2014 Salesian College Chadstone Annual

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10 Bosco Street Chadstone Victoria Australia 3148

www.salesian.vic.edu.au INSPIRE EDUCATE BECOME Great men.

2014 Annual


Congratulations to Justin D’Souza for his Unit 3 & 4 VCD production work being short listed into Top Designs for 2015. Justin’s concept presentation and folio production was judged to be outstanding by the selection panel and was taherefore shortlisted from thousands of entries all over Victoria. Justin is currently studying Industrial Design at Monash University in Caulfield.

He wishes to extend his study to complete a double degree in Engineering and Product Design to be competitive in the field.

“Photography has allowed me to explore my environment and appreciate it in new ways. Not only has this been an enjoyable experience but it also has given me the option of using that art form in the future.”

“The process was quite exciting, and it’s great to have my name published in the 2014 Top Designs booklet. Having my work published was a valuable experience.”

Pocholo Bueno Digital Photography under the Visual Arts Department

Ms Roslyn Aylward Head of Visual Arts Ms Anne Garofalo Art Department

Proposed Light Fixture Design Artist, Justin D’Souza

Photograph Artwork, Pocholo Bueno

2014 Salesian College Annual

2014 Salesian College Annual



College Rector


From the Principal


2014 VCE Results


40+ Study Scores

10 2014 Dux Speech 12 Scholarship Program 14 2014 Salesian Awards 15 Omnia Awards 17 Student Leadership 20 College Captain 22 Class of 2014

Editorial Team: Mavis Ford Susannah Good Suzie McErvale Contributors: Staff Students Community Photography: Br Barry Parker Paddy McKenna Staff Graphic Design: Mud Group Printers: MPrint Colour Printers

2014 Salesian College Annual

28 Staff

60 Humanities

33 Business Manager

61 Sport

34 Information Technology

62 Human Development

35 Public Relations

64 ACC Sport

36 Facilities

68 RUA Resource Centre

37 Canteen

69 Chess

38 Parents’ Association

70 Annual College Production

40 Religious Education

72 Debating and Public Speaking


74 Student Wellbeing

43 Social Justice League

75 Pathways

44 Salesian Missions

76 Year 10 Pathways Program

45 Oakleigh Connections Group


46 Curriculum

78 House Cup Competition

48 English

80 Annecy

49 Mathematics

90 Collinson

50 Science

100 Moroney

51 Visual Arts

110 Savio

52 Technology Studies

120 Year 9

54 Visual Arts and Technology Expo

130 Year 8


142 Year 7

58 Performing Arts

151 Student Roll Call



In March-April of this year, Rome was the venue for the General Chapter of the Salesians. From all the Provinces around the world, representatives descended on the “Generalizia” (The International Headquarters of the Salesians). Over two hundred Salesians engaged in sessions assessing the Salesian Mission and discerning the most appropriate focus for the way forward. The newly elected Rector Major (World Leader of the Salesians) drew the threads of discussion together and challenged the Salesians working throughout the world to be true to the spirit they have inherited from Don Bosco by renewed loyalty and a generous commitment to reach out to the needy in our world. Positive Challenges Here at Salesian College Chadstone we have taken the ‘Call’ of the Rector Major to heart, and, while pursuing the benefits of a solid education in order to be able to contribute creatively to the enrichment of society in the future, we have had the needy very much in mind even now. The initiatives of the Social Justice Ambassador and his circle of assistants, have ignited a spirit of generosity which is evidenced in the campaigns for each term as detailed in their report further on in these pages.


It is through the various focus programs like R U OK(?), White Ribbon Day, Remembrance Day and the like, that the College Community maintains a clear awareness of the challenges facing people around us. Contemporary Reflection In this day and age we enjoy the benefits of being closely connected through frequent use of social media, but we have a duty to be responsible and discerning in how we use it. As we journey on it is clear that we are working through a period of considerable development, and we need to be actively involved in shaping the ways of the future. Besides maintaining close communication, it is important to have something worthwhile to communicate. This was certainly a concern of St John Bosco as he faced the impact of the Industrial Revolution spinning out all around him. The Rector Major, similarly alert to contemporary circumstances, draws our attention to the challenges of our times. He proclaims that we must send down deep roots into the sources of wisdom so that what we tweet on Twitter or post on Facebook reflects this depth of learning and genuine concern for people and our planet.

Forward Planning Salesian College Chadstone endeavours to provide the experiences and guidance that nurture this depth of learning, so that steady, level-headed young men graduating are well prepared to meet the challenges they confront as active citizens contributing courageously to the common good. May our Good and Compassionate God continue to generously bless the Salesian College Community and all its undertakings. Fr John Papworth S.D.B. Rector

2014 Salesian College Annual

“The College Community maintains a clear awareness of the challenges facing people around us.�

2014 Salesian College Annual


Each year I am mystified as to where another year has gone and astounded as to what we have been able to achieve in twelve months. The 2014 school year has been another extraordinarily rewarding year, with many highlights and achievements. The Salesian boys continue to provide all in the community with a great sense of pride and joy with the way they go about their daily routines. I am continually reminded that the greatest aspect of Salesian College Chadstone is the people who make up the community: the staff, parents, priests and, most importantly, the boys, as it is all of these people who make this the wonderful place to be that it is.


If I tried to encapsulate the essence of the year in a few words, I would have to say it has been to bear witness to a greater sense of pride and joy in the community. The boys returned at the start of the year with enthusiasm and a sense of purpose. Our current students welcomed the smaller cohort of 135 new Year 7 students in an amazing opening College Mass where all students were presented with their new College and House badges. This ceremony appeared to set the scene for the year. So, as I put my reflections on paper, I can take pride in what has been a very positive year, with many things to celebrate and for which to give thanks.

One highlight for the year was the introduction of a new College song, which has been adopted and embraced by all in the community, especially the boys. There is a sense of anticipation at each of our assemblies where the song is now sung. We witnessed a slight drop in student numbers this year with the smaller intake at Year 7. However, we look forward to an increase for the 2015 school year with strong enrolments in Year 7. Just under 200 boys will join us in Year 7, giving us a population of approximately 960, up from the 940 boys we had at the start of 2014. The College is, once again, very pleased with the academic achievements

of the class of 2014, with 24 boys performing exceptionally well, achieving ATAR scores of 90 or above. The College Dux for the class of 2014 is Nathan D’Souza, with an ATAR score of 99.65. Other pleasing aspects of the VCE results include 50 boys (37%) obtaining an ATAR score over 80, and 70 students (52%) scoring an ATAR of 70 or over. The average ATAR score was 67, five points above the state average for boys. The excellent results of Salesian College students were also evident in the increased number of study scores of 40 and above, with 11.5% achieving this impressive result. Overall, we have seen a sustained improvement in our results, and we are also now seeing

2014 Salesian College Annual


a consistency in those results. The College is truly proud of the boys and their efforts. The Class of 2014 was not only able to meet the standards set for them in 2013, but to improve on them and set a benchmark for future classes to follow. The College enjoyed another year of students taking up the multiplicity of opportunities on offer for them here at the College. Participation in all aspects of College life has increased, and there appears to be more of a willingness for boys to join in and have a go. There is significant improvement in the number of boys willing to participate in the sport program. This resulted in improved performances

2014 Salesian College Annual

on field. Whilst we didn’t celebrate ultimate success in any particular sport, we were able to make a number of finals, only to be pipped at the final hurdle. Special mention must be made of our Senior and Year 10 Cricket teams, who both played off in the finals, losing very close and entertaining encounters. In addition, the College Athletics team once again performed very well, finishing third in a very competitive First Division carnival. Success in sport can be measured in many ways, and for Salesian College success continues to come in the way our boys participate and the sense of joy they provide for the community.

We saw further development in the intraschool competition, with the introduction of a number of new House competitions held either at lunch time or during sport afternoon. The two tiered competition implemented in 2013 became even more competitive, with the House Cup becoming a very sought after prize, especially for the senior boys in their final year. The College carnivals were even more competitive, and generated a great deal of fun and excitement for all the boys. The 2014 House Cup was won by Annecy House after accumulating the most points in the four individual shields: Sport, Academic, Cultural and Civics and Citizenship.

Music too provided a chance to contribute to House points, with events like “Battle of the Bands”, ”Salesian’s Got Talent” and participation in the music program all contributing points to the Cultural Shield. More importantly, music continues to provide many boys with the chance to have some fun whilst exhibiting their talents.


“I can take pride in what has been a very positive year with many things to celebrate and for which to give thanks.” The College bands took every opportunity to perform around the state as well as at school, providing great entertainment for the College and wider community. The Music program continues to provide a very important vehicle for cultural growth for all in the community. Many of our boys joined with the girls from Sacred Heart, performing in the College musical production, “Hairspray.” Their performance was an amazing success, providing enjoyment to the hundreds of people in the audience. The College was once again entertained at a number of school musical celebrations. Cabaret Night, and the Autumn and Spring Concerts were highlights.The support of the community at these gatherings demonstrates to me the vibrancy and the dynamic nature of the community in which I have joined. I look forward with anticipation to many more such occasions. Participating in community events and promoting social justice issues in the community continued to be a major focus for the boys in 2014. Whilst our traditional fundraisers, ”Tinnies for Vinnies”, Caritas, Christmas Appeal and the Salesian Missions continued, it was back to the future with the reintroduction of the College Walkathon, with great success. Once again, the boys raised vast amounts of money to support those less


fortunate than themselves in the community. Debating and Public Speaking continued their renaissance at the College, with a great number of boys participating in House competitions as well as interschool competitions, with some very pleasing results. We look forward to bigger and better things in 2015. 2014 saw the introduction of the College Student Leadership Congress, providing a more formal representative model for the students to participate in. College Captain, Michael Olivetti, and Vice Captains, Aiden Davitt and Robert D’Leema, were at the forefront of the new student leadership structure at the College. The student leaders implemented a number of new initiatives which will remain a legacy for many years to come. Together, they were able to initiate a number of fundraising activities, generating much needed funds for the designated charities, whilst providing much needed fun for the community. There were a number of highlights, apart from the successful raising of a great deal of money, including organising a number of events that involved a large number of boys. Initiatives like the Walkathon and “Salesian’s Got Talent” were great community events. The House Captains also did a wonderful job when it came

to their turn at sporting carnivals and house events. This was never more evident than at the final assemblies for all houses, where the winners of each shield as well as the Community Cup were presented. Great leadership was also shown by students with no formal leadership positions. Our Year 12 students were the best example of this by the way they went about their studies, and in particular the way they finished off the school year. I congratulate them all. Student leadership continues to be an aspect of which the College is rightfully very proud. One of the real privileges of being a member of a Catholic Community is the opportunity to attend College Liturgies. A highlight for me again this year has been attending the College liturgical celebrations. Our four major celebrations, the Opening School Year Mass, Mary Help of Christians Mass, Valedictory Mass and the Community Mass, as well as the Mary Mackillop House Masses, year level Masses and class Masses were all wonderful celebrations. Student participation and the reverence they showed during these gatherings were outstanding. Our guests all appeared to enjoy these experiences, with many of them going out of their way to pass on their thanks. An integral part of exploring spirituality with our students is our Retreat Program. All boys from Year 12 to Year 7

participated in a retreat. The atmosphere at each of these was uplifting, and it appears that the experience has been a positive one for those in attendance. The Retreats are a valuable experience for our students as they provide an opportunity to reflect on the people they are, the experiences and relationships that have formed them and their future, as well as considering what part, if any, faith or God has in this. For many students this took them out of their comfort zones and into areas often neglected. The College is very fortunate to have the support of the Salesian Community, with support starting at the top with Provincial Fr Greg Chambers, Vice Provincial Fr Bernie Graham, and College Rector Fr John Papworth. We also have staff members Fr Cantamessa, Br Joe Ellul, Br Barry Parker and the rest of the Chadstone community providing great support and guidance for Salesian College. They offer great support and spiritual guidance for myself and all others in the community. An integral aspect of the success of Salesian College Chadstone is its staff, to whom I am very grateful. Their dedication, work ethic and the care they show for the boys are outstanding. Time and again they rise to the occasion, providing our boys with a great education as well as the support and care they require.

2014 Salesian College Annual

This year we celebrated a number of milestones amongst the staff, including staff with 10 or more years of service to the College. A list of these staff is included in this publication. As is always the case in a school, at the end of year we sadly bid farewell to a number of staff who move on to a new phase in their professional lives. The College would like to acknowledge the contribution they have made, adding to the College tapestry and history. Farewell and good luck to Ms Michelle Stokie, Mr Sam Carroll, Ms Hanna Blizzard, Mr Bill Burri, Ms Jenny Ford, Mr Martin Kendrick, Mrs Leanne Matheson, Mr Napoleon Rodezno, Ms Adriana Tascone, Ms Samantha Knights, Mr Nick Filippis, Ms Jessica Saya, Mr John Riddoch and Ms Gabrielle Dalton. The College Board, under the direction of Fr John Papworth, continued to provide much needed support and leadership this year at the College. The Board functioned extremely well in its role, ensuring that College policy and the ethos of the College are upheld. I would like to personally thank the Board members for a great year. We also farewelled Mr Michael Grose and Mr Chris McGuinness after a number of years of outstanding service to the Board. The College adhered to the Strategic Plan and the Annual Action Plan in its commitment to the School

2014 Salesian College Annual

Improvement Framework review undertaken in 2013. The College focused on key areas that we see as integral to the best possible student outcomes. Our focus was staff development, developing a 21st century curriculum in state of the art facilities. Our staff has looked long and hard at ways we can address the important issues to do with teaching and learning in a Catholic school. In 2014 we took possession of the fully upgraded Science facilities, much to the joy and excitement of all in the Science faculty, and especially the boys. Works on the Hall continued over the year, with the development of the formal Hall Foyer, including a sports display area, an area to honour past students and the history of the College. These, along with a number of other minor projects, have been well received by the College community. We spent the second half of the year working with the architect, looking at phase three of the building master plan, which is to include a major refurbishment of the Art wing. It is with a great sense of pride and joy that I reflect on the 2014 School Year and all that has taken place here at Salesian College Chadstone. May God bless. Mr Robert Brennan Principal



Congratulations to our Year 12 students of 2014 on their successful VCE results as the third highest Catholic Boys’ School in Victoria with regards to study scores over 40. The Class of 2014 at Salesian College Chadstone has distinguished itself as a cohort, achieving results that have surpassed previous years. According to Principal Robert Brennan, this result is testimony to the sustained effort over many years to develop a robust learning environment with the aid of a group of diligent, professional and committed staff.

“Congratulations to our Year 12 students of 2014 on their successful VCE results as the third highest Catholic Boys’ School in Victoria with regards to study scores over 40.” The Highlights • Dux of 2014, Nathan D’Souza achieved an ATAR of 99.65 putting him in the top 0.35 per cent of all Year 12 students in the state • 5 per cent of students achieved an ATAR above 97 • 9 per cent of students achieved an ATAR above 95 • 18 per cent of students achieved an ATAR exceeding 90

Students of the 2014 cohort who received over 97 ATAR scores.

• 11.45 per cent of students achieved a study score above 40 • The median study score sat at 31.5 • 37 per cent of our students achieved an ATAR above 80 • VCE completion rate: 100 per cent Students of the 2014 cohort who received over 95 ATAR scores.


Students of the 2014 cohort who received over 90 ATAR scores.

2014 Salesian College Annual





Nimesh Tharake Kularatne

Score 49

IT Applications

Rafael Ruslianto



Joel Nixon



Nathan Andrew D’souza


Specialist Mathematics

Nathan Andrew D’souza



Richard Bradley


Mathematical Methods (Cas)

Nathan Andrew D’souza


Business Management

Vishal Ravi


Legal Studies

Joel Nixon



Luis Mascaro



Demos Phylactou


Further Mathematics

Diego Tandoc


Business Management

Robert D’leema



Carl Rodricks





Nathan Andrew D’souza



Richard Bradley



Robert D’leema



Garett Anthony De Kauwe



John Valles



Grant Napitupulu


Shaun Khambatta



IT Applications

James Vo


English (Eal)

Physical Education

Philip Hoang


Australian History

Tate Bell



Jackson Trieu



Nathan Andrew D’souza


Product Design and Tech.

Johnathon Stevens



Andrew Kelly


Legal Studies

Grant Napitupulu


Further Mathematics

Marco Buontempo



Diego Tandoc


Legal Studies

Johnathan Alevizos



Nicholas Anthony Berlangieri


Legal Studies

Robert D’leema


Health and Human Dev.

Luis Mascaro



Joel Nixon



John Keshan Mario Noyahr



Patrick Atallah



Jackson Trieu



Aidan Davitt



Aidan Davitt



Peter Savat



John Keshan Mario Noyahr



James Hatzinicolaou


Business Management

Andre Rogers


Mathematical Methods (Cas)

Jackson Trieu


Legal Studies

Richard Bradley


Hospitality (Kitchen Operations) Jeremiah Nicolas


Business Management

Carl Rodricks



Tate Bell



Andrew Kelly



Alexander Jackson Arnold



Harrison Tullberg


Physical Education

Nicholas Anthony Berlangieri



Anjana Deegodaliyanage


Physical Education

James D’elia



Daniel Subbiah



Jackson Trieu


Systems Engineering

Tristan Tobias Yates


Further Mathematics

Peshala Fernando



Carl Rodricks


Further Mathematics

Jason Giccominato



Grant Napitupulu


Legal Studies

Nathan Djung


Business Management

Nathan Djung



Julian Sezenias


Business Management

Dustin Fernandez



Sam Sempio


Business Management

Jonathan Thamrin


Software Development

John Emerson Requizo



Ricky He



Rafael Ruslianto



Monaal Madan



James D’elia



Andy Pham


Health and Human Dev.

Tony Prasad


Business Management

Tony Prasad


Physical Education

Mason Franz



John Keshan Mario Noyahr


Indonesian Second Language

Grant Napitupulu


Software Development

Andrea Michele Torcasio


Japanese Second Language

Dohwon Kim


2014 Salesian College Annual


2014 DUX SPEECH Mr Brennan, Father Papworth, teachers, staff, parents and students. I stand here today, humbled and honoured, to have been named the Dux of Salesian College for 2014. I began Year 12 with a dream, to be where I am today, but this was an aspiration for which I had to work tirelessly. I knew that I faced fierce competition with my peers and rivals, who are just as deserving to be in my place. And so, I wish to congratulate each one of you standing here today. We are an example of the rewards that hard work and commitment can bring. We have achieved excellence, and this is our first step to a successful and prosperous future. Through the years, we pushed each other to achieve our full potential, which led to each of us achieving great results. Yet, we were part of a group which grew closer and closer together, thus providing a sense of mateship and community that was, and still is, a unique and unbreakable bond that will last a lifetime. This is why I am proud to be speaking today, to share congratulations, and to know that I am a part of the incredible class of 2014, who were not just my classmates or rivals, but my friends. I would like to express my gratitude to my wonderful parents. You provide me with unconditional love and support, and are always here for me when I need guidance.


“On behalf of the 2014 cohort, I would like to thank all our parents for their continuous encouragement and support throughout our lives. We are extremely grateful.” You helped me in every way possible, from easing my other responsibilities when exams were on the horizon, to putting up with me and freeing me from the stresses of study. There was probably just as much pressure on you as there was for me during the course of the year, but you persisted, and never stopped supporting me. I am so thankful for everything that you have done for me, and I hope that I may be able to repay you one day. On behalf of the 2014 cohort, I would like to thank all our parents for their continuous encouragement and support throughout our lives. We are extremely grateful. Throughout my time at Salesian College, I was blessed to have been given such amazing teachers and staff, even those with whom I haven’t had the opportunity to work. Thank you to each one of you, who genuinely have our best interests at heart, and create an environment that each of us can grow and thrive in. I’d like to thank my Unit 3/4 teachers, Ms Hubber, Mr Carter, Mr Visentin, Fr Cantamessa, Mr McDonald and Ms Tran, as well as my Unit 1/2 teachers, Mr Johnston, Mr Pye and Ms Kimstra, for your knowledge, wisdom, enthusiasm and devotion to teaching and to helping us to become great men. Special thanks to Mr Brennan for all the work and dedication that you have put

in to make Salesian College even greater. It is not just your efforts to renovate the school’s facilities, but your heartfelt dedication to helping us grow and develop into great men that I really appreciate, so thank you. I truly could not have asked for better people to teach and guide me at school. I will always remember each one of you, and I wish you all the best for the years ahead. Though school can, at times, be difficult and challenging, it is always important to reflect on those memories that make everyone come together a little more. We won’t be forgetting Grant’s infamous misadventures on the roof of the Mannix campus or our countless sessions playing 13. How about Aidan’s perfect dancing to All The Single Ladies, and Justin tearing up the dance floor with DJ Collins on the decks? But I’ll always appreciate Maneesh’s care and concern for others, as was shown when he just had to ask where the fire exits were at Year 10 Retreat. However, I guess our most notable memories of our year level will forever be our singing of the Salesian Anthem, our SCC chants, our “So Happy Together” singalongs and our unique SCC14 hashtag. Our year level has such a rich bond that Robbie describes too well: opulence is essence! To the future graduates of 2015, and to those who

follow in the years ahead, I wish you all the very best in all your endeavours. I would also like to impart some advice to you that, hopefully, you will take to heart. VCE will be a very challenging time, but if you strive to do your best, you will be rewarded. Don’t procrastinate, and don’t work above your limits. Make sure to always get enough sleep, as this is critical to boosting performance. Maintain your friendships, and keep a balanced lifestyle. This is something that my parents encourage me to do, and it helps me to stay focussed and not get too stressed. Aim to find your perfect balance. Hopefully, when the end of the year comes, you will be happy with what you have done, and you will be able to look back on Year 12 fondly and keep your friendships, as I have. I would like to conclude with two quotes that inspired me: “Mistakes are painful, but as time goes by, they become a collection of experiences called lessons. Live life, and embrace life lessons.” “It doesn’t really matter who you used to be. What matters is who you become.” Once again, congratulations to the class of SCC14, and thank you Salesian College. Nathan D’Souza 2014 Year 12 Salesian College Chadstone Dux ATAR 99.65

2014 Salesian College Annual

2014 Salesian College Annual



The Program was reviewed in 2013, with the new structure taking effect at the commencement of the 2014 school year. Instigated in 2001, the Scholarship Program has rewarded many worthy recipients who have proceeded to do great things, both here at the College and in their chosen professions. More recently, the focus has been on recognising the talent of our own students. The 2013 program review has reinforced and enhanced this practice with the following aims in mind: • To recognise, reinforce and reward the culture of high achievement and excellence within the College • To attract and retain ‘high achieving’ students as role models for our student population Scholarships are awarded annually and recipients acknowledged at the Dux Assembly. The top 10 performing students (based on academic performance and or general excellence) at each year level from Year 7 to 9 receive a tuition fee remission of $500. The top performing student entering into Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 receives the Top Achiever-Academic Excellence Award valued at $2,500. Three additional scholarships of $1,000 are available at each senior year level for Academic and or General Excellence. Mary Menz Registrar


“Instigated in 2001, the Scholarship Program has rewarded many worthy recipients who have proceeded to do great things, both here at the College and in their chosen professions.” 2014 Salesian College Annual

The College congratulates the 2014 highest achieving students: Given


2014 Award




Year 7 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 8

Akhilash Dever


Year 7 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 8



Year 7 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 8



Year 7 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 8



Year 7 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 8



Year 7 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 8



Year 7 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 8



Year 7 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 8

Yoon Pyo


Year 7 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 8



Year 7 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 8



Year 8 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 9



Year 8 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 9



Year 8 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 9



Year 8 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 9



Year 8 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 9



Year 8 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 9


Chu Chung Chuck

Year 8 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 9



Year 8 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 9



Year 8 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 9



Year 8 Academic Performance/General Excellence

Year 9



Academic Excellence Scholarship

Year 10



Academic Excellence Scholarship

Year 10



Academic Excellence Scholarship

Year 10



Top Achiever-Academic Excellence Scholarship

Year 10



Academic Excellence Scholarship

Year 11



Academic Excellence Scholarship

Year 11



Academic Excellence Scholarship

Year 11



Top Achiever-Academic Excellence Scholarship

Year 11



Academic Excellence Scholarship

Year 12



Academic Excellence Scholarship

Year 12



Academic Excellence Scholarship

Year 12



Top Achiever-Academic Excellence Scholarship

Year 12

2014 Salesian College Annual


2014 SALESIAN AWARDS 2014 has seen further development of and emphasis on the Salesian Awards, which were started in 2013. These awards allow the individual achievements and contributions of all boys in a variety of areas of College life to be acknowledged and rewarded with the presentation of Gold, Silver and Bronze Salesian Awards. The design of the physical badges is based upon the griffin, which is the symbol of the College. The Awards are based upon involvement in Academic, Cultural, Community and Sporting areas. Academic points are awarded on the basis of each boy’s subject marks each term, as well as any awards received.


