2023/24 - Issue One - Bugbrooke St Michaels

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Official Digital Matchday Magazine Season 2023/24 Official Digital Matchday Magazine Season 2023/24 UNITED COUNTIES UNITED COUNTIES LLEAGUE EAGUE PREMIER DIVISION SOUTH PREMIER DIVISION SOUTH M a g a z i n e M a g a z i n e

St Neots St Neots Town F.C. Town F.C.

Established 1879 Established 1879

President - JohnWalker




Secretary/Director- GaryWilson

DirectorofFootball- IainParr



BoardMember- BrianBarnes

BoardMember- AndyClay



FixtureSecretary- MarionIzzard


StadiumAnnouncer- MikeGreen







SocialMedia- MikeGreen


Pitchmaintenance- BarryOakley, BarryCavilla, BobCarpenter










U18’sManager- SimonTrigg

ClubWelfareOfficer- ChrissieManly

Academyenquiries -Alexsntfcacademy@gmail.com


Address: RowleyPark,KesterWay, StNeots,Cambs., PE196SL



CommercialEnquiries- mehmetmi@hotmail.com


publicationofownershipinrelationtostep1-4withinthe footballpyramid,weherebyconfirmthelegalstatusofStNeotsTownFootballClubIdentificationNumber02921210,andis aPrivateLimitedCompany



arelistedasDirectorsoftheCompany: LeeKearns(Significantinterest70%),IainParr,LouiseSales,GaryWilson,MehmetMimogluandasNonExecutiveDirectors MikeGreen,JeremyGreen,andBarryCavilla.


Front cover - Image copyright protected by David Richardson, used under license.

Greenie’s Greetings

With Director Mike Green

Today we extend a warm welcome to the Players, Officials and Supporters of Bugbrooke St Michaels and we hope you enjoy our hospitality here this afternoon in the opening weekend of the new season.

Well here we go, a new beginning, a chance to take stock and reset after our relegation at the end of last season, ending in the extremely disappointing defeat here to Lye Town. However, that day, Cameron Mawer was present and instantly fell in love with the Club and the rest is history. As we as Cam, we welcome George Thorne (Assistant Manager) and of course all our new players who have joined us during the summer break and we look forward to what we hope will be an entertaining and successful season back down at Step Five.

You may or may not know that this season, there are QR code posters dotted around the Stadium, and if you scan this with your camera phone, it will take you straight to the latest editions of this very ma forwarded by today's visitors but going forwa include them.

We also have Club polo shirts (£20) and Buck to the players tunnel so purchase yours now

Ok, please get behind Cam, George and all th who is the best supported club in this divisio into a fortress.


"Good afternoon everyone and welcome back to the Premier Plus Stadium for today's United Counties League Premier Division South game."
Greenie Greenie Greenie

Saints Social Media Sponsor

We are delighted to have ADP Fire and Security as our Media Sponsors for the 2023/24 Season



"Iwouldliketostartbythankingtheboardforthe opportunitytomanagethisincrediblefootballclub.Ialways knewfromtheoutsidehowbigaclubitwas,butsincejoining I’verealisedit’ssomuchmorethanjustafootballclub.The Board,thesupportersandallthefantasticvolunteerswho worktirelesslytomakeitwhatitis".

Everybodyattheclubhasmademefeelsowelcomeandeveryoneinsidetheclubhasdone everythingtogivemeeverytoolintheirpowertohaveasuccessfulseason. Ihavefeltsomuchpositivityaroundtheclubsincejoiningandweasstafffirmlybelievein thisgroupofplayerswehaveputtogether.It’sbeenfantastictobeabletobringinGeorge Thornealongsidemyselfandsomeonewithhiswealthofexperiencewillonlybebeneficialfor myselfandtheplayers.ItwasimportanttoalsohavesomecontinuityattheclubandIam delightedtokeepGaryDean,MickHuntandCraigLambert.

Thatbeingsaid,IamrealisticandIknowthechallengeahead,thisleaguewillbetough,it’s unforgivingandrelentlessandwehaveworkedtirelesslyoverthesummertorecruitmentthe righttypeofplayertomoveusforward.Myjobasthemanageristoseethebiggerpicture,I firmlybelieveIwillputthisclubbacktowhereitbelongsbutthatwon’thappenovernight andattimeswilltakesomepatience.

