Sage magazine issue 7

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Mother Mary the queen of hearts

Alana Fairchild looks at the divine Mother Mary through the eyes of visionary artist Shiloh Sophia.

Crystal Children

era of the children of light Alexis Cartwright shares teaching on the new generation of crystal children.

Conscious Travel journeys with intention Scott Podmore examines travel that is responsible, ethical and environmentally friendly

spirituality • healing • music • numerology • books • awareness • travel

sage magazine

WELCOME TO SAGE MAGAZINE ISSUE 7 Namaste Soul Travellers…..2014, the year of the wood horse has been a wild ride indeed! A year of challenges, renewal, emotions, healing and awakening. On all levels the Universal year of 7 has resonated deeply in our spiritual selves, empowering the planet with conscious choice and change. This theme expands into our Sage special feature on ‘Conscious Travel’ – journeys for the mind, body and spirit – where we lose the title of tourist and create community through understanding our intentions to tread gently upon Earth Mother. Soul Traveller Radio has surfed the sound waves into the hearts of over 120 countries; sacred song beating to the rhythm of a global shift and this pulse of power is shared in our collaboration with the ‘Unsigned Project’. This issue we gift you the sampler album of some of the many amazing artists involved. The gentle grace of Mother Mary, whose love and compassion reaches beyond the boundaries of all religion, beams her blessings to us through the incredible imagery of Shiloh Sophia and the heartfelt sharing of Alana Fairchild….so excited to have 6 Mother Mary Oracle card decks to give away, they are beautiful. Part 1 of our Crystal Children special brings so much understanding, “through the wisdom and clarity of unveiled eyes, they see humans and the earth as they really are….” Alexis Cartwright, your research is incredible. Deep gratitude to all the contributors; your creativity gifts us with opportunities to experience more of who we really are, allowing the small picture of self to move into a bigger picture that encompasses all possibilities... May all Soul Travellers open up a deep dialogue with your soul - feel the happiness and joy that are your birthright and decide to be powerful in the positive for yourself, your family, your community and your planet....let this be your living prayer.

Tanya xxx



Editor Tanya Allison | Sage Magazine

Tanya Allison | Shayne Locke | Jennifer Starlight Eva Annaluna | Scott Podmore | Greg Doyle | Peter Dean Alexis Cartwright | Michelle Buchanan | Alana Fairchild LakshmiGrace Phoenix | Thai Ngyuen | Eunjung Choi Yves Nager | Brianna Piazza | Lucille DancingWind Janet Boyer | Adeline Charnley | Jeff Foster

Publisher and Program Manager Shayne Locke | Soul Traveller Radio Digital Production Peter Campbell | My Entertainment Cover Art Work ”Sweet Communion” by Shiloh Sophia

Sponsors & ADVERTISERS BlakeBauer | Peter Dean | Yoga of the Heart Retreat Soul Traveller Radio | Soul Traveller Meditations Scott Podmore | The Invisible College | Amethyst BioMat Transference Healing | Blue Angel | Uplift Festival Amazonia’s Conscious New Years Eve | Tanya Allison Neon Pulse | ISC | Harding Woodhouse | Awake EB Retreat |


Contents Page 2 page 4 PAge 14

editorial Mother Mary Crystal Children

Conscious Travel speciaL Mother Mary

Page 4

Crystal Children

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page 22 page 24 page 26 page 34 page 44 page 50 page 54

Conscious Travel

Page 22

for the love of primates

Page 54

page 60 page 70 page 78 page 84 page 90 page 96

tarot anatomy

Page 60

the pathway to sacred possibilities

Page 70

page 104 page 110 page 116 page 118 page 125

Conscious travel Intro Five To Thrive Ignite the flame of your spirit sacred sights the ceremony of san pedro Tongdosa the jewelled temple for the love of primates tarot anatomy the pathway to sacred possibilities signs of life understanding universal prosperity 2015 - a potential paradise the changing tides of time soul traveller radio shedding skin dolphin inspiration make the most 0f 2015 Next Issue

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MOTHER MARY the queen of hearts story by alana fairchild artwork by shiloh sophia mccloud

images Š shiloh sophia mcloud


SAGE magazine

mother mary queen of hearts

“mary lives her truth by sharing her healing presence in more then one religious tradition including two traditions that some may feel are opposed... it’s part of her spiritual genius, that love can attain that which we once might have once believed was impossible...”

call me an absolute unmitigated flirt because I love and pray to beings from many different traditions including Sufism, Tibetan Buddhism, Christianity, Paganism and Hinduism - I find that certain beings regularly make an appearance in my life. Even if I am uttering a general prayer to the Universe, certain faces of the divine respond and one of those is Mother Mary.

Once, more than ten years ago now, I was in a dark and questioning place in my professional life. I had submitted my first book proposal to a publishing house that I thought would be perfect! I hadn’t heard of Blue Angel then, nor did I have any clue how my working life would unfold, but I knew I I have loved Mother Mary my whole life. As a little could help people through writing. So I wrote a girl, she watched over me from the top of my book, Heart-Centred Living, which is available on beloved grandmother’s wardrobe. In the form of a my website as an e-book with a guided companion large statue of a woman swathed in white and blue robes, she gazed down in silent blessing. I adored my meditation. I had some great feedback from people about the book, so I went ahead and submitted the grandmother (also named Mary) and often watched proposal. When I received a rejection letter that had her as she silently said her rosary in devotion to misspelled my name, got the date wrong (by several Mother Mary, every day. As she mouthed the words years, if memory serves correctly) and it didn’t even of the prayers under her breath, her graceful hands swiftly marked her place as the rosary beads slipped appear as though the publisher had bothered to read my cover letter let alone the sample chapters through her fingers. attached, I was absolutely devastated! Being quite a passionate person, I do tend to feel things rather Although I am not particularly monogamous when intensely, so although that might seem a little overit comes to aspects of the divine - in fact you could


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the-top, it was absolutely how I felt. Despairingly, I prayed to the Universe for a sign. I truly felt that I was supposed to write and help people through that, but how could I do it if I didn’t even get a chance from a publisher? I decided to go for a walk. I meandered down the slightly grotty streets of the inner city suburb that I lived in at that time. After only a few blocks of my walk, I noticed a small gleaming object on the ground, a few feet ahead of me. I slowed down my walk, looking attentively at this object as it started to come into clearer view, feeling a strange excitement and hopefulness welling up inside me. Being an inner city Sydney street, my logical mind imagined that this gleaming treasure would most likely be a bit of rubbish like the twist-top cap of a beer bottle. Despite this, my body was reacting as though it was something much more precious being offered to me. I reached the glinting object, kneeling down to pick it up and saw that it was a small silver medallion with the image of Mother Mary on it, wrapped in a green and purple ribbon around a piece of white paper with blue text. My heart filled with a mixture of joy and incredulity. It felt like my own personal visitation with Mary had occurred in downtown Marrickville, perhaps not as historically glamorous as France during the revolution, when St Catherine received her first visitation with the Holy Mother, but at least not as bloodied. Transfixed, I stood in the middle of the footpath with traffic blaring around me, fumes everywhere and slowly unravelled the paper scroll to read the text. The first words that I saw were these “God has a special task for thee”. I felt a surge of emotion in my heart - gratitude, relief, wonder and intense love. These words spoke directly to my heart. I felt affirmation that my spiritual direction was going to manifest somehow and not to be disheartened. I felt that my prayers had been heard and things were going to be alright, somehow. I continued reading the unrolled pamphlet which chronicled the story around the medal tied to it. It explained that the medal was a part of the manifestation of St Catherine’s divine life mission, that she carried out in service to the Divine Mother. This felt like a clear answer to my own prayers about my life mission. It would happen, it was meant to be, just as I was meant to be. I would be guided about what to do, and when. It would happen according to Her wisdom and will. This experience helped to revive my belief that there

was a space for me and for my voice in the world, and that it would be of service to others’ wellbeing, and my own, but that I had to trust in the Universe as to the “how”, “who” and “when” of it all. My encounter with Mother Mary through this little symbol became my light at the end of the tunnel, during a particularly challenging time in my life. Her presence, her reaching to me became the point that I focused upon when the uncertainty and passing of time where nothing appeared to be happening could otherwise have caused me to lose hope. I still have that medal, tied in ribbons the colour of the heart and crown chakras, in a special corner of my healing room, underneath my altar.

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As it turned out, the publisher that I did connect with - though it was many years later - has been amazing in a way that I know would not have been the case had I connected with anyone else. He has brought special projects to me that are without a doubt divinely inspired and destined (the Kuan Yin Oracle comes to mind as an example) and being open to my inspirations too (which led to the Mother Mary Oracle being created). Something that I thought I wanted was withheld from me so that I could eventually receive something far greater, but I needed trust, patience and faith. That divine encounter with Mother Mary helped me with that process.

It has absolutely been my experience that truly loving beings don’t give a hoot what spiritual or religious tradition you adhere to - though they will respect your free will to choose your own path. I’ve seen Jesus and Rumi, the Sufi mystic, standing side by side as brothers, giving me guidance that proved to be utterly accurate and helpful, though I wasn’t so sure at the time I received it (though I did appreciate having the vision and receiving the guidance whilst peacefully sunbathing!).

Some people can be put off by the Christian flavour of Mother Mary if they have had negative experiences with that religious tradition in this or other lifetimes, There are so many ways that Mary has helped me and yet I had even further connections with her through my many others on this earth, irrespective of our various travels in Turkey, an Islamic country that acknowledges religious or spiritual beliefs, and sometimes without us Mother Mary as a being of grace and purity. I talk about realising her presence. The sacred helpers on this earth those encounters in the introduction of the Mother seem to spend more time actually helping than letting Mary Oracle guidebook. I have always believed that us know that they are doing it (unless us knowing that religions are different paths to the one truth. We are helps us trust them and therefore makes everyone’s all just coming to it from various angles. I love that life easier!). Mary lives this truth by sharing her healing presence


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in more then one religious tradition, in fact through two traditions that some may feel are opposed. It’s part of her spiritual genius, that love can attain that which we once might have believed was impossible. We just have to remember to ask for help and then trust in the outcome, whenever and however it is delivered. If you are attracted to this deck, the imagery or these words, then know that you are being spoken to by Mary through that attraction. It is her holy energy making a connection with you. Shiloh (the wonderful artist that she is) and myself are just part of how her message and energy can reach the world. So know this, even just by reading this article a sign has been given to you now. Mary is drawing you close, beloved; not imagination or religion or anything other than her love. You are one of her children. Why not let her help you now, let her bring you her guidance, her healing and her comforting peace. If you have something that is troubling you, or a dream that you would like her help with, just ask her now. If you are on public transport or something of the like and want to keep it a bit more low-key (!) then imagine the following silently in your mind, but if you can speak it aloud, you may choose to do that. You can ask for help simply by repeating, “Mother Mary who loves me unconditionally, thank you for your grace, please help me with …. through my own free will, so be it!”. May you feel the grace of the holy mother, in her many forms of loving assistance, with you now and always.

About the Author Alana Fairchild Alana Fairchild is a divine rebel, voice of the soul and child from the stars, who found her way to planet Earth, fell in love with nature and conversed with God through the entire process. Her life path is dedicated to awakening the soul through the conscious and loving transmission of divine energy. She does this through soul therapy sessions, best-selling books, meditations and oracle decks and, whenever possible, by singing and dancing. Find out more at

About The Artist Shiloh Sophia McCloud Shiloh Sophia McCloud is a Visionary Artist and Author whose ministry encompasses projects designed to bless and empower others through sacred art, independent media and visionary entrepreneurship. Shiloh has been working with people and as a full time Artist for over ten years in an arena she calls intentional creativity. She calls this kind of work ”the Intentional Creativity movement” which is dedicated to exploring the tri-fold relationship between intention based arts, meaningful lifework and the path of personal transformation. Shiloh believes that it is the combination of these factors (creativity, livelihood and healing) that invite a sacred life of wellness and possibility. Find out more at

Alana Fairchild’s Mother Mary Oracle featuring the artwork of Shiloh Sophia McCloud is available now from the following online sites

Also Available

CLick Here to win 1 of 6 mother mary oracle decks

SAGE magazine

Crystal children

image Š Yana Chuvalova instagram: yanachuvalova

part 1 of our crystal children special by alexis cartwright

ISSUE 07 Last issue we discovered the beauty of chanting with children as a practice to help us bond with them on a soul level. This time we are going to look at how many of our children retain memories of their home beyond the stars. Alexis Cartwright, of Transference Healing calls them Children of Light or Crystal Children, living among us, guiding and leading us into enlightment. “As these souls incarnate onto the planet, the world is experiencing a massive influx of higher and purer energetic frequencies. These children are anchoring light onto the planet, shifting us in consciousness and moving us toward the Light. They are breaking down our paradigms, and are transmuting pain, fear and the need for separation. They share love and light with all. Through the wisdom and clarity of unveiled eyes, they see humans and the Earth as they truly are. Crystal Children create a healing impact on the souls they touch; those who are prepared to see, and those who are seeking spiritual truth. With clear and crystalline perception, these souls will forever alter our consciousness. They are instrumental to our evolution through the fifth dimension.” Crystal Children can be divided into three main groups and it is these groups that can give an insight and understanding into the new world that will be created at the hands of these phenominal children. As humanity awakens the characteristics of the crystal child will become integrated into our global consciousness. So let’s start at the very beginning with the findings of Alexis The Fifth Dimensional Grid which has been impacting those born after 1992...

Orchestrated by the stellar activations, meteor showers and astrological events that have impacted our planet since 1992, Earth’s crystals are being continuously infused with various gasses, and geometric and electromagnetic frequencies of light. This infusion is being imprinted into the Global Grid Matrix through high vibrational (fourth dimensional) soundwaves, sustaining the technology that is allowing our grid to evolve. They are now dispersing out into all matter the energy and resources necessary to create our new world, body and consciousness, and to interact with lightbeings who coexist with us from the higher elemental, galactic and angelic realms.

respond to the Earth’s changes in a quite unique way. I came to see that children who were born from 1992 onwards had a physical and energetic sensitivity to the changing frequencies of the Earth’s grid. This manifested unusual symptoms that were often very difficult to medically diagnose. Due to its density, these children also seemed to find it difficult to feel connected to the old grid, which often made them very ungrounded.

By 1999 all children born onto the planet were completely sustained by the new fifth dimensional grid. These children birth into our world on a different and more refined vibrational level, and are uniquely attuned to energy, light and crystals. Fundamentally speaking, crystal technology is the Their consciousness is more enlightened, and they medium through which the next Golden Age will see, sense and feel on a heart level. They are more come to manifest. Everyone is being impacted by attuned to vibration and frequency, allowing them the new fifth dimensional grid. Depending on how to co-create consciousness through the use of ‘conscious’ we are, this impact can be either subtle extrasensory perception. They hold more light and or overwhelming. therefore respond more effectively to sound and light technology. They see and feel their This became clear to me while running interdimensional reality and live a spiritually Transference Healing® on infant clients in the elevated consciousness. Though their minds are early 1990’s. I soon began to notice that these more universally and cosmically expanded, they children were imprinted with the technology of feel a deep connection to nature. Since they were the fifth dimensional grid. born, these children have been living in a world that is only now beginning to create itself. Sustained by their heart chakras, they held technology that had not yet completed anchoring These children are the Crystal Children. into our reality. This allowed their bodies to

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I refer to all children who have been birthed onto this planet since August 11, 1999 as Crystal Children. This is because these children hold the template of the fifth dimensional crystalline grid. This template is etherically encoded within their DNA and heart chakra, sustaining them within one collective soul group or fifth dimensional hologram. Though they are all Crystal Children, some of them display the distinguishable attributes of Indigo and Star Children. These attributes are detailed below. As humanity awakens, the attributes of the Crystal Child will be integrated into our global consciousness. All of humanity is, after all, being reborn into a new world. You may find yourself relating to many of these attributes as aspects of your inner child. Those who relate to these attributes are awakening to their destined evolution.

they truly seek to understand is the meaning of life. Star Children are very open in their third eye chakra and are quite clairvoyant. They have an intuitively heightened level of sensory perception, and often begin channelling at a very early age. They are very skilled at channelling information that comes from lightbeings, and from the holographic realities and dimensions that coexist with Earth.

crystal (indigo) children

crystal (star) children

The term ‘Indigo Children’ refers to those born with psychic gifts, especially with regard to clairaudient and telepathic abilities. These children utilise their throat and third eye chakra in a unique way, creating or opening different levels of intellectual perception and awareness. They are stubborn, sensitive, loving, courageous and very unique in nature.

Crystal Star Children often seem disinterested in socialising. They tend to refrain from prolonged interaction with others and can often appear quite detached from the world around them. Although they are emotionally sensitive, their relationships with others tend to be founded on their spiritual and intellectual nature. If they are supported by a loving and unconditional caregiver or friend, these children can greatly excel.

Some Indigo Children began incarnating onto the planet in the 1980s as catalysts for the manifestation of the coming New Age. Indigo Children are catalysts for our evolution by shifting our perception on the so-called ‘norm’, especially with regard to human intelligence. Since 1999, Crystal Children with Indigo attributes have been birthing onto the planet to begin the next wave of human evolution.

Though they can appear withdrawn, Crystal Star Children are very inquisitive. Their intelligence, however, can be difficult to define or categorise. They utilise both hemispheres of the brain in such a way that they see things from a perspective that unifies the spiritual and scientific. They love to delve into the mysteries of the Universe from a scientific perspective, as well as from a spiritual one, and have a unique ability to understand and rationalise intuitive knowing.