Participation in Cultural activities such as debating, public speaking, bands, liturgical music and singing and other competitions provide the basis for the awarding of points in this area. A boy earns points in the Community sphere from gaining merits, supporting fundraising events, attending school carnivals and special days and assisting in a myriad of ways with College, Salesian and other events. Sporting points can be gained from participation in House carnivals as well as ACC team participation, with extra points being awarded for state or national representation.

number of boys with their Gold and Silver badges across the course of the year at our end of term assemblies, and Bronze Awards were presented to boys by Year Level coordinators and Heads of Houses as they achieved the points required. Mr John Visentin Deputy Principal – Pastoral

Salesian Gold Award Year 12 Patrick Burnell Aidan Davitt Robert D’Leema George Lapatas Joel Nixon Michael Olivetti Lachlan Perkins Carl Rodricks Andre Rogers Jackson Trieu Year 11 Patrick Atallah John Valles Luis Mascaro

During 2014 Mr Brennan was able to present a

2014 Salesian College Annual

“Students have demonstrated a community mindedness and action which are selfless, voluntary and regular, without the expectation of reward or recognition.”

In the well-known parable of the Good Samaritan, Christ taught his disciples and followers about social responsibility and our duty of care to others. Concern for others and social responsibility are at the heart of the Gospel. Throughout the gospels, the actions and teachings of Jesus reveal a God who is deeply concerned about the wellbeing of all people. The attributes of Christian love and concern for others are central not only to the teachings of Jesus but also to our very own Don Bosco. In the 1840s the slums of Turin were overrun by the poverty that resulted inevitably from sweatshop factories with their hazardous machinery, child labour, and starvation

2014 Salesian College Annual

wages. Walking through these slums, Don Bosco came face to face with his mission. As he visited the prisons with Father Cafasso, the conviction of his vocation seemed to shout within him, “These boys are not bad. Take care of them before they fall into crime – that is your task!” In 2014 the Salesian College Omnia Awards also represent what it means to be a good Christian and honest citizen. The Omnias, which we award annually, mirror gospel teachings and the work of St John Bosco. More specifically, they are presented to students who have made an outstanding contribution to community service within or on behalf of Salesian College. These students have

demonstrated a community mindedness and action which are selfless, voluntary and regular, without the expectation of reward or recognition. This year we have four Omnias to present, each recipient having displayed a deep sense of community and service, a compassion for others and a considered understanding of what it means to love as Jesus taught us. It is my honour to present these young men to our community by highlighting one of their most significant contributions to community. Our first Omnia Award goes to an inspiring young man whose greatest act of compassion, love and sense of community has been giving up every Friday


lunchtime to assist with the Connections program for over five years. He has not only provided a service, but has allowed others to feel loved. Congratulations, Dom Heaphy. Our second Omnia Award goes to an amazing individual whose most community-minded act of service was being able to animate a prayer service to commemorate the one year anniversary of the death of a very much loved past pupil. Not only was he able to organise this service, but in doing so recognised the need of a community to mourn, remember and celebrate the life of a fellow brother in a way that is central to our Catholic and Salesian tradition. Congratulations, Simon Hawkins.


Our third Omnia goes to a very talented young man who has both contributed to and for our community for many years in the area of Performing Arts. His greatest act of service has been the giving of his time and technical talents to ensure the success of internal and external events. Not only has he assisted when asked, but he was always able to see a need and recognise that he was able to assist, and he has done this without hesitation or need for recognition and reward. Congratulations, Michael Nguyen. Our final Omnia for 2014 goes to an incredibly thoughtful young man who has made a significant difference to the life of a fellow student. His greatest act of service has been driving a fellow class mate to recovery sessions after a significant illness when his own parents were unable to get him to these invaluable sessions. In doing so, he has not only supported a family in our community, but was able to recognise a need and demonstrate his wonderful understanding of love, compassion and sense of community. Congratulations, Liam Wallace. Mrs Nadia Knight Director of Religious Education


2014 Salesian College Annual

“Leadership has nothing to do with a badge, and everything to do with modelling those qualities Don Bosco displayed: empathy, compassion, justice, service and kindness.” Don Bosco was many things, but primarily he was a leader of people. People young and old were drawn to him because of his enthusiasm, joy and optimism about working with youth. 2014 has seen the inception of a new Student Leadership Model at the College, and it is from this rich heritage of leadership that we have seen the Program blossom. The Program acknowledges that it is not through the wearing of a badge that we become leaders. If our words direct and our actions inspire, we are leading, therefore every Salesian student has the opportunity to be a leader, whether that be with a word of encouragement in the classroom, kindness in the yard or a desire to be involved in all aspects of College life. Further to this is the formal program of elected leaders who have inspired their

2014 Salesian College Annual

peers with their enthusiasm and excitement. Ably led by College Captains Michael Olivetti, Aidan Davitt and Robert D’Leema, the student leaders have displayed exceptional integrity and a tireless work ethic in realising their goals for greater involvement, a sense of belonging and school pride. The Student Representative Council, comprising all Year 12 Leaders, fronted this charge from Leadership Camp in 2013, and continued this commitment throughout the year in collaboration with Senior House Leaders and Junior Class Leaders. Term One was a tremendously busy time for the Leaders. The first major responsibility for Year 12s was to inspire our newest ‘Chaddy Boys’ during a visit to Year 7 Camp. Welcoming these new boys into the house spirit was strongly displayed in the enthusiastic competitiveness at the House


Swimming and Athletic Carnivals. All leaders did an exceptional job assisting their house leaders to get students involved in the excitement of the day. This spirit was further seen in the first ACC Salesian Cheer Squad, who cheered our athletes down the pool and the track. The Year 10 and 11 Leaders actioned for social justice as they asked boys to give up Change for Change in raising money for Caritas, as did all Leaders who helped run the successful Sleep Out and our first Salesian Walk-a-Thon. Lunchtimes were enlivened by the Salesian World Cup, and our best performers presented their gifts to our discerning judges in Salesian’s Got Talent. Aspiring Year 11 Leaders took part in a development program, and Year 12 Leaders attended the Finishing Well retreat to reflect upon positive legacy building.

All these achievements and many more were deliberated and discussed at the Salesian Student Congress, comprising Year 7-12 Leaders, which met every term. The Leaders have been present at every event, inspiring their peers to embrace the full richness of College life. They leave a legacy of involvement and relentless contribution they can be truly proud of. They have demonstrated that leadership has nothing to do with a badge, and everything to do with modelling those qualities Don Bosco displayed: empathy, compassion, justice, service and kindness. Hanna Blizzard Student Leadership Co-ordinator



2014 Salesian College Annual


House Leaders

Michael Olivetti

College Vice-Captains Aidan Davitt Robert D’Leema

Ambassadors Sports Andre Rogers Mission Jeremiah Nicolas Cultural George Lapatas Academic Joel Nixon






Simon Hawkins

Pat Burnell

Jackson Trieu

Sanjay Kahawatte


Anthony Lucarelli

Carl Rodricks

David Marchese

Liam Collins

Year 11

Patrick Attalah, Josh Lean

Casey Henderson, John Valles

Luis Mascaro, Marcus Sawan

Danyon Smart, Connor Perkins

Year 10

Kyle Hasan, Kishon Pawar, Jake Dell’Arciprete

Edwin Saravanapavaan, Thomas Andrews

Nathan Antonucci, James Morrey

Josh Knight, Jeremey Senevirate

Year 9 Leaders Captain



Yianni Billias

Nathaniel Jones


Wilson Dixon

Stefano Mascaro


Peter Pamoukis

Fraser Colgrave

9 D Evan Panagiotou

Thomas Wilson


Alex Nanfra

Jack Santa Maria


Roshane Cooray

Stephen Angeloudas

9 G Lachlan Magee

Brendon Wales

Year 8 Leaders Semester 1 Captain

Semester 2 Vice-Captain




Matthew La Brooy

George Triskelidis

Nathan Toward

Jamie Chen


Elijah Skeggs

Robert Gudzoski

Andrew Hon Bun Lou


Ritvik Narayan

Richardson Luu

Max Picolo

Emmanuel Chu Chung Chuck Stephen Kelly

8 D Brian Dinh

Imalsa Weragoda

Luca Palma


Kyle Gordon

Jason Ng

Ethan Childs

Kenny Tran


Ethan Van Langenberg Anthony Basile

Joseph Manual

Steven Lim

Willie To

8 G Tin Trung Le

Callum Morgan

Kristian Michailidis

Lefteri Thomopoulos

8 H Geordie Nagle

Rohan Chand

Liam Hatt

Alex Yip

Year 7 Leaders Semester 1 Captain





Dylan Gatto

Jack Sievers

Antonio Naidoo

Simon Park


John Avila

Jed Li

Brian Lee

Joseph Cefai


Jason Ngo

7 D Dimitri Adamopoulos

2014 Salesian College Annual

Semester 2

Athan Romios

Menuka Gunaratne

Alex Fell

Ravindu Wijesinghe

Nick Thomas

Ben Lai


Jordan Lentini

Massimo Capiello

Ryan Rupesinghe

Dion Giannopoulos


Ashvin Adihetty

Cooper McNamara

Hanel Sawa

Joshua Consolmagno



To have been afforded the privilege of being the College Captain for 2014 has been an honour that surpasses words. Reflecting back on my time at Salesian, I can only draw on the many positive experiences that have helped shape me into the person I am today. I can honestly say that my role as College Captain would not have been possible had it not been for our great leadership team, for whom I have so much respect. It is their overwhelming contribution to developing change


that has made this year incredible for us as a cohort. Being the leaders of this great school has afforded us the opportunity to set a great example for the rest of the school and future year levels to come. This year has allowed us to develop a culture of involvement and a mentality to make a difference, not only in the College community, but also in the daily lives of every Salesian student. It is with great pride that I know that we as a cohort and a leadership team have left a positive mark on the College,

and that the future leaders will continue this and lead the school into a new era of student-run initiatives which we have begun. What we have been able to do as a leadership team would not have been possible were it not for the continuous support and enthusiasm from this great year 12 cohort of 2014. It has been an experience in itself to be a part of this incredible bunch of young men. From day one up until our very last day, the humour, enthusiasm, and mateship have strengthened

to become something very special, and this is something that I will hold dear for the rest of my life. Our Valedictory Dinner was testament to this, as a true Salesian brotherhood was on show and solidified. It was a night that filled me with great pride as a Captain to see that everything that we had hoped and worked for over the course of the year and throughout our time at Salesian had become a reality. This is something that is unique to every cohort, but should be shared with the future

2014 Salesian College Annual

students to come so that they too may experience this same feeling of pride which hopefully will become commonplace at Salesian. As we part ways and embark on many new experiences in all aspects of our lives, many things will change. Our responsibilities will become greater, and careers will define us as we establish new networks and make new life experiences on our journey. One thing that will always remain is our connection through our schooling years. Each one of us has been lucky to share

2014 Salesian College Annual

many great experiences over the course of our time here at Salesian. Through these experiences we inherit a bond that cannot be broken, for the memories of our time here will remain fondly in our minds for a long time to come. Michael Olivetti 2014 College Captain

“This year has allowed us to develop a culture of involvement and a mentality to make a difference, not only in the College community, but also in the daily lives of every Salesian student.�




2014 Salesian College Annual

2014 Salesian College Annual




2014 Salesian College Annual

2014 Salesian College Annual




2014 Salesian College Annual

2014 Salesian College Annual




Mr Stuart Anderson

Mrs Julie Arnold

Ms Roslyn Aylward

Ms Melina Barcellona

Mr Steve Beckham

Ms Alicia Bell

Mr Peter Bermingham

Mr Kim Beurs

Mrs Rhea Beurs

Ms Kamila Bielinski

Ms Hanna Blizzard

Mrs Trudyanne Blyth

Ms Rita Bonne

Mr Mark Breen

Mr Robert Brennan

Mr Jacson Brennan

Ms Kristine Brock

Mr Leon Brooks

Mr Daimon Brunton

Mr Bill Burri

Mrs Gesualda Cafasso

Mr David Callanan

Mr Daniel Campisano

Fr Oreste Cantamessa

2014 Salesian College Annual

Mr Samuel Carroll

Mr Neil Carter

Mr Reece Chang

Miss Joelle Chaperon

Mr Byron Chen

Mr Robert Chrzanowski

Miss Jayne Cowell

Mr Tim Cox

Mrs Lores Crestani-Smith

Mr Terry Cristiano

Mr Adam Croft

Mrs Amor Dahlenburg

Ms Gabrielle Dalton

Mr Dave Davenport

Mr Thomas Dexter

Mr Carl Egan

Mrs Sharen Ellis

Br Joseph Ellul

Ms Jenny Ford

Miss Elissa Galante

Ms Anne Garofalo

Ms Christina Gilcrist

Miss Susannah Good

Mr Steven Grcic

Ms Esther Groarke

Mr Paul Groves

Ms Paula Hanley

Ms Emma Hallett

Miss Rikki-Jean Hogan

Ms Jenny Hubber

Miss Rachel Ivey

Mrs Amanda James

Ms Caitlyn Jarrett

Mrs Lila Jean-Pierre

Mr Anthony Johnston

Mr Nick Kearney

Mr Martin Kendrick

Mr Lawson Kennard

Miss Tara Kimstra

Mrs Nadia Knight

Miss Samantha Knights

Miss Erin Lalor

2014 Salesian College Annual


Mr Justin Leeds

Mr Malcolm Lloyd

Mr Ron Lok

Mr Steven Loonstra

Mr Kj Maan

Mr Robert Marley

Ms Marianne Marshall

Ms Leanne Matheson

Mr Damian McAuliffe

Mr Anthony McClelland

Mr David McDonald

Ms Suzie McErvale

Mr Noel McGarry

Mr Craig McGrath

Mr Ian McKail

Ms Carmel Meehan

Mrs Mary Menz

Mr Rob Mercer

Ms Rozanne Misso

Mrs Barbara Kaye Monaghan

Fr Peter Monaghan

Mr Peter Moore

Ms Jan Moore

Mr David Neville

Ms Mary O’Sullivan

Ms Donna Paatsch

Mr Jack Palumbo

Fr John Papworth

Br Barry Parker

Ms Niki Pinirou

Mrs Sani Poulose

Mr Chris Pye

Miss Sarah Rapson

Miss Alicia Richardson

Mr Jon Riddoch

Dr Napoleon Rodezno

Mr Chris Ryan

Mrs Ivana Ryan

Mrs Lorraine Ryan

Ms Jessica Saya

Mr Andrew Schillaci

Mr Dean Schimming


2014 Salesian College Annual

Mr Stephen Sellwood

Mrs Joyce Sendeckyj

Mr Ray Sestito

Mr Nicholas Shaw

Mr Michael Shepherdson

Miss Ashley Simon

Ms Michelle Stokie

Ms Emerald Surrao

Miss Adriana Tascone

Mr Brendan Toohey

Mr Dennis Veneruzzo

Mr Ken Verbyla

Mr Peter Vining

Mr John Visentin

Ms Heather Walsh

Mr Mark Wang

Mr Darren Winfield

Mr Paul Wise

Ms Maryanne Xuereb

Mrs Kathryn Zwalf

Absent Mr Peter Atallah Mr Peter Charles Mr Nick Filippis Mr Joseph Mascaro Ms Mervat Youssef

2014 Salesian College Annual



New Staff Name


Chris Ryan

Teaching Staff

Ellisa Galante

Teaching Staff

Justin Leeds

Head of Design and Technology

Niki Pinirou

English as an Additional Language (EAL) Teacher

Rachel Ivey

Teaching Staff

Ron Lok

Year 10 Coordinator

Susannah Good

Administration and Marketing Support

Staff Farewells



Position at time of Farewell


Adriana Tascone Gabrielle Dalton

2014 2007 - 2014

Erin Lalor

Teaching Staff Personal Assistant to the Principal & Executive Support Officer to the Leadership Team Teacher

Hanna Blizzard

Student Leadership Co-ordinator

2012 - 2014

Jenny Ford

Teaching Staff

2001 - 2014

Jessica Saya

Head of LOTE

2012 - 2014

Jon Riddoch (Retired)

Teaching Staff

1977 - 2014

Leanne Matheson

Director of Teaching

2009 - 2014

Lila Jean-Pierre Martin Kendrick Mervat Youssef

Maternity Leave Assistant Year 9 Coordinator Head of Collinson Replacement

2008 - 2010 2013 - 2014 2014

Michelle Stokie

Teaching Staff

2012 - 2014

Napoleon Rodezno

Director of Student Wellbeing

2010 - 2014

Nick Filippis



Peter Atallah

Learning Support


Peter Charles



Peter Vining

Maintenance Team

2012 - 2014

Rikki-Jean Hogan

Administration Support

2013 - 2014

Samantha Knights

Teaching Staff


Samuel Carroll

Head of Annecy

2009 - 2014

Sharen Ellis

Canteen Assistant

2012 - 2014

Stuart Anderson

Sports AssistantÂ

2013 - 2014

William Burri (Retired)

Teaching Staff

1988 - 2014

2013 - 2014

2014 Salesian College Annual


It was an exciting start to the year with the opening of the Fedrigotti Science wing. This was finished on time and on budget, and I congratulate the architects, Williams Ross, the builders, Commercial Project Management, the Science Faculty and the staff who helped design, manage and finance the project. Work soon started on the planning and budgeting for our latest undertaking, the Naylon Arts Wing. With such a large financial commitment (being the largest in the school’s history), the Finance team produced a financial feasibility study, greatly improving the information previously provided at Board level. The confidence given to the Board via this enhanced financial information and transparency allowed them to endorse this project without reservation.

When complete, the college will have a “best practice” approach to OHS, ensuring the health and safety of our students and staff. I will look upon 2014 fondly, due to the achievements above, but also because it was the year I dusted off my electric guitar after 15 years to perform at the Cabaret Night, which was “a good time had by all “, as I heard someone say. It was great to interact with the students and be part of something so positive. A lot was achieved in 2014, but I see it as a year of planning for the future, where many great outcomes from the year of planning will bear fruit in years to come. Mr Jack Palumbo Business Manager

The 2015 Laptop Program required a large amount of research and planning. As a transitional model, many scenarios and devices were considered. I congratulate the IT Committee for putting together a great program to see us transition to a uniform model for all year levels. We embarked upon an occupational health and safety enhancement program.

2014 Salesian College Annual



With the current laptop program now well into its third year, the College has in 2014 been examining the introduction of a new device to replace our current laptops. After a comprehensive investigation involving several months of research, planning and discussions, we are happy to introduce the Lenovo Yoga S1 laptop for the next three years. These laptops will be introduced to students at the beginning of next year. The main focus driving this decision was to provide our boys with the best possible learning tool available in today’s IT market. The College contemplated various models, and also took into consideration matters concerning cost, portability, weight, durability and functionality.


The Lenovo Yoga S1 is not only stylish in design, but also provides the boys with a laptop and tablet solution. The use of software, whilst incorporating Apps to aid the students’ learning, is cutting edge in so far as it transitions into our evolutionary journey into the 21st Century. Throughout 2014, there has been vast change with regard to ICT developments within the school, including the Audio-Visual update in the College Hall Foyer, the introduction of, and updates to, interactive TVs, along with a solution for aural difficulties in the form of a hearing augmentation facility installed in the newly designed Fedrigotti Science wing.

I would like to thank Mr Rob Brennan and the Leadership Team for the support provided throughout the year. To staff and students, we thank you for your forbearance through busy times. Your patience must surely have been tested. The IT team is a coherent and efficient unit, and I would like to acknowledge the outstanding contributions of Terry and Robert. It is a pleasure to work with specialists of their calibre, and that includes the measure of levity and goodwill they effortlessly bring to their work. Mr Kj Maan IT Manager

2014 Salesian College Annual


With a strong focus on identity and branding, the Public Relations Office continued the roll out of the College brand refresh that commenced in 2013. Consistency of the brand and the message that it conveys to the public are vital elements of our identity that we are committed to preserving and maintaining. So much more than a visual identity, our brand represents the position, culture, experience and promise (Vision, Mission and Values), and how we deliver our services to our students, families, staff and larger community. Along with supporting the delivery of school calendar events and happenings, strategic guidance from the College Leadership Team supported focus on positive community awareness initiatives, such as Community Information Evenings, building openings

2014 Salesian College Annual

and Primary School initiatives, specifically Salesian Science and Salesian Kid, significantly contributing not only to steady enrolment growth, but fostering local school business connections.

Crouch, Kishon Pawar, Nathan Antonucci, Thomas Andrews, Larry Genovese, Joshua Knight and Todd Kingston. We also farewell Leighton Ward, who served in the Tour Guide Program during Year 9.

