Edu3d Presentazione HIE

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Information for Presenters PLEASE READ THIS PAGE, AT THE BOTTOM YOU WILL FIND A BUTTON TO THE FORM FOR PRESENTERS There are two kinds of presentations. You may present in one of the four languages of the conference, German, French, Italian, or Spanish. The plan is to film the event and stream it online. To guarantee a good outcome for the event, all presenters must attend a practice session before the conference. It will not be possible to make an avatar on the conference grid, all who attend will Hypergrid in from their own grids. ● ●

Simple presentation​​ (20 minutes + 5 minutes Questions and Answers)

Panel Presentation​​ (45 minutes + 10 minutes Questions and Answers)

This is a multi language conference, so to help everyone understand the presentations, please bring VISUAL AIDS – photographs (textures) and objects. But bear in mind, very complex objects can create lag – so choose carefully what you bring. You must submit the following information: ●

Short biography of yourself. Avatar names are acceptable,

BIOGRAPHY Giliola Giurgola AVATAR Giliola Allen - Degree in Maths at Turin University in xxxx - I.U.L. Italian University Line Scienze della Formazione Firenze -Master e-learning - MIUR Teacher/ E-Tutor - Maths teacher in secondary school - EDU3D coordination in Craftworld BIOGRAPHY Claudio Pacchiega AVATAR Salahzar Stenvaag Abstract from my Linkedin account presentation:

I worked for ​more than twenty years as a Software Developer​ using various languages, with particular field experience in Java, C, PHP, Scala. (..) Being graduated in Computer Sciences, ​I have a wide spectrum of interests covering many other parts of the Human Knowledge, such as Philosophy, Physics, History, 3D Modelling and Virtual Worlds​. This usually gives me enough creativity and lateral thinking useful to address complex problems with simple solutions. I also have teaching skills and attitudes which I used actively in​ remote teaching activities with government institutions ( and US Universities (​. I am a strong supporter of the​ Open-Source​ paradigm. In free time, I’ve designed in the past and implemented the first database/website (around 2002) for the project written in PHP/MySQL. (..) See also recent IGI publication on Virtual World education :

Chapter 9 An Informal Methodology for Teaching Through Virtual Worlds: Using Internet Tools and Virtual Worlds in a Coordinated Pattern to Teach Various Subjects​ (pages 163-180)

- Degree in Computer Science at Turin University in 2000 - Active mentor/scripter in SecondLife, see - Virtual / Elearning Teacher in SL, Opensim, INDIRE/Edmondo since 2007 for Adults, Students, Teachers and all interested, see ​ - Pyramidcafe' co-owner, see - Youtuber disseminator in Italian, on Blender, SecondLife, OpenSim, Virtual Reality, Minecraft, Minetest, Scripting etc.. See - Blogger on Virtual Worlds Anthropology see for instance e-is-the-connection/ - EDU3D cofounder in 2011 BIOGRAPHY AVATAR Eva Kraai Degree in modern literature at Milan University of the Studies Master in communication science Manager of an office of the Lombardy Region In virtual worlds since 2010

Photographer in Second Life Teacher eTutor in OpenSim/Craft with Blender

Photograph of you, or your avatar

a short explanation of your Presentation Giliola as co-founder of this association will explain what ​Edu3d​​ is and its activity during latest years in OpenSim, with some of its ​achievements​​. Edu3d is a volunteer group

made by official teacher and experienced people willing to help all interested in Virtual Worlds and new Technologies, especially but not limited to ​Educators for K-12 and

secondary schools​​. She will show some ​slides​ / videos explaining this. ​10 minutes Eva Kraai as edu3d eTutor will show the latest Blender class done from April 2017 on the building of a Medieval House, she will describe the methodology and some interesting

achievements via showing inworld some models of Medieval Houses made by the students. Some special mention on the Gianfranco Borbone achievements. She will rez on-stage some small models of Medieval Houses (2-3). ​10 minutes Salahzar as co-founder will explain the history of VirtualWorlds aggregation information sharing, educational activities since 2007 in SecondLife, OpenSim, Minecraft and recent virtual reality worlds. He will discuss some slides, and bring a model of a very simple 3ddoodle made by himself using Blocks (vr building app made by Google) published on Poly and imported in OpenSim via Blender. ​20 minutes

what kind of presentation you plan to do, what kind of Visual Aids you will be bringing, and who (if any) will be presenting with you

If possible, an English language translation of your presentation – just the main points is enough.

