Saddle Up September 2021

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A passing of


PURICA co-founder Trevor Watkin with Rip

Publications Mail Reg. No. 40045521 Printed in Canada

Dr. Reed's comes full circle in a ne w partnership a s PURICA take the reins in th s e next chapte ir r!




PURICA Dr. Reed’s 3.0 Equine Supplement By Team Purica

We would like to announce an exciting development for two trusted BC companies, Dr. Reed’s Equine Supplements, and PURICA Natural supplements.


r. David Reed, founder of Dr. Reed’s Equine Supplements pursued his veterinary career with his own equine practice for over 30 years. During that time he was based on Vancouver Island and also consulted in some of the more remote areas of BC. A breeder of Arabian horses himself, Dr. Reed was always someone who could be counted on to “think outside the box,” and he developed an equine mineral supplement for his own use. Eventually the word of how successfully this supplement was supporting healthy horses spread and Dr. Reed’s supplement was carried at local feed retailers in BC. In the early 90s Dr. Reed and his wife, Wendy, consulted with BC native Shannon (Dueck) Oldham, Olympic dressage rider and holder of a Master’s degree in equine nutrition. Shannon used the original Dr. Reed’s Formula 1 in her practice providing nutritional guidance to the owners of Warmblood horses, but wanted to see a mineral supplement available that would better support good fetal development in pregnant mares. Of particular interest was the trace mineral copper, needed by growing horses to support healthy bone development, as well as selenium. The decision was made at that time to include both organic and inorganic sources of both to optimize uptake in the digestive tract of the horse. With her input, Dr. Reed’s Formula 2 Equine Supplement pellet was born. Initially intended for broodmares, Dr. Reed’s Formula 2 supplement soon became popular for all breeds, disciplines and age groups of horses because of its innovative research based formulation. Dr. Reed’s Formula 2 pellet supplement has been manufactured until very recently in Chilliwack BC. PURICA supplements for humans, pets and horses have become recognized North America wide as products utilizing both conventional peer reviewed research from the scientific communities, as well as work done by those who pursue natural healing arts. A family owned company located in Duncan on Vancouver Island, PURICA was the brain child of co-founder Jason Watkin who is trained in pathophysiology, pharmacology, nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine. His brother, PURICA co-founder Trevor Watkin grew up with the Reed family as his neighbours and he spent many hours as a young teenager in their barns. Trevor has been immersed with his family in the BC equestrian scene as both a rider and as a parent of children who ride and compete. Until very recently Dr. Reed’s Equine Supplements were manufactured in Chilliwack. While that longstanding relationship was excellent for all concerned, business models change and it was discontinued early this year. What seemed initially to be the end of the Dr. Reed’s supplements has actually turned into a golden

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opportunity for PURICA to build upon their already solid reputation in the equine world. The relationship between PURICA founders Trevor and Jason Watkin and the Reeds family has now come full circle as they announce the launching of the new PURICA Dr. Reed’s 3.0 Equine Supplement. The PURICA Dr. Reed’s 3.0 Equine Supplement will be manufactured in Duncan BC. It will no longer be in a pellet form but will be a mash form containing over 50% human grade ground flax as a carrier. It will contain no grain nor any molasses or stabilizers. The PURICA Dr. Reed’s 3.0 Equine Supplement will contain the same attributes as the Formula 2, including 300 mg of copper from both inorganic and organic sources, 3 mg of selenium from both inorganic and organic sources, 900 mg of zinc from both inorganic and organic sources, and no added iron. It will also include 1000 IU of natural Vitamin E, 20 mg of the B vitamin Biotin, 10 grams of the lysine and 5 grams of methionine per daily intake, making it one of the most complete minerals available for supporting hoof health, anti-oxidant support, and bone development for growing horses in a low NSC “no grain” package. The PURICA Dr. Reed’s 3.0 Equine Supplement will compliment most of the forages available to Canadian horse owners and can be used to augment equine rations based on forage, grains such as oats or cob, and forage replacements like beet pulp, hay cubes or soy hulls. The NSC is very low due to the absence of any starch or molasses in the formula, making it a safe, suitable supplement for horses requiring a low NSC diet. PURICA Dr. Reed’s 3.0 Equine Supplement will still be supported by the nutritional expertise of the excellent team at PURICA, as well as by Shelagh Niblock PAS, Consulting Equine nutritionist. The Reeds, who are very happy to see their very successful product being carried on by a trusted manufacturer of equine health supplements, are still available for a chat anytime. Both PURICA Supplements and Dr. Reed’s Equine Supplements are well known for their belief in peer reviewed research and as well, their attention to quality. They are also known for their commitment to the equine industry. They are delighted to able to continue this endeavor together, with launch of the new reformulated PURICA Dr. Reed’s 3.0 Equine Supplement. For more information please contact PURICA at 877-746-9397 or email at

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From the Editor…


HCBC 2010 Business of The Year 2014 A/S Chamber President’s Choice Award Publisher/Editor Nancy Roman MAIN OFFICE TOLL FREE 1-866-546-9922 250-546-9922 MAILING ADDRESS Saddle Up magazine PO Box 371 Armstrong, BC, Canada V0E 1B0


s I write this I don’t have much to say (really Nancy?) as I am more concerned and worried about what is going on outside right now with an evacuation alert for our area (Spallumcheen) due to one huge fire (over 60,000 hectares burning west of Vernon BC). It is afternoon, but with smoke so thick it is dark outside, I had to turn the lights on in the house. I know of many already that have evacuated from other parts of BC – there are truly fires raging everywhere! Prayers to everyone out there. And thank you to our fire crews and volunteers!! Can this really be September already? When you think about it, if we didn’t do much this year (cause of Covid… and fires) shouldn’t the year have gone by really slow like a bored turtle? Well, wrong… look how fast it has past! We barely got into a ‘show season’ and now it’s almost over. And hopefully cooler weather will arrive! Be patient… and kind! Take care everyone,

Trying to beat the heat! Photo by Dawn Ferster

Printed In Canada produced by OKANAGAN PRINTING a division of

EPublishing in Armstrong, BC 250-546-6477

Publications Mail Reg. No. 40045521 GST Reg. No. 865839567 ISSN No. 1701-6002 © All Rights Reserved

ON THE COVER: Purica, CONTRIBUTORS: Team Purica, Dr. Dave & Wendy Reed, Nettie Liburt, Amy Young, Elisha Bradburn, Glenn Stewart, Elisa Marocchi, Birgit Stutz, Lisa Wieben, Russ Shandro

OFFICIAL VOICE FOR: Back Country Horsemen of BC, Lower Mainland Quarter Horse Association





SUBSCRIPTIONS $24.00 CDN plus tax per year or $42 US per year. (12 issues) Reproduction of any materials without written permission from the editor is prohibited. Opinions and statements expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor.



Purica and Dr. Reed's 2, 5 Be Tough But Fair 6 Need a Ration Balancer? 8 Shock Points 10 In the Driver’s Seat with Elisa 12 Okanagan Polo Club 14 Peace 16 Wildfire Smoke and Horses 17 Intro of the Leg Yield 18 Once the Smoke Clears 20 CONTEST 21



KIDS 24 Horse Council BC


What’s This?


Lower Mainland QH Assoc.


Back Country Horsemen of BC 32 What’s Happening? Let’s Go!


Rural Roots (Real Estate)


Clubs/Associations 34 Stallions/Breeders 35 Business Services


On the Market (photo ads)


Shop & Swap


The Changing of the Reins (Saddle Up reached out to the Reeds for their comments)


s many of you know, our Dr. Reed’s Formula 1 top dress was created for our own horses back in 1988 when we had a number of broodmares, and varying numbers of youngsters. The formulation changed and improved over the years, with advice from nutritional experts, and its use, which had been expanded into Dave's equine veterinary practice, and expanded again into the retail supplement market. The retail market was never "planned," but occurred because people saw results when feeding it. Many of you will also know of the long term relationship between ourselves and Trevor Watkin, co-founder of Purica, since he was a teenager. We are thrilled that they have chosen to use our Dr. Reed’s Formula 2 recipe to further their involvement in equine health, adding improvements suggested by current research. We retire easily knowing that those who have used Dr. Reed's for years will continue to have access to a superior product." – Dr. Dave and Wendy Reed

Dave and Trevor




But Fair

By Glenn Stewart

Wow what a day! I

didn’t know what I

was going to write

about today. We don’t need to be tough on horses but we do

need to be fair. We should be tough-

minded or strong in our resolve or

direction. Then I got

all the inspiration and more when one of

my students shared

his story around the morning campfire

during Horsemanship Camp here at The Horse Ranch. 6 • SEPTEMBER 2021



very morning we get together to talk about what we learned the day before, answer any questions and prep for the day’s class ahead. Some amazing things can come out during these discussions and this morning was one of those days. Some of you know about my horse “Dealer.” This horse is black gold in my eyes and is one of my demonstration horses. He is a dream to ride: smooth, athletic, strong and is soft and beautiful doing it. He wasn’t always that way. When I met Dealer, he had been to a trainer for 3 months and the trainer gave up and said he can’t be trained. A friend of mine new about the horse and he suggested to the owner to call me to see if I could help. We set a date and Dealer was brought to Grande Prairie and put in a stall. When I went to get him the first day, I barely could get him caught in a 10’ by 10’ boxstall. He would spin, put his head over the stall and do anything to keep from being caught. After a bit of coaxing, I got the halter on and tried to lead him to the arena. Every step I got forward he would back up two. You couldn’t catch him and he didn’t even lead after 3 months with the trainer. We finally got to the arena and started to fix things. He absolutely hated people and didn’t trust us, or anything we brought around him. When I got him to allow me to put the saddle on he decided it was time to get the saddle off and bucked so hard the dirt from the bottom of his foot hit the arena roof and is still stuck in the insulation. I had other horses there I was starting but Dealer got the longest session and after the second day I started to give him two sessions a day. He would buck until he played out, then walk around, catch his breath and go again. It took me 2 hours of warm-up and ground prep the first day to manage a 2-minute ride. By the end of the 5th day, against my recommendation, the owner took a ride on him, the ride went well but there was lots left to do and the owner said why don’t you take the horse. I said I appreciated it but no thanks. The work it would take to bring him around would keep me from riding all my other horses and I could get 4 regular horses going in the time I would spend on Dealer. I have a habit of taking horses that have had a real bad deal along the way and try to help them out the other side. I already had ones at home that I had said yes to that were a real handful. So we decided to put another 5 days on him to see how much more could be done. By the end of the second week, it took about an hour and a half to get him ready for a half hour ride. I worked him off another horse with lots of groundwork and worked on his confidence all the while trying to get him to see that he could trust people. I remember he never moved his lips the whole first week. They were pinched tight. He had a hard look in his eye and hardly ever blinked. The second week things were getting better but still had a long way to go. The owner said, “you know Glenn, you should take this horse home.” I have to be honest, I had considered it the first week, but I was trying to be disciplined and not take any more tough ones on and just ride some of the horses I had at home. I was proud of myself when I said no thanks again. So the owner asked me to take him home and put another 10 days on him. It was getting into spring, so

I thought it would be nice to get outside and ride. I was getting pretty fond of Dealer and was having a lot of fun trying to figure him out, trying to do the right things, and trying not to get bucked off. He was making changes for the better but he made me work for every little bit of improvement. After 10 days, the warm-up was down to 15 minutes and I could go for a nice ride. But you had to do it right, leave no stone unturned as they say, or you’d be looking like a lawn dart. The owner came by, seen the progress, and watched as I loped across the field, but still said, “Glenn you should have that horse.” I had been warned earlier before he arrived that I was not to take that horse. I couldn’t resist, he looked and rode just like black gold. Yes, it was going to take some more work but he’s all horse and, honestly, he was teaching me. Every day, Dealer reminded me “get it right or you will eat some dirt.” I never did eat any dirt and Dealer went on to be one of my favourite horses. So, whenever a student thought they had it all figured out at The Horse Ranch, I would ask them to go catch Dealer. They’d come back hours later with an empty halter. Farriers would come to trim him and he was fine if you were polite but if not, he would let you know. Three different farriers got a gentle kick in the pants. Time goes by. Dealer hasn’t done much for a year or so and I needed a lease horse for a fellow coming from Manitoba this spring. The fellow has been here before and has been tough on himself but fair. He is always working hard trying to improve and understand more about the horse. I think to myself this fellow deserves a gift, and Dealer will be his gift. The fellow, Glen, who happens to have the same name as me, will get to feel the softness, willingness, responsiveness, and

athleticism of what black gold feels like. Dealer gets to teach again. I also think to myself, this will also be a great gift for Dealer. Glen’s kindness and willingness to be tough on himself, but tries very hard to be fair to the horse, is a gift I can give to Dealer. Both Dealer and Glen have earned a gift. Dealer has always been tough but fair on the people that handled him. He gave them no more and no less than they deserved. Now to the best part of the story! Glen’s first attempt to catch Dealer took 4 and a half hours. Each day he went out to catch Dealer it got easier and took less time. On the 8th day, Glen walks out to the pasture and Dealer is laying down. He watches as Glen approaches but doesn’t get up. Glen cautiously gets nearer to where he can get a hand on him, kneels down next to Dealer in the grass and pets Dealer just like he has every time he gets near him. Dealer relaxes, so Glen puts the halter on and Dealer still lays there. Glen continues to rub him and Dealer lays out completely flat and allows Glen to just hang out with him enjoying the morning sun trusting completely in his new friend. We put halters on lots of horses while they are laying down at the ranch and in the mountains but Dealer is not an everyday horse. Over the 8 days, Glen had earned the trust of Dealer and they both have given each other a unique and powerful gift. Some of you know Dealer and some of you know Glen. Some of you know both or have tried to catch Dealer, so the story will mean more to those of us that have experienced it. It might sound corny to some, but it has great meaning to many of us. I know what it takes to get into Dealer’s good books and, Glen, with much respect, I say well done! Dealer was, and is, Tough but Fair on the people that have handled him and has taught many lessons to more than a few people. Glenn Stewart Glenn is offering year round educational horsemanship programs at his facility near Fort St John BC and is available to travel and conduct clinics. For more information on Glenn and The Horse Ranch visit www. (See his listing in our Business Services section under TRAINERS)



