Prayer Book Autumn 2017

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Salesian College Daily Prayer Autumn Term 2017


To all Form and Group Tutors: This booklet offers some ideas for Daily Prayer during registration periods. It is based on materials produced by Fr David O’Malley SDB when he was chaplain in Bolton, and by Miss Enright. Form periods can be very busy so it is important to reserve a few minutes for prayer and reflection, preferably at the beginning, before general announcements. A regular routine is helpful, but within the framework there is room for variation and for your own creativity in responding to current concerns. It is good to involve the students in reading or leading the prayers and quotes. Always try to include a short period of silence. For further suggestions see the articles by Fr O’Malley on and feel free to discuss with Miss Enright or myself. Thank you for your help in supporting the Ethos of our Salesian College. Please let me know if you would like anything added to this booklet. Fr Patrick Sherlock SDB (chaplain) 3

Daily Prayers Begin and end the prayer session with the sign of the cross, said together: IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER AND OF THE SON AND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. AMEN After any other prayers, including requests from form members, add one or more of the following said together: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. AMEN Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. AMEN Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. AMEN 4

St John Bosco, help us to love God and to bring that love into the lives of others. Teach us to love and practise our faith so that we may be worthy of God’s love and concern. Following your example, may we have hearts full of compassion for those who are in need, especially other young people and those who are poor. Pray for our families and all those whom we love that we may be united with them in this life and forever. AMEN I adore you, O my God, and I love you with all my heart. I thank you for having created me, called me into your Church, and preserved me during the night past. I offer you all my actions of this day: grant that they may be done according to your holy will and for your greater glory. Keep me from sin and from every evil. May your grace be always with me and with all those who are dear to me. AMEN Lord, be the beginning and end of all that we do and say. Prompt our actions with your grace and complete them with your all powerful help. AMEN Before the final sign of the cross, use one or both of the following: Saint John Bosco, PRAY FOR US. Mary, Help of Christians, PRAY FOR US 5

Week beginning Monday 4 Sep 2017 Start of New School Year, Mass of Dedication Welcome back! It’s a new beginning for everyone: starting a new school, moving up to a new year with new challenges, starting to prepare for public exams or taking on new responsibilities. We need God’s help to keep us aware of the bigger picture. Lord, help us to thirst for the learning that we will need to do well in life. May we discover our gifts and talents through the honest praise of friends and come to find our path in life this year. AMEN Lord, thank you for a new year. Thank you for a chance to be different, to meet new people and learn from them. Help us to reach out to others in kindness this week and build a deeper sense of community here in Salesian College. AMEN “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Maria Robinson “The best blessing a child can receive is the awareness of being loved.” Sunday Gospel Mt 16:21-27 “If anyone wants to be a follower of mine…” Make a life-giving and simple resolution about your new academic year.


Week beginning Monday 11 Sep 2017 Yr 13 Leadership Team Retreat Welcome the stranger. The Christian Gospel recognises the importance of the stranger, not as a danger but as a focus for new beginnings, growth and wisdom. Whoever welcomes the stranger in some way welcomes God’s presence. As we meet new people this term may we see God’s image in them too. Lord, may I welcome the stranger this year in new staff and new students. Help me to see your goodness in all the new arrivals in this school year. May I learn something about you from every new person this year. AMEN Lord, you said that whatever we do to the least of our brothers and sisters we do to you. May we see the new members of our community and make them welcome and in doing that welcome you into our lives. AMEN Lord, help us to bless the way we change and grow in this class this year. Help us to see how we can help each other and offer that help sensitively so that all of us can grow to fullness of life. AMEN “I have dedicated my whole life to young people, convinced that the future of a nation depends on their education.” Sunday Gospel Mt 18:15-20 “Where two or three meet in my name…” Say hello to a new person in school each day this week.


Week beginning Monday 18 Sep 2017 Yr7 Retreats. Yr 12 Launch of HCPT preparation. Yr 9 ‘Make Some Noise’ RUAH is the Hebrew word for spirit or breath. It is a word we can use to describe how we belong to each other and work together as a community. May we try to live this year together with Respect, Understanding, Affection and Humour. May the breath of that spirit be in all our friendships, in all our arguments and in all the care we have to share with others. Lord, thank you for the breath of your spirit moving in my body, in my relationships and in my world. Let the breath of your spirit guide me to live with respect, understanding, affection and humour. AMEN Lord, help me to think about what I do and how it might affect other people. When I make mistakes help me to admit them and stay cheerful and keep a sense of humour even under pressure. AMEN Lord, our community is full of people who are different from me. Help me to respect those differences even when they make me uncomfortable. May I be warm and friendly to all those I meet. “Be happy, do good and leave them room to play.” Sunday Gospel Mt 18:21-35 “How often must I forgive my brother?” Praise a member of your class in conversation this week


