The Dragon Spring 2009 Issue

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Saints Let’s Go


St. George’s School

Let’s Go!

Spring 2009

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DRAGON St. George’s School



A Lifestyle Choice by Gordon C. Allan


The Value of Sport by N.R.L. (Nigel) Toy


From the Chair: Future Directions by Rob Cruickshank


Letter to the Georgians


Building on a Winning Tradition: Interview with Richard Cohee



Athletics at the Junior School by Nino Sose


It’s all about Effort: Senior School Phys-Ed by Paul Proznick


The Championship Run: Senior Basketball by John Vigna



Keep your Stick on the Ice: Hockey at Saints by Dwight Hillis


Instilling the Love of the Game: Soccer at Saints by Shawn Lawrence


The Last 20 Years: Saints Swim Team by Jeannette Nienaber


From the Archives: Swimming – The Early Years by Elizabeth Knox


The Pursuit of Excellence: Rowing at Saints by Spencer Martin


Beijing Olympic Gold Medal Dinner by Herb Evers


Rugby at Saints by Bud Patel


On Track: Track and Field by Laurier Primeau


The Power of Sport: The Games Program by Suzanne Weckend


Championship Results Summary by Richard Cohee


A Parent’s Perspective by Jonathan Barrett

PHOTOGRAPHERS Gordon Allan Jonathan Barrett Kyla Brown Ben Cooper '95 Bruce Elbeblawy Ryan Espiritu Liam Gru Alistair Palmer '71 Bud Patel Tanya Peters Rowing Canada St. George’s School Archives David Yu The Dragon is published twice per year, expressly for Georgians, parents, and friends of St. George’s School. It is also distributed to other Canadian independent schools and selected public or private institutions. Comments about any of the articles are always welcome. Address all correspondence to: Gordon C. Allan – Managing Editor, The Dragon St. George’s School 4175 West 29th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6S 1V1 CANADA Phone: 604.224.1304 Fax: 604.224.7066 Email: Please contact our office to be added to the mailing list.

PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40580507 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO: ST. GEORGE'S SCHOOL SOCIETY 3851 WEST 29TH AVENUE VANCOUVER BC V6S 1T6 The Dragon is copyright © 2008 St. George’s School, Vancouver BC Canada. Reproduction rights: We encourage you to circulate or copy this material unmodified for your own private use. You may quote any article or portion of article with attribution. Quotation of any article or portion of article without attribution is prohibited. The Dragon, its contents, or material may not be sold, intact or modified, nor included in any package or product offered for sale.

Spring 2009


The New Georgians President: Interview with Scott Lamb '79 by Bryan R. Ide ‘99


Hello World! Vancouver and the Olympics: Interview with Taleeb Noormohamed by Bryan R. Ide ‘99


The Bowron Lakes Adventure of a Lifetime by Alistair Palmer ’71


Capturing Gold: Ben Cooper '95 Interviewed by Bryan R. Ide ‘99


Saints’ Notes Compiled by Bryan R. Ide ‘99


Year Captains

St. George’s School is proud to be associated with:

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a lifestyle choice

Gordon C. Allan Managing Editor

In a study by Mark Tremblay, Dean of Kinesiology at the University of Saskatchewan, the incidence of childhood obesity was compared in Canada, Scotland, England, and Spain. While Tremblay’s findings showed that each of these countries had comparable rates in the early 1980s, by the 1990s, childhood obesity in Canada had doubled, compared to the other countries. A study released by the Canadian Medical Association Journal also confirms that since 1981, the incidence of overweight boys in Canada has increased from 15 per cent in 1981 to 35.4 per cent in 1996. As well, the prevalence of obesity in boys has tripled, from five per cent to 16.6 per cent. The Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute in Ottawa further indicates that more than half of Canadians aged five to 17 are not active enough for optimal growth and development and that issues like poor bone density amongst children are on the rise.

A study of the Greater Vancouver area also reveals that almost half of children from Kindergarten to Grade 12 are being driven to school instead of biking or walking. While the epidemic of childhood obesity grows, many provinces continue to cut spending on education and, in particular, physical education programs. Luckily, nothing could be further from the truth at St. George’s School. In this edition of The Dragon, you will read of the School’s investment in not just quality physical education instruction, but in each boy’s overall fitness development and commitment to a healthy lifestyle. You will read of a program that provides not only variety in competitive-based sports, but also depth in physical activities that engage the non-athlete. Of course, good school-based athletics programs offer more than just fitness and proper nutrition; they teach our young to be good team players, to demonstrate integrity, and to develop a sound value system; they encourage each student to believe in himself and to set personal goals. In short, wellrounded athletics programs are instrumental to preparing young people for life.

While the epidemic of childhood obesity grows, many provinces continue to cut spending on education and, in particular, physical education programs.

The alarm bells have sounded! Childhood obesity in Canada is on the rise and is quickly becoming a major public health issue.


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the value of sport Our publication this issue is focussing on Athletics and Sports in general at the School. In contemplating some thoughts on this very broad topic, the realization came to me that I have witnessed an extraordinary number of school sporting encounters, in the context of participant, competitor, teacher, coach, parent, and Headmaster. I like to think I may have seen as much as any human!

The unique relationship with the teachercoach has given countless generations of boys that special mentorship that is so vital in their developmental years

THE DRAGON Spring 2009


I find in School Sport a purity and infectious enthusiasm that gives it a life beyond just the event. Young people come to sport to compete with an energy that inevitably draws their adult audience in. We have all enjoyed immense pleasure from seeing our own children or others be involved. We have lived through the emotions they invest into it and come to appreciate our own. It is clear to all that young people, boys and girls, quickly learn to compete and strive hard to succeed in whatever activity they are focussed on. It is from this that “the playing fields of school” emerged as a true metaphor for all that is vibrant, healthy, and educational in sport. The traditions grew from the schools of yesteryear and today we take for granted the powerful inter-relationship of school games and the learning process. As an educational leader, I have always understood the vital need for children to express themselves in play and in competition. I have come to appreciate this strong connection between the classroom and the sporting arena. I have considered it vital that every young person assimilate worthy character traits through their endeavours beyond the classroom. There are so many intrinsic values that derive from a team sport or

N.R.L. (Nigel) Toy Headmaster

group activity. As we look to build strong citizens, we have come to depend heavily on the reinforcement of the positive elements that teamwork produces. St. George's School today takes enormous pride in the fact it is a top-ranked academic school, has a world-class Arts and Cultural program, and has established itself as probably the strongest overall school in the realm of inter-school sports in the province of BC. If this sounds boastful, it is more about us aspiring to provide an enriched experience for each boy. Their participation is one thing, but aspiring to win is a measure of trying to give your best. We believe everybody at St. George's is instilled with the belief that putting the team first is a worthy objective. It readily builds self-belief and reinforces that strong sense of community. For boys, there is an innate allegiance to the group. Some call it “tribal” and it is hugely powerful. Sport has always channelled it in a healthy direction and for educators it has provided a foundation to build a strong value system. I could not examine this phenomenon without expressing the sheer joy I have derived from leading, watching, and following school teams. They have taken me, as the old cliché would say, into the realms of agony and ecstasy. It has

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The unique relationship with the teacher-coach has given countless generations of boys that special mentorship that is so vital in their developmental years as they gain growing insights into the concepts of teamwork, self-discipline, and responsibility to the values of the game and/or the program. These are all part of the maturation process and, as I often say, it gives that young person at the end of it the quiet confidence that is the hallmark of the St. George's Graduate. Over the past months, it has been a pleasure to witness many athletic triumphs, to see individual brilliance and team passion, and above all that immense loyalty and pride for the school. It was timely that as I wrote this piece, a Grade 12 student delivered me a letter. This was his opening paragraph – it echoes the very things we try to instill and inculcate: “Dear Mr. Toy, As university and scholarship applications have drawn to a close, I was given a chance to reflect on my time at St. George’s. I realized that I owed a large thank you to both yourself and St. George's for all that has been provided for me as a high school student. I began my education at St. George's in the fall of my Grade 7 year, but soon learned that it was more than just a school; it was a culture, a community, and a brotherhood. The opportunities that I was exposed to were immense, whether I knew them at the time or not. The supportive yet challenging classroom environment and learning style truly fostered a self-motivational approach to education, and taught me to always strive for personal bests. This was combined with a strong competitive edge that was established in me through sports as a child, and further encouraged through the physical education and games programs at Saints. I have learned invaluable lessons both in and out of the classroom that have inspired both hobbies and passions.”

The writer was Ryan Espiritu, co-captain of our Provincial AAA championship-winning Ski and Snowboard Team, he himself an Individual Gold Medallist in Snowboard in 2008 and 2009 and now a member of the National Training Squad. I know they could be the words of so many others who embrace the St. George's creed of the all-rounder. To bring this full circle, it seems fitting to conclude with Ryan’s closing paragraph: “While it may seem like the only thing that I gleaned from St. George's is a competitive spirit and a new passion, I was provided with many opportunities that eventually led to my acceptance at many of my topchoice Universities in the US, but I also learned one of the most valuable lessons of my life; I learned how to become involved. I did everything I could to meet new people and find new interests. I joined clubs and sports, made a lot of new friendships, and found new interests. I began my involvement in community service at St. George’s, and eventually expanded my volunteer work to help out around the lower mainland, as a volunteer for the Greater Vancouver Foodbank Society. I was able to take advantage of all the opportunities offered, and I became involved, which is the single greatest lesson that I have learned from St. George's: get involved, discover something new, and discover yourself. I must again give acclamation and thanks to you, for promoting such a strong message to myself and the rest of the boys; it is a lesson that struck home and has had a resounding, life-long effect.” Sine timore aut favore

Ryan Espiritu, co-captain of our Provincial AAA championship-winning Ski and Snowboard Team

been important as an educator to be there for them in those moments of triumph and despair; to try to help them understand that it is a game first and foremost and, so often, it is the game that is the winner. A typical school afternoon at St. George's sees virtually another “school” emerge. Boys swarm to their various afterschool activities, which could be a team practice, a club meeting, or a drama rehearsal. The commitment and the engagement are the same and at the forefront is inevitably the teacher-leader-educator, the person so often entrusted to reinforce the standards, expectations, and values espoused in the forum of Assembly or the classroom. It’s when these elements are present that we are on the path to a worthy school.


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from the CHAIRMAN

future directions In the previous issue of The Dragon, I explained that, in simple terms, the role of the Board of Directors is to hire and steward the Head, to work with the Head and his Senior Leadership Team to create a Strategic Plan, and finally, to assist in raising the funds necessary to complete the Strategic Plan. My article then went on to address the second of these three duties: i.e. the Strategic Plan.

Another factor in the completion of the Plan is, in fact, another of the roles of the Board - the hiring and stewarding of the Head.

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I have, in another publication, provided an update on our progress with respect to the Strategic Plan. I am pleased to report that we continue to progress with the “Four Pillars” of the plan and we currently are working toward having a first “draft” by the end of the academic year. After sharing that document and incorporating feedback from the various constituencies of the School, our goal is to have a working document by the end of this calendar year. While we continue to encourage the pillar teams to be visionary, we have also asked that they develop a road map and alternatives that reflect the current economic realities. Another factor in the completion of the Plan is, in fact, another of the roles of the Board - the hiring and stewarding of the Headmaster. As you are all aware by now, Nigel announced his retirement effective June 30, 2010. As a result, we are now in the process of finding the next Headmaster of St. George’s School. I will get to the search, but first wanted to complete my report on the next Strategic Plan by saying that, while we want to have a working document by the end of the calendar year, we will not cast the document in stone until our new Headmaster has had a chance to review it and provide their input. With respect to the search, we have established a sub-committee of the Society Board to carry out

Rob Cruickshank Chairman

the work and selected a firm, Janet Wright and Associates, to assist them. Currently, we are in the process of meeting with the various constituencies of the School, seeking their input on the School today, what they might like to see in the School’s future, and what attributes they would like to see in the new Headmaster of St. George’s School. These consultations will be a combination of face-to-face or telephone conversations and email. Colleen Keenan, our search consultant, is conducting sessions and collecting input, which will be summarized and provided to the Search Committee to assist them in finding and securing our next Headmaster. Parents, Faculty and Staff, and Georgians will have received correspondence advising them on how to provide their input. Please take advantage of the opportunities provided. The current schedule has us in the market cultivating candidates between mid-May and mid-August. Interviews of candidates will then be conducted mid-August through September. This will result in a very short list of two to three people who will go through a more intense interview process with a view to having our new Headmaster selected by October/ November, 2009. We very much appreciate your input and support during this important endeavour and will be providing updates as the search progresses.

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An open letter... Fellow Georgians, As you may already know, after 13 years, Nigel Toy will be retiring in June 2010 as Headmaster of St. George’s School. As such, St. George’s is embarking on a search for its next Headmaster. As the St. George’s School Society Board of Directors gets the search underway, its Search Committee is very keen to hear the views of our community – faculty, staff, students, parents, Society and Foundation Board members, the Auxiliary, donors, and the Georgians. The Committee wants our perspectives on the School and its future direction, as well as our input on the qualities and experience we should be seeking in our next Headmaster. In aid of this, the Society Board has appointed three Georgians to the Search Committee. They will act as liaisons and points of contact with the Georgians. The three Georgian members are: • Peter R.B. Armstong '72 email: Peter is a Past President of the Georgians, the Immediate Past Chairman of the St. George’s School Society, and a past parent of the School.

• Dr. Stephen Chung '77 email: Stephen is a current Member of the Society Board and a current parent.

• Chris Reynolds '03 Chris provides the perspective of a recent graduate from the School. Chris was Captain of Boarding while he attended Saints.

As well, the Search Committee has engaged the executive search firm Janet Wright and Associates ( that is recognized as a leader in executive searches in the field of education. Ms. Colleen Keenan has been chosen to handle the search. Not only will she be on campus for a number of days, but also she can be reached by phone at (416) 923-3008 or by email at The Search Committee, Colleen Keenan, and the Georgian Board of Directors are committed to keeping the Georgian community informed and engaged and to soliciting as much feedback as possible from the Georgians. To achieve this goal, we are providing a number of channels of communication, which include: 1) A Town Hall Meeting which was held on Tuesday, April 28, 2009. 2) A webpage at that will provide updates and key contact information and where you can submit your feedback online. 3) An invitation to submit written correspondence to the following address: Headmaster Search c/o Manager of Georgian Relations St. George’s School, 4175 West 29th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia V6S 1V1 Canada The consultant, Colleen, will be interested in your thoughts on, but not specifically limited to, the following: 1) What are the major issues, challenges, and opportunities facing St .George’s School today, and what do you think the priorities should be for the new Headmaster? 2) What are your greatest aspirations for Saints over the next five to ten years? 3) What advice do you have for the Search Committee as to the background, experience, credentials, and leadership style we should be seeking in our next Headmaster? Changes in leadership are critical times for any institution and it will be very helpful to the Search Committee to have your thoughts on this process and how you see the School evolving. We hope that you will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and that you will be an active member in this process.

D. Scott Lamb '79 President, The Georgians

Peter Armstrong '72 Member, Search Committee

Dr. Stephen Chung '77 Member, Search Committee

Chris Reynolds '03 Member, Search Committee

Sine timore aut favore,


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Saints Let’s Go

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Let’s Go!

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Richard is now in his fourth year at the helm of St. George’s Athletics after spending eight years with the Vancouver/Memphis Grizzlies. In his time with the Grizzlies, Richard served as Senior Director of Community Investment and Executive Director of the Grizzlies Foundation. He also served as an Assistant Coach and Video Scout for four seasons. Working daily alongside NBA Hall of Fame legends, Hubie Brown and Jerry West, prepared Richard for his current role as Master-in-Charge of Basketball. Cohee taught at St. George’s in the mid 90s while serving for thee seasons as Head Coach for the Capilano College men’s basketball program. Richard has also developed programs for “at-risk” teens for the Attorney General’s Office. Cohee was a standout basketball player at the University of Regina, where he graduated with an English degree and later went on to play professional basketball overseas. Richard is responsible for the strategic planning, promotion, development, and implementation of the School’s Athletics, Recreation, and Physical Education Program. Cohee and his wife of nine years, Tricia, are the proud parents of son Jaxon (age 7) and daughter Charleigh (age 5).

