ASLS 7th Grade's Twournal Apr 2011 - May 2011
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@HolyTweek Holy Week through the eyes of the characters that lived it, reported on Twitter.
Copyright Š ASLS 7th Grade 2011
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, without whom we'd have nothing to tweet about! The class of 2012 at Abiding Savior Lutheran School All the teachers/students who helped make @holytweek awesome! TWITTER!
HolyTweek's Twournal
Sun Apr 17 03:31am #Jesus - Short on time, had to leave Zachaeus's house early. On to Jerusalem. Something not sitting right in my mind/soul. #hlytwk 11:04am #regularguy47 - man there is a buzz in town today. Me thinks something or someone important is coming. #hlytwk 11:06am #plmtrees4less - What a day! I have never sold so many palm branches, if this keeps up - early retirement! #hlytwk 12:06pm Luke 19:28-44 - John 12:12-19 - Matthew 21:1-11 - Mark 11:1-11 #hlytwk 03:51pm #avgdude It IS Jesus! "Hosanna - blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Prepare ye the way!" Have you seen his miracles? #hlytwk 04:04pm #ilovemydonkey - Just gave my donkey to some followers of Jesus, not sure why. Just felt right. hmmmm. #hlytwk 1
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06:09pm #zechariachfanclub - Zechariah was right! - Zechariah 9:9 07:03pm #Jesus - That was some entrance, feeling very popular, like a celebrity. If these people only knew what was coming. #hlytwk 09:35pm #iheartjerusalem Heard excitement today, the man called Jesus of Nazareth came to town. Hard to believe what they say about that guy #hlytwk 09:47pm #Jesus - really praying for strength to trust my Father's plan for this week. #nervous #hlytwk
Mon Apr 18 02:26am #hghnmty These parables and this "Christ" are dangerous. We must find a way to arrest him, while not upsetting the people #hlytwk 12:12pm #hghnmty In meetings this morning. Trying to determine how to avoid another "triumphal" entry into the city. #hlytwk 01:50pm #Jesus Why would (CRASH) these people use (BANG) my Father's house as a (SMASH) place for robbers?!? Ow! Splinter! #hlytwk 01:55pm #Peter Wow Jesus is on a rampage! He just overturned a bunch of tables!!!!!!! #hlytwk 01:57pm #Barabas I HATE the Romans!!! #hlytwk 02:00pm #Crossguy1 Burning a Roman Centurion to death is fun! #hlytwk 02:06pm #judman Ha Ha People lost their money. I could pick it all up and be RICH! #hlytwk 03:31pm #averagedude Just arrived with the fam in Jerusalem for the passover. Lots to do. Town is buzzing! #holytwk
HolyTweek's Twournal
03:48pm #averagedude Got the last room in town. Heading to the temple to pick up a goat and two doves for a sacrifice. #holytwk 03:56pm #soldierboy Who does this Jesus think that he is? We've always sold things in the temple, what makes it wrong now? #holytwk 04:33pm #girlw/wings - sitting up here on a cloud . . . , OH! Look! Jesus knocked stuff down. Guys ya gotta come see this. Go! Jesus GO! #hlytwk 04:55pm #averagedude got goat at BenJacobs in town. Priest in the temple said some guy stormed in and cleared the place out! #hlytwk 04:57pm #holyroller1 Running a temple is expensive. How are we going to make any money if this Jesus makes a big deal over selling things.#hlytwk 04:58pm #holyroller2 I know! This is our biggest fundraiser. He is ruining everything for us! #hlytwk 05:02pm #killer Craziness in temple! Just killed some innocent people. Wait here come the po po. Party's over. Everybody RUN! #hlytwk 05:04pm #centurion - Just caught some really bad guys. One killed, one burned someone UGH! Gonna crucify them Friday! #hlytwk 05:06pm #John - crazy day so far - What was Jesus talking about with the fig tree? Then the episode in the temple. #strangetimes #hlytwk 05:09pm Scripture for Holy Week - Monday - Matthew 21:12-19; Mark 11:15-19; Luke 19:45-48 and John 12:20-36 05:59pm #itsPILATEnotPILOT Big mess in the temple. Why is every one making a big deal about a trouble maker?????? #annoyed #hlytwk 06:03pm #SimnCyrne My gosh!!! Just heard that Jesus overturned the temple *sigh* Great, I'm gonna have to do my errands at the temple later #hlytwk
ASLS 7th Grade
06:06pm #SimnCyrne My wife is going to kill me if I can't get the errands done at the temple by 1:00. We're having guests for the passover #hlytwk 06:31pm #pilateswife - this "Jesus" guy is giving my husband headaches. #hlytwk 06:39pm #oilmary - whnt to the temple to buy some perfume. All the tables and merchandise were all on the floor! #hlytwk 06:40pm #marymags - Jesus tipped over tables in the temple?!?!?! I hope he stays out of trouble. #hlytwk 06:42pm #Peter - #Weird The disciples and I are walking along, we see a tree, Jesus says some words, and BOOM the tree withered. #hlytwk 06:42pm #holyroller1 Oh great! Now he is healing people. I am sure people are wondering why WE don’t do that. #hlytwk 06:43pm #holyroller2 I have had enough of this guy. We have got to decide how to get rid of him. #hlytwk 07:22pm #averagedude gotta chck out his rabbi Jesus. Talk of the market and heard bout his miracles back home. He's in town. Nice! #hlytwk 07:43pm #mommymary - my son! I have missed you. You come back and I'm so happy to see you. Then you go and tip tables in the temple? Why? #hlytwk 10:49pm #cheapdoves this Jesus guy comes into the temple and turns over my table? I don't think so! #hlytwk 10:51pm #cheapdoves Jesus couldn't have been talking to me when he mentioned robbers...could He? #hlytwk
Tue Apr 19
HolyTweek's Twournal