Does my Horse Need a Ration Balancer? By Nettie Liburt, PhD, PAS, Senior Equine Nutrition Manager, Mars Horsecare US/BUCKEYE® Nutrition

We all know and love them – the chunky pony, the air fern, the easy keeper. I have had occasion to tell a horse owner to stop feeding concentrates to some of these horses. I get gasps (from the humans), who respond, “I have to feed him grain or he’ll tear the barn down!” or, “He’ll starve!”


o, he won’t starve if you are feeding good quality hay and a ration balancer. And, a ration balancer will make that door-kicking horse feel like he’s getting some grain, even though he’s not. Read on to find out why!

Nutrients, Not Calories First of all, what is a ration balancer? It looks like a grain concentrate, typically in pellet form, but it is really a concentrated vitamin, mineral and protein supplement that is low in calories and sugar. It is designed to balance

a forage-based or low-grain diet. Think of a ration balancer as the equine equivalent of a multivitamin a human would take. The feeding rate on a good quality ration balancer is low, and depends on the horse’s (or pony’s) ideal body weight and how the manufacturer formulated the product. It’s an excellent option for ensuring a horse’s nutrient needs are being met, without adding excessive calories and even helping to manage weight. But that’s not all. Some horses get some grain, but the amount of grain they get may be below the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Dynamint Equine ALL NATURAL SOOTHING LOTION for SORE or STRAINED MUSCLES & JOINTS Available in 1L Spray bottle for easy and quick application to larger areas, or a 500 ml rub bottle. A soothing combination of natural essential oils in a gentle cream base. specially formulated with natural ingredients to assist in the relief of leg, muscle and joint strain. Internationally recognized Horse Trainer, Clinician and Rider, as well as founder/ trainer of the world famous Calgary Stampede Drill Team: Jill Barron says: “As a professional horse trainer, Dynamint Equine Leg & Muscle Rub is an important aspect of my program. Dynamint is a natural product that has a cooling effect, it calms tired, sore muscles and rejuvenates horses keeping them feeling their best. I use Dynamint on my horses and myself. The results I have experienced have not been matched by any other product in the market. For long hauls and after hard workouts Dynamint is the only product I use on horse’s legs. If you are looking for a product that is safe on skin and delivers results, trust Dynamint Equine Leg & Muscle Rub. Your horse will thank you!” National Distributor: Canadian Centurion • 1-800-361-3860 • Local: Janian Imports (604) 462-9238 Manufactured for: Integrated Bio Systems Inc. • Abbotsford, BC • Phone: 1-877-501-5003 E-Mail: •

8 • SEPTEMBER 2021


When a feed company designs and manufactures a given product, that product is fortified with vitamins and minerals. The product is designed to be fed to a horse at a certain rate. For example, typical feeding directions might say to provide ½ a pound of the product for every 100 pounds the horse or pony weighs. For a 1,000 pound horse, in this example, this equates to 5 pounds of feed. In this way, a horse’s minimum daily vitamin and mineral needs are being met while providing extra energy (calories) and protein. What if that horse only gets 2 pounds of that feed but is maintaining weight just fine? The horse isn’t getting the full value of the vitamin and mineral package in the feed product and may be missing some nutrients. A ration balancer can be added to fill in the gaps without adding excess energy the horse doesn’t need. But what about the hay? Forage First Taking a step back, remember that horses evolved eating small, forage-only meals all day long. Doesn’t hay and pasture provide everything a horse needs? In some cases, where pasture is plentiful and well- managed, it probably does. However, I know plenty of horse owners that don’t have such a luxury. Maybe some pasture is available, but in winter, these lucky folks need to supplement with hay. Even the best quality hay will start to lose vitamins once it is harvested from the field. If one is buying hay to last all winter, by the time one reaches the end of that supply, there isn’t much in the way of vitamins left. For these and other reasons, a ration balancer is still a wise recommendation for horses on forageonly diets. Ration balancers will ensure that your horse’s vitamin, mineral, and amino acid needs are being met, regardless of what may be missing nutrient-wise in the hay or pasture.

Protein and Amino Acids I mentioned amino acids, so let’s delve into that a bit. Amino acids are the “letters” of the alphabet that make up the “words” that are proteins. There are many different combinations of letters that make up many different proteins. In fact, protein is the second most abundant part of the body, the first being water. The protein content of hay can vary depending on the species of grass, stage of maturity at harvest, soil nutrient content, time of year, time of harvest, etc. A laboratory hay analysis can give you a true picture of what is in a particular batch of hay, but is not always a practical thing to do. Recently, I had a hay sample analyzed for a customer who was concerned about the quality of the hay being fed to her horse. While the hay was providing plenty of protein, or so it seemed, it was not providing enough of the essential amino acid, lysine. Without lysine, optimal production of other proteins can’t be made in the body. When I added BUCKEYE® Nutrition’s ration balancer, GRO ‘N WIN™ to the horse’s diet, we were able to restore the lysine requirements, improve the vitamin and mineral profile, and balance out the diet. Too much protein? Keeping with the discussion of protein, ration balancers, such as GRO ‘N WIN™, are often high in protein (GRO ‘N WIN™ contains 32% crude protein). I am often asked if that is simply too much protein, and the answer is a definitive, “No!” Remember to consider the horse’s entire diet. GRO ‘N WIN™ is fed at a much lower rate than a grain concentrate, but is a more robust source of nutrients. Here’s an example: *An 1,100 pound horse at maintenance requires 630 grams of crude protein per day. It is recommended that a horse in this class consumes 1.5-2 pounds of GRO ‘N WIN™ per day, along with approximately 2% body

weight of good quality hay (about 22 pounds hay). *1 pound GRO ‘N WIN™ = 454 grams GRO ‘N WIN™ *454 grams GRO ‘N WIN™ x 32% crude protein = 145 grams crude protein in 1 pound GRO ‘N WIN™ *145 grams crude protein x 2 pounds GRO ‘N WIN™ = 290 grams crude protein *Two pounds of GRO ‘N WIN™ supplies 290 grams of crude protein, just under half of the horse’s daily needs. The remainder of crude protein needed should be supplied by forage in this case. Special Considerations Ration balancers can also be quite suitable for horses who suffer from polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM) or other forms of tying up, insulin-resistant horses and horses with pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID, or Equine Cushing’s Syndrome). These horses need proper nutritional support, but their diets need to be carefully controlled with special attention paid to limiting starches and sugars. Similarly, horses with hyperkalemic periodic paralysis, or HYPP, also need special diets with limited potassium. A ration balancer may be part of a balanced diet for these horses as well. Summary Ration balancers can help to ensure horses in a wide variety of nutrition situations are properly nourished. The horse that doesn’t need grain can still feel like he’s getting something in his feed bucket, and the overweight horse on a restricted diet will still receive sufficient nutrients without extra calories as part of a healthy weight loss program. A qualified equine nutritionist can help you determine if a ration balancer should be part of your horse’s diet, and help ensure all nutrient needs are being met. Happy riding!



Shock Points for You and Your Horse By Lisa Wieben

In my last health article I discussed the use of Bach Rescue Remedy. This month we will look at Shock in the body and other tools we can use to help calm the body. The combination of Bach Remedies and the use of acupressure points can greatly reduce the shock reaction and allow the body to heal more quickly. While these tools are not a replacement for Western Medicine or Veterinary care, they can be used in conjunction with to help with stress, emotions, and the healing process.


recently broke my ankle. While I used Rescue Remedy after returning home, as an Energy Medicine Practitioner, I could also test to see if the effects of shock were still in my body days after the initial injury. Shock is an intense emotional and physical reaction to trauma. Cells in the body need energy, oxygen, and glucose carried by the blood. In severe shock the balance of these may be disrupted resulting in the body’s tissues not receiving enough. Working with the shock point is a simple energetic first aid procedure that can often stop the energetic and physical progression that follows shock. In the case of past shock in your lifetime it can help heal the residue of previous trauma. Working with the shock point also helps to balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. In people, the Shock Points are located at the bottom of the heels. If you receive bad news you can press your own shock point or place the heel of your foot on a hard knob and press down. In the case of an emergency/accident pressing on the shock points and massaging around the heel and ankle while waiting for an ambulance can greatly reduce the effects of shock. Because I broke my leg I could not have anyone press on the shock points but could imagine pressing hard on the points. I also worked with several meridians (energetic pathways) that can be affected by shock. In horses, the Shock/Colic Point is located at the tip of the horse’s ears. It does not matter that you know exactly where the location of the point is, just massaging the tip of the ears, activating these pressure points, can affect positive change in respiratory, digestive, and even the reproductive systems. In the case of colic, working with these points while waiting for the vet could have the effect of reversing the colic. If it does not work completely it will still have the effect of calming the horse, and easing their comfort during the stressful, painful time. As an add-on you could also swipe gently from the base of the back of the ear to the tip, massaging the tip each time. The ears and the base around them contain many acupressure points, which are points along the meridians, or energetic pathways throughout the body, which are associated with the organs. Endurance riders use working with the ears in this way to lower a horse’s pulse and respiration during races. It helps to improve circulation, while bringing the horse into a more relaxed state. It can also be used to help foaling mares by easing their pain and helping them to recover faster. Keep this handy in your first aid kit as a reminder of a gentle way to help your horse and yourself when experiencing shock or during a stressful time. Lisa Wieben is a Bach Flower Level 1 (soon to be Level 2), an Essential Somatic Clinical Practitioner, an Eden Method Clinical Practitioner, a Centered Riding Instructor, Equine Canada Competition Coach, and Irwin Insights Level 7 Coach. Her passion is developing Confident Healthy Riders. (See her listing in our Business Services section under TRAINERS)

10 • SEPTEMBER 2021


British Columbia Dealers 2 Boots Tack Kamloops 778.694.5511

Dog Power Sports Cranbrook 250.919.7119

Haven Ridge Feeds Maple Ridge 604.728.7387

R/R Feed Supplies Salmon Arm Vernon 250.264.8290

Superior Performance Therapy Fort St. John Prince George Smithers 250.612.2800

Two Willows Ranch Creston 587.877.3134

100% traceable, pure ingredients Fixed formulas for greater consistency Manufactured in a 100% med-free facility 100% equine-focused company

Near You

Dealership Inquiries Welcome!



In the Driver’s Seat A Mish-Mash with Elisa Marocchi of Tips and Tricks! Over the years, experienced drivers accumulate “tricks of the trade.” They may be slick ways to accomplish everyday tasks, habits that keep them safe, or little things to make your horse or pony more comfortable. In this article, I’ll share some ways for drivers to stay safe. Keep your bridle in place Having a bridle come off while in harness is the last thing any driver wants to see happen. While ensuring your throatlatch is done up snugly and teaching your horse not to rub his head while in harness can help prevent this from occurring, adding a gullet strap and a mane tie can make it nearly impossible for a horse to shake or rub their bridle off. Gullet straps run between the throatlatch and the noseband (Photo 1a). The strap should be adjusted to take up the slack between the two attachment points (Photo 1b). They are available from most harness supply outlets and online, but you can also make one in a pinch from a nylon dog or cat collar, or even from a piece of baling twine. At the beginning of the driving season, I braid a shoelace into my horse’s mane at the poll (Photo 2a). Each week, I take it out, brush the mane out then put it back in place again. Use the shoelace to tie the crownpiece in place (Photo 2b). When combined with a gullet strap, this tie makes it almost impossible for a horse to rub or shake off the bridle. One more tip to keep bridles in place… ensure your horse’s bridle path is kept clipped. I have had some owners object to trimming a bridle path as the breed they own is traditionally shown with a full mane. However, if one clips the path only as wide as the crownpiece of the bridle, the clipped area will be covered and no one will know the difference.


