Sage Magazine Issue 12

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Wild Kuan Yin

Alana Fairchild looks at the wildness of the Divine, dangerous dreamers and spiritual rebels

Crossing Boundaries Moksha Summer of ’HuDost’ crosses faith and musical boundaries in The Insider Edition

Taming the Tiger

Balinese High Priest, Ratu Pedanda Gunung speaks out about faith, love and caring for the environment

100 Magical Fairies Jacqueline Wild’s 100 day inspirational artistic journey into the world of magic

soul inspiration • healing • music • astrolology • books • awareness • travel

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WELCOME TO SAGE MAGAZINE ISSUE 12 Warmest welcome Soul Travellers to issue 12, where we celebrate our unique soul expression and the warrior wisdom within us all. Nicola Grace supports the awakening of our sensory super powers, Alana Fairchild speaks of Kuan Yin and the sacred space and grace held for a new generation of spiritual rebels and dangerous dreamers. We return to our creative empowerment through the art of colour (Cheralyn Darcey), dive deep into magical realms (Jacqueline Wild) and behold the beauty of our greatness (Lucille DancingWind). We seek mindfulness through ‘taming the tiger’ (Shayne Locke) and take retreats on the road less travelled through Sri Lanka, New Zealand and Bali – walking with the world’s first blueprint for sustainable and socially responsible travel (Cohica). Music mirrors our soul stretch and illuminates our emotional anatomy; Avasa and Matthew Love, Dave Stringer and HuDost, musicians cultivating inner peace, share their sacred sound signatures. Aligning with the frequencies and flow felt on the planet – where the only constant for growth and expansion is change itself – we heard the call and the extraordinary Shayne Locke has created an incredible website that has Sage Magazine -online, all of the time...joining this new site is Soul Traveller Radio and Conscious Travel, united as One and now known as soultraveller. net. Join the Conscious Crew for inspirational stories, wellbeing, empowerment, travel and music to be delivered weekly into your inbox or simply jump online for daily doses of soul inspiration, healing, music, astrolology, books, awareness and travel.

Tanya & Shayne



Editor Tanya Allison | Sage Magazine

Soul Traveller Radio | Onespace | Tanya Allison | HuDost Jacqueline Wild | Soul Seed Travel | Awakened Mastery Conscious Living Expo | Aum Rudraksha Designs | Ougies Avasa & Matthew Love | Cheralyn Darcey | Yogi Tunes Lariese Purely Organic | Miracle Products | The Zen Cruise Naya Ubud Retreat | Soul Traveller Media

Publisher and Program Manager Shayne Locke | Soul Traveller Radio Cover Art Work ”Madala Fairy” by Jacqueline Wild

competition winners


Divining The Dream Book - Lynette Holmes Jai-Jagdeesh Concert - Harmanjeet Singh Everyday Lightworker Bible - Ann De La Haye, Taryn Brine Bhaktifest Tickets - Steve Hirsh

Tanya Allison | Shayne Locke | Alana Fairchild | Devorah Cheryl Slater | Scott Podmore | Lucille Dancingwind Nicola Grace | Leyla Najma | Lee Wakefield | Bruny Nieves Tori Rose | Cheralyn Darcey | Samantha Khater


Contents Page 2 page 4 PAge 10 page 12

Wave X - soul empowerment

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page 54 page 56 page 60 page 64 page 66

editorial The wild kuan yin Wave X - soul empowerment The World Of 100 Magical Fairies Riding The Tiger Awakening Belly Dancing Healing Cirle For Eva The Insider Edition Crossing Boundaries with HuDost Avasa & Matthew Love Travelling The Road of Love Dave Stringer The Satellite Sky Music Giveaways The Art of Colour Miracle Mist Gratitude The Beauty of Greatness

Conscious Travel speciaL page 74 Conscious travel Intro Page 76 Walking The Walk In New York page 84 8 Great Reasons To Visit... Page 88 Five To Thrive page 90 transformational holidays Page 98 COHICA - FROM COSTA RICA TO CAMBODIA


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Page 119 conscious Lving Expo Page 103 John Martin Page 106 inspirations and constellations Page 108 Media Kit Page 109 SOul Traveller

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The wild Kuan yin

story by alana fairchild artwork by wang yiguang


alana fairchild and the wild kuan yin The response to the original Kuan Yin Oracle has been amazing. All around the world people are moved by her grace and beauty. I had always felt that there was meant to be a sequel to that deck, what the beloved goddess would say to those who are ready for her next level of teaching.

When I was interviewed for an American radio show on my oracle decks recently, I spoke about the artwork of this deck. The young male American interviewer made an astute observation. He said that oracle decks have come a long way if instead of featuring images only of angels, they now have massive silver yaks flying through the air with When I found myself mesmerised by pictures of Oriental goddesses astride them! He was so right massive silver flying yaks, with a beautiful Asian to say that. This deck isn’t just about new art - the goddess astride them, I couldn’t help but giggle at art is a representation of the frequency of the deck the prospect of a “naughty Kuan Yin oracle” as the and it’s very important - but what really gets my heart theme for next Kuan Yin project I had been yearning excited about this new project is that it is bringing to create. I forwarded a link to the image I had through a whole new level of consciousness. It discovered on Facebook and my publisher fell in love works beautifully with my other decks, and yet can with the artwork as instantly and completely as I did. stand alone too. It is really about us opening up We researched, found the artist in China, and joyfully our hearts not just to the grace of the divine, but it’s discovered that he was so prolific there was enough wildness too. art in his gallery for us to create an entire deck. His perspective is so unusual, so filled with light and the What is the wildness of the divine? It’s the real divine unusual. He agreed instantly, the art came together growth factor in us. It’s our innate intelligence within a couple of days and the whole project - so obviously destined to be - happened very easily. I was very inspired to write the deck. The name the Wild Kuan Yin Oracle felt so right and natural for the project. Once I started writing, the power of the words was incredible. Laughter was followed by tears, then moments of “oooh so beautiful!”, as I wrote and wrote and wrote. I felt Kuan Yin’s power, tenderness and grace as the frequency of a new level of consciousness, for a new generation of spiritual rebels, dangerous dreamers and wild souls poured through me. The guidebook is long, pretty much the length of a regular book at around 85,000 words. I had no idea when I was writing it, I just had to get onto paper all that I was being shown, all that I felt, all that was being spoken to me by this loving wild goddess. It was so poignant, so uplifting, so cheeky and so loving. I have always found Kuan Yin to be strong and rebellious in her own way, but the messages of this deck that focus on challenging the idea of what we feel is possible, rebelling against fearful societal conditioning and stepping into her wild grace which makes it possible for our spirit to soar...well this was revealing the sacred rebel of Kuan Yin’s nature in an entirely new way, even to me. I loved her for it even more!

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alana fairchild and the wild kuan yin to fulfil our potential. Like the acorn turning into the oak tree. Divinely encoded inside is the ability to become what it can be.Or the caterpillar that goes through disintegration and emerges as an impossible butterfly! Its natural, its wild and it has its own genius which defies logic. If you hadn’t already seen it, would you believe the caterpillar to butterfly process was possible? Society would say ‘no, that’s not possible!’. Dangerous dreamers would say, “let’s see what the divine wants to do with those of us that dream of the impossible!”

the same feeling that you’ll get as you view the art in this deck and read the inspired guidance that was channeled for it - and yet it’s so reassuring and peaceful, absolutely comforting to our hearts too.

It’s been my experience that the limitations we think we are subject to - especially in the sense of the person that we can become and what we are capable of creating and doing with this life of ours are far too confining for our vast spirit. The more we trust the Universe can help us, the more we become our divine wild beauty, and the more you can discover The wild divine growth factor isn’t logical, it is creative for yourself just what you are capable of manifesting. instinctive genius for evolution. It is in you and me. It I often think of it like the animal that is not supposed moves in spirals, not straight predictable lines. So the to be able to climb trees, but is pushed by some mind cannot grasp it logically, or necessarily predict circumstance or other to do it, and then, whilst sitting it, but it can choose to trust it. Trust is what empowers up in the tree branch feeling satisfied with itself, the process, allows us to surrender and to be helped suddenly thinks “oh, I am not able to do that!” This is by life. It is the way we can have a wild crazy and the beautiful moment of discovery that we are more beautiful journey whilst managing to feel sane, serene than what we realised previously. It gives us boldness and truly loved no matter what Life asks of us as we to dream bigger dreams - and go for them with gusto. grow into our divine potential. It’s exhilarating The only thing between you and your wild divine destiny in all its amazing potential is how open and trusting you are of life. From trust and openness you’ll see the brilliance of the divine mind in hindsight sometimes. Those are the things that you didn’t want or understand at the time (and maybe even thought were a sign that something terrible was going on) that ended up being what helped you most. It’s like the divine genius suddenly shows itself and you realise that everything is always helping you, no matter what your mind makes of the various circumstances in your life. This sort of understanding helps us to relax more and allow the Universe to work its magic through us because we realise that we don’t have to understand the reasons for what’s happening in life. It’s actually OK to just trust and things will work out. Then you let the divine wildness in you have some more freedom, you start to trust it for what it is - your instinct for fulfilment of divine destiny, for becoming all that you are designed to be. You give up on possibilities and become willing to be dazzled by the workings of divine genius as they transform you into the unique brand of beautiful divine weird and wonderful that you are supposed to be. The wild potential of you isn’t tamed by social conditioning or what you believe


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alana fairchild

is possible, appropriate or logical. It is it’s own force of nature and divine blessing rolled into one. Letting it free creates quite the exhilarating, joyful and mind-opening ride for our soul - like the goddess astride her flying yak in the Wild Kuan Yin Oracle. Is your inner wild divinity scratching to be let free? Join me, gain courage and be free as you play, awaken and get inspired in sacred space with a beautiful consciousness-raising soul tribe ..we’ll be stirring up some wild divine energy and be empowered through a sacred group liberation ritual with Alana as your tribal high priestess, amazing music, stunning sound healing, inspired and funny discussions and lots of loving energy. It’s time to be uplifted and liberated to take your next step towards passionate purpose and divine destiny. One word for it. Yum! Sacred rebels will unite in Melbourne 22 November 2015 and Brisbane 13 March 2016. Details at

about the author alana fairchild Alana Fairchild is a divine rebel, voice of the soul and child from the stars, who found her way to planet Earth, fell in love with nature and conversed with God through the entire process. Her life path is dedicated to awakening the soul through the conscious and loving transmission of divine energy. She does this through soul therapy sessions, best-selling books, meditations and oracle decks and, whenever possible, by singing and dancing. Find out more at

Alana Fairchild’s Wild Kuan Yin Oracle Cards are available now from the following online stores

Also Available

CLick Here to win 1 of 6 Wild Kuan Yin ORACLE CARDS

SAGE magazine


manifest your mission for soul empowerment by tanya allison

artwork by arty mori


wave x manifests your mission for soul empowerment

or safety, this is a time of true consciousness – all dimensional thoughts become are no longer 3d, you are 5d and more!

Wave X is a very powerful surge of love energy reaching the planet through the gamma rays of the sun – the source energy and frequency that supports and sustains the benevolent love of all that just is and ever was and ever will be.

Telepathy and high intuitive knowing move in every cell – you act with a strong sense of purpose and are empowered by your emotional relief, as restrictions are removed and cords of connection cut for good.

We are experiencing something special and empowering; a complete upgrade if you will, of our cellular make-up and structure. Where we struggled to rise above feelings of isolation and ‘how’ can I be more, help more, do we celebrate a ‘lift’ of dense particles within our being and are free to expand all that we know our true essence to be....this is incredibly important because our lives shift into higher gear – time changes, currency changes, the way we view ourselves within the world changes. You find a new and more vocal voice; you are no longer content to suppress and sit on feelings, thoughts and emotions that point to something being not right on the planet. The time is now to speak up and love your soul expression being fully felt in the magical mix of love potential. You experience feelings of grace, a knowing that something powerful and wonderful supports all life and sustains and rectifies damage done that has been out of your control by what has appeared as forces greater than yourself – they have thought to destroy free will... Wave X restores your free will capacity to be more than you ever felt possible. You will feel taller, larger and that new beginnings are indeed possible.

Wave X is the tsunami of love that all speak is the time of true consideration that the lives you have led, have been pointing to a greater and more Divine plan and purpose. You embrace this notion and you move forward feeling lighter, brighter and ‘bigger’ than ever before. You begin to manifest your magnificence – you are more sacred, felt and guided than ever before – you are a Being stepping into full grace and may experience a void that feels a little odd because you are not sure how you will ‘fill’ it, but love is all you need to maintain this new frequency, your sacred skin will feel more comfortable soon terrain can feel foreign, trust the process of light rejuvenation, restoration and renewal....”naked but new”. Artwork by Arty Mori

Artymori is a French artist, painter and muralist. At 20 years she decided to live her life as an artist, leaving her country to travel hitchhiking across Alaska to Argentina, to discover her essence through the world. Her personal evolution through her travel is presented within her art. She lived with communities and indigenous people in South-America who inspired her to live a way of life close to wild and natural principles, a big inspiration for her art. Painting and drawing for Artymori is her therapy of Galactic guidance is now almost visible; for where ‘they’ Love.”

have stood back, they now ‘stand in’ and actualise your deepest desires for love to be felt as a constant frequency that eliminates much of the fear based prejudice that promoted boundaries, segregation and ‘groups’ that excluded and separated from other ‘groups’.

