BACK TO SCHOOL 2022FREEISSUECOPYMANNDR.INTRODUCINGMICHELLE BC Cancer Foundation Tour de Cure Raises 6.3 Million Neuroactiv Oil Feed Your Brain and All Your Cells. Naturally. SurreyCares Celebrates Community Foundations Month Nutrition House Healthy Habits to Ensure a Strong Start to the School Year

Eventwww.thehypeadagency.comrina@thehypeadagency.comOrganizer,SurreyHealth Expo
Publisher, Surrey Health Magazine

Publishers Note
CEO, The #HYPE Advertising Agency
In this issue, we are honoured to introduce you to Dr. Michelle Mann, who is the owner of the newly opened MISHE Optometry. We also have some updates from BC Cancer Foundation, SurreyCares Community Foundation and Neuroactiv Oil has a special promotion on right now. We also have a special recipe from Nutrition House filled with nutrients and vitamins that you can give to your kids as they transition back to school …. and much, much more!
Back-to-School 2022 issue of the Surrey Health Magazine. Our team is excited to release this issue at the Surrey Health Expo, which is our very first event post-covid. Our goal is to resume our regular event schedule and possibly even do the Health Expo bi-annually as the value this event brings to the community is immeasurable. We consistently receive an overwhelming positive response from community members as the Surrey Health Expo & Magazine continues to be the ONLY health tradeshow and health magazine in Surrey. This is our 4th Health Expo and 8th issue of the Health Magazine. We are focusing on getting even bigger and better in the near future. Stay tuned to see what is coming next!
We are in heavy planning mode for 2023 and looking forward to bringing our readers more information, resources, products and services from experts in the local health, wellness, beauty and fitness industries. Surrey has many small/medium businesses as well as non-profits and community organizations who benefit from having a local-based Health tradeshow and publication as a promotional platform. Thank you to all of our supporters for joining us on this journey thus far and we hope you continue as there are some exciting times ahead!
to Good Health! Rina Gill 778 688 4973

The publisher is not responsible for any manuscripts, images, photographs or any other material. By accepting and publishing advertising, editorial, advertorial, profiles or any other information in this publication; the publisher in no way recommends, guarantees or endorses quality of services or products and information within the context of the above-mentioned. Although every precaution is taken in the preparation of this publication, the Publisher shall have no liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused by the contents of this publication. The Publisher is not liable for any errors or omissions and does not guarantee in any way the accuracy of information provided in the contents of this publication. Copyright 2022 by The Hype Advertising Agency. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including internet or photocopying without written permission of the Publisher.
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Multi-vitamins - A good quality multivitamin will ensure your child receives the key nutrients that he or she needs and will help cover the nutritional gaps that their diet may leave.

Probiotics - help maintain healthy gut bacteria and help keep the children’s immune system healthy and strong.

Back to school is an exciting time for kids and parents alike! There is nothing better than a new backpack, lunchbox, pens and pencils. With all this excitement all around it is also a good time to set up new routines and healthy habits to ensure a strong start to the school year.
Frozen pineapple, strawberries, or mango* 1 scoop of kids’ All-In-One Shake*
Vitamin C - is also an important supplement to prevent and reduce cold and flu symptoms. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin which means it should be taken in a lower dosage twice a day.
Optional -1 tablespoon of nut or peanut butter for a, even more, creamier taste
Get your kids ready for a successful back-to-school transition with these 5 key supplements that can make a difference in your child’s health and academic success.
Banana, sliced and frozen*
Almond milk or other favourite milk (non-dairy milk blends and tastes better)*
Add all ingredients into a blender and blend until everything is nicely blended with no chunks remaining. ENJOY!
Vitamin D - is a key supplement for overall health and wellbeing and is an especially crucial supplement for the winter season. It too helps the immune system be healthy
Greens and proteins- if your child is a picky eater then they can benefit from having a greens protein smoothie. Smoothie is a great way to ensure that your child is receiving 5-6 servings of vegetables a day. Check out the recipe below that is a favourite among our staff.
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Fish oils - fish oils contain essential fatty acids that are important for healthy brain development. They help with focus, concentration and vision.
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What types of products and services do you offer?
We focus on quality custom eye care from start to finish. The practice is designed to offer a unique customer experience with the latest in eye care technology. This includes the Optos Monaco - the only ultra-widefield retinal imaging device with integrated OCT. We also have an Nidek OPD-Scan III which measures objective refractive error, corneal curvature, shape of anterior corneal surface (topography), and pupil size of the patient’s eye, and analyzes wavefront aberration.
Dr. Michelle Mann grew up in Surrey and attended Simon Fraser University where she completed her BSc in Health Science. After undergrad, she then went to MCPHS University in Massachusetts to study optometry where she completed a dual degree in Optometry and Masters of Public Health. During her rotations, she worked at an OD/MD practice in Connecticut, Speciality Contact Lens clinic in Houston, and lastly, Veterans Affair hospital in Salt Lake City.
When Dr. Mann is not busy running her practice, she sits on various committees for the College of BC of Optometrists, Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation, and the Township of Langley. Dr. Mann is passionate about all aspects of health care and giving back to the community. Some of her hobbies include playing soccer and living a healthy lifestyle overall.

