Sahajayoga english brochure

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WHAT IS MEDITATION? Meditation is a state of thoughtless awareness . It is not an act of doing - it is a state of awareness. We either in this state or we are not, regardless of what we are doing in life. Truly, a man can be in meditation while doing his day's labors as another man can be very far from meditation while sitting in a lotus posture on the top of a mountain. The ancient Indian scriptures speak about three states of consciousness namely, waking, dream and sleep. The fourth state of awareness is described as the pure thoughtless awareness where the mind is completely stilled, free from the whirl of thoughts. There is a gap between two thoughts and as the gap widens through the regular practice of meditation, the mind slips into the state of thoughtless awareness. The never-ending thought waves become still without ripples and a deep abiding peace is experienced, which signals the eternal dawn of pure awareness. When there are no activities in the mind, the stillness and bliss loudly speaks the language of the divine. When we are established in thoughless awareness or the present moment, past or future no longer troubles the mind. We are not bothered about thinking the past events or on those which are yet to come. You become the master of yourself - you think when it is necessary and you are thoughtless when there is no need to think. We are anchored in the Self and enjoy the inner beauty at a deeper level. The vagaries of the mind are put at rest as they distract us from the simple joys of our existence. Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja Yoga, explains: Enjoyment is only possible when you are beyond your mind. With your mind you can never enjoy. It's like a big load. It will not act, it will not help. Enjoyment comes when you are in complete silence - in a rippleless lake. The reflection of all the joy that is created on the shores of that lake are completely reflected, they are not deflected. If there were ripples it would have been a different image altogether and would have been something nowhere near the image of reality. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Meditation can be achieved through the process known as "selfrealization". Self-realization is the awakening of our own pure energy that lies dormant within us.

What is SY Meditation? Sahaja Yoga is a unique method of meditation based on an experience called Self Realization (Kundalini awakening) that can occur within each human being. This method of meditation has resulted in a breakthrough in the evolution of human awareness. Sahaja Yoga was established by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970 and has since spread all around the world. It is Shri Mataji’s great gift to mankind and she had dedicated her entire life to hasten the spiritual ascent of mankind through Self Realization. One can actually feel the all pervading divine power as a cool breeze, as described in all religions and spiritual traditions of the world. This is the actualization of such transformation, which is taking place now, worldwide, and has been proven and experienced by hundreds of thousands of people in more than 115 countries. It is entirely free of charge always and forever, as one cannot pay for the experience of Divine Love.

Why Meditation? Reduces Anxiety and stress and gives peace of mind. Makes you more creative. Improves your concentration. Keeps you happy and makes you a friendly person. Improves your health. Improves your self confidence and makes you fearless. Keeps you connected with your subtle-energy centers and thus enables you to be connected with the power that has created you. Helps you get to know yourself better. Natural cure from various addictions. Latent artistic talents get fully developed.

What is SY Meditation? Illnesses and ailments arise due to imbalances of our subtle system. Through Sahaja Yoga one awakens the dormant primordial Kundalini energy and it starts enlightening the energy centres (chakras) within you. You can then heal, correct, balance and nourish these energy centres(chakras) through simple cleansing techniques taught in Sahaja Yoga. You become more centered and balanced, your state of health improves and you become immune to illnesses. Here are the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits of sahaja yoga meditation: 1. Health improves. Physical diseases relating to Heart, diabetes, blood pressure, stomach ailments, and also other mental illnesses due to stress, tension, worries, as also insomnia, depression, fits, and many other psycho somatic diseases have been easily cured. 2. Natural cure from various addictions. 3. Improvement and harmony in family life and social relations. 4. Improves in memory which results in better learning. 5. Latest artistic talents get fully developed. 6. We become courageous and confident. 7. Peace, contentment and joy are hallmarks of Sahaja Yoga. 8. Many psychosomatic problems and mental confusions can be cured.

Global unity of mankind can be achieved through this awakening that can occur within each human being, so that transformation takes place within us. Through this process an inner transformation takes place by which one becomes moral, united, integrated and balanced. SHREE MATAJI NIRMAL DEVI

How does SY Meditation work Inside each of us there already exists a system through which this spontaneous awakening can happen. The knowledge about the subtle system of energies that govern, regulate and manage our being has been a well guarded secret for centuries. Consisting of seven major energy centers, often called "chakras" and three channels, this system is the key to own wellbeing, happiness and self-realization. It is also a root of all our problems, be it physical emotional or mental. Yet, a more precious secret was the knowledge about that which is hidden at the base or own spinal cord, silently awaiting the moment to rise, enlighten us, and grant us all our inner beauty, power and strength - the event defined as an ultimate achievement of a human being in all ancient scriptures. This secret is an energy, it is called by many names but it is most frequently termed "Kundalini" (from Sanskrit "kundal" - meaning "coil" ).

