Brief_01 Wigan Little Theatre

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Programme Title: BA (Hons) Graphic Design

Level: 6

Module Title: Extended Practice

Module Code: OUGD603

Brief Title: Wigan Little Theatre

Module Leader/Tutors: Amber Smith,

Andy Lodge, Simon Harrison, Phil M Module Credits: 60

Weighting of Brief within Module: 100%

Context Wigan Little Theatre is a small, independent and intimate 230-seater theatre located in the centre of Wigan town with history dating back to 1943. It is a vibrant historic and beautiful building where you can enjoy both contemporary and traditional theatre. The productions vary and have been praised for being excellent value for money and of a very professional standard. The theatre is an exciting, friendly and vibrant place! “Whether you are a regular patron, a new audience member or someone who wants to start getting involved, you can be sure of a warm Wigan welcome.”

Brief A Full Rebrand of Wigan Little Theatre; A small, independent and intimate 230-seater venue located in the middle of Wigan town centre. The most important thing is to keep the traditional values of the theatre but express them in a much more contemporary way. The original logo must be treated with care and updated in a professional way, that still politely considers the history of it’s original design. As the current has lasted over 50 years, the new logo must reflect the old and be able to be timeless enough to last another 50 years or more. The logo must be applied to all Web and Print based collateral and a design template must be created for the promotion of the theatre and it’s events in order to be easily editable for future reference. This includes ticket design, poster design and promotional material.

Preparation/Research suggestions Further personal research will have to be taken on the theatre itself as well as a number of visits and meetings with the owners. Ongoing contact with the owners will have to take place to make sure everybody is happy. A series of questions will have to be put into place and answered by the owners to see where we can go with the Branding. How creative the designer can be. Price must be considered for Print Collateral. This includes Ink and Stock choice and possibly printing in one or two brand colours in order to keep costs down. The Theatre is volunteer run so price is definitely an object.

Evidence – for this project students should submit Brand and Identity applied across a range of Print and Web based Deliverables including Logo, Corporate Typeface, Colour Scheme, Business Card, Letterhead, Comp Slip, Website. A Design template which can be used and edited for all events for the next 5-10 years. This includes Posters, Listings, Ticket design and Guide Books. The Logo must be clear at all sizes as this is the main focal point.

Briefing: Monday 30/09/2013

Deadline: Thursday 22/05/2014

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