PUBLISHERS NOTE Welcome to the launch of the Surrey Health Magazine and Surrey Health Expo. After many years of producing health-focused trade shows specifically for the South Asian community in Surrey, I have finally been able to execute my broader vision of launching Surrey’s first mainstream trade show focusing on the health, wellness, beauty and fitness industry. This soft launch event brings everyone together and caters to the community as a whole. As we all know, the City of Surrey is growing rapidly. According to the 2016 Census, Surrey’s population is 517,887 with approx. 1,000 new residents moving into the City every month. Many people are experiencing busy lives with high stress levels which result in poor diet, lack of exercise, sleep deprivation, etc. These bad habits can eventually lead to serious medical conditions as well as emotional and mental disorders. The City of Surrey is already committed to promoting wellbeing and social change through their Healthy Communities initiative: it’s all part of the process towards social development for all Surrey residents. Hence the reason organizing the event in Surrey at Surrey City Hall made absolute sense to me. To this date, a health focused event of this magnitude has not taken place in Surrey. So, an enormous amount of support on all levels throughout the community is necessary in order to make this event a huge success and help it grow annually. This is an opportunity to bring the entire community and all ethnicities together under one roof to explore the world of health, wellness, beauty and fitness. There will also be a diverse group of vendors, advertisers, media sponsors and attendees. Good health is important for everybody regardless of age, gender and ethnicity. The Surrey Health Expo initiative is meant to be proactive and will take place annually with a few smaller events in between. So, this is a big moment for myself and my team. A sincere thank you to everyone involved who helped make this happen as it has not been easy to pull this off! Here is what you can expect to see at the first annual Surrey Health Expo: Industry Experts On-Site, FREE Health Testing, Product Demonstrations, FREE Product Sampling, FREE Exercise/Dance classes, FREE Workshops, FREE Beauty Makeovers, FREE Massages, Play Area for Children, Adult Obstacle Course, Tons of Prize Giveaways, Food Trucks & Stalls, Farmers Market and Flea Market A special shout-out to the City of Surrey, who have been generous enough to provide FREE PARKING for Surrey Health Expo attendees. A heartfelt thank you to all of our media sponsors for their amazing support to promote this initiative. Hope everyone enjoys the Surrey Health Magazine launch issue. Cheers to Good Health! Rina Gill 778 688 4973 rina@thehypeadagency.com AWARD WINNING
Organizer, SA Health Expo Publisher, SA Health Magazine CEO, The #HYPE Advertising Agency
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Pre & Postnatal Fitness Designed Just for You – Fit 4 Two Surrey/White Rock March 2, 2018
It’s been a few weeks since I set my plans to get back into shape after the birth of my third child. To say it’s been an easy task would be a bold-faced lie. But it hasn’t been completely impossible, and I have found some amazing tools and resources to help me along the way. Fit 4 Two has been a much need dose of motivation and sanity during my hectic, and often sleep deprived, days.
When I first started planning to get fit and start eating properly again (hello delicious bagel carbs, I see you), one of the things I knew I needed was a fitness program that wasn’t too intense and offered considerate support. As much as I like to think that I’m superhuman, there was no way that I could jump back into daily weightlifting and running. My third pregnancy was rough on me, so I needed something adaptable and intended for my postpartum body and emotions. Group fitness isn’t something I’ve done a lot of in the past, but the idea of working out with other moms rather than trying to go it alone seemed encouraging. I’m so glad that I found Fit 4 Two and gave it a try! I chose the Stroller Fitness class as it was perfect for my schedule and my fitness goals – and baby could chill in his stroller while I sweat it out. The instructor, Courtney, was amazing and supported everyone in the class regardless of where they were at physically. I was motivated to do what my body would allow, but thanks to Courtney’s guidance, didn’t push myself towards injury or burnout. Because I was so impressed and excited about the program, I reached out to the Fit 4 Two Surrey/White Rock owner, Erin Gabriel, to find out why having classes designed for expectant and new mothers is needed. It turns out its not only moms who need wellness support, but programs like this are so vital for our community. Meeting passionate people who care about giving others a boost is also super motivating so learning about the mission of Fit 4 Two was eye opening for me.
“Our goal is to create a comfortable and supportive environment for all people who attend our classes. Yes, we’re meant to be a program for moms. But if you’re a caregiver or an expectant dad or a legal guardian, your fitness and health matters too. So long as you’re comfortable with breastfeeding and lots of sharing about development milestones and lack of sleep, you’re more than welcome.”
Erin explains that the classes are intended to be a holistic approach to maternal health. “There are so many benefits to being in a group class that extend beyond getting in shape. Most new moms need the emotional support that comes from being around others going through the same things. Its easier to cope with hormonal changes that come with motherhood if you feel connected to a community and are taking some time to move your body”. Erin’s goal for the future of Fit 4 Two is to see a new standard of care established for moms throughout Surrey and White Rock. With nutrition, emotional support and true community connections, there are plans to work with public health professionals and organizations to see the best services possible become the norm for pre and postnatal women. These goals are ones that support healthy families and hopefully, in turn, healthy communities. Fit 4 Two strives to provide an enjoyable place for new moms to get a regular and safe workout and to make new mom friends. And maybe Stroller Fitness isn’t your thing – they offer a wonderful variety of classes to take part in! AquaFit, Spin Class, Yoga, Barre Class and more; there’s an option for you no matter what your activity level or interests are. I’m grateful that I took the step to join in with Fit 4 Two as I begin to feel like a human again and not just a zombie-like milk machine. My food and fitness goals extend beyond these first few steps but meeting some new friends and accomplishing a few workouts has allowed me to dream about getting back to my pre-baby self.
