BC South Asian Health Magazine featuring Tanya Gill, Sensation Esthetics

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The Savek Brar story is a testament of perseverance and determination. Savek started off playing house hockey, he never gave up on his dreams of excelling in the sport despite facing challenges. He slowly worked his way up the sports ladder, eventually being selected to play rep hockey. Savek continued to improve on his talent and began to realize that hard work paid off in any form. Whether it was hockey or volleyball, Savek quickly excelled in both sports. He reached new heights in volleyball as well. Savek came just came short of a gold medal in the BC provincial championships ending up with a silver medal instead with his volleyball team. Showcasing his skills on a national level he performed well and advanced his athletic achievements by gaining a medal on a national

stage. Savek was selected to play Team BC volleyball the following year. When the games started Savek had to compete for playing time and learned to shine with the time he was given. Savek’s coaches believed he could take them to the gold medal match, proving his consistency and ability to perform under pressure, which Savek did as he helped secure the gold. During this time Savek’s journey in hockey took another positive turn when he was selected into WHL (Western Hockey League) camps and eventually making it onto a Junior B hockey club team. This achievement opened new doors for him and provided him a stepping stone with more opportunities to showcase his talent.

The pinnacle of his hockey career came when Savek was selected to join the prestigious Delta Hockey Academy where he offered his specialties of "hard nose hockey" to his team. Brar's hockey style of physical, gritty and skilled hockey caught the eye of many scouts in the SJHL, MJHL and CCHL. Delta spoke volumes about his skills and potential, as he was chosen to be a part of an elite program, that nurtures and develops promising young players like Brar.

Currently, Savek Brar is playing for the BCHL Surrey Eagles, a team in the British Columbia hockey league. His inclusion in this team, signifies his growth and progress as a hockey player. With every game, Savek continues to soar to new heights displaying his skills, determination, and passion for the sport. Registering three goals and five assist eight points during rookie season, Brar is projected to double or triple these numbers next season after a hard offseason of training. Seeking a division 1 offer to further education and hockey this is just the beginning for Brar.

Ron Brar the father of Savek shared his thoughts "Savek is a very hardworking kid. I've watched his tremendous growth in such a short time. He's a major hard worker and competitor who has never been afraid of another player or team". Surrey Eagles head coach Cam Keith shared his thoughts as well, "Savek is a high energy player and an agitator who can really get underneath an opponent's skin. He can draw penalties, play physically and help shut down players on the opposition".

Savek’s story is an inspiration to aspiring athletes, reminding them that hard work, dedication, and never giving up on their dreams can lead to incredible achievements.

Hometown: Surrey, B.C. Current team: Surrey Eagles

Previous team: Delta Hockey Academy U18 Prep (CSSHL U18)

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Publisher’s Note

Dear Readers,

Welcome to another issue of the BC South Asian Health Magazine. In this issue, we are thrilled to bring you an array of informative articles, captivating stories, and exciting features that are sure to keep you engaged. As always, our mission is to provide our readers with valuable insights and resources to enhance their overall well-being and empower them to make informed choices for a healthier lifestyle. The Ontario South Asian Health Magazine brings you a wide range of content covering various aspects of health. We have curated content that addresses the unique health concerns and

Our feature cover story is on beauty expert Tanya Gill, owner of Sensation Esthetics and organizer of the upcoming STEPS FOR SIDS WALK-A-THON. The event is taking place on Sunday, August 20th from 11am to 3pm at North Surrey Secondary Park. The South Asian Health Expo & Magazine has been a big supporter over the years and we encourage our readers to also support this great community initiative. There are many great raffle prizes including 2 economy tickets from Air Canada Foundation (see below). We are also sharing a previous article on well-known pediatrician Dr. P.S. Bhui and his wife. The unwavering loyalty and support they exemplify for each other truly makes them an inspiring power couple. Having a health coach providing regular guidance is a key part to staying healthy, so we are also sharing Nikita Sharma’s story on how/why

There are many great feature cover stories coming over the next few months including Dr. Boparai from Township Dental Centre, Kamal Dhillon-Sekhon of Kamal’s Day Spa, hockey player Savek Brar from the Surrey Eagles and scientist Sunny Rodhey who is

We are excited to share that the BC South Asian Health Expo will be back later this year. After almost 13 years of organizing this health tradeshow for the community and publishing the health magazine, we are gearing up for a big anniversary celebration. We will also be sharing a few exciting announcements that you don’t want to miss. Stay

Publisher, South Asian Health Magazine

CEO, The #HYPE Advertising Agency

Co-Host, South Asian Health Show

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Jas Hundal is a Registered Social Worker and the owner of Jasbir Hundal Counselling Services Ltd (JHCS). She has her Masters of Social Work from the University of Victoria and a Certificate in Advanced Facilitation & Consultation from the Justice Institute of BC. In her career she has worked predominantly with South Asian men and woman, and provided essential services in the Punjabi language. Jas is also the president of the Fraser River Branch of the BC Association of Social Workers.

JHCS is a rapidly expanding clinical practice with a number of independent clinicians who utilize a strength-based and anti-oppressive lens. Jas also provides clinical supervision to students from Yorkville University and Sprott Shaw College who in turn provide free counselling to clients. She is trained in a range of treatment modalities (EMDR, CBT, DBT, Mindfulness) and has worked diligently in the field of mental health and addictions since 2006. Jas is also a certified Life

Jas Hundal, BSW, MSW Registered Social Worker 604-961-2060 www.jashundal.com jhundalcounselling@gmail.com @itsjashundal #206 33119 South Fraser Way Abbotsford BC V2S 2B1
“My vision is to guide clients, so they are empowered to make positive decisions in their life. I am committed to fostering a safe, confidential, and trusting therapeutic alliance with clients so they can start on their journey of healing. I strive to honor each client’s story and experience by providing counselling that is specific to individual needs”.

