The world around us has been tumultuous of late. We’ve been through quarantines, and divisive actions, amongst many other indisputable events, happening daily.
Autumn is a time for reflection. A quieter time to collect ourselves and take inventory of seasons past. We checkmark our lists of successes and failures and perhaps make notes to dust ourselves off and reevaluate or to just sit still and count our blessings.
As we reflect upon this issue and past issues of Sage and Crystals, we have challenged you to search for different ways of connecting - personally or in our virtual space, Second Life®. We’ve asked you to look inward and outward and have taken you on in-world journeys through Adventures with Amethyst and other features within our magazine to find community and connect in ways that may be unavailable in real life. Part of our mission is to act as a means to unite de spite the possibility of differing opinions and biases.
In our last Letter from the Collective, we said, “We believe that Second Life® offers the platform to see, learn, explore, and experience beyond the real-life environment you already know. When perspectives and experiences are shared openly, without fear or judgment, and not from a place of control, it can create a change within you or create a new way of looking
at people and the environment.” We stand wholeheartedly by this statement and find it worth repeating.
In the meantime, we encourage you to take time to nur ture your new and old friendships. Finally, be brave. Take a chance to explore parts of the grid unknown to you.
Remember, be kind to the souls you meet along the way. Thanks for spending time with us.
Love and Blessings,
Notice and Disclaimer. “Second Life® is a trademark of Linden Research, Inc.
Sage and Crystals is not affiliated with or sponsored by Linden Research.”
“And you? When will you begin long journey into yourself?” -Rumi
Ihave to admit my bias. Autumn is my absolute favorite season. It’s not just the beautiful picturesqueness that the season brings with its substantial vibrancy seen in the foliage. Or, that I love that warmth and coziness of sweaters and toasty warm drinks as the weather changes. It’s not even the pumpkin spice. Instead, I love that the whirlwind and busyness of summer have started to wind down to prepare us for a time of reflection - whether it be on the fruitfulness or the fruitlessness of our best-laid intentions. It’s a time to acknowledge growth and efforts and show gratitude for the lessons learned. It’s my favorite season because I can go within, welcome the restfulness of the season, and prepare for a new growth cycle.
Trees releasing leaves can be seen as a prompt for each of us to begin to let go of the attachments we no longer need. It’s a time to rebalance and for self-evaluation. Adjust yourselves, your surroundings, and your needs to include what’s appropriate in your life and let go of the rest. The implements you applied for the past season that kept you in balance may no longer work for you the same way. Modifica tions to your harmony and balance are constant - the change in seasons and nature are a reminder that we are constantly in flux and nothing in life is permanent or fixed.
For some, autumn feels like the somber period before the dread of winter. Indeed, gratitude and thankfulness is generally the theme for this time of year. But I challenge you to experience the season through a different lens. Make space within you to expand your vision and permit yourself to be silent enough for reflection plus gratitude for all you’ve experienced this year. Allow time for gathering with friends and still plug into the fun and celebrations that are abundantly around us this time of year.
Autumn isn’t about an ending. In a blog post by Golden Poppy Apothecary, “The Energetics of Autumn,” (n.d.), they pres ent an interesting description of the season as -
The energy of autumn aligns with the archetype of the Wise Woman. It is the Wise Woman who, as described by herbalist, teacher, and author Marysia Miernowska, “practices discernment and uses her energy wisely.” As the trees shed their leaves, immensely symbolic of letting go of what no longer serves us, we too should seek to “use this time wisely to put down your baskets of doings and over commitments. Cut away the overextended ways that spread you thin and far, and draw yourself back into your wholeness.”
Check out our Tarot Astrology page for more insight.
ince I am a hermit by nature, I pre fer to hide behind my work, playing the role of an ominous narrator who illustrates each scene as it happens. However, this issue prompted a call to arms. As we brainstormed this issue, it was imperative for us to give our loyal readers more. We’ve been on a journey with each other for a little over a year now, and now is the time to put the tools we dis cussed into action. Let’s start with a space that throws us right into chaos.