Now the notion is raised that perhaps we all have gifts to give each other....that the vocal light workers who have pioneered this path and purpose for so long, may actually be speaking truth! Where we tried to ‘cloak’ individuals for their ‘different’ opinions – we now clearly see that we placed the cloak and wish to remove it... you have been cloaked and strangled for far too long by energies that acted against unification and purification and infinite possibility....the door is open wide to walk through now... Have no doubt, fear or concerns for your well-being

about tanya allison Tanya Allison is an educator of spiritual empowerment and facilitator of many guided meditation groups promoting soul illumination and inner peace. Tanya’s deep love for helping people find the wisdom within them evolved into the creation of Sage Magazine , a divine direction for the soul traveller. Tanya posts daily inspiration on Sage Facebook’s page and contributes daily to

SAGE magazine

The world of 100 MAGICAL Fairies a 100 day inspirational artistic journey - jacqueline wild’s creative commitment with illuminating outcomes...

artwork by jacqueline wild


SAGE magazine

There is a magic in repetition and in ritual and so when I heard about #the100dayproject something in me woke up at the idea. The project was born out of a workshop led by Yale professor Michael Bierut who instructed his students to repeat and share an action for 100 days.

Fairies are generally felt rather than seen and so I just tapped into the feeling and the ideas flowed. I’m pretty sure the fairies did most of the work really, I was just along for the ride.

I started the 100 day project as a bit of a whim with no real thought as to the real scale of the project. The project excited me however and the idea of stretching myself creatively was very appealing.

The ability to create work, mess free and lying down next to my little girl opened up another world to me! I literally was happily away with the fairies and absorbed in learning how to create fairies from my heart. Of course there were times when I was tired and it did feel like a marathon, but the support from my Facebook friends was amazing. It was the suggestion of a friend to create a book out of my fairies that seeded the idea for me to create Glitter and Earth: Tales of Magic and Wonder.

The fairies also helped to present me with the time to do my work. I have a two year old girl and so my time It was obvious that I would create 100 fairies. I have is structured around her. I had been taking photos of always used fairies in my art. I see them as metaphors my work on my iPad in order to upload them and then for all that is magical as well as being entities that exist one day I heard about an app called Procreate and in parallel to us. decided to play around with my images some more.

I looked forward to developing new patterns, working on fairy dresses and examining butterfly wings. Sharing my work on Instagram daily wasn’t too difficult to do in the beginning as I felt quite anonymous on there. It’s a bit like when you are on holiday; you feel free and uninhibited, you feel as though you can recreate yourself afresh. It wasn’t until I started putting the time into my work that I felt confident enough to share it on Facebook. It was a good source of accountability for me. I felt like I really HAD to create a fairy a day. People started to expect it and I got passionate about creating something better each time I posted.

The fairies often came to me with the glimmer of a story whilst I was creating them and so the book came together really quickly. Just like the pictures, the words came from the fairies! I don’t normally consider myself a poet, but the stories presented themselves like that. The whole experience has been quite magical and I hope that my love and belief will shine through in the book and help fairy magic to grow for generations to come.

They say a journey starts with a single step and it is so true. I took it all very much one day at a time and I loved it. I felt like I was channeling the fairies and they were Jacqueline Wild telling me what to do. Magical fairy tale, glittery art

About The Author Jacqueline Wild is an artist and writer living in Cornwall with her husband and daughter. She has a life long interest in fairies and is fascinated by all things magical. The link to buy the book is Paperback is £8.99 Hardback £12.99 Jacquline’s book available now - click here.


The Sage Fairy I was so thrilled to receive Jacqueline’s initial email and in awe of her commitment to the 100 day project. Jacqueline shared that she would love to create a Sage fairy - I was overwhelmed with emotion by the result. Jacqueline had used me as inspiration for her fairy: not only capturing the essence of Sage Wisdom, but I could see and sense my personal prayers of peace for the planet. Deep Gratitude...Tanya (editor)

artwork by jacqueline wild

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artwork by jacqueline wild


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RIDING THE TIGER The balinese high priest, ratu pedanda gunung, speaks out in an exclusive interview with shayne locke translated by noviana kusumawardhani photos by soma temple

�Balinese people have to realise, Bali is the only one. There is no other Bali. People coming into Bali have to learn the Balinese way�

SAGE magazine

RIDING THE TIGER - high priest ratu gunung Man has always been fascinated with symbolising the animals around us as a representation of aspects within our spiritual journey. One of the greatest symbols in Hinduism is the tiger. The Hindu stories relate the tale of a demon that takes the form of a tiger only to be slain by Lord Shiva. As a result Shiva is commonly depicted sitting on a tiger, sometimes alive and other times just the tiger skin. Throughout history yogis and sages have used tiger skins within their meditations (during a time when tigers were in abundance in India), a demonstration of keeping the darkness beneath rather than allowing it to take over our lives. If there is any aspect of my brief time with Ratu Pedanda Gunung, the high priest of Bali, that really stood out it was the dedication to the planet and, even more prominently, the determination to teach us to keep the darkness under foot.

“Shiva is my god. When Shiva meditates he sits on the tiger. The tiger is symbol of the dark forces so by keeping it underneath us we are putting pressure on

the darkness. Never put the tiger on the head...only love on the head. It is my job as the High Priest to help squash the darkness.” On a recent visit to Bali, staying with the lovely Soma Temple at her retreat, Villa Soma in Bukit, conversation turned to the High Priest of Bali, in fact Indonesia, and the work he was doing within the area. Bali is home to over 400 yogis or high priests which guide the Balinese people in the ways of Hindu spirituality. Ratu Gunung is the high priest to the high priests and is revered by the Balinese in the same way the Tibetans honour the Dali Lama. Having heard the stories about his meeting with American President George Bush, who asked his opinion on whether the US should embark on the War on Terror (and ignored the answer anyway), I knew I needed to find out more about this gentle high priest. Although he is rarely accessed by westerners, his holiness granted me an audience and the chance to

ratu gunung’s 4 questions... • who are you? • what reason did you come here for? • where do you want to go next? • what legacy will you leave behind?


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explain his message to the world. Located in a small temple compound filled with so many animals, at times it was hard to hear yourself think, right away you could tell Ratu was not the usual yogi or priest.

Finally let us take care and love nature. Things like plastics and illegal logging destroy the environment. Lets learn to love more of the ocean, the lakes, the animals. I love animals, I live with so many of them.”

“I see so much chaos in human much moral degradation. War in the Middle East, terrorism, drugs. So much danger for the human race. The answer lies in three things.

Such a simple message; the three important things, the Divine, Love and the Environment. Our three key ingredients.

Firstly increase your belief in the gods. Whether Allah, Jesus Christ, Krishna, it doesn’t matter. Believe and trust in a spirit that is greater than ourselves, something powerful outside of us.

“Encourage people to see other people as themselves, like mirrors. I can see myself in you and you can see yourself in me. This is true spirituality. Not just theory, but in practice. Spirituality not religion.”

It is such a common thread with the world’s spiritual leaders. The same message that His Holiness the Secondly love each as if you were loving yourself. Although you have faith, there is no Hindu, no Buddhist, Dalai Lama teaches. no muslim, no Christian...we are all the same...all is “When the tiger sits on our head instead of love, we love. become cruel. Buddhists hating Hindus, Christian


RIDING THE TIGER - high priest ratu gunung hating Muslims. It is not right. Religion is just the way. Spirituality is the destination. It is like, if we want to travel to Jakarta. I might be scared to take the bus, others might take the car or the bike. But why are we fighting because all of us are going to Jakarta. Right now we are all wearing the tiger on our heads. It needs to be under our feet at all times.” Looking into Ratu’s eyes it was easy to see the passion he held for humanity and in particular the people and land of Bali.

“Balinese people have to realise Bali is the only one. There is no other Bali. People coming into Bali have to learn the Balinese way.” Spending time in Ubud, away from the hustle of Kuta, it was easy to understand his passion for Bali. Bali gets into you. Everytime you visit, the yearning to stay gets stronger. It is the land, the people, the culture. And this softly spoken man is the perfect ambassador for the Balinese way of spirituality, a hybrid of faiths brought about by so many nationalities all converging for one thing...understanding spirituality.

“ There are four questions that we must ask ourselves to help our spiritual understanding. • •

Who are you? For what reason were you reincarnated or born

into this world? • After this world where do you want to go? • What will you take with you when you leave? Or more to the point, what legacy will you leave behind. As humans we all must get an understanding of these four questions.” And that right there is Ratu’s legacy. Helping people understand their purpose, guiding them on their path, whatever that may be and most importantly an advocate for the light. As the late George Harrison said “ Beware of thoughts that linger...beware the darkness”. Stay on the back of the tiger at all times and ask yourself, what difference am I making in this world...what legacy will I leave behind. With people such as Ratu, the people’s high priest, to remind us, we are in good hands. Shayne Locke is the Program Director of Soul Traveller Radio and Producer of Sage Magazine. After many years supporting Independent Music, Shayne is now taking his music passion and combining it with his own personal conviction to help bring conscious music to the world through Soul Traveller, an Internet Radio Station. E: W:

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Awakening nicola grace teaches us how to awaken to super powers beyond our senses


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Awakening with nicola grace Have you ever thought that once upon a time in another life or dimension, you had super powers? Perhaps you remember you could fly, or hear through walls, walk on water? Perhaps you even are awakening into some of those powers like telepathic communication, psychic visions, empathic transference, or medical intuition. While there is much talk about the Shift of Consciousness and Awakening happening across the planet, little is being said about the Awakened Mastery movement that has thousands of people waking up to their Star Seed Family and the Super Powers they have been trained in while in that family. There are even some people awakening to the fact that they’re being trained on another dimension while they sleep at night here on earth.

After receiving a major light insersion, the New Earth codes of my soul’s purpose were activated in me on a healing table with my healer a few months back, and I got it that it is time. But it’s not only my time. It’s your time too. There’s a calling going out to all of us Star Seed Lightworkers, Higher Priests and Priestesses, to step up now and release our sacred medicine upon the earth. It’s time to release the New Earth codes that previously have laid dormant. Because now is the time to bring them forward to massively awaken humanity.

It’s time to STEP UP. But too often we Changemakers get bogged down in feelings of disempowerment in the face of the oppressive control mechanism and enslavement system that seems to be outside of ourself, demanding so much But what is all this training and awakening to our from us, to the point of exhaustion. super extra sensory powers for? We know we are spiritual beings, but we still get caught identifying ourselves as bodies at the effect I’ve always known there would come a time when I of chemtrails, GMO’s, chemicals, fluoride, Haarp would Awaken the Mastery in others and train them waves and the like. All the while ignoring the living in Super Powers the way I did in another time space Creator Being that we know dwells within us, and IS dimension, for the purpose of leading humanity to us. the promised land we’re now calling The New Earth. That time has come for me. Being plugged in to your reactive mind and the reactive mind of the world – the bigger, more


powerful, more creative being you know you are, and all the extra-sensory abilities that go with that, remain out of reach.

and innovation, the likes of which the world is yet to see.

When you make that shift in identity and begin instead to identify yourself as a “Being” before you are a human being, and a “Being” of no gender before you are a man or woman, then you will naturally begin to awaken to the memories of your initiation into the higher realms of creative abilities for the purpose of instantaneous self healing and healing of others; the building of new societies that uplift not confine; the restoration of the true power of the male and female union and it’s scared power to transform the world.

This is purposeful programming that lies in the human historical records for the purpose of creating an awakening. The battle of the dualistic “good and evil”, is programmed to become so tight that you finally stand up and realise you are not your body. Since everything first starts in consciousness, anything that is coming from outside of you is only from consciousness, and you have the power within you to send it back to point zero of consciousness, so it exists no longer.

What stands in the way of you recognising you You and I are not going to be able to fully Awaken are not your body, or being body identifed, rather the Master within us, while we still identify ourselves than “Being” identified, is programming and your as a body or gender, and therefore confined to what continued thoughts around how the body is effected we think our body can and cannot do. by all the ills of the world.

