saconnects, Volume 9, Number 6, 2023

Page 28


A second chance


terling C. Green Jr. is one of several concierges who graciously help guests find their way around the sprawling Hershey Lodge, part of Chocolatetown and Hersheypark in Hershey, Pa. Traditionally and for many years, this has been the venue for memorable Salvation Army events. From spiritual retreats for men and women seeking renewal, to the annual ordination, commis­ sioning, and appointment services for graduates of the College for Officer Training, the Hershey Lodge and Conference Center has become the Army’s home away from home for family and evange­ listic gatherings. As Green engages parents and their enthusiastic kids, his genu­ ine smile belies memories of his own painful life as a child. But his friendly countenance also expresses a deep joy at seeing so many people from his beloved Salvation Army. “When I was a kid, we were poor, on welfare, and didn’t know where our next meal would come from,” he says of those dark days. “But, every Christmas, our mother would take us to The Salvation


Warren L. Maye


Army. I’ll never forget it. They showed up every Christmas.” The Salvation Army would give Sterling’s family a Christmas tree, groceries, and a turkey. Although his first encounter with the Army happened when he was just 8 or 9 years old during the early 1960s, he vividly remembers feeling grateful for the food, toys, and Christmas tree. Those visits served as a relief from the tension, frustration, and uncertainty that plagued their home. Indeed, The Salvation Army was their “Balm in Gilead,” as the song goes. “I always had those fond memories of going to The Salvation Army and think­ ing how nice they were and how well they treated our family and all the poor families who came there.”

Volume 9 Number 6, 2023

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