Saddle Up May 2022

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MAY 2022



y r t horse rid n u o c k c a er's b A



Lillooet to Tweedsmuir Park, BC Publications Mail Reg. No. 40045521 Printed in Canada

MAY 2022




The Chilcotin Ark Submitted by Kevan Bracewell, Chilcotin Holidays

The Chilcotin Ark in southwestern British Columbia between Lillooet and Tweedsmuir Park is an ideal location for horseback riding in true Canadian wilderness, an area rich with wildlife, bio-diverse ecosystems and international ecological importance.

t is an area that can be described as the ShangriLa of North America, nature's paradise. The Chilcotin Ark is reachable for just a limited time each year before snow makes the mountain passes inaccessible. The Chilcotin Ark is 2.5 million hectares in size, an area of exceptional biodiversity, comprised of multiple different ecosystems that are tightly interconnected. Towering mountains, endangered wildlife species and the freshest mountain water are found in the Chilcotin Ark. It is a prime location for 15 major species, including grizzly and black bear, mountain goats, California Bighorn sheep, the federally and provincially protected woodland caribou and cougar. There are many other important species in this highly connected ecosystem, including Clark's nutcrackers, bald eagles, marmots and wolverines. The Chilcotin Ark is the only place where grizzly bears regularly give birth to four cubs at a time, all thanks to the endangered white bark pine tree. This hardy and highly-adapted species grows at tree line and produces cones about once every three years. The tiny pine nuts found in these cones contain more protein than salmon, allowing the grizzly bears to give birth to larger numbers of cubs at a time. The white bark pine is endangered in much of Canada, but its populations thrive here. The Chilcotin Ark provides unparalleled opportunities to see this important species that not only feeds grizzly bears, but also Clark's nutcrackers and squirrels. This shows how deeply interconnected all the species of the ecosystem are, each depends on the others to survive. Thirteen of British Columbia's 16 bio-geoclimatic zones are found in the Chilcotin Ark. The huge variety of ecosystems in the Ark is clear from these bio-geoclimatic zones – it has everything from Douglas fir forests to alpine tundra. This shows the high ecological value of the Ark and contributes to its huge biodiversity. The mountains of the Ark also provide security for wildlife and wild plants in times of climate change. In areas of flat terrain, wildlife have to migrate about 10 miles north every decade to escape the effects of climate change, but in mountainous areas, wildlife need only move uphill 36 feet per decade to get the same benefit. This positions the Chilcotin Ark as a vital refuge for wildlife in times of climate change. This area produces diverse food sources that have nourished

2 • MAY 2022


the wildlife and humans that live here for generations – First Nations, hunters, trappers, ranchers, tourism operators. Some of these food sources include pine nuts, wild potatoes, wild onions and a plethora of berries – blueberries, soopallalie berries, raspberries, thimbleberries, strawberries and choke cherries. Grizzly and black bears feast on these berries when they are ripe as they fatten up in preparation for hibernation through the long, cold winters. The Chilcotin Ark is the largest water storage in western North America. The glaciers and mountain run-off that feed the turquoise lakes and rushing creeks of the Ark provide vital hydration of the purest mountain water to humans and wildlife alike and keep the flowering meadows green throughout the hot, dry summer. The Chilcotin Ark is also a huge carbon storage area in the vast Douglas fir and pine forests. Water and carbon storage highlight the importance of the Chilcotin Ark in combating climate change, showing how it has a larger reaching impact than just within its own borders. Mineral licks and springs bring wildlife such as California Bighorn sheep and mountain goats many miles to access these vital minerals. Fifty-million year old fossil walls are found at 6,000 feet elevation. When these animals were alive, they would have lived on the sea bed, showing the ever-changing nature of the Chilcotin Ark. Ancient volcanic eruptions and shifting tectonic plates have shaped the mountains to bring these fossils to their current elevation. The Chilcotin Ark is easily accessible by horseback with options for every level of rider and horse experience in the back country. Campsites at many major trail heads allow you to trailer your horses right to the park boundary. Then, you enter into the wilderness of the Chilcotin Ark. Many of the trails in the Ark are historical game trails, First Nation or mining trails – just wide enough for a horse to pass. These trails are from the days when all transport was by horse or foot, a true wilderness experience. You can ride through the forests at lower elevations, or ride up through sub-alpine meadows to the mountain tops. Rolling mountain tops and plateaus make easy walking for horses.

MAY 2022



HCBC 2010 Business of The Year 2014 A/S Chamber President’s Choice Award Publisher/Editor Nancy Roman MAIN OFFICE TOLL FREE 1-866-546-9922 250-546-9922 MAILING ADDRESS Saddle Up magazine PO Box 371 Armstrong, BC, Canada V0E 1B0


It is definitely starting to look like Spring in our neck of the woods! Nice and green here, and my tulips are about to bloom! Well I just got back from the new Horse Expo Canada trade show in Red Deer. We will have a full report of the weekend in our June issue. And lots of photos too! Congratulations are in order for the town of Princeton BC – they have the first All set up (with my new banner) and ready to show at ‘mounted’ Search and Rescue Horse Expo! unit in British Columbia! See more on page 9. Clubs are starting to get active again hosting shows and events. I am sure a lot of you are looking forward to getting out there – back in the horse social circle! Just a friendly reminder… steer clear of fuzzy horses when wearing polar fleece! Plfffft! Enjoy getting out and about,

Printed In Canada produced by OKANAGAN PRINTING a division of

EPublishing in Armstrong, BC 250-546-6477

Publications Mail Reg. No. 40045521 GST Reg. No. 865839567 ISSN No. 1701-6002 © All Rights Reserved

ON THE COVER: The Chilcotin Ark, CONTRIBUTORS: Kevan Bracewell, Patricia E. Skinner, Elisha Bradburn, Glenn Stewart, Paul

Fyfe, Bob Watson, Elisa Marocchi, Jackie Bellamy-Zions, Myrna MacDonald, Jeanette Neufeld, Dave Townsend, Birgit Stutz, Lisa Wieben, Patrick Thomas, Will Sturgeon, Russ Shandro


FEATURES DEADLINE 5TH OF EVERY MONTH SUBSCRIPTIONS $24.00 CDN plus tax per year or $42 US per year. (11 issues) Reproduction of any materials without written permission from the editor is prohibited. Opinions and statements expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor.

4 • MAY 2022 2022


The Chilcotin Ark Colt Starting Competitions Self-control Princeton Search & Rescue AEF Award Winners Investing in more BC Vets Equine Foundation of Canada In the Driver’s Seat with Elisa Vaccination Education BC Animal Owners Association Proper Lunging - Part 3 The Umbilical Cord

OUR REGULARS 2 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 16 17 18 20



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Horse Council BC


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Back Country Horsemen of BC 32 Clubs/Associations


What’s Happening? Let’s Go!


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Business Services


On the Market (photo ads)




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MAY 2022


Colt Starting

Competitions By Glenn Stewart | Photos credit Road to the Horse 2022

I thought it might be interesting to talk a bit about Colt Starting Competitions. I’ve heard people say that starting a colt in a competition is somehow a bad thing. Twenty years ago when I was asked to go in my first one, I thought so too and declined the offer.


actually had never been to a colt starting competition or knew what the rules were. I made a lot of assumptions and was looking at it from a very different perspective then… than I do now. Since then, I’ve been in numerous competitions and I just recently finished a colt starting competition in the U.S. In a nutshell, the goal is to get as much done with the colt as you can in the time you have. Each competition has a set of rules that the judges use to decide on a winner. Each judge has their own interpretation of these rules. Each competitor comes with their own rules and perspective as well about starting a colt; which will be the same perspective and approach they have when they are at home. Speaking for myself, getting as much done with a colt as I can is the goal always, whether I’m in a competition or not. When a client brings me a horse of any age I want to develop the horse as much as possible if I had 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 2 hours or 5 months. If a horse is able to learn something in less time, for example in 5 or in 20 minutes, why would anyone want to drag it out for 2 weeks? I think there is an assumption by some that Colt Starting Competitions puts too much pressure on the colts. I watched many competitions and competed in many but never saw a horse ruined or damaged in any way. I’ve seen some not do as good a job as can be done but that is what they would be doing at home anyways. Nobody comes to a competition with hundreds or even thousands of people watching to do anything but their best work. I believe the more watched and judged an event the more correct the competitors will try to be. There are many rules in place that you can only get points if you are doing the right thing for the horse, and you can be disqualified if you are not. There are many reasons to say yes to a competition. Some might think the only reason or main reason is to win. For some that might be true, but for myself the main reason is to improve, not prove. I want to give the young horse the very best start that I can, given my skill, knowledge and level of understanding in the time I’m given. If I get a win, then that’s icing on the cake, but icing without cake isn’t worth having. 6 • MAY 2022


Each moment of each session at a competition or at home alone we should be making a conscious decision what is best for the horse and how much are they able to learn. Some believe it takes 30 days to teach a horse XYZ or it takes them that long, while others have the skill to do XYZ in 5 days. I definitely do not want to spend 30 days learning something I could learn in 5 days. Give me the person that can teach it to me in 5 so I don’t have to spend 25 days being bored or confused. Could it possibly be worse grilling and drilling a horse over and over for 10 days when it could have been done in half that time with the proper approach? And if I was a paying customer I’d want as much taught and learned as possible. A well-trained horse and a good job cannot be done at the expense of the horse. So, it’s really about perspective and why someone is competing. If you're truly there to improve yourself and with the best interest of the horse, that’s likely who you are all the time and a lot of horses and their owners are benefiting. When I heard about the first Colt Starting Competitions 20 years ago I just didn’t know anything about them and quickly jumped to an assumption that I see very differently now. The older I get and the more experience I get, the more I realize to keep an open mind. Cheers, Glenn Glenn Stewart travels extensively conducting clinics, demonstrations, and colt starting sessions, and also offers Camps and a 3 month Horsemanship Course at his home The Horse Ranch, as well as the Horsemanship Learning Adventure Series; two completely different experiences, High & Wild in the Northern BC Rockies, and Working Equitation with Lusitanos in Brazil. He rides 30-60 client horses per year, including young horses, restarts, challenging horses, and foundation training. For more information visit (See his listing in our Business Services section under TRAINERS)

MAY 2022


Self-control Miles Kingdon is coaching me and Boone on herd work, which requires self-control in many ways.

By Elisha Bradburn Photo credit Christa Miremadi

This is my final article on the ‘Qualities of a Good Horseman.’ I hope you have enjoyed the articles so far, and possibly they have even helped enrich your relationships, equine and otherwise! As I am sure you have realized the pursuit of horsemanship requires of us at some point to understand that for our horsemanship to improve, we ourselves must be on a journey of introspection and accountability.


s we inventory our role in interactions, we might see that sometimes we miss the mark by becoming impatient or impulsive. This is where our 9th quality of a horseman is helpful, self-control. Self-control has many game changing applications in horsemanship. To begin, there is the physical application of self-control; do you have control of your body? Are you giving precise aids, with the appropriate amount of pressure, at the right time, in the right location? Sometimes we can be giving aids we don’t even know we are, so it is important to think about being in a quiet, comfortable and athletic neutral position unless you are trying to direct the horse. Are you actually aware of and in control of your body weight, where it is placed, and how it affects the horse’s balance and therefore the quality of his movements? Are you balanced left to right and front and back, not tipping, leaning, bracing or stiffening more on one side? I am a big believer that if we expect athleticism from our horse, we should also be striving for it in ourselves. I enjoy a strength training and cardio program myself for this reason. To balance my body’s strength left and right so I can do my best for my horse to have better balanced control of my own body. A mentor of mine also encourages his students to practice everything with your non-dominant hand as well as your dominant hand. I took this to heart, and it makes a big difference to be fluent with both your left and right hands in horsemanship. Everything from rope and rein handling, to getting on and off either side of the horse easily, is helped by this practice. Finally, on a physical level, are you able to use your body language, rope, stick and string, flag, spurs or whatever communication tools you are working with, with precision, smoothness and grace? All of that requires self-control. The next aspect of self-control in horsemanship I want to touch on is control of your emotions. Horses, like anyone we are passionate about, can bring our emotions bubbling to the surface. Are you able to exercise your emotional fitness, AKA self-control, to stay calm and communicative, especially when things are not going as planned? Emotional fitness, like physical fitness, increases with practice. We just need to keep at it, keep flexing the muscle of emotional fitness, by keeping perspective and maintaining self-control, and watch it grow. It will become easier to be the consistent, patient, and fair leader our horses need. I also find it really helpful to try to maintain an attitude of curiosity at all times. This helps avoid indulging in emotions that won’t serve you, 8 • MAY 2022


such as frustration and anger. When things are going as planned, we can be curious about what we did right that made sense to the horse, and build on that. When things don’t go as planned, we can be curious about the reasons it didn’t make sense to the horse, and try something new. Lastly, I think we could benefit from self-control when it comes to the mental aspect of our horsemanship. It is good to have plans for our horses and what we are hoping to accomplish in a session, however we must temper our expectations and ego with self-control. We need to ensure we are addressing the horse that shows up that day. Horses, like people, can feel a bit different from day to day. Rather than being frustrated about our horse not understanding or being in the right state of mind for our plans, we can get really good at pivoting. Don’t get married to your plans. Think of it as dating your plans, if they prove to be impossible to keep while still prioritizing your principles, break it off with that plan. As I mentioned, it is good to make plans, but it can become predatorial if we try to strictly adhere to those plans when they no longer fit the situation. We are wise to be flexible with our plans and always keep the long run in mind. We don’t want to sacrifice all the good we have built with our horse, just to physically force a task or exercise our horse isn’t prepared for. Self-control sometimes requires a deep breath, perhaps a prayer for wisdom, or walking away for a moment. I love to remember how patient God is with me when I am tempted to lose control. I even giggle in those moments at what a disappointment I have been at times, and yet God still loves me! And here I was going to become impatient over my horse not understanding my obviously inadequate communication! One thing I do know, I never regret it when I exercise self-control with my horses. Take care my sweet friends, and take the time it takes. Keep in mind self-control is like muscle, the more you work it, the more you have of it. Elisha Bradburn and her husband, Clay, own Faithful Farm, an equestrian center in the Fraser Valley. Elisha’s passion with horses lies in psychology based horsemanship, with a strong consideration for the horse’s point of view. Elisha is available for clinics and speaking engagements and can be followed on her Legacy Horsemanship pages on Facebook and Instagram or e-mailed at (See her listing in our Business Services section under TRAINERS)

Horses and Mules to the Rescue!