Commercial projects may be presented at the conference. ●

Simple Presentation​​ One or two people, speaking about a project, tool, or idea

relating to their use of opensim. Research papers talking about aspects of Opensim in general are also welcome. ●

Panel Presentation ​Three or more people discuss an opensim project, tool, etc. One

member of the group will be the principal speaker and organize the other members of the group, so that all have an opportunity to speak.

BIOGRAPHY Giliola Giurgola AVATAR Giliola Allen TITOLI 1) Università degli studi di Torino - Laurea Magistrale Matematica 2) I.U.L. Italian University Line Scienze della Formazione Firenze -Master e-learning ESPERIENZA DOCENTE MIUR/ E-Tutor dall’a.s. 1978/79 -Docente Scienze matematiche Scuola secondaria - e-Tutor v-tutor INDIRE/MIUR - Progetti digitali Mondi Virtuali per la didattica - Formazione docenti scuola digitale - Tutor Coach /Tutor Esperto E-learning - Coordinamento EDU3D in Craftworld

EDU3D 1. INTRODUZIONE Edu3D è una realtà virtuale che da tempo opera in ambiente 3D multiutente Open Sim, in campo educativo, grazie all’esperienza e alla creatività di un gruppo di docenti e di esperti appassionati di architettura digitale e didattica innovativa nel Mondo Virtuale Craft World. Ambiti interessati:- Letterario/espressivo - Scientifico/matematico - Artistico/musicale - Social network - E-learning Obiettivo di questo progetto è di consentire e facilitare l’uso dei mondi virtuali per docenti e studenti fino a raggiungere quella padronanza ritenuta sufficiente per la realizzazione di percorsi didattici educativi autentici e di reale valore formativo.

L’idea del laboratorio digitale diventa realtà virtuale nel mondo 3D ad opera di un gruppo di docenti e di esperti creativi a Craft World. Si progetta l’ambiente, si costruisce, si sperimenta, si fa esperienza insieme in prospettiva di innovare metodi e scenari di apprendimento. ​Nasce Edu3D Sim già pronta per lezioni on line, contenuti opensource. Ambiente virtuale collaborativo in cui l’utente si identifica e partecipa alla comunità di pratica, sperimenta, comunica, interagisce in spazi espositivi ​. ​La didattica dei mondi virtuali​ p ​ resenta​ a​spetti

interessanti sia per la capacità di coinvolgimento. Per questi motivi si ritiene l’ambiente virtuale ideale per una didattica attiva che pone gli studenti in una situazione di ricerca. Si tratta di superare la dimensione ludica dei mondi 3D con Progetti di apprendimento collaborativo, per cui si sono creati spazi dedicati alla ricerca didattica, coordinati da esperti e in continua evoluzione L’idea è costruire un ambiente culturale 3D immersivo per l’apprendimento a distanza e per la condivisione di esperienze educative. Si tratta di promuovere un sistema innovativo di miglioramento della didattica fondato su attività di tutoring e coaching on-line. Il Progetto è di supportare una comunità di pratica in ambiente 3D virtuale multiutente, costituita da avatar, laboratori, attività interattive, tutorial, eventi, simulazioni, giochi di ruolo, oggetti didattici. In sintesi:​ creare un ambiente Educational on-line su Piattaforma Open Sim.. La formazione docenti comprende indicazioni metodologiche trasversali per utilizzare i mondi virtuali come nuovi scenari di apprendimento collaborativo e per una didattica innovativa ed efficace ad ampio raggio con infinite possibilità di sviluppo in campo digitale ​ .​ Obiettivi raggiunti e prospettive di sviluppo. -​ Innovare​​ le metodologie trasversali di insegnamento digitale per creare comunità di pratica on line - Favorire l’acquisizione di competenze professionali specifiche e la disseminazione di esperienze e di materiali significativi e trasferibili in vari ambiti di applicazione. - Costruire significati scientifici cioè un insieme strutturato di attività volte alla costruzione di significati degli oggetti di apprendimento. - Implementare un luogo virtuale di formazione permanente. ​Riteniamo interessante e utile mettere a disposizione l’ambiente Edu3D per docenti innovativi e studenti creativi alla ricerca di nuovi ambienti di apprendimento supportando la comunità di pratica con laboratori di tutoring e coaching a distanza


Tree classroom. Builder Michelangelo Tricarico. G01 Edu3D is a virtual reality ​community​ that for some time now has been operating in a multi-user 3D environment Open Sim, in the educational field, thanks to the experience and creativity of a group of teachers and experts who are passionate about digital architecture and innovative didactics in the Virtual World Craft World. Areas concerned: - Literary/Expressive Scientific/mathematical - Artistic/Musical - Social network - E-learning - V-learning

G02 The objective of this project is to allow and facilitate the use of virtual worlds for teachers and students until they reach the level of mastery that is considered sufficient for the realization of authentic educational courses of real educational value.