01:50am #averagedude listened to Jesus tonite. Liked what I was hearing, except for the destroying the temple part. Not sure about this guy! #hlytwk 01:54am #averagedude Warned to stay away from Jesus by hghpriest. Will see what tomorrow holds.Goodnight Jerusalem! Happy Passover everyone! #hlytwk 11:57am Today's Scripture for #hlytwk - Mark 11:20 - 14:11 - Matthew 21:18 - 26:14 - Luke 20 - 22:6 01:54pm #Jesus Today has been a good day. I've done lots of preaching, I've questioned authority, and I'm predicting my death. #hlytwk 02:00pm #mommymary Those priests just questioned my son! But He handled it vry well. Ha! They wr so confused when He asked them abt baptism! #hlytwk 02:02pm #Peter Uh oh, the pharisees and saduccees just questioned Jesus they gonna get it!!!!!! #hlytwk 02:03pm #Jesus Oh Yeah, I've also withered a fig tree and told my disciples that they need to believe in me more. #hlytwk 02:06pm #Peter How much more faith do I need Jesus????????#hlytwk 02:08pm #Jesus If you have enough faith, Peter, you will be able 2 move a mountain. #hlytwk 02:12pm #jamesd Nice view of the temple from the Mount of Olives. Hanging with JC, Peter, John and Andrew. #hlytwk 02:14pm #have2see Jesus just told us he's going to prepare a place for us. I'm confused. Where is he going? #hlytwk 02:23pm #have2see How does Jesus think we are going to find the way if we don't know where he's going? We can't read minds like him. #hlytwk
ASLS 7th Grade
02:28pm #saduccee You know Jesus, "I don't really believe that there will be a resurrection." #hlytwk 02:49pm #iheartjerusalem Saw Jesus in the temple this morning the chief priests & the scribes & elders are really questioning his authority #hlytwt 02:52pm #oilmary - found some very expensive oil. I can't believe I paid that much! #hlytwk 02:56pm #MaryMags Why does Jesus want us to pay more taxes? We pay enough already! Sometimes I just don't understand! #hlytwk 03:35pm #John #Jesus said that if we had more faith we could move mountains. Don't know what to do with that. #confused. #hlytwk 03:45pm #averagedude In the Market getting Sedar Supplies (@ Wheat4Less) http:// 4sq. com/xy4t5 #hlytwk 04:10pm #Centurion Where does this #Jesus think he gets his authority? The only people who have authority are Caesar & r gods. #jupiterocks! #hlytwk 04:50pm #averagedude After talking and listening at the market, gotta go find Jesus. He could be the real-deal! #hlytwk 05:02pm #averagedude FOUND HIM! #hlytwk http:// 05:11pm #jamesd--Hey, I'm in that pic following Jesus! #hlytwk 05:33pm #holyroller1 Oh, for Pete’s sake! The Nazarene is back in the temple again, preaching and teaching. #hlytwk 05:36pm #holyroller2 You know y don’t u? He raised some guy named Lazurus from the dead so they want to see what other “tricks’ he can do. #hlytwk 05:36pm #holyroller3 Just look at the reaction of the people. You would think that Jesus was the only good preacher in Jerusalem! #hlytwk 6
HolyTweek's Twournal
05:47pm #judman oh come on! Jesus says we need more faith?. Haven't I shown enough faith already. What more do I have to do? #hlytwk 05:50pm #girlw/wings hey #God, we need to help the disciples and give them more faith. Flight goggles on! Come on angels! Away! #hlytwk 06:19pm #have2see Jesus told us to "be always on the watch, and pray that we will be able to escape all that is going to happen" Lk 21:36 #nervous 06:33pm #itsPILATEnotPILOT Well, yeah he turned over tables but I just heard of Jesus telling people to pay taxes to Caesar #notbad #hlytwk 06:34pm #have2see Jesus told us 2 "be always on the watch, & pray that we will B able 2 escape all that is going 2 happen" Lk 21:36 #nervous #hlytwk 07:18pm #averagedude Following Jesus around town is exhausting. Need to take a break and finish up Sedar prep for this pm. #hlytwk 07:20pm #averagedude @#sadduces #hghnmty what's up with all the questions, don't you know Jesus is going to restore Israel! Get with it man #hlytwk 07:40pm #oilmary I was in town 2day & I hrd ths Jesus guy preaching. Is He rlly the Savior of the world? I think so! Hope to see or meet him #hlytwk 07:43pm #simncryne What does Jesus' parable of the tenants mean? It's so confusing. Giving me a headache. *UGH* #needanaspirin #hlytwk 07:50pm #killer In jail now hanging w/ #Barabas and #crossguy1. #hlytwk 07:52pm #Crossguy1 I hate the stony lonesome, to many rats. #hlytwk 07:53pm #Barabas So #crossguy1, #killer what did you do to get in here??? #hlytwk 7
ASLS 7th Grade
07:55pm #killer Just look at my twitter handle. #hlytwk 07:56pm #Crossguy1 FIRE! Romans don't like it, but I love it! #hlytwk 07:58pm #centurion - #itsPILATEnotPILOT says SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! 08:00pm #killer If I ever get outta here, #itsPILATEnotPILOT is next! #hlytwk 08:05pm #saduccee Jesus said, "Men who rise from the dead will be like angels and cannot die, I answer, "Good answer Teacher!" #hlytwk 09:18pm #iknothatguy! saw Jesus and his disciples at the temple The #holyrollers & #saduccee kept trying to put Jesus in a corner but failed #hlytwk 10:16pm #cheapdoves i need a new table. wait i need a new place to sell my birds. i hope my regular customers can find me. #hlytwk
Wed Apr 20 12:09am #cheapdoves why did Jesus pick on us? does He even know what it's like to lose everything? #hlytwk 12:46am #have2see I finally get it. Jesus said, "I am the way." So all I have to do is believe. #hlytwk 12:28pm #cheapdoves Jesus said "My house shall be called a house of prayer" what does that mean? #hlytwk 12:29pm #cheapdoves i have a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. is it hunger or guilt? #hlytwk 12:31pm #cheapdoves is Jesus a party crasher coming into the temple? when did the temple become "His house"? #hlytwk 12:31pm Today's scripture - John 12:37-50.