Ouraimsfortheseason?Ouraimistobecompeti createateamyouallcanbeproudof.Tocreatem remember.Iwasattherelegationeliminatorand memory,notbethereasonforotherstocreateth

I’dliketowelcomeeveryoneassociatedtoBugbro stadium.DaleWaltonandhissideareofftheback knowwewillhavetobeatourverybesttodayto

Yoursupporthasbeenimmenseduringpreseason makingourfantastichomeafortressandmaking teams.Theplayerswillappreciateeverysinglefan them,bothhomeandaway.Yoursupportwilllift weallknow,itcouldbeworthadecisionortwoac


From The Dugout With Manager Cameron Mawer Cam Cam Cam



Boardroom Gossip


With Chairman Barry Cavilla

"Goodafternoonandaverywarmwelcometoyouallfor the start of or 2023/24 season in the United Counties LeaguePremierDivisionSouth.Welcometotheplayers, officalsandsupportersofourvisitorstoday,Bugbrooke StMichaelstokickournewleaguecampaign".

ManyyearshavepassedsincewelastplayedintheUCLandwewillbevisiting manynewandestablishedteamsfromourpastencountersatthislevelwhichIam surewillonceagainbeacompetitiveleaguewithsomebigclubs(andbudgets) lookingtogettouptothenextlevelofthefootballpyramid.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our excellent new manager, Cameron Mawer and his assistant George Thorne and their familiar looking backroomteam,totaketheSaintsforwardthisseasoninwhatIamsurewillbea muchmorepositiveseasonfortheClubandit’sfantasticsupporters.

SopleasejoinmeinwishingCameron,Georgeandtheteamtheverybestforthe season ahead and I look forward to chatting with many of you as the season unfolds. Onceagain,ThankyouforyourcontinuedsupportoftheSaintsagainthisseason. YourTown,yourTeam.


Visit www.stneotstownfc.co.uk to find out how to become a partner. Saints Partners We pride ourselves on being open minded with a particular emphasis on working closely with our business partners to ensure mutually beneficial achievements. Our aim is to continue developing football for all, to offer duel career pathwaysandtocontinuetoengageand supporttheCommunityandlocalbusinesses.

Player Sponsorship 2023/24

Cameron Mawer

George Thorne

Gary Dean

Craig Lambert

Mick Hunt

James Goff

Kyle Lincoln

Tommy Reynolds

Dammy Nickels

Joshua Brown

Magloire Muyembe

Sam Johnson

Dean Dummett

Demi Romero Debola

Tom Rowley

Reece Crowter

Harvey Williams

Israel Ajana

Jack Barnett

Lorrell Smith

James Hatch

Nathan George

Dom Lawless

John Walker (President)

Andrew Dodd

RealHeat Plumbing and Heating

The Saints Ambassadors

Jeremy and Daniel Frome

Memorial Makeovers - 01480 700840

Som’s Salon - 01480 473573

Priory Ultras Available

Som’s Salon - 01480 473573

Priory Saints

Chris Chapman

The Farmers Available Available

KLF Construction Ltd.

Rodney Buckenham Available

Philip and Annie Barnett

Essential Power Solutions, Bedford

Hidden Gem Cupcakes - 07734 821330

The Cheese and Wine Society

The Saints Ambassadors Sponsorship

misslouises@yahoo.co.uk. for further details
be aware, players may leave at any time.
for the season Interested? Then contact Louise - 07753 222683 or
Partners - Visit www.stneotstownfc.co.uk to find out how to become a partner. Saints
ourselves on being open minded with a particular emphasis on working closely with our business partners
is to
developing football for all, to offer duel career
We pride
to ensure mutually
achievements. Our aim
pathwaysandtocontinuetoengageand supporttheCommunityandlocalbusinesses.






Saturday 10th August 2014

Southern League Premier Division


Despite there being almost as many protesting Hereford fans outside the ground as those inside, the match attendance was the second highest in the league on the day but unfazed by the commotion around them St Neots served up a solid if rather unspectacular performance to pick up three points on the opening day of the season.Hereford relegated two steps down from the Conference for financial irregularities were an unknown quantity but featured a mix of youth and experience and gave the visitors a fairly stern test. The feature of the victory was that St Neots two second half substitutes each scored a goal to earn their victory for a side whose starting line up included just three new faces. Injury and suspension had robbed the Manager of Ben Farrell and Drew Roberts so there is more to come as St Neots embark on their third season at Step Three.