Passionate about empowering families to make the right decisions and ask the right questions, the PR team unveiled layers of who we are and what we offer our community, spreading our message of inspiring, educating and growing Salesian College Chadstone men of the future.

To Mary Menz, our College Registrar, whose dedication, thorough and supportive nature makes her a pleasure to work alongside – a sincere thank you for all that you brought to the PR Team in 2014.

A special thankyou goes to our dedicated Tour Guides, who each displayed a consistent and committed approach to supporting events during the academic year. We farewell our Year 10 students, who for the large majority have been representatives since Year 8 - Nicholas Stevens, Noel

To Principal, Rob Brennan and the Leadership Team, it has been a pleasure to achieve and succeed together. I look forward to what, together, we can achieve in 2015 and beyond.

“A special thankyou goes to our dedicated Tour Guides, who each displayed a consistent and committed approach to supporting events during the academic year.”

Suzie McErvale Publications and Communications Officer



What an exciting and challenging period we faced in organising, coordinating and completing no fewer than 14 projects for the start of Term One 2014. Major projects included the Fedrigotti Science refurbishment (including new lockers), the Kimberley Hall evaporative cooling installation and Foyer upgrade, female and students’ toilet renovation, Occhiena Year 7 furniture replacement, and the Uniform Shop relocation, just to name a few.

The end of First Term saw the completion of the four operable doors in the Hall, which has improved the size to cater for our expanding student numbers (specifically, for when we have College Assemblies). The Hall Foyer also received the installation of honour boards, display cabinets and audio-visual equipment. The Maintenance Team, which comprises Anthony McClelland, Leon Brooks and Mark Breen, has never been busier, and it is a credit to

them and the College how they manage a very busy schedule, complete their tasks and remain as dedicated and composed as ever. As the end of another busy year approaches we are currently organising and planning the logistics involved in delivering 17 projects over the Term Four break, ready for Term One 2015.

that will encourage our boys to “Inspire, Educate and Become Great Men.” Mr Dennis Veneruzzo Facilities & Resources Manager

The Facility improvements this past year and the upcoming redevelopment of the Naylon Building in 2015 are creating an environment

“The Maintenance Team has never been busier, and it is a credit to the College how they manage a very busy schedule, complete their tasks and remain as dedicated and composed as ever.” 36

2014 Salesian College Annual


As my eighth year as Canteen Manager comes to an end, I would like to say a big “Thank you” to our many parent volunteers who generously give up their time to help in the canteen to feed the students and staff. It is fantastic to see that, as well as the many mums who come in every month or every term, we have six dads and one parent of an ex-student.

2014 Salesian College Annual

This year at the Year 12 Valedictory Dinner we presented a small token of appreciation to our parent helpers who had volunteered for six continuous years or more. They were: Years of Service


6 years (2009 – 2014)

Leigh Morgan, Fil Olivetti

8 years (2007 – 2014)

Virginia D’Elia

9 years (2006 – 2014)

Jayne Wallace, Sony Napitupulu

On behalf of the staff in the canteen, Julie Arnold, Sharen Ellis, Lores Crestani-Smith and myself, I wish you all a safe and happy holiday and look forward to seeing you in 2015. Mrs Barbara Monaghan Canteen Manager

We wish you all the best in the future. We will miss you!! To our students who give up their recess and lunch times to assist serving at the busy counter – “Thank you.”



The 2014 year was an extremely successful year for the Parents’ Association assisting the College and the community. Some of the 2014 highlights were: • Year 7 Social Evening • Mother’s Day Mass and Breakfast • Father’s Day Mass and Breakfast • Cabaret Night • Expo Night


• Annual ‘Thank You, Teachers Morning Tea’ In the first half of the year the Parents’ Association (PA) helped out a local family by preparing meals. Both parents and staff volunteered their time, cooking and delivering food to the College. A very rewarding and successful event for the PA was the Annual ‘Thank You Morning Tea’ for the Teachers and Staff at the College. We had an overwhelming

“All the events could not have happened without the many wonderful parents who give their time to assist the Parents’ Association and the College.” response with parents volunteering their time to assist on the morning as well as food, drink and treats being dropped off at the College. It was a wonderful morning, and great way to display our thanks and appreciation to the Teachers and Staff at the College. Events over the 2014 year would not have been successful without the many wonderful parents/guardians that volunteer their time to assist the Parents’ Association and the College. I would

like to thank one and all for the continued support and contribution to the College, and for ensuring that the events are successful. Thank You to the Committee The Parents’ Association would like to thank Gerry Patterson and Sally Marshall for the time and effort that they put in on the Committee during the 2014 year. Denise Forster President – Parents Association

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2014 Salesian College Annual



Young people today are immersed in an Australian society that is increasingly pluralist and secular, one that is marked by rapid scientific and technological growth. Our society is both blessed and challenged by a growing diversity of cultures and faiths. Our Religious Education program seeks to engage students in making sense and meaning of this everyday life in the light of the teaching of the Catholic Church and the traditions of the Catholic community. Our boys bring diverse experiences, contexts and narratives into the religious education process. We have therefore established a creative framework of dialogue, understanding and action, leading students in a process of deep learning, evaluation and response to the mysteries of life, enlivened by the Holy Spirit. The goal of this process is a deepened relationship with God, right relationships with others and empowerment to work to create a just world. It is a dance, as it were, an active interplay between life, culture and religion within the environment of a classroom. At Salesian College during 2014, students were invited to be engaged in the exploration and celebration of the Catholic story in all its richness and diversity through reflection, prayer and action for the good of others and their world. Some key focuses have been:


• A development of curriculum which encompasses learning, liturgy and life • A greater awareness of our responsibility to support others in need • Involvement in Caritas Australia, in which the staff and students raised over $5,000 for Caritas projects

“Our boys bring diverse experiences, contexts and narratives into the religious education process.”

• Participation in our winter appeal for St Vincent de Paul, for which they collected food, clothing and bedding, and donated items to create over 50 Christmas hampers for families in our local area • Taking part in our inaugural Walkathon, raising over $12,000 for Salesian Missions around the world • A growth in students’ understanding of the liturgical year It has been a wonderful year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Miss Sarah Rapson and Mr Noel McGarry (Assistants to the Director of Religious Education), for without their assistance and enthusiasm these things would not have been possible. I also would like to congratulate Mr Connor Perkins for being elected to the position of Mission Ambassador for 2015. Mrs Nadia Knight Director of Religious Education

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2014 Salesian College Annual




2014 Salesian College Annual

SOCIAL JUSTICE LEAGUE The Social Justice League is a group of young men led by the Social Justice Captain, Dohwon Kim, who have animated the goals of the College in the area of social justice. This year they have produced material which was used to raise awareness amongst staff and students regarding social justice issues. They have also animated a lengthy list of activities which have assisted our community to put our faith into action. The projects are many: • Fundraising canteens at swimming and athletics carnivals • Pancake cook off for Shrove Tuesday • Collection of food, blankets and clothing for our winter appeal • Inspiring us to walk 10km in solidarity with our Salesian brothers and sisters • White Ribbon Day • Collection of seasonal items to create festive Christmas hampers The success of these projects is due to their great sense of social justice, dedication and determination. A special thanks to Mr McGarry, Miss Rapson and all the teachers who assisted in animating and supporting the Social Justice League. Mrs Nadia Knight Director of Religious Education

2014 Salesian College Annual

“The success of these projects are due to their great sense of social justice, dedication and determination.” 43


Our long and proud history began on August 16, 1815, upon the birth of our founder, St John “Don” Bosco. At only nine years old, John had a dream which called him to dedicate his life to the education of poor and disadvantaged young people. John followed his calling by entertaining and influencing his peers, even as a child. In 1841, he was ordained a priest, and in 1859 established the Society of St Francis of Sales – popularly known as the Salesians. It was the beginning of a movement grounded in John’s educational style, based on reason, religion and loving kindness, or, to put it more simply, “work and temperance.”

We also were able to give students opportunities to travel overseas to work in Salesian missions. This year Connor Perkins travelled to Cambodia, and was able to experience life with a Cambodian family. This was also an opportunity for the rest of our community to learn more about the work undertaken by Salesians in Cambodia. As a result of our learning, we dedicated our inaugural 10km Walkathon to the work the Salesians do around the world to assist our Salesian brothers and sisters. Mrs Nadia Knight Director of Religious Education

“Since its humble beginnings, the Salesians have inspired many others to follow the path of St John Bosco, including St Dominic Savio.”

Since their humble beginnings, the Salesians have inspired many others to follow the path of St John Bosco, including St Dominic Savio. Growth over the decades has enabled the Salesians to expand into regions of the world where the need is greatest. Today, we are located in more than 130 countries, and touch the lives of millions of children and families. It is this history which is our inspiration. Each year our Term Three focus is the Salesian Missions. In 2014 our Religious Education Classes focussed on exploring the various countries the Salesians work in and the nature of the assistance they provide.


2014 Salesian College Annual

OAKLEIGH CONNECTIONS GROUP During 2014 the Oakleigh Connections Group continued their Friday lunchtime visits. These visits provide an opportunity for many Salesian boys and staff members to enjoy the company of our guests, who love the opportunity to share lunch before kicking the footy and throwing the frisbee. Over the course of the year there were more than 30 students who took the opportunity to make new friendships. There were many Year 7 and 8 students who became involved for the first time, and who will hopefully continue to enjoy the satisfaction that comes from reaching out and giving to others.

2014 Salesian College Annual

As always, the success of the program depends on a range of people. Barb, Loris and the canteen ladies provided wonderful support by organising lunch, whilst Heather and Gesualda at Reception continued to warmly welcome and farewell our guests. A big thank you also goes to Ms Bell, Miss Galante and Mr Wang, who willingly gave up their time, acting as outstanding role models for the students. This year we farewelled Year 12 student Dohwin Kim, who has been a reliable supporter of the Connections program over a number of years, whilst Dominic Heaphy and Sheneth Fernando continue

to show their loyalty and commitment to the program. There were too many other students to mention individually, but their efforts don’t go unnoticed. I always enjoy watching our young Salesian men exhibit their welcoming and gentle nature. Thanks to all who helped to continue the tradition that is the Oakleigh Connections Program. Mr Peter Bermingham

“Over the course of the year there were more than 30 students who took the opportunity to make new friendships.”



From a curriculum perspective, 2014 has been characterised by ongoing work on what we have termed our ‘21st Century Learning and Teaching Project’. 21st Century learning, from a Christian, Catholic and Salesian perspective, encompasses the nurturing of the whole person, including their spiritual, emotional, social, physical and academic development. Accordingly, all aspects of the College’s endeavours to minister to the young are viewed through the prism of a 21st Century learning approach. 21st Century learning has certain identifiable attributes: it is heuristic, interdisciplinary and projectbased. It entails maintaining connections to and with local, state, national and global communities. The curriculum incorporates higher-order thinking skills, technologies and multimedia and authentic assessments. Students are confident, independent learners, capable of being self-directed as well as working collaboratively. They think creatively and logically to synthesise information and to solve


problems. Syllabuses and classroom instruction are designed to challenge all students and to provide for differentiation. The curriculum, in a genuine 21st Century learning environment, is often thematic and integrated. Subject content is not taught as an end in itself. Instead, students learn through research, collaboration and cooperative learning, and apply their knowledge in projects with the overall aim of developing the skills needed to be lifelong learners. Assessment moves from regurgitation of memorised content and abstruse processes to demonstration of understanding via application in a variety of meaningful contexts. Real-world audiences are frequently a key element of the assessment process, as is self-assessment. 21st Century skills include, but are not limited to, oracy and literacies, critical thinking, collaboration, adaptability, initiative, accessing, analysing and synthesising information and curiosity. Six self-contained projects were commissioned under the ‘21st Century Learning

and Teaching’ banner in 2014. We sought as a staff to do some focussed work in areas such as Data and Differentiation, Literacy, Professional Development, Learning Spaces, Curriculum Structures and reimagining our Year 9 Program. I am pleased to be able to report that significant progress was made in a number of areas. Our curriculum leaders, for example, became much more adept at collecting and analysing educational data. Further, Mr Nick Kearney led a project team which did some very exciting work developing the foundation of a new and fully integrated Year 9 program. Meanwhile, our Science Department, under the leadership of Miss Alicia Richardson, worked purposefully to explore the pedagogical potential of our new Science learning spaces. The Curriculum Team also made a considerable contribution to the discussions, which led to the innovative timetable structure that will be implemented in 2015. Progress was not as marked in our Literacy and Professional Development projects. However, the foundations have been put in place for additional

attention to be devoted to these areas in 2015. I wish to sincerely thank our Heads of Department who worked tirelessly and to great effect throughout the course of 2014. Mrs Nadia Knight (Religious Education), Mr David McDonald (Mathematics), Ms Donna Paatsch (English), Miss Alicia Richardson (Science), Ms Kamila Bielinski (Humanities), Ms Maryanne Xuereb (Performing Arts), Ms Ros Aylward (Visual Arts), Mr Justin Leeds (Technology Studies), Mr Stephen Sellwood (Human Development), Ms Carmel Meehan (Learning Support), Mrs Joyce Sendeckyj (Library) and Ms Jessica Saya (LOTE) comprise a dedicated group of curriculum leaders who have led their departments with aplomb. I would also like to particularly acknowledge the outstanding contribution of our IT Support Team, Mr Kj Maan, Mr Terry Cristiano and Mr Rob Chrzanowski, who have again worked diligently to animate a number of our curriculum projects. Neil Carter Deputy Principal – Education

2014 Salesian College Annual

“21st Century learning, from a Christian, Catholic and Salesian perspective, encompasses the nurturing of the whole person including their spiritual, emotional, social, physical and academic development.� 2014 Salesian College Annual


ENGLISH “There is no doubt that, as teachers, we can feel proud of the students as they leave the College as articulate and confident young men who have been encouraged to explore and express a range of different ideas in a variety of ways throughout their time with us.” It has been another exciting year in the English Faculty at Salesian College. We began the year congratulating our successful students from 2013 and finished the year with high expectations for the success of the Year 12s of 2014. The joys of being an English teacher are many and there is no doubt that, as teachers, we can feel proud of the students as they leave the College as articulate and confident young men who have been encouraged to explore and express a range of different ideas in a variety of ways throughout their time with us. Students have undertaken a variety of activities: • Year 7s - Explored allegory, read Greek mythology, developed research skills and created newspapers • Year 8s - Read and wrote short stories, studied family and friendship through novels and explored gothic texts • Year 9s - Studied war, cinematic techniques and persuasive language • Year 10s looked at justice, love and the base nature of mankind as themes, studied Shakespeare and analysed the media • Year 11s explored ‘Experiences of War’ and continued to refine their understanding of Shakespeare and studied the way the media manipulates society; and


• Year 12s undertook the study of text, refined and developed their understanding of media and extended their thinking about the way in which conflict manifests itself in society. • Literature students continued to develop skills in the analysis of text and their understanding of the ways in which texts reflect the views and values of the society in which they are written.

Our Public Speakers and Debaters have continued to thrive under the care of Mr Andrew Schillaci which was evident in the successes in the DAV and ACC Competitions. I would like to thank the staff in the English Faculty for their hard work, dynamic energy and support of me in my role

as Head of Department over the last two years; parents can be assured that their boys are being introduced to important critical literacy skills throughout their English classes which will stand them in good stead throughout all aspects of their lives. Donna Paatsch Head of English

Underpinning the curriculum in the English Faculty is the desire to offer students the opportunity to become confident in the expression of their ideas, whether in oral or written form. The Mary McKertich Public Speaking Award involved all students from years seven through to eleven and, for the first time offered Year 12 boys a chance to showcase their talent. It is pleasing to see the increasing confidence as students present their ideas to their peers at each year level. There is no doubt that having work published gives students a great sense of pride. It is this pride in achieving excellence that we aim to foster at Salesian College. To this end the College became part of ‘Shared Stories’ which allowed students to write pieces for publication in an anthology of student writing from across Victoria. It is with much pride that we congratulate our published authors.

2014 Salesian College Annual


Challenge has been a theme for the Mathematics Department in 2014. Our students are continually challenged to develop their skills and improve their ability to apply their knowledge to solve unfamiliar problems, and we, as teachers, are challenged to respond to their diverse needs, increasing the breadth and variety of the educational opportunities offered. As I approach the end of my second year as Head of Mathematics, I look back with pride and satisfaction on the collaborative approach taken by all members of the team, and also look forward with confidence as we work on new ways to improve the way we deliver Mathematics education. The College has for some time placed a focus on Individual Learning Plans for our students with special needs. The use of Mathletics to set individual goals and tasks has again benefitted these students as well as provided additional activities for all students. Providing concrete materials to help explore abstract concepts is not new, but we have been blessed this year with the purchase of a wide array of counters, playing cards, measuring tapes, wooden metre rulers and other materials.

2014 Salesian College Annual

In addition, this year some of our high-performing students participated in the Challenge Stage and/ or the Enrichment Stage of the Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians, two programs which aim to further develop the skills of talented students in Mathematics. For the first time, students from Salesian College participated in the Mathematics Olympiad, an extended problem-solving experience in which ten challenging questions must be solved in a period of four hours. Successful students have the possibility of taking part in the International Mathematics Olympiad that is held each year, usually in some overseas venue. Furthermore, our students again achieved outstanding results in the Australian Mathematics Competition for 2014. In particular, a substantial number of students from Years 7 and 8 achieved a Distinction or higher, indicating that they were ranked within the top 15% of all the students from the state of Victoria who participated. We congratulate Timothy Wang, who achieved a Prize award for the second consecutive year, placing him within the top 0.3% of students.

to the way that the Unit 1 and 2 General Mathematics course was structured, so that it now better prepares students for the Unit 3 and 4 Further Mathematics course. Similarly, changes have been made to improve the structure of Mathematics classes in Year 10 to better serve the academic requirements of students, based on their overall performance in Year 9 and a common Term 1 in Year 10.

�We continue to review how we offer our courses and how we can best serve the needs of our students.�

We in the Mathematics Department are continually striving to enrich the capacity of our students to participate more fully in the modern world through the learning of Mathematics. I am still very proud to be even just a small part of it. David McDonald Head of Mathematics

We continue to review how we offer our courses and how we can best serve the needs of our students. To this end, we made changes



Science Week

labs, and experienced firsthand what it feels like to sit in a university lecture theatre. Year 12 Psychology students investigated sleep patterns at Epworth Sleep Laboratory, and were fascinated by the viewing of Nicholas Winn’s brainwaves when he took on the role of ‘sleeper’ in a demonstration. The Year 11 Biology students visited Werribee Zoo, and climbed aboard the safari buses to explore a number of ecosystems and species up close.

The school celebrated National Science Week in August, and made great use of the new science labs during lunchtime workshops run by science staff and senior students. The senior Physics boys, alongside Fr Cantamessa and Mr Dexter, demonstrated in our specialised Physics the weird and wonderful world of Senior to the delight of our junior boys. The Year 12 Psychology boys took other students through the structures and function of the human brain as they dissected sheep’s brains. Mrs Beurs opened up the eyes of our students to the joys of dissections with the investigation of the structures of a bull’s eye. The highlight of the week for our Year 7s was the excursion to Science Works with their science and homeroom mentors.

Our Year 7 boys, after the early excitement of gaining their Bunsen burner licences, took their newly acquired skills out into the community, and shared their passion for science with Grade 4s and 5s, running workshops as part of the Salesian Science Partnership program. The Year 8s had great fun enjoying more regular prac time in the new labs, discovering the simple joys of looking through a microscope and discovering microscopic worlds and investigating the creation of chemical reactions. Year 9s took great interest in investigating the staff room and Mr Loonstra’s office at Mannix as they cultured their own agar plates.

With such a jam packed year of science it would be remiss to not acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the science teaching team, who every day share their love of science with the boys, whether it be in the classroom, the yard, the lab or through the sharing of a funny science meme. I thank them for their ongoing integrity, and their delivery of an innovative curriculum that is not only relevant in the 21st century, but allows our students to challenge the way in which they think and view the world. As William Braggs once said, ‘The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them.’

“Students across all year levels harnessing their curiosity of the physical world in constructive and novel ways in their learning of science.” This year has been a memorable one for Science at Salesian College Chadstone, with students across all year levels harnessing their curiosity about the physical world in constructive and novel ways in their learning of science. The year began with the exciting task of moving into our newly renovated science building that commenced construction in 2013 and was completed over the 2013/2014 summer holidays. This could not have happened without the amazing talents and dedication of our lab technician, Emerald Surrao, and the Business side of the school. The completed building was an impressive sight, and staff and students alike enjoyed making themselves at home once again in the beloved Fedrigotti Wing. The new state of the art facility was welcomed by all, and a lot of laughs were shared as the boys supported staff in working out which button did what with the new 21st century technology. Many opportunities were offered for students to take their growing scientific knowledge and practically apply it in the real world. Year 12 Chemistry classes were guests at the University of Melbourne chemistry


Alicia Richardson Head of Science

2014 Salesian College Annual

Last year the Design and Technology Faculty separated into two faculties, with 2014 seeing the Visual Arts Department in its first year. The newly created Visual Arts Department consists of studies undertaken in Art, including 2D and 3D Studio Art studies, Visual Communication Design (VCD) and Media Studies. This independence as a Department has given the opportunity for Visual Arts to not only establish itself, but to develop ideas and initiatives with a stronger focus, and continue to develop this in the future. Some developments this year include “The Salesian Movie Club”, which introduced students to a variety of styles and genre in film, and was open to any student at lunchtimes. Also launched this year, and in conjunction with the English Department, was the ‘Shared Stories’ Anthology project, an opportunity in which 11 students from Years 7 to 11 were able to have their art works published, which is a fantastic achievement. These students were invited to the launch of the Anthology, which many eagerly attended. The rich and varied artworks produced by the boys throughout the year could not happen without the dedication, expertise and enthusiasm of the Visual Arts Staff. Creative pursuits provide environments of challenge, fun and engagement, reflecting the mantra that Visual Arts create opportunities for self-expression and cultural appreciation, whilst removing barriers of social, economic and cultural difference. It has been proved that schools that have a strong Arts curriculum produce more flexible and adaptable thinkers, who are more willing to be exploratory and considerate in their learning. What this amounts to is increased academic performance in all subject areas. Senior classes were abuzz with excursions, conferences,

2014 Salesian College Annual

exhibitions, guest speakers and workshops. One highlight for both teachers and students alike was the AGIDEAS Expo, involving Senior VCD students. The night consisted of local and international designers sharing their ideas and personal experiences of the Design Industry, as well as of being a Designer. Students always mention their appreciation of having these valuable and enriching experiences, but I think the teachers equally do too! The Visual Arts Exhibition, held in early October as part of the College’s Expo evening, showcased the quality of students’ work from Years 7 – 12. It is always a delight to see visually creative endeavours of the whole College being exhibited and appreciated as a community. The evening saw the College’s Cultural Ambassador, George Lapatas, open and close the formal proceedings as Master of Ceremonies. Visual Arts Award recipients, representative of every Year Level and Subject in the Department, were acknowledged for their outstanding creative excellence, together with former teacher of the College and Archibald Prize finalist, Carmel O’Connor, as Guest Speaker on the night. I would like to personally thank the staff of the Visual Arts Team: Anne Garofalo, Elissa Galante, Rachel Ivey, Mary O’Sullivan, Paul Wise and our technician Malcolm Lloyd, for their support, dedication and commitment to nurturing students’ creativity. Next year will be a tumultuous but exciting year, with the redevelopment of the Visual Art Wing. This will provide stateof-the-art facilities for Media, Art and Visual Communication in an inspiring, purposefully designed and beautiful place to learn.