12 • SEPTEMBER 2021



Safe Harnessing and Putting-to When harnessing, leave the tips of straps out of the keepers until you’ve finished adjusting that piece of harness. As an example, many of us adjust our girth in an incremental fashion. We put the backsaddle on and buckle it relatively loosely, then go back and tighten it after the horse has stood for a few minutes. Leaving the tip of the strap out of the keeper serves as a reminder that the girth hasn’t been fully tightened yet. If you read last month’s article about using a safety checklist, this will stand out during your check and you won’t drive away with your girth loose. (Photo 3) At my barn, the rule is that the lines are in the hands of a competent driver from the time the shafts are placed through the tugs during putting-to until the cart is removed from the horse at the end of the drive. For pairs and multiples this may not be practical but in those instances you hopefully have an extra set of hands capable of assisting you. Watch your horse as you get in the vehicle and sit down immediately upon entering the box. Take a moment before getting on the carriage to see where you will place your feet to climb aboard, then focus your attention on the horse as you move onto the vehicle (Photo 4). This way, if you see your horse beginning to react to anything unexpected, you can be ready to deal with it. Follow the same process when dismounting the carriage at the end of the drive. Sitting down promptly upon entering the vehicle will prevent you from toppling out should the horse make an unexpected move.



Pay attention to your surroundings and be prepared to act/react Driving your horse is not the time to daydream or “zone out.” Despite the fact my horses drink from the same trough as the neighbourhood deer (and sometimes even at the same time!) my horses still startle when a deer pops out from behind the barn. Be ready for the unexpected, scan your surroundings constantly and be proactive if you see a potentially worrisome situation developing around you. These simple tips are easy to incorporate into your driving routine, they don’t take any extra time to do, and will help keep you and your equine driving partner safe.


Safe Driving!


Elisa Marocchi is an Equestrian Canada licensed driving coach and a member of the EC Driving Committee. She owns and operates Wildwood Farm, a full service driving facility near 100 Mile House BC. An active driving coach since 2000, Elisa offers clinics and lessons in a safe, supportive and fun manner both on and off the farm. As a combined driving competitor, Elisa has successfully competed throughout North America with both her own homebred horses and those of clients. (See her listing in our Business Services section under TRAINERS)



Polo is alive and well in the Okanagan… our club is thriving, and our membership is growing. Normally every club in our circuit hosts an annual Tournament, but all that did not happen last year due to Covid. his year we are back to normal with our local club play in Kelowna and with tournaments happening in other clubs. We had everything set up and arranged here for our annual August long weekend Tournament… all the horses and players had arrived from out of town ------ and then the smoke arrived! In the interest of horse and player health, the Tournament was cancelled. Of course travel to American clubs is not yet possible but hopefully soon.



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Polo has a long history in BC and in the Okanagan dating back to the turn of the 20th century, with clubs in Kelowna, Kamloops, Westwold, and Vernon. The current edition of the Okanagan Polo Club was formed in 1986 by John Price. John came to the Okanagan having begun his playing career with the Toronto Polo Club. The Okanagan Polo Club was started with nothing more than a few mallets provided by John, some local horse types who had an urge for something new, and a desire for some fun times. Initially playing on a field located at the Kelowna Riding Club, a new polo field was soon created just down the road on Benvoulin Road where it stayed until 2003. Housing development forced the club to seek a new home in its present location on Bulman Road on the north side of Kelowna. The facilities at the current location are considered some of the best in Western Canada with 2 polo fields, a 1 mile exercise track and stabling for more than 100 horses. The club’s membership is comprised of men and women of all ages from 7-70 years and all walks of life, from professionals, to business owners, to students, and horsemen alike. People come from West Kelowna to Vernon and places in between to play at our club on a weekly basis. We offer gatherings 2-3 times per week to play "club polo," with Saturdays including a pot-luck gathering afterwards to provide time for visiting and bragging. Many of our players also travel to other clubs in Western Canada and the Pacific Northwest for weekend tournaments. The annual tournament hosted by our club on the August long weekend is open to the public and we invite everyone who is interested to come out and join us for this great event. Our tournament attracts teams from throughout Western Canada and the North Western United States.

A great way to have fun on horseback – and a family sport for sure!

The August long weekend tournament regularly features teams visiting from Victoria, Calgary, Grand Prairie, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Spokane, and Seattle. When people hear that there is polo played in the Okanagan their first reaction is usually to ask “Isn’t that the sport of kings?” and assume that there is probably no room for the average person to get involved with it. But in reality all walks of life are welcome at our club and there truly is a place for everyone within our ranks. We welcome anyone who is interested in the sport or who may want to come out and try it to get in contact with us and we will be more than happy to get you out on a horse to give it a try. No previous riding or horse experience is necessary. All we ask is that you come prepared for a great time. We are available for contact year-round, so don’t be shy. Why not give Polo a try?

about the only one in which horses get to play in a herd setting. Many polo horses are ready for competitive polo by the time they are 6 or so and will play fast polo for 10 years or more. After that, many go on to play well into their twenties as beginner mounts. What about the gear for horses and riders? The horses wear protective leg wraps to protect them from errant balls or mallets although they rarely get hit. The players wear helmets and eye protection from a cage or goggles, boots, and knee pads. Polo saddles are a rugged, flat style English type saddle that allows for maximum player mobility in the seat. Bridles have double reins for more accurate control of the horse and to provide a safety rein. A standing martingale is used to protect the rider’s face in case the horse suddenly raises his

head at the same time when the player is up over the horse's head taking a shot. The mallets are made out of bamboo handles with a hardwood head. The ball is struck with the SIDE OF THE MALLET - NOT THE END. With the horse going 30 mph a strong hitter can hit the ball 150 yards at over 100 mph! We love to get new players and we do all we can to give anyone interested every opportunity to check it out. We are a really casual group and FUN is the name of the game - after all, why would you do it if it wasn't fun?? Anyone interested in our group can visit for more information, or you can contact Alex Wales at 250212-4096, email CAUTION: HANG ON FOR THE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE. POLO CAN BE ADDICTING!!

How big is the field? Our field is 180 yards wide and 300 yards long. The goals are 24 feet wide. 9 football fields fit on one polo field!!! What kind of horses are polo horses? Most polo horses are Thoroughbreds or Thoroughbred crosses because they are the ones with the speed, stamina and athleticism we need. They range in size from 15 to 16 hands high. Many polo horses had previous careers as race horses and get a second career as a polo horse. Often young prospects are started at 3 years or so and over the next couple of years are trained to be polo horses. The training involves teaching the horse to be handy, obedient, willing and competitive. They must become accustomed to close contact with other horses, the mallet and ball. Good polo horses are brave and confident. Horses really like the game because it is SEPTEMBER 2021




Miles Kingdon teaching me at a Stockmanship Workshop. Photo credit: Christa Miremadi.

By Elisha Bradburn

This spring I got the privilege of some time with my mentor Miles Kingdon. Miles has a few horses in training, some client horses, and a new horse of his own. Watching the change in the horses was nothing short of amazing. As I watched over the days there were several horses with very different personalities and pasts. The one thing that was consistent was Miles’ attitude of unconditional love and appreciation for each horse. The results had the hallmark smoothness that can only be present in the absence of tension in body and mind. It looks like peace.


have been reflecting on how I might put what I observed to good use, bring horses this peace. What was it that allowed such a marked change in each one of those horses? And I do mean marked change. Heads low, eyes soft, attention without fear, team work. While I can’t give you a set of steps to follow, or a certain technique to apply to every horse, even though I did observe timehoned skills at work, and particular ways of going about things for safety and clarity... I can tell you it was something bigger than all of that. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t magic, or “horse whispering,” but is akin to it in that what it starts with is intangible, it must come from your heart and reach your horse’s heart, and it requires you to be unselfish, humble, self aware and observative. The fundamental ingredient in Miles’ way of bringing peace to these horses is well described by Sarah Schlote, Trauma and Attachment Psychotherapist: “Attachment theory focuses on the importance of providing safe haven conditions in relationship, which are foundational to the development of trust. The primary way caregivers do this is through the accuracy and responsiveness of their attunement, in combination with their ability to provide co-regulation. When we “are seen and heard, feel felt, and get gotten” by another individual (my paraphrase of Dr. Daniel Siegel, founder of interpersonal neurobiology – a field which has been adapted into interspecies neurobiology for those of us looking at the human-animal bond), our nervous system begins to settle and we begin to feel safe in relationship. When we feel safe, as the polyvagal theory suggests, many more things are possible: a deeper sense of intimacy and connection, the capacity 16 • SEPTEMBER 2021


Miles and me with my colt “Hefner” Miles and me with his client’s filly getting him started - notice his “Wesson” on one of her first rides peaceful stance. - she was at peace with it. Photo credit: Heidi Shuster. Photo credit: Larry Field. for play and creativity, the attention and focus necessary for learning and other higher order brain functions, and the ability to rest and digest effectively. Our nervous system can do all these things because it is in a state of sustainable physiology that is conducive to experiencing those said things.” Now, attunement is a label for what I observed a great horseman intuitively doing, not because he read this article or studied psychology, in fact he has never read this article. It came from years of trial and error with thousands of horses over a lifetime. It is the patina left on a person by a life well-lived, and a heart that stayed soft despite, or maybe because of, seemingly insurmountable circumstances. It takes somebody strong enough to be gentle, and to do nothing when that is what the horse needs. It takes an innate understanding of the prey/ predator relationship, and how we must earn trust in order to build something truly grand. It is possible to get things done, and still have our horses like us at the end. We just have to ensure that we keep the relationship and peace as our ultimate goal, not the things we are trying to accomplish. These are the qualities of a true horseman. These are the qualities that will bring about peace in our horse, and human relationships. Elisha Bradburn and her husband Clay own Faithful Farm, an equestrian centre in the Fraser Valley. Elisha’s passion with horses lies in psychologybased horsemanship, with a strong consideration for the horse’s point of view. Elisha is available for speaking engagements and can be followed on her Legacy Horsemanship pages on both Facebook and Instagram or e-mailed at Reference: Article by Sarah Schlote (See her listing in our Business Services section under TRAINERS)

Wildfire Smoke and


Severe fires throughout California in recent years have exposed humans and animals to unhealthy air containing wildfire smoke and particulates. These particulates can build up in the respiratory system, causing a number of health problems including burning eyes, runny noses and illnesses such as bronchitis. They can also aggravate heart and lung diseases such as congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema and asthma.