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“ W i t h S u r r e y ’ s p o p u l a t i o n o f c i t i z e n s 6 5 y e a r s o f a g e a n d o l d e r s e t t o r i s e c o n s i d e r a b l y o v e r t h e n e x t 2 5 y e a r s , P I C S D i v e r s i t y V i l l a g e w i l l f u l f i l l a v i t a l n e e d i n t h e c o m m u n i t y . T h i s l o n g - t e r m c a r e f a c i l i t y w i l l o f f e r h i g h q u a l i t y , c u l t u r a l l y - s e n s i t i v e p r o g r a m s a n d s e r v i c e s t o s e n i o r s o f S o u t h

A s i a n d e s c e n t , p r o v i d i n g t h e m w i t h c a r e , c o m p a n i o n s h i p , a n d s e n s e o f i n d e p e n d e n c e t h a t a l l o w s t h e m t o l i v e f u l f i l l i n g l i v e s . ” –

J u s t i n T r u d e a u P r i m e M i n i s t e r o f C a n a d a

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S e n i o r s o n t h e G o h a s b e e n c o n s t r u c t e d t o p r o m o t e s o c i a l i n c l u s i o n , m u l t i c u l t u r a l i s m , a n d s k i l l s d e v e l o p m e n t a m o n g s t e l d e r l y p o p u l a t i o n s o v e r t h e a g e o f 5 5 i n S u r r e y , t o s u p p o r t t h e m i n c o n n e c t i n g w i t h t h e i r f a m i l i e s , f r i e n d s & t h e w o r l d a s a w h o l e . W e a i m t o c r e a t e a s a f e a n d f u n e n v i r o n m e n t w h e r e s e n i o r s c a n e s t a b l i s h r e l a t i o n s h i p s , b u i l d s u p p o r t n e t w o r k s , c o n t r i b u t e , a n d e n g a g e w i t h t h e i r c o m m u n i t i e s .

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1. As a multi-talented Entrepreneur pursuing a variety of passions simultaneously, what inspired you to pursue them all instead of picking and choosing?

All of it didn't arrive at once, and did not come easy. While I was studying in college 24 years ago, my dream was to become a flight attendant and esthetician. At the time while I was teaching dance and pursuing other jobs, being a flight attendant wasn't a likely option for many people and it was hard to get in. As a spiritual person wanting to explore the world, learning about different cultures and meeting all types of ethnic people was fascinating to me. Also, the desire to fly the skies, interact with new people, give them my care with class while simultaneously showcasing my talent on clients' and making them feel and look beautiful, interested me, too. Although it took a while, there are instances when waiting definitely pays off. If you are passionate about something inside and stay resilient, it will eventually manifest for you. Never give up on your aspirations or ambitions. I'm extremely appreciative of the opportunities and lessons I've received en route. Why not have a few dreams? I feel like I'm now living a dream. Hard work pays off. I am forever grateful to God.

2. You have been an award-winning Esthetician and Skin Care Expert for almost 24 years. How has the beauty industry evolved over the years and how have you kept up with the latest trends and technology?

The beauty sector has experienced constant growth since there have been so many changes throughout the years. I stay up-to-date on current trends and skills by taking regular classes offered by Dermalogica as I am their Certified Skin Therapist Expert. I constantly strive to stay on top of new products, technologies, and beauty training so that I can give my ultimate best to my consumers. In the beauty business, it is an absolute necessity to keep up with the latest trends and information. You will continue to develop; it will never cease. There is no limit to wanting to strive for the best. The chance to develop changes constantly as we evolve over time.

3. What types of services do you offer through your business Sensation Esthetics?

I used to offer a lot of services, including bridal packages, artificial nails, and laser treatments. I had to remove some services out of my long list over the years because there is only one of me. I now offer Dermalogica Customized Facials, Microneedling, Shellac Gel Nails, Manicures, Pedicures, Waxing, Threading, Massages, Brow and Lash Tinting, as well as Makeup and Hairstyling, Paraffin Waxing, and LED light therapy treatments. Additionally, I provide face mapping skin analysis consultations and advise customers on how to choose the best products for their individual skin types. If my clients need guidance to help keep their skin healthy with the products they are currently, I can help them by analyzing the key ingredients in the products they are currently using, what's best for them and there skin type.

4. What do you recommend as a good skincare routine for the upcoming Fall/Winter season?

That's a fascinating and slightly difficult topic to respond to! Each of us has a different skin type and set of concerns. Our skin types are genetically predisposition to us at birth, but they may vary over time due to a number of circumstances, such as lifestyle choices, stress levels, nutrition, and more. They can alter daily, weekly, yearly, or even seasonally. A skilled skin therapist should correctly assess any skin type or issue, and make product recommendations as necessary. It does rely on different skin types during the winter. There are many types of skin: dry, dehydrated, oily, combination, which may be both dry and oily; Then there is sensitive skin, which can be hereditary with skin diseases and skin disorders such as Eczema, Rosacea, Psoriasis or allergic skin reactions. Sensitized skin refers to using certain ingredients from products that have caused a reverse effect on your skin short term. These are some of the key factors that will determine what type of skin you'll have during the winter months. I absolutely love Dermalogica skin products because they are made with all natural and non-toxic ingredients with essential oils, herbs, and extracts. Dermalogica is clean, vegan, cruelty free, with no artificial fragrances or colors. They deal with all skin types and you can customize your skin care routine. The advice is to just switch out one or two products as the seasons change. For instance, if the skin is simply dry, you would need a lot of hydration, as well as balancing products. Consulting your Dermalogica Skin Therapist expert and getting your Skin Analysis is your first step to getting your skin healthier and glowing.