Princeton Ground Search and Rescue has added four-legged comrades to the team! The PGSAR Mounted Team, currently the only one in British Columbia, is ready and capable.


fter over two years of preparation and training, spearheaded by PGSAR President/Manager Paul Fyfe, a team of certified equines and riders are ready to expand their search abilities into various terrains. Princeton’s SAR team adds this new tool to their repertoire, which already includes ATVs, UTVs, snowmobiles, snowshoes, backcountry skis, swift water/ice rescue rafts, as well as medical gear. Beginning in 2018, Paul initiated laying the groundwork necessary to start building a Mounted Search Team. In 2020, PGSAR was excited to welcome respected horse trainer, Marion Weisskopff, of MW Sport Horses, into their search and rescue family. The Mounted Team had an ideal leader and certifier. The team worked hard to establish a set of rigorous certification requirements for riders and equines. Mounted members must first be fully GSAR certified to apply for the Mounted Team, and be able to demonstrate exceptional control of their horses. Over 60 specific tasks, mounted and unmounted, must be mastered. Riders need their equine partners to be confident and strong, tolerate traffic, crowds, sirens, flashing lights, and much more. They need to be able to ‘stop on a dime,’ or step carefully around potential evidence. After many hours of intensive practice, both

individually and as a team, five GSAR members with their seven equines, including their first mule, make up the initial Mounted Team: (in the photo, l to r) Marion Weisskopff, Anita Kleinschrot, Margot Galozo, Mandy Blais, and Debbie Powell, standing – Paul Fyfe and Emily Poulin, Team Training officer. They look forward to being able to add new members soon! PGSAR Mounted Team is ready for service, Giddy up Team! For more information visit

FUN FACT: Horses have an incredible ability to scent and can bring unique traits to a search. But like any other discipline, it requires serious training time. Horses differ from sniffer dogs in scent detection. Most differences are due to each species’ evolutionary predispositions. One is a predator, while the other is prey. A distinct advantage horses have is being able to reach from the ground level, to 2m (7’) or more, above the ground.

BCHBC 2022 RENDEZVOUS RAFFLE BC Gaming License #132389

TICKETS - 1 for $50 or 3 for $100 Only 2400 tickets available! Tickets can be purchased online at, or DRAW DATE JUNE 25, 2022 AT RENDEZVOUS Do not have to be present to receive prize JOIN US AT RENDEZVOUS at the CN Centre, Prince George BC June 24 – 26, 2022 BCHBC members and non-members are all welcome!

GRAND PRIZE 2022 Maverick 2 Horse Angle Haul $15,275 value (Reimer Ranching sponsor)

2nd Prize Custom Trail Saddle $3,650 value

(Cloete Saddles sponsor)

MAY 2022

3rd Prize Pack Rigging $1,000 value (Custom PackRigging™ sponsor)


Congratulations to the 2021 AEF Provincial Annual Award Winners

Sportsmanship Excellence Winner: Cyndie Crook President’s Award Winner: Norm Spencer


he Annual Provincial Awards honour outstanding deserving members’ achievements within Alberta’s equine community. These awards acknowledge those who stand out and have made a positive impact. Every year we take this opportunity to recognize hard-working individuals, facilities, athletes, and horses that have gone above and beyond to make the equestrian community a truly special place. Nominations are submitted by peers in the fall and the selection committee reviews every submission thoroughly. See their nomination comments at The Annual Awards would not be possible without our amazing community, members, volunteers, board, staff, and event partners Capri CMW and Purina. We sincerely thank you for your commitment and ongoing support to the Alberta Equestrian Community.

Outstanding Equine Support Personnel Winner: Rachel Friesen

Outstanding Volunteer Winner: Senga Swain

Above and Beyond Excellence Winner: Tina Watkins

Outstanding Instructor/Coach Winner: Wendy Martin

Outstanding Stable/Facility Winner: Eagle Hill Equine and Kim Baerg

Outstanding Horse Winner: San Badger’s Last, and owner Sue Anne Wearmouth

< Outstanding Rider/Athlete Winner: Sydney Usipiuk

10 • MAY 2022


Investing in more BC Vets to HELP FAMILIES AND FARMERS By Dave Townsend / More veterinary students from BC will be attending the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) on the University of Saskatchewan campus this August, following an investment from the Province to double the number of subsidized seats for the first time in more than a decade.


ncreasing access and affordability to veterinary medicine education helps us to address the shortage of veterinarians in BC and build a robust workforce,” said Anne Kang, Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Training. “In follow up to our government’s commitment to address BC’s labour market needs, we’re investing in seat expansions so that more students receive the quality training needed to support farmers, ranchers and families throughout the province.” The Province is investing nearly $10.7 million to double the number of provincially subsidized students from 20 to 40 for the 2022-23 academic year. “Veterinarians play a critical role in supporting BC farmers and food security,” said Lana Popham, Minister of Agriculture and Food. “The additional seats at WCVM will support farmers’ businesses and the welfare of their animals as well as ensuring we have a resilient food supply and food economy for the years ahead.” Dr. Gillian Muir, dean, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, said: “The Government of BC has been one of the WCVM’s provincial partners for more than 55 years, and we are very excited to see that strong commitment grow. This increased investment enables more BC residents to achieve their dreams of becoming veterinarians. It also allows the veterinary college to better serve the diverse needs of communities throughout BC, to support the health of companion animals and livestock, and to protect food safety and animal welfare.” Further training opportunities for a career in animal care in BC include veterinary technologist programs at Thompson Rivers University (TRU) and Douglas College. TRU also offers an online program to enable students currently employed in veterinary clinics to complete the veterinary technologist program.

Attending veterinary school in Western Canada • Veterinary schools in Canada serve defined geographic regions, and only students residing in those regions can apply to attend. • Created in 1963, Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon is the only regional veterinary college to serve British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. • The WCVM Interprovincial Agreement is a long-standing commitment from participating provinces to WCVM to ensure Western Canada has a steady supply of vets with in-depth knowledge and high-quality training.

Increased funding will allow at least 40 BC students to begin studying at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in the 2022/23 academic year. Photo: Christina Weese / • The agreement upholds terms with respect to: ~ provincial enrolment quotas; ~ residency status of applicants to the college; and, ~ the cost-sharing formula for funding the regional college. • In both 2020 and 2021, 12 BC students were admitted to non-provincially subsidized seats at WCVM, requiring an additional $55,000 tuition fee per student. • The Province is providing an additional $1.2 million in funding to the college, which enables the school to waive $55,000 in tuition fees for 24 previously admitted BC students who were not in a provincially subsidized seat.

NATIONAL TOP 1% Royal LePage Canada

Jesse Chapman

Danielle Chapman ® realtor

unliCenseD team Consultant



personal real estate Corporation


Doug Chapman





$4,500,000 MLS® 193205 + 193203

4301 McLean Creek Road, Okanagan Falls BC

Turn-Key Equestrian centre within 15 minutes of Penticton, this beautiful 22 acre farm was once the site for the Equestrian component of the BC Summer Games. The property has been built up over the last 30 years to include: a 76’ x 176’ indoor riding arena with lighting, 75’ x 200’ outdoor sand arena, 50’ covered round pen, 30 + horse paddocks with shelters, 45’ x 40’ hay barn, 32’ x 32’ barn with tie stalls, tack and feed rooms, and a 70’ x 20’ covered equipment area. There is also a complementary Pet Boarding business on the property. The home is a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 2,800 sq. ft. rancher with a detached triple garage. This location is south facing with full sun and great land for growing grapes for an additional income. The property also borders Shuttleworth Creek which flows year round. Contact Team Chapman for more information.

MAY 2022


Tails to be Told

. . .A treasure chest of memories.

R E A DE R S Tel l u s st o r ie s!

We want you to look back, reflect, recollect, and share your photos and memories with us. This is not a contest - it is your moment to share with our readers anything from days gone by. The older the story (and photo), the more fascinating. Could be from 20 years ago, 50 years, or a story your grandfather shared with you. Send Saddle Up one or two photos and your memoirs (up to 250 words maximum please). Memoirs will be printed as space allows each month. Please include your phone number and location for our files and verification if needed. We would like to print your name (or initials) and location with your submission. You are welcome to send one or more in the months ahead as well. This will be a regular monthly feature... So start looking through those photo albums and share your stories with us. Photos will only be returned if you provide a self-addressed stamped envelope. See page 4 for contact information.

12 12 •• MAY MAY 2022 2022


Equine Foundation of Canada Update By Bob Watson, President

The past year has again been a challenging one for the Equine Foundation of Canada. This is beginning to sound like a stuck record but fundraising has been an ongoing problem for the past few years, especially in Alberta due to the economic slowdown.


ince early 2020 fundraising has been further complicated by the pandemic and all the various shutdowns and lock-downs which have limited person-to-person contact. Eldon Bienert was instrumental in soliciting some large donations several years ago which have been vital to keep us going. Our Treasurer, Susan Nelson, has very graciously gone through 40 years of records to summarize what grants were for, how much each college received and the total income donations per year. This is very useful and valuable information for the board and we thank Susan for all the work she did compiling these statistics. We have granted Endowments to be used for scholarship programs at WCVM (Saskatoon), UCVM (Calgary) and AVC (Charlottetown) and have discussed expanding that program to the other two Canadian Veterinary Colleges if/as funds become available. Alberta Director Les Burwash has been sitting on the advisory boards for both WCVM & UCVM and did research on their scholarships in conjunction with the staff of those two universities. The board has accepted and approved his recommendations. The AVC Endowment was approved in 2021 with the first scholarship to be awarded in the fall of 2022. The board felt it appropriate to honour our visionary first president by naming it the Equine Foundation of Canada/George F. Wade Memorial scholarship. In addition to the scholarships over the past dozen years, we have approved funds for specialized equipment to the five Canadian Veterinary Colleges and other equine related services. ~ In 2017 we approved and funded WCVM (Saskatoon) for the purchase of a simulator horse. ~ In 2018 we approved and funded OVC (Guelph) for the purchase of a simulator horse.

~ In 2019 we approved funding to St. Hyacinth (Quebec), to purchase a simulator horse in 2020. ~ In 2020 we approved and funded UCVM (Calgary) for a simulator horse and related equipment. ~ Since 2010, other than University Veterinary College grants, we have awarded funds in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario. These are much smaller grants than to the Veterinary Colleges and include a horse mannequin for fire department rescue practice, two rescue trailers, jumping equipment and a horse skeleton mannequin for massage therapy training. Our Promotion & Publicity Committee revised our brochure, pamphlets and made new banners in both English and French to update our image, however we haven’t been able to utilize this material due to lockdowns. We have been active in presenting scholarships and attending veterinary college events and functions the past several years, but the Covid mandates restricted our in-person attendance at these events in 2020 and 2021. We are continuing to advertise in various horse magazines which has brought us name recognition, however the inquiries continue to be asking for funding rather than making donations. We made changes to our advertisements in 2021 to include “Donations Welcome” which may help attract new funds in 2022. Attracting donations, finding new board members and our website have been ongoing challenges the past several years. Raising funds and getting volunteers are not unique to EFC they are broad spectrum problems in society. The Board will continue to review and discuss the future of the Equine Foundation going forward. For more information or to donate, see their listing on our Clubs/ Associations page 33.