Dante Projet for Primary School. Builder Dominic Crespi and Eva Kraai.

G03 The idea of the digital laboratory becomes a complete 3D "virtual reality" through a group of teachers and creative experts at Craft World. We design the environment, we construct, experiment and experience together in order to innovate the learning methods and scenarios. Example Little Prince By St ExupĂŠry

G04 "Edu3D Sim" is created to be already ready for online lessons, and its contents are opensource. It is a virtual collaborative virtual environment in which the user identifies and identifies himself/herself participates in the practice community, experiments, communicates, interacts in spaces exhibitions.

Astronomy laboratory: planetary by Rossano Marano G05. The teaching of virtual worlds presents aspects interesting for their capacity of involvement. For these reasons we believe that the virtual environment is ideal for an active didactics that puts the students in a research situation.

Literary event

G07. We want to overcome the "playful game 3D" dimension with collaborative learning projects, so we have created didactic researches coordinated by experts and in continuous evolution.

G08. The idea is to build an environment immersive 3D culture for distance learning and sharing educational experiences. The aim is to promote an innovative system of improvement of teaching methodologies based on online tutoring and coaching activities.

G09. The Project consists in a supportive "practice community" in 3D environment virtual multi-user, providing avatars, laboratories, interactive activities, tutorials, events,

Virtual Heaven G09. The Project consists in a supportive "practice community" in 3D environment virtual multi-user, providing avatars, laboratories, interactive activities, tutorials, events, simulations, role-playing, educational objects.

G10. In summary: create an online Educational environment on the Open Sim Platform... Teacher training includes transversal methodological indications for using virtual worlds as new collaborative learning scenarios and for innovative and effective wide-ranging teaching with infinite possibilities of development in the digital field. G11 Achievements and development prospects. Innovative cross-cutting digital teaching methodologies to create online communities of practice G12 Encourage the acquisition of specific professional skills and the dissemination of significant and transferable experience and materials in various fields of application. G13 Building scientific meanings, that is, a structured set of activities aimed at the construction of meanings of learning objects.

Virtual Heaven By Dominic Crespi and Eva Kraai G14. Implement a virtual place of lifelong learning. We consider it interesting and useful to make the Edu3D environment available to innovative teachers and creative students looking for new learning environments by supporting the practice community with distance tutoring and coaching workshops.

sceneggiatura per parte Eva

E01 - In Edu3D we have held many courses, I will speak only of some of the most recent

E02 - To help new avatars we thought of a "fashion" course

E03 - I explained basic things, such as how to change the shape and wear clothes

E04 - Or how to correctly position hair and shoes

E05 - For Italians who often have difficulties with English, a young teacher explained the rules of phonetics and grammar

E06 - She also did a lot of exercises for the students, the course was interactive

E07 - Scripting is essential in a virtual world, otherwise everything would be still

E08 - The scripting course was followed by both people who started from scratch and more experienced avatars

E09 - There were two Blender courses, the first to illustrate the tools with which to build

E10 -The second course, more specific for teachers, has allowed the construction of medieval houses from scratch

E11 - The method used is that of the "flipped classroom", that is, in Google Classroom the videos of the works to be performed were posted

E12 - In the next lesson, we explained how to get the best result and, in Google Classroom, the student's work was evaluated

E13 - To get to the construction of the medieval house, it started with simpler works, like a palisade and a leaf, in order to understand the various construction techniques -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I will now show some models of the houses built

sceneggiatura per parte salahzar S01. The advent of the first virtual world truly organized and whose content and interactions are completely (or almost) the fruit of the free and spontaneous activity of participants (SecondLife), has manifested a whole series of anthropological mechanics so far scarcely known. See also works by Tom Boelstorff who wrote the famous essay "Coming of Age in SecondLife

S02. In a spontaneous and natural way, they have started to join together in non-institutional realities whose aim was to show the mutual help and maximum use of the creative/expressive possibilities happening in virtual worlds. There was a felt need to teach and share knowledge within the virtual world and with a more extensive value, trying to exploit the enormous potential educational and experiential possibilities by using these new technologies that, among other things, have offered a completely new and original dimension to the concept of eLearning (remote teaching).