Building on a

Winning TRADITION An interview with R i c h a r d C o h e e , Director of Athletics/Master-in-Charge of Basketball When we talk about “Athletics” at St. George’s School, what does it include?

and develop a healthy character. How do you achieve this balance?

Athletics at St. George’s includes all aspects of sport opportunities ranging from recreational to competitive. We offer a comprehensive Physical Education Program, an in-house Recreational Games Program, including such sports as yoga and scuba diving, and a competitive Varsity Athletics Program where teams vie for BC School Sports ‘AAA’ Provincial Championships.

St. George’s commands respect throughout the province and country. Its reputation is not built solely on its athletic program. Parents, students, and educators hold St. George’s in high regard because of its dedication to an unwavering objective: to give its students the best education possible. This commitment extends beyond the classroom. Our coaches are committed to building character before championships and careers.

As the School has grown over the past few years, the depth and breadth of athletic opportunity has also expanded. We have worked very diligently to create an opportunity within sport for each and every student. We now offer more than 30 recreational sports and 22 competitive sports to engage our students. Our Varsity teams have become increasingly competitive and win numerous Provincial Championships each year. We now offer a much more holistic approach to each boy’s athlete development. This includes support from nutritional science, strength and conditioning, physiotherapy, sports injury classes, hydrotherapy, Athletic Trainers, as well as a first-class fitness facility, spin bike studio, and erg room. Winning is important, but how you play the game is also important to inculcate a positive values system

Many of the staff at St. George’s coach. What are the key messages you deliver to these mentors? We are actually very proud that almost all of our coaches are also faculty and staff members. This has been one of the keys to our competitive athletic success over the past decade. We have an outstanding array of coaching expertise within the School in almost every competitive sport. I find the common traits amongst our most successful coaches are that they are well-organized, persistent, and flexible. Great coaches have well thought-out philosophies of sport, which include positive motivation and an ability to teach and simplify their sport and, at the same time, set firm and commonly shared behavioural expectations. At St. George’s we are blessed to have a great many outstanding coaches who truly are the heart of the Athletics program.

In what way has the Athletics program changed over the years at the School?



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Step into Wallace Gym, and you will notice a series of white boards profiling athletes from years gone by. The Wallace Gym Honour Boards, as they are known, date back to the inception of the School and were originally designed to higlight a couple of sports. As the School grew, so did these boards.

Today, St. George’s School offers more than 20 competitive sports and it has become clear that it is impossible to continue showcasing all boys on all teams using an honour board system. It has also been brought to our attention that many of the existing boards are incomplete, contain errors, and lack visual context in terms of profiling team photos and award-winning athletes. After much reflection and consultation, the School has decided to pursue a plan to create an archival honour board system in which dedicated hallways, team photos, and rosters will be profiled using a functional yet elegant wall-mounted display system. In the meantime, the old Wallace Gym Honour Boards will be refurbished to their original state and will include the years 1930 (inception) to 2009 but with only the original seven sports being included. The new Honour Boards in the hallways will highlight all sports, all years, and will include photos and rosters. We also hope to create a 'CAPTAINS' Board.

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This project is a significant undertaking, but one that we hope will properly reflect the athletic achievements of our students and Georgians.


For more information, please contact: Richard Cohee, Director of Athletics 604.224.1304

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Role models are important in all areas of life. Sport just happens to produce some of the most prominent role models in society. Athletes like Tiger Woods, Trevor Linden, Steve Nash, are all outstanding role models, but we have been able to produce equally impressive role models in athletes like Donovan Tildesley. I would like our students to recognize the sportsmanship, teamwork, perseverance, work ethic, and commitment to a higher purpose that is dominant within amateur athletics. St. George’s has produced many student-athletes who have gone on to compete at the CIS level and also represent Canada internationally. These are the ideal athletic role models for our students. One of the criticisms of school-based competitive sports is that many of them are not sports that one would typically continue after graduation. What is the School doing to ensure that its grads maintain an interest in athletic activity once they leave the School? Our competitive sports program makes up less than half of our overall sport program. In our Physical Education and Games programs our students are introduced to sporting opportunities that can be adopted into a lifelong pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. We also offer a wide range of sport so each student is able to pursue his specific sporting interests: from yoga, dance, and fitness training to rock climbing, tennis, and golf. We provide our students with a myriad of opportunities and choice. Not everyone is an athlete at the School. How are you engaging non-athletes in a healthy lifestyle? Our unique Mandatory Games Program requires all students to participate in sport, whether competitive or recreational, for all of

the three terms. This provides an outstanding opportunity to introduce each student to the joys of engaging in a physical and active lifestyle and, therefore, most of our students come to embrace the value of sport as part of their lifestyle. We continue to read about growing obesity rates in today’s youth. How do you address the whole topic of nutrition with students and staff and what has the School done as a whole to adapt to the students’ nutritional needs? The School has made tremendous strides to address nutritional needs of students. Our Food Services Team is continually assessing the nutritional content and quality of our cafeteria service. We have eliminated junk food from our vending machines and have created a variety of nutritional and well-received options at our new Saints Café. We use a wide array of communication methods both within the classroom and around the School to impress the importance of good nutrition. What is your vision for Athletics at Saints and where do you see it in five years? My vision for Athletics at St. George’s is to continue building upon our athletic reputation as a prominent athletic institution which excels in all respects provincially and nationally. My aspiration is to achieve Provincial and National success and also to meet the School’s academic mission. We will continue to build a program that allows all students to meet or exceed their expectations in every aspect of their experience. We will also create greater coaching science, sport science, and technological resources for coaches and staff to further develop our successful programs. This will be accomplished in an environment which recognizes the value of diversity and adheres to the highest standards of integrity, work ethic, teamwork, and sportsmanship.

In your view, how important are role models and which professional athletes do you feel are positive role models for our youth?


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While budgetary constraints have caused many schools to reduce their commitment to elementary-level athletics, the Athletics Program at the Junior School continues to offer students from Grades 1 to 7 one of the most comprehensive athletic curricula of its kind. Moreover, it is central to our School philosophy to provide varying degrees of athletic competitiveness and participation, which recognize the physical, mental, and social changes that boys experience. All students are encouraged to take part, and participation in Athletics is not solely based on ability. We also aim to teach a healthy way of life and recognition of the values and joys of physical activity.

THE DRAGON Spring 2009



Junior Athletics at the

BY: NINO SOSE, Head of Athletics, St. George’s Junior School

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In order to introduce the students to as many athletic activities as possible, we offer three 12-week seasons in Cross-Country (Grades 3 to 7), Soccer (Grades 5 to 7), Swimming (Grades 3 to 7), Volleyball (Grades 6 to 7), Basketball (Grades 5 to 7), Rugby (Grades 6 to 7), Track and Field (Grades 3 to 7), and Golf Club (Grades 5 to 7). Individual sports such as Cross-Country Running, Swimming, and Track and Field offer each boy the opportunity to join training sessions and competitions. Squad selection for team sports, such as Soccer, Basketball, and Rugby, is based on a number of factors and not just ability. To address student interest and provide greater opportunities for increased participation, we have also added second teams to the program. On these teams, coaches are encouraged to “play” each team member in as many contests as possible and participation in practices during vacation periods is voluntary. All teams compete in the local Independent Schools Elementary Association League where standings are maintained and team championships are awarded at the Grade 7 level. Teams also attend exhibition tournaments with other independent and

public schools in the Lower Mainland. Our 7A teams represent the School successfully at the Under-13 Canadian Association of Independent Schools’ National Championships for Soccer and Basketball. Our extracurricular line-up is also complemented by a very popular intramural program. To stimulate this “in-house” competition, the student body is divided into four “wings”– Clark, MacDougall, Fell, and Tupper. Intramural competitions amongst these wings are offered to all students from Grades 4 to 7. Also, at various times throughout the year, intramural basketball and ball hockey leagues are organized and interested students are placed on a team, a league schedule is drawn up, and games are played at morning and lunch breaks. Because of the depth of our Athletics Program, our boys lead a very active lifestyle.

Mike Moon, Chris Johnson, and Nino Sose, Junior School Athletics.

HOW WOULD YOU FARE ON A JUNIOR SCHOOL FITNESS TEST? All Junior School students are given two fitness tests each year: one early in Term I and one in Term III. Boys are tested on their ability to meet various age-appropriate benchmarks using:

The Athletics Department also records each boy’s height and weight. All results are then recorded on a Fitness Profile which is sent home to each boy’s parents. These test scores are measured against established standards and each boy is encouraged to gauge improvement by comparing his initial test scores with those at the end of the year. Parents also participate in the process by helping their sons to set realistic fitness goals and by encouraging them to work towards them over the course of the year.

• push-ups • curl-ups • endurance running


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Let’s Go!

If you walk into a physical education class at St. George’s, you will see a myriad of students actively engaged in various athletic activities. A closer look at the appearance of these boys will reveal a variety of body types. Some boys are big and some are small. Some are short and some are tall. Side by side, you will see the strong and the weak. You will recognize those who are fast and those who are slow. You might ask, why is this significant? SENIOR SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION:



THE DRAGON Spring 2009

BY: PAUL PROZNICK, Head of Physical Education


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The answer to these questions can be summed up in one word: EFFORT. The St. George’s Physical Education Department is very proud of its assessment method in which the underlying theme is EFFORT. Adopted and inspired by Bruce E. Brown, motivational speaker and master teacher, the goal of our teaching staff is to provide an opportunity for success for every individual student, regardless of physical abilities. We attempt to present activities in a way that will encourage effort, preparedness, positive attitude, sportsmanship, cooperation, and improvement. Teaching, reinforcement, and evaluation of these traits are our primary objectives. We believe that students who work on these areas will make strides with their skills and performance in their physical education classes. As a department, we are constantly reflecting on our program and evaluating our methods in an effort to discover new ways to inspire our students to develop a passion for an active and healthy lifestyle. To reinforce those values, we have introduced many new activities this year that include Hip Hop Dance, Sport Yoga, Spinning, Boot Camp, and Ergometer sessions. In addition, we have placed a strong emphasis on creating a detailed scope and sequence for the overall fitness program within the Grades 8 to 10 curricula.

Paul Proznick, Suzanne Weckend, Amanda Baird, Richard Cohee, and Jonathan Figueroa, Senior School Athletics.

The fitness program goals are: • To provide a basic orientation of equipment, knowledge, fitness room technique and safety, terminology, and anatomy and to show how each relates to fitness components and energy systems. • To teach a variety of fitness activities in a safe and fun environment that serve to connect theoretical and practical aspects of the Physical Education fitness programs with the ongoing challenges of an after-school games program. • To improve each student’s fitness and conditioning and, at the same time, develop an appreciation for a variety of fun and engaging activities. • To allow students to gain further understanding of nutrition, hydration, heart rate, principles of training, and the effect these factors have on their bodies. There are many unique aspects of our physical education program and one that stands out is that students are given the opportunity to select their class. As a result of this empowerment, they develop confidence, which can be so fragile in a sporting environment, through interaction with others who share similar attitudes. The ultimate purpose is to put each student in a comfortable setting in which he can be successful. Finally, I would be remiss if I did not mention the crew who steer this ship. We are extremely proud of the quality of staff in the Physical Education Department, who on a daily basis exhibit the core values we are teaching our students. Learning by example teaches effective leadership and we are fortunate that we have a team of individuals who have bought into this philosophy and take pride in shaping the lives of our fine young men.

Traditionally, physical education programs have evaluation schemes to reward outcomes relative to strength, speed, and skill. However, it has been argued that there is a fundamental flaw with this design— the fact that an individual can attain high scores on a performance-based evaluation, even though his overall effort is low. It is therefore possible that some of our best athletes can perform well but exhibit negligible growth and development because they have not been challenged. Because of genetic predisposition, an inherent advantage is gained and many of our boys will have won the race before it has even begun. Unfortunately, this scenario leads to complacency among top high school athletes, especially when society values outcome over process. This raises a number of important questions. What is success in physical education? What character traits do you value? How do you motivate the natural athlete alongside the student who struggles with basic motor skills?


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The measure of a championship team is not only defined by wins but by how the coaches and players respond to the challenges and adversity they encounter along the way. This certainly holds true for this year’s 2008–2009 Saints Varsity Basketball Team—BC AAA Champions. The Varsity Boys’ remarkable championship run encountered obstacle after obstacle, from illnesses to injuries, only to rise to the challenge each time. The boys played hard, they played smart, and most importantly they played together. They never stopped believing in themselves or each other.


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But their confidence never faltered. They knew they had an incredible opportunity before them. Their journey began with a 71–47 victory over Fleetwood, a statement game Saints wanted to send to the rest of the tournament. The next day, they played Vancouver Island’s number one seed, Dover Bay. Saints played hard in every possession and never trailed on their way to a solid 69–55 win to advance to the quarterfinals for the second year in a row. And for the second year in a row, they faced a big and tough Yale squad, defending BC Champions. The boys came out firing with a 67–61 win. For the semi-finals, Saints got the rematch they had wanted since losing in the final of the Western Canada Invitational Tournament: the undefeated and number one seeded South Kamloops. The game was a nailbiter and ultimately went into overtime with the boys

securing a stunning 81–74 victory. This set the stage for a storybook ending against cross-town rivals, Vancouver College. It was St. George’s fifth game in five days and after a long season that saw them practise 45 times, play 27 regular season games, including tournaments against top notch teams in the HSBC Classic, Hamilton’s renowned Silver Fox Invitational, San Diego’s Max Prep Classic, Kelowna’s Western Canada Invitational, and the Lower Mainland Championships, the Saints had been tested both physically and mentally. They were ready to play Vancouver College. With the Agrodome packed for the Championship Game, St. George’s played a controlled and efficient style of ball leading 19–13 after the first quarter. However, turnovers plagued them in the second and third as VC led by six to start the fourth quarter. Saints’ Josh Robertson played with passion and purpose, providing leadership by example. His deft touch around the hoop and relentless rebounding provided much of the scoring early in the fourth. After VC hit a three-pointer to give them a two-point lead with less than two minutes left, Saints’ Frank Liu answered with his own, a big-time shot that set up an unbelievably frenetic final minute of play. VC took the lead once again and instead of answering, St. George’s turned the ball over. VC ran the clock down and set up VC’s Will Campbell for an open look. But the shot rimmed out and Saints’ Emerson Murray raced down court, dribbling down the clock before making a quick move on the baseline, pump-faking his defender in the air and then launching a shot that hit nothing but net

There’s a saying that it’s darkest before the dawn and one of the team’s darkest hours this season was at the Lower Mainland Championships where it barely managed to secure the last seed to qualify for the BCs. This meant it had to win five games in a row to win, something that had never been done before in the history of the tournament. If that wasn’t enough of a challenge, the team was also slotted on what was arguably the toughest side of the draw. Finally, as winners of the HSBC Classic in December, they were well aware that no other team in BC history has also gone on to win the BCs. In fact, the BC High School Basketball website had a survey that polled viewers who they thought would win the BCs and St. George’s did not even make the list.


with two and a half seconds left, sending the large St. George’s contingent behind the basket and the rest of the Agrodome into pandemonium. VC called timeout and had one last chance but Emerson stole the inbounds pass and the rest is history. St. George’s School won their first Varsity Boys BC AAA Championship by a final score of 63–62. It was an incredible finish. The boys worked hard all year and they rose above adversity. They knew their roles and played them well. It was a total team effort and they were deservedly rewarded with the rare opportunity and experience of winning a championship together. Emerson Murray and Josh Robertson were named First Team All-Stars, while Dillon Hamilton was named to the Second Team. Emerson also was named Most Inspirational Player and Frank Liu was recognized as the Tournament’s Top Defensive Player. St. George’s was also awarded the Most Inspirational Team Award for demonstrated resilience and character. Saints’ Basketball Program: a Championship Approach For a St. George’s basketball coach in the early 1980s, scheduling posed one of the biggest challenges of the season as many opponents saw a match-up against Saints as non-competitive. In some ways they were right, for St. George’s was renowned for its prowess on the rugby pitch with basketball being considered an activity one would engage in as a means to prepare for the upcoming rugby season.