Kristen O’Connor Owner Chilliwack BC

Champion Horse Blankets 604-845-7179 • MAY 2022


In the Driver’s Seat with Elisa Marocchi

Introducing Your Horse to Driving – Part 4

Photo 1

Now that you and your horse are comfortable with lunging

and double lunging work, you’re ready to move on! The next step in our driving journey is to introduce the horse to the singletree.


do so in a series of small, incremental tasks, with the goal of this work being a horse that is comfortable and relaxed with an object being dragged behind him. The singletree is fashioned from a tough wood such as oak or hickory and is equipped with a quick-release shackle (available through equine driving supply sites or at any marine supply shop – ask for a “spinnaker shackle”). (Photo 1) You may also be able to find a pre-made wooden or metal singletree; be sure to attach a quick release shackle before using it. Begin by allowing your horse to investigate the singletree while you hold it. Wiggle it around a bit so he can hear the noise the shackle makes. Starting at the shoulder, begin desensitizing your horse to the touch of the singletree. Make sure he is comfortable being touched from head to tail with this equipment. Although it will likely never touch him while in use, it is a great exercise to ensure he is really content with this piece of equipment being around him. (Photo 2) Next, with your helper standing with the horse, begin dragging the singletree around him. Start with a large circle then, if your horse is not upset with this, begin to move closer until you are able to move around him quite closely in both directions, while bouncing the singletree around so it clatters and bangs on the ground. Watch for his reaction and if he is nervous, move out to a larger circle until he is once again settled. At this point, your helper can begin dragging the singletree while you either lead or ground drive your horse behind it. Once he’s okay with this, your helper can begin to move to the side. Begin with your helper between your horse and the fence, to avoid your horse feeling trapped between the wall and the potentially “scary thing.” Then, move to the other side, and finally pull the singletree directly behind the horse. Be sure that your helper stays out of the kick zone while helping with this exercise. For the next step, your helper will be walking behind your horse, so to keep her out of the kick zone, attach a lead line to the end of each trace. Have her walk behind your horse holding the lead lines as you ground drive him. As you move about the work area, ask her to start applying pressure to the traces. (Photo 3) You’ve done your homework with the double lunge lines, so the feel of the traces around your horse’s sides and legs shouldn’t be a problem. As you work, ensure you mimic as many situations as you can. For instance, to simulate stopping on an uphill grade, occasionally halt while your helper maintains pressure on the lines. Other times when actually driving, the cart may roll slightly forward after halting. In this case, when your horse starts off, he will first move with no pressure but will then experience a sudden load on the collar. You can recreate this situation by having your helper stand with the traces slack while you move off. Have your helper hold the traces fast until your horse is pulling firmly into the collar. You can also pretend to hit a bump in the road and have your helper give a few hard tugs on the traces. Make sure to change direction while working, and to allow the outside trace to press firmly into the horse while doing so. Now that your horse is accustomed to the sight, sound and movement of the singletree, and has experienced pulling something behind him, you can attach the singletree to the traces and allow him to actually pull it along the ground. I do so with loops of baling twine and I have another length of twine I can use to lift the singletree up off the ground if my horse is at all worried by the exercise when I first start off. However, since you’ve done all your homework before reaching this step, your horse should be just fine with this next step (Photo 4). 14 • MAY 2022


Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

At this point, while pulling the singletree, begin moving over different ground surfaces. The sound the horse will hear will vary as you move from gravel to grass to pavement and through puddles, so make sure you let him experience all of these situations. Ground drive through the neighbourhood, practicing stopping and standing, then moving off again. A helper for these outings is important as she can assist if your horse should put a leg over a trace (which, again, he should be used to by now because of your previous work) or if your horse becomes worried and needs someone walking beside his head for a moment or two. Remember not to move through any of the steps outlined here until your horse is thoroughly comfortable with each exercise. It might take him a lesson or two to learn to pull the singletree, or you may need to work on this for days or even weeks. Full details of the process are available in my handbook “Introducing Your Horse to Driving” available through my website, or in any number of good driving books. The next step will introduce pulling a tire and as you’ll see, will follow many of the same steps we’ve just gone through to acclimatize your horse to the singletree. Take your time, be patient and you will be rewarded with a happy, comfortable and safe driving partner. Safe driving! Elisa Marocchi is an Equestrian Canada licensed driving coach and a member of the EC Driving Committee. She owns and operates Wildwood Farm, a full service driving facility near 100 Mile House BC. An active driving coach since 2000, Elisa offers clinics and lessons in a safe, supportive and fun manner both on and off the farm. As a combined driving competitor, Elisa has successfully competed throughout North America with both her own homebred horses and those of clients. (See her listing in our Business Services section under TRAINERS)

Dynamint Equine ALL NATURAL SOOTHING LOTION for SORE or STRAINED MUSCLES & JOINTS Available in 1L Spray bottle for easy and quick application to larger areas, or a 500 ml rub bottle. A soothing combination of natural essential oils in a gentle cream base. specially formulated with natural ingredients to assist in the relief of leg, muscle and joint strain. Internationally recognized Horse Trainer, Clinician and Rider, as well as founder/ trainer of the world famous Calgary Stampede Drill Team: Jill Barron says: “As a professional horse trainer, Dynamint Equine Leg & Muscle Rub is an important aspect of my program. Dynamint is a natural product that has a cooling effect, it calms tired, sore muscles and rejuvenates horses keeping them feeling their best. I use Dynamint on my horses and myself. The results I have experienced have not been matched by any other product in the market. For long hauls and after hard workouts Dynamint is the only product I use on horse’s legs. If you are looking for a product that is safe on skin and delivers results, trust Dynamint Equine Leg & Muscle Rub. Your horse will thank you!” National Distributor: Canadian Centurion • 1-800-361-3860 • Local: Janian Imports (604) 462-9238 Manufactured for: Integrated Bio Systems Inc. • Abbotsford, BC • Phone: 1-877-501-5003 E-Mail: •

MAY 2022


April (was) dubbed Vaccination Education Month by Story & photo by Jackie Bellamy-Zions, Equine Guelph

Just one horse with an infectious disease diagnosis can close a stable or event facility. Vaccination is the best way to lower risk of loss of use, high treatment costs and unnecessary suffering for the horse.


recommendations for each stage of life of your horse. ailoring your annual immunization plan to each equid in your care is the best way to practice Exposure prevention from spreading disease. With spring Horses that are fed hay silage or haylage are vaccination season here, the Vaccination Equi-Planner usually vaccinated for botulism due to the possibility of ( is Equine Guelph’s encountering Clostridium botulinum, a spore-forming free healthcare tool available to horse owners as part bacteria that grows in the absence of oxygen. Tetanus, on of Vaccination Education Month (in April). It is designed Spring vaccination the other hand, is an immunization for every horse as the to explain the risk factors and then provide a print-out season is here bacteria is found in the soil and most cases of tetanus are personalized to your horse’s vaccination needs – to get the fatal. Rabies has seen its fair share of announcements of conversation started with your vet. “We are very pleased to announce April as our Vaccination Education late in certain parts of Canada and is also considered a core vaccine. Only Month,” says Gayle Ecker, director of Equine Guelph. “We thank Merck vaccination can prevent death from certain diseases such as rabies. Who your horse ‘hangs out with’ should be another consideration. If Animal Health, who has been an important partner of Equine Guelph programs for ten years now, supporting the continued development of your horse is a homebody but other horses in the barn travel, they may be exposed to the same threats as their higher risk travelling stable mates. this interactive online tool and other important educational initiatives.” When you purchase a new horse, it is wise to find out their vaccination status. Then you can have a conversation with your vet knowing which Timing is everything Spring is the popular time for immunization for a reason. West vaccines you require as boosters and which you may be including as part Nile vaccine and vaccines for other vector borne diseases should be of an initial vaccination course. administered before mosquitos emerge. Horses tend to receive their first influenza shots of the year in the springtime in anticipation of outings and Rules and regulations Reputable boarding barns require proof of vaccinations before increased exposure to pathogens. If you are vaccinating prior to an event, avoid vaccinating too close allowing a new equine on the property. Vaccination records and to trailering day. Depending on the vaccine used, you want to schedule biosecurity measures such as quarantine for new and returning horses are at least 2-4 weeks out from the shipping date. You should also make sure important actions taken to protect the health of the horses placed in their your horses are appropriately vaccinated for the place to which they are care. Racing regulators and racetracks, as well as organizations travelling. “Equine influenza remains one of the most frequent and contagious including the United States Equestrian Federation, Federation Equestre respiratory tract diseases in horses. As is the case on the human side, the Internationale (FEI) and Equestrian Canada have rules requiring vaccination equine influenza virus evolves over time, although at a less rapid pace,” against equine influenza. They also specify how far out before the event says Dr. Serge Denis, Technical Services Veterinary Consultant with Merck they require proof of immunization. Animal Health. “Therefore, the use of a vaccine, including recent strains of equine influenza, is highly desirable in order to help provide coverage How well do you understand the vaccines currently available and what are the discussions you should have with your vet? against strains circulating in the field.” Four questions are asked in Equine Guelph’s Vaccination Equi-Planner to help horse owners start conversations with their vet. Every farm has Equine vaccines for the times Just as the overwhelming majority of Canadians added Covid different risk factors including: age, use, sex, exposure to outside horses vaccines to their immunization roster, your vet may suggest a revised list of and geography. Whether you are the proud owner of a young foal, shots for your horse depending on what is endemic in your area and what competition horse, hobby horse or broodmare, the Vaccination Equirecent strains of disease may impact you. Your horse’s vaccination strategy Planner ( points out considerations changes over time and discussions with your veterinarian are integral to for each and discusses core and risk-based (optional) vaccines your vet your immunization plans. may recommend. Age is a factor Just as a teenager would not get vaccinated for Shingles, your horse’s immunization necessities change over the course of their lives. Foals, broodmares, travelers in their prime and the senior pasture puff all have special considerations. Vaccination Equi-Planner (TheHorsePortal. ca/VaccinationTool) is a great interactive resource to learn about 16 • MAY 2022


Equine Guelph is the horse owners' and caregivers' Centre at the University of Guelph in Canada. It is a unique partnership dedicated to the health and well-being of horses, supported and overseen by equine industry groups. Equine Guelph is the epicentre for academia, industry and government - for the good of the equine industry as a whole. For further information, visit

BC ANIMAL OWNERS ASSOCIATION For the last 5 years, BCAOA has been working with Ministry officials to solve the legal obstacle non-vet health practitioners experience in BC.



he legal barrier affects animal health professions including farriers, animal training, dental, chiropractic, body work, animal rehab, homeopathy, herbalists, TCM and more modalities – as ALL must be DIRECTLY supervised by a veterinarian. To be clear: Farriers are under this restriction. See this excerpt from “Navigating Canada’s Unregulated Horse Industry” by author Tania Millen: “Dr. Stacey Thomas, the Deputy Registrar of CVBC, stated by email that “Farrier work is not illegal in British Columbia.” However, she also advised, “A farrier may trim horse feet; however, he or she is not permitted to provide a health assessment, render diagnoses, prescribe treatment including corrective therapy, or assess the efficacy of treatment. Only a veterinarian may assess and provide the diagnosis, determine the course of treatment or therapy, and provide supervision.” “It’s basically illegal for us to do anything unless it’s been prescribed by a vet or it’s under a vet’s supervision or direction,” says Will Clinging, Vice President of the Western Canada Farriers Association and a Certified Journeyman Farrier. He says that BC’s estimated 500 hoof care providers range from highly-skilled professionals to untrained horseshoers and trimmers, and lack of regulation means that anyone can call themselves a “hoof care provider.” (Canada’s Equine Guide page 22-23) BCAOA continues to work with practice reps and pursue recognition of non-vet health practices. In May 2021 the Ministry facilitated an introductory meeting with BCAOA, practice reps and CVBC (College of Veterinarians of BC) and the SVBC (Society of Veterinarians of BC). During the call, the vets expressed concern that non-vet practices are ‘not evidence-based or peer reviewed.’ BCAOA and practice reps were able to say – “YES indeed, they certainly are - and we can send all the data to you.” Which we did. The SVBC and CVBC representatives were presented with comprehensive evidence of accreditation and certification for practices, and evidence-based details requested. Since that date the Ministry of Agriculture has been dealing with unprecedented disasters in our province. Vets themselves are busy, overworked and the vet shortage is reaching critical levels in BC. Vets do not have time to supervise non-vet practitioners – despite the CVBC requirement to do so. And owners don’t need to pay two people to do one job. We simply request the Ministry facilitate a prompt solution and relieve the CVBC of the requirement to provide ANY supervision of non-veterinary practices.

We animal owners want the freedom to choose qualified health care options like we do for ourselves.

MAY 2022


Proper Lunging Part 3, THE FINAL By Lisa Wieben and Birgit Stutz

Correct: Here Lisa is using the whip hand to draw the line through her left hand. The left hand stays low.

Incorrect: Reaching down the line toward the head can cause the horse to raise its head, turn away, or get anxious. Notice how her body position changed toward the flank instead of remaining at the girth line.

Let the handle of the whip rest under your forearm to avoid wrist tension.