5. You mentioned that you are a Certified Dermalogica Skin Therapist Expert. Tell us about some of their popular and highly recommended products?

As part of the Dermalogica family for over 20 years now and being their Skin Therapist Expert, we have seen great changes over the years with the skin care line and have been awarded BEST professional-grade skin care brand in the world. Although all Dermalogica products are excellent, it all depends again on the skin type and condition. All the products work wonders on various skin but it depends on how you would use one product compared to another person. The amount you would use varies from person to person. I tailor each of my client’s home regimen and treatments in the spa and I prescribe the skin care for how often they would need to use them. Some of the amazing products we have and that have won awards too are: Special Cleansing Gel, Daily Microfoliant, Active Moist, Multi Active Toner, Biolumin C Serum, and Age Bright Clearing Serum

6. How do you find balance in your life while juggling family responsibilities, running business, working with Air Canada and doing extensive community work?

I honestly have no idea how I manage to do it, but I do. The importance of having a schedule, family support, and responsibility sharing are a few key factors. Actually, I've been a workaholic my entire life. Working two to three jobs, multi-tasking, it's the norm for me. It's much simpler if you arrange everything and make the most of every minute. Children's schools, their extracurricular activities, clients, and Air Canada are the main things that keep me busy as well as our charity, Steps For SIDS. I feel good knowing I have made someone else happy and helped them feel good. I'm really appreciative of how things have turned out.

7. Many people in the community have also known you as a Professional Dancer and Teacher in the past. How has the knowledge you have gained from that experience helped you today?

Dancing is in my blood as I’ve been doing it since the age of 3 years old. I have such a great passion for dancing, absolutely loved performing, being a part of music videos, various teams, a Bollywood movie, participating in competitions and teaching. I’ve gained so much experience from different people along the way. You're always learning and have to be willing to learn. When I started teaching and the feeling of gratitude I was receiving, knowing the fact that I can help people become better dancers, it felt like a gift to me. I used that as an inspiration to help people now. I took great pride in my dancing and teaching, and I still do.

I'm extremely appreciative that I was able to influence someone's life, and I still employ those abilities now with my work ethics. I now have the knowledge and skills necessary to assist clients and Air Canada every day while delivering exceptional customer service. I love supporting others.

8. You and your husband organize an annual community event called Steps for SIDS and donate proceeds to the BC Children’s Hospital. Tell us the story about what inspired you to launch this initiative and some of the milestones that have been achieved this far.

Our late son Azaan Singh Gill, passed away from SIDS on February 2010 ,19 at 6 months of age, taking his afternoon nap. What is SIDS? Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. SIDS can happen to totally healthy babies, with no reason at all.

Estimated 3 babies die of SIDS every week in Canada. Babies usually of 24-0 months of age are more susceptible. We wanted to keep our son's memory alive and make a difference by creating awareness in our community and not just be a statistic. We started our Charity called Steps For SIDS in 2017, we are the first family in BC to come out publicly about SIDS and provide funds for SIDS Research. The proceeds go to the BC Children's hospital pathology research clinic to help find a cure for SIDS as there is not enough funding being provided. Coming out in the community and talking about a very difficult topic that families struggle to discuss. It provides comfort for us, knowing we can support and help others in a difficult time.

We have been on various TV shows and radio stations talking about SIDS awareness. We decided to do a walk-a-thon in August around Azaan’s Birthday, where we can bring the community together and walk for all babies that have lost the battle to SIDS. It is a fun filled family day, with loads of activities for children where we can raise funds and have a good time. So far, the community has helped us generate approximately 60,000$ to help find a cure. We don't want anyone to go through the pain and suffering that we did, we all can work together as a community and make a difference.

Please donate to bcchf.ca/stepsforsids2023

Any questions regarding our Fundraiser you can contact Tanya Gill at 604-807-7013 / Rob Gill at 604-844-2377.

9. Based on some of the life-changing experiences you and your family have gone through, how have you remained so positive, strong and resilient? Going through life struggles didn't stop me and my dreams. The ultimate source that gave me strength was my faith in God and still is. I still believe that things will always work out in time. Life doesn't come easy; you have to work hard for everything. Positive things will happen if you have a positive outlook and are grateful for what you currently have; God will also bless you with more. I also share those values with my family. I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has been there and supported me, gave their loyalty over all these years and helped me become who I am today.

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Q: What inspired you to get into the health industry and become a Mind & Body Coach?

A: I remember something my Dad said when I was very young. He said “the purpose of one’s life is to find a way to give back to humanity.” I liked that. That was a cause I could get behind. I was an environmental consultant for the early part of my professional career, yet I found myself feeling e tremely unfulfilled in that industry. I remember looking around my office and dreaded the thought of spending most of my life climbing the corporate ladder. So, I asked myself what was I good at and how could I give back to humanity I realized I had a gift to share fitness and I couldn’t s uander it sitting in a desk for the rest of my life.

I was an athlete growing up and I loved to play sports. I especially loved sprinting. As I got older, and the challenges of life began to present themselves, I began to see how e ercising put me in a state of mind that gave me clarity and helped me resolve most of my problems. As a child, I faced bullying, racism and there were moments where I felt very alone. ercise helped me process my emotions and became a form of therapy for me. I saw the profound effects this had on my life and I wanted to share this ability to handle life problems with others.

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Q: Who were your role models (personal and professional) growing up? Are they different in adulthood?

A: For my personal role model, it’s my Dad because he gave me my entrepreneurial spirit. I remember him saying things like “A person will never get rich working for someone else”. He taught me how to work hard and work with my hands by putting me and my siblings to work on our blueberry farm. I know how to use power tools, drive tractors and build things thanks to him. My Dad is also an extremely giving and generous man. He always found a way to give back, even if he didn’t have much. I practice giving back in big and small ways because of him and it’s a big part of why I do what I do.