Erin Miller Schumann Erin is proudly Surrey born and raised. She is the owner of The Yellow Umbrella Co. Virtual Assistant Services and loves working alongside fellow small business owners and entrepreneurs in the Fraser Valley. Reading, writing and her love of music keep her grounded enough to give all of her extra focus to her husband, two daughters and soon-to-be newborn son.
Published on www.fvlifestylemag.com/2018/03/02/pre-postnatal-fitness-designed-just-fit-4-two-surrey-white-rock/
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Welcome to Darts Hill Garden One Woman’s Vision
Darts Hill Garden is the result of over 70 years of work and dedication guided by the clear vision of Francisca Darts. Along with her husband Edwin, Francisca took a logged piece of land, turned it first into an award winning orchard and then into the unique garden that is Darts Hill today. Francisca’s curiosity and love of the new and interesting has resulted in the most diverse collection of mature tree and shrub species in the Pacific Northwest. Many were planted from seed collected from around the world. In 1994 Edwin and Francisca Darts donated their 7.5-acre garden to the City of Surrey and its citizens. Their intention was to give Surrey its own garden to be used as a horticultural centre for the preservation, enhancement, and development of plants. The non-profit Darts Hill Garden Conservancy Trust Society works in partnership with the City of Surrey towards these goals. Darts Hill Garden Park is now open more often than ever before and provides a succession of colour throughout the spring and summer season through its wide variety of flowering trees, shrubs, and perennials.
HISTORY In the beginning… Darts Hill Garden Park consists of 7.5 acres of horticultural richness without equal in North America, for it contains a variety of rare and precious plants. The garden is the result of a pioneering spirit, interest, and dedication, long forgotten in much of today’s society. Edwin Darts was born in Vancouver in 1903, and his wife, Francisca, in The Hague, Holland, in 1916. They wanted a few acres to grow fruit trees and in 1943 purchased acreage of bush in the area of present day 16th Avenue and 168th Street in South Surrey. The property was covered with bush, which had regrown after the logging of the original forest cover in the 1800s. There remained huge stumps which had to be cleared by dynamiting . . . self-taught! Shovels, axes, picks, cross-cut saws and their bare hands were the tools required to claim the land, as nothing was mechanized in the beginning. There was no water or electricity at the site, and their water supply was ‘divined’ by a water witcher (or diviner), who required frequent lubricating! Their artesian well, still in use today, is 125 feet deep. At first, an orchard… Initially the property was an orchard planted with fruit trees including apple, pear, apricot, peach, plum, and medlar (an unusual European fruit), and also walnut and filbert trees. The orchard was so successful that Mr. Darts won the only gold medal ever awarded by the Pacific National Exhibition in that exhibit category. However, it was an exhibit by the Alpine Garden Club of BC at the PNE that stirred their interest and enthusiasm for horticulture, which became Mrs. Darts’ passion.
This led to her joining many organizations devoted to the field, including the Royal Horticultural Society, from which she received the seeds of many of the rare and unusual plants that are growing in the garden today. A legacy… The donation of the garden to the City of Surrey in 1994 was the culmination of the Darts’ life hobby and retirement work. The City is delighted that Francisca and Edwin Darts chose to make their garden available to residents, students and visitors by entering into a 999-year agreement with the City. Importantly, they did this in Francisca’s lifetime, allowing the transition from private garden to public garden to occur in a way which has reflected the desires of the garden’s creators. At the time of the donation, the City purchased an additional adjoining 15 acres, bringing the total size of today’s property to 22.5 acres. Edwin Darts passed away in 1994, at the age of 91, and Francisca Darts, in 2012, at the age of 96. The Garden is now operated jointly by the City of Surrey and the Darts Hill Garden Conservancy Trust Society whose common purpose is to ensure that the Garden is operated in perpetuity in the spirit of Edwin and Francisca Darts.
Public Openings. Explore the garden during one of our Garden Strolls, scheduled from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on most Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays during the peak months of April, May, June, July, and September. Or visit during one of our special Open Houses, scheduled April 28, May 26, September 22, and October 20. Some events feature a sale of plants propagated at Darts Hill. Please check out our calendar for further details, additional events, and confirmation of all openings. Admission is by donation. Memberships. To enjoy extended openings and the opportunity to fully enjoy and contribute to this exceptional plantsman’s garden, please consider the advantages of becoming a member. (Costs start at $20.) Learn more here. Tours. For a truly customized experience, bring your own group of five or more for a two-hour Guided Tour, conducted by one of our experienced guides. In addition, our popular Friday afternoon Garden Director’s Tours have resumed. Pre-registration is required for all tours.Tour cost is $5 per person. Visit our tours section to learn all you need to know about booking a Darts Hill Tour. Visiting with Children. Darts Hill Garden can be magical for children of all ages. They’ll enjoy exploring the winding mossy pathways, going through “tree tunnels,” and taking in the colours, sounds, and smells of the garden. They’ll observe the variety and unique features of plants from around the world, learn to recognize our own Pacific Coast native plants, see honeybees and mason bees at work, and perhaps see a rabbit or other creature that inhabits the garden. It’s a unique learning experience. Phone: 604-501-5100
Email: info@dartshill.ca
Content and photos from website: www.dartshill.ca
OR caLL (604) 584-7006
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Fashion tips for her.
