Sage magazine issue 10

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One Tribe

The Conscious Music Collective. Pushing boundaries and building bridges into mainstream media.

Camino de Santiago Quenching your spiritual thirst on the pilgrims path. A journey from France to Spain.

Urban & Utopia

Profound beauty, transformation, well-being and eco-tourism in the sanctuary of Spain

Sonia Choquette An excerpt from the NY Times bestseller, Walking Home... From Humbled To Healed

soul inspiration • healing • music • astrolology • books • awareness • travel

sage magazine

WELCOME TO SAGE MAGAZINE ISSUE 10 Namaste Soul much to share in this issue that captures the essence of our trek to truly experience the life we love to live. The joy found in this journey of love (Alana Fairchild) where we dream crazy (Kathy Wong) and move from ordinary to extraordinary, sharing treasures of our sacred path (Kye Crow) along the way, is celebrated in the song of the ‘Onetribe’ (the Changing Face of Conscious Music by Shayne Locke). The global glow to follow our ultimate GPS – our heart - is recognised in the best of Cheryl Slater’s world retreats, seen in the soul snapshots of Victoria Alexander’s book ‘Real’ and felt in the incredible excerpt of Sonia Choquette’s new release book “Walking Home’, included in my article on The Camino de Santiago. This issue is packed with pearls of wisdom to awaken your adventurous spirit and so I leave you with the words of Eva Annaluna, the author of Dolphin Inspirations... “make love your compass”.

Tanya & Shayne



Editor Tanya Allison | Sage Magazine

Bhaktifest | Soul Traveller Radio | Embrace | Onespace Festival of Dreams | Tanya Allison | Simrit Cory Sipper | Soul Traveller Media | Jai-Jagdeesh Avasa & Matthew Love| White Swan | Peter Dean Moeloco | Animal Dreaming Publishing | Soul Seed Hay House | Conscious Living Expo | The Zen Cruise Deva Premal & Miten | Mugwort | Murdoch Books Blue Angel Publishing

Publisher and Program Manager Shayne Locke | Soul Traveller Radio Cover Art Work ”Crystalline Wolf Totem” by Mugwort

competition winners Oneself Prize Pack - Maxine Oakley

writeRS Tanya Allison | Shayne Locke | Alana Fairchild Eva Annaluna | Sonia Choquette | Peter Dean Victoria Alexander | Devorah | Cheryl Slater Kathy Wong | Kye Crow | Thane Cooper Scott Podmore | Walter Mason


Contents Journey of Love

Page 4

The Road To Santiago

Page 10

Page 2 page 4 PAge 10 page 16 page 24 page 30 page 38 page 42 page 51 page 52 page 56 page 62

editorial Journey of Love The Road To Santiago Walking Home Being Real One Tribe Music Music Giveaways shamanic symbols & shifting paradigms Sage Giveaways signs of life Dream Crazy The Great White Pyramid

Conscious Travel speciaL Walking Home

Journey Into Spain

Page 16

Page 72

One Tribe Music

inspirations & constellations

Page 30

Page 106

page 70 page 72 page 78 page 80

Conscious travel Intro journey into spain five to thrive transformational holidays

page 86 page 90 page 92 Page 98 page 106

ghosts and ghoumas dolphin inspirations Sacred Signs Unhappy? inspirations and constellations Media Kit Next Issue

Page 110 page 121

SAGE magazine

The journey of love

story by alana fairchild artwork by rassouli images Š rassouli


alana fairchild takes us on the journey of love Truly transformative journeys move the soul, not just the location of the body. Sometimes when we are in them, we are confronted with so much challenge that we may wonder if that expression, “you only get what you can handle” is really true after all. Yet the Universe knows when we are ready to build some more ‘spiritual muscle’ and the challenging journeys are like a resistance training program for the soul. The soul wants to love and not just the pretty version of love, but the real, gritty, all-out consuming and passionate type of love that isn’t just about snuggling up to your preferred person infront of the latest TV movie (though that might be nice too, sometimes). This sort of wilder soul love is about being able to feel your heart moved by Life, by human beings who you don’t even know and who don’t know you. It is love that just is, not love that is about what you receive. It’s impersonal and yet completely personal too. This soul love ignites a fire in the heart that gives rise to passionate purpose, a compelling desire to break through walls and crack oneself open, to let the heart be utterly free to just be what it is - an instrument of love in the world. So why the testing? Why is it often the case that the hardest tests seem to arise before the greatest opportunities and sweetest blessings? The Universe isn’t a clique, excluding some from grace and only helping a chosen few. There is grace in all things, even in the ‘no’. If you have capacity to grow more powerful wings in longer flight, then in it’s kindness, the Divine might move your nest from the nearest tree to one somewhat further along. In the process you might curse your luck, or your apparent lack thereof, and yet as your wings grow and you become able to soar and even enjoy that power and expanded vision, your grumbles may well turn to gratitude. Each one of us is on this wild and soulful journey of love. It is the call to sacred relationship that beckons us to experience the divine ever more deeply, with less expectation and more anticipation, even in its most incomprehensible moments. After all you can love someone even if you don’t always understand them, right? Otherwise relationships between men and women and the future population of our species may well be doomed to failure!

It is sacred relationship, that which is increasingly unconditional and willing to be with what is, as though it is a divine mystery that one may solve through participation, that opens the heart and allows the soul to manifest its wild divinity. Spiritual growth happens as a result. Just as if we were visiting another country or culture for the first time, we open up to new perceptions, different ways of seeing things, new experiences and perhaps even are able to let our fixed identity go for a while. That’s when we do the strangest things, so out of character, whilst on holiday. And isn’t it liberating! Permission to be free from what has been (including how we have been), to experience the now, and let whatever happens, happen, can be all that is needed to discover more of you and your divine purpose - how your journey of love wants to unfold - this lifetime. It is allowing the soul to breathe, and that feels like a heady rush of fresh air into which we might free-fall or fly. Or both.

SAGE magazine

The Journey of Love

Your sacred relationship to the beloved might be experienced through marriage, through friendships that become deep and abiding as a family, in your relations with various communities or with humanity more generally, in your relationship to Nature, to your body, to your own soul and of course, to Life.

These relationships invite us to celebrate differences and to learn tolerance and respect for each other, for what is, and beyond this, compassion. From compassion we can open up to a deeper place of connection, beyond ‘me’ and ‘you’, into an experience of relationship as a living, breathing union of souls that is more than the sum of its parts. This is where the juicy, yummy stuff of the spiritual path happens - bliss, ecstasy (no pill required) and delight - which turn the mind to mush (pleasanter than it sounds) and allow you to experience yourself as a lover and a beloved, dancing within the one great universal heart. As we experience an expansive sense of self that is more than what we once considered ‘me’ to be, we are

entering into spiritual terrain. Sacred relationship in this way is a pathway to divine realisation, the stunning relief that the divine is in all living beings, including ourselves. It is a journey - and the more surrendered we are to that journey, the more willing to not have to understand or control it, but just respond with curiosity and a willingness to evolve - the greater the transformational power, and sweet blessings in many forms, that we become capable of receiving. The guidance in all of my work is offered through sacred relationship to you beloved, from my soul to yours. May it serve you in finding your authentic path through the opportunities for growth that are presented to you in all of your relationships, including the sacred relationship that you have with yourself. May you be blessed with the realisation that you are always given all that you need for your highest growth and may you experience the peace of mind that this brings, along with a willingness to embrace what is before you now, as your relationships with others, with yourself and with the Divine, call you home to love eternal.


SAGE magazine

about the author alana fairchild Alana Fairchild is a divine rebel, voice of the soul and child from the stars, who found her way to planet Earth, fell in love with nature and conversed with God through the entire process. Her life path is dedicated to awakening the soul through the conscious and loving transmission of divine energy. She does this through soul therapy sessions, best-selling books, meditations and oracle decks and, whenever possible, by singing and dancing. Find out more at

about the artist - rassouli RASSOULI is a visionary artist, known for his unique style of Fusionart. Guided by his Sufi uncle, Rassouli grew up hearing and reading mystical poetry while studying under painting masters, and eagerly searching volumes of artistic works of varied traditions and styles. Rassouli paints with rags, with his fingers, and uses his favorite brushes when he feels moved to enhance what is happening on the canvas. He begins with a canvas primed with black paint and brings the light of vision to it developing a relationship with the appearing images as he creates. Within the past thirty years, He has exhibited widely in Europe, North America and Asia and has created several major murals. Find out more at

Alana Fairchild’s Journey of Love featuring the artwork of Rassouli is available now from the following online stores

Also Available

CLick Here to win 1 of 6 Journey of Love Oracle Decks

SAGE magazine

The Road To SanTiago walking the camino by tanya allison


SAGE magazine

From the very moment that I finished reading Paolo Coelho’s “The Pilgrimage” I had a heart yearning to walk the Camino and I am definitely not the first to feel this calling. For centuries, thousands of pilgrims have flocked to trek the 800 kilometres that begins in France at Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, crosses the Pyrenees and makes its way from East to West across Northern Spain until it reaches the exquisite and very famous cathedral called Santiago de Compostela, where the remains of Saint James are said to be interred. The legend holds that the remains of St James were carried by boat from Jerusalem to Northern Spain and remained buried there until a shepherd saw a brilliant star leading to a field where Bishop Teodomiro in 813 verified them as the body of St James and the city of Compostela was born. The legend, which included numerous miraculous events, enabled the Catholic church to bolster support for their stronghold in northern Spain during the Christian crusades against the Moors, but also led to the growth and development of the city that exists today. The Camino de Santiago welcomes all pilgrims and all intentions; many still walk the Way as a Christian quest, others for adventure, sport, retreat or renewal, all basically guided by a great thirst for a genuine spiritual experience that unfolds as a unique journey for all who are willing to manoeuvre the miles stretching before them. There is also another sparkling jewel to the crown of the Camino that lures many soul travellers; it is said that the Camino lies directly under the Milky Way and

follows ley lines that reflect the energy from those star systems above it. In Eastern philosophies the spiritual life force of the earth is called prana. Prana is inextricably linked with the life force of the sun, providing energy for all life. This life force is especially strong along lines of energy called ley lines. Ley lines are the essential structure of the earth’s etheric spirit and exist below the earth and above it, equally. The energy emanates at a very high frequency and when experienced by human consciousness, can create clarity of thought, experience, memory and revelation. The energy of the ley lines increases the rate of vibration of the etheric and dense matter that exists in the human brain. The result of this stimulation is expanded awareness and the surfacing of information previously repressed. A slightly scary thought for some, because it means that through this energy one becomes a more psychic being - for better or for worse. Ley lines not only carry the spiritual energy of the earth in conjunction with the sun, but also the energies aligning with other galaxies and star systems. Actress and author Shirley MacLaine shares from her book ‘The Camino – a journey of the spirit’ written in 2001 “I have never been religious, opting instead to seek spirituality, so what interested me about the Camino was the energy of the ley lines themselves, as well as the challenge of walking alone for 800 kilometres and becoming essentially helpless and vulnerable along the way, as most pilgrimages require.


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The experience of complete surrender to God and self is the motivation behind most people’s attempt at the Santiago de Compostela Camino.” Shirley walked the Way in 1994 at age 60 and finished in an incredible 30 days, most take a good 34! The Camino adopted the very powerful symbol of the ‘scallop shell’ and it’s an unmistakeable marker for pilgrims to find their way. It is also a metaphor; the grooves in the shell, which meet at a single point, represent the various routes pilgrims travel to eventually arrive at a single destination: the tomb of James in Santiago de Compostela. Travellers choose to wear the shell on their clothing or attach it to their backpack, it is a ‘must have’ for the journey along with the very special ‘Pilgrims Passport’. Not only is the passport an amazing souvenir, it is required that you get your passport stamped at every town, accommodation or eatery in order to get the official compostela a certificate of accomplishment given to pilgrims on completing the Way. On this sacred stretch of scenic wonder Paolo Coelho was accompanied by a ‘guide’ who assisted him in the process of unravelling the ego – his book ‘the Pilgrimage’ was overflowing with the mystical and mysterious, even the password needed to acquire his guide was magical; “You don’t have to climb a mountain to find out whether or not it is too high”. The guide’s response “The ship is safest when it is in port, but that’s not what ships were built for”. Coelho’s book is filled with gold for our greatest good, “Try to find pleasure in a speed that you’re not used to changing the way you do routine things allows a new person to

grow inside of you.” There are many documentaries such as “Walking the Camino – a 500 mile journey to yourself” and feature films like “The Way” starring Martin Sheen, that further ignite our spirit to embark on this historical and humbling expedition that allows us to appreciate the remarkable difference between “the life we live and the life we choose”. There is one invisible thread that weaves into the tapestry of this trek..and that is “It’s your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no-one can walk it for you”. The Camino commands your full attention; it asks that you move beyond physical discomfort, like blisters, cramps, exhaustion and pain to a place of inner peace. It asks that you surrender your burdens to lighten your load, for we cannot evolve with ‘baggage on our back’. Many pilgrims will carry a rock which they place on the hill at Cruz de Ferro (meaning iron cross) as a token of “something” they want to leave behind, forget, forgive or move forward from. Everything about the Camino is a ritual of release and a remembrance of the radiant warrior spirit within us all. On the following pages, Sage Magazine is thrilled to present an excerpt from the book “Walking Home” - a pilgrimage from humbled to healed along the Camino de Santiago by Sonia Choquette. This is a recent release by Hay House; a riveting, remarkable and real experience that Sonia shares with intimate detail and refreshing honesty. Enjoy!


about tanya allison Tanya Allison is a guided meditation facilitator and editor of Sage Magazine. Tanya’s involvement in helping people find purpose and meaning lead to the creation of Sage Magazine, a guide for the soul traveller along the path of wisdom and understanding. For information visit

”The Pilgrimage” by Paulo Coelho

”The Camino” by Shirley MacLaine

further reading & viewing about the camino

”The Way” with Martin Sheen

Grab these great titles on The Camino and others at Embrace Australia Ph. 02 9531 0009 | Shop 1028, Westfield Shopping Centre, Miranda NSW

Walking the Camino Documentary

”Walking Home” by Sonia Choquette

SAGE magazine


walking home

Universal Lessons for Us All Life was falling apart. Within the space of three years, Sonia Choquette had suffered the unexpected death of two close family members, seen her marriage implode, and been let down by trusted colleagues. And sympathy was not forthcoming. ”You’re a world-renowned spiritual teacher and intuitive guide,” people jeered. ”How could you not have seen this coming?” Having intuitive abilities didn’t make her superhuman, however. Nor did it exempt her from being wounded or suffering the pain of loss and the consequences of our all-too-human traits such as anger, resentment, and pride-traits that can lead even the best of us to stray from our spiritual path. In order to regain her spiritual footing, Sonia turned to the age-old practice of pilgrimage and set out to walk the legendary Camino de Santiago, an 820-kilometer trek over the Pyrenees and across northern Spain. Day after day she pushed through hunger, exhaustion, and pain to reach her destination. Eventually, mortification of the flesh gave way to spiritual renewal, and she rediscovered the gifts of humility and forgiveness that she needed to repair her world. In this riveting book, Sonia shares the intimate details of her grueling experience, as well as the unexpected moments of grace, humor, beauty, and companionship that supported her through her darkest hours. While her journey is unique, the lessons she learned-about honoring your relationships with others as well as with your own higher self, and forgiving all else-are universal.

day 5 - puente la reina to estella

Guessing that she meant, “Look downstairs,” I shuffled over and gingerly started down, suddenly aware that my knee was now aching like mad. Once My hostel should have been called “Hostile,” I at the bottom of what felt like a cave, there, in the thought as I got ready to check out. From the moment I arrived yesterday afternoon, the staff who dark, stood Cheater, among a group of many other bags. I picked him up and dragged him over to the ran the hostel were, well, hostile. stairs and lugged him back to the lobby with the last When I first arrived, I limped in (of course) only to be ounce of reserve in me. I then glanced at my key. Third floor again. UGGHH! greeted by a ten-minute wait as the two women at the receptionist’s desk chatted away in Spanish to one another. Finally, one of the two turned to me and I started back toward the stairs, when the receptionist stopped me. rudely said, “Si?” as if I were interrupting her. Once I managed to get across to her that I had a reservation, she looked at her book, found my name, reached over, grabbed a room key, and handed it to me without saying a word or once looking at me. Then she went right back to her animated conversation with the other woman. Looking around, I didn’t see Cheater anywhere. (Editor’s note - The Cheater is Sonia’s bag that gets delivered to her next destination by the travel company) I waited for a pause in their conversation, then asked her about my bag, to which she only shrugged. I waited for a few more minutes, hoping their conversation would end, which it didn’t, and then asked again. This time she rolled her eyes at me and pointed to a stairwell leading downstairs from the reception area, still saying nothing.