In my professional life, Arnold Schwarzenegger motivated me through some of my hardest moments. I would watch YouTube videos of his speeches and they would motivate me to my core. There is something to be said for good old fashion grit. Arnold always reminded me that if you put your head down, focus and do the work...anything is possible. His dedication and passion for his sport inspired me to keep pushing for my own passion in health and fitness. In fact, anyone that I saw who was fighting against the odds to pursue their passion inspired me. I remember watching the 2013 movie “Bohemian Rhapsody”

and it made me emotional at the end. If people like Freddy Mercury or Walt Disney never followed their dreams, a lot of the great things we have today wouldn’t even exist.

Q: What was the turning point in your life when you decided to take control of your health?

A: I would have to say it was when I got sick and tired of feeling pathetic and sorry for myself. In my early adult life, I was living a life that I wasn’t happy with. I was in a career that I disliked, I wasn’t sure of my direction in life and I was spending my free time doing things to distract myself from this reality. I wasn’t taking care of my body and I was eating food that was fast, easy and cheap.

When I was at my lowest point, I remember saying to myself “enough is enough. I won’t let myself slip any further.” From that moment on I decided to do something about feeling pathetic and useless. A warrior-like spirit within me woke up and I began to fight for the life I wanted. I didn’t know how or what I was going to do, but I knew I needed to get moving to start making myself feel better. I was living in my parent’s basement at the time and I couldn’t afford a gym membership so I began by running laps the length of the basement, back and forth like line drills. Soon after that I got a pullup bar and began to

practice pull ups. Once I got into the habit of moving again, I began wanting to eat better as well. I liked the feeling of feeling strong so as soon as I could afford it, I got a gym membership.

I never wanted to feel like that again and now I help others who are in similar situations to where I was. I feel great honour when people come to me for help because I know reaching out for help isn’t always easy.

Q: How do you achieve balance in your life?

A: I’ve learned that taking rest is just as important as working hard. So instead of waking up and rushing into my work day, I take time for myself in the morning by following a self care routine that gets me grounded, centered, and in the right state of mind. This helps me create balance in my day-to-day life. This morning ritual consists of meditation, breathwork, practicing gratitude, setting my intentions for the day and then working out.

On the weekends I will get out into nature. Nature is my reset button. These days we are highly stimulated by phones, emails, social media, worrying about our future, keeping a social life and much more. When I get into nature, it reminds me that life can be simple, it brings me into the present moment and reminds me not to rush. There’s nothing uite like staring up at a mountain or out at the ocean that humbles me and puts all my worries and doubts into perspective. It reminds me that we are here for a fraction of time, and to en oy the ourney while we can.

I really believe in the work hard, play hard lifestyle. What’s the point of working so hard if you don’t make time to en oy life

Q: Tell us about your ideal cheat meal. How en d y u yourself to indulge?

A: Because I have celiac disease which means I can’t eat any gluten , a good gluten free pepperoni izza always hits the spot...or nachos I’ll have one of these once a week. For dessert, emonde

luten Free Bakery in ancouver has a phenomenal cinnamon danish that I’ll treat myself to every week or two. Although I’m a health and fitness coach, I truly support living a balanced life which includes allowing yourself to indulge and not feel guilty about it if you are eating well most of the time.

I am a big supporter of the 0 20 rule eat clean 0 of the week, and then treat yourself the other 20 of the time.

Q: Tell us about your program–both online and in-person. What is the process involved for clients to get started on your programs?

A: My online programs work extremely well for those who are busy, understand the value of time and who need a little e tra accountability and motivation to help them reach their goals. The process starts with a consultation to determine your goals, skill level and to see if my online program would be a good fit.

There are 3 parts to my programs ercise, utrition and Mindfulness.

Exercise: The beauty of my online program is that I can help people who don’t live in the same city as me. Thanks to the rapid evolution of technology, I am able to deliver their programs through an app that has their custom workouts, along with video tutorials, available to them at any time. I can also see whether or not they have completed their workouts and message them which provides accountability and motivation. It’s feels like I’m right there with them in the gym

Nutrition: I educate my clients on how to eat in order to hit their goals. My goal is to change the relationship people have with food. I want my clients to en oy eating by making informed decisions rather than being unsure if they’re eating the right or wrong thing. There is a lot of confusion around nutrition these days. I don’t believe in fad diets and I explain how

different foods work in your body and how to read nutrition labels. These are life long skills that my clients will have for the rest of their lives.

Mindfulness: Now more than ever, people need more ways to handle the rise of mental health issues. The way we perceive ourselves and the world around us has a huge effect on our physical reality and health. That is why I include mindfulness and mindset training in my programs. I work with clients to incorporate a solid morning routine that consists of meditation, breathwork, gratitude and setting their intentions for the day. The journey of self transformation can be tough and having a positive and optimistic outlook on life can make all the difference.

I provide extra accountability and guidance by having a coaching call over oom once per week as well. During these coaching calls, we go over wins, challenges and any uestions that may arise. This helps keep my clients motivated throughout the duration of their program.

I add new clients to my WhatsApp accountability group of past and present clients. This is where I share ideas, answer uestions and provide e tra resources to provide extra help and support along the way

In person training: I still focus on nutrition and mindfulness, however the main

difference with the in person training is that I can really help my clients build confidence with movements, teach them proper form and introduce more advanced movements to them so they can feel like pro’s in the gym. In all my programs, I use a blend of e ibility training to improve posture, reduce lower back pain and build muscle overall to protect oints and so people can live life to the fullest My favorite type of client is a woman who wants to get stronger and gain confidence inside and outside the gym. I love the look on my clients faces when they do things they never thought they could do before

Q: Tell us about some of your clients and the progress they’ve made in achieving their he th nd tne while working with you as their coach.