Who is Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji is the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Her discovery of a simple technique to trigger the awakening of the primordial energy, often referred to as "Kundalini", within each human being has already transformed millions around the world and many more are to come. After thousands of lectures and programs, Shri Mataji is leaving us a treasure of knowledge so vast and profound that generations to come will draw wisdom and inspiration from her words. Like a magician with a gentle movement of her wand, she left us examples of what to aspire to. Yet, her ultimate magic, the awakening of our Kundalini energy, leaves us speechless about her greatest stature. Shri Mataji was born in 1923 in Chindwara, India, into a Christian family. At a very young age, Shri Mataji worked closely with Mahatma Gandhi in the fight for India's Independence. He was impressed by her wisdom and maturity even at that young age. Shri Mataji's vision of universal peace and unity continues the dreams of Mahatma Gandhi. In her quest to fully understand the workings of our human systems, Shri Mataji studied medicine at Lahore Medical College. Later she married Sir C.P. Srivastava, who served as the Secretary General for the International Maritime Organization, an agency of the United Nations based in London. They have two married daughters and four grandchildren. Shri Mataji is known as a dynamic and powerful speaker, whose insights into the problems of humanity are deep and revealing. She has been a guest speaker at many international seminars and conferences including the United Nations. For over 30 years Shri Mataji has traveled extensively world-wide, speaking on subjects such as world peace and the role of women, and, most importantly, giving the actual experience of Self-Realization at the "en masse" level.

Cleansing Technique There are several useful cleansing techniques which are effective in removing blockages in our subtle body when practiced on a regular basis. This involves natural elements in the form of candle flame, camphor flame, the earth and salt water. Earth: Sitting on the ground, hold the left hand out palm up and the right palm down on the ground. Request the Mother Earth to please cleanse you. Water – Foot Soaking may be practiced in a river, lake, or ocean. Stand in the water, and go into meditation, and respectfully request the sea to cleanse you. If you are unable to go to the sea /river or lake then you can do the foot soaking treatment at your home as shown below.



Balancing Technique The greatest gift of modern times is that an easier way of awakening this energy has been found. It has become effortless and simple to receive this awakening, often called as "self-realization" . Shri Mataji , the founder of Sahaja Yoga, has developed a simple technique by which one can receive self-realization even through the Internet and feel it happen on their own central nervous system. That, which has been difficult to achieve in the caves of ancient sages and seers, today is available to everyone - for free . Yes, it is free and Shri Mataji time and again reiterated that we cannot buy our evolution - it is to happen naturally and spontaneously. When awakened, the kundalini energy fills our inner subtle system and spontaneously leads us into the state of meditation by balancing, aligning and normalizing the working of our energy system. It balances us by removing the causes of many deseases, emotional and mental disorders and gradually establishes peace, satisfaction and harmony within and without.

Balancing the Moon Channel

Balancing the Sun Channel

Balancing the Lotus Channel





Sahasrara Chakra

Integration. Crown Energy Center.

Diseases like Heart attack and Di- abetes which only struck in elderly age groups are not claiming as their victims as young as 30 yrs old. The increase of these diseases is largely due to faulty Lifestyle and greater Stress in day to day tife.


Super Ego

Agnya Chakra Right Sympathetic Para Sympathetic


9 10

Energy Center of the Forehead.


Left Sympathetic

Vishuddhi Chakra


Anahat Chakra

Energy Center of the Throat

Love & Compassion. Heart Energy Center


Swadhisthan Chakra

Nabhi Chakra

Generosity, Evolution.

Creativity. Energy Center of the Lower Abdomen

Stomach Energy Center


2 5 4

6 3

Muladhara Chakra

Dr Sandeep Rai, Senior Consultant Diabetologist at Apollo Sugar clinic, Navi Mumbai showed exemplary Researches on Sahaja Yoga which proved t h a t S a h a j a Yo g a Meditation for only 20 minutes daily reduced bad effects of Stress especially on the heart and Blood sugar He was speaking at the recently held Apollo Sugar Clinic Conference held in Bangalore in Sept 2016.

Prof Dr Sandeep Rai, DNB Sr. Consultant Diabetologist Apollo Sugar Clinic, Navi Mumbai


Innocence & Wisdom

Root Energy Center

A recently concluded study conducted by Prof Rai showed that those people practicing Sahaja Yoga recorded a significant increase in their Heart Rate V a r i a b i l i t y. D i a b e t e s generally have low Heart Rate Variability and thus they are at a greater risk of developing heart diseases.

Provides a sense of peace and balance

Reduces feelings of anxiety and anger

They can greatly benefit from practicing Sahaja Yoga. He said that Sahaja Yo g a i s e x t e n s i v e l y researched and its usefulness in tackling Stress and Stress related diseases is firmty established in Medical Science. Sahaja Yoga is now practiced in more than 150 countries of the World. lt is easy to learn and does not interfere with any religion and can be learnt free of cost from lnternet also.

Increase blood flow

Reduces pain

2.4% Stayed same



Very Helpful 57.5% Helpful 40.2% Stayed Same 2.4% Not Helpful 0% Not Helpful 0%

Survey Conducted by: Korea Association of Statistics & information, sampling error +- 2.5 %

Increases energy

Helps reverse heart disease

Helps control thoughts

Apollo Sugar Clinics Proven Diabetes Care -INDIA

Reduces Stress


Sahasrara Chakra

Integration. Crown Energy Center.


Super Ego

Agnya Chakra Right Sympathetic Para Sympathetic

9 10

Forgiveness. Energy Center of the Forehead.


Left Sympathetic

Vishuddhi Chakra


Anahat Chakra

Energy Center of the Throat

Love & Compassion. Heart Energy Center


Swadhisthan Chakra

Nabhi Chakra

Generosity, Evolution.

Creativity. Energy Center of the Lower Abdomen

Stomach Energy Center


2 5 4


6 3

Muladhara Chakra


Innocence & Wisdom

Root Energy Center /

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