S03. In this intervention I intend to present some "historical memory" showing that what we are doing with Edu3d has "historical" roots in SecondLife (and probably also in other previous worlds that have had less known such as Scuola3D Semantic Learning and other platforms). The important thing to understand is that the concepts of identity immersivity interactivity with the environment and other participants durability of actions and creations that are made empathy


They apply either to current virtual worlds but also to the new worlds linked to virtual reality that are just raising now, such as Sansar, HighFidelity, but also other initiatives such as MayaVerse, completely Italian.

S05. People who volunteer in Edu3d have shown that the skills needed to make the best use of any kind of technological interaction can also be exploited for educational purposes or even better for the sharing of knowledge in a relaxed, informal and positive environment.

S06. To this end, it is important to fully master all the major digital platforms currently available,

such as for example: YouTube/Classroom/Drive (google tools) Facebook/Twitter Skype/Slack and other voice sharing tools ScreenLeap and other screen sharing tools Virtual worlds including Minecraft/Minetest to view and test your acquired 3D skills.

S07. See also the work done for IGI "Handbook of Research on Collaborative Teaching Practice in Virtual Learning" not only by myself but also by a large number of Italian teachers and educators.


Beginning since 2007 and probably before (SecondLife started in ~2004), using many educational and community experiences started in SecondLife, and in particular with following groups/communities.

S09: 2007-2010 SecondLife Mentors (International and Italian) The Second Life Mentor group is made up of residents who have volunteered to devote part of their time to helping new Residents at Welcome Areas, Help Islands, InfoHubs, Sandboxes, and a variety of public places. Mentors answer questions, give advice, and provide guidance.

S10. 2007-2010 ^ASL^ (Academy of Second Learning), Academy of Second Learning

The Academy of Second Learning promotes a safe and open learning environment for the Second Life community. Our primary goal is to provide quality education to all learners via innovative and challenging classes that are informative, engaging, and empowering. S11. 2008-2013.VULCANO was an "anarchist" free experimental social community where everybody was free to participate proposing a project and having 52 prims available. They needed to provide a manifest of their project, and the project was to be completely original without copying anything, not being a house or something private.

S12. 2008-2015 PyramidCafe "Pyramid CafĂŠ is a group born in Second Life from the "Spirit of Volcano", one of the most interesting and fertile experiments of participatory democracy in the Italian community of the virtual world managed by Linden Lab. The aim of the group is to foster socialization, collaboration and the transmission of knowledge. From the historical headquarters in Vulcano, it was then spread to various places of Second Life and the similar open source platform called "Open Sim". Pyramid CafĂŠ wants to be a spontaneous association of people, with no profit identification, managed autonomously and on a voluntary basis by the same members."

S13. 2008-2011 "Academy of Italian Land A new group has been created, COMPLETELY NO PROFIT, called - ALI ACCADEMIA delle LAND ITALIANE -. Its aim is to promote training and educational activities within the 3D platform and to offer the opportunity for Italian Residents to be informed about the courses offered within SecondLife, regardless of the land in which they will be held. ALI is independent and is not directly associated with other entities, groups, individuals, secondlife or rl avatars, even if it can form cooperation and collaboration with other entities. If you are a teacher, a disseminator or do activities that may be of interest to newbie, residents or organizations and associations you can ask to be part of the "officers" of ALI, with the possibility to publish news, calendars, events."

S14. Roots in Opensim and in other virtual worlds

S15. 2008-2009. Born To Learn and OpenSimITA

BTL (Born To Learn), original 2008 sim built initially on Junta Kohime's personal pc and became the meeting point of a group fed with enthusiasts of opensim that had created the OpenSimITA group.

S16. 2008 - today Indire/Edmondo (Italian Ministry of Education) EdMondo is a virtual world: an online digital 3D environment in which, through avatars, you can explore, help build, participate in activities and communicate with other users. Access to edMondo is reserved for teachers and students. Teachers are provided with training courses and the possibility of managing their own virtual space with their students. edMondo is an initiative of INDIRE - the Istituto Nazionale di Documentazione per l' Innovazione e la Ricerca Educativa (National Institute of Documentation for Innovation and Educational Research) and is part of the Immersive Teaching project.

S17. 2008-2011 Cyberlandia (original Italian grid) Cyberland, an experiment of Italian grid Opensim's game. Cyberland has been playing for a few weeks now - an experimental Italian grid to which you can freely hook your OpenSim servers, if you have any. For now we are about ten islands (not always all of them online) - an OpenSim server in fact generates an island similar to those of Second Life, which can be accessed using the same client that we use for Second Life. OpenSim can be installed on your PC, for private use on a computer of your own LAN, with open access to the public on a public and dedicated server in a similar way as with websites

s18. 2010Craft Craft World was born on 27th January 2010 inside what was Cyberlandia at the time, a sort of federation of independent standalones in which only two components (Craft World and Cyberlandia itself) were installed with the structure of a grid.