(Horse: Pirro, 7-year-old Warmblood gelding, owned by Lisa Wieben)

In part three of our article on lunging we talk about halts, advanced lunging exercises, as well as the importance of transitions. Halts There are two different ways to ask the horse to halt. In the first, the horse is asked to turn in toward the centre. In the second, the horse stays on the line of the circle. When asking the horse to turn in and face toward you, pick a spot to begin asking for the halt. Back up 90-180° ahead of the horse keeping your line straight, with your inside hip (the one closest to the horse’s head) open in order to receive the horse's head while at the same time driving the horse’s hind end out with the whip, which will bring his front end in. As you are backing up the horse may continue on the circle for a few strides before turning in. This is acceptable. If the horse does not halt and goes past you, then turn and push them forward on the circle. When first teaching this to your horse you may need to use a wall or fence line to act as a block that you back toward. The space your horse has to go past you gets smaller, but you always leave an opening so that the horse has a choice, stop and face you or go through and get pushed to work harder. ‘Make the right things easy, make the wrong things difficult.’ Eventually the horse will figure out it is easier to not go past you. The second method is to halt the horse on the circle. Slow your energy down, say ‘whoa’ or breathe out while holding the line hand up slightly to prevent the horse from turning in. This is the preferred method of stopping a horse on a lunge circle as it prevents the horse from falling onto his forehand as he turns in and is also a safer way to halt if lunging a green rider on a horse. A sudden turn in could unbalance the rider. Once the horse lunges well, is in a correct frame and correctly bent, you can add moving circles, making circles smaller or larger, or lunging over obstacles, both to challenge the horse physically and mentally. Moving the lunging circle Moving circles while lunging is a great exercise for lateral movement and also relaxes a horse that tends to be tight or high18 • MAY 2022


headed. As you are walking your small circle as the horse lunges around you maintain your core position toward the horse’s shoulder/ girth. Step towards your horse’s inside shoulder without changing your angles. At the same time take the slack out of the lunge line by bringing your whip hand to your other hand, then draw the line with your whip hand, extending the whip toward the horse’s girth. This prevents the line from going slack and the whip toward the girth tells the horse to maintain bend. For example, when lunging to the left, the right whip hand (holding the loops) will reach across the body to the left hand and draw the line to take up slack. The tendency will be to reach down the line with the left hand which will put energy toward the horse’s head and can cause the horse to react or turn his head toward the outside of the circle. Once you have walked 2-3 steps toward the horse on a straight line (which has the effect of making your circle smaller or the horse to move over), hold your ground by taking smaller steps, still keeping your core toward the horse’s shoulder as the horse continues on the circle. Allow some of the line to release (slide back through your left hand) as the horse comes around the other half of the circle. If you pick a spot in the arena or working area that you want to move your horse to it makes it easier to stay consistent with your timing of when to step toward the horse. After you walk toward the horse, as the horse comes around the other part of the circle, send pressure toward the horse’s hip with your hip, while maintaining your core toward the shoulder. This will help to turn the horse on the now tighter arc. Releasing some of the line as you do this will help the horse balance through the circle. Always remember that to keep the horse moving forward as you move the circle your body needs to stay behind the line of the girth. If you step in front of the girth as you walk toward the horse, the horse may stop and turn in or get confused. When lunging to the left keep your steps out to the right (as if pushing the horse forward). If you step across the circle left foot first (as if leading the horse around the circle) it can put you in front of the girth line, which will slow, stop, or confuse

One of Birgit’s students is lunging Sam, a Morgan gelding owned by Falling Star Ranch, over trot poles.

the horse. Keep your steps and rhythm consistent so the horse does not get worried as you start to move towards it. Sensitive horses can often worry when they feel more pressure. In this case keep the whip low or don’t use a whip until the horse understands the exercise. To recap: Send horse out onto a lunging circle • • To move the circle, pick a point in the work area to move your horse toward such as the opposite wall or a fence post. As the horse is lining up to that point begin to step toward the • horse’s girth line, maintaining your core to the girth, keeping the arc of the circle, walk 2-3 steps straight in the direction of the horse while drawing the slack in the line with the whip hand. • As the horse begins to move around the circle, allow some of the line to release while sending energy toward the horse’s hip to maintain the arc of the circle. • Repeat sequence until you move the horse to where you want, such as to the other side of the arena. Check out our video on moving circles: watch?v=OWei524djvo Lunging over an obstacle Once you and your horse are proficient with moving circles you can then begin to lunge over obstacles such as trot poles, a tarp (held down by poles on each end) or cavalettis. In this case you will begin your lunge circle away from the obstacle; then slowly work your circles towards it. Maintain your body position in line with the centre of the obstacle and when moving the circle walk toward the obstacle when the horse is lining up to it. Depending on how long the series of poles is you may line up closer to the start of the poles, then walk with the horse (maintaining position behind the girth line) as the horse goes through the poles. Setting the poles on a slight arc will also help the horse maintain the line. When lunging over cavalettis soften your hand holding the line to allow a release so the horse does not get bumped as it jumps over.

If the horse gets stressed, is inverted, or rushing, ask for a lot of transitions and lateral work until the horse is stretching down and does the transitions calmly. Moving circles and lunging over poles/obstacles can add variety to your lunging routine as well as improve the suppleness, bend, and relaxation of the horse. It may take some time to get all the coordination together, but it is well worth the effort. If you are unsure of where you are heading, it is always a good idea to connect with a coach that knows the sport you want to prepare for. We (Lisa and Birgit) are both available for online and in-person lessons. NOTE: “This is our last article for Saddle Up. We have written close to 70 articles over the past 6 years. It’s been a fun collaboration, and we hope that the readers enjoyed our monthly contributions.” Thanks Nancy! - Birgit and Lisa Lisa Wieben’s passion is empowering women in becoming confident and healthy riders. As an Energy Medicine Practitioner and Clinical Somatics Practitioner she addresses pain, tension, hormones, stress, and the issues that appear as a result. As a Centered Riding Instructor and Irwin Insights Master Level 7 Trainer she works with riders incorporating awareness exercises both on and off the horse. Balance the rider, balance the horse! Book a clinic that incorporates all the modalities! As an Irwin Insights Level 6 Master Certified trainer and coach, Birgit Stutz helps riders of all levels and backgrounds advance their horsemanship skills by developing personal and situational awareness, focusing on indepth understanding of equine behaviour, body language, psychology and biomechanics. Driven by her passion for both equine welfare and performance, Birgit believes that facilitating effective communication between horse and rider is an approach that fulfills our responsibilities to the horse and elicits great results. (See their listings in our Business Services section under TRAINERS) MAY 2022



Does cord’s length and twists affect foal health? Reprinted with permission from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine’s Townsend Equine Health Research Fund (

Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) researchers have added a couple of new twists to research focusing on the link between equine umbilical cords and foal health.


r. Madison Ricard, a veterinary anatomic pathology resident, and her supervisor, Dr. Bruce Wobeser, are investigating whether excessively long umbilical cords or cords with more twists than usual affect the health outcomes of foals. Previous studies have investigated the link between umbilical cord length and equine abortions, but this study is the first of its kind: “As far as we can tell, nobody has looked at that situation before on live foals. It’s always been on aborted foals,” says Wobeser.

The researchers are also relying on social media to find participants and online surveys and cell phone images to gather information. Ricard, who develops websites and has an interest in social media, has been sharing the study’s details through horse breeding groups online. “It is outside the norm,” says Wobeser. “But really, social media data collection is just survey data. We’re surveying a different group of people with different tools. It’s absolutely worth trying.” The WCVM researchers are encouraging owners to enroll their pregnant mares in the study, which includes a few steps outlined on their website ( Immediately after foaling, the owner takes a photo of the umbilical cord and measures its length. Next, the owner records information about the mare, the foaling process, and the foal’s health at birth. These details can be submitted online or by using a printable, stall-side form. The owner also fills out surveys about the foal’s health — one at 7 days and another at 30 days after birth. “If there’s anything unusual about the foal’s health, that’s what we want to capture,” says Ricard, who plans to sort information into categories such as infectious versus non-infectious conditions and congenital issues versus bacterial or viral infections. “From there, we can do our statistics, home in on those categories, and then see the outcomes we find.” Normally, equine umbilical cords measure 50 to 60 centimetres (20 to 24 inches) long and have 4 or 5 twists along its length. But excessively long or twisted cords can restrict blood supply to the fetus and cause 20 • MAY 2022


significant health issues — often leading to death. In an earlier study, Ricard and Wobeser reported that Canada has a higher rate of non-infectious fetal placental causes — including excessively long umbilical cords or torsions. Those results are similar to a study targeting horses in the United Kingdom. Human medical researchers have also found that too much twisting or excessively long umbilical cords can affect babies’ Apgar scores — the scoring system used to assess newborns’ well-being. Scientists have found links between these abnormal umbilical cords and issues such as still births, pulmonary hypertension and neurologic function deficits in babies. “Although it’s human medicine, it suggests that there’s the potential for something to be there when it comes to umbilical cord morphology (form and structure) in these foals,” says Ricard. With the foaling data, Ricard hopes to identify common patterns in the cords’ traits. For each submission, she will also calculate an “umbilical cord index” — the number of twists in the cord divided by the cord’s length. Ricard will then compare those index numbers to established reference values. “Once it’s all done, we’re going to take all of this information that we’ve gathered about umbilical cords and see if we can find any connections between the umbilical cord data and the foals’ health data,” says Ricard. But first, the WCVM researchers need data from many foalings over the next two years. They hope to capture data from breeding seasons in both northern and southern hemispheres. Public response has been very positive, and Ricard says many Facebook users have shared her original post. “If we could get access to 500 foals that would be amazing.” Visit to read the full story. Do you have a mare that’s scheduled to foal this year? Visit for more details about this study or contact Dr. Madison Ricard (

Vitamin E a Must for Horse Health By Jeanette Neufeld | Photo by Myrna MacDonald

Horses need to eat their greens, too — and if they can’t get the proper nutrients through grazing, it’s important for owners to be aware of how to ensure nutritional needs are met.


Reprinted with permission from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine’s Townsend Equine Health Research Fund (

ne important nutrient for horses is vitamin E. This powerful antioxidant keeps equine muscle and nerve cells healthy and helps to support the immune system. Because horses can’t make their own vitamin E, it’s important that they get enough through diet. Working horses, lactating mares and growing horses all have higher vitamin E needs. While several of the conditions caused by vitamin E deficiency are preventable, not all can be treated successfully — especially when they present in foals. Not all horses show clinical signs of vitamin E deficiency, but those signs that do appear are related to the muscles. They can include muscle tremors, lying down excessively and difficulty standing, a stiff and uncoordinated gait, shifting leg lameness, a poor topline, weight loss and muscle atrophy, and decreased energy. Fresh grass is the best source of vitamin E. Horses that don’t have access to fresh grass may need daily supplementation. While hay can provide the nutrient, the amount it contains begins to decrease as soon as hay is harvested and stored, with losses of up to 50 per cent after only one month of storage. Different types of commercially available vitamin E supplements include liquid, pellets and powder. Check with your veterinarian to learn more about your horse’s specific nutritional needs and what type of supplementation is best.

Cowboy Poetry BRUNCH By Patrick Thomas When the kid has jingled the Remuda And our bunks we’ve left behind When Cookie has the coffee boiled Fried eggs and bacon with the rind. When last night’s spuds are in the skillet With onions turning brown Not the sort of breakfast Most folks could find in town. Well Cookie put a plate aside Jake would be late of course

He’d sat up till three a.m. With that colicky chestnut horse. The thirty thirty woke us up Old Jake had done his best We all knew old Booger Red Had just been laid to rest. We saddled up while Gimpy Joe Hauled bobwire to the truck It rained last night and the horse corral Was a sea of sucking muck.

Now city folks don’t saddle up When the wind makes a heavy blow But our horses live each day in wind And rain and ice and snow. So we head out in our usual way And we kinda have a hunch No matter what the town folks do This ranch ain’t servin’ brunch.