A: One of my clients is an aspiring actress and she wants to land more action superhero roles so we are working to get her a more toned, athletic body. Through my online coaching, in months, she has built up her upper body strength, has more definition in her arms and back while fi ing the imbalances in her left leg and shoulder from a car accident she was in. She is also now eating nutritious foods to build her superhero physi ue and I can’t wait to see where she’ll be in another months

Another one of my clients came to me at a very low period in her life. She was facing burnout from a very demanding job; her mental health was at an all time low and she had trouble seeing the oy in life. After incorporating my morning routine into her day, in ust 1 month she had a drastic turn around in her mindset. Her an iety subsided, she began to have more optimistic thoughts and was able to handle her emotions and difficult situations in a much healthier way.

I had another client who is a busy entrepreneur and she wanted me to help her lose a few pounds while building bigger glutes. Before she hired me, she wasn’t eating enough and was turning to fast and convenient foods. We worked together and fi ed her

relationship with food and built workouts that fit into her busy life. She is eating the right stuff now, not starving herself and working out has become a regular part of her lifestyle.

Q: Mental health issues continue to be a stigma in the South Asian community. What are your thoughts on this? Do you see it changing anytime soon?

A: It’s very unfortunate that mental health isn’t seen as important or prioritized in the South Asian community. I strongly feel it needs to be a priority and talked about more in South Asian households. It is up to us now to overcome old school ways of thinking and behaving. Openness, communication, and support surrounding topics such as patriarchy, se ual abuse, verbal abuse, domestic violence, and the immense pressure put on children is essential. These issues have left detrimental and lasting impressions on many South Asians that I know. It breaks my heart to know that so many suffer in silence about these issues and suppress their emotions which only leads to greater suffering. I want to change that.

One of the reasons I do what I do is because working out was a healthy outlet that helped me process my emotions, release built up anger or frustration and helped me gain clarity and

peace in many tough times. It was therapeutic for me, and I know it can do the same for many others. As someone who has witnessed bullying, racism, pre udice, and oppression, I vowed that I never wanted to feel helpless, afraid to voice my opinion or stand up for myself. Therefore, I encourage others, especially women, to take up lifting weights. The resilience, character, confidence, and strength you build in the gym spills into every other area of your life and that feeling is priceless. I am passionate about helping others rise out of adversity, ust as I did. It’s how I came up with the name of my business, “ ift, ove, augh”, because practicing these habits is life changing. I have noticed more of the young generation prioritizing their mental health by going to therapy, talking openly about their issues, and accepting the fact that they do need help. This gives me hope and assurance that we will overcome the obstacles that we have faced to create future generations that are healthier in mind, body, and spirit.

Q: Your TEDx Talk has been getting a lot of attention and positive feedback. What is next for you? What are your future goals?

A: It’s ironic that one of my biggest fears growing up was being in the spotlight and speaking in front of others. I was astounded as I delivered my T D talk, that all my fears

melted away and I was on that stage for one purpose to serve to deliver my talk in a way that would touch people and leave a lasting impression. It felt amazing. I want to continue to use my platform to inspire and motivate others through more speaking opportunities. There are many issues I feel strongly about like those I mentioned earlier and the more we bring light to these issues, the more we can heal from them and create a happier and more harmonious future for everyone.

A big future goal of mine is to build a safe house in India and anada for those affected by se ual abuse and domestic violence. This is a big issue that is swept under the rug and not talked about enough in the South Asian community. There is not enough support and awareness around this issue and I want to change that.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

A: I see myself continuing to inspire people, especially women, to get comfortable in the gym. Working out isn’t ust hugely beneficial for your body. It builds character because you are repeatedly doing something that is hard. As a result, you gain confidence in your abilities and shatter self limiting beliefs. This confidence spills over into other areas of our life. The sexy body is just a positive by-product, haha My goal is to impact as many lives as possible.

I could see myself doing another T D Talk and I plan on getting my bodybuilding pro card within the ne t year. After that, I would love to start my own supplement line that specializes in gluten free products.

I have started designing a product that will make health and fitness more easily accessible, affordable and less intimidating to people all over the world. Within the ne t couple years, I hope this product will be well known

enough to help thousands, if not millions of people around the world. Emphasis and education on how to take care of your mind and body should be taught to everyone, especially at a young age. ntil it is, I will continue to spread awareness and educate those around me on how to live life to the fullest by harnessing the power of their health.

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How did you get the name “The Magic Doctor’?

“Magic Doctor, can you do some more magic?” laughed the little guy after he had been poked thirty times for his allergy test! Looking at him in amazement was his mother, who had brought him to the office protesting and crying at being dragged to the office. It is time to go home now, exclaimed his mom. “No, no mom, I want to see more magic”, he protested. After some more magic, it was time to bid adieu for another year. We waved and he left. “Thank you, Doc!” His mother was delighted at the amazing transformation in her child. That is how I came to be called the Magic Doctor by my little patients. Little did I realize that my training in magic during my teenage years would be incorporated in my medical assessment and provide joy to thousands of children since 1973. My patients have been coming to my office for their M&M’s Medicine and Magic tricks! Back in time...1971...growing up, becoming a doctor was not on my radar. Sports was my first love.

I competed at a national level in field hockey and table tennis. I also excelled in Cricket and Badminton. My friend’s father was a medical doctor, and he would never be home and seldom able to spend time with his family. What a dreadful life I thought, not realizing what destiny had in store!

What inspired you to pursue a career in Medicine?