S19 Inside Cyberlandia, Craft World was the international component, indeed its first four citizens

were Licu Rau (Sardinian), Tao Quan (British), Tosha Tyran (German) and Lumiere Noir (American). Both Cyberlandia and Craft World were based in Sardinia, an autonomous region of Italy. The idea, inherited from Cyberlandia, was to experiment within this new metaverse in all its possibilities, especially with those things that for many reasons, mostly economic or based on rules, were difficult to do inside our big mother Second Life.

S20. 2014-2015 sperimenta SperiMenta is a group born with the aim of teaching everyone who wants to learn to build something in SL. Teaching essentially Blender, using Facebook.

S21. article for IGI Informal methodology to effectively teach in virtual worlds...

Abstract The target of this chapter is to provide an insight on an informal methodology exploiting the strongest possibilities of Virtual Reality worlds (supported by a full usage of other web-based and social media tools), as a viable effective and rewarding tool both for teachers and students to assist in Educational classes on many teaching subjects. This is shown using a practical example effectively performed in Summer 2016. The goal is obtained using already established methodologies like Flipped Classroom, Educational Marketing, Gamification, Cooperative Learning. The result is quite attractive and immersive and easy to organize and use even by teachers not too technically experts.

S22. Minetest / Minecraft During latest months/years edu3d tried to set up courses on other virtual reality domains useful for education so in 2015-16 we taught Minecraft while in 2017 we started dissemination on its opensource implementation Minetest which seems quite at the same level of Minecraft itself, but freeing schools to pay money for closed content. Moreover Minetest is educationally quite precious regarding to coding and other useful skills, since it relies on LUA as programming language for modifications which can be easily taught to children and it is heavily used to add interactions to games.

METODOLOGIA IMMERSIVA E INFORMALE Abstract dell'intervento. L'avvento del primo mondo virtuale veramente organizzato e il cui contenuto ed interazioni sono completamente (o quasi) il frutto dell'attivita' libera e spontanea dei partecipanti (SecondLife), ha manifestato tutta una serie di di meccaniche antropologiche finora scarsamente conosciute. Cfr anche lavori di Tom Boelstorff che ha scritto il famoso saggio "Coming of Age in SecondLife" In maniera spontanea e naturale hanno cominciato ad aggregarsi realta' (anche) non istituzionali il cui scopo era quello di mutuo aiuto e di uso al massimo delle possibilita' creative/espressive offerte dai mondi virtuali. In quest'ottica si e' sentita la necessita' di insegnare e di condividere le conoscenze sia interne al mondo virtuale, sia con valenza piu' estesa, cercando di sfruttare le enormi potenzialita' didattiche ed esperienziali possibili utilizzando queste nuove tecnologie che tra le altre cose hanno offerto una dimensione completamente nuova ed originale al concetto di eLearning (insegnamento a distanza). In questo intervento intendo mantenere quella "memoria storica" che fa vedere che quello che stiamo facendo con Edu3d ha radici "storiche" in SecondLife (e probabilmente anche in altri mondi precedenti che hanno avuto meno notorieta' come ad esempio Scuola3D Semantic Learning e altre piattaforme). La cosa importante da capire e' che i concetti di ● ● ● ● ●

identita' immersivita' interattivita' con l'ambiente e con gli altri partecipanti durabilita' delle azioni e delle creazioni che si fanno "empatia"

Si applicano sia sui mondi virtuali attuali ma anche soprattutto ai nuovi mondi legati alla ​realta' virtuale ​che stanno nascendo soltanto ora, come ad esempio Sansar, HighFidelity, ma anche altre iniziative come MayaVerse, completamente italiana. Le persone che fanno volontariato in Edu3d hanno dimostrato che le competenze necessarie per poter sfruttare al meglio qualunque tipo di interazione tecnologica possono essere anche sfruttate a scopo educativo o anche meglio per la condivisione di conoscenza in ambito rilassato, informale e positivo. A questo scopo e' importante padroneggiare in modo pieno tutte le principali piattaforme digitali attualmente a disposizione come ad esempio:

● ● ● ● ●

YouTube/Classroom/Drive (strumenti google) Facebook/Twitter Skype/Slack ed altri strumenti di condivisione voce ScreenLeap ed altri strumenti di condivisione schermo Mondi virtuali inclusi Minecraft/Minetest per visualizzare e mettere alla prova le competenze 3D acquisite.

