Brief 09 _ Record label

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Programme Title: BA (Hons) Graphic Design

Level: 6

Module Title: Extended Practice

Module Code: OUGD603

Brief Title: Record Label – Brand, Idenity and

Module Leader/Tutors: Amber Smith,

Branding System

Andy Lodge, Simon Harrison, Phil M

Module Credits: 60

Weighting of Brief within Module: 100%

Context Overview: New Liverpool based art collective/ record label (name to be confirmed) in which musicians, artists, and fashion designers etc. all work in an interdependent manner to promote each other and sell each otherʼs products. The project will revolve around a central website displaying information on each contributor, products for sale and news and upcoming events information. A quarterly magazine will also be released rounding up all projects released in the last 4 month period. Monetization: Funds will come from product sales and sponsorship. Currently talks are taking place with potential sponsors, who are interested in advertising their products via the collective. An initial start-up fund was received from a potential investor to support early releases and to assess the potential calibre of the proposed collective. Art: the collective with also include local artists, who will provide cover art, poster designs and merchandise for the associated acts. Acts and artists will be paired and work closely on projects, to develop an individual style that characterises the bands future releases. To date 4 artists have been confirmed.

Brief or Tasks A standardised model or “Brand System” is to be developed for every record released under the new label in order to maintain a level of continuity within the products and brand. All packaging needs to follow a label specific layout, with the artwork differing for each release. Each act releasing via the label will also need to follow a standardised release plan of a 4 track EP, a 2 track single and a second 4 track EP between 2014-2015. To date four confirmed music acts are signed up to the collective, and are currently working on their debut EP releases ; The Soweto Necklace: Guitar duo inspired by traditional African music. Their debut EP ʻBeasts of the Southern Interiorʼ will be the initial release for the collective. Whoever Fights Monsters: Electronic trio inspired by Oriental themes. Their debut EP ʻNihongiʼ will follow Japanese th creation myths over four tracks, with the narrative culminating in 8 Century feudal Japan. Queen Maud: Dream-Pop four piece. Their second EP ʻBodiesʼ will explore the idiosyncrasies and peculiarities of modern society with intricate soundscapes and obscure and sometimes divisive lyrics. The Swiss Fountains: Multi member Art-Pop band that make use of baroque string and brass arrangements. All EP information to be confirmed differing for each release. Each act releasing via the label will also follow a standardised release plan of a 4 track EP, a 2 track single and a second 4 track EP between 2014-2015. To

Preparation/Research suggestions -

Research into the Ethos of the new label. Speak to Chris, the founder Research into the bands under the label, try and get their energy through the brand Research into exsisting branding for record labels and also brand systems Ongoing meetings and emails with the founder, Chris Lawson

Evidence – for this project students should submit


A “Brand System” for each record released (Physical Records) Other Brand and Promo material for the new label (Physical and Web-­‐based) Possible Branding for bands on the label too.

Briefing: Monday 30/09/2013

Deadline: Thursday 22/05/2014

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