The Dragon Fall 2008 Issue

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Fall 2008

MANAGING EDITOR Gordon C. Allan GRAPHIC DESIGNER Bruce Elbeblawy ARCHIVES AND HISTORY EDITOR Elizabeth Knox GEORGIANS’ SECTION SENIOR GEORGIANS’ EDITOR Bryan R. Ide '99 PRESIDENT OF THE ST. GEORGE’S OLD BOYS’ ASSOCIATION A.G. (Alex) Tsakumis '84 PHOTOGRAPHERS Gordon Allan Craig Brooks ’76 Kyla Brown Photography Dr. Michael Cragg ’82 Bruce Elbeblawy Aly Jetha ’88 Stephen Joyce ’90 Nejeed Kassam ’04 Adam Kebede ’03 Steve Kenning ’00 Shawn Lawrence Simon Litherland ’83 Peter Menyasz ’69 Charles Middleton ’80 Tanya Peters Neil Piller ’85 Spenser Rocky ’04 Justin Segal ’08 Irene Teraguchi-Charney David Trudel ’73 Heart2Heart The Georgian Archives St. George's School Archives 2008 St. George's School Fair Archives Canadian Press Hugh Tildesley Canfor CORPORATE LOGOS Scouts Canada, used with permission Duke of Edinburgh, used with permission The Dragon is published twice per year, expressly for Georgians, parents, and friends of St. George’s School. It is also distributed to other Canadian independent schools and selected public or private institutions. Comments about any of the articles are always welcome. Address all correspondence to: Gordon C. Allan – Managing Editor, The Dragon St. George’s School 4175 West 29th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6S 1V1 CANADA Phone: 604.224.1304 Fax: 604.224.7066 Email: Please contact our office to be added to the mailing list.

PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40580507 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO: ST. GEORGE'S SCHOOL SOCIETY 3851 WEST 29TH AVENUE VANCOUVER BC V6S 1T6 The Dragon is copyright © 2008 St. George’s School, Vancouver BC Canada. Reproduction rights: We encourage you to circulate or copy this material unmodified for your own private use. You may quote any article or portion of article with attribution. Quotation of any article or portion of article without attribution is prohibited. The Dragon, its contents, or material may not be sold, intact or modified, nor included in any package or product offered for sale.


DRAGON St. George’s School

Fall 2008


Voluntary Service and the Pursuit of Social Justice by Gordon C. Allan


HEADlines: We need Action to Yield Change by N.R.L. (Nigel) Toy


From the Chair: A Vision for the Future by Rob Cruickshank


Service and Charity: An Interview with Heather Morris Interviewed by Gordon C. Allan


Cubs Scouts Return to Saints by Greg Devenish


Volunteering – The Ultimate Reward by Tim Shaddick


Heart-to-Heart by Kevin Chan '09


Terry Fox Run by Danette Mortimer


Hamper Drive by Elizabeth Knox


A Diversity of Interests: Clubs and Service Opportunities by Martha Bassett


56 Years of the St. George’s Fair by Leslie Bentley


Looking Back at Boarding with Norma Parker Interviewed by Gordon C. Allan


Alex Tsukumis: A Reflection on the Presidency of The Georgians Interviewed by Bryan R. Ide ‘99


End Poverty Now: Nejeed Kassam ‘04 Interviewed by Bryan R. Ide ‘99


Spread the Love: Justin Segal ‘08 Interviewed by Bryan R. Ide ‘99


Saving Four Lives at a Time: Steve Kenning ’00 Interviewed by Bryan R. Ide ‘99


Making Democracies and Corporations Work: Dr. Mark Latham ’70 Interviewed by Bryan R. Ide ‘99


Who’s Who: Looking Back at Recent Georgian Events—A Photographic Display


The Flag Bearer: Donovan Tildesley '02 Interviewed by Bryan R. Ide ‘99


Georgian Snapshots Compiled by Bryan R. Ide ‘99


2008 Georgian Honours Recipients Compiled by Bryan R. Ide ‘99


Saints’ Notes Compiled by Elizabeth Knox and Bryan R. Ide ‘99


Calling All Georgians Compiled by Bryan R. Ide ‘99

Front Cover: Former Head Boy, Andrew Cliff '08 on a service initiative in Peru.

St. George’s School is proud to be associated with:


VOLUNTARY SERVICE AND THE PURSUIT OF SOCIAL JUSTICE s Vancouver’s City Council and VANOC prepare for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the issue of homelessness in the downtown core has suddenly become a hot issue. Although the impetus to address this issue may not be grounded in altruism, the fact remains that a growing number of people are now more aware of the problem. Moreover, a simple solution appears to be elusive.


According to Rahima Wade, Professor of Elementary Social Studies at the University of Iowa, in order to help our young to understand and work towards a socially just society, we must allow them to identify the root causes of injustice and develop strategies to eliminate these problems. Historical, political, and sociological analysis is a good place to start, and getting our students out into the real world is what will ultimately bring the theoretical constructs alive and impress upon the boys their civic responsibilities.

by Gordon C. Allan, Managing Editor

We know that authentic servicelearning projects need to be ongoing and sustainable.

Unfortunately, resolving complex social issues like homelessness requires more than intelligent people merely reflecting on theories of social justice. We also need individuals who have first-hand experience living and working with people in a variety of contexts. We need those who can take their combined experience and knowledge to analyse and find very real solutions. This is where schools can play a greater role through well-developed Voluntary Service programs.

St. George’s has always embraced voluntary-based service, whether it is through the Terry Fox Run, the Hamper Drive or, more recently, building a schoolhouse in Peru. In total, excluding individual service projects, the School supports close to 40 service and charity events. However, we also know that authentic service-learning projects need to be ongoing and sustainable. Therefore, the School has created the role of Services and Charity Coordinator, a position currently held by Heather Morris. In an interview with Heather in this edition of The Dragon, you can read about her vision for community service at the School and, in particular, the creation of a Global Perspectives and Voluntary Service Program. This program aims to encourage both students and staff to be involved in good citizenship and global awareness. We are also proud to profile some of our Georgians who have founded their own charities to battle malaria, alleviate poverty around the globe, build schools in impoverished villages, and to improve our corporate and democratic institutions. These profiles are augmented by a section entitled, “Georgian Snapshots,” highlighting other Georgians who are making a difference. The School’s Mission Statement concludes with the statement: “We encourage the pursuit of excellence in all endeavours and the acceptance of responsibility for the betterment of society.” Voluntary Service will continue to play a vital role in realizing this objective. We look forward to the evolution of our Voluntary Service program and the ongoing commitment of our students, staff, and Georgians to a better world.

Fall 2008 • 3

HEADlines We Need Action to Yield Change Recent Dragon publications have focused on a particular theme of School Life; this edition is centred on the broad area of Service and Charity and how St. George's School is contributing.

The actual breakfast was hosted and sponsored by the Lorne Segal Family, whose son Matthew attends St. George's School and daughter Chanelle is at Crofton House School. They both spoke of their recent experiences in Africa, which was followed by Marc Kielburger announcing the inaugural Me To We Day for Vancouver on September 28, 2009. This is to be a huge gathering of youth with the Dalai Lama in attendance to make them aware of the global challenges and set the stage for a year-long program that will empower youth to change the world.

the plight of our fellow humans in the world. All too often, we remain immune to the genuine suffering, poverty, and desecration of the environment. Yes, we make donations to the many agencies that seek to ease the pain and try to make the world a better place, but do we really commit? St. George's School has recently embarked on a comprehensive initiative to bring students into greater awareness of how they can help in needy parts of the country and the world. The Global Perspectives and Voluntary Service Program was formulated with a mission to promote just that. A special Coordinator from the Faculty has been appointed, with a time allocation and budget to lead the project. She will provide a strategic direction and a structure to entrench the program in the life of the School. It is expected all students at all grade levels will be involved and work towards more challenging commitments in their senior years. Much of this has been possible through the generosity of the Lau Family through the David & Dorothy Lam Foundation.

Citizenship and stewardship are two powerful words that embody a true mission for the world to confront the ills that beset it. We all There is never a day that we as citizens are not consciously believe that it is important to give confronted with images or words concerning something back to society and by extension to make the world a better place. As Headmaster Toy with Craig Kielburger importantly, we have a historic obligation to preserve the natural order of things and pass them on to the next generation. These noble and worthy ideals are at the heart of any program. However, as educators, elders, and

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N.R.L. (Nigel) Toy, Headmaster

Citizenship and stewardship are two powerful words that embody a true mission for

I felt quite inspired on this topic when I recently attended a breakfast event to promote the incredible service work that the Kielburger brothers have been involved in. The School was made very much aware of their project and the Free the Children campaign last year when they visited with us. It was founded in 1995 by 12-year old Craig Kielburger when he became aware that there were 250 million child labourers in the world. It is now the world’s largest network of “children helping children through education”, with more than one million young people involved in its innovative programs in 45 countries.

the world to confront the ills that beset it.

parents we need to inculcate the belief that it is action that will yield change. Many of the younger generation understand this and are way ahead. Today, there are thousands of worthy initiatives in the world that demonstrate change is possible. The Me to We campaign is about children helping children and has the potential to provide a generation with a true social conscience. The world is an exciting juxtaposition of peoples and places, but we have to help each other and we all need to preserve and protect that same world in which we all live. Such a simple solution will only be achieved by humanitarian deeds or, in the words of our School Mission, we can make a difference: “St. George's is a community committed to the love of learning, the joy of living, and the healthy growth of body, mind and spirit. We encourage the pursuit of excellence in all endeavours and the acceptance of responsibility for the betterment of society.” Sine Timore Aut Favore (Without Fear or Favour)

FROM THE CHAIR A VISION FOR THE FUTURE: THE NEXT FIVE YEARS AT ST. GERORGE’S SCHOOL AND BEYOND It is said that the role of the Board of Directors is to hire and steward the Headmaster, to work with the Headmaster and his Senior Leadership Team to create a Strategic Plan, and finally, to assist in raising the funds necessary to complete the Strategic Plan. It is the second of these three duties I would like to address in this article.

This is an exciting time for the School. We expect the new Vision and resulting Strategic Plan to be bold while still maintaining the School's current strengths and core values.

St. George's School and your Board of Directors have been guided by the current Strategic Plan, which spans 2005–2009. As we enter the plan’s final year, it is time to create a new one. While I hope that everyone would agree that the School has risen to lofty levels on the Canadian academic scene, and is now arguably one of the top two or three schools nationally, we do not want to rest on our laurels. So, guided by a desire to continuously improve while maintaining all we have achieved, we have embarked on the creation of our new plan.

by Rob Cruickshank, Chairman

As a first step, we engaged the services of a professional to assist us in assessing our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, guide us through a process of examining our Mission Statement, and develop a Vision to underpin the next five-year Plan. This process included conducting over 50 interviews with a diverse group of people who are involved with the School; collecting data on demographics and independent schools world-wide; and facilitating a group of 18 people (including the Headmaster, members of his Senior Leadership Team, and representatives of the Boards of the Society, the Foundation, the Georgians, and the Auxiliary) in a comprehensive assessment. As I mentioned, we do not want to tamper with our areas of strength and it was the consensus of all involved that our current Mission: St. George's School is a community committed to the love of learning, the joy of living, and the healthy growth of body, mind, and spirit. We encourage the pursuit of excellence in all endeavours and the acceptance of responsibility for the betterment of society. continues to represent what the School does on a day-to-day basis. We are now fine-tuning the output from this work and taking it to a broader representation of the various School constituencies for input. Clearly, we cannot engage everyone, but it is important that we test the work with as broad a representation as is practical, and we will do just that. Once we have completed this work, teams will be formed to more fully flesh out the various goals, including the costs to deliver them. These will then be brought to the Society Board for approval and then finally incorporated into the new Strategic Plan. This is an exciting time for the School. We expect the new Vision and resulting Strategic Plan to be bold while still maintaining the School's current strengths and core values. We will keep you informed as the Plan unfolds and look forward to your continued support in bringing it to reality.

The 2005–2009 Strategic Plan

Fall 2008 • 5



Interview by Gordon C. Allan, Managing Editor


6 • The Dragon

Heather Morris is our new Service and Charity Coordinator. In this interview, Heather talks about the newly defined Service and Charity Program at St. George’s School and her vision for its ongoing development.

Why is Service and Charity a focus for 2008–2009 at St. George’s School? Giving back is a way of discovering meaning in life for a lot of young people. In spite of all the many forms of communication, ironically, many young people are feeling increasingly disconnected with the real world. Through service and charity initiatives, students may understand global issues and contribute positively to the broader community as well as developing a positive sense of self. As part of its mission statement, St. George’s School reflects that we accept a responsibility for the betterment of society. It is encouraging that we are recognizing and supporting this aspect of the “well-rounded boy”. What do you do in your position as Service and Charity Coordinator? I see my role as guiding students in planning, promoting, executing, and wrapping up charitable fundraising events. These should be all student-driven and student-centred with opportunities to learn many really valuable skills. A lot of time is spent contacting local organizations to find out what upcoming events are in need of volunteers. Once a volunteer opportunity is found, I promote

it and ensure students have filled out all forms and waivers. I will often attend the events to register myself as a point of contact for students and also as a volunteer. The administration involves tracking student volunteer hours, accounting of funds raised, and making reports of events and activities. What can students gain from taking part in service initiatives? Taking part in service initiatives develops leadership skills, teaches students how to work with people from various walks of life, and increases awareness of community and global issues. Volunteer work can often lead students towards positive contacts and work experience. It always leads to increased personal satisfaction and is always a lot of fun! My aim is to inspire students to make a lifelong commitment to charitable involvement and to recognize its importance from our position of privilege. Volunteering has always been a big part of my life and I credit much of my own professional and social development to skills learned through actively participating in volunteer service.

In which types of initiatives are Saints boys currently engaged? The main initiatives are service, awareness, and charitable giving. The equal emphasis on service and charity demonstrates that the giving of both time and money are both relevant in working towards the concept of a socially just world. Volunteer opportunities vary from year to year and include both in-school volunteer work and work within the community. In the past, students have participated in environmental restoration work in Stanley Park, worked at a local soup kitchen, assisted at the CIBC Run for the Cure, and worked at the Vancouver International Children’s Festival. What types of charitable fundraisers are held within the School? Last year, charitable fundraisers raised a total of over $50,000 for local, national, and international organizations, such as the Terry Fox Foundation, Covenant House, and World Vision. Fundraising events range from holding a Jeans Day and collecting monetary donations to holding the annual Hamper Drive at Christmas and collecting donations in the spring for citizens of the downtown eastside.