HolyTweek's Twournal
12:32pm #cheapdoves when the chief priests find out about what happened at the temple, they're not going to be happy. #hlytwk 12:33pm #cheapdoves is this guy nuts? it's not really "His temple"? it?!? #hlytwk 12:35pm #cheapdoves how can He call us robbers? He's the one who rob us of our stuff #hlytwk 01:41pm #notTHATherod Really want to meet Jesus. Can't lose my head this time and use force like I did with John. Would create an uproar. #hlytwk 02:16pm #have2see Why do these Jews keep asking Jesus more questions? #hlytwk 02:20pm #have2see How much more do these people need to believe? #hlytwk 02:22pm #have2see Wow Jesus is talking about the end of the world here. #hlytwk 02:23pm #have2see Man i am worried about Jesus. Can he answer all these questions? #hlytwk 02:24pm #have2see I wonder what's going to happen to us? #hlytwk 02:26pm #have2see Why are the Jews so afraid to believe? He has only done good things for them. #hlytwk 02:27pm #have2see Can't they see all the miracles he has done? #hlytwk 02:28pm #have2see WILL THEY EVER BELIEVE? #hlytwk 04:28pm #Jesus My father decided to reveal himself to the people today, but I don't think they believed in him. They think it was thunder! #hlytwk 04:37pm #Barabas -#crossguy1, #killer don't you think Jesus should be in jail?!?! #hlytwk 9
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04:38pm #killer Yeah. He's worse than all of us. I just hope he;s not put in the same cell as us. #hlytwk 04:39pm #Crossguy1 No, he has done nothing wrong, btw did you hear any thunder? 05:18pm #cheapdoves was there lightening with the thunder? #hlytwk 07:19pm #itsPILATEnotPILOT *snore*... whoa... was that thunder? Ugh... today has... been... boring... *snore* #hlytwk 07:20pm #john can you believe that voice from heaven?.. I think it was an angel! #hlytwk 07:22pm #girl/w/wings well we have something in store for the people... a show stopper #hlytwk 07:23pm #Peter I can't believe it! The Jews still don't believe even after everything that Jesus has done.......sometimes I wonder.......#hlytwk 07:26pm #judman Why? we gave faith and then he dies Jesus is NOT making sense. #hlytwk 07:30pm #SimnCyrne I can't believe the Jews! They STILL don't believe that Jesus is the Christ even though He did all them miracles!#Amazed #hlytwk 07:54pm #oilmary On my way to Simon's house. I cannot wait to see Jesus! #hlytwk 07:57pm #centurion People are just starting to say that the thunder was the voice of #God. I wonder who this #Jesus really is . . . hmmmm #hlytwk 07:58pm #mommymary Just found out two people are getting crucified Friday. What a sad way to die. Scary too. #justsayin #hlytwk 07:58pm #marymags #mommymary - I agree - I would never want to see someone I know die that way.
