March 7 2016
TRANSPORTATION For transportation, they used their feet. Once they learned how to tame dogs, they made dog sleds and made them carry heavy things. The dogs usually pulled children and goods, adults were too heavy.
Pueblo Indians also used horses to get around. They used the horses often because they were easier to use on the terrain rather then wagons or dog sleds
Pueblos got wagons in the 1600’s but most liked to stick with traditional horses.
The Pueblo Indians ate a large variety of food. They grew and found fruits and vegetables and hunted for meat. To cook their food they used fire for what couldn’t be eaten any other way.
They found/grew yucca, a shrub looking fruit that normally has a flower. They also grew corn, beans, and squash regularly.
Pueblo Indian hunters also hunted deer. Along with deer, they hunted rabbit and big horned sheep.
SHELTER ~pueblo mean village in Spanish There houses are made of stone. They built rows of rooms for the house. They also built there houses with adobe brick.
They originally built there houses on cliffs and eventually moved to the lower lands in New Mexico and Arizona.
In New Mexico & Arizona, the Pueblos People have lived in the same communities for over 1,000 years. They use limestone to build there houses. They never put a door on the ground. They called there houses great houses.
ARTS AND CRAFTS T h e y m a d e j e we l r y by p i e r c i n g p o rc u p i n e q u i l l s. T h e re p o tte r y we re h a n d coiled..
T h e p u e b l o’s m a d e s i l ve r a n d t u rq u o i s e j e we l r y. They also made b a s ke t s b l a n ke t s , r u g s , a n d ka rch i n a d o l l s.
T h e P u e b l o we a v i n g is also beautiful a n d p ra c t i ca l .
Some of there pottery had symbols. The symbols would represent something in there life.
Works Cited Page Admin. "Horses Can Join the Dr. Cal Lightman’s Team." Smart News. Brain Architect, n.d. Web. 7 Mar. 2016. "Indian Pueblos Craft Signature Pottery Styles." The Denver Post. Http://, Mar. 2016. Web. 7th Mar. 2016. "What Is a Pueblo." Pueblo Indian History for Kids. Http://, Mar. 2016. Web. 7th Mar. 2016.