If you started singing “...this is for the lov er in you…” by Shalamar, when you read this title, you are my kind of person! This space is a hoarder’s paradise, and we love the de tails. With autumn leaves blowing through the doors, we are invited inside to take a seat while we figure out what holiday items we’d need to decorate the house. Commoner and MadPea games adorn this space. This allows us to converse with friends while enjoying a slice of deep-dish pizza and discussing the lat est promotions, announcements, joys, and set backs. Maybe you are a taco lover. Dustbun ny Bell has your tacos and slushy faves. Pull up a bin and sort out that inventory with your friends.
Inventory cleaning can be fun. It allows us to make room for the old and honor past mem ories. Need to change your fit? Stand behind the divider and put on your pre-mesh-era clothes. Are you ready for the holiday season? This garage has everything you need from Easter to Christmas. If your inventory looks like this, it’s time to get it in gear! Check out our Editor’s Sloarders group on Facebook and get all the tips on how to get your inventory together. Set a date with your friends, order food, break out a Commoner’s game while you clean, and let those conversations fly. Let ting go is key, and having a reliable support system while you do makes all the difference.
After you’ve cleaned your inventory, you might decide that the next group setting should be something a little bit more relax ing. Hand us your glass, darling, and sit for a spell. This me dia space offers a rich blend of contemporary and warm tones. The room is characterized by the use of white, which adds so phistication to it and makes conversations flow. Feeling stuck on what to talk about? Take part in one of the games around the room and get to know your friends better or someone new!
Play a record, or strum the guitar, and let the vibes flow. En joy a movie and take-out. Food is abundant in this space, and for an excellent reason. The most engaging conversations seem to happen when food is involved and this room is no different. The photo wall allows us to reminisce and create new memo ries with the people who love us for who we are. Grab a drink from the mini-bar and see what unfolds.
My favorite season is fall. Wait, let me rewind. I’ll say the same thing during winter so don’t quote me on that. Instead, I’ll rephrase and say I love this time of year! Warm tones fill the scene as people gather. Sweet yet robust scents fill the air. How can you not love fall?
One of the most enjoyable things to do during the season is apple picking. Rich colors provide balance to the washed-down muted tones, respecting what each tone brings to the space individually, much like life itself. This space invites you to have another chance to gather while enjoying the bonds you created and giving yourself the possibility to create new ones.
“I don’t see how a pumpkin patch could be more sincere than this one.” - ‘It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown’
articipating in a cafe crawl is an enjoyable way to explore our virtual community and support sim creators, especially during the fall and winter months. So grab a friend and vis it a few coffee shops you have been meaning to check out around the grid while indulging in conversation or picking up an interactive game.
Being a fan of a delicious matcha foam latte and a catch-up, I recently met with my friend, Bars Simpson, to embark on a coffee crawl while dis cussing the importance of friendship. What oth er perfect place to do this other than a cafe?
Friendship can look different for many people depending on culture, experiences, etc. So what does friendship look like and mean to you?
I agree. Friendships can look different depend ing on culture, experiences, and more. They are important, and personally, they mean a lot to me. At times, I’ve found it a little difficult to de termine if people are being genuine or behaving a certain way due to their real-life experiences, but I try to remain open-minded. I look for the positives. I’ve met people on Second Life® who were friends or family and have been in my life for 14 years. I have long-time friends both in real life and Second Life®. I like deep connec tions with people, and people that know me best are the ones I connect to
Yes, it can be difficult at times to determine the quality of one’s intent through a virtu al platform, but at the same time, it’s pos sible. Your 14-year friendships are proof of that, and I think that’s magnificent. I had de veloped friendships from 2009 when I first began on this social platform, and they are still going strong. Creating deep connections with those around us is not limited to the real world. Virtually, these friendships are bene ficial and contribute to my personal growth. You said earlier that friendships mean a lot to you, and it sounds like you pour a lot of time and love into the relationships that you build. Knowing that self-care is essential, how do you practice reserving some of that energy for yourself, to refill your cup? Giving can be such a beautiful practice, but it can be emo tionally taxing when done all the time. So
maybe what I am asking is, how do you pour some of the love you give to others back into yourself?