MAY 2022


A Step Forward For Canadian Barefooters… The Canadian Equine Hoof Care Association’s Debut Photo credit: Trisia Eddy of The Prairie Darkroom

For a few decades now, a faint rumbling has been discerned among the clamour of tradition; hammers hitting steel, the hiss of a hot shoe as it touches hoof horn.


hat rumbling got louder and harder to ignore over the years as more scientific ventures were made, as the world got more connected, and as more professionals pioneered the industry of barefoot hoof care. Today, “going barefoot” has become very popular, too big to ignore, and with good reason. Every nascent discipline will experience growing pains and this one is no exception. The industry is running amok, without head or tail. There is little consistency in the quality of work and education. The industry also has some excellent qualities - passionate and progressive professionals who are hungry for more research and learning in the direction of soundness. It is a culture which involves owners in their own horse’s care and gives them the tools to achieve soundness. There is a deep appreciation of holistic thinking; diving into nutrition, environment, and biomechanics (leading to increased cooperative work with other industry professionals). Going barefoot requires a creative mindset; exploring new and less rigid alternatives to hoof protection. Early last year, several professional trimmers across the nation came into contact to discuss the unification of the hoof care industry. We all loved the industry and what it had grown into, but had concerns over the lacking standards and how that would impact our ability to continue into the future. Cue the creation of the Canadian Equine Hoof Care Association! There is a united goal for upholding high standards and ethics in the industry, making it simple for horse owners to know what they can expect from their trimmer. Our hope is to provide a supportive community for its professional members, additional to promoting the barefoot horse. This association will organize educational events, promote its members and affiliated schools to the public, and represent the industry’s highly educated professionals. We also felt it was important to be proactive by ensuring that our standards reflect legislative changes taking place in some Canadian provinces. A vision for the future of Barefootin’! Are you a hoof care professional and interested in becoming a member? Please visit for more information about the association and how to apply. 22 • MAY 2022


Cowboy Poetry REFLECTIONS ON REWARDS - A FARRIER’S LIGHT By Will Sturgeon Why did you ‘set out’ to be a Farrier? Because, you don’t become one overnight… It’s a lengthy journey, fraught with perils, And different shades of what you thought was ‘light’. When that ‘spark’ of interest, became the light that lured you, Was it being your own boss the glow that shone…? Or the challenge of mastering a skill-set, That tempted, stuck, and each day lured you on? Was it the red glow ‘neath your piled coal that called you? Or the white hot light of your bar stock’s sparkling toe? Or the finished fit that advertised your ethic, And the expertise your dedication shows? Perhaps it just grew out of need and inconvenience. Big country, bigger lists, and little time… Nature and her seasons building pressures, Expedience each morning’s guiding chime. Or what about just being around horses; That ‘osmosis fuel’ their spirit feeds our soul? Or was it money, and the thought of independence, That fueled your fire, and lit your future’s scroll? Yet regardless of the light that lit the tunnel, That drew us in and held us day by day… Somewhere along that incremental journey, A sunrise dawned that changed our future’s way. A brighter ‘light’ burned through our fog of focus, Illuminating a different point of view… When we saw the horse and client in a new light, And realized ‘this’ wasn’t all ‘bout you. You’d kept abreast of all the latest techniques, Since the forty years ago you went to school… Dim and CS replacing strands of Oakum; And Adhere and Equilox top fix-it tools. But your back and knees had paid the price of learning; Diminishing as your skill and knowledge grew… As strength decreased, and patience, plans, and forethought Displaced ideas long perceived as true. Now, instead of showing up with preconceptions, You take the time to analyze the whole… No pressured thoughts on how the client views you; The horse’s comfort now your only goal. You strive for soundness where it can be realized; Refuse to compromise when it’s not right… So many rewards reflecting from our service, When we view the horse beneath his proper light.

ou Y e r A t a Kids... Wh Your Horse? th Doing Wi turn to tell us It 's y our out YO U ! ab

the one! Wh en I first met Ruby I knew she was se cross She was a rescue horse, a Quarter Hor Our we were told , and abo ut 9 1/2 years old. I like ils. tra favourite thing to do is trotting on our best! to ride without a sad dle or bit. Ruby is the much, I’m - Zoë, age 11, Mill Bay BC (Thank you so t I really really excited:) ! And I wanted to say tha l!) love you r magazine and this is really coo

GI Quarter My nam e is Lyra, this is my D D Horse Doc and he’s 10 years old. My dad ited for just bou ght him for me. I’m excY our adventures in the sum mer. BC - Lyra, age 10, Hazelto nU P

It's all This Cou ld t u abo ! B s e Y o d u !! i k e h t

Send in ONE photo with a caption (no more than 40 words). Include your first name, age, city/province. Photos will be printed on a space availability basis. Email to with the subject line “KIDS”

MAY 2022




Dog Myths and Facts

Supplying Your Pets with NEW and Unique Products!

Dog care advice comes from many different sources, and therein lies the reason dog owners can be confused when it comes to dog myths and facts. Here are some of the most common myths about dogs: Dogs Eat Grass When They Feel Sick One of the oldest dog myths is that dogs eat grass when they feel sick to their stomachs, because it makes them vomit so they feel better. Eating grass can make your dog vomit but not because the grass itself sickens them but because the rough blades of grass often irritate a dog’s stomach lining. Most veterinarians, when asked about this myth, will tell you they believe that dogs eat grass simply because they like it. Mixed Breeds Are More Healthy Overall Than Purebreds It is true that some breeds of dog are prone to specific diseases but it’s not true that mixed breed dogs are any healthier and heartier than purebred dogs. Mixed breed dogs are at risk of acquiring every inherited illness common in their genetic background. Owners of mixed breeds

usually don’t know exactly what the genetic makeup is for their mixed breed, other than guessing their dog is part this breed and part that breed, when in fact, the dog might be a genetic mix of several breeds. This can put a mixed breed dog at a greater risk of developing genetic illnesses. The only way to be sure a dog won’t develop an inherited genetic illness is to adopt your pet from a reputable breeder who has screened the parents – and sometimes the grandparents – of a dog for any hereditary illnesses before they are bred. Dogs Eat Their Feces Because They Lack Certain Nutrients Many dogs like to eat feces. There may be a medical reason for this but it’s usually just normal dog behavior. A dog might eat feces because it learned this behavior when it was young; it likes the taste (yes, I know you’re saying ‘ugh’ right now); it is seeking attention it’s not getting from you; or it gets very hungry between meals. You needn’t freak out if your dog occasionally eats its feces. Just be sure to clean up

Tip of the Month - “Make NO Assumptions!” (Courtesy of Harmony Farm Kennel & Lamb)

Do you allow strangers to rush into your personal space, or touch you without permission? Likely not!


n fact, your reaction may not be friendly at all! So... why do folks assume that dogs will be ok if strangers approach them without an introduction? Worse – why do people judge a dog's adverse reaction?! Touching... a person or a dog is personal and a privilege! Here are some tips to consider when meeting a new-to-you dog friend.  Ask the owner's permission before approaching!  Have an indirect approach rather than straight forward  Look away!  Keep your hands in your pockets, not reaching out  Stand sideways with a relaxed body posture (don't hover over a dog)  Speak calmly and softly  Observe body language! (tail tucked? licking? cowering?)  Ask permission to touch someone's dog – avoid patting a dog's head, rather gently, slowly stroke their less personal neck area, not to be a threat  Most importantly, let it be a dog's decision to interact with you (or not) and in their time. It's not about you – it's respectful and necessary for the most positive, friendly results. 24 • MAY 2022


From a preparation perspective... it's a great plan to socialize your dogs to people without expectations, first from a safe distance. Just hang out where people are, sit with your dog on leash at a park bench or on the tailgate in a parking lot. Just allow your dog to observe and gain confidence around strangers, first from a distance and then closer. Let them take the time it takes to feel safe and comfortable with people, in dog time! •••••• Patricia Skinner-Porter is the owner/operator of Harmony Farm Kennel & Lamb at Monte Lake BC. Offering custom care boarding (non-dog park style) Patricia provides personal care, attention and daily exercise for ALL dog types, breeds and doganalities! She also offers one-on-one dog-owner training, helping individuals to create healthy happy relationships with their dogs. Here she shares her vast array of experience with a beneficial monthly tip for you and your pooch to enjoy! (See her listing under Pet Central)


Supplying Your Pets with NEW and Unique Products!


after your dog before it has a chance to eat it. Dogs Heal Themselves by Licking Their Wounds It is true that dogs keep their wounds clean by licking them and this can speed up the healing process. But excessive licking of a wound is not good. It can easily promote more damage to the dog’s wounded tissues, which in turn may result in bacterial infection. If your dog starts licking a wound excessively, try to stop the behavior by focusing the dog’s attention on something else. A Dog’s Nose Should Be Cold and Wet Most of the time, your dog’s nose will be cold and wet. On occasion it may suddenly become warm and dry. A dog’s nose will stay cold and wet because they tend to lick them a lot. A cold, wet nose is not an indicator of good health. You do need to watch for a runny nose or any discharge from the dog’s nasal passages which can indicate illness. Other than that, don’t worry about whether your dog’s nose is cold and wet or warmer and drier.

Pet Central EVERYTHING PETS (Princeton BC) 250-295-7381 Quality Foods & Supplies for all your Pets! See us on Facebook. 10/22 HARMONY FARM KENNEL AND LAMB.COM, Monte Lake BC, 250-375-2528. “Custom Care” boarding welcomes ALL dogs! 12/22

Do you offer a dog service or training business? Sell pet feeds and supplies? You can advertise here! Prices start at only $250 per year (11 issues). Call 1-866-546-9922 or e-mail

Canine Capers SPONSORED BY Your one-stoP Pet shoP Farm, Fencing & Horse Supplies Pet and Livestock Feeds 604-894-6740 Pemberton BC

Before you boldly accept that something you heard or read about dogs is true, research it to see if it is really a dog myth or a dog fact!


5/19 5/22

For more information on any of these events go to unless another website is provided DUE TO THE CORONA VIRUS, EVENTS MAY BE CANCELLED - CALL AHEAD




READERS... THIS COULD BE YOUR TOP DOG! Send us a photo of your favourite pooch! Tell us the dog’s name, breed, and up to 50 words about him/her. We will print your first name (or initials) and your city/province. E-mail to and put in subject line: TOP DOG OF THE MONTH. Photos will be printed on a first come first serve basis.

4 5-8 6-8 7-8 7-8 8 13-15 13-15 14 15 20-22 20-22 20-23 20-23 21 21-22 21-23 27 27-29 28-29 28-29 28-29 28-29


Do you have a WORKING DOG event coming up? Let us know! Call 1-866-546-9922 or email

MAY 2022


Horse Council BC - Notes from the Office MARCH EQUINE EDUCATION MADNESS


hank you to everyone who attended Horse Council BC’s March Madness Equine Education Series. The “rock star” line up of speakers did not disappoint! HCBC was excited to be able to provide 4 excellent virtual presentations given by industry experts. There was wonderful discussion and so many great questions asked. HCBC would like to thank: • Presenter: Reg Steward, M.B. BC Ranch Safety Consultant, CaribooChilcotin Regional Consultant, Superintendent of Field Operations AgSafe, Buffalo Creek Consulting; • Presenter: Shelagh Niblock PAS, Foundations Equine Consulting Services Presenters, From the Western College of Veterinary Medicine: Dr Julia Montgomery and Dr Valentina Ragno And Presenter: Lesley McGill, The Saddle Doctor, Society Of Master Saddlers Qualified Saddle Fitter and Saddler A very special thanks to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine for their continued support of Horse Council BC’s educational programs. As the saying goes: A horse doesn’t care how much you know until he knows how much you care.


BC Summer Games, July 21 to 24, 2022 The 2022 BC Summer Games in Prince George will be here before you know it! Just a reminder to Equestrian Athletes the deadline to declare for the 2022 BC Summer Games is May 31. If you declared for the cancelled

2020 Games in Maple Ridge and wish to bring your declaration forward for the 2022 BC Summer Games Equestrian Team, please contact and confirm your intent to be considered for the 2022 Team. For more info on how you can be a part of the BC Summer Games Equestrian Team for the 2022 Games in Prince George, please visit Not quite ready for the 2022 Games? Start preparing for future Games now, contact Sandy at to be included on the Equestrian Team prospects list and receive information on Summer Games Athlete Development programs. ~ Maple Ridge 2024 BC Summer Games, July 18–21, 2024 ~ Kelowna 2026 BC Summer Games, July 23–26, 2026 2022 55+ GAMES Registration for the 55+ Games in Victoria September 13-17 will open March 1, 2022. For a full explanation on what you need to do to register for the Games, please go to Information is also be available on the HCBC website at: competitions/55-bc-games/. Equestrian competition at the Games will be held at the Saanich Fair Grounds (1528 Stellys Cross Rd, Saanichton, BC V8M 1S8) The 2022 Equestrian Competition will consist of: ~ Arena Driving Trials: Training Level 1 and Preliminary Level 2 ~ Dressage: EC Tests, Training Level, First Level and Second Level ~ Western Dressage: HCBC Tests, Walk Jog, Training Level and First Level ~ Working Equitation: Level 1 Introductory, Level 2 Novice A and Level 3 Novice B ~ Working Hunter: 2’3” Low Working Hunter,2’3” Working Hunter Over Fences, 2’3” Hunter Derby with 2’6” options and 2’3” Handy Hunter. HCBC EDUCATION GRANT The purpose of this grant is to encourage and support learning by equestrians and equine lovers. We want you to learn what you would like to learn so the scope of this grant is quite wide. It can be classroom, demonstration, or mounted and attendees do not have to be Horse Council members so bring your friends along. This grant is open to all current member affiliates, clubs and branches. An approved grant will cover 50% of expenses up to a max of $500. More information and application form: funding-for-hcbc-members/education-grant/

Horse Council BC • How to Reach Us Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. • Address: 27336 Fraser Highway, Aldergrove, BC V4W 3N5 604-856-4304 or Toll Free 1-800-345-8055 • Fax: 604-856-4302 •