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Thanks to the dedication and hard work of many, St. George’s now has one of the most competitive schedules from Grades 7 through to Varsity and has established itself as a basketball powerhouse in BC. Over the past ten years, Saints has seen basketball evolve from a recreational game to one that is both highly competitive and one of the most popular amongst their student body.


The basketball program’s guiding philosophy is to build a complete program, not just a Varsity team, and in doing so, develop a championship spirit both on and off the court. One of the keys to this philosophy is to ensure that each grade has a strong coach who can help develop the talent St. George’s has in both its Junior and Senior Schools. Nino Sose, who coaches and runs the basketball program at the Junior School, has provided opportunities for boys as early as Grade 5 to learn the fundamentals of the game. He instills a keen interest and love of the sport. At the Senior School, experienced and enthusiastic coaches (St. George’s teachers) Brian Lee, Paul Proznick, Paul Cohee, Ed Taylor, Guy DaSilva, Bruce Wilson, Michael Atkinson, Bill Chamberlain, Richard Cohee (Head of Basketball),


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Since 1999, St. George’s Varsity team has participated in nine Lower Mainland Championships and eight BC AAA Championships. • Champions of the Independent League seven times • Champions of the Lower Mainland Championships • Finished 2nd twice (Lower Mainland) • Finished 3rd twice (Lower Mainland) • Finished 3rd (BC AAA Championships) • Finished 5th (BC AAA Championships) • Champions (BC AAA Championships)

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Hand in hand with developing their feeder program, St. George’s also seeks to provide opportunities for the boys to play basketball outside of the season and, in doing so, exposes them to stronger competition. Over the years, Saints have brought various teams to renowned team camps at Gonzaga University, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, and the University of Washington. During the off-season, the Saints Basketball Program coaching staff uses the Summer at Saints Basketball Camps as an opportunity to augment individual player skill development. These camps have evolved from two weekly sessions to five week-long day camps that sell out year after year. These camps are often staffed with university level and national team players who bring a high level of expertise and passion to all involved. As St. George’s has become a gathering point for some of the top players in the Lower Mainland, competitive pick-up games are commonplace following these camps. The guiding philosophy in the basketball program at St. George’s is to seek opportunities to develop character. By being exposed to a wide variety of challenging situations on the court and by learning what it means to be a member of a team, boys learn many invaluable lessons in how to face adversity, how to pursue success, and how to grow through both winning and losing. Coach Lee has a sign above his office door that reads, “Believe in yourself!” These are three very simple words that carry the potent message that life presents all kinds of opportunities when faced with challenges. Members of each Saints’ basketball team are exposed to exciting opportunities as they learn to “win big” without becoming “small” in the process. Winning, not just in the ordinary sense, but winning by simply trying their best; winning by subordinating self-interest for a greater good; winning through the experience of intense satisfaction and enjoyment. From a historic 20 point come-from-behind victory to clinch the league championship over Vancouver College, to shooting hoops during breaks at school, at lunch, between classes, or right after school, basketball at St. George’s has always been about having fun, enjoying the exciting challenge of being better than the day before. Learning that doing your best is victory in itself and anything less is defeat. These are lessons for life and the true game that a St. George’s boy must face each day.

These demands also bring many benefits and teach many lessons. In the basketball program at St. George’s, the truest measure of success is in the increased level of student participation and their overall zeal to compete while wearing the school colours. Record numbers of students now engage in off-season training, attend basketball academies and camps, and compete on BC Provincial Teams. Through hard work, dedication, determination, and a love of the game, the recent glow of victory – St. George’s first BC AAA Championship – is shared by not only the players, but also by every boy who has ever worn a St. George’s basketball jersey, their families, coaches, alumni, and the entire School community. Thanks to the solid foundation laid by our past players, coaches, and supporters alike, the future of basketball at St. George’s School looks very promising. We will always have an end to journey towards, but it is always the journey that matters in the end.


and several other outside coaches have all contributed a tremendous amount to create a strong foundation upon which the Saints program rests today.

This year’s BC AAA Championship is the culmination of a tradition that began more than a decade ago for Saints’ basketball. Hundreds of players have given their all on the hardwood at both the Junior and Senior School over the years. Not all were the most physically talented blue-chip players when they arrived at St. George’s but, whether they excelled as a defensive specialist, a great shooter, or ball-handler, a tough rebounder, or an all-round hustle player, they all shared a deep commitment and passion for playing basketball day in, day out, to the best of their abilities. Since 1999, St. George’s has graduated the following young men who have gone on to play collegiate and professional basketball:

1999: Craig Rollins (University of British Columbia) 2000: Mark Blackman (Queen’s University) Graeme Scott (Bishop’s University) 2002: Cameron McDonald (Bishop’s University, Pro Ball in Spain) Scott MacDonald (Bishop’s University) 2004: Melvyn Mayott (SFU) Sean Anthony (McGill University) Chun-wei Chang (University of Toronto, Pro Ball in Taiwan) 2006: Bol Kong (Douglas College) Alex Murphy (University of British Columbia) Christopher Spencer (UBC-Okanagan) Christopher Mackay (Langara College) 2007: Brent Clancy (Concordia University) 2008: Gurjote Jhaj (University of the Fraser Valley) 2009: Dillon Hamilton (University of Western Ontario) Josh Robertson (University of Western Ontario) Luke Braund (Trinity Western University)

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Stephen Tyler of the notoriously insightful rock band Aerosmith, sang that sometimes one must face adversity before he can revel in victory, and while I though we had learned much in the last two Ross Cups, there proved to be still in place a vindictive god, smiling only on the goaltender wearing the black and gold of Prince of Wales, not Les Boys, who suffered their third straight loss in as many years. Les Boys played like champions, yet puck luck was against us, succumbing 2-1 in the final. It was the third time the two have faced this season, and while it is believed that third time's a charm, it was not to be for Les Boys. After battling against not only their opponents, but also a schedule that saw them need to win three games on Finals Saturday, it proved to be too much for Les Boys. They gave it their all and with the goaltender pulled for an extra attacker, the final buzzer blew, and yet again we were bridesmaids. It was a season for the books. A team that had been crafted as Grade Ten's, who after losing their first three regular season games three years ago, had only three loses since, winning three straight city championships, a Ridley Tiger Classic Tournament, a Canada Cup Championship in

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Montreal, and leaving Matt Sarmento as the school's all-time leading scorer with 65 points in 51 games. It has been fun watching these boys develop into the young men that they have become: Myles Sinclair, David Wade, Andrew Talbot, Matt Sarmento, Aaron Chen, Patrick Hayes, and Ross Yellowlees will be missed. These boys fought hard through the years to build a reputation of commitment and graciousness, and they surpassed all expectations. Winning championships is difficult, yet developing champions is even more so, and these young men are champions. They set the foundation for a program that is flourishing, with more good things lying in wait.

I have enjoyed this season immensely and am saddened to see it end. Looking back on the accomplishments of the Grads, one can see why:

This season saw many firsts for the Varsity; a record 11 players who only laced 'em up for St. George's; a tournament victory in Montreal in a dramatic final that saw us claw back twice before Ross Yellowlees sealed the victory, with Matt Sarmento being named tourney MVP; and a third city title defeating PW 5-1 to capture their third crown in three years. It was also a season of disappointments: David Wade, Matt Goulet, Sean Bagan, Braydon Jaw, and Julius Ho all moved on to chase bigger dreams, playing Junior Hockey. Another season that saw us make the provincial finals, which are played under a different rule set than City's and National tournaments, resulting in another second place finish. Yet as stated earlier, these young men are champions. And champions breed champions; we are returning three lines next season with Ross Cup leading scorer Naeem Bardai and work horse Alex Chang back. A goaltending duo that one might consider calling dynamic, Andrew Watson and Dylan Marrello Murray, who combined for an incredible 0.83 GAA. The future looks bright. As we have come to say, "We don't rebuild; we reload!"

• Aaron Chen: 2 years Varsity: Two Provincial Championship Silvers, Canada Cup Championship

• Andrew Talbot: 4 years Varsity: Provincial Championship Gold, three Silver, Ridley Tiger Challenge Cup Champion; Canada Cup Championship • Pat Hayes: 2007 Offensive Player of Year and 3 Ross Cup Final Appearances • Myles Sinclair: 3 years Varsity: Three Provincial Championship Silvers, Ridley Tiger Challenge Cup Champion; Canada Cup Championship

• David Wade: 3 years Varsity: Two Provincial Championship Silvers, Ridley Tiger Challenge Cup Champion; Canada Cup Championship • Matt "Doug" Sarmento: 3 years Varsity: Three Provincial Championship Silvers, Ridley Tiger Challenge Cup Champion; Canada Cup Championship, All Time School Leading Scorer • Ross "Dan" Yellowlees: 3 years Varsity: the Captain: Three Provincial Championship Silvers, Ridley Tiger Challenge Cup Champion Captain; Canada Cup Championship Captain Boys thanks for the time we have shared! I'd like to thank all who lent their support and encouragement; you have no idea what it has meant to us. To the parents, you are our rock, following us to ports unknown, lending a hand and sometimes a shoulder; we thank you. To the boys . . . training for next year starts at the end of term three! As always, keep your stick on the ice.

SAINTS' VARSITY HOCKEY 2008/09: 20 wins-1 loss/ City Champions/ Canada Cup Champions Grade 11's Alex Chang Naeem Bardai Ross Cup Leading Scorer

Rob Rand Kevin Isherwood Liam Grue Josh Brookstone Spenser Gudewill David Turner Dylan Marrello-Murray Andrew Watson Assistants Julius Ho Sean Bagan

Grade 12's: • Aaron Chen 2 Ross Cup Final Appearances 2008 Canada Cup Champions • Andrew Talbot 2004 Provincial Champions 3 Ross Cup Final Appearances 2008 Canada Cup Champions 2005 Tiger Challenge Champions • Pat Hayes 2007 Offensive Player of Year 3 Ross Cup Final Appearances • David Wade Assistant Captain 2 Ross Cup Final Appearances 2008 Canada Cup Champions

• Myles Sinclair Top Defensemen Assistant Captain 3 Ross Cup Final Appearances 2008 Canada Cup Champions 2005 Tiger Challenge Champions • Matt "Doug" Sarmento Leading Scorer: 30 pts in 19 games/ 67 points 3 year career-School Record Assistant Captain 3 Ross Cup Final Appearances 2008 Canada Cup Champions: MVP 2005 Tiger Challenge Champions • Ross "Dan" Yellowlees Captain 3 Ross Cup Final Appearances 2008 Canada Cup Champions 2005 Tiger Challenge Champions

Grade 10's: Zach Yuen Brandon Chan Zach Hillhouse Landon Weemers Josh Boyer Felix Klein Robert Neemo


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In the last 15 years at St. George’s, the “beautiful game” of soccer has taken on a much higher profile and when Coach Tony Mercer was asked to reflect on the good old days, his answer was: “Well, they really weren’t that good.” Prior to the 1994 season, soccer was played in the second term, also known as winter. As Vancouver’s weather in January and February is hardly conducive to the fast-flowing modern game, scenes of mud-soaked players and balls floating across the lake-size puddles were commonplace. Sometimes snow even prevented the hearty enthusiasts from playing their home and away epic battles against the Island schools: St Michaels, Shawnigan, and Brentwood. However, many fine soccer players came through the program back then, including John Catliff '82, who went on to play more than 50 times for Canada, and the superstars of yore are often seen at the annual Old Boys’ games on Remembrance Day.

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Instilling the


ISA Soccer Champions, September 2007

The change in seasons also made it possible to enter the Canadian Association of Independent Schools National Invitational Soccer Championships, an event in which the Junior School had competed for many years. This is often the highlight of the year as the mini tour brings the team together and is the impetus for success back in BC. Always finishing in the top eight, we have made the finals four times and each time the result was decided by a penalty shoot-out. Losing three out of four, we did gain the National banner in

Many graduates have gone on to play at the university level and recent graduate Brandon Bonifacio '07, has also played for the U20 Canadian team and is presently playing professionally in Holland. 2007. Saints hosted the CAIS tournament in 2002 and is about to do the same this October. This will be a wonderful opportunity to watch the team play against 20 of the best independent school teams in Canada. Is there life after Saints’ soccer? Many graduates have gone on to play at the university level and recent graduate, Brandon Bonifacio '07, has also played for the U20 Canadian team and is presently playing professionally in Holland. There is no doubt that so much has changed for the better. At the try-outs each September, more than 60 students regularly compete for the coveted 36 places on the two senior teams. The 2nd XI competes well in tier two of the Vancouver Schools’ League against the 1st XIs of other schools and won their league in 2008. Soccer is now a high profile sport and the team’s successes help to set the tone for the school year. But it is the love of the game that Coaches Lawrence, Tweedle, and Mercer try to inculcate in the players and if the grads go on to enjoy soccer at any level then the program is an unmitigated success.

The advent of Spring Rugby for the 1st XV opened up the fall term for the Senior Soccer Team. Suddenly a season of perhaps six games became one with highlevel competition in the Vancouver City League with such west-side powerhouses and local rivals as Lord Byng, Kitsilano, and Magee. Success in this league led to the Lower Mainland Tournament and potentially the AAA BC Provincials. Within the first few years, it quickly became apparent that Saints belonged at this level. In 1995, the 1st XI came third in the Province, narrowly losing to the eventual champions in the semi-final. Since then we have competed at the Provincials six more times and were Lower Mainland Champions in 2005. Competition with other BC independent schools continues through the BC Independent Schools Association Championships and since its resurrection eight years ago, Saints has walked away victorious five times.


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The Saints’ Swim Team

Reflections On the last 20 years

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In the spring of 1990, when I was interviewed for my current position as a senior science teacher at Saints, I was also asked if I could start up a swim team as the School had not had one for a few years and was in need of a coach. I felt my credentials in aquatics and passion for swimming would bring a lot to any school swim team, so I readily agreed to initiate a program. Little did I know that my coaching commitment would last for 20 years and evolve from managing a mere eight athletes to over 120 swimmers today. Nor did I anticipate that it would end with 14 Vancouver Richmond Regional Titles, nine Provincial Speed Swimming Championships, and eight Provincial Aquatics Banners.

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In the beginning, I knew from previous experience at North Delta that it would take several years to build a large enough team to at least be a contender for a Regional title, let alone a Provincial one. I set up a base line for the standards of practice that I felt would be a strong foundation upon which to build the team and which are still at work in today’s program.