What is in smoke? Smoke is comprised of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, particulate matter, soot, hydrocarbons and other organic substances, including nitrogen oxides and trace minerals. The composition of smoke depends on the burned material. Different types of wood, vegetation, plastics, house materials, and other combustibles all produce different compounds when burned. Carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless gas produced in the greatest quantity during the smoldering stages of the fire, can be fatal in high doses. In general, particulate matter is the major pollutant of concern in wildfire smoke. Particulate is a general term used for a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air. Particulates from smoke tend to be very small (less than one micron in diameter), which allows them to reach the deepest airways within the lung. Consequently, particulates in smoke are more of a health concern than the coarser particles that typically make up road dust. How does smoke affect horses? The effects of smoke on horses are similar to effects on humans: irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract, aggravation of conditions like heaves (recurrent airway obstruction), and reduced lung function. High concentrations of particulates can cause persistent cough, increased nasal discharge, wheezing and increased physical effort in breathing. Particulates can also alter the immune system and reduce the ability of the lungs to remove foreign materials, such as pollen and bacteria, to which horses are normally exposed. How to assess and treat smoke inhalation in horses Horses exposed to fire smoke can suffer respiratory injury of varying degrees, ranging from mild irritation to severe smoke inhalation-induced airway or lung damage. Knowing what is normal versus concerning can help to know whether a veterinarian should evaluate your horse. Respiratory rate at rest should be 12-24 breaths/minute. Horses should be examined by a veterinarian if any of the following are noted: • Respiratory rate is consistently greater than 30 breaths/minute at rest

By Amy Young,

• Nostrils have obvious flaring • There is obvious increased effort of breathing when watching the horse’s abdomen and rib cage • There is repetitive or deep coughing OR abnormal nasal discharge • Horses should also be monitored for skin and tissue injury, especially for the first few days after exposure. How to protect horses from air pollution • Limit exercise when smoke is visible. Horses should not engage in activities that increase the airflow in and out of the lungs. This can trigger bronchoconstriction (narrowing of the small airways in the lungs). • Provide plenty of fresh water close to where your horse eats. Horses drink most of their water within 2 hours of eating hay, so having water close to the feeder increases water consumption. Water keeps the airways moist and facilitates clearance of inhaled particulate matter. This means the windpipe (trachea), large airways (bronchi), and small airways (bronchioles) can move the particulate material breathed in with the smoke. Dry airways make particulate matter stay in the lung and air passages. • Limit dust exposure by feeding dust-free hay or soak hay before feeding. This reduces the particles in the dust such as mold, fungi, pollens and bacteria that may be difficult to clear from the lungs. • If your horse is coughing or having difficulty breathing, contact your veterinarian. A veterinarian can help determine the difference between a reactive airway from smoke and dust versus a bacterial infection and bronchitis or pneumonia. If your horse has a history of having heaves or recurrent airway problems, there is a greater risk of secondary problems such as bacterial pneumonia. • If your horse has primary or secondary problems with smokeinduced respiratory injury, you should contact your veterinarian who can prescribe specific treatments such as intravenous fluids, bronchodilator drugs, nebulization, or other measures to facilitate hydration of the airway passages. Your veterinarian may also recommend tests to determine whether a secondary bacterial infection has arisen and is contributing to the current respiratory problem. • Give your horse ample time to recover from smoke-induced airway insult. Airway damage resulting from wildfire smoke takes 4-6 weeks to heal. Ideally, plan on giving your horse that amount of time off from the time when the air quality returns to normal. Attempting exercise may aggravate the condition, delay the healing process, and compromise your horse’s performance for many weeks or months. It is recommended that horses return to exercise no sooner than 2 weeks post smoke-inhalation, following the clearance of the atmosphere of all smoke. Horses, like all other mammals, tend to have an irritation to particles, but should recover from the effects within a few days. • Air quality index (AQI) is used to gauge exercise/athlete event recommendations for human athletes. It may be reasonable to use those for equine athletes as well. The National Collegiate Athletic Association lists the following recommendations on their website: “Specifically, schools should consider removing sensitive athletes from outdoor practice or competition venues at an AQI over 100. At AQIs of over 150, all athletes should be closely monitored. All athletes should be removed from outdoor practice or competition venues at AQIs of 200 or above.” SEPTEMBER 2021


Level 1 - The Introduction of the Leg Yield By Lisa Wieben and Birgit Stutz

Progressing through the levels of Western Dressage, each level builds upon the last. The lower levels develop a foundation with each level adding new components to build upon it. The lower levels begin to develop accuracy, bend through the 20-metre circles, and light contact. Moving into Level 1, this is where lateral movements are developed, which leads to more collection as well as the lengthened gaits for impulsion, bringing more push power to the hind end. Level 1 is ridden in the 20x60m ring and can be ridden seated or posting, although it is suggested that the jog be ridden seated. If you do sit the jog, the lengthen jog can still be ridden posting.


n this article we will look at the Level 1 tests and specifically the Leg Yield component. Whether you ride WDAA tests or other association tests you will likely still come across these three examples. WDAA Level 1 Test 1: From left rein - At E half circle left 15m, leg yield right, quarter line to M Now here we have two new components, the 15-metre circle and the leg yield. If you are not familiar with a 15-metre circle we suggest you use pylons/markers to lay out the size and shape of the circle. Measure 15 metres from track This pic shows using pylons to quarter line, then 7.5 metres from for the 15m circle with the the E-X line to the top of the circle. starting point for the leg This will give you the correct arc and yield in two markers distance for the half circle. The half circle will help to give your horse the shape to begin the leg yield as your horse will be bending around your inside (left) leg. As soon as the half circle is complete you may begin the leg yield. You will want to arrive at M, with the rider’s body at M as you reach the marker. While the rider’s body remains with the

bend of the horse, turn the head and eyes toward M, look where you want to go. Apply the left leg with the swing of the horse’s barrel to ask for the lateral movement, applying pressure only as the barrel is moving to the outside or away from the leg. The inside rein will maintain a slight flexion to the inside, while the outside rein will maintain straightness and prevent the horse leading too much with the outside shoulder or over-bending around the inside leg. The outside leg will maintain impulsion and also keep the horse straight. To make the distance all This pic shows the 10m half the way to M you will have to focus circle onto centre line on preventing the horse moving sideways too quickly. This can be accomplished by asking for a step over, then a step straight forward, over, forward, over, forward, until you reach M. The outside rein and leg are key to preventing the horse from moving over too quickly. Of course this is repeated in the opposite direction: Tracking right - B half circle right 15m, leg yield left quarter line to H. Level 1 Test 2: Tracking right - A down centreline, D-S leg yield left. To successfully ride this maneuver the setup onto the centreline is key. Plan to ride a 10-metre half circle to get onto the centreline. Begin the half circle one metre past F (there are 6 metres from the last letter to the end wall). To ride a 10-metre half circle you need 5 metres or start 1 metre after passing the letter. This is something to practice for all the starting and ending centrelines as well. The letter D is the first letter on the centreline, located between F and K. Once you are positioned straight on the centreline, maintaining a slight bend around the inside (right) leg, turn to look toward the letter H. At D you will begin the leg yield, again thinking of over, forward, over, forward as you make the distance to the letter. Press over with the inside leg, then ask forward with the outside leg.

18 • SEPTEMBER 2021


This is repeated in the opposite direction. Tracking left - A down the centreline, D-R leg yield right. Level 1 Test 4: C track right M-X leg yield right, X-F leg yield left In this case the leg yield is immediately after the starting centreline. Both directions of the leg yield are addressed so it is only performed once. Plan a 10-metre half circle from the centreline, through the corner, and finishing 1 metre before M. As soon as the half circle brings you to the track, put the horse into a slight counter bend using the left rein and leg. Turn your head to look just before X on the centreline. Begin to leg yield to that point. Left leg press and release and right leg maintaining straightness and forward. Plan to reach the centreline just before X so that as you move through X ask for a stride of straightness, then ask for the right bend to leg yield back to the walk. Right leg press and release, while left leg maintains straightness and forward. To maintain straightness through any of these leg yield variations you can imagine that your horse is sandwiched between two sheets of plywood or plexiglass. You are moving the whole sandwich over and forward. If your horse feels reluctant to move laterally sideways check that your weight is shifted in the direction of travel and not where the pushing leg is. For example to leg yield right, shift weight slightly to the right, while asking the horse to move over from the left leg. Imagine giving someone a piggy back ride… if they shift to the right, you will try to get under their weight. The horse goes where our weight goes. At the end of each line your horse will be set up to ride into the corner as they will already be bent around your inside leg. After you pass the last letter turn your body more for the corner and use the inside leg to keep the horse bending through the turn. If the test is ridden posting the leg yield cues will ask for over on the sit beat and forward as the rider rises. Enjoy practicing these variations and see your scores improve as your accuracy, straightness, and lateral movements improve! If you are unsure of where you are heading, it is always a good idea to connect with a coach that knows the sport you want to prepare for. We (Lisa and Birgit) are both

available for online and in-person lessons. Be sure to send your questions to as we will answer another reader’s question next month.

Two examples of correct leg yields. The horse is crossing over nicely and has a slight bend around the rider’s pushing leg.

“Alberta” (Otter B Jet), a 16-year-old APHA mare, ridden by Birgit Stutz. Photo credit: Shayla Dunkel Lisa Wieben’s passion is empowering women in becoming confident and healthy riders. As an Energy Medicine Practitioner and Clinical Somatics Practitioner she addresses pain, tension, hormones, stress, and the issues that appear as a result. As a Centered Riding Instructor and Irwin Insights Master Level 7 Trainer she works with riders incorporating awareness exercises both on and off the horse. Balance the rider, balance the horse! Book a clinic that incorporates all the modalities!

“Reno” (Itsa Rio Snazzy Zip), a Quarter Horse gelding, ridden by Lisa Wieben. Photo credit: Rebecca Wieben As an Irwin Insights Level 6 Master Certified trainer and coach, Birgit Stutz helps riders of all levels and backgrounds advance their horsemanship skills by developing personal and situational awareness, focusing on indepth understanding of equine behaviour, body language, psychology and biomechanics. Driven by her passion for both equine welfare and performance, Birgit believes that facilitating effective communication between horse and rider is an approach that fulfills our responsibilities to the horse and elicits great results.

(See their listings in our Business Services section under TRAINERS)



Once the Smoke Clears:

A Guide to Safely Start Working and Riding Your Horse Graph photos: D. Sherwood, OSU.

The first blue sky following the gray smoky ash ridden air is not when to ride. We all want to start riding and working our horses. But we need to be smart about reintroducing horses to work. Horses have been exposed to smoke and ash over the duration of the wildfires. Even in barns, they are breathing the same air quality as outside (unless you have an enclosed barn with a HVAC or closed air circulation).


uring this exposure, horses are breathing in ash and particulates that lodge in their upper airway and down into their lungs. Deep breathing during exercise or playing at turnout will draw the foreign particulates deeper into the lung. The more particulate that is drawn deep into the lung, the longer their recovery may take. This is why it has been advised to keep horses as quiet as possible while still keeping them comfortable in a turnout or pasture.

What counts as clean air? The air quality index (AQI) needs to be monitored to determine if the air is becoming cleaner and we can start our countdown to riding once again. The AQI needs to be consistently below 100 throughout a 24-hour period to be counted as a “clean air day.” The number of clean air days are what we will be using to establish the horse’s recovery schedule. Clean air… Once clean air is consistently below 100, horses should be allowed to rest in a turnout or pasture for a minimum of 7 days. No work or running around, just relaxing. The length of this rest-only period will be dependent upon the time spent and the severity of smoke and ash exposure. The other major factor to consider is whether the horse has a pre-existing respiratory condition such as heaves or EIPH (bleeders) as this will likely increase the length of the rest-only phase. Talk with your veterinarian frequently regarding when to safely bring a horse back 20 • SEPTEMBER 2021


to work. During this time their body is working to clear the lungs of particulates, especially those that have lodged deep in the lungs. Once 7 days of clean air has been achieved there are several options for bringing your horse back in to work. The option you choose will depend upon several factors: • Health of the horse prior to the poor air quality caused by smoke and ash • Length of time the horse is exposed to the smoke and ash • Severity of the air quality • Pre-existing respiratory conditions • Fitness of the horse prior to the poor air quality If at any time your horse develops signs of respiratory distress stop working and contact your veterinarian. • Coughing • Nasal discharge • Increased respiratory rate not affiliated with the work/gait • Excessive reluctance to work It is advised to thoroughly wash horses prior to riding to avoid skin irritation from the ash residue. The attached graphs provide three different timing options depending on horse health status. If not sure which option to choose, consult your veterinarian.

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Supplying Your Pets with NEW and Unique Products!

NEW CONTEST!! Upload your “SILLY SELFIE” photo on our Facebook page. This is YOUR photo including YOUR 4-legged friend! (equine or canine)

WHAT DO YOU WIN? SOOOOO EXCITING!!! A Techalogic DC-1 Helmet Camera AND the GF Pet Waist Belt & Bungee Leash! (retail value $350)

You have until September 25th to upload your SILLY SELFIE on our Facebook page or you can email us at You can send in as many SILLY SELFIES as you want – but you can only win once over the duration of the contest. Our elite group of judges will announce the winner on September 26th. Good luck!

JULY ISSUE – WINNING CAPTION: “You ‘see’ how Canadian I am?” From Sandra Krivak, Salmon Arm BC


Sandra won a Snoozer Waterproof Dog Bed, courtesy of The Finn & Fletcher Co.

(One more ‘winning caption’ left for the month of August) Winners will be notified on Facebook and/or via email. We will then require your contact info, mailing address, etc. Your name and city will be announced and printed in Saddle Up, and on Facebook. Must be a Canadian resident (shipping only in Canada). You can only win once with the Silly Selfie Contest (give others an opportunity to win). SEPTEMBER 2021




Supplying Your Pets with NEW and Unique Products!