“No!” she said and nodded in the other direction. An elevator. Hurray! Smiling profusely as I pushed Cheater, Pilgrim, my poles, and myself into the small space that is a European elevator, I hastily pushed floor number 3 just to get away from them. Once settled in, I went back out and had a small snack of some wonderful Spanish paella, the first I had seen on a menu since I started walking. I topped it off with a glass of delicious Spanish Rioja. The combination of fatigue, food, and wine knocked me out. It was five o’clock. Again, I skipped dinner and fell asleep by six.

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I woke up to a beautiful day. I was especially happy because it was a short day ahead, with only 21 kilometers to my next town, Estella. While my body, and especially my feet, was still in agony, I was nevertheless looking forward to the adventure. The Camino was calling, and I could hardly wait to get going. Breakfast was another buffet, this time a sad one. Dry pieces of bread, instant coffee, and canned orange juice. What a loveless place, I thought. I made up my mind that I wasn’t going to eat any more than I had to because the food and the place had bad vibes, which I didn’t want to absorb. I would rather stop somewhere else and pay for a better breakfast than punish my poor body with this substandard stuff. I left Cheater at the front door with the other “Cheaters,” clearly marking his next destination on a piece of paper and taping it with a BandAid again, in case the disinterested women who worked there weren’t paying attention, and got under way. Still suffering aches and pains in all of my muscles from the strenuous physical effort I had put my body through, I had to go slowly. I had no other choice.

other pilgrims, who were in a rush to get a bed at a pilgrims’ albergue in the next town before they were all occupied, I realized I could actually take my time. In fact, leaving a little later allowed me to avoid the Camino “rush hour.” In the early morning, droves of pilgrims fell into unison along the path, spilling out from the various hostels, pilgrims’ albergues, and hotels to get their day under way. At times there were 20 or more pilgrims walking alongside me for the first hour or so. I was glad that I might miss all of that traffic today. I didn’t like the feeling of being crowded each morning, as the path was often so narrow that crowding was inevitable. It made it difficult to dial in on my own thoughts when a fellow pilgrim was so close to me I could hear his breathing. Because I wanted to avoid all of that, I ordered another cup of coffee and sat back a little longer. It was nice not to rush, given that my feet were so sore. In truth, I was not exactly moving at much of a clip, but there was still the internal tendency to rush myself. I had been aware of this habit for some time.

Patrick had a much faster pace than I did, and from the time I met him I was often rushing just to keep up with him. He would often say, “Let’s go! Let’s go!” urging me to go faster still when I was going fast already. After living with that urging and pushing for 30 years, like being in a chronic state Settling into a steaming Spanish omelet, a freshly of emergency, I had internalized it as my own pace, although it really wasn’t natural to me. squeezed orange juice, and a freshly ground hot cafe con leche, I began to notice that whatever This internal pushing left me feeling me agitated was going on inside me was immediately and anxious. I decided with this new awareness reflected in my experience on the outside. to dedicate my day to moving at my own natural, calm pace, and not pressuring myself to get Yesterday I was filled with anger, and that is going, get moving, or hurry up at all, something exactly what I was greeted with when I entered the last hostel. I also noticed what it felt like to be quite different from what I otherwise did. in angry energy. And it didn’t feel good at all. Today I slowly paid the bill, gathered my things, and then I was tired of it. set off. Looking for the yellow arrows, I starting singing, “Follow the Yellow Brick Road.” Drinking up the last sip of juice, I looked at my watch. It was nearly 9:30 in the morning. I had On my way out of town, I had one last chance to not started walking the Camino this late since I admire the beautiful architecture. Puente la Reina began, but suddenly I realized that there was no was a major crossroads for several pilgrimage rule that said I had to start out early. Unlike the Just moments after I left the hostile hostel, I noticed a cheerful cafe down the street, filled to the brim with other lively pilgrims, and was drawn in for a more substantial breakfast than the one I had just turned down.


routes to Santiago. A magnificent Romanesque bridge with six spectacular arches was built specifically for the pilgrims to safely cross the rushing river at this point. In fact, the town itself came into existence just to accommodate the flow of pilgrims on the way to Santiago. I energetically fell into the flow with these past compatriots and felt personally strengthened by their numbers. As soon as I got a little way out of town and into the countryside, I stopped and said my prayer.

“Holy Mother God, help me walk this day at my own pace and free me of the fear that I must go faster or get to the next town faster than is natural and comfortable for me. Keep me present to the gifts of the Camino today, and please help me ignore the pain in my toes, because it scares me. Amen, and thank you.”

Once that was said and my intention was set, I started off again, free of yesterday’s angry energy, and now contemplating how to feel anger and express anger appropriately. Only I couldn’t think of this for very long. The path itself once again demanded my full attention, and my thoughts gave way to silent focus as I concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other, looking for arrows and Camino shells to guide me along the way. The good news was that aside from my toes, my muscles didn’t feel as sore today as they had in the past few days. My body was starting to acclimate to the walking, and I felt stronger than any day up until now. Walking along the path, I was taken by how peaceful it was. My soul actually felt nourished by

SAGE magazine

the beauty, especially the parts of my soul that were so injured. I saw a falcon hovering over me in the air, not actually moving. As I looked up, a Swiss woman approached me and spontaneously shared with me that whenever a falcon is hovering like that, it is the Holy Spirit. I had never heard that before; nor had I ever seen a hovering falcon before. I took that as my inspiration for the day and felt energized and watched over.

harshly. It had been equally difficult for her at the beginning. She then said, “You know, it isn’t the Camino that is difficult. It is carrying all your mental and emotional baggage that is so difficult. The Camino doesn’t like this negative energy, and invites you to let it go. It’s holding on to your misery that makes it feel so impossible to keep going. At least that is what I found.”

Waking the Camino each day, I began to see the same people over and over as we made our way from town to town. When we passed each other, we wished each other “Buen Camino.” I loved this tradition, as it was such a succinct way to say so many things at once. It literally meant, “Have a good way.” It also meant, “Hello,” “Carry on,” “Good luck,” and “Good-bye,” or “I don’t want to talk to you any longer, as I now wish to get back to my own thoughts.”

We finished our coffee and she set off for the restroom, and I set out on the path, as I have the bladder of a camel and didn’t want to wait in the tenperson-deep line.

It said all of this without ever leaving anyone feeling bad or confused. It was all just understood.

The one struggling, a man from Ireland, said he had asthma and all the fresh green grass and flowers were strangling him. He was really struggling to take a breath.

I knew what she was saying was true. I had felt that It was still quite cold outside, but the sun was shining myself. But it wasn’t as though I could simply decide and the colors all around were gorgeous. The grass to stop thinking and feeling what I was thinking and feeling. was standing tall and endlessly green, and the flowers were spectacular. I once saw a sign that I had to let it travel into my consciousness, accept it, read, “Flowers are God’s way of laughing,” and I thought that today was a laugh riot with all the bright then allow it to leave when it was ready. I shared this reds and blues and yellows lining the way. I could not with her. remember a time when I had ever been bathed in “You are right,” she said, nodding solemnly. such natural beauty for so long.

Today, for the first time since I started on the Camino, I felt like talking a little bit more to other pilgrims. Perhaps it was because my body was getting stronger and today’s path was easier, so I had more available energy to converse. In any case, I was feeling social.

Once I started walking again, I came upon two other pilgrims who were standing by the side of the road. One seemed to be having great difficulty breathing. I stopped and asked if I could help.

I showed him a few breathing techniques to help his breathing become less labored because I could see he was in trouble. One of those techniques actually seemed to calm his breathing down a bit. I was as relieved as he was. After he thanked me, he assured I stopped for a cafe con leche around one, and when me that he was used to this struggle, and that he I did Istarted to speak with the same Swiss woman, would get through it as he always did. whose name I learned was Inga. She had been “I just pray through it,” he said, between gasps. walking for almost two months and had started in “Seems to work, as I’m still here.” Switzerland. I was so impressed my jaw dropped and I told her so. She had to walk through the Alps, After sharing a “Buen Camino” with both him and the and here I was barely able to hobble through the pilgrim he was traveling with, I set back on my way. Pyrenees. Soon my thoughts began to return to my anger and what caused it. I wanted to get to the bottom of it so I told her how difficult it had been for me the past I could let it go. four days, and she said not to judge myself so


As I walked it suddenly occurred to me that while I felt I was really generous with friends, exceedingly so at times, if they didn’t return the generosity, or more exactly, the same spirit of generosity with me when I needed it, I would get really angry. And it was an anger that wouldn’t let go. That was not an easy revelation to have. If others didn’t share the same values or have the same priorities, or more specifically, give my needs the same priority I had given theirs, I became deeply wounded and felt ripped off and exploited. This was at the root of a great deal of my anger.

Wow, I have never realized the depth to which I felt this before, I thought. Until I had this much time to be with myself, to walk alone in nature, and to examine what made me tick, I had never been able to identify this unconscious trap. When I came to this realization, I knew that, once again, the culprit behind my misery was not other people but was me. As if a giant lightbulb had been switched on in a dark room, I finally understood what I was doing to cause myself so much pain, so now I could stop it. I walked with this insight for a long time. The more I did, the greater the clarity about my anger descended upon me. My generosity toward others showed up at first in the form of enthusiastic championing, but eventually and sadly, caretaking and rescuing, taking responsibility for people who acted so irresponsibly they got into all kinds of trouble, usually financial.

about the author sonia choquette

Sonia Choquette is celebrated worldwide as Time and again I volunteered to come to their an author, spiritual teacher, rescue, until it wore me out. Always the classic hero six-sensory consultant, and saving the day—no wonder I was so angry. I was tired transformational visionary of this “Dudley Do-Right” act of mine. Those whom guide. An enchanting I rescued and supported came to expect it of me storyteller, Sonia is known for her delightful humor and because I did it so freely, and after a time they didn’t adept skill in quickly shifting even try to meet their needs or responsibilities on people out of psychological their own because they didn’t have to. and spiritual difficulties, and into a healthier energy flow. She is the author of 19 It was a good thing I had severed these internationally best-selling books about intuitive awakening, relationships—for everyone’s sake. personal and creative growth, and the transformational leadership capabilities that reside within, most notably with Excerpt from Walking Home: A Pilgrimage from the New York Times best-seller The Answer is Simple.

Humbled to Healed on the Camino de Santiago, by Sonia Choquette. Published by Hay House, RRP AU$22.95.

Find out more about Sonia at

SAGE magazine

SAGE spotlight - rosie Shalhoub, EMBRACE & FESTIVAL OF DREAMS through my dreams. Sometimes I have a lady that will come to visit me and show me an idea or tell me how to do something. I have no idea who this lady is but she always has the energy of Mother Mary, but dressed in modern clothing. Even as a child in school I always had an active imagination which won me many writing awards throughout my school years. Energy is a hard thing for me. I have Crohn’s Disease, which can slow me down quite a bit although I have been in remission for many years. I am also anaemic due to being a vegetarian. I tend to like my sleep a lot and when I’m tired I just cannot function. I find my peak hours of the day and I work to my maximum then. I am blessed to have great staff at Embrace which enables me to also take a lot of time off from working at the shop in order to get my work done. Rosie Shalhoub is a legendary Sydney retailer, a psychic and a visionary whose incredible energy and insight have made her shop Embrace at Miranda a destination for all spiritually-minded Sydneysiders. Most recently Rosie has become the motivating force behind the Festival of Dreams, a Spiritual Expo which is on again this year in Sydney at the Hordern Pavilion September 11 to 13, 2015. Festival of Dreams MC and Ambassador, Walter Mason spoke with Rosie about spirituality and not giving in to defeat:

How do you think we can keep our dreams in mind, and not g ive ourselves up to defeat, negativity or procrastination? There have been many times I have given in to defeat and procrastination. It always seems the easier thing to do. Sometimes it may last for a day sometimes only for a few minutes. I think you need those times to recover, recoup and get your head back into focus. It really is a normal part of the process of living. But not staying in that element is the hardest part. As a single mother of 8 year old twins, for the first 6 years of their little lives they have been my driving force. Having major deadlines is always a killer for me because I do tend to leave things to the last minute - I work best under the pressure. Besides, my partner Ross, who I swear has ADHD, doesn’t let me stop for a moment!

When I work I always like to have a candle lit, do a good meditation beforehand and have a great cup of coffee! Silence is my virtue. I cannot work with the television or radio on. I function best in complete silence. I love that sound.

Is there a quote that has really inspired you in your life? I know this might sound like a bit of a cliche...but I have always loved the quote from Martin Luther King: “I have a dream”! It has always inspired me, just as it offers hope to so many others.

You are a deeply spiritual person, but I am sure you must have people in your life who are not that way, who take a completely material view of life. What do you say to them? Try to convince them, or let them follow their own path? My partner! He is the love of my life but is not spiritual. I let them live their path and I maintain the spiritual practice that is important to me...prayer, silence and love time.

about the author

Where do you get your energy and ideas from?

Walter Mason is the MC of Festival of Dreams, spiritual tourist writer ... author of Destination Cambodia which is a celebration of a remarkable and resilient nation.

I have always received my great ideas in my sleep


SAGE magazine

BEINGREAL an excerpt and images from ”real” by victoria alexander

ENTER the draw to win your own copy of real visit page 51


‘Real’ is a book that feels like home. Lush papers bound with a breathtakingly beautiful colour that suggests the fabric of a Tibetan monk’s robe and captures the true essence of a Soul Traveller searching for the tactile – rich texture that suggests a life we love to live. A feast of photographs and wise words that sustain our appetite for simple joy served ‘au naturel’. Sacred signatures found in the most unlikely places, where we remember that life is good. “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” Rumi Tanya Allison, Sage Editor Being ’ real’ involves an appreciation of spiritual and visual beauty, of life in all its forms and an involvement in creating it, of things made naturally, of wood, and wool. The ’real’ world is a place where ageing, fading and blurring live happily alongside each other, and alongside the new and exciting. Being ’real’ is about looking around with awareness, knowing that time changes everything and that time to reflect is important. Contemplation is a given. We’re influenced by the books we read, the films we

watch, the music we listen to, the people we meet, the dreams we have and share, the conversations we choose to engage in; what we take from them makes us who we are. The sounds we choose to hear, the air we choose to perfume, the light we surround ourselves with; every single moment matters. The most adventurous journey is the one to our self. We all gain a sea of knowledge to share. There is security in knowing who you are and living in a way that is true to yourself.