St. George’s students—Elvin Chang, Justin Ko, Thomas Fung, Ermer Wang, Vincent Ng, Jeff Choi, Andy Chu, and Jeff Au-Yeung—helping out at the Children’s Hospital Michael Bublé Gala Fundraiser.

Fall 2008 • 7



Zaakir Jiwa, Tim Tsang, Daniel Sedin, and Jeremy Heppenstall.




SEPTEMBER • Terry Fox Run • Run for the Cure • AIDS Walk for Life • Jake Milford Golf Tournament • International Day of Peace

Fundraiser Volunteer (Community) Volunteer (Community) Volunteer (Community) Awareness Raiser

$31000 in 07/08 18 hours (07/08) 40 hours (07/08) 96 hours (07/08) Awareness campaign

Volunteer (Community) Volunteer (Community) Volunteer (Community)

15 hours (07/08) 13 hours (07/08) 28 hours (07/08)

Volunteer (Community) Awareness Raiser Fundraiser Volunteer (School)

9 hours (07/08) Awareness campaign $385 (07/08) 20 hours (07/08)


$678 (07/08)

Fundraiser Awareness Raiser

350 hampers delivered Anticipated project (08/09) 10 hours (07/08) 16 hours (07/08) 132 hours (07/08)

OCTOBER • Ivy Busters Pull in Stanley Park • Turkey Trot for Food Bank • Light the Night for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society • JDRF Ride for Diabetes • World Food Day • UNICEF Fundraiser • Coat Check for Halloween Social

What is your vision for the future of the program? I see service and charity becoming more ingrained in the culture of the School as more students become involved every year and as the projects develop in ways more meaningful to the boys. I am working to designate a “Service Day” that would involve a single grade level going into the community to volunteer. I am also working towards developing an international service component that will take students to a developing country to perform service work. In what way can Georgians become involved? Georgians who are involved in humanitarian work or work with charitable organizations should contact me to arrange possible speaking engagements. They can offer support by identifying charitable areas in which our students can work and come and join the school-wide events like Hamper Drive or the Terry Fox Run.

DECEMBER • Hamper Drive • World AIDS Day Awareness Campaign • Diabetes Association Event Set-up • Santa Shuffle for Salvation Army • Debating Tournament Moderators and Timers JANUARY • Fundraiser for Sri Lankan Adopted Children (Tsunami) • BC Bowls for Kids

Volunteer (Community) Volunteer (Community) Volunteer (School)

Fundraiser Fundraiser

Anticipated project (08/09) $200 (05/06)

How can we find out more about the program?

FEBRUARY • Kindness Week Campaign

Awareness Raiser

Information about charitable fundraisers and current volunteer opportunities are advertised and can be found on the St. George’s School website under Student Services.

• Ivy Busters Pull in Stanley Park • Canvassing for Heart and Stroke

Volunteer (Community) Volunteer (Community)

MARCH • Hope Totes for Union Gospel Mission • Ivy Busters Pull in Stanley Park

Fundraiser Volunteer (Community)

50 totes (06/07)

APRIL • Ivy Busters Pull in Stanley Park • 30 Hour Famine • Earth Day • Jeans Day for BC Children’s Hospital

Volunteer (Community) Fundraiser Awareness Raiser Fundraiser

New for 08/09 $4000/yr Awareness campaign $1050 (06/07)

MAY • Canuck Day for Canuck Place • Ivy Busters Pull in Stanley Park • Vancouver Children’s Festival • May Fair • Sushi Sale for Aga Khan Foundation • Bubble Tea for Heart2Heart (monthly)

Fundraiser Volunteer (Community) Volunteer (Community) Volunteer (School) Fundraiser Fundraiser

$225 (06/07) New for 08/09 272 Hours (06/07) Auxiliary $120 (06/07) $2061 (06/07)

go, erto Luon nnor, Rob o ’C O . h y g vsk g, Darra Riley Mila Tim Tsan aas, and Simon M

8 • The Dragon

NOVEMBER • Hoodie Day for Covenant House

Anticipated project (08/09) New For 08/09 20 hours (06/07)

St. George’s School students on a service initiative in Peru

Fall 2008 • 9

by Greg Devenish Principal of the Junior School


Scouting has been a part of the School’s history ever since the doors opened in 1930. It lasted until the early nineties and this year, the School is happy to be introducing Scouting once again. There are already waiting lists for places in the program! In this historical piece, Greg Devenish, Principal of the Junior School, looks back at the evolution of Scouts at St. George’s School.

10 • The Dragon


St. George’s School Cub Pack 1983–1986

St. George’s School has had a long relationship with Scouts Canada. Records show that the School’s original Scout Troop was divided into two patrols: “The Wood Pigeons” and “The Owls.” This combined troop met every Friday and enjoyed their first camping excursion to Burgoyne Bay on Salt Spring Island. By September 1931, Cubs were added to the pack and this laid the foundation for a School-wide Scouts

Cub Camp, May 12–14, 1978

program lasting just over 60 years. Central to this growth, was the pioneering work of Captain Basil Robinson, a schoolmaster and later the Head of the Junior School (1947 to 1958), and Nip Parker who was a teacher at the time. Both of these gentlemen served as Scout Leaders or, in keeping with the characters Akela and Baloo, that Lord Baden-Powell adopted from Rudyard Kipling’s, The Jungle Books. By the 1950s, 90 per cent of the School was enrolled as either a Scout or Cadet.

Scouting at St. George’s continued to thrive for the next two decades and by 1984, the archives show that the School had a Cub Pack of 66 members and a Scout pack of 26. Honorary Georgian, Bill Murdock wrote at the time: “The Scouts have been busy under the leadership of Mr. Gerry Corr. They participated in a wide variety of outdoor activities: a camp out at Golden Ears Park, a snowshoeing expedition to Mt. Seymour in December, overnight camping without adults in May, and a night hike in the University Endowment lands in May.” The relationship with Scouts Canada continued into the early nineties under the leadership of people like Neil Piller ‘85, alumni and present Head of Outdoor Education. Many parents also volunteered to help out with administrative duties such as Cub and Scoutmasters. Parents like Peter Jones and David McLean ended up volunteering as Scoutmasters for a number of years. By the early 1990s, the School decided to change Cubs to an after school program and the numbers dropped off significantly. The Scouts then moved to St. Helen’s Church, where they joined forces with another troop and this officially ended the 34th Scout Troop.

Fall 2008 • 11

Scouting is a natural extension of the School’s curriculum, which underscores sound values and a commitment to assume responsibility for the greater community.

12 • The Dragon

This September, the 34th St. George’s Scout Troop was resurrected at the Junior School. The response has been overwhelming and almost 50 boys have registered for Beavers and Cubs (Grades 1 to 4). The goal will be to expand this program over the next few years to include Scouts and Venturers and St. George’s School is proud to be part of the Scouting movement once more. The movement has a long history dating back to 1907, when it was founded in England by Lieutenant General Robert Baden-Powell. The Scouting movement was originally incorporated as “The Boy Scouts Association” throughout the Commonwealth by a Royal Charter granted by King George V in 1912. Today, more than 28 million youth and adults are involved in Scouting worldwide in

over 155 countries. In 2007, Scouting in Canada became officially branded as Scouts Canada. Scouting will be a valuable addition to the life of the School. The program offers its members fun, adventure, and a comprehensive achievement and recognition system. It does this by focusing on four activity areas: outdoor skills, personal development, leadership, and citizenship. These activities build character and well-rounded individuals who are better equipped to deal with today’s world. Scouting helps participants to develop their knowledge and skills to contribute positively in their local community. The program also strives to nurture within each scout an overall sense of spiritual, social, intellectual, and physical development as a means of

promoting positive self-growth. Scouting is a natural extension of the St. George’s curriculum, which underscores sound values and a commitment to assume responsibility for the greater community. On Monday September 8, 50 boys registered and were fitted with Beaver and Cub uniforms. The younger boys were fitted with the traditional brown vests and caps and the older boys were presented with their shirts and scarves. All the boys will wear the 34th Scout Troop patch, which is very similar to the one worn many years ago. The official opening was held on Monday, October 6 at 6:30 pm in the Blackmore Gym. We are very confident and excited that, as in years gone by, the troop will thrive to become an integral part of our program.

This year’s Beaver group looks on in anticipation.

In the summer of 1981, I was asked by Geof “Daddy” Stancombe ‘62, Garath Hill, and Clive Austin if I would like to lend a hand with coaching rugby at St. George’s School. I had originally met the three of them when playing against Georgians Rugby and coaching at Hillside, West Vancouver, and Tupper High Schools. My home was in the Dunbar area, so Saints was my local school. I was also very aware of the “rugby culture” at Saints and the its roots in the community due to the fame of the Spring Fair and the Christmas Hamper Drive. Volunteering at Saints seemed like a great opportunity for me to support a school I admired. But the challenge was also a daunting one as I wondered whether I could meet the expectations of a faculty which possessed so many talented and dedicated coaches. In particular, I worried about whether I could pass muster with “The Boss”, Headmaster Alan Brown. At first, my assignment was a simple one: to help coach the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd XV forwards. This initial foray into volunteer rugby at Saints taught me that a proper teaching technique was critical in order to build a cohesive pack for scrums and line-outs. The smiles and chuckles were a simple reward! And, as acceptance by my fellow coaches grew, so did my commitment to the assignment. My real job is as a salesman, business owner, and father. But Saints became my second family. My volunteering was so rewarding, I developed many friendships with teachers and boys which continue to this day. I was also “educated” by Saints teachers by watching them coach. This coaching thing had become more than just a 90-minute work out! Then, of course, there were the road trips to St. Michaels, Shawnigan Lake, and Brentwood. Great games, wonderful school hosts, and inspiring rugby coaches whose Saturdays were as much about how the Grade 8 “Bs” did in the “opener” against Simon Oliver’s Saints invaders, as they were about Shawnigan’s foot stomping, shout-out-loud warm-up coming out of the derelict Cricket Pavilion by the 1st XV field.


There were many lifetime experiences along the road to my quarter century of coaching at Saints. For a long time, we were not allowed to play in the BCHS Rugby Championships, but we won the first of many in l995 in Kamloops where Pat Palmer’s, Bill Collins’, and Tim Dickson’s crew upset Oak Bay and went home that night to their Grad celebration at The Bayshore with a standing “0”.

by Tim Shaddick, Honorary Georgian

Every tour went down in my book as a never-to-beforgotten trip. It was an honour to serve the School and the boys on those excursions and many memories remain, including: being part of the very first high school team to have a sports tour in Communist China (Shanghai 1986), when the Saints Grade 11s played the Saints Grade 12s on live TV at Shanghai National Stadium; winning the King of Plantation Island in Fiji; arriving in Sydney, Australia and finding we had been abandoned by our hosts with no games and no place to billet and then ending up losing to the Sydney U19 rep team by only one point; to the traditional Maori welcome stepping off the bus in Whangarei, New Zealand. There were so many memories. Even today, it’s emotional to look back. The friendships remain, grow, and will endure forever. Thank you Saints for the volunteer opportunity of a lifetime! I am so happy I put my hand up! Fall 2008 • 13

In the Fall 2007 edition of The Dragon, we profiled two of our Georgians, Marco Chen ’08 and David Zhu ‘07 who were managing a charitable organization called Heart2Heart. The original goal of this charitable initiative was to help build a school house in China. Since that time, Heart2Heart has become a registered Youth Society and has raised over $100,000 in support for a variety of charitable projects. In this follow-up, Kevin Chan ’09, Vice President of Heart2Heart updates us on the growth of this organization.


HEART HEART BACKGROUND Much has been said about the wonders of the human heart. In a literal sense, it is the strongest muscle in the body, pumping sustenance and life through our veins. In a symbolic sense, the heart represents the capacity for compassion that all of us share and none beats more strongly and passionately when young. The Heart2Heart Canadian Youth Society strives to direct this boundless enthusiasm and energy to focus student-led initiatives on the needs of the less fortunate. Heart2Heart aims to stress the undeniable bonds that exist amongst young people. In doing so, our Society hopes to recognize the importance of issues that tie us. Together, we believe that it is indeed possible to make a difference, with our glowing hearts beating as one. So, how does Heart2Heart distinguish itself from like-minded groups? Unlike many other clubs or foundations, Heart2Heart was founded by Tom Huang and Marco Chen of St. George's School, who continue to assist and guide the Society to this day. Rather than acting upon the influence and recommendations of adult supervisors, we operate from the bottom up and encourage all members to give their input. Thus, the goals of our Society truly reflect the judgment and initiative of youth and not just any compassionate individual. As a result, our vision reflects the unique realities and concerns of students. Because we are youth directed, we identify ourselves as working from "Heart2Heart," directly from the hearts of members to the hearts of those we assist. We may only be students; but the dreams and aspirations of our Society are entirely our own. This is where we are able, time and time again, to draw our inspiration and motivation to carry on charitable initiatives.

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by Kevin Chan '09 organizers’ faces, as they can see first-hand that a positive change has been made to these school childrens’ lives. Kunming and Wuhan In Kunming, China, Heart2Heart assisted ten university students to continue their postsecondary education. In Wuhan, Heart2Heart also initiated a project to improve education in a school in Wuhan. Once again, we were proud of our accomplishments—students helping students.

UPDATE REPORT Founding of Heart2Heart During the summer of 2006, Marco Chen (St. George’s) and Tom Huang (WPGA 07’, NYU 11’) were inspired to organize an initiative to help the impoverished children of Xiao Gao Shan. A Tea Banquet, their first fundraising event, was held in Shenzhen to establish Heart2Heart. First Visit to Xiao Gao Shan A visit to Xiao Gao Shan was made to investigate the children’s living and educational conditions. This experience strengthened the organizers’ determination to spread a cause to implement changes in the lives of children. Xiao Gao Shan, Miao-Long became Heart2Heart’s first project. Fundraising Banquet 2007 On May 20, 2007, Heart2Heart hosted a Fundraising Banquet called, “A Journey from Heart2Heart”, with the hope that it would become an annual event. The evening succeeded in raising over $50,000, which helped to complete the school in Guizhou. Visits to Guizhou Heart2Heart has since made a number of visits to Guizhou to witness the progress of the school, which is now in operation. These visits always bring smiles to the

Spreading Compassion As word spread about the work of Heart2Heart, the society began to expand into a number of schools in the Vancouver area, including places like Kitsilano High School, The University of British Columbia, and St. Margaret’s School on Vancouver Island. The organization now totals over sixty dedicated members who are working at the grass roots level, hosting sustained fundraising activities like Bubble Tea Sales. Closer to home, Heart2Heart co-organized the “Saints Idol” event at the school, which helped to fundraise as well as raise awareness of the charity’s role amongst the private school community. Ice-breaking Care Relief This year, China suffered devastating snowstorms and Heart2Heart felt was able to contribute $20,000 to the “Ice Breaking Care Relief Project”. In early March 2008, three of the Society’s board members travelled to Ottawa with the Honorable MP, Raymond Chan to gather support. During Spring Break, ten board members travelled to China with the IBC Committee to deliver its donation of $110,000 and to distribute supplies to those affected families in Bi Jie. Before we left for Beijing, Heart2Heart was invited by the Education Bureau of Hong Kong to attend a talk session to share our experiences and inspire teenagers in Hong Kong to start stepping out and creating change.