You will become among the many awakened masters leading humanity to the bright new earth of prosperity for all. You will experience love, creation

Recognizing yourself as the creator of that which is effecting you, you are at power to make the change. While you still see it as something outside of you because you have defined your body ending at the

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skin or the aura, rather than yourself and your body as the entire cosmos of planets, stars, universes and beings, you will live in duality of separation and not be able to access your entire creative power. So the job at hand is for you to: 1 - Unplug from the residual blocks to safely living in your true “Big Being”, for you won’t fully come out as the Star Seed Lightworker you are while you still fear persecution for being a societal changemaker; 2 - Connect to the Creative Power of your beautiful masterful Being, because remembering who you are and what you’re capable of shifts you into your “Being” identification; and 3 - Awaken your innate Super Powers as a force for good in the world. Then lead the rest of humanity wanting to come with you, through it’s grand awakening into the New Earth. The action of mind that awaits for someone outside of you or something else to come and change the world for you, is the action of affirming for all time that you are a separate human being in a good and evil system where the evil seeks to destroy you. This simply is not true. You have created the duality by thinking you’re separate to everything you see. The simple solution is to awaken into your mastery, so you can bring the duality home and complete the story of good versus evil, free versus enslaved. From here you will go on to create magnificence without duality. It all starts with breaking free of the Ancestral

Programming, Karmic Collective & Unplugging from the residual blocks to living in your true “Big Being” Self. When that is complete the activation of the The New Earth Codes lying dormant within you can connect you more powerfully to your Creative Power while fully awakening you to your role as New Earth Facilitator, which is the next role of any lightworker, start seed, changemaker, spiritual seeker. So in answer to the question what is all this training and awakening to our super extra sensory powers for? It’s for you to play your part in the establishment of The New Earth so you can come to remember yourself as a creator, on with Your Creator. Whether you become a better systems buster, new systems creator, an instantaneous healer, or Quantum Activist, you are Awakening into your own Mastery that is already within you; it is the priority for the survival of the species living on Planet Earth, as she ascends into her next level of Awakening - The New Earth.

Nicola is a public speaker, intuitive visionary, transformation facilitator and social entrepreneur. She was also a Teacher for A Course In Miracles International for 7 years. Nicola is most famous for having saved a billion dollar industry from ruin, achieving in just 6 months what that industry failed to do in 7 years. It is not widely known that the secret sauce to her success was that she used Metaphysical, Shamanic and Quantum Activist principles to lead the industry to victory.

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belly dancing a straight line into a continuous curve by leyla najma


The unmitigated blemish of women’s psyche regarding their body image is a blurred and spiralling problem that doesn’t seem to diminish with time. There’s a perfidious intent that exasperates fears and insecurities with subliminal messages designed to make women question who and what they are. The Silk Road to body acceptance counters this quandary with something so simple and invigorating that it seems too easy to be true but truth be told, it was created by women, for women and it’s called belly dancing. Its original idiom is called Raqs Sharqi, meaning, “Dance of the Orient”. Acceptance by other women somehow seems to ease such derisory fears and there is a reason for this. We empathize with how the female image has been afflicted and objectified with improbable standards. Women understand each other to such a degree that there is no room for tolerating misconstrued or false pretenses. We represent the modern day, “Red Tent,” of sincerity. Belly dancing is a remedial cure that allows movement to be a genuine answer back to the daunting demands of youth, beauty and glamour. Within this ancient dance form, there is a calling, almost an insistent whispering that beckons women into her studios and down the Silk Road of self discovery. Belly dance asks for the authentic expression of each woman to emerge from the cobwebs of conformity. In the end with dance, there is no faking movement because movement is in the details of hidden thoughts that somehow find their way out, speaking the truth of emotions unimpeded.

of femininity. Belly dance embraces the differences and allows women of all sizes and shapes to come together and move in unison with one another. As women dance in equality with each other, the ancient ways of sisterhood flood their senses, trading in competitive rivalries for camaraderie and companionship. Belly dance in essence gives back the ability for women to dance through the straight lines of society’s dictums, changing them into the continuous curves of self discovery. Once women remember themselves, they no longer look to others to define them. Belly dance gives women back their self confidence but the best part of all, is the fact that it’s a great work out for the body as well as the mind. Self expression through dance is the best way, we as women can liberate our feminine image and reflect back our representation to the world...our way. Belly dance allows for women to dance from a place of complete acceptance and a confident woman is the most beautiful expression of feminism ultimately showing what a straight line curved is really all about. “If we dance our creativity everyday, the artist in us will always have a muse”. Leyla Najma

Belly dance embodies all elements of feminine delight. Drums that slowly liberate our stymied rhythm, fabrics of decadent designs emblazoned with gold and silver coins that caress our bodies, smells of jasmine, gardenia and rose, all mix together to create an intoxicating brew for the senses. Women can find themselves again through belly dance, especially those who have listened and taken to heart the media maze of inadequacy and mediocre sentiments. Belly dancing is everything that is right about a woman’s body. The only thing constant motion and movement requires is a person’s willingness to travel through inhibitions, opening up the dams of possibilities. Curves, large or small along with their desired attributes understandably represent the infatuation with all that is feminine. As women, we can’t be drawn in straight lines because our breasts and hips represent the continuous curves of the archetype

Leyla Najma has been celebrating the feminine image through belly dance for almost 30 years. Leyla has over 30 on-line belly dance instructional videos to her credit based on her curriculum, “Hip Phylosophy.” Leyla authored a no none-sense book on her experiences as a professional dancer, choreographer and dance coach, called “The Divine Unrest-My Stories and Personal Views on Belly Dance,” available on Amazon. Feel free to write Leyla if you have any questions or just a friendly hello.

SAGE magazine

Home Gently we move through the water. Warm stream along body and limbs. Slowly we weave in unity. There is no past time, nor future. Feelings of Home arise. Time glides by, boundaries dissolve. This, this is how it would be like on Earth. Where I am, you are... We are. In one cosmic beat of the heart. Surrounded by sparkling Light, traveling through a turquoise blaze. We dance, floating through the water. A soft dolphin smile on our face. My deep memory awakes when movements merge. This, this is how it would be like on Earth. Here and now in stillness together. Lovingly touched in the heart. Without words, we speak. I am you and you are me. This, this is how it will be like on Earth. Eva Annaluna


HEALING LOVE AND PRAYER CIRCLE FOR EVA In Issue 3 of Sage Magazine , readers were introduced to a beautiful heartfelt column called Home Heart Hawaii and the equally heartfelt columnist, Eva Annaluna. Her contributions in 9 issues have illuminated many lives with Dolphin Wisdom. Recently, Eva was diagnosed with cancer and we have been extending our healing prayers through the ”Healing Love and Prayer Circles” activated by Lucille DancingWind, close friend and fellow Sage contributor. Eva’s partner Lee has shared below a personal video recorded by Eva in his recent newsletter.... Mahalo nui loa ~ thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your love and healing prayers. The ’Healing Love and Prayer Circle for Eva’ that our dear friend Lucille DancingWind invited everyone to join in our previous newsletter, has activated true magic!

Leo in August. Thousands of people from around the world joined together in prayer for Eva’s healing... Every hour more people joined the circle as each timezone reached 3:30pm on the clock.

The daily prayers began on the powerful New Moon of

Lee Wakefield.

A wave of love with visualizations of Eva being healthy and happy washed over her body. The tremendous Eva has recorded a very personal video message for power of your joined prayers manifested MAGIC here you, which we will share later in this newsletter. We really appreciate your support, as we’re sailing through at Home Heart Hawaii... We planted a VERY powerful seed together!! this rough ocean on her Healing Journey. Feeling your love is like having the wind at our backs; it makes all Eva is convinced that a miraculous healing is unfolding the difference, as it is the (Dancing) Wind, that makes for her. Your daily healing prayers and love help us masailboats move forward! nifest this miracle. Only a month ago, Eva couldn’t even get up out of bed anymore, because of her condition. When we follow our hearts and live our purpose, we Yet, today she is sharing a touching video message may encounter profound initiations like these on our path, to open our hearts even further to the Divine love. with you, showing her strong Spirit, as she tells her powerful story of the past weeks. Despite the ’terminal stage condition’ being given to her medical situation, Eva’s healing truly is in the hands Thank you once more for all your ongoing support and beautiful messages through the email, regular mail of the Great Spirit and we can all ask, pray and visuand on Eva’s Facebook page... alize her radiantly healthy and living her purpose. The power of manifestation amplifies significantly when we JOIN Hearts in One Love...Thank you for your prayers!!! With Warmest Aloha and Dolphin Bubbles,



a look into conscious music artists making a change in the world around them.

SAGE magazine


crossing boundaries

moksha summer from hudost discusses crossing faith and musical boundaries on their new album ’sufi kirtan’ with insider edition’s shayne locke

SAGE magazine

Possibly the one thing cooler than the way they describe their sound as Neo-Folk World Rock is the support given from the iconic Steve Kilby in the form of an endorsement that HuDost is “the next big thing”. A fan of all things Steve Kilbey, who hailed from the iconic Australian band ‘The Church’, it peaked my interest...what big thing could HuDost possibly be and thus, my journey into Sufi Kirtan blended with Christian, Hindu and Muslim chants officially began. We had the pleasure of chatting with Moksha Sommer from HuDost about the band that is crossing faiths and musical boundaries. Insider Edition: Welcome to the Insider Edition, Moksha Sommer... Moksha Sommer: Pleasure to chat with you today. Insider: You have 12 different vocal styles, you sing in Bulgarian, started out in Sufi, you play what you describe as “neo-folk-world-rock-ensemble” there anything HuDost doesn’t do. Moksha: I Don’t go in the metal direction and Jamal is a terrible opera singer... (laughs) Insider: So no metal or opera albums but everything else goes...(laughs). We have just seen the release of Sufi Kirtan. Ten years down the track you started with Sufi and now you are back just seems like a full circle. Moksha: It is a full circle, although truth be told it never left. It was always an essential component of what we do and a great deal of what is presented on our new album is material that has been in the works and in our hearts and consciousness through this ten year period.

Insider: Is the world ready for HuDost and its many styles? Moksha: I hope so. I think people have been ready for our music for a long time. We have experienced that on a grass roots level. The “mainstream people” are ready for what we bring...the diversity of it...the sacred elements of it...the wild rock elements of...the full spectrum we bring. Over the course of the last ten years, the industry has been catching up to the hearts and minds of people that are in the world and hearing the music. Insider: Do you feel that with kirtan, there is a lot more openess especially now in the west? Moksha: Yes, it has been growing for quite some time in the western world...starting in the late 60’s, early in the 70’s. I think it diversified, especially in the last years. The boundaries that existed previously have been broken down. There is more crossover. Insider: On this album you have infused a lot of different faiths into the music. Did you wonder how it was going to be perceived or was it just a natural process. Moksha: The natural process came first then the questions of how it will be accepted came later. The song, Universal Worship based on Sufi Teachings by Inayat Khan who brought Sufism to the west, where the whole purpose was to give equal homage to all religions...with no emphasis on any particular religion. So creating Universal Worship there was some level of calculation because we were trying to re-create a musical version that gave homage through music and chant to many religions.


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Insider: With all the different types of albums you have released, what is your favourite style?

a lot to be said about expanding one’s view and seeing it from multiple perspectives.

Moksha: That’s a dangerous question to ask!

That’s what we hope to do with our music.

Insider: Because you are going to tell me something Take a listen to the full HuDost interview here completely different to what you play right? Moksha: No truth be told, I don’t have a favourite style. Part of what I love so much is to be able to explore musically. Its been my whole life. I have a hard time if I have to limit myself. Insider: So your album cover has the cross, ganesha, are just bringing everything together on this album. Moksha: The reality is, many of us are total mixed bags genetically and how much speaks to us much we want much we want to bring forward. I think the same is true in terms of our spiritual practices as well. There is a lot to be said for a particular tradition, mainly for the mind and heart training; but there’s SAGE magazine

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Travelling on the ROad of love avasa and matthew love chat with insider edition’s tori rose about finding “the road” to their guiding inner light.


Los Angeles-based singer-songwriters Avasa & Matthew Love are doing their part to bring devotional music into the mainstream. They have performed at sacred music festivals such as Bhakti Fest and have shared the stage with numerous artists, including American pop icon and Grammy-award winning artist Jason Mraz; Australian ARIA-winning singer-songwriter Ben Lee; U.S. hip hop artist MC Yogi; as well as American bands such as The Makepeace Brothers, Raining Jane, and Luc and The Lovingtons.

we are, to keep us distracted and asleep, deepening our attachment to illusion and the worship of that which is false—it’s revolutionary.

As husband and wife, Avasa and Matthew Love share a deep commitment to serve God and humanity through their creative gifts, cultivating inner peace through music that uplifts the heart and restores the spirit. Their strong, evocative voices blend compellingly on both of their albums, Love is King Love is Queen and their new release, The Road (White Swan Records). Their sound is a relaxed, tuneful blend of world, pop and their own unique “devotional soul” music. And their music is earning accolades from celebrities in the US and beyond.