Cfr anche il lavoro fatto per IGI "Handbook of Research on Collaborative Teaching Practice in Virtual Learning" non solo da me ma da una nutrita quantita' di insegnanti ed educatori italiani.

S01. The advent of the first virtual world truly organized and whose content and interactions are completely (or almost) the fruit of the free and spontaneous activity of participants (SecondLife), has manifested a whole series of anthropological mechanics so far scarcely known. See also works by Tom Boelstorff who wrote the famous essay "Coming of Age in SecondLife S02. In a spontaneous and natural way, they have started to join together in non-institutional realities whose aim was that of mutual help and maximum use of the creative/expressive possibilities offered by virtual worlds. There was a felt need to teach and share knowledge within the virtual world and with a more extensive value, trying to exploit the enormous potential educational and experiential possibilities by using these new technologies that, among other things, have offered a completely new and original dimension to the concept of eLearning (remote teaching). S03. In this intervention I intend to maintain the "historical memory" showing that what we are doing with Edu3d has "historical" roots in SecondLife (and probably also in other previous worlds that have had less known such as Scuola3D Semantic Learning and other platforms). The important thing to understand is that the concepts of ● ● ● ● ●

identity immersivity interactivity with the environment and other participants durability of actions and creations that are made empathy

S04. They apply either to current virtual worlds but also to the new worlds linked to virtual reality that are just raising now, such as Sansar, HighFidelity, but also other initiatives such as MayaVerse, completely Italian.

S05. People who volunteer in Edu3d have shown that the skills needed to make the best use of any kind of technological interaction can also be exploited for educational purposes or even better for the sharing of knowledge in a relaxed, informal and positive environment. S06. To this end, it is important to fully master all the major digital platforms currently available, such as for example: YouTube/Classroom/Drive (google tools) Facebook/Twitter Skype/Slack and other voice sharing tools ScreenLeap and other screen sharing tools Virtual worlds including Minecraft/Minetest to view and test your acquired 3D skills. S07. See also the work done for IGI "Handbook of Research on Collaborative Teaching Practice in Virtual Learning" not only by myself but also by a large number of Italian teachers and educators.

S08. ROOTS IN SECONDLIFE Beginning since 2007, using many educationa and community experiences started in SecondLife, and in particular with following groups/communities. S09: 2007-2010 ​SecondLife

Mentors (International and Italian)

The S ​ econd Life Mentor​ group is made up of residents who have volunteered to devote part of their time to helping new Residents at W ​ elcome Areas,​ ​Help Islands​, I​ nfoHubs,​ S ​ andboxes​, and a variety of public places. Mentors answer questions, give advice, and provide guidance.

S10. 2007-2010 ​^ASL^

(Academy of Second Learning),

Academy of Second Learning ---OUR MISSION--The Academy of Second Learning promotes a safe and open learning environment for the Second Life community. Our primary goal is to provide quality education to all learners via innovative and challenging classes that are informative, engaging, and empowering.

S11. 2008-2013.VULCANO was an "anarchist" free experimental social community where everybody was free to participate proposing a project and having 52 prims available. They needed to provide a manifest of their project, and the project was to be completely original without copying anything, not being a house or something private.


S12. 2008-2015 PyramidCafe "Pyramid Café is a group born in Second Life from the "Spirit of Volcano", one of the most interesting and fertile experiments of participatory democracy in the Italian community of the virtual world managed by Linden Lab. The aim of the group is to foster socialization, collaboration and the transmission of knowledge. From the historical headquarters in Vulcano, it was then spread to various places of Second Life and the similar open source platform called "Open Sim". Pyramid Café wants to be a spontaneous association of people, with no profit identification, managed autonomously and on a voluntary basis by the same members."

PyramidCafe Pyramid Café​​ è un gruppo nato in ​Second Life​ dallo "​Spirito di Vulcano​", una delle più interessanti e fertili sperimentazioni di democrazia partecipata nella comunità italiana del mondo virtuale gestito dalla ​Linden Lab​. Lo scopo del gruppo è di favorire la ​socializzazione​​ , le collaborazioni​​ e la trasmissione della​conoscenza​​.

Dalla sede storica di Vulcano si era poi diffuso in ​vari luoghi​ di Second Life e dell'analoga piattaforma open source denominata "​Open Sim​". Pyramid Cafè vuole essere un'associazione spontanea di persone, con identificazione no profit, gestito in maniera autonoma e su base volontaria dagli stessi componenti.