SAGE magazine

Not all things that are amazing appear so - the uncertainty of a first touch, the frailty of a lost thought, the hardship of ordinary men and women who earn their living through the strength of their bodies and put their destiny to the test as task follows task to create a product that’s real. It’s seen in the vegetables they produce, the bricks they make, the cargoes they load. Their work is truly creative, the produce or the product the living evidence of their worth. Some eke out a simple, but hard, living, throwing fishing nets or ploughing and threshing on the land. Being real means knowing that adversity strengthens your foundations, simplifying your approach, following your heart, finding purpose in your life (have you found your ikigai, or dharma?), not making money the main goal because you realise that following your heart will lead to success, recycling and upcycling that which exists, and being open, non-judgemental and generous. Feeling alive involves taking risks and believing in

ideas that might live or die; the ride is the adventure. Being real means breaking establishment rules, or, better still, not caring to know about them; trust yourself to come up with better stuff, your own unselfish rules made to suit all those you come in contact with. Being real is about valuing the importance of craft and culture, both traditional and contemporary. Embrace the old Buddhist word mottainai , meaning ’don’ t waste what nature gives you’. It has ties with a Shinto idea that I like very much: that objects have souls. Simple, soulful, things matter ... natural linen in all its hues, calico, muslin, hand-knits or not in pure wool, alpaca and cashmere, tweed, silk, ceramics thrown or moulded by hand, brown paper, tissue paper (almost any paper) , string, natural dyes , hand-woven rugs , works of art too varied to name, water, the power of a pair of scissors or other tools in someone’s hands, the preciousness of wood and


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growth. Being real is about remaking and reusing in a clever way. Your way is all it takes to make it clever. There is dignity in things made with craftsmanship and to last. Real things are unassuming, but essential. They have strength of character and happily breeze through life’s natural process ; they are understated and vulnerable to the effects of age and weather and are warm to the human touch. They fade, rust, stain, discolour, tarnish, warp, shrink, shrivel and crack. Nicks, chips, scars, peeling, dents and irregularities form part of their story and tell of their history of use, or misuse. They are tactile and have a presence all their own. Always useful, simplicity is often at their core. Small is beautiful. Living authentically involves appreciating life’s patina and the importance of acceptance without judgment, paying respect to the past while building the future, and showing due deference to creativity. There is courage in kindness, a robust sense of empathy and curiosity in abundance. To be brave is to be honest. It’s more than okay to go against the grain, to stand up for yourself and to stand up for others. Be a doer. Doers do. They mix with other doers. Make real things happen. Be inventive enough to find your own style - it’s wonderful enrichment for the soul. Help

stamp out that all too common greater concern with goods rather than people. Work with feeling and heart and by following your instinct. Following your heart is the key to opening many doorways. Our paths are found in our hearts. Endless possibilities and purposes exist within us all.

about the author

VICTORIA ALEXANDER was a fashion editor for Vogue and Cosmopolitan, one of Sydney’s original stylists and an art director. She established The Film Business, The Russell Hotel and The Bathers Pavilion. After selling Bathers’, Victoria relished completing her BFA (Hons) and feels privileged to have visited 60 countries. She is the creator of a range of individual homewares made with textiles, mostly vintage, collected on her travels. Her other successful books are The Bathers Pavilion Cookbook, One and Colour. She believes following your instincts leads to a balanced life and contentment. Real: Living a balanced life by Victoria Alexander RRP: $59.99 Extent: 320 Hardback Visit to purchase.

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REdiscovering the new age of music


shayne locke looks at the changing face of conscious music and where it is heading next

SAGE magazine

Conscious Music From New Age to One Tribe The term “new age” has a lot to answer for. The least of which is cultivating a concept within our minds of elevator music in shopping centres or nature sounds mixed with wind chimes. Is it any wonder the countless number of musicians under the title of new age have always struggled to have a voice in mainstream media. Nearly two years ago when we started Soul Traveller Radio, we began digging into a genre that was at that point unnamed. The best label we could come up with was positive music, but was it all positive, especially when the songs had a hard hitting message about war or the environment?

mark johnson’s playing for change

These four pillars form the cornerstones of a foundation that is becoming stronger and much larger as the level of consciousness in the world is being raised. Whether it is personal change or changes in our spiritual/physical environment, the fact remains that with change comes a new awareness, an understanding that we can no longer live by hard and fast dogmatic rules. This is the essence of change itself...pushing boundaries and challenging our rules.

Likewise conscious music is going through a growth, evolving into something much more transparent and in touch with the four pillars. And it A discussion with one of our first contacts within the isn’t going to stop. unnamed genre, Murray Kyle, uncovered a term that was to form the backbone of the station and open I had a rather heated discussion with one of the us up to a whole world of varied forms of music, not “new age music” promoters who was adamant that just the new age style. The term was “conscious conscious music was just a fad and new age music music” and it is time for conscious music to step out would always survive. At about that point I began to from the “new age closet” to stand on its own. It is ask her what she would consider new age. time for the rise of conscious music. Granted there were artists who could definitely be Just over twelve months ago, we published an considered new age like Lia Scallon, Terry Oldfield, article on “The Rise (and Rise) of Conscious Music. Paul Avgerinos or the Grammy award winning It explained that in order to be defined as conscious album Samsara by Ricky Kej and Wouter Kellerman music it had to adhere to the core fundamentals however I then quickly rattled off a whole range of or what we called the “Pillars” - songs about love; music (that I knew wouldn’t be defined as new age) songs about the Divine; songs about social impact; like: and songs that come from a place of pure energy.

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Kirtan/mantra (Simrit, Deva Premal & Miten, JaiJagdeesh, Sacred Earth, Edo & Jo, Krishna Das, Jai Uttal & Dave Stringer); Folk Rock (Trevor Hall, Nahko, Dustin Thomas, Michael Franti, Tom Francis, Shawn Gallaway, Leo Drioli); Reggae/Rap (Bob Marley, Ziggy Marley, Soja, Blue King Brown, MC Yogi, Srikalogy) Folktronica/Electronic Digital Music (David Starfire, The Polish Ambassador, Ayla Nereo, Deya Dova, Solon, DJ Drez) World Music (Peia, Coloured Stone, Rocky Dawuni, Sika, Playing for Change) The change has occurred. New age music is merely one facet of the diamond that is now known as Conscious Music. What was restricted in the minds of the public to Enya, celtic music and whale songs, has grown into something much bigger and a whole lot more exciting. One music encompassing so much more. One tribe all dancing to the beat of a new drum.

a Bottle to Uplift Festival, the spotlight is focusing on Conscious Music as the new standard - even if we don’t know what it is called yet. A perfect example was this year’s Bluesfest that featured no less that 12 conscious music artists and Woodford Folk Festival who dedicated a whole tent to conscious music. But does it or should it stop there. It is the deepest desire of Soul Traveller Radio to not be one of the only stations that plays conscious music. Just this week we had a discussion with several conscious music artists who expressed the desire to go mainstream – not just be heard in new age stores, yoga studios and mind body spirit festivals, but rather be readily available everywhere, heard on every radio station. Already we are seeing the rise with community stations airing shows like Accentuate the Positive, college radio stations playing kirtan music, it is just a matter of time before we see conscious artists with songs on the charts, selling out concert halls around the world.

From the gentle tones and healing music of artists like Wah! to the rock of Travis Caudle...This is the Equally exciting are the festivals that are developing music we want, we just haven’t known what it was.... around a culture that is suddenly demanding change. until now. From Bhaktifest to Bali Spirit Festival, Lightening in

labels for change jumpsuit records Along with the change in Conscious Music comes the new style of label known as the Artist Collective. Jumpsuit Records is a perfect example. Their founder, The Polish Ambassador started it as a label and it evolved into a collective where ”artists are aligned in a common vision to utilize music as a vehicle for visible, positive change; for our planet, for our growing community and for the beauty of our creative spirit.” Other Jumpsuit artists include Ayla Nereo, Peia and The Human Experience. For more information visit their website -

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FESTIVALS for change BHAKTIFEST, LIB, wAnderlust Like the music, festivals are also on the brink of change. There is a culture that is growing within the conscious music scene to hold festivals that are environmentally sustainable and spiritually intoxicating rather than destructive and reliant on other substances to have a good time. Festivals such as Bhaktifest were created with devotion in mind and modelled in part on Woodstock with a near 24 hour schedule. At any point day or night, the festival goer can find themselves immersed in blissful bhakti with the multitude of kirtan artists performing. Bhaktifest has become a festival standard and has now branched out into 3 festivals spread throughout the year, attracting some of the best names in Kirtan. Visit With a slightly different approach, Wanderlust brings in elements of mindful living. A combination of yoga and meditation instructors, musicians, speakers,

artists, and chefs for a more transformational styled event. The festivals around the world have been so successful, Wanderlust now runs several mini day events that include more activities and dj’s in a nature setting. Visit The other huge festival held every year is Lightening in a Bottle (or LIB). Held annually in California in May, LIB has taken a lead from the huge Burning Man Festival by creating a total immersion experience. Multiple tents with everything from electronic to folk music, camping onsite (or glamping for those who can afford it) and an ethos that has become as important as the festival itself. LIB focuses on sustainability, education, energy management on free water. A drug free event, LIB is encouraging other conscious music festivals to take a stand as well to create an experience reliant on the music and the community. Visit

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Soul Traveller Radio free downloads

Support conscious music and the artists by giving a tip when you download!

Tanya Allison takes you on a live recorded guided meditation with the help of SOLON. Click here to download the full meditation. Visit the SOLON website for Oed Und Leer Das Meer

The soundtrack for the new film Noble is now available at Noisetrade. With 20 songs by some of the best indie female artists around today. Click here to download

Jon Foreman is releasing four new EP’s and to celebrate, he is giving away something old and something new with a Noisetrade EP. Click here to download

Brand new remix album from one half of the Dub Kirtan All Stars, David Starfire. For a limited time grab his Reflection EP Click here to download


Soul Traveller Radio all conscious music CONSCIOUS MUSIC SPOTLIGHT Find out more about the latest conscious music. Click the album cover to read the review.

Deva Premal & Miten with Manose Songs for the Sangha Available June 23 from White Swan

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Travis Caudle - Your Little Trick Available Now from iTunes Enter to win a copy here

Madi Das - Bhakti Without Borders Available Now from iTunes Read the STR Review Here

Sacred Earth - KuTumba Available Now from Sacred Earth Read the STR Review Here

Ben Lee - Love Is The Great Rebellion Available Now from iTunes

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Shamanic symbols & Shifting paradigms

the magical journey of mugwort


Š images courtesy of mugwort

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”sky diamonds”


”white tara”

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”wolves of the dreamtime”


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”golden elixir” -


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”galactic sunset”

about mugwort Mugwort (Isaac Mills) is an emerging digital artist and designer embarking on unique explorations into the realms of visionary art. Using artistic expression as a vehicle for spiritual exploration, he believes that though art and imagination we can deepen our understanding of ourselves, our interconnectedness with all things, and inspire social change. The name ‘Mugwort’ derives from the plant Mugwort Artemisia, a herb used since ancient times to enhance lucid dreaming and astral projection. Alongside his partner and main collaborator Kaery Wind, he explores a multitude of artistic approaches and mediums.

“I seek to represent imaginal journeys and dreams as crystallized visions, in order to help remind the waking world of the dreaming. Practicing visual art since early childhood, drawing and painting have always been natural outlets. When I switched to digital painting in 2009, I discovered that with this new medium I was able to portray my visions more accurately, in higher resolution.

Many of my pieces start as concept sketches of ideas or visions I’ve had, and transform into finished images through a dynamic creative evolution. I use several programs and a wide variety of digital techniques and custom tools, relying on my sense of composition, balance, and narrative. By employing a synthesis of From digital painting, illustration, largedrawing, digital painting, graphic design, scale installations and live audio-visual and sampling, I rely on intuition to guide the performance, he increasingly taps into the ascetic evolution of an image. I am drawn dynamic potential of digital media. Much towards archetypal imagery with narrative of his gallery work is thematically centred potency, and imagery that is highly textured on transformation, archetypal forces, shifting paradigms, animals, and shamanic and patterned. The Wacom tablet is my preferred tool. My inspirations come from symbolism. Hailing from the east coast of Canada, Mugwort migrated to the forested my dreams, epiphanies, moments of lucidity shores of the west coast where he currently in everyday life, nature, sound and love.” resides. His art has been displayed at For information visit Mugwort’s website galleries and festivals all across Canada, here. the US, Europe and Australia.



MOELOCO THONGS...Enter Here REAL...Enter Here Thanks to Moeloco, we have 5 pairs of the ”Dream Crazy” flip flops to give away.... Visit Sage Magazine here to be in the draw

We are giving away 3 copies of the beautiful book by Victoria Alexander, Real thanks to Murdoch Books....Enter at Sage Magazine Here



Thanks to Alana Fairchild and Blue Angel Publishing we have 6 copies of The Journey of Love Oracle Cards...Enter here to win...

West Australian rocker Travis Caudle has 5 copies of his new EP available. Enter the draw at Soul Traveller Radio here.

SAGE magazine

Signs of life understanding spiritual aspects of symbols by peter dean


the ba

In issue five we dealt with an ancient Egyptian symbol, called the Ka. We found out that it was of similar significance to the Karma. Now let’s talk about the Ba, which could be best described as something like the Indian concept of Dharma. The Ba might best be interpreted as the spirit or the spiritual and, at the same time, material manifestation of a person. But concepts like the Ba are very hard to understand, since the ancient Egyptians had a completely different set of beliefs. However, for them, the Ba was an important part of all human beings. It formed the individuality of its bearers. Without it, people would lack the life force making them unique and interesting. Over the millennia the Ba underwent some transformations of its meaning. During the New Kingdom, for instance, it was believed that it barely survived during one’s lifetime and only came into being at death. Many depictions of the Ba show it

hovering over a mummy or entering a tomb. Quite frequently statues portraying the deceased were buried with them, to make sure that the Ba could find the right mummy.

what does the ba mean to you? In the past, too many people have tried to put you down and control you. Although you sometimes felt like giving in or giving up, your strong nature saved you from going to pieces. You were sometimes quite puzzled how you survived the onslaughts against all odds. But you did, and you finally got out of the vicious cycle of being the victim. You discovered your inner strength and made it work for you. You smelled the fresh air of freedom. Nothing and nobody will push you back into a life in the shadows. Now it is time to find your true nature. Or rather, rediscover it, because, deep down, you have always known who you are and what you are capable of. Just dig out your talents and make them shine. You will be surprised how much you can achieve. Don’t waste your time with regrets. Mulling over

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everything that has happened, or hasn’t happened. Let the past be the past, and concentrate on today’s challenges and tomorrow’s successes. Unbeknownst to you, people are waiting to get to know you and become your friends and supporters. But be careful! Don’t let this new development go to your head. It is understandable that you feel excited, however, don’t get carried away with yourself. Keep it to yourself and only share it with people who you have learned to trust. The symbol of the Ba can also be used in meditation or self-reflection. By concentrating on it, you will find answers about yourself which have remained hidden. An excellent way to become one with yourself.

About PETER DEAN Peter Dean lives in Australia. He has been involved with symbols for over twenty-five years. He has given many lectures and workshops on the subject. Using his very personal symbolcards, he has been able to counsel and help innumerable people in Australia, Europe and the United States. To ask Peter a question, contact Sage Magazine.

everyone has a symbol

what’s your symbol? PETER DEAN PRESENTS

Your Celtic Oracle connect with Your celtic symbol The ancient Celts were very spiritual people. It was important to them to live in harmony with the environment and to be connected to the forces of the universe. They believed in the power of the symbols. They used them as protective and guiding tools. These images did not die with the ancient gods. They are as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago. Peter Dean presents his latest book of symbols...Your Celtic Oracle


”Definitely a ”must read” for anyone interested in this subject” Anne M, Amazon Customer

available noW FROM:

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DREAM CRAZY living & learning that from the ordinary comes the extraordinary by kathy wong


picture courtesy of The Hope Foundation Visit

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DREAM CRAZY Growing up in an Asian family in Sydney is interesting to say the least, and, being a banana, an Australianborn Chinese, and the oldest of three children born to migrant parents, Malcolm and Jan Wong, was a double whammy for me.