The consciousness of Crystal Indigo Children is inherently bound to their psychic gifts. Their intelligence reveals itself in very unique ways.

These children are usually stimulated by the search for knowledge, even when that search fails to reveal absolute answers. They also seem to hold a special interest in ‘space’ or the Universe, and are more energetically impacted by cosmic activations and events. You will often find these children daydreaming while looking up at the stars. Common questions you will hear them ask include: ‘Where do we come from?’, ‘How was Earth created?’, and ‘Where is my home?’. What

It is common for Crystal Indigo Children to be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). While these disorders can be indicative of genuine behavioural symptoms, I believe that a large portion of those diagnosed with these disorders are children who have an extreme sensitivity to the Earth’s changing grid, which can cause mild imbalances in their intellect and emotional body.

In other words, these children tend to be guided less by their rational mind,and more by the creative and emotional aspects of their consciousness. Waldorf or Steiner educational institutions can be very beneficial environments for Crystal Children that show Indigo attributes.


”I was born to the sound of my father chanting the Gayatri mantra. Through my childhood I chanted the Gayatri as a bedtime song... It was something normal to me.”

”To go home is to reach for the stars. by opening up to the light, you reconnect to home”

DEVa Premal

In these cases, behavioural therapy and frequency-healing can be beneficial, rather than relying solely on the prolonged use of stimulant medications. Milder lightbody symptoms, such as dyslexia and symptoms that manifest in the throat, middle ear and pineal gland, can also appear in those with Indigo attributes. Crystal Children exhibiting Indigo attributes are telepathically open and tend to attune to different frequencies of sound. Sometimes this can cause them to feel disoriented and overwhelmed, making them very ungrounded. These children can also manifest hearing and communication difficulties. This is not always indicative of a physical disorder, but rather a psychological and emotional sensitivity to sound. Working with sound is important to their learning and their degree of centeredness. Indigo Children energetically respond to the way you feel and are very sensitive to the lightbeings that interact with our world. When they are manifesting ungroundedness and symptoms related to hearing, it is important that they feel

your stillness, patience and love, while at the same time your strength and faith (in you, them, and the Universe). This allows them to remain balanced and to navigate the boundaries of their extrasensory perception. Listening to dolphin and whale sounds has a soothing effect on Crystal Children with Indigo attributes. Other tools that use the medium of sound are also useful, such as reading aloud to your child, and working with meditation. Through sound, Crystal Children who show Indigo attributes can heal the soul, and feel safe and centred.

crystal children

While Star and Indigo children are able to attune to the knowledge and resources of the Earth and cosmos, Crystal Children hold these resources within them. This is because they are born with the fifth dimensional template imprinted within their DNA and etheric body. Crystal Children are light

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”Crystal Children are light bearers. They hold pure energy, are very honest, and are compelled to seek truth.” bearers. They hold pure energy, are very honest, and are compelled to seek truth. These children cannot hide their true feelings in order to protect those around them or to accommodate archaic norms, and can often shy away from people who are suppressed or restricted in their thoughts or behaviour. As a result, those who are connected to Crystal Children are often triggered to clear the pain, insecurity and fear that buried us within the old third dimensional matrix. Being true to yourself, and living by what you preach, will have a resounding impact on the growth of your Crystal Child. These children hold the flame for spiritual purity and strength, enabling them to innately discern between that which is ‘good’ and ‘bad’. They live by universal principles, trusting their inner guidance and staying true to how they feel, regardless of whether this is confronting to others. These children hold the resources to reveal and clear unbalanced behaviours, thoughts and emotions in others. In this way, Crystal Children are global healers.

Because they hold these special gifts, Crystal Children can sometimes find it difficult to adjust to the world around them. Earthly rules and restrictions can be difficult for them to understand, and they often prefer to abide by the Universal Laws they hold within their hearts. Supporting them through this confusing process is important, however, since we have now completed anchoring into the fifth dimensional grid, these feelings of restriction are being eased. Crystal Children are more connected to their heart. Their consciousness runs through their heart chakra, rather than their ego or solar plexus. They are therefore more emotionally open, and are more able to stay true to how they feel. Their strengths, and their vulnerabilities, are always on display. Because they live in a state of oneness with the Earth and Spirit, these children are more humanitarian in nature, and are less judgemental in their perception. They are born with a more unconditional heart. These children are also more connected to the


Earth and the crystals of the Earth. Because they run their consciousness through their heart chakra, (which is orchestrated by the crystalline core of the Earth), they have a unique attunement to the teachings of Gaia. They energetically pick up on how others are feeling, and have a strong connection to the kingdoms of nature. Crystal Children are highly attuned to energy and are impacted by it. It is important that they learn to clear and protect their energy field, either through frequency-healing procedures, or by working with crystals.

working with crystal children You can support your Crystal Child in the following ways:

1. Encourage them to express their intuitive and creative abilities.

interests, and their ‘gifts and talents’. This will help them fulfil their destiny and purpose, and will encourage the growth of their passion and potential. 8. Encourage them to utilise their ‘gifts and talents’ to express their inner knowing with more ease. This will release stress, frustration, feelings of limitation, and low self-worth. 9. Don’t ignore or underestimate their pain or fear. Though you may not see or understand it, these children can be very energetically sensitive. Purifying and clearing your home environment will help ease these feelings. 10. Introduce them to meditation, or other calming and centring practices. This will support their ongoing wellness, in body, mind and soul. (For more information on the Transference Healing® Child of Light Meditation and Affirmation publication).

2. Encourage them to ask their angels and guides 11. Talk to them about energy and teach them to for assistance when they are struggling with run simple procedures on themselves. pain, confusion and fear. 12. Try not to limit their perception. Encourage 3. Let them express their memories of, or them to express their unique view of the world, encounters with, past or parallel lives. and talk to you about what they see, feel and hear with their extrasensory perception. 4. Have their astrology and numerology readings done so you can understand their strengths 13. Allow and encourage them to play with the and vulnerabilities, and can work with their crystals that they are attracted to. uniqueness. 14. If they are manifesting physical symptoms, 5. Review their Chiron wounding (see Chapter run the Transference Healing® procedures 6 of my book Beyond Doorways - The Mysteries detailed in Chapter 4 in my book Beyond Revealed) to understand and interact with them Doorways on them. on an individualised level. In the Next Issue of Sage Magazine, Alexis 6. Help them to develop and express their Cartwright will look at practices to help support individuality. your Crystal Child. To find out more about Crystal Children and Transference Healing® visit 7. Encourage the development of their personal Alexis now travels extensively to teach Transference Healing®, supporting people around the world to heal themselves. She also facilitates mass healings and lightbody activations, (which can be attended in person, or as an absentee), as well as Trance Channellings, through which clients can receive an individual soul reading, alchemy healing and lightbody activation. Her dearest wish is to be of service to humanity in its journey of self-discovery, healing, mastership and ascension. To find out more about Transference Healing, the Mystery Schools or to purchase any of Transference Healing products including Alexis’ book Beyond Doorways, visit www.

Transference Healing速 is a seventh dimensional frequency-healing and ascension process. It initiates an alchemical healing response within the etheric/physical body so we can integrate the lightbody, raise our consciousness and live a multidimensional reality. At this vital time in human evolutionary growth Transference Healing速 is achieving profound results! Empower yourself to self-heal through the divine technology of the Universe.


SELF-HEALING: The Key To Ascension Human beings are not only physical in nature. You are a complex multidimensional being sustained by a geometric, etheric template that regulates your emotional, mental and physical health. Since 2012, when the electromagnetic grid of the planet anchored into the fifth dimension, your body, consciousness and reality have been undergoing rapid transformation. A divinely-orchestrated process of co-creation is enabling you to shift from the third dimensional body to the fifth dimensional Adam Kadmon body and reality. Light and physical mass are uniting, enabling you to manifest your lightbody and Higher Self while in Earthly incarnation. Divine evolutionary expansion occurs not only in consciousness, but also in body. Your physical/etheric body is the vehicle through which you crystallise light; it is vital to your enlightenment and ascension. When you integrate light, release fear, and decode old genetic and past life pain, the biochemical compounds within you undergo alchemical transformation. As this density releases, your DNA and most fundamental subatomic structure undergo a symptomatic clearing process. These lightbody symptoms manifest when you experience a shift of consciousness or alchemical change that is initiated by the decoding of illness, trauma and pain. Healing occurs when you are open to change, not only in your being, but also your reality. This allows a ‘transference shift’ to occur, the process whereby you change from one state of being to another. At each stage of your integration with the lightbody and Merkabah, an energetic death and rebirth is initiated. This process triggers you to release old behavioural patterns from the genetic core of your physical makeup. After it has completed, you are changed forever. You exist within a new reality that is no longer limited by restrictive patterning. Self-healing is the key to your ascension process, your integration with the lightbody, and your evolution into Christbody and Consciousness. Channelled by renowned international healer and teacher, Alexis Cartwright, Transference Healing® is a seventh

“Enlightenment is not just a state of mind; it is a state of being.” Alexis Cartwright

dimensional frequency-healing process that assists you to do this. Uniting universal principles and properties, Transference Healing® works with energy, light, elements and matter to create a deep healing response that brings spiritual empowerment. Transference Healing® awakens a universal belief system that works with the many philosophical teachings and healing lineages of our past, present and future. It balances all aspects of self, unites the masculine and feminine principles, and refines your power centre or ego. By assisting you to clear karmic patterning from your cellular memory, it initiates an alchemical healing response that supports you to maintain wellness, overcome personal limitations and integrate with the new world. Because the mind and body are intricately connected on a cellular level, Transference Healing® initiates healing, transformation and change in the mind and emotions, as well as the body. With each healing you undergo a shift in consciousness that supports you to integrate the lightbody, raise your vibration and live a multidimensional reality The universal teachings that are the foundation of Transference Healing® were channelled by Alexis Cartwright from many beings, Masters and frequencies within our universe, as well as from other dimensional realities. The alchemy, technology and knowledge held within it are bestowed by Enoch in alignment with the consciousness of Metatron; all of which is spiritually and energetically delegated by Lord Melchizedek. As Melchizedek proclaimed, “when the Masters unite the World will change”. It is this principle of unity that lies at the core of Transference Healing®’s philosophy toward both personal and global unity, healing, mastership and ascension. For this reason Transference Healing® supports you to develop your own connection to the universal frequencies that are being filtered into our dimension at this time. By providing a template through which you can develop your spiritual gifts and talents, Transference Healing® empowers you to awaken your unique self-healing abilities. Through it you can connect to the hidden mysteries, origins and functions of the body and universe, and integrate with your Higher and Future Self. For more information on Alexis’s international teaching and events schedule, channellings and publications, or to locate a Transference Healing® Practitioner or Teacher, please visit the Transference Healing® website.

SAGE magazine


scott podmore presents

conscious Travel awaken your senses to a different style of travel … one that’s responsible, ethical, environmentally friendly and healing. a conscious approach to travel. sage magazine’s world of discovery just expanded.

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five to thrive five experiences to nourish the soul with scott podmore 1. the event - beyond suffering Blake D. Bauer is a giant among special souls on our planet helping people to learn to love themselves again, or properly. The bestselling author, spiritual leader and healer has an empowering weekend of “deep healing and spiritual practice” in the gorgeous destination of Byron Bay on December 6 and 7 where you can discover the simple but profound reasons why all of your suffering, illness, and unhappiness are merely cries from your soul asking to fulfill your life’s purpose and love, honour and value yourself in every moment and relationship. Great destination, great energy, great concept. More:

2. the escape - injidup spa retreat You know when you arrive at a resort for some R&R and it just feels right the minute you set foot on the property? Take a deep breath and say hello to Injidup Spa Retreat in Margaret River country way out west in Australia, a coastal patch of Western Australia that merges all the elements – sunshine, ocean, earth and the freshest air – and a destination that truly rejuvenates the soul. Sea views from 10 ocean villas each with their own private plunge pool, exquisitely fitted out with stunning furniture, features and artworks are world class. As part of the elite Small Luxury Hotels of the World group, it’s a high-end experience: just check out the gallery and packages and you’ll be packing in no time – and unpacking all your worries and negativity. More:


3. the feast - sheikh mohammed centre for cultural understanding, dubai A food and cultural experience like no other. This one should be mandatory for all new visitors to Dubai. The Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding follows a motto of “open doors, open minds” and gives you a chance to visit the heart of old Dubai and explore a typical wind-tower house in one of the oldest neighbourhoods before enjoying a traditional Emirati cultural brunch. The experience preserves the traditions and customs of a bedouin meal while also giving you the chance to chat with UAE nationals where you can ask “absolutely any question you can think of”. It’s all aimed at raising awareness and demystifying the local culture, customs and religion of the United Arab Emirates. It breaks down the barriers … and your belt buckle with generous amounts of delicious homemade food. More:

4. the visual - mandalas A teacher and fourth generation artist, Paul Heussenstamm has been sharing his art to help people reach and connect with their soul through his beautiful paintings. Paul has created more than 2000 spiritual paintings while passionately delving deep to create sacred art from many traditions such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity. More:

5. the cruise - the holy land & beyond with wayne dyer If ports of call including Rome, Naples, Jerusalem and Mykonos among many other well known locations weren’t enough to draw your attention to this great 14-day cruise aboard the Celebrity Silhouette, then knowing you’ll be joined by Dr Wayne Dyer, Immaculee Ilibagiza and Anita Moorjani sure will. It’s a spiritual journey of self discovery on land and sea in some important locations with deep spiritual meaning for many. More:

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ignite the flame of your spirit journey into india and beyond by shayne locke

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Journey into India If conscious travel is to start anywhere, it has to be India. Since the journey into the west by the great masters like Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and even many years earlier by Paramahansa Yogananda, India has become a haven for spiritual enlightenment; a place where truth seekers can find peace within and without; a place where you sit still and reignite the flame within your spirit to embrace the god within.

Maharishi. The tour will take you to a traditional Indian Ashram to experience a real yogic lifestyle.

As a musical enthusiast, I am reminded of the Beatles and their love affair with India that shone so brightly; they blended Indian culture with western pop that also brought an awareness that has lasted the decades and opened a door that influenced many westerners to seek enlightenment in this land of colour.

We are also excited to promote the new movie Awake, the story of Paramahansa Yogananda (whose book, Autobiography of a Yogi, has sold more than four million copies). This incredible teacher is recognized by many as the father of western yoga and has become an entry point for many in the practice of Yoga. Filmed over three years with the participation of 30 countries around the world, the film examines the world of yoga, modern and ancient, East and West. AWAKE is ultimately the story of mankind itself: the universal struggle of all beings to free themselves from suffering and to seek lasting happiness.

If your interest is purely Kirtan, Soul Traveller Radio is bringing India to the west with a live Kirtan concert in December. To be recorded live on the Gold Coast, the special Kirtan events Edo and Jo on 12 December. Tickets are available here.

We recently had the pleasure of watching One Track Heart, the story of Krishna Das, whose own love of India and more importantly his guru set Krishna Das on a global journey spreading the fire through kirtan. This traditional form of Indian devotion has influenced conscious music so heavily that modern pop artists like Donna DeLory and Belinda Carlisle have become We hope this insight into Kirtan and Yoga begins to devotees to the beauty of the Bhav (spiritual emotion). spark the flame of truth for you, that you may begin your journey with passion and desire. The truth of your The same can be said of the practice of yoga, another own story, your own spiritual awakening. very popular practice in western culture that has deep rooted origins in India. It is the blend of both movement and music however that has become a path that many travel to India to seek. Edo and Jo are one of many kirtan singers who are happy to call their Indian ashram ’home’ as they journey every year to receive teachings from their Yogi. They then tour for the rest of the year, sharing their devotion through yoga and kirtan, a message that is important to everyone in this fast pace lifestyle we lead. A message that simply says....stop and listen to yourself, to your spirit, to your inner knowingness. In this special feature on India we are presenting some tours that will give you the chance to stop and listen. One is a kirtan and yoga retreat that will take you from the banks of the Ganges to the foothills of the Himalayas in a trip through Delhi, Rishikesh, Vrindavan, Agra & Jaipur with Kirtan band The Mayapuris and Yoga teacher Bryn Chrisman. The second tour is retreat with Yoga teacher Emmanuelle Brown, also in Rishikesh – the land of sages and the birthplace of yoga; the place that the Beatles visited frequently to sit with their guru, the

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rishikesh - land of sages Embark on a journey of the spirit, traveling 6 hours north of Delhi into the foothills of the Himalaya. Live in a traditional Indian Ashram, where you will experience a real yogic lifestyle allowing you to take your yoga practice to the next level.

The Journey will see you exploring the foothills of the Himalayas, Cave of the Rishis and the Ganges. A highlight of the trip for the music lover is a visit to the abandoned Maharishi Ashram where the Beatles lived and wrote the White Album.

Explore yogic philosophy, deep meditation and the healing power of ayurvedic food while learning yoga with a living Sage Yogarishi Vishvaketu, Emmanuelle Brown’s Mentor and Guru. Emmanuelle will guide you through her most favorite town in India, so you can relax and have a hassle free India experience.

The 10-day trip will also include a visit to the Ashrams Helping Hands for India, Volunteer School and Farm as well as a visit to Ramanas Garden, a local orphanage. Some of activities include walking (mild trekking) in the Himalayas to a local waterfall and beach Yoga on the Side of the Ganges, Rishikesh.