S13. 2008-2011 "Academy of Italian Land A new group has been created, COMPLETELY NO PROFIT, called - ALI ACCADEMIA delle LAND ITALIANE -. Its aim is to promote training and educational activities within the 3D platform and to offer the opportunity for Italian Residents to be informed about the courses offered within SecondLife, regardless of the land in which they will be held.

ALI is independent and is not directly associated with other entities, groups, individuals, secondlife or rl avatars, even if it can form cooperation and collaboration with other entities. If you are a teacher, a disseminator or do activities that may be of interest to newbie, residents or organizations and associations you can ask to be part of the "officers" of ALI, with the possibility to publish news, calendars, events."

Accademia delle Land Italiane E' stato creato un nuovo gruppo , SENZA ALCUN FINE DI LUCRO , che si chiama - ALI ACCADEMIA LAND ITALIANE Il suo fine è quello di promuovere le attività formative ed educative all'interno della piattaforma 3D e di offrire la possibilità ai Residenti Italiani di essere informati dei corsi offerti all'interno di SecondLife a prescindere dalla land in cui si svolgeranno. ALI è indipendente e non è associata direttamente ad altre entità, gruppi, individui, avatar in secondlife o in rl, anche se può formare cooperazioni e collaborazioni con altre entità Se sei un insegnante, un divulgatore o fai comunque attività che possono essere di interesse per newbie, residenti o enti ed associazioni puoi chiedere di far parte degli "officers" di ALI, con la possibilità di pubblicare notizie, calendari, eventi .

S14. Roots in Opensim and in other virtual worlds S15. 2008-2009. Born To Learn and OpenSimITA BTL (Born To Learn), original 2008 sim built initially on Junta Kohime's personal pc and became the meeting point of a group fed with enthusiasts of opensim that had created the OpenSimITA group.

Born To Learn e OpenSimITA BTL (Born To Learn), originale sim del 2008 costruita inizialmente sul pc personale di Junta Kohime e diventata punto di aggregazione di un gruppo nutrito di entusiasti dell'opensim che aveva creato il gruppo OpenSimITA.

S16. 2008 - today Indire/Edmondo (Italian Ministry of Education) EdMondo is a virtual world: an online digital 3D environment in which, through avatars, you can explore, help build, participate in activities and communicate with other users. Access to edMondo is reserved for teachers and students. Teachers are provided with training courses and the possibility of managing their own virtual space with their students. edMondo is an initiative of INDIRE - the Istituto Nazionale di Documentazione per l' Innovazione e la Ricerca Educativa (National Institute of Documentation for Innovation and Educational Research) - and is part of the Immersive Teaching project.

Indire/Edmondo (Ministero Istruzione Italiano) EdMondo è un mondo virtuale: un ambiente digitale 3D online in cui, tramite avatar, si può esplorare, contribuire a costruire, partecipare alle attività e comunicare con altri utenti. L’accesso a edMondo è riservato a docenti e studenti. Per i docenti sono attivi corsi di formazione e la possibilità di gestire un proprio spazio virtuale con i propri studenti. edMondo è un’iniziativa di I​ NDIRE​ – l’Istituto Nazionale di Documentazione per l’Innovazione e la Ricerca Educativa – e fa parte del progetto D ​ idattica Immersiva.​

S17. 2008-2011 Cyberland (original Italian grid) Cyberland, an experiment of Italian grid Opensim's game. Cyberland has been playing for a few weeks now - an experimental Italian grid to which you can freely hook your OpenSim servers, if you have any. For now we are about ten islands (not always all of them online) - an OpenSim server in fact generates an island similar to those of Second Life, which can be accessed using the same client that we use for Second Life. OpenSim can be installed on your PC, for private use on a computer of your own LAN, with open access to the public

on a public and dedicated server in a similar way as with websites

Cyberlandia (grid originaria italiana)

E' partita Cyberlandia, esperimento di grid italiana Opensim di O ​ pensource Obscure​ » mer mag 21, 2008 5:20 pm