They also taught me the value of family, very much the Asian thing too, plus hard work, honesty, respect and kindness. My parents are the most generous, giving people you could meet. They sacrifice everything, even themselves, for their kids.

My mother arrived in Australia at age 6, fleeing the Japanese during World War 2, and was sent in a submarine from New Guinea, where she was born, to Australia. She came with her mother and at that time two sisters, one of whom was born in the jungle as they were fleeing the Japanese. My grandmother wanted to leave the newborn, my Aunty Edna, as she felt she could not take three children under such dire circumstances.

My childhood was very short. I remember accompanying Dad in his big truck before I was school age as he ran from house to house delivering fresh fruit and veggies that he would have to buy at the markets before the sun was up. On one of these trips I was almost run down in the truck. Mum would be in the payphone all the time with her pennies making the phone calls to customers for their orders. At this time Dad held down two other jobs, driving a taxi and working at nights in a Chinese restaurant. I grew up with very little time being spent with my parents.

Luckily the oldest girl, Margaret, would not have it and took charge of the baby. The girls all arrived in Sydney. They were separated from their father, and it was not until about six months after their arrival that they received a telegraph that my grandfather had been sent to Melbourne and the Australian government would reunite them soon. My father was sent to Australia at the age of 16, to make a living and help support the family in China. He is the third oldest boy, and there are five siblings. His father had been quite a wealthy man, but when the Japanese invaded Dad’s motherland, their family too had a terrible time. My other grandfather had a business in gunpowder and so the Japanese wanted his business and took him as a prisoner in his own house. When this happened my father’s family lost all their wealth. When Dad arrived in Australia he had a distant uncle who gave him a job sweeping the floor of his fruit and vegetable shop. Dad pretty much had to fend for himself. Not long after he arrived in Australia, both Dad’s parents died suddenly, and he was not able to even get to their funeral as he had no money for the ticket back home. Life for both my parents was difficult and they both grew up with so much fear, which is understandable, given their backgrounds. ‘You don’t trust anyone’, ‘You must be rich’, and ‘Having no money is a terrible thing’, are some of the fears they tried to instill in me. The other strong message was that security is everything in life. On top of this was the Asian cultural thing where you do not ever show your true face because it’s just not done. It’s a sign of weakness – so emotions were never really expressed and shared in our family.


After these jobs, Dad managed to start a Chinese restaurant himself, and we lived above the restaurant. I was around eight and loved walking around talking to customers with my coloured pencils and drawing paper. Mum and Dad were always working 364 days year. Christmas Day was a holiday. I can only remember three family holidays together as a child. When my brother and sister came along I had to take care of them while Mum and Dad worked. I was in my early teens then, wanting to just play with my friends and not be tied down to my siblings, and, as I passed this age and became a young adult I found that I felt very stifled not being able to spend the time with my friends because of this responsibility. It was the restaurant that allowed me to connect with adults and I became very comfortable talking to all types of people. I also felt the experience of being a business owner and I knew then that one day I would own my own business.

it’s okay to be not okay

After finishing my degree in design I had wanted to travel and work overseas. However, I found myself in two art director jobs immediately after completing college and engaged to a Chinese man my parents adored. With my art director roles I again played the responsible one, nurturing the other designers who reported to me. It was very scary, as I was so green myself. After a brief 16-month work career, where I questioned my abilities to handle the pressures of the design and advertising world, I started my own design business from the bedroom of our family home. Dad did not take me seriously that I was going to be an entrepreneur. He said I would just get married and have babies, because that’s what all good Chinese girls did. Well I did neither of those things in fact. I was engaged twice, lived in sin before getting married, and got divorced, had several miscarriages, and I was unable to bear children.

much about people and myself. I had so many incidents of being ripped off. There was the neurotic pregnant studio manager, the bipolar suicidal receptionist and the pedophile sales manager, to mention a few. I was fortunate that, after seven years of fumbling along, making loads of mistakes, I could start going to both business courses and personal development workshops, and I got a life / business coach. My thirst for all of this rapidly accelerated. When I got burnt out I began my education into heath and wellness while seeking out spirituality too. I was able to live the dream for nine years during this time of healing myself, re-energising and getting in touch with my heart. I do remember going to a workshop where the trainer greeted me with, “Wow you are heading for an iceberg”. Having spent a lifetime of rescuing others and never nurturing myself, I needed to learn why I did this. I discovered that the martyr complex had been passed down through my parents and that I had real issues myself. My identity was all tied up in wanting so badly to be a good person at a cost to myself. It’s taken me many years to know who I am. I believe I know this very well now but still fall into old patterns of behaviour. When I do, I try not to beat myself up, and instead sit in this realisation, allowing it to pass.

seeking your purpose is very sexy

All of this has led me to be called to do what I’m doing today. This happened in February this year when I just woke up with an incredible desire to make a difference. I know this must sound cliched, but it’s true! It was very surreal really. I did try to ignore it. However, we all know how that works. The more you avoid, the more you get chased. Once I realised there was no escape I went looking for how I could make this difference. I have always loved people. I am a true extrovert most of the time – people re-energise me. I decided to create I know that for so much of my life I felt I had to prove a heartcentred community. I was so sick of the way myself to my father. I had always been such a Daddy’s humans are so disconnected from one another. I felt girl. I wanted to be financially successful, and that’s at first all that mattered. Once I started my design so many people were craving oneness, but how would I business I made good money, travelled every year and help? had all the toys and material possessions I wanted. I have always loved words, positive quotes and Of course both my parents were very proud of me, especially Dad, who loved to brag about his daughter. I affirmations. They have helped me so much in my life. That was my starting point to finding my tribe. I was on a mission to retire at 45, which I did. started a FB and Instagram page under the name Soul Republic. When I began this journey of sharing powerful I loved what I was doing for most of that time until visuals with words I wanted to inspire and connect to the last three to four years of my design business. I others, yet I had no idea about social media. It was a burned myself out and I was totally out of balance. My steep learning curve. However, it’s opened up amazing 19 years as an entrepreneur was the best personal relationships with many people, now dear friends. development experience I could have had. I learnt so

SAGE magazine

This was further evidence to me that it did not matter where in the world one might be – the power of human connection is so strong it can transcend any physical limitations. After a few months, I was down at the beach sunbaking when I decided to do a thong, or flip flop as they are known internationally, which could carry my messages of inspiration while leaving an imprint in the sand too. I love thongs because they are associated with relaxation, good times at the beach and on holiday, and they are fun! I love the lifestyle around this iconic Australian footwear. I always feel calm and happy when I have my thongs on.

ordinary becomes extraordinary through others I had already seen the difference I was making on my social media page with strangers reaching out sharing their deepest feelings with me, and telling me how much they loved the positivity of my platform. I’ve had many tell me how they look forward to my daily posts, that they make their day, and how much I inspire them. I knew that I could be the example to show that anyone can do extraordinary acts if they have a village behind them, and this is how Moeloco was born. Moeloco means dream crazy, and its meaning is very personal to me because it reflects my craziest dream yet, which is to reduce world poverty. Moeloco is a social cause brand based on a one-forone business model. For each Moeloco we donate a pair of school shoes to a child in poverty through our collaboration with the Hope Foundation which runs orphanages in one of the poorest areas in the world, Calcutta. Being on the ground in India the local staff have access to purchasing the canvas shoes required for school. The one thing in my life I would have changed if I could have was to be a mother, but I believe everything happens in life for a reason. I knew that one day I would work with children, and here I am. I cannot wait till I am able to visit the orphanages next year and see the kids in our shoes.

it’s in our togetherness that miracles are created

ENTER the draw to win your own Pair of Moelocos visit page 51

The vision I had was very clear. However, I had no idea how I could make this happen. I just kept sharing my story and literally people showed up with all sorts of help. Friends with creative, marketing expertise, strangers who have mentored me or provided business services and needed resources, not wanting anything in return but to be part of what I’m building, has left me sobbing in disbelief and humbled by their generosity. Finding a charity to work with I discovered was one of my greatest challenges. Finding Hope Foundation was through another new relationship. This social enterprise has materialised so quickly – seven months is remarkable when you consider I had no prior experience in retail manufacturing or social cause. My family have been very supportive. Mum delivered home-cooked meals regularly as she knew I was not eating properly. Dad accompanied me to China as my


interpreter for the manufacturing. My husband brought me continuous cups of tea and was simply there for me, and he and my brother had a ready supply of positive words of encouragement in my darkest moments. There has been no shortage of help, which has just spurred me on. The support keeps growing. The Universe keeps connecting me with like minded individuals wanting to support this change. I feel so blessed to be given the opportunity to step up and hopefully cause change. Life really is better in flip flops.

being vulnerable is the greatest human connector This crazy dream has been so scary, not knowing anything about retail, manufacturing, or social enterprise. While saying this though my intention is clear and pure; so I know I will succeed. While I have been so focussed on helping these kids, I must not fall into my own patterns of behaviour where I put myself second and affect my health and well-being. I really want to enjoy this journey and must pull myself

up all the time and remind myself that it’s not a race, although I continually make myself feel I want to get to that finishing line as quickly as possible. My next scary part of this adventure is the scalability of the business and finding suitable retailers. I want to work only with those who have the same values and desires. Website only: About The Author Kathy Wong, founder of Soul Republic and Moeloco, has a burning passion to inspire a community of individuals, encourage them to hope, to live their dreams, to create change and take meaningful action in the world around them. Visit

SAGE magazine


THE Secret Society OF The GREAT WHITE PYRAMID by shayne locke

SAGE magazine

THE GREAT WHITE PYRAMID There is a legend of a great white pyramid that stands 1,000 foot high in the Chinese province of Qin Lin near Xian. Towering over the Great Pyramid in Egypt, the White Pyramid stories began to surface, during WW2, when a pilot named James Gaussman reported seeing a white topped pyramid during a flight from China to India in 1945. A story was printed in the New York Times with a picture attributed to Gaussman. “I banked to avoid a mountain and we came out over a level valley. Directly below was a gigantic white pyramid. It looked like something out of a fairy tale. It was encased in shimmering white. This could have been metal, or some sort of stone. It was pure white on all sides. The remarkable thing was the capstone, a huge piece of jewel-like material that could have been crystal. There was no way we could have landed, although we wanted to. We were struck by the immensity of the thing.” Since then the White Pyramid has become a legend in an area that is a forbidden zone in China, with the

government denying its existence along with 100 or so other pyramids scattered throughout the region that is also renowned for the Xian tombs and the Terracotta Army. With the help of Google Earth, we can be sure the pyramids exist, however is the White Pyramid nothing more than the Maoling Mausoleum or is it a long guarded secret that forms the basis of an underground society in China? If it does exist, is it man-made or alien in nature? Is it the structure the Chinese refer to as the Materially Immortal Pyramid located in the Chinese version of Roswell?

the pool of mercury

Around 200 BC, a great emperor existed known as Qin Shi Huangdi and was responsible for starting the Great Wall of China and creating an army of life sized terracotta warriors – 8,000 in total. Chinese historian, Sima Qian noted that the emperor was buried in a 150 foot high pyramid, that took 7,000 people 20 years to


build. When the structure was completed, those who knew where the entrance was, were silenced by being entombed alive. To further disguise the entrance, the pyramid was covered with earth and grass to give the impression of a natural hill - a strategy which is strangely present in the smaller Xian pyramids of today!

mercury is likened to filling the tomb with uranium or plutonium in current value and the potency, equally as deadly.

the secret society

Although the tomb has been discovered, due to the high mercury levels that are present even after 2000 years, the tomb has been left alone. So what is in the The tomb was well-protected against grave robbers, with arrays of hundreds of crossbows with mechanical tomb that the 1st emperor went to such great lengths to protect? triggers targeted to kill anyone who broke into the tomb. Inside the tomb-chamber the hundreds of waterExplorers, grave robbers and even the Chinese courses, resembling the Chiang [the Yangtze River] government have left the tomb alone. If an entire and the Ho [the Yellow River], together with the great terracotta army stands outside his tomb, then what sea, were all imitated by means of flowing mercury, secrets lie inside? Surely it cannot just be the treasure and there were machines which made it flow and worth billions of dollars. Why then has the Chinese circulate. In addition to the 1,400 terracotta statues government not entered the tomb and retrieved these that surround the tomb, the cost of the presence of

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treasures, if for no other reason than to make use of the astronomical wealth they represent? Is the secret that is guarded so heavily, one that will have a resounding effect on the world we know and lead us to the location of the true White Pyramid, guarded by an ancient society? Is the White Pyramid in its ultimate form another dimension... a Shambhala, a portal into another world...not exisiting in this dimension but beyond, preparing the immortal task of carrying out the intervention needed when an entire civilization stumbles toward its end?

mt kailash

There is one possibility however into the mystery of the White Pyramid other than some sort of interdimensional disappearance, one shared by author of “Chariot of the Gods”, Erich von Daniken and researcher, Hartwig Hausdorf - the Chinese White Pyramid is Mt Kailash, that is said by Russian scientists to be a man-made structure containing tunnels and chambers that link to smaller pyramids surrounding it. The first sighting of the White Pyramid by Gauffman wasn’t in China, rather Eastern Tibet. Legends surrounding Mount Kailash include the tip of the pyramid mountain made of crystal and the “Lady

Gathsiva, the Divine Feminine Being who sits upon the White Throne in the center of the main pyramid atop Mount Kailash. SHE is the birthing vessel for the One to come – the 13th Living Crystal Skull”. If Mt Kailash is the White Pyramid of legends, what is the reason for it’s existence and who put it there. We do know however that the symbolism and spirituality surrounding pyramids have captured the attention of many throughout the world, who regularly pilgrimage to the great pyramids with a thirst for knowledge and a quest for immortality. In the next issue of Sage Magazine we will look at the legends surrounding Mt Kailash and the link to the other great pyramids; the ley lines that link the pyramids together and the Atlantean connection. Shayne Locke is the Program Director of Soul Traveller Radio and Producer of Sage Magazine. After many years supporting Independent Music, Shayne is now taking his music passion and combining it with his own personal conviction to help bring conscious music to the world through Soul Traveller, an Internet Radio Station. E: W:



FESTIVAL OF DREAMS - 11 to 13 September 2015 Dreams is a place where our visitors can be free to be themselves and explore a variety of practices and beliefs that will be presented by professional and true to form experts who have been selectively hand picked.

Festival of Dreams is on again and this year promises to be bigger and better...bringing in a slice of Hollywood with special celebrity guests Elder Saginaw Grant and Rick Mora presenting the 2 Hour Live Show - Native American Wisdom. This year also sees the inclusion of Jai-Jagdeesh, Kundalini and sacred chant artist from America presenting her Authentic Voice Workshop and Ahmed El-Fayed, whose family holds the esteemed position of acting as caretakers for the Sphynx.

Festival of Dreams is fuelled by a desire for people to discover the spirit within and open themselves up to the possibilities they have only dreamed of. It is the open doorway where you can nourish your soul, believe in magic, love your life and be who you truly are!


Sydney’s renowned Hordern Pavilion Entertainment Quarter, 1 Driver Ave, Moore Park NSW 2021 The Hordern Pavilion is Sydney’s well known venue located in Moore Park, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, on the grounds of the old Sydney Showground.

