“The holidays are all about family. Sometimes you’re related through blood, but sometimes it’s through sweat and tears of laughter,” says Bryan. “That’s what the Brewing for Comedy family is all about and we’re excited to have everyone home for the holidays.” D
“Brewing for Comedy” rings in the season with holiday shows & can drive.