In addition to being Primary Grade Coordinator at the Junior School, Danette Mortimer, in conjunction with Heather Morris, the School’s Service and Charity Coordinator, is a key organizer of the School’s annual Terry Fox Run.

by Danette Mortimer Primary Coordinator

Fall 2008 • 15


This year, the School raised a grand total of $31,207.36, ranking St. George’s School the number one fundraising school for the Terry Fox Foundation in the Province of British Columbia.

When I began teaching at Saints in 1996, the Terry Fox Run was “encouraged” by the faculty and attended by a few students and teachers in conjunction with the National Run day at the Jewish Community Centre on a

16 • The Dragon

Sunday morning. At that time, donations were collected at the School and presented at the completion of the run. The amount was under $9,000. The Terry Fox Foundation appreciated our efforts and encouraged St. George’s to establish its own run site to make the annual run a School-wide effort.

Since 1997, St. George’s has managed our own run site and each year, participation has remained enthusiastic with donations steadily increasing. Although the Junior and Senior campuses participate at separate events, the donations are collected jointly and presented at a special assembly. Over the years, we have been


fortunate to meet members of Terry’s family, his mother Betty Fox, his brother Fred, and his niece Jessie Alder, who have shared with us their experiences and Terry’s dream of ending cancer suffering and finding a cure. There is no one in this great community who has not been touched in some way by cancer and it is motivation for the community to come together with such spirit and generosity on our School run day. Parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, and dogs join us for this energetic event. It is indeed a festive scene when Mr. Toy and a Grade 1 student (this year Joel Goh) display the Terry Fox flag and begin the run for a highly

energized hour of exercise, orange segments, and fun. The run of 2007 was the first when online giving was possible and, I believe, the reason that our total donations for the Terry Fox Run made $30,206.65, ranking us as the Number 1 Fundraising School in British Columbia! As we go to press, the totals have not yet been confirmed, but our fingers are crossed that all that energy combined with enthusiasm will provide us with a similar figure this year. The Terry Fox Run has become a much anticipated event in the St. George’s community, and is yet another event where every member of the community is invited to participate.

LOOKING BACK AT OUR TRACK RECORD • 1997: $11,000.00 Junior School only • 2001: $20,212.00 Junior and Senior School Combined • 2004: $21,906.30 Junior and Senior School Combined • 2007: $30,206.65 Junior and Senior School Combined HOW MONEY RAISED FOR TERRY FOX IS USED • $0.87 from every dollar to Terry Fox Foundation goes to research • $0.10 goes to fundraising • $0.03 goes to administration THE AVERAGE TO OTHER CHARITIES, INCLUDING OTHER CANCER CHARITIES IS: • $0.65 to research • $0.35 to fundraising and administration

THE TERRY FOX RESEARCH INSTITUTE The Terry Fox Research Institute was launched in 2007 and involved the collaboration of cancer hospitals and research organizations across Canada. This institute brings researchers together to improve health outcomes in prevention, early detection, and treatment of cancer patients. St. George’s parent, Dr. Victor Ling (David ’10) is the Scientific Director of the Terry Fox Research Institute.

Fall 2008 • 17



by Elizabeth Knox, Archivist

18 • The Dragon


St. George's School is the second largest provider of Christmas hampers in the Lower Mainland. Each and every year, we receive direct calls for help from agencies such as the Christmas Bureau, the Central City Mission, Harbour Lights, and the Lookout. Elizabeth Knox, the School’s Archivist looks back at the Hamper Drive’s early history, with the help of some oral history provided by the original pioneer of the program, Geof Stancombe ‘62.

The St. George’s School Hamper Drive can trace its origins back to those boys who were members of the School’s original Rover, Venturer, and Scout troops. These troops, in their day, more than exceeded the expectations of the Scouting movement by upholding a strong public service commitment. In 1969, Geof Stancombe ‘62 immediately envisioned opportunities for St. George’s to provide an even greater service to the community. Geof’s vision slowly unfolded with input from local organizations, churches, and other community-based service agencies. By December of his first year, he had established a very successful program to collect toys for the Christmas Bureau. However, it was not long before he realized that the School should help families in an even more personal way. He saw an opportunity to develop a school-wide

program to create individual hampers for families in need, and so, the Hamper Drive was born! For the first few years, the Hamper Drive relied on food donations from within the School community. These hampers were prepared for families whose names had been provided to the School by local agencies. They contained mostly canned food with very little variety and next to nothing in the way of fresh produce. They were hand delivered to families by Grades 11 and 12 students. By the early 1980s, word had spread about the wonderful St. George’s School Hamper Drive initiative and further agencies came forward with requests. Geof recognized an urgent need to extend the request for food items to a wider constituency to provide those in need an

enjoyable holiday season. He immediately canvassed businesses and families who had connections in the food industry. Today, many of those original businesses solicited by Geof still continue to support the Hamper Drive. Groups of businessmen and their associates have been soliciting financial donations for ten years and nowadays we can even be sure that each hamper contains a fresh turkey. Preparation for a Hamper Drive occurs weeks in advance of the actual event. Students bring in contributions, money is solicited from the community, companies are canvassed, and the boarding students participate in an event called the Reindeer Run to collect cans from local neighbours. There are also those who work behind the scenes sorting the products into categories, shopping for specific gift requests, and making up the baskets.

Fall 2008 • 19


The Hamper Drive is all about giving back to the community. It is now a seasonal fixture to see both of the Senior School gyms transformed into warehouses. However, the logistics of moving the crates of canned and dry food and toys from the gyms to boxes and onwards to delivery to homes fall on two staff members, who remain passionate about the Drive: Ed and Danette Mortimer. Since their involvement, they have streamlined the organization of hampers by sorting delivery by postal code and using a conveyor belt to help move the heavier boxes. When Geof Stancombe is asked to reflect back on the major milestones in the evolution of the Hamper drive, he focuses on how each family’s personal and individual needs have been fulfilled. The objective to personalize the hampers means that no year is entirely the same. By its very nature, this decision has increased the variety of perishable and nonperishable goods and the requests for more financial donations from the already generous School community. For example, one year, it appeared that single moms should be the focus of our giving and

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special baskets were made up to accommodate their specific needs. The following year gifts for children were included. In recent years, gift certificates have been added to try and bridge each family’s specific needs. So why is it important that we continue to have a Hamper Drive each year? Firstly, the Hamper Drive is a community event and a common cause to which the extended St. George’s School Community can work together. Parents, Georgian Parents, Georgians, students, and faculty, work tirelessly so that families in need have a brighter holiday. For many of these families, the holiday season does not start until the hampers have been delivered. Secondly, the fact that our students physically deliver the hampers to families’ homes can be a real eye-opener to highlight just how fortunate are their own circumstances and how important it is for them to look beyond themselves. Two anecdotes illustrate this point. On one occasion, two students approached a home and realized they had

delivered a hamper there the year before. The lady who answered the door was blind but remembered both their voices and their names. The boys helped her to stack the hamper items on her kitchen shelves so that she would know where everything was. As the boys said goodbye, they were overcome with emotion at the reality of the situation. On another occasion, boys delivered a hamper to an apartment to discover two small boys sleeping on a mattress in a very bare room. The contents of the hamper appeared to be all the food and clothes they were to possess. Upon their return to school, the boys were notably upset and wanted to see if more could be done for this family. Within a short period of time, additional clothing, food coupons, and food stuffs were assembled to provide a special holiday. The Hamper Drive is all about giving back to the community. It is about service and, as our mission statement says, it is about accepting responsibility for the betterment of society.

A Scene from You Can’t Take It With You


by Martha Bassett Clubs’ Coordinator

Fall 2008 • 21


CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES 2008-2009 • Amnesty International

• Investment Club

• Bands Concert and Jazz

• Juggling

• Business Leaders (Entre-prise)

• Kaffee Klatsch (German)

• Café au Lait (French)

• Kissaten Café (Japanese)

• Cafecito con Leche (Spanish)

• Korean Café

• Ceramics

• Lego

• Chinese Book Club

• Life Drawing

• Choral Society

• Library Monitors

• Cinema

• Math

• Classics Exams Classical League

• Model United Nations (MUN)

• Coxswains

• Note Takers

• Debating

• Open Studio Art

• Destination Imagination (DINI)

• OPUS Literary and Art Publication

• Digital Photography

• Peer Tutoring

• Duke of Edinburgh Award Program

• Portfolio (Art)

• Multicultural

• Robotics/ Technolog

• Food for Thought

• Rock Climbing

• Foot Bag

• Saints’ Players Theatre Company

• Georgian Yearbook

• Schoolreach Quiz Teams

• Global Perspectives and Community Service (GPACS)

• Scrabble

• Go, Japanese Board Game

• Sea Kayaking

• Graphic Novel

• T-Shirt Silk Screen

• Green Machine Recycling

• Tabletop War Gaming

• Guitar

• Tea Club

• Hamper Drive

• The Well (Bible discussion)

• Improv

• Woodworking



The Global Perspectives and Community Service Club (GPACS) is a club for students to learn about available volunteer opportunities, help organize charitable fundraisers, and discuss global issues. Students of all grades are welcome to participate and are encouraged to contribute ideas for events. Current GPACS events include the 30-hour Famine, Jeans Day for BC Children’s Hospital, Random Acts of Kindness Day, and Earth Day.

22 • The Dragon

The GPACS club is led by the sponsor teacher, Mrs. Heather Morris and the Grade 12 prefects elected as Chair of Service and Charity, Thomas Fung. A committee of Grade 12 student leaders guides the program and works to develop leadership and continuity within the club. Involvement in GPACS is an excellent way to earn service hours and to connect with other students who are passionate about making a difference.

Co-curricular clubs and activities have more than doubled from 19 mandated clubs in 1992 to over 50 at the last count. They reflect not only the multitudinous interests of both faculty and students alike, but also demonstrate the School’s active support of diverse talents and pursuits. Participation provides various learning opportunities for leadership, membership, risk-taking, and personal development arising from success, set-back, and sustained effort. With the increase in the number of clubs, the variety of opportunities for service and charity has also grown. The Global Perspectives and Community Service (GPACS) has evolved from the Service Club and forms an umbrella for Green Machine Recycling, Library Monitoring, Note Taking, Peer Tutoring, and Scorekeeping; all of which provide a service for others in their own specific ways. We also entertain each other with the Concert and Jazz Bands, Saints’ Players Theatre, and the Painting, Graphics, and Ceramics which are on display around the campus. Our Hamper Drive continues to distribute Christmas cheer to needy families in the Lower Mainland and our Amnesty International Club writes letters in support of Prisoners of Conscience all over the world. The international Duke of Edinburgh Award Program includes a service component and each year has many students qualify for awards. Moreover every autumn, the entire School participates in a St. George’s Terry Fox run. Either directly or indirectly, every boy gets involved in service at St. George’s School.


CLUB PROFILE DUKE OF EDINBURGH AWARD PROGRAM AT ST. GEORGES SCHOOL The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Challenge is one of the most prestigious achievement awards available to young Canadians. It is a challenge to all young people between the ages of 14 and 25 that offers an opportunity to broaden interests and experiences under adult guidance and assessment. There are currently more than 20,000 young Canadians working towards this award.

educational philosophies and objectives at St.George's School.

St.George’s School has a long history of involvement with The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Over 100 students have started their D of E program this past year. Of these new participants, 75 per cent were Grade 9 students who were using the Explorer outdoor education experience to fulfill the Bronze Level Adventurous Journey Participants involve themselves in a requirement. balanced program of practical, cultSt.George’s is proud of the accomural, and adventurous activities chosen plishments of its Duke of Edinburgh to suit individual aptitudes and related participants. Last year we had several to local needs. Participation represents students achieve the Gold Level a personal commitment to a construcAward. tive endeavour, promoting qualities of self-discipline, self-help, and self- Congratulations to Jeffrey Choi and Brian reliance—qualities that fit with the Harries, our latest Gold Level achievers. THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH VISITS ST. GEORE’S SCHOOL, OCTOBER 29, 1969

Fall 2008 • 23

by Lesley Bentley Past Auxiliary President

"Sow good services. Sweet remembrances will grow with them." Mme. de Stael (1766–1817)




Memories Galore!

24 • The Dragon


In 1953, the St. George's School Fair made its début. Much planning and a full day of fun earned a total of $135.65 with a net profit of $94.65. The committee, made up of Auxiliary parents, reported with delight that the Fair was a success, "not only because of the financial result but because of the atmosphere of enjoyment that seemed to pervade. Helpers and patrons alike all appeared to have a happy time." The committee went on to express their "hope that the St. George's School Fair will become an annual event".