1.Wear cotton and linen clothing, they are much more breathable and will keep you feeling cool all day.
2. T-shirt dresses are an easy on the go option that require minimal effort.
3. Choose pastels, over dark clothing they will help to keep you cool.
4. Carry a large tote so all your summer essentials are easily accessible to you while still being stylish. 5. A dressy pair of shorts will be your best friend. Investing in these will make you feel classy while still being able to dress for the scorching hot weather.
15 Best Things to Do in Surrey (Canada) Courtesy of www.thecrazytourist.com Part of Metropolitan Vancouver, Surrey is a suburban city that sits along the coastline of British Columbia’s Boundary Bay. It is a fast growing city that is made up of hills and flatlands, in which 35 per cent of it is an Agricultural Land Reserve. Surrey is a haven for nature lovers, having a plethora of parks and greenbelts. It is also great for city lovers, as it is home to galleries, museums, shopping centres and heritage sites. If you are visiting Vancouver, it is worthwhile to spend a couple of days exploring Surrey, or, make it a destination to see all on its own. Lets explore the best things to do in Surrey:
1. Spend the day at the park Surrey’s most popular park; Bear Creek Park is great for everyone. It is home to lovely hiking trails, sports fields, picnic areas, a running track and even a swimming pool.
2. Visit Smallville This popular American television series was filmed in the historic enclave of Cloverdale. The area is also home to numerous historic sites that date back to the 1880s.
In the summer, Bear Creek Park is a hot spot for families, what with its miniature train, outdoor pool and mini-golf course. If you are a nature lover, venture along one of its walking paths.
The former farming community is now a highly visited neighbourhood. Not only is it known in the television and film industry, but also in the antiques world. In fact, Cloverdale is known as being the ‘Antiques Capital of BC’.
The gardens here are quite spectacular, being home to cottonwoods, western red cedars, conifers and azaleas. The park also has a pavilion that hosts regular events
Wandering around the area is a must for any history buff or fan of a small town community. As well, every year in May, it hosts the Cloverdale Rodeo and Country Fair.
3. Go to the beach This is of course a summer thing to do, although it is possible to walk along the oceanfront walkway all year. You will find Crescent Beach in South Surrey, along the coast of Boundary Bay.
4. Play a round of golf There are numerous gold courses in Surrey, some of which have hosted PGA tournaments. The city is home to eight full courses and two executive courses, as well as a number of driving ranges.
People have been visiting this beach for centuries. In its ancient history, it was home to a summer camp for the aboriginals. Today, it is a popular place for swimming, sailing and water-polo.
The Arnold Palmer designed Northview Golf & Country Club is one of the most popular in the city, followed closely by the Morgan Creek Golf Course. Other well-known courses in the city include the Guildford Golf & Country Club and the Peace Portal Golf Course.
If you are a nudist, there is a designated nudist beach on the southern end of the beach at the bottom of Crescent Rock boulder. If bird watching is your thing, head to the northern end of the beach.
Adam Sandler fans may recognise Surrey and some of its golf courses from the movie ‘Happy Gilmour’, which was filmed here.
5. Go back in time The picturesque Historic Stewart Farm tells the story of how a pioneer family lived from 1880 to 1944. The Victorian farmhouse is truly picturesque, as is its surrounding gardens and farmland.
6. Stroll through a garden The horticultural paradise that is Darts Hill Garden contains thousands of plants from around the world. The garden is set on three hectares of land, which was a gift to the city by the Darts family.
Go back in time and learn what it was like to live on and run a farm long-ago. Staff are dressed in period costumes and will take you on a tour of this historic site.
The award-winning orchard is absolutely beautiful and has been in the making for the past 70 years. It is only possible to visit the Darts Hill Garden on Saturdays in the months of April, May, June and September.
The Historic Stewart Farm can be visited all year, with activities and events being offered during certain times of the year. It is great for the whole family, and is a good place to escape the thriving city centre for a couple of hours.
7. Ride a ferry Barnston Island ferry is a small ferry that runs across the Parsons Channel from Port Kells in Surrey to Barnston Island. The ferry is free, with the ride being only five minutes. The ferry is a barge that can take 52 passengers and five vehicles across the channel. It runs on demand, meaning there is no set time. Just turn up and wait for it to leave the port.
Stroll along the winding paths throughout the garden and enjoy its open meadows. Be sure to bring your camera, as you are unlikely to find anything else like this in Surrey.
8. Tour a winery If you are a wine connoisseur, don’t miss the chance to visit a winery and sample some of its finest wines. The Vinoscenti Vineyards is the perfect place for some wine tasting and a tour through the vineyards and beautiful spots around the winery.
The island itself is small, made up mostly of farmland. There is not a lot to do there, although some of the farms are open to the public and, together with the ferry ride, makes for a unique experience.
10. Explore an old fort Fort Langley is a former trading post that is located in Langley, just east of Surrey. The fort is a National Historic Site that dates back to 1827. 9. Eat You cannot enjoy Surrey’s wine without also enjoying its food. And there are plenty of superb places to eat in the city. The Old Surrey Restaurant is somewhat of an icon, as it has been run by a local family for the past two generations. The restaurant is set in an old farm house, with the atmosphere being as good as the classic French cuisine that is served. There are also plenty of other places to enjoy a good meal in Surrey, having everything from Indian food to comfort foods like hamburgers and chips. Whether you want to splurge or are on a tight budget, there are some great restaurant options in the city.