HolyTweek's Twournal
08:02pm #marymags speaking of dying Why does #Jesus keep talking about dying? He can't die yet, . . . , ever? Can he? #hlytwk
Thu Apr 21 10:53am #oilmary still buzzing about seeing #Jesus last night. I would pour all the oil and perfume on in the world for him. #hlytwk 10:54am #oilmary I don't care what the disciples say, it was worth it to praise my Lord that way. #hlytwk 12:16pm #soldierboy I am so glad Judas is willing to bring Jesus in....this man will finally stop being a disruption to the city. #hlytwk 12:18pm #lendmeanear i can't believe my mom just woke me up to go arrest #Jesus. #hlytwk 12:18pm #lendmeanear i better get overtime pay for getting up this late. #hlytwk 12:37pm #holyroller2 Anyone seen Jesus around yesterday? He was probably laying low after Tuesday's 'show' #hlytwk 12:39pm #holyroller3 - We've got to rid of him! Brood of vipers? Use our own words against us? I've had it! #hlytwk 12:40pm #holyroller1 Let’s meet at Caiaphas’ palace and come up with a foolproof plan. #hlytwk 12:40pm #holyroller3 We are going to have to be very careful, because he has a huge following. They think he is a prophet or something. #hlytwk 12:40pm #holyroller2 We could have a riot on R hands w/ so many ppl in town. We better hold off on R plans until after the Passover. #hlytwk 12:41pm #holyroller1 Can you believe that Judas, one of the Nazarene’s own disciples, offered to help us? #hlytwk
ASLS 7th Grade
12:41pm #holyroller2 And for only 30 pieces of silver. What luck!! #bargin! #hlytwk 12:41pm #holyroller3 Talk about snakes. This guy made my skin crawl! We will have to take our chances with doing it this week. #hlytwk 12:42pm #holyroller2 No problem! With his own disciple betraying him, who are the people going to believe? The Nazarene - or us? #hlytwk 12:42pm #pilateswife another night - no sleep. Weird dreams. Somethings not right. Hopefully tonight is better. #hlytwk 12:43pm #holyroller2 Just got word from Judas that Jesus prays privately in Gethsemene each night. #hlytwk 12:43pm #holyroller1Seems that would be the best place to capture him since there won’t be a large crowd of his supporters there #hlytwk 12:43pm #holyroller2 Lets plan on tonight, and Just in case. we better send some armed soldiers and servants with Judas. #hlytwk 12:44pm #holyroller1 I've already contacted a servant of the high priest. Good guy, has trouble hearing sometimes though. #hlytwk 02:10pm #hghnmty Good work #holyroller1 and #holyroller2. Gr8 mtg in the palace. Perhaps we should keep each other updated via DM. Thoughts? #hlytwk 02:11pm #have2see today is the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread!!!! #hlytwk 02:13pm #have2see I wonder where Jesus wants to eat tonight? #hlytwk 02:16pm #hghnmty I would like #holyroller1 to keep an eye on the dinner plans. #holyroller2 can keep an eye on the Gethsemane plans. #hlytwk 02:43pm #avergagedude Back on the grid after some much needed passover family time. Confused about rhetoric re: Jesus from other rabbis tho #hlytwk 12
HolyTweek's Twournal
03:48pm #saduccee Dinner with the Teacher.. Why wasn't I invited? #hlytwk 04:55pm #judman Thats it!!! I'm done with him he's not doing anything for me I'm done with Jesus I'm gone bye Jesus #hlytwk 04:58pm #have2see Where is Judas? Why are we doing all the work? #hlytwt 06:05pm #holyroller1 to #hghnmty Will do what I can. Passover, you know. My people will be in touch w/your people. #hlytwk 06:06pm #holyroller2 to #hghnmty Ahead of you there, man. Sending one of my servants to watch the fun and report back. #hlytwk 06:07pm #iknothatguy! rumors spreading of an arrest tonight. Think I'll hang around the courtyard of the high priests to see what I can hear #hlytwk 06:12pm #iheartjerusalem Thank you God for saving us from the Egyptians and sparing our first born #hlytwk 06:43pm #barabas I'm bored and jail really smells #hlytwk 06:48pm #killer - just found out that tomorrow's the day. Bye everyone. I'll see if I can get someone to send messages for me on the cross #hlytwk 08:41pm #marymags I hear Jesus is dining with the disciples at some 'upper room' later. #wishiwasinvited #hlytwk 09:18pm #have2see Does Jesus really think a stranger is going to let us use his house for dinner? #doubtful #hlytwk 10:02pm #have2see preparing for the Passover meal. Spending it with some of my closest friends and Jesus. #hlytwk
Fri Apr 22
ASLS 7th Grade
12:00am #John #Jesus just washed my feet. I feel so honored. I should be washing HIS feet #hlytwk 12:15am #judman Jesus kicked me out of dinner. He's going to get it now. I'll get the soldiers to hunt him down! #hlytwk 12:30am #Jesus - Take, eat and drink. This is my body and blood given for you. Do this in remembrance of me. #hlytwk 12:35am #Peter *chomp* Jesus just gave thanks and gave us bread to eat and *gulp* wine to drink. #hlytwk 12:38am #marymags #mommymary did'nt Judas look a little suspicious to you? #hlytwk 12:39am #mommymary - yeah - why was he heading toward the guards and not with the other disciples? #hlytwk 12:40am #marymags #mommymary - yeah I saw that too. #intrigued By the way wheree is #Jesus? #hlytwk 12:42am #mommymary - #marymags don't know. #worried - something doesnt feel right about this. I am going to pray. #hlytwk 01:24am #iknothatguy! saw one of Jesus' followers just go into the high priest's house, what is he up to #hlytwk 01:36am #have2see Eating dinner with Jesus in the Upper Room. Jesus just washed our feet. #strange #hlytwk 01:45am #john heading to Gethsemane with #Jesus, #James and #Peter Somethings not right about tonight. 01:46am #Jesus #troubled #hlytwk 01:58am #have2see who do you think is going to betray Jesus? Is it I? #hlytwk 02:06am #Peter - #have2see - can't be any of us - did you hear #Jesus say I would disown him 3X? He must be tired! #hlytwk 02:07am #Peter - #tired . 14