Today, we smile at those humble results, knowing that in the ensuing years, the Auxiliary's Fair has raised millions of dollars of support. Plants, home baking, books, food fair, raffle, and pony rides all had their genesis on that sunny Saturday in 1953. Most significantly, 56 years later, the principles embraced by the first Fair still ring true. The 25 mothers who put on the inaugural Fair had vision and they understood service. The Fair is a wonderful, fun, and rewarding event. But, the service the Fair provides to the community is easily overlooked as we get caught up in the excitement of rides, fantastic food, and sweet deals. The Fair brings the whole St. George's community together around a common goal. Junior School and Senior School parents work side by side with students, faculty, Georgians, and Alum Parents to produce a great day for the School, the surrounding community, and even the wider city to enjoy. Everyone comes to the Fair to have fun and hunting for bargains is a popular pastime. Clothing deals for men, women, teens, and children abound and sporting goods are snapped up at a great price. Students and young families come to the Marketplace to buy household items and kitchen goods to establish their first homes. Seniors come for some home baking and to enjoy young musicians serenading them in the Tea Room. Plenty of moms have received "special jewellery"

from the jewellery booth for Mother's Day the weekend following. Allowances can go a long way at the St. George's School Fair! For a number of years during the nineties a family from Duncan, on Vancouver Island, had their major family vacation on the first weekend in May each year. They came to Vancouver specifically for the Fair. They outfitted their three children with clothes and sports equipment for the next year. They refurbished and updated toys, games, and sports supplies. They had tons of fun in the Midway and on the field playing every game they could find. They left exhausted but well fed and with a year's worth of memories to take home. As a parent at St. George's, your Fair experience might include, yelling yourself hoarse calling for the cake walk, seeing your Grade 12 son flipping burgers dressed as a woman (possibly in clothing you recognize as having been worn by his mother!), soaking in the jazz band performance on centre stage, or winning an unexpectedly nice bottle of wine at the bottle booth. But, the greatest gifts that come out of the Fair are the connections people make in preparation for the day. Lifelong friendships are forged over sorting used clothing, making gift baskets, baking pies, and all the other jobs that go into making the Fair a great success. But service to the community doesn't end when the raffle winners are announced and the gates close at 4 pm. The next day on Sunday, dedicated volunteers gather

the remaining goods and prepare donations to be shared with numerous charities to ensure that all items are put to good use. And what of the funds raised? In 1953, the Auxiliary contributed $94.65 for the purchase of laboratory and gym equipment. In 1957, a vegetable slicer was purchased for $151, and, in 1954, a brand new television for the boys' common room was acquired because it was deemed to be "‌the solution to many forms of disciplinary problems—and a relief from boredom." More recently, improvements have included new buses, rowing sculls, computer labs, and new gym floors. In 1961, showing great foresight yet again, the Auxiliary set aside $500 for bursaries. This tradition has grown and currently the Auxiliary supports an endowment fund in excess of $500,000, providing scholarships and bursaries to numerous deserving students each year. Today those founding principles of fun and service continue. Over the winter and leading up to May 2, 2009, new lifelong friendships will begin and the values of service will be modelled for our sons. When you are approached to volunteer, do say, "yes"! You will be helping the boys and the School, contributing to the community, and creating memories that last a lifetime. See you there!

Fall 2008 • 25

Norma Parker started her career at St George's School in 1973 as the Head Nurse. At that time, she was one of only a handful of female staff living and working within the boarding community. After a remarkable 34-year career, all spent living in the residences, Norma looks back fondly on her experiences tending to the medical needs of the entire St. George's Community. Even in retirement, Norma continues to keep in touch with many of “her boys” as they graduate, move through their careers, and get married and have children. The theme of her conversations with her boys is always the same: how wonderful and rewarding the years were in boarding. The boarding experience served as a remarkable canvas for Norma's journey at Saints but more importantly, residential life with Norma’s care-giving clearly provided the boarders with an experience of a lifetime. Interview by Gordon C. Allan Managing Editor

26 • The Dragon

Hudon House

Hunter House

Hutcheson House

Maitland House

Parker House

Pringle House



NORMA PARKER Robinson House

When you were originally involved in the boarding program, it was different than it is today. How was the program originally structured and what was your role? In those days, junior boarders lived in an old converted farm house known as “School House” and, remember, in those days, we had boarders as young as Grade 4. Most of them bunked in 16-person rooms. There were also a number of single dwelling houses along 29th Avenue, each staffed with either a family or single male house parents. These houses were for the older boys; Grade 10 and above. The boys lived either upstairs or in the basement and the house parent lived on the main floor. What sort of challenges did you face? Being the main female staff member dedicated to the boarding community and living in Hutcheson House at the time, as I made my weekly rounds to inspect each student’s hair and skin, I had to juggle going between the houses on 29th Avenue and School House. While Ted Gale did Yeoman’s work as the Senior House Master, there were still times when a motherly role was needed with the youngest boarders who were most prone to homesickness. Then of course, there were the ongoing attempts by the older boys to “liaise” with the girls at the Convent of the Sacred Heart School (which has since evolved into our Junior campus). I remember more than once being in the office with the Mother Superior, trying to convince her that our boys were, indeed, gentlemen. I have to say, she was not always convinced.

Roxburgh House

In 1980, the “Great Move” to the Convent of the Sacred Heart included the boarding community. How did the boarders adjust to this change and in what way did the program evolve? Initially, they were not very happy about the move, particularly the boys who lived in the single dwelling homes. They had the feeling that they were going to lose the intimacy that comes with being part of a small family unit. In fact, they soon came to realize that the extended sense of community in the Sacred Heart building provided even greater opportunities. The new facilities were larger and much better appointed than what they had been used to. The physical design of the building also provided interesting nooks and crannies for them to get lost in and enjoy times together. The integration of both younger and older boarders created a wonderful sense of camaraderie and older boys felt comfortable assuming natural leadership roles. In 1990, the construction of Harker Hall Residences was another milestone for the boarding community. How did that event change the overall character of boarding? If you speak to Bill McCracken, who was the Director of Boarding at the time, he’ll tell you that the boys approached the new facility with much trepidation. In fact, the same concerns the boys had raised about moving into the Sacred Heart building surfaced once more: in essence, they thought life in boarding was going to become institutional and clinical. Again, they were proven wrong. The new facility provided the same sense of community

Sweeney House

with a much more space and onsite residential staff. It became much easier for everyone. When you look back at your time in the boarding community, are there any events that stand out as particularly memorable? Early House Suppers were particularly memorable. They were white tablecloth affairs, with decorations, and all the embellishments. They were intimate occasions during which we all came together as a community. I also remember in 1978, after Bob and I got engaged, being thrown a surprise party by the boarders. That was very moving. More recently, I got a call from a former boarder who is in the Marines and is heading off to Kandahar. He told me that, before he headed off, he wanted to inform the three very important people: his grandmother, his grandfather, and me. I was brought to tears. Our Georgians often remind us how much of an impact boarding had on their lives. Why do you think boarding is so powerful? When many of our boarders arrive, they are confronted with the ultimate challenge: living and learning away from home. It is a stressful time and yet, as they move collectively through the stress and the challenge of becoming self-sufficient, they realize at the end of it all just how lifechanging it was and how it shaped them as individuals; as better individuals. It is remembered as a profound experience.

Fall 2008 • 27


A REFLECTION ON THE PRESIDENCY OF THE GEORGIANS A.G. (Alex) Tsakumis ’84 will be retiring from the presidency of the Georgians this November 11. Before he steps down and hands over the reins to his successor, we sat down with him to reflect on his years as President. Interview by: Bryan R. Ide '99

28 • The Dragon

How would you describe the job as President of the Georgians? As an Old Boy, it has to be the most fulfilling commitment you will ever make to the School. You become the focal point, and sometimes flash point, for every event the Georgians have. It’s your responsibility to represent the best interests of the Georgians, but must balance that off with the greater good of the School. I feel exceedingly blessed that we put together such a terrific group of 15 Board Members, they were amazing to me and have carried our success. However, while you give them credit for accomplishments made, if there is ever a slip like a bad event or an unsatisfactory outcome on a particular initiative or policy, as President, it’s your fault, you have to take the blame, in full. Needless to say, I was fortunate…I never heard anything but high praise for three years. I was honoured to serve with this board. I was deeply honoured by the notes and calls and letters from so many Old Boys, who thought we changed the Association very much for the better. Being President is rewarding, yes, but challenging too, in that you carry the confidence of not just your board but of the only legacy constituency in the School. We are brothers. It will always be our school before it’s anything to anyone else. What do you think were the biggest challenges? Oh, I think it’s always a challenge when you have to take any organization to the next level, without some sort of significant history lesson or handbook or playbook at your disposal from previous years. I was lucky to have had some experience in serving under my predecessor, classmate and friend, Brian Soregaroli ’84, who really made it clear to me that the greatest challenge was in reinvigorating the interest of our members—and how to do it was the million dollar question. So I thought about it and consulted the board, and thought about it some more…then I made the decision, as part of our strategic plan, and insisted that every one of our events and really any interaction with our membership should be about fundraising and friendraising, first last and always. In the past the Old Boys were viewed as a tool for fundraising, almost exclusively so, and that, almost on its own, turned a great number of the lads off. For me and this board, it was always about the proverbial outstretched hand being a sign of respect—and nothing else. You have no idea the number of

Old Boys who have voluntarily reconnected with the school over the last few years, because they felt the warmth and camaraderie that was, frankly, our greatest priority. You can’t talk to anyone about anything unless they’re comfortable with you. The school is now a very welcoming place, not just for all Old Boys, but their spouses and families too. What did you find rewarding? There were a number of rewarding moments: what was most rewarding was the overwhelming number of familiar faces that we attracted back to the school. But, certainly, honouring Peter Brown ’58 and Peter Bentley ’47 with Lifetime Achievement Awards was special as well. I don’t think you can prepare for a future without honouring the past, and a great one at that. And how ’bout Angus Gunn ’86 and Bill Thomas ’85 as honourees as Young Georgians, what marvellous supporters they’ve been…their personal stories are inspirational. On a personal level, again, working with my board was wonderful; they are all leaders who could easily helm their own terms in the President’s chair. But if there was an instant that was most rewarding, in fact, so very moving for me, it was presenting Stu Clyne ’50 with a Distinguished Georgian Award. Stu has been great counsel to the School, to me and this august body, the Georgians. It was a very emotional moment to present him with such a deserving honour. Stu’s son, John ’84, who was killed in a tragic auto accident in Scotland many years ago, was my classmate and good friend…I’m sure he was looking down on us the night of the awards gala, and smiling… As you look back over the last two years, what would you say are your greatest accomplishments? We took the Georgians and established a framework for greatness: huge increases in membership participation; tremendous, unprecedented financial success; events sold-out well in advance of the date; an active relationship with a cooperative administration and incredible teaching and support staff; reaching out to the student body and supporting their future plans as much as possible…I think we got through an ambitious agenda, with great purpose and integrity. I’m proud but also humbled to say that the Old Boys have never had anywhere close to this amount of success—ever. It was an incredible run.

What motivated you to devote so much of your time and energy to what is essentially an unpaid, volunteer position? I love St. George’s School—period. Other than the times I’ve spent with my three children, as they grow and mature, the days I was a boy at St. George’s were the most satisfying and happiest of my life. I never forgot where I came from. I came from here. The faces and people, over time, may change, but this place has a spirit like nothing I’ve ever experienced. What advice do you have for future Georgians who take up the president’s gavel? Never, ever give up. Stick to your agenda. Surround yourself with better men than you…in my case, it goes without saying, that was fairly simple… Even though you’re stepping down as President, how will you keep active in the St. George’s Community? I serve at the pleasure of my school. I’m always available. The Headmaster and the Chairman of the Board know that all too well. Plus, there are certainly opportunities to get involved as a parent. I couldn’t be prouder of my son and his efforts at the School. We've have an unusually strong bond between us. I marvel at his neversay-die attitude…and his wit—he, of course, gets all that from his mother… What are your feelings on where you think the Association is heading in the next five to ten years? I believe we need to expand our circle once more…chapter development will be key. We have a vibrant and diverse group of Georgians in Great Britain, Hong Kong, the United States, even in parts of the Middle East and of course, throughout Canada. We need to engage as many as possible. As The Georgians grows, so will the demands on us. Also key, will be providing greater strategic input to the school as it grows as well. Frankly, I am leaving the Presidency of the Georgians with the greatest hope for the School’s future and confident that the leadership we will provide will be pivotal. I’m so proud of what we’ve done. I feel so very privileged to have been there when the wheel went around…I just can’t say enough about the experience. It was wonderful to get an opportunity to give back to the School, for all of the great things it ever did for me.

Fall 2008 • 29







What started as a simple phone call has grown into an organization committed to alleviating global poverty. Nejeed Kassam ’04 tackles the challenge. He founded End Poverty Now (EPN) at McGill University with a group of students who want to make a difference. Through various grassroots poverty-alleviation projects, education, and volunteer opportunities, EPN has attracted young people nationally and internationally. If running an organization and starting graduate school at Oxford weren’t enough, Nejeed is also putting together a book on inspirational stories of young people. What was the inspiration for EPN? Wow! Tough question—inspiration is a funny thing and its origins for each individual person are different. I don’t believe that anyone can attribute inspiration to a single source. Even if we were working for the same cause, your passion may be very different from mine. I believe that the interaction of imagination, purpose, and passion is so beautiful and can provide the foundation for making change in the world. I’d have to say that my inspiration and drive came from my upbringing. I belong to the Ismaili community, which places great importance on service for those less fortunate. I have been raised by a family which, from a very young age, has reinforced the importance of service and charity. My parents have played a strong role in building within me what I’ve dubbed a culture of care. They consistently reminded our family about how fortunate we are and how many people in the world don’t have access to the opportunities that we do. They imbued within us a belief of this position of privilege and that it is our responsibility to give back and to make a difference. However, this feeling didn’t create sentiments of guilt; rather they cultivated within us a want, almost yearning, to dedicate ourselves to making a difference towards change. Furthermore,

30 • The Dragon

they supported and provided us with the resources to turn ideas into action. I believe that this familial support stems, at least a little bit, from the struggles that our community, and to a lesser degree our family, has undergone. My forefathers left India, not really by choice, with little but the clothes on their back. Similarly, many of my relatives from my parents’ generation fled East Africa amongst the political turmoil and upheaval of the 1960s and 1970s. I believe that these struggles, which were nothing close to the hardship and pain experiences by millions of people everyday, have left a mark, at least subconsciously, on me and provided me with an identity that is inspired to make change, not only to people in my family, community, or country, but also to my fellow brothers and sisters of humanity. I agree this may sound corny; but it is often this inspiration that gets me out of bed in the mornings. As for EPN specifically, there is a bit of a funny story. When I was in my second year at McGill on the third floor of the Student Society building, affectionately dubbed the Shatner building, my Dad called me from between patients. I will never forget this conversation because of its absurdity, and yet, the profound change it created in my life. He said to me, “Nejeed, you need to end poverty. Okay, I have to go, I’ve got a