There are numerous historic buildings onsite, including the servant’s quarters, the Big House and the blacksmith shop. The oldest building at Fort Langley is the storehouse, which dates back to 1840. Today, it is a museum that tells the story of Canada’s fur trade industry. It also has exhibits that show the history of the colonisation of the area.
11. Go on an art walk Even if you are not an art lover, this is a fun and interesting thing to do. There is public art all over the city that is just waiting to be seen and photographed. Maps are available online to show you exactly where all of the public art can be seen. These impressive pieces are done by both local and international artists, and can be seen in parks, along walkways, on streets and on pillars throughout the SkyTrain.
12. Visit a local farm With around 35 per cent of Surrey being an Agricultural Land Reserve, it should be of no surprise that you can visit some of the local farms. Fresh fruit farms, honey farms, pumpkin patches and more can be discovered while in Surrey. If you are an adventurer, there is a fun corn maze that is great for testing your navigational skills. If you would rather see and taste organic food, visit the Zaklan Heritage Farm.
There are around 60 pieces of art spread across the city, though this number keeps growing. You can see them at your leisure, either all in one day or over your entire Surrey holiday.
The Honeybee Centre is a working honey farm complete with an onsite store. You can watch the bees busy at work here. OR, head to Rondriso Farms, a cattle farm and pumpkin patch.
13. Enjoy a festival Surrey does not have as many annual festivals as neighbouring Vancouver, but what it does have is quite excellent. All of these are family friendly and, in one way or another, celebrate the culture of the diverse city.
14. Watch the sunset The sunset can be seen everywhere, but there are some beautiful spots in Surrey to snap photos of the sun setting over the city. This is especially true in the summer.
Arguably the most popular festival in Surrey is the Cloverdale Rodeo and County Fair, which features barrel racing, a petting zoo, bull riding and fair rides. The Surrey International Children’s Festival is a fun one if you are visiting Surrey with the kids. For something different, head to the Vaisakhi Day Parade, which celebrates the Sikh New Year. It is one of the largest in the world, with up to 200,000 people attending the parade each year.
One of the best spots to watch the sunset is Crescent Beach. In fact, the beach is famous for them. Mud Bay Park, which overlooks the beach, is another great spot. If you are in the northeast part of the city, watch the sunrise at Surrey Bend Regional Park, where you can also see the sun setting over the Fraser River. If you want to watch the sun setting along the river, head to Brownsville Bar Park.
15. Get lost in nature This is easy to do, as there are over 600 parks, green spaces and trails in Surrey. Put on your trainers, bring some water and a camera, and get lost exploring Surrey’s great outdoors. Climb steps, walk along trails or explore some forests. No matter which you choose, you will be amongst Surrey’s natural beauty. The 52 hectare Sunnyside Acres Urban Forest is perfect if you love trees, birds and flowers. Mud Bay Park is another great spot for birdwatchers, while the 1,001 steps in South Surrey are fantastic if you want a good outdoor workout.
What’s it all about? The CoolSculpting is a fat-freezing procedure that is the only FDA-cleared,* non-surgical fat-reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise. The results are proven, noticeable, and lasting—so you’ll look great from every angle. CoolSculpting Freezes & Eliminates Stubborn Fat……. The CoolSculpting procedure safely delivers precisely controlled cooling to gently and effectively target the fat cells underneath the skin. Treated fat cells are crystalized (frozen), then die. Over time, your body naturally processes the fat and eliminates these dead cells, leaving a more sculpted you. Your fat cells hate the cold….. It’s science. Developed by renowned scientists of Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital, the FDA-cleared procedure known as CoolSculpting uses patented cooling technology to eliminate fat cells, without surgery, and little to no downtime. The reduction in fat cells in the treated area provides noticeable, and lasting results to help you look and feel your very best. Sometimes, no matter how intense your workout or strict your diet, you can’t seem to ditch stubborn fat. We all have certain trouble areas where flab builds up and doesn’t shed, despite our best efforts. Wouldn’t it be great if you could reduce those problem areas without the traditional methods like diet and exercise? Now you can. Our medical staff at Wave Skin Care has mastered the technology to administer a procedure that’s safe and comfortable - and provides you with results that you’ll absolutely love. Within one treatment, you’ll be on your way to achieving the sleek, toned body that you’ve always dreamed about. During Your First Visit You’ll meet with a CoolSculpting clinician during a one-on-one consultation. This person could be a doctor or another medical professional who has specialized training in the CoolSculpting procedure. Your CoolSculpting clinician will take the time to discuss a holistic approach to your goals for reshaping your body. Together, you’ll look at your whole body from different angles—and then focus on specific areas where you want to eliminate fat. Fat Cells After the CoolSculpting Procedure The CoolSculpting fat-freezing procedure actually reduces the number of fat cells in treated areas by about 20% to 25%. Fat Cells After Typical Weight Loss After dieting and weight loss, fat cells get smaller but the number of fat cells stays the same. When weight is gained, fat cells get bigger.