VISUAL ARTS Alex Catelano, Year 11

Fabrice Min Fa, Year 10

“Creative pursuits provide environments of challenge, fun and engagement, reflecting the mantra that Visual Arts create opportunities for self-expression and cultural appreciation, whilst removing barriers of social, economic and cultural difference.” - Dee Dickinson, 1993 Pravinda Gunasekara, Year 8

Ms Roslyn Aylward Head of Visual Arts 51


As the new Head of Design and Technology this year, I welcome the opportunity to report on the outstanding work done by students and staff in the Technology Department.

which students are able to utilise numerous skills and experiences they have developed or encountered in other subjects to design and produce a unique solution to a problem or need.

The area of Design and Technology at Salesian includes subjects such as Game Creation, Product Design and Technology, Systems Engineering, Computer Generated Imagery, Interactive Digital Media, I.T. Applications, Software Development, Design and Technology and Systems Technology. Whilst this array of choices may seem somewhat disparate, all these subjects share a common tenet – the application of the Design Process. This process underpins much of what is taught in the Department and it involves, in simple terms, finding a solution to a problem or need for a client or end user. The use of this process to arrive at a solution to a design problem posed in a Design Brief provides Technology students with many valuable opportunities to undertake research, develop graphical, written and verbal communication skills, to gain confidence in dealing with clients and suppliers, to apply mathematical principles in measurement and skills in the production and presentation of an appropriate product or program. The area of Design and Technology is one in

The skills, knowledge and attitudes students can develop as they study Design and Technology subjects are directly applicable to many real world situations, and are sought after by employers in various areas of endeavour. I believe that Technology students at Salesian have the opportunity to develop transportable and relevant skills and qualities such as attention to detail, accuracy and precision, care for the environment and the sustainable use of resources, an appreciation of good design and fine workmanship, as well as persistence, pride and patience.


In addition to the work carried out in computer labs, design classrooms and the workshops at the College, senior Design and Technology students attended the Top Designs Exhibition at the Melbourne Museum in May of this year. Here, the boys had the opportunity to view the very best VCE work in Systems Engineering and Product Design and Technology. The boys were inspired (and perhaps a little daunted) by the excellent products and folios on display at the Museum. Later in the year,

Technology students from all year levels provided some very pleasing examples of their work for the 2014 Expo. Many students assisted their teachers to set up the displays and attended on the evening to act as ambassadors for the College. I really appreciated your help, boys, and I extend my congratulations to those students who received Design and Technology awards on the night. Lastly, I must acknowledge the efforts of the Technology Department staff, whose support and assistance have been most appreciated throughout the year. The teachers in this department often go ‘the extra mile’ to help the boys by providing lunchtime, after school and holiday classes, as well as always finding the time to encourage and enthuse their students. Many thanks to Rob Marley, Peter Moore, Bill Burri, Kim Beurs, Dave Davenport, Darren Winfield, Rob Mercer, Ken Verbyla, and Br Barry Parker. Finally, best wishes, many thanks and good luck to Bill Burri as he retires after 25 years at the College. I am sure thousands of boys will always remember his compassion and caring nature, as will I. Mr Justin Leeds Head of Technology Studies

2014 Salesian College Annual

“The skills, knowledge and attitudes students can develop as they study Design and Technology subjects are directly applicable to many real world situations.� 2014 Salesian College Annual




2014 Salesian College Annual

2014 Salesian College Annual



Language learning, and in particular the learning of Italian, is valuable to students for a multitude of reasons. Within the language classroom there are crosscurricular links with Religion, History, English, Geography, Art and Music. Students learn to appreciate a different cultural perspective and the customs and traditions of different societies. They gain an appreciation of the importance of Italian to the College’s own history, following the traditions of Don Bosco.The very fact that we are a Catholic school makes Italian all the more important. As our mission is to teach the whole child, this is where it happens to the fullest degree – in the LOTE classroom. Students learn more than grammar and language; what is reinforced are literacy skills taught in English, the importance and knowledge of historical events, geography, the importance of our Catholic tradition and the respect of cultural differences.

2014 Italy Trip Highlights Led by Ms Saya and Ms Barcellona, fortunate Year 9 and Year 10 students had an amazing cultural and linguistic experience making their way through the stunning historical and artistic landscape of Italy. The trip featured guided visits of the following cities: • Rome – Students connected with the presence of the Catholic Faith and deepened their knowledge of Roman history and monuments. • Pompeii – We were treated to breathtaking views of Mt Vesuvius, and students saw first-hand the fate of the Romans who lived in Pompeii and how advanced the civilisation was. • Florence – Full immersion in art, philosophy, history and poetry all in one. We navigated the poetic city, seeing the Ponte Vecchio, markets and Piazzale Michelangelo. We also visited Pisa and climbed the famous tower. • Turin –The group connected with Don Bosco’s legacy, visiting the Basilica of Our Lady Help of Christians and Colle Don Bosco, completing the pilgrimage and learning a little more about Don Bosco’s mission to reach out and teach the underprivileged of the area. • Venice –We were treated to a unique cityscape of gondolas, bridges and royal history and got lost in the winding streets.


The boys sampled the local cuisine and put their language knowledge to the test, speaking Italian at every opportunity in shops and restaurants. “One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.” (Frank Smith) Studying a second or third language sets boys up for a lifetime of learning. It gives them an open mind and teaches tolerance and acceptance. In our ever increasingly global world it will be essential for the current generation to know more than one language if they are to have access to more opportunities for travel and employment. Organisations of the future will look for employees who have acceptance and knowledge of other cultures and language skills. When it comes to choosing between a candidate with one language and a candidate with two languages who are equal in every other professional sense, the choice of the employer is obvious. Our world is becoming more competitive, and by continuing to study a language at VCE our students have that competitive edge. By learning Italian at Salesian College, students also gain the skill of learning a fairly attainable second language, and, as such, if and when they are required to learn other languages throughout their lifetime, they will be able to do so much more easily.

Year 7 and 8 Poetry Competition Over 30 students participated in the Swinburne Poetry Competition, with judges visiting Salesian College to hear our boys. Students chose from a range of poems and worked towards reciting with correct pronunciation and expression. The experience is worthwhile, as students expand their knowledge of vocabulary, gain confidence and are able to shine. Most participants achieved an Honourable Mention or a Credit Certificate for their efforts. An outstanding effort was made by two students who were awarded state level prizes. Well done to all who participated! First in the State Benjamin Sexton (Yr 8) Third in the State William Tucker (Yr 7)

2014 Salesian College Annual

Year 7 and 8 Language Perfect Competition All Year 7 and 8 students had the opportunity to participate in the Language Perfect Competition. Students go online over a period of two weeks and answer many language questions about grammar and vocabulary. They are in competition with hundreds of thousands of students across Australia. Students achieve points for each question answered, so boys who achieve an Elite Award earn more than 10,000 points. Apart from our Elite, Gold and Silver award winners, many achieved Bronze and Credit awards, participating diligently in the competition. All certificate winners were rewarded with a special morning tea. This year we had over 40 certificate winners, with the competition growing in popularity. Top Achievers: Elite Award Andrew Lou Roger Nea Sohan Pujar Gold Award Dhiren Rodrigues Khoa Dao Dhairya Thakkar Jamie Phung

Year 9, 10 and 11 Dante Alighieri Poetry Competition

Year 8 Theatrical performance – Mission Gnocchi

Over 30 boys participated in the Dante Alighieri Competition at Melbourne University this year, reciting their chosen poem. The event builds confidence, and allows boys to increase their knowledge of Italian vocabulary, pronunciation and expressions, whilst being a prestigious competition attended by hundreds of Victorian schools. Students gain a greater appreciation of how the modern Italian language came to be, and the contribution of the great poet, Dante Alighieri. Two particularly outstanding results were achieved by Year 10 students, who were asked to return and recite for the finals. Most boys also achieved a Distinction, Honourable Mention or Credit Certificate. Well done to all boys who participated.

As an introduction to the unit on Italian Food, students were treated to a theatrical comedic show by La Comica Productions. Students were able to get involved in the performance, and learnt the process of making some traditional Italian foods like gnocchi and cannoli. It allowed the boys to connect with their existing knowledge of Italian related to the culinary field, whilst helping to reinforce new vocabulary!

Finalists Jake Dell-Arciprete (Yr 10) Rangithkumar Ramesh (Yr 10)

Ms Jessica Saya Head of LOTE and Italian Teacher

“Students learn more than just grammar and language with Italian; what is reinforced are literacy skills taught in English, the importance and knowledge of historical events, geography, the importance of our Catholic tradition and the respect of cultural differences.”

Silver Award Dean Kanaris

2014 Salesian College Annual



The Performing Arts Department just seems to go from strength to strength each year. The boys have participated in a number of events throughout the year, both externally and within the college. The year began with the Music Camp at Ferngully Lodge in Healesville. Three days of intense rehearsals meant that the boys were ready to go for the year’s calendar of events. Mt Gambier May 2 – 4 was sensational, inspiring and well worth the 8 hour bus ride over and back. Each year the staff and students return excited about what they learnt, the friends they made and the amazing talented artists they got to work with and watch perform. “Hairspray” was next on the Calendar. What a brilliant event! So many colours, so much hair and such amazing talent both on stage and in the music pit. The entire show had the audience on the edge of their seats and leaving wanting more. The boys (and girls) should be very proud of what they achieved, as we had nothing but outstanding comments. Each year, our concert bands travel into the city to participate in the Victorian School Music Festival at Federation Square, and time and time again we see our bands do such an amazing job. The boys learn so much from the experience, but also from the dedication of


rehearsals and seeing the end product/performance. This year, we had the pleasure of being part of the ACCent on Music – an ACC event with all the school combining together for one night at Hamer Hall. What an event this was! This was truly breathtaking, and the buzz from the students was so good to see. It gave them inspiration and dedication to become better performers, but the experience of playing in such an amazing hall with some extremely talented musicians was even more worthwhile. Cabaret this year had the theme of The Beatles as it was their 50th Anniversary. What a great night it was! The atmosphere of this night every year is so relaxing and it is such a fun social evening, thanks to the talented staff, students and family members who come out of the woodwork each year. Finally, there are the Autumn and Spring Concerts. Each semester, our Year 7 students spend a semester learning an instrument and playing as a band. The students have one lesson a week to learn how to play the instrument, and one lesson a week to rehearse as a band. It is such a learning curve for so many of the boys, and they should be very proud of what they achieve within that timeframe. For the first time ever at the Spring Concert, all Year 7 classes of D, E & F came together

and performed as one ensemble. The sound that they produced was brilliant, and the looks on their faces as they were performing were priceless. The parents were up off their seats with the phones out, taking videos of their sons playing. It made my heart melt. Each year I write an article for the year book, and it makes me think back to all that we have achieved in the past 12 months. I’m so proud of each student who is part of our Music Program and the Performing Arts Department. The dedication in turning up each week for lessons and rehearsals is fantastic. The friendships that are created through the love of music and drama are forever binding, and it’s great to see them. All of this could not be possible without the dedication and enthusiasm of the Performing Arts Department and the Instrumental Music Teachers. Such a remarkable job has been done by all… thank you! I’m looking forward to some pretty incredible adventures in 2015 and beyond, with our tours to Brisbane in August 2015 and LONDON and PARIS in 2016. Look out world, here comes the Salesian College Performing Arts Department. Mez Xuereb Head of Performing Arts & Instrumental Music Coordinator

“The friendships that are created through the love of music and drama is forever binding and it’s great to see it within our boys.” 2014 Salesian College Annual

2014 Salesian College Annual



The Humanities provide insight into everything! We learn how to think creatively and critically, to reason and to ask questions. It is these skills that allow us to gain new insights into everything from poetry and paintings to business models and politics. Humanistic subjects have been at the heart of a liberal arts education since the ancient Greeks first used them to educate their citizens. Investigating the human experience adds to our knowledge about our world. It is through humanities based subjects that we learn about the values of different cultures, about what goes into making a work of art, about how history is made. Past efforts preserve the great accomplishments, help us to understand the world we live in and give us tools to imagine the future. There have been a number of highlights in the Humanities Department this year.


August 2014 marked 100 years since the commencement of World War One. As part of the Victorian Government’s Anzac Centenary program Victoria’s Journey of Remembrance travelling roadshow was launched.This program encouraged and supported Year 10 and 11 students to learn more about their World War One history, to research their own personal connections, and to work within their local communities to commemorate the Anzac Centenary. Year 9 students also visited the Shrine of Remembrance and were immersed in guided tours, exhibitions, ceremonies and rich research based tasks. With the addition of Geography to the Humanities National Curriculum, experiential learning has come to the fore, with field work excursions and data collection opportunities. Geography and its inquiry

approach have assisted students in making further meaning of their world. It has taught them to respond to questions in a geographically distinctive way, to plan an inquiry, to collect, evaluate, analyse and interpret information and to suggest responses to what they have learned. In 2015 we look forward to refining and adding greater depth to experiential based elements of the curriculum. Sincere thanks to the Humanities Department for their commitment, enthusiasm and sheer hard work throughout 2014.

“Humanities teaches us how to think creatively and critically, to reason, and to ask questions. It is these skills that allow us to gain new insights into everything from poetry and paintings to business models and politics.”

Ms Kamila Bielinski Head of Humanities

2014 Salesian College Annual


2014 heralded the beginning of a dedicated House Sport Program at Salesian College. Beginning with the House Swimming Carnival at Oakleigh Recreation Swimming Pool, it was a fun filled day with many fabulous performances, with swimmers keen to impress for the ACC team. Of equal importance was the One Lap Swim which encouraged all students to complete one lap for their House. The House Athletics Carnival always supplied us with colour, action and competitiveness amongst

2014 Salesian College Annual

the houses as they chased elusive points. Shuttle Relays, sprints, throws, jumps and frantic cheering provided an atmosphere that encouraged many students in their pursuit of points. Each week our Year 7-11 students were allocated two periods of sport. During this time we had students represent the College at ACC Sport, while others became involved in House competitions spanning a variety of sports. Dodgeball, Basketball, Indoor Soccer and Handball have all been

completed with fierce competition. Students participated in groups that were in similar ability and development stages, encouraging greater participation. Representing Sport Houses has become a major accomplishment during 2014 and we look forward to the development of further sporting competitions in 2015. Paul Groves Director of Sport

“Students participated in groups that were in similar ability and development stages, encouraging greater participation.�



This year has been a busy and constructive year for the Human Development Department. We welcomed Mr Chris Ryan as a new member of staff and were delighted with his valuable contribution to the areas of Health and Physical Education. We aim to deliver a curriculum that is contemporary, relevant, challenging, enjoyable and physically active. The curriculum helps students to be resilient, and to make decisions and take actions to promote their health, safety and physical activity participation. Integral to Health and Physical Education (PE) is the acquisition of movement skills, concepts and strategies to enable students to confidently, competently and creatively participate in a range of physical activities. As a foundation for lifelong physical activity participation and enhanced performance, students have the opportunity to develop proficiency in movement skills, physical activities and movement concepts and acquire an understanding of the science behind how the body moves. Healthy, active living benefits individuals and society in many ways. This includes promoting physical fitness, healthy body weight, psychological wellbeing, cognitive capabilities and


learning. A healthy, active population improves productivity and personal satisfaction, promotes pro-social behaviour and reduces the occurrence of chronic disease.

Year 7 Throughout Year 7, students were taught different practical units, including athletics, hockey, badminton, speedminton, basketball, volleyball, football, soccer, tee-ball, cricket and tennis. Students also covered a wide range of theory topics, including fitness, sun safety, nutrition and the muscular and skeletal body systems.

Year 8 During Year 8, students were taught different practical units, including volleyball, European handball, basketball, rugby, soccer, football, tennis, hockey, lacrosse and softball. A select number of Year 8 boys also had the opportunity to represent the College in the Robbie Kearns Shield Rugby Competition, finishing fourth out of the sixteen schools competing. Students also covered a wide range of theory topics throughout 2014, including fitness, nutrition, the respiratory and circulatory

body systems and the health risk factor of tobacco.

9F The Vipers

Year 9

Most Valuable Players Stephen Angeloudas and Will Michailidis

The highlight of the Year 9 PE course was the participation in the Sport Education in Physical Education Program (SEPEP). It had an interactive and social student-focused learning approach that teaches pupils about the numerous roles and benefits of different sports in both a practical and theoretical sense. Students undertook a variety of roles when participating, such as umpire, coach, player and administrator, and assumed responsibility for the organisation of aspects of a soccer and rugby competition. 2014 Results Soccer Champions 9A/B Mannix City Most Valuable Player Stefano Mascaro 9C/D Mannix Strikers Most Valuable Player Evan Panagiotou 9E The Gladiators FC 2014

9G Class on Grass Most Valuable Player Christian Theoharous Euro Handball Champions 9E Cazar FC Most Valuable Players Jack Santa Maria and Anthony Ishak

Year 10 The Semesterised Year 10 course equips students with the knowledge and skills involved in skill acquisition and coaching, biomechanics, physical fitness, training methods and legal and illegal methods of improving performance. Students were provided with the opportunity to participate in many practical laboratory activities that enabled them to participate in and experiment with the theory concepts being taught. This course lays the foundation for VCE Physical Education studies.

Most Valuable Player Santino Belmuda

2014 Salesian College Annual

Year 11 & 12 Physical Education This study enabled the students to: • Understand the social, environmental, cultural, biological, psychological and physiological factors that influence participation in physical activity. • Develop a critical perspective on physical activity across the lifespan. • Investigate the promotion of physical activity in a variety of settings. • Examine how the body systems work together to produce movement. • Examine performance enhancement in terms of training programming and recovery, biomechanics, sports psychology, risk management and ethics. • Analyse the processes associated with skill development and coaching, and strategies and tactics used within game situations. • Use practical activities to underpin theoretical understanding. During Term 3 the Year 11 Physical Education class had the opportunity to participate in a wheelchair basketball session as a part of their investigation into facilitating participation in physical activity. The Year 12 classes also had the opportunity to visit the Elite Athlete Performance Network Gym in Richmond where they completed a laboratory activity associated with fatigue during physical activity and sporting events resulting from the use of the three energy systems under varying conditions. They

2014 Salesian College Annual

were able to compare and contrast suitable recovery strategies used to counteract fatigue and promote optimal performance levels.

Year 11 and 12 Health and Human Development This study enabled the students to: • Develop an understanding of individual human development (physical, social, emotional and intellectual) that occurs through the lifespan stages of prenatal, childhood, youth and adulthood.

Acknowledgements I would like to thank all the teachers involved in the Human Development Department in 2014 and highlight their efforts in teaching skills that students need to participate in physical activity outside of the physical education class and skills they will need for a lifetime of physical activity. Mr Stephen Sellwood Head of Human Development

• Develop an understanding of the physical, mental and social dimensions of health and the interrelationship between health and individual human development. • Develop an understanding that variations in health and human development are influenced by a range of determinants, including biological, behavioural and social factors, as well as physical environments. • Critically examine health and human development from an individual, a community, a national and a global perspective. • Develop an understanding of the interdependencies between health, human development and sustainability. • Identify, develop and evaluate behaviours and strategies that promote health and human development. • Analyse the role of governments and nongovernment agencies in achieving sustainable improvements in health and human development in Australia and globally.



A Welshman once said, “If it is only a game, why are we playing for points?” In the ACC Competition we are certainly playing for points in a very competitive environment, and in 2014 across all year levels there was improvement in each sport. The year commenced with great optimism. In the second week of Term One the House Swimming Carnival took place at Oakleigh Pool. I was quietly confident that we would be able to recruit some excellent swimmers for the ACC Squad. We are endeavouring to encourage swimming culture at the College, which is made difficult because many of our squad members live a long distance from school. As this is our greatest obstacle, we have even invited next year’s Year 7 students to attend our training sessions at Huntingtower School. The ACC Carnival, held at Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre, saw Salesian College Chadstone finish second to Parade College in the Second Division. On the night we certainly couldn’t question the efforts of the team members. The Senior Summer Sports season commenced the first week of Term in 2014, with the Salesian First XI Cricket Team proving to be a very capable team. They reached the final against


De La Salle College and were quietly confident, but that confidence soon disappeared. As we made only 89, we clearly needed a miracle. We bowled and fielded well, but De La Salle passed our score with an over to spare.The result was disappointing in that we were a very capable cricketing side, but froze when it came to the final. Our volleyball A and B teams were competitive, but I feel they under achieved. We brought an external coach with great knowledge and coaching skills, so the boys certainly learnt a lot. The Salesian College Senior Tennis Team was in a very good competition. Many players were competing in pennant tennis, and one player who took part in the ACC Competition made the third round of the Australian Open. That tells you something about the standard. Athletics training took place three times a week in preparation for one day in April. Athletics is one of the sports which generates a lot of interest. Our throws coach, Dale Stephenson, was a Commonwealth Games bronze medallist and is also an excellent discus coach. He came on board for the second year to improve our team. The ACC event in Albert Park saw us finish third behind Parade College and St Bernard’s. On the day we had injuries, and with a small team we

needed to perform at our best. In 2015 we are going to make an even bigger push to achieve our ultimate dream. We must now look to the future. We won the Junior Cup (U/13 and U/14 combined). I look forward to seeing the prowess of our intake next year. Term Two saw our football and soccer players in competition. Our Senior Football Team had a great chance of making the grand final, but came up short with a loss against Whitefriars. Our other teams competed well in their divisions and were a credit to themselves and the College. Our First XI Soccer Team reached the semi-final. We played a very strong St Joseph’s team at Darebin and defended stoically, trying to hit our opponents on the break. It was a great team performance that worked to a plan. After extra time, with the score at 1-1, the game came down to penalties, which is always a lottery. St Joseph’s were triumphant. The Year 9 Soccer Team reached the grand final, which was played at our neighbour’s, Mazenod College. The game proved to be fast and furious, with plenty of goals. The game could have gone either way, and Salesian scored four goals, which should be enough to win any game, however, defensive lapses saw Mazenod score five. Congratulations to all in this very capable team.