GEORGIAN PROFILE GEORGIAN: Nejeed Kassam YEAR OF GRADUATION: 2004 PROFILE: M.Phil. Student at Oxford University ORGANIZATION: End Poverty Now WEBSITES: Interview by: Bryan R. Ide '99

patient. Love you. Bye.” I was a little shellshocked. How could my Dad ask a little 19year-old kid to end poverty and in such a matter-of-fact way, like it was no big deal? Nevertheless, that call affected me deeply and three years later, EPN has become an international NGO working in more than four countries, making concrete and tangible changes in the lives of hundreds of people. I now have faith that anyone and everyone can make a difference. How is a charity built? What challenges did you face? I think you could write a book on answering this question. In fact, I think I’ve read one! Building a charity from scratch is a difficult

A number of charity organizations start off with good intentions, but they eventually fizzle out. How are you ensuring EPN’s sustainability? I believe that sustainability is directly linked to infrastructure. Solid infrastructure, combined with long- and shortterm plans of action, can act as a powerful antidote to “fizzling out”. Accordingly, EPN Canada and EPN International have worked (and are working) diligently to ensure the stability of our infrastructure. In this way, EPN continues to grow and will continue to do its amazing work for many years to come.

task. It is somewhat like building up a business. You need vision, short and longterm plans, financial support, infrastructure, and staff. But, unlike a business, people don’t necessary get a product in return for “investing” or supporting a charity initiative. In a society that is oversaturated with charities to which people are constantly being asked to donate, it is important to find something unique, different, and exciting when starting your own initiative. With EPN, I believe that we found an interesting niche; we focus solely on the issue of poverty and have a unique development philosophy. Furthermore, EPN is non-political, non-partisan, and nonreligious. Thus, our goal in all our initiatives is to bring people together, regardless of their political or personal differences to pursue real and concrete change. Nevertheless, EPN has faced, and continues to face, numerous challenges. Like any charity or non-profit project, we are struggling to make ends meet. Because 70 per cent of our money goes directly to poverty-alleviation grassroots projects, and 20 per cent goes to educational initiatives, EPN is constantly dispensing the money that we raise. Unfortunately, because we don’t have the financial resources, we’ve had to turn down a number of poverty-alleviation projects within the last year. Similarly, EPN faces staff issues. As a complex and multifaceted organization, EPN needs a small army of staff to continue its upkeep. Because EPN is a 100 per cent volunteer organization, it means everyone from our lawyers and accountants, to our directors and officers work without pay. It is often difficult to attract (and keep) high calibre staff members.

The people who work for the organization are so dedicated to change that I believe we will overcome any challenges that may arise. In fact up until now, the success of EPN is a direct consequence of our team. Our dedicated staff provide the inspiration and impetus to overcome the constant challenges we face. How does EPN distinguish itself from other charities? How can EPN succeed where other charities have failed? We were founded and continue to be run by young people. Although we have volunteers of all ages, most dedication and passion is shown by our staff members under the age of 30. Youth brings a less tarnished idealism and an inspiring energy, which leads to tangible results and real change. Furthermore, EPN’s non-political, non-partisan, and non-religious mandate brings people of all kinds together. Unlike many organizations, our development philosophy is to empower and enable local communities to bring them out of poverty rather than just fix the problem for them. Instead of telling people what to do, EPN is committed to working with local communities and organizations to bring about change. After a series of checks, including reports from academic and on-the-ground experts, we decide if the project is feasible, beneficial, and sustainable. Then, we work together with the local organization to make the project a reality. This philosophy of development combines local initiative with global expertise to effect real change. We encourage people to commit as many resources as they are able to bring about change without drastically changing their lifestyle. Perhaps someone is only able to donate and that is wonderful. But we also provide opportunities to work and volunteer in a number of capacities. At EPN, we believe that changing the world means changing yourself and we are

committed to facilitating this change. Finally, I believe that EPN is different because we enable people, all people, to get involved in whatever capacity they can. Can you tell us a little about the book you are writing? I am working on a project called The High On Life Book, but I would say that it is unfair to credit me with the “writing” of this book. Apart from the introduction and other bits and pieces, I am the thread that weaves all these stories together into a purposeful narrative. The writers are all those people who are willing to share their stories of hope, change, and leadership so they can inspire and enable other young people to join and make a difference. It is more than just a compilation of inspiring stories. It is a handbook of change and it reflects the collective wisdom of young people who are making the world a better place. I hope all those who read it will be touched and inspired. You’ve compiled stories from some of the most intriguing people around the world. What are some of the shared themes and characteristics? Everyone has something different to tell about their experiences. Yet each of these agents of change shares something in common. It is the passion to make a difference. Each demonstrates an energy for change and a belief in humanity and its inherent goodness. All the stories I have read so far have reinforced my belief that we all have the ability to make a difference and, with the right support, resources, and opportunities, we all can. What was it like to speak at the Clinton Global Initiative and meeting President Clinton? In March 2008, I was honoured and privileged to be selected as one of the Clinton Global Initiative University “young leaders”. I attended a conference in New Orleans with hundreds of inspiring and passionate people from all corners of the globe. Like so many of the conferences that I have attended, I was inspired by how our generation is dedicated to change. I have had the privilege of learning so much from conferences such as these, and as a result, I was inspired to compile the book. Moreover, on two occasions, I happened to be in the right place at the right time and had the chance to chat to President Clinton. Wow! His energy is inspiring and his post-presidential dedication to development and global change is admirable, regardless of political affiliation.

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But most striking about this man was his easy-going humility. He was neither pretentious nor arrogant. From our brief encounter, I believe that he truly loves people, and loves humanity. He talked to me, not as a president talking to a constituent or as an authority figure talking to a student, but as a human being talking to a fellow human being. Meeting President Clinton was an honour and an experience I will never forget. I hope that we can all learn from his humility and dedication to the betterment of humanity. How do you find the time to be so active in service? As I get older, the more I learn about the importance of time management. I am a scheduling nut and my Blackberry has become an extension of my hand. I really believe that I have made an honest timecommitment to my work. I live for the long hours and skipped lunches. But, as a student, now doing my masters, I am always pleased when I’m the last person out of the office or library. This hard work is something in which I truly take pride. When you’re so passionate about something, it barely feels like work. It’s more like a love-affair! I do believe that service is a bit like love, if your heart and soul are in it and beyond the practical and logistical limitations, there isn’t really a limit to how much you can give. I’ve found that the more I do, the more time, effort, and dedication to change and service, the higher my grades are. I guess when you’re in the zone in your life, when you’ve got what my Dad calls a vector movement, or direction, then you are successful in everything you do. And I am thankful that I’ve been blessed with this success. Why is service so important to you? Service is something ingrained into who I am. It has become a fundamental aspect of my identity and the person I want to be in the future. I’m thankful for the skills, talents, and abilities that I’ve been given, and want to put these to use. I feel a responsibility to make a difference for the betterment of humanity.

Mahatma Gandhi is one of the most inspiring people in history and once said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” As overused (or misused) that quotation is, I have tried in my life to make it a philosophy by which I live. I truly believe that we together can make change in the world. This is a challenge our generation needs to face. What do passion and inspiration mean to you? I have the blessing (or curse) of being a very passionate person. It’s just in my nature. Anyone who has ever watched me on the tennis court can attest to this passion! When you’re passionate about something, whether it be an issue or a sport, you yearn to be involved in it. I have that passion about service, development, and change. Passion and love gets me over the hurdles and inspires me to keep plodding. What advice would you give to the School’s community service programs? St. George’s School churns out some of the best and brightest young people in Canada. I am proud to be a Georgian and thankful that I had the opportunity to attend the School. It has resources to provide students with the best of everything, but there needs to be created a greater culture and ethos of service, an energy to inspire and support students to better the community. The School is committed to service in our mandate and in our words, but I believe, there is not enough in our actions. I believe that for Saints to realize a dedication to service and change, to become a school that is an integral asset to our community, we need to invest more heavily in our community service programs. When I speak of investment, I’m not just alluding to money. Service can’t be done to gain admission into Ivy League universities, but it can be done to better the School’s name in the community. We are committed to action, since we have taught our students about the importance of giving back, of creating change, of bettering the world. I remember the energy in the gyms during the Hamper Drive, the feeling of community, of selflessness, and of care. Imagine if we were to develop an infrastructure and culture of service to make St. George’s like this all the time. Imagine if our service program competed with our sports program for headlines in the School newspaper. I hope this day will come when we can remember how privileged we are as a community and dedicate ourselves to giving back.

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On every level, from the Board of Directors, to the Headmaster, to every single teacher a plan of action needs to be put in place. A new attitude and outlook to service needs to be developed and perpetuated. We need to build infrastructural support for students, to provide them with the stimulation and resources to become agents of change in our global community. You may say I’m ambitious, but I believe in the potential of our School and the calibre of our staff and students. However, to achieve and develop this culture is not an easy task. How would you suggest members of the Saints community—Georgians, students, parents, and staff—get involved in service? Making a difference doesn’t mean drastically changing your lifestyle. It means taking small, but conscious steps everyday in your life to make the world a better place. This could mean volunteering once a week at a local charity or NGO. It could mean starting a chapter of EPN at the School, or it could be really simple, such as encouraging your parents or children to be more energy efficient at home. At the School, we need to take institutional steps to introduce and act upon getting involved in service. Any Final Thoughts? A calling for me, a purpose in my life, is to bring people together in the name of change. Whether it’s in the political, business, or non-profit fields, I firmly believe that collective action is the key to true and sustainable change. I hope that in my life, in all my projects and endeavours, I am able to support this noble cause and thus make my contribution. I believe that it is so important for everyone to remember that each and every one of us can make a difference. True change only happens when people come together. The sum is greater than its parts at both micro- and macro-cosmic levels. As a School and as a community, we can do so much more than each student could as individuals. Two pillars of strength of our community are our unity and our pluralism. We are represented by a multiplicity of peoples and this pluralism should be celebrated! We can use this pluralism to bring together experiences, to combine ideas, and to make real change. Our pluralism is further strengthened by our School and community spirit. It is upon this foundation that we can become a true leader in community service and a leader in creating change in the world.

It’s still warm and sunny in California. At the University of Southern California, students walk around campus in T-shirts and shorts. Justin Segal ’08 is so far enjoying his freshman year at USC’s Marshall School of Business. The stunning campus situated in Los Angeles is a far cry from what serves as a school for children in a village in Ethiopia. Nevertheless, thanks to efforts of Justin and his organization, Spread The Love Project, the children in Awdeba now have the chance to learn in a proper school. Justin tells us how one trip changed his life and motivated him to spread the love.

SPREAD THE LOVE What inspired you to create Spread The Love Project? In March 2007, I was part of a small group from the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver and, in order to learn about the ancient Ethiopian Jews, the Falasha, I visited Ethiopia. I trekked through the countryside near the northern city of Gondar to visit an ancient village, Gendaweha Gabriel, from where the last two remaining Jewish families have since moved to live in Israel. As I passed through Awdeba, another small village on the way, I had an encounter which made a lasting impact on me. I saw a torn blue tarp on an old tree. That was an open-air village school with no seats for the children and only very rudimentary materials. However, the children’s spirits were not dampened by their surroundings and they had huge smiles on their faces. I made a promise that day to fund the construction of a new school and return next year to see the kids. I kept my promise.


What is the goal of Spread The Love Project?

What does it take to build a school?

The goal is to construct adequate schools, to provide necessary learning and teaching materials, to ensure that the project is carried out effectively, and to have the funding administered by officials of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, who accompanied me on the trip and have been carrying out humanitarian projects in Ethiopia for a number of years.

Each classroom will be constructed with logs, the walls plastered with mud, the floors will be concrete, and the roofs will be covered with corrugated iron sheets. The stones on which the children currently sit will be replaced by benches and each classroom will also be equipped with a blackboard and teacher’s table and chair. In addition, each satellite school will receive two drypit latrines to ensure a healthy and sanitary environment.

Spread The Love Project is not a Jewish organization and the schools built are not intended for children of any specific religion. However, Spread the Love Project and the Joint Distribution Committee work using the Jewish idea of “tikkun olam” or “repairing the world”. How much have you raised so far? About $16,000, of which $7,000 went towards construction our first school.

Can you tell us a little bit about the growth of your organization? Spread The Love Project is a grassroots organization based on the simple concept of love. We are driven by our desire to care for children and help them learn. What began as a promise has turned into a reality. Spread the Love Project’s original goal of replacing a worn tarp over a tree with a new school has evolved into an even greater goal of building four schools for the Awdeba villagers. It will continue to grow but will forever contain the spirit with which it began. Spread the Love Project has strong ties to St. George’s, doesn’t it? Yes, both my brother, Adam ’02, and father, Gary, are actively involved with the organization. Moreover, St. George’s School had a great influence on my commitment to serving those in greatest need. Giving back is really important to me and St. George’s taught me that.

GEORGIAN: Justin Segal YEAR OF GRADUATION: 2008 PROFILE: Freshman at the University of Southern California ORGANIZATION: Spread The Love Project WEBSITES: Interview by: Bryan R. Ide '99

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GEORGIAN PROFILE GEORGIAN: Steve Kenning YEAR OF GRADUATION: 2000 PROFILE: Management Consultant ORGANIZATION: savefourlives WEBSITES: Interview by: Bryan R. Ide '99


LIVES AT A TIME What for many is a very real and serious problem is entirely preventable and treatable. Over 41 per cent of the world’s population is at risk of contracting malaria and it is responsible for the deaths of over one million children each year. Despite maintaining a gruelling work schedule as a Senior Associate Consultant at Bain & Company, Steve Kenning ’00 has rallied the corporate world to do its part to help fight the disease. He shares his story about his charity, savefourlives. Why did you decide to start a charity? I was having dinner with a friend from business school when the idea first came up. We’d worked together on a brief charitable campaign at university for the Canadian Red Cross and were thinking it would be great to start something more long term. How and why did you decide to focus on malaria? There is a global malaria crisis. Most estimates are that each year, malaria will cause disease in as many as 500 million people. And I think what’s more alarming is that 90 per cent of these cases will be found in Africa, mostly among children below the age of five. Now all that said, what pulled us to this cause was the fact that there is a clear solution. A simple, insecticide-treated mosquito net has been proven extremely effective in preventing mosquito-borne transmission of the disease. What was the inspiration behind the name savefourlives? It’s based on a UNICEF statistic on the effectiveness of bed-nets in reducing malaria transmission. “One bed-net treated with insecticide can protect the sleeping area of a family of four for up to five years.” Thus, very simply, a $10 donation, for one bed-net, saves four lives.