These fat cells are naturally processed and eliminated, so they won’t migrate to another area of your body. And, unlike what happens with other procedures, there’s no change to fat cells in untreated areas.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT COOLSCULPTING Am I A Good Candidate for CoolScuplting Procedure? The CoolSculpting fat-reduction procedure is specially designed for those who have unwanted fat in targeted areas. Unlike weight-loss surgery (e.g., gastric bypass), the CoolSculpting procedure is not a weight-loss solution for people who are obese. Good candidates for the CoolSculpting procedure have noticeable bulges in certain areas they’d like to get rid of. Many people want a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. How Long Is Each Treatment? And How Many Treatments Will I Need? Your CoolSculpting physician will help you create an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific goals. The length of your CoolSculpting treatment will vary depending on the number of areas being treated during one visit. The latest technology of CoolSculpting can treat a patient in 35-60 minutes, some patients have more than one treatment during the same office visit. Some practices even have multiple CoolSculpting systems and applicators, so it’s possible for a patient to have multiple areas treated at once. You and your provider may also schedule additional treatments or office visits in order to meet your goals. I Don’t Like my Double Chin Can CoolSculpting Procedure Help Me With That? Yes! The CoolSculpting procedure can treat visible fat bulges under the chin and contour the neck. Freezing away fat from a double chin is as easy and tolerable as using the CoolSculpting procedure in other parts of the body (e.g., abdomen, flank/side, thighs). With CoolSculpting treatment for a double chin, patients see results after just 1 to 2 visits. And with no surgery, no needles, and with little to no downtime. Where does the Fat go? Are the results Permanent? The CoolSculpting procedure safely delivers precisely controlled cooling to gently and effectively target the fat cells underneath the skin. Treated fat cells are crystalized (frozen), then die. Over time, your bo Once the treated fat cells are crystallized (frozen), they die and are naturally processed and eliminated from the body. Over time, your body naturally processes the fat and eliminates these dead cells, leaving a more sculpted you. What Does It Feel Like? As the cooling begins during the first few minutes, you typically feel intense cold. This soon dissipates. With some applicators, you’ll feel some pulling as suction is applied. The area generally goes numb within 5 to 10 minutes during treatment. Many people read, watch videos, work on their laptop, or even take a nap during their CoolSculpting treatment. After the treatment, you may feel some tingling as the area is massaged for 2 or 3 minutes. Patients are usually able to return to normal activities following their appointment. What to Expect has more information about what happens before, during, and after your CoolSculpting procedure. Are There Any Side Effects? During the procedure you may experience sensations of pulling, tugging, mild pinching, intense cold, tingling, stinging, aching, and cramping at the treatment site. These sensations subside as the area becomes numb. Following the procedure, typical side effects include temporary redness, swelling, blanching, bruising, firmness, tingling, stinging, tenderness, cramping, aching, itching, or skin sensitivity. Sensation of fullness in the back of the throat after submental area treatment. These effects are temporary and generally resolve within days or weeks. Though rare, some additional side effects may occur. As with any medical procedure, ask your physician if the CoolSculpting procedure is right for you. Can I Return to Normal Activities After my treatment? Yes, you can. The CoolSculpting procedure is completely non-surgical, so typically you can return to normal activities immediately. Patients often return to work on the same day after a CoolSculpting treatment is completed. When Will I See Results? You may start to see changes as quickly as 3 weeks after your treatment, and will experience the most dramatic results after 2 months. Your body will still continue to flush out fat cells for up to 4 to 6 months after treatment. Do I Need To Take Special Supplements Or Follow A Strict Diet And Exercise Program? No supplements are required after your CoolSculpting treatment. It’s not a diet and exercise program, so you won’t need to change any of your lifestyle habits. Many patients do feel more motivated to take care of themselves after a CoolSculpting treatment. It’s as if they got a second lease on their body! They want to take even better care of themselves.
Schedule your FREE consultation today!
Wave Skin Care Centre #105-5680 -152 Street Surrey, BC, V3S 3K2 604 576 8819 www.waveskincare.ca
Maskeen Farms It’s In Our Nature
Maskeen Farms is a local family owned and operated blueberry farm located on the corner of 168 street and 40 avenue in Surrey, BC. We are dedicated to serving freshly handpicked blueberries to our community. With many years of farming experience, we are dedicated to providing our customers with quality blueberries. We also pride ourselves in keeping our facilities clean, engaging in safe agricultural practices and being environmentally conscious. Blueberries have many health benefits. They are low in calories yet high in nutrients. They protect our bodies from damage by free radicals, unstable molecules that can damage cellular structures and contribute to aging and diseases like cancer. Blueberries are believed to contain the highest antioxidant capacity of all commonly consumed fruits and vegetables. Blueberries contain a plant compound called anthocyanin which gives the fruit both its blue color and many of its health benefits. Blueberries also contain the main elements in maintaining healthy bones such as iron, phosphorous, calcium, zinc and vitamin K. Maskeen Farms is certified by a credited national agricultural safety program called Canada Gap. Canada Gap is a program developed in Canada to promote Good Agricultural Practices for fruit and vegetable suppliers. It is designed to help implement and maintain effective food safety procedures within fresh produce operations. To become certified, participants must comply with food safety requirements that were developed by the horticultural industry and reviewed for technical soundness by Canadian government officials. Farming operations must also undergo and successfully complete on-farm audits. Canada Gap is the first food safety program in Canada to achieve international recognition by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and Maskeen Farms is proud to be a part of their list of certified farmers.
Blueberries are in season starting in late June to early September. Different types of blueberry plant varieties are in season at different times. At Maskeen Farms we specialize in three different types of variety: Duke, Bluecrop and Elliott. Whether you are craving fresh handpicked blueberries or want to freeze them for the rest of the year, Maskeen Farms is your one stop shop for blueberries. Here are some quick tips on including blueberries in meal options:
1 Use blueberries as fresh toppings on oatmeal, waffles, pancakes, yogurt or cereal for an extra burst of flavour and nutrition in your breakfast. 2 Whip up a quick and easy smoothing using frozen berries, low fat milk and yogurt. 3 Mix fresh or dried blueberries into a spinach salad with walnuts and feta cheese. 4 Fold blueberries into muffins and sweet breads. 5 Blend them in a food processor with a little water as part of a fresh syrup to top desserts or breakfast foods.