26 • MAY 2022


Equestrian Canada Equestre, Canada’s Most Decorated Show Jumping Athlete Retires from Competition Three-time Olympian Eric Lamaze announces retirement to focus on health


lympic champion and Canada’s most decorated show jumper Eric Lamaze has announced his retirement from competition. Over the past thirty years, the 53-year-old Olympian carved a path in his career to the top of equestrian sport through the sheer force of his talent and determination. The celebrated Canadian rider, who has been battling brain cancer since 2017, last competed for Canada at the CSIO5* Spruce Meadows ‘Masters’ tournament in Calgary AB, where he anchored the Canadian Show Jumping Team to victory in the BMO Nations’ Cup in September 2021. Born in Montreal QC, Lamaze began competing at the grand prix level in 1991 and a year later was named to the Canadian equestrian team. His first major competition as a national team member was the 1994 World Equestrian Games in The Hague, Saddle Up stock photo by Reinbeau Images. Netherlands. In 2004, he met his ultimate partner, Hickstead (Hamlet x Ekstein), the Dutch Warmblood stallion purchased by John Fleischhacker. Three years later, Lamaze became the first Canadian jumping athlete in 20 years to make the top ten in the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) world rankings. The duo was considered the best competitors of their era, claiming Olympic gold in 2008 and leading Canada to a team silver medal. Lamaze competed in three consecutive Olympic Games – 2008 Beijing, 2012 London and 2016 Rio where he also won an individual bronze partnered with Fine Lady 5 (Forsyth x Drosselklang II), a Hanoverian mare owned by Artisan Farms and Torrey Pines Stables. Together with Hickstead, he also earned an individual bronze medal at the 2010 World Championships in Lexington, Kentucky, where his beloved partner was awarded the title of “Best Horse.” They won team silver and individual bronze medals at the 2007 Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and every major grand prix show jumping title including Calgary, Canada (2007 and 2011); Geneva, Switzerland (2008); Aachen, Germany (2010); La Baule, France (2011); and Rome, Italy (2011). Lamaze and Hickstead were inducted into Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame as part of the class of 2020-21 and Lamaze received the Order of Sport, Canada’s highest sporting honour for the induction. Most recently, Lamaze was named Equestrian Canada’s (EC) Technical Advisor, Jumping, which includes acting as Chef d’Equipe for the Canadian Show Jumping Team. Since taking over the position, Lamaze has guided the Canadian Team to second place finishes in Nations’ Cup competitions in Wellington, FL and Coapexpan, Mexico in March 2022. Given his proven track record as both an Olympic athlete and trainer, combined with his personal popularity, there has been an enormous swell of excitement and pride for his leadership role with the team. “I would like to congratulate Eric on his retirement as a competitor and thank him for his unwavering dedication and passion for equestrian sport over the past three decades,” said EC Chief Executive Officer, Meg Krueger. “His many unmatched achievements are an enduring legacy in Canadian show jumping history. We are saddened that we will no longer have the joy and excitement of watching Eric compete as an athlete but look forward to his contributions and success in leading our Canadian Show Jumping Team into the future.” Eric Lamaze and Hickstead

We’re going to give you more time to figure this one out. Congratulations (so far) to: Karen Gallagher, Langley BC Patrick Manderson, location ? From the March issue It was an old style school desk Congratulations (also) to: Rod Parkinson, Falkland BC Lynda Norris, Spallumcheen BC Catherine Spence, Mission BC Bernice Yeadon, South Langley BC John Isley, Barrhead AB Shanalee Janz, location ? Vicky Winder, Sylvan Lake AB Karen Gallagher, Langley BC

Aluminum cast body 8”x 5”x3” deep Good luck! READERS – What’s your guess? Discuss this item with your friends and send your guess to

Do include your city and province please. Saddle Up will print names (and location) of those with the correct answer in a future issue. GOOD LUCK! If you or your company would like to sponsor this monthly brain teaser, do call 1-866-546-9922 or email nancyroman@ for details. MAY 2022


Armstrong Enderby Riding Club By Lauri Meyers


hows are booked for May 1, June 5 and Sept 18, all are at the Fairgrounds in Armstrong in Ring 2. This year, due to limited office personnel, we will require pre-registering and paying prior… deadlines are Friday by 9 pm before show day. All Pattern Classes will be called in Order of Go. There is no food/ concession table, so bring a lunch and lots of water. Masks are optional, exhibitors will not be penalized for wearing masks. Each show’s success is a result of our volunteers - many hands make

light work. Volunteers are always needed and are very appreciated, so if you find yourself there for the day anyway, or want to experience the world of horse shows, contact us at, on Facebook, or the website, to see how and where you can help out. Meetings are held every first Wednesday of the month at 7 pm at the Glad Tidings Church on Pleasant Valley Road in Armstrong. Everyone is welcome to attend!

Canadian Cowboy Challenge By Hans Kollewyn | Photo by Nick Eaton


nd we are off to another CCC season. There are a total of 14 Challenges confirmed already, starting on May 21, 2022 at the Prairie Sky Ranch Triple Header in Saskatchewan, and so far up to August 14, 2022. Alberta is hosting 6 Challenges, with Saskatchewan hosting 8 in that time period. Check on the CCC and Saddle Up websites for a complete list for the date and location of each Challenge. There is a good possibility that a few more Challenges will be added for August and September - but need to be confirmed first. At this time, I would like to address a few questions that may come up from our existing, or new competitors regarding Challenges. The first place to look for information of what is necessary as a competitor to compete in the CCC is to review the rules. For example, Section 6 explains “Tack and Attire,” with rider divisions listed starting at section 8 through 15, and how each division is judged and points attained is in section 16. Referring to these rules should give everyone a good start at

what they can expect as a competitor at a Challenge. There also is a list of “Examples of Obstacles” provided to help competitors prepare for a Challenge and the obstacles they may encounter. The rules are the foundation on which to build upon when maneuvering an obstacle course at a CCC event. Rules are basic, but they can and should be added to and/or refined to suit the horse and rider team. These rules are not exhaustive but are a guideline when competing at a Challenge. These rules are a guideline from the CCC perspective which competitors need to know but does not address how the TEAM should maneuver the course and each obstacle. In the June update I will try to explain the three ‘E’s of what a judge is looking for. They are Entry, Execution and Exit. Enjoy the spring riding and competing and most of all, have FUN!

Open Division: 360 rotation around the barrels with the Garrocha pole

28 • MAY 2022


Crony Club Celebrates its 10th Birthday By Kathy Velocci


rony Club is a group of recreational riders who gather each spring to enjoy group riding sessions at the Vernon District Riding Club. We welcome all types of riders and horses who enjoy trying new skills and learning new techniques, such as trail obstacles, Western Dressage, musical ride, etc. And we have been doing this now for 10 years!! To celebrate this milestone, Crony Club is hosting the first ever Horsemanship Clinic, to be held at the VDRC, in the form of a sleepover with two days of instruction, camaraderie and a pizza party on Saturday night. Dry camping and covered stalls are available. The weekend will offer small group instruction in groundwork, manners, timing, and feel, all with the goal of developing lightness, correct movement and a willing work ethic with our equine partner.

Our instructor, Dustin Drader of El Centro Equine Services of Kelowna, will demonstrate and guide participants to improve their understanding and timing to create and maintain a soft, supple, and willing partner. Each day will start with groundwork and progress to ridden work for the afternoon session. Safety, understanding timing and lots of fun will fill out the weekend of learning. The clinic is on the June 25-26, 2022 weekend at Vernon District Riding Club, 8404 Aberdeen Road, Coldstream, from 9 to 5 each day, and auditors are welcome. For further information or to register for the 2-day clinic contact Kathy Velocci 250-545-4185 or

Vernon District Riding Club News By Holly Baxter | Photos credit Coralie Nairn


he Vernon District Riding Club (VDRC) has started 2022 with a full roster of events including four shows: Spring Schooling Show which occurred the last weekend of April; EC Gold/Bronze Dressage Show May 28-29th; EC Bronze Hunter/Jumper Show June 1012th; and the VDRC Summer Show August 20-21st. There are Dressage Practice Days from May to June for tests with judges in attendance, as well as an Open Dressage Percentage Day May 23rd and September 24th. Upcoming clinics include Georgia Hunt, Dale Irwin and Percentage Day, Henk Glijn, and Wendy Christoff so far, with more to come. On Sunday, May 8th mark your calendars for our Tailgate Used Tack Sale from 10 am – 2 pm. Please visit or visit our Facebook page under Vernon District Riding Club for more detailed information. Clubs associated with our facility include the Vernon Pony Club which offers youth the opportunity to develop strong equestrian and life skills in a fun, social environment. At the other end of the spectrum is Crony Club, now in its 10th year for senior riders. The group meets Sunday mornings and all breeds and all levels of horsemanship are welcome. We are hosting a Welcome BBQ & Volunteer Fair at 5 pm on May 14th. This is an excellent opportunity to visit this well-established facility and check-out what we can offer you and your horse. Senior memberships are $96.00, Juniors are $60.00 and Drop-in is $20.00. In order to maintain the facility and have enough volunteers for our scheduled events, all members must contribute 6 hours annually or remit $75.00 if they choose to not volunteer. All members must carry Horse Council BC membership as well. Come down and watch the shows and clinics, grab a snack from our clubhouse kitchen and enjoy the beauty of the surroundings. If you have a horse, Come Ride With Us! MAY 2022


BC Interior Morgan Horse Club By Nancy Roman


as nice to be back hosting our fundraising Tack Sale held April 2nd at the Armstrong Curling Club. We were following all the ’health’ protocols, requiring proof of vaccinations, with masks optional. We did lose a few booths over the ‘rules’; and I think we lost some of the crowd too; as I don’t know where our ‘usual’ big crowd was. It was sad to see the roomy aisleways – not like previous years. Some vendors were pleased with their sales, and some not so much. But overall I think most enjoyed just getting out and socializing with the ‘horsey’ folks. The Pot O Gold Open Show will be held on Saturday June 4th at the fairgrounds in Armstrong. Riding, driving, halter, and trail classes. Our main judge is Glenn Perran, and Mahina Rose will judge the drivers. No

pre-entries required, just show up morning of! The show program will be up online (on our club Facebook page) by the time you read this. We are looking for monetary sponsors and prize donations for exhibitor draws – fair for everyone! For more info you can contact me at 250-5469922, email We have tentatively booked our Fall Poker Ride for Sunday, September 25th at Timber Ridge Trails in Lumby. And we have been discussing holding some clinics too… stay tuned! NEW: We are offering a 50% discount on our membership rates just for 2022! Come on out and join us! See our club Facebook page for more info or to contact.

Vintage Riders Equestrian Club FOR THE LOVE OF HORSES By Karen Gallagher | Photos credit Susan Chaworth-Musters


he Love of Horses brought us together and continues to be the catalyst to new friendships and adventure. Back in June 2021, when Covid pretty much eliminated contact between members, one of our brilliant ladies suggested a “Meet the Member” feature where we take turns describing our path to the horsey life. The stories are posted on our private Facebook page for all members to enjoy. We have learned of an amazing variety of life and career paths, world travels, and horse journeys, from the ridden-since-birth type to the came-to-riding-laterin-life tales. The stories have been interesting, exciting, uplifting and, most of all, uniting. We have found divergent paths to a common interest and commonalities with those who were strangers. Our new members have been enthusiastic in sharing their stories. What a great way to get to know each other and present some fabulous conversation starters! This is where so many more wonderful horsey adventures begin. Our members are a busy, active and brave bunch! Recently Rita Rawstron and new member Heidi Vanderhyden participated in the Fraser Valley Hunt, along with more than 60 other riders! Our Susan Chaworth-Musters was there to witness the caper and snap a few pictures for posterity. At our recent General Meeting via Zoom, lawyer Janice Papp gave a very thought-provoking talk specifically addressing what could happen to our beloved horses if we have not provided for them in our wills. Should the unthinkable happen, it is a great comfort to know that not only have I provided for my family, but I’ve made plans to have my animals cared for as well. Coming up in May we are excited to be hosting a clinic on Liberty with Caeli Cavanagh, a graduate of the Holar University in Iceland. Holar specializes in undergraduate and postgraduate education in Equine Studies, Tourism and Aquaculture. Caeli will give lessons in Liberty to help us develop a better communication system, build trust and deepen our bond with our horse as well as build our horse’s confidence and motivation.

Kim Pearson’s lovely mare Shania

Vintage Riders Equestrian Club …for the love of horses! We are a gathering of horse enthusiasts within the Fraser Valley. Anyone over the age of 21 is welcome. We meet every 3rd Tuesday in Fort Langley BC to enjoy fellowship and a speaker and host a variety of clinics according to PHO. Find us on Facebook at Vintage Riders Equestrian Club – public, email: 2022 Upcoming Events: May – Lessons in Liberty June – Working Equitation July – Mountain Trail 30 • MAY 2022


Rita Rawstron and Caleb - A Toast to the Hunt!