Included with the retreat is:

The journey would not be complete without taking part in Aarti and Puja at Parmarth Niketan Ashram (Ceremony of Lights), and Temple Sun Rise, with yoga as the sun rises.

• 1 Month Unlimited Studio Pass (to prepare your body for adventure) • Return Flights ~ Singapore Airlines Elephant on Yoga retreat in Rishikesh with Emmanuelle Brown • 1 Internal Flight ~Air India • 1 return road transfer to Delhi • Accommodation Rishikesh at Anand Prakash Ashram • Cleansing Ayurvedic Meals • Daily Yoga Classes • Daily Puja Traditional Fire ceremony • Daily Meditations • Workshops on Yogic Philosophy

The accomodation at the Anand Prakash Ashram is perfect for yoga, simple and sweet. You are welcome to stay in a double or triple room.All of the rooms have single beds with bedding appropriate to each season, and an adjoining bathroom/ Ensuite with a Western toilet. The cost of the retreat is $2,960 (AUD) which includes both air and land transfers. To find out more, contact Emmanuelle Brown at or visit the website here

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Yoga Of The Heart

If your devotional practice includes kirtan or you are interested in learning kirtan then this is the tour for you. Hosted by The Mayapuris, one of the leading kirtan groups, enthusing crowds with their dynamic drum dances and kirtan performances. “Rhythm is a universal language,” explains the Mayapuri drummer, Bali, “It transcends all external barriers. Everything. Race, religion, tongue, creed, culture. It’s the heartbeat of the universe.”

It’s now your chance to experience the energy of kirtan firsthand with the band as your guide. Added to the music is a good dose of yoga with reknowned teacher Bryn Chrisman and a visit to Rishikesh during Holi, the festival of colors. The trip includes the following: • Airport transfers • Double Occupancy Accommodation ($395 extra for private accommodation) Note: Single supplement payment is required if it’s not possible to arrange a roommate. • Transportation w/in India (AC trains, taxis, buses) • 2 Vegetarian meals daily (breakfast and dinner for the entire tour) with Vegan options • Experienced and friendly English speaking tour guide for the entire tour • Himalayan Foothill trek Starting in Delhi, the 12 day tour sees a trek to Rishikesh for a 6 day Yoga and Kirtan Retreat which includes accommodation at the Divine Ganga Cottage,

a sacred bath in the Ganges, participation in the Ganga Puja ceremony and of course the color festival, Holi. After the retreat, the tour will continue on to Vrindavan which includes visits to local Yogis and the Sandipani Muni Charity School. The time in Vrindavan concludes with a visit to the Taj Mahal at sunrise. Also visit Agra and Jaipur, the trip finishes with a visit to the pink city, Amber Fort. The whole tour is normally $2,000 (USD) however mention the code ”Soul Traveller” for a $100 discount. The tour does not include international airfares, visas & other tourist related charges. Find out more at the Mayapuris Website - click here While you are there check out the new album by Mayapuris called Mridanga for some high energy kirtan






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images Š lakshmigrace phoenix



the ancestors & the pyramid of the sun by lakshmigrace phoenix

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sacred sights It was pre sunrise when I approached the Teotihuacan guard gate. A man in a clean cut uniform barked, “59 pesos”, which is just over $4. I thought to myself, “WoW, 4 bucks to enter the home of the Toltec people and to experience the place ’Where Humans Become God’? I wonder if they know the value they really have?” I continued past a cacophony of vendors quickly preparing their stands for the onslaught of tourists collecting obsidian carvings and woven fabrics, then past The Palace of Quetzalpapalotl (The Butterfly Temple), continued up a steep flight of stairs and back down again to enter the court yard of the Pyramid Of The Sun. The morning sun began to rise on cue of my arrival directly behind the Pyramid. I was struck by the magnificence of this astounding structure. I was in awe with the idea of standing in the same place as the wise indigenous Toltec People. I experienced them through sight and sound all around me as they went through their daily duties. They included me in their conversations sharing the deep unspoken wisdom of the ages. All along, I prepared my tripod and camera to record this remarkable occasion. My imagery is intended to commemorate and share outstanding moments, like this one, with you. This extraordinary moment will forever live in my memory as one of receiving deep wisdom through osmosis


while standing in the same place as the ancient ones. Experiencing their presence and quality of wisdom is a great gift. We stood together with thousands of years between us, in front of this cathedral called The Pyramid Of The Sun. It was a date set in destiny and it was fulfilled that fine morning. Teotihuacan, Mexico is the mother city of the Toltec people. It is a spiritual university designed to uplift and heal the minds of humanity. This spiritual university was created thousands of years ago specifically as training grounds for humans to remember that we are light beings. Teotihuacan translates to, ‘Where Humans become God’, I like to say, ‘Where Humans Remember They Are Already That’. Similarly my photography is dedicated to do just that. It supports the awakening of the human race to remember that we are already divine light being. The experience of traveling and tasting cultures other than our own broadens perspective, builds empathy and understanding for our human family. Many people make a point of sacred travel. However, generally, how many people really experience the depth and sacredness available on the planet? That deep quality of connection can get lost with the multitude of companies monopolizing on the travel industry. The purpose of my imagery and my new photographic art book series called,

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“Sacred Sights” is to rekindle the quality of sacredness within our own hearts, our world and the human family, all around us.

of each particular country photographed. There will be 108 books in the series, each book will support it’s own country’s ancient heritage preservation.

In addition, many cultures and countries have eliminated deep aspects of community life and rituals from daily living. This can create a state of loneliness and a quality of dissatisfaction. Reconnecting with ritual and the wisdom of the ancient ones can create a sense of purpose, deep knowing and contentment. Sacred pilgrimages and travel can support this. However, if that is not an option, connect with us, The Sacred Sights Series is designed to distribute the salve of medicine across the hearts of humanity so we may experience ancient cultural medicine to heal, find connection and happiness, once again. Sacred Sights shares the medicine of the indigenous people with the world.

Sacred Sights ~ Teotihuacan has a scheduled release date for the end of 2015. In addition, the 2015 photography schedule through Central America will propagate future Sacred Sights books revealing Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Ecuador and Costa Rica. The imagery will honor the depth of heritage in each country piercing the influence of domestication from invading countries to reveal the rich tradition and wisdom of the indigenous people. Pick up your copy of Sacred Sights ~ Teotihuacan in 2015. But more importantly contribute to the project. Contributions support the sharing, restoring and preservation of indigenous medicine.

Take this opportunity to give yourself the gift of natural medicine from the indigenous people. If you have ever felt an injustice in regard to the treatment of indigenous people of the Americas and beyond, this is an opportunity to help heal, preserve and share these wise teachings. Proceeds from the Sacred Sights Series support foundations preserving the ancestral heritage

Join LakshmiGrace’s Spiritual, Art Photography Community for travel blog updates (see your official invitation at the end of this article) and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by searching LakshmiGrace Designs. Together we can learn, together we can heal, together we can reform and create a planet based in love, once again. TOGETHER WE RISE!

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR/photographer LakshmiGrace Phoenix is a Spiritual, Art Photographer from Encinitas, California. She blends her training as a Toltec Shamanic and Reiki Practitioner and as a Hatha Yoga and Meditation Instructor with the visual arts. This delightful combination generates the most astounding and spiritual images. These touching fine art photographs by LakshmiGrace enliven any home, studio and work space. LakshmiGrace is also available for private Shamanic Healing sessions and Yoga Instruction. Visit her Web Art page to view and decorate your environment or Contact Her to schedule a private healing session, today.


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The CEREMONY OF SAN PEDRO opening the keys to the kingdom by thai ngyuen


SAGE magazine

The eucalyptus leaves begin to dance to the gentle coercion of the breeze. I drift off into a dreamy state, still lucid and aware, but relaxed like a wave washing over me. All your senses become heightened, you’re turned inside out— rather than your senses being an extension of you, you become an extension of your senses. You’re on the receiving end, at the complete mercy of an experience I can best describe as absolute immersion. The natives of South America call it Huachuma. The sacred cactus more commonly known as San Pedro. 3000-year old carvings in the highlands of Peru depict it’s mystical power in healing and connecting with the divine. And here I sit, next to one of those ancient ruins, about to experience the most powerful spiritual journey of my life. I’m a couple of hours outside of Cusco, Peru, in an area appropriately called the Sacred Valley. It’s impossible to be here and not hear people

referencing Pachamama, the revered goddess of the indigenous Andean people. Presiding over nature, she’s also known as Mother Earth. The ceremony is beautifully drenched with intentions and reverence, from start to finish. Before the first cup is drunk, we take traditional coca leaves—3 of them—and ask Pachamama to guide us and bless us throughout the ceremony. With each intention-filled breath, you breathe out into the coca leaves, and then place them somewhere in the earth. The mountains are acknowledged, north, south, east, and west. It’s an act of unifying one’s intentions with the earth and manifesting them through that universal solidarity. A tobacco cleansing ritual is performed: the richness and purity of the Amazonian tobacco smoke symbolically cleanses any impurities from head to toe; A hand-made fan of colourful feathers sweeping the smoke across your body; The running water of the stream sings


rhythmically in the background. Seated in the presence of crystals, the Shaman calls upon a blessing before handing me the Huachuma. As I hold the cup in my hand, my intentions are intentionally passive. Although I have my hopes, dreams, and expectations, I admit that I’m tragically prone to mistakes, and that the Universe knows me much better than I know myself. So I ask for nothing more than the lessons I lack and need to learn. I give thanks for the experience. Then I drink. It can take as little as thirty minutes for the Huachuma to take effect, coming to a peak after ninety minutes. At times it’s overwhelming, but unlike Ayahuasca, never fear inducing. A slight dizziness sometimes visits, but most profound, is the detachment from space and time. I’ll never forget the moment the group came together in a circle and embraced, I couldn’t tell where my body ended and the other began. Our breathing united into one, a momentary dissolution of the individual ego and self. Words will never do justice for that blissful moment— I’m getting goosebumps just writing about it.

It’s both a surreal inner, and outer journey. Every time you close your eyes you encounter the stunning patterns of sacred geometry, the chatterbox of your inner dialogue is silenced in awe. When you open your eyes, creation engages in a performance, the mountains dance with the clouds, the movement of a divine ballet. As the journey unfolds, we trek though the valley of a mountain, periodically stopping, the Shaman leads us in ceremonial music and song. The body surrenders to the music, and you find yourself synchronised to the beat of the drum. The Shaman explains that based off our intentions, Huachuma will bring a unique and specific message to the soul. The message was certainly clear to me during that ceremony, if I’m honest, I’ve struggled with a cynical, Eeyore-like approach to life—the glass is always half empty. In light of the negatives that I give too much air-time, Huachuma gave me the imagery and lesson of the lotus. The stunning lotus flower blossoms from the

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turbid mud and murky waters. My fixation on brokenness blinds me from the possibility of healing. My resentment over a chapter of life ending closes the entire book on the exciting chapter that’s beginning. I keep ripping the lotus out before it has the chance to blossom. The healing and visionary powers of Hauchuma are reflected in it’s synonym, “El Remedio,” The Remedy. It’s modern name San Pedro comes from the Biblical account of Saint Peter being given the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. The unlocking of this sixth sense, detaching from the illusions of the world, and opening a prophetic gateway are key characteristics of Huachuma. For this reason, it was revered and celebrated by the Ancient Andeans and Incans, and continues to be today. The effects of Huachuma can last up to 15 hours. Indeed it was morning when I drank, and darkness had crept upon us as we made our way out of the mountains. They say that Huachuma will keep guiding and healing you long after your body acknowledges its effects. Back where the ceremony began, I sit with

the Shaman, looking up at the piercing stars. Typically, I’d make a wish, eagerly anticipating a shooting star to validate my existence. But Huachuma had one final lesson for me: the stars shoot and sparkle every single night, their mesmerising performance captures the sky— regardless of any acknowledgment or validation. And so this time, there was no need for a wish, I just watched and smiled. The power of words to evoke positive change motivates Thai to write. He is currently living in Peru, evolving his own consciousness, and inviting others to embark on their own journey. Connect at The Utopian Life | @ThaiWins | Facebook. About The Author Thai Nguyen is the founder of The Utopian Life, a website with interviews and blogs on practical living. Thai is also an accidental tourist who is currently found at the base of a mountain in Peru with a Macbook and a backpack, living the Utopian Life. Visit


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Tongdosa the jewel temple we journey into one of south korea’s jewel temples with eunjung choi and yves nager

photography by scott thompson Š2014


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tongdosa - the largest temple in korea Our journey to the region of Yangsan City, Korea was enriched by a visit to Tongdosa meaning ‘salvation of the world through mastery of truth’. The Tongdosa Temple is steeped in the sacred with 35 buildings and Pagoda’s and 14 small temples in its vicinity, yet you will not find any Buddhist statues in these beautiful grounds. This is because the authentic ‘Sarira’ ( pearls or crystal-like bead shaped objects) of the Sakaymuni Buddha are preserved here. Sarira are purportedly found among the cremated ashes of Buddhist spiritual masters, when Buddha passed away, there were thousands of sarira and they can be found in the pagodas of many global temples. Tongdosa is the ‘Buddha Jewel Temple’ because it enshrines the Buddha’s relics in the Geumgang Gyedan (Diamond Altar), a platform for sacred ceremony. To reach the Diamond Alter you must first enter three separate gates of spiritual significance; the first gate is called ‘One-Pillar Gate’

because when viewed from a side angle, the gate appears to be supported by a single pillar. This symbolizes the support of the world and the one true path of enlightenment. The second gate, is ‘ the Guardians of the 4 Directions’ ( 4 Heavenly Kings), each of whom watches over one cardinal direction. They are the protectors of the world and the Dharma (Buddhist teachings). The third gate of the temple, is known as the ‘Gate of Non-Duality’ The world beyond this gate is one of non-duality, where there is no distinction between the Buddha and human beings, being and non-being, good and evil, fullness and emptiness. This temple invites stillness and surrender, you can feel the Oneness that unites everyone and everything, we sat in meditation to ask ‘what wisdom can we receive and share with others right now?’ the answers opened our hearts beyond belief….. “The power of imagination makes us infinite” and “Be present while you listen to the sounds of silence”.


ABOUT THE AUTHORS For the past several years, Eunjung and Yves have been traveling extensively to sacred sites around the world in order to anchor new cosmic waves and assist with activation of portals and vortexes on the planet. Join their journey at or follow Yves blog at

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FOR THE LOVE OF PRIMATES travel into the congo’s lwiro village by brianna piazza

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”I knew I just had to go, that’s the frontline of wildlife conservation. There’s no point going somewhere where they don’t really need you.” Andrea Coleman


In recent years when the United Nations warned people to evacuate from her village in eastern Congo as rebels stormed the area, Australian woman Andrea Coleman was adamant that she stayed right where she was. “The military have never attacked our sanctuary, we knew they’re not after us, we’re not part of their fight. Also, it can send a bad message to our staff and people in the community if every time something goes bad you leave,” Andrea recalled. “In the earlier years the vet would always insist I left because I was young, but in the last few years she’d let me stay. Strangely, I’m grateful for that because the people living there don’t have the option to leave and it’s really hard to get into a car and leave them behind.” Andrea recently spent five years between Congo and Melbourne, coming home to work and to save some money to fund more trips to the dangerous Central African zone, where she was working to save endangered primates. The Democratic Republic of Congo is one of the

world’s poorest countries, devastated by years of conflict. In the Lwiro village in South Kivu, near the border of Rwanda and Burundi, is the Centre de Rehabilitation des Primates de Lwiro, providing refuge to 58 chimpanzees and 73 monkeys. It’s one of only two chimpanzee sanctuaries in Congo – and the number of sick, injured and psychologically scarred primates entering the sanctuary is ever growing. These animals bear some of the tragic consequences of Congo’s poverty and conflict, with habitat destruction from logging and mining, the hunting of primates for food and the illegal wildlife trade threatening their existence. “A lot of the baby chimps we receive are very cute and cuddly but there’s a really nasty side to it,” Andrea said. “Their families have been killed, their mums are shot dead on the ground, the babies are prized off their mothers, screaming and then they’re thrown into a sack and travel like that for days, sometimes weeks,” Andrea said.