The opening phase of the match was a little scrappy with neither side looking positive enough in the final third but St Neots dominated early possession without really looking positive enough to threaten the home defence. A Lewis Hilliard shot was blocked and debutant striker Chris Dillon forced a reflex save from home keeper Luke Williams before sending a second effort wide.At the other end Deqwon Eubanks saw a header comfortably gathered by Nathan Abbey and then Hilliard playing in a forward role alongside Dillon shot wide and then sent a far post header over the bar. Defensively St Neots looked very sound although Bilal Yafai did get around Arthur Lee to set up Salvador Ramirez but his shot was well wide. The competitive nature of the match saw bookings for Samuel Akinde (Hereford) and Dillon but St Neots best first half chance fell to Gavin Hoyte from a Lee corner but he headed the ball narrowly over the bar. The lively Jay Davies twice shot over the bar but neither goalkeeper was really tested in a first half that was accurately reflected in the goalless score line at the break.


Saturday 10th August 2014

AftertheirhalftimeteamtalkStNeotsimmediatelylookedmorepositiveand threeminutesaftertherestartHilliardhadtheballinthenetfromaDavies throughpassbutwasruledmarginallyoffside.Howeverachangeshortlyafterwards sawtheintroductionofMattNolanforDillonandheenergisedtheattack.Hesetup Hilliardwhoselowshotwasblockedbyadefenderandhethensentanangledshot thatbeatthekeeperbutpassedjustthewrongsideofthefarpost.Howeverafter 61minuteshetimedhisrunpastthelastdefendertoperfectiontopickupaJay DaviespasstoshootunderthedivingbodyofWilliamstoscoreStNeotsfirstgoalof thenewleagueseason.Itwasnomorethantheydeservedanditsettledthem downtoproducesomeneatpossessionfootballalthoughtherewerefewclear chancescreated.ThentwominutesfromtimeaninspiredsecondsubstitutionbySt Neotssealedtheresultandallthreepoints.NathanFratercameonforhisquite sensationalleaguedebuttoreplacethetiringHilliardandwithhisfirsttouchhe wentpastJoshuaOyiboandwasbroughtdownfrombehind.Theresultantpenalty kicksawJayDavies’effortwellparriedbyWilliamsbutFraterwasperfectlyplaced ontheedgeoftheareatorapinthereboundtowrapupthetwogoals’victory.

StNeots:Abbey,Spence,Lee,Spring,Frater(R),Hoyte,Davies,Ford,Dillon,Hilliard, Powell

Subs:Nolan(forDillon49mins),Frater(N)(forHilliard88mins),Ferrari,Ivey-Ward andGreygoose.



Hereford:Williams,Knott,Roberts,O’Neill,Morrison,Gregory,Ramirez,Yafai, Eubanks,Akinde,Lewars.







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StNeotsTownFCisnotjustaboutfootballweareacommunityfocusedbusiness.Wehavesomuchmoregoingonwhich ultimately and significantly increases our footfall and our website site and social media reach.This in turn means that whenyouadvertisewiththeSaintsyougetsomuchmoreforyourmoney.

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John Walker's Match Preview



Year founded: 1929 Chairman: Kevin Gardner Club Website: www.bugbrookesmfc.co,uk


After an absence of twelve seasons, it is back for our first match in the United Counties Football League.In that time the league has changed, expanded, and moved geographically further north and now has two Premier Divisions – one north and one south. We are to play in the south division and a quick look at its composition reveals that only five clubs are the same as we faced in the 2010/11 season. They are Cogenhoe, Desborough, Newport Pagnell, Wellingborough, and Yaxley. In addition to that quintet of clubs we have also played Bugbrooke, Daventry Town, and Eynesbury in UCL competition, which means that eleven of our league opponents will be new to us, although we have played two further UCL clubs –Godmanchester Rovers and Leicester Nirvana (the latter under the name of Thurnby Nirvana) in cup competitions.

This is to be Bugbrooke’s first visit to the Premier Plus Stadium although our two clubs did meet four times on our previous ground at the bottom of the estate. Our first meeting was in the year we reformed and moved to this estate playing in UCL Division One. Only two clubs beat us at home that season – Bugbrooke and St Ives Town and Bugbrooke were only team to record a league double over us that season winning 3-1 in the return fixture at Birds Close. After that first season things were different. Bugbrooke had three seasons in the UCL Premier Division between 1999 and 2002 and during that time our lads beat them four times (three times at home) drew once and lost once. Our last meeting here finished 5-1 in our favour with two goals apiece for Wes Byrne and Simon Claridge and a fifth for Jason Meeds. Last season Bugbrooke finished tenth in the league table winning 13 of their 34 league matches whilst in the league cup they defeated Heather St Johns in the first round before losing to March Town, after they had beaten that side in the FA Cup Preliminary Round. In the FA Vase Bugbrooke lost on penalties in a shoot-out away at Hillingdon Borough after a 1-1 draw. Our other previous meeting with Bugbrooke was in 1999 when we defeated our visitors 3-2 at home in the League KO Cup.