I planned the workouts with a broad brush, so that each session encompassed at least four or more facets of the skills I was trying to develop. I dovetailed this with progressions in building an aerobic base and improving technique so that the swimmers would peak when the Regional Meet rolled around. I also wanted to develop an inclusive program that worked with all types of swimming abilities and experience. In other words, everyone “made the team” and it was about helping each swimmer optimize his own potential. Over the years we have had many instances of boys coming to the program in Grade 8 or 9 as non-swimmers and leaving with Provincial Medals by Grade 12. Three years into the program, I was asked by the headmaster at that time, Gordon Atkinson, if I would consider training the Little Flower, York House, and Crofton House girls as well. By this time, there were about 20 or so boys on the team, we were winning ribbons and medals at the meets, and we were consistently amongst the top ten in the Province. With the addition of girls, our numbers soon doubled. The coed training lasted for eight years and was finally phased out because the boys’ team had reached such huge numbers: 80 to 90 swimmers. We felt the pool could no longer serve both groups simultaneously— let alone the coaches! As the years passed, other staff members were hired to work with me and I believe it has been an ongoing synergistic effort that has built the team to its current level. Each person has contributed and worked in conjunction with the others and it has all added to the excellence of the program. Jeremy Sayers arrived in 1994 and brought a wonderful sense of humour, competitive experience as a triathlete, and a disciplined background from the military. Moreover, his talent for photography has resulted in many amazing “action” shots of our swimmers!

In 2001, Dustin Hersee, an Olympian, was hired to help with the coaching, and his charisma, expertise, and drive helped us finally to achieve our first Provincial Aquatics Title, which we have maintained for eight consecutive seasons. David Loutit (1996 to 2001) brought a strong competitive background from water polo and lifeguarding. He contributed a dry sense of humour and a strong presence to the program and worked hard to help the boys develop their aerobic base. David eventually took over some of the administrative tasks as head coach and brought in some innovative training, such as underwater filming of the boys to help with stroke analysis. As the team continued to grow, we hired an excompetitive swimmer and experienced coach, Monty Cahley, whose intense drive, great sense of humour, and genuine interest in the boys have been a real asset to the development of the team throughout the last ten seasons. In 2001, Dustin Hersee, an Olympian, was hired to help with the coaching, and his charisma, expertise, and drive helped us finally to achieve our first Provincial Aquatics Title, which we have maintained for eight consecutive seasons. Dustin has moved seamlessly into the position as Head Coach and has gradually assumed my previous responsibilities at the Regional and Provincial levels. We have worked hard together over the past few seasons to coordinate time trial results with entries in order to maintain a winning strategy at the meets and I have every confidence that he will continue to carry the team in an exemplary manner in the years to come. Most recently, Suzanne Weckend joined the program and has added her competitive experience as a triathlete and keen organizational skills to the program.

Élite swimmers must be multifaceted and require flexibility, a strong core, endurance, speed, power, and excellent technique. However, this alone does not make a winning combination. One must also develop strong mental focus, confidence, discipline, determination, and the motivation to persevere through injury, ill health, and life crises.


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On looking back, there are many watermarks I would love to describe but perhaps the most pivotal for me, and the School, was having Donovan Tildesley join the team. As many know Donovan went on to become a medalist at the Paralympics but it was his fierce determination and sense of humour that inspired all of us. At that time, he swam as a regular athlete in the BCs and later, Morgan Perrin did the same. It marked the beginning of a shift in Provincial Swimming as other teams started to enter students with challenges and today, they are readily embraced in the program.


Twenty years of Saints’ swimmers has made it difficult to remember them all, but a few family names come to mind such as Carline, Hindmarch-Watson, Strelzow, Wong, Hung, Jones, Chua, Roberts, Chu, Jung, Chan, Tildesley, Perrin, and Tsang. In total, over 1,000 boys have been part of the program. These boys have all enriched my life through their enthusiasm, willingness to work, and the sheer joy of watching them try their best during competitions and see them grow and improve over the seasons. This year’s Grade 8s will soon become the gold medalists of Grade 12. I look forward to watching the continued success of the Saints’ swimmers as I move on to the next chapter of my life.

Jeannette's passion for aquatics has been life long. She could swim before she walked and competed extensively in speed and synchronized swimming until her late teens. She then moved into coaching synchronized swimming, life-guarding , and professional scuba diving. During her undergraduate years she also worked as an aquatics and lifesaving instructor. She began her career as a science teacher in 1975 and, as a natural athlete, coaching volleyball, track and field, and, of course, speed swimming became part of her dedication to teach children. During her first season at North Delta Secondary (1976), her swim team won the Fraser Valley Championships and she has continued to hone her coaching skills since then. Early on, she also became committed to the Provincial Swimming Commission and has served on both the executive and Regional levels for many years. Jeannette was hired by St. George's in 1990 and the rest is history! Jeannette will be retiring in June. A special Pub Night will be held in her honour at the School on May 21 at 7:00 pm

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From the Archives:

Swimming The Early Years

In the Beginning When the School first opened, the 1933 Georgian magazine mentions that a swimming sports day was held at the Crystal Pool on Saturday, June 24. The Crystal Pool was a saltwater pool located not far from the present Vancouver Aquatic Centre. By the late 1940s and early 1950s, swimming was primarily a Junior School sport, although some Georgians recall that by the time a student was in Grade 7, he had to commit to either rugby or cricket and swimming may not have been part of the curriculum. Boys who did swim were transported to the local YMCA at Burrard and Nelson. In those days it did not do to be selfconscious, as the custom was to swim naked. By 1951, the program became more formalized and settled at the Canadian Memorial Church Pool, where the Junior School held its classes and Wing competitions. Wing meets also continued at the Crystal Pool. In the summer of 1968, Mr. Brangwin, a faculty member, suggested in a department meeting that the boys and staff build a swimming pool for the School. A referendum was held in September of that year and an enthusiastic 87 per cent of the boys supported the idea. David Overton was Head of the Athletics Department at the time. The project was to be funded in three phases: the first was a four-lane, 25-metre heated pool with provision for a onemetre board; stage two involved adding a roof and walls, and finally changing rooms for both sexes. The Swimming Pool Committee was formed with representatives from each of the Senior School classes. Fundraising for the Pool During the first year, $35,000 was raised and after a walkathon the following year which raised a further $22,000, the School Governors gave approval for the work on the pool to begin. Ongoing fundraising continued in a variety of ways: Mlle. Sellon published and sold a cookbook of French recipes, John Dolmage shaved his head, and Gordon Atkinson gave an organ recital. There were auctions, paper drives, bridge nights, a New Year’s Ball, and something called the “Swimming Pool Crawl” which raised over $23,000.00. By November of 1969 the first pool was completed and officially opened by the Duke of Edinburgh. He came that year to present the awards that bear his name.

On May 14, 1970 The Vancouver Western News displayed a photograph of the new pool with the headline “Drive Opens to Cover Swim Pool”. In the meantime, plans were already in place to rent out the 25-metre pool to raise the remaining funds needed to put a roof in place. It wasn’t until April of that same year, when “the weather warmed up and the heating system was triggered into action” that the first St. George’s School pool became a reality for the boys. It was named the Freddie Germyn Pool, after a donation was made to the School by Freddie’s mother and stepfather, following Freddie’s death in a car accident. The Senior Swimming Trophy also bears his name. By the end of the 1970 academic year, the School’s yearbook was already boasting that “swimming skill and conditioning has greatly improved after five months…” The Bubble In the summer of 1971, thanks to a gift of $4,500 from the Auxiliary and additional funds raised, a top was ordered and installed in early November. The blue and white “bubble” was made in Sweden by Barracuda and put in place by Fred Bolton Ltd. at a cost of $26,000.00. The “bubble” was held in place by large bolts on a retaining wall that surrounded the pool and deck area. With the installation of a covered pool, Grades 4 to 11 were finally able to have scheduled class time. Geof Stancombe looked after the annual raising and dismantling of the roof. At an appropriate time in Term III, Geof, usually assisted by Grade 12 students, would turn off the air and allow the bubble to deflate. The bolts could then be removed and the roof, which by now was floating, pulled across the pool and folded in, much the same way as a sail. With the start of Term I each year, when it was deemed too cold to swim in the open air, Geof and his gang would reinflate the “bubble”. It was a clear sign that a new term was about to begin. The swimming program continued to grow until the next major building campaign began in 1984. As the Wallace Gym was upgraded and a second gymnasium, later to be called the Dixon Gym, was built, for a short time, we were without a pool. The decision was taken to build a larger, six-lane pool, the one we enjoy today and which serves as the backdrop for Jeannette Nienaber’s article on the previous pages.



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Excellence The Pursuit of




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The St. George’s School Rowing Program offers a balance between top academics and high-level athletics which help to develop goal setting, teamwork, and exceptional time management skills.

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Success at the Canadian Senior Secondary Rowing Association Championships in St. Catharines, Ontario is also a testament to the progress of rowing at Saints. In the last three years, the St. George’s Rowing Program has won seven National Championship events and a total of 11 since 1986. As we strive to reach our potential, we can expect ever better competitive results over the next few years. A world-class rowing facility: The John M.S. Lecky Boathouse An exciting new chapter in the history of rowing at St. George’s began with a move into our new facilities in the spring of 2006. Under a partnership agreement between St. George’s School, the University of British Columbia, and the City of Richmond, the John M.S.

Lecky Boathouse was constructed on the middle arm of the Fraser River and became the permanent home of the St. George’s School Rowing Program. What it takes to be a rower at St. George’s School Rowers at St. George’s School are committed to their academics and understand the pursuit of excellence is as important as winning. Rowers are expected to attend all practices, commit to hard work (which is rewarded with success), and understand that the team is greater than the sum of its parts. At the Junior A—Grades 11 and 12 level, crew selection (distinct from team selection), is determined by overall athletic performance. However, selection is not based on one process, but rather on a combination of criteria including boat-moving ability, synchronization, technique, winning attitude, erg power, coach-ability, experience under pressure, belief in self and ability to add to the crew, athletic suppleness (ability to respond, focus and switch gears), desire to win, and regatta performance.

Rowers at St. George’s School are committed to their academics and understand the pursuit of excellence is as important as winning. Past championship crews have exceeded these expectations to achieve program objectives and individual boys have met or exceeded goals for university acceptance and Junior National Teams by working through this model.

The John M.S. Lecky Boathouse Home of the St. George’s Crew

The evolution of rowing at Saints Rowing has a unique history at St. George’s School and its origins can be traced to its founding in 1931. However, it wasn’t until 1986, under the leadership of David Darling, that rowing gained a permanent status as an athletic pursuit. In 1999, Craig Pond, Women’s Head Coach at the University of British Columbia, became the Head Coach of the Rowing Program at St. George’s School and a working relationship with UBC has evolved ever since. By 2000, the number of students interested in rowing had greatly increased, with up to 50 rowers on the water at any one time. After a number of years with competitive ‘small boat’ results at the national level, the program’s success in larger boats started to rival the results of more established rowing programs.


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Moving Forward: The St. George’s School Rowing Program In rowing, you are “only as good as your last stroke”, which means if you have a bad stroke, fix it, and if you have a good stroke, repeat it. The St. George’s School Rowing Program is locked onto the constant pursuit of excellence and is not content to rest on its past successes. Our goal is to rank amongst the best in North America and the World on a consistent basis. This year, with the support of the School’s administration, the Rowing Program was extremely excited to engage the services of two GAP students from New Zealand, who headed the Junior C Program (Grade 8). Additionally, we will be introducing two Rowing Interns next year to head the Junior C and Junior B (Grades 9 and 10) programs and have already received over 20 outstanding résumés, including three applications from Georgians. Together, we hope this will lay a foundation to achieve our future goals.

REGATTA SCHEDULE OCTOBER: • Head of the Fraser (John M.S. Lecky Boathouse, co-hosted by SGS and UBC) • Deep Cove Classic (North Vancouver) • Head of the Gorge (Victoria BC) NOVEMBER: • Head of the Lake (Seattle WA) FEBRUARY: • Western Canada Indoor Rowing Championships and On-Water Training Camp (hosted by SGS) • Elk Lake Spring Regatta (Victoria BC) MARCH: • Spring Break Rowing Camps (rotate between San Diego, Sacramento, and Vancouver Island) • Duelling Over A Grand (Victoria BC) APRIL: • Saints–College Boat Race (Vancouver BC) • Brentwood International Regatta (Mill Bay BC) MAY: • Opening Day Regatta—Windermere Cup (Seattle WA) THE DRAGON Spring 2009

• Shawnigan Lake School Regatta (Shawnigan Lake BC)


• Delta Deas Scholastic Regatta (Delta BC) JUNE: • Canadian Senior Secondary Rowing Association Championships (St. Catharines Ontario) • Old Boys’ Race—Georgian Crews vs. Current Rowers (John M.S. Lecky Boathouse)

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Beijing Olympic


The goal was to honour the Olympians and to inspire the St. George’s Rowing Program in the presence of the highest possible accomplishment, competing for Canada with the success of Olympic Gold. Not only were Gold Medal Olympians Kevin Light (bow), Ben Rutledge (two seat), Andy Byrnes (three seat), Jake Wetzel (four seat), Malcolm Howard (five seat), Adam Kreek (seven seat), and Kyle Hamilton (Captain and stroke seat) inspirational for their athletic accomplishments, but each Olympian carried themselves as gentlemen—approachable, intelligent, and perfect role models.

With a wide range of academic successes, including Law, Geotechnical Engineering, Masters in Mechanical Engineering, and PhDs in Economics from Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, University of British Columbia, and University of Victoria, the Olympians are shining examples of the correlation between rowing and academic excellence. The St. George’s crew enjoyed exclusive time with the Olympians to ask questions and gain insights into the type of commitment and dedication required to reach the highest rungs of success. Great video presentations and speeches contributed to making the dinner a total success. In addition, the evening managed to raise $10,000, which was a fantastic start to reaching our goal of $20,000 for the purchase of two new pair/doubles boats. Special thanks for the evening go to Spencer Martin, Head of Rowing Operations, Sara Getz, Heather Morris, Heather Schuetze, and the Rowing Parents’ Committee.

The St. George’s School Rowing Program was very proud to host a dinner on November 14, 2008 with members of Canada’s Olympic Gold Medal Eight. The “Beijing Olympic Gold Medal Dinner” was attended by 150 rowers and parents and was an inspirational evening from start to finish.



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Saints Let’s Go


Let’s Go!




In 1934, rugby was introduced by Headmaster, Mr. John Harker, who believed “the sport offered better training for boys than any other; not merely athletic training, but training in courage and unselfishness...and that it epitomized the cooperation and sacrifices which team games demand."

THE DRAGON Spring 2009

Since that moment, rugby has been at the cornerstone of the School’s Athletic Program. As we conclude the 76th season of rugby at St. George’s, the sport remains vibrant, true to Mr. Harker’s wishes, and at the heart of the School.


While mandatory rugby at Saints is now a distant memory, today, the program has grown to include over 250 boys from Grades 6 to12 with numerous championships and a spate of recent success.

first schoolboy tour of its kind in British Columbia. Today, an alternating twoyear cycle of Junior (Grades 9 and 10) and Senior tours (1st and 2nd XV) take place in the UK/Ireland or Australia/ New Zealand (see chart on the side).

Players and coaches take their challenges seriously and the main goal for everyone is to have a positive and enjoyable experience—win or lose. This must be the case. The sport continues its inclusive nature with boys of all shapes and sizes playing for their school at 1st and 2nd XV levels, A and B levels, and heavy and light levels. No “cuts” are ever made and all boys will get playing time. Our strength is in our depth.

So strong is our program that a number of players have earned representative honours at regional, provincial, and national levels. Playing for one’s country is a most worthy achievement and we are proud to call them Saints! (see chart on opposite page).

Touring has always been an integral part of rugby. For example, the 1956 tour to Australia was, we believe, the

Today, the School embraces the rich tradition that was laid down by our Georgians and all of us who steward the program look forward to “passing the torch” to the next generation of St. George’s players.