As a young girl, I always wanted to pursue a career in the medical field and it wasn’t until I was in high school that I knew optometry would be a good fit. This field has a strong medical and social component to it which was appealing to me. I like the ability that I can really connect with my patients and at the same time help any of their ocular health needs.
What are some of the most common conditions affecting eye health these days?
I want patients leaving Mishe Optometry feeling that they have learned at least one thing new.
Dry eyes
Diabetic Cataractsretinopathy
The above listed are some of the most common diseases we see in optometry but you would be surprised what your eyes can tell you about your health.
I spent many months researching the latest in technology in the world of optometry and the collection of instruments/equipment we have at Mishe Optometry really does have great diagnostic ability that make our exams efficient and most importantly educational.
How do you differentiate your products/services from other doctors in the industry?
It is important to me that the patient understands what each machine does. So if that means installing software so patients can get an actual visual of how their retina looks like, it’s worth it to me.
There are ocular diseases that are more prevalent in certain ethnic communities. Right now, we are seeing an increase in myopia (nearsightedness) in the younger generation which is attributed to environmental and genetic factors. In order to slow down the progression of myopia, there are certain activities/exercises that one can do. Firstly, avoid electronic devices. I would encourage parents to delay the introduction to iPads to their children if they can. Secondly, everyone can practice the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20
In general, I would have to say most people are more proactive to their ocular health needs especially if you have the right tools to explain their condition. That is why it is super important to me to take the time to educate my patient and having the right equipment I can show them how their condition can impact their lives.
minutes of near activity, for 20 seconds look 20 feet away. Lastly, spend more time outdoors than indoors on devices. It is recommended that every growing child should be spending 1-2 hours outside everyday.

When it comes to eye health, do you find people are more proactive or reactive?
Are different age groups and/or ethnic communities pre-disposed to different types of eye conditions? How can they be prevented?
I would like to continue to grow and open up more clinics that offer the same quality custom eye care that I have established at Mishe Optometry. In order to do that, it is important to me that I integrate technology and ocular health seamlessly. Social media is a big part of branding and it is important to use that as tool. I have been having a lot of fun with Mishe Optometry Instagram account and my staff and I try to come up with creative ways to showcase the clinic. A big part of growing your business is to stay relevant and keeping up with the times.
For the most part, the younger generation are pretty receptive to glasses/contact lenses. With information being readily available to them, a lot of them come in with some background knowledge which is quite nice. However, if you educate any patient (young or old) and tell them how wearing glasses or contact lenses would help enhance their life, most people are willing to try it. It is important that we do not put a negative association with glasses/contact lenses but instead treat it as medical devices that will enhance their vision and overall, their life.
What has your experience been like with the younger generation wearing glasses and contact lenses?
What is your long-term plan regarding your personal brand and your business?

Mishe Optometry is a brand new clinic in Surrey, BC that focuses on quality custom eye care from start to finish. The practice is designed to offer a unique customer experience with the latest in eye care info@misheoptometry.comwww.misheoptometry.comtechnology.
misheoptometry 19567 64th Avenue – Unit 5, Surrey, BC, V3S 604.259.12307H8

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“My educational endeavours were able to solidify the foundation of my role as a helping professional. Throughout my career, I had the opportunity to work with my community and attempt to address significant societal issues. Here is where I learned valuable lessons about how important it is to be adaptive and offer support by centering South Asian experiences. I feel that part of my role, as
As the eldest child of immigrant parents and a first-generation Canadian, Jas Hundal remembers helping her elders navigate the healthcare system by being their translator at medical appointments and completing forms for family friends and relatives