HolyTweek's Twournal
02:08am #John - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 02:14am #notThatherod can't believe all I'm hearing about JC. Really hope I get to question him. Facebook is all atwitter about this guy! #hlytwk 03:00am #Peter #bad – Jesus just caught me sleeping on the job. #hlytwk 03:10am #Jesus – Father, protect me tonight. Be with my disciples and all believers when I leave this place. Oh no, my betrayer #hlytwk 03:12am #Centurion were on our way to arrest Jesus in the garden of gethsemane. #hlytwk 03:13am #crossguy1 does anyone else hear marching? #hlytwk 03:15am #iknothatguy! Saw the soldiers, Jesus' disciple, and #centurion leave through the courtyard, wonder what is going down #hlytwk 03:22am #Peter LEAVE JESUS ALONE!!!! – I’LL CUT YOU!!!!!! #hlytwk 03:30am #Killer – Found out that Jesus is has bn caught. h8 that guy. Always healing ppl. thr goes my chance of being let out 4 Passover! #hlytwk 03:35am #pilateswife – just heard that they arrested that Jesus guy. Oh and can’t sleep again! #hlytwk 03:37am #oilmary – how could it be? Is it true? Rumors are going around He is perfect, so how could he be arrested? #hlytwk 03:40am #simncyrne Just heard that #Jesus got arrested and was taken to the high priest. Hmm, he didn’t do anything wrong. #puzzled #hlytwk 03:42am #holyroller1 Tonight’s plan worked like clockwork! We got that troublemaker! #hlytwk 03:44am #holyroller 3 His reaction was vry weird. He didn’t try 2 run away & even got after his disciples when they tried 2 defend him #hlytwk 15
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03:46am #holyroller3 One of his followers cut off the ear of a servant. Supposedly Jesus healed it. #hlytwk 03:47am #Centurion - #Jesus healed an attacker's servant - could he be more than I think? #questionmyreligion #hlytwk 03:49am #holyroller3 He also said something about fulfilling what the prophets said. I hope we are doing the right thing. #hlytwk 03:50am #holyroller1 Its all hearsay. probly rumors his followers R spreading. The main thing is that we got him & cn now get rid of him. #hlytwk 03:51am #holyroller2 We better get over to the palace of Annas and Caiapas for his trial #hlytwk 04:00am #iknothatguy! wish we could hear what was going on in there #hlytwt 04:02am #iknothatguy! look they're bringing in #Jesus. I knew he couldn't get away with the things he was saying #hlytwt 04:05am #iknothatguy! #Peter - Weren't you also with #Jesus of Nazareth? #hlytwt 04:06am #Peter – I DON’T KNOW HIM! #hlytwk 04:07am #iknothatguy! You are one of them, you're one of his disciples! #hlytwk 04:08am #Peter – You’ve got the wrong guy! #hlytwk 04:09am #iknothatguy! But you are a Galilean, your accent gives you away #hlytwt 04:10am #Peter – I don’t know #Jesus #hlytwk 04:16am #iknothatguy! Did you hear that rooster? is it that early already? #hlytwk 04:29am #notThatherod Hearing rumors of Jesus being arrested. Better get some rest. Friday should be a long day. #hlytwk 16
HolyTweek's Twournal
09:30am #Rooster – ert er ert er errrrrrrrrr #hlytwk 09:32am #Peter – nooooooooo! #sorry #ashamed #hlytwk 11:20am #have2see why would judas do something like this. I thought he was one was one of us. Now Jesus is arrested. #hlytwk 12:00pm #averagedude getting more than I bargained for with this years passover celebration. Rumors of Jesus arrest/trial today? #hlytwk 12:01pm #holyroller1 We got him! He claimed to be the Messiah! Blasphemy! #hlytwk 12:01pm #holyroller2 The Sahedrian just rendered a verdict of guilty! He is worthy of death! #hlytwk 12:21pm #averagdude Scheduled to leave tomorrow, but don't think we will. Neighbor say Jesus guilty of blasphemy. That's a big deal! #hlytwk 12:32pm #holyroller1 Look at them spitting at him and hitting him. LOVE it! #hlytwk 12:43pm #holyrolle3 Don’t forget, we first have to take him to Pilate, the governor, to rubberstamp our verdict. #hlytwk 12:45pm #joeofarith Jesus has been arretsted - #nervous! 12:50pm #hghnmty I wonder if this "King" will give any answers today? #WhyWontHeAnswerUs #hlytwk 01:02pm #lendmeanear Peter thought he was so tough taking out his sword #imwasnotscared #hlytwk 01:03pm #lendmeanear #Peter decided to defend #Jesus after we show up and bound him? too little too late in my opinion #hlytwk 01:08pm #lendmeanear #otherservantguy - I was like "where's my right ear?????" #hlytwk 01:08pm #otherservantguy - #lendmeanear - did you ever find it? 01:09pm #lendmeanear - #otherservantguy - yeah, I was like "Oh great, that Jesus guy has my ear. GIVE IT BACK! #hlytwk 17
ASLS 7th Grade