Life was humming along and I was all set to become a Civil Engineer like my father. Fate made me join the Civil Defence in Mumbai in my final year of High School. We were a group of one hundred teens and of these, twenty of us became good friends. Once in University, we tended to “hang out” at one house, that of my current spouse, as her parents were great fun and intelligent conversationalists. One day, as I pursued my Engineering studies, I happened to see her dissecting a frog for her practicals and the magic happened. I switched to ‘B’ group which in those days led to a career path in medicine and wrote the coveted nationwide selection medical exams. I am grateful for that major fateful change in direction when I was placed with a top rank half a century ago. The rest is History! I successfully completed my medical as well as postgraduate training in Pediatrics in India placing with a University rank. My postgraduate training in Bombay was absolutely hectic, but rewarding. We were titled, RMO or resident medical officers and had to be available 24/7 on the campus, except for a couple of hours in the evening for 3 days. Our day started at 5 am (if you had been fortunate enough to sleep for a couple of hours if you were not

on call) doing rounds on the admitted patients, reading their charts, talking to the parents if they were around, examining the children, developing a plan for their investigation and treatment. It would take 3 hours to finish the rounds by ourselves. Following this, rounding was done with the Registrar, the Lecturer and then with the Honorary Consultant of Paediatrics. We therefore were familiar with each patient in the ward and learned differential diagnostic and treatment modules from Senior Doctors. The Honorary Consultant of my unit was well known in the field of Respiratory Medicine. Additional to our regular outpatient clinics, we also managed the Asthma and Allergy clinic once a week. This was at a time when this field was in its infancy. My guide for MD (Postgrad degree) was a famous Neonatologist and therefore my research thesis was on neonatal infections.

The Journey

Despite all this training at a top institution, upon moving to Canada Dr. Bhui

in the heart of winter (from +30C in Bombay to -30C in Canada) snow was not the only challenge. Not only was the weather cold, but so were the people in the medical field except for a few. Eventually, I found and reached out to them for guidance. To practice, I had to write exams and repeat my postgraduate training. After successfully writing the exams, when I approached the program director, I was told not to even bother applying for a residency despite my postgraduate training and to look for other non medical jobs or better return home! Those were cloudy days (and I do not refer only to the weather) with no signs of sunshine. We lived in an apartment downtown with a pub below. Several times every night, someone totally drunk would pull the fire alarm and we had to climb

to the lobby downstairs with our two-month-old newborn. Finances were stretched as I did not have a job. I looked for jobs in any field and even advertised that I would be willing to babysit. No offers then, but ironically, have received several to do so now! For our grocery shopping I would walk down 17 blocks in the freezing, snowy Edmonton winter, pick up the groceries and wait at the bus stop. My better half would take the transit and with the baby, reach the bus stop an hour later, pick up the groceries and take the transit back and I would get my exercise walking back. Most days in the first few months we survived on two peanut butter sandwiches. A peanut butter - banana sandwich was a special treat!

unanimously given the privilege of serving as the Chief Resident of Paediatrics. This responsibility was a big honour in those days for any physician and unheard of, for a new immigrant. After writing my fellowship examinations, as a backup, I also wrote the American Board of Pediatrics examinations and was successful in both. Next, I worked as a full time Academic Faculty at Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario in Ottawa and as a Paediatric Emergency Room Doctor. As a trailblazer, I opened the doors for other South Asian doctors!

During that time, I wrote and travelled to present research papers at International Conferences. Thoroughly enjoying the clinical and teaching aspects of the job, there were no plans to move. We trained the first Pediatric Emergency medicine fellow at CHEO, was involved in outreach education, local CME and teaching resident physicians from all over Canada. One of them eventually became an astronaut and was a mission specialist on two space shuttle missions.

My first job eventually was as a research assistant for Alberta Health working part time. After a few research publications I entered a Fellowship in Neonatology at the University of Alberta Hospitals. Early in my Paediatric career in Canada, during Residency and Fellowship at the University of Saskatchewan, I had to transport extremely sick babies from remote prairie areas in tiny planes, diagnose and stabilize them medically enroute and bring them to the University Hospital units for further treatment. Having done my job diligently and well, thanks to my rigorous training in India, I was

One fateful day, a former colleague who had worked with me in Edmonton, called me in the ER and informed me of a vacancy in Surrey, BC. “No”, I said. “I am very happy and satisfied with my job.” He however persisted. To move or not to move, that was the question. I had never heard of Surrey in Canada (familiar with Surrey in the UK). Fortunately, there were a few resident physicians from the University of British Columbia who were doing their elective rotations in Ottawa and I sought their thoughts. “Surrey is a one horse town” and, “Surrey means

worry” is what I was informed. How the tide has changed - Now, I believe the mantra is “Hurry to Surrey”! In addition to the clinical and teaching responsibilities, I had administrative duties as the Chief of Pediatrics. Surrey was expanding fast and as one of the few Consultants of Indian origin, having seen first hand the hurdles facing immigrant doctors, provided suggestions and mentoring for future success and am happy that several are now successful practicing doctors. In Surrey Memorial Hospital for High Risk & Caesarean deliveries, I had to rush to intubate, resuscitate and perform spinal taps on newborn and premature babies under emergency situations. Twenty four hour calls could roll into thirty hour calls 3-4 times per week. For several years, getting 1-2 hours of sleep when on call was a treat. The hours were long and tiring, but the smile on the face of the parents and children was rejuvenating providing the fuel to carry on.

Having trained in India and in Canada, I was very aware of the cultural differences and strived to educate my colleagues on the richness and diversity of the South East Asian population. Many were not familiar with the differences in the religious practices as well as cultural norms. I also actively sought to educate the local population on various health issues via radio, television and print media in Hindi, Punjabi and English. More recently, I was fortunate to volunteer as an assistant field Hockey coach to young boys and girls for a couple of years, as well serve as the Team Doctor for competitions. I have volunteered at many health camps in both countries. I also continue to be active in education and serve on the Continuing Education Committee of the BC Pediatric Society. Having previously served as the Head of the Department of Paediatrics at Surrey Memorial Hospital, I am currently a practicing community physician and probably, the longest serving South Asian Paediatrician in Canada.