a counsellor is to decolonize therapy and actively engage with my clients through a holistic perspective. This means not centering Western perspectives and being vocal about systemic barriers that keep clients from receiving services,” explain SheJas.
This passion for helping others developed when her father was ill and admitted to a local hospital. The social worker who took on her father’s case helped the family feel supported by explaining hospital procedures, sharing information about local programs, and also connecting them with community resources.
This experience inspired Jas and she knew that she wanted to become a social worker and provide services to the Incommunity.2004,Jas“embarked
on a journey of change” and enrolled in the Social Work program at the University of Victoria.
adds that her vision is to empower members of the South Asian community and support them in learning healthier ways to cope.
Two concepts that really resonated with Jas during this time were “chardi kala” and “sarbat da bhala.”
time, she recognizes the fact that there are also discriminatory practices, gender bias and negative beliefs that are prevalent within the culture that need to be addressed and
While “chardi kala” encourages individuals to maintain a cheerful and positive outlook and demeanour, “sarbat da bhala” urges them to pray and wish for the prosperity of all human beings.
a young child while attending Punjabi school at Khalsa Diwan Society in Vancouver.
worker, Jas aims to disrupt and dismantle the patriarchal, sexist, and discriminatory beliefs that have seeped into the South Asian culture through intersections such as colonization, migration, and racism.
This vision is tied to Sikhism and the teachings of the ten gurus, who she aboutlearnedas
She targets these issues by guiding and teaching clients about them. She says that using this approach is beneficial as it empowers and encourages them to achieve resilience by focusing on their positive qualities and attributes.

“The sense of living your life in high spirits, fighting through oppression, helping others, and being of services to your community are very important to me. In difficult times in my life, I have gained strength by being optimistic and accepting my hardships as lessons in life instead of failures,” explains Jas.
Due to their commitment towards upholding their rich culture and maintaining strong familial ties, Jas sees these same values inherent within members of the South Asian
The clinic provides counselling services to individuals, couples and families within the BC and Alberta area and is staffed by individuals who can speak Punjabi.
Jas also reiterates the importance of tailoring counselling services to the needs of an individual.
“A long time ago, someone once told me do not try to force a square peg into a round hole. I feel that in order for therapy to work and be meaningful, I have an obligation to assist clients navigate barriers to support. As a practitioner, I cannot expect my clients to adhere to therapy that fails to encompass their lived experiences. South Asian culture is vast, complicated, nuanced and sometimes seen as problematic when it’s compared to western culture. However, I feel that South
Jas adds that understanding cultural nuances as well as the different meanings that can be associated with words when they are translated from one language to another are important to aspects that counsellors must consider when working with “Howclients.wecommunicate, verbally and non-verbally is essential to our understanding. The focus is not just to interpret words from one language to another, but also check for understanding. There may be issues with translation, when practitioners are unable to translate words from the English language to Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, etc. The same words passed from one language to another can have a very different meaning. It’s not only about choosing the right words, but there is a deeper knowledge of the culture required to convey accurately the meaning of the original content.
Besides having 15 years of experience within the helping profession, Jas owns her own counselling practice called Jasbir Hundal Counselling Services (JHCS).

Jas indicated that when she began working as Social Worker, she experienced a lot of backlash from her own community, due to mistrust in government agencies, her young age was also a barrier as people thought she didn’t have the life experience and clients were apprehensive about sharing their family ‘secrets’.
Asian culture is rich, beautiful, and so resilient that when the community comes together there is no limit to what we can achieve,” she explains.
Jas primarily works with adults between the ages of 25-45 and believes that individuals who are a part of this generation are “motivated to improve their life, start addressing their experiences and break the cycle.” In order to determine their needs, Jas does an initial assessment with every client before matching them with a service provider.
The opportunity to work with Dr. Kang and expand services for children and families was exciting for Jas as she often referred Dr. Kang’s books as resources for parents.
“I spent a lot of time educating South Asian clients about confidentiality, building rapport and then introducing new concepts as a way for them to add to their existing communication and coping skills”. This helped in breaking the barriers, and clients expressed that they felt supported by Jas and felt that she explained things to them in a way that they were empowered to make an informed decision”
Jas also has a background in coaching and facilitation. She was an instructor in the Community Corrections Justice Division at the Justice Institute of BC. Here she strengthened her skills in conflict resolution, leadership and executive functioning. Jas provides coaching services internationally and develops a customized plan with the client that is direct, efficient and a solution focused
In her role as Clinical Director, Jas is tasked with coordinating referrals and providing clinical support to other counsellors. “I am very passionate about collaborative practice and thrilled to have a diverse team of psychologists, social workers and counsellors at Future-ready Minds who work directly with parents, teachers and children.” The approach with Future-ready Minds ™ is early education and to support children and their families to develop resilience, connection and innovation.
When asked about her future plans, Jas says that she aims to expand JHCS by providing services to individuals within different provinces “through a holistic, strength-based approach.”
Besides providing counselling, Jas has also supervises practicum students from Yorkville University and Sprott Shaw Community College. This experience has allowed over 50 individuals to receive free counselling services over the last three
She also shares her thoughts on the South Asian community, continued growth, the continued emergence of health care workers of South Asian descent, and the
years. The ability to provide these services was especially advantageous and essential during the pandemic, when requests for counselling increased.
In early 2022, Jas was also provided with an opportunity to work with psychiatrist Dr. Shimi Kang as a Clinical Director with Future-ready Minds ™.
importance of counselling:
Think about it—on one level, therapy is a pretty strange relationship. You’re expected to spill your guts to a perfect stranger, trusting that they will get you, have empathy for you, and be able to help you cope with the difficult situation that brought you to counseling in the first “
[also] like to request for all the readers, that therapy is there for you to learn new ways to cope. You don’t have to carry the burden of your worries and seeing a counsellor can help you. I know that talking about private issues can be difficult and is something that many of us may not be comfortable with at first. Seeing a counsellor is not a sign of weakness, but rather an opportunity to have a discussion with a professional that is equipped with the tools to support you in achieving a healthier life. In order to help others, we have to start being more compassionate towards ourselves.”

