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Teacher Education in Art for Primary Schools - draft

Puppets An integrated approach to Culture and Tradition

and Sculpture, Model Drawing, Picture Drawing, Decoration, and Basic Aesthetic including Drama and Performance



Teacher Education in Art for Primary Schools - draft

Why working with puppets in Primary Schools? Teacher reflections: Cultural Reason: Vietnam has a long and strong cultural tradition on puppets in different context. A visit to Ethnic Museum in Thai Nguyen and/or Hanoi gives you a deep impression of the traditions within the different ethnic minorities.

Water puppet


Pedagogical reason: Art Education can set focus on this aspect in Vietnamese culture and at the same time facilitate a strong teaching and learning approach that can integrate the areas in Art Education: Sculpture, model drawing, picture drawing, decoration, and basic aesthetic and elements from other subjects such as: - reading, writing and speaking in front of an audience - legends, myths, and fairytales - construction, drama and performance - culture and history - e.g.

Tip! The Primary School teacher can use simple puppets in their pedagogical work. It doesn’t take long to create a ventriloquist’s dummy. A hand, a pen, a sock, a mitten is all it takes.



Teacher Education in Art for Primary Schools - draft

1. Approaches to Art Processes with Puppets Aims/ objectives This element will

Outcomes At the end of this element the student will be able to

Inspire the student to plan and conduct integrated processes combining sculpture, decoration, picture drawing and basic aesthetic Challenge the student’s to think and plan cross curricular

Select motivating starting point for the processes Arrange practical conditions and logistics related to the processes Plan a progression towards a presentation

Approaches to puppet theatre can be: A. Creating a puppet can start from inspiring material. It can be found objects

After creating puppets the teacher might guide the learners to give their own puppet an IDENTITY by asking Key Questions What is the gender? How old is he/she? What name does he/she have? What is his/her profession? Where and with whom does he/she live? Who is in his/her family? Who are his/her friends? ? Let the puppets with their new identity meet in small groups/families and start creating a story.



Teacher Education in Art for Primary Schools - draft

B. Creating a puppet can also start from an inspiring story, legend, and fairytale

Grade 2: H:C:Andersen

Learners in grade 2 have made puppets on sticks. They have found inspiration in a fairytale by H.C.Andersen. They have each chosen a character to draw, colour, cut, and paste on a stick. They have learned the content of the story, practised the drama and presented the story for their parents, but also for other classes at their school.

Grade 4 have made papier machĂŠ puppets inspired by a Nordic legend

Puppets to a fairytale made by teacher trainer student

C. Creating a puppet to a self-made story or case Grade 5 has made puppets of themselves. They make self-made stories about their class to show parents. They also use the puppets to play and discuss critical situation. It is easier to let a puppet express feelings that are difficult to say. A teacher might also use a puppet to talk about taboo matters



Teacher Education in Art for Primary Schools - draft

2. Approaches to creation of puppets Aims/ objectives This element will Challenge the students to create puppets of different difficulty Stimulate the students’ awareness of the level of difficulty of each material Stimulate the students to compare how time-consuming each design is.

Outcomes At the end of this element the student will be able to Create puppets with different levels of time-consume and difficulty Create puppets with strong identity and expressions Choose the appropriate material, design for learners at different Facilitate processes with puppets for grade 1-5 with relevant progression

A. Puppets made of found objects


Plastic bottle


Paper tube

B. Puppets made of drawn or painted figures on solid paper

Grade 2

The stick can be mounted from below or sideways dependant on where the play is taking place



Teacher Education in Art for Primary Schools - draft

C. Puppets made by tearing or cutting figures

Work with simple puppets in primary school and advance to more complicated puppets in secondary or college

D. Puppets made by modelling in papier machĂŠ



Teacher Education in Art for Primary Schools - draft

1. Make a tube of paper fit for one or two fingers. 2. Crumple up two pieces of newspaper and form an oval 3. Model the features of the face emphasizing the characteristics of the figure 4. The modelled figure dries 5. Make sure you make a “collar” to carry the dress 6. Paint is added to underline the characteristics 7. Hair and other items are added 8. A dress is made by stitching material to a dress 9. Practicing the play is essential as it is difficult to concentrate on both acting and speaking at the same time 10. Making the scenery

D. Marionette or large puppets

These designs of puppets are too complicated and time-consuming for primary schools, but might be interesting at college level.

Front and back of “dress” for the large puppet as well as hole for the head of the puppet and the hand of the person manoeuvring the puppet.



Teacher Education in Art for Primary Schools - draft

4. Scenery for performing

A scenery behind two tables on top of each other is quickly establish whereas a more permanent scenery might be constructed by enthusiastic parents or colleagues

Simple sceneries for plays and comic strips.

Aims/ objectives This element will: Stimulate the students to develop different sceneries according to the level of teaching, and the time and facilities available Stimulate the student’s to select relevant content for the stories to be told Challenge the students to experience puppets and role play Introduce the latest news on the pedagogical outcome of plays and role plays

Outcomes At the end of this element the students will be able to: Create scenery relevant for the play Play with puppets and create an illusion for the audience Express an understanding of the connection between music and body movement Cooperate in a team presenting a story Reflect on the outcome of such integrated and cross-curricular processes



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