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Your organization is concerned primarily with providing mosquito nets, but what other measures are necessary to implement an effective and comprehensive solution to tackle malaria? Education is critical. What’s being found in the field is that bed-net programs are far more successful when users are educated on how and why they need to use a net. This is why a part of each $10 donation through savefourlives goes to supporting UNICEFs distribution and education programs in Africa. How is savefourlives different from other organizations doing similar work? In comparison with larger, broader campaigns, we decided we would specifically target corporate donors. What do you think are the key strategies in mobilizing the business community, especially when there are so many competing causes? I think the key, like in any marketing effort, is being able to understand your customer. In our case, corporate donors want immediate and measurable results. So, we built savefourlives, from the name up, to communicate the exact result of each $10 donation. Why did you decide to partner with UNICEF as opposed to another organization? Did you ever think of going it alone to establish a savefourlives presence directly in Africa?

UNICEF is the largest purchaser of insecticide treated bed-nets in the world and therefore has a huge cost advantage. In addition, their extensive distribution infrastructure was already well established. So at the end of the day, we decided to focus where we could add the most value, which was in fundraising. How will you grow your organization and, more importantly, keep it sustained? Since our day jobs really constrain how much time we can dedicate to savefourlives, we’re gong to be adding two new partners this year to try to spread the work around a bit better. Where do you hope savefourlives will be in five years? In ten? We’re working now to try to bring on board several large donors, so hopefully we’ll be able to secure some long-term commitments. In ten years? Frankly, I hope there’s a lot less need for efforts like ours in ten years. In what ways did St. George’s influence your commitment to service? Looking back, I think Daddy Stancombe ‘62 had a huge influence on me. The hamper drive still stands out in my mind as representative of the impact that one person can have on the lives of many.



Democracies and Corporations

Good governance seems to be the buzz phrase these days. Wall Street has been shaken by financial turmoil as the US government scrambles to rescue the financial industry. We have witnessed the historic collapse of several major financial institutions, including Bear Stearns, Lehman— Brothers, and AIG—once considered titans too mighty to fall. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been pumped into the markets by central banks around the world in order to prevent a catastrophic meltdown. As this unprecedented act plays out, our attention to good governance is also focused on the political arena, especially with three elections— the US presidential election, the federal election in Canada, and the municipal election in the City of Vancouver. Citizens elect political leaders and shareholders elect corporate boards. In theory, these elected leaders should serve their voters’ interests, but this is not always the case. Wall Street is full of stories of CEOs who made big bets on the credit markets and lost, either driving their long-established companies into the ground or being bought out by rivals. We also hear of politicians who don’t seem to serve their constituents but rather are beholden to special interest groups. So how can we make those we elect more accountable and more responsive? As Mark Latham ’70 suggests, we cannot exercise our votes effectively if we do not understand what

Work our leaders—whether they be politicians or corporate directors—are doing. Because we are all busy with our own lives, we may not have the time to investigate for ourselves. We rely on the media to help inform us and given our hectic balancing of work and family obligations, about the best most of us can do to keep informed, is to tune into the nightly news or quickly skim the paper. Mark argues that the media are a key component of our democratic system of checks and balances. A Ph.D. in Finance from MIT, a former Assistant Professor of Finance at Berkeley, and a former investment banker who worked on Wall Street for six years, Mark has a keen interest in how to fix problems in the power structure of corporations and democracies. Since 1996, he has been developing and publishing this solution, which he calls “voter-funded media”. It began with Mark’s efforts to find more effective means of corporate governance with the Corporate Monitoring Project. In 2000, Mark expanded his idea to also include the study of democracies. In 2006, Mark rebranded his non-profit as dedicated to developing the idea of voter-funded media as a means of improving the governance of democracies and corporations.

GEORGIAN: Dr. Mark Latham YEAR OF GRADUATION: 1970 PROFILE: Former finance professor and investment banker, founder of a non-profit organization ORGANIZATION: WEBSITES: by: Bryan R. Ide '99

Mark sees the problem as uninformed voters electing poor leaders in governments and corporations. These leaders make poor decisions which lead to corruption, waste, pollution, and war. So, the solution is to let voters control some of the funding of media, which, as Mark asserts, will in turn make media more loyal to voters. In January 2007, UBC, where Mark completed his undergraduate and Master’s degrees, carried out the world’s first experiment of voter-funded media. It took place during the annual election for UBC’s Alma Mater Society, an elected body that serves as a voice for students at UBC. For that election, Mark donated $8,000 in prize money for a voter-funded media contest. Both he and UBC were satisfied with the results of their experiment and so they ran another contest this year with an improved design. Mark is now sponsoring and administering a voter-funded media experiment focused on the current municipal election in Vancouver. Fall 2008 • 35


WHO’S WHO 1) Annual Georgians’ Dinner: Past Faculty Member Dougal Fraser (l) chats with Geoff Litherland '84 (r). Dougal was inducted as an Honorary Georgian. 2) The Annual Georgians’ Dinner was held on May 15, 2008. Peter J.G. Bentley '47, Stuart Clyne '50, Bill Thomas '85, and past Faculty Member Dougal Fraser were all honoured. 3) Annual Georgians’ Dinner: Don Livingston, Chief Advancement Officer, (l) and Ron Cliff, Sr. '46 (r) 4) Annual Georgians’ Dinner: Past Headmaster Alan Brown '54 (l) and A.G. (Alex) Tsakumis '84, President of the Georgians, (r)


5) Senior Georgians’ Dinner, Reunion Weekend 2008: Eva and Ken Mitchell '56. 6) New York Georgians Reception 7) Alex Tsakumis’ Retirement Dinner, from l to r: Dougal Fraser, A.G. (Alex) Tsakumis '84, Bryan R. Ide '99 8) Reunion Weekend 2008: the Class of 2003 9) Reunion Weekend 2008: the Class of 1978 10) Senior Georgians’ Dinner, Reunion Weekend 2008: Headmaster Nigel Toy (l) and Peter J.G. Bentley '47 (r) 11) Stancombe Invitational 2008: Charles Young '72 12) Stancombe Invitational 2008, from l to r: Robin Black '00, Patrick Stancombe '00, Lucas Burdick '99, Mark Jukes '00 13) Thank you to all those who generously supported this year’s golf tournament.



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GEORGIAN PROFILE GEORGIAN: Donovan Tildesley YEAR OF GRADUATION: 2002 PROFILE: Canadian Paralympic Swimmer Interview by: Bryan R. Ide '99

This past summer, Donovan Tildesley ’02 captured the world’s attention as the flag bearer for Canada at the Paralympic Games in Beijing. His positive attitude, talent, and drive have served as shining examples to others. Donovan has done not only St. George’s, but also the entire country proud. We had the opportunity to hear from Donovan after the Games.

THE FLAG BEARER Did your experience in Beijing this past summer meet your expectations? My experience in Beijing did not merely meet my expectations, it exceeded them. The Chinese left no stone unturned when planning the Olympic/ Paralympic Games. The village was esthetically pleasing, transportation was reliable, and all the staff and volunteers were exceedingly friendly. The water Cube is an amazing facility. When I first set foot in the Cube, I found it hard to believe that I, Donovan Tildesley, would be competing in the very same facility where Michael Phelps won all those gold medals just three weeks earlier. On a personal level, this was my best Paralympics yet. My goal was to "have fun", and I easily accomplished that task. Although I was disappointed not to come away with a gold medal (my secondary goal), I know that I did the very best that I could on the day of the race, which is all that matters in the long run. Being beaten can be discouraging, but it’s encouraging to see how much more competitive Paralympic swimming has become in the last four years. When you first learned that you would carry the flag for Canada, what was your initial reaction? Shock and surprise. While I very much wanted to carry the flag, I didn't think I had a chance, as I was up against two formidable contenders. Both Chantal Petitclerc and Paul Gauthier have been involved in Paralympic sport longer than I have, so I thought the honour would go to one of them. When my name was announced, it was like a bolt of lightning shooting through my body. With the help of my Dad, I unfurled the flag in front of everyone. But for the first time in my life, I was rendered speechless! My heart was pounding, my mouth was dry, and if it wasn't for a joke I'd prepared beforehand, I don't think I would have been able to give my speech. The next couple of days were a buzz of excitement, what with interviews, emails, and accolades from Canadian team members who I'd never met. Walking into the Bird's Nest with the flag, I'm out sure which was louder: the cheers of the fans or the sound of the music. What an experience! 38 • The Dragon

What does it mean to you to be a Paralympian? Being a Paralympian has afforded me with some amazing opportunities. Not only have I had the chance to travel the world and represent Canada in sport, but my experiences have also opened many doors for me. I've been given job offers, as well as opportunities to participate in activities which I could only dream of. If I weren't a Paralympian, I doubt I'd have these opportunities. Furthermore, I feel strongly that I have been a part of a major turning point in Paralympic sport. When I attended my first Games back in Sydney 2000, the Paralympic Movement was only just breaking into the mainstream. Media coverage was scant, and the majority of the general public was unaware of who we were. In the pool, Canada won 48 medals that year, with 24 of them being gold, helping us to win the swimming competition. Fast forward eight years. The media has realized that the Paralympics are a force to be reckoned with, and the rest of the world is stepping up like never before. We only won 23 medals this time around in the pool, seven of which were gold. The Paralympics is fast becoming as high a calibre competition as the regular Olympics. And I've been there to see it all happen! What impact did St. George’s have on your athletic career? St. George's was the first school who recognized the significance of my hard work and achievements as a swimmer. Just because I wasn't a basketball or rugby player didn't mean I was not a dedicated athlete. After winning a bronze medal in Sydney, I fondly remember being asked to speak at both the Junior and Senior Schools by Mr. Toy, as well as being recognized at a couple of annual Sports Banquets. Furthermore, I'll always cherish the years I had the opportunity to compete for the school. I'm forever grateful to Ms. Jeanette Nienaber, Mr. Dave Louttit, Mr. Jeremy Sayers ’82, and the enumerable other volunteers and staff who facilitated my involvement in the Saints Swim Team. In short, St. George's helped to instill in me a staunch work ethic, and were always, and still are, supporting me 100 per cent in my endeavours.

What message would you like to share with your fellow Georgians? Always follow your dreams, but never forget to have fun along the way. Passion is a major ingredient of success—it stokes the fires of ambition. But in the thick of your drive and passion, never lose sight of all the world has to offer. And, if you truly believe in your heart that you can do something, then you will do it! You have indicated that you will be retiring from your sport after Beijing. What’s next for you? Ah, and now the question of the day! I plan to spend this year de-training. Basically swimming and working out in the gym a few times a week, just so that I can stay in shape and not go crazy. I'm thinking I'd like to attempt a triathlon next summer. I still love swimming, so it’s not going to be easy to hang the Speedos up for good. But I'm 24, and the "real world" is knocking on the door. Theoretically, I could continue competing for another four years, but then I'd be putting other major life goals on hold. What are these goals you ask? Career is number one. I've just completed my BA in English Literature at UBC. My neighbour who owns Buntain Insurance has suggested that I come work for him selling medical insurance. I don't know a thing about the business but am ready for a challenge. However, my ultimate goal is to become a career motivational speaker. For the past year, I've worked for RBC as a part of their Olympians Program. Through my work with them, I've had the chance to speak to countless audiences about my experiences. It’s something I love to do as much as competing, and hope to continue in some capacity. On the side, I am part-owner of 88.7 Whistler FM, a tourist information station in Whistler. Our company is in the process of expanding, and I'm looking forward to what lies ahead. (I've been passionate about radio broadcasting all my life). Other goals of mine include moving out and finding someone. All I know is that life is an adventure which I'm only just beginning!


SNAPSHOTS Despite their busy lives, Georgians find the time and energy to devote to their communities. Here are a few snapshots of what our Georgians are doing to help.

Peter Menyasz '69 GOING FOR THE GOAL Peter coaches soccer in his community of Carleton Place in Ontario and acts as Club Head Coach of the Carleton Place Soccer Club. This past summer, he was the head coach of two league-leading competitive soccer teams in the East Region Soccer League, the U-14 Girls Premier “TNT Extreme” and U-16 Girls Division 1 “Attack”. The TNT Extreme was the winner of its division in the East Region Soccer League in Ottawa and is up for promotion to the regional level next summer. The team also won its age group in the annual Icebreaker Tournament in the spring.

David Trudel '73 GREENING THE COMMUNITY Every park user knows the benefits of green space, especially in urban and suburban settings. Public parks are at the centre of many communities. Green spaces provide a vital role in enhancing the lives of citizens, improving our health, strengthening our communities, and making us more aware of environmental issues. David Trudel shares with us the importance of parks to him. Shortly after moving to a different neighbourhood in Victoria, one of David’s neighbours suggested that he join in a Saturday “Broom Bash” in the park across the street. One thing led to another and soon David became involved with the Friends of Knockan Hill Park as an executive board member. This year, the group has been working with the Habitat Acquisition Trust on a local “Good Neighbours” Project to help raise the awareness of the fragile ecosystem of the park. In addition, under David’s direction, the group worked with a team of students from Royal Roads University on developing the foundation document for a Park Management Plan. As David describes, not only is the city blessed with a great park across the street, but at the end of the block is an ancient community hall, similar to the community halls found across the country. He has been trying hard to revitalize this important community resource. His work involves improving membership brochures, reviewing the constitution and by-laws, planning and holding events, and generally making sure that the hall continues to be a relevant and central part of the local community.

David feels that it is important to make meaningful contributions at the local level. By putting in time and effort, one can connect with the people who live in the same neighbourhood and thereby foster and maintain the social networks that make our cities liveable. His park, small as it is, has become a “Walden Pond” for him and has been a window to look at the broader world. What he has been doing is investing social capital in his backyard, and in return he’s realized a fabulous return in social relevance. David’s story is a testament to the power of community involvement as measured in time, energy, ideas, and insight rather than simply dollars.

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SNAPSHOTS Craig Brooks '76 Simon Litherland '83



For the past 16 years, Craig has had the honour and pleasure of being an Auxiliary Member of the RCMP. In this volunteer capacity, he holds sworn Peace Officer status, while performing between 300 and 800 hours of service per year. He works with regular RCMP members on everything from crime prevention, check stops, traffic enforcement to the extremely varied general duty role. As Craig describes, Auxiliaries are the second person in many RCMP cars, responding to automobile crashes, domestics, bar and alcohol related issues, crowd control, assaults, etc. In addition, they provide community policing activities at concerts, monster struck shows, hockey games, and trade show booths.