OUR TOURS 1956 1967 1970 1971 1974 1977 1979 1982 1986 1990 1993 1995 1997 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Australia Japan Eastern Canada England Britain and France Britain, France, and Spain Britain and France Britain and France Far East—China, Hong Kong, and Japan California Australia and New Zealand Australia Britain Argentina and Chile Australia and New Zealand Junior Tour to England and Wales California Junior Tour to England and Wales Australia and New Zealand Wales and Ireland

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MAINTAINING THE LEGACY OF RUGBY AT SAINTS The Dragon Fund is a perpetual endowment created for the rugby program at St. George’s School. Annual income from this fund allows the Head of Rugby to do some long-term planning with the certainty that funding will be available for the key initiatives that can significantly enhance the program. There are two key areas where this additional funding will make a huge difference to the quality and outcome of the rugby program:


1. EXCELLENCE IN COACHING The foundation of our program is built upon outstanding coaching. One of the ways we can assist our coaches, and ensure a better experience for the boys, is to provide them with more professional development. Our coaches need to stay abreast of the latest coaching techniques and methods being used by the top programs around the world and they also need to have the resources to recognize and inspire those students who make a difference, through the development of a Wall of Honour.

Canada XV Chris Barrett '07 Andrew Bibby '75 Richard Bice '88 Mike Chambers '53 Ian Cooper '87 Tim Cummings '60 Thomas Fraine '63 Robbie Greig '72 Barry Leigh '72 Stanley McKeen '00 Patrick Palmer '80 Angus Stewart '69 Barrie Stubbs '56 Conor Trainor '07

Canada 7's Michael Armstrong '96 Andrew Bibby '75 Ben Grant '05 Robbie Greig '72 Patrick Hamilton '82 Trevor Hammond '96 Patrick Palmer '80 David Stockton '03

2. OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS International tours have been an integral part of the St. George’s rugby experience since 1956. On each tour, approximately 45 boys travel and usually about five of those boys require some financial assistance in order to go with the team. We don’t want anyone left behind who deserves to go and that means finding between $15,000 and $20,000 to provide the financial support necessary for each tour. Moreover, the quality of the St. George’s rugby program has been such that a number of boys over the years have been invited to participate in the National Team Program. To encourage and support our boys to reach the next level of their rugby development, the creation of a Canada Fund will provide financial support to players who are invited to attend Provincial and National Team development programs. The level of support offered will be based on the boys’ financial need. Complete information on the The Dragon Fund and how your support can make a difference to this important program at St. George’s School, is available through: Don Livingston, Chief Advancement Officer at (604) 221-3883 or email:

Junior Representatives Beau Chapman '01 Thomas Cobb '04 Ben Grant '05 Benz Henrikson '06 Tyler Hotson '03 Colin Jarvis '06 Sam Jenkins '02 Zahid Jethani Edward Johnston '97 Fabian Leitner '00 James MacDonald '05 Angus McPhail Mike Mackay '04 Zandre Nemetz-Sinchein '04 Alex Perrin '07 James Potter '04 Dean Solloway Geof Stancombe '62 James Steeves David Stockton '03 Marcus Tholin '04 David Turner Ross Yellowlees

Canada U-21 Canada U-19 & U-21 Canada U-19 Canada U-17 & U-19 Canada U-19 & U-21 Canada U-17 Canada U-19 & U-21 Canada U-17 Canada U-19 Canada U-19 Canada U-17 Canada U-17 Canada U-19 & U-21 Canada U-19 Canada U-17 Canada U-19 & U-21 Canada U-17 BC & Canada Juniors Canada U-17 Canada U-19 & U-21 Canada U-19 Canada U-17 Canada U-17



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Let’s Go!



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The coaching staff at the School has tried to create a practice and competition schedule which gives the student body the flexibility to choose practice days and, at the same time, has the rigidity of a true program. We are no longer a drop-in sport, yet we have boys on the track and field team, who also represent St. George’s on the rugby pitch, the tennis court, the golf course, and the volleyball court, all of which are springtime activities. This year, we will have members of the First Fifteen, who will don the School uniform on the 4 x 100 relay team. In the past, when the BCHS Rugby Championships and the BCHS Track and Field Championships have been held across town from each other (UBC and Swangard Stadium, respectively), athletes have raced from one

venue to another in order to participate in two championships in a single day. On rare occasions, boys have won championships in both sports on one weekend. This philosophy of facilitating multiple interests and passions has worked well for the track and field team, having put four BC High School Championship banners in the rafters of the gym over the course of the last ten years. We were the first (and, to date, the only), single-gender school to win the combined girls and boys championship, amassing over 100 points with only our boys competing! Our program continues to produce great athletes and 2009 is no exception. Tim Smith is the defending BC High School Champion in the 400 metres and this year he will attempt the unlikely 400, 800, and 4 x 400 triple. He has committed to UBC for the fall. Matthew DalyGrafstein is the #1 ranked 110-metre hurdler in the province, and will also pole vault and long jump for the School. He is undecided between NYU, Cal–Berkley, and the University of Toronto. Grades 10 and 11 athletes to watch for include Eugene Su (100 metres, 4 x 100), Sebastian Munro (110 hurdles, 400 hurdles, decathlon), and Azar Chatur (3,000 metres, steeplechase). I was lucky to learn from a great St. George’s coach and teacher, Craig Newell, who was the foundation of this team for years. Now, Chris Johnson (endurance), Ryan Hvidston (pole vault and horizontal jumps), and a host of coaches from the University of British Columbia track and field squad collaborate with me to facilitate a team-oriented atmosphere within a sport that has been traditionally viewed as an individual pursuit.

A short time ago, anyone who wanted to be on a team could simply come out for track and field, get a uniform at the beginning of the season, and receive a pin at the end. Those days are gone and, while we are still among the largest participant sports on campus, the last three years have seen tryouts introduced in order to manage the continually growing number of student athletes who want to be members of the team. The track and field squad attracts two different types of boys: those who have the desire to specialize in track as their main sport and those who understand that the basis for their primary pursuit (soccer, basketball, rugby) is running, jumping, or throwing, and that dedicating the spring season to this cross training can facilitate dramatic improvements in other areas of physical activity.


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Saints Let’s Go


Let’s Go!

For a boy at St. George’s School, a typical school day is full and eventful, with involvement in classes, clubs, arts, music, homework, and service and charity. But it doesn’t stop there. Two and a half hours per week are also spent in activities that can involve running, lifting, swimming, skating, jumping, throwing, kicking, riding, climbing, stretching, reaching, cheering, or sweeping.

It’s about a lifestyle.





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Boys who participate in their selected sports or activities are provided with the tools to develop lifelong habits to keep themselves physically and mentally fit. By integrating instruction on diet and nutrition, today’s St. George’s School student is truly learning the basics of what it means to live a healthy lifestyle. Also, by insisting on an involvement in sport, St. George's School is providing another opportunity for students to learn problem-solving skills, build natural curiosity, and develop new interests. Along with a heavy academic load and the high expectations of academic success, many students benefit from activities such as yoga, which takes place in a relaxed environment and promotes healthy strategies to deal with stress. Our world is, and continues to become, an increasingly complex and pressure-oriented place. Finding positive ways to deal with life’s business, the better off our boys will be.

By integrating instruction on diet and nutrition, today’s St. George’s School student is truly learning the basics of what it means to live a healthy lifestyle. Compulsory Sports including activities involving 12 to 50 students teach each participant how to set goals, cooperate, negotiate, and occasionally deal with conflict resolution. Furthermore, they will learn to develop positive relationships, foster friendships and support, and encourage positive emotional health. Team activities in the Games Program require the boys to work together to achieve a common goal and remove the focus from the individual to the team. They develop their time-management skills by learning to juggle school, homework, family life, and their afterschool activity. Many sporting activities like Swimming and Track and Field emphasize the importance of this, as success is often measured in seconds. The Compulsory Games Program makes a major contribution to achieving personal goals and St. George’s teaches the importance of prioritizing and planning, while striving to achieve the best possible results. "Skill to do comes of doing." Ralph Waldo Emerson

WELCOME TO THE GAMES PROGRAM AT ST. GEORGE’S SCHOOL! The Compulsory Games Program is designed to complement each boy’s involvement in the School Community, to contribute to his overall sense of happiness, and to instill in him a healthy lifestyle, both now and for the future. Each term, boys select an activity, whether it is competitive or recreational, something at which they already excel or something they have never tried before—the choice is theirs!


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Saints Let’s Go!

SENIOR SCHOOL • Aquatics Provincial Champions; ISA Champions • Badminton 2nd Place in League • Basketball Provincial Champions; HSBC Champions • Cricket TBD • Cross Country 2nd Place at Provincials; ISA Champions • Field Hockey TBD • Golf TBD • Mountain Biking TBD • Rugby Grades 8, 9, and 10 ISA Sevens Champions • Alpine Skiing Provincial Champions • Snowboarding Provincial Champions • Soccer ISA Champions; 2nd Place CAIS • Squash ISA Junior Champions • Tennis TBD • Track & Field TBD • Triathlon TBD • Ultimate TBD • Volleyball 2nd Place in League • Waterpolo 6th Place at Provincials

St. George’s Athletics


St. George’s Athletics




Let’s Go

TERM ONE / September–November • Varsity Teams • Recreational Activities 1st XI Soccer Fitness Varsity Volleyball Hockey Training 2nd XI Soccer Morning Rec. Cross Country Badminton Varsity Swimming Volleyball Badminton Basketball Rugby Rowing Training Basketball 3 on 3 Yoga Ball Hockey Tennis Training Flag Football Learn to play Tennis Learn to play Golf TERM TWO / November–March • Varsity Teams Basketball Squash Ice Hockey Waterpolo Ski / Snowboarding Curling

JUNIOR SCHOOL • Basketball ISEA Champions; 2nd Place CAIS • Cross Country ISEA Champions (38 years in a row) • Rugby TBD • Soccer 2nd Place ISEA • Swimming ISEA Champions • Track and Field TBD

• Recreational Activities Fitness Rowing Training AM Badminton Basketball Officials Soccer Cross Country Training Rec. Snowboarding Track Training Sr. Rugby Training Yoga Scuba Rock Climbing Table Tennis Touch Rugby Triathlon Training Spinning Class

TERM THREE / March–June

THE DRAGON Spring 2009

• Varsity Teams Cricket Tennis Field Hockey Track & Field Golf Ultimate Rowing Volleyball Rugby Triathlon


• Recreational Activities Mountain biking Snooker Fitness Archery Sailing Basketball Training Softball Pool Kayaking Floor Hockey Rec. Games Spinning Class

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Chris Barrett receives the Sportsman of the year 2007 Award.

Sports at St. George’s


My son’s coaches, both as role models and ultimately as friends, will influence him for the rest of his life. Parent involvement also plays a key role in the success of the Athletics Program. Parents stand by the field talking and cheering with other parents, staff, and students. Communication takes place and friendships develop—all part of how a community comes together.

“Being a team player” is a key ingredient for success in life and what better place to learn than on the Saints’ playing field. It is my experience that the discipline, determination, and focus necessary to be successful at a sport develop attitudes and skills which are readily transferred to studies and eventually to a career.

Finally, I took great personal delight in seeing the playing field as a microcosm of Canadian society. Watching a Saints’ team with students from many ethnic backgrounds playing as a united body with a common goal is a delight to watch. This mutual solidarity assists to break down barriers both within the School and in the wider community.

Saints is blessed with the best coaches a school could have. Tough but understanding, they know how to encourage and foster leadership and determination on the field. These coaches with their amazing commitment serve as strong role models for our sons.

I’m hooked, I admit it! I miss the camaraderie of the Saints’ sports community. That’s why I was out at the recent Sevens Rugby Tournament on a beautiful April day, cheering and chatting with many old and new friends.

As the dad of a very sporty Saints’ grad, I spent many hours beside the sports field and in the gym watching games, cheering wildly, and contemplating the Saints’ Athletics Program. The high of winning the Grade 10 Provincial Basketball Championship and the devastation of the Grade 12 loss in the Rugby Provincial Championship will never be forgotten. It is more the day-to-day benefits of my son’s participation on Saints’ teams that I think about most often.


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LAMB Interview by: Bryan R. Ide '99

On November 11, 2008, Scott Lamb '79 was elected as the 40th President of the Georgians. Scott is a lawyer with the law firm of Richards Buell Sutton LLP in Vancouver and practises in the areas of Intellectual Property Law and Construction Law. Before being elected to lead the Georgians, he previously served as the Association’s Vice President. We recently had the opportunity to ask Scott about his role and goals as President. What does it mean to you to be President of the Georgians? It is a great honour to be President of the Georgians. In my role, I have the opportunity to meet many Georgians and, the more Georgians I meet, the more I am impressed with what a great fraternity of men constitute our Association. I am not only impressed by the very successful men in business, the professions, academia, athletics, and the arts, I am also struck by the great character they show. I see many things: a love of St. George’s School, generous philanthropy, and a generosity towards and respect for fellow Georgians.

THE DRAGON Spring 2009

What do you want to achieve as President?


As President I hope to increase our efforts to locate, contact, and engage Georgians with our organization and the School. To do this, we will continually improve the many popular events we host locally. We are also in the process of establishing Georgian chapters in other cities so those who do not live in the Vancouver area can host similar events to become connected to Georgians in their area.

Moreover, I want to build the fraternal cohesion of our organization. As I have said many times, we want to strengthen the ties of Georgians to the School and to each other. Having served on the Georgian Board for a number of years, what changes over time have you noticed in the Association? The Georgians are hosting more and better events with increased participation. For example, the Annual Dinner has become a signature event for the Association with the creation of the Georgian Awards which are presented at the Dinner. This year, we had a full McLean Hall for a great night highlighted by the presentation of the Lifetime Achievement Award to Alan Brown '54, the Distinguished Georgian Award to Dr. John Spouge '71, and the Young Georgian Award to Dr. Rod French '86. There was a tremendous fraternal feeling in the room that night and warmth and humour filled the celebration of outstanding achievements of these three great Georgians. We are also creating a stronger institution in the Old Boys’ Association.

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1. the preparation of a comprehensive Strategic Plan; 2. revising and updating the Constitution of the organization; and 3. the creation of the position of Manager of Georgian Relations to co-ordinate and manage Georgian events and initiatives. This has helped us to become more focused and better organized. Where do you want to see the Association in the next five to ten years? The next five to ten years will require further strengthening of the institutional organization so that success does not entirely depend on a few dedicated individuals. As a result, I will be constantly on the look-out for enthusiastic Georgians who want to step forward to take on a role as a Year Captain, a Committee Member, or a member of the Board of Directors. It is important that the Georgians become the rock solid foundation upon which the School can depend in good times and bad. Under some of your predecessors, the Georgians have experienced a resurgence. Neil Menzies ’82 rebuilt the Association while Alex Tsakumis ’84 significantly raised the profile of the Georgians in the St. George’s community. How will you continue to momentum and take it to the next level? In order to take the Georgians to the next level we will need to execute our Strategic Plan and in particular, we will need to: 1. build our Year Captain system so that each year of graduates has an organization to keep their year strongly connected together, to the School, and to the larger Georgian community; 2. improve our data base of information so we can communicate with our Georgians more effectively; 3. create active Georgian Chapters in other cities, such as Toronto, Calgary, Hong Kong, and elsewhere; and 4. improve and increase participation in our events, such as the Homecoming Rugby Games on May 2nd. These are exciting times for the School and the Association, especially as we begin the search for the School’s next headmaster and as we create the next Strategic Plan. In what way do you think the

Georgians should be consulted on these two important issues? Alumni are the heart of any great school and the Georgians are no different. We attended the School, we donate to the School, we send our sons to the School, and we help the School throughout our lives in a myriad of ways. We also see ourselves as the guardians of the traditions and values of the School. The stronger the Georgians are, the stronger the School will be. As a result, I believe the Georgians should have direct input into the selection of the next headmaster and the development of the next strategic plan. Without the active support of the Georgians, these two important initiatives of the School will not be successful. In my view, this means that those charged with carrying out these initiatives should contact Georgians from all eras and backgrounds, maintain regular communications with the Georgian Board of Directors on these initiatives, and give the Georgians important roles on those decision-making bodies. From the time you were a student at Saints to now as President of the Georgians, what are your feelings on how the School has evolved? The School has moved forward on its trajectory from the time I was a student in the late 1970s. The academic standing of the School has grown and will continue to do so into the future. Programs have expanded to create an enriched and diverse environment. Consequently, our students regularly gain admittance to many famous universities and institutions. Also, the athletics programs have improved and place Saints at the top in the Province. We had great rugby teams in my day but we now have great teams in nearly every sport you can imagine. A great example is the AAA Basketball team which recently won the Provincial Championships. As my fellow Georgian Director Bruce Jackson '78 has said, "in our day we didn't win too many basketball games, we were really the rugby team in tank tops". The School sits now as the best School in the Province and is considered among the very best in Canada. I truly believe that it is poised to become one of the great boys’ schools in the world. Its path has been set long ago and has been led by a succession of dedicated headmasters, teachers, parents, and, of course, Georgians.