Week beginning Monday 25 Sep 2017 Open Afternoon. Yr 8 Retreat Our College is part of a network of care and community in our area. We have links with other schools, primary and secondary. We belong to parishes and other worshipping communities. We give support to local charities. Our goodness, generosity, forgiveness, welcome and enthusiasm can help to transform our wider community. This week we will think about how we belong to our local community. Lord, we pray for the schools, parishes, and charities with whom we are linked through sport, worship and shared activities. May our example build an understanding that we belong to one family of people. AMEN Lord, the world holds a fragile network of life that needs care. May our way of living heal and not harm your life in the local community. AMEN Lord, we pray for those who work to provide us with food. May their efforts be rewarded with a plentiful harvest. AMEN “God wants us to be happy.” Sunday Gospel Mt 20:1-16 “The last will be first, and the first, last.” Look out for people who are different from you and admire their gifts from a distance


Week beginning Monday 2 Oct 2017 Share the Light Race Night We are part of a National and International Salesian network. There are five other Salesian secondary schools in Britain and thousands around the world educating millions of young people in the spirit of Don Bosco. We have special links of friendship with Zambia, New York, France, Italy and Spain. This network of young people is something we should be aware of and proud of. Lord, we pray for Salesian students in Battersea, Chertsey, Bootle, Croxteth and Bolton. May they be blessed with a happy and safe year. May our Student Voice project be blessed with friendship and understanding this year. AMEN Lord, Don Bosco created a family of young people that has spread all over the world. Help us to realise that we share so much with young people in Salesian work around the world. AMEN “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” C S Lewis “Do what you can, and let God do the rest.” Sunday Gospel Mt 21:28-32 “A man had two sons…” Pick up a piece of litter that you didn’t drop and put it in a bin. Keep our place clean.


Week beginning Monday 9 Oct 2017 Yr 7 Run for Sean This week we will focus on the need to build resilience and determination by thinking positively about ourselves, encouraging one another and being realistic and organised about what we need to do. Resilience is the ability to bounce back after problems and persevere in a steady pattern. It is a life skill for staff and students alike. Lord, you made me the way I am and asked me to keep growing with your help into the best person I can be. Stay with me when I am sad and remind me of your goodness. AMEN Lord, help us to contain anger with ourselves when things go wrong. May we take time to think things through, ask advice from a friend and remember the goodness you have hidden inside us. AMEN Lord, give us courage and wisdom to think positively and not let gloom and doom fill our minds. May the optimism of the Gospel give us energy to keep going keep doing our best and leaving the rest to you. AMEN “God is our loving Father; let’s put our trust in him.” Sunday Gospel Mt 21:33-43 “There was a man who planted a vineyard…” Think of three things you are good at and smile!


Week beginning Monday 16 Oct 2017 Yr 13 Retreat. HCPT Charity Revue. Half Term We are impatient with waiting and emptiness, suspicious of stillness and uncomfortable with silence. Yet, when we are driven into the desert of our own emptiness, we find God who is always searching for us. In that silence we find that the depth of our emptiness is simply the echo of a love that never ends. Lord, I offer you this day and all that it will bring. Anchor my day deeply in your presence. Steady my heart and mind, when emotions within and challenges without threaten my peace of mind. Take this day and let your will be done. AMEN Lord, you know every thought in every mind. No joy or tear goes unnoticed by your loving care. Watch over us at the start of a new day, remind us of the power we have to love, and the poverty of our spirit. Open us today, the hidden treasures of your kingdom. AMEN Don’t let anyone put you down just because you are young. Witness to the Gospel with your life: by word and action, by love, by faith and by integrity. 1 Tim 4:12 “I want no long-faced saints.” Sunday Gospel Mt 22:1-14 “Many are called but few are chosen.” Live simply so that others might simply live.


Week beginning Monday 30 Oct 2017 All Saints and All Souls. Yr 9 Battlefields Trip Resolving Global war and conflict is the theme of this week as we build up to Remembrance Day. The poppy and TV programmes will remind us of the pity of war and the courage that it brings out of ordinary people. This week we will focus on injustice as the root of all war whether it is on battlefields, bar room brawls or family arguments. Father of creation, help us to treat each other justly and be fair and honest in our dealings. May the roots of conflict never find a home in our hearts. May honesty and compromise uproot all injustice from our family and school. AMEN Lord, we pray for those involved in conflicts around the world. May the courage of our soldiers help to build a peace that puts an end to terrorism and allows people to find a new way of living together. AMEN Lord, thank you for the men and women who have risked their lives in war for our country. Bless and reward them for their courage and sacrifice. Help us to build on the freedom they have won. AMEN “Take heart, be brave! We have no reason to be downhearted, God is with us.” Sunday Gospel Mt 22:34-40 “Which is the greatest commandment?” Pray for those who treat you unjustly – overcome them with loving kindness. 13