ARIA-winning singer-songwriter Ben Lee loves the duo’s music so much, he took them on tour with him. He writes, “Avasa & Matthew Love’s music reminds us that melody and truth, in their purest form, should be in complete alignment. Their new album, The Road, is music for spiritual warriors...songs to hum along to as we walk the difficult road towards our personal, intimate truth. I love this album.”

celebrity buzz

Jason Mraz gave Avasa and Matthew Love’s new album, The Road, a shout-out on Twitter a few months ago, saying, “Our friends @avasamatty released another mindexpandingheartopeningCD. (sic) These lovebirds make the world a brighter place.” Mraz also invited them to record The Road in his own recording studio, and he makes a guest appearance on the album. (For more information, read the Q&A below). When the Loves asked Mraz to write an endorsement for their new album, he wrote, “Avasa & Matthew Love’s music grounds me when I’m walking through an airport and uplifts me when I’m weeding in the garden. Like they did on their first album, Love is King Love is Queen, the Loves continue to dive deep into the more meaningful inquiries and expressions of life with The Road.” American writer, director, and actor Josh Radnor (best known for his role as Ted on How I Met Your Mother) is also a fan of Avasa & Matthew Love’s music. He writes, “Avasa & Matthew Love have a song on their new album, The Road, called “Remember Who You Are.” It sounds, at first, to be a fairly simple sentiment. But when stacked up against most music nowadays— music which seems engineered to make us forget who

“Avasa & Matthew Love’s music helps me remember who I am, what is important, and to whom the true “Thanks & Praises” (to quote one of their song titles) are to be directed,” he continues. “They are dear friends and extraordinary artists. I am beyond grateful to have them, their music, and their words in my life.”

q&a with avasa & matthew love

Avasa & Matthew Love say that they approached The Road with a clear goal: to create music that nourishes the soul and inspires each listener to find “the road” to their guiding inner light. The Road travels through varied etheric atmospheres, with celebratory melodic chants, distinct devotional ballads, Sanskrit mantra, and lullabies of light. Here, Avasa & Matthew answer some questions about their new album. Insider Edition: You have some incredible musicians playing on The Road. Can you talk about a few of them? Avasa Love: We recorded The Road at our dear friend Jason Mraz’s house. He was one of our terrestrial angels. Jason and members from the band Raining Jane, who were on tour with Jason, jumped in on a song called “Work.” They do the shouts “Work!” and “Love!” on that track. Benjy Wertheimer did some incredible soloing on tablas and the esraj. Two of the highlights of this album are his solos through “Mama Come Save My Soul” and the last track, “Love.Light.Wisdom.” Our friend Nicholas Giacomini, a.k.a. MC Yogi, cowrote the song “Thanks and Praises” with Matthew. Todd Boston, who has toured with Snatam Kaur, played the flute. And Gabriel Harris, who is Joan Baez’s


SAGE magazine Take

The Journey With Avasa & Matthew Love ”The Road” Featuring The Songs ”Coming Home”, ”Lord Lifts Me Up” And the Brand New Single ”Mama Come Save My Soul” Available now from

”Our intention is to create sounds that uplift the heart and bring light to the soul.” Avassa & Matthew Love

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son, played percussion.

Insider: Can you tell us about your spiritual practice(s)?

Insider: How many songs feature a mantra?

Matthew Love: We practiced yoga for years before knowing the depths that we’ve learned most recently.

Matthew Love: Two. “Remember Who You Are” and “Mama Come Save My Soul.” Insider: Can you talk about a few specific songs on The Road, and what inspired them? Matthew Love: I was reading the Bhagavad Gita when we were working on the album, and the song “Victory” is inspired by that book. The song is about how Spirit is always with us—our Being, our Divine Mother, our Divine Father, God, or whatever you want to call It for yourself—is always with us. Always knocking on our door, asking for us to let It in. And It’s there to guide us. It is our strength. Avasa Love: The song “Mama Come Save My Soul” came from a direct experience [I had] with the Divine Mother. The song is about how she’s here, in every moment and every breath. The song is in supplication to Her. It’s a really authentic, intimate prayer to her. She’s my refuge in moments of internal chaos. She is the guiding light.

Avasa Love: For us, we’ve been more radically transformed while studying with our teacher Juan Ruiz Naupari, [the founder of a system of self-knowledge called the Pneuma System]. Through our spiritual studies we have been inspired to write music about loving God and about the Hero’s journey, or the path of awakening and self-knowledge. We’re inspired to write music for Divinity, for the Eternal, for our fellow humanity, rather than writing music that’s just for fashion and ego-centric. A lot of music these days is about lust or vanity or greed. We’ve had spiritual experiences at this point in our lives that have compelled us to play music for God as Love. And this is essentially our purpose for being here. It’s why we’ve been given these gifts—to pay homage to the One that has granted us a voice in the first place. Matthew Love: We’re just doing our best to speak a virtuous sentiment from our hearts.

SAGE magazine

The Satellite Sky - Dave Stringer There is a saying that the only constant is change. It could have easily been written about conscious music artist Dave Stringer. One of the most celebrated Kirtan styled artists in the world, Dave’s roots are far more than expected based on his previous albums like Mala or Joyride.

about all of the layers of history and philosophy and theology represented by the mantras I learned to chant while I was there, but I can attest to their power. I’m not a Sanskrit scholar and not always a particularly focused practitioner, but I am deeply committed to the process of inquiry that the practice of yoga suggests.”

15 years ago, Dave hit the conscious music scene with an album that was an infusion of ”ingenious arrangements incorporated a fluid mix of East Indian and Western instruments...with Dave Stringer’s voice conveying a sense of grandeur as it played across maturely constructed arrangements with mantras and lyrics in Sanskrit, Hindi, Farsi and purely improvised emotional language.”

While the new album has very little in the way of traditional mantras, country and and bluegrass instruments like mandolin, pedal steel and acoustic guitar are embellished with all manner of East Indian instruments such as harmonium, tamboura, santoor and swaramandala.

That EP was Brink and two years later a further 4 tracks were added to create what would ultimately lead to an album that was virtually shelved. It was too western for the rising kirtan audience and too eastern for any radio station in the west.

His inquisition into the east and infusing it into western music and culture continues with the remastered Brink, also out now which combined some of the Satellite Sky tracks with a much more kirtan flavour, including his concert favourite, Shivo’ham, Shivo’ham. This month also sees Dave Stringer hit the Australian and Bali shores for his tour celebrating the launch of Satellite Sky. For information about the tour or to book your tickets, visit

Fast forward 16 years, several kirtan albums, a Radiance Sutras musical interpretation, countless kirtan flight schools and a tireless world tour that never ends, Dave Stringer is heading back to his roots with To purchase any of Dave Stringer’s albums, visit The Satellite Sky. or click the album cover below. The 4 songs that were added to the Brink EP have now become its own release along with a newly recorded track, Americana-styled, Carbon Cycle. Popular artists Dave Matthews or David Gray had better be ready... another Dave is moving into very similar territory with an album that will gather a whole new fan base while still not straying too far from the roots that changed his life...India. ”India blasted me into billions of spinning particles and then slowly reshaped me, a process that was somehow simultaneously both excruciating and ecstatic. I can’t begin to claim complete knowledge

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SAGE magazine

The Art of Colour

returning to your creative awakening by cheralyn darcey


cheralyn darcey the art of colour creative awakening Sitting in my studio, I look out through the doorway to a man I know so well. He is one who has never felt ‘creative’ or really particularly ‘spiritual’ or has ever meditated but for all the labels you may give it, I see a man at peace, happy and in a meditative state. He has not been himself for years though. Lost and broken by a career which demanded he live in a state of constant stress and on the edge of his nerves, doing duties most of us would never comprehend for all of his adult life. He picks up another coloured pencil from the rainbow spread before him. Gently the lead traces back and forth, following patterns on a page within a book, seeking shapes and all the while the calm he has connected to comes rolling through the room. He smiles, unaware I am watching and starts to hum something soft and sweet. Lost in his healing calm. I return my thoughts to my own desk, lifting my watercolour pen to fill in the petals of a flower with washes as I think about writing this article. We are at peace, centred, focused and connected. We are both colouring-in, connected with our personal creative awakenings. 

 I am an artist, an author, an illustrator and for over thirty years I have taught arts and crafts to people of all skill levels and all ages. Most have come to me to learn a technical skill but as with all such classes, nearly all leave with so much more to support them. They learn creative confidence, find community connection and gain an understanding of their personal emotions and how to express themselves. They find peace, understanding, personal happiness and strength. These are the gifts of creativity that many of us know well but we are not all so lucky to have found opportunities, the time or the finances to seek such treasures in our lives either ever or continuously. 

 Of all the many different forms of art I have taught and shared, it is those which pull back the mysteries of creativity to it’s barest foundations that inspire, heal and support the most. Colouring-in is one such creative pursuit. It is one which is not directly connected with a strong belief, movement or style and welcomes us all easily. It is creativity in it’s most basic form, in a common accessible language, which offers the unsure and the

unskilled a room to begin exploring and the confident and experienced a place to return to recharge and to discover again uninhibited. 

 As a teacher, I have been in hundreds of classrooms and felt the calm descend on groups, large and small, as everyone focuses on the creative pursuits before them. The energy in the room changes, calms and people’s bodies relax as peace is felt by all. Is this spiritual? Is it mediation? I feel it is something of both but it is a truly personal experience and I would never presume to tell anyone exactly what that was but what I do know, through experience, is that creativity offers something that is most definitely healing, inspiring and connecting.

creativity and freedom

Colouring-in, like other creative foundation pursuits that have been popular through the years before, such as Folk Art, Quilting, Decorative Art, Scrapbooking, become popular because people experience real change in themselves. It is a return to the beginnings of our personal creative awakenings and once there those initial sparks are ignited again. Be assured, colouring~in is not a regression; it is a remembrance of this creative awakening, of being first inspired and gently supported to explore. Will a bird be purple or green with orange spots? Colouring-in guides, it supports by giving you lines but it never inhibits. One day you may repeat those lines for yourself and then draw your own and I would always encourage you to do so because colouring~in is not, and never was, a final destination, it is a stop along the way on the creativity road. We may return any time we wish and learn again, play again and to find peace again because in our childhoods, we experienced true creative freedom and most of us find that so hard to find or retain in our busy lives. 

 The next destination to explore after colouring in was for us all, drawing. Somewhere there, many of us left the road forever. Some of us kept going and we enjoy returning to all the creative destinations we have been through before or even missed over the years because we know creativity is not a line, it’s a sphere, a world that is always welcoming, challenging, changing but we are always welcome at every place.

SAGE magazine

cheralyn darcey - the art of colour creativity and spirituality
 I personally find Colouring-in is a way to focus and centre the mind and spirit. It is certainly not the only way or even a preferable way but it is way which has been proved to be very beneficial to many for calming, for stress relief along with the obvious therapeutic applications in physical rehabilitation programs for those regaining control and mobility. 

 Recently I began creating colouring-in which was more personalised for someone close to me who was advised to try it as a form of meditation to assist with anxiety. I wanted to combine my work with Flower and Nature Therapy with my art to create mandala-like spheres as I saw a way to bring the energies and properties of the geometry that each flower holds to the person colouring in. These have now gone on to fill my book series ‘Florasphere’ Rockpool Publishing. 

 Perhaps Colouring-In is something you may wish to try again, to return to and explore and if you do, I’d suggest you start with finding themes which you re attracted to. Then put down your phones, pick up your pencils, find somewhere preferably outside to sit and return to your creative awakening.

The next few pages are some of Cheralyn darcey’s colouring sheets from her new book Florasphere specially selected for Sage Magazine readers.

Cheralyn Darcey is an Environmental Artist, Author and Botanical Explorer. She is the author and illustrator of the ’Australian Wildflower Reading Cards’ and ”Flower Reading Cards’ Rockpool Publishing along with other soon to be released Nature inspired publications. Cheralyn has a lifelong connection with the study of Botany & Enthobotany, the field of research which examines the relationship between people and plants. Though her work is many faceted it is through her explorations that she has slowly rekindled the ancient tradition of Flower Reading, (Floramancy). She has a long association with many Environmental Projects and Institutions worldwide and is popular artist in resident and volunteer at Museums, Libraries, Schools and Eco Centers. Cheralyn lives on the Northern Lakes of the Central Coast, NSW with her husband, Mr Darcey, and two Boxer dogs, slowly renovating their 1980’s entertainer style home and creating the garden of their dreams in paradise. Their two adult children are not far away, visit often and enjoy weekends out on the lakes, hiking and still playing in Mum’s studio. Visit


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Miracle Mist Why Are We All So Magnesium Deficient? Few people are aware of the enormous role magnesium plays in our bodies. After oxygen, water, and food, magnesium can be considered the most important element because it is needed by every cell in the body including those of the brain and it regulates calcium, potassium, and sodium. Nature, in its wondrous intelligence made magnesium abundant in the food and water supply. So, why is 80 - 90% of the population deficient in magnesium? Water found in natural springs is nutrient rich but not many people are so fortunate as to have natural spring water readily available and must rely on heavily chemicalised processed water that is devoid of nutrients and key electrolytes such as magnesium. According to various studies, magnesium began its decline from our food supply in about the 1930’s due to chemical agricultural practices and the magnesium content in our soil is no longer sustaining. Dr. Norman Shealy MD, states that it has now become impossible to eat our way out of a magnesium deficiency and it is the most important nutrient to supplement. Magnesium plays an imperative role in hundreds of enzyme systems and functions related to reactions in cell metabolism, as well as being essential for the synthesis of proteins, for the utilization of fats and carbohydrates. Magnesium is needed not only for the production of specific detoxification enzymes but is also important for energy production related to cell detoxification. A magnesium deficiency can affect virtually every system of the body. Magnesium is known as nature’s great relaxer; not only for muscles and tissues but the entire central nervous system. Magnesium is vital to combat every day stress and when we are under significant stress; either physical or emotional our needs increase. Stress-related

diseases which run rampant through modern society, like heart attacks and high blood pressure, are indicative of magnesium deficiency. What is the best form of magnesium to supplement? Dr. Josling Watkins performed clinical trials showing that transdermal (absorption through the skin) magnesium provides optimal absorption. Dr. Shealy has shown that taking magnesium orally can take upwards of 18 months to correct a magnesium deficiency; whereas absorbing magnesium through the skin can correct a deficiency within as little as 4 weeks – this shows a very dramatic difference in absorbability. Relying on digestion for absorption of magnesium is challenging as often the form of magnesium used in supplements is not bio-available and most is lost in the digestive process. If you have any doubt about absorbing through the skin, just rub a cut clove of garlic on the soles of your feet and see how long it takes before you taste it!