Held over 11 to 13 September, the Festival of Dreams when? is three massive days of rippling spine chilling heart energy, inspiring exhibitors, world renowned healers, Friday 11th September international celebrities, seminars and workshops, Saturday 12th September psychic readings, soulful entertainment, heartfelt Sunday 13th September meditations and more - all to elevate and celebrate life. 10am – 6pm daily The Festival is the brainchild of Rosie Shalhoub, tickets cost a psychic and visionary who has been an active member of the industry for 25 years. Her vision is General Admission Adults – $25 at the door and $20 to create a space based on ethical standards that online (save 20%) - Click Here uphold and deliver the highest quality of spirit and light workers from all over the world. This dream has now become a reality as she hosts some of the best To buy tickets for Rick Mora and Elder Saginaw Grant Show + General Admission - Click Here names in our industry who are all a part of her vision.

what is “festival of dreams”?

Festival of Dreams was created by the strong need in our spiritual market for a gathering of like-minded individuals who work with integrity, ethics and strong spiritual values. Festival of Dreams primary goal is to stand as a catalyst for spirituality, personal transformation, wellbeing, health, fitness, self-empowerment, education, community, love and togetherness. We believe that life can be awesome, fabulous, positive, empowered and inspirational! Festival of

To purchase tickets for the Authentic Voice Workshop with Jai-Jagdeesh + General Admission - Click Here

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scott podmore presents

conscious Travel awaken your senses to a different style of travel … one that’s responsible, ethical, environmentally friendly and healing. a conscious approach to travel. sage magazine’s world of discovery just expanded.

SAGE magazine

Journey Into Spain join cheryl slater with part 2 of our journey into spain


SAGE magazine

wellbeing and eco-tourism in spain part 2

run retreats all year round and include yoga tuition, accommodation and a daily brunch. It’s perfect for those wanting a city break in Europe with yoga.

Step outside of retreat and you’re free to explore the history and culture of the city or spend the day at the On my mission to discover what Europe has to offer in beach. I recommended a couple of healthy vegetarian the name of wellbeing and eco-tourism, Spain is my and vegan places to eat on my last trip and wanted to first destination. I travelled to explore the holistic side add another two that I found this time around – Mother of this country and to seek out the best yoga, wellness BCN ( and and eco-friendly retreats to include in my ’Around the Biocenter ( Retreat Guide.’ us/) Read part one of my travels to Spain in the last issue of Sage Magazine here.

adventure yoga retreat

From Barcelona I travelled by train for a very scenic five and a half hour journey to Seville where I was to meet my ride to the magical Suryalila for a weeks My second trip began where my previous trip finishes, Adventure Yoga Retreat. As we got closer to the in Barcelona where I had discovered a new first Urban retreat centre the driver pointed out a white dome, Retreat – basically meaning a yoga getaway in an known as the OM dome - the magnificent landmark urban area and it happens to be located in the heart of of Suryalila. On arrival I was mesmerised by the views the city! Your asana’s are practiced on the roof terrace and vivid colours of the surrounding nature as Suyalila with spectacular views across the city with high quality sits on the edge of a stunning, mountainous national teaching from international teachers. Yoga Weeks park, in a large river valley overlooking agricultural land

urban retreat, barcelona


and in the far distance you can see the white lakeside village of Bornos. Suryalila is a composite of two Sanskrit words. Surya refers to the ancient sun god and lila means cosmic play (of the gods). Together the words mean “Cosmic Play of the Sun”. I really love their mission, which is beautiful and wanted to share it with you

’’The Mission of Suryalila is to be an enduring sanctuary where we fully support each other’s freedom, growth, creativity and highest potential. To all who come here we offer an experience of profound beauty, wholesomeness, human warmth, expansiveness and care. This is expressed by our joyfulness, our authenticity and our wholehearted dedication and careful attention to providing an environment where each individual guest and group leader feels nurtured and supported. We are guided by integrity, openness, kindness, and love. ’’ The Suryalila Team The energy of the place is buzzing, alive with the richness of Mother Natures wild flowers, rolling hills

and resident horses, birds, chickens and peacocks. I could spend forever talking about the beauty of Suryalila and even now when I imagine it I catch myself drifting off and smiling! Let me tell you about the epic adventures of the retreat and yoga in the OM Dome, which has been dubbed the most magnificent yoga hall in Europe and it certainly warrants the proclaimed title. We practiced yoga twice a day – a two hour flow class in the morning from 7.30 – 9.30 am with a set theme for each day which was carefully planned out by the retreat leader and teacher, Lidiya. Imagine watching the sunrise through the windows of the dome over the shimmering green and gold hills as you practice. It can only be described as a spiritual experience, being held in a sacred space, listening to the sound of the wind blowing around the dome from the stillness of the inside. The restorative hour long evening classes were well needed and welcomed after the epic adventures. This place is magical and healing. The walls of the dome have been beautifully decorated with colourful murals of Indian gods and Tibetan imagery, one of my favourite quotes is painted

SAGE magazine

on one of the walls by Hafez.

Totally worth mentioning is the exceptional five star rated and beautifully presented, healthy vegetarian ”And still, after all this time, the Sun has never said to and vegan food which was out of this world delicious. the Earth, ’You owe me.’.....Look what happens with Each day offered a different plethora of salads, love like that. It lights up the sky.” breads, fruits, vegetables, homemade jams and spreads, soups and creative vegan and vegetarian That’s exactly what the OM Dome does, it lights up the dishes. I wish I could of packed one of their amazing sky. chefs in my suitcase! The programme offered the perfect balance of daily adventures and yoga. Every day offered a different activity: Flamenco dancing, canyoning at the Green Gorge, a spectacular canyon that has been artfully carved by the streams of Pinar River, hiking the stunning Sierra De Grazalema national park, cycling the Green Way through tunnels in the Andalusian countryside on a former railway, now converted into a cycling and walking path, kayaking in Algar Lake and a trip to Ronda, the most famous white town of Andalucia. Doing activities outside of the centre created a special bond between our group of 14 people. We really did laugh, A LOT; and morale, camaraderie and spirits were high from day one as we cheered and helped each other break through our fear of heights as we abseiled down rocks, explored caves and jumped into pristine waters. This retreat is for the adventurous and sporty spirit who wants to be active throughout the day, all activities are optional though so if you’re shattered mid way through the experience and fancy a day off to lie by the pool (which I did) then you can! Don’t miss out on too much though as you will regret it when you get home, this is your chance to get super fit whilst having a whale of a time.

A week wasn’t enough on this amazing Yoga and Adventure retreat, even though I felt like I had been there a long time and part of the Suryalila family. All the staff and volunteers are super friendly and welcoming. It’s the kind of sanctuary that I have a vision of creating in the future. Suryalila will always have a place in my heart and soul, it’s a special place that everyone falls in love with. Namaste and happy travels. Where to next? I’ll be travelling to France, Portugal and Mallorca, starting off in Paris. Bon Voyage! Cheryl Slater is passionate about personal development, leadership, exploring the limits of the human potential, the universe, metaphysics, adventure, travel, science and technology, music and dancing, learning and helping others to fulfil their dreams. In addition to exploring retreats for her Around the World retreat Guide, Cheryl can be heard on her show ”The Conscious Revolution” on Soul Traveller Radio - Listen Here.


SAGE magazine

five to thrive

five experiences to nourish the soul with scott podmore

1. the deal - mahali mzuri safari camp, kenya When you book to stay for at least three nights at Mahali Mzuri, Sir Richard Branson’s Kenyan Safari Camp, you will get one night free. The offer is available for new bookings staying until July 31 2015. The venue has also extended its low seasons rate through until July 2015, with rates starting from USD $640 per person per night based on shared double occupancy including all meals, drinks, game drives and transfers from the nearest airstrip. Located in the exclusive Olare Motorogi Private Conservancy, witness some of the most diverse and fascinating wildlife Kenya has to offer where you’ll enjoy all the creature comforts, fun activities, delicious meals and more. From guided game drives to relaxing by the outdoor infinity pool, get set for a front row seat to view the great migration. To read about Sir Richard’s recent trip visit: More:

2. the attraction - the northern lights The Swedes have an affinity with nature, probably because most have access to a countryside cottage and spend as much time there as they can foraging for mushrooms and berries, swimming in a lake, relaxing with family and friends and enjoying an unspoiled environment. It’s all about being sustainable and there’s no doubt they are such avid recyclers and that sorting household waste in Sweden gives you bragging rights. It may also be because Sweden has the Right of Public Access which gives everyone the right to roam pretty much anywhere in the countryside as long as they do not harm the environment. Still up in the heavens, the skies above the Aurora Sky Station at the Abisko National Park in Swedish Lapland, in the north, is one of the ultimate places in the world to see the Northern Lights. around the beginning of September (town of Kiruna) to around the end of March all over Swedish Lapland. More


3. the tour - ageless agra For a three-hour day tour with those in the know, it doesn’t get much better than this one with Urban Adventures. Get to know Agra the local way and explore the city’s hidden laneways, spice market, and religious mosques and temples, all on foot. Sample treats at a 200-year-old sweets shop, hop on a cycle rickshaw, and learn why Hindu families dress their idols. Hear the legends that have been passed down through generations and learn how modern-day India is reshaping itself. Finish it all up with the spectacular sight of the Taj Mahal from a secret spot. More:

4. the music - arise festival, colorado Denver, Colorado, comes alive on August 7-9 when the Arise Festival returns in the ultimate rocky mountain oasis. A magical and secluded landscape is the ideal natural venue to explore your creative potentials, connect with nature, stretch out, dive in, and dance to all hours. Organisers say “the intention of the festival is to facilitate and amplify that inspiration into real life action - theme camps give creative communities an opening to inspire the mingling of like minded souls, whether your interests are music, clothing, food, yoga, the subtle energies, activation, visionary art.” It’s time to immerse yourself in an outdoor space that turns into something special this August. More:

5. the cruise - awaken your psychic senses They say we’re all tuned in to having psychic abilities, but now’s your chance to unleash those talents with guidance from famous Australian psychic medium Mitchell Coombes on an eight-night South Pacific Cruise from November 26-December 4. Enjoy picturesque cliff-top views, secluded beaches, timeless caves and the power of the sea as they combine to create a relaxing backdrop to help you raise your vibration and heighten your intuitive and spiritual awareness. Departing from Sydney Harbour, set sail to Lifou (Loyalty Islands), known for its beautiful landscapes and secluded beaches, New Caledonia (Noumea), famous for its French Riviera atmosphere and luxury boutiques, and the Isle of Pines, revered for its untouched white sand beaches and nicknamed ”the closest island to paradise”. More:

SAGE magazine

transformational holidays

your guide to retreats around the world to change your life with cheryl slater


SAGE magazine

Welcome to Sage Magazine’s Recommended Retreats – Your Guide To Conscious & Transformational Holidays presented by Cheryl Slater of Soul Seed Media. This month’s we focus on healing and wellness in Thailand and Bali To reserve your spot on one of these life changing getaways, contact Cheryl at and check out the monthly ’Recommended Retreats’ guide for exclusive offers and promotions from around the world.

retreat 1 - awaken the goddess within you - transformational healing, thailand 14th – 20th november 2015

A sanctuary for women who want to reignite their passion and reconnect with the divine feminine. Led by Michele Cempaka, an energy healer, spiritual teacher and retreat leader in the international arena you will celebrate your inner goddess with dance, art and guided journeys to the transcendent realms - remembering her ancient wisdom and healing powers that are within all of us. Delving deep to uncover any limiting beliefs or programs that are holding you back in your life, so that you can be truly happy and empowered. The tranquil Museflower Retreat is nestled is located in Thailand’s far north in the Golden Triangle where the border meets Myanmar and Laos, Chiang Rai is a lovely place to explore Thailand’s exotic hill tribe cultures, beautiful Lanna (northern Thai) temples, arts and crafts, and go trekking by foot or elephant in the misty green hills. The cottages are clustered around a small lake for swimming or choose the Himalayan crystal salt water swimming pool, take nature walks, jog, or bike ride along the surrounding country lanes. Find out more and mention the promotional code ’MCHR2000’ to receive a 2000THB off voucher.


retreat 2 - bali bliss yoga & meditation 7th – 11th september 2015

Bali Bliss Retreats welcome you to take 5 days out of your busy schedule, to make time and space to clear your mind, detach from everyday grind, experience something new, wake up in paradise and detox your body and soul. Offering daily energising yoga classes, calming meditation, cleansing plant-based cuisine, and a serene environment to relax in and take some downtime to surf or lie by the pool. A substantial healthy plant-based menu has been designed to support the cleansing process and flush toxins from the body. It’s healthy and delicious food and you’ll be indulging in the likes of flourless coconut banana pancakes, watermelon cucumber mint gazpacho and wild Java almond orange vanilla ice cream. You will stay at the one of the gorgeous Uluwatu Surf Villas with its own kitchen, a rain shower, terrace and plunge pool, lush gardens and lawns overlooking the vast Indian Ocean on the cliff edge. The timber yoga pavilion is nestled between palm trees and banana leaves. Find out more and mention the promotional code ’Soul Seed Bali’ to receive a complimentary one-hour traditional Balinese massage.

SAGE magazine

retreat 3 - 5 day yoga retreat koh tao, thailand 14th – 19th september 2015

Experience 5 blissful days at the stunning Yoga Satra resort on Koh Tao, Thailand in September, the perfect time to visit the Island. Away from the mainstream, set in a natural, tropical landscape with a private beachfront. Spend your days practising yoga in an outdoor shala with spectacular sea views, swimming, snorkelling, relaxing, receiving massages and being fed amazing, healthy, homemade meals. This haven is for anyone who wants to get away from it all and pamper themselves. Suitable for all levels from beginners to advanced practitioners with plenty of personal attention. Find out more and mention the promotional code ‘Soul Seed Media’ to receive a complimentary 2 hour massage Cheryl Slater is passionate about personal development, leadership, exploring the limits of the human potential, the universe, metaphysics, adventure, travel, science and technology, music and dancing, learning and helping others to fulfil their dreams. In addition to exploring retreats for her Around the World retreat Guide, Cheryl can be heard on her show ”The Conscious Revolution” on Soul Traveller Radio - Listen Here.

A story spanning countries and cultures, creating unity from polarity and light from darkness. Christina Stevens’ ”Love: The Saint and the Seeker” ” has been my task to awaken those forgotten memories...Love. Simply Love...”

Christina Stevens

Join Christina on a journey from tinsel town to the heart of India in pursuit of an interview with Mother Teresa. What Christina finds is a journey of discovery, recognising a life’s calling and uncovering the most powerful force in the cosmos...Love... Learn How the Power of LOVE Can Transform Your Life Award-Winning International Best Seller Published By Hay House Find Out How - Go to and get your free LOVE gift



Ghosts & Ghoumas the story of kye crow


Treasures of my sacred path editor’s introduction Many times I have experienced a crystal literally lighting up before my eyes to get my attention, but never a book! Yet that is exactly what happened as I was moving a pile of ‘to read and review’ books off my kitchen table. I actually believe my body manifested flu symptoms so that I would slow down and surrender to this story. I was intrigued by the title “Ghosts and Ghoumas” as I did not even know what a ghouma was! As I began to read, I found myself immersed in the true story of goddess Kye Crow. I devoured this book in a few days and when it ended, I wanted more! May all Soul Travellers delight in the soul shine of this incredible journey – and just in case like me, you have never heard of a ghouma, it is a sacred stone and this is a description that Kye shares; “Emus are the keepers of the sacred stones, the ghoumas. They travel in the stomachs of emus to their next destination. Emus swallow stones to aid with their digestion and the desert ghoumas need to periodically be taken to a water hole where they sit and soak up the water. You see rocks and stones are much more porous than we think. They may sit there for decades, even generations . Times does not exist in their realm. When eventually they have soaked up all the moisture they can they will call out to an emu who will swallow them and take them far out into the desert, before pooping them out again. There is a divine law that like attracts like and these ghoumas, all plumped up and moist from there sojourn at a waterhole, have the power now to call in the rain. It’s a beautiful interactive cycle and just one of the ways that ghoumas help keep the balance on our earth.” Enjoy this ‘sneak peak’ ...