Week beginning Monday 6 Nov 2017 Mass of Remembrance Resolving conflict in our own country demands a lot of patience and understanding between many different groups that make up our town and our nation. We need to understand the different cultures, Asian, African, American and European that bring different strengths and stories into our community. Listening patiently helps overcome the stereotyping and labelling that starts conflict. Lord of life, you bring the stories of many people together into a bigger story of life. Help us to see the common ground in the stories of Muslim, Hindu and Christian communities in the UK. Let religion build a bridge between us. AMEN Lord, thank you for your presence in every culture and individual story in our local community. May we listen with respect to the experience of Africa, Asia and Europe. AMEN “No one really knows why they are alive until they know what they’d die for.” Martin Luther King “Keep your feet on the ground, keep your heart in heaven.” Sunday Gospel Mt 23:1-12 “Anyone who humbles himself will be exalted.” Hold a door open for someone.


Week beginning Monday 13 Nov 2017 Yr 7-10 Assessments until 24. Prize Night Resolving conflict in school. Peer conflict resolution strategies – empathy, honesty and courage – are sometimes in short supply in the hectic days of school life. We all need to resolve the tensions of working closely together or pass those tensions on to others. This week we are challenged to find ways to express and earth our tensions through careful listening and friendly support. Lord, there are some people in our community who have the gift of listening and helping others make peace. Thank you for these peacemakers in our school. May we use their gifts when we are angry and trust their advice. AMEN Lord, there is no growth without some change and tension. Help us to see conflict as a way of growing in wisdom and understanding. Help us to forgive those who annoy us and forgive ourselves when we get stressed. AMEN Lord, when people can’t speak out they act out their anger. Help us to give people time to speak and listen with the head and the heart to what they say. AMEN “When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.” Ernest Hemingway “Our way is founded entirely on reason, religion and loving kindness.” Sunday Gospel Mt 25:1-13 “Five of them were foolish and five were sensible.” Thank someone who has pointed out a mistake you have made. 15

Week beginning Monday 20 Nov 2017 Kidz Lit Quiz Next Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King, a special day of prayer for youth. World Youth Day is always a powerful demonstration that young people can have great faith. Their witness encourages us, and Christians of all ages throughout the world. Lord, it is not always easy to accept our faith and to share it with others. Build up our faith so that it will be a firm foundation for our lives and a rock of security when we are faced with difficulties. AMEN Lord, we thank you for the support we receive from our families, our school and our friends. We pray for young people who do not have these advantages. AMEN Lord, you taught John Bosco how to be a young apostle among his friends by using and developing his natural talents. Show us how to use our gifts in the service of others. AMEN “Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.” Kafk “Here in your midst I feel completely at home.” Sunday Gospel Mt 25:14-30 “To one he gave five talents…” Be conscious of saying a word of thanks to those who help you this week.


Week beginning Monday 27 Nov 2017 Ten:Ten Theatre Performance. Sponsored Walk Prayer is communication. It is the way we develop our relationship with God as we would with a human friend. Prayer needs practice like any other activity. For Christians prayer is a community activity as well as a personal one. Jesus showed prayer is important by being seen in prayer often. Merciful Father, fill our hearts with your love and keep us faithful to the gospel of Christ. Give us the grace to rise above our human weakness. AMEN God of love, bring us back to you. Send your Spirit to make us strong in faith and active in good works. AMEN “Eternal Life is life itself, real life, which can also be lived in the present age and is no longer challenged by physical death.” Pope Benedict “With your help I shall make you happier both in this life and the next.” Sunday Gospel Mt 25:31-46 “I was hungry and you gave me food…”


Week beginning Monday 4 Dec 2017 Start of Advent. Immaculate Conception. Performing Arts Evening This week we turn towards Christmas and start our preparation. The church calls this waiting time Advent, a time of stillness and allowing God to bring new things to life inside us. It is a time of reflection that is symbolised by Mary waiting for the birth of Christ and allowing God to work within. Lord, as the year grows older may I grow wiser by thinking about what has happened and noticing where you are calling me to celebrate. May I find a deep joy inside knowing that you are with me today and always. AMEN Lord, there is so much rush in our lives and not enough time to reflect. Before the Christmas rush comes upon us help us to make room for your peaceful presence in our lives. AMEN Lord, we begin Advent and invite you to work in our lives and begin to make sense of this term and all that has happened. Help us to see your plan unfolding in our lives. AMEN “Give me souls, take away the rest.” Sunday Gospel Mk 13:33-37 “Stay awake!” Notice when you have to wait today and use the time to count your blessings.