The body must attach magnesium to a chloride ion in order to be utilized – therefore transdermal magnesium chloride is the optimal magnesium for peak performance. In addition transdermal magnesium can be applied directly to an area of pain to reduce pain and speed the healing of any damaged tissue. Why is transdermal magnesium so effective for pain? Transdermal magnesium increases circulation and flushes away inflammation (often people report a warming sensation on the skin). Increasing circulation will also draw nutrients into the area to speed repair. When we do not have enough magnesium in our system to absorb calcium into the bones, teeth, nails and hair, calcium becomes toxic and can crystallize. When unabsorbed calcium crystallizes in tissues it creates aches and pains; when it deposits in the joints it creates arthritic conditions or bone spurs; when it deposits in organs it creates stones, such as gall or kidney stones. Daily regular use can speed repair of

the underlying condition. Compressing for pain When there has been an injury or calcium deposit we have seen great success with compressing the area. Spray Miracle Mist onto a soft light gauze or cloth and wrap the area leaving it on to soak in for as long as possible. Compressing through the night is ideal and a sheet of plastic wrap can be used to protect the bedding from oily marks. The compress can be left to the open air when not in use and reapplied to the area repeatedly until the compress begins to dry out – then simply respray. Why do we believe Miracle Mist is the best choice? Miracle Mist is the purest magnesium chloride available from the Dead Sea which for hundreds of years is known for its healing properties. It contains

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the highest concentration of healing salts known world with the frequency of 528 Hz (the frequency used by bio-chemists to repair damaged DNA). This process is over. hugely significant not only because of the frequency embedded into the product but also because the Purity & Concentration scalar vortex structuring process reduces molecular size and binds electrons creating a stable coherent Chemical analysis shows that magnesium chloride solution. used in our Miracle Mist is a minimum of 99.9% pure. It is harvested from one of the deepest hyper-saline Consider that graphite, the softest mineral known is lake in the world and is concentrated by utilizing chemically identical to diamond, the hardest mineral – natural solar energy to evaporate the water, naturally condensing the salt to a level much higher than you will the difference is the structure of the molecules! Dynamic Enhancement makes Miracle Mist both typically find in other brands. The waters of the Dead exceptional and unique; enhancing all the natural Sea are unique, having a total salt concentration that healing benefits of magnesium chloride and MSM by is 10 times higher than ocean water, reaching 33 % increasing bio-availability while carrying the frequency versus 3 %. information into the bio-quantum matrix of the body accelerating cellular repair. Each 250 ml Miracle Mist bottle contains 155 grams magnesium chloride hexahydrate in solution of pure Miracle Mineral structured water. Fortified Miracle Mist is fortified with MSM (methylsulphonylmethane) a nutritional organic form of sulphur which increases the permeability of the cell walls enhancing the absorption of nutrients and oxygen and helping release toxins. It can relieve postathletic fatigue along with relieving muscle pain and cramps. MSM is essential for all bodily systems and normal organ functions including smooth, soft supple and younger looking skin, healthy hair, and nails. It promotes circulation and decreases inflammation while increasing collagen production to keep joints flexible and improve muscle tone. Dynamically Enhanced through Structuring & Frequency Using advanced scalar vortex technology, Miracle Mist is dynamically enhanced for a minimum of 72 hours

Magnesium chloride is well known as the miracle mineral because of its healing effect on such a vast range of diseases as well as in its ability to rejuvenate the aging body. As Dr. Norman Shealy states, ”Every known illness is associated with a magnesium deficiency,” and further states, ”magnesium is the most critical mineral required for electrical stability of every cell in the body. A magnesium deficiency may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient.” Enjoy a Miracle Mist today! This information is for education purpose only. It is not medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always seek the advice of your medical practitioner or qualified health provider when starting any new medical treatment. Visit Miracle Mist for more information Click Here To Order Today

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by samantha khater

Take a deep breath and look around you. Notice everything around you that makes you happy, especially the small things. Smile at that person who is crossing the road. Go for a walk in your local park. Say thank you to your barista who makes your coffee every Monday morning just the way like it. Write a letter to your parents and thank them for bringing you into this incredible world- thank them for giving you life. No matter how big or small, be thankful and embrace. Gratitude engages your brain to focus on the positive things in life. An internal switch is flicked on, and our brain starts recognising things to be grateful for. Think of Gratitude like chocolate to the brain. It activates the reward centre, the pleasure pathway of the brain. Gratitude feels good, whether you’re the giver or the receiver.

leads to a brighter outlook on life and a greater sense of positivity. Those who engage in regular Gratitude practices have been shown to feel less pain, have stronger immune systems, lower blood pressure, and be less likely to develop mental disorders. A recent study showed that keeping a Gratitude Journal makes you healthier and results in: 19% more time spent exercising, 10% less physical pain, 8% more sleep and 25% increased sleep quality.

Being grateful for the things that your partners, family and friends do can strengthen your relationship with them. Gratitude makes us more trusting, more social and more appreciative. Those qualities will allow us to make more friends, deepen our existing relationships and improve our marriage. According to marriage Gratitude has been scientifically proven to make us expert Dr John Gottman, gratitude is the single biggest happier. Writing in your Gratitude Journal everyday, and contributor to a flourishing marriage. reflecting on things that your grateful for, can increase your long term wellbeing by more than 10 percent! If you wake up every morning and reflect on what you Listing all the things that your grateful for each day are grateful for, your brain will process the millions of


signals it receives every day and it will focus on those that you can be further grateful for. Your perception of the world changes. You will become a master of the awareness game and Gratitude will take over and transform your life. You will attract bigger and better things. It is that simple and amazing. A community of change makers, philanthropists, dreamers, leaders and visionaries who are living and breathing their purpose called Ougies began researching gratitude journals 6 months ago. The organisers, myself included, started writing down our own personal gratitudes as a daily routine, and instantly noticed changes in our lives. Added to our own transformations were the countless stories we witnessed about positive changes occurring in the lives of people using journals. This led to the creation of the Ougies Gratitude Journal and a “pay it forward”. For every Gratitude Journal sold, Ougies donates a reading book to a child - a child who does not have access to this fundamental source of knowledge. As one of the founders of Ougies, I believe that books build confidence for a bright future filled with opportunities, regardless of race, gender, geography or economic status. These children are our future leaders and Ougies has made it our mission to spread the power of gratitude and knowledge to them.” ’Seeing the smile on the child’s face when you gift them a new reading book is priceless! They immerse

themselves in the book and take it all in. Soon, you’ll be able to follow their journey on our website, and see the impact that you’ve personally made on a child’s life when you invest in a Ougies Gratitude Journal. Ougies Gratitude journals are available now from Samantha Khater is one of three siblings responsible for starting Ougies, a movement to harness the power of gratitutde and to connect humans to one another resulting in an overwhelming social change. Samantha is the youngest Ougster, a social butterfly, lover of acupuncture, chai tea and is passionate about inspiring others to be the best they can be. For more information visit Ougies at


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lucille dancingwind experiences and celebrates greatness in all its forms

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It was a beautiful spring day on April 22, 2007 - Earth Day. I was spending quality time with Nature in my urban prairie garden, joyfully admiring every new form of life I discovered.

They live their true nature every moment of their life, maintaining a sacred balance in the intricate web of life. Each one of them is integral to the greater whole and equally amazing.

The prairie crocuses had blossomed into beautiful bouquets of soft flowers that looked radiant in the rising sun’s golden light. I sat with them a while, caressing their fuzzy, light mauve petals and bathing in their sweet energy, sending them love and appreciation for their presence in my environment. As the first plants to emerge and bloom after winter (even with snow remaining on the ground), to me, they embodied greatness.

It’s the same for human beings. There’s a misconception about greatness in mainstream society, mainly caused by the media. Greatness doesn’t mean that you have to be a celebrity; win a medal, award or prize; write a bestseller; have a special title; be publicly recognized; be a household name; etc.

It’s easy for people to judge an award-winning actor or Suddenly, I noticed a little black ant moving inside one celebrity athlete or cultural hero as being greater than of the flowers, then noticed another ant in a different a janitor or farmer or taxi driver. Yet each one, when flower, and then another one... I silently observed with living from their heart with dedication and love, is living curiosity and saw how each tiny ant moved towards their greatness and contributing to the well-being of the flowers’ yellow fluffy centers. They roamed this world. Each one spreads more love, joy and light throughout the sunny centers for a while before leaving energy. the flowers. Intrigued, I later did some research and confirmed that the ants were pollinators for crocuses! Every one of us is here to contribute our divine I’d never considered before that ants could be greatness in a way that only we can. No other person pollinators. I had the wonderful privilege of witnessing has your personality or combination of strengths, another form of greatness here on Mother Earth, this qualities, skills, passions, talents, perspectives, values, time as a small ant. etc. Everyone is a thread in the great tapestry of our world and supports the greater whole in infinite ways. Over the years, I’ve known and observed too many Greatness means living your truth. It means fully people admiring those they consider to embody shining your divine essence simply by being your greatness, while dismissing others, including best you in all you do. It means making a difference themselves, for their perspective of greatness is for others and this world by doing what comes so distorted. naturally to you, that you might not even recognize it as greatness. When you spend time with Nature, you discover that every life form and individual, has a divine greatness Greatness means inspiring and empowering others that matters beyond our level of perception. with what you do and who you are from your heart. It For example, the ones that keep our environments means uplifting others and brightening up someone’s healthy are not even visible, for they dwell mostly day in your own unique way – it can be as simple as a underground (including fungus). They play crucial roles genuine smile that lights up others’ hearts. It means like aerating the soil; decomposing everything that enhancing someone’s life and this world with every act falls to the ground; transforming matter into usable of love, kindness, generosity and selflessness. components for plants; dispersing nutrients throughout I recognize immediately when someone is living their the roots of trees; preventing disease; and providing greatness. It has nothing to do with age, gender, race, food for other life forms like birds, small mammals and social class or recognition, profession, body shape insects. Their level of greatness is beyond measure or size, lifestyle or popularity. They simply emanate a for our world, yet they humbly do their sacred work special light from their spirit, and everything they do is completely out of sight. done wholeheartedly and affects others in a positive way. It’s easy for people to judge a soaring hawk or mature red pine as being greater than a flower fly or I could describe countless examples of this, that I’ve mushroom. Yet, each form of life in Nature lives their personally experienced throughout my life. However, greatness to its fullest potential, for they haven’t been for the purpose of this article, I’ll only share a few taught (or told) to diminish or change who they are. detailed ones.


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My first example is a university teacher who left an impression on me and was loved by his students. He was a brilliant man whose passion for sharing his knowledge of physics made his class one of my favourites - regardless that it was academically my worst subject after math! His energy was contagious as he explained long formulas that sounded like a foreign language to me. He’d then always wow us with visual demonstrations of these formulas, which would leave me in awe. He was always smiling from his heart and his spirit shined brightly through his eyes. He was fully living his greatness in that classroom and managed to make physics an interesting subject for me. My second example is a volunteer veterinarian

that I have the joy of working with every week. I volunteer at a non-profit organization that provides care for injured, orphaned and sick wild birds (from sparrows to eagles), as well as providing educational presentations to the public. This retired veterinarian is an Earth angel, living her greatness with every bird she looks after and everything she teaches us, through her kind and gentle nature. She lovingly devotes so much of her time in ways that she’s exceedingly good at, to ensure that the birds admitted receive the best chance possible to return back to Nature or have the best quality of life as educational ambassadors (when they can’t be released due to permanent injury). In fact, each volunteer and staff member I’ve worked with there, exudes a beautiful energy for being of service from their heart.