01:16pm #hghnmty Has anyone seen Judas? #hlytwk 02:01pm #itspilateNOTpilot #Jesus, where do you come from? #hlytwk 02:05pm #pilateswife sent my husband msg saying not 2 have nething 2 do w/ that innocent man. ths is the reason 4 my suffering in my dreams. #hlytwk 02:09pm #holyroller2 Listen! He just told Pilate that he is a King! THAT should put the seal on his death sentence! #hlytwk 02:13pm #itspilateNOTpilot UGH – the man has done nothing wrong, and yet they want to crucify him? #confused #myhandsareclean #hlytwk 02:25pm #holyroller1 That Pilate is such a wimp. Look! He is going to let the crowd decide who to crucify - Jesus or Barabas! #hlytwk 02:27pm #barabas Just got word I might be getting out of jail soon!! #hlytwk 02:30pm #holyroller3 Barabas is the the most dangerous man in the world! You know the crowd will choose him. #hlytwk 02:33pm #holyroller1 C that crowd out thr? wht kind of ppl do U think we gathered? I think they will choose Jesus & protect their own. #hlytwk 02:34pm #holyroller3 Surely not! #hlytwk 02:37pm #holyroller1 I told you. They chose Barabas!#hlytwk 02:40pm #barabas – FINALLY FREE! Free at last! Thank you #Jesus, whoever you are! #hlytwk 03:02pm #holyroller2 Can you believe that Judas? He actually gave us back the money. Claims the guy was innocent. #hlytwk 03:03pm #iheartjerusalem "Give us #Barabas" (Maybe Jesus will rise up when he is under pressure, we need a king to save us from the Romans) #hlytwt
HolyTweek's Twournal
03:10pm #Judman What?! Crucify him? It wasn’t supposed to be this way. I can’t believe this. What am I going to do? #hopeless #sorry #hlytwk 03:15pm #holyroller2 As far as Jesus is concerned... listen to them. They are chanting “Crucify Him!”#hlytwk 03:16pm #iheartjerusalem crucify him #hlytwt 03:35pm #holyroller3 I heard Judas hung himself, he was so remorseful. #hlytwk 03:36pm #holyroller2 So what! He served our purpose. We don’t need him anymore. #hlytwk 03:38pm #crowd - CRUCIFY HIM! CRUCIFY HIM! 03:39pm #holyroller3 Well, let’s use the money to buy a place to bury foreigners when they die in our city. #hlytwk 03:53pm #averagedude Listening to #itspilateNOTpilot decide what to do with Jesus (@ Gov. Palace) 03:56pm #averagedude In retrospect, #barabas wasn't best choice, but what do you do with a man who claims to be God 04:24pm #Peter Why do the people want to crucify Him? What did he do??? #Confused-#hlytwk 04:32pm #itspilateNOTpilot -my hands are clean - YOU have sentenced this man. #hlytwk 04:59pm #Killer headed to be put on the cross. Head I might be crucified w/ #Jesus. I’m sure there’ll be a lot of visitors. See ya there! #hlytwk 05:00pm #mommymary - NO! They can't crucify my son! #hlytwk 05:01pm #simncryne had to carry the cross for #Jesus, so heavy. I wish I was stronger, feeling sore #exhausted #tired #unhappy #givinup #hlytwk 19
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05:02pm #have2see Stop!! What are these people doing? I can't see him go. #hlytwk 05:05pm #Jesus – Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing. #hlytwk 05:05pm #iheartjerusalem #Jesus will be crucified along side 2 other criminals today and #itspilateNOTpilot isn't taking responsibility #hlytwt 05:13pm #have2see I can't look at this any more. I don't believe this happening. #hlytwk 05:27pm #jamesd This is so hard to watch, my teacher--hanging there on a cross alongside these common criminals. :( #hlytwk 06:09pm #holyroller1 He saved others, but he can’t save himself! #hlytwk 06:09pm #Centurion stupid guards, rolling dice for his clothes! #unproffesional #hlytwk 06:10pm #holyroller2 Hey Jesus! Why are you still hanging there? Why don’t you get down? #hlytwk 06:11pm #killer got a soldier sending messages for me. #Jesus “Christ” next to me. Many visitors, but all for him. WHY DON’T U SAVE US! #hlytwk 06:11pm #crossguy1 – #Jesus has done nothing wrong. It is us who have. #Jesus please remember me. #hlytwk 06:11pm #Jesus - #crossguy1 Today you will be with me in Paradise 06:12pm #joeofarith gulp jesus on the cross #hlytwk 06:14pm #holyroller1 Finally! We have that annoying man off our hands! #hlytwk 06:16pm #otherservantguy - #lendmeanear so that #Jesus guy in on the cross now - what ended happening last night? #hlytwk 20
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06:16pm #lendmeanear- #otherservantguy - Oh yeah, so I was like "why is Jesus touching my face??" 06:17pm #lendmeanear Then I was like "oh, i think i can hear better now." #hlytwk 06:18pm #lendmeanear - #otherservantguy - It has made me wonder "why did Jesus heal me, when i'm here to arrest Him?" #hlytwk 06:19pm #averagedude crazy week. Wondering how a man so full of God, ends up a blasphemer on the cross. I thnk they did the right thing! #hlytwk 06:20pm #holyroller2 If you are the Son of God, why isn’t your Father saving you? #hlytwk 06:20pm #holyroller1 He says God will rescue him, but I doubt it. #hlytwk 06:55pm #joeofarith #itspilatenotpilot - can I have jesus's body? I have a tomb. #hlytwk 07:03pm #girlw/wings - feeling so bad - all the sorrow and mistrust among the disciples. They need to have faith - TRUST IN JESUS! hang on! #hlytwk 07:04pm #mommymary –NO!!! #JESUS! Stop them, don’t let them do this. My son!!! #hlytwk 07:05pm #Jesus - #John & #mommymary – Woman here is your son. Behold your mother. #hlytwk 07:05pm #John - whoa. #honored #humbled 07:06pm #holyroller3 Maybe If he comes down from the cross unharmed, I might believe him. #hlytwk 07:06pm #holyroller1 You claim you can build the temple in three days. So why can’t you save yourself #hlytwk