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“They come to us really sick and scared, sometimes they still have snares on them or bullets stuck in them.” Mostly 30 Congolese staff now run the sanctuary, set up by foreigners in 2003. They rehabilitate the orphaned primates, who have suffered immensely at the hands of humans and integrate them into social groups with the other primates. While it’s still too dangerous to release the orphans into the wild, out of fear they could be

shot and captured again, the sanctuary recently raised enough money to build a four-and-a-half acre enclosure for the animals in a small forest near the sanctuary. Andrea says they’re not only helping to conserve wildlife, but they also provide a source of income for locals, many of whom are widowed women with few employment opportunities. The sanctuary also supports local projects, such as weekly classes that teach villagers about


health, personal hygiene and caring for the environment. “Conservation projects have to involve locals, especially when you’re putting in so much infrastructure for chimpanzees, feeding them so much, giving them so much and there are humans there who don’t have that,” Andrea said. “Despite everything they’ve gone through, the locals are so friendly and they want to give you so much. During the war, sometimes they couldn’t get through to the animals for several days because of the fighting and when they could, they would risk their own lives to take table scraps to the animals. They’re just amazing people.” Andrea says her work unexpectedly involved educating soldiers, with the military responsible for much of Congo’s illegal activity. Congo’s mostly poor and uneducated soldiers are paid little – if at all, joining the army only because they had no other choice. So they often turn a blind eye when they steal from villages and take monkeys from the forest for food, often eating the older monkeys and selling the babies. “We needed to train them and let them know it’s illegal. So we invite them into the sanctuary with the hope of getting them to feel some kind of responsibility towards their own wildlife, and explain why how conserving that wildlife will benefit their families. “It is quite scary dealing with soldiers but I truly think that underneath all of that aggression, they just really want to see the animals. What we found really gets the message through is to tell them that the wildlife belongs to their president and that it’s illegal to take what belongs to the president.” Reflecting on her time in Africa, Andrea says she has grown to love the people in the Lwiro community, but had never imagined she would end up in Congo.A zookeeper by trade, Andrea wanted to do something hands-on with primates and asked around. “When I received an email saying I should go to Congo, I was like ‘are

you crazy? But I thought about it and I knew I just had to go, that’s really the frontline of wildlife conservation. There’s no point going somewhere where they don’t really need you.” Having returned from Congo earlier this year to get married, Andrea continues to fundraise and organise the Lwiro sanctuary’s social media from her new home in North Warrandyte, north-east of Melbourne. From time to time residents will find her holding a sausage sizzle outside the local supermarket or at the community market, raising money for the monkeys and chimpanzees back in Lwiro, her second home. Trying to raise enough money to meet the monthly $10,000 price tag of running the sanctuary keeps her busy, and while she intends to return to Congo, starting her own family in Melbourne is on the cards for now. “I have days where I might miss Misisi more than anyone else, then I’ll think about Goma and I’ll wonder what he’s doing right now. You develop a bond, even from afar and I miss them a lot, everyday.” For more info visit Brianna Piazza is a journalist, travel writer and videographer, currently working for SBS Radio and a suburban newspaper in Victoria, Australia. Working as a freelance journalist in South America sparked Brianna’s © Ben Rothstein interest in travel writing - particularly conscious travel. She has since had a passion for seeking out and writing about travel destinations which are relatively unknown to mainstream tourists. Visit Brianna’s website or follow her on Twitter @BriannaPiazza

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TAROT ANATOMY understanding & finding a tarot deck by Janet Boyer


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Feeling comfortable reading and using the Tarot can seem like an unattainable goal, especially when some decks (there are hundreds on the market these days!) feature a dizzying array of symbols and enigmatic imagery. What do those squiggles mean? The Roman numerals? The funny hats, mismatched shoes and puzzling geometric shapes? Even when choosing a simpler deck to read from— one uncluttered by mysterious, esoteric motifs— Tarot seekers may still feel intimidated by all the titles, numbers and people on the cards. Allow me to break down a traditional Tarot deck in three manageable, relatable chunks for you, showing how each addresses various facets of this wild, wonderful adventure called life: A Tarot deck consists of 78 cards: 16 Court Cards, 40 Minor Arcana Cards and 22 Major Arcana Cards.

major arcana The Major Arcana Tarot cards are some of the most recognizable. The Fool, The Magician, The Lovers, Justice, Wheel of Fortune and The Moon cards are among the Major Arcana. The Majors are the most identifiable because they are “larger than life”— those archetypal patterns that permeate every era, country and culture. These repeated themes and patterns manifest via literature, film, oral traditions and songs. Archetypal motifs also find representation through public scandal, notorious figures and pop culture phenomena. The warmongering Emperor, the reclusive Hermit, the scales of Justice (or injustice), the drug-pushing Devil, the messianic Hanged Man—these are the foundation of our memories, shared experiences and, indeed, civilization itself.

minor arcana The Minor Arcana cards parallel Ace through Ten (1-10) in a regular playing card deck. However,

most Tarot decks rename the Minor Arcana suits thusly: Hearts become Cups, Clubs become Wands, Diamonds become Coins and Spades become Swords.

cups cards Associated with the element of WATER—usually govern the realm of love, aesthetics, values and moods. Sometimes, this suit is named Emoting, Chalices or Vessels. It is considered feminine/ passive in nature, especially since its symbol usually connects with a receptacle for liquids. Colors often used in CUPS cards are deep blues, aqua and, in some cases, gold (in terms of cup color and implication of preciousness). CUPS connects with relationships, intuition, feelings, dreams, the unconscious/subconscious, psychic phenomena, empathy, love, joy, forgiveness, healing, succor and matters of the heart. Its energy is of a slower nature—steeping, stewing. In ancient Tarot de Marseilles style decks, the CUPS suit was associated with the clergy.

wands cards Often associated with the element of FIRE— usually correlate to ambition, self-propulsion, passion, enthusiasm and vocation. Sometimes, this suit is named Energy, Staffs, Rods or Batons, with the phallic shape connecting it to masculine/ active energy. Colors often used in WANDS cards are red and orange, sometimes bright yellow. WANDS connects with action, energy, enthusiasm, courage, gumption, career (as opposed to actual job), and many issues related to the ”self” (as in, ”self starter”, “self esteem”, ”self propelled”, ”self possessed”, etc.). Its energy is of a faster nature-sudden, and sometimes explosive. In ancient Tarot de Marseilles style decks, the WANDS suit was associated with the peasant class.

coins cards Associated with the element of EARTH—usually


images Š andrea matus

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refer to the material realm of health, body, food, resources, finances and environment. Sometimes, this suit is named Material, Pentacles, Stones or Disks, with its rounded symbol—either coins or plates for holding food—is considered feminine/ passive in nature. Colors often used in COINS cards are greens and browns, sometimes gold (in terms of money). COINS connect with the physical realm, such as material possessions, money, job, anatomy, land, home and environment. Its energy is of a slower nature--cautious, methodical. In ancient Tarot de Marseilles style decks, the COINS suit was associated with the merchant class.

sword cards Often associated with the element of AIR—usually relate to the mental realm of decision, analysis, facts, discrimination, intellect and communication. Sometimes, this suit is named Mental, Blades, Arrows or Knives. Its phallic shape connects to masculine/active energy. Colors often used in SWORDS cards are powder blue, gray, white and— at times—yellow (especially pale yellow). The SWORDS suit connects with the mental realm— thoughts, beliefs, judgments, assumptions, clarity

of ideas, opinions, logic, data and so on. Many people believe that thoughts cause suffering, not situations. Thus, AIR/SWORDS is often interpreted as arguments, hostility, anxiety; injury and suffering. In ancient Tarot de Marseilles style decks, the SWORDS suit was associated with nobility.

court cards The Court Cards in the Tarot are Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings of all four suits—16 cards total. Sometimes, the Court Cards are also renamed in familial terms like Daughter, Son, Mother and Father. The Court Cards can indicate actual people who exhibit the hallmarks of a suit combined with literal, physical court card associations. For example, the Page of Cups could be a child under 13 who is curious and gullible (Page), as well as deeply sensitive (Cups). Often, when the Court Cards show up in a reading, they indicate a personality approach or attitude towards another person, an issue, task or life in general—regardless of age or gender. In this case, the Knight of Wands would then suggest an individual who charges ahead with enthusiasm (Knight) in vocational areas (Wands).


• Pages are usually children under the age of 13 or those who act childlike (or childish). In many respects, Pages are Fool-like. As an approach, Pages are walking, learning, playing and delivering. • Knights are usually youth from ages 14-21 or those who act like teenagers. In many ways, Knights are Chariot-like. As an approach, Knights are running, questing, chasing, rushing and launching. • Queens are usually adults who are maternal (regardless of gender). In many ways, Queens are Empress-like. As an approach, Queens are sitting, supporting, nurturing, teaching and connecting. • Kings are usually adults who are paternal (regardless of gender). In many ways, Kings are Emperor-like. As an approach, Kings are standing, governing, orchestrating, ordering and designating. Another approach to viewing the Tarot is the 3 Ws: Who, What and Why. • Who (Court Cards) – An actor in life’s drama—a role being played, an approach to a situation, a significant person involved in the circumstance at hand, a character in a story or the seeker consulting the cards. • What (Minor Arcana Cards) – The stage of life’s drama, where everything plays out: work, relationships, thoughts, passions, conversations, career, hobbies, challenges, triumphs, disappointments, fears, learning, faith, selfesteem, decisions, beliefs, feelings, planning, celebrating, mourning, eating, drinking, spending, saving, loving, competing—the stuff of everyday life and the plot points of a novel. • Why (Major Arcana Cards) – The reasons behind all the action—usually embodied by impersonal, universal archetypes, “acts of God”, Fate or “shit happens”—forces outside the direct control of the Who or an invisible “script” that supplies motivation (for example, familial or cultural patterns that are passed on from generation to generation via genetics, tradition or behavior). Some believe this is also the realm of past life influence, as well as the collective unconscious. Thus, it’s a repository for all templates available

to humans that not only informs what happens on life’s stage, but also remains available to be called on when needed or wanted. So with myriad Tarot decks on the market—many more now available thanks to the affordability of self-publishing and crowd funding sites like Kickstarter—how do you know which deck is right for you? Determining the ways you’d like to work with the Tarot can help you decide on which deck or decks to work with. In his book What’s in the Cards for You?, author Mark McElroy provides exercises and quizzes to help readers discover why they want to use the cards and for what purpose—identifying six fundamental motivations and applications: Educational, Psychological, Magickal, Creative, Predictive and Planning. As you can see, divination and fortunetelling—what most people associate with Tarot (the Predictive category)—is only one way of using the cards! Attractive, accessible illustrations—as well as card size and finish—are also important considerations. Some bookstores display sample cards for you to examine and feel. Viewing online reviews, descriptions of decks and card images (such as those on my site can also help your search. Do you like the artistic style? Are the cards easy to shuffle? Can you easily identify with the depicted poses and situations? Theme is another important element. If you don’t resonate with Christian symbolism, then you may prefer Tarot decks with pagan, Wiccan or Druidic themes. If you practice feminine spirituality, you may choose goddess deck. If you’re looking for a colorful, positive, snow-themed deck that can be used with, or in the presence of, children— consider the Snowland Deck (created by my artist husband and I). No matter how you use them—and there’s no “wrong” way for interpretation—Tarot cards provide an abundance of symbols and metaphors for aiding inspiration, clarity, and insight. You’re only limited by your imagination.

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20thingsyoushouldknowabouttarot Because I’m a published Tarot author, reviewer, blogger, teacher and deck creator, I often get emails asking about prevalent superstitions surrounding the cards, as well as questions on the best books, decks, techniques and modes of learning. Here are twenty of my top suggestions for those new to Tarot, those struggling to learn the cards and gain confidence, and those wondering if they’re “doing it all wrong” or confused by all the advice swirling around: 1. Your first deck, or any subsequent decks, does not have to be given to you as a present. That’s just ridiculous (and probably an old control tactic by “those in the know” to keep the cards out of the hands of the masses). 2. Tarot does not conflict with any religion, nor does it advocate any spiritual path. If the Christian-looking images of the Rider-Waite Tarot decks (and its clones) offend your sensibilities, you can view such depictions as symbolic (after all, we all have “moments of judgment” or karma, in case of Judgment, or must confront “spiritual leaders” or traditions represented by the Catholic-looking Hierophant—to use two examples). Alternatively, you can pick a deck that does support your spiritual path (Wicca, Paganism, Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Elementals, Sufism, Buddhism, Mayan, Druidism, Norse, Native American, etc.)—or a deck without any spiritual connection. 3. There’s no wrong way to read Tarot. I don’t care what anyone tells you, there is no wrong way. You imbue the cards with meaning, which you then absorb for your own edification or for the benefit of those you read for. Yes, there may be archetypal patterns, symbols and motifs that may be mined for extra information, but using those for interpretation doesn’t make a method any more “right” (or wrong) than just “saying what you

see”. 4. Studying esoteric subjects like Astrology, Numerology, Kabbalah, Hermeticism or Crowley’s writings are not necessary to learn, understand and use the Tarot effectively and accurately. They may supplement and enrich your understanding, but they are not required. 5. Each person has different learning styles. What works for someone else, or is touted as the “best way”, may not be suitable for your own style. For example, learning rote keywords never made sense to me, nor did they enhance my way of experiencing the cards. However, making the Tarot “mine” by associating realworld examples and pop culture with the cards helped me make friends with any deck (this approach turned into my BIT Tarot Method, the subject of my book Back in Time Tarot). Find out your preferred learning style, and approach Tarot from that strength. For example, when talking to someone you may say, “I see what you mean” (Visual learner), “I’m not following you” (Kinesthetic learner), “Let me think about it” (Analytical learner) or “How does that sound?” (Auditory learner). When learning, you may prefer hands-on exercises (Kinesthetic), reading text (Visual) or studying with music, surrounded by noise, or by listening to audio classes or podcasts (Auditory). 6. You are not required to meditate, say a prayer, do a ritual or invoke anyone/anything before doing a Tarot reading. If one of these helps you create a sacred space or center your energy, do it. However, it is not necessary. Some people, consider their life a “living prayer”, so doing something special just isn’t relevant most times.


AnewtarotusersguidebyjanetBoyer 7. You do not need to store your cards in a special cloth, box or bag. Nor do you need to “cleanse” it with crystals, moonlight, sage or any other accoutrement. Again, you may if want to, but it’s not a requirement and will not affect the cards or its messages. 8. Shuffle the deck, and cut it, any damn way you please. “Shuffle with your non-dominant hand, cut into thirds and do the hokey pokey” is nonsense. Do what you feel is best—hand over hand, poker style or “finger painting”. Know, though, that some shuffling methods are harder on the card stock, which may shorten the life of the deck. 9. Choose a deck with an animated Minor Arcana. That is, for the number cards (Ace-10s), make sure the images show people or animals doing things. This will help you come up with meanings and cement card associations. A deck that just shows “pips” alone—four swords, three cups, ten coins, etc.—will be more difficult for you to pair with relevant associations and meanings. 10. Becoming familiar with the cards takes time. Be patient with yourself and the learning process. Play with your cards every day, even if it’s just looking at them. Soak up information on Tarot (as long as it doesn’t overwhelm you). But whatever you do, do not measure your progress against others nor become discouraged if you don’t “get it” within a few weeks…or months. We’re talking 78 cards here! Cards filled with wisdom and symbols and hidden meanings! Just as you can’t truly know a person within super-short time, it will take awhile to comfortably devise, and remember, what each card means for you. 11. Tarot is not just for fortunetelling. The cards can be used for creative writing, meditation, visualization,

affirmations, conscious creation, dialoguing with others, brainstorming, journaling prompts, talismans, art and so much more. 12. If the idea of learning 78 cards overwhelms you, start with your memories, history, favorite movie, a book, fairytale, songs, news headline, etc.—and work outwards towards the cards. Then, pair those elements with various Tarot cards (consciously). Jot down your correlations and reasons. 13. Spreads are not necessary. In fact, they can often be cumbersome, and give you a whole bunch of extraneous stuff that only distracts and confuses. You’d be surprised at how much information you can glean from just one card, or even three, for any given situation. 14. Acquire decks that appeal to you, not what others say are the “best” decks to use. If you love fairies and those types of decks “speak” to you, then by all means get them. Likewise, vampires, angels, flowers, herbs, gummy bears, dragons, snowmen and so on. As long as there is movement in the images, “stories” that seem to be playing out in the scenes, then pick whatever looks attractive and feels right for you. 15. Consider keeping a journal of your Tarot card associations and impressions. Many Tarot enthusiasts regret not having done so. When you start using one from the ground up, you’ll eventually have a comprehensive and illuminating personal cache of associations that you’ll be able to draw upon and, perhaps, one day share with others new to the cards. 16. Get to know one or two decks intimately before acquiring new decks. Not only will this be easier on your

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wallet, but you’ll also have a better idea of what kind 20. A brilliant researcher and personality system pioneer of decks resonate with you…or will likely expand your once told me “Trust Self first, last and only”. Not only experience in a different direction when the time comes was this one of the best pieces of advice that I’ve ever for new ones. received about life in general, but also for learning the cards. Lack of self-confidence is the biggest obstacle to 17. Keep your Tarot library small…at first. If you feel you sticking with the Tarot and using it effectively. Trust that must have a few beginner or intermediate books on the meanings you create, and the answers you receive, hand, I recommend The Back in Time Tarot Book (my are valuable and appropriate. This confidence will first book); Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Tarot by Mark translate into greater self-reliance, accuracy and insight McElroy; What’s in the Cards for You? by Mark McElroy; when reading the cards. 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card by Mary K. Greer and The 2-Hour Tarot Tutor by Wilma Carroll. In all honesty, if Janet Boyer is an author, you follow the methods and suggestions in these five blogger, professional tarot books, you’ll never need another Tarot book. (Note: I reader and tarot deck creator. said need, not necessarily want!) Janet’s books include ”The Back in Time Tarot” and ”Tarot 18. Hold off learning and using reversals (upside down in Reverse” Tarot cards) until you have a strong grip on upright associations and meanings. You can always add them Janet has created two card to your practice later, should you choose to do so. decks alongside her husband (My book Tarot in Reverse is the first book to provide Ron Boyer, ”Snowglobe Tarot” & Coffee Tarot” extensive key phrases and pop culture anecdotes specifically for reversals, which will aid many trying As well as being an author, Janet reviews books, to understand those cards that fall upside down in a tarot decks and oracle cards for Amazon, Twitter and reading). official Tarot magazines including the American Tarot Association’s Wuarterly Journal and The Australian Tarot 19. If you come across a Tarot card meaning that makes no Guild Magazine, The Magician” sense to you, toss it out. Remember, what matters most is the associations you come up with for the cards— Janet’s cards and books can be purchased from her meanings that make sense to you. website,