Previous league meetings of our teams:

P8 W4 D1 L3 goals for 19 goals against 8

Enjoy the match

John Walker

Looking Back - With John Walker Our Last Game As We Left The UCL

UCL Premier Division – 30th April 2011

Our last UCL match prior to our promotion to the Southern League


In St Neots’ record-breaking season, it was, perhaps, ironic that they had to wait until the third minute of injury time to secure a point at Long Buckby. Inevitably, the goal came from leading scorer Shane Tolley with a fine header at the far post and the visitors almost snatched a winner just a minute later, but the referee blew the whistle just as there seemed to be a great chance for the home side to score the latest of winners.

Inevitably, the match had a bit of an end of season feel about it and control was not easy in a strong gusty wind. Tolley almost got on the end of a Junior Konadu pass before Jordan Gent had to make a fine clearance from a cross by Greg Ling and Luke McShane had to make an excellent save from Olly Wilkinson. Saints almost scored after 15 minutes when Tolley lobbed a shot just over the bar and they came even closer 7 minutes later as Dominic Green’s corner rebounded from the crossbar. From another corner, the ball skimmed off Ian Gayle’s forehead as he stretched to try and head home at the far post. Slack defending on the half hour saw Ashley Robinson with a chance for Long Buckby but his finishing was poor. Tom Stephanu then had to make a fine save from Lewis Hilliard and tip over a Green free kick after Stefan Moore had been fouled. In the closing minutes of the half, Saints appealed in vain for a penalty when Hilliard appeared to be brought down.

The second half started quietly before Hilliard shot wide from a Mick Hyem pass and another pass from the fullback saw Green put in a dangerous cross, but nobody could connect. Long Buckby then took the lead on the hour mark as Ling shot across keeper McShane into the far corner of the net after beating Gent. This inspired the home team as McShane had to take a dangerous cross from Andy Gordon and tip a header from Robinson round the post. Saints then hit back and dominated the last 15 minutes of the game. Substitute Gavin Strachan’s shot flashed past the angle after good work by Stefan Moore and Gent went close with a header. Gent then had to clear off the line from Dan Holman as the game went into injury time before Tolley netted the equalising goal from Green’s cross.

St Neots Town: McShane, D Moore, Hyem, Hilliard, Gent, Gayle, Davies, Konadu, S Moore, Tolley, Green

Subs: Webb (for Kanudu 51), Strachan (for Davies 53), Jacob (for Hilliard 65), Fuff, and Fordham.

Man of Match: Shane Tolley

Partners - Visit www.stneotstownfc.co.uk to find out how to become a partner. Saints StNeotsTownFCisnotjustaboutfootballweareacommunityfocusedbusiness.Wehavesomuchmoregoingonwhich ultimately and significantly increases our footfall and our website site and social media reach.This in turn means that whenyouadvertisewiththeSaintsyougetsomuchmoreforyourmoney.

Saints - Goldstraw Goldmiths St Neots Town FC Academy & Main Stand Sponsor

The Goldstraw Goldsmith’s St Neots Town FC Academy Sponsor

Goldstraw Goldsmiths is an established, trusted, successful jewellery shop in the Cambridgeshire town of St Neots. At Goldstraws Goldsmiths we’ve been designing and caring for jewellery for over 30 years. We sell all styles of jewellery; new and antique. If you have a particular item in mind, we will always endeavour to source it. Two experienced goldsmiths work on the premises, offering quality craftsmanship with every newly created piece and repair. We take pride in our work and our customers tell us time and time again that wouldn’t go anywhere else. Why not come in and say hello we” be happy to help.


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U10s Thank You for your ongoing support
St Neots Town Academy Team Sponsors 2023/24
Goldstraw Goldsmiths
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St Neots Town
Partners - Visit www.stneotstownfc.co.uk to find out how to become a partner. Saints StNeotsTownFCisnotjustaboutfootballweareacommunityfocusedbusiness.Wehavesomuchmoregoingonwhich ultimately and significantly increases our footfall and our website site and social media reach.This in turn means that whenyouadvertisewiththeSaintsyougetsomuchmoreforyourmoney.
Call 01480 470931 / Mobile 07950 496568 Partners - Visit www.stneotstownfc.co.uk to find out how to become a partner. Saints StNeotsTownFCisnotjustaboutfootballweareacommunityfocusedbusiness.Wehavesomuchmoregoingonwhich ultimately and significantly increases our footfall and our website site and social media reach.This in turn means that whenyouadvertisewiththeSaintsyougetsomuchmoreforyourmoney.
Partners - Visit www.stneotstownfc.co.uk to find out how to become a partner. Saints StNeotsTownFCisnotjustaboutfootballweareacommunityfocusedbusiness.Wehavesomuchmoregoingonwhich ultimately and significantly increases our footfall and our website site and social media reach.This in turn means that whenyouadvertisewiththeSaintsyougetsomuchmoreforyourmoney.