That’s almost five decades in a nutshell!

People will forget what you have said to them, they may forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.
Maya Angelou
Dr. P.S. Bhui
“I can vouch for that. Meeting my patients several years later they have fond memories of their office visit. Patch Adams was made in 1998. My magic with the patients has been since 1977. Healing the body and the mind with medicine and magic.”

How important is it to find a supportive life partner when embarking on a career as a doctor?

A genuine doctor’s life is one of dedication. I am grateful to be blessed in having a supportive life partner. In such a career, one has to extend themselves well beyond their scope of duty. Certainly, with every new generation, scopes of jobs and levels of professional dedication are determined by social expectations. Yet, medicine at all levels needs a certain personality and dedication. The sacrifice is not the doctor’s alone but accommodation from the family, especially the spouse, is very important. This is probably why divorce is highly prevalent amongst doctors due to the lack of communication, co-operation and understanding. There are no substitutions for spousal support, unconditional love and trust in dealing with the extreme stress and long, irregular work hours.

Why did you choose to specialize in Paediatrics?

During internship there were several instances which made me realize that communicating with children was a special art to master. Children were the most reliable patients—younger ones could not often tell you what was wrong with them, but you could infer how they felt if you were patient and observed carefully. When they were sick their actions spoke louder than their words. I still recall a 9-month-old child who was brought to the ER severely dehydrated after a bout of gastroenteritis following infection with the measles virus. His eyes were sunken, breathing was rapid, pulse was weak, his skin hanging from his bones, and he could barely whimper. The sight of him and his mother who was equally distressed, tugged at my heartstrings. We worked hard to find his veins and infused fluid to rehydrate him followed by investigations and within 24 hours he was a different child! The sight of a nearly dead child bouncing back to life is a

reward unmatched. You witness a healing Power within them unlike any.

When the child is sick it affects the whole family. Children somehow did not appear to have too many advocates and I felt that I had been blessed with the ability to deal with them. Many such cases of children recovering successfully and bouncing back to health served to direct my choice to Pediatrics.

“Passion and Compassion are important in working with children. In addition to providing good medical care, I have attempted to take the extra extra time, patience and care to make every office visit a pleasant and unforgettable experience for the children.

Since 1977, I have used magic while examining and treating patients. Healing the body and mind with medicine and magic takes time but, shows my caring respect for each child.”

What is the biggest reward dealing with children as patients?

The biggest reward is beyond doubt, a smile on a child’s face and true happiness which they genuinely express when they feel well. It’s a big relief all round when a normal night’s sleep is restored for a parent and child. A big factor for any parent and especially ones that would have to rely on school or daycare so that they can attend work.

Tell us of a proud moment in your career?

I have been grateful for the privilege and ability to treat over a quarter million children in two continents

during my career so far and easing the pain of a good many of them. Not everyone gets this opportunity. Yet, unless there is guidance from a superior power, we can achieve nothing. I am glad to have been able to serve. There are many instances but one that comes to mind, is of assisting a young athlete with a chronic illness consistently over several years and she ended up with an international medal on the podium and sent me her gratitude! I was pleased to have assisted her on her dream journey!

What is your future vision and career goals?

As long as there is a need and I am able to, I wish to continue the service that I have been providing to my Paediatric patients and their parents and caregivers. There is no greater joy than to see a genuine smile on a child’s face!

of Cardiac Rehabilitation working with the Senior Cardiologists from the Texas Heart Institute in USA as well as from the Cardio-Vascular Thoracic Center in Bombay. After years of research, I made extensive presentations at National and international Medical Conferences and on Television. I wrote several research papers and a post-graduation thesis and was specially invited to write a book chapter for General Practitioners as well. These lead to cash Research awards which were rare in those days and took my work to different dimensions of the topic.

two months after landing in Canada as it took 18 months to get our visa. It was a tough start. Simply put, only if I worked, there was food on the table! After paying the rent and our new baby’s basic needs, we could only afford to eat a peanut butter sandwich each. That and starting at the bottom rung in Canada although we were at the top professionally in India, was a new concept for us.

Fortunately, the quality of my work was eventually recognized and I received promotions. Later, I was the Head of Department and even worked at the Heart Institute in Ottawa. Following our move to BC, for thirty years, I have been managing the Paediatric practice of my husband Dr. Bhui and since we work well together, it has been despite the long hours, a cherished and rewarding experience.

Tell us about your personal and professional background.

More than four decades ago, my career started in India as a pioneer

I moved to Canada as a research scientist and tasted the rude shock of the cold Canadian Prairie winters of the eighties, totally opposite of the toasty warmth of Bombay. Being a pure vegetarian was surprisingly a big challenge where the staple food was meat and potatoes. Of course those were also days prior to the internet or cell phones! Travel to and from work was long and difficult. It involved taking two buses each way plus an hour’s walk (in almost -20 C) every morning to reach work by 6:45am and the reverse every evening. Additionally, I delivered our first born less than

As an extremely wellversed and accomplished woman in the medical field, how were you able to simultaneously raise a family? As a South Asian woman, how much did cultural traditions play a role in your career and family dynamic?

It is my simple belief that no matter what professional heights a woman achieves, the privilege of being the quiet, positive power behind your family as a mother gives one the greatest joy. Unconditional love has a different meaning as a parent. The important role of a woman as a wife and mother in Indian culture and tradition continue to be my moral compass. As well, I definitely believe in the strength and efficacy of prayer and meditation. Family value

systems played a major role in shaping my life. These have provided the best guidelines coping with the various roles that I have been called upon to play on a daily basis. I personally feel that being the wife of a Paediatrician is a very responsible privilege. All credit goes to my mother who told me at the outset, “ Dr. Bhui is very dedicated to his patients and your needs will come second. Marry him only if you can accept that fact and support him well.” Honestly, his level of dedication and service with humility and kindness is unparalleled. We have worked together almost every single day for three decades and are best friends to-date. Those who know me in the community have observed about us that, I choose to care and extend my support to my husband as well as to his patients and he cares for every patient as if they were his own child.