Chilliwack Riding Club By Riesa Kyne


e had an excellent turnout for our March 27 Gymkhana held at Heritage Park. Congratulations to the Highpoint winners:

Leadline: Marissa McPherson Peewee: Hallie Bullock Junior: Emerson Vanleeuwen Intermediate: Megan Du Toit Senior: Heidi Hogan Novice: Cathy Vayda and Bruce Martin We’ve got scheduled Gymkhanas through the spring, and do keep an eye on the upcoming 150th Annual Chilliwack Fair, where we will be hosting the Gymkhana as well. We continue to host Open Ride at Heritage Park on most Tuesday evenings from 7-8 pm. Please check the Open Ride schedule on our website

Canadian Registry of the Tennessee Walking Horse By Windi Scott



he CRTWH is very excited to present ‘THE CANADIAN’ 40TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT! As you may have heard, the CRTWH is celebrating 40 years of registering Tennessee Walking horses in Canada through the Canadian Livestock Records Corporation. We have been very busy offering fun and informative giveaways and contests for the past year, but we are wrapping it up with an EVENT for all gaited horse lovers. While we will offer riding classes reminiscent of a regular horse show, at the Event they may be informative and evaluative as well. For anyone who attended our ‘Event’ a few years ago, we will be following a similar format. If you did not attend, some of the fun games we held were the “stick horse race” (unlike any stick horse race you could ever imagine), costume and dress up. We will also be offering Gaited Dressage for beginners and up. Diane Sept has graciously agreed to be our judge this year. She is an accredited judge through the Independent Judges Association. Dress and tack are casual, meaning use what is comfortable for you, but must be safe. We will also require all riders to wear helmets. This will be an AFFORDABLE event for the whole family. Riders and participants of all ages are welcome; we just ask that you have your AEF insurance. You do not need to be a member of CRTWH and your horse DOES NOT

need to be registered; it just needs to show a middle gait other than a trot. ALL GAITED HORSES WELCOME! This year we are also hosting a banquet with entertainment, a virtual stallion alley, the “Wish I could be there” display, a sale barn, and so much more! Come join us for an Enjoyable, Encouraging and Evaluative Event on August 5-7, 2022 in Thorsby Alberta. Diane J. Sept has been involved with Tennessee Walking Horses since 1971 in Montana where she rode Walkers for ranch work, rodeo and show. Diane had her first judge’s license in 1980. Her profession revolves around horses, and all breeds are a part of her life. Several students and horses have won national versatility titles. Diane owns Back To Basics Equine Awareness where she teaches and works with horses from her home base in Valley, Washington. She travels around the country teaching Connected Riding clinics on both smooth gaited and walk/trot horses. As a bonus, Diane was living and training in Alberta when CRTWH was first envisioned and formed. MAY 2022


The Back Country Horsemen of BC Our Annual Rendezvous is Back! Join us in Prince George — Gateway to the North June 24 to June 26, 2022 By Terri Perrin, BCHBC Member at Large


embers of the Back Country Horsemen of BC (BCHBC) from across the province are champing at the bit with excitement because, for the first time since the pandemic began in 2020, we are able to host our annual Rendezvous event in person! For the past two years we, like many other groups, had to host virtual events. This year’s event will be hosted by our Prince George Omineca chapter. This is the first time in the society’s 30-year history that Rendezvous has been hosted by a chapter north of 100 Mile. What is RV? Rendezvous, or ‘RV’ as it is commonly referred to, is an annual event for BCHBC members, friends, and prospective members. It is a gathering of about 300 like-minded people who enjoy riding in the ‘Front Country’ as well as the ‘Back Country.’ Our members consist of equine enthusiasts of all ages, with all kinds of horses, ponies, or mules. We enjoy exploring the great outdoors on horseback in a noncompetitive way. RV encompasses a social weekend of networking, trail riding, and horsemanship clinics including: ~ Packing with Russell Floyd ~ Solving (Equine) Partnership Issues with Jake Jasper ~ Horsemanship classes with Kyla Strange ~ Horsemanship 101 ‘Trail Control’ with Pernell Fleck ~ Brave Horses — Working with Obstacles with Kyla Strange, and ~ EquuSoul Equine First Aid with Courtney Gledstone. Additional events include the ‘Ernie Buckles’ cowboy poetry contest, a Dutch oven cooking demo and contest, a packing clinic and competition, tack identification workshops, a harness demo, and an ‘Escape Room.’ There is a catered dinner on Saturday night with music, dancing, and a silent auction. Sunday morning there’s a pancake breakfast and cowboy church. The organization’s Annual General Meeting is also held at RV. Attendees will be informed of new and exciting BCHBC projects, vote on the provincial executive positions for the next two-year terms, and have an opportunity to contribute to the future direction of our Society. A much-anticipated (and celebrated!) event at the AGM is the presentation of the John Gardner ‘Volunteer of the Year’ award and the award of excellence for ‘Outstanding Project.’ You are encouraged to bring horses — and rent stalls or pens or bring your own panels to contain them — but not everyone does. There’s plenty to do for those with or without equines along for the adventure. Day Pass: Can’t stay all weekend? Want to drop in and see what BCHBC is about? Join us for a day and purchase optional tickets to clinics. Cost ranges from $25 to $80, depending on your choices.

The Prince George area offers some amazing views. Sue Baldinger riding Ducky, overlooking McPhee Lake. Photo credit: Nicole Klassen.

Group rides offer a chance to explore areas you may not otherwise feel confident exploring.

The 3-Day Weekend Pass: $100 (per person) early bird if purchased by May 31, 2022. Or $150 if purchased June 1-26. This is the best bang for your buck and includes free camping (up to 4 nights), Friday night BBQ and entertainment, Saturday night dinner and dance PLUS Sunday morning pancake breakfast! Stabling and clinics are extra. Registered attendees are welcome to arrive on Thursday afternoon and stay until Monday. For all admission types, juniors (age 18 and under) are admitted free but must be accompanied by a paid adult attendee. Non-members who purchase passes will receive a promo code for a free 2022 BCHBC membership. Learn more about RV and BCHBC, register for RV, and join BCHBC at BCHBC 2022 Rendezvous Raffle Tickets available online now! Win a 2022 Maverick 2-horse angle haul trailer OR a beautifully handcrafted Cloete trail saddle OR a set of packing gear! The odds are terrific – with only 2,400 tickets to be sold. Tickets: 1 for $50 or 3 for $100. The draw is June 25, 2022, at 8:00 p.m. at RV. Get your tickets at See our ad on page 9 for more details.

Back Country Horsemen of BC – serving BC trail riding enthusiasts since 1989! Check out our beautiful website at

32 • MAY 2022


/ Questions? Contact

Clubs & Associations 31 Years of Celebrating Long Ears

Join the Canadian Quarter Horse Association Membership is FREE!

The CQHA is the Canadian affiliate of the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA), and representative of the largest breed population within the Canadian herd. Visit us at


members from across Canada and the US 5/22

ARMSTRONG ENDERBY RIDING CLUB Schooling Shows (Eng/West/Games), Armstrong Fairgrounds, April to Sept. 10/22 2/23

CANADIAN THERAPEUTIC RIDING ASSOCIATION CanTRA promotes the benefits of therapeutic riding across Canada through awareness, education, and setting standards for therapeutic riding instructor certification, centre accreditation, hippotherapy, and equine-facilitated wellness.


BC ANIMAL OWNERS ASSOC. Mission is to get ‘legal’ access to non-vet practices to support our companion/farm animals.

Contact: • Website:


BC CARRIAGE DRIVING SOCIETY, Pres: Ellen Hockley 250-572-7516, Pleasure, Combined, Recreation from Minis to Drafts, 6/22


CHILLIWACK RIDING CLUB, Drill Team, Horse Shows (Heritage Qualifiers), Gymkhana, Trail Rides, Clinics, Open Ride, Socials, 12 /22

BC EQUINE ARENA 2 TRAIL ASSOCIATION (on FB), Clinics & Coaching Building your & your equine’s confidence, 4/23 BC INTERIOR ARABIAN HORSE ASSOC. Pres: Wally Goertz 250-546-6004 11/22, clinics, Recreational riding programs, Awards/Social Activ. 2/23

BC INTERIOR MORGAN HORSE CLUB see our FB page. Pres: Michelle Kozyn e-mail:, Trail Rides, Pot O Gold Show, Poker Ride 5/22

Want to enjoy miles of beautiful new trails with your equine partner in BC? Try Endurance Riding!

BC PAINT HORSE CLUB, Open Show & Competition Program, award sponsorships for local clubs, youth scholarship. 3/23

We welcome all levels of riders and all breeds of equines.

Info on clinics and events at

BC QUARTER HORSE ASSOCIATION, Contact Carolyn Farris, email 8/22

A charitable equine organization

FRASER VALLEY’S OWN ‘GRASSROOTS’ CLUB dedicated to promoting the sport of cutting to enthusiasts of all levels See us on acebook & Instagram

funding veterinary colleges and students, and other worthy equine causes.


or e-mail:

Bob Watson, President • 403-378-4323 4/23

Team Cattle Penning is a race against the clock to have 3 riders pen 3 of 30 numbered head of cattle. Each rider is rated to their current abilities and the three riders on a team make up the maximum allowed number for the division they are riding. Example: a 10 Class is made of a 4-rated rider and two 3-rated riders. The herd is on one end of the arena and the foul line is usually 1/3. DON’T BLOW OUT!! YEE HAW!! Visit our website at:





12/22 6/16


BC WELSH PONY & COB ASSOC. (see FB) Pres: Rosanne 604-302-7650, Breed promotion program throughout the province. 4/23 BOUCHIE LAKE GYMKHANA CLUB (Quesnel BC). May to September. All info on our Facebook Page: B LAKE Gymkhana CLUB. Tel: 250-249-9667 11/22 BOUNDARY HORSE ASSOCIATION (Grand Forks BC), Offering shows, gymkhanas, clinics & more. See us on Facebook, 250-443-3191, 4/23 10/22

Canadian Cowboy Challenge 12/22

A SPORT for the whole Family! Seven Divisions to accommodate all! For more info please call 403-828-2044 or visit


INTERIOR CUTTING HORSE ASSOCIATION New cutters always welcome. Lee Poncelet 250-938-2034 9/22

5th of each month MAY 2022


Clubs & Associations LANGLEY RIDERS SOCIETY, English/Western, Games, Jumping, Drill Team, Rodeo. 604-530-5981 11/22

PRINCETON RIDING CLUB, Pres: Stephanie Antonick, See us on Facebook. Offering shows, clinics and more! 2/23


RUSTY SPURS 4-H HORSE CLUB (Abbotsford BC) Open to Youth 6-19, & Find us on Facebook! 12/22

NORTH OK THERAPEUTIC RIDING ASSOC. 250-549-0105 Providing therapeutic horseback riding for children and adults with disabilities 9 /22

SOUTH CENTRAL QUARTER HORSE ASSOC., Host of April Fuzzy Horse Show and September AQHA Circuit Show, 12/22

OKANAGAN POLO CLUB (Kelowna BC), new members welcome, weekly gatherings, annual tournament, and fun! 9/22

VINTAGE RIDERS EQUESTRIAN CLUB (Fraser Valley BC), English/Western, lectures, clinics, socials, safe and fun,, on Facebook 4/23

100 Mile & District Outriders

7/18 11/22

Promoting equine activities and knowledge in the south Cariboo with Shows, Clinics, Gymkhanas and more. Harvey President: Adam Mike Kidston E-mail: ~

PEACHLAND RIDING CLUB, Pres: Kevin Froese ( Info, Gymkhana dates & events at 6/22

Peruvian Horse Club of BC Smooth • Versatile • Intelligent

VERNON DISTRICT RIDING CLUB (Vernon BC), check out our website at or visit our Facebook & Instagram pages 2/23 WILD ROSE DRAFT HORSE ASSOCIATION, Barb Stephenson (Secretary) phone 403-933-5765 (8:00 am to 8:00 pm) 6/22

Clubs - you should be listed here Non-profit rates start at only $100 per year and includes a FREE web link for one year!


What’s Happening? Let’s Go!


