Life w/the Iroquois

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Life with the Iroquois

by: Arieyonnah, Renee, & Antonio

Life with the Iroquois


Food The Iroquois eat wild nuts, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, & eggs. If meat was scarce they eat wild foods.

Our foods are different because they eat wild foods our foods are the same because they eat meat, fruits, and vegetables like we do.

The 3 Sisters

Arts and Crafts(Antonio) The Iroquois made baskets, toys, & beaded necklaces. The Iroquois made their own beads for the necklaces and used string to put it on. They do the same things and child would do, play with each other they like to go hunting & fishing kid have cornhusk dolls lacrosse was also a popular sport.

Arts and Crafts

Transportation Iroquois traveled by foot. But when it was warmer they used dugout canoes.They also used wild dogs to travel faster.

Canoeing on a river

Walking with my family


Shelter They lived in a longhouse. It’s called that because they were longer than they were wide. The longhouse were made out of elk bark & animal skin in a half cylinder shape. They stored all of there food & clothes in the longhouse. Elm bark & animal skin was used to make the houses. The longhouses were made to give the Iroquois a home to stay in & safety.

Shelter Longhouses


New York

Location Iroquois originally lived near Lake Ontario and along Mohawk River in New York State. Around 1600, five tribes-the Mohawks, the Oneidas, the Onondagas, the Cayugas, the Cayugas, and the Senecas-banded together to form a confederacy. A sixth tribe, the Tuscaroras, joined in 1722.

Interesting Fact

Interesting Fact The Iroquois or Haudenosaunee were historically powerful and important northeast Native American confederacy. They were known during the colonial years to the French as the “Iroquois League,” and later as the “Iroquois Confederacy.” The Iroquois have absorbed many other peoples into their cultures as a result of warfare,adoption of captives, and by offering shelter to displaced peoples.

References Supplied on Request

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