At times, I definitely need to step back and re adjust, especially when friendships become in credibly unbalanced. I am not on the band wagon of “I’ll give you the energy you give me,” because life is complicated. Sometimes we need certain friends in our lives to pull us up out of whatever hole we may be in. There are times when we need to reciprocate more than usu al. We all have those times, and it’s refreshing to have friends who understand that and don’t guilt you because of it. There will be days, weeks, or months where I might be very to myself, and it’ll take a friend to shake me out of that or vice versa. But, there are just friendships you have that you discover can be very self-serving for the other person, like they only hit you up to hang out when they need help or feedback. Some times I have to take a step back from those and realize I am putting too much time into them than myself and readjust. Although I am a social person, I am happy being by myself and creating or exploring.
If I have been dealing with many people, I give back to myself by just doing things I love, learn ing something new I want to know, or even tak ing on a new hobby.
In real life, I’ve been trying to come up with a new morning routine that does not include reaching for my phone. Learning to meditate correctly without falling asleep is on my shortterm to-do list.
I’m happy to hear that you are aware of your boundaries. So, what are some of your prac tices regarding maintaining your friendships?
I wish I had some delicious tidbits or practic es for maintaining friendships. I hit up friends up based on vibes. I don’t usually reach out ev ery day to friends. I don’t like to burden people or feel like I’m adding pressure to their life, but if someone makes an effort to hit me up or is excited to speak to me, I try to reciprocate that as well. I have friend dates with certain people that I work with a lot inworld to try and shake them down for quality time and make them take
In real life, I will send my kids or best friend care packages or make them a music playlist if they have a big life event or are going through something, and I can sense they need a little extra loving.
Connecting and exploring friendships usu ally lead to finding your tribe. However, it can sometimes be difficult for some people, especially those who have had negative ex periences that have left them slightly jaded. Do you have any advice for those who want to connect but are afraid due to past experi ences?
I always tell my virtual kids or friends that when you make yourself vulnerable in a ro mantic or platonic relationship, there’s always a chance that someone may do or say some thing that will hurt you. You just have to feel it out and figure out if it is worth the risk. But when people feel good to you, feel like home, don’t guilt trip you over certain things, en courage you, and challenge you to be the best version of yourself, those are the people we work hard to keep around. When you find people with no ulterior motives other than just to love and support you, that’s your tribe, and you should be open to exploring that friend ship or relationship.
Our friendship is new, and I have learned that you are encouraging and bright-spir ited. I love those qualities about you and know that there’s more to discover as our friendship continues to grow. And if our friendship is for a reason, season or lifetime, I feel lucky to have opened my heart to you.
“For me, there’s nothing better than curling up in my favorite blanket on a cloudy or rainy day and just knit. Especially in front of the fireplace”. -Magdalena Neuner
The leaves turn a rustic red, sienna, and gold color as the season turns. Then, finally, the air becomes crisp, and a slight fog settles, indicating it’s time to slow down. Warm spices flutter in the air from kitchen windows and the local coffee shops, whispering that autumn has arrived.
As I inhale the scents of apple, cinnamon, pumpkin, and sandalwood, I automatically crave a cup of mulled wine or a glass of red. I know that I could satisfy my cravings at Astoria. Co Winery and Vineyards Estates. I planned a short day trip, packed a little bag, and ventured out, remaining open to what I’d find.
I was taken aback by the beautiful trees and vineyards that rested against the dirt roads. Looking around, I noticed the lush vines with dark purple grapes hung still, exhibiting a color contrast between fruit and foliage. I imagined the gravel crunching under my shoes as I walked alone while the
trees swayed slightly with the light autumn wind, gold leaves dancing in the air.
I turned right and walked down what seemed like a secret path. Finally, I came upon an outdoor area with tables constructed from old wine barrels adorned with bread and small charcuterie boards. Small to medium-sized barrels of freshly picked grapes sat as decoration until ready for processing. Off to the side, a cellar sat open, displaying a plethora of bottled wine for consumption and decor. As I explored the tucked-away hamlet, I thought what a perfect place for an intimate conversation or a business meeting over wine.