P l a y i n g R e c o r d

P l a y i n g R e c o r d

2 0 2 3 / 2 4

2 0 2 3 / 2 4

Opponent Spotlight



Bugbrooke St Michaels FC was founded in 1929 and replaced Bugbrooke Utd who wound up in 1927 after playing since 1910. In its early years BSMFC won the central village league from 1932 – 37 and were runners up in the NFA Junior cup. Other successful teams have arisen in each decade since then with the 60’s and 70’s sides being extremely prodigious in winning trophies.

The club joined the UCL in 1985 and won promotion to the premier division in 1999. This enabled the club to play in the FA cup and FA Vase for the first time. Since joining the UCL the club has run 4 teams 2 of the teams playing in the Northants Combination League. The club has developed a mini and youth system since the 1990’s and currently has 12 mini and youth teams.

Many of the teams are regularly successful in the Northants Youth Alliance League. In 2003 the club became a Community Charter Standard Club and were NFA Community club in 2004/2005. In 2007 the U10’s were invited to represent the NFA in a six a side tournament at the new Wembley stadium as a reward for the clubs hard work in the community.

The club has worked hard to improve its facilities since 1980 and has invested a lot of time and money to make them some of the best in the County. They were awarded a Football Foundation grant in 2006 to build new changing rooms and improve social facilities. These were opened in 2007 by John Gregory who is connected to the village by marriage. Improvements continue to be made to the pitch and ground to enable the club to move forward.

2011/12 saw the first team finishing 3rd in their division, and winning the Northants Junior Cup. During the season the club completed all the necessary ground requirements to enable promotion and were offered this option for the 2012/13 season. The club thought long and hard about this, but the decision was made to stay in Division 1.

In 2017/18 the Reserves saw success by winning both the League title, & securing the Lower Junior Cup. There was also success for the U18 & U16 teams, many of those players having come through from Bugbrooke U7 level.

Manager - Cameron Mawer Assistant - George Thorne

GK Coach - Gary Dean

Physios - Craig Lambert

Kitman - Mick Hunt

SquadList SquadList

JJamesGoff(GK) amesGoff(GK)

SebStacey(GK)(Loan) SebStacey(GK)(Loan)

TommyReynolds TommyReynolds

DammyNickels DammyNickels

KyleLincoln KyleLincoln

NathanGeorge NathanGeorge

DeanDummett DeanDummett

JJoshuaBrown oshuaBrown

DemiRomeroDebola DemiRomeroDebola

ReeceCrowter ReeceCrowter

SamJohnson SamJohnson

MagloireMuyembe MagloireMuyembe

HarveyWilliams HarveyWilliams

TomRowley TomRowley

IIsraelAjana sraelAjana

JJamesHatch amesHatch

LorrellSmith LorrellSmith

DomLawless DomLawless

JJackBarnett ackBarnett Colours Colours

Navy/LightBlueQuarters Navy/LightBlueQuarters

DarkBlueShorts DarkBlueShorts

Dark DarkBlueSocks BlueSocks

Squad List Squad List

Aidan Webster Aidan Webster

Brandon Hallmark Brandon Hallmark

Calvin Green Calvin Green

Dan Porter Dan Porter

Dylan Surace Dylan Surace

Eddie Panter Eddie Panter

Jake Webster Jake Webster

Joe Malkin Joe Malkin

Johnny Carey Johnny Carey

Kevin Shehi Kevin Shehi

Kieran Spencer Kieran Spencer

Luke Reeve Luke Reeve

Maurice Alhassan

Maurice Alhassan

Shad Reza Shad Reza

Tom Binder Tom Binder

Tom Simmons Tom Simmons

Tom Smyth Tom Smyth

Tom Walton Tom Walton

Trent Oakes Trent Oakes

Colours Colours

White Shirts White Shirts

Black Black Shorts Shorts

Black Black Socks Socks

Referee Zachary Cunningham Assistant 1 Peter Moore Assistant 2 Donald McClarty MBE

Manager - Dale Walton Coach - Daniel Powell Physio - James Lock
HomeMatch.... FakenhamTown(FACup) FakenhamTown(FACup) Saturday5thAugust Saturday5thAugust 3.00 3.00pmKO pmKO

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