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Sadaket Malik
About Sadaket Malik Sadaket Malik is the founder, crusader and benefactor of NSWA NGO). Born in a small village in Jammu and Kashmircalled Bhalessa, Sadaket Malik originally hails from a town called Bhalessa. His vision to mainkind is clearâ. He has always performed his roles of an informed and responsible citizen. Be it the social work in college days, It is evident from his appreciation letters, palethora of articles published internationally. He is passionate about social work which includes work that reaches the masses. His journey for social change began in his school days where he worked for Orphans and physically challenged people at Doda District. In 2003, he was awarded a medal for his social and humanitarian activities by the Vice Chancellor of University of Jammu and that encouraged him even more. He was involved with Akhil Bharat Rachnatmak Samaj headed by Dedi Nirmalla Deshpande for more than seven years (2001-2007) and continued to work as a president (ABRS Student