16726 40 Ave Surrey, BC, Canada www.facebook.com/maskeenfarms
www.maskeenfarms.com www.instagram.com/maskeenfarms
NEW HAIR LOSS SOLUTION FOR MEN AND WOMEN For centuries, hair has been associated with youth, energy, strength, abundance, beauty, good physical health, and one's own identity. For this, and other reasons, hair loss can be a very sensitive subject. Hair loss can be mild or extreme. It can be genetic, environmental, lifestyle-related, or a result of illness or unfortunate circumstance. On top of that, in today's fast-paced world, we are starting to lose hair at an early age. Many of us carry insecurities and anxieties about hair loss, which too often affect external factors, such as enjoyment of activities, hobbies, social lives, and even as far as confidence in careerpursuits. And the amount of money spent on hair maintenance and wigs, fibers, and FUE/FUT transplants are staggering. It is a never-ending cycle. The question has always been how to create a healthy balance. The ability to give ourselves permission to look better and feel good without stressing over it; to continue our busy lives without needing to think about aesthetics while feeling good inside out. This is the philosophy of a new Surrey-based aesthetic clinic, Vita Felice (which means "Happy Life" in Italian) and they are garnering a lot of attention through their supportive approach to issues such as hair loss. As a tribute to this philosophy, Vita Felice offers an innovative hair-loss solution called SMP: SMP (Scalp Micropigmentation) gives bald or shaved heads the look of a realistic buzz cut and thinning hair a natural-looking density. It boasts impressive benefits: leaving no scars; minimal pain; being far more convenient than wigs, powders and transplants; and far more affordable than surgery. It is known to also cover scars, including those from FUT and FUE. And its effects last 3-5 years (with recommended occasional color maintenance). The technology behind SMP involves an ultra-thin, acupuncture-like needle that, as the name suggests, applies pigment to the scalp, creating the look of natural hair follicles. And while the thought of needles may make some of us cringe, the needles do not go even as deep as acupuncture and has witnessed clients fall asleep during the procedure. The caveat is that SMP must be done by a properly-trained technician with the right skills, pigments, needle and machine. In the wrong hands, SMP can spell disaster.
Here are some major advantages of SMP: - It is a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure - It is perfect for various balding and thinning hair patterns - It is a semi-permanent solution that will last for years with touch-ups - It is maintenance-free and time-freeing - It is unaffected by any physical activity - It is painless* - It is a more convenient method when compared to wigs, powders, & hair transplants - It is much more affordable than hair transplant surgeries - It is the ideal solution to cover up scars, including those from FUT and FUE - It does not cause any scarring - It is ideal for all genders - It will boost your self-esteem Vita Felice offers selective, high-quality services and products that are organic, cruelty-free, hypo-allergenic, and free of harmful chemicals and substances Currently Vita Felice is offering 50% off for SMP services. If you are still not sure if this is right for you, book a trial session to see what it is and how it feels. For those who suffer from hair loss due to alopecia, cancer, burns, and unfortunate events, a special program is available. It's worth giving a call to find it out.
103-8927 152 Street, Surrey, BC V3R 4E5 +1 778 987 5480 rachel.vitafelice@gmail.com www.vitafelica.ca vfmicroblading vfmicroblading
Copyright c 2018 Vita Felice Microblading. All Rights Reserved
A non-surgical, effective tattoo-removal procedure for both cosmetic and conventional body tattoos. No harsh chemicals. No lasers.
A non-surgical rejuvenation treatment. Great for acne scars, scar tissue, wrinkles, hyper- and hypo-pigmentation, age spots and stretch marks.
HAIR LOSS SOLUTIONS (SMP) 50% OFF A non-surgical, non-invasive treatment, providing a fuller look for thinning hair or a fresh buzz-cut look for a bald head. Also great for camouflaging scars from FUT/FUE.
Microblading, a popular semi-permanent manual makeup for eyebrows that mimics browstrokes, and Ombré, which creates a soft powder makeup look, both for very natural looking results.
103-8927 152 Street, Surrey, BC V3R 4E5
Keratin-based formula to lift your natural lashes to enhance your eyes. No extensions used. Results last for up to 12 weeks or for the lifecycle of the lash.