You can’t talk about rowing in British Columbia without talking about Simon Litherland: the sport is in Simon’s blood. He is completing his fourth year as President of Rowing BC, the provincial sport organization responsible for the development of rowing. Additionally, for the past number of years, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of Rowing Canada Aviron, the sport’s national organization. Prior to his involvement provincially and nationally, he served as Captain of Rowing at the Vancouver Rowing Club down in Stanley Park. Furthermore, as current President of the newly formed False Creek Rowing Club, he is working with the Vancouver Parks Board in developing a community rowing program in the legacy facilities in South East False Creek resulting from the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic athletes village. At a municipal level, he sits on the steering committee for the Vancouver Active Communities Network, a group working to improve the activity levels of the citizens in Vancouver through the creation of a city sponsored sport council. And Simon’s volunteer activities don't stop at rowing: he has been on the executive of BC’s provincial Hostelling International association, having served as both its President and Secretary/ Treasurer. As a coach, Simon shares a few words of wisdom. A message that he wants to pass on to new graduates of St George’s is that you don’t have to put up your hand to get permission to go to the washroom once you have left St George’s, particularly when attending the Annual General Meetings of associations to which you belong. Also, any organization that embodies the spirit of excellence, integrity and community is worth being a part of and volunteering for. Lastly, there are three things to remember in organizational dynamics: listen when people need to talk, say “thank you” to people when they deserve it, and knowing when to say good enough and move to the next task.

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Craig has done Auxiliary work in Prince Rupert, Peace River, Whitecourt, and now Red Deer. Craig is proud that his auxiliary work is his major hobby. So what motivated him to become an Auxiliary Officer? Craig shares that he has always been involved with community service. At Saints, he helped out in the library and was part of the team that put together the Georgian yearbooks. His commitment to service carried on to university. While at UBC, where he obtained a B.Sc. in Computer Science, he was a part of the SCUBA Society, a member of the university’s political club, a director of a political club, a student society executive, and a writer for the university newspaper. Could two of his relatives, who were British Bobbies, also have had an influence on his decision to become a peace officer? When Craig is not a peace officer, he works as an IT Client Services Manager for Agriculture Services Financial Corporation which provides financial services to farmers and agribusinesses.


SNAPSHOTS Charles Middleton '80 PEACEKEEPER Charles Middleton has been with the Canadian Forces Reserves for 23 years. He is currently deployed to Sierra Leone on Operation Sculpture as a Battalion Advisor. He is part of the International Military Assistance Training Team whose mission it is to develop the Sierra Leone armed forces into a democratically accountable, effective, and sustainable force to fulfill security tasks required by the Government of Sierra Leone. Charles writes that a lack of development and corruption hinder progress in the country. For example, while there are a lot of natural resources including diamonds and gold, but many are not being tapped. Also, for those that are, profits may be skimmed by corrupt officials. The little infrastructure that does exist has been devastated by civil war. The country only has about 900 kilometres of paved roads, which are barely two lanes and are full of potholes. The remainder are dirt roads which become rivers during the rainy season. Most of the country has no power, no running water, and little sanitation. Charles notes that he is surprised that almost everyone he sees has a cell phone, even though it costs 50 cents to charge it, which is one third of a day’s salary. Charles works mainly in the north of the country in a place called Makeni—he travels to Kambia and Kabala to visit the army. His normal rotation is two and a half weeks upcountry and then four days back in Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone. During his deployment he achieved more than his job . In his free time in the country, he has helped establish Scout troops. With $350, he has been able to provide new uniforms for the local troop in Makeni. Furthermore, with $2,500 raised by Scouts at home in Victoria and with $7,500 of his own money, Charles was able to help purchase land and finance construction of a Scout hall.

Aly Jetha '88 TEACHING TOLERANCE AND DIVERSITY THROUGH ENTERTAINMENT Aly Jetha, and his wife, Shabnam Rezaei, are the force behind Mixed Nutz, a kids’ cartoon made up of a colourful and diverse group of characters. This animated television show targets children between the ages of six and nine promotes tolerance and an appreciation of diversity. All eight characters come from different parts of the globe and share their uniqueness and quirkiness. Aly, who was born in Zambia, is someone you would least expect to be making cartoons. After all, he studied Political Science at UBC, spent two years working for the Canadian government at the UN, earned a law degree from UC Berkeley, was a consultant with Bain & Company, and founded a telecommunications company. His wife has equally impressive credentials. Born in Iran and able to speak five languages, Shabnam graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and worked with companies such as Deloitte. Despite their strong business backgrounds, Aly and Shabnam decided to pursue a new venture that would be dear to their hearts—opening people’s eyes to different cultures. Their first animated show was called Babak and Friends which they aimed to be the Persian version of Charlie Brown’s Christmas. However, because Christmas is not celebrated in Persian culture, the show focused on the Persian New Year. Babak and Friends was such a great success that it motivated Aly and Shabnam to continue their work and to create Big Bad Boo Studios located in Yaletown. It is here where a team of talented, Emmy award-winning animators and music composers bring to life the characters in Mixed Nuts. While Big Bad Boo Studios and Aly’s production company, Norooz Productions, may be businesses, they are more social ventures driven by his commitment to help spread tolerance among children.

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SNAPSHOTS Stephen Joyce '90 A STRONG COMMITMENT TO SERVICE It’s not exaggeration to say that Stephen Joyce is a busy guy. On average about 20 hours a week of his time is dedicated in some way to community activities, all of which is volunteer time. As Stephen mentioned to us, he learned to enjoy giving back to the community through the Public Service Club at Saints and through the Air Cadet program. A strong dedication to public service and community initiatives has always been important to him and it is something he encourages in his children. He is the current Chair of the North Vancouver Chamber of Commerce which actively supports economic growth and a vibrant business community on the North Shore. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the COHO Society of the North Shore, a volunteer, environmental organization that is committed to protecting and revitalizing North Shore salmon streams and rivers. He has been a Director of the Pacific Club, a young entrepreneurs’ speaking organization. He is currently a civilian instructor with the West Vancouver Air Cadet Squadron. He is a founder and the current President of the North America chapter of the International Federation for IT, Travel & Tourism, a non-profit aiming to promote international discussion about information and communication technologies as applied to the tourism industry. Stephen also sits on the Executive Committee of the Canadian E-Tourism Council.

Adam Kebede '03 GIVING BACK As Ian Yen ’03 and Saamy Karim ’03 write of their fellow classmate, Adam Kebede, he has always looked for ways to give back to his community by getting involved in projects that have both a local and global impact. In addition to supporting his local community centres, Adam has participated and initiated local ecofriendly projects in Vancouver by creating composts and being a member of Critical Mass, a grassroots group that encourages better city planning of bicycle routes and promotes cycling as a more environmentally friendly method of transportation. Adam expanded his outlook when he and his sister, Sophie, founded an AIDS awareness program, AIDS in Context. This organization was created to help spread the message of AIDS and its global impact to Vancouver youth. He also went on exchange for one year to Quebec/Benin with Canada World Youth to learn about the global community and how to help improve it. For more information on Adam’s organization, you can visit His most recent achievement has been with a project called Riding to Break the Cycle which is organized by the Canadian non-profit organization Agents of Change He successfully raised $3,000 to go towards a microcredit project in Mexico. Adam rode his bike to Mexico over a seven-week period to deliver the funds. Throughout all of his ventures, Adam has always supported the motto that “together we can make a difference.”

42 • The Dragon



Dr. Michael Cragg '82 SUPPORTING INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS Mike is the current Chair of the Board of Trustees at the Cambridge Montessori School in Boston. Founded in 1963, the school is a non-profit that has a student population of 240 from Kindergarten to Grade 9. CMS is in the middle of a transition to a new, expanded campus. The curriculum is based on both independent school and Montessori principles and draws heavily on trying to set an agenda for developing student leaders sensitive to the needs to create a sustainable world. Furthermore, CMS prides itself on attracting a diverse group of families.

Spenser seems well on his way to becoming a leader in the business world. In addition to pursuing his business studies at UBC, he is the President of the Commerce Undergraduate Society, an elected volunteer position. And already Spenser is gaining valuable experience in how to manage an organization as he is responsible for directing the $1.2 million budget of the Society. Moreover, he oversees more than 300 student members involved in the organization. Some of their major programs include: • organizing a business plan competition and conference that attracts over 70 business plan submissions from more than 300 student delegates from across the country. There is a total of $100,000 in prize money available for the winners and some of the proposed business plans have go on to become bona fide companies. • managing conferences in international business, career planning, personal discovery, and sports business, each of which attracts between 100 and 300 student delegates. • preparing 45 UBC students to compete in "case" competitions across Canada. • developing charity programs that have raised in excess of $25,000 combined. As one example, the Society launched a "5 Days for the Homeless" campaign in which a handful of students lived homeless on campus for five days, having to live off only the donations of passers-by. • maintaining a corporate relations program that raises between $110,000 and $120,000 from corporate partners in order to help fund the Society’s various programs.

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In May 2008, we presented this year’s recipients of the Georgian Honours. These men are wonderful examples of Georgians giving their time and energy to bettering their communities.


PETER J.G. BENTLEY, OC, LLD '47 Peter Bentley is the Chairman of Canfor, a leading integrated forest products company based in Vancouver with interests in 32 facilities in British Columbia, Alberta, Washington State, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Peter has served on the Board of Canfor since 1966. Peter has a long record of involvement on various boards. He is a member of the Board of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, a member of the Advisory Board of, and a Trustee and Chair Emeritus of the Vancouver General Hospital and University of British Columbia Hospital Foundation. He served for many years as a director of Bank of Montreal and Shell Canada, Ltd, and also on the international advisory board for JP Morgan Chase. He is the past Chancellor of the University of Northern British Columbia. Peter is the recipient of many honours and awards. In 1983, he was made an Officer of the Order of Canada in recognition of his important role in manufacturing, business, and finance in British Columbia. As cited by the Order of Canada, his achievements included the repatriation of several foreign-owned lumber companies and his contributions to industrial peace. He has been awarded the Distinguished Community Leader Award from Simon Fraser University and the W.A.C. Bennett Award from the Sports Hall of Fame. Peter holds an Honorary Doctorate of Laws degree from the University of British Columbia and this month will be receiving another Honorary Doctorate of Laws degree from the University of North British Columbia. Peter has been a strong supporter of St. George’s School for many years, having served as a Governor of the School and having been a generous contributor. Peter’s son, Michael, is a member of the Class of 1980. Peter has had four grandsons go through the school: Tyler Hislop ’01, Scott Hislop ’06, Spencer Bentley ’06, and Nathaniel Bentley ’07. Peter’s fifth grandson, Caleb ’11, is currently in Grade 9.

44 • The Dragon




Stuart Clyne has had a long and distinguished career as a lawyer. Called to the Bar of British Columbia and admitted to the Law Society of British Columbia in 1958, Stuart began practising in criminal and domestic law and general litigation. He later specialized in employment, labour, and school law. He was a partner at Campney, Owen, and Murphy and later at Harris and Company. Mr. Clyne has been recognized as a labour and employment lawyer. In May 2008, he was recognized by the Law Society for having completed 50 years as a practising lawyer.

In the summer of 2007, Bill Thomas was named as the next CEO of KPMG, one of the world’s largest global accounting firms. On October 1, 2007, he became Deputy CEO until he officially assumes the role of CEO on December 31, 2008.


He has appeared as counsel on numerous occasions before British Columbia’s Provincial Court, Supreme Court, and Court of Appeal. He also has appeared before the Supreme Court of Canada and has been counsel in numerous labour and employment arbitration cases. In acknowledgment of his significant contributions to the legal community, he was appointed a Queen’s Counsel in 1984.

He is the current Chair of St. John’s Ambulance in British Columbia, the Honorary Solicitor for the Air Cadet League of Canada, Chair of the Friends of HMCS VANCOUVER Group, a member of the UBC Athletic Advisory Committee, a past Director and President of the Abbotsford International Air Show Society, and a Director and President of the BC Rugby Union. Even after graduating from St. George’s, Stuart has maintained strong ties to the School. He was President of the Old Boys’ Association from 1955 to 1956. He is a past Governor of the School and is one of the original signatories on the 1975 application to create the St. George’s School Foundation and subsequently the Chair of the Foundation. Stuart is the father of Ian ’81 and the late John Clyne ’84. Stuart’s wife, Meg, is a past President of the St. George’s School Auxiliary and a former Governor of the School.


Bill joined KPMG in 1989 and earned his CA in 1993. A year later, he left to become Director of Finance for Shato Holdings Ltd., a private real estate and hospitality company. After three years there, Bill rejoined KPMG’s audit practice in Vancouver and was named to the partnership in 1999. From 2000 to 2003, he led the Financial Institutions, Real Estate and Services Audit Group. In 2002, he was named one of the “Top 40 Under 40” individuals in Vancouver by Business in Vancouver magazine. That same year, Bill was one of two Canadian partners selected to participate in Chairman’s 25, a two-year leadership development program for 25 leaders of the future from KPMG in Canada, the United States and South America.

In 2003, Bill was made the Partner-in-Charge of KPMG’s Greater Vancouver Area (GVA) Audit Practice. During this time, Bill spearheaded the GVA’s very successful Private Company Initiative, which later became part of the national KPMG Enterprise Practice. In December 2006, Bill took the role of Managing Partner for KPMG in the GVA. Bill has been a member of the Audit and Governance Committees of Vancouver’s Science World and he sits on the board of the CA School of Business. Among his other volunteer endeavours, Bill was Chair of the Finance Committee for the 2006 IIHF World Junior Hockey Tournament, and Treasurer of Arts Umbrella, a non-profit organization focused on developing fine arts skills in children. Bill started at St. George’s in Grade 5 and was Head Boy of the Junior School. After graduating from St. George’s, he attended the University of British Columbia where he earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Bio-organic Chemistry.

Fall 2008 • 45

From left to right: Stuart Goodman '74, Peter Clarke '74, Dennis Molnar '74, and Alan Brown '54.


(Photographer: Blake Lewis '74)

1974 Dennis Molnar let us know about an informal Class of ’74 lunch with past Headmaster Alan Brown ’54 on July 22, 2008 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Vancouver. As Dennis testifies, stories were told, all guilt was denied, and many laughs were had by all.

1975 Peter Hilton has returned to Canada to take up the position of Associate VicePresident of Enrollment at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, BC.

1982 Neil Menzies reports he has expanded his financial services firm. Located in Vancouver, Arbutus Financial Services Ltd. now has eight team members, including Gardy Frost ’93. Neil’s son, Philip, is currently in Grade 6 at St. George’s. Neil remains active in the School community and with the Georgians. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the School Society. Last August, Neil’s sister, Michele, married fellow Georgian Michael Overton ’70, son of former School Matron Kathy Overton and long-time faculty member and Honorary Georgian David Overton.