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THE pathway to sacred possibilities a sage magazine recommended excerpt from the new book by lucille dancingwind

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introduction to sacred possibilities By nature, I’ve always been a seeker of truth through personal experience. My sanctuary has always been Nature. By spending as much time as I could in Nature, I understood firsthand that miracles were a natural part of life, not an exception, and that the Divine’s love was pure, creative power beyond all logic and apparent limitations. My intimate connection with Nature and Spirit taught me to deeply trust myself and the divinity of life, so that I could experience everything my heart guided me to (regardless of circumstances). It also taught me to go within, especially when I needed to weather the storms of life. Over the years, I answered the call of every heart desire and sacred land, in the relentless pursuit to discover my elusive purpose. For decades, I navigated the unknown and shattered the boundaries of comfort and logic. In doing so, I experienced the extraordinary miracles that manifest “against all odds”. It enabled me to know without a doubt, that anything is possible in this world and we are supported in ways beyond our understanding. I founded Sacred Earth Connection™ in 2011. A year later, while hiking the sacred land of Sedona, AZ, I

received its full vision and understood that this is another divine co-creation that will require many, to manifest it to what it is meant to be! My work has been dedicated to empowering men and women by aligning them with their true, divine nature, using various means (you can find out more at www.sacredearthconnection. com). It lights up my spirit to witness people feeling a greater awareness of the sacred within and without, along with a sense of divine interconnectedness with All! My purpose was finally revealed to me during a test of faith at the end of 2012. I realized that I had actually been living it all along, by allowing my heart to lead – how genius! It was divinely orchestrated in partnership with Nature and Spirit. I wasn’t allowed to know my purpose until it was time. When I looked back, I was able to see how every detail of my life was connected with a specific purpose. Everything had always magickally worked out, beyond what I could have imagined, when I chose love over fear. The beneficial ripple effects of those choices were timeless and are still affecting people – some, even after two decades. I understood the divine design of our heart desires. I was a living example of what’s possible when you allow your sacred heart to lead, in all life situations. And so, unbeknownst to me, it was now time to share this with others… When I was asked by Spirit to write Sacred Possibilities


in mid-2013, just the thought felt overwhelming. And so, I simply surrendered every aspect of manifesting this book and asked for guidance. I received the title and subtitle as flashes of insight while I was hiking in Nature, the structure was received through a string of synchronicities, every personal story and insightful message to include, was received daily as insights when I’d wake up from sleep. I also received a clear vision for the cover image, which was the catalyst of an incredible story that only the Divine could have orchestrated. I’m still in awe and in love. (That story is in the book.) For all aspects of life, co-creating with Spirit is such a sacred experience. For every reason imaginable, I chose to dedicate this book to Divine Love. When I began searching for inspiring quotes to include at each chapter of my book, I made a delightful discovery. By experiencing things for myself throughout my life, I had gained the same insights and wisdom I now saw expressed by so many respected mystics. It was so insightful to see that while our paths have been different, we eventually arrived at the same intimate understanding of life. It felt so fulfilling. It’s comparable to when you see a photograph of a beautiful place on Mother Earth and think to yourself, “Wow...I’ve been there, and it really does look like that!”, as opposed to seeing that image and not being able to relate to it personally. Now I see those quotes and I can honestly say, “Yes, I know that to be true, for I’ve experienced it myself!” and my entire being smiles along. Conscious co-creation in partnership with Nature, Spirit and other human souls, is a sacred way of life, with every moment being an opportunity. I can’t imagine living life any other way. When I was invited by Tanya to contribute an excerpt, instead of trying to figure out myself which 1,500 words to choose from almost 108,000 in the book, I simply asked Spirit for the one that would best serve Sage’s community. Within 10 minutes I received my answer, simultaneously with a rainbow delivered in an email as a confirmation! With great love and joy, I now share the following with you, from chapter seven of Sacred Possibilities…

sacred possibilities (an excerpt)

Our heart desires are the magickal keys to living the fulfilling lives we’re meant to live. They not only open doors, they co-create the doors themselves! They’re the true desires we feel in our hearts, not because they meet someone else’s expectations, not because they give us what someone else has or does, not because they keep us safely in our familiar space, but because

they come from a divinely sacred place within us. We have them for reasons far greater than we can fully understand. Together our heart desires form our soul’s divine compass, guiding us to experience all that we’ve come here on Earth to do and be. Whether it’s to follow a calling, to create a garden, to produce art, to take a certain vacation, to become the guardian of an animal, to travel the world, to decorate a room, to follow a course, to get a tattoo, to hike a mountain, to purchase a particular vehicle, to master a discipline, to meet a certain person, to compose a song, to live in a specific environment, to get a gold tooth, to establish an institution, to write a novel, to change hair colour, to become a parent, to design a special piece of jewellery — whatever — none of our heart desires are for us to judge or dismiss. However, it’s always up to us to choose whether to pursue these desires or not — we have the freedom of choice. When we do choose to honour them, the mystical unites with the mundane, and we experience the possible.

When you commit to a heart desire, this activates countless opportunities so it can be fulfilled. In the process of fulfilling it, you learn invaluable lessons, you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world, you receive wisdom from experience, you discover what you’re capable of, you expand your perspective, and you evolve. Your heart desires are catalysts of transformation and fulfillment to the highest degree. It was 1991, and everyone was talking about our upcoming high-school graduation. Grad was a very big deal at our small-town school. It was the biggest event of the school year—like a rite of passage into adulthood. …

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inside the beautiful pouch, I was astounded to see that A heart desire is not a logical phenomenon. It’s simply it was—that gorgeous necklace I had fallen in love a sudden knowing that exists in your heart with the with! Wow—what a special surprise gift to receive! I felt potential to become physical reality. You recognize that immense love and support from so many as I held the you truly desire something, and it ignites you when you necklace against my heart and then put it on. Spirit and think about it, regardless of what it is. It might feel a bit the elementals had definitely heard my heart desire scary or intimidating, yet there’s that special excitement for this treasure, through the pure energy of my heart, along with it. Just the act of focusing your awareness on thoughts, and emotions (for I hadn’t vocalized nor a desire, giving yourself permission to have this desire, written about it). Then, through my generous soul sister, and fully enjoying it, without judgment, activates its they magickally manifested it for me. It empowered me potential to manifest. on my journey and is another reminder of how amazing life really is. We’re all co-creators, whether we’re The quickest way to achieve your heart desire is to conscious of it or not. acknowledge and feel your desire in your heart, with eager anticipation and free of judgment. Leave the how All heart desires are sacred, and treating them as such up to Spirit, remain aware of any type of guidance you is an act of gratitude to the Divine. They’re like treasure might receive, and follow through with it. The timing, seeds that the Divine has planted in our hearts so that of course, is always relative to each desire and always we may fully blossom into our greatness. New ones are perfect. Sometimes all that Spirit requires you to do is continuously being added as we grow and evolve. None to simply believe that your desire is possible, regardless is less important than another. Some people might not of your current circumstances. And then the magick understand our heart desires, but they don’t share the flows. same path that we do. When we accept and respect that we all have different lives to live, with different paths to It was the beginning of 2013, and I was in need of a experience, we’re better able to deal with the biggest financial miracle. I was in the thick of a test of faith. culprits that try to stop us—our own fears and inner I had absolutely no money to spend when one of criticism. my dear soul sisters, whom I had connected with serendipitously through my business mentor, launched Some heart desires might take much longer than others her new lines of jewellery. Laurie created her unique for us to commit to, but they’re always there, even if pieces with love, intention, and genuine materials. I had we forget about them or ignore them for a while. I’ve always felt a special love for soulful creations. Their known a staggering number of people over the years energy was so divinely vibrant—the opposite energy of who’ve described their heart desires along the lines mass-produced products. I always preferred to surround of “it’s not possible”; “it’s not realistic”; or “it’s too and adorn myself with objects that had been created late.” I’ve felt the unhappiness, resentment, regret, with loving inspiration. disappointment, sadness, bitterness, anger, or even disease in their energy as they’ve solemnly expressed Upon her announcement, I went to Laurie’s website to this to me. browse her online store, and I completely fell in love with one particular necklace. It was connected with the Our hearts yearn to show us all that’s possible for us energy of the magickal elementals which felt dear to in this world. They don’t believe in limitations—they my heart. It featured a gorgeous, dark-green tourmaline know we can manifest anything with the Divine. We pendant, and everything about it felt so good to me—it don’t receive heart desires unless we have the ability to resonated highly with my spirit. I desired immediately realize them. It’s the Divine’s loving wisdom at work in to have it for myself. However, I didn’t tell anyone about partnership with our own divinity. this heart desire—not even Laurie. Since all her new pieces were beautiful, I praised all her collections. In When things don’t seem to be unfolding in a supportive order to connect with this particular necklace, until way, it can be a sign that we’re not following our true I could buy it for myself, I indulged in its beauty and desires (we’re compromising or settling for less). It energy by looking at the online photograph. It ignited can also be a sign that we need to learn things along my spirit, which was especially wonderful to feel during our paths that opportunities, sometimes disguised my test of faith. as challenges, are facilitating. It’s never too late to acknowledge and honour a heart desire. Everything is Two weeks later, I received a package in the mail from always exactly as it should be, and there is such a thing Laurie. In her card, she wrote, “One of my guides, an as divinely perfect timing. elemental, asked that I send this to you.” As I looked

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A good indication that it’s time to honour a heart desire is that it moves to the forefront of your attention, and it becomes difficult to focus on anything else. It becomes a burning desire, impossible to ignore. As soon as you make the decision to commit to a heart desire so that it can manifest, opportunities start to appear that allow you to embark on the journey that it invites you to experience.

perspective. For me to simply tell someone about this heart desire’s manifested result, without the full story, would not honour the sacredness of it and my personal journey. I’ve been guided to now share it with you in its entirety, and I’m doing so with a wide-open heart. Lucille DancingWind is a mystic, author and the founder of Sacred Earth Connection™. Her work is dedicated to empowering men and women by aligning them with their true, divine nature. It lights up her spirit to witness people feeling a greater awareness of the sacred within and without, along with a sense of divine interconnectedness with All.

For 25 years I had a heart desire that I judged, and judged, and judged. Ironically, this was the main lesson I needed to learn through this heart desire—that while all forms of judgment are detrimental, self-judgment is even worse than judgment from others. It’s only when I suddenly realized I was judging myself that I was liberated to honour my desire for what it was, and things suddenly, seamlessly, fell into place. It was Lucille is a transmitter of wisdom gained from Spirit insights, amazing. I also realized how truly sacred our desires are. When we treat them as such, with intention, we can Nature teachings and personal experiences. By being an amazing living example of what’s possible when we choose manifest anything. I’ve shared the following with only a select few until now, for the simple fact that it deals with a subject of controversy. Like anything else, it’s always a matter of

to honour love and our hearts to guide us, Lucille inspires men and women to courageously live their own sacred paths. She has been described as “a shining spirit walking through the forest of life spreading her magic”. Visit her website -


editor’s review of sacred possibilities I believe that this beautiful book found me! I energetically felt the sacred signature of Lucille DancingWind’s inspirational story touch my spirit like syrup for the soul. I felt blessed to journey page upon page of empowerment, as if Lucille herself was by my side urging me to remember the wisdom within me. Lucille dedicated her book to Divine love and that love shines brightly as a very deep connection to nature , that activates all possibilities and totally supports a life that you will love to live …”together our heart desires form our soul’s Divine compass, guiding us to experience all that we’ve come here on Earth to do and be…” ‘Sacred Possibilities’ is a timeless navigation tool for all Soul Travellers walking their wonderful. Our purpose is already a part of who we are today and Earth Mother nurtures this noble truth with synchronicity, symbols and signs – refresh your bigger picture, read this book as a bible for awakening and remembering all that you are and all that you are becoming…Namaste Lucille DancingWind for your contribution to the ‘Global Glow’. To purchase your copy of Sacred Possibilities click here or the book cover on the left.

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Signs of life understanding spiritual aspects of symbols by peter dean


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The two symbols chosen for this issue originated many thousands of years ago. However, only one of them is still used extensively by seekers of wisdom and spiritual accomplishment. The first symbol needs no introduction. Everybody knows the representation of Yin and Yang. However, it might be interesting to find out more about this universal depiction of cosmic balance. The second one, Udjat, or Eye of Horus, was an important image for the ancient Egyptians. It had its mystic connection to one of the main gods, but it also served practical purposes.


The concept of Yin and Yang is thousands of years old. It is the basis of virtually every thought form in Chinese philosophy, medicine, art, exercise and martial techniques. It also plays a vital role in everyday life. The symbol itself represents how we should view the world. The circle stands for “everything�. In the never-ending continuation of its line it can go on forever and therefore encompass all things possible. The white (Yang) and the black (Yin) shapes fill this void. Everything is now in motion, even sometimes in turmoil. The two forces interact, flowing from one to the other, never standing still until they find perfect harmony. Then it is all quiet again. The balance in life has been restored. Yin and Yang

are not only symbolizing our journey on Earth, but describing and representing it as well. Yin is female, Yang is male. But we should never see one concept without the other. They are constantly flowing. Neither one is ever the dominant factor. A female can be extremely Yang, just as a male can be extremely Yin. This is one of the fascinating aspects of life. Opposites are constantly weaving a rich mosaic. The diversity will forever keep us spellbound. We all experience this constant interplay of the opposites. Not only in the state of our health, or in the affairs of the world, but also in ourselves. From the moment we are born, our actions are based on a wide range of emotions. Some are Yin, some are Yang. After all, we are part of nature and nature itself serves up opposites all the time. One moment it is peaceful and lovely and we are lulled into a weak state of mind. The next it is in turmoil, dramatic, dangerous, and asks us to be strong and act decisively. This symbol is one of the strongest examples to guide us through stormy or difficult times. Whenever we feel that life is getting us down, it would be advisable to meditate on the simple image of Yin and Yang. Soon, our thoughts and emotions will calm down. We will find solutions where we thought there were none. We finally can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it shines brighter and brighter the longer we look at it.

What does Yin/Yang mean to you? People in responsible positions should always be


aware of the Yin and Yang symbol. Perhaps keep its image at a place where they can see it easily. It will help them in making the right decisions and let them overcome the destructive force of selfrighteousness. The concept of Yin and Yang was also the basis for Chinese scientific thinking. In particular in medicine. If Yang is too strong, Yin may be too weak. If Yin is too strong, Yang is too weak. If we don’t know how to use this principle, our body will decay early. By observing external symptoms, we get to know internal diseases. This automatically tells us that this symbol can be effectively used in cases of various illness. A lot of them are mainly an outcome of being out of balance and can be restored to a great extent by very directed meditation, going deeply into the image of the Yin and Yang. Becoming one with it and fully transcend into its higher meaning.

udjat symbol This symbol began as the depiction of the eye on one of the earliest Egyptian deities. It was a personification of the goddess ‘Wadjet’. One of her duties was to protect the sun god Ra. In this capacity she needed eyes that were ‘all-seeing’ The name could also be written as ‘Wedjat’ or ‘Udjat’, both interpreted as ‘The Eye of the Moon’. This again changed later into ‘The Eye of Ra’ and then into ‘The Eye of Horus’. When Horus became one of the main gods in the Egyptian religion, the symbol was transferred exclusively to him. He was said to have united Egypt

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and became the first national god of the country. His What does the udjat mean to you? name is actually an ancient Greek adaptation. His original name was Heru (The Distant One), Har (The If you want something, you will not give up until One who is Above) or Hamerty (Horus of Two Eyes). you get it. Your patience and your perseverance are amazing. You continue striving for a goal when most He was the god of the sky and was identified with others have long given up. It provides you with a the sky. Therefore his two eyes represented the two great advantage, whenever you have set your mind most important bodies in the universe for humans. on something you want to achieve. The right eye stood for solar energy, masculinity, logic and mathematics. The left one reflected lunar energy, femininity, fluidness, changes, intuition and magic. Since he was always portrayed as either a human with the head of a falcon or completely as that bird, his eye has the markings of the animal. As a symbol it was sacred and very powerful, because it could heal and even make mummies see again. The following story from Egyptian mythology will not only explain the relationship between sun and moon, but also show why the eye of Horus was believed to be a powerful tool for healing. Horus had become embroiled in a fight with Seth, the god of the desert, storms and chaos. At that stage, he still had his left eye (full moon). But his enemy tore it out (waning moon) and smashed it to pieces (blindness – new moon). But the god of wisdom, magic and love, Thoth, put it together again (waxing moon) and gave it back to Horus (full moon again). The right eye representing mathematics, the symbol was also used to depict numerical values. The complete image stood for the number one, the right part of it (up to the eyeball) was one half, the eyeball itself a quarter, the eyelid an eighth, the left part of the eye one sixteenth, the curved tail one thirty-second and the teardrop one sixty- fourth.