ASLS 7th Grade
07:07pm #Marymags – watching #Jesus die- #horrible! Won’t anyone do something! Why can't we stop this? Why wont he just come down? #hlytwk 07:23pm #pilateswife - I sure this was the right thing to do! #hlytwk 07:24pm #holyroller1 He calls himself a King. LOL #hlytwk 07:24pm #Jesus Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani #hlytwk 07:24pm #holyroller1 Eloi, Eloi? Like Elijah can save him? Yeah, right! #hlytwk 07:38pm #Jesus – I Thirst #hlytwk 07:46pm #itsPILATEnotPILOT - #joeofarith - I guess so. Just do it quietly. #hlytwk 07:48pm #girlw/wings - Can't believe this is happening. I don't think I could do it. #Jesus never stops to amaze me! #hlytwk 07:56pm #joeofarith ok when? #hlytwk 07:59pm #Jesus - It is finished #hlytwk 08:00pm #Jesus - Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. #hlytwk 08:01pm #holyroller3 EARTHQUAKE!!!!! #hlytwk 08:02pm #holyroller1 God is angry with this man! No wonder the ground is shaking. #hlytwk 08:03pm #killer - #Jesus just died. The guy was so dramatic about it, “it is finished?” What is that? OW my legs. . . . #hlytwk 08:03pm #holyroller3 I just heard that the temple curtain ripped right around the time that Jesus died. Very strange. #hlytwk 08:03pm #holyroller2 Ah man! That ripped curtain in the temple will probably come out of our pay checks. #hlytwk 08:03pm #oilmary – I watched from a distance but there was nothing I could! He breathed his last, I cried. #hlytwk 08:04pm #centurion – surely this was this son of #God. #hlytwk 22
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08:04pm #holyroller1 He’s dead! So much for him being the Son of God! #hlytwk 08:04pm #holyroller2 He will be remembered about as much as my worn out robe will be remembered. #hlytwk 08:04pm #holyroller3 I don’t believe this. There are dead people coming out of the tombs.! #hlytwk 08:05pm #holyroller1 This is creapy. Lets get out of here. #hlytwk 08:05pm #mommymary - noooooooooooo #Jesus come back! 08:05pm #Peter - This can't be happening! #hlytwk 08:06pm #John - gotta get #mommymary home. She shouldn't be here anymore. #hlytwk 08:07pm #joeofarith who's going to help me #hlytwk 08:31pm #John - #Peter - What now? #hlytwk 08:31pm #Peter - IDK #hlytwk 09:03pm #jamesd This all seems so unreal. #hlytwk 09:05pm #iheartjerusalem Very eerie day. The darkness, the earthquake, tombs breaking open 09:29pm #notThatherod Still can't believe Jesus didn't defend himself to me. Gave people what they wanted today. Mocking Jesus felt great. #hlytwk 09:31pm #notThatherod Grandmother's favorite lampstand got destroyed in the earthquake. Wait. Earthquake here? How could that happen? 10:33pm #saduccee The teacher is dead...He isn't coming back..what now? #hlytwk
Sat Apr 23
ASLS 7th Grade
02:06am #averagedude What a way to end a passover trip. Seen so much! Heard so much! another wannabe gone! Will God ever save us? #tillnextyr #hlytwk 10:33pm #have2see Still mourning the death of my close friend, Jesus. It's been so hard. I don't know how I will live without him. #hlywtk
Sun Apr 24 12:03am #marymags #Jesus is dead. Still very upset. Going to anoint the body tomorrow. #hlytwk 12:04am #Peter - It has been unbelievably long day. Tired. Missing #Jesus. Not sure what we're going to do next. #hlytwk 12:05am #mommymary – #marymags thanks for helping take care of #Jesus’s body. Can't believe how much I miss him already #hlytwk 12:05am #barabas – Just hrd wht happened 2 #crossguy1 & #killer. 2 bad, they seemed lk gd guys, wld have bn gd partners in crime. #hlytwk 12:05am #itsPILATEnotPILOT #guard – are you sure the tomb is secure? #hlytwk 12:06am #pilateswife – still not sleeping well! #hlytwk 12:08am #holyroller1 Did you hear? One of his disciples pretended not to know Jesus. #hlytwk 12:08am #holyroller2 So much for loyalty. One “sells” him for silver and the other lies to save his himself. LOVE it! #hlytwk 12:10am #holyroller3 Less than a week ago he came into town in a parade. People were treating him like a king. NOW look at him. #hlytwk 12:10am #holyroller1 My servant reports that Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus took the body and buried him in a nearby tomb #hlytwk
HolyTweek's Twournal
12:11am #holyroller3 Does not surprise me. I have long suspected that they are secretly disciples of Jesus. #hlytwk 12:11am #holyroller2 Hey! Speaking of disciples, wht is 2 keep them from stealing the body & 10 telling everyone that he rose from dead? #hlytwk 12:12am #hghnmty There is nothing to worry about #holyroller2. He is dead. It IS finished. #hlytwk 12:13am #hghnmty Everything has been accomplished #holyroller1, #holyroller2, and #holyroller3. He is no longer a threat. #hlytwk 12:16am #oilmary – I’m hiding. #Jesus is dead. I am worried what if they come after His followers?! #hlytwk 12:58am #John - #Peter - are we still all meeting later? And have you seen #have2see? #hlytwk 12:59am #Peter - #John - Yes, let's still meet. No I have seen #have2see. I wonder where he could be. #hlytwk 01:02am #joeofarith tomorrow is day 3 wonder what #Jesus meant #hlytwk 10:55am #marymags – headed to the tomb – not sure how we’re going to get in. #hlytwk 11:00am #Jesus – I’m baaaaaaaaccccckkkk! #hlytwk 11:02am #Jesus – man it feels good to move . . . I told you all I was coming back #hlytwk 11:04am #girlw/wings – “Why do you seek the living among the dead – He’s not here, HE IS RISEN!!!!! 11:05am #marymags :O #hlytwk 11:07am #marymags I . . . uhhh . . . .it . . . . how. . . . JESUS!!!!!! He is Risen! Gotta go tell Peter and the disciples #hlytwk