Central to this have been three things:


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It’s clear, in the deadline driven universe of the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games, that when it comes to work, Taleeb Noormohamed '94 is all business. As Director, Corporate Strategy and Partner Relations for the Vancouver Organizing Committee (VANOC) for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, Taleeb is responsible for VANOC’s overall relationships and negotiations with all its government partners and for addressing key issues ranging from strategic planning and security negotiations to tax remission and the Olympic Truce at the UN. He is also responsible for VANOC’s Canada’s Games strategy and has negotiated agreements to bring each of Canada’s provinces and territories into the Vancouver 2010 family. He has been very active on the Board of Directors of a number of organizations including Covenant House Vancouver, the Leukemia Research Fund of Canada, and the West Vancouver Community Centre. Before joining VANOC, Taleeb worked as a senior adviser to the Privy Council Office and later as Executive Director of the Air India Flight 182 Bombing Review and Inquiry. In 2007, he received the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award from Governor General Michaëlle Jean.


Interview by: Bryan R. Ide '99


THE DRAGON Spring 2009

We keep hearing about the Olympic spirit. What exactly is this Olympic spirit and what does it mean to you?


First, I think it’s important to remember that we are the organizing committee for the Olympic and the Paralympic Games. Two distinct sets of activities, but really one big celebration of excellence for us all. With that in mind, I think this spirit is, fundamentally, the belief and the attitude that we will act ethically, creatively, and collaboratively in our desire to be the best that we can be and to help others achieve their own success. I think it’s really the ideal that we will, as a result of these games, inspire Canadians and, indeed, everyone who comes into contact with these games to achieve things that they never could have imagined they could achieve. That’s what the Olympic and Paralympic Games are all about: pushing us all to achieve our own greatness, whatever that means to each of us, as we overcome our own personal challenges, whatever they might be. The Olympics are much more than just competitive sports. Can you talk about the issues surrounding sustainability, the environment, partnerships with First Nations and other communities, social inclusion, and responsibility?

I am convinced that these games, perhaps more than any games in history, will leave a legacy that will fundamentally alter how we see one another, how we relate to our First Nations, how we act in a manner which respects our environment, how we deal with the challenges that our fellow citizens face, and how we dare ourselves to do things that require us to reach outside our own limitations. If one looks at the partnership with the Four Host First Nations as an example, what one finds, is a dual partnership. By creating opportunities for our First Nations to showcase their cultural assets and their skills, we have made richer the story we tell the world and added a level of creativity and inspiration to how we at VANOC do our business, whether it’s our Look of the Games or delivering critical parts of our operations. On the environment, we have taken unprecedented steps to protect habitats, to design our venues in an ecologically responsible and sustainable manner, to use, for example, pine-beetle wood in the construction of venues, and to limit the waste that we generate, from construction sites to how much we print. For us social inclusion has not just been about a theoretical discussion of the problems that some of our fellow citizens face with homelessness and addiction. Rather, it LOGOS USED WITH PERMISSION

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Taleeb Noormohamed '94, holding Quatchi, one of the Olympic mascots.


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has meant creating tangible ways for us to improve the lives of others while giving them an opportunity to help stage these games. Our partnership with Rona to build a fabrication shop in the Downtown Eastside has not only provided skills training to a significant number of individuals, it has also allowed those skills to be used to produce items essential for the delivery of the games. This training and experience is a legacy that will last long after the Games come and go. These games are as much Vancouver’s games as they are Canada’s games. How are you engaging the rest of Canada to celebrate the games in Vancouver? One of the most challenging and rewarding parts of my responsibilities at VANOC is to help fulfill our mandate and commitment that these are Canada’s Games. To that end, I have spent much of my time ensuring that every single Province and Territory is a partner in these games and that their citizens benefit from these games being here in Canada. We want the world to come here and see what our country’s rich diversity of culture, of economic strength, of opportunity across sectors is all about, and the best way for this to occur is for each Province and Territory to work with us to help tell their story. At the same time, these Games are a wonderful way to inspire people to lead healthy and active lives. By working with schools, governments and communities across the country, our hope is to inspire people to live their own Olympic and Paralympic moment. I really do believe that this is happening, whether it’s the woman wearing a Vancouver 2010 pin with incredible pride at the coffee shop in downtown Charlottetown or the hundreds of kids who come out to meet our mascots in faraway places like St. John’s and Inuvik, every one of these individuals is touched by these games and their conviction that they, as Canadians, own a piece of these games in their heart and mind.

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Who do you see as the key stakeholders and what are the challenges in managing these various groups?


Really, our stakeholders are the athletes, the IOC and IPC, our sponsors and governments, and of course all Canadians. When you speak of challenges, VANOC has taken an approach that has meant we aren’t managing these groups, as you say. Quite the opposite! Because we see our partners, regardless of whether they are a commercial or non-commercial entity, as partners, they help us to solve problems, they work with us and understand what we can and can’t do. I think this is very much driven by the fact that we can speak frankly and candidly with one another about where we see things going and how we need to work together to ensure the success of the games. For us, this is one of the most

important parts of our job. We constantly communicate with our stakeholders so that we can be ahead of problems and proactive in ensuring our collective success and satisfaction. Success in this context is not just about operational success, it is also about ensuring that we help to return value to the investment that our sponsors’ partners and others have made; it’s about providing our athletes with the best venues and the best support for their success; it’s about building a team of people who believe in one another and what they do. Above all else, it’s about not only knowing we left things a little better than we found them, but that everyone who has invested a part of them in this, feels as though they were part of a legacy which will last as a real marker of what we can achieve when we work together. That’s success for us! There has been a lot of press coverage recently about the cost overruns for the Olympics, whether it is the Olympic Village or security needed during the games. Is it really still worth bringing the Olympics to Vancouver? Unquestionably yes! At a time when the whole world is looking desperately for ways to improve the mood of citizens, to create opportunity, and to stimulate local and regional economies and create ‘brand awareness’ for cities and countries, we have the gift of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Not only am I talking about direct spending here before and during the Games, but also the opportunity our city and country will have to show the world what we’re all about. Whether it’s how we delivered venues on time and on budget, in innovative, creative and cost effective ways, or what a great place Canada is to visit and to do business. It’s also been a great way for us to improve infrastructure that will bring business, tourism, and trade to BC for years to come: the RAV line to the airport which, as someone who has travelled to every province and territory at least twice in the last couple of years I can tell you will be an asset to travelers: the Sea to Sky highway: or the opportunities that the new Convention Centre presents. All of this will be showcased during the Games to leaders, journalists, tourists, and executives from around the world. I haven’t even mentioned what this has meant for the improvement for social housing or the intangible benefits of a newly inspired population. So I’d ask you, given all this, where would we be if we didn’t have the Games? We are privileged to have this opportunity and it’s up to all of us to realize its potential value. I think Premier Floyd Roland of the Northwest Territories put it best when asked a similar question: “How can you not support the Games? Not to take advantage of this kind of opportunity shows a real lack of leadership”. He and

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There are few things in the world that push you to be as creative, as nimble, as intellectually agile and physically resilient as working at VANOC. Recognizing one’s own limitations and how to challenge them in order to put on the Games, one must check one’s ego at the door. The only road to success is when the entire team learns that they are not alone: there’s an entire country pulling and that when the team feels itself to be out of gas, it will either see someone excited about the Games on television, or one of Canada’s athletes competing on one of our venues, and all of the members realize just how lucky they are, as a team, to be part of this. Can you describe what your role with VANOC is? As Director of Corporate Strategy and Partner Relations, I’m responsible for a few key pieces of our business: raising our non-commercial revenue through our partnerships with Provinces and Territories, communities, and municipalities; managing our overall relationship with the Federal and Provincial Governments, Vancouver, Whistler and our Venue Cities; providing strategic advice to other parts of VANOC on how to work with our Senior Governments; sharing responsibility for managing Government Communications, and ensuring that we deliver services to our Domestic Dignitaries and Special Guests during our Games. I also share responsibility for helping to deliver the Olympic Truce Resolution at the United Nations and developing a meaningful legacy project internationally that is inspired by this resolution.

It is probably no exaggeration to say that you are living and breathing the Olympics every day. Can you share with your fellow Georgians your experience of working at VANOC? Can you give us an insider’s look into VANOC and what have you learned from this experience? I’m not sure I can do it justice but let me try. Imagine being under a microscope 24 hours a day, seven days a week, knowing that every deadline is non- negotiable, and that no matter what you do, the show begins on February 12, 2010. The clock is always running. It’s an exhilarating experience because you’re racing against the clock with some of the most intelligent people you’ll ever meet from around the world. Some have worked many games but, for others, these are the only games they know. Everyone is working as a team towards one goal. Our people, from our volunteers to our Board, and everyone in between, all of us know how to pull together and trust each other to deliver.

I’m passionate about what I have the privilege of doing, because every day, I have the chance to feel as though I’m a part of something that is bringing Canada and Canadians a little closer together around something in which they all believe and about which they all feel good. As part of the hope that all Canadians will contribute to the Olympics, what are you doing personally? I do believe that I have the best job in the company, without question, because I have had the opportunity to work with every province, territory, our federal government, and all our local municipal partners to find ways to inspire Canadians from every corner of our country to be part of the Games. Whether supporting the Torch Relay as it crisscrosses Canada, the Cultural Olympiad, our athletes through the Own the Podium Campaign, or signing up to be volunteers, Canadians are stepping up. I personally help to create avenues for people to participate by showing them what they can do and how they can join in. As I’ve travelled across Canada, I cannot express to you how great it feels to know that wherever we are, in whatever part of Canada we wake up in, because of these Games, we’re always at home, and around people who see our success as their own.

his colleagues across the country are already seeing the value and benefit of these games, not just to Vancouver, but to the whole country, as a real beacon of hope and inspiration for Canada.


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Georgians, camaraderie, and life-long friendships have early beginnings. Back in the spring of 1969 when I was in Grade 10 at Saints, three of my classmates and I headed out to Long Beach, Tofino in a Volkswagen Beetle. That was before the area became a National Park and when there was only an old logging road to get there! Now fast forward to July 2008, 39 years later! Two of these buddies and I gathered at the Bowron Lakes Lodge, along with our children, to navigate what is ranked by Outdoor Magazine, as one of the top ten canoe trips in the world.

The Bowron Lakes

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Adventure of a Lifetime!

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Ross Waters '71, his son, Braeden '98 (age 28) and daughter Brittany (age 25), Tom Jennings '71, and his daughter Chloe (age 14), my own two sons Hayden (age 16) and Torsten (age 14), and I had reserved our group passes six months earlier and we were well prepared for the adventure of a lifetime. Early the next morning we went to the Park Ranger’s Registration Centre to receive our orientation. Little did we realize just how amazing and awe-inspiring this trip was going to be and that all eight of us would bond as one larger family. I first heard about the Bowron Lakes from a well-known outdoor photographer, guide outfitter, and author, Chris

Harris, whom I had met in 1998 at Echo Valley Ranch & Spa near Clinton, BC. He planted this canoe trip seed in my head. A small irony is that Chris was one of the originators of the Outdoor Trek Program offered at Prince of Wales High School, after which the Grade 10 St. George’s Discovery Program was loosely modelled. Coincidently, Hayden had just finished the Discovery Program a month before we started out. Our journey began with the longest portage of 2.4 km from the Registration Centre to Kibbee Lake. For portaging, we had strap-on wheels and conveniently loaded most of our supplies into the canoes. The weather had been overcast but the sun streamed down on us for our first launch. Within five minutes, we encountered a mother moose and her calf crossing the shallow reed-filled lake right in front of us! This was truly awesome and proved to be our good trip omen and was only one of many shared bonding moments throughout our expedition. As it turned out, we had every “group” campsite to ourselves for the whole trip and they were all great. They had level and well-drained tent-pad areas, plenty of firewood, outhouses, and metal bear-proof lockers.

“The Bowron Lake Provincial Park is a magnificent wilderness situated in the Cariboo Mountain Ranges of central British Columbia. The park covers an area of approximately 121,600 hectares and, within its boundaries, is a circuit of eleven lakes connected by portages and rivers. This roughly rectangular water system forms a completely enclosed 116 km wilderness canoe circuit that is unique to our planet. No other canoe circuit combines the beautiful rivers, spectacular mountain scenery, placid lakes, and varied wildlife of the Bowron Lake route.” *


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They were well protected by trees but always with a view over the lakes. The first night saw us camp on Indianpoint Lake, the second of the series. The next day, after some evening showers, the sun beamed down again as we canoed to where the lake narrowed and became very shallow. Guided by orange markers, we weaved our way through the tall reeds until we came upon a tiny lake with another awesome sight. A very large male moose with a spectacular rack was wading around in shoulder-deep waters. We maneuvered ourselves as close as possible without invading what appeared to be his early morning ritual. Every time he raised his head from feeding on the underwater reeds, the water glided like liquid silver down his rack, separating at each antler point like mini-waterfalls draining back into the lake. Feeling blessed, we watched in awe for over 20 minutes. That night we camped near Wolverine Bay on Lake Isaac, the longest lake in the circuit (almost 70 km). The shoreline was mostly rocky and the icy cold water was crystal clear. The lake was sandwiched between two rows of mountains and the surface became choppy in the afternoons as the wind tunnelled down its long narrow funnel-like shape. Day three had us commencing upon a very lengthy canoe journey to just past the middle of Isaac Lake. Our campsite had the best vantage point and we could look either north to our left or south to our right. We had a soft sandy brown beach and despite the lake’s chilly waters, the kids went swimming and learned the art of canoedel-bobbing! Before dinner, ominous dark clouds had formed at the northern end of the lake and there was echoing thunder and lightning flashes quickening in tempo. As this storm headed towards us, the lake whipped up into three-foot waves and the wind began screaming all around, bending trees and scattering leaves about us. Then the rain, mixed with hail, suddenly pounded down upon us, as we huddled under our group tarp.