What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced juggling personal life and professional goals?

The biggest challenge and source of stress has been the lack of reliable childcare. Certainly, the other one is that, when for no fault of your own, you or your teenage child is facing death. That’s a real reality check when you have responsible jobs that cannot be not performed even for a day additional to your family responsibilities and you are facing something so terrible and irreversible. How does one keep calm and never let your patients know of your personal distress yet, dispense duties and keep the positive spirit alive? Guess we are both blessed to be survivors. Prayer, faith and unconditional love conquers a lot of hurdles.

Women tend to be the backbone in the family unit who support both husband and kids in their day-to-day lives. How was this reciprocated for you when pursuing your dreams and passions?

Let me tell you a story. I once attended a women empowerment workshop. During one session, there was a round table and each one spoke of how they wanted 50% status in their families. I was the only silent one. At the end, the moderator asked me why I had been quiet through the session. ‘Well,’ I said, “when I am blessed to have 100% support, love, respect and support of my family, why would I ask for only 50%? They are with me in all my ventures. Sure, the road has not always been smooth but they are there for me when I need them. Following certain incidents in our life for no fault of ours it’s a miracle that I am alive today and all credit is to God’s will and my husband’s support and love.

How has the COVID pandemic positively and negatively affected your life?

Covid’s impact has been felt by one and all. Ours is no different from other healthcare families. Precautions such as a strict protocol upon returning home from work coupled with regular serious prayers for safety as the whole family has been involved in front line work to varying degrees have been onerous. Stress, repeat Covid testing and even isolation have been an undesirable parts of this lengthy process.

The main positive Covid spinoff for me personally, was an ‘Artists Talk’ program that I co-ordinated and conducted at the Surrey Art Gallery for six years which was moved online due to the pandemic. It turned out to be a huge success and was well received by the viewership. That was gratifying as the artists were happy to have a podium, publicity and some remuneration in tough times. I must admit that not having to drive or fly to meetings was a nice change. All the work was definitely completed. The minimum exposure and strict measures followed, aided in reducing infections in younger children. I sharpened my technical skills and had a different social life as I actively participated in and supported online singing competitions such as ‘Antakshari’ and international children’s events. I now have more international friends and have reconnected with family across the Globe.

Tell us about your extensive involvement in the community and some of the accolades you have received over the years?

My community involvement and achievements started when I won my first elocution and public speaking competition at age seven. Later, I went on to receive awards for writing and directing children’s plays; debating and public speaking competitions at medical school level; state level Sanskrit chanting and serving as Master of Ceremonies at the famous Shanmukhananda Hall in Bombay at Bharata Natyam performances and major dance drama events. I also performed small roles as an ‘extra’ in some documentary films. However, my pioneering work in

Cardiac Rehabilitation brought me major and National Research awards and TV presentations.

At a very young age, I could speak in eight languages as my mother a classical singer, sang in many of them. Along with my mother, I was a meditation and spiritual teacher for kids and did community seva even at a young age. I also taught Bharata Natyam to beginners and tutored school subjects free of cost. Life was busy!

In Canada, I have volunteered for three decades in all aspects of society. I was a reliable and consistently sought-after parent volunteer for sports, drama, math and science competitions and served at the District level. I was chosen to work in the Doping detection section at World Wrestling Championships; Winter Olympics; was Master of Ceremonies at major events and cultural programs in five languages, alongside my family, I volunteered at several health camps. It was fun to be a representative of Indian culture and dance at Intercultural events. I am an Independent Producer, Director and Media Host.

I ran a National TV show incorporating medical, cultural segments as well as on immigrant education. I have produced and hosted a radio show on Indian music for over a decade. Serving as the President of a non-profit organization in the 2000s was a unique experience, as was serving on the Board of Directors for a radio station. Philanthropically, I have donated and collected funds for various initiatives such as World Vision, University and Cultural Scholarships, Scholarships, Cancer, Operation Eyesight (surgery for the Blind in India but early detection of eye disease in Canada). I am grateful to have received several awards and accolades for Excellence in Community Service.

Of highlight, I’ve been told that I am the first South Asian woman elected as President of The Surrey Art Gallery Association, a forty-year-old dynamic NPO that facilitates and supports all projects and programs of the award-winning Surrey Art Gallery. I certainly enjoy the opportunity to open new doors and in being a community visionary.

What is your future vision and career goals?

I am still very active in the community and do media and MC work, which I love and enjoy. There are several organisations that I serve or am a part of. I enjoy public service and am involved in individual, local and national projects and hope to continue contributing to the greater good. Media work, Culture, Art, Music and Health are topics close to my heart and I enjoy opportunities to participate in them. I love people and am happiest when we all progress and move forward together on a positive and fruitful path in life.

The Nalini Bhui Show

Neena Mann is a highly accomplished real estate agent with a track record of success in the industry. Born with an entrepreneurial spirit, Neena always had a keen interest in the world of business and investing. Her career began as a real estate investor, where she honed her skills in analyzing market trends, identifying investment opportunities, and negotiating deals. She quickly rose through the ranks and became a licensed real estate agent, specializing in luxury properties. With her extensive knowledge of the real estate market and her commitment to delivering exceptional service to her clients, Neena has become one of the most sought-after agents in the industry. She has a reputation for being a skilled negotiator and for going above and beyond to ensure that her clients achieve their goals.

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