Badminton is played as a round robin competition, and in the Junior Division, played at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre, we were undefeated and were crowned champions. Well done to those boys. In Term Three it was time for hockey, basketball and table tennis players to come to the fore. The Senior Basketball ‘B’ team reached the semi-final in a close encounter lost by one point to Parade College. The Year 10 Hockey Team had a great season, losing only one game to the powerhouse of hockey, St Bernard’s, who run a hockey club from the College. Defeating Parade in a penalty shoot-out in the semi-final, we were then up against St Bernard’s for the second year in a row for the grand final. Playing at St Bernard’s, we were far too strong for the home team, winning 4-1, which was an improvement on last year’s result. The 3km and 5km Cross Country courses at Bundoora were demanding, and even though we have potential with sportsmen from football, soccer, hockey and other teams taking part, we can only develop by putting the kilometres in. This will be a focus for our improvement in 2015. In the annual Salesian College Chadstone vs. Salesian College Sunbury ‘Father Jennings Shield’ in Cricket, Chadstone

2014 Salesian College Annual

2014 Salesian College Annual


were winners by reaching Sunbury’s modest score with seven overs to spare. We have lost this match for the last three years, so it was good to have a win, and it was a great credit to the players. This year’s game was hosted by Sunbury and held at Rupertswood, the home of the Ashes. In Term Four, we saw one of the best cricket games we have seen for a long time. A game that went down to the last ball, the match was a semi-final against Parade and played at Chadstone. Parade needed a four to draw or a six to win, and guess what? A very talented batsman with nothing to lose dispatched the ball over the bowler’s head for a six. Congratulations to Parade on a fantastic game, and our team on a great effort. Our Year 7 – 10 Volleyball Teams have been very competitive, and our Year 7 Tennis Team made the grand final. I have outlined the sporting year as it currently stands. However, I will stress that we don’t only measure the success of the year by Premierships. It is also measured upon our student enjoyment of their chosen sport, their competiveness to do well and the pride shown in representing the College. We also look at the students’ attitudes in showing sportsmanship in victory and defeat. I would like to thank all the teachers who coached teams. They really appreciate the thanks from the students in their team. We must realise that they give up a lot of their time to help the boys to be the best they can. We look forward to 2015. Mr Carl Egan Director of ACC Sport


Sports Presentation Night The Annual Sports Presentation Night was held on Thursday 18 September in the College Hall. This was a fantastic night with an all-star line-up of guest speakers, including Trent Cotchin from the Richmond Football Club, Massimo Murdocca from the Melbourne City Soccer Club and Nate Tomlinson from the Melbourne United Basketball Club all providing great entertainment and giving us an insight into their careers and achievements. Our guests also assisted with the handing out of trophies, and were more than happy to be in photos, sign autographs and chat personally with the many students who held them in such high regard. Awards were given on the night for the Best and Fairest and Best Team Man from the ACC Sports such as football, soccer, hockey, basketball, table tennis, volleyball, tennis and cricket. Special trophies were also awarded to the Sportsman of the Year for each year level. The Will Liston “Dolphin” trophy was awarded to Jackson Trieu of Year 12 for being the College Swim Champion. Richard Bradley, also of Year 12, was awarded the “Jacko” Trophy for Senior Football’s Most Courageous Player. The Junior Athletics Team, The Intermediate Cross-Country Team and the Junior Badminton Teams were formally congratulated and presented with pennants for winning their respective divisions. The Sportsman of the Year trophies were then awarded to the students who performed most consistently over a range of ACC Sports

throughout the year. The Senior Sportsman of the Year was not presented on the night, but held until the Valedictory Assembly, and was eventually awarded to David Marchese.

Soccer ‘B’ Best and Fairest Marco Buontempo

Congratulations must go to each award winner and to all students who represented the College at ACC Sport throughout 2014. There were many outstanding performances for the year.

Basketball ‘A’ MVP Peshala Fernando

The night was a huge success, with our largest number in attendance to support and congratulate our ACC Champions.

Senior Award Winners: Cricket First XI Best Bowler Patrick Burnell Best Batsman Connor Andrews Tennis Best Player Anthony Parveris Volleyball ‘A’ Best Player Shaun Infantino Volleyball ‘B’ Best Player George Lapatas Football Best and Fairest Maddison Talarico

Best Team Man Ryan Rodrigo

Basketball ‘B’ MVP Danyon Smart Table Tennis Best Player Robert D’Leema Hockey Best Player Casey Henderson Badminton Best Player Athiesh Katheesan

Sportsman of the Year Winners: Year 7 Harry Shea Year 8 Geordie Nagle Year 9 Yianni Billias Year 10 Joshua Knight Year 11 Casey Henderson Year 12 David Marchese

Best Team Man Hayden Colgrave Soccer ‘A’ Best and Fairest Marcus Sawan Best Team Man Michael Olivetti

2014 Salesian College Annual

2014 Salesian College Annual


RUA RESOURCE CENTRE The School Library and Information Victoria network theme is Strength through community – collegiality, diversity, vision. Never has a mantra rung more true for the Rua Resource Centre at Salesian College than in 2014. At Salesian College, our school community continues to promote a dynamic and positive learning culture, with the Rua Resource Centre playing a pivotal role in enriching that ethos. Each day it becomes a meeting place of minds and hearts, passionate in the pursuit of both academic opportunities and the personal growth of our students. Our collegiate community provides a daily multiplicity of ideas, expertise and cultural insights that enrich our breadth and depth of learning. Added to our dynamic and diverse learning environment, the Rua Resource Centre also provides a place of contemplation and reflection, a place where thought can be given to acquiring knowledge and information, as well as the joy of becoming engrossed in a ‘good story’.


Our eventful year


New rollouts

A true highlight that the Rua Resource Centre has experienced during 2014 is once again realising our students’ sense of community and generosity in helping to raise funds for charities such as Project Compassion and the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.

I would like to recognise the talent and expertise of Ms Moore, our Library Technician, and our Volunteer Library Technician, Ms Francis, for their dedication and passion to the task in 2014. The Rua Resource Centre team also wishes to acknowledge the talented and passionate students, teachers and support staff of Salesian College for their mutual commitment to the holistic education of the students in our care.

Our Library Management System has this year been reinvigorated; advantages of the new Access-IT system include improved searching with “One Search” that finds local and digital resources in a single search. The catalogue search allows for intuitive, intelligent searching and allows patrons to leave their personal reviews of any resource, making it a very interactive and user friendly system. The vibrant and colourful new interface features Quick Reference Links, Cool Reading Links and Salesian Reading Blog, where students and staff can place their own book reviews.

In the realm of reading and literacy, 2014 has again opened opportunities for student achievement with involvement in extended reading activities such as the Premier’s Reading Challenge, writing book reviews for online publication, the weekly Rua Readers’ Book Club, listening to prominent authors and selecting new fiction for the collection. Our students also continue to become astute gatherers of information, learning to focus their assignment investigation with targeted research classes.

Initiatives 2015 will be an exciting year, with new developments including an ‘App’ for students to access library resources 24/7 and the added dimension of borrowing eBooks, giving students a further choice of format when making their reading choices.

Joyce Sendeckyj Head of Library and Information Services

“2015 will be an exciting year, with new developments including an ‘App’ for students to access library resources 24/7.”

Our subscription to the Education and Digital edition of The Age enables LOTE and EAL students in particular to read the newspaper in other languages. For example, an article can be read in Malay or Norwegian simply by clicking the translation button. Ms Jan Moore Library Technician

2014 Salesian College Annual

The Salesian College Chess Club has experienced another very successful year. The move to a more central location saw unprecedented numbers of boys regularly attending our lunch-time meetings. Often there were more than 30 boys enjoying a game of chess. Former Australian chess champion, Robert Jamieson, again returned to the College in Terms Two and Three to present the boys with some chess puzzles and to offer them a variety of strategies to improve their tournament play. Our squads acquitted themselves extremely well in the ACC Chess Competitions. Our Senior Team were runners up to Mazenod College in the Open Competition. The Intermediate team also played well to finish in second place in their competition, whilst the Junior squad received a creditable fifth place in their event. Alex Arnold proved, again, to be a thoughtful and dedicated Chess Captain. He received great support throughout the year from boys such as Noel Crouch, Carter Kulikovskis, William Ryoo and Mike Zhao. Year 8 students Anton Bottalico and Lefteri Thomopolous proved to be the most improved players for 2014, with Anton in particular emerging as a worthy challenger to Alex Arnold and Mike Zhao as our leading chess player. The Club owes a debt of gratitude to Ms Barcellona, Ms Saya, Ms Bonne, Mr Dexter and Br Barry for regularly giving up their lunch breaks to supervise the chess room. Without their generous contributions, the Chess Club could not operate. Neil Carter Deputy Principal – Education

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“Former Australian chess champion, Robert Jamieson, again returned to the College in Terms Two and Three to present the boys with some chess puzzles and to offer them a variety of strategies to improve their tournament play.” 69

ANNUAL COLLEGE PRODUCTION This year’s musical production, ‘Hairspray’, was a major highlight of the school year. The production involved approximately 160 students from both Salesian College Chadstone and Sacred Heart Girls’ College Oakleigh. In addition to the cast, students participated as band members, designers and backstage crew. In the selection process for a production for 2014, ‘Hairspray’ was an easy choice. Who could resist the appeal of this popular Broadway show? In addition to the catchy songs, colourful characters and dynamic dance numbers, ‘Hairspray’ was a show with so many uplifting social messages - be yourself, celebrate diversity and rise above injustice. As expected, this year’s production attracted packed audiences on all three performances. The Alexander Theatre was alive with ‘Hairspray’ fever! As any ‘Hairspray’ cast member will attest, the journey towards show week involved a fair amount of stress and creative mayhem. Thankfully, the creative process also happened to be a lot of fun! Throughout the rehearsals, the students from both schools worked closely together, forming new friendships and sharing their love of performance. The term ‘production family’ became a common part of our vocabulary. Based on the glowing audience feedback, ‘Hairspray’ was


a true crowd favourite. Of course, behind the onstage glitz and glamour, an efficient and hardworking backstage team helped manage smooth set changes, sound operation and lighting. Congratulations to all the ‘Hairspray’ participants on their hard work and dedication. I hope the beautiful photographs (courtesy of Brother Barry) transport you back to a time of laughter, creativity and excitement. Ms Fiona McGrath Sacred Heart Girls’ College (On behalf of Mr Adam Croft, Head of Performance)

2014 Salesian College Annual

“Hairspray was a show with so many uplifting social messages.�

2014 Salesian College Annual



The McKertich Public Speaking Award Winners Year 7 Menuka Gunaratne and Matthew Kennedy

Public Speaking Debating This year has been an incredibly exciting one for Public Speaking and Debating at Salesian. There have been a number of opportunities for students from years 7 to 12 to be involved, both within the College and externally. The skills of using the spoken word to persuade, inspire and inform are invaluable, both in the classroom and in everyday life, leaving those who participate in very good stead for the future. Through public speaking and debating, the boys engage in the artistry of oratory, learn to effectively present a point of view and develop in confidence.


2013 saw the resurgence of Public Speaking through the internal “McKertich Public Speaking Award”, which involved every student from Years 7 to 11. This year, the opportunity was extended to students in Year 12, culminating in the inaugural formal evening competition in Term 3. In 2014, there were also a number of students who performed brilliantly at the ACC Public Speaking Competition and in external competitions. We were very proud to be runners up at both the ACC Junior and Intermediate Competitions (Division 2 and 1 respectively), with all boys receiving praise for their charismatic and thought-provoking performances.

Year 8 Callum Morgan and Christian Pansino Year 9 Jack Robertson and Tibin Thampy Year 10 Kishon Pawar and Josh Knight

ACC Public Speakers

Year 11 Marcus Sawan and Aaron Holt

Year 7 and 8 Menuka Gunaratne, Matthew Kennedy, Sam Dennis, Christian Pansino

Year 12 Carl Rodricks and Robert D’Leema Junior Division Menuka Gunaratne Intermediate Division Kishon Pawar Senior division Robert D’Leema Mary McKertich Public Speaking Award winner Robert D’Leema

Year 9 and 10: Liam Forster, Joshua Knight, Kishon Pawar, Sasi Wijewardana Legacy Junior Public Speaking: Christian Pansino DAV Junior Public Speaking Award Sam Dennis, Christopher Nielsen, Christian Pansino, Wilson Dixon, Justin Tan.

2014 Salesian College Annual

“One would be hard pressed to find another activity which does more to transform people into articulate advocates of their beliefs than debating.”


Plain English Speaking Award Two Year 12 students, Carl Rodricks and Robert D’Leema, took part in the VCAA Plain English Speaking Award. The two College Leaders competed against some of the region’s strongest orators, from schools including St Bede’s, Kilvington Grammar and Haileybury. The full day event was filled with a range of speeches of very high quality. It was impressive to witness the socially conscious exploration of ideas from the speakers, and pleasing to see such breadth and complexity of thinking from young adults.

2014 Salesian College Annual

One would be hard pressed to find another activity which does more to transform people into articulate advocates of their beliefs than debating, and this year the College has seen record numbers of student participation. Salesian boys have been deeply involved this year in the House competition, ACC Championships and the Debating Association of Victoria’s Competition. Our DAV season was a great success, with a special mention to the C Grade (Year 10) team who, in a first for the College, made it to the Octofinals (top 8 in Victoria). A big thankyou goes to coaches Ms Donna Paatsch (A Grade), Ms Hanna Blizzard (B Grade), Ms Caitlyn Jarrett (C Grade) and Mr Grcic and Ms Stokie (D Grade).

DAV Debaters Year 8 Jamie Phung, Oliver Scholast, Elijah Skeggs Year 9 Kareem Aljaber, Dillon Caminos, Joshua Cayetano, Arjun Girish, Kartik Kashyap, Peter Pamouktsis, Kris Sabeshkumar, James Smirneos, Kyle Valadon Year 10 Deeshan Ambawatta, Liam Forster, Kishon Pawar, Edwin Saravanapavaan, Michael Te, Sasika Wijewardana Year 11 Aaron Holt, Geordan Gianakoudakis, Marcus Sawan, Beau Watson Year 12 Garret Dekauwe, Robert D’Leema, Grant Napitupulu, Joel Nixon, Mario Noyahr

ACC Debaters Year 7 and 8 Jamie Phung, Purna Perera, Oliver Scholast, Elijah Skeggs Year 9 and 10 Peter Pamouktsis, Kris Sabeshkumar, Kyle Valadon, Edwin Saravanapavaan, Michael Te Andrew Schillaci English, Humanities & Religious Education Teacher



“If you wish to fly high, start from the bottom. Humilitas est totius aedificii spiritualis fundamentum. [Humility is the foundation of the entire spiritual edifice.” Saint John Bosco. Throughout 2014, Salesian students had great opportunities to contribute to the collective wellbeing of our great community, and in doing so, have had the chance to continue developing their sense of humility in their engagement within a caring and compassionate environment that aims to live in practice the Salesian approach to holistic education. As Don Bosco pointed out in a message to his pupils in the mid 1800’s, it is the sense of humility in each one of us that paves the way to God. Some 150 years later, this message holds the exact same meaning to our youth, as it is the collective understanding of Salesian students that the little things, when done well, and in unison, can contribute to realising great things. The simple greetings, the smiles and the genuine care that each boy shows when happily engaged provide the College with the greatest level of student wellbeing support. It is the humility, the care and the desire to do well that allows our boys to fly high, time and time again. The College is blessed to have a strongly supported


Student Wellbeing system which works at three levels of intervention. At the preventive level, students are assisted with an outreach program led by our College Youth Worker, Miss Joelle Chaperon. Her services involve one on one guidance and support, assisting staff in resourcing Personal Development opportunities for the students and connecting our community with the many support services available in the community. It is through Joelle that we have established strong links with agencies such as Headspace and the Monash Youth and Family Services to name a few. It is our vision that the overall responsibility of ensuring the success of our preventive approach rests within each individual staff member at the College. For this reason, the College has embarked in a review of our pastoral care system, and has transformed our personal development program into an integrated system that offers a more in-depth chance for the staff to influence the development of the students across the spiritual, emotional, social, physical and academic spheres of growth. In addition, the College successfully celebrated Community Week and Community Day, Futures Week, staff versus students sporting games, liturgies and Mass celebrations, White Ribbon Day and RUOK? Day. These are such great examples of our commitment to prevention.

“If you wish to fly high, start from the bottom. Humility is the foundation of the entire spiritual edifice.” – Saint John Bosco.

The second level of support is the internal responsive intervention, a level of provision for students who may encounter challenges in their schooling or personal life, and ones that can be addressed with one to one support and guidance. To assist the students, the College provides a College Counselor/Psychologist in Miss Jayne Cowell. Jayne provides on-going counseling and support to some of the boys from time to time. In addition, Mr Kim Beurs offers Pathways counseling and career advice. Attending to all learning matters is Ms Carmel Meehan, our Head of Learning Support. At the responsive level, the Student Wellbeing team provides support to students to ensure that their progress at Salesian is a positive experience. The final level of support available is external responsive intervention. This level of support exists to offer students with engagement in support and services available in the community. Such services include Headspace, Monash Youth and Family Services, Child and Youth Mental Health Services through Monash Health, NIRODAH and the Department of Human Services. In such cases, we continue to work with the families and the students to ensure that the appropriate level of support is offered internally at the College to complement the work offered by the Community agencies.

As 2014 has drawn to a close, I look at the future of Student Wellbeing at Salesian College optimistically. The strong foundations that link our College to the Salesians of Don Bosco, and more importantly, to Christ, ensure that all the measures of support offered are reflective of our commitment to working with our families in searching for the best outcomes for the students. Yet, I again ask you to consider Don Bosco’s message about humility. It is this sense that protects our boys, and it is this sense that provides the greatest gift to all. Without each boy humbly being there for each other, no system could ever achieve what we do at Salesian College Chadstone. A special thanks to all the key staff providing support to the students at the College, particularly Ms Carmel Meehan and her team, Mr Kim Beurs, Miss Jayne Cowell, Miss Joelle Chaperon, the College Pastoral Team, and the College Leadership Team. It is the collective and individual work carried out by all these individuals that makes Salesian the nurturing and caring environment which promotes holistic education. Bring on 2015 as the College enters a new chapter in its commitment to educating the boys. Dr Napoleon Rodezno Director of Student Wellbeing

2014 Salesian College Annual

“The boys are given the chance to strive for excellence and to be their best regardless of preferred learning styles or academic ability.� As always, Pathways at Salesian has placed me in the privileged position of working with the young men of the College to explore, navigate and discover career and life potential and possibility. In my role as Pathways Coordinator it is always about the journey. Alongside the boys, their families, their teachers and supports, we are able to guide the students through the process of understanding their strengths and interests. This sets the foundations necessary to begin building realistic and meaningful pathways, and provides the necessary platform from which boys are able to work towards realising their future aspirations. In 2014 the options available to our students have been broad, and within this context the boys are given the chance to strive for excellence and to be their best, regardless of preferred learning styles or academic ability. The successful completion of secondary education allows students to make informed choices about their next steps. It opens the door to the next part of their life journey in Tertiary study, paid employment, entering a trade or engaging in some type of community service. Some of the Pathways Programs delivered to our students in 2014 included:

2014 Salesian College Annual


Year 10 Futures Week Year 10 is a crucial time for students as they embark on an important journey of self-discovery. It is during this time that they are asked to make important life decisions about their education pathway. With the guidance of their family and teachers the boys must reflect on their academic profile, their work and life practices and any career interests. It is the process by which the boys become responsible for their education journey. They begin to make choices about what they learn as they participate in subject selections. They discover that with this new independence comes accountability. Futures Week provides them with reliable information to help them make informed choices. They are exposed to specific information from industry professionals, vocational testing to help identify their interests and strengths, presentations, seminars and workshops regarding a range of different career options and a clear focus on their future. Salesian College continued the Course Advising sessions, which were a new initiative in 2013. The individual session from one of our trained team members assisted our students in navigating the information and options

presented throughout the week into a more individual plan, factoring things like study scores and prerequisite subjects for future studies at Tertiary level. Many parents also joined in on this beneficial experience, which provided scope for sharing and considered discussions around final subject selection decisions in Term Two. A huge thank you goes to all the staff mentors and course advisors assisting and supporting the Year 10s Futures Week in 2014.

Year 9 Futures Day A new initiative in 2014, Futures Day was all about setting the scene. We provided the boys with the opportunity to meet the Heads of each subject area at Salesian. Staff and students together explored the expectations and learning required over the next two years to have full access to all the learning areas at Salesian College in their Senior years. The students participated in a vocational test to begin identifying their strengths and career interests. The boys were presented with every opportunity to start the process of bringing specific context and meaning to their learning. We finished up the day with an ATO presentation and

the opportunity to complete their Tax File Number application in preparation for the transition into parttime work. Thanks to everyone involved in the day.

The VTAC selection program As always, at the beginning of Term Two, all Year 12 students are interviewed in the Pathways Centre. Together we explore and discuss their interests and preferences. After the opportunity to consult and research, the students apply and input their preferences for tertiary courses, with the vast majority receiving an offer in a preferred course. 2014 has been a productive and rewarding year, and I have enjoyed working with our students and families providing support, information and guidance in the areas of careers and pathways. I wish all of our Year 12 students the very best as they move on to the next part of their journey. Mr Kim Beurs Pathways Coordinator




The 2014 school year marked the inaugural implementation of the Year 10 Pathways Program. This program was aimed squarely at students who were seeking an alternative approach to the mainstream curriculum. Students who applied to be a part of this program craved an approach that would inform them of their future pathways options and enhance the relevance of these options. Key features of the program allowed the boys to attend a TAFE ‘Taster Program’ each Wednesday for Semester One, and a semester of work placement each Wednesday in Semester Two. The 2014 Pathways boys were an energetic group of applied learners who flourished at various stages throughout the year. They started Term One as quiet young men, and, as the year progressed, their confidence

and academic strengths shone through, and they achieved many successes, not the least of which was their building project with Mr Beckham and their successful completion of the VCE Foundation English course. Mr Beckham and I were privileged to spend the year teaching a fantastic group of students, and we want to wish them every success in the VCAL 2015 class. The Pathways Boys and I would like to extend a special farewell and congratulations to Jordan Dimitrin and Michael Psomiadis, who are enrolling in TAFE fulltime for 2015. Ms Paula Hanley

2014 Salesian College Annual

It has been another busy and productive year for the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) students at Salesian College. In 2014 Salesian College introduced the Senior VCAL Certificate as another pathway to graduate in Year 12. This has given the opportunity to six of our Year 12 students to graduate from the College with both an Intermediate and Senior VCAL Certificate, and their completed VET Certificate, which took them a two year commitment to complete. I look forward to hearing how each Senior VCAL student’s pathway unfolds over the next few years as they look to further their qualifications at TAFE next year, then potentially move on to University and beyond. On behalf of the VCAL Team I would like to wish Kian Privitera, Rhys Hawker, Jon Tamvakis, Dean Bourozikas, Andy Hogan and Thomas Pastean all the best in their future endeavours. Of particular note, I would also like to congratulate Rhys Hawker for winning the Top VCAL Student Award for 2014, which was very closely contested! The VCAL Curriculum consisted of a series of exciting assessments in 2014 that kept both the Intermediate and Senior students engaged throughout the college year. This began with an investigation trip in February, where the students participated in a two day camp at Walhalla, in Gippsland. The aim of the camp was to experience ‘hands on’ learning, using the wonderful natural resources of this historic gold-mining ghost town. The camp met outcomes of VCAL Literacy, Numeracy and Personal Development units. Activities included a study of the history of the town, a tour of the Long

2014 Salesian College Annual

”Students have taken Applied Learning at Salesian College to a new level and accepted every challenge given to them.”