Tanya Allison, Editor.

fire goddess pele


excerpt from GHOSTS & GHOUMAS - Chapter 15 ”Sacred Love” On the third night, I was laying in bed beside Gill. The tips of our fingers were touching and I was about to drift off to sleep when I began to feel a presence that hadn’t visited me for a long time. When Gill had left, Rainbow Man had too. I had been deserted by them both. But now, in this moment in my simple camp, nothing else existed but the light that was flooding my being with an ease that hadn’t been there before— beauty and love were penetrating me to my core. I moved through joy into a space of ecstasy. I had never felt such bliss. Nothing was spoken, but I began to hear words inside my head and I began the only communication I’d ever had in pure thought.

our heads under our pillows and pretend it doesn’t exist. I know I’ve done that too, but I can honestly say it’s only when we face our shadows that our life is able to transform. The loving voice continued. ‘You have both come to learn that your sexuality is sacred. Each time you make love with someone, you connect your energy with theirs and absorb into your own energy field, not only the karmic load of the person you have merged with but all the men and women that merged sexually with them, and all the men and women that merged with them and on and on. You are no longer dealing with your own stuff; you’ve now got everyone else’s as well.’

‘You and Gill have walked through the darkness and each of your experiences has prepared you to be together in a conscious way.’ My response came in a wave of pure emotion—utter, joyful relief—that washed through me, bathing me in the radiance of its light. Tears were rolling down my face in thankfulness. I then felt a powerful surge of sheer unadulterated joy as I acknowledged what I had always known—Gill and I were destined to be together. I felt as if I was the waves crashing on the shore, and the ocean itself.

I was communicating with a being of such benevolence, of such compassion, such love. I felt absolutely safe and my tears flowed in openhearted thankfulness. If there were parts of me that had not yet been reached by the radiance and love of this angelic being, they were now. Windows everywhere had been flung open and light was streaming in.

And with this light came awareness. I knew why, when I’d given Gill a hug I’d felt crowded out by other women. He was still connected energetically ‘You have learnt that love for yourself begins within. with the women he’d loved since he’d left me. No one can give you what you are unable to give But most of all and this was such a huge relief. yourself. For the first time in your life you are ready It explained the tangled web I had been woven for Sacred Love. Gill’s journey has been different. into when I lived with Dan. He had been so The intensity of your connection with him brought promiscuous and never truthful, and I had existed up his own fear that he was losing himself. He so drained of energy, that I hadn’t even got the struggled with his loss of sexual freedom and it strength to crawl to the front door and leave, let was only when he reclaimed it, he realised that alone, fight my way out. There was even a time I what he’d gained was far less than the depths he’d became so weak I almost died. I was bound up like shared with you. It was a huge awakening for him a fly caught in a spider’s web. and opened up his heart. He can now walk beside you as your equal.’ All through our separation life had been trying to tell me we’d get back together, through the dream about my grandfather and that wily nine of cups card, and while in the beginning I’d clung to those messages and hoped, I’d reached a point when any self-respecting goddess could only acknowledge it was irrevocably over. Without letting go of Gill completely, I would never have reached that point of loving me. My journey through my darkness had challenged me, but it had been so full of gifts. It seems incredible to me now that so often we run from our pain. We put


‘So how do we avoid this and how do we separate energetically from previous partners?’ I asked. There was so much I wanted to ask him. ‘The answer to every question,’ he went on, responding to my thirst to know more, ‘is always LOVE. Love yourself and honour your body; it is your temple. So you ask how you can separate energetically? The divine evolvement of any relationship that ends in pain and betrayal is to recognise the lessons it was trying to teach you. When you attract relationships like this, it is because you are learning to love yourself and to honour the divine being you are. You have already discovered that if you don’t, no one else will. Each step, however painful at the time that took you to this place of awareness, is a gift. When you recognise what an incredible lifechanging gift this is, you will move beyond pain and anger and transform the energetic connection between you with gratitude and love. Then it will no longer have the power to drain you.’ ‘I understand what you are saying,’ I replied. ‘On one level I do feel gratitude for my old partner and everything I’ve learnt through being with him. But there are still times when unexpectedly something triggers a surge of anger towards him.’ ‘Imagine yourself as a ball of light with all these leads coming from you, like energetic telephone cables,’ Rainbow Man continued. ‘Most are bright and emanate light. Some are thin and some are thick; while others are dark and full of stuck energy. They connect you, not only with people but with animals, places, material objects, even addictions. Some of these cords are created through love, compassion, inspiration and appreciation, and they nurture and energise you. While others, created through fear, anger, jealousy or betrayal, are like predatory hooks into your energy field that have the potential to drain and deplete you. You can cut the cords of anyone or anything at any time, but until you have moved beyond the negative emotion that created the connection in the first place, you will never cut it completely, and it will continue to have power over you.’

you can find out more about kye and buy ”ghosts & ghoumas” from or

about the author Kye Crow lives in remote outback NSW with her partner Gill and a huge tribe of unwanted or previously abused animals. She is a sacred seamstress,a storyteller and a voice for the animals. Her next book Sacred Journey into the Animal Realms will be released in a few months. She is currently finishing her second book in the Treasures of my Sacred path series”Long Walk Home” which tells the story of how Kye and her partner Gill were guided to sell their lovely home, let go of their possessions and take off into the desert in a camel wagon ,built by Gill with over fifty rescued animals coming too, destination unknown! They travelled for three years,rescuing more animals as they travelled,until 2,200 kilometres later they were guided to their current home by spirit and told it would be their first Heart Centre Sanctuary. Long Walk Home will be available at the end of the year

SAGE magazine

ABOUT THE ARTIST Eva Annaluna is an artist, aura healer, dolphin guide and hostess at the retreat center Home Heart Hawaii on the Big Island. Together with her husband she facilitates Healing Holidays and introduces people to the world of the dolphins. Start dolphin dreaming today:

Star Dolphins Š Eva Annaluna


Dolphin Inspirations make love your compass by eva annaluna

What is it that makes swimming with dolphins such a magical experience? Why does it change people’s lives? I was asking myself these questions, as I sat down to write this Dolphin Inspiration. The past months the energies have been extremely challenging on the planet. We connect with people from around the world and it seems like it is more the rule than the exception, to hear about hardships and resistance on the path of awakening. Especially Lightworkers seem to get the full brunt of it, as they pave the road to freedom of the Soul and set an example for others. We use our machetes to create a pathway through the dense jungle called life, while feeling threatened by all the monsters of our subconsciousness, both personal and collective; they seem so real.

the cry of the earth

As we look around us, we see many decisions being made by our world leaders, that go against the positive vision of a renewed and peaceful world. We see how they have ’paved paradise and put up a parking lot’ as Joni Mitchell sang with her sweet, yet powerful voice for change in the late 60’s. The stark contrast between the Light and the dark is painful for many. Yet still ’some hearts don’t feel how it hurts, they don’t hear the cries of Mother Earth,’ as the contemporary peaceful warrior Nahko sings to the Great Spirit.

dolphin heart

If there is any heart that feels and knows, then it is the dolphin heart. When we swim beside a dolphin and look this beautiful Being in the eye, there is an instant feeling of being safe and loved. A wave of wisdom washes over us and time stands still. Suddenly there is nothing but an ocean of love surrounding us from the Soul of the dolphin. As she slowly surfaces to breathe and dive down, her graceful movements mesmerize us. Dolphins are attuned to their Higher Self, there’s no doubt about it. To be in their energy field is a healing experience and the amount of orbs that show up in our underwater pictures seem to confirm this.

pure love

I’m intrigued with the consciousness of the dolphins, as they live in multiple dimensions and embody their authentic spiritual essence. They seem to be all knowing, seeing through the many layers of illusion.

I am convinced that they are fully aware of a higher evolutionary plan on some level. Although they swim in the polluted oceans across the globe, deal with the effects of over fishing, are affected by underwater military experiments, while corporations destroy the coral reefs, they remain in a state of unconditional love. When we encounter the wild dolphins, the vibrations that we feel are that of pure love and acceptance. There is no resentment towards the human race, only a deep compassion.

no judgments

Those hearts that don’t hear the cries of Gaia, could use such a heart opening experience with the dolphins. However, even though I believe that a dolphin encounter leaves no one unchanged, there is a difference between spiritual seekers having an intimate connection with the dolphins and tourists chasing and trying to touch them, as if being in Sea World. They both feel excited about the experience, yet the spiritual seekers will return home with a renewed sense of purpose, whereas the tourists will talk about swimming with the dolphins as another ’cool thing’ to do. Same experience, different outcome. And the dolphins? They share their love and joy with whomever they encounter; no judgments, no strings attached. Wild dolphins do prefer conscious encounters and tend to come closer when we respect their space and adapt to their vibration and movements. If they feel chased, they will swim away. But whether they come closer or swim away, they do so with great love.

divine spark

Dolphins navigate through life with love as their compass; they are an example for all of us in these turbulent times. When we return Home to our hearts like the dolphins, we become masters in this life. Seen from the Higher perspective, all is well. This sounds like an empty New Age statement, but when we awaken to the Divine Spark that we really are, a profound feeling of peace arises. This doesn’t mean that no one should take action for change; on the contrary, we should all take inspired action when we feel called. And before doing so, let’s make sure to heal our hearts of any old wounds so that we may live like the dolphins do. Stand up for what is right, connect or swim away if you must, but do so with great love. Make love your compass.

SAGE magazine

sacred signs


real stories from the new soul traveller radio show about connecting with the divine

SAGE magazine

sacred signs Right now we are all searching to find a frequency that feels empowering, beautiful and strengthens our connection and ability to co-create with the Source of All That Just Is. We deeply desire dialogue with the Divine and our own intuition - this was my inspiration for ‘Sacred Signs 444’. Real stories by real people are totally relatable; they naturally inspire us to feel hope and to marvel with gratitude at the magic and synchronicity that actually occurs daily to have us remember we are infinite beings with limitless possibilities. Sacred signs are deeply personal; for some they may be repeated number sequences, butterflies, the fragrance of flowers, orbs or angelic encounters. Others may experience a ‘feeling’, see rainbows, be guided to the right book or the perfect place and notice the lyrics of a special song. There is no right or wrong way to receive a sign; an open heart, an attitude of gratitude or simply the belief that magic happens is enough to ‘bring on the blessings’. In this issue I have chosen to share two special stories and I am excited by the possibility of reading many more....please email your experiences with ‘Sacred Signs’ to . May all Soul Travellers walk with eyes wide open.


butterfly blessing “Having a child is like having your heart walk outside your body for the rest of your life.” I have four beautiful living hearts and one heart that I never got to hold. Sometimes the insensitive words of a stranger can ignite a spontaneous release of supressed emotion that has been stored within us, seeking sunshine through shadow...this is what occurred for Claire; blessed with 4 daughters yet constantly receiving remarks like ’bet you wish you had a son’ or ‘oh your poor husband’ Claire found her frustration reached boiling point at a day out on the beach when her family heard yet again ‘oh you must have kept trying for a boy’ and late that night, for the first time, Claire put pen to paper and experienced by far the most cathartic grieving process – for the son she lost.

the globe, it was Claire’s....and to me it was a very special and sacred sign, for I had experienced the exact same situation when I received the same heart wrenching news that there was no longer a heartbeat. How blessed I am – how blessed we all are, to partake in the miracles and magic of life.

777 – the number of miracles Janelle is no ordinary woman; she endured a period in her life that stretched her faith completely, yet she felt strangely supported through the recurring appearance of 777. Janelle had four children, a passion for family, and Jasper, a purebred Egyptian exotic Arabian horse, whose purchase was guided by angels and to Janelle he was a soul mate.

In the span of only one year, Janelle lost three babies in utero, but felt blessed to fall pregnant Very early in her second trimester, a routine check- again and be under the supervision of the ‘high risk pregnancy ward’. It was during this time up revealed the absence of a heartbeat; so yes, that Jasper contracted a deadly (and deemed Claire had a son, for a short time, he just wasn’t incurable) disease - Purpura is a very evil disease ready for the world. in which the blood vessels become permanently leaky, so they leak blood and blood products into After a night of rapid release, Claire shares... the extracellular space in the body and just keep ...“The next day, I was outside and I thankfully had leaking until the body swells like an elephant and my camera with me, I was in my backyard with my bursts, literally bursts at the seams, and they can children playing. The most beautiful butterfly flew also bleed from the eyes, ears, nose or any other to me; right in my face, black and blue colored, just orifice in the body. All the cells in the body are affected, Janelle was devastated to say the least, beautiful and landed on the ground, enough for frantic to find the next step for Jasper, to spare me to take a quick picture. I knew I had released him pain, all the while conscious of her own fragile something and freed my pain. Butterflies are so state. symbolic, they represent souls who are in the world for a short time or souls in transition - such a Janelle shares “At around this time I started blessed moment.” seeing 777 everywhere I went, it was very strong and very noticeable, whilst driving, shopping and Claire Nicogossian USA going about our daily business I started to fill my children in on the concept of 777, and then they Editor’s note: I live my life by the Divine direction of too could see that I wasn’t lying, they could see mostly what is ‘unseen’. When I received guidance what I could see....I was so grateful, although it drove me a little mad seeing 777 continuously, to commence “Sacred Signs – 444” I was also I knew that I had forces at work for me from a asking for confirmation, and that came when I complete higher order, I kept my faith. I think received Claire’s story – of all the stories that could possibly arrive to my inbox first, from around big and I believe in God and the universe and

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I believe in miracles to start with, so having this predisposition definitely helped, although I’d been through so much already...I still believed”. Janelle was willing to do whatever it took to heal Jasper, she surrendered and synchronicity stepped up to the plate; a friend suggested she contact a new vet, he was willing to try a procedure that he had only ever witnessed once whilst training, it was a ‘yes’ from Janelle. As she lay in hospital preparing to welcome her premature baby into the world, (still able to notice that in the corridors the emergency number to ring was 777) she waited to hear news of was a very long 24 hours but for Jasper day 1 treatment looked positive, day 2 equalled success! “He is one in a million and is still going strong. How I love that horse. I will always be grateful. I had a premature little baby to take home, a gorgeous boy and my horse lived - time went on and I had two more babies, so seven children altogether...I feel complete now with all of my cherubs”. When Janelle finally found the time to research more on the meaning of 777 it came as no surprise, more a radiant reminder, because this number sequence means ”miracles”....miracles occurring in your life with strong angelic forces protecting you. This story is not complete without the mention of a powerful dream that Janelle had in the hospital following the loss of another pregnancy, “In my dream there was another bed next to mine and a lady was in the bed, when she stood up she told me her name was Rachel and she was a midwife and worked here....She stayed with me and said everything was going to be ok...She held me while I slept and when I woke up early that morning, I realised I’d just been dreaming and she didn’t really exist. The two beds were now one again, and I had to face the harsh reality that my baby was going to die”. Whilst in hospital preparing to give birth to her little girl Cheyenne, the midwife Rachel walked into the ward for real! She said to Janelle “I know I have had you before to look after in the labour ward, I can’t quite remember it, but I definitely know you...” Janelle chose not to share her dream but replied “yes, I know you too”. Janelle Ratcliffe NSW Australia.