But you also should look carefully at anything that comes your way. Not everything ends up as good as it promised to be in the beginning. In fact, many ideas that seemed marvelous, could develop into a mistake or a failure. Choose carefully! Especially because you are a bit of an idealist and a dreamer and sometimes imagine opportunities where none exist. In that regard you have to watch not to be taken in by smooth talkers. With your enthusiastic nature you might think that their dishonest words are the truth. All this is very confusing and disturbing to you. You would like to believe in the good in people. You want peace and harmony. You can’t and don’t want to understand why there are so many quarrels and fights. You abhor aggression and violence, not only in its physical form, but also as psychological abuse. A large part of this belief comes from your great natural talent as a healer. You seem to have the ability to make an ill person feel better in no time. Obviously, it would be advisable if you find some way to use this talent. Perhaps in the medical profession, or as a carer of some kind. Either way you will be very successful. Nothing can stop you to get to the top. The sky is the limit. When you have problems with your eyes, the Udjat will help you. Concentrate on the image, or, better still, place your left hand over it and let your thoughts be overwhelmed by the power of the symbol. In time you will feel the sensation of getting better enter your consciousness.

About PETER DEAN Peter Dean lives in Australia. He has been involved with symbols for over twentyfive years. He has given many lectures and workshops on the subject. Using his very personal symbolcards, he has been able to counsel and help innumerable people in Australia, Europe and the United States. To ask Peter a question, contact Sage Magazine. His new book Egyptian Symbols For You is available now from Adyar Online & Amazon.



EGYPTIAN SYMBOLS FOR YOU ancient and modern interpretations

Ancient Egyptian Symbols are as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago. They give strong guidance and, like oracle cards, offer an instant reading for your personal use. For a better understanding of this fascinating culture, this book also includes a short history, a look at the social life of the ancient Egyptians, their writing and literature, and their religious beliefs.

everyone has a symbol

what’s your symbol?


available now from: The Davinci Code, The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown and associated logos are not associated with Peter Dean and are used for reference purposes only.

SAGE magazine

Understanding universal prosperity the secret of money and spirituality an excerpt by jeff foster presented by adeline charnley


SAGE magazine

universal prosperity When I was asked by Sage Magazine to provide an insight into the world of finance from a spiritually enlightened perspective, I was challenged to provide an understanding into what it was exactly that challenged us as spiritual beings in a human body on this planet. I had heard the usual sayings that money is a flow and we can have blockages that prevent us from being prosperous, but what did that really mean? As an accountant I see professional people all the time that charge for their services. Some very highly, I might add. But the fact is they are worth every cent (usually). So why is it any different for spiritual teachers? If we are in an area of holistic service, we can have a tendancy to undervalue our work. Why does this happen? We are good people who do work that by and large helps the planet. Then what is it that is holding us back from living the life we should love? The answer became very clear when I came across one of the most profound authors of this generation, Jeff Foster. As simple as it may sound, money is spiritual and without a full understanding of the universal law of prosperity, we continue to become victim to the cycle of poverty. I have shared some excerpts from his post on Money and Spirituality which is so simple, yet it has become a story that many in the spiritual industry never see the ending of because we are too busy ”selling water by the riverside”.

The following is an excerpt from the blog ”Money and Spirituality: From Personal Profit to Universal Prosperity”. The full article and other articles by Jeff Foster can be found by visiting his website Jeff Foster studied Astrophysics at Cambridge University. In his mid-twenties, after a long period of depression and illness, he became addicted to the idea of ‘spiritual enlightenment’ and embarked on an intensive spiritual quest for the ultimate truth of existence. The spiritual search came crashing down with the clear recognition of the non-dual nature of everything, and the discovery of the extraordinary in the ordinary. In the clarity of this seeing, life became what it always was: intimate, open, loving and spontaneous, and Jeff was left with a deep understanding of the root illusion behind all human suffering, and a love of the present moment.

money he or she is not authentic, or perhaps even a fraud! But let’s get real here. If a spiritual teacher does not charge money, deep down he or she can still desire to collect as many donations as possible, or collect as many students as possible, or collect as much admiration or publicity or popularity or respect as possible – and the image of selfless, desireless, egofree teacher who never asks for money can be a very profitable image indeed! So, it all comes down to motivation and intention. It’s not money that is the problem, it is our concepts surrounding money. Money is simply a part of life, a natural movement of life-energy – it is our greed and fears surrounding money that create so much suffering and inequality, for ourselves and everyone else.

When you offer a service or a product – and that could include spiritual teaching, singing, art, healing, therapy, anything – what is your intention? Are you doing it primarily for the money? Are you doing it solely to Many people who consider themselves to be ‘spiritual’ make a profit for yourself? To amass personal wealth? consider money to be very ‘unspiritual’ (what a strange To promote yourself and your own image? To increase division to make!). They say that money is dirty, against your own security and comfort at any cost? In that life, a stain on consciousness, filled with ego. Some case, you will never be truly rich in the deeper sense of people even say that spiritual teachers should never the word – that is, deeply in touch with prosperity, the ask for money, and teachings should either be given natural flow of life, the abundant cycle of life energy. for free, or by donation – and if a teacher charges Without a deep understanding of prosperity, and the

money is spiritual


importance of giving and receiving in total balance, no the fruits of their own prosperity. They know that human life is possible. giving and receiving are all part of the same singular movement of life. Seen in this way, money is only a token of prosperity, a movement of love, you could say. When we are joyfully doing what we love and loving what we do, when we are truly connected and When Bob Dylan shares his musical poetry, or Marlon allowing life to flow freely through us, when music Brando acts by not acting, or Mozart gives us his and art and creativity and inspiration are allowed to heavenly music, or Shakespeare shares his words, move and express in us, when we offer that original or Billy Holliday sings from her heart, or someone and creative expression to others in our community, dances or paints or creates in their own unique and out of a sense of joy and wonder and adventure unexpected and thrilling way, and we are inspired rather than a drive for profit and the holding up of and moved and changed and delighted and even the image, when we return what life has given us to deeply challenged, we are often happy to give back to the ‘marketplace’, the place where others gather, it is them, to contribute to their prosperity, and therefore possible that others will love what we share, that they to the prosperity of all who have been and will be will want more of it; that it will inspire or move them touched by them. We want life to keep flowing, both or help them or even change their lives – that our for ourselves and for all mankind, and our giving of prosperity will become their prosperity – for it is all money can simply be an expression of this gratitude. the same prosperity – and that they will feel moved to give back to us in some way. Seen in this way, a good spiritual teacher is simply an artist, a poet, a musician, who uses words and silence Touched by what we have shared, others may feel the instead of a paintbrush or musical instrument – but joyous urge to contribute to our prosperity, and this the intention is still the same – to point back towards may manifest in the form of giving us money from the deepest truth of life.

the joy of giving and receiving

Money is simply a part of life, a natural movement of lifeenergy – it is our greed and fears surrounding money that create so much suffering and inequality Jeff Foster

SAGE magazine

The division between ‘spirituality’ and everything else is totally illusory, you see. There is only One life, indivisible. Spirituality is art, and art is spirituality, and when we see spiritual teachers as artists, giving from prosperity rather than the urge for profit, then we are happy to compensate them for their art. They give us so much, and we give to them, even though what they ‘give’ is intangible and may be seen as ‘nothing’ by the mind. Even though music and art are ‘free”, are artists really “selling water by the riverside” when they move us to tears and change our outlook forever? If we say “No! I REFUSE to pay, they should be giving this to ME for FREE!”, is this not a movement of shutting ourselves off from prosperity and gratitude and therefore life itself? It’s certainly something to explore within ourselves.

true profit When we are in touch with this universal prosperity, with our inseparability from life, when we are doing what we love and loving what we do, when we are sharing our gifts and talents and skills with others in the human marketplace, when we give our joy and even our pain to others, yes, we can make money. Profit may arise. The sole intention was not to make money – it was to prosper and to add to others’ prosperity – but we ended up making money, as a sideeffect of love. Simply put, we may profit financially from our intention to add to the prosperity of the world. In this way, making a profit can actually be a beautiful and moving and very innocent thing – we have touched others, and in turn we have been touched. And with our profit, we may then keep the cycle of life going, by giving and sharing and using this profit to further add to the prosperity of the world. When we have more money, we may be able to do more to increase prosperity – not just for ourselves and our immediate families, but for everyone in our town, our city, our country, our continent, and perhaps even the entire world. We could build hospitals and schools, provide medicines to the poor, fund important research, or simply be able to give more products and services away for free to those who have less money than us. Who knows what is possible, when our ‘spiritual’ fear of possessing money ends.

When you understand that hiding underneath a wish to make money can simply be a primal calling to add to the prosperity of the world, you understand that there is nothing wrong with wanting to make money, in itself, and your conditioned “spiritual” guilt over making money vanishes. Money is very, very spiritual in its essence – everything is. It’s up to each of us to check our intentions and motivations surrounding money, that’s all. And then perhaps we can all share and even rejoice in each others’ prosperity, rather than becoming imprisoned by jealousy and criticism and mesmerised by false divisions between something called the ‘spiritual’ and something else called the ‘non-spiritual’. A prosperous spirituality that no longer divides “material” and “spiritual”, that embraces money and sees the deeper truth in the giving and receiving of it, is a spirituality deeply rooted in truth. About Jeff Foster Jeff’s teaching is simple. He helps people discover who they really are, beyond all thoughts and judgments about themselves, even in the midst of the stress and struggle of modern day living and intimate relationships. Jeff was voted #59 in Watkins Mind Body Spirit’s 2014 list of the world’s 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. He has published four books in over six languages. His latest book The Deepest Acceptance was published in 2012 by Sounds True. His website is About Adeline Charnley Adeline runs a business advisory and accounting firm with an all female staff that specialise in body, mind and spirit businesses. As a spiritual practitioner herself, she understands the holistic industry and can help both the established or newly started practioners. Visit her website

We Don’t Need To See The Future To Help You With Yours Harding Woodhouse understands all aspects of mind, body and spirit business practice. If you are an established spiritual practitioner or need advice in starting your business, talk with an accountant who understands and aligns with the holistic industry.

Contact Adeline Charnley on +617 5572 7100

SAGE magazine

2015 a potential paradise by jennifer starlight


SAGE magazine

‘You are about to awaken from a very long dream, and we wish you to be prepared, lovingly and wisely. There shall be no sleepwalkers, no nightmares, you shall be fully awake, fully aware, and you shall fully embody the angelic being that you have always been.’

The Union of Love & Light.

As my guides from ‘The Union of Love & Light’ have so eloquently expressed, we are being offered an extraordinary invitation to come home to our Soul Self and finally awaken from the dream of separation, suffering and struggle, which has created our diseases, dramas and emotional disharmony. However waking up can be a painful process and as we strive to open our eyes to the truth, we must first acknowledge the illusions we have endured. 2+0+1+5 equals the energy of 8 and with the exceptionally accurate and unique Diamond Light Numerology System gifted to me by Spirit, we can obtain a deeper understanding and more powerful perception of how to get ourselves out of the bed of bad dreams and into the reality of our Soul’s divine intelligence and illumination. So lets examine the consciousness of EIGHT from Spirit’s perspective. In the Diamond Light System the number Eight corresponds to our Crown Chakra with the spiritual gift being integration of our higher selves and the human challenge being the overcoming of self condemnation from our ego selves. The Crown Chakra is also the gateway and contact point between our spiritual awareness and human awareness and the time has come in our evolution to integrate and anchor these two polarities of consciousness into Soul realization. Spirit also describes Eight as the numeral of Alchemy, for we can transform our lives into a purposeful presence or into a perpetual prison, depending on whether we are creating from a lower or higher mind intention. And if we fail to

open and connect to the ‘bigger cosmic picture’ of our existence we can feel trapped and condemned within this human life. In addition, the numeral of Eight within the Diamond Light System also symbolizes infinity, higher intelligence and eternal love and has been described by my Guides as representing what they term ‘The Waterfall Way” which is the Infinite Life Stream of Consciousness that all Souls are an intrinsic part of. And I believe our ultimate purpose has always been to surrender to our Soul Self, which is the Supreme Universal Being within each of us. And even though our Soul is beyond the confines and condemnations of the mind, the mind can still wholeheartedly try to convince us that we must first work hard to improve ourselves before we can obtain the gifts of the Soul. Nevertheless any form of destination cannot exist within the reality of the Infinite, as all is present and available now. You are already that which you seek and it is the struggling and striving that is keeping spiritual seekers at such a distance from what has always been perfectly present within them. 2015 is an opportunity for us to become Collectively Conscious and this can happen one awakened Soul at a time and it is only through the pure intention of love and humility that this divine union between the Human Mind & the Infinite Soul may be obtained. So find the courage to surrender to your Soul and the divine light of Spirit that sustains it. Begin to feel your way through your life and give your Soul permission to guide you with its unique language of intuition, and by doing this you can obtain lifechanging inspiration from both above and within. Allow 2015 to become a very precious year of selfdiscovery, liberation and divine destiny. The following is a direct transmission on 2015 from Amun-Min, an individual aspect of The Union of Love & Light. ‘Omaat dear ones, understand your potential for change is always matched by your desire, whether it be for peace and pleasure or pain and


pandemonium and this time cycle you call 2015 is constructed to amplify your desire for a positive shift of consciousness within your individual experience. Also understand that if you are to truly evolve as a human race it is now vital to realize that each of you is a divine extension of the Absolute Being of All Creation.

For the last 7 years in particular many of you have been experiencing an intense emotional cycle of purification and have dug deeply and intensely into your own psyches. And you have also travelled long and hard within your minds, only to discover that exhaustion and despair are the destination.

So stop seeking a better future and come to the realization that within you is a boundless paradise Begin to release your attachment to the illusions of exquisite eternity, right here and right now. And of the material world as many monetary kingdoms may we say predictions, in truth, do not serve you, upon your Earth are going to have to closely examine their intentions. For the will of the people, as they only fuel the doubt in your ego minds and keep you separate from your own inner wisdom particularly in the western worlds will be heard within this eternal present moment. Embrace the and truths of a disturbing nature regarding these raw potential consistently available to you through kingdoms manipulations shall be revealed to you. the divine grace of Universal Source and your own Souls and know your Soul is a cosmic cell within Your weather patterns will continue to surprise your biological body that radiates the fire of all your experts, as what you call global warming is in of existence. So surrender to it and truly heal fact what we term a global transition, and like all yourselves, for you are each a universal blessing and physical transformations they have a will of their God is not complete without you. own which cannot be predicted but only given acknowledgement too. And may we say at this point ’Amun-Min’ that loving acknowledgement of your own inner transformations will be the most productive way Received by Jennifer Starlight. November 2014 to transition yourselves from your programming of For more information on various Diamond Light separation to your awakening of the truth within Courses and other powerful Spirit inspired you, which is you are love in a human expression. Workshops in 2015 please go to http://www. Bring yourself back into community, support and cherish each others uniqueness and stand as one united force, for this is the only way the elevation of your human experience may take place. As for the wars raging around you, remove yourself from the fear fed frenzy and give gratitude for your abundance, while sending love and compassion from the very core of your heart to both the victims and victors of these war torn places. For in truth they are working their way through the Energetic Pattern of Abuse, not just as individuals but also as nations and unfortunately it will only be through this extreme suffering that they will eventually make the conscious choice to cease their chosen roles. For understand everything in your dimension is magnetic and if you find yourself in a position of any form of abuse it will tell you that you are carrying this invisible pattern within yourself and only through affection and understanding for Self can this pattern be dissolved.

Jennifer Starlight is an internationally renown Trance Medium and Author for Spirit and offers Soul readings and One on One sessions with her guide Amun-Min. She is available in person on the Gold Coast or via Skype. Please go to the website for more information or to book an appointment.