Doubling back, I headed further down the road, finding my way to the estates. While enjoying my walk, I saw an easel sit ting along the side of the road that offered a cider-tasting role-play experience. Wow! Astoria offers role-play
experiences to residents! I quickly noted this, then continued my trek downward toward the winery’s main entrance. The grounds were vast and open, with foliage everywhere. I could feel the magic of autumn all around me. A connected outdoor restaurant area caught my attention as I approached the coun try-styled building. The patio area, covered by a trellis, was hugged tightly by vines and string lights, giving the essence of what could be a romantic dining experience.
Beyond the dining area, common areas encouraged different wine experiences, such as wine bathing and tastings, which I found pretty cool. Finally, I made my way into the wine-tasting
room, where a bot sommelier or wine steward poured wine behind the counter. The tables offered small plates of prosciutto, cheeses, and delicious dark purple grapes. I ordered a glass of red, closed my eyes, and embraced the beautiful autumnal flavors/notes.
I highly recommend visiting Astoria.Co Winery and Vineyards Estates to explore the beauty of the grounds and for an unforgettable wine or dining experience. You won’t regret it.
hen people think about plants in nature, they think of the basics needed to help them grow and populate: water, dirt, and sunshine. While these three mediums are essential, one of the primary critical factors involved with the reproduction of plants is cross-pollination. Butterflies and hummingbirds are known to assist with pollination, but bees are one of the earth’s biggest helpers.
We see a lot of bee activity during spring and summer, but have you wondered where bees go during autumn? Of course, we notice plants and flowers dying back, and
leaves turn their familiar fall hues. But, as the temperatures cool, what happens to the bees?
During the fall and winter, certain species of bee colonies (a bee colony consists of workers, drones, and a queen) work together to ensure that the hive remains protected. The worker bees are super busy throughout autumn gath ering food in preparation for feeding the colony for the long term. In addition, some bees venture out into colder temperatures to discard the waste produced inside the hive or to provide water to the hive.
Older bees turn on a fat-producing gene autumn and put on weight to keep the hive warm during the cooler sea sons. Then, when temperatures increase again, newly born bees have only six weeks to collect nectar and pollen for the hive while also pollinating crops to create the veg etables we find in our food markets.
On the grid, take a moment to visit, What the Buzz. It is a visually stunning park with information about bee preservation.
What brought you to Second Life®?
I was introduced to it by an ex of mine. Previ ous to Second Life® I enjoyed creating charac ters and setups in The Sims 2 and Second Life® sort of felt like a more advanced/social version of that. At first, I was just enjoying exploring and hunting for cool items, but I saw these amazing images on Flickr (mind you, this was years before mesh heads/bodies), and I was de termined to learn how to do the same. And of course, once I discovered creating, it became a big part of my life and still is!
How would you describe yourself in one word? Why?
Creative. If I couldn’t explore my creative side, I’d probably die! I love doing art both in Sec ond Life® but also in RL.
What drives your passion for creating?
I’ve always been interested in fashion, and Sec ond Life® allows me to share that love with other people in my own way and on my own terms. I enjoy creating something unique, to fill a gap in the market with my unisex style. I don’t think clothes should be gendered, not in real life and certainly not in a creative space such as Second Life®!
What was your proudest achievement?
That is a hard question. I’d say it’s always my latest product because I keep learning and getting better with each release. Additional ly, I am also proud of my current mainstore. I’ve meshed the building myself and created unique wall murals. It was a lot of work, but I am super happy with the result! And it always makes me smile when people are kind enough to compliment it.
Has rejection ever affected your creative process? Explain. How did you overcome it?
It’s never affected my creative process. I always have and always will do things that I enjoy and would like to see in Second Life®. Of course, it
does hurt to be rejected and not have your ef forts seen, but I feel that it is better to keep go ing and prove people wrong for looking the other way. As Dita Von Teese said, “you can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there’s still going to be somebody who hates peaches”. You can’t be everyone’s favorite but you can stay true to yourself and keep doing what you enjoy.
I’d also like to say, in the context of events and having a store in Second Life®, you won’t get into big events right away. It may take years be fore you get recognized. And that’s okay! Keep building your brand, do things that you enjoy and people will notice. I don’t think starting a brand in Second Life® for the sole purpose of making money is ever going to pay off. It takes time and you will feel like giving up at times, but if you enjoy it, keep doing it! And remem ber that the first item you make is always go ing to be the worst quality-wise. The good stuff comes with experience and practice!