Jan 1-3 OPEN HORSE SHOW, Smith Arena, Smithsville, BC, John 604-123-4567,





21-23 21-23


6 6-8 7 7 11-13 13-14 13-15 13-15 14-15 20-23

AERC HORSE SHOW, Fairgrounds, Armstrong BC, CTHS NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS AWARDS, Century Mile, Nisku AB, 403-229-3609 RANCH HORSE SALE, Lethbridge AB,, 403-329-3101 VDRC CLINIC w/Georgia Hunt, Vernon BC, SPRING HORSE SALE, Lethbridge AB,, 403-329-3101 ALL WESTERN SCHOOLING SHOW, BHA Riding Club grounds, Grand Forks BC, Madalene 250-443-3191, ARENA 2 TRAIL WORKSHOP (Beg. to Adv.) w/Dawn Ferster, Timber Ridge Trails, Lumby BC, WILD ROSE DRAFT HORSE SALE (& Tack), Olds AB, Barb 403-933-5765, HORSEMANSHIP CLINIC w/Dustin Drader, Grassland Grazers Ranch, Beaverdell BC, WORKING EQUITATION CLINIC w/Deb Erickson, Enderby BC, ARENA 2 TRAIL COMPETITION (1 of 2) w/Dawn Ferster, Timber Ridge Trails, Lumby BC, FIELD DRIVING TRIAL, Cariboo Country Carriage Club, Karyn

34 • MAY 2022



21-24 22 23 23 26-27 28 28-29 28-30

STRATHCONA MOUNTED TROOP, Military Music Spectacular, Topaz Park, Victoria BC, DRESSAGE & JUMPING CLINIC w/Dale Irwin, Vernon District Riding Club, Vernon BC, Ruth 250-542-2106, 102nd FALKLAND STAMPEDE, Falkland BC, 3-DAY TRUST & CONFIDENCE CLINIC w/D’arcy Luttmer, on FB Wildhorse Ventures at Merston Creek Ranch, Quesnel BC, 250-249-9613 PRAIRIE SKY RANCH TRIPLE HEADER, Saskatoon SK, Cheryl 306-978-9596, STRATHCONA MOUNTED TROOP, Victoria Highland Games, Topaz Park, Victoria BC, PERCENTAGE DAY w/ Dale Irwin, Vernon District Riding Club, Vernon BC, Ruth 250-542-2106, STRATHCONA MOUNTED TROOP, Victoria Day Parade, Douglas Street, Victoria BC, STRATHCONA MOUNTED TROOP, Okanagan Military Tattoo, Armstrong BC, LARRY STEWART Celebration of Life 1:00 pm, Paradise Hills Ranch, Lumby BC, Leslie 250-549-0881 VDRC E/C GOLD BRONZE DRESSAGE SHOW, Vernon BC, 3-DAY TRUST & CONFIDENCE CLINIC w/D’arcy Luttmer, on FB Wildhorse Ventures at Merston Creek Ranch, Quesnel BC, 250-249-9613

What’s Happening? Let’s Go! JUNE 3

3-26 3-6 4 4 4 4-5 5


ARENA 2 TRAIL Private Sessions w/Dawn Ferster, Trail BC, email HORSEMANSHIP FOUNDATION COURSE (4 parts) w/Glenn Stewart, The Horse Ranch, Baldonnel BC, 250-789-3072, STAGE 1 HORSEMANSHIP CLINIC w/Glenn Stewart, The Horse Ranch, Baldonnel BC, 250-789-3072, ARENA 2 TRAIL WORKSHOP (Beg. to Adv.) w/Dawn Ferster, Trail BC, email POT O GOLD OPEN SHOW, Fairgrounds, Armstrong BC, Nancy 250-546-9922, ALL ENGLISH SCHOOLING SHOW, BHA Riding Club grounds, Grand Forks BC, Madalene 250-443-3191, ROSEBRIAR RANCH RALLY, Westlock AB, Leane 780-307-6863, ARENA 2 TRAIL COMPETITION w/Dawn Ferster, Trail BC, email

5-11 8-11 10-12 10-12 11-12 11-12 13-16 15-19

AERC HORSE SHOW, Fairgrounds, Armstrong BC, 7-DAY PACKING & SHOEING CLINIC w/Colleen Luttmer(Murphy), on FB Wildhorse Ventures at Merston Creek Ranch, Quesnel BC, 250-249-9613 STAGE 1+ & 2 HORSEMANSHIP CLINIC w/Glenn Stewart, The Horse Ranch, Baldonnel BC, 250-789-3072, HORSEMANSHIP CLINIC w/Dustin Drader, Grassland Grazers Ranch, Beaverdell BC, VDRC HUNTER JUMPER SHOW, Vernon BC, INTRO TO WORKING COW HORSE w/Whitney Watson-Wilson, BHA Riding Club grounds, Grand Forks BC, Madalene 250-443-3191, PINE ROCK VENTURES DOUBLE HEADER, Bluffton AB, Janet 403-848-1790, STAGE 2+ HORSEMANSHIP CLINIC w/Glenn Stewart, The Horse Ranch, Baldonnel BC, 250-789-3072, STRATHCONA MOUNTED TROOP, Spruce Meadows Tournament, Calgary AB,




1-866-546-9922 for more info

1,642 sq. ft. Rancher with 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths. N/G furnace with A/C, wood stove, Telus internet. Double garage, large heated shop, 30’ x 36’ hay barn with 2 stalls and tack room, large heated greenhouse, riding ring. Approximately 35 flat acres in hay, water rights for both properties, separate well for the house, fruit trees, deck with N/G BBQ hookup, wired for hot tub. The new well drilled in 2009 produces an estimated 60 GPM. Lots of parking, additional outbuildings and amazing mountain and valley view! 1027 Salmon River Road, Salmon Arm BC $1,925,000 MLS® #10249764 RON LANGRIDGE 250-833-6236 Century 21 Executives Realty E-mail

NATURE AND SOME OF THE BEST RIDING TRAILS AT YOUR DOORSTEP 32 acre farm with a historical 120 year old “Shamrock Log Barn” in tranquil Kaleden. Marron River runs through a portion of property with Crown Land behind. Fully fenced, a horse lover’s dream!... with 4 separate pastures and paddocks, Sea container barn/hay storage, 2 wells, triple bay carport, workshop, RV sites with full hookups and a year-round rivulet that runs through the pastures. The high-end 2 bed/2 bath 2019 rancher has gorgeous vineyard and valley views. Features include a $35K appliance package, concrete heated floors, screen porch with heater, outdoor shower, cozy wood stove, floor-to-ceiling Kolbe fir windows and more. Grow vegetables in the deer-fenced garden area or relax in the private gazebo. Cool off in the pool, or entertain guests with the awesome outdoor pizza oven or at one of the outdoor fire pits. Only 10 minutes from Penticton, and close to Kaleden beach, wineries, golf and elementary school. AG 3 Zoned. 107 White Lake Road, Kaleden BC $2,850,000 MLS® 192878/80





Business Services FARRIERS & SUPPLIES








VALLEY FARRIER SERVICES, Bob Johnston 250-546-8254 Certified Journeyman serving North Okanagan & Shuswap area





• Horse

Shavings Fuel • Bark Mulch • Compost • Hog

WWW.REIMERSFARMSERVICE.COM (BC Interior) 1-855-737-0110 or 250-838-0111. Bulk & Bagged Shavings, 4x4x4 Totes, Sawdust, Bark Mulch


Ph: 250-503-7432 NATA FARMS Serving BC’s Interior including South Okanagan

31852 Marshall Place 5410 Trans Canada Hwy. 103-1889 Springfield Rd. 975 Langford Parkway 1-1227 Island Hwy. S. 587 Alberni Hwy. 1970 Keating Cross Rd. 1771 10th Ave SW 2565 Main St.

556-7477 748-8171 860-2346 940-4499 753-4221 248-3243 652-9188 832-8424 768-8870





Wanted Wranglers / Trail Guides Guide on Guest Ranch / Horse pack trips

100% Canadian


7/22 6/21

ASHCROFT HOME BUILDING CENTRE (Ashcroft) 250-453-2281 Otter Co-op Dealer & Pet Foods. You can find us on Facebook 11/22

8/19 11/22

ARMSTRONG 250-546-9174

CHILLIWACK 1-877-847-3735

NANAIMO 250-912-0095




FARM SUPPLIES DAWSON CO-OP HOME & AGRO CENTRE, 250-782-3371 10020 Parkhill Drive, Dawson Creek BC,


DEADLINE 36 • MAY 2022


Spring Lake Guest Ranch

Close to nature Far from crowds 8-10,000 acres & private lake


2/23 • 250-791-5776 (100 Mile House BC)

5th of each month

Business Services LESSON PROGRAMS


WWW.FOOTNOTEFARM.COM (Langley BC) 778-822-3276 Certified instructors, safe & sound horses, curriculum followed, privates for beginners. 5/22



International Clinician and Horseman 1-877-728-8987

BC’s Leader in Agricultural Real Estate 604-852-1180 •




Specializing in BC’s Rural Communities

778-209-0305 E-mail: Follow me on social media @kamloopsandruralrealestate

TACK/CLOTHING SHOPS DIAMOND H TACK INC. (Kelowna BC) 877-762-5631 English & Western Saddlery, Clothes, Farrier, Feed, Blanket & Leather Repairs 10/22

TRAILER REPAIRS PETERSEN TRAILERS LTD. (Langley) 604-533-4209 Service and Repairs. All makes. 7/22

TRAILER SALES KITT EQUIPMENT TRAILER SALES, (Chilliwack & Aldergrove), 1-877-823-7199, Horse ~ Stock ~ Utility ~ Dump ~ Flatdecks, 4/23

TRAINERS/COACHES BIRGIT STUTZ, Irwin Insights Master Level 6 Cert. Trainer, www.fallingstarranch. ca, Training/lessons/clinics/student programs, Dunster BC, 250-968-6801 10/22 DAWN FERSTER (Kelowna BC) Coaching/Training/Workshops 250-808-0738 Mountain Trail/Western/Dressage, see Damarhe Training on FB 3/23



Build Something Lasting

Elisha Bradburn is available for Clinics & Events Based out of Faithful Farm in Langley, BC Follow Legacy Horsemanship on Facebook and Instagram E-mail inquiries to

SANDY LANG HORSEMANSHIP (Abbotsford BC) 778-344-3804, Foundation Focus Working Equitation, Natural Horsemanship, 9/22 SOMATIC RIDER AND ENERGY MEDICINE - Lisa Wieben (Vernon BC) Balance the Rider, Balance the Horse,, 403-335-5993 7/22 WILDHORSE VENTURES AT MERSTON CREEK RANCH (Quesnel BC) 250-249-9613, Horse Training & Clinics, Horses & Cariboo Mountain Dogs for sale. See us on FB 12/22

VETERINARIANS ANIMAL CARE HOSPITAL Williams Lake 250-392-5510 / Quesnel 250-747-3053 Drs. Magnowski, Scheidt, Thompson, Jordan, Deitrick 4/23 INTERIOR VETERINARY HEALTH SERVICES (Okanagan) 250-769-4217, Mobile Equine, Brytann Youngberg DVM, VSMT, College of Animal Chiropractors 9/22




LEE PONCELET TRAINING STABLES (Vernon, BC) 250-938-2034 Starting Colts. Training all levels. Specializing in Cutting/Cowhorse. 8 /22

WALES EQUINE VETERINARY SERVICES (Okanagan) 250-258-2299 Drs. Alex Wales and Dr. Susan Wales, 9/22

ELISA MAROCCHI (100 Mile House BC), EC Licensed Driving Coach 250-706-2824 Clinics, Lessons, Training on/off farm, 5/22





On The Market (Private Sale) The Peruvian Horse

The smoothest riding horse in the world! For Pleasure, Trail, Show, Work... Discover the versatile Peruvian Horse at!

Looking to the future with:

Aaron & Colleen Wangler 250-843-7337 (Dawson Creek BC)


We breed and train GYPSY COBS AND VANNERS Aimee & Luc Beauchamp 250-438-1066

(Princeton BC)


AW Blue Fire N Te AQHA Blue Roan AW Poco Kintaro | AQHA/NFQH 98% Palomino with dun dilution Axels N Steel Dust | AQHA/NFQH 98% Grullo

If you’re looking for your “Heart look no further!

8/22 3/17





“CUPID” - Holsteiner by Cassini/Silvano N Canadian Warmblood Stallion • World class Jumping & Dressage lines • Extremely Athletic & Versatile • Lovely Temperament


Fresh/Frozen Semen available


Visit for more Information on this Incredible Breed!

Contact Ueli & Ruth Boss (Armstrong BC) 250-546-7959 / Text 250-517-9051 E-email:


Stallions & Breeders


APPALOOSACENTRE.COM 250-963-9779 Real Appaloosas for Today and the Future! 9/22


5 Panel Negative AQHA Stallion Standing at: Charles Rance Equine, Ashcroft BC and (owners) Circle M Farm, Qualicum Beach BC For breeding inquiries email


FOOTNOTE FARM FJORDS (Langley BC) 778-822-3276. Registered & imported breeding stock. Bred for performance and built to last. 5/22 OLD BALDY RANCH (Dawson Creek) 250-843-7337 SS: Breeding AQHA/NFQH Grullo & Blue Roan, 12/22 SUNSET VIEW RANCH (West Kelowna BC) 250-707-7271. Top Performance AQHA/APHA bloodlines, Breeding & Sales, on

38 • MAY 2022






HORSE BLANKET & SADDLE PAD WASHING & Repairs. Clean used Blankets for sale. Town Centre Dry Cleaners, Town Centre Mall. 250-546-0104 (Armstrong BC) 7/22

WANTED LOOKING FOR RENTAL for responsible senior lady and her two horses with barnyard and runout area. Between Salmon Arm and Kelowna. Good references. 250-515-1429 (Okanagan/Shuswap)

Leather & S titches Custom Sewing

Th e Le a t h er La d y


Complete Balanced Bioavailable Source Of Essential MACRO and MICRO nutrients for HEALTHY HORSES Contact: Brigitte MacKenzie, 604-768-9558 (cell/text) WWW.ULTRA-KELP.COM 1-888-848-9988

Leather Hats, Belts, Moccasins Holsters, Knife Sheaths Upholstery Work & many Repairs Sherri DeBoer 250.838.0778 Box 62 Grindrod BC, V0E 1Y0

Calgary, Alberta 1-877-934-5835


that has a little bit of everything Dealer for

Pet Food & Supplies Wood Shavings and MORE


3455 Pleasant Valley Rd. Armstrong, BC

Your 5 Star Store for: Horse Tack Saddles Giftware Feed Supplies

Proud to carry TOP Saddle Makers Vic Bennett, Roohide, Jeff Smith, Paul Taylor and more!

See what’s NEW at

MAY 2022


40 • MAY 2022


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