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The changing tides of time your guide to staying present in the new year by greg doyle

SAGE magazine

The Current of Time ”we feel as though we are forever running after a stern and proper timetable that is always just out of reach...that’s because it is” A day is never repeated. Nor is a year, nor a month. It’s all new. And it’s always changing. Our calendar is based around the Northern Spring Equinox and the celebration of Easter, and was instigated in its present form by Pope Gregory and the Catholic Church in 1592. Greece was the last European country to join the reform in 1923. Every month’s name has its roots in a meaning. For example, March is derived from the Roman god of war “Mars” and was seen as the right time to resume warring. To this day the word marching is still associated with the military. May comes from “Maia,” the Italic goddess of Spring, and January from “Janus,” the Roman god of gates and doorways. July and August were “tributes” to the Roman Emperors Julius and Augustus, and April is connected to “Aphrodite,” the Greek goddess of love and beauty. The point I’m making here, is that apart from the seasons—which are cyclical in form but are never exactly the same—our concept and partitioning of time is essentially a manmade and arbitrary notion. Even those month names that derive themselves from the bounty of favourable seasons carry relevance only in the Northern Hemisphere. And names, along with all words, carry vibration—and power. When the vibration of a word is not in alignment with its intended manifestation, energetic confusion results. Easter is more the thawing and new hope of Spring…than a chocolate rabbit. Not that chocolate is a bad thing, but the ethos of the celebration

in the Southern Lands is hopelessly lost in translation. And this kink in the chain— in the fabric of ancient intention—is a subtle leak of energy in our systems. We name a month after “warring” yet live in a so-called enlightened age. The energy knows no contradiction. It supplies us with our command. The dictatorial emperors of the past live on in our ether as we pay unconscious tribute to their inglorious heritage. And what of the very words “day” or “week?” Remember, as vibration is the very essence of what we are, and sound being the potent creative vibration that it is, we cannot be immune to the “spell” of these incantations. We spend our “weak daze” at work, and are “weak-ened” on our “off” days in the process. The collective human psyche is not clever enough to note the differences in spelling, it is merely absorbing the vibrations inherent in the command. And these similarities are no coincidence: the sound, the vibrations—are identical. And so we have forged the concept of time to serve a peculiar kind of hypnosis; a repeating pattern of unconscious servitude and obeisance. Lets cut it down to its basest element: the “second.” Why not the “first?” Should our “present” be measured by mere seconds? Does it in fact remove us from the present, our gift. To be in the moment is now, yet we constantly hear “Just a moment,” tugging us from the present and fracturing our vibrational reality. I recently spent a few days on the beautiful


Moreton Island, a vast sand island not a few hours from Brisbane. The main highways on the island are the beaches. And so as we drove the avenues looking left, and right, and straight ahead, I was struck by the absence of any shops. No outlets (outlet for what?). Just the elements. And it was kind of shocking to me, that I was so “struck” in the first place. I had the feeling of timelessness, on that beach. Yet, what does that really mean. Why should timelessness imply extreme

presence? Timelessness carries the aura of space, of things somehow untouched. They just are and always will be. In many ways our true souls reflect this stillness, this timelessness. Our souls can never be damaged, can never erode, yet around us lies the blissful paradox of time, of erosion and change. We say “Time passes.” Now that is interesting, because time passing implies that we remain still

SAGE magazine

as the current passes us by. We remain still, suspended in our constant state of perfection, that is, was, and always will be. It is no wonder that many of us feel out of time with our lives, out of sync. We feel as though we are forever running after a stern and proper timetable that is always just out of reach. That’s because it is. You’ll never get there. It’s impossible. Our lives are “live,” they’re right now. The secrets are in the vibrations of the words, not the “spells.” Can you see that? Everything is alive and buzzing with universal energy, everything is aligned to serve you to the max — if you can see it, if you can “hear” it. Right now, right “here.” And really, it is such fun! As the new year approaches, there shall be no repeats. You’re not a TV show. “Stay present,” as in, keep your gift by you. Everything you utter morphs reality around you. Your words, thoughts and beliefs are incantations to that immeasurable source of power that is the cosmos, that is in essence, us. No, “we” are not a human waste product, nor are we taxpayers. Sure, we pay tax, but we are not it, just because we pay it. Beyond the sense of words lies a truer reality that lies in wait for our passions to ignite and to truly summon it into being. Your presence (or “presents”) is the true currency it craves. I see the future as already complete. Think of “New” Year, as the year already known. I immerse my self in its rapturous embrace,

as I am in turn enraptured by it. Sure, I don’t always know the turns it presents (once again, that word) but as I release the urge to comply to a calendar of fiction and spell, I sense far more the magic and space that is our true ecstatic dance. I see the seasons, as seas (funny, that) guiding us through times of sun and warmth and party, into times of shadow and thought and quiet. These four sea-sons are our mother’s milk, nurturing and balancing our experience of earthly being. So as the new year comes to pass us, rejoice in its caress. Savour its silent, thundering touch. Dance anew in its streams of light, and cold misty shadows. See your own magnificent reflection in the spaces between the seconds (the firsts, in fact). For it truly is here where the timeless and infinite nature of our soul resides. Imagine being pulled to the surface of a great ocean. That ocean is time. Beneath you is the past, above you, the future. Yet the ocean is already there. Currents and tides shift your view from here to there—yet the ocean remains. Creatures swim past, to frighten and fascinate you, and the great ocean remains, non-reactive and all-embracing. The sun hits its surface and the wind whips its curls, yet there it sits, in constant surrender. As you reach the surface, the pressure lessons and you feel a remarkable lightness engulf you as you breathe in all that you see. What a beautiful, beautiful time!

About GREG DOYLE Greg Doyle is a trained classical musician, Reiki master/teacher, and passionate surfer. Awakening the Giant Within is his first book, and outlines his spiritual awakening. Born in Australia, he currently resides in Brisbane, Queensland with his wife Monika, a flautist. See Greg’s website link for Astral Travel course dates in Brisbane and Byron Bay. Visit Greg’s website at

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Amethyst BIOMAT The Number ONE and Only BIOMAT Imagine simply lying down...ahhhhh! Unwinding all of your tension, stress and overwhelm......Replacing pain and discomfort with soothing well being, bathing in and soaking up nature’s most healing spectrum of when you arise you feel completely relaxed, balanced and rejuvenated. All in the comfort of your own home or office. That is BioMat, the only product to combine Far Infrared Rays, Negative Ions and Amethyst Crystals. Discover what NASA has proven to be the most beneficial and bio-compatible spectrum of light, designed and used to help maintain the health and vitality levels of astronauts and now in the health industry worldwide. Enjoy the energising and cleansing effects of Negative Ions which can also be found around powerful waterfalls, ocean waves, or tropical rainforests after a large downpour. Combining the wonders of nature, this innovative technology brings together Long Wave Far Infrared Light with Negative Ions, and Amethyst Crystals which amplify self-love and attune the body/mind to peace and clarity.

How Does BioMat Work? The Amethyst BioMat works without magnets or electric coils, both shown to weaken cellular vitality. The BioMat computer sends bio-compatible direct current (DC) pulses through the carbon ceramic super fibre, which generates negative ions and healing for Infrared rays that penetrate six to eight inches into the body.


Biomat generates 6.8 microns of Medium ”Human” Infrared. According to NASA research, Human Infrared normalises a variety of important physiological functions, especially glandular. The unique Human Infrared feature of Biomat makes it different to any other infrared device in the world.

CORPORATE WELLNESS ROOMS ADOPT BIOMAT Wellness, health and longevity aren’t just buzzwords in the fitness industry. Companies understand that healthy employees are better employees, and are turning to these concepts to create better and healthier workplaces, offering everything from weight loss to smoking cessation to exercise programs for their employees. In addition, many companies now provide wellness rooms, which can include fitness classes, meditation spaces and more, so that employees don’t have to leave the office to focus on their health and well-being. The BioMat is the ideal complement to any wellness space. Like it sounds, the BioMat is indeed a mat that supports stress relief, improves immune function and wellbeing. Employees can use the mat for stretching, meditation and more, all in the comfort of the corporate wellness space. Even better, the BioMat can be folded up and easily stored, so it doesn’t take up a lot of space. Without getting too technical, the BioMat uses targeted infrared heat therapy to boost the delivery of oxygen-rich blood to the muscles, which can help anyone who has aches and pains, inflammation, immune issues and trouble sleeping – all common complaints in the workplace today. Likewise, people suffering from headaches, allergies, weight issues and stress are all fans of the BioMat’s healing powers. Both the full-size BioMat Professional, a 32” x 78” fullbody mat can work great in corporate wellness rooms, depending on space and number of employees. Employees simply select the setting that works best for them and then soak up the healing goodness of the BioMat in as little as a 10 minutes a day.

Kirlian photo - heating pad

Kirlian photo - BioMat

Safer than heating pads because there are no harmful electromagnetic waves. BioMat penetrates 80 times deeper than an electric blanket. Many health professionals consider BioMat a viable treatment option for pain as well as other muscular skeletal problems.

The BioMat Mini, a smaller 17” x 33” pad can also be used for short or long periods of time when placed on an office chair. This is a great option for companies that do not have corporate wellness rooms. Easy to implement, corporate wellness rooms and products that can be used at an employees desk are having a tremendous impact on the overall health, wellness and vitality of their employees, and the BioMat is the perfect tie-in for any company’s wellness plan.


All Conscious Music


Live Streaming Available on: Now Streaming 24/7BE THE YOU CAN CHANGE Music | Meditation | Morning Yoga MUSIC | MEDITATION | INTERVIEWS | COMPETITIONS More of the conscious music you TUNE IN to AT over WWW.SOULTRAVELLERRADIO.COM want to hear, broadcasting 120 countries worldwide. Website iTunes Radio


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Soul Traveller Radio all conscious music Essence of Yoga

with MICHELLE MERRIFIELD & Yogi tunes December sees a whole bunch of new shows on Soul Traveller Radio. The Unsigned Project, Transference Healing and now a totally revamped Yoga show. In August we introduced Morning Yoga sessions thanks to our friends at Yogi Tunes. While the music was awesome, being unguided presented challenges for some. We were listening to your comments and approached Essence of Living Yogi - Michelle Merrifield who took up the challenge and the result is a new & improved yoga show - Essence of Yoga Michelle will take you through routines designed to follow at home (or the park if you are listening on your mobile). Find us at or for those who want to stream Soul Traveller Radio on your phone, download the Tune In app and search for Soul Traveller Radio. The show will be broadcast at 9am Aus -Qld time and 9am US - LA time.

Transference healing with alexis cartwright We have had the pleasure of Alexis writing for Sage Magazine over the last couple of Sage Issues. Her latest article on Crystal Children is a fantastic insight into our children and their relationship with this new earth. Alexis will now take her wisdom to the airways with a show designed to challenge you and help you understand the basis of Transference Healing. The show will feature some of Alexis’ teaching and a meditation to help bring through some of the changes Alexis teaches. Join Alexis for her first show on Monday 24 November, 7pm.

SAGE magazine

Soul Traveller Radio THE UNSIGNED PROJECT Over the last few months there have been several new artists that have been featured on Soul Traveller Radio, many of who have been part of the Unsigned Only & International Songwriting Competitions. To help promote these fabulous artists, we are commencing the Unsigned Project in December which will air after Temple of Youth on Saturday Nights. In celebration of the new show, we are giving away a new Sampler album, the first volume of the Unsigned Project. The artists featured include Kunda, The Luck, The Beautiful Discord, Shawn Gallaway, Ayten, Remy De La Roque and Travis Caudle. Download the album by clicking the button on the right and find out more about these fantastic unsigned artists in our special Unsigned Project feature.







Enter your songs about love!

Enter your songs about social causes!

ISC is reopening entries for these two very special events!


t c e j o r p d e n g i s n u e h t






Kunda eyes are wide open A copy of Kunda’s album reached our ears and we knew we had to let Soul Traveller Radio’s listeners hear it too. The challenge is how do we describe it? It’s conscious folk rock with a nod to the 70’s greats. The album features a cast of whose who in conscious music including Deva Premal & Miten’s favourite flautist, Manose. Our feature track on the Unsigned Project - Eyes Are Wide Open combines a Cat Stevens bridge mixed in with didgerdoo which then breaks into a Pink Floyd inspired section (The Great Gig in the Sky) sung by renowned indigenous Sovereign Ngombarl singer Kerrianne Cox who appeared in the musical Bran Nue Dae. Byron Bay based, Kunda has always had a driving passion to know the truth and possibility, beyond the day to day routine and predictability of life. At the age of 16 he started playing guitar, and constantly created his own songs and melodies in his persistent attempt to convey his more intimate feelings and emotions. He was a member of Kirtan group Lucknow Kirtan until he decided to present this wonderful offering which has been in the making for several years. The album is available now and is a beautiful album featured with so much passion that we had to make it our Album of the Month for December. For more information visit Kunda’s website -

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The LUCK Bricks

The Luck is the London-based brother and sister acoustic duo of Max and Esmay Luck. Two years ago they discovered the powerful blend of their voices whilst writing, completely by chance, what was to become their first single, ’Bricks’, a song about rebuilding our lives, which can be downloaded for free on the new Unsigned Project Sampler. For information of The Luck visit -

The Beautiful DiscorD AWAKE The Beautiful Discord is a four-piece Christian Rock and Worship Band from Louisville, KY. The band’s first radio single “Awake” was recently selected as a finalist for the 2014 “Unsigned Only” Song competition. A beautiful song about transformation that we are glad to include as part of the Unsigned Project’s Sampler. Their album Refuge is a great conscious album that is a blend of pop rock similar to bands like Switchfoot and Jars of Clay. Find out more at

ShaWn Gallaway Unify If any artist is the quintessential conscious music artist that represents everything a conscious artist should do, Shawn Gallaway is that artist. With a voice that reminds you of early Jon Anderson (Yes), his album I Choose Love is one of those albums that can’t help but make you smile. Stand out songs are The Calling and The Centre of the Sun along with the title track I Choose Love. A new song recorded as the the anthem for is the track Unify which is included on our sampler album. Find out more at Shawn’s website,



AYTEN rainbow Listening to Mother Earth by conscious French artist, Ayten is like having a cinematic experience for your ears, mixing english lyrics with otherworldly sounds. The first thing you notice about the album is the cover imagery with Ayten removing her skin. No not a scene from Walking Dead or Alien, but a symbolic image of how opening up to the Divine is like shedding your skin and becoming a new person. We have featured Rainbow on our sampler album however lovers of Deya Dova, Bjork and Sigur Ros, don’t go past this album. Find out more at

REMY DE LAROQUE Kindness is my sunshine Another French artist on The Unsigned Project is Remy de Laroque who describes his new album, Three Cows Past Midnight, as tales and stories about our fathers, nature, the city, and the human heart. Remy, now a US resident is is an introspective songwriter mixing spirit and story telling. He understands that we all have Wild Hearts that are aching for love and adventure. By his own admission if he were to write a song about war it would still be a love song. Our free track Kindness is My Sunshine can also be found on his album available at

TRAVIS CAUDLE hear you say To finish off our Unsigned Project Special is an Australian artist, Travis Caudle that recorded his latest album in Nashville. As an artist he is inspired by the writings of Joe Dispenza (What The Bleep) and believes that his rock music has a place in the realm of conscious do we! Hear You Say and It’s Just You, are both hard hitting songs about experiencing the change within and waking up to the truth that we are actually ”ok”, wrapped in a sound that could be heard on any top 40 chart around the world. Check out his music on our sampler and at

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a special soul traveller exclusive the new movie by temple dancer, vrinda devi and hip hop artist mc yogi.


One of the joys of running Soul Traveller Radio is receiving advance songs and videos, some of which we eagerly await to share, like a kid waiting to give a gift just to see the smile come over their parents face. Sometimes it can be really hard waiting, like it has been with ”Shedding Skin”. A few months back we were in contact with Vrinda Devi, a member of the Temple Dancers and performer alongside high energy Kirtan band, The Mayapuris. Vrinda shared a new short film that she put together with MC Yogi’s song, ”Shedding Skin”, a hiphop song about becoming who you are meant to be and breaking free from convention. The theme is no stranger to Vrinda who studied at the world’s finest Bharata Natyam dance school in India, Kalakshetra. Five years later, graduating with honors, Vrinda commenced touring allowing her to hone her skills. In a recent interview however she shared how the film has mirrored her real life. especially in the overcoming of personal critic and breaking down of ethnic barriers. ”It is a self acceptance story, overcoming internal obstacles. I have chosen to express it through the medium of classical Indian dance. I have always felt torn about the fact that I am a white bodied person performing a very ethnically indian artform. Do I have the right to own it.” For the viewer however, the movie transcends the self acceptance and goes into self realisation you cannot escape your own truth and just like in the movie, you will eventually come face to face with yourself. ”It is just like the saying...whereever you go... there you are! For a long time I tried to find myself externally...external validation of who I was. However the deeper I went in my spiritual journey the more I realised it was an internal journey.” Not only does the movie challenge cultural values, it also crosses musical boundaries by performing a dance that is traditionally Indian to a hip hop soundtrack by one of conscious music’s foremost artists, MC Yogi.

”I really wanted the film to be immediately relatable to the western audience so that there is an entrance point for people who are not familiar with this form of dancing. Some traditional dancers may not be happy with the choices I have made in the clothes and the music but my short answer is... This is who I am” A beautifully made film with a very poignant message for all. ”Shedding Skin” tells it like it is. Don’t be afraid to be different. Be true to yourself and let your true inner self shine through in everything you do. To find out more about Vrinda click here - http:// and watch the new short film by director Rasa Acharya here - http://youtu. be/0gjGjEhoUIU


UPLIFT FESTIVAL 11-14 December, 2014 The third annual 2014 UPLIFT Festival brings together some of the world’s most innovative advocates for global sustainability and oneness.

Byron Bay PROUDLY supportED BY

UPLIFT Festival is a live-­streamed 4-­day Festival happening in Byron Bay. An acronym for Universal Peace and Love in a Festival of Transformation, UPLIFT brings together some of the finest evolutionary leaders who will join millions worldwide calling for a positive shift for Planet Earth. UPLIFT 2014 supports the understanding that we are all fully connected to each other and that the essential truth of Oneness is the foundation of all life. This year’s extraordinary line up features some of the world’s most current consciousness leaders including Lissa Rankin, New York Times best-­selling author of Mind over Medicine, Dr Bruce Lipton, author of Biology of Belief and The Honeymoon Effect, Charles Eisenstein, author of New York Times best seller Sacred Economics and the inimitable Dr Patch Adams who will be hosting his own Spontaneous Collaboration tent during the festival!