Da poche settimane e' partita C ​ yberlandia - una grid italiana

sperimentale a cui potete liberamente agganciare i vostri server OpenSim,​ se ne avete. Per ora siamo una decina di isole (non sempre tutte online) - un server OpenSim infatti genera un'isola simile a

quelle di Second Life, a cui si puo' accedere usando lo stesso client che usiamo per Second Life. OpenSim puo' venire installato - sul proprio PC, per uso privato - su un computer della propria LAN, con accesso aperto al pubblico - su un server pubblico e dedicato in modo analogo a come si fa con i siti web

s18. 2010Craft Craft World was born on 27th January 2010 inside what was Cyberlandia at the time, a sort of federation of independent standalones in which only two components (Craft World and Cyberlandia itself) were installed with the structure of a grid. s19 Inside Cyberlandia, Craft World was the international component, indeed its first four citizens were Licu Rau (Sardinian), Tao Quan (British), Tosha Tyran (German) and Lumiere Noir (American). Both Cyberlandia and Craft World were based in Sardinia, an autonomous region of Italy. The idea, inherited from Cyberlandia, was to experiment within this new metaverse in all its possibilities, especially with those things that for many reasons, mostly economic or based on rules, were difficult to do inside our big mother Second Life.

Craft Craft-World è un mondo virtuale 3D in cui puoi costruire, socializzare, creare gruppi, organizzare eventi e intrattenimento e lavorare su progetti didattici e cultrali.

s20. sperimenta SperiMenta is a group born with the aim of teaching everyone who wants to learn to build something in SL.

s21. aticle for IGI

Metodologia informale per l'insegnamento nei mondi virtuali...

Abstract The target of this chapter is to provide an insight on an ​informal methodology ​exploiting the strongest possibilities of Virtual Reality worlds (supported by a full usage of other web-based and social media tools), as a viable effective and rewarding tool both for teachers and students to assist in Educational classes on many teaching subjects. This is shown using a practical example effectively performed in Summer 2016. The goal is obtained using already established methodologies like Flipped Classroom, Educational Marketing, Gamification, Cooperative Learning. The result is quite attractive and immersive and easy to organize and use even by teachers not too technically experts.

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Introduction When talking about long distance learning and co-learning, current e-technology is not much help: the simple and exclusive usage of tools like Moodle, Skype, email or chat systems often produce too complex an environment to set up (and sometimes needing much money and investment), and the process and outcome is difficult to monitor and to engage participants properly unless organizers possess a lot of professional/technical skills. The difficulties involved can discourage educators to use these tools since technical difficulties are felt to be overwhelming and not worth the time. On the other hand, experiences rich with enthusiasm, fully immersive, and lived as a “game” are often a good way to produce gratification and improve self-esteem both for the teachers and the participants. What the author experienced during the last 8 years is that a mixed usage of various tools, with an emphasis on the 3D experience and the quick and real interaction that it is possible to produce when people are effectively living experiences in a well-defined space and the identification with a “real” and independent self-projection, is a prerequisite to create a persistent imprinting for the learning experience which then becomes a substantial part of the participant background. Organizing classes in 3D virtual spaces can also be easy, fun and convenient. There are various opinions, on the utility of Virtual Worlds and Gamification as an effective tool usable in Education, as stated for example by (Gregory, 2014): There is little doubt that the technological advances in recent years combined with the blending of virtual worlds with the ‘real’ afford enormous possibilities for education in the future. However, as is the case with many technological innovations, in the early days of virtual worlds there was more rhetoric than research on virtual world education. Virtual worlds were seen by some as the golden grail of education. They were toted to be ‘magic places’

where the best of all educational practices could be utilised and many educators viewed them as the panacea for the challenges of distance and online learning (…) The intention of this chapter is to provide a real methodology that can be used effectively to help teachers and trainers willing to use virtual worlds to design and organize virtual and distant teaching classes using a mixture of tools freely available on the internet. Most of the suggestions and practical hints you can find here have been tested during many years of teaching performed in Second Life, OpenSimulator and other virtual worlds (including Minecraft or Cloud Party) during the period from 2008 until 2017 with encouraging outcome: many people have exploited the concepts to further develop their projects and conduct complex educational sessions with their students. This chapter describes: 1. Ingredients:​​ General Tools and concepts we can use 2. Orchestration:​​ Organizational tools for helping in organizing the class 3. Cooking a Class:​​ Example of a real class organized with this methodology 4. An Example History Class:​​ Practical suggestions 5. Results and Feedbacks:​​ Live experiences outcomes Top

Ingredients OpenSimulator Most of the author’s classes use OpenSimulator (an open source version of Second Life), which is equivalent to the commercial version and very easy to set up without spending money (Jacka Booth, 2014). See (Sullivan, 2016) on how, being open source, it can be easily extended and redeployed to provide a fully, already set up and working environment for learning experiences. It is possible to use voice (there is a quite interesting spatial voice technology, which allows people to hear depending on their “physical” position in the virtual space, and participants usually use the chat to submit questions and alert the teacher to any problems or if they are not following properly.

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