The life of the Kwakiutl By Trevon Frank, Deon Williams, And James Velkey
The life of the Kwakiutl Core
Mrs. Venable By Trevon Frank, Deon Williams, And James Velkey
Kwakiutl: clothing These guys had to dress warm towards the winter. They wore cendarwood to keep warm in the winter. Towards the winter it will get below 0 in so they were forced to do the hunting in the summer and fall to get the resources to make the clothing. Anything they could find that look like it was warm they used.
Kwakiutl: clothing During the summer they had to dress loosely. They wore loin clothes and feathers.
Kwakiutl: clothing They used all the resources from the animals they killed, such as the fur , skin , and bones. The warriors were crazy killers, when ever they killed the person they cut off their heads to make masks.
Kwakiutl: clothing As rewards of killing people they wore their skulls like necklaces and their decomposed body parts as armor.
Arts and crafts They made pottery to show certain ranks in their tribe. It varied from what you wore to the paints on your skin. These artifacts they made seemed secreted to them. They would make these under ground ritual houses and all of these different types of pottery and jewelry were put out.
The Kwakiutl tribe lives in the British Colombia, Oregon, California, And the lower Washington regions. In California the temperature is usually hot depending on the latitude and in Oregon region. Washington's clement is ether hot or mild it can go over 79 degrees farenhight and under 46 degrees farenhight.
Kwakiutl; location
Kwakiutl; location
The main location is the British Columbia.
Kwakiutl transportation The Kwakiutl travel by foot, horse, and canoes. Mostly foot for food trips but to move big amounts they bring horses to move heavy portions.
Kwakiutl transportation They use canoes to travel on water because at the time water was the best way to travel.
Kwakiutl transportation When it comes to war travel the Kwakiutl tribe don’t mess around the use the big guns. The big guns are 60 foot long canoes made of cedar wood.
Kwakiutl: Diet The Kwakiutl would eat lots of seafood: clams, salmon, and other marine life. They would also use fish oil.
Kwakiutl: Diet They would also eat berries, sea grass roots, mountain goat, elk, and deer (Some of them ate human flesh, but we’ll get to that later). They would use canoes to fish and gather different foods.
Kwakiutl Shelter The Kwakiutl shelter is a longhouse made of trees and planks. Lots of houses had totem poles out front. They would make the frame of the house first, and then add the walls and ceiling. Multiple families would live in one longhouse, up to 50 people! They would make holes in the roof for smoke from fires.
Kwakiutl interesting fact A specific Kwakiutl tribe, the Hamatsas, were actually cannibals! They had an initiation ritual where a 25 year old man would run around and bite people. Then everyone would eat human flesh. Everyone that was bitten would receive an expensive gift.
Kwakiutl interesting fact There is also an old story about a man eating giant called Baxbaxwalanuksiwe who had 4 man eating birds. Some say he was covered in mouths. In one version of the story two hunters trap him in a pit then throw hot stones on him until he dies.
Kwakiutl interesting facts . And the Kwakiutls are warriors especially the hida tribe. The hidas are a group of Indian cannibals along with the hamatsas. During the hamatsa ritual a man will go and bite people in the audience.
There were no real pictures so I made one wiki/Hamatsa
Kwakiutl interesting facts The hida were head hunters. High ranks have masks made of opponent skulls.
Kwakiutl interesting facts Lower ranks wore heads around there necks.
Works Cited Page = "Photo of Hamatsa." Edward Curtis, n.d. Web. < Kwakiutl:NAINDIANS." Naindians. Wikispace, n.d. Web >