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BLAME vol.0

BLAME blame [bleɪm]

n 1. responsibility for something that is wrong or deserving censure; culpability 2. an expression of condemnation; reproof be to blame to be at fault or culpable vb (tr) 1. (usually foll by for) to attribute responsibility to; accuse I blame him for the failure 2. (usually foll by on) to ascribe responsibility for (something) to I blame the failure on him 3. to find fault with [from Old French blasmer, ultimately from Late Latin blasphēmāre to blaspheme] blamable , blameable adj blamably , blameably adv

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003ifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.



Tension and perspective on parallel edges.

Web Interfaces, pages layout, covers

Se necesita un nuevo fundamento

Diseño es un proceso enfocado más en alcanzar valores fundamentales que de seguir tendencias. Ser original requiere sacudir todo lo establecido y proponer nuevas soluciones. Desde el alma hasta los bocetos quiero trabajar todo lo que se requiere para no ser más el culpable.

Une nouvelle fondation est nécessaire

Le processus du design est davantage préoccupée par atteindre des valeurs de base que de suivre les tendances. Être “original” exige de bouger toutes les structures établis et de trouver des solutions nouvelles. De l'âme à des broullons que je veux travailler tout ce qui exige pour ne pas être le seul à blâmer.

A new foundation is needed

Design is a process concerned more about reach core values than follow trends. Being original requires to shake all the established coming up with new solutions. From the soul to the drafts I want to work all that requires for not being the one to blame.

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