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There were more lighting bolts and the rolling roar of thunder rumbled on down the length of the lake echoing off the large granite-walled slopes into the southern valleys. It became dark very fast but just as


quickly the wind died down and the sky lightened with a golden hue of the setting sun. The lake grew calmer and the rain suddenly stopped. Looking south, the storm continued its journey and we celebrated our close encounter with nature’s fury with a welcome protein dinner and juice packs. The next day within half an hour of heading out, it began to pelt down with rain. Canoeing with ponchos, rain gear, and tarps, we clung to the rocky shoreline all too mindful of the on-coming squalls and the churning waves that could swamp us. On either side were towering mountains with their avalanche chutes scarring the dense green slopes, where we had hoped to spot grizzlies. Apparently these were their favourite vegetation spots for grazing on wild berries. At the end of Isaac Lake we came to the Chute. This camp area had a nice concrete-slabbed cooking hut with a fireplace, peaked roof, and solid picnic tables. Dangling from the rafters were miniature carved canoe paddles with names and dates of the adventurers who had come before us. We contemplated whether or not to ride the Chute (a short stretch of white-water rapids recommended for experienced canoeists only) or portage our way to McLeary Lake. Tom, Ross, and Braeden were the most experienced and skilled canoeists amongst us. I gained my confidence knowing that Hayden had acquired his white-water ticket and had canoed the Stikine River only weeks before. Several of us tested the Chute section with no supplies aboard and managed the thrill and its endorphin-laced adrenalin rush. Then the rain came. Torrential rain! But, we were lucky, we had shelter. We hung up our wet equipment and cooked our dinner. Then we got out the crib board and played into the evening using candles and lanterns. The next day before heading out, a young German couple arrived and we encouraged and advised them on ‘shooting’ the Chute rapids. They were grateful and the young man photographed us as we headed out one by one slicing through the rapids and bobbling down the white water known as the “Roller Coaster”. It was a total thrill and I was glad we had risen to the challenge presented by this stretch. It all happened so fast and within two minutes we were well down the river and had to pull out to avoid the Cascades Waterfall, a drop of about eleven metres. We portaged the rest of the way to McLeary Lake. This was the beginning of a very lazy drifting paddle. Moving water can be so quiet yet all powerful. It was like a slow overflow from one lake to the next before becoming a river. Once again, we encountered a moose in a very shallow marsh land flats. The terrain was levelling out into a widening valley with magnificent snow-capped mountains far off in the distance.

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Cariboo River was one of my favourite sections. As we meandered along past river sand banks and canal-like openings through tall reeds, we saw beaver lodges and dams, chewed sticks and muddy trails, with tracks leading up and over small marsh humps. The air was dry and a pleasant soft breeze warmed us as we glided down the river. Nature just kept presenting itself as we drifted faster. The sounds of the alder trees rustled with the occasional breeze and the shallow waters rushed over pebbled spots, bubbling and popping over and around tree snags. Marsh birds chirped. It was all about being in the moment and inhaling life! We entered Lanezi Lake, which then merged into Sandy Lake and then we had another slow moving drain towards Unna Lake. This was a very isolated lake in an atmosphere of alpine-like meadows. It was very shallow with darkened waters and sheltered from the wind. It reflected the mountains and tall trees like a blackened mirror. Had we continued beyond our turn-off point, we might have been headed for certain disaster as the 24-metre Cariboo Falls lay only a short distance away. The pounding spray rising up was like a cool steam bath. Instead, we opted to hike to an astonishing view of a thunderous display of raw force. We heard the roar long before we emerged from the alpine forest. The power of nature can take so many forms and yet it can be so mellow too. We camped the night at picturesque Unna Lake. The early morning steam arose from this glass-like surface creating an eerie and ethereal atmosphere. The distant landscape mesmerized me with its constantly shifting appearance. The next set of lakes included Babcock Lake, to which we started out with a short portage from a ranger station. The temperature was rising and the black flies were out. We were only too happy to get back on the water and paddle around near to the high floating reeds that acted as a shoreline. The mountains appeared so far away and it felt more like a flood valley. It was an ideal place to catch glimpses of moose, bear, or deer. Except

Again, we encountered a female moose before portaging to Skoi Lake. The portages were shorter and easier. Within the hour, we leap-frogged on to Spectacle Lakes. Near the middle, we ran aground on an inviting sandbar, which forced us out of our canoes in order to drag them to the other side. I wanted to go for a swim but the younger generation was suffering from “get home-itis”. Talk of hamburgers and milk shakes and creature comforts gave way to a determination to return home. Instead of spending one more night, the majority decided they wanted to head for home base. I was despondent. I didn’t want this spectacular journey to end. We dug in and paddled hard and up beyond Swan Lake into a maze of smooth canals weaving through more marshland at the south end of Bowron Lake. Once into the clear, we were faced with a stiff breeze. Through sheer determination, like seasoned warriors, we defied the prevailing winds and clawed our way back to our home base at the Bowron Lakes Lodge. We savoured our victory burgers, fries, shakes, and celebratory beer before driving all the way to Tom’s place near 100-Mile House, where we curled up in our sleeping bags on soft mattresses inside a warm house. The odyssey was over but my outlook on life was forever changed. I felt united with this band of adventurers. We had all shared that deep feeling of being at one with nature and the universe. I’m sure everyone was abuzz with the marvel of the grandeur and beauty of this amazing journey, experiencing a reverence for our planet earth and its place within the universe. Four months later, Ingo Schmiegel, a German photographer emailed and directed us to his website to download photographs of us breaking through the Chute and tackling the Roller Coaster. A total stranger had become our friend and had captured and shared our moments of truth, triumph, and spirit of adventure. * Chris Harris has guided the Bowron Lakes over 100 times and has written an invaluable hand-sized guidebook with maps, diagrams, and helpful instructions, which of course we used in our preparation: “The Bowron Lakes – A Guide to Paddling British Columbia’s Wilderness Canoe Circuit”. Chris has also published a hard-bound pictorial coffeetable sized book entitled: “The Bowron Lakes – British Columbia’s Wilderness Canoe Circuit”. If you’re considering taking this trip, I would advise you to get them both! His website is:

What kept us from succumbing to the monotony of the constant paddling was not just the dramatic change in scenery but that we alternated the groupings in the canoes with every outing. This allowed us to get to know one another, bond, and integrate. The generation gap was narrowed. We made group decisions and took turns leading off in our respective canoes: one big family on a journey of adventure and discovery. We canoed along side by side telling stories, jokes, riddles, singing songs. We were a floating family of fun and laughter.

for the peaceful symphony of sounds from the ever present marsh birds, it was all so quiet. The lapping water against our canoes took on a rhythmic cadence as we plowed through the mirrored waters. With every stroke, the beads of water dripped off my paddle disrupting the shimmering smooth reflections of the white puffed clouds and pale blue skies high above us.


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Ben Cooper '95 is Manager of the Men’s National Teams Video at Hockey Canada. He was recently at the World Junior Hockey Championships in Ottawa, where he served as video coach for Team Canada. Working under Pat Quinn and the rest of the coaching staff, he helped Team Canada capture its fifth straight World Junior Championships. This month, he will be working in the same role under Team Canada General Manager Steve Yzerman at the Men’s World Championships in Switzerland as well as for the Men’s Canadian Olympic team in 2010. The Dragon had the chance to sit down with Ben to ask him about his experience at Hockey Canada.


CAPTURING GOLD Interview by: Bryan R. Ide '99 What was it like winning the World Junior Hockey Championships? What was it like in the building? It was an unforgettable experience from start to finish and was surreal and extremely rewarding to be part of it. Long hours of hard work went into it and after we won, the noise of Scotiabank Place was louder than in any arena in which I’ve ever been. Standing on the blue line, singing the anthem, and watching our flag being raised is a feeling I will never forget as long as I live.

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To what do you attribute the success of the Junior program, culminating in their fifth straight gold?


meal times, practice times, which players roomed together, who sat next to whom in the dressing rooms, transportation, team building events, technical and motivational videos meant for months of detailed preparation. The Hockey Canada Management does a great job of putting everything together so the coaches can just focus on coaching. We also had Steve Yzerman, Mark Messier, and Dale Hawerchuk speak to the team about their experiences representing Canada. I can say, without a doubt, we were the most prepared team in that tournament.

There are a lot of factors. Canada has an extremely deep pool of talented hockey players from which to choose and that is a testament to all the coaches and minor hockey programs in Canada who have helped with their development. We only had four returning players from the previous year yet we had numerous 17- and 18-year olds who stepped right in and produced. I was amazed at their maturity and skill level. They all had great character and, as a result, came together as a team, which is so important in these tournaments. Our players also had an enormous desire to win. They were literally willing to do whatever it took and that became their sole focus throughout the tournament. We had players who had been first-line players all their lives, who were now on our fourth line accepting whatever role was asked of them.

How does the coaching staff at Hockey Canada inspire the players to bring out the best in them?

No other country can match our physical style of play and it certainly intimidated other teams. A great deal of work went into this by the coaches and all the Hockey Canada staff. Not one single detail had been overlooked. Everything from nutrition, team meetings,

Can you explain to our readers what exactly you do as a video coach?

Each player was given a role to fulfill. Pat Quinn said to the team: “You know the saying there is no ‘I’ in team? Well that’s bull…it starts with I”. What he meant was: each player had to be accountable; they had to play their role on the team to the best of their abilities so that collectively the team would be better as a whole. The coaches were almost never satisfied. They were fair, yet they were constantly pushing the players to be better. During one of the intermissions against Germany, I think we were up something like 4–0, Pat Quinn came in to the dressing room and he wasn’t too happy. We were making little mistakes that didn’t mean anything against Germany but, against Russia or Sweden, it might cost us the gold medal.

I am an extension of the coaching staff. I help get the team prepared through the use of video. Leading up to selection camp, I might breakdown video of

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What in your opinion makes a good coach?

players from our long list in order to determine which players might be invited to selection camp. In particular, I prepare video of the NCAA players, unknown by the coaches. We also scouted, through video, CHL players from the CHL/Russia Challenge games for selection camp. Throughout the tournament, I would be constantly breaking down video of our play and all the other teams in the tournament. Every day, I’d prepare video for our team meetings. Some of it would show our play, both negatives and positives, and some of it would show our opposition and the type of systems they would use. During the games I would be in the coaches’ office, sitting in front of multiple monitors and a computer, on radio with one of our assistant coaches in the press box, and another assistant coach on the bench. I would break down the game on a computer in real-time using a hockey editing software. I would mark about 25 different aspects of play throughout the game as it happened. I could then immediately relay certain things to the coaches on radio or show it to them during the intermissions. I would also prepare motivational videos as well as commemorative videos for the team. Our software allows us to pull up very specific things to show in an instant. It’s a sophisticated program used to prepare us as a team.

There are many good coaches and many factors that go into the making of a good coach. At the élite level, I’ve noticed that some of the best head coaches don’t over-coach. They let the players play. They put a system in place, they get the team to buy into that system, they give a role to each player, motivate and push them to work hard, and then let their skill take over. They’ll make little adjustments here and there as needed but they don’t turn the players into robots by detailing out every possible situation. The game is too fast for players to have to think about every situation during the game, they just need to instinctively read and react. Besides work, what role does sport play in your life? In your personal life, how do you incorporate sport into a healthy lifestyle? When I’m not travelling I still play hockey twice a week. The Hockey Canada office is located inside a rink so we hold some decent games every Thursday at lunch. In addition, I also play rugby for the Calgary Canucks Rugby Club. What was the process you went through to reach this point in your career? Prior to moving to Calgary, I lived in Toronto for seven years. It was there I got my start as video coach for the Toronto Marlies of the American Hockey League. The Marlies are the farm team for the Maple Leafs. I did that for several years, working with current NHL Head Coach Paul Maurice and also former NHL Head Coach Greg Gilbert. I learned a great deal working with them, developed my video skills, worked hard, and built up a good reputation. From there an opportunity came up with Hockey Canada. I had interviewed for the same position I now have two years prior and didn’t get it. When the guy they eventually hired at that time moved on to become video coach for the Florida Panthers, I interviewed again and this time got the job.

How important has video become in preparing teams for competition?

It’s critical. Every team in the NHL now has a video coach and almost every team in the CHL has one as well. Even most Tier 2 Junior A teams have someone who makes the video. Nowadays if you don’t use video you’re at a huge disadvantage. Having said that, there are some head coaches out there who use a ton of video and some who use very little but they all use it to some extent.


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1951 • In his long art career Bill McLuckie, a Vancouver painter, has produced a large number of paintings in watercolour and oils and his works are included in numerous art collections, both corporate and private. He has also been sought after to do many Commissions. To view a number of Bill’s works, you can visit his website at


1957 • Chris Harker, not surprisingly, went into the family business – though in the public sphere. Having taught and administered in schools in several countries for 35 years, he retired and, with his wife Catriona, established a safari company. Since 2001 they have organized and escorted safaris to Tanzania ( several times a year. In addition, they volunteer for a Canadian-based NGO known as CHES that provides secondary education to girls in the Hanang district of Tanzania. Chris has recently published a book, White Necklace, which describes contemporary life for young adults and the work that he and Catriona do in this very poor third world nation. Anyone wishing more information on either safaris or CHES is encouraged to contact Chris at

• Derek Sidenius and his wife Naiwei Bai, co-founders of Wan-Da Tour Company of Victoria, are offering tours to all parts of China, Tibet and Southeast Asia. Their office is located in Victoria (1.888.369.2632). They offer a five percent discount on all tours for St. George’s students, Georgians, and their families. • Dr. Jon O. Strom retired from 45 years of dental practice. He spent five years with the Royal Canadian Dental Corps and 40 years in dental practice in West Vancouver. He is presently volunteering as a cross country timing official at Whistler Olympic Park in Callaghan Valley for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games. 1961 • Thomas J. Sadler of Lakewood, Washington, acceded to the position of Chair of the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) for 2008–2009 during NASBA’s 101st Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts. NASBA is the largest regulatory oganization in the world. Over 650,000 Certified Public Accountants are regulated by NASBA members in the U.S. and worldwide. As Tom shares with us, his accomplishment is not so bad for an American whom Mr. Roxburgh wanted to send down the road on many occasions and whom the late Mr. Parker-Jervis '35 thought was un-teachable!

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Chris and his son, Robb.


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• Dave Denholm wrote in to share all the exciting news about his family. After 30 years as an ordained pastoral minister with the United Church of Canada, David has put that behind him and, as of January 1, 2009, he started Holms-Den Enterprises - Home Improvements and Home Renovations in and around Stettler, AB where he has been living for almost 22 years. His partner of 34 years, Patricia Lansdell-Denholm continues to intrigue and please the folks of Central Alberta and beyond with her pottery, Pottery by Patricia. Dave’s son, Murray, age 29, is to be married to Lori in Leduc, AB on June 20, 2009. His daughter, Lisa, age 26, is finishing her degree in Education and is moving to, where else but, Vancouver, BC.

• As Chairman and Manager of the Philippine Infrastructure Development Fund, Christopher Harriman is currently active in advising the Philippine President and Cabinet to advance their nation’s building efforts to further their national prosperity initiatives. He writes that he has been fortunate to have been a steward of new enterprise, at the apex of the birth of four of our world’s newer nations as a strategic and special business development and political advisor to four international leaders: the Prime Minister of Brunei, the President of Namibia, the Prime Minister of Thailand and the President of Kazakhstan. Outside of his leadership advisory role, this will be the eighth country with which he will have been an integral part of re-birth and or economic revitalization.

1971 • John Dolmage writes that he has completed a lifelong dream of converting a work boat to a yacht. It has been a seven-year project which is now complete and can be seen on his and his wife’s (Lee) website at 1972 • Michael Moore (performing name Michael Waters) is coming out with his next CD. To learn more about Michael’s music or to download some sample songs, you can visit his website at 1975 • Andrew Bibby became President and CEO of Grosvenor Americas at the beginning of 2009 and is now working in San Francisco. He is responsible for the U.S. and Canadian operations of Grosvenor, the international property development, investment and fund management group. Although Andrew is in San Francisco, his son, Oliver, remains in Grade 8 at Saints. • The Canadian Library Association has just published a book by Guy Robertson entitled Unofficial Wisdom.

1978 • Dr. W. Gordon Kruberg continues to engineer his tiny Linux computers that are the size of a stick of gum. In 2003, Gordon started Gumstix in the garage of his Portola Valley, California home, near Stanford University, which he shares with his wife, Nancy, and their four daughters. He has built the growing company by taking on many roles, including both CEO and lead hardware architect. Fellow Georgian Don Anderson ’77 brings these technical products to market and Gumstix now has customers in more than 40 countries around the world. This is their third company together over the past eight years, even though Don, with his wife, Barbara, and their two sons, resides and works in Vancouver, BC.



1980 • Justin Rigsby is currently the Chair of the Board of Directors of the BC Chamber of Commerce. As part of that role, he is the BC representative on the Board of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. The BC Chamber of Commerce is the “Voice of BC Business” representing over 32,000 businesses and over 125 Chambers of Commerce from across BC.