What would you like the Second Life® community to know about you or your art?
I love inspiring others and I hope that the community enjoys my art and that it gives them seeds of inspiration for their own creative endeavors. I do my art for me and it doesn’t bother me if it’s not to everyone’s taste. If I can inspire or make one person smile with my art, then it is worth posting it!
“Is not this a true autumn day? Just I love—that makes life and - George
Just the still melancholy that and nature harmonize.”George Eliot
“...I cannot endure to waste anything sunshine by staying in the house. daylight hours - Nathaniel
anything so precious as autumnal house. So I have spent almost all the in the open air.”Hawthorne
What exactly is the purpose of giving? Upcoming birth days, special occasions, and holidays always seem to cre ate frenzied action around shopping. Inworld, we see it with half-off sales, Black Friday events, etc., right around the holi day season, enticing people to consume or be generous. In ei ther world, there is an absolute distinct power to gift giving.
Is it the happiness we want to see in others? The motivation behind giving a gift could satisfy something deeply gratify ing within us, primarily if it’s not performed as just a func tion or as some deed to engage and heighten the ego. Giving shouldn’t be contingent on what you’ll get back but should be
part of a gratitude practice without like-for-like expectations. “Giving—and thoughtful, generous giving at that—may be more rewarding than receiving on numerous levels, from the neural to the personal, to the social.” (Konnikova 2012)
On the other hand, receiving a gift triggers various emotional responses in people. For some, it’s uncomfortable. Some may feel that there is one owed in return or exchange for the gift; others may feel the pressure to reciprocate. Also, the thought and feeling that it’s selfish to receive a gift can be crippling. If our responses weren’t so conditioned, we could see the ben efit and the beauty behind the act of receiving a gift. Instead
of tightening up and giving in to that old saying, “It’s better to give than receive,” we should be encouraged to accept a gift graciously.
The next time you receive a gift, think of it this way. Gift-giv ing is an expression of kindness from the other person. It doesn’t make you seem shallow or materialistic. It is part of the natural cycle of celebrating a moment or occasion. The act is the absolute focus - not the present you received or your feelings about an unwanted gift. Set your emotions aside and acknowledge the thoughtful gesture.
A solid foundation embedded in giving and receiving gifts is the bonding created between people. It strengthens connec tions because it is a demonstration of support and affirms the goodness that exists within and around us. The power of giv ing and receiving gifts is part of the cyclical nature of gratitude and is a gratitude practice.
1Konnikova, M (2012, January 4). The Psychology Behind Gift-Giving and Generosity. Scientific America. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/literally-psyched/the-psychology-behind-gift-giv ing-and-generosity/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwkt6aBhDKARIsAAyeLJ06ac6WLJPWQajo0dgw9L HUNtJJ4r5VxKHqIiAtm5m-G1twjx6j61AaAlsmEALw_wcB
Is not this a true autumn still melancholy that life and nature - George
autumn day? Just the that I love — that makes nature harmonize.
George Eliot
For all that it ever meant For all that it will ever be Your essence, still Resides through the pixels
Pictures of our moments Forever frozen in time With the loss of you The emptiness still lingers
Though, I refuse to let go Your name still appears Minus the glow A realization that You’re gone
A faint smile emerges Remembering the laughter The tears The disappointments The fun
I still cherish you And, the conversatioons And, the lessons you came to teach And, the love you came to share And, the hearts you came to touch
The charm of you still lingers On and on and on….
In rememberance
Dedicated to those we’ve loved and lost on our virtual journey.
Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.” - Emily Brontë
It was a beautiful, bright autumn day, with air like cider and a sky so blue you could drown in it.
Is your inventory out of control? Are you overwhelmed by the clutter? Don’t know how to organize your folders? There IS light at the end of the tunnel! Join Sloarders, our Facebook support group where we discuss tips, folder organization and just plan inventory cleanup and management. You can even join us for a quick inventory purge party. Find us here.
