saconnects, Volume 7, Number 2, 2021

Page 32



I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. —Philippians 4:13 (WEB)

Helping people to see life in a broader sense is something that's important to both my wife Pat and me. Sometimes she’ll say, “You posted too many things on Facebook about being outside!” But I’ll say, “Well, I'm not going to post pictures of all my meetings in the boardroom!” I've always tried to stress to others the holistic nature of our being, and to take care of our spirit, our soul, our body, and our mind. When I'm not right in any of those categories, I'm not right. Pat and I have done a lot of hiking and biking, but she's the super kayaker in the family. She goes places where I'm afraid to go. But, as a cyclist, I’m just as bold. I put a lot of miles on my bike. Last year during COVID–19, I put more miles on it than ever before. I was traveling less and working from home. So, at 4 P.M., I’d go out on my bike. My COVID journey really became for me a physical, an emotional, and a spiritual thing. It kept me grounded. During COVID, I ratcheted my riding up anywhere from 10 to 50 miles a day, every week. When I'm riding, I spend a lot of time in prayer. I'll think about the day, what's coming, my family, and for individuals who come to mind. I become multi–sensory; I see what's going on around me, and I'll just praise God out loud.

Spiritual triggers When I’m out there, I don’t like to stop. I want to ride hard, get a good workout, and get from Point A to Point B. But in more recent times, the Lord has been saying, “Hey. Stop and smell the roses. Enjoy what you’re seeing and what you’re experiencing.” I usually see something that triggers those moments. For example, I like to ride back and forth on the Heritage Trail that runs through the Orange County towns of Monroe, Goshen, Chester,


and Harriman. It's a paved rail trail, so it's safe; not to worry about too many cars. It's out in the country and I go through a lot of farmland and forests. Sometimes, a cardinal will fly by me, that red bird. When it does, I just say, “Thank you Lord!” It’s so beautiful. I’ll also see the male and the female together. It’s literally just a flyby, but it gives me pause every time. A lot of nature crosses my path; all kind of animals including deer and even coyotes. Being out in God's creation helps to reduce the stress and the demands of my life. As I ride, He brings things and people to my heart and mind, and I'll pray for them right then and there. During my rides, I'm not holding papers in my hand; I'm not leading a meeting or a group. I just have a sense of freedom and I feel good out there. The Lord speaks to me in different ways, and I try to be sensitive to that and be in the moment.

EQUIPPED, ON TRACK, AND SAFE I have a little cycle meter app. I keep track of every ride. I can see how far I rode, how long it took me, and how many calories I burned. So far this year, I've ridden 1,720 miles. Last year I rode 4,961 miles on 275 bike rides, either outside or on my trainer. So, through those COVID days, the Lord used that to keep my physical and mental health in good balance. I always wear my helmet, my cycling gloves, and brightly colored bike pants and top. I have lights on my bike, a cell phone, and shoes with pedal clips. An extra tube for my tires with air inflation cartridges, and energy bars are stashed away in a pack under my seat.

Volume 7 Number 2, 2021

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