1976 1982 • Scott Nicoll has been appointed Chair of the Board of Kwantlen Polytechnic University.

• Geoff Wheelwright has been living and working in the U.S. since 2006. He works in Redmond, Washington at Microsoft and manages parts of the “TechNet” website for information technology professionals on the website.


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1986 • Since early 2007, Derek K. Miller has been on leave from his job as Communications Manager for Vancouver’s Navarik Corp. because of ongoing cancer treatment. The good news is that he’s still around, still hanging out with his wife Airdrie (née Hislop) and daughters, Marina and Lauren. He is still posting updates to his long-running blog at He turns 40 this summer, and will be glad to.

• Joseph Ng writes that since leaving Saints, he has lived in over eight cities and completed his four years of work in China at a manufacturing joint venture. He has since moved on to finish his MBA from the Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, and has worked as a management consultant in Toronto. After traveling for 80% of the time with the Boston Consulting Group, he has now moved to the Bay Area to work in corporate strategy for a software company. 1999


1987 • Mark Redcliffe opened Jordan Capital Markets Inc. on October 9, 2008, of which he is currently President and CEO. Jordan is the first new IIROC registered Investment Dealer in BC in the past 10 years. As Mark states, timing is everything! 1988 • Peter Bell has taken a year off from his job as legal counsel with the Department of Justice to deploy to Kosovo with the Canadian Forces. He is now a Lieutenant-Colonel in Pristina working as the Policy and Plans Advisor for the NATO Military-Civilian Advisory Division that is setting up the new Kosovo Security Force. His wife and four daughters are taking advantage of his absence by travelling the world. 1989 • Boris Bong has recently been promoted to Managing Director at Squadron Capital, a fund of Asia private equity funds, based in Hong Kong. • Chris Taylor is an award-winning journalist in New York City. 1991 • Paul Carpenter is married with three children and is living in Old Greenwich, CT. 1993

THE DRAGON Spring 2009

• Scott MacKenzie is a litigation lawyer at Boughton Law Corporation in Vancouver and his wife, Sarah, is Director of Sales and Events at Culinary Capers Catering.


1997 • Neil Chantler and Louisa Morris will be married on August 29, 2009. Neil also made a career move this year, transferring to the law firm Fiorillo Glavin & Gordon where he is practising labour and employment law.

• Jonathan Cooper has been promoted to Marketing and Franchise Director for Macdonald Realty Group. • Andrew Gardiner moved to Beijing China in April of 2008. Andrew hopes to improve his knack for the Chinese tongue. He hopes his time in China will allow him to seek further opportunities as a tri-lingual Canadian working overseas (he is also fluent in French from his studies at St. George’s). • Colin George graduated from NYU School of Law last year and is now working at the Manhattan offices of Kirkland & Ellis LLP, a law firm. 2000 • Pasha Khamneipur writes that after a decade in the U.S. and away from Vancouver, he has obtained his MBA at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France and Singapore. He has recently moved to London, UK to work for consulting firm McKinsey & Company. He welcomes fellow Georgians in London to get together for a drink and reminisce about wood working class with “Daddy” Stancombe '62 or “Fridays” with Mr. Bauman. 2001 • Warren Miles-Pickup was recently interviewed by the Vancouver Sun. In the article, he was providing advice on how investors can get some security given the volatile financial markets. He recommended selling some of the portfolio and moving into incomeproducing securities, including high-yield corporate bonds, real-estate investment trusts, mortgages and preferred and dividend-paying shares. 2002 • Adam Braverman graduated from Ryerson University in 2006 with a BFA (Honours) in Film Production. He currently works in the film industry in Vancouver as a camera assistant.

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• Adam Goldenberg graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Harvard University with a Bachelor of Arts in Social Studies magna cum laude in June 2008. He recently joined the Office of the Leader of the Opposition in Ottawa.

• Chris Taylor '89 and his wife, Line Jean-Louis, their second son, Julien Taylor, on December 11, 2008.

• Spenser Rocky is graduating this month with a Bachelor of Commerce from UBC. Over the past year, he has enjoyed serving as President of the Commerce Undergraduate Society. Spenser was honoured to be named the Most Outstanding Male in his graduating class. He is excited to start a career this fall in the Toronto office of the Boston Consulting Group. He writes that in the meantime, he will travel Europe and hopefully Africa, but don’t tell Mom!

• Faculty member Michael Atkinson and his wife, Eunjung, their first child, a son, Charlie Kim-Atkinson, on December 31, 2008. Charlie Kim-Atkinson

2005 • Russell Street writes that several Georgians competed for Canada and won gold at the World Ultimate Championships held last summer at UBC. In the Mixed Division were Brendan Wong '00, Tyler Hislop '01, Mark Leduc '03, Russell Street '05, and Scott Hislop '06. In the Open Division was Marc Roberts '95. The following Georgians were on the Canadian Junior Boys Team that won silver: Andy Siy '08, Martin Jim '08, Myles Sinclair, and Tim Tsang. Ole and Elias.

• Christian Johannsen '99 and his wife, Nicole, their first child, a son, Tyler Bradley Johannsen, on January 9, 2009.


• Zach Wittenberg has graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Geography/Urban Land Development from the University of Western Ontario.

• Kenneth Li '95 and his wife, Ivy, their first child, a daughter, Chelsea Li, on February 2009. • Doug Wagner '75, a granddaughter, Ayma Wagner, on February 26, 2009. • Scott MacKenzie '93 and his wife, Sarah, their first child, a son, William Roderick MacKenzie on April 10, 2009.

• Ole Tietz and fellow Georgian Elias Hammer '06 rowed in the German Long Distance Pair Trial. Christian holding Tyler Bradley Johannsen

• Braeden Waters '98 and his wife, Norna, their first child, a daughter, Devyn Reeves Waters, on April 17, 2009. Devyn is the first grandchild for Ross ’71 and Louise Waters and first niece for Adam Jolly ’02. William Roderick MacKenzie

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PASSINGS • Geoffrey P. Plant-Richmond '72 on May 15, 2008 at Toronto, ON. • Edward S. Paschall '55 on May 24, 2008, at Cardiff, California. • Douglas A. Moore '35 on July 18, 2008 at Kelowna, BC. • John G.H. Nitti '70 on July19, 2008 at Coquitlam, BC. • Michael Blaire Pellatt '70 on August 6, 2008 at Victoria, BC.


• David W.Abbott ’66 on August 31, 2008 at Vancouver, BC. • Charles M. Cree '47 on September14, 2008 at Austin, Texas. • Gordon A. Iversen '53 on November 9, 2008 at New Westminster, BC. • Chris Caple '71 on November 14, 2008 at Victoria, BC. • Richard F. Gosse '41 on November 18, 2008 at Vancouver, BC. • Gormeillia (Corrie) Johnson on December 9, 2008 at Surrey, BC. Mrs. Johnson was the Grade 1 teacher from 1956 until her retirement in 1969. • Justin W. Brown '01 on January 17, 2009 at Vancouver, BC.

GORDON THORLAKSSON '56 On Sunday, March 1, 2009, a number of Georgians celebrated the rich & wonderful life of Gordon Thorlaksson ’56. His last few years have been spent on Bowen Island, at Tungstell Bay, where he followed his dreams and enjoyed the beautiful surroundings that Island living gave him in plenty.

THE DRAGON Spring 2009

His many friends of the Island made everyone welcome in every way, and gave real reason for becoming an Islander.


Horace Harrison ’54 recounted the Saints side of his life, supported by Derek Simpkins ’54, Barrie Stubbs ’56, Phil Ramage ’56 & his wife, and Barry Madden ’59. Horace gave a great collage of events of those years that most had no trouble imagining Gordon in each scenario. He excelled in sports and was on the Australian Rugby Team, the offshoot of which, Gordon kept that group together by organizing many Hy’s lunches for the teammates. He broke and held many Track and Field records that seemed they would never be equaled.

• Bill Hamer '54 on January 27, 2009 at Kelowna, BC. • L. Gordon Thorlaksson '56 on January 30, 2009 at Vancouver, BC. • William A. DuMoulin '51, father of Philip Du Moulin '84, on February 1, 2009 at Vancouver, BC. • Nenad B.L. Katalinic '79 on February 21, 2009 at Vancouver, BC. • Antony St.V. Parker-Jervis '35 on Novemeber 17, 2008 at Vancouver, BC. “PJ” was a long-time faculty member, brother of Noel '36, half-brother of Chris Harker '57, and father of Nicholas '61 and Leigh '66.

CHARLES CREE '47 Charles Cree '47 passed away on September 14, 2008. He and his brother, James, went to Glenlyon-Norfolk School in Oak Bay, Victoria and then to St. George’s School while their father was a commander in the Royal Canadian Navy and was based in Vancouver, Victoria, Esquimalt, and Prince Rupert. When his father left the Navy in 1944, due to ill health, Charles and the rest of his family moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico. His father later received an offer to be the British vice-consul in Houston, Texas. Charles graduated from the local high school, age 15, in 1947. Charles then attended Rice University for a year after which he joined the U.S. Navy for two years and fought in the Korean War. He was a Corpsman 3rd Class when he was discharged in 1952. He then returned to Rice to complete his education while the rest of his family moved to California. While attending Rice, he would meet his future wife, Carolyn. They were married on June 6, 1959 at Trinity Episcopal Church in Houston, Texas. They would have celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary this year. They have three grown children, Graeme, twins John and Dianne, and three grandchildren. Charles joined IBM in 1960. After 36 years as a senior program and software architect, he retired from the company in 1996. He had many patents credited to himself and his colleagues while working at IBM. Many of the things used today in computers Charles helped to create. Charles and his family lived in many interesting places, including twice in Germany, while Charles was with IBM. The family was fortunate to be able to return to Texas for Charles’ work. The family made a special trip to Vancouver to visit St. George’s School. Charles was so happy that he could show the School to his wife. It was a wonderful time and Carolyn hopes that one day she and her daughter will be able to visit Saints again! Carolyn Cree

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MARRIAGES • Kenneth Li '95 to Ivy Chen in August 2005.

Adam and Erin

• Adam Braverman '02 to his high school sweetheart Erin Winberg on July 6, 2008. • Bruce Symons '80 to Melissa Nicole Van Der Meer on August 8, 2008 in Calgary, AB. Bruce’s best man was his son Jon Robert Symons. • Alan Clarke '72 to Sonia F. Mansalapus on September 21, 2008 in Gasan on the island of Marinduque in the Philippines.

Alan and Sonia


• Doug Tennant '85 to Susy Baranszky-Job on August 23, 2008 at Gunn Lake, BC. In their wedding party were their proud children Krista, Erin, Olivia, Nick, and Mikylo. Wedding pictures can be seen on their website

CORRECTION The editors of The Dragon would like to make some corrections to the article, “The Castle,” which appeared in the Spring 2008 edition. Thank you to Airlie Ogilvy, President of the Alumnae Association of the Sacred Heart, for clarifying a number of points.

Bruce and Melissa

The school’s closure was not due to declining numbers of students, but rather the declining number of nuns. Quoting Airlie Ogilvy, “With fewer religious available for running the school, it was with deep sadness that the Society had to close the school in 1979, which, indeed, at the time was thriving.”

The statue, now replaced by the statue of St. George, was not that of Mary, the Mother of Christ, but rather of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for whom the order was named. This Sacred Heart Statue can be seen at St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Burnaby, BC dedicated to the memory of the Religious of the Sacred Heart who taught so many students from the time of the Order’s arrival in Vancouver on February 12, 1911 until the school’s closure on June 30, 1979.


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1) California Georgians’ Evening at the home of Gordon Kruberg '78. 2) Georgians Careers Day: Rod French '86 speaks to the boys as Bruce Jackson '78 and Michael Skene '85 look on. 3) Annual Georgians’ Dinner: Class of '71 4) Annual Dinner: Chris Carpenter '85 (l) and Stephen O’Keefe (r) 5) Annual Dinner, from l to r: Faculty member Daryl Wakeham, Al Marler '70, Georgian Lifetime Achievement Award winner Alan Brown '54, Geof Stancombe '62, and Michael Stanger '96. 6) Annual Dinner, from l to r: Steve Millen '70, David Rolfe '49, Jake Kerr '61, and Alex Tsakumis '84





THE DRAGON Spring 2009

The Archives needs your help


When the Fraser Valley flooded in 1948 were you a member of "A" Squadron (St. George’s) BC Regiment Cadets? we would like to gather stories of your time spent helping the farmers in the Fraser Valley rescue stranded and marooned livestock. It is our understanding that the School transported between 40 and 50 boys every day for about a week to help valley residents. Elizabeth S. Knox Archivist and Historian St. George’s School T: (604) 221-1363 E:

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yearcaptains The success of the Georgians depends on those who have devoted their time and energy. One important set of volunteers is our group of Year Captains. What is a Year Captain? A Year Captain is the designated contact person for his respective Class and serves as the primary link between his Class and the Association. What does a Year Captain do? The overall responsibility of a Year Captain is to ensure that every Georgian from his Class is connected with the Association and the School. A Year Captain plays a role in: • spreading word about upcoming events, • keeping in touch with members of his Class, • acting as a point of contact and information source, and • helping to locate lost Georgians from his Class.






Ward McMahon

604 643 7447


Al Marler Steve Pocock

604 802 8445 604 828 5197



We are looking for Georgians to step forward to be Year Captains for the following years:

Paul Mitchell-Banks Bruce Jackson

604 761 2853 604 761 8580


Scott Lamb

604 661 9227


Stephen Jackson

604 661 0742


Simon Jaques

604 662 1800


Neil Menzies

604 731 1100


Brian Grant Duff

604 684 4613


Ryan French

604 844 5373


Stephen O’Keefe

604 264 4653


Gavin Reynolds

604 661 0809


Dirk Laudan

604 640 4154


Rodan Gopaul-Singh

604 418 5721


Geordie Hungerford

604 736 8500


Travis Dowle

604 687 3707


Curtis Fairclough

310 600 2502


Michael Armstrong Warren Shum

604 659 8006 778 998 0909


Bryan Ide

604 221 3885


Matt Ilich

604 640 0533


Tristan Sawtell

604 482 2515


Gavin Dew Bo Meng

604 417 6339 416 779 8345


James Potter

604 605 1123


Daniel Chan

802 377 7877

1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969

1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977

1990 1991 1992 1994 1997 1998 2002

2003 2005 2006 2008

If you would like to be a Year Captain, please contact Prentice Durbin '89, the Year Captain Co-ordinator, by phone at (604) 631-4986 or by e-mail at:

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! T U BLE rros: .1304 O D AVAILnAuya-B0a4.224 L SO LIST ing Bi 6 IT . Y s.b WA t Ms orge

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Be a part of the first St. George’s School Gala

FAIRMONT HOTEL VANCOUVER Friday, October 2, 2009

THE GALA This Gala will be a once in a lifetime celebration for Georgians, past parents, current parents, new parents, and staff.

GALA CONTACTS: FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TICKETS: Ms. Ying Binuya-Barros: 604.224.1304 | GEORGIANS: Bryan R. Ide '99: 604.221.3885 | PAST PARENTS: Leslie Scragg: 604.264.7525 | Timmy MacKay-Dunn: 604.731.2332 | Lin Lin Hsia: 604.272.6567 |

Proceeds from the Gala will go towards the St. George’s School Endowment, the primary goal of which is to provide scholarships and bursaries to make the St. George’s world accessible to deserving boys. It will be a fabulous evening of dining and dancing at the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver. It’s going to be a magical evening and THE EVENT OF THE YEAR!

Gala Website:

I T ’ S





St. George’s School 3851 West 29th Avenue, Vancouver BC V6S 1T6 Canada 40580507

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