Additionally, this year’s event will include an expanded Youth stage featuring workshops and panels aimed at inspiring the millennial generation. Global youth leaders include Joshua Gorman, co-­ founder of Generation Waking Up, Indigenous Youth leader Taikaiya Blaney, Native American Youth Poet Lyla June, Earth Guardian Xiuhtezcatl Martinez and many more. These enlightened youth offer unbelievable belief in the power of our new generation to lead the world towards a truly environmentally and socially sustainable future. To support our local youth, UPLIFT will be offering full festival discount passes for only $50 for youth aged between 13 and 21. Included in this years line up will be a special focus on Indigenous Wisdom with honored guest presenters, Native American Elder Agnes Baker Pilgrim from the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, Traditional Custodian of Uluru Uncle Bob Randall, and local elders from the Bundjalong Nation. These elders will share the importance of honoring ancient knowledge at this critical time in history. With the huge response to the 2013 program, UPLIFT’s organisers have expanded the event to include a larger breakout tent, which will deliver dynamic and innovative workshops plus a new Embodiment tent featuring internationally renowned yoga and dance facilitators. The outdoor UPLIFT Oneness village will include an eco-­‐ marketplace and global organic food court. Other highlights include an expansive children’s village, massage and healing space, Tulsi Tea lounge and a Tibetan Gompa tent hosted by the Gyuto Monks of Tibet who will be creating a live sand mandala throughout the weekend. The evening hours are devoted to the best of world music and uplifting beats from international musicians and world class Australian acts including the devotional chants of Deva Premal and Miten and Sacred Earth, Isreali master musician Eliyahu McLean, USA singer/songwriter Trevor Hall and Middle Eastern fusion band Hamsa! The 2014 UPLIFT Festival inspires a deep sense of hope and provides a meeting place for people of all ages and traditions to share, celebrate and envision the world we want to create. For more information visit: or subscribe to the golbal webcast

SAGE magazine The Australian Yoga Website


Amazonia’s conscious new year’s eve 2014 Onespace presents Amazonia’s Conscious New Year’s Eve 2014 - A special creation for music, dance, yoga & meditation lovers! A powerful evening to welcome in the New Year with bodies full of fun and grounded expansion, hearts full of joyful celebration and bellies full of fire all proudly sponsored by Amazonia, Organic One Wines, Raw C and Soul Traveller Radio


What if you could consciously set the tone for the year to come? Onespace believes you can. The transition into a new year is a potent time for self reflection and the way we cross-over determines our energy for the whole year ahead. What better way to start 2015 than with beautiful music and dance acts, movement, gong meditation and high vibrations to bring in the smoothest and prosperous of new years! Join over 500 like minded souls welcoming in 2015, as a new chapter of living high vibrations begins… It’s like a clean slate, a clear intention and a chance to start afresh. With the intention of love, wisdom, peace and conscious choices, the event will be showcasing musicians, inspirational teachers and sound healers, together for one unique concert in the iconic Paddington Chapel in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs. Weaving these acts together on two separate stages with an outdoor night market offering wholefoods, raw treats and organic wine with plenty of space to mingle with friends.

This once a year treat offers the wisdom beyond words, heart beyond mind and fun as a natural state of joyful living! Murray Kyle kicks off the evening and you will be inspired by the powerfully tender performance of this esteemed songwriter. Murray has emerged as a highly respected musician in the Australian roots music scene. Composing original music for over 15 years, he blends a mystical shamanic sound with devotional soul, a dash of R&B and positive roots vibes. Inspiring, uplifting and playfully powerful, Saritah then hits the stage with a show that is a colourful celebration of life. Lyrical affirmations, inspirations, and observations weave with sounds inspired by dancehall, reggae, soul, world and pop music. To get our bodies moving and open us up to enter the new year with powerful intention, synthesizing ancient Songlines, tribal voices and evocative story telling with cinematic soundscapes, whomping bass, textural glitch and totemic beats, Deya Dova will invoke a mythic temple vibe and bring euphoric tribalism to the dance floor. Followed by a powerful intention setting meditation at midnight led by sound healer, Matt Omo, this evening promises to carry you into the new year with an open heart and joyful state of being, Full line up includes (with more to be announced) - Murray Kyle | Saritah | Deya Dova | Chris Deckker | Simon Borg Olivier | The Divine Circus | Matt Omo Sound Healing Join us at Paddington Chapel, 395 Oxford Street, Paddington. Doors open at 6.30pm. Tickets are $70 online or $90 at the door. Online tickets are available at For more information contact -

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ABOUT THE ARTIST Eva Annaluna is an artist, aura healer, dolphin guide and hostess at the retreat center Home Heart Hawaii on the Big Island. Together with her husband she facilitates Healing Holidays and introduces people to the world of the dolphins. Start dolphin dreaming today:

Dolphin Spirit Š Eva Annaluna


Dolphin Inspirations swimming free by eva annaluna

’I feel a little nervous’ says the European lady that I am guiding into the water. Her eyes lock onto mine as I hold her hand and squeeze it gently to let her know that I understand that she feels afraid. It is Wendy’s first time in the ocean and she has never snorkeled before. The dolphins are calling her to swim with them and she is prepared to do what is necessary; she will overcome her fears. Her friend Sue is an experienced scuba diver and snorkeler. She is excited to meet the dolphins and quickly enters the water with my husband Lee. They swim out to the dolphins and I know that she will have the time of her life. I tell Wendy that we will follow at our own pace. This is a special day for her and together we will take a big step. Seeing the underwater world for the first time is like entering another dimension during meditation. I promise that I will stay by her side for the entire journey. Soon she will feel more comfortable; the first moments are the most difficult. The bay where we swim with the dolphins is crystal clear and the water is warm and buoyant. It brings a great sense of well-being to just float and let yourself be nurtured by the Ocean Mother. However, to get to that point of relaxation a few steps are needed, like getting used to the snorkel gear. Breathing through a snorkel feels at best a little funny to some; for others it is so frightening that their muscles and breath become tense by the very thought. When such a response happens to someone I usually detect a trauma in the auric field from this life or beyond. We are all on a magnificent Soul journey and I believe that we have lived many lives. When an imprint of a trauma is present we may experience a seemingly irrational and overwhelming stress response in our body. The basic Self warns our conscious Self for danger. When we become aware that this warning is based upon past experiences that we may not remember, we realize that it is probably emphasizing the current situation. Unresolved emotions are confronted and we feel resistance to move through them. It is only logical that we’d like to avoid being hurt again. Yet our Soul invites us to grow and courageously step through the door that it gently opens for us. Today the dolphins are at the thresh hold of healing Wendy’s fear; a large pod is swimming in slow rhythmic circles in the bay while some rest and others play.

Every time when she overcomes a challenge in the water, the dolphins leap in the distance to celebrate her victory. Wendy smiles wide and feels supported by the dolphins. Releasing the blocks that stopped her from moving forward will be greatly rewarded. Not only will she enjoy swimming with the dolphins today, she will also continue to benefit from this breakthrough throughout her life. Wendy shared with me that she is ready to make a change in her career and step into the spot light. Overcoming her water fear will help to overcome other fears as well. Once she feels comfortable with the snorkel, Wendy looks at the beautiful coral reef below us and slowly kicks her fins to move forward. When I playfully dive under water to wave at her and distract her from her fears, I hear the dolphin sounds close by. I look around and notice the dolphin pod approaching us... As I surface next to Wendy I show her the dolphins. They swim towards us, leaving the depths to visit the shallow water where we are floating. ’Oh my! The dolphins are so close to me, this is incredible!!’ Wendy expresses her joy as tears roll down her cheeks. Her heart is opened by the dolphins and she feels proud of herself for having taken the step to enter the ocean. I rarely see the dolphins swim this close to shore and know that they do this for her. They swim back to the deeper part of the bay and make a couple of playful leaps into the air. Wendy is speechless. She gives me a spontaneous hug filled with gratitude. Swimming back to shore we soon reunite with Sue and Lee and are delighted to hear that they have had amazing dolphin encounters as well. There was one moment when they lost track of the dolphins and had no idea where they went. Wendy and I look at each other with a smile from ear to ear... The dolphins were with us in the shallow water! What a blessing we all received from our dolphin friends. I sense that Wendy has released a heavy burden and feels lighter and more confident to walk with faith on her path in life. We will all have to face our fears when we choose to follow the guidance of our heart and embody our Soul’s purpose. Do we choose freedom or fear? As we move through our fear and trust the call of our inner Self we become spiritual warriors. Doors open and a new life awaits us.

SAGE magazine


images Š Desiree Glanville


your numerology forcast for the year with michelle buchanan

SAGE magazine

Make the Most of 2015 Western Pythagorean Numerology (created by Pythagoras, the Greek mystic and mathematician 2500 years ago), is the ancient metaphysical science of numbers where your ‘name’ and ‘date of birth’ have a significant influence over the circumstances of your life. In numerology, each number (and letter) has a unique ‘energy pattern’ that indicates specific personality traits, strengths, and challenges as well as the type of experiences, lessons, and opportunities you’ll encounter during this life. As whacky as it seems, you’d be surprised how accurate this information can be!

and your year - you’ll enhance your ability to manifest your goals and dreams! And goodness knows we could all use a little help in that department!

The beauty of numerology is that it offers valuable insight into two key areas: Your ‘Personality’ (including your destiny and life purpose) and ‘Forecasting’ (your future potential and what lies ahead). One of the key ‘forecasting’ numbers in numerology is the ‘Personal Year Number’ where you have a number between 1 and 9 for the duration of the year. Some numerologists believe this number runs from Jan 1st to Dec 31st and others believe it runs from birthday to birthday, however neither theory is right or wrong. It’s simply a matter of personal preference. Either way, this number reveals the lessons, opportunities and experiences you’ll encounter for the year and the action you must take in order to make it the best year it can be.


Numbers are simply patterns of energy flowing in a specific direction and when you understand what that direction is and adjust yourself accordingly – in other words ‘go with flow’ rather than swim against the current you can improve your life circumstances and manifest your dreams with greater ease. This is because successful manifestation via the Law of Attraction requires you to ‘raise your personal vibration’ and ‘harmonize with the natural flow of energy around you’. Therefore, when you harmonize with the natural energy flow of your “numbers”, not only will you improve your life

Now, let’s take a look at the Personal Year Number descriptions below:

Whether you believe in numerology or not, if you want to make the most of 2015, you’ve got nothing to lose by giving it a try. One things for certain - when you know the forecast ahead you can prepare for potential challenges and take advantage of the opportunities coming your way. This gives you an extra advantage and keeps you one step ahead of the game.

Step 1: Add the ‘day’ and ‘month’ of your birth date to 2015. Step 2: If you end up with a double-digit number total, add the two numbers together to get a single-digit Personal Year Number between 1 and 9. Let’s use the birthdate 28th March, 1969 (28-31969) as an example: 2+8+3+2+0+1+4= 20 2+0 = 2 Personal Year Number

1 Personal Year Number New Beginnings, Action, Opportunity This is a year of new beginnings and opportunities to create a fresh start where you must find the courage to make the necessary changes that will improve your quality of life. Whether it involves embarking upon a new


relationship or career, moving into a new home or simply creating a new “you”, this is a time to “go for it” rather than let your fears and insecurities hold you back. This is the year to learn something new, have a makeover, work on your personal development, begin a healthy new lifestyle, and/or adopt a positive mind-set. As this is a powerful manifestation year, the seeds you plant this year will set the tone for the next nine years. So be optimistic about yourself and your future and focus only on what you “want” rather than what you “don’t want”.

2 Personal Year Number Relationships, Balance, Emotions

This year focuses on self-expression, whether it’s artistic, creative, or requires communication of the verbal or written word. Either way, you must express yourself regularly throughout the year, speak your truth, and be honest about how you feel. Your feelings are “better let out than kept in” this year. As Number 3 intensifies the emotions, if you’re dwelling on the negative or focusing on unnecessary drama, things can become a lot worse than they are and spiral out of control. Therefore, it pays to lighten up and have fun in a 3 year. This can be a lucky, exciting, and uplifting year - depending on your attitude. So try to see the glass half full and make some time for light hearted fun.

This is the perfect time to take a vacation, Self-love and your relationship with yourself is socialize with friends, make new friends, and your number one priority this year as you work partake in joyful activities. Any form of creative on achieving mental, physical and emotional expression is favourable this year, regardless balance by addressing any unresolved emotions of what it is. As long as it makes you feel good, or limiting beliefs that are preventing you from you’re on the right path. living a happy, harmonious life. This is also a year where relationship issues that have been brewing beneath the surface with work colleagues, family, partners, or friends will rise to be resolved. Therefore, it pays to be cooperative, tolerant, understanding and diplomatic at all times. This is also a favourable year for singles to find love.

4 Personal Year Number Effort, Building, Planning

This year is all about building a solid foundation for your future by putting systems in place that will help you improve your quality of life. This is a year of hard work, as 4 indicates that extra physical, mental, and emotional effort is This year can bring about exaggerated emotions required to obtain your desired results. so you may feel hypersensitive to criticism and overreact at times. Your intuition is heightened, So prioritize your time and face your challenges so follow your inner guidance and you’ll head-on. It may take longer than usual for things automatically be led where you need to be. to come to fruition and to reap the rewards of This is the perfect year to focus on your psychic your efforts; however, the lesson of the 4 is to development. This is a slow and steady year of be patient and persevere through obstacles and adaptability that requires balance and patience. delays. No matter hard it gets, never, ever give up! Think of this year as a test of your dedication 3 Personal Year Number and commitment to yourself, where your attitude is the key to your success. Self-Expression, Communication, Creativity Physical, mental, emotional, and financial

SAGE magazine

stability are essential this year, so focus on your health, be optimistic, deal with issues from the past, avoid unnecessary drama and plan your finances carefully. With dedication, determination, and discipline, you’ll be rewarded for your efforts.

5 Personal Year Number Progress, Movement, Change This is a dynamic and action-packed year full of expected and unexpected change where anything can happen, and it usually does. This is a year to be adventurous, take practical calculated risks, and experience new things. Compared to the restraints of last year, this is a year of progress and freedom; however, whether it’s an exciting or chaotic year depends upon your attitude. Extra effort is required to eliminate unnecessary drama from your life and your key to success is to be adaptable and flexible and to go with the flow. This is a year to get out and about, travel, visit new places, and make new friends. Extra effort is required to remain focused, grounded, and stable. Don’t put your finger in too many pies or you may accomplish very little and things can spiral out of control.

6 Personal Year Number Relationships, Family, Domestic Responsibility This year is all about responsibility and sacrifice where your relationships with friends, family, and loved ones will require your attention. During the course of this year, you’ll need to balance your career with your domestic responsibilities and find the middle ground between giving to others and honouring your own needs. You will also need to take responsibility for your actions. This is a very favourable year for singles to

find love. If you’re already in a relationship or married, issues that have been brewing beneath the surface will rise to be resolved. Typically, this is a year where couples either make up or break up. Therefore, this is the perfect opportunity to take your relationship to a deeper level of commitment and understanding or to go your separate ways. Either way, this is the year to make every relationship in your life the best it can be. As 6 also represents the home, this is a good time to buy, sell, move, renovate, or decorate … your home.

7 Personal Year Number Introspection; Personal and Spiritual Growth This is a year to slow down and take a step back to focus on your “inner” development. You may not feel as motivated and social as you usually are and may prefer to spend quiet time alone to study or just “be”. This is a year where you’ll ask the big questions: Who am I? Why and I here? Where is my life going? What is my life purpose? As you contemplate the answers to these questions, the findings that arise will change the course of your life. This is a year where the more “inner” work you do, the greater your success in the “outer” world. In fact, your future success depends upon the improvements you make this year. Your capacity for research and understanding is at its peak throughout the year; therefore, it’s a favourable time to study—especially anything that relates to metaphysics, analytics, philosophy, science, IT, psychology, or conventional or alternative health.

8 Personal Year Number Personal Power, Finances, Career


This year focuses on business, career, property, finances, and legal matters. For some there will be opportunities for recognition, expansion, and financial gain, while others may experience a reversal of fortune or financial loss. As 8 is the number of “karmic balance,” the outcome of this year is often in proportion to your life lessons; along with your efforts, attitude, and intentions of the past seven years. This is also a year to reclaim your personal power by asserting yourself when dealing with authority and confronting anything or anyone that has disempowered you in some way. Whether it’s an overpowering person, addiction, fear, or belief, this is the year to confront it once and for all and take ownership of your power. 8 is the number of “money and manifestation,” so get your finances in order and be mindful not to overspend. In order to attract abundance and opportunity you must focus on the positives and minimize your fears. This is a very karmic year where major lessons will be learned, and important connections will be made. Significant people will cross your path who can enhance your career and/or your overall quality of life.

9 Personal Year Number Transformation, Endings, Completion

As this is the final year in a 9-year cycle, it focuses on completion and transformation in preparation for new beginnings. A major part of this transformation involves letting go of the things in your life that no longer serve you— whether it’s a job, friendship, relationship, residence, mind-set, or behaviour you may have outgrown. Either way, this is a time to springclean your life so you can move toward better things. To make the most of this year, trust in the Divine plan; surrender to change; forgive others and yourself; and accept, let go, and move on when things don’t go your way. Despite it being a year of endings, it’s also a year of rebirth and compensation, where everything you’ve been striving for can finally come to fruition. Compassion and forgiveness play a major role this year, so be open-minded toward others and resolve outstanding conflicts and disputes. This is also a year to do something to assist the environment or offer a helping hand to a charity, person, family, or animal/s in need.

Numerology is my passion and I’ve studied it for more than 20 years. Although I was drawn to astrology and metaphysics as a child, it was a numerology reading at the age of 21 that turned my life around. I was so amazed by the accuracy of my ‘numbers’ that it prompted me to begin a 20+ year journey to discover more. If you’d like further information about numerology and the other numbers in your numerology chart refer to the ‘The Numerology Guidebook’ or visit www. to sign up for a FREE monthly forecast.

“WE don’t separate we break down the lines we unify the tribe...” srikalogy

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In the next issue kirtan artist, Dave Stringer and yoga/philosphy teacher, Dearbhla Kelly, discuss Molecules and Mantras, exploring the effect that singing mantras has on our body, mind and spirit.

” bliss is a chemical state that the body itself produces...Chanting Sanskrit mantras is one of the world’s oldest means of finding it ” Dave Stringer

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