... and then think long and hard about how you will adjust your life to include your new addition. “I am a Doberman: Catalogued one of the most intelligent and most feared dogs, I have served the US Navy and I will not narrate my dark past on the German side. They called me the devil's dog, today they ask me to behave like a Poodle, they have gone so far as to wear clothes ... I am a Malinois: Gifted among dogs, I shine in all disciplines and I am always ready to work. Today they ask me to relax on the couch all day. I am an Akita Inu: My ancestors have been selected to fight with other dogs. Today they ask me to be tolerant of my peers, and they blame me for my reactivity when one of them approaches me. I am a Beagle: When I followed my prey, I gave a voice so that the hunters could follow me. I was leading the dance. Today they put an electric collar on me to silence me, and they want me to return to the call in a snap of fingers. I am a Yorkshire Terrier: I was a rat catcher, fearsome in the English mines. Today they think that I can't use my legs and they always hold me in their arms. I am a Labrador Retriever: My vision of happiness is a dip in a pond to bring my master the duck he just shot. Today we forget that I am a sports dog, I am fat and I have to babysit the children. I am a Jack Russell Terrier: I am capable of facing a fox larger than me 22 • SEPTEMBER 2021


in its own den. Today they blame me for my damn character and want to turn me into a parlor dog. I am a Siberian Husky: I got to know the great spaces of northern Russia, where I could pull sledges at impressive speed. Today I only have the walls of the garden on my horizon, and my only occupation is the holes I dig in the ground. I am a Border Collie: I am cut out to work eight hours a day, and I am an incomparable artist of herd labour. Today they blame me because in the absence of sheep, I try to control bicycles, cars, children from home, and everything that is in motion. I am... I'm a 19th century dog I am handsome, I am alert, I am obedient, I can put up with being in a purse ... but I am also an individual who needs to express his instincts, and I am not suitable for the sedentary life that you want me to carry. Spending eight hours a day alone on the patio, seeing you a little at night when you come back, and being entitled to any activity just a short walk to the bathroom will make me deeply unhappy. I'll express it by barking all day, turning your garden into a minefield, relieving myself on the inside, being unmanageable

the few times I'll find myself on the outside, and sometimes spending my days on my cushion, then you'll think I'm happy to be able to enjoy all this comfort while you go to work. In reality I will be in full depression, because it is not the preference of the human, but also that of the dog of the XXI century. If you like me, if you dream of me forever, if my beautiful blue eyes or my athlete look make you want to possess me, but you can't give me a real life of a full dog, a life that is really worth living, and if not you can offer me the job my genes claim ... then quit me. If you like my rhythm but are not ready to accept my character traits from rigorous genetic selection, and you think you can change them with your only good will ... then quit me. I'm a 19th century dog, yes. But, deep there, the one who fought, the one who hunted, the one who pulled sleds, the one who led a herd still sleeps. And sooner or later, you will wake up. For better or worse.” (Courtesy of Elsa Weiss Éducation Canine)




Supplying Your Pets with NEW and Unique Products!

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This is our precious 3-year-old Chihuahua. Chloe is very intelligent and loving. She has decided she now loves cream cheese on a bagel besides peanut butter!! She loves to play, car rides and cuddling. - Gail F, Cowichan Bay, Vancouver Island, BC

Do you offer a dog service or training business? Sell pet feeds and supplies? You can advertise here! Prices start at only $250 per year (12 issues). Call 1-866-546-9922 or e-mail

Canine Capers SPONSORED BY Your one-stoP Pet shoP Farm, Fencing & Horse Supplies Pet and Livestock Feeds 604-894-6740 Pemberton BC

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For more information on any of these events go to unless another website is provided Solstice is a 7 month old Lab/German Shepard cross. She loves to learn, be in the water and play with any kind of ball. Her favourite game is soccer, and she loves to be the goalie. - Echo, Kimberley BC

Send us a photo of your favourite pooch! Tell us the dog’s name, breed, and up to 50 words about him/her. We will print your first name (or initials) and your city/province. E-mail to and put in subject line: TOP DOG OF THE MONTH. Photos will be printed on a first come first serve basis.



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Do you have a WORKING DOG event coming up?

Let us know! Call 1-866-546-9922 or email



u o Y e r A at Kids... Wh Your Horse? th Doing Wuri turn to tell us It 's y o out YO U ! ab

Here is Pri ncess with Luca and Siena. B. Pri ncess is an 8-year-old Welsh Section a She is kind , gentle, ath leti c, and will be h. won derful pony for the kids to grow up wit BC - Luca, age 2, and Siena, age 4, Duncan

It's all about the kids!


These are our best friends, Splash, 28, and Strawberry, 15. We have lots of exciting and fun adventures together! - Precia (on left) and Nyima (r), both age 11, Crawford Bay BC

! u o Y e B d This Coul

Send in ONE photo with a caption (no more than 40 words). Include your first name, age, city/province. Photos will be printed on a space availability basis. Email to with the subject line “KIDS” 24 • SEPTEMBER 2021


Horse Council BC - Notes from the Office Calling all Equestrian Athletes ages 12 to 18 competing in the disciplines of: Dressage, Eventing, Jump, Para-Dressage, Vaulting Competing at the games is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and nothing like competing at a horse show. The culture and atmosphere of the games is like no other. Team spirit, pride, accomplishment and friendship are words that come to mind. Competing at the Olympics is a goal many young equestrians have but only a few are able to live that dream. Competing at BC Summer Games is a dream that can come true, or maybe it’s your practice run for when you do make it to the Olympics. Either way being part of the Equestrian Team at the BC Summer Games is a once in a lifetime experience and something you will remember forever! To help better prepare our Equestrian Athletes for competition at the BC Summer Games, Horse Council BC is pleased to introduce the BC Summer Games “Game Ready” Athlete Development Program! The Game Ready program is available to Equestrian Athletes between the ages of 11 to 17 that are interested in competing in either the upcoming 2022 BC Summer Games in Prince George or young equestrians who have their sights set on competing at a future Games. Game Ready Camps will be offered in all 8 Summer Games Zones in BC. The program will consist of one three-day in-person camp including: • group sessions on topics such as: what to expect at the Summer Games, proper turn out for both horse and rider, and preparing yourself mentally for competition • two days of invaluable discipline specific instruction from expert clinicians Camp registrants will also receive exclusive camp swag and invitations to informative and educational webinars throughout the year. All of this for an affordable $75.00! Applications are now being accepted for our first Game Ready Camp to Vancouver and Fraser Valley Equestrian Athletes. Date: September 17, 18, 19, 2021 Location: Maple Ridge Equi Centre, 21973 132 Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC Visit to find the application form or email If you live in Fraser Valley (Zone 3), Fraser River (Zone 4), or VancouverCoastal (Zone 5), don’t miss out, space is limited! All other Zones stay tuned for more dates in your area! For more info on competing at the BC Summer Games or the upcoming Game Ready Camp dates and locations, contact or call Sandy 1-800-345-8055 ext 1001. Come on Equestrian Athletes, be a part of the Team and live your dream… are you Game Ready?

Introducing Your BC Summer Games Sport Team! With a big thank you and a whole lot of gratitude for our amazing BC Summer Games volunteers, Horse Council BC would like to introduce some of our BC Summer Games Sport Team. This month we will start with introducing our Provincial Advisor for Equestrian and Equestrian Sport Chair. Provincial Advisor for Equestrian - Lynda Ramsey Lynda is from Kelowna, where she and her husband Daryl operate D & L Equine Services, at Mission Creek Ranch, where they have a busy coaching, boarding and training facility, primarily working with event, dressage and jumper clients. They also have a varied program at the ranch involving Working Equitation and training of young horses. Lynda brings with her a wealth of experience from the Equine Industry. She is an EC High Performance Coach, and is a very active EC and FEI Official in 3 Day Eventing and Dressage. She is excited to help deliver an amazing Summer Games experience to the athletes, families and volunteers in Prince George in 2022. Equestrian Sport Chair - Steven Dubas Steven, currently retired, resides in Prince George. He owns a 5-yearold Quarter Horse which he previously used for Endurance riding in Northern BC, and now mainly enjoys Pleasure Riding. Steven was HCBC Zone 8 Director for a number of years (I think 15 years?) where he coordinated various events within the Zone such as Equine Education, as well as visited various riding clubs in the Zone and assisted groups in any way he could. He received the Queens Silver Jubilee Medal for Community development. Steven also held the position of VP for Industry for HCBC. Steven was the driving force to re-establish the equestrian element in the Senior Games now called 55+ Games. He is a past President of the Prince George Horse Society as well as Past President of the Tabor Mountain Recreation Society, a multi-use trail system of over 200km of trails in the Prince George area. Steven coordinated various user groups and formally registered these trails with the Provincial Government which will preserve the trails for years to come.

Horse Council BC • How to Reach Us Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. • Address: 27336 Fraser Highway, Aldergrove, BC V4W 3N5 604-856-4304 or Toll Free 1-800-345-8055 • Fax: 604-856-4302 •



Equestrian Canada Equestre, All photos courtesy of MacMillan Photography & Media Services

Our Canadian Team at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games Canadian Olympic veteran Mario Deslauriers, 56, of New York, NY, and Bardolina 2 (Clarimo x Landos) spared no effort for a 22nd-place finish in the Jumping Individual Final on August 4, 2021, at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games in Japan. Deslauriers was supported at the Games by: Jumping Team Manager, Karen Hendry-Ouellette; Jumping Chef d’Équipe, Mark Laskin; Groom, Megan Grabowski; and Equestrian Team Lead, James Hood.

Mario and Bardolina 2 on August 4th

Mario and Bardolina 2 nailed a double clear round on August 3rd

Colleen Loach of Dunham, QC, and Qorry Blue d’Argouges had a performance to be proud of in the final jumping phase of eventing competition. Loach, 38, and Qorry Blue d’Argouges, Peter Barry’s 15-year-old Selle Français gelding sired by Mr. Blue, are no strangers to major games. Together, they represented the maple leaf on the bronze medal Toronto 2015 Pan American Games team, at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games and at the Tryon 2018 World Equestrian Games. Loach also helped bring home bronze for the Canadian Eventing Team at the 2019 Pan Am Games riding FE Golden Eye. The Canadian eventers were supported at the Games by: Eventing Chef d’Équipe, Fleur Tipton; Eventing Veterinarian, Dr. Jan Henriksen; Team Farrier, Andy Vergut; Grooms, Jamie Kellock and Brooke Massie; and Equestrian Team Lead, James Hood.

Brittany Fraser-Beaulieu of Saint-Bruno, QC, and All In (Tango x Damiro), whom she owns with father, Craig Fraser and husband, MarcAndre Beaulieu, made Canadian history in the Dressage Individual Grand Prix Freestyle held July 28, 2021. Strong extensions in the trot and canter, a smooth pirouette and an above-80% score for artistry led to 18th place with a final score of 76.404% for the duo. This breaks the previous record for highest Canadian score in an Olympic Freestyle: 71.450%, set by Fraser-Beaulieu’s coach, Ashley Holzer, at Beijing 2008. The Canadian Dressage Team is supported at the Games by: Peters; Holzer; Team Veterinarian, Dr. Alan Manning; Equine Therapist, Dr. Usha Knabe; and Equestrian Team Lead, James Hood.

Brittany Fraser-Beaulieu and All In posted Canada’s highest-ever Olympic Freestyle score, 76.404%, in the Dressage Individual Grand Prix Freestyle on July 28th

Lindsay Kellock of Toronto, ON, and Sebastien earned the title of “Olympian” in the Dressage Grand Prix Team and Individual Qualifier Colleen and Qorry Blue d’Argouges sailed around the Sea Forest CrossCountry Course on August 1st

Colleen and Qorry Blue d’Argouges on August 2nd

26 • SEPTEMBER 2021

Colleen and Qorry Blue d’Argouges laid down an opening score of 35.60 penalties during their dressage test on July 30th


Chris von Martels of Ridgetown, ON, and Eclips were the first to step into the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games ring for the Canadian Dressage Team at Dressage Grand Prix Team and Individual Qualifier on July 24th

Canadian Cowboy Challenge Update By Hans Kollewyn | Photos by Charlie McNamara


e are well into the show season now. The CCC had a late start this year but the delay was well worth it. The horse and rider teams seemed to be well-prepared for the upcoming Challenges. August Challenges were at the Prairie Sky Ranch Double Header in Saskatoon SK on the 14-15 and at the Bar U Ranch Historical Site AB on the 21-22. Results were not available at the time of this writing. The YKnott Ranch Double Header in Lac Ste. Anne County AB will be held on September 11-12. July Challenges were well-attended at the Pine Rock Ventures, Bluffton AB on the 17-18 with 52 and 46 runs respectfully. There was a Play Day scheduled on the Friday 16th from 2:30-8:30 pm. Riders were allowed to ride over obstacles during this time. There were instructors available to assist a team and/or answer questions regarding obstacles. The time spent was very informative and helpful for those who participated. There is no better learning experience when both horse and rider (team) are participating in a Play Day. While the Play Day was still fresh in the teams’ memory, they were able to show their skills over the next two days. The Pine Rock Double Header was judged by Hans Kollewyn. The results of both days are: July 17: Shooten Sprouts - Violet Ransom on Scooter; second was Bailey Black on Festus Youth - Leah Vielhaver on Sandy; second was Laikyn Thomas on Dusty Older Than Dirt - Leane Buxton on Badger; second was Greg Paranich on Sonny Novice - Koren leVoir on Shadow; second was Melissa Deveau on Ally Rookie - Eric Frogley on Archie; second was Melissa Deveau on Ally Non-Pro - Shane Goltz on Jazzy; second was Alana Eaton on George Open - Janet Goltz on Mr Red Pines; second was Shane Goltz on Jazzy Bucking Crazy - Janet Goltz on Peanut

Photos taken at Pine Rock

July 18: Shooten Sprouts - Bailey Black on Festus; second was Hailey Reddekopp on Beau Youth - Laikyn Thomas on Dusty; second was Leah Viehaver on Sandy Older Than Dirt - Leane Buxton on Badger; second was Greg Paranich on Sonny Novice - Patricia Collens on Dream of Dancing; second was Tricia Melanson on Chance Rookie - Eric Frogley on Archie; second was Koren LeVoir on Shadow Non-Pro - Shane Goltz on Jazzy; second was Alana Eaton on George Open - Shane Goltz on Jazzy; second was Murray Buxton on Sonita Bucking Crazy - Janet Goltz on Peanut Though the fall is soon upon us, there are still many days of good riding ahead. There is a good chance that one or two more Challenges will be hosted in September. Check out the CCC website for updates.