How beautiful and brave Janelle is to share this story – I personally feel in awe of how blessed we all are to receive miracles and magic...what empowering confirmation!

about tanya allison Tanya Allison is a guided meditation facilitator and editor of Sage Magazine. During June, Tanya will be commencing Sacred Signs 444 on Soul Traveller Radio, interviewing people from all around the world who experienced signs, angelic encounters, connections with the Divine. For more information visit the Sage Magazine facebook page and message or email your experience. For information on Tanya Allison, visit

SAGE magazine

UNHAPPY? thane cooper looks at unhappiness as an overlooked spiritual tool

Image Š Stephen Poff via Compfight cc


UNHAPPiness On any journey of spiritual discovery the earnest seeker aims to deepen their spiritual awakening. Typically they will be drawn to a variety of spiritual tools to aid their progress, which can include: objects such as crystals and crosses; presences such as angels and animal spirits; and techniques such as mantras and meditation. In this article, I would like to consider one other very significant spiritual tool. In fact, it is so significant that it most likely sparked your interest in spirituality in the first place. This spiritual tool is very familiar to us all even if it isn’t viewed that way. Often its qualities for spiritual enrichment are overlooked or, worse, ignored or avoided. While it may not be considered a sexy accoutrement to spiritual practice, if we are able to appreciate the genuine opportunities for spiritual growth that it presents, undoubtedly it will lead us towards peace, love, light and happiness … all of which are the hallmarks of authentic spiritual awakening.

as inevitable fact of life. Fifth, as an unfortunate inevitability it is regarded as an entirely negative experience. This is the result of attempting to side-step the fact of unhappiness. However, if we try to understand unhappiness as an opportunity and not a disagreeable experience, we can gain great insights into the experience of unhappiness and the role it plays in our lives. By uncovering its source we can appreciate the lessons it has to teach us and alleviate its expression in our lives. Ultimately, by taking full responsibility for the unhappiness we experience we can realise the rich opportunity it presents for deep and genuine spiritual growth. Unhappiness may seem to be an obstacle to spiritual fulfilment but, actually, it is a vehicle.

If we are to realise the opportunity of unhappiness it is appropriate to remind ourselves of its source. I’m This spiritual tool is unhappiness. aware that when we experience unhappiness that there is a tendency to see it as a product of external While we have all experienced unhappiness, it circumstances...something that happened or didn’t differs from person to person and isn’t limited to a happen. However, actually the source of unhappiness particular feeling. It could be experienced as sadness, doesn’t lie in external events but in the mindset we loneliness, disappointment or anxiety, but also carry around with us. annoyance, frustration or anger, and even hatred. It can be fleeting or enduring. It may absorb all of a Consider the situation where photos are burnt in a fire person’s attention or they may be barely aware of it. and one person is distressed by the loss but another However, regardless of the form it takes it arises from is unperturbed. If it were true that unhappiness was the sense that something is missing, lacking, not quite due to the external event we could expect both to right or, perhaps, very wrong. be unhappy. However, the fact that the same event results in distress to one but indifference to another Of course, it isn’t a pleasant experience and so the is indicative that other factors must be at play. It natural reaction is to avoid, suppress or escape it, suggests that unhappiness isn’t so much determined usually by engaging in a range of more pleasurable by what does or does not happen, but by the attitudesactivities which divert our attention whether it be ideas- beliefs-desires-expectations about what entertainment, exercise, shopping, food or drugs. should or should not happen. The decisive factor in While these diversionary activities may help us avoid the experience of unhappiness is the attitude. the immediate sensation of unhappiness there are several consequences. Of course, the situation does have a role to play, maybe even a significant role. However, rather First, while you may feel temporarily better, the than being the source, it is actually the trigger for unhappiness is not eradicated. It will resurface at a the underlying propensity for unhappiness...which later time. Second, because the unhappiness isn’t already exists in the mind of the person as patterns of eradicated it tends to get worse over time. Third, as thinking, feeling and reacting. As such, the source of the unhappiness worsens the attempts to escape unhappiness is the mindset not the situation. It isn’t it become more extreme and potentially harmful. inherent in the situation; it is what the person adds to Fourth, as the unhappiness isn’t eradicated it is viewed the situation.

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If the person encounters a situation which challenges their mindset, any resistance to that situation will be experienced as unhappiness. Consequently, the more a person resists the situation, the more unhappiness they experience. And the reason why they resist is because they are attached to their mindset about the way things should be. As such, attachment and resistance are the lifeblood of unhappiness. Without attachment there is no resistance and without resistance there is no unhappiness. The great news is that you don’t have to be a victim of unhappiness. Your unhappiness is not due to external events beyond your control. Those events may reveal the unhappiness but its source lies in the attachment to the mindset you perpetuate and the resistance to situations you generate. If you want to gain mastery over unhappiness then appreciate your contribution to it. No doubt there are many ways that you can investigate the role you play but allow me to share the approach that worked for me. See if it works for you too. The first step is to recognise that you feel unhappy. It may be a trifling annoyance or a more significant frustration, but what is important is that you are able to admit that you feel unhappy. That might seem obvious – which it is – but it can be surprisingly difficult. Even if you feel unhappy it can be challenging to admit it to yourself, let alone other people. Rather than open yourself to the fresh pain which comes from admitting that you are unhappy, it is far easier to convince yourself that there is no problem and that no action needs to be taken. However, this acknowledgement is vital. You can’t learn what you don’t acknowledge. The next step is to take responsibility for the unhappiness. Rather than avoid the unhappiness, turn and face it. Don’t shirk from its unpleasantness but embrace it so that you can gain deep insights into its causes and effects. This doesn’t mean that you need to feel miserable, but rather that you approach it critically with a view to learning from it. If you don’t take responsibility for your unhappiness nobody else can or will. Having admitted that you are unhappy and being prepared to take responsibility for it, the next step is to put these principles into practice. You can work

with whatever unhappiness you choose, however, at first it may be easier to work with relatively minor unhappiness that may be bugging you. You can work with the unhappiness as it arises in real time, though it may be easier to reflect upon it once the heat of the moment has passed. It’s a matter for you. Once you have identified the unhappiness you want to work with, describe the relevant facts which give rise to it. For example, you could say, “I was doing this but then that happened”. “I wanted to do this but that prevented me from doing it.” “I was feeling good but then this person said that to me.” The key is to articulate the cold relevant facts. Don’t judge or blame, just state what happened or didn’t happen. Now turn your attention to the sensation of unhappiness. Observe what it feels like to be unhappy. Notice the sensations in your body: how your head and chest feel. Become aware of your rate of breathing. Notice the thoughts in your mind: see how they race. Then try to articulate the unhappiness you feel. For example, “I feel agitated, upset, sad, disappointed, frustrated, angry, lonely, bored”. Try to be as accurate as you can with your description. Arrive at a description which captures your feeling. The important thing is to become as consciously aware of your experience of unhappiness as possible. The next step is to then observe how you want to react to your unhappiness. Do you feel like eating food or drinking alcohol? Do you want to light up a cigarette? Do you want to go for a run? Do you want to be with people or do you want to be alone? Do you want to scream? Do you want to sulk? Do you want to take revenge? Whatever you want to do isn’t as important as becoming aware of your impulse reaction. Don’t act on that impulse, just observe it. Be consciously aware of how you want to deal with the unhappiness. Once you have observed how you feel and how you want to react, then you are ready to dig a bit deeper and understand why you have the feeling. It will be tempting to blame your unhappiness on what has or hasn’t happened, but instead, bring your attention to your own thought processes. What ideas-beliefs-desires-expectations do you have which have triggered your reaction? Rather than say, “I am unhappy because this or that happened” ... say, “I am unhappy because I wanted this or didn’t want that to happen”. Rather than say, “I am


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unhappy because I am not being respected” ... say, “I am unhappy because I believe that I should be respected”. Rather than say, “I am unhappy because I have been let down” ... say, “I am unhappy because I had an expectation that I shouldn’t be let down”. Try to identify your contribution to your unhappiness. Articulate your underlying expectations about what should or should not happen. If you can uncover the relevant idea-belief-desireexpectation you will then have a glimpse into the source of your unhappiness. The existence of that idea-belief-desire-expectation creates the space within which unhappiness can form. You are presented with a set of circumstances which challenge your expectations, you resist the unwelcome turn of events, generating unhappiness in the process. Appreciate that if you didn’t have the particular idea-belief-desire-expectation that you wouldn’t resist the situation because there wouldn’t be anything to resist and the unhappiness you are now feeling couldn’t arise. You should then be able to conclude ... “I currently feel like this because of this particular belief, however, if I didn’t have it then I wouldn’t feel this way”. When you reach this level of understanding you have an interesting choice. You know that your expectation is generating your unhappiness so will you maintain the expectation and suffer the consequences, or will you let the expectation go and be free of the unhappiness. It boils down to a choice between being right and being free. This is not to say that you shouldn’t have ideasbeliefs-desires-expectations but rather that you reconsider how firmly you cling to them and how much you are prepared to suffer for them. If your expectations make you feel unhappy, consider their effect on your life, recognise that they are the problem and, at least, consider relinquishing them. Are they worth the price of unhappiness? Regardless of your decision, having come to this realisation, it should be clear that you don’t have to be unhappy. Unhappiness is a choice that you make.

When the unhappiness is sufficiently strong you will naturally abandon even the strongest attachments. But why wait till the unhappiness gets that bad? Rather than hold on to expectations and resist what happens, observe, understand the totality of the situation and respond with wisdom. If your response is appropriate you won’t experience unhappiness. What you will come to realise is that these problematic ideas-beliefs-desires-expectations, which may seem so important to you, are actually spiritual obstacles to overcome. The practice of non-attachment and non-resistance is the practice of spiritual enlightenment. Through attention to unhappiness the worst experiences can be transformed into the greatest blessing. I invite you to see unhappiness as your teacher. Let it show you the lessons you have to learn. Recognise the problematic ideas-beliefs-desires-expectations it identifies. Appreciate that it shows you how you can genuinely progress your spiritual development.

about thane cooper Born in Tasmania, Australia, Thane worked as a legal professional for several years. A series of epiphanies radically transformed his life and lead him to undertake extensive overseas travel in combination with an intensive exploration of mind. The results were remarkable. As he describes, the shell in which he had been encased was cracked and inner and outer were dissolved … he was all, nothing and beyond all and nothing. A family man, he now resides in Sydney but travels to South America on a semi-regular basis. He is the author of Beyond Being: What Am I and What Does it Matter?, soon to be published by Tandava Press

New Releases From Animal Dreaming Publishing I know how hard it is to break free. I know how lies and manipulations defended as truth weaken and disable our own abilities to think clearly, act wisely or do something loving for ourselves. I struggled for so long to break free, I became weak. I had prayed and pleaded, even getting down on my knees and begging, ‘If there is some humanity in this universe, please help me end the hell I am in.’ It was only when I reached the deepest and darkest heart of the forest, I fell to my knees, too exhausted to fight my life anymore. In that space of surrender a magnificent Ulysses butterfly fluttered around me reminding me of the power of transformation. Just like a seed that needs to be buried in the earth before it can germinate, a butterfly needs the darkness of a chrysalis to metamorphose too. My life was about to change in a way I could never have imagined and if I’d had an inkling what lay ahead maybe I would have been tempted to run, but I’m so glad I didn’t! You see nothing I had ever experienced before had prepared me for the truth that in challenge, and so called crisis there lays a gift. Join me on this magical adventure ‘Ghosts & Ghoumas’ as I glean wisdom from challenges, hang out with holy men, meditate at the top of mountains, meet an ancient sadhu called “God” and when challenged by a black magician discover the most powerful protection we all have is our own loving hearts. This is a book that journeys deep into the shadows and unveils the greatest treasure of all, LOVE. Kye Crow, Ghosts & Ghoumas

Available Now From:









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conscious LIVING EXPO - 21 to 23 August 2015 and or take part in an interview segment. Registration for the Conscious Living Show and Main Stage Performances – Click here Some of the benefits include:

The Conscious Living Expo in Melbourne this year took a slightly different turn to previous years as the organisors tested out a live streaming idea. It worked so well, the organisers have developed a live show that will change the concept of workshops and speakers at future festivals. Sydney Expo will be host to the inaugural Conscious Living TV Show. The Conscious Living TV Show will provide a platform for exhibitors, speakers and performers to present their ideas, information and arts to a global audience. The show will be streamed via the internet from the Expo with a live audience. It will feature presentations and interviews with leading Australian authors and specialists in Health and Wellbeing, Diet and Nutrition, Sustainable Eco Living, Personal Growth, Arts and Spiritual Consciousness and Music. The Conscious Living Show will be a unique drawcard for visitors to attend the Expo to be part of the live audience.

• Perform on the Conscious Living Show and receive National and International exposure. • You will be able to purchase your performance segment on the show for future self promotion. • Sales of merchandise or products at the Conscious Living Ticket Counter for the duration of the event. • Sales will be made on your behalf at a commission of 30%. • Goods must be supplied with a stock list that identifies: product name; quantity supplied; retail price. • Goods can be dropped at the EXPO Ticket Counter. • at any time during the EXPO and MUST be collected before 5pm Conscious Living Co-creations Pty Ltd will not accept any responsibility for your goods beyond this time. • 1- 2 minute Video of your music /performance – on the Expo Website • Daily Performances on the main stage (1 per day) 20 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the type of performance. • A merchandise and promotions table beside the stage for the duration of performance and up to one hour post performance to sell your CDs and products. • Profile on the Conscious Living Website – with contact details and web link. • Your performance will be featured in the EXPO Program. – print online and digital – Please provide images – 300 DPI High resolution.

the conscious living radio show

Another opportunity is to join The Conscious Living Radio Show that is co-hosted by Patricia Hamilton and Shayne Locke on Tuesday nights 7pm-9m on Soul Traveller Radio. Interview spots are available for exhibitors and speakers with podcasts provided – a great way to market yourself!

For information on how you can attend the Conscious perform on the conscious living show Living Festival, please contact Jacquie or Patricia on 08 98482748 or email for The Conscious Living Festival are inviting submissions more details. to be on the Show to give a 10-15 min performance

SAGE magazine

inspirations & constellations

by devorah


”everything under creation is represented in the soil and in the stars. everything has two witnesses, one on earth and one in the sky. everything is represented in the ground and in the sky.” (australian ngarinyin elder david mowaljarlai)

Greetings Soul Travellers, As we fast approach mid-year, I note how time flies and consider myself so very fortunate to be a student of astrology and its mystical connection to the universal patterns, in essence the very ’rhythm of life’. I’ve often thought that if one could read the zodiac like a calendar of personal growth appointments over time we would see very clearly our constant evolution. Recalling, let’s say late March, when Aries emerged in the calendar as the first month of the zodiac and encouraged ‘first-type’ activities, initiating impetus, leadership and audacity. The impulsive Aries fire element was followed by the fruitful earth sign Taurus in late April and demonstrated how to patiently cultivate that fragile fleeting impulse into something stable, building security through method and practicality. Now in late May we enter the month of Gemini, the Twins and learn to extend beyond our Taurean comfort zone through social interaction and dexterity. Gemini is the first sign in the element of air and Gemini longs to soar into the etheric world of ideas, thoughts and dreams. Gemini offers us the attributes of a teacher, an adviser, a messenger, a broadcaster, a writer, an electrical cable, a telephone wire, basically anything that can transfer any information from point a to point b. The planet which is assigned association with the myth and sign of Gemini is Mercury. In Roman mythology, Mercury is the Heavenly messenger and most of his characteristics are equivalent to the Greek deity, Hermes. Hermes and Mercury are one and the same archetype and both carried messages and information from Olympus, (Heaven), back and forth to the mortals on Earth. We will have plenty of opportunity to learn the lessons of Gemini throughout this June. The next New Moon falls in Gemini on 17th June at 25 degrees Gemini and the Sun, Mercury and Mars all transit through the constellation of Gemini as well. Mercury entered Gemini on Apr 30th and will linger there till Jul 8th for more than two months including the Mercury retrograde of three and a half weeks from May 18th to June 11th. Mars traces Mercury into Gemini and stays until Jun 24th ramping up our mental energy, activity, versatility and our need to multi task even into hyperactivity, frantically pursuing too many

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tangents which ultimately prove mostly unproductive and anxiety provoking. The clear message is to slow down in order to smell the roses and the scheduled Mercury retrograde will surely take care of that. And yes it’s documented that Mercury Retrograde can induce communication confusion, delays and mistakes and so be it. Our zodiac calendar has ingeniously installed a Mercury Retrograde so we can take time out to reflect and restore balance and harmony to our lives despite the frenetic pace we are constantly coerced to adhere to.

inside and outside ourselves, the male and female, the mind and the emotions, the spiritual and the material, the light and the dark. If we make best use of the holistic opportunity of this month’s energy, we will embrace our duality which promotes unity within and without.