+1 778 987 5480
“In order to live a higher quality life, maintaining optimal wellness is key. Everything we feel and do relates to our well-being and directly affects our actions and emotions. In order to subdue stress, reduce illness, and ensure positive moments in your life, you must achieve optimal wellness.” Hi my name is Bobby Bains and I am a Wellness Coach for Gobind Wellness. I help others regain happiness back into their lives. I am married with two beautiful children, ages 2 and 5. My wife and I have a great relationship that is both healthy and steady. My education stems out from Simon Fraser University where I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Health Sciences. The program draws upon the biological, social, behavioural, and policy sciences, and focuses on the determinants of health, health promotion, disease prevention, health care systems, health policy, and health technology. For activities, I enjoy working out at the gym and going for long walks. My good physical health is complimented by a healthy nutritional diet which allows me to stay fit. Life has its challenges, but my mind stays positive and well balanced. I genuinely enjoy living every day and just being myself. I was not always this way. Many years ago, I found myself hopeless, broken and all alone. My wife and son had left me, I had lost my business (Home Care Agency), I was in a financial crisis and I was seriously sick, both spiritually and mentally. The worst part of all was that I searched for a solution in alcohol as opposed to seeking professional help. As a result, things got worst. My mind was kept preoccupied and blind from the truth. The truth was that my life was becoming unmanageable and that I was dying from the inside out. As my problems continued to pile up, so did my drinking. At the end, my solution of alcohol had failed me utterly and I was absolutely hopeless. I had stopped fighting life and accepted complete defeat and at that very moment, I asked for help. Once I received the help, my life got better, and has only improved since. In receiving help, I learnt the truth of my mental state. My mind was in full flight from reality and would not stop thinking. My thoughts were never focused on the present day. They were always in the future, which aroused fear and anxiety, or in the past, causing me to be depressed or in self-pity. Most doctors would prescribe medications to help with these types of emotions. While the medications may temporarily fix the problem, the mind still awaits for the day to attack again; the real problems are still lying unfixed. Through my education and experience, I have learnt that the problem lies deep within the mind. Substance abuse, desires, temptations, obsessions and even emotional attachments act only as temporary solutions; they never fix the real problem. In searching within myself, I have found my root problem to be self-centeredness, fuelled by a hundred forms of fear and anger. A program of action helped me to remove these character defects and to live a life better than I’ve ever known before. I am no longer chasing the fruits of life hoping to one day eat them. Instead, I am eating them every day. As a result of this work, I have found much relief, mental steadiness, strong meaningful relationships, financial security, opportunities, growth, restraint from excessive drinking, absolute fulfillment of the hungry mind and most importantly, spiritual wellness. Bobby Bains BHSc Wellness Coach
Darcy M
I currently get wellness coaching from Bobby. I was referred to Bobby from a friend that get’s wellness coaching also. I’ve noticed drastic changes in my friends life and have some in mine. I’ve had a few sessions with Bobby and *Strongly* suggest him as a wellness coach. Cheers, helping change lifes Bobby. God Bless
Stuck in Depression or Anxiety...... These feelings are the natural responses of the mind. Everyone feels depressed or anxious in life, whether it be due to life changes, bad experiences, trauma and/or worrying about future events. The problem is becoming stuck in these feelings and not having the ability to push through and grow out of them. When it comes to children, parents help coach them through difficult situations and help them get through their emotions. As long as its suffice, we are their coaches. The same should go with adults! Instead of remaining stuck in our emotions of anxiety and depression, we should try working through tough situations and working out the root causes. In turn, growing emotionally in life. As this may sometimes be a difficult task to do on your own, it may be a good idea to connect with a Wellness Coach to help coach you through the difficult situations.
Vacation....... We all look forward to our next upcoming vacation get-aways, counting down the days until we leave. Furthermore, most of us think we need it as we live busy bland lives; where work is repetitive, kids are challenging, household chores don’t seem to end andarguments with the family/spouse keep escalating. Whatever the case, we are unhappy and need to get away to relax. However, the vacation is no rest at all as we have brought all our problems along with us in our minds and unless we have a mind altering substance, such as alcohol, they don’t seem to disappear. Alcohol and other substances are not the solution to our problems. Nevertheless, the vacation seems so short that we are left scratching our heads wondering, how it’s already time to return home and we seem more depressed coming back home than going. Upon our return home, we count down the days to our next planned vacation.
Alcoholism and drug addiction........ Alcoholic/Addict is a term used to describe an individual who has a problem with a substance. Alcoholism refers to having a disease where individuals can no longer use these substances in a safe manner. Their lives have become unmanageable and they are powerless over the substance. This means they take the first drink or drug and a phenomenon of a craving takes over and they want more. They have lost the power to stop with just one. Most importantly, their behaviours are alcoholic as they become over powered by their psychological health barriers of ego, lust, greed, attachment and resentments. Nevertheless, everyone experiences these psychological health barriers, however, the problem is when individuals do not address these barriers and use substances, food, relationships, television etc. as a solution to their problems becoming subject to alcoholic behaviour. Which progressively leads to alcoholism. A Wellness Coach can help remove these psychological health barriers that cause one to drink. There are two ways we can journey through life........ We can either choose to go through life or we can choose to grow through life! Going through life we only earn and chase the fruits in life. We are constantly stuck in the work, chores, family and sleep cycle. Growing through life we get to learn and enjoy eating the fruits of life on a daily basis. We incorporate wellness within our work, chores, family and sleep cycle and we become motivated in pursuing the things we love doing. As per the law of attraction, a negative mind will attract negative outcomes. Whereas a positive mind will attract positive outcomes. Connect with the universe and set your reality up for success. Make the best out of life by spending time on self care and working through your barriers.
This is no way to live, life is short! Everyday should feel like a vacation, whether you are at work, at home, playing with your kids or simply going for a walk. The vacation resides in the mind, not in your external environment. Work with a Wellness Coach and reap the rewards. If you are someone who just can’t seem to sustain happiness in your life no matter what you do, then it's time to explore what a Wellness Coach can do for you! ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Expect to meet and discuss the reality of your life Expect to find barriers in your life that keep you from experiencing true happiness Expect to receive suggestions and an action plan to help remove those barriers Expect to receive a fitness and nutritional plan outlined just for you Expect to receive a succession planning chart to help keep you on a timeline Expect to receive resources
Most importantly....... ✓ Expect to see results! Experience what a Wellness Coach can do for you with your first session being complimentary.