Tunnel Mine, a 10km canoe trip down the Thomson River, camping in tents along the river and cooking meals on a campfire. Other investigation tours in 2014 have included: The 1,000 Steps Mount Dandenong Kokoda Trail walk, Philip Island surf trip, City Investigation day, Cranbourne Botanical Gardens and the City to Surf fun run, just to name a few. On behalf of the VCAL staff for 2014, comprising Nick Filippis, Fr Peter Monaghan, Noel McGarry, Ashley Simon, Sam Carroll and myself, I would like to thank the VCAL class this year for the memories they have given us. They have taken Applied Learning at Salesian College to a new level and accepted every challenge given to them. We say goodbye to those students leaving us, knowing that they are going on to further exciting prospects. We also welcome next year’s VCAL students, certain that they have an exciting year ahead of them in 2015. We look forward to seeing what innovative applied projects they will be presented with in this engaging Applied Learning Pathway that Salesian College is proud to offer as a Senior School option. Mr Kim Beurs Pathways Coordinator



The 2014 House Cup competition was a close challenge from all houses, with each taking its share of victories, and the final result was a very closely run contest. Moroney took out the House Cup in 2013 after a period of years when Annecy had won or shared the overall competition honours on most occasions. The two early carnivals in First Term seemed to indicate that the race would be tight for the overall House Cup, with Annecy narrowly defeating Moroney in the Swimming and Collinson easily taking the Athletics, with Moroney sneaking past Savio for second place. The inaugural House Golf tournament was taken out by Annecy, where there were some outstanding individual performances from talented boys. The term continued with boys undertaking all manner of activities at the College, accumulating points for their houses in the various shield totals. At the start of Term Three the Cross Country competition was held at the Mannix Campus. Collinson house defended their victory from the previous year with the narrowest of margins, a victory of one point over a disappointed but highly competitive Savio team. Annecy’s last placing meant that the competition was wide open and that all houses were in for a dogged battle to the end.


Moroney and Annecy shared the spoils in the House Debating competition, with the student leaders taking a prominent role in the preparation of the boys. Staff also assisted the boys to take this competition to a new level of quality in terms of the content and delivery. The overall Fundraising for 2014 was a tight battle between Annecy and Moroney, but Annecy had the edge at the end of the year when the totals were finalised. The tight nature of the contest was in evidence again when Savio defeated Collinson for the Community Day Cup event held on Community Day, with the other houses lagging behind. At our Valedictory Assembly the House Cup and associated Shields were announced and presented to the House Captains and Heads of Houses to great acclaim. It was Annecy who eventually claimed the major prize, with a gallant Savio house finishing a close second. In 2015 we wait to see if Annecy can maintain their traditions and hold off the rising Savio, or if Moroney or Collinson can repeat their victories of recent years. In 2015 new Heads of Houses will be appointed as we move to our new structure in the College, and we look forward to the new student leaders working closely with the staff given this great

responsibility to carry on the strong traditions of the house system at Salesian College.

Overall House Cup 1. Annecy 2. Savio

Mr John Visentin Deputy Principal – Pastoral

“Annecy eventually claimed the major prize with a gallant Savio house finishing a close second.”

3. Moroney 4. Collinson

Academic Shield This shield was developed to acknowledge the contribution that each student makes by their academic efforts in their studies. Individual student results for each subject and any external academic awards contribute to this shield. 1. Savio 2. Annecy 3. Collinson 4. Moroney

Citizenship Shield The work of individual boys in each house towards fundraising, all merits earned throughout the year, the annual Community Day Cup and volunteering for many worthy activities as good citizens add points to the totals for each house. 1. Annecy 2. Moroney 3. Savio 4. Collinson

2014 Salesian College Annual

Cultural Shield This shield summarises the efforts of the boys in all areas of cultural life at the College and in the community. Participation in House and College debating teams, public speaking competitions, the College production, and participation in College bands and ensembles, as well as chess and other activities, contribute points towards this shield. 1. Annecy 2. Moroney 3. Collinson 4. Savio

Sports Shield The house events, Athletics, Swimming and Cross-Country, as well as participation in ACC teams and weekly house sport challenges provide the opportunities for boys to add to the points tally for their houses. 1. Savio 2. Collinson 3. Moroney 4. Annecy

2014 Salesian College Annual



Courage & Honour

“Our students’ diligence, resilience, and connectedness to school life saw them achieve more than anyone could have asked for.” 80

In my final year as Head of Annecy House, I am filled with a tremendous deal of pride in recounting the successes of our students throughout the year. Be it the fine leadership our senior boys provided, the efforts of our enthusiastic juniors or the help of our teachers, Annecy House was able to excel in all facets of college life this year. Our students’ diligence, resilience, and connectedness to school life saw them achieve more than anyone could have asked for. The House would have been lost without the direction provided by its student leaders. Late in 2013, two of the House’s longserving leaders, Robert D’Leema and Aidan Davitt, were seconded to the positions of College ViceCaptaincy. Subsequently, it was up to new recruits Simon Hawkins and Anthony Lucarelli to work with Josh Lean, Patrick Attalah, Kishon Pawar, Jake Dell’Arciprete and Kyle Hasan to see our students through the year. Each of these leaders possessed incomparable skill, talent and determination. Their contribution was the finest of any group of leaders this college has ever seen, and the boys should be proud of their efforts. Although it is unusual for me to do so, I must acknowledge three members of Annecy who achieved excellence outside of the school this year. A special mention must go to Athan Dritsas and Alec Kumar for their achievements internationally in Karate and Tai Kwon Do respectively. Likewise, Harrison Tullberg’s excellence in Gymnastics-Trampolining earned him a national title. These boys are not alone in achieving excellence outside of school. However, what impresses me most is the way that they have done this. These three showed a remarkable ability to balance the refinement of their Godgiven talents with participation in all that Salesian has to offer. Students such as the three mentioned above serve as fine examples of everything we aim for in Annecy House. I commend them for their efforts.

Of course, I must not forget to mention Annecy’s success in winning the coveted House Cup. Thankfully, through the contributions of all of our students, 2014 was the year that we saw the cup return home to its rightful place. Annecy’s greatest strength was its ability to come together as a community, to enjoy the camaraderie, to make the most of opportunities, and to proudly connect with their college. Moreover, I was ever impressed by our boys’ ability to celebrate success and overcome adversity. I thank all who participated in sports, debating, fund-raising, liturgies, cultural events, and any other community event in the name of Annecy House. I thank all Annecy students for their efforts over the last three years. If ever people were to come across a group of students so talented, so generous, so thoughtful, and so diligent, they should be extraordinarily grateful. I know I am. I look forward to hearing about plenty more success in the years to come. Samuel Carroll Head of Annecy House

2014 Salesian College Annual

2014 Salesian College Annual



Homeroom A1

Homeroom A4

2014 was a thrilling, eventful, unforgettable and bubbly year for the homeroom of A1, mentored by Miss Adriana Tasconi. It was Miss Tasconi’s first year teaching at Salesian College Chadstone and she got into the swing of things pretty quickly. This year was a real eye opener for all of us, as we got to witness how demanding Year 12 actually is, first hand. We couldn’t have asked for a better homeroom group of young men, as we were always up to something mysterious. On behalf of the Year 10s and 11s we would like to thank and farewell the departing Year 12s and Miss Tasconi and wish them all the best of luck for the future.

The A4 Lions have been a privilege to mentor in 2014. The mornings were friendly, humorous and supportive. My hope is that the current Year 10s and 11s continue this in their respective homerooms for next year. My best wishes go to Johnathon, Nick, Mario, Ricky, Nathan and Kian as departing Year 12s.

Athan Dritsas (A1 Student)

Homeroom A2 Courage & Honour

A diverse and friendly homeroom with broad talents! Budding magicians, future army personnel, developing sporting stars, up and coming artists, gentlemanly unassuming quiet achievers who will contribute to the world through social justice, the too cool for school crew who will be the next top business execs and the yellow power ranger contributing to house spirit!

Ms Roslyn Aylward

Homeroom A5 In 2014 I was delighted to be associated with A5 Homeroom. Apart from helping Annecy to secure the 2014 House Cup, A5 were willing to give of their time, donate to all causes, and provide a happy and harmonious homeroom. The camaraderie between the boys was always of a good nature, and a highlight each week was the Monday morning weekend sport review. A big thank you to all of the boys in A5 for their commitment to making this a great Homeroom experience. Particular thanks to Mr Justin Leeds who contributed each week as the A5 Homeroom buddy. Best of luck to all. Mr Robert Marley

Ms Jessica Saya

Homeroom A3 I’ve again had the privilege of accompanying the fine men of A3 on their Salesian journey. There may have been some unfinished debates and some uncertainty as to whether Pilchy was a fulltime or part-time member of A3, but it is with mixed feelings that we farewell our 2015 Year 12 colleagues, wishing them health and happiness in the future. Mr Peter Bermingham


2014 Salesian College Annual

ANNECY Homeroom A1 Patrick Adrien

Bradley Almeida

Jack Bisas

Brodie Carr

Matthew Chau

Jake Dell’Arciprete

Athan Dritsas

Dustin Fernandez

Josef Indovino

Alec Kumar

Anthony Lucarelli

Fabrice Min Fa

Kyle Moldrich

Harry Morris

Adam Savvas

Luke Sexton

Gurkaran Singh

Hai Phu Tran

Jeremy Trinh

Spencer Van Dyke

Absent Tianyi Zhou

2014 Salesian College Annual

Courage & Honour

Erin Lalor

Adriana Tascone


ANNECY Homeroom A2

Courage & Honour

Jessica Saya


Micheal Botros

Dylan Brambleby

Sumeet Chand

Rimish Chopra

Massimo Dell’Arciprete

Kosta Dionissopoulos

James Ellis

Thomas Fritz

Vincent Kakkos

Dohwon Kim

Joshua Lean

Devin Nanayakkara

Christopher Nanfra

Christopher Pascal-Therios

Thimesh Raluwage

John Rofail

Nicholas Stevens

Harrison Tullberg

John Vuong

Beau Watson

Ares Zheng

Absent Wai Kin Lai

2014 Salesian College Annual

ANNECY Homeroom A3 Rajul Abeyratne

Patrick Atallah

Sandeep Chand

Aidan Davitt

Joseph Dikranian

Jevon Fernando

Simon Hawkins

Jack Kolar

George Lapatas

Benjamin Madden

Robert Nea

Dylan Ng Yung Kiat

Kishon Pawar

Daniel Pilch

Maneesh Selvarajah

Daniel Subbiah

Sammy To

Aidan Wall

Joshua Wilmann

Jimmy Wong

Absent Jordan Cave

2014 Salesian College Annual

Courage & Honour

Peter Bermingham


ANNECY Homeroom A4

Courage & Honour

Roslyn Aylward


Mithiran Anandeswaran

Keith Brooks

George Cousseris

Jack Daniels

Nathan Djung

Joseph Galluccio

Sukhmeet Grewal

Ricky He

Stefan Kokkalis

Alex Le

Clark Loza

Nick Mallis

Michael Nguyen

Mario Noyahr

Kian Privitera

Michael Psomiadis

Alexander Sang

Johnathon Stevens

Jackson Tate

Jack Tran

Nicholas Winn

2014 Salesian College Annual

ANNECY Homeroom A5 Nicholas Andrejic

Dean Bourozikas

Jordan Brambleby

Koji Campitelli

Robert D’Leema

Ashley De La Sota

Kyle Hasan

Philip Hoang

James Hurst

Patrick Lucarelli

Charlie Maglio

Matthew Mawal

Danny Ngo

Jordan Panagiotopoulos

John Requizo

Christos Romios

Sam Sempio

Jonathan Thamrin

Joseph Tran

Thomas Tsiros

Jake Winn

2014 Salesian College Annual

Courage & Honour

Robert Marley




2014 Salesian College Annual

2014 Salesian College Annual



Respect All Fear None

It was another great year for the Collinson House. Significant achievements in 2014 were another House Athletics victory, as well as a victory in the House Cross-Country event. A special mention goes to the Year 9 and Year 10 Collinson debating teams who performed extremely well, making the final in their respective year levels. Importantly, the spirit and teamwork shown by Collinson staff and students during major events was outstanding. Being a member of the Collinson House is something which will hopefully be remembered by the boys once they finish school. It’s great to have students from all year levels mixing together at special events, wearing the green colours of the Collinson dragon and feeling that they are part of something bigger. Being a member of the Collinson House fosters passion and purpose, and, of course, it allows students to score points for their House in sports, debating, community events, fundraising and academic pursuits. A special thank you this year to our student leaders: at Year 10, Thomas Andrews and Edwin Saravanapavaan were always willing to assist; at Year 11, Casey Henderson and John Valles displayed fantastic initiative; and at Year 12, Carl Rodricks (Collinson Vice-Captain) and Patrick Burnell (Collinson Captain) led the charge.

“It’s great to have students from all year levels mixing together at special events, wearing the green colours of the Collinson dragon.” 90

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff who are a part of the Collinson House for their support throughout the year. In particular, thanks to Rita Bonne (C1), Jenny Ford (C2), Tom Dexter (C3), Ron Lok (C4) and Paul Groves (C5) for their work in the senior homerooms. Last, but not least, thank you for the commitment of all Collinson students towards the Collinson House effort this year. Mr Martin Kendrick Head of Collinson

2014 Salesian College Annual

2014 Salesian College Annual



Homeroom C1

Homeroom C4

What a pleasure it’s been to begin each day with such a warm and cohesive home group. The boys of C1 continued to develop into young men as they welcomed new students to our Salesian family throughout the year. They have always been supportive in helping the Homeroom run smoothly.We wish our Year 12s all the best in their future aspirations and look forward to another great year.

It was a pleasure being Homeroom mentor to C4, a quiet and polite group of boys who involved themselves in all aspects of College life. Homeroom was always a place for reflection of the day. Congratulations to Year 12s for their contributions and showing the way to Year 10s and 11s. All the best in 2015. Mr Ron Lok

Ms Rita Bonne

Homeroom C2

Respect All Fear None

Our homeroom mentor was Ms Ford. Throughout the year Ms Ford was adamant to get us to be the best homeroom ever. The students in the class aided her in that push to be the best and the years I was in her homeroom were delightful. On a regular basis, especially for students’ birthday, she would bring in delicious chocolate slice that we all absolutely loved. The memories in the C2 homeroom have had an imprint on me as Ms Ford taught us to be organised and mature. She was emotional after each year 12 left her class year by year which showed that she really cared about us. Homeroom C2 was really the best and we all looked forward to being welcomed into that homeroom each morning.

Homeroom C5 During 2014, the C5 Homeroom has seen many individuals flourish, from Gerald Mini-Farfan in the swimming pool to Hamish Patterson with his musical talents. They were a fantastic group of young men who have been a pleasure to be around and to start every day with. Mr Paul Groves

Connor Andrews (C2 Student)

Homeroom C3 Throughout the year, all boys have built stronger relationships with one another, and shown their enormous generosity and their charitable nature in House and whole school events. These, and the endless requests for birthday cake, even if it was no one’s birthday in particular, are memories that will keep me smiling for years to come. Best of luck next year boys. The pleasure was all mine. Mr Thomas Dexter


2014 Salesian College Annual

COLLINSON Homeroom C1 Christos Akritidis

Zachary Allas

Dean Antoniadis

Dominic Bowes

Jayden Brown

Sebastian Correa

Kirtan Dave

Khaalid Fazly

Jeremy Furfaro

Rhys Hawker

Andrew Hogan

Luke Jeffery

Andy Li

Ashwin Libera

Gabriel Lubin

David Marben

Tapiwanashe Munyanyiwa

Joel Nixon

Carl Rodricks

Patrick Scott

David Tran

Jack Zhu

Absent Tom Nguyen Zia Haydari

2014 Salesian College Annual

Respect All Fear None

Rita Bonne



Respect All Fear None

Jenny Ford


Deeshan Ambawatta

Connor Andrews

Tate Bell

Brodie Chapman

Luc Crugnale

Sion Davies

Harry Ferguson

Shaun Infantino

Thomas Inglis

Jonathan Leone

James McDowell

Andrew McGuinness

Jashneel Narayan

Jamie Nixon

Michael Olivetti

Sean Patterson

Jo Mathai Philip

Anastastios Prantalos

Matthew Redman

Anthony Te

Don Tuy

Absent Francesco Antonino

2014 Salesian College Annual

COLLINSON Homeroom C3 Thomas Andrews

Alex Arnold

Patrick Burnell

Enoch Cheung

Nicholas Dean

Peshala Fernando

Dominic Heaphy

Reshitha Jayasooriya

Bill Karisserickal

Samuel Kee

Poorna Manawadu

Simon Minopoli

Andy Nguyen

Nathan Patterson

Moweit Qian

Rachith Rajakumar

Alexander Skapetis

Jojo Thomas

Kenneth Tran

John Valles

Absent Jonathan Navaratnarajah

2014 Salesian College Annual

Franco Vanni

Respect All Fear None

Thomas Dexter



Respect All Fear None

Ron Lok


Max Barrett

Albin Bennys

Taeylor Collison

Nathaniel Cramer

Jordan Dimitrin

Shehan Fernando

Casey Henderson

Andrew Kelly

Shaun Khambatta

Carter Kulikovskis

John Mileti

Javid Mohammadi

Conor Morgan

Hieu Nguyen

Jude Perera

Adriano Recce

Darra Sao

Don Joseph Suraweera

Thanh Tran

Jayden Zimsen

Absent Sajid Chaudhery Samuel Marwoto

2014 Salesian College Annual

COLLINSON Homeroom C5 Akhil Binoy

Finn Bloomer

Justin D’Souza

Anjana Deegodaliyanage

Liam Forster

Chathura Haluwadana

Aaron Holt

Dean Kouvelis

Jacob Latu

Nicholas Lebrasse

Gerald Mini Farfan

Alan Nguyen

Timmy Nguyen

Andrew Papanikolaou

Hamish Patterson

Vivek Perera

Zane Philip

Edwin Saravanapavaan

Andrea Michele Torcasio

Adrian Veerasingham

Liam Wallace

Suran Wickramaarachchi

Tristan Yates

2014 Salesian College Annual

Respect All Fear None

Paul Groves




2014 Salesian College Annual

2014 Salesian College Annual



Strength & Unity

“Moroney knew it would not be easy to go back-to-back.” 100

Many great people or teams have failed in the quest to repeat success. Gough Whitlam, visionary leader and formidable politician, was only victorious in one election. Geelong Football Club, purveyors of modern attacking football with a hard edge, never walked onto the dais on Grand Final day in successive years. To replicate victory, you must defeat two enemies, those on the outside who are hunting you and desperately want what you have, and the internal enemy, complacency, that can quell hunger and downgrade great standards to good. For these reasons, Moroney knew it would not be easy to go back-to-back. As the winds howled and rain lashed against the dimly lit Pizza Shop window in Sorrento in late 2013 on the Salesian Leaders’ Day, Moroney huddled together. Initially, boys spoke of the relief of finally being crowned champions after years of toil. Our new leaders, Jackson Trieu and David Marchese, moved the discussion to be more future-orientated. They noted that the reshaping of the House Cup to include academics and community involvement changed the playing field. It wasn’t just about participation in the traditional House events like the Swimming and Athletics Carnivals. Now it was about constant participation across the school year. Our junior leaders wanted to see improvement in Fundraising. James Morrey, anything but overwhelmed by the high-powered company, was vocal about his year level striving to be involved in initiatives like can donations and door-knock

appeals. Marcus Sawan and Luis Mascaro, a leadership duo who had the feel of prime-time Hawke and Keating, were passionate about encouraging participation in extra-curricular activities. It was an inspiring meeting. We left ready for 2014. Our aims were clear: to be as invested and involved in school life as much as possible and, of course, to lift up the House Cup once again. The first of the marquee events was the Swimming Carnival. Moroney assembled on the right bank and marked their territory via loud chants, led ably by Marcus Sawan and Nathan Antonucci. This spirit was matched by those in the water. Our senior team was in good form, filling the lanes and bringing in some strong results. As the day wore on, we rose from fourth to third. We then claimed second as the relays began. The end result was a one point loss to Annecy. Despite the close margin, we were pretty happy. We had made a good start. Athletics was the next event. Once again, there was great support for all Moroney participants. We filled the majority of the lanes and competed hard. Again, as the day wore on, Moroney ascended the ranks. We managed to land another second place. Two second places at the end of Term One was a decent result. Cross Country is a traditional stronghold for Moroney House. While other houses prefer the sun beating down on them, we operate best in the grey and gloom of this unglamorous event. Pleasingly, we had good levels of student interest in the event.

2014 Salesian College Annual

On the day, all boys who said they would compete were on the line when the starter’s gun fired. Despite this, we didn’t perform as well as we might have. We came third. This was the first sign that our defence was on shaky ground. House Debating was the last of the signature House events. Again, it was an area we had typically excelled in. This year would be no different. All Moroney teams presented as organised and cohesive. It was clear that they had prepared their various arguments. We came first, level with feared rival, Annecy. Well done to all boys who represented the House in this event. When the announcement came that we had come third overall we were initially disappointed. However, we quickly recalibrated our thinking. Third was a good effort. The vibe and commitment in the House were excellent. Boys had been committed. We hadn’t become complacent. We had, however, been hunted down by Annecy House. They deserved their victory. I would like to congratulate all the boys in the House for their efforts. Thank you to the leaders for all their work. Moroney House will rise again in 2015! Mr Chris Pye Head of Moroney

2014 Salesian College Annual



Homeroom M1

Homeroom M4

There were the usual suspects: some were tardy, some hardly said boo, others who just arrived in time. Two things dominated, the daily personal reflection offered by each person and the noise surrounding the online soccer game. Many thanks and best wishes to the young men of M1.