1983 Paul Harder has released a third album of completely original Pseudo Ethnic Acoustic Electronic World Music Funk material entitled Harder, Softer, World Gone Wild. In addition to his tenor saxophone, other instruments include Tibetan bowls, glockenspiel, bassoon, hammer dulcimer, doorbells, a bicycle horn, and bed springs. Songs include: Second Time Lucky, Baby Loves My Horn, Funked Up World (remix), Where In The World Is Clarance?, Waitin’ For Bab’s Reno and Funk Me, I Love You!

1986 Jamie Brown has new responsibilities as recently appointed President of Canaccord Adams Inc. (USA). He is currently based in Boston, MA and overseeing the operations of the growth focus investment bank in the United States with offices located in

46 • The Dragon

Boston, New York, Houston, and San Francisco. The firm focuses on providing research, institutional brokerage and investment banking for the Technology, Consumer, Life Sciences, and Sustainability sectors. Geoffrey Hossie is Managing Director of H Oil & Minerals Ltd., a junior oil, gas, and minerals exploration and production company specializing in Africa. He resides in Madrid, Spain.

1989 David Law is spending three months in Tokyo as a visiting professor in the law faculty of Keio University. He was awarded an International Affairs Fellowship in Japan (also known as the Hitachi Fellowship) by the Council on Foreign Relations to do research on constitutional adjudication in Japan. As of 2009, he will be moving from San Diego to St. Louis to take up a tenured position as Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.

1990 Jono Holmes has recently moved to Toronto and joined Taxi Canada as a Senior Advertising Copywriter. He spent the last five years at Rethink Communications in Vancouver where he was ranked the #2 Copywriter in Canada in 2008 by Strategy Magazine.

His work in TV, radio, and print has been honoured around the world at Cannes, The One Show, Communication Arts, The London International Awards, and in Luerzer's Archive. He has also received recognition within Canada at The Marketing Awards, The Bessies, The Lotus Awards, The Extras, and Applied Arts. His favourite accolade, though, was having one of his BC Lions’ TV spots air on TBS’ World’s Funniest Commercials hosted by Kevin Nealon.

1991 Robin Colwell, a medical doctor, started his post-graduate training in Internal Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan on July 1, 2008.

1993 William Choi is CEO of CB Williams Energy Group, developer of a second generation clean energy laser catalyst technology that increases efficiencies and cuts carbon emissions between 15 to 50 per cent in electricity and fuel. CB Williams has opened a branch office in Seoul, Korea in April 2008, having established corporate joint venture partnerships and further research and development.

1994 Torrance Donegani has joined the family business, Flag Chevrolet, in Surrey, BC as the Operations Manager.

SAINTS’ NOTES He is currently enrolled in the National Automobile Dealers Association’s Dealer Academy in McLean, VA. Torrance has also recently graduated from Coach U’s CTP Program, and is working towards becoming a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) in his spare time.

Therapeutics and Advances in Therapy, two peer-reviewed journals. His wife, Sherry, is enrolled in the Doctor of Pharmacy program at the University of Illinois at Chicago. They reside in Chicago.


In addition to practicing dentistry in Richmond, Zul Kanji currently teaches at Vancouver Community College and at the University of British Columbia, where he is also currently pursuing his Master of Science in Dental Sciences.

Scott Siegert is a Medical Science Liaison for Ovation Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and is also an MBA student at DePaul University in Chicago. In 2006, he obtained his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago where he also serves as an adjunct assistant professor. He has also attended Washington State University in Pullman, Washington. He has recently published research papers in The Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and


2000 Adam Cotterall and Lyndsay Sanders recently celebrated their engagement. The wedding is planned for summer 2009. Adam is currently doing his MBA at Queen’s University.

Max Hager got engaged to Jenny Margaret Lake on April 21, 2008. Steve Kenning has been promoted to Senior Associate Consultant at Bain & Company, an international management consulting firm. As of October 1, he has transferred to work in Bain’s Los Angeles office where he will be focusing in its media and entertainment practice. Rob Millen is a member of the South Sudan UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS)— not to be confused with the UN Darfur mission in the north. He is a UN Military Observer (UNMO) whose job is to monitor the Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Government of Sudan and the Sudanese People’s Liberation Movement which has been in place since 2005.

Rob Millen '00

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Tyler Hotson '03 Mike Moon, his wife, Maria, and son, Jordan Cyril

2001 Beau Chapman has been named to the North America 4 West rugby union. He is also a former member of Canada’s U21 rugby team.

2003 Tyler Hotson was selected to the Canadian Rugby Team to play in the Barclays Churchill Cup tournament and against the French Barbarians this past June. The photo is of his first game against Argentina when he scored a try. He is now living in Sydney, Australia playing for the Northern Suburbs Rugby Club, in the Sydney Premiership Rugby Competition, known as the Tooeys New Shute Shield.

48 • The Dragon

Alasdair Nazerali-Maitland has graduated from his five-year medical course at the University of London in England and is starting his internship in Internal Medicine at St. Richard’s Hospital in Chichester, England. He hopes to make contact with other Georgians living in the UK and in Europe.

2007 Richard Veerman is studying at Duke University where he has made the Dean’s List.

BIRTHS John McGraw ’90 and his wife, Jennifer, a son and second child, Laird Anson McGaw, on October 22, 2007.

Mike Moon, faculty, and his wife, Maria, a son, Jordan Cyril Independence Moon, on February 24, 2008.

SAINTS’ NOTES MARRIAGES Scott Siegert ’95 to Sherry on May 17, 2008. Zul Kanji ’98 to Ada Wong on May 31, 2008. Geoff Bertram ’96 to Catherine Walsh on June 7, 2008.

PASSINGS Enid McKenzie-Smith on April 16, 2008 at Vancouver, BC. Enid was active with the St. George’s School Auxiliary during the 1970s and the 1980s and ran the boutique during the Annual Country Fair. She also started Crestedware at the School. She was made a Life Member of the Auxiliary in 1975. She is the mother of Guy ’75, Michael ’85, and James ’87. Warren Schweppe ’46 on July 11, 2008 at Edmonds, Washington. Martin Rogers ’62 on August 13, 2008 at North Vancouver, BC. John “Jack” Edward Balmer ’49 on October 10, 2008 at Vancouver, BC. Merton Cedric Parry Hawkshaw ’42 on October 15, 2008 at New Westminster, BC. Cedric was a past Director of the Old Boys’ Association, Class Captain for Annual Giving, and father of T. Barry Hawkshaw ’75. W. Michael Ferrie ’47 on October 21, 2008 at Vancouver, BC. Michael was the father of Chris Ferrie ’74 and the brother of Jock Ferrie ’47.

RETIREMENTS The Board of Directors of the St. George’s Old Boys’ Association and St. George’s School would like to thank Jonathan Lotz ’94 for his dedication and service to the Georgians. Jon will be retiring from the Board at the Association’s Annual General Meeting on November 11, 2008.

Zul Kanji ‘98 and wife, Ada

Scott Siegert ’95 and wife, Sherry Geoff Bertram ’96 and wife, Catherine Fall 2008 • 49



WHAT ARE WE DOING? We will be calling you to verify the accuracy of your information in our database.

Want to know what’s going on at the School? Want to make sure that you get invitations to all of our exciting events?

WHY ARE WE CALLING? We want to engage you with your School, which has grown and evolved considerably over the last 78 years. Whether you visit us often or read about us in The Dragon, we hope that all of you are proud of what St. George’s has become and where it is going.

Then, make sure to sign up on the Georgian Directory. By doing so, you will receive our email updates and our E-Newsletter, the Dragon’s Lair! Also, you can locate and contact other Georgians! Visit:

Also, if you would like to update or confirm your information, you are more than welcome to contact us: Bryan R. Ide ’99 Manager of Georgian Relations Tel: 604.221.3885 E-mail:


HONOURS Nominate a Georgian in one of our three categories for next year’s Georgian Honours! • GEORGIAN LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD • DISTINGUISHED GEORGIAN AWARD • YOUNG GEORGIAN AWARD For more information on award criteria or to download a nomination form, please visit or call: Bryan R. Ide ’99, Manager of Georgian Relations, at 604.221.3885.

GEORGIAN ANNUAL FUND Thank you to all those who supported last year’s Georgian Annual Fund. The Fund, which was re-launched last year, was warmly received. We hope to build upon the success of last year and to continue strengthening our endowment. We look forward to your participation this year. Watch your mail for further details on how to get involved. 50 • The Dragon

WHAT TYPE OF INFORMATION ARE WE SEEKING? When we call you, we will be confirming your information such as mailing address, telephone and e-mail contacts, and employment and biographical information.

SAVE THE DATE Book your calendar for the social event of the season – St. George’s Gala, October 2, 2009. Details will be available on our website soon.

HELP FIND AN OLD BOY! Not all of our Georgians worldwide are reading this issue of The Dragon. That’s because we have lost touch with them over the years. Without current contact information, we cannot communicate with them about upcoming events or meetings in their local areas, keep them updated with what is happening at the School, or even send them this magazine. If you know the whereabouts of anyone on this list, please let us know how we can get in touch with them. Anything at all helps: an address, telephone number, e-mail, or work information. Please contact Bryan R. Ide ’99, Manager of Georgian Relations, at or (604) 221-3885. THANK YOU!

1970 Edward Allen Oliver Anderson Paul Ankenman Gregory Buchanan (early leaver) Kevan F.T. Campbell Geoffrey Collin Brian A.F. Edy Brian Elliot Gregory GalbraithHamilton John H.A. Grant Gregory Hamilton David R.J. Johnstone David Pelham Kent Nelson Lam (early leaver) Charles H.S. Locke Robert C.K. Lui Stephen Matthews David McDonald Richard Pachal M. Blair Pellatt Michael Roddan Hannes J.R. Ruus David E.S. Scholefield George Sendall Eric Sigmundson George Sutton Greig Williams Victor Wong (early leaver) 1971 Mark Angus Peter Carver Colin Coe Harold James Cruickshank Stuart Dick R. Bruce Falkins John R.W. Greenwood Murray Heath Kostie Killas Eric Lafeuille Michael Maguire Robert Manning Lawrence John McDonald Michael Gerald McGeer Peter McKee Russell Warren McPhee David McPherson James Harding Pearcy D. Blake Scott Richard Stuart Colin Whitworth J. Fred Yerbury

1972 S. Bruce Archibald Anthony Bailey Norman Chan Edward Chau Bruce Culver Robert Deeley (early leaver) Brian Dennis Stephen Dunn Paul Engels (early leaver) Douglas GalbraithHamilton (early leaver) Philip Gordon S. Khouw Robert Kolbeins J. Glen Lambert (early leaver) David Mackinnon (early leaver) Robert Maclean John McLaren Michael Moore George Morrison Eric Nisbet-Brown A. John Norris (early leaver) Jon Olesen C. Joseph Rogers (early leaver) John Russell (early leaver) Richard Sager (early leaver) Richard Saxton (early leaver) Bradley Thomas Colin White Charles Young 1973 Daniel Bucholtz Kenneth Kam-Hon Chan Timothy Tin-Lok Chiu Angus A.S. Christian John Lindsay Cowan John Dolman Barre James Fleming Stephen Fraser Colin Gibb Paul Gibson Ronald Hulton David Jenkins Donald Richard Jennings Robert Kelly David Kozak Richard Martin

Douglas Hamilton McDowall Kenneth McNairn (early leaver) Bruce Middleton James Christopher Norris Melbourne O'Brien Hugh B.L. Odhams David Purdy John Ronan (early leaver) Mark Allan Shier Malcolm Verley (early leaver) William Wallace John Stuart Wallace 1974 Robert Bettauer (early leaver) Paul Ernest Boxall D. Kirby Burnett (early leaver) Don Duane Eyford Ronald Gibbs Richard Gleason Paul Andrew Grey (early leaver) Jeremy M.G. Guard John T. Hess Jeffrey James Michael Ko Philip C.K. Lau Michael Lee Chun-Yang Lo John Martin Patrick McGeer Alan Stier Brian Thomas R. Regan Trethewey D. David Brian Waddell N. Glyn Williams 1975 Rick Abramson Peter Bell-Irving Paul Cooper Kirk Godfrey John Hart Ian Neville Jones T. Craig Jory Peter Kerrin A. Bruce Knudsen Walter McElroy William Merritt Alan C.W. Nam Patrick O'Brien

Andrew John Renold D. Jack Richardson Neil Stacey Michael Walker Kevin Wall Gavin Young (early leaver)

Peter D.A. Watson (early leaver) Brian Webster Geof Wheelwright (early leaver) Paul Wilkinson

1976 Timothy Baker Michael Bardarch (early leaver) Christopher Boxall Michael Budge Herbert Cheng Peter Clerides Jeffrey Frank Couser (early leaver) J. Kerby Cowan (early leaver) L. Cory Dagg (early leaver) Robert Dybak Allan Gentles Eckardt K. Rory Kevin Hearty Carlos Heras Philip C.D. Hobbs Adrian Hopkins Simon Jones C. William King (early leaver) Ameerally Lakha Victor Leon John Locke Michael C. McLoughlin K. Bruce Muirhead (early leaver) Thomas Downey Nelson Brian Parker W. Brien Pattison (early leaver) William St. Vincent Phillips Glenn Shand (early leaver) John Shier Michael Fred Steiner Denys Stewart erek Michael Trethewey Norman R.R. van Roggen

1977 Malcolm Brian Bell-Irving Graham Richard Bibby Jonathan Cooper Burke Michael K.S. Chan Carl Frederick Christensen (early leaver) Jaice D.L. Crofton Jon Douglas Davis Gordon Hall Andrew Hamilton Kenneth Hatfield Miguel Lacson Heras Stephen James Hildebrandt Malcolm Kenning Jeffrey Patrick Kerrin Mark Adrian Linsley Douglas Marr Anthony George Pearkes Graham Ramage Abdolreza Shafii William Unraw Timothy Cameron Wallace Philip Andrew White Richard Whittall

For a complete list of lost Georgians, please visit our webpage at:


If you would like more information or to contibute to this program, please contact: Don Livingston, Chief Advancement Officer Tel: 604.221.3883 | Email:


St. George’s School 3851 West 29th Avenue, Vancouver BC V6S 1T6 Canada 40580507

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