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All people who do volunteer work in this world, in so many forms, mostly in a very quiet and humble way without recognition, live the greatness of the human spirit and divine heart. My third example is my dear grandmother who is almost 96 years old and the last of my living grandparents. I was blessed to have her and my dear grandpa as neighbours throughout my childhood. We shared the same large yard on the family farm. All her life, my grandma devoted herself with absolute love to her family (14 children, and many grandchildren and great grandchildren). Everything she did was done wholeheartedly and meticulously: from tending the huge garden and her flowers; cooking, baking and canning; doing laundry; hosting family gatherings in all seasons; sharing stories; mending clothes; creating big, colourful teddy bears from used coats stored in their attic (for each of us 60 grandchildren!); always welcoming our visits with a big smile and treats; providing things we needed for special school projects (I actually won a science fair prize in grade 3, for a project featuring the history of buttons, thanks to her – I was so amazed by the variety I found in her many jars of buttons collected over decades, which she was delighted to donate for my project!); giving unlimited hugs and double kisses; and so much more. What I’ve also always loved and admired about her, is that no matter if she was working in the yard or garden, doing chores in the house, running errands, attending public events, or hosting a celebration, she’s always worn a pretty dress, jewellery and chunky high-heeled shoes! She’s managed to do everything in her own style, every day that I’ve known her. She has lived her greatness through her giant, open heart and in doing so, has enriched so many lives beyond measure. These are just three examples. I know so many more

who live their greatness as parents, guardians of animals, service providers (including retail clerks, taxi drivers, a school janitor, a furnace repairman, flight attendants, park attendants, bank tellers and managers, restaurant servers, hotel maids, rental car clerks, and so many more), teachers, cooks, bakers, farmers, artists, photographers, environmental advocates, gardeners, entrepreneurs, authors, singers, musicians, dancers, accountants, astrologers, doctors, healers, people (including leaders and celebrities) who speak their truth to benefit our world even if it’s “contrary” and unconventional, etc. There are as many forms of greatness possible, as there are forms of life. Every time I experience greatness, in whichever form it presents itself, I fully celebrate it with joyous love and appreciation – for every form of life that lives their greatness, contributes more of the sacred to our world. Lucille DancingWind is a mystic, author and the founder of Sacred Earth Connection™. Her work is dedicated to empowering men and women by aligning them with their true, divine nature. It lights up her spirit to witness people feeling a greater awareness of the sacred within and without, along with a sense of divine interconnectedness with All. Lucille is a transmitter of wisdom gained from Spirit insights, Nature teachings and personal experiences. By being an amazing living example of what’s possible when we choose to honour love and our hearts to guide us, Lucille inspires men and women to courageously live their own sacred paths. She has been described as “a shining spirit walking through the forest of life spreading her magic”. Visit her website -

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scott podmore presents

conscious Travel awaken your senses to a different style of travel … one that’s responsible, ethical, environmentally friendly and healing. a conscious approach to travel. sage magazine’s world of discovery just expanded.

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walking the walk in new york


scott podmore interviews award-winning content strategist of ’the naked ceo’ jillian bowen

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walking the walk In new york Most people throughout the world dream of visiting the Big Apple at least once in their life, but what do you do when you stumble across one little travel savvy Australian who’s done the New York thing seven times? You pick her brain for all the hot tips, that’s what. SCOTT PODMORE chats with Jillian Bowen, an award-winning content strategist who has been looking after the promotion of Alex Malley’s global smash hit book, The Naked CEO Q: Jillian, you’ve become quite a regular to NYC. What streets. If you really need to get from A to B a little draws you there so often? faster, the subway is brilliant. Get yourself an attractions pass to save money JB: I’ve been to New York seven times now, five in the check out and to see last year. In recent times, the trips have all been based which works best for you. around launching the bestselling book I work on called The Naked CEO by Alex Malley. Q: With every city’s pros comes its cons, too. What should first timers be wary of in New York? Q: For a first time Australian visiting the Big Apple, often there isn’t enough time to explore everything A: New York is a completely different city these days that needs to be explored. So can you offer us five and you will feel safe walking both day and night in must-do experiences for any first timer? most areas. JB: It’s tough to keep it to five, but I would say the Empire State Building, Central Park, taking a walk along the High Line, a ferry trip to Staten Island for the free incredible view of the Statue of Liberty, and an early morning visit to the September 11 memorial (before the crowds arrive).

Common sense applies, but you are more likely to get bumped and bruised by the unforgiving crowds than get mugged. It’s important to walk with purpose. Do your best to walk to the right and steel yourself for the thumps and bumps, none of which come with an apology.

Q: It’s a broad question, but how does one best experience New York?

In the tourist areas you will also find yourself bombarded with people spruiking tourist experiences and don’t be fooled by the offer of free CDs and monks bearing gifts. These are all designed to get you to stop and tune in to the next part of their pitch. Avoid eye contact and keep walking.

JB: There are a couple of secrets to getting the most out of New York, particularly if your time is limited. It’s worth planning ahead so you can see the sights and experience the city by area. And pack your walking shoes. There’s no substitute for strolling the

You’ll also quickly discover that New Yorkers wait


for cars, but not traffic lights. It’s common to cross against the lights, and in reality only a tourist waits if there are no cars coming. Q: OK, there’s one thing every visitor to New York can do with a heads up on and that’s the shopping. I know you’re a keen shopper, so what’s the best way to approach it?

As you take a short stroll towards 3rd Avenue you’ll wander past Grand Central Terminal. The stunning exterior is just the beginning. Make sure you go inside the terminal to see why Jackie Kennedy fought so hard to save this building for the city of New York. You will also notice the art deco beauty of the Chrysler Building just one block further along. You can’t go up in the lifts, but you can have a look at the beautiful foyer during business hours.

A: For the first timer in New York, the big department stores are a great place to start. Macy’s, Bloomingdales and Lord and Taylor are approachable If you can tear yourself away, it’s time to do a U turn environments. and head west along 42nd Street to 6th Avenue, making sure you take a peek inside the New York Heading a bit upmarket, Sak’s Fifth Avenue and Public Library as you go. The interior is beautiful but Bergdorf Goodman can be intimidating if you’re in your scruffy gear, but are well worth a look. Always head to the shoe department for clearances. You can get big names at drastically reduced prices on the sales racks, normally sorted clearly by size. Many department stores also offer discounts for international visitors. Check their websites. One of the best things about New York is the abundance of sample sales. You can pick up a copy of Time Out at most hotel receptions and it includes a weekly listing. There is so much available you can easily get overwhelmed. If you’re happy to browse, just take it all in as you go. Otherwise draw on local advice to find what you are looking for and have a chat with the concierge at your hotel. Q: Everyone has the Statue of Liberty and Central Park on their hit-lists, but can you offer any other must-sees? A: Try and see a concert at Madison Square Garden. If it’s baseball season, just visit one of the Yankees stores around Manhattan to organise your tickets. Be careful of theatre booking sites. Some charge astronomical fees for tickets. As mentioned earlier, the best I’ve encountered is Q: Give us the lowdown for Midtown? A: For the ultimate New York experience, you can’t go past a visit to the observation deck of the Empire State Building. It’s the very first thing I did on my first trip to New York 20 years ago and it still takes my breath away. Be there when it opens to avoid the queues. By 9am, you’ll be waiting, waiting, waiting. Next, head uptown on 5th Avenue then turn right at 42nd Street.

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currently the iconic Rose Reading room is closed as restorations take place. Right behind the library is Bryant Park, which is the perfect pit stop if your feet are starting to ache. When you’re ready to move again, continue along 42nd Street then turn right at 6th Avenue and walk a couple of blocks until you reach Rockefeller Center and Radio City Music Hall. At Christmas time, Rockefeller Center boasts an ice skating rink and Christmas tree, but if shopping is more your calling, you’ll want to stop here for a while. There is another observation deck here called Top of the Rock. It’s not as famous as the Empire State Building, but the views are actually better, so try and fit it into your agenda if you have time. Rounding out Midtown, head back along 5th Avenue and shop ’til you drop! You can also take a wander through Times Square. The crowds are suffocating, but you must see it at least once. You can also try your luck getting discount theatre tickets at the booth here, but I tend to book ahead using a reputable site like Q: How about Downtown? A: If you haven’t been to New York before, you must visit the September 11 memorial. I prefer to go early in the morning before the crowds arrive. The memorial consists of a field of trees with two, large recessed waterfall pools representing the footprints of the Twin Towers. The names of the victims of the attacks are inscribed on the parapets surrounding the waterfalls. It’s a deeply emotional experience. After paying your respects, you can visit the museum or take a trip up to the newly opened observation deck, One World Observatory. It’s also well worth taking a detour to St Paul’s Chapel on Broadway. The Chapel survived the tragic attacks of 9/11 and was a place of refuge for the rescue workers during the days that followed. The exhibition housed here is a powerful reminder of the resilience and courage of those very sad days.

photo © helen spencer

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From here you can easily walk a little further downtown per ride metro card), or get a card with unlimited use to the iconic Wall Street, Battery Park then take the for a certain period of time – seven days unlimited will free Ferry across to Staten Island. currently cost you $31. The machines take cash or credit card, and if you use an international credit card When the doors open, walk as fast as you can to get a and are prompted for a zip code, just enter 99999. window spot on the right side of the ferry - the view of Once you have your metro card, just swipe at the the Statue of Liberty is well worth chasing! turnstile to enter. Q: I know you’re an avid walker when it comes to New York, but you’re also a big fan of the subway. Can you explain why? A: The NYC subway system extends across Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx and runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of the year, although not all stations are accessible at all times. Download the NYC subway app or get a map from a customer service agent at a station. There are 468 stations serving 24 subway lines. Routes are identified by letters or numbers. You will see colours associated with one or more lines, but you don’t say “I’m catching the red line uptown”, you say, “I’m catching the 1 train uptown”. Only a few lines run crosstown (east-west), most run uptown – downtown (north-south). It can be tricky at first to use the subway, but the most important thing to look for when you enter a subway station is whether the entry is one directional – you can tell because it will specify uptown or downtown. If that’s the case, then you need to be certain you are going in that direction because you won’t be able to access the platform for the opposite direction from that entry. If uptown or downtown isn’t specified, you will be able to access both from the one entry. When you buy a metro card ($1 for a new card), then you can either add a set dollar amount and pay per trip (currently $3 for a single ride or $2.75 with a pay

You also need to be careful to check whether you are getting on an express or local train, which typically stops at every station. If you’re not sure if the express will stop at the station you want, play it safe and catch a local train. You can always ask the staff to check and express and local stops are marked on subway maps. At night, look out for the marked “waiting area” – when you stand in this area, a station agent will be able to see you.”

about scott podmore Scott Podmore is an internationally renowned travel and music writer, videographer, bestselling author and owner of October Grey Media. He is also the co-founder of Conscious Travel Mag in addition to running a multi-award winning community newspaper in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne in Australia. As well as being a regular contributor to large travel publications in print and online worldwide including Escape (News Limited, 5 million readers), Travel Talk, Flight Centre, Elite Traveler Asia and many more, he is a digital publisher, video producer and a content strategist for major companies in Australia and overseas. His passion for travel writing and photography has taken him all throughout the world and he currently has a blockbuster book selling globally called Conversations With Mediums in which he interviewed some of the world’s most famous mediums including John Edward, James Van Praagh, Lisa Williams among others. You can follow Scott on Twitter and Instagram @scottpodmore

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8 great reasons to visit...

casa pura in guayama is an existential tourism experience by bruny nieves

�they welcomed us, machete in hand... ready to serve us some refreshing coconut water.�


Set between the Jobos Bay and the Caribbean Sea, Casa Pura opens its doors to those who prefer to sleep as if at the home of relatives. It has no signs and not everyone in the Pozuelo village in Guayama knows it yet. We came as per my sister’s suggestion, as she knows one of the proprietors, and I was intrigued by its existential tourism proposal. The Crespos (Gustavo and his dad, don Jose’) have chosen to promote themselves lightly and only among those who can say goodbye to a five star hotel in exchange for a simpler and more personal stay. They welcomed us, machete in hand: ready to serve us some refreshing coconut water. Grandma’s house... Casa Pura was the beach house of Gustavo’s grandmother, who loved receiving and entertaining people. That’s why they kept adding rooms and spaces to the house; and the walls are full of pictures and articles that reflect the gratitude of her guests. The hostess is not around any more, but there is don Jose’, who likes to tour the house and share anecdotes and histories on every piece that decorates it. A cozy ambiance... Oil lamps, books, pictures, sculptures, ceramic pieces, pillar beds in its four visitors rooms and the

direct lullaby of the sea, like background music, give Casa Pura a cozy ambiance. We even found a copy of the story Celita and the Zapatero Mangrove by Ana Lydia Vega, which up to this moment, was my son’s only reference to the town of Guayama. Lotus flower and acerola... Adding to the delight of this four-acre property is a garden full of surprises. A typical hammock hangs on a calm shade and invites to take a siesta. Swimming pools turned into ponds full of lotus flowers where the tadpoles have found a home. An old swing turned into a cross-fit style training area, a reflection of Gustavo’s old job as a physical trainer. A few stairs built in bamboo that lead to the beach and suggest a walk in the evening. An extensive variety of local fruit-bearing trees such as: Spanish lime, cashew apple, loquat, cherimoya, sour sop fruit, passion fruit, and West Indian Cherry. Bed & Breakfast... To eat fruits, fresh from the courtyard, was one of the experiences I enjoyed the most, as I grew up in a neighborhood where the streets were named after fruits, some of which I had not yet flavoured. Casa Pura operates under the Bed and Breakfast concept, so for Gustavo it is very favourable to have such fruit variety at his reach, since he uses them as ingredients in the delicious and nourishing shakes he offers as part of the breakfast. Crafts festival...