ASLS 7th Grade
11:15am #iheartjerusalem Woke up to another earthquake this morning, but I think things are back to normal around Jerusalem 11:17am #Peter – HE IS RISEN? WHAT?!?! Just heard the tomb is empty? Now what? Where is he? What are we supposed to do now? #hlytwk 11:30am #itsPILATEnotPILOT – GET ME THE GUARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #FURIOUS! #hlytwk 11:35am #holyroller2 Wake up! A report just came in saying the stone is rolled away & instead of Jesus being in the tomb, thr was an angel! #hlytwk 11:36am #holyroller3 You must be sleep deprived. An ANGEL? Right! #hlytwk 11:37am #Peter – HE IS RISEN! #JESUS IS BACK! He’s back! HALLELUAH! #hlytwk 11:37am #hgnmty WHAT is going on??? #hlytwk 11:38am #Peter HE IS RISEN! I can tell him I’m sorry - #Jesus – I will NEVER deny you! (again) #hlytwk 11:40am #hgnmty I need the #holyrollers to get together with the elders immediately and figure our what exactly is going on. #hlytwk 11:43am #Barabas – just robbed a house. Hope they don’t found out. Then heard #Jesus is alive again? #strangetimes #hlytwk 11:45am #pilateswife - #Jesus is alive? Could he really be the Son of #God? #hlytwk 12:00pm #mommymary - #overjoyed #ecstatic HE IS RISEN! I’m so glad you’re back! Can’t wait to see you again! #hlytwk 12:02pm #oilmary –HE IS ALIVE! HE IS RISEN! I am saved! #BESTDAYEVER #hlytwk
HolyTweek's Twournal
12:04pm #John – He is risen! Hallelujah! Does this mean I am not Mary’s son anymore? #hlytwk 12:10pm #holyroller2 Well that’s the word on the street? #hlytwk 12:12pm #holyroller3 Some women reported seeing him and talking to him. #hlytwk 12:20pm #gilrw/wings – HE IS RISEN! Told you it was gonna be a showstopper! Welcome back #Jesus. Well done! #hlytwk 12:22pm #holyroller2 Such trickery! Now we have a whole new set of problems to deal with. #hlytwk 07:03pm #SimnCyrne Just heard that Jesus rose from the tomb. I wonder where He is? #surprised #amazed #flabbergasted :D. #hlytwk
Mon Apr 25 12:00am #have2see Disciples just told me that Jesus appeared to them. Is he alive? hlytwk 12:10am #have2see Unless I c the nail marks in his hands & put my finger where the nails were, & put my hand n2 his side, I will not believe #hlytwk
Wed Apr 27 07:24pm #Jesus Can't wait to go to Heaven again, though I'm sad that I have to go. It's nice to be alive again, too. Satan's place stinks. #hlytwk 07:26pm #Unknownroomguy It's been a week since i gave my room to some random strangers. Just found out the were followers of #Jesus! #hlytwk
ASLS 7th Grade
Thu Apr 28 02:44pm #ifiemmaus - Took communion with #Jesus! I can't believe we walked all the way and didn't know it was HIM! #hlytwk 02:45pm #girlw/wings - well when everything is said and done, God really had a good plan . . . . #duuuuuuh #hlytwk 02:46pm #simncyrne - starting to believe that Jesus is the CHRIST! Whew! Glad passover is over. #relieved #faithFULL! #hlytwk 02:47pm #Peter - Going fishing this morning. #John - join me? 02:48pm #john - #Peter - sure! 02:49pm #cluelessnemmaus - Saw #Jesus The rumors are TRUE! It could only have been him! #hlytwk 02:51pm #pilateswife - I think I am starting to believe . . . . . #hlytwk 02:52pm #barabas - can't talk, running from the Romans! Heard rumors that #Jesus is son of #God, but I don't believe. #hlytwk 02:53pm #have2see - Can't wait to see all the guys tonight at dinner. Wish they would quit with the #Jesus is alive. We need to move on. #hlytwk 05:52pm #john - dont know if throwing our nets on the other side will work or not - #notgonnaarguewithresurrected#Jesus! #hlytwk 05:53pm #Peter - WOW! #Jesus just told us to fish on the other side of the boat and FFFFFFIIIIIIISSSSSSHHHHH!!!!!!!! #hlytwk 05:53pm #John - IT WORKED - We caught a BOATLOAD! #hlytwk
Sun May 01 12:15pm #mommymary I NEED to see #Jesus and make sure he is okay #holytwk
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12:15pm #centeruion - I am on my to fully believing in #Jesus. I am very excited. #hlytwk 12:16pm #marymags - I can't believe #Jesus has been risen for a week. The news has spread so fast! There are many more believers! #amazed #hlytwk 12:17pm #oilmary - Life is good! Jesus died and ROSE. I know I am going to heaven! #hlytwk 08:20pm #have2see - hanging with the disciples tonight - still haven't seen #Jesus - just too hard to believe! #hlytwk 10:30pm #have2see Jesus, that's not you. Is it? #hlytwk 10:33pm #have2see I don't believe you. Why are you lying to me? Jesus is dead. #hlytwk 10:40pm #have2see "my Lord and my God" #hlytwk 10:47pm #have2see - #Jesus told me to put my hand in his nail holes. It was Him. Why didn't I believe? Hlytwk 11:47pm Thanks to everyone who contributed and/or followed along with @HolyTweek. HE IS RISEN!
Mon May 02 11:47am Just made a book out of my tweets at
ASLS 7th Grade