For those who are curious about therapy but don’t know where to start, Jas recommends booking an initial consultation, reviewing the credentials of the counsellor and asking questions about the services being offered”. Many people are reluctant to start counselling because they don’t know what to expect.
“It is going to take time and space for our community to heal and learn healthier ways of coping. We have tremendous strength in our community and the connection to each other, relatives and our culture can be our support. I am comforted to see that there is a growing number of health professionals that are of South Asian descent. These individuals in my eyes are heroes, as they have chosen to work through their own traumas while they simultaneously advocate for and work with the South Asian community”.
with the counsellor about your concerns and determine if they are the right person to work with you”, suggests “IJas.would
Jas explains, “feeling nervous about therapy is not only normal, it’s expected—especially if it’s your first time. In our culture often we are expected to keep things private, keep up appearances, and not share how we are feeling. Therapy is the exact opposite. You have the opportunity to talk about your feelings, sharing your experience with a professional and not put on an act-but be authentic and not feel judged”. It can be a huge relief to talk to a counsellor whose job it is to listen, express empathy and have your best interest at heart.
Photography:@MediaExclusive Makeup: @L.collectiv.e Jas Hundal, BSW, MSW Registered Social Worker jhundalcounselling@gmail.comwww.jashundal.com604-961-2060@itsjashundal#20633119SouthFraserWayAbbotsfordBCV2S2B1
rapidly expanding clinical practice with a number of independent clinicians who utilize a strength-based and anti-oppressive lens. Jas also provides clinical supervision to students from Yorkville University and Sprott Shaw College who in turn provide free counselling to clients. She is trained in a range of treatment modalities (EMDR, CBT, DBT, Mindfulness) and has worked diligently in the field of mental health and addictions since 2006. Jas is also a certified Life Coach offering a variety of services.

Jas Hundal, BSW, MSW
Registered Social Worker Way BC V2S 2B1
“My vision is to guide clients, so they are empowered to make positive decisions in their life. I am committed to fostering a safe, confidential, and trusting therapeutic alliance with clients so they can start on their journey of healing. I strive to honor each client’s story and experience by providing counselling that is specific to individual needs”.

Jas Hundal is a Registered Social Worker and the owner of Jasbir Hundal Counselling Services Ltd (JHCS). She has her Masters of Social Work from the University of Victoria and a Certificate in Advanced Facilitation & Consultation from the Justice Institute of BC. In her career she has worked predominantly with South Asian men and woman, and provided essential services in the Punjabi language. Jas is also the president of the Fraser River Branch of the BC Association of JHCSWorkers.Socialisa
jhundalcounselling@gmail.comwww.jashundal.com604-961-2060 #206@itsjashundal33119South Fraser

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One of the most common methods for residential and commercial carpet cleaning is Dry Foam Carpet Cleaning. This machine involves a pressure tank filled with a solution of water and shampoo made up of chemical technologies. It is used on carpet types made of materials that inhibit sufficient water extraction, such as need felt and other water sensitive carpets. This service will remove any stains, in addition to sand, grit, dirt and allergens Many of these chemicals were developed just in recent years, and have become much more effective than in the past.