Week beginning Monday 11 Dec 2017 End of Term. Festival of Carols. Happy Christmas! Why are we waiting? If we really want to celebrate we first need to meditate otherwise the celebration is just an escape from reality that will turn sour and leave us depressed. The best celebrations are built upon the hardwon lessons of life that lead to deeper friendships and wisdom. It takes time to prepare to party. Lord, the party season is beginning. Keep us all safe from the excess that harms people and hurts relationships. Help us to be in control of what happens and protect our friends from extreme behaviour this Christmas. AMEN Lord, I am surrounded by people who want to party too soon. They want to escape the challenge of these last few weeks of the year. May I find time to really see what needs to be celebrated and not run away from the truths of this term. AMEN Lord, thank you for the events of this term at school, at home and among friends. In all those events, good and bad, may I see your plan at work. May I trust you to turn troubles into maturity and be ready to celebrate all I have learnt this term. AMEN Sunday Gospel Mk 1:1-8 “Prepare a way for the Lord!” Send a Christmas card to someone you don’t know that well.


Prayers for Various Situations For Peace (from CAFOD) God of all, as we walk together, Open our hearts to your tenderness. Open our minds to your understanding. Open our lives to your challenge. We are one people, many nations, Building hope through steps for peace. One world with many barriers, Breaking chains so we dance free. One voice that shouts for justice Shatters hatred, calls for change. One God, one world, one people, Turning tables, share the feast. For Serenity God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that should be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference. AMEN Someone Died Lord, someone I love died today. My heart feels as though it will never recover. To carry on seems too big an effort. Yet continue I must – but I’m going to need your help. Give me friends to comfort me in the sad times, to smile with me as we recall the joys, and to love me through the pain, towards life and hope. AMEN


When Things Go Wrong Lord Jesus, things are a bit of a mess at the moment. Give me strength to get through this difficult time, and courage to learn from it that I may grow in love. AMEN Lord, I did something stupid: I messed up. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone but people got upset and angry. Help me to accept the consequences of my moment of madness, and use the experience to grow into a better person. AMEN Lord, help me to remember that there is nothing going to happen today that you and I cannot get through together. AMEN During Exam Time Heavenly Father, we pray for all those taking exams at this time. May they have the calm, the dedication and the wisdom to achieve success. AMEN Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. (Philippians 4:6) Dear Lord of All, bless me and help me to be calm during this examination. Give me confidence in myself and in you, so that I may understand what is asked of me and use the time well. Be with me and fill me with your Spirit. AMEN 21

For wisdom and growth O gracious and holy Father, give us wisdom to perceive you, intelligence to understand you, diligence to seek you, patience to wait for you, eyes to behold you, hearts to meditate upon you, and lives that proclaim you through the power of the Spirit of Jesus who is Christ, our Lord. AMEN (St Benedict) Teach me, dear Lord, frequently and diligently to consider this truth: that if I gain the whole world and lose Thee, in the end I have lost everything; whereas if I lose the world and gain Thee, in the end I have lost nothing. AMEN (Blessed John Henry Newman) Thou, who art the light of the minds that know thee; the life of the souls that love thee; and the strength of the wills that serve thee; help us to know thee that we may truly love thee; so to love thee that we may fully serve thee, whom to serve is perfect freedom. AMEN (St Augustine) Lord, make me a better person: more considerate towards others, more honest with myself, more faithful and loving to you. 22

Make me generous enough to seek your will above my own. Help me to find my true vocation in life and through it, to find happiness for myself and bring happiness to others. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. AMEN A Litany of Remembrance During each silent pause let us remember before God those who have been mentioned. At the end of the litany, please join in the Lord’s Prayer. Now, dear Lord, we want to forget ourselves and to remember others: those who are ill and in pain; those waiting for an operation; those waiting for a doctor’s verdict and fearing the worst; (silence) those who are nervous, worried, anxious or afraid of life; those on the verge of a nervous breakdown; those who feel they cannot cope with life; (silence) those who are hungry and cold; those who are refugees with no home; those who are unemployed and those in prison. (silence) Out of your great riches, dear Lord, supply the need of those distressed in body, mind or heart. Our Father…


The Rosary Joyful Mysteries 1. Annunciation of the Lord to Mary 2. Visitation of Elizabeth by Mary 3. Nativity of our Blessed Lord 4. Presentation of Jesus 5. Finding of Jesus in the Temple Sorrowful Mysteries 1. Agony in the Garden 2. Scourging at the Pillar 3. Crowning with Thorns 4. Carrying of the Cross 5. CruciďŹ xion Glorious Mysteries 1. Resurrection of Jesus 2. Ascension of Jesus to Heaven 3. Descent of the Holy Spirit 4. Assumption of Mary into Heaven 5. Crowning of Mary Luminous Mysteries 1. Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan 2. Marriage Feast at Cana 3. Proclamation of the Kingdom of God 4. TransďŹ guration of Jesus 5. Institution of the Eucharist


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