Gobind Wellness 778-868-0468 Suite 404 - 1688 152 Street, South Surrey, BC www.GobindWellness.com
Beauty Tips for men And women. 1. Don’t buy cheap razors.
3. Sunscreen.
6. Beard balm with natural ingredients.
9. Avoid trimming a wet beard.
4. Use beard oil for the face and skin.
7. Moisturizing shaving cream.
10. Know your beard line.
2. After shave.
5. Beard wash and softener.
8. Exfoliating once - twice a week to stimulate growth of new cells.
1.Wear SPF everyday.
4. Exfoliate once a week / don’t over exfoliate.
7. Apply foundation on lips before putting on lipstick to prevent smudging.
10. Try blotting sheets to get rid of sweat instead of powder, helps prevent more clogged pores and unwanted break outs.
13. Using deodorant on your feet can prevent blisters.
2. Remove face wash with cotton pad to remove more bacteria than your hands can.
5. Use lip balm with SPF instead of gloss.
8. Do not forget to take care of neck/chest like you do your face.
11. Baby powder helps remove unwanted sand from skin.
14. Nourishing toner twice a day.
3. Moisturize daily/ multiple times a day.
6. Apply coconut oil into scalp.
9. Tooth brush and hair spray to hold down unwanted baby hair.
12. Baking soda helps self tanner mistakes.
15. Use noncomedogenic products.
Achieving Success through Good Sleep In today’s “hustle-centric” world, sleep is the first thing to hit the chopping block. Factor a daily reduction of sleep
by one hour over the course of a year and it’s easy to see why people are fatigued and reliant on their morning espresso. Due to television, technology, increasing work demands, and stress, sleep has become even more paramount. Once you factor in the unique and extra circumstances that weren’t around in the ‘50s, the old standard of getting in bed eight hours before you need to wake up needs a refresher. For the workaholics, this notion might be met with some resistance. It’s a common thing I hear from clients, some of whom tell me that they’re functioning just fine on six to seven hours of sleep. However, there’s a difference between merely existing throughout the day and operating with high levels of productivity. When asked about why people feel fine with six hours of sleep, when you’re sleep deprived, research has shown that you’re really bad at being able to tell that you’re sleep deprived. With a busy lifestyle that includes myriad demands that pull you in numerous directions, you may think that being in bed for 8.5 hours is a fantasy. But it’s far from that. Just implementing these two simple habits can immediately provide a high ROI for your sleep: 1. Create a presleep routine No one likes being fatigued, moody, and mentally foggy from nights of poor sleep. Why does our sleep fall short? It’s because of a lack of effective organization and scheduling. Just as you schedule a doctor’s appointment, you need to schedule your sleep--specifically, the start of your sleep routine. To accomplish this, implement these four steps: Decide what time you need to wake up. Block out 8.5 hours from that time. Carve out 90 minutes before the 8.5 hours of bedtime begins. Use that 90 minutes to wind down from the day (no work or stimulating activity with electronics). 2. Focus on sound Environments play a role in all facets of our lives, and nowhere is this truer than with our sleep. As Gartenberg explained: Your brain has these micro-arousals throughout the night without you being consciously aware of it--even an air-conditioning unit turning on wakes up your brain. So blocking out noises is a low-hanging fruit to improve your sleep quality. White noise improves sleep quality by making it easier to fall asleep and further promoting deep sleep--think of this as restoring your body and mind from a tough workday. If you live in a noisy environment that isn’t under your control, look into using noise-making sleep buds or white-noise machines. Feeling tired and cranky in pursuit of your business goals isn’t necessary. With effective planning and some added ounces of discipline, you’ll be able to sleep your way to success.
Formerly Balitang Vancouver
Mondays at 9am PST (new airing) Mondays at 8:30pm PST (repeat airing) Wednesdays at 7:30am PST (repeat airing) Friday at 2:30pm PST (repeat airing) Sundays at 2:30pm PST (repeat airing)
Expresses the Canadian diversity and culture that Inspire, entertain, our audiences through multi-media programing with quality in content..
RESPONSIBILITY • Represent people from all backgrounds, cultures and disabilities. • Describe all Canadians accurately fairly and without stereotypes. • Improve how visible minorities are portrayed and represented on TV and Radio • We Support, Canadian Talent, Gender Equality, Aboriginal peoples. • Access to high-quality content & Encourage Linguistic Duality. • Educate, connect, inform and facilitate creativity through various aspects of video production for the entire greater Vancouver community regardless of skill level or means. MISSION Provide a wide diversity of programming that reflects the multicultural Canadian society. Recognize the special place of aboriginal peoples within our society VALUES DIVERSITY INTEGRITY INCLUSIVENESS WE ENCOURAGE DIVERSITY & INCLUSION IN OUR WORKPLACE, PROGRAMMING,& WORKFORCE
SERVICES • • • • • •
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OUR TARGET: Help business to grow, collaborate and promote digital technology and brands to promote their stories in the digital world. AKI WEST COAST TV & RADIO CANADA Embrace change encourage creativity & innovation in business today HORTENSIA MORENO CEO STUDIO Waterfront Business Centre / Waterfront#220 - 145 Chadwick Court North Vancouver, BC / Harbourfront #500 - 224 Esplanade West North Vancouver, BC Burnaby, BC V5B 3P9
778.846.4640 akiwestcoast@outlook.com