“Once you’ve started down that road to self-discovery, no matter how treacherous the path before you, you can’t turn back. The universe doesn’t allow it.”
-Lisa Unger
“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks in side, awakens.’’ - Carl Jung
The predictable hot blissful days of summer are gone, and we have entered the season before the foreboding winter. Autumn, a time of reflection and release, there is a tendency to slow down enough to evaluate our direction. We present a Tarot forecast for each zodiac sign for the fall season through the end of the year.
Aries - One thing to remember is that authenticity is your highest focus right now. You will start to notice that all your needs are suddenly being met. Or, you may be experiencing a period of abundance. All at once, you may begin to reap success in all the sweet spots in your life -- love, prosperity, etc. Be sure to express gratitude for your blessings during this time.
Taurus - Asked for a sign? When you finally believe that you’ll see it, it will happen. Keep your ears and eyes open to ensure you don’t miss it. You are so on target, Taurus, and are in great alignment for the confirmation of your wishes. A new opportunity is coming your way, so be ready to receive it!
Gemini - You are entering a period in your life where you need to be open to learning new things and having new experiences. So, in love matters, for example, if you meet someone who isn’t your “typical” speed, take a chance. It may turn out to be life-changing. Apply this aspect to other ar eas of your life as well. You may just release some outmoded thinking.
Cancer - Are you having coincidental experiences? Trust that miracles are showing up to your left and right as you align with the spirit of opportunity and readiness. You are in a position to experience great fortune and providence. If you aren’t experiencing any of this, check yourself to ensure you aren’t creating dramatic situations which can throw you off track and interfere with your luck.
Leo - You will begin to see the fruition of all of your past hard work. Plenty of patience is what you need now. Take your
time, take a moment, take a breath. The results may be slow, but soon you will be able to reap the full benefits of what you are after. Taking a moment does not mean embracing laziness or a lack of passion. Stay on course!
Virgo - Get distanced from your situation so you can clearly see your circumstances. Viewing things from a close-up perspective, you will not see all the possibilities. However, the clarity you gain from this viewpoint can raise new insights and answers you never thought possible. Your feelings and attitudes aren’t the only aspects of your situation.
Libra - You are going through a very transitional period. Nothing seems or feels like it used to. The assumptions and expectations you made don’t work for your existing situation, and you finally have to let go. It is time to go inward for some soul-searching and accept what’s happening. Then, it’s time to move on and allow new energy to enter.
Scorpio - Are you a control freak? Here is a reminder that there are things that you will never be able to control. The
situations or the people you may be trying to manipulate are not malleable; you must accept this. Meditate on the wisdom of the Serenity Prayer for you to have a deeper understanding of fate and karma. Understand your limits and therefore raise your vibration.
Sagittarius - Dear Sag. Mind your business, and live life in peace. You do not own other people’s “stuff” nor are you here to resolve problems that are NOT yours. During this time, avoid drama, or the alternative is that you will be dragged, scarred, and hurt for things that have nothing to do with you. Instead, go inward, relax, stay focused, and be nourished. Keep your focus on YOU.
Capricorn - Widen your scope beyond what is directly in front of you. Right now, your world is way too small. Your options are more extensive and more significant than you think. It’s ok to get the perspective of others that you trust. However, your personal lens isn’t the only reality that exists. It would be best if you had support to widen your vistas further than the nose on your face.
Aquarius - It’s time to re-ground yourself if you have been en ergetically feeling super-sensitive. This is a direct message to take care of your spiritual self. Saying no, setting boundaries, or performing rituals when you feel exhausted should be top of mind for your self-love/self-care routine.
Pieces - Sometimes, things fail to come to pass because they are not what you need right now. It’s hard, but you must be radical about accepting this fact. Your effort is not truly wast ed because you have learned some things along your journey. Instead, it’s time to recreate something else because your suc cess lies elsewhere.
Ophiuchus 13th Zodiac - Turning to the pleasurable aspects of life feels exceptional when satisfying the uneasy feeling of disappointment. But remember that those lust-filled moments are fleeting and need to keep constantly recurring to take away the pain. Spend some time healing and loving yourself for a change. It would be best if you do that.