We’re going to give you more time to figure this one out. This item is 6” long, made of steel, plated in chrome or nickel, and weighs 5 ounces. Popular with fuel stations for 80 years. Congratulations (so far) to: K.G. Funk, Armstrong BC Hans Leuenberger, Houston BC From the July issue This is a rail road spike puller. The claw at the fore end is placed at the spine head. The oversized heel acts as a fulcrum. The force applied to the handle increases tremendously due to physics and law of levers - popping the spike upward. Congratulations to: (more correct guesses) Hans Leuenberger, Houston BC Rod Parkinson, Falkland BC Marie Graham, Coldstream BC Bill Griffin, Armstrong BC Bernice Yeadon, Langley BC Harold & Lynda Norris, Spallumcheen BC Frank Fidyk, Saanichton BC Colleen Ross, Merritt BC K.G. Funk, Armstrong BC

This little gadget is 2.5” long x 1” wide x 1/8” thick. The wings hinge outward to widen the midsection and narrow the bottom. This tool is still used today. It was invented and patented in the mid 1930’s. Good luck! READERS – What’s your guess? Discuss this item with your friends and send your guess to

Raising the cache out of bear’s reach

Do include your city and province please. Saddle Up will print names (and location) of those with the correct answer in a future issue. GOOD LUCK! If you or your company would like to sponsor this monthly brain teaser, do call 1-866-546-9922 or email nancyroman@ for details. SEPTEMBER 2021


Tennessee Walking Horse News By Kristy Coulter The Gathering - 2021 Highlights


t was another great Gathering at the Sawhorse Ranch this year on July 16-18. I don’t know how, but Windi Scott outdoes herself every year! We had many small clinics including a slick way to humanely scotch hobble a horse, an education on bits, hobble training and how to get your horse to come to a mounting block. We were very lucky to have Anna Langlois from Wildrose Walkers, who did a very nice demonstration for us showing how the rider’s body position influences what gait the horse does. Dianne Little was a busy lady, testing many horse and rider pairs for the Program For Excellence and the Training Levels throughout the two days. It was a great turnout with roughly 40-50 people in attendance. The weather wasn’t very cooperative, but no one let it get us down and Windi did a fantastic job of providing evening entertainment. We had a very talented young performer, Edward Pim, recipient of the Alberta Men of Country Music Rising Star Award. A CRTWH Distinguished Member Award was presented to Marjorie Lacy, in part for her 45 years of dedication in publishing the Walking Horse News, and a fun round of ‘Horse Jeopardy’ topped off Saturday night. Even with all that was going on, there was still time to sneak in some short trail rides, catch up with old friends and meet some new people. The Gathering is an event you don’t want to miss. It is one of my favourite summer events and I highly recommend checking it out. There is a lot of support and a whole bunch of fun for anyone wanting to join our registry or participate in the Canadian Triple Challenge Programs (see If you are not sure where to start, follow us on Facebook ( and reach out to our members. We are always ready to give you a helping hand.

Windi hosts Jeopardy with Karen, Alan and Fran

Edward Pim performs

Norma demonstrating the ‘belly lift’ on Copper

Dianne and Tanya with Bailey

Norma showing us how to scotch hobble with volunteers Alan and Dale

Windi explaining how different bits work 28 • SEPTEMBER 2021


Members of the CRTWH Board who were present at the Gathering (l to r): Dianne Little, Leslie Hunchuk, Fran Kerik, Bobbie Buck, Kristy Coulter, Windi Scott, Marjorie Lacy

BC Interior Morgan Horse Club By Nancy Roman


Darlene 250-309-3544. Join us – we always have lots of fun – and you could win something! Our vice-president, Bev Routledge, is also one of the organizers of an upcoming Working Equitation Show (and clinic) to be held at the Armstrong Fairgrounds September 23-26. For more info email Bev at We hope to host our Tack Sale in the spring of 2022, as well as our Pot O Gold Open Show in the summer of 2022 – both are big fundraisers for our club. We will keep you posted. Stay safe everyone!

ello all Morgan lovers! It has definitely been a slow year without any activities for the club. There have been a few Zoom meetings for those able to participate. The only event planned, at this point, is our annual Find the Golden Horseshoe Poker Ride, to be held Sunday, September 19th, at Timber Ridge Trails in Lumby. This is all dependent upon the provincial health orders – but we were able to host it last year – so let’s cross our fingers! Registration is open from 10 am to 11:30 am. Ride out on your own, and be back by 3 pm for awards and prizes. For info call Nancy 250-546-9922; or to book a corral or camping call

Vintage Riders Equestrian Club FOR THE LOVE OF HORSES By Simonne Rempel


e hope that you are staying safe amongst all the wildfire activity in our province. The fires are causing such devastation and contributing to our poor air quality. Thank goodness for our horse communities helping evacuees with transportation and safe lodging. Remember the poor air quality plays a huge factor when exercising our horses, please take care when deciding if you should ride or not. In July, we had our second Pole Clinic with Jessie Blackmon. It was another successful clinic. We are very fortunate to have Jessie share her time and expertise with us. The Poles Clinic was once an annual event but with popular demand it has turned into a series of clinics. Thank you Jessie. Our annual Summer Social was a hit. Thirty of us gathered outside a member’s home for a fabulous potluck. A few snacks were shared, a version of musical chairs played, and a lot of fun was had. A celebratory cake was served to honour our 18 years as a club and the PHO being lifted. As a club, we have made our way through the challenges that Covid presented. We held our meetings online and got savvy with technology. We gained new members and stayed connected with current members. Over the summer, we introduced a “Meet our Members” idea, with members posting a short biography and pictures on our FB Page. We are enjoying the great stories and getting to know more about our members. What a diverse group we are!

Stay safe as we enjoy our horses and the camaraderie of others.

Vintage Riders Equestrian Club… for the love of horses! We are a gathering of horse enthusiasts within the Fraser Valley. Anyone over the age of 21 is welcome. We meet online every 3rd Tuesday with a speaker and host a variety of clinics according to PHO. Find us on Facebook at Vintage Riders Equestrian Club – public, email: 2021 Upcoming Events: General Meetings Theme Trail Rides Ranch Trip Summer Social

The Poles Clinic



Armstrong Enderby Riding Club By Lauri Meyers


e were unable to host a physical show for August, as the fairgrounds were much needed for our neighbours, friends, family and friends we have yet to meet… who have been evacuated. Our thoughts and hearts are with you all. We would like to thank all of our members and participants for their continued support and understanding. We will keep our fingers crossed and stay positive that September will allow for a physical show.

Placings for our July 2021 Virtual Show with judge Glenn Perran: Showmanship 1st Carmen Letawski–Dyck with Tiffany 2nd Anne Marie Gellein with Dream N Style

Western Pleasure Senior/Youth 1st Azera Murdock with Dolls Union Rose

English Pleasure GH/WT/PW 1st Anne Marie Gellein with Dream N Style

Western Horsemanship GH/WT/PW 1st Carmen Letawski–Dyck with Tiffany 2nd Anne Marie Gellein with Dream N Style 3rd Donna Holland with Dolly 4th Meighen Miller with Ima Golden Scribble

English Pleasure Senior/Youth 1st Azera Murdock with Dolls Union Rose

Western Horsemanship Senior/Youth 1st Azera Murdock with Dolls Union Rose

English Equitation GH/WT/PW 1st Anne Marie Gellein with Dream N Style

Ranch Horse Pleasure Pattern GH/WT/PW 1st Alana Vos–Lindsay with Bad as Betty 2nd Donna Holland with Dolly 3rd Meighen Miller with Ima Golden Scribble

English Equitation Senior/Youth 1st Azera Murdock with Dolls Union Rose Western Pleasure GH/WT/PW 1st Carmen Letawski–Dyck with Tiffany 2nd Anne Marie Gellein with Dream N Style 3rd Meighen Miller with Ima Golden Scribble 4th Donna Holland with Dolly

Trail Class GH/WT/PW 1st Carmen Letawski–Dyck with Tiffany 2nd Donna Holland with Dolly 3rd Alana Vos-Lindsay with Bad as Betty 4th Meighen Miller with Ima Golden Scribble

Langley Riders Society

By Bethany Hill | Photos courtesy of Ron McCarthy,


ello everyone. We hope 2021 is seeing you all heathy and starting to get back to a bit of normalcy. Langley Riders has been carefully getting back to normal since June of this year. We have been very fortunate to have a wonderful group of directors and volunteers helping us to navigate the ever-changing regulations and are happy to report no issues with our events. June 5 - Games Day George Burns: Kitty Affeldt and Kelly Porter Jack Benny: Chrissy Paquette Senior: Orion Campbell Intermediate: Autum Junior: Reese Zachanowicz Tiny Mite: Ryder Zachanowicz Lead Line: Ella Austen, Toby Austen and Radiance Zachanowicz June 6 - Jumping Highpoint Winners Morning: Tiny Mite: Poppy Coogan Junior: Nyla Peters Intermediate: Annika Trythall Senior: Ashley Dawson and Cassandra Manley Afternoon: Junior: Kaylie Bisschop Intermediate: Martina Divin, Emma Springman Senior: Cassandra Manley

30 • SEPTEMBER 2021

A huge thank you to all the Sponsors, Members, Directors and Exhibitors that have made it possible. Here are the high point results from a few of our events. We are looking forward to our upcoming Trophy Shows and Games Days in September. Follow us on Facebook, or check out our website for all the dates and event information.

June 19 - English/Western Show Sr. English: Deanna Williams Int. English: Avery Caron Jr. English: Emily Firth Tiny Mite English: Theo French Walk/Trot English: Joda Barlow Sr. Western: Bethany Hill Int. Western: Brooklyn Gildemeister Jr. Western: Jersie Craig Tiny Mite Western: Alyse Whitford Walk/Trot Western: Laura Caron June 20 - Games Day George Burns: Kelly Porter Jack Benny: Tanya Robertson Senior: Orion Campbell Intermediate: Maria Betker Junior: Melissa Loepp Tiny Mite: Theo French Lead Line: Riley Beaupre, Abby Paquette, Evelyn Paquette, Weston Scott


July 4 - English/Western Show Sr. English: Hailey Zilkowsky Int. English: Hadley Jack Jr. English: Zohra Khawaja Tiny Mite English: Alice Bushnaq W/T Youth English: Taylor Vandekerkhove Sr. Western: Pat Senger Int. Western: Avery Caron Jr. Western: Emily Firth Tiny Mite Western: Alice Bushnaq W/T Youth: Ayden Gagno-Singh W/T Adult: Bill Yate July 18 - Jumping Highpoint Winners Morning: Tiny Mite: Poppy Coogan Junior: Mia Klassen Intermediate: Hope Watson Senior: Ashley Dawson Afternoon: Junior: Sarah Springman Intermediate: Annika Trythall Senior: Andrea Dawson