This is the purpose of Mercury the ruling planet associated with Gemini, referred to as Mercurius in the medieval symbolism of alchemy, the spiritual process of transforming lead into gold or in other words trash into treasure. Alchemy is also associated with Hermes Trismegistus the believed father of Hermeticism, an esoteric philosophy which proposes that the ‘Great Work’ of humankind is to return to a state of Unity with At this point I feel the need to tell a story. Yes, story time the Divine. for adults is now in session and it’s all about two of the actual stars in the constellation of Gemini named ‘Castor’ and ‘Pollux’. How amazing that Astronomy and Mythology actually agree on something! So herein lies the deeper lessons to be learnt in the month of As for the other planet’s activity in the month of June Gemini, subtly revealed in Mythology, in the tale of the and July, all in all there is a whole lot of Retrograde twins Castor and Pollux who share the same mother going on. Venus moves from home loving Cancer into Leda, but different fathers. As the son of Zeus, Pollux Leo on 6th June and Jupiter will also be in Leo until is immortal while his twin brother Castor is not as he is the end of August. Creative growth and pleasurable the son of a mortal. The twins were inseparable and entertainment and celebrations are likely as Venus well known for their curiosity and activity. and Jupiter love to party in Leo. And despite the fact that Venus enters Virgo on Jul 18, Venus will retrograde The myth tells us that when Castor finally dies Pollux back into Leo on Jul 25th for quite a long stay when is inconsolable and doesn’t want to live without his we’ll feel the urge to re-assess what is needed in twin brother, so he pleads with his father Zeus for our lives, who and what we value, the give and take help. Zeus offers a solution and allows both brothers required in the art of loving, whether it’s a creative alternate immortality. In other words while one twin is pursuit, a beloved child, a partner or a cherished work immortal on Olympus with the gods, the other is being of art. a mortal on earth. Then they change places and each time they swap places they enjoy spending a little Neptune retrogrades on 12th June at 9 degrees time together re-connecting and reuniting. This myth Pisces for the next five months until 19th November offers profound significance and conveys the ritual offering us time to review and reflect on the substance process required to bridge the opposites in order to of our hopes, dreams and Maya (illusions). With unite Heaven and Earth. Sure we all agree that when Neptune in Pisces we are being attuned to a powerful all is going well in our lives we naturally inhabit the celestial vibration of great consequence in how the heavenly realm, we feel on top of the world, we sparkle future of humanity evolves. As we connect more fully and shine. But life is such that we cannot remain with our consciousness and innate spiritual longing, uninterrupted in our bliss. we may find liberation in going with the flow knowing all rivers eventually lead to the Sea. Sometimes abruptly, when inevitable earthly concerns drag us back to Terra Firma, we find that we are no Saturn in Sagittarius began its retrograde motion on longer on Olympus, but trapped on earth in a mere the 14th March and on Jun 14 Saturn retrogrades mortal body. This abrupt fall from the heavens can back into Scorpio again. Saturn first entered Scorpio make us feel confused and anxious. One minute the back in October 2012 and since then pried open world is brilliant, the next it’s mundane, one side of us is an absolute Pandora’s Box of societal taboos divine and the other is just human after all. The lesson involving the prolific abuse of money, sex and power. here is that in some way, we need to learn to translate Karmic Saturn always eventually exposes us to our through interaction what goes on in one realm to the shadows, our darkness and neglect and Scorpio language of the other and then bridge the opposites does not concern itself with superficiality. Via Saturn,

mythology of the twins

retrograde plus


globally and personally we are called to step up in our accountability asking ourselves “Is this the life we really want?” If you have planets at the end of Scorpio, Saturn will be returning to them now and like an internal audit, Saturn will check and balance the books and advise if in some area of your life you are investing unwisely. It may be time to cut your losses and move on. On Jun 24, Chiron Retrogrades at 21 degrees of Pisces. If Chiron is aspecting a planet in your birth chart then old wounds may resurface to be healed. And on Jul 26, Uranus in Aries begins its Retro journey indicating it’s time to break the chains that restrain you, remove the things that aren’t working and seek a personal revolution through freedom and independence. On the 21st June the Sun occupies the first degree of (the sign) Cancer on the June Summer /Winter Solstice. The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the Winter Solstice the shortest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere. On Jun 24 Mars joins the Sun in Cancer as well. There’s a Full Moon at 9 degrees of Capricorn on July 1st offering us the opportunity to reconcile the balance of our professional aspirations beyond home and hearth. Mercury enters Cancer on Jul 8th and the New Moon in Cancer on July15th reveals a supersensitive Lunar Cycle with the New Moon, Sun, Mercury and Mars all in Cancer. Sparks could fly at this New Moon as Mercury conjuncts Mars and both oppose Pluto. Prevention is better than cure so be wise and avoid emotional dramas as best you can. We should try to be particularly cautious this month not to be emotionally reactive or judgemental of self or others. This is the time to dig deep to find the spiritual resources to cope at such an emotionally volatile time. What we hold as true may now be seen as false and what is false may masquerade as the truth and I’ll explain why.

correct sight The sign of Cancer is associated with the water element and is ruled by the Moon which unlike any other celestial body, changes its shape and position in the sky daily. Indeed, the lunar cycle portrays the changeability, sensitivity and reactivity of the Cancerian energy. Perhaps this is why the Cancerian crab’s motto is ’my house is my fortress’ which is the crab shell they hide in for protection, using it as a shield against the unstable world outside. This apprehensive nature though often dictates the

Cancerian decision making process making them overly emotional and sometimes quite irrational, focused on worry and fear. A valuable acronym to remember in the month of Cancer is F.E.A.R - False Evidence Appearing Real. And this is why I suggest it is time for the healing of correct sight, the opportunity to see positivity through appearances and deception, to “see through” physical reality to behold its divine source. If possible at all times we should apply the much needed caring and nurturing Cancerian sensitivity to really feel what other people feel and how to be of service to them. The spiritual sense of sight removes the outer shell of reality in order to reveal life’s inner essence. ‘Wrong seeing’ connects to worry, misery and sorrow; Correct seeing, increases the world’s holiness by focusing on the positive. You can be the Change :) Go Well in Peace, Love and Happiness, Devorah

about devorah

Deborah (aka Devorah) has attained a Diploma in Psychological Astrology and taught ‘Astrological Compatibility’ at Nature Care College, one of Australia’s most reputable natural therapy colleges. Deborah is also a professional voice-over artist, radio presenter and producer. She adores sound and vision, the mythic, the mystical and the sacred and likes to genuinely connect with others, sharing the stories of our lives. Through her studies encompassing the deeply mystical Kabbalah, Deborah weaves ancient symbolism, myth & archetype together and guides your intuitive awareness though personal consultations and classes. “My work in mysticism is a blessing. I believe I can offer compassionate and knowledgeable guidance to my clients and indeed most of them have been returning for many years. I am aware that some mystics will promise predictions of 100% accuracy. I do not promise that. Still, I have been consulting for a long, long time and I’m respected for my insight, honesty and precision. Yes, I believe you have a fate but I know your fate has two arms and one arm is your own. For this reason, I do not want to be regarded as a fortune-teller. I am your astrological advisor and I support you in the quest of your own intuitive empowerment so that you can direct your own destiny. Consultations with me are usually deeply revealing and can be positively life changing, because the practice of mysticism bestows extraordinary awareness providing tools in how to bring Heaven down to Earth.” Devorah is a regular member of The Journey at 7pm on Soul Traveller Radio and can be reached online at or

welcome to SOUL TRAVELLER MEDIA Soul Traveller Media started 2 years ago with a small digital publication Sage Magazine that has grown into a widely read magazine with in excess of 20,000 readers per month. Soul Traveller Media aims to provide entertainment with a conscious edge. Magazines, radio shows and eventually tv programs that offer an alternative to the current diet provided by mainstream media. Syndicated programs and podcasting are two key areas of sponsorship available to potential advertisers that will provide a different means of promotional opportunity than standard advertising. During 2015, we will launch Unsigned Project, aimed at the untapped independent music market; Conscious Travel, targeting the holiday makers looking for a different escape; and The Originals, a syndicated radio show which will catch up with early artists and look at how their lives have changed. Couple this with our existing shows, Soul Traveller Media will become the largest, all encompassing, conscious media platform available. To be a sponsor, contact your Soul Traveller Media representative or email

uncompromising independent.... and dedicated to introducing A new way of viewing MEDIA...

ŠCameron Gray

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us” Ralph Waldo Emerson

©Gloria Owens

With 8 issues to date, Sage Magazine seeks to support the visionary path of all lightworkers on this planet, who humbly raise the vibrations and light frequencies joyously, by sharing their incredible gifts through their artwork, their music, their written word, their incredible inventive mind or their intention to simply put love on the top of the pile; gently guiding us back to the powerful places of peace and remembering deep within our core essence. Sage seeks to celebrate our deep conviction to each other and to the Divine Source of all that is. Sage seeks to embrace and nurture all souls on their unique, transformational journeys; offering great giveaways, bliss bytes of music, video to ignite the senses. Here are a few statistics: • • • • •

Average readership for the latest issues 21,000 + Total readership 104,000 people Location - Australia 39%, US 28% & the Rest of the World 33% Platform viewed on - Computer 61%, Tablet 17% & Mobile 22% Average read time - 8 minutes

This information indicates that reading-on-the-go is increasing and therefore we will be launching our new Sage magazine app next month, designed for tablet and mobile. Sage Magazine is delivered every two months. To advertise, contact your Soul Traveller Media representative or email

Since it’s inception 12 months ago Soul Traveller Radio has become the number one conscious music radio station and home to popular shows such as The Black Swan Theory, Globesonic Radio, Conscious Revolution and Temple of Youth. March sees the introduction of new shows, including Accentuate the Positive, Soul Traveller Meditations, The Conscious Living Show, Transference Healing and The Journey. Over the last 12 months Soul Traveller Radio has: • • • •

Reached an average of 12,000 listeners per month Broadcast into over 150 countries Established 3 strong markets - Australia, UK & US Sponsored major music and conscious events such as Bali Spirit Festival, Power of Music Conference, Conscious Living Festival, Festival of Dreams and Bhakti Fest. • Established shows available for worldwide radio syndication like The Originals and Unsigned Project. New shows, a new website, a new podcast service, the conscious crew and an even greater focus to present the best in conscious music. To be a sponsor or send in your music, contact your Soul Traveller Media representative or email Check the Rate Page for the latest advertising packages.

“music like kirtan is like a magnet, inviting and begging grace to enter our hearts and our lives.” Jai Uttal

Why Your Business Should Have a Podcast? Podcasts (audio interviews) are not new however they have recently become popular due to the introduction of a dedicated podcast channel on iTunes. Subscribers will be notified every time you add a new podcast to the channel. Because a podcast is portable and available on mobile devices, subscribers can listen in the car, out walking or in the comfort of their lounge room. The group podcast service on Soul Traveller Media means that we all benefit from each other’s podcasts, with users being notified whenever a new Conscious Business Podcast is added. There is no expiration date, your podcast lasts as a marketing tool as long as you want to use it, either through iTunes/Soundcloud or through a direct download on your website.

“This is how most people live: alive, but not conscious; conscious but not aware; aware, but intermittently� sebastian faulks

Awaken your senses to a different style of travel - Conscious Travel - responsible, ethical, environmentally friendly and healing. A conscious approach to travel. Travel is changing. Travellers are looking for trips that contain a deep appreciation for its people, its culture and its natural beauty; Guides that are passionate about creating life enriching travel experiences that leave travellers with enchantment and an immersion in the country’s culture. Holidays that don’t visit the usual destinations, rather take you off the beaten track to have an experience. From the popular yoga tours in Rishikesh to the far reaches of the volcano valley in Siberia, Conscious Travel offers holidays for the “Soul Traveller”. As a magazine first, Conscious Travel will evolve to include a TV Show and Radio Program during 2015. Originally an insert in Sage Magazine, Conscious Travel Mag will become a guide for the alternative traveller. What is Conscious Travel? The act of travelling with the intention of learning and immersion within the country being visited while all the time being mindful of the environment and the people. Conscious Travel is growing as people search for holidays with more meaning than the shopping. They want the “Eat, Pray, Love” Experience. They want to get lost and find themselves. They want to change their lives through the experience. This is Conscious Travel. To advertise, contact your Soul Traveller Media representative or email

©Cameron Gray

“If you are not taking responsibility for your state of consciousness, you are not taking responsibility for life.” ECKHART TOLLE

podcast packages Several podcast shows are being created for airing in 2015 offering opportunities for businesses to move into the popular podcast marketing - on-air, websites and iTunes. 3 packages are available; Package 1 - $350 • 20 minute interview on shows like The Conscious Living Show on Soul Traveller Radio • Edited version provided for personal usage - 2 x 10 minute or 4 x 5 minute versions • Registration of the podcast on Soundcloud and iTunes Package 2 - $550 • 20 minute interview on shows like The Conscious Living Show on Soul Traveller Radio • Edited version provided for personal usage - 2 x 10 minute or 4 x 5 minute versions • Registration of the podcast on Soundcloud and iTunes • Plus 25 x 30 second radio commercials Package 3 - $950 • 20 minute interview on shows like The Conscious Living on Soul Traveller Radio • Edited version provided for personal usage - 2 x 10 minute or 4 x 5 minute versions • Registration of the podcast on Soundcloud and iTunes • Plus 25 x 30 second radio commercials • And a Half Page Ad in Sage Magazine or Conscious Travel Packages are also available for Unsigned Project and Unsigned Project Magazine when launched.

Advertising rates Magazine Rates (Sage & Conscious Travel) • Half Page Advertisement (512px x 768px) plus Half Page Editorial - $500 • Full Page Advertisement (1024px x 768px) plus Full Page Editorial - $1,000

Radio Rates (Soul Traveller & Unsigned Project) • 30 x 30 Second Run of Station - $300 • 30 x 60 Second Run of Station - $500 • Program Sponsorship (credits, promo mentions & 30 x 30 sec ads) - $800

Combined Packages • Half Page Advertisement + Half Page Editorial + 30 x 30 Second Ads - $600 • Full Page advertisement + Full Page Editorial + 30 x 30 Second Ads - $1100 • Program Sponsorship + Full Page Advertisement - $1500 NB: All ads must be in digital ready format or additional production fees may apply. There are no production costs for radio commercials and all packages will include bonus radio placement if available. For further information or to book packages contact your Soul Traveller Media representative or email

©Cameron Gray


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coming up in the next issue of


In the next issue we look at Mt Kailash and the great pyramid network in the second part of the Great White Pyramid story.

”pyramid complexes from around the world are not tombs, but energetic machines utilizing the Earth’s vibration and electromagnetic field that could be a tremendous source of alternative energy akin to Nikola Tesla’s free-energy devices...” Dr. Semir Osmanagich

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