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The Crespos like to recommend sights and restaurants in the area. We were lucky to coincide with a crafts festival at the beautifully preserved town square. We walked it through to admire its elegant structures. We also tasted different flavours like pineapple, lemon and the traditionally raspberry with sesame pilones. Then we sat down in a square bench and listened to the troubadours singing on stage. Thermal waters... For its closeness and a pleasant recent visit, Gustavo insisted that we should go to Coamo’s Thermal Baths. After taking pictures, buying fruits in street side kiosks and asking for directions we arrived at our destination. The famous Baths are divided in two areas: the hotel (with a regular swimming pool and a thermal waters one with temperatures of a hundred and seven degrees farenheit) and the Thermal Water Pools (one with temperatures of a hundred and seven degrees farenheit and another with a moderate temperature of ninety-nine degrees). The areas are completely different in terms of ambiance: the hotel caters for the family while the water pools allow you to escape with a sensation of relaxation and wellbeing. Estuarine reserve... Another suggestion they made was to visit the Jobos Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Aguirre, only about five minutes away. Gustavo

accompanied us through the paths that make up the reserve, guided us to its observation tower and proposed a kayak trip that would bring us closer to the mangroves forest. This type of coastal forest helps to prevent coastal erosion, among many other benefits. In Puerto Rico there are four species of mangrove trees: red, black, button and white. Just like home... Upon return from our excursion, we rode the mountain bikes the Crespos have in the property. Don Jose’ also delighted us with a private concert using his extensive vinyl disc collection. With his favourite version of the Preciosa song playing in the background, we said goodbye to two nights of unique experiences at Casa Pura.

about the author Bruny Nieves is a marketing communications consultant from the tropical island of Puerto Rico, currently living in beautifully serene Switzerland. This new living destination brought her back to her professional roots as a copywriter and has opened up a world of travel, which she chronicles as collaborator of travel blog Deja Vu Travel. Thru her personal blog Tropisuiza, Bruny reflects on motherhood, being an expat and how jumping heads on into new experiences expands your horizons.

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five to thrive

five experiences to nourish the soul with scott podmore

1. the resort - aleenta hua hin spa & resort, thailand THIS is the one that spawned the Aleenta brand and boutique luxury beach resorts don’t get much more alluring. This resort and spa has 22 gorgeous suites, most with a private pool, and all within a few steps of the beach; not to mention providing the stunning sunset sea view of the Gulf of Thailand. Set on the pristine and golden sand stretch of Pak Nampran Bay, Aleenta Hua Hin Resort & Spa, Pranburi is a two and a half hour drive south of Bangkok. Sustainable living is Aleenta’s way with a distinct attempt to “limit society’s use of the Earth’s natural resources without devaluing our product”. The practice and general philosophy of ecological living for Aleenta is highly interrelated with the overall principles of sustainable development. More

2. the adventure - outback floatplane adventures, australia This one just outside of Darwin is best described as exhilaration central as you join National Geographic’s Outback Wrangler Matt Wright’s team in a tropical jungle full of crocodiles, birdlife and picture-perfect wetlands. It’s a great all round experience as you set off on a floatplane journey into a stunning lagoon and dense shrub, before having a bacon and egg brekky (or BBQ barramundi lunch) on board a floating pontoon. Then the real action begins. First up is a wild air-boat ride zipping through wetlands through shady palms and mangroves to get your heart racing as native birdlife including Jabiru, eagles and magpie geese dazzle you with a show of their own, and a helicopter ride later gives you a chance to see it all by air including a stop off on a field full of 100-year-old large termite mounds, taking flight above plateaus, floodplains and lagoons while sightings of wild pigs, cattle and giant crocs sunning themselves on the billabong banks will have you constantly nudging your partner in the next seat. The highlight, however, is the more gentle airboat ride through tropical inlets as driver Matty gives a guided tour. While crocs including babies Speedy and Gonzales and super-sized Sweet Thing are the drawcards, a surprise guest egret by the name of Rose makes a spectacular entrance and landing on Captain Matty’s head, she hangs about for the ride for 10 minutes or so (and a feed of fish, of course). More:


3. the festival - diwali, india An ancient celebration with deep spiritual roots, this Festival of Light is a tradition with a religious foundation, but all who are keen to share in the season of abundance are welcome. Thousands of oil lamps, fireworks, lavish feasts, fragrant flowers and colored sand in the form of lotus blossoms adorn India in this annual homecoming that is Diwali. For Hindus, light represents the triumph of good over evil; although the legends people observe vary by region, Diwali is a time of unity, when that basic underlying message of good besting evil holds for all cultures. As much as the visual interpretation of Diwali is beautiful to see, the spiritual meaning can be quite profound. Diwali also means the awareness of the inner light.

4. the tours - battered suitcase world heritage sites NEW tour operator Battered Suitcase has launched a series of custommade tours to UNESCO World Heritage Sites and historic cultural destinations across all five continents. Since each trip is tailored to suit the individual travellers’ interests, they are not tied to set tour itineraries and can ’do it their way’. Founded by a historian with a passion for travel and appreciation of the world’s heritage and its natural wonders, Battered Suitcase say it’s all about well travelled people looking for new and meaningful experiences without compromising on luxury. By combining their specialist knowledge with an understanding of the traveller’s needs, the tour operator creates tailored itineraries covering regions such as Asia and the Indian subcontinent, Australiasia, the Americas, Africa, Europe and Great Britain. More

5. the landmark - christ the redeemer No one goes to Rio without the Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer) taking their breath away as the symbol of the city that welcomes all with open arms. The 38m statue came to be in 1931 and is known as one of the ”new Seven Wonders of the World”. Almost as mind-blowing as the statue are the views when you make your way up there 360-degree spectacular sweeping visions of Rio de Janeiro. More

SAGE magazine

transformational holidays

your guide to retreats around the world to change your life with cheryl slater


SAGE magazine

Soul Seed TraVEL SPECIAL Welcome to Soul Seed’s Recommended Retreats Advertorial– Your Guide To Conscious & Transformational Holidays presented by Cheryl Slater of Soul Seed Media. This month we focus on healing and wellness in New Zealand, Sri Lanka & Bali To reserve your spot on one of these life changing getaways, contact Cheryl at cheryl@soulseedmedia. comand check out the monthly ’Recommended Retreats’ guide for exclusive offers and promotions from around the world.

retreat 1 - wild yoga and extreme sports road trip, new zealand december 8-20

Life begins on the other side of fear. The concept of this adventure is to take you to the other side and start living the life fear has held you back from. This road trip is about bringing together Yoga off the mat into the wild and experience some of the most extreme sports along the way. A unique and exclusive road trip in the beautiful North Island of New Zealand, 12 days, 8 destinations – helping people to overcome their fears and fulfil some life ambitions whilst simultaneously enriching the mind body and soul through the power of breath, yoga and meditation.

It’s an experience of a life time and and we are ready to take you on this ultimate adventure. We will be on this journey together, setting boundaries and also stepping out of our comfort zone. Learning the benefits of having a balance of both – Yin and Yang – the calming and the thrill/ excitement aspects of life and how they work together harmoniously. Bringing yoga and extreme sports together and understanding about the benefits both have will enable you to live a life of freedom Further info or to book your New Zealand Road Trip here - visit here.


SAGE magazine

retreat 2 - yoga and ayurveda – breathing life into your life retreat, sri lanka april 9-18

If you want to learn how you can truly be in charge of your thoughts, actions and the whole of your life, then join Michaela Olexova for this transformative Yoga and Ayurveda retreat in the world renowned Barberyn Reef Ayurveda Resort in Sri Lanka. This is your chance to explore, balance and connect with your prana or the life force energy to help you release tension and blockages throughout your body and mind in order to create more space to connect with yourself from the physical to the deepest spiritual level of your being. Designed to inspire, transform and enhance your wellbeing through the combined science of Yoga and Ayurveda, two of the most effective and practical self-healing methods to reduce the effects of stress on your body and mind. Michaela promises you a fun life transforming experience so you can return home glowing on the outside and feeling fantastic on the inside! Further info or to book your Sri Lanka Retreat - click here


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SAGE magazine

Soul Seed Travel SPECIAL retreat 3 - iyengar yoga retreat in bali with asaf hacmon, 6th – 13th january 2016 The Iyengar yoga retreat in Bali with Asaf Hacmon is hosted in one of Bali’s most spectacular spots, overlooking the Eastern Balinese sea, nested inside lush tropical landscapes, we will spend a week in yoga immersion and deep relaxation in an exclusive pampering resort. Our retreat resort is located in a sprawling valley by the side of the ocean with a private beachfront land for guests to relax and enjoy panoramic views over the Lombok Strait. The villa is designed with attention to detail in every corner across the expanses of its pristine gardens and bountiful land. It boasts a beautiful emerald infinity pool where swimmers can either swim laps or just float with magnificent views of the ocean. Asaf is a highly experienced Iyengar yoga teacher

on a Jr Intermediate III level with vast experience offering unique yoga retreats around the world. Each class is infused with stimulating non-dogmatic yoga philosophy and moments of meditation. Since we are in the sacred island of Bali with its devotional Hindu culture, we will weave into our classes some inspiration from classical Indian mythology. Further info or to book your Bali Retreat here. Cheryl Slater is passionate about personal development, leadership, exploring the limits of the human potential, the universe, metaphysics, adventure, travel, science and technology, music and dancing, learning and helping others to fulfil their dreams. In addition to exploring retreats for her Around the World retreat Guide, Cheryl can be heard on her show ”The Conscious Revolution” on Soul Traveller Radio - Listen Here.



COHICA - FROM COSTA RICA TO CAMBODIA world’s first blueprint for sustainable and socially responsible travel by scott podmore

working with wildlife friends foundation, thailand, a non profit group that rescues animals in danger, including the asian elephant (that is completely abused with no regulation for tourism/elephant riding, etc)


cohica - from costa rica to cambodia ONLINE startup Cohica Travel recently launched the world’s first blueprint for sustainable travel, providing country specific how-to guides and listings of where to stay, eat and visit that support responsible tourism. Speaking to the founders in Paris, Ryan Matthews and Megan Hardesty will travel to Africa, South America, and Central America within the next four months to add to a destination list that includes Europe and Asia. “Our goal is to change the way people travel,” Matthews says. “Sustainable travel is more than being environmentally aware, it’s also about making a positive contribution to the places you visit.

Lani in Maui to travel around the world. With a shared background in sustainable business development, marketing and journalism, they blogged about their personal travel experiences before launching the sustainable travel website. “It wasn’t until we were traveling that we saw a need for a complete sustainable travel resource,” Hardesty told Conscious Travel Mag.

“After visiting some very impoverished areas, we began seeking out businesses and organizations that are making positive environmental and social contributions to their communities. We were instantly inspired to share this information with other travelers.” “There are a lot of eco retreats in the world, but we want to help people pull together their own sustainable In addition to sustainable how-to guides and listings, the website includes feature stories on businesses itineraries and empower them to become more and organizations with notable environmental or socially responsible travelers.” responsible initiatives. One such feature spotlights Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT), an Cohica Travel was founded earlier this year when animal refuge center that focuses on protecting the Matthews and Hardesty made the decision to leave Asian elephant. The foundation accepts visitors and their management positions at Adecco (on-site at volunteers, an alternative to the popular Thailand Google) in San Francisco and the Fairmont Kea

’overlooking a coffee farm in vietnam on a local agricultural tour’


cohica - from costa rica to cambodia activity of riding elephants. In coming months, Cohica Travel plans to launch a T-shirt line with a portion of each sale benefiting nonprofit organizations such as WFFT, as well as contribute to media outlets and travel blogs to educate travelers on how to be sustainable and socially responsible. For information on Cohica Travel visit www. For media inquiries or collaboration opportunities, email the company directly at Founders Ryan Matthews (San Francisco, CA) and Megan Hardesty (Boulder, CO) created Cohica (cohee-ca) Travel in 2015 with the goal of changing the way people travel. Offering sustainable travel tips and destination guides to cities and countries throughout Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas, the website identifies local businesses and organizations that support responsible tourism. Travelers can find the best places to stay, including hotels and guesthouses with sustainable initiatives, community support and employee education policies; eat, including local, vegetarian, and restaurants with NGO give-back programs; and go, including responsible

transportation methods, activities, tours and volunteer opportunities. To learn more, visit www.cohicatravel. com or become a fan of Cohica at Facebook. com/cohicatravel, or

about scott podmore Scott Podmore is an internationally renowned travel and music writer, videographer, bestselling author and owner of October Grey Media. He is also the co-founder of Conscious Travel Mag in addition to running a multi-award winning community newspaper in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne in Australia. As well as being a regular contributor to large travel publications in print and online worldwide including Escape (News Limited, 5 million readers), Travel Talk, Flight Centre, Elite Traveler Asia and many more, he is a digital publisher, video producer and a content strategist for major companies in Australia and overseas. His passion for travel writing and photography has taken him all throughout the world and he currently has a blockbuster book selling globally called Conversations With Mediums in which he interviewed some of the world’s most famous mediums including John Edward, James Van Praagh, Lisa Williams among others. You can follow Scott on Twitter and Instagram @scottpodmore

’visiting the centuries old thanh ha pottery village in vietnam, where villagers still sustain themselves by producing and selling ceramics.’