Reese Wason-Bloski Pat Senger

Cassie Glover

Lower Mainland Quarter Horse Association By Marilyn Griffin


ummer is almost over, sigh, but what a summer it has been! In addition to Covid 19, people across the province have been dealing with fires. Many of our friends have had to leave their homes and move horses, cattle and other animals on short notice because they were put on Alert or an Order to evacuate was issued. As you know, the entire town of Lytton burnt to the ground! Anyone wishing to donate to help people and animals who are in dire circumstances because of these fires can contact Horse Council of BC for information. By the time this article is published our Summer Icebreaker Show (co-hosted with BC Paint Horse Club) will have been held, together with the LMQHA Yearling TriChallenge. Results will be posted in the next issue. At the time of writing this, entries are coming in and we are hoping for a great show. Upcoming events Please save the date: September 12, 2021. LMQHA is organizing a trail ride focused on Youth but all will be welcome. With Covid numbers in mind we will be organizing some way to feed everyone that will be “covid friendly.” We are also planning a fun day at Hughes Quarter Horses Mountain Trail Course next May (date to be announced). Please follow us on Facebook for more details. We are trying to introduce you to our Members through Saddle Up One of our longest standing members is Pat Senger. Pat is 81 years old and still rides her horse Micky through Campbell Valley Park

regularly. You will see her with her dog Beau on leash beside her. Pat recently attended a Langley Riders Society Show to support a lot of our Barn riders and decided at the last minute to bring Micky along and enter him, winning the senior High Point award for the day (her picture was posted in last month’s article alongside her friend Jodie Moore). Pat was one of the original members of LMQHA when it was formed. She has spent a lifetime riding horses, including competing in reining, barrel racing, pole bending and even steer riding. Take a look at these pictures from her photo album. In addition to all that, I met Pat when she was showing at LMQHA shows with her sister. They were almost always in the ribbons. I sat down with Pat and talked a bit about her past so I could share it with you. She tells me that she used to ride from her home in Surrey across the Pattullo Bridge over the hill and down the other side to Ioco and home. She had to leave her house around 4 am because they would actually close the bridge for her to ride across. I didn’t ask what time she had to be back by. Pat has shared a few stories with me about the formation of LMQHA and I am doing some more research in order to provide you with a full history of LMQHA. I am looking forward to travelling back through time. Below is a list of our officers who can be contacted through Facebook messenger if you have any questions or suggestions for us. President: Tamara Jamieson Vice-President: Tami Hutton Treasurer: Pia Petersen Secretary: Marilyn Griffin

Lower Mainland Quarter Horse Association President: Tamara Jameson, Website: Visit our Facebook page



The Back Country Horsemen of BC Equine Massage Video Made Possible with Education Grants By Sonja Edelston, BCHBC North Vancouver Island Chapter


hen I learned about educational grant opportunities from both the Backcountry Horsemen of BC and Horse Council BC, I came up with the idea to create an educational video. I wanted something to provide simple and easy to follow instructions for horse owners to help their equine stay in shape during a time of limited interaction due to Pandemic public health regulations. First, I needed the support of my local chapter of BCHBC, so I contacted our chapter chair, Deb Oakman. She thought it was a great idea and together we made a motion at our October 2020 virtual meeting. The motion passed so I filled out grant applications from BCHBC and Horse Council. I was enthusiastically approved by both organizations. (Thank you!) With funding in place, my next step was to find a clinician. I contacted Alisha Anderson of Pacific Equine Bodyworks. I’ve known Alisha for several years and she has performed many therapy sessions on my equines. She is highly qualified, certified and insured as a Deep Tissue Equine Sports Massage Therapist through Equinology/International Equine Bodyworker Association. She continues to learn and has added Red-Light Therapy and Kinesiology Tapping to her service offerings. She is also just starting coursework to add a Functional Equine Osteopathic certification to her qualifications. Alisha was available and excited to help instruct on a video production. My long-time friends (and fellow BCHBC members), Sherley and Al Berquist of Just About Ranch in Comox volunteered their indoor arena. Anne Smythe boards her two horses at Just About Ranch and she volunteered ‘Cleo’ and ‘Smiley’ for the filming. Anne’s friend, Terri Perrin, assisted by handling Smiley. Lastly, I needed a professional videographer and production house. I found both through a friend. Brent Craven of Craven Studios was professional and very willing to work on the project. He had no prior experience with horses but he was soon comfortable during the filming session. On a sunny Monday morning, in April 2021, we gathered to spend a couple of hours filming a session with Alisha. The session consisted of exercises and stretches for your equine to help limberup unused muscle groups after long periods of limited riding opportunities and inactivity (due to the pandemic and a long winter). In the video, Alisha demonstrates how to support your horse’s sore or restricted areas with some basic strokes (massage), as well as stretches to support areas that are of concern. She started with the front quarter area (girth and shoulders). This area is called the ‘Thoracic Sling’ and is the supporting structure for horses’ shoulders as they are not attached to the skeleton. She then worked around to the lumbar (lower spine), hindquarters and legs,

as well as the tail. Alisha stressed that all stretches should be done within the limits of each individual horse’s fitness level and range of motion. If done on a regular basis, strokes (massage) two or three times a week before and after your ride, and stretches always AFTER a ride, your horse will show signs of improved movement and reduced restriction. She also stressed that a warmup walk is essential for getting the synovial fluid in the joints moving, therefore helping to reduce the likelihood of injury. A walking cool out after a ride should help relax the muscles and rid them of any lactic acid before returning your horse to the stall or horse trailer. Alisha feels that many behaviour problems may be solved by doing a massage session of exercises to calm and rejuvenate those muscles as well as create a more intimate knowledge of what is normal for your horse and therefore knowing sooner when something is not right. It was a fun morning filming Alisha demonstrating these simple exercises. My main wish was to give all equines a chance to be more comfortable and flexible during their time under saddle and to move with less stress and pain, whether you are a professional competitor or just out there enjoying the peace and tranquility of the trails. The completed 35-minute video may be viewed online at: or search for ‘Back Country Horsemen of BC-NVI Equine Massage’ on YouTube). Learn more about Pacific Equine Bodyworks on their website. https:// pacificequinebodyw.wixsite/mysite.

Back Country Horsemen of BC – serving BC trail riding enthusiasts since 1989!

Check out our beautiful website at / Questions? Contact

32 • SEPTEMBER 2021


What’s Happening? Let’s Go!


Jan 1-3 OPEN HORSE SHOW, Smith Arena, Smithsville, BC, John 604-123-4567,



2-3 HORSEMANSHIP CLINIC w/Glenn Stewart (Stage 1), Northern Saddle Club, Smithers BC, 4-5 HORSEMANSHIP WORKSHOP w/Glenn Stewart (Advanced), Northern Saddle Club, Smithers BC, 6 PRC SADDLE SERIES BARREL RACES & GYMKHANA, 11 COLT STARTING CHALLENGE & SALE,, Fort MacLeod AB, online bidding at 11-12 BC MOUNTAIN TRAIL CHAMPIONSHIPS, Kamloops BC. Contact Colleen Meyer at 11-17 CALGARY (Priddis) AB, Learn equine massage therapy – Certification Course, Sidonia McIntyre, RMT, CEMT, CCF, 17 ALBERTA THOROUGHBRED SALE, Westerner Park, Red Deer AB, 18-19 LITTLE BRITCHES RODEO, 18-24 EDMONTON AB, Learn equine massage therapy – Certification Course, Sidonia McIntyre, RMT, CEMT, CCF, 19 GOLDEN HORSESHOE POKER RIDE, Timber Ridge Trails, Lumby BC, Nancy 250-546-9922 or or 23-26 THOMPSON/OKANAGAN WORKING EQUITATION SHOW, Armstrong BC, Info:

24-25 ARMSTRONG BAROQUE HORSE FIESTA & SCHOOLING SHOW, Armstrong BC, Lisa Broughton 250-764-7321 / Bev Routledge 250-517-8809 24-27 BC AG EXPO, Barriere BC,, 25-26 PRC SADDLE SERIES BARREL RACES & GYMKHANA, 26 AERC OPEN SHOW (Virtual?), Armstrong BC, and FB 27-Oct 2 STORE WIDE SALE, 26th Anniversary Celebration, Diamond H Tack, Kelowna BC,, 250-762-5631 28-Oct 1 WIND-UP ARENA 2 TRAIL WORKSHOP w/Dawn Ferster at Timber Ridge, Lumby BC,




Rural Roots


40 private park-like acres only ten minutes from the city of Powell River and beautiful beaches. Open concept, two-bedroom westcoast home with vaulted ceiling and exposed fir beams. Stunning masonry stove faced in river rock. Completely off-grid and self-contained. Two storey barn with three box stalls and heated studio/storage above.Tack room and hay shed. Paddock, pastures, gardens, orchard and ponds. A horse lover’s dream within 2 kms of two equestrian rings (indoor and outdoor) and unlimited backcountry trails.

4990 McLeod Road, Powell River BC $965,000 MLS ® 15864 CONTACT: JOHN ZAIKOW 604-485-7788 Westview Zaikow Realty


1-866-546-9922 for more info



Clubs & Associations Join the Canadian Quarter Horse Association Membership is FREE!

31 Years of Celebrating Long Ears

members from across Canada and the US

ARMSTRONG ENDERBY RIDING CLUB  Schooling Shows (Eng/West/Games), Armstrong Fairgrounds, April to Sept. 9/21



The CQHA is the Canadian affiliate of the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA), and representative of the largest breed population within the Canadian herd. Visit us at

NOW YOU DO HAVE A CHOICE. CRHRA is a voice for the Recreational Rider.

Our low cost membership includes $5 Million and $30,000 Accidental Death and Dismemberment. Check out our web site for more information 4/22


BC CARRIAGE DRIVING SOCIETY, Pres: Ellen Hockley 250-572-7516, Pleasure, Combined, Recreation from Minis to Drafts, 6/22

BC Equine Arena 2 Trail Association

Working with obstacles to overcome obstacles Building confidence, patience, respect and trust in your equine partnership! 4/22


CANADIAN THERAPEUTIC RIDING ASSOCIATION CanTRA promotes the benefits of therapeutic riding across Canada through awareness, education, and setting standards for therapeutic riding instructor certification, centre accreditation, hippotherapy, and equine-facilitated wellness.

Contact: • Website:

BC INTERIOR ARABIAN HORSE ASSOC.  Pres: Wally Goertz 250-546-6004 10/21, clinics, Recreational riding programs, Awards/Social Activ. BC INTERIOR MORGAN HORSE CLUB see our FB page. Pres: Michelle Kozyn e-mail:, Trail Rides, Pot O Gold Show, Poker Ride 5/22 BC PAINT HORSE CLUB, Open Show & Competition Program, award sponsorships for local clubs, youth scholarship. 3/22

FRASER VALLEY’S OWN ‘GRASSROOTS’ CLUB dedicated to promoting the sport of cutting to enthusiasts of all levels See us on acebook & Instagram

CHILLIWACK RIDING CLUB, Drill Team, Horse Shows (Heritage Qualifiers), Gymkhana, Trail Rides, Clinics, Open Ride, Socials, 12 /21 Equestrian Canada (EC) is the national governing body for equestrian sport and industry in Canada, with a mandate to represent, promote and advance all equine and equestrian interests. 1-866-282-8395 | |

BC QUARTER HORSE ASSOCIATION, Contact Carolyn Farris, email 8/22



10/18 2/22

Want to enjoy miles of beautiful new trails with your equine partner in BC? Try Endurance Riding! We welcome all levels of riders and all breeds of equines.

Info on clinics and events at

11/21 6/16

or e-mail:

Team Cattle Penning is a race against the clock to have 3 riders pen 3 of 30 numbered head of cattle. Each rider is rated to their current abilities and the three riders on a team make up the maximum allowed number for the division they are riding. Example: a 10 Class is made of a 4-rated rider and two 3-rated riders. The herd is on one end of the arena and the foul line is usually 1/3. DON’T BLOW OUT!! YEE HAW!!

3/22 11/18

A charitable equine organization funding veterinary colleges and students, and other worthwhile equine causes.