M4 reflects the quiet, goodnatured and mature personality of its members. Our Year 12s, David, Jackson, Ryan and Anuth, provided inclusive leadership, whilst Simon, Demos, Anthony, Dylan, Brendon, Ralph and Suehan displayed commendable, ‘middle ground’ (Year 11) support with their good humour and reliability. Our Year 10s Jake, Andrew, William, Pocholo, Tim and Dominic impressed with their kindness and friendliness. We welcomed, and in some cases farewelled, many other peers, including Marc Antoine, Sinthu, Nesan, Van and Dingh. A microcosm of our Salesian community, we were truly blessed with the best of its spirit.

Mr David McDonald

Homeroom M2 M2 is an exceptional group of young men who are fun to be with each morning. They are respectful and friendly to each other. Throughout the year, M2 were extremely generous with their time and donations. I thank them for their kindness and support and look forward to being with some of them in 2015. Ms Marianne Marshall Strength & Unity

Homeroom M3 2014 was my first year at Salesian College Chadstone, and what a great bunch of young men M3 were. It was a pleasure mentoring this respectful, intelligent and generous group throughout the year. Some highlights involved were cupcakes, Luis Mascaro’s many musical and performance talents, cupcakes, did I say cupcakes? Birthdays were seriously celebrated and cupcakes were seriously critiqued! M3 is the proud home of the Kings of Debating, Sasi Wijewardana and Michael Te whose skills (with other Moroney students) took out the house debating championships for Year 10. And finally, our graduating Year 12 students: Richard, Tyler, Tony, Nathan, Michael, Dino, Jon and Jeremiah. I wish them all great happiness and success in their future endeavours.

Ms Rozanne Misso

Homeroom M5 M5 was the greatest Homeroom alive! In 2014 we say goodbye to our Year 12 students from M5 who have made us laugh every morning for the past three years. We will miss the comic relief from Simon Marchese, James D’Elia and Daniel Urban, and the inspiring impromptu prayers from Peter Fouad. Thanks to all members of M5 for their contribution to Moroney in 2014. You have left us with some lasting memories that I personally will not forget. Mr Kim Beurs

Miss Rachel Ivey


2014 Salesian College Annual

MORONEY Homeroom M1 Aneeb Adrees

Aziz Aljaber

Michael Andrea

Mark Antonopoulos

Jack Casey

Michael Cateaux

Joshua Chiaravalle

Michael Clarke

Hayden Colgrave

Noel Crouch

Stuart Cunningham

Timothy D’Elia

Craig Dirckze

John Fouad

Larry Genovese

Todd Kingston

Daniel Mennilli

James Morrey

Thomas Pastean

Carl Santiago

Marc Urban

Alexander Veneros

2014 Salesian College Annual

Strength & Unity

David McDonald


MORONEY Homeroom M2

Strength & Unity

Marianne Marshall


Nathan Antonucci

Nicholas Berlangieri

Dion D’Cruz

Daniel De Blasis

Garett De Kauwe

Yasith Don Kaluthantrige

Shehan Elpitiya Badalge

Geordan Gianakoudakis

James Hatzinicolaou

Sathvik Hemantharaju

Matthew Hennessey

Mitch Holding

Luke Johnston

Tony Kok

Matthew La

Marque La Brooy

Willoughby Newport

Kevin O’Malley

Andy Pham

Bruno Scalise

Jasmohit Singh

Kevin Soares

James Wee

Blake Westoby

2014 Salesian College Annual

MORONEY Homeroom M3 Richard Bradley

Matthew Braham

Dino De Oliveira

Adam Dell’Arciprete

Ben Gundry

Tyler Hookens

Nimesh Kularatne

Nathan Lertnibuna

Max Li

Jiamin Lin

Luis Mascaro

Albert Misajon

Daniel Muscara

Selaka Nelson

Laurence Newport

Jeremiah Nicolas

Maynard Perera

Michael Prete

Jon Tamvakis

Michael Te

Sasi Wijewardana

Tony Wong

Jimmy Xu

2014 Salesian College Annual

Strength & Unity

Rachel Ivey


MORONEY Homeroom M4

Strength & Unity

Pocholo Bueno

Andrew Dong

Anuth Hatharasinghe

Jake Ioannou

David Marchese

Anthony Parissi

Dylan Perera

Suehan Perera

Dominic Pham

Demos Phylactou

Brendon Rodrigo

Ralph Rodrigo

Ryan Rodrigo

Simon Ruys

William Ryoo

Tim Tith

Jackson Trieu

Rozanne Misso


Absent Marc-Antoine Faure Jarrod McNamee Sinthu Vaithiyanathan Nesan Vivekananthan Dinh Ngo Van Tran

2014 Salesian College Annual

MORONEY Homeroom M5 Jonson Chan

Lenny Chiem

James D’Elia

Jack Fairnie

Peter Fouad

Cameron Jansz

Alvin Jomy

Simon Marchese

Matthew Montague

Cameron Panagis

Akash Ramesh Kumar

Rafael Ruslianto

Marcus Sawan

Julian Sezenias

Nathan Torkar

Andy Tran

Ilias Triantafyllou

Daniel Urban

Nicholas Vargiu

Ruween Wijesinghe

Absent John Ioannou

2014 Salesian College Annual

Jonathan Xylourgidis

Strength & Unity

Kim Beurs




2014 Salesian College Annual

2014 Salesian College Annual



In 2014, the members of Savio House built upon the foundation laid in previous years. They have had success in the many facets of the College, including cultural, sporting and academic aspects. At the beginning of the year we recognised the academic achievements of our graduating class from 2013. The Dux of our College from the previous year was a Savio boy, Matthew Singhavong, and three of our top five Year 12 students were in Savio House. These boys certainly set high standards for the Year 12 students of 2014. The Swimming Carnival showcased the enthusiasm of our Year 12 students, and also the debut of a blue dolphin (it appears that inflatable bulls are difficult to source). Boys got into the spirit by dressing up, although some of them found this made swimming problematic when their costumes absorbed the pool water.

Leave Nothing Unconquered

Cross Country later in the year was a vast improvement on last year in terms of participation. As a result, Savio eventually placed second, narrowly missing out on first place by only one point! The Community Day Cup relied on excellent teamwork and participation. Once again, Savio boys got involved and worked cooperatively, and this effort paid off. Savio was victorious in the Cup in 2014.

their efforts. Thank you very much to Mrs Anne Garofalo, Mr Stephen Sellwood, Mr Adam Croft, Mr Damian McAuliffe and Mr Nick Shaw. Many thanks must also go to the Leaders of Savio in 2014: Joshua Knight, Jeremy Seneviratne, Connor Perkins, Danyon Smart, Liam Collins and Sanjay Kahawatte. Their enthusiasm lifted our team spirit, and their encouragement played no small part in the successes Savio has had this year. 2014 marks the final year that our students will be part of a homeroom in which all members belong to the same House. I am certain that the boys of Savio will keep the spirit alive by remembering our motto “Leave nothing unconquered.� They have proved this year that they are capable of great success with some teamwork, determination, hard work and, above all, everyone playing their part. I have no doubt that Savio will experience even greater success next year, and I will certainly be cheering them on from the sidelines. I wish the boys of Savio all the best, and congratulations on a wonderful year! Mrs Rhea Beurs Head of Savio House

By the end of the year, the boys of Savio had placed themselves in a position in which they claimed both the Academic Shield and the Sports Shield! Our leaders were proud to hold these shields up at the Whole-School Assembly, to the loud cheers of the Savio boys. They were even more proud when Savio was announced as the second place winner overall! This was certainly an improvement on last year, and testament to the hard work and participation of all the Savio boys. For the last two years, I have been fortunate to have worked with a team of excellent Homeroom Mentors who have always worked to help their students achieve their best, and I know that the Savio boys have been appreciative of


2014 Salesian College Annual

2014 Salesian College Annual



Leave Nothing Unconquered

Homeroom S1

Homeroom S3

We began the year in Prayer. Prayer for the New Year and prayer for Year 10s as they return to the Bosco Campus.

2014 saw the demise of our vertical senior homerooms. As always S3 shone the brightest helping to produce the Dux of 2014: Nathan D’Souza. Two of our Year 11s, Connor Perkins and Danyon Smart, became College Leaders: Danyon is College Vice-Captain and Connor is Mission Ambassador. In addition Joshua Knight is a 2015 Year 11 House Leader. S3 were a great bunch of students that I will miss seeing every morning.

It is tradition that the baton was passed, and quickly the new Year 12s, Jonathan, Andre, Luke C, Luke M, Brian, Anthony, Liam, Jason and Nipul settled in and were raring to go in their final year of schooling. We were very privileged to have the College Ambassador in our class, Andre Rogers, who often would collect bulletins and be a go-to person. Thanks Andre! Keep smiling. Carnivals, Debating, Athletics, ACC Sport and Music, fundraising, Community Cup, cup-cake baking and Blood Bank donations, were all part of the make-up of our S1 members. A true indication of Salesian Spirit and in true Savio style! Go Dominic!!!

Mr Adam Croft

Homeroom S4

I would like to wish all our Savio 1 members the best of luck for their future endeavours.

In 2014 we had great pleasure welcoming an impressive group of Year 10 boys to the S4 homeroom. Our Year 11s developed wonderfully during the year, and our Year 12 boys dealt with the ups and downs of their final year with tenacity and diligence. All the very best in 2015!

Ms Anne Garofalo

Mr Damian McAuliffe

Homeroom S2

Homeroom S5

The 2014 group of young men in S2 were a delight to deal with, led by the Savio House Captain Sanjay Kahawatte. The boys participated in many College events and always represented Savio with pride. They listened intently to the many Quotes of the Day and I hope they use them in their day to day life. I would like to congratulate the Year 12s on completing their studies and wish them all the best for the future. Mr Stephen Sellwood

Many charming, brilliant, talented young men have passed through the doors of Savio 5 over the past three years (and quite a few of them were not even in Savio 5). We were born from the other Savio homerooms in 2012, with the Year 12 boys who graduated this year being the only students who have been with the homeroom from beginning to the end. It was a great experience getting to know each other over this time, and a lot of funny memories were made. Mr Nicholas Shaw


2014 Salesian College Annual

SAVIO Homeroom S1 Johnathan Alevizos

Johnathan Almeida

Luke Carpino

Samuel Childs

Nipul Don

James Esposito

Alexander Fleming

Jason Giccominato

Leave Nothing Unconquered

Tommy Huynh

Liam Jacobs

Brendon Kang

Alex La Riccia

Alex Masocco

Luke Michailidis

Leftere Nikitas

Jin Woo Park

Anthony Parveris

Andre Rogers

Derwen Rozario

Jeremy Seneviratne

Brian Tu

Bryan Viegas

2014 Salesian College Annual

Anne Garofalo


SAVIO Homeroom S2 Christopher Alevizos

Anthony Bandalan

Charlie Billing

Luke Carron

Stefano Ciccotosto

Christian Gabbert

Brian Hong

Sanjay Kahawatte

Bailey Knight

Taniel Meguerditchian

Jimmy Mihaloudakis

Elia Milonas

Anthony Nalbant

Grant Napitupulu

Daniel Pereira

Lachlan Perkins

Delarno Pharoe

Peter Savat

Gehan Seneviratne

Christopher Staffieri

Alexander Versace

James Vo

Paul Zhu

Leave Nothing Unconquered

Stephen Sellwood


2014 Salesian College Annual

SAVIO Homeroom S3 Jesse Brink

Arjay Bywaters

Liam Collins

Nathan D’Souza

Aidan De La Motte

Jesse Falla

Dion Garth

Matthew Green

Leave Nothing Unconquered

Callum Hensman

Josh Knight

Athan Koltsidas

David Luong

Jordan Morgan

Tevin Nguyen

Connor Perkins

Rangithkumar Ramesh

Jordan Skalamera

Danyon Smart

Alexander Sunny

Madison Talarico

George Triafylos

Michael Watkins

2014 Salesian College Annual

Adam Croft


SAVIO Homeroom S4 Oliver Abuawad

James Bicknell

Crofton Burrows

Robert Conway

Damian Cybulski

Dien Duong

Christos Fournarakis

Charles Galluccio

Joshua Henderson

Dharaan Kannipiran Sairam

Bediet Kuea Pan Paguir

Michael Laoumtzis

Monaal Madan

Gayashan Navaratne

Martin Nguyen

George Pezos

Tony Prasad

James Roberts

Nathan Sos

Diego Tandoc

Leave Nothing Unconquered

Damian McAuliffe


Jackson Turnbull

2014 Salesian College Annual

SAVIO Homeroom S5 Jonnel Aquino

Naudrik Borja

Marco Buontempo

Alex Catalano

Tharusha De Alwis

Thivishka De Silva

Joshua Ernestine Finette

Mason Franz

Leave Nothing Unconquered

Cory Hutchinson

Ben Jackson

Jackson Joseph Varghese

Vishal Kahawatte

Dishan Malalasekera

Julian Miranda

Andy Nguy

Marcel Nowosiak

Sacheen Paramesh

Vishal Ravi

Madukapriya Silva

Ashley Wijayakumara

Absent Mathieu Caroff

2014 Salesian College Annual

Nick Shaw




2014 Salesian College Annual

2014 Salesian College Annual



“Don’t forget challenges you have overcome, the knowledge you have received and the bonds that you have formed. Take them with you and use them on your journey.” 120

2014 at the Mannix Campus once again proved to be both a challenging and rewarding experience for our Year 9 students. Term One started and the Mannix Campus was buzzing with excitement as boys became accustomed to travelling between the campuses, to the Friday Bosco Program and to the realisation that they had their own campus for the next 12 months. As well as the usual Masses, assemblies and sporting events, Term One provided the boys with their first experience of the Bosco Program as the boys tackled the Talent, Teams and Challenges unit. This saw the boys take part in various challenges, including rock climbing, hiking, bike riding, self-defence and much more. During Term One the boys also raised money to help build a bridge for the Anchanh Primary School in Cambodia. This involved them running various activities throughout the term, which proved to be both very successful and enjoyable. Term One also saw the boys attend Year 9 camp, which sent them to various locations around the state. Camp challenged everyone at different levels, and offered a range of activities across the four days. Some of these memorable experiences included canoeing, raft building, hiking, mountain biking and orienteering. Although camp took the

boys out of their comfort zone, it was a great success for all involved. The beginning of Term Two saw the boys take part in the inaugural Year 9 Futures Day. This gave the boys an opportunity to listen to a range of guest speakers and to complete pathways activities, as well as a chance to ponder future career opportunities. The ACC team competitions also started in Term Two. Congratulations to the Year 9 Soccer Team, who were runners-up in this year’s competition. Term Two also gave the boys a chance to reflect as they spent a day together on retreat at Lysterfield. As well as this, students completed the ‘Be the Hero Program’, which focused on respectful relationships. Term Two finished with the boys completing their Semester One exams in the areas of English, Maths, Science and History, and of course enjoying the customary Mannix barbecue. Term Three was upon us in the blink of an eye, and the Bosco Program was in full swing. The boys looked forward to Fridays with the anticipation of experiencing something new every week, and of course the opportunity to possibly get some fast food along the way. Term Three saw the Urbanism students take trips to Williamstown, the CBD, Oakleigh and Richmond. The

2014 Salesian College Annual

Urbanism unit culminated in the running of the Great Transport Challenge, which gives the boys a chance to race around the city, trying to complete various tasks along the way. The boys studying the Environment Unit completed orienteering at Cardinia Reservoir, a wilderness hike at Dromana National Park, as well as visiting Hampton beach. Many great experiences were had that will leave memories that will last a lifetime. Term Three finished with Community Week, in which the boys raised money for Salesian Missions and completed the first Community Week WalkA-Thon.

Miss Samantha Knights (9C), Ms Michelle Stokie (9D), Mr Andrew Schillaci (9E), Mr Steven Grcic (9F) and Miss Ashley Simon (9G), thank you for all your hard work. You make working at the Mannix Campus an absolute joy, and I commend you on a job well done.

All of a sudden it was Term Four. Expo Night once again gave the boys a chance to display what they had achieved during the year. The students also put together Christmas hampers, providing joy to people who are less fortunate. Semester Two exams came around quickly, and the end of year celebrations kicked off with the boys enjoying their final days at the Mannix Campus.

Mr Steven Loonstra Year 9 Coordinator

Lastly, to the Year 9 boys of 2014, although your time at Mannix has come to an end, don’t forget challenges you have overcome, the knowledge you have received and the bonds that you have formed. Take them with you and use them on your journey. Good luck and all the best for 2015.

On a personal note, I would like to thank Nick Kearney, the Assistant Year 9 Coordinator, for all his support and another fantastic year running the Bosco Program. To theYear 9 Homeroom Mentors of 2014: Mr Daniel Campisano (9A), Mr Nick Kearney (9B),

2014 Salesian College Annual



Homeroom 9A

Homeroom 9D

9A was made up of athletes, musicians and public speakers, but the one thing they shared in common was that they were all kind hearted young men. I enjoyed sharing a laugh and a joke with my students in my endeavour to make my homeroom a fun and friendly learning environment. Achievements by 9A boys included Sportsmen of the Year, Football & Table Tennis Champions, Best Batsmen (Cricket), Best Year 9 Student (Design & Tech), Best Speaker in the DAV debating, along with numerous other ACC sporting achievements. It’s been a pleasure teaching my homeroom and I look forward to watching them grow throughout their Salesian journey.

9D, 2014 have journeyed through a year of life learning, laughter and growing friendships at the Mannix Campus. It has been exciting to see the boys challenge themselves on Bosco Days, participate enthusiastically in ACC Sports, and contribute in a range of intercurricular activities. Congratulations on a successful year, and best wishes to all of 9D as you travel forward in your Senior Schooling.

Mr Daniel Campisano

Homeroom 9B The Year 9 Biretta class experienced a wonderful 2014 on the Mannix Campus. Highlights included Bosco Day excursions and activities, Year 9 camp, and the initiation of fundraising events in RE classes. It was a challenging but rewarding year, with many skills and experiences that have prepared this group of boys for the future. Mr Nick Kearney

Homeroom 9C My homeroom 9C: a homeroom of Australian Open ball boys, state level hockey players, international snowboarders, musicians, artists, academics, ACC superstars, and questionable hairstyles. Generally they were all round top blokes, willing to put in their all at Salesian and engage in a bit of banter. Thanks for the great year, boys, and all the best! Miss Samantha Knights

Ms Michelle Stokie

Homeroom 9E 2014 has been a great year for the class of 9E. There was never a dull moment, as the boys developed both socially and academically into a great team which was up for any challenge. With the introduction of 3 newcomers, Wesley, Brandon and Bao, the boys came together to ensure that everybody well and truly felt a part of Salesian College. Mr Andrew Schillaci

Homeroom 9F 9F adopted challenges at Mannix Campus in 2014 with positive spirit and endeavour, establishing a solid commitment to learning through a respectful learning atmosphere in the classroom, which always included keen support of one another’s well-being. Social causes were also well supported, with regular and creative ideas tabled to raise much-needed funds in each semester. Mr Steven Grcic

Homeroom 9G 9G’s array of colourful personalities has certainly lived up to expectations! The brotherhood bond between all who greeted each day with wide smiles and laughable jokes, is one that will never be forgotten. 2014 was stimulating, witty and always entertaining guessing what time Steven Kraloglou would rock up to school. Miss Ashley Simon


2014 Salesian College Annual

YEAR 9 Homeroom 09A Anthony Atherinos

Yianni Billias

Joshua Cayetano

Harley Clarke

Lukas Condovrakis

Calvin Davey

Min Soo Donovan

Nicholas Gioulekas

Karan Hariharan

Alan Huynh

Nathaniel Jones

Athiesh Katheesan

Cristian Martinelli

Justin Mccarthy

Hans Montera

Yastheel Naidoo

Tom Ogutu

Lachlan Park

Jack Robertson

James Smirneos

Erik Tan

Kyle Valadon

Vince Vo

Timothy Wee

2014 Salesian College Annual

Daniel Campisano


YEAR 9 Homeroom 09B


Dinith Anguru Kankanamge

Zale Athanasius

Kevin Balapitiya

Joshua Chhen

Achilles Datsopoulos

Wilson Dixon

Dean Dritsas

Ian Felipe

Arjun Girish

Paolo Gomez

Corey Jansz

Kartik Kashyap

Nicholas Lai

Robert Lim

Kevin Liu

Patrick Lov

Stefano Mascaro

Alexander Mollaneda

Nathan Ng

Monolith Perera

Gregory Pletsias

Julian Russo

Kris Sabeshkumar

Ashley Sanqui

Nicholas Kearney

Kojitha Senanayake

Kevin Tat

Vasili Thomopoulos

Bo Tran

Mike Zhao

2014 Salesian College Annual

YEAR 9 Homeroom 09C Michael Abbott

Michael Brew

James Casserly

Nicolas Cerda

Fraser Colgrave

Michael D’Rozario

Keyan De La Motte

Terence Fatouros

Matt Gonzalez Jara

Christian Hatt

Koli Ika

Lucas Kellett

Daniel Lee

Griffin Mcphee

Damon Ollerenshaw

Peter Pamouktsis

Ryan Pearce

Alexander Quach

Stephan Sands

Sebastian Sokolowski

Justin Tan

Brendon To

Nicholas Tsakistaras

Adrian Vargiu

2014 Salesian College Annual

Samantha Knights


YEAR 9 Homeroom 09D

Michelle Stokie


Theo Arvanitis

Lukas Bernardo

Misha Chuykov

Matthew Corrie

Peter Dionissopoulos

Mayo Everett

Luke Fonseca

Matthew Georgaklis

Lachie Hardiman

Jacky Hung

Adam Kakkos

Jacky Kuah

Dean Mitropoulos

Aaron Nipps

Evan Panagiotou

Peter Pham

Kieran Roach

Sebastian Skoutas

Eddie Standish

Daniel Tan

James Tighello

Leighton Ward

Thomas Wilson

Joshua Zomaya

2014 Salesian College Annual

YEAR 9 Homeroom 09E James Abarra

Matthew Avila

Dineth Bandara

Santino Belmuda

Morgan Bryant

Kian Leng Timothy Chan

Lindsay Collins

Akash Deo

Geoffrey Ear

Brian Fernando

Dylan Goodwill

Anthony Ishak

Kim Jimin

Sabastian Lucky

Alex Nanfra

Ross Palavras

Ziggy Pedersen Cook

Oscar Rajkowski

Jack Santa Maria

Tibin Thampy

Absent Bao Minh Nguyen Vo Brandon Lek

Stefan Tikellis

Mitchell Tonta

Shi Yan

2014 Salesian College Annual

Andrew Schillaci


YEAR 9 Homeroom 09F

Steve Grcic


James Accadia

Stephen Angeloudas

Mark Bernadas

Joseph Cardaci

Fred Chen

Roshane Cooray

Benjamin Di Cioccio

George Ekonomopoulos

Kiir Gatkouth

Roland Ha

Karl-Heinz HagenMujica

Felipe Herrera

Melvin Malbas

William Michailidis

Tommy Nguyen

Jehan Perera

Kurt Richter

Christopher Stamatis

Alan Taing

Sayan Thuraisamy

Thomas Tran

Eric Walker

Nicholas Zoel

Absent Kylen Puveendran

2014 Salesian College Annual

YEAR 9 Homeroom 09G Kareem Aljaber

Dillon Caminos

Steven Charles

Thuva Dharmakulasingam

Kai Everett

Dylan Hema

Charles Hennessey

Jason Jiang

George Koltsidas

Steven Kraloglou

Liam La’Brooy

Lachlan Magee

Denny Michael

Thomas Newstead

Kanchana Pallage

Dylan Perera

Emil Plackal

Anthony Ralogaivau

Sushant Shakya

Peter Sio

Christian Theoharous

Jason Tran

Brendan Wales

Yichao Yuan

2014 Salesian College Annual

Ashley Simon



Question: What is being a Year 8 student all about? Answer: It’s about growing up. The difficulty though, is how? Growing up for a 14 year old isn’t about trying to be an 18 year old. Learning from what you do is partially the key, as is listening to those who have been there before, respecting what they say and realising that they do have your best interests at heart. I’m certain that on this point your parents and teachers stand together. We are not out to spoil your fun, but as I have often said, “No one has fun on their own – we have fun together.”