’learning how locally produced natural parmigianoreggiano is made in parma, italy’

founders ryan matthews and megan hardesty created cohica travel in 2015 with the goal of changing the way people travel.

’the gateway to prasat bayon, one of the many temples in the angkor wat region, cambodia’

SAGE magazine


join cheryl slater as she continues her yoga journey through barcelona and the french alps


retreats for the eco-conscious traveller Over the last few months I have been travelling around Europe seeking out some of the best wellness retreats. In April I travelled to Barcelona for the Reset Button retreat and in July to the French Alps for a Yoga and Hiking holiday. Being an eco-friendly traveller I was happy that both retreats were accessible via train and I could enjoy the longer scenic routes to watch the world go by.

barcelona the reset button wellness retreat

constantly on the move travelling from one country to the next I was suffering from burn out. This five day retreat provided the perfect mini wellness break in luxurious surrounding under the Spanish sun. The mission of the Reset Button retreats is to get you to the best version of you and create the perfect environment for guests to relax. The onsite health team - nutritionist, mindfulness therapist, personal trainer, yoga teacher and masseuse all worked their magic together to help the retreat group de-stress, get fit and become educated on nutrition, mindful eating and how to kick our unhealthy food addictions such as caffeine and sugar. The retreat is not a fast fix but more a long-term reset, putting everyone back onto track creating realistic goals and teaching easily implementable ways to improve well-being.

At the heart of the retreats is mindfulness and each day there was a drop in guided mediation to help us The Reset Button in Barcelona is a wellness and become the observer of our thoughts rather than healing retreat to reset the mind and body with an become attached and hanging on to them. The retreat expert team on hand to cater to your every need, schedule allows plenty of one to one attention with including an onsite chef who prepared a detoxifying the experts and time to just chill, relax by one of the (no sugar, dairy, wheat, processed foods, salt, caffeine amazing outdoor or indoor pools, cool off with a swim or alcohol ) menu of exquisitely presented, healthy and or go for a walk through the forest to connect with the tasty meals each day. glorious nature and reflect on life. Located in the tranquil mountains of Barcelona, overlooking the Pyrenees and surrounded by lush green pine forests, I went to get some well deserved rest, recharge and reset my health after being

barcelona - reset button

After the five days I certainly feel like the best version of me - I am totally transformed, feeling refreshed and radiating that post retreat detox glow!

barcelona - reset button

SAGE magazine

barcelona - reset button The Reset Button retreat will be hosting a special New Year 7 day retreat from 4th - 10th January . Further info and booking can be found on their website www. and the Soul Seed Travel site.

french alps adventure yogi yoga and hiking retreat Yoga, hiking and nature - three of my greatest loves

french alps - adventure yogi

barcelona - reset button and the best recipe for wellness and healing the mind, body and soul. Immersed and surrounded by nature, the majestic mountains of the French Alps provided breathtaking views to wake up to, pure fresh air to breathe and clean spring water to drink. Life is about the journey and this memorable seven day retreat was transformational on all levels. The yoga classes incorporated meditation, philosophy, pranayama and asana, working with the elements to help us connect with the earth and turn our attention inwards, to focus on creating balance in our lives. We flowed like epic warriors, as strong as mountains with open hearts and minds, rooting ourselves to the earth

french alps - adventure yogi


french alps - adventure yogi and reaching for the sky, soaring like eagles, letting go and surrendering! It reminded me of the Rumi quote ”you were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?” about our endless potential and greatness.

surfing, hiking, climbing or biking and wellbeing and detox retreats. They feel passionate about ecotourism and promote slow and green travel and recommend travelling by train and bus when possible.

We connected with nature in the most wonderful way, by walking the beautiful mountains and rainbow coloured meadows and flowers upon the rich green earth. Each walk was approximately 3-4 hours with a picnic stop to eat our packed lunch and re-fuel our energy levels. I found a magical gift on the mountain, a huge quartz crystal rock which I now carry with me on my travels, it feels like my lucky charm and protector, to always have a piece of the mountain with me.

Further info and bookings can be made via their website and the full calendar of retreats can be found at calendar.

The food is always such an important part of a retreat in providing healthy meals that nourish every part of our being. The creatively presented vegetarian and mainly vegan dishes we were served were bursting with flavour, texture and full of goodness.

Cheryl Slater is passionate about personal development, leadership, exploring the limits of the human potential, the universe, metaphysics, adventure, travel, science and technology, music and dancing, learning and helping others to fulfil their dreams.

A deeply connecting and uplifting retreat that I left feeling reborn and totally in love with the mountains. AdventureYogi specialise in offering yoga holidays and yoga retreats in the UK and abroad that combine yoga with adventures such as skiing and snowboarding,

Stay in touch! Follow my travels on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.Visit the Soul Seed Travel page for recommendations on yoga and wellness retreats around the world.

In addition to exploring retreats for her Around the World retreat Guide, Cheryl can be heard on her show ”The Conscious Revolution” on Soul Traveller Radio - Listen Here.


conscious LIVING EXPO - 6 to 8 November 2015 john martin keynote speaker - conscious living expo Sage Magazine had the pleasure of recommending an international keynote speaker to this year’s Perth Conscious Living Expo. John Martin is a renowned healer from France who has travelled the world, teaching and healing people in person, by phone, over Skype, with a photo or by simply using a name. As seen on TV, and major holistic expos such as in LA, London and Sydney, John Martin’s methods include DNA encoding and reprogramming, karmic link erasure and modification and regression therapy. He also realigns auras, repairs auric leaks and tears. John creates permanent settings and tunings by manifesting and working with multi-dimensional vortexes. Without touching you, John releases pains and blockages within seconds. John is able to reveal a person’s life’s purpose and identify the gifts they already possess to guide them toward fulfilling their mission. John founded the Alpha 1 technologies, the Wheel of Change Institute, the AIG Kids Program (Autistic Intuitive Genius Kids), and John Martin online University. Last year we had the pleasure of chatting with John Martin for Issue 6 of Sage Magazine and interviewing him for the Journey on Soul Traveller Radio. Enjoy this recap of John Martin, Remembrance and Golden Light...

john martin healer An intuitive healer, John Martin knew at a very young age that he was given a gift. People would call him the sponge due to his ability to absorb thoughts, emotions and feelings. With this also came the ability to soak up sadness and sickness. “To be honest, as a child it wasn’t nice to be like this. I was able to absorb but I wasn’t able to release it from me. This resulted in me being constantly sick and laying on my bed for hours, weeks and sometimes months.” John went to see over 300 different healers to help him release the pain he was experiencing. They would help him but all it achieved was renewing the cycle. A woman being beaten by her husband four blocks away or a child being abused next door, John could feel the pain regardless of distance. Thirty years on, a successful property investor and business man, John was on an investment property trip near Lordes when he was prompted to pay a visit. It was this simple act that resulted in his life changing forever. “I went to Lordes and as soon as my feet touched the floor and my head touched the stone, I felt a connection, an energy field from my feet to my head and back again. It lasted 10 to 12 seconds and at that moment I knew something had shifted. In that holy

place I started to receive messages from my guides that they were going to reveal my mission to me.” During the night John was awoken by his guides, and told that he had to give everything away and it would take several years before he could commence. John began the process of release, removing everything until there was nothing left except his gift. “It was a complete step of faith however whatever message you receive, if it shines so brightly inside of you then it is truth. If we are shining our light brightly, imagine how it affects others we meet during our daily work. I began following the words they wanted me to say and I have been seeing people coming with pain they have had for years, leaving pain free.” John doesn’t need to touch for the healing to take affect because the healing is within us waiting for us to activate it. Like other light workers on the planet, John describes what is happening as a shift in vibration that is becoming more prominent. “More and more people are able to express their gifts now. Everybody has the capacity to be a catalyst for change. Everybody is talking about it. It is time for us to believe that everything is possible. There are no limits.” John travels the world, healing people using his gift and techniques such as DNA encoding and reprograming, modifying and repairing cells, karmic links erasure and modification, regression therapy, repairing aura leaks,

SAGE magazine

JOHN MARTIN HEALER - CONSCIOUS LIVING EXPO and realigning auras. During the last few years John has healed and transformed the lives of hundreds of people including artists, filmmakers, athletes, celebrities, researchers and large groups in Europe. Travelling the world, on nothing but faith and relying on his guides, John has been called to help people become who they are supposed to be. “Your heart is your GPS in your life. It tells you if you go too far left or too far right. It tells you if you are on the right path. Your mind gives you only answers to the simple questions you ask of it.

People who attend John’s workshops feel a vibration, a shift; like a screen that opens up in front of them, helped by John to see who they really are. “I ask them only one question. Do you believe it is possible? We all have the ability to heal ourselves. We just have to believe.” To listen to the interview with John Martin Healer on The Journey, visit John’s website here or click the Soundcloud link below.

Your mind can tell you where the next bus station is and what the answer to 2 + 3 is. But never ask your mind Click here to register for John Martin’s workshop at the to answer or make a choice about something that is Perth Conscious Living Expo - November 6-8. to be felt in your heart. Your heart must always make those choices.”



WILD KUAN YIN...Enter Here


Thanks to Alana Fairchild, we have 6 copies of the Wild Kuan Yin Oracle cards to give away... Enter Here to Win...

Thanks to the team at Ougies we have 3 Ougies Gratitude Journals to give away.... Click Here to Enter...

SAGE magazine

inspirations & constellations

by devorah

�the war against the darkness is not fought with guns and artillery but by lighting as many candles as possible...the more light we bring to the world the more darkness we eradicate, for darkness cannot exist where there is light� (rav berg)


greetings soul travellers

Polite society in the contemporary world mostly fears, rejects and even demonises the occult (‘the hidden’). It’s that spooky time of year again. Yes mysterious Alchemy and other esoteric arts are still considered Halloween is one of the last secular festivals surviving taboo and modern rational thought condemns intuition in the Western calendar. It’s a festival that continues to as being inferior to mental logic. As a consequence bewitch us and its ancient pagan roots date back to a Mystical study has mostly been conducted in secret, in time when ordinary people observed nature’s cycles of the dark. All New Moons occur in the dark as well and birth, death, and rebirth and explored the non-physical this coming New Moon in Scorpio is the Mother of all realms, the ‘Other Worlds‘ as a natural and normal Dark Moons, in the sign of death and rebirth. Yes, the function of human experience. So is there something New Moon is the most powerful time each month to deep and perhaps hidden within us that is prompted by connect to your inner self, bringing awareness to what an instinct to connect to the eternal cycles of nature you want to let go of, what’s important to you and what through this ancient compelling ritual that returns every you desire. year when the Sun is in Scorpio? So tune in to Soul Traveller Radio (http:// Halloween’s origins date back 2,000 years ago to for this next New Moon in the Celts who believed that time was cyclical and Scorpio around the 11th and 12th of November 2015 celebrated the four seasons as well as the four as we are all encouraged to ‘Explore our Passions’ moments during the year which are dictated by the and where we will contemplate and ruminate the relationship between the Earth and the Sun, the passionate ways of Scorpio in order to connect to our solstices and equinoxes. November 1st marked their own deeply personal aspirations. And let’s express New Year’s celebration and the festival of Samhain gratitude for Halloween, the New Moon and for the (pronounced Sah-wain) meaning ‘summer’s end’. This untold Mysteries that exist, and take advantage of festival announced the completion of the harvest each and every perfect moment to honour them. and the beginning of the dark, chilly winter, a time associated with death and dying. Go Well in Peace, Love and Happiness, Samhain was observed by the Celts from October 31 Devorah to November 2 and the Druids Celtic Priests believed that at this time the veil between this world and the world of our ancestors was drawn aside so that journeys could be made across to the ‘other side’. The Druids endeavoured to make contact with the spirits of the departed and so they built huge Sacred Bonfires where the whole community gathered in celebration. When the celebration was over, they re-lit their hearth fires from the sacred bonfire to help protect them during the coming winter months.

about devorah

Devorah has a Diploma in Psychological Astrology and has taught ‘Astrological Compatibility’ at Nature Care College, one of Australia’s most reputable Natural Therapy colleges. She adores sound and vision, the mythic, the mystical and the sacred and likes to genuinely connect with others, sharing the stories of our lives. Through her studies encompassing the deeply mystical Kabbalah, Devorah weaves ancient symbolism, myth & archetype together, and guides your intuitive awareness though personal consultations and classes.

Samhain is a time to honour the living-spirits of our loved ones as guardians who hold the wisdom of mankind. In the zodiac, the potency of Halloween is represented by the sign Scorpio, the sign of secrets and clandestine activity. Likewise Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, the Mythological ruler of the Constellation of Scorpio rules all that lives deeply below the surface, Devorah is a regular member of Soul Traveller Radio and can be reached online at or all that is mysterious, secretive, subconscious and sometimes taboo...

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©Cameron Gray

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