Bob Watson, President 403-378-4323



BC WELSH PONY & COB ASSOC. (see Facebook) Pres: Rosanne 604-302-7650, Breed promotion program throughout the province. 4/22 BOUNDARY HORSE ASSOCIATION (Grand Forks BC), Offering shows, gymkhanas, clinics & more. See us on Facebook, 250-443-3191, 4/22

Canadian Cowboy Challenge


A SPORT for the whole Family! Hoping to host a full season of Challenges in 2021 For more info please call 403-828-2044 or visit


INTERIOR CUTTING HORSE ASSOCIATION New cutters always welcome. Lee Poncelet 250-938-2034 9/22

D E A D LI N E 34 • SEPTEMBER 2021


5th of each month

Clubs & Associations LANGLEY RIDERS SOCIETY, English/Western, Games, Jumping, Drill Team, Rodeo. 604-530-5981 10/21

Smooth • Versatile • Intelligent

LOWER MAINLAND QUARTER HORSE ASSOC. Pres: Tamara Jameson,, 12/21 NORTH OK THERAPEUTIC RIDING ASSOC. 250-549-0105 Providing therapeutic horseback riding for children and adults with disabilities 8/21 OKANAGAN POLO CLUB (Kelowna BC), new members welcome, weekly gatherings, annual tournament, and fun! 9/22

100 Mile & District Outriders

Peruvian Horse Club of BC 9/22

PRINCETON RIDING CLUB, Pres: Stephanie Antonick, See us on Facebook. Offering shows, clinics and more! 2/22 RUSTY SPURS 4-H HORSE CLUB (Abbotsford BC) Open to Youth 6-19, & Find us on Facebook! 12/21

7/18 10/21

Promoting equine activities and knowledge in the south Cariboo with Shows, Clinics, Gymkhanas and more. Harvey President: Adam Mike Kidston E-mail: ~

PEACHLAND RIDING CLUB, Pres: Kevin Froese ( Info, Gymkhana dates & events at 6/22

SOUTH CENTRAL QUARTER HORSE ASSOC., Host of April Fuzzy Horse Show and September AQHA Circuit Show, 11/21 SPIRIT OF THE HORSE GARDEN, a place to honour our equine friends; memorial plaques available,, FB 11/21 VINTAGE RIDERS EQUESTRIAN CLUB (Fraser Valley BC), English/Western, lectures, clinics, socials, safe and fun,, on Facebook 4/22 WILD ROSE DRAFT HORSE ASSOCIATION, Barb Stephenson (Secretary) phone 403-933-5765 (8:00 am to 8:00 pm) 6/22

Clubs - you should be listed here Non-profit rates start at only $100 per year and includes a FREE web link for one year!

Stallions & Breeders APPALOOSACENTRE.COM 250-963-9779 Real Appaloosas for Today and the Future! 9/21 FOOTNOTE FARM FJORDS (Langley BC) 778-822-3276. Registered & imported breeding stock. Bred for performance and built to last. 5/22 OLD BALDY RANCH (Dawson Creek) 250-843-7337 SS: Breeding AQHA/NFQH Grullo & Blue Roan, 12/21 SUNSET VIEW RANCH (West Kelowna BC) 250-707-7271. Top Performance AQHA/APHA bloodlines, Breeding & Sales. SS: Dunit Canadian Style 3/22





Business Services FARRIERS & SUPPLIES





MATT ROBERSON - Certified Journeyman Farrier & RACHEL VOWLES

Ph: 250-503-7432 NATA FARMS Serving BC’s Interior including South Okanagan WWW.REIMERSFARMSERVICE.COM (BC Interior) 1-855-737-0110 or 250-838-0111. Bulk & Bagged Shavings, 4x4x4 Totes, Sawdust, Bark Mulch


t: 250-280-0155 | 250-886-7595 • e:



FEED DEALERS ASHCROFT HOME BUILDING CENTRE (Ashcroft) 250-453-2281 Otter Co-op Dealer & Pet Foods. You can find us on Facebook 10/21

DEAD STOCK REMOVAL THE BLUE GOOSE CATTLE CO. (Ok/Shuswap) 250-309-0629 or 250-838-2157, Providing prompt dead stock removal service when the decision has to be made. 4/22

100% Canadian



31852 Marshall Place 5410 Trans Canada Hwy. 103-1889 Springfield Rd. 975 Langford Parkway 1-1227 Island Hwy. S. 587 Alberni Hwy. 1970 Keating Cross Rd. 1771 10th Ave SW 2565 Main St.

556-7477 748-8171 860-2346 940-4499 753-4221 248-3243 652-9188 832-8424 768-8870


Wanted Wranglers / Trail Guides

Gates, Panels, Feeders, Continuous FenCe deer & Farm FenCe installations

Guide on Guest Ranch / Horse pack trips

KPU Advanced Farrier Science Graduates

7/22 6/21

Shavings • Hog Fuel • Bark Mulch • Compost



• Horse

Custom built and installed to your needs

8/19 10/21

GRK Fasteners Dealer * Customized Bale Spikes * Custom Welding * Horse Trailer Repairs *Serving BC/AB/WA for over 10 years


Alan Cossentine, Oliver, BC • 250-490-5662 •


11/21 3/22



CHILLIWACK 1-877-847-3735


FARM SUPPLIES HORSE HAY SALES (Calgary AB) Meadow Brome Grass/Alfalfa mix, tested,, 403-325-5556 2/22

D E A D LI N E 5th of each month

36 • SEPTEMBER 2021



Business Services GUEST RANCHES

TRAINERS/COACHES DAWN FERSTER (Kelowna BC) Coaching/Training/Workshops 250-808-0738 Mountain Trail/Western/Dressage, see Damarhe Training on FB 3/22 ELISA MAROCCHI (100 Mile House BC), EC Licensed Driving Coach 250-706-2824 Clinics, Lessons, Training on/off farm, 5/22



International Clinician and Horseman 1-877-728-8987


Spring Lake Guest Ranch

Close to nature Far from crowds 8-10,000 acres & private lake • 250-791-5776 (100 Mile House BC)

JONATHAN FIELD HORSEMANSHIP - Inspired by Horses®, 1-888-533-4353 10/21

LESSON PROGRAMS WWW.FOOTNOTEFARM.COM (Langley BC) 778-822-3276 Certified instructors, safe & sound horses, curriculum followed, privates for beginners. 5/22

LEE PONCELET TRAINING STABLES (Vernon, BC) 250-938-2034 Starting Colts. Training all levels. Specializing in Cutting/Cowhorse. 8 /22






Specializing in BC’s Rural Communities

778-209-0305 E-mail: Follow me on social media @kamloopsandruralrealestate

Listing and Selling – Rural and Residential Properties in the North Okanagan and Shuswap Cell: 250-549-0996 / Office 250-546-3119 Armstrong 10/21

SADDLEMAKERS & REPAIRS DON LOEWEN SADDLERY, 1802 Houston St., Merritt BC, 250-525-0220 Custom saddlery, chaps, repairs, leather bags & more,

Build Something Lasting

SANDY LANG HORSEMANSHIP (Abbotsford BC) 778-344-3804, Foundation Focus Working Equitation, Natural Horsemanship, 9/22 SOMATIC RIDER AND ENERGY MEDICINE - Lisa Wieben (Vernon BC) Balance the Rider, Balance the Horse,, 403-335-5993 7/22




Available for speaking engagements & events Based out of Faithful Farm in Langley BC Follow Legacy Horsemanship on Facebook and Instagram E-mail inquiries to

THE ROCK’N STAR RANCH (Pritchard BC) Natural Care Boarding. Training. Education. Offering quality care, horsemanship support & education. 3/22 WILDHORSE VENTURES AT MERSTON CREEK RANCH (Quesnel BC) 250-249-9613, Horse Training & Clinics, Horses & Cariboo Mountain Dogs for sale. See us on FB 10/21


TACK/CLOTHING SHOPS DIAMOND H TACK INC. (Kelowna BC) 877-762-5631 English & Western Saddlery, Clothes, Farrier, Feed, Blanket & Leather Repairs 9/21


ANIMAL CARE HOSPITAL Williams Lake 250-392-5510 / Quesnel 250-747-3053 Drs. Magnowski, Scheidt, Thompson, Jordan, Ree , 4/22 INTERIOR VETERINARY HEALTH SERVICES (Okanagan) 250-769-4217, Mobile Equine, Brytann Youngberg DVM, VSMT, College of Animal Chiropractors 9/22


TRANS NATIONAL TRAILER INC. (1645 Eagle Rock Rd., Armstrong BC) 250-308-8980, RVs to Horse Trailers. Your Trailer Parts Superstore! 7/21

TRAILER SALES KITT EQUIPMENT TRAILER SALES, (Chilliwack & Aldergrove), 1-877-823-7199, Horse ~ Stock ~ Utility ~ Dump ~ Flatdecks, 4/22

TRAINERS/COACHES ALICIA HARPER of Hylee Training, EC Comp. Coach/Trainer. Specializing in Western, available for training, lessons/clinics, 2/22 BIRGIT STUTZ, Irwin Insights Master Level 6 Cert. Trainer, www.fallingstarranch. ca, Training/lessons/clinics/student programs, Dunster BC, 250-968-6801 9/21


PETERSEN TRAILERS LTD. (Langley) 604-533-4209 Service and Repairs. All makes. 7/22 OKANAGAN EQUINE VETERINARY SERVICES (Kelowna) 250-764-9888 Sheila McDonald DVM,


WALES EQUINE VETERINARY SERVICES (Okanagan) 250-258-2299 Drs. Alex Wales and Dr. Susan Wales, 9/22




On The Market (Private Sale) The Peruvian Horse


We Have the Blues!

The smoothest riding horse in the world! For Pleasure, Trail, Show, Work... Discover the versatile Peruvian Horse at!

for Trail ~ Work ~ Show

2021 Foals will be available sired by:

LBJ Sierras Blue Te | AQHA Blue Roan and his son AW Blue Fire N Te | AQHA Blue Roan

Visit for more Information on this Incredible Breed! • 403-860-9763 Locations in Chase BC and Cayley Alberta 10/21


Aaron & Colleen Wangler 250-843-7337 (Dawson Creek BC)

To learn more about this beautiful & unique breed of horse, and for a complete Sales List, please visit our website.

8/22 3/17

Glynn Irish Sport Horse If you’re looking for your “Heart Horse” look no further!

We breed and train GYPSY COBS AND VANNERS Champion bloodlines and amazing temperaments to suit everyone’s adventure!







Aimee & Luc Beauchamp 250-438-1066 (Princeton BC) 10/21


Shop & Swap! FOR SALE


HAY FOR SALE - 50LB SMALL SQUARE premium alfalfa hay. $10 per bale. Kamloops hay 1st and 2nd cut available. No rain, baled and picked dry. Easy to handle and store. Great for performance horses and companion horses. 250-238-2274 (Kamloops BC), HEAVY DUTY CATTLEGUARD $5,000. 15’ x 8’ cattleguard, 18” foundation side plates, 4 1/4” x 5” I-beam cross beams, 10 runners 4” x 2.5” I-beams. 250-238-2274 (Kamloops BC) HEAVY DUTY STOCK TRAILER $6,000. 29.6’ overall length, 21.5’ x 6’ inside space, 8’ x 6’ x 3’ closed storage area over gooseneck. 2 5/16ths ball and standard fifth wheel attachments so can be driven with any fifth wheel hitch. New 2” Douglas fir deck boards, extra heavy duty axles and leaf springs, 8 bolt 16” tires. Electric over hydraulic brakes. Brakes and lights work. Recently driven long distance, works great. 250-238-2274 (Kamloops BC)


that has a little bit of everything

HORSE BLANKET LAUNDRY & REPAIRS HORSE BLANKET & SADDLE PAD WASHING & Repairs. Clean used Blankets for sale. Town Centre Dry Cleaners, Town Centre Mall. 250-546-0104 (Armstrong BC) 9/21

Complete Balanced Bioavailable Source Of Essential MACRO and MICRO nutrients for HEALTHY HORSES Contact: Brigitte MacKenzie, 604-768-9558 (cell/text) WWW.ULTRA-KELP.COM 1-888-357-0011

Dealer for

Pet Food & Supplies Wood Shavings and MORE


3455 Pleasant Valley Rd. Armstrong, BC


Double Delichte Stables

Custom Made Chaps Any Style Saddle, Tack & Blanket Repairs Top Quality Australian Saddles Sherri DeBoer • 250-838-0778 email: Hwy 97, Grindrod, BC Open Mon - Sat 9-6 pm 12/21

Full Board $350 monthly (3 feedings p/day) Daily/Nightly/Weekly Group or Individual Paddocks with Shelters Individual Feed Program Box Stalls, Wash Stall, Heated Tack Room 90 x 200 all purpose Western/English Arena 110 x 200 Jumping Arena, Round Pen Lessons, Conditioning TRAINERS WELCOME 15 minutes from downtown Vernon  250-309-2384 Coldstream, BC  9/21

FULL, PARTIAL OR SELF-BOARD in either a group pasture or paddocks with run-in sheds with access to pasture • Overnight camping with paddocks available • Heated auto waterers • Round pen and • 120 x 160 sand Arena 10/21

Contact: Indigo Ridge Farm 4784 Stepney Road, Armstrong BC 250-898-4075 /





1521 Sumas Way ........................................ 604-864-2665



3663 South Island Hwy ............................... 250-334-0801



1309 Northwest Boulevard.......................... 250-428-2254



4650 Trans Canada Hwy ............................. 250-746-1755



1090 Stevens Road Hwy ............................. 250-769-8700



5592 Hwy 97 South ..................................... 250-498-2524



Upper Mud River Road ............................... 250-560-5431



7155 Meadowlark Road .............................. 250-545-3355

40 • SEPTEMBER 2021


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