“This year level has been one of the best I have had the pleasure to lead, and this in no small way has been driven by their Homeroom Mentors, a fine group of teachers.” 130

Like every year, 2014 started at a hectic pace. “How many more forms do I have to bring back? Who’s in which homeroom? Where are my friends? Which room am I in? Who are my teachers?” There were Year Level and Whole School Assemblies, Opening Mass, School photos, Parent Information Evening, House Swimming Carnival, Athletics trials and House Athletics, and that’s in the first four weeks. There was even some time for classwork and homework. As the year progressed we had many other occasions to learn. The Medieval Day was a popular event. The boys participated in many fun activities, including archery, jousting, juggling

and learning about weapons and armour. This ‘hands-on’ day really helped bring alive what we had studied in the classroom. Other occasions relating to the subjects being taught included a very entertaining performance about Italian food. Though nothing was edible, it was very funny. Another was a play about the life and times of Mary MacKillop. Author Boori Monte Pryor also came to visit, telling us part of his life story and guiding us on how to write stories. There were other learning opportunities relating to our personal development. These included anti-bullying, study skills and respectful relationship sessions. This year’s Community Week was a fantastic way to interact with others throughout all the year levels, and everyone felt a real sense of togetherness. There were the usual international lunches and Staff vs. Student games throughout the week, all culminating in the day itself. Everyone participated in the different activities, such as tug-of-war, a spaghettieating competition, the dunk-tank and the Community Cup activities. But our three day retreat to Phillip Island would have to have been the best. We learned more about Don Bosco and what he did to help others. It also took us on a journey that helped us to learn more

2014 Salesian College Annual

about ourselves, and our relationships with each other and our families. But more than that, we had fun together. Speaking as (an old) Year Level Co-ordinator, I believe that this year really has been very good. The boys have been excellent in their interactions with each other and with staff. Naturally, with 200 boys, there will always be some issues, but these have been few and far between. I’d even go so far as to say that this year level has been one of the best I have had the pleasure to lead, and this in no small way has been driven by their Homeroom Mentors, a fine group of teachers. On behalf of the Year 8 cohort I’d like to thank all the teachers who have taught and encouraged the boys to give of their best, especially the Homeroom Mentors: Miss Galante (8A), Ms Bell (8B), Ms Blizzard (8C), Ms Barcellona (8D), Ms Jarrett (8E), Mr Ryan and Mrs Zwalf (8F), Miss Richardson (8G) and Mrs Ryan (8H). Thank you so very much. I hope the year has been challenging, interesting and rewarding, and I wish you all the very best in your future studies and endeavours. Mr Steven Beckham Year 8 Coordinator

2014 Salesian College Annual



Homeroom 8A What a vivacious and spirited group they were! With an eclectic mix of personalities, there was never a dull moment in 8A. Homeroom was always filled with recounts of the weekend, riddles, brain teasers and terrible jokes. One highlight for the boys this year was their trip to Phillip Island for camp, where many were able to conquer their fear of heights on the giant swing. They proved adept at team work, even convincing me to have a go, witnessing me scream in terror the entire way down! 8A are now ready to take on Year 9, carrying with them the memories, fun, challenges and friendships gained throughout the year.

Academic Competitions, Public Speaking and ACC Sport. I would like to express my thanks to Elijah Skeggs, Robert Gudzoski, Emmanuel Chu Chung Chuck and Andrew Lou, who were elected as captains, and represented our Homeroom at Year Level Meetings and Student Congress. I feel very fortunate to have been part of such a lovely, caring Homeroom. Thank you all for a fantastic year!

Homeroom 8F

Miss Alicia Bell

Mr Chris Ryan

Homeroom 8C

Homeroom 8G

What we lacked in stature, we made up for in enthusiasm and applause. With amazing artists, incredible musicians, winning sportsmen and impressive academics, 8C is a group of diverse talents who have grown into respectful young men in preparation for their journey across the bridge!

8G spent most days sharing in the joy of each other’s company and straightening up the rows of tables that magically became crooked throughout the day. The class was full of footy tipping stars, with James celebrating as National School Tipster for Round Two and the class remaining at the top of the National Competition for the majority of the season. Retreat was a memorable experience with laughter and joy present wherever boys from 8G were. Miss Richardson was truly blessed to have such a wonderful group of boys to share the mornings with in 2014 and will miss each and every one of their quirky ways next year.

Ms Hanna Blizzard

Homeroom 8D What an exciting year we had in 8D. There were so many characters and personalities that there was never a dull moment. The mornings were filled with stories and laughter. We were very good at ‘Clean Up’, where several boys won a prize. 8D was a generous group; when asked to do something for charity they never disappointed. Our class leaders, both Semester One and Semester Two, did a great job. They should be proud of themselves, as I am proud to be Homeroom Teacher to the whole cohort of 8D. Well done boys! Miss Melina Barcellona

Miss Elissa Galante

Homeroom 8B A group of excited, dedicated and very talkative students entered our classroom at the beginning of the year, and their enthusiasm only increased throughout 2014. 8B took part in a range of activities, leading a whole-school recycling initiative and representing the College in Music, Drama, Debating, Chess,


Homeroom 8E We had many great experiences throughout the year. Whether it was Medieval Day, Camp at Phillip Island (and the terrifying Giant Swing) or coming together as a homeroom to raise awareness for various charities, we had fun doing them all. I am sure the boys are all looking forward to the new opportunities that the Year 9 campus has to offer. Ms Caitlyn Jarrett

It has been a pleasure being Homeroom Mentor to 8F this year. The boys have developed into an amazing team, full of keen sportsmen, musicians and avid learners who have brought out the best in each other. If there is one thing we learned this year, it is that we know how to have a laugh. Enjoy your Year 9 experience, boys!

Miss Alicia Richardson

Homeroom 8H What a year! 8H were young men with lively temperaments, energy to burn and huge potential. Over the year this group of boys has grown in so many ways. Academically, they have been challenged to embrace all their subjects. Physically, they have changed and become more aware of their own unique identities as young men. Socially and emotionally, they have matured and become more respectful of themselves, their peers and the wider community. Highlights of the year were the Year 8 Camp at Phillip Island and the Respectful Relationships personal development program. Look out Year 9! Here comes 8H! Mrs Ivana Ryan

2014 Salesian College Annual

YEAR 8 Homeroom 08A Lachlan Cassar

Arthur Chau

Roungvirack Chea

Jamie Chhen

Chudor John Chuol

Steven De Zilwa

Craig Dickinson

Anthony Simon Galluccio

Athan Karaliolios

Matthew La Brooy

Wing Ki Liu

Lucas Macaluso

Michael Macdonald

Michael Nguyen

Nicolas Pappas

Jamie Phung

Tyson Pirie

Max Posselt

Antony Pradeep

Dhiren Rodrigues

Aaron Simas

Anthony Sirait

Nathan Toward

George Triskelidis

2014 Salesian College Annual

Zach Vanderputt

Elissa Galante


YEAR 8 Homeroom 08B

Alicia Bell


Kris Abraham

Sam Bisas

Antonio Bottalico

Derric Chacko

John Chronopoulos

Emmanuel Chu Chung Chuck

Khoa Anh Dao

Robert Gudzoski

Kevin Jayadi

Sadeepa Jayalathge

Ayden Khalil

Robert Lam

Mark Linden

Andrew Hon Bun Lou

Adrian Nadonza

Kaveesha Perera

Purna Perera

Thisara Perera

Sohan Pujar

Niluk Samaranayake

Navaneet Sathiyendra

Oliver Scholast

Jason Shan

Elijah Skeggs

Blake Swaris

John Tran

Timothy Wang

2014 Salesian College Annual

YEAR 8 Homeroom 08C Carl Daniel Calaoagan

Riley Collier-Dawkins

Marcus Facchino

Anthony Henderson

Oscar Ho

Spencer Hogan

Jerry Ji

Kosta Kakavoulis

Stephen Kelly

Lawrence Lai

Steven Ly

Adam Mahony

Xavier Mamotte

Ritvik Narayan

Jordan Khee Huang Ong

Maneth Perera

Max Piccolo

Liam Quinn

Nicholas Ramachandran

Joshua Rees

Absent Darren Navaratnarajah

2014 Salesian College Annual

Benjamin Sexton

Thiep Thiep

Willie To

Stacey Valiakas

Hanna Blizzard


YEAR 8 Homeroom 08D

Melina Barcellona


Quang Vo

Mike Gabriel Calaoagan

Gabriel Cook

Jake Cooper

Bailey Cotsis

Rayesh Dharmaratne

Brian Dinh

Vasilios Drakopoulos

Max Fairnie

Jed Hema

Thierry Kasimis

Alexander Leigh

Richardson Luu

Liam Mcgain

Nicholas Nathaniel

Luca Palma

Anthony Phung

Leon Babu Plackal

Shashika Anjana Ranathunga

Zachary Rattray

Harrison Tate

Alan Wang

Darshana Wasalatilake

Imalsa Weragoda

Conor Withers

2014 Salesian College Annual

YEAR 8 Homeroom 08E Ronan Bell

Ethan Childs

Robin Fleming

Kyle Gordon

William Hayes

Raul Kaka

Ryan Mahony

Daniel Marchese

Rhiley Mclennan

Hugo Milic

Nathan Murrian

Jason Ng

Christian Pansino

Ashintha Perera

Eamon Perkins

Daniel Perrella

Maximilian Perri

Lukas Petrov

Aaron Soa

Jack Stewart

Kenny Tran

David Truong

Uvindu Wickramaarachchi

Alexander Yoshawirja

2014 Salesian College Annual

Caitlyn Jarrett


YEAR 8 Homeroom 08F

Chris Ryan


Brian Tennyson

Anthony Basile

George Billias

Owen Colley

Sakuna Daluwatte

Liam Diamantopoulos

Anthony Fazio

Enrique Antonio Theekshana Fernando

Steve Firfilionis

Athanasios Gakis

Raymond George

George Kapaklis

Steven Kastanas

Sunghyun Lee

Steven Lim

Joseph Manual

Ravidu Meedeniyalage

Joshua Meedin

Michael Neofit

Regan Privitera

Lachlan Robertson

Ethan Van Langenberg

Louis Wilmann

Anthony Wong

Anthony Zulli

2014 Salesian College Annual

YEAR 8 Homeroom 08G Ushan Almeida

Michael Amendola

Ethan Andrews

Julian Annand

Jose Box

Benedict Chan

Elio Charbine

William Do

Joshua Fernando

Luke Georgoudis

Pravinda Gunasekara

Dimitri Kosmopoulos

Tin Trung Le

Dylan Loo

Bailey Mejia

Kristian Michailidis

Callum Morgan

Paul Papathanasiou

Adam Sarhan

Nicholas Stannard

Absent Karthik Nadadur Ishan Vir

Adam Steiner

Dhairya Thakkar

Lefteri Thomopoulos

2014 Salesian College Annual

Alicia Richardson


YEAR 8 Homeroom 08H

Ivana Ryan


Tony Vu

Alexander Akritidis

Tristen Baldwin

Fionn Barritt

Rodney Baselyous

Jonathan Bong

Rohan Chand

James Dell’Aquila

Patrick Esposito

Sheneth Fernando

Mihiran Ginige

Michael Grosso

Liam Hatt

Gerard Akesh Irugalbandara

Hanno Liebenberg

Andrew Luak

Geordie Nagle

Roger Nea

Joshua Patterson

Tom Stanton

Patrick Tanudjaja

Paul Xylourgidis

Alex Yip

Miguel Zuniga

Absent Samuel Lo Rosso Kuang Jun Wang

2014 Salesian College Annual

2014 Salesian College Annual



The year began with the newest cohort of Year 7 students commencing at Salesian College arriving to attend a Welcome Assembly on the newly renovated covered courts next to the Occhiena Building that the boys would call home for their first year. Some students appeared nervous as they walked beside their parents to accompany the many other waiting unfamiliar faces. Shortly after a brief introduction from the Year 7 Co-ordinator and the Principal, the boys were led to their homerooms by their homeroom teachers. At this point, their journeys to becoming Salesian men had begun.

“You have faced the challenges of your first year as students at a secondary school and overcome them with dignity.” 142

Whilst some boys appeared nervous, many appeared more eager to get on with it, an attitude that was exemplified through the boys’ conduct at the three day camp at Camp Rumbug, the Swimming Carnival, the Athletics meet, various ACC events (sporting and nonsporting), music concerts and, of course, examinations and assessments. The boys demonstrated from early on that they have the potential to be positive leaders in the growing Salesian College community. Whilst it is with some sadness that we bid farewell to the boys under our care as Year 7 students, we can proceed with the confidence that they have been provided with the skills that will allow them to further develop to become the leaders of tomorrow.

say that I am proud of you. Whilst I don’t say this very often, I believe that you now have the skills and the strategies to go on to become good people and honest citizens. I look forward to the time when I can see you walk up on stage at the conclusion of your Year 12 year as graduates of Salesian College, knowing that you will go on to face rigorous challenges of life, ready and equipped to do so. I would like to leave you with one of my favourite sayings: “You will never truly fail, unless you give up trying.” I would like to formally acknowledge the dedication of the many hours of work set aside by the homeroom teachers. Without them, the Year 7 boys would not be anywhere near as prepared for the next step of their education. Mr Mark Wang (7A), Mrs Leanne Matheson (7B), Miss Tara Kimstra (7C), Miss Sarah Rapson (7D), Mr Noel McGarry (7E) and Ms Trudyanne Blyth (7F); for your hours of work and dedication which sometimes go unnoticed, I thank you, and I know that the boys of Year 7 2014 are truly grateful and are better equipped for the challenges in the years ahead. It has been a pleasure working with you, and I look forward to the years ahead. Mr Byron Chen Year 7 Co-ordinator

To you, the Year 7 students of the graduating class of 2014, I say this: you have faced the challenges of your first year as students at a secondary school and overcome them with dignity. The majority of you have not only overcome these challenges, but embraced them. For this, I can safely

2014 Salesian College Annual

2014 Salesian College Annual



Homeroom 7A

Homeroom 7D

7A in 2014 has been full of laugher, fun, tears and all round silliness. The highlights of the year were the Year 7 retreat, Friday YouTube and Mark’s hair. A big shout out to Kosta for winning the Mothers’ Day raffle, Jack for winning the first Salesian’s Got Talent and to Biot as the only member of 7A to participate in the Salesian Sleep Out. Congratulations, and I wish you all good luck in the future.

7D learned what it was to be a part of something special, the Salesian College community. Every day was full of smiles, laughter and learning. From Seaton’s puzzling insights, Flynn and Nick S’s footy updates to William’s thoughts on Emirates and Miss Rapson’s locker patterns, 7D’s first year at Salesian will be remembered as one of fun and success for all. We say good bye and good luck to those who are leaving us, Sebastian and Ben Laguyo. I wish all the young men of 7D all the best for a successful future.

Mr Mark Wang

Homeroom 7B 7B had a great year in 2014, with loads of fun experiences. Some of the best would have to be camp at the start of the year, Year 7 Retreat and going to the Jump Factory. Thanks to ‘Beldoe’ (Chris B, Joe and Baldeep) for keeping us entertained with your music. Thanks to all our teachers, especially Leanne Matheson and Nadia Knight for all your work. Chris Nielsen (7B Student)

Homeroom 7C During the year the boys of 7C participated in many school activities, including sport, debating, public speaking and social justice activities. We all had a productive and fun year of learning, trying new things, making new friends and working hard (most of the time). Thank you boys for a wonderful time. I will miss you and your antics next year. Miss Tara Kimstra


Miss Sarah Rapson

Homeroom 7E What a year it’s been for 7E. From day one we were part of a team. We achieved so much throughout the year and have ended on a high note, from achievements in ACC sports to participation in the school production, music programs and of course success in our studies. It’s a year we won’t forget! Mr Noel McGarry

Homeroom 7F What a wonderful start 7F have made this year. Together they have had fun, faced challenges and developed friendships. It is clear that these students intend to work with teachers and their families to achieve their very best. I wish every young man of 7F good luck for the rest of their Salesian journey. Mrs Trudyanne Blyth

2014 Salesian College Annual

YEAR 7 Homeroom 07A Tihan Abeywickrema

Chaitanya Bhide

Edan Casey

Robin Chea

Sebastian Faoa

Dylan Gatto

Ken Hour

Andre Huc

Daniel Huynh

Braedyn Jansz

Vincent Macasa

Callum Magee

Luke Maglio

Antonio Naidoo

Simon Park

Rama Powderly

Vinay Ravi

Biot Shin

Jack Sievers

Mark Steiner

Michael Triantafyllou

Kosta Varkatzos

Absent Timmy Dang

2014 Salesian College Annual

Mark Wang


YEAR 7 Homeroom 07B

Leanne Matheson


Naveen Amarendra

John Avila

Tanmai Bellamkonda

Christopher Beltran

Joseph Cefai

Patrick Ciccotosto

Lochlan Galluccio

Jaylen Gordon

Tim Hoang

Akhilash Dever Kanagarajah

Alen Lay

Brian Lee

Jed Li

George Mouropoulos

Christopher Nielsen

Thang Quach

Baldeep Singh

Alex Taing

Regan Tennyson

Theo Tran

Rohit Valanki

Samuel Vanderhorst

Linuka Weerasinghe

2014 Salesian College Annual

YEAR 7 Homeroom 07C Caleb Brown

Daniel Capomolla

Winston Chiem

Morgan Coetsee

Alexander Fell

Olley Gibson

Menuka Gunaratne

Matthew Ho

Dean Kanaris

Jason Ngo

Athan Romios

Benjamin Santa Maria

Austin Sutherland

Brendan Tep

Vaagesh Thirulojan

Nicholas Varkatzos

Alexander Watt

Joshua Whittle

Harrison Wilkins-Byrd

Tara Kimstra

2014 Salesian College Annual


YEAR 7 Homeroom 07D

Sarah Rapson


Dimitri Adamopoulos

Raymond Cordeiro

William Dirckze

Scott Duong

Jonathan Florentzou

Matthew Kennedy

Daniel Kiggundu

Benjamin Laguyo

Benjamin Lai

Russell Lam

Seaton Newport

Christopher Nichols

Jack Norton

Jack Paynter Sanjurjo

Flynn Salvini

Ryan Shaw

Nicholas Stathopoulos

Nicholas Thomas

George Tikellis

Sebastian Toth

Cameron Wales

Ravindu Wijesinghe

2014 Salesian College Annual

YEAR 7 Homeroom 07E Frank Adams

Saksham Aggarwal

Nicholas Angeloudas

Massimo Cappiello

Bo De Silva

Stefan Fernando

Manny Gashi

Dion Giannopoulos

Matthew Goodwill

Joshua Indovino

Leon Jiang

Raymond Lam

James Lee

Jordan Lentini

Marvin Ogutu

Anthony Pham

Johnny Phylactou

Ryan Rupesinghe

Harry Shea

Jack Stewart

Pascal Traczewski

Anthony Yaing

Absent Diego Diaz Richard Pham

2014 Salesian College Annual

Noel McGarry


YEAR 7 Homeroom 07F

Trudyanne Blyth


Ashvin Adihetty

Dean Allen

Jeremy Angeloudas

Nicholas Balderanos

Joshua Consolmagno

Luke D’Souza

Sam Dennis

Joshua Jackson

Triantos Kyritsis

Samuel Latu

James Leigh

Cooper Mcnamara

Ricky Mineo

Jason Muscara

James Nguyen

Hanel Sawa

Josh Sequeira

Skanda Kumar Srikanthan

Matthew Tighello

Simon Tran

Timothy Tran

Will Tucker

Joe Veerasingham

2014 Salesian College Annual

Year 7 Given Surname

Given Surname

Tihan Abeywickrema Dimitri Adamopoulos Frank Adams Ashvin Adihetty Saksham Aggarwal Dean Allen Naveen Amarendra Jeremy Angeloudas Nicholas Angeloudas John Avila Nicholas Balderanos Tanmai Bellamkonda Christopher Beltran Chaitanya Bhide Caleb Brown Daniel Capomolla Massimo Cappiello Edan Casey Joseph Cefai Robin Chea Winston Chiem Patrick Ciccotosto Morgan Coetsee Joshua Consolmagno Raymond Cordeiro Luke D’Souza Timmy Dang Bo De Silva Sam Dennis Diego Diaz William Dirckze Scott Duong Sebastian Faoa Alexander Fell Stefan Fernando Jonathan Florentzou Lochlan Galluccio Manny Gashi Dylan Gatto Dion Giannopoulos Olley Gibson Matthew Goodwill Jaylen Gordon Menuka Gunaratne Matthew Ho Tim Hoang Ken Hour Andre Huc Daniel Huynh Joshua Indovino Joshua Jackson Braedyn Jansz Leon Jiang Akhilash Dever Kanagarajah Dean Kanaris Matthew Kennedy Daniel Kiggundu Triantos Kyritsis Benjamin Laguyo Benjamin Lai Raymond Lam Russell Lam Samuel Latu Alen Lay Brian Lee James Lee James Leigh

Jordan Lentini Jed Li Vincent Macasa Callum Magee Luke Maglio Cooper Mcnamara Ricky Mineo George Mouropoulos Jason Muscara Antonio Naidoo Seaton Newport Jason Ngo James Nguyen Christopher Nichols Christopher Nielsen Jack Norton Marvin Ogutu Simon Park Jack Paynter Sanjurjo Anthony Pham Richard Pham Johnny Phylactou Rama Powderly Thang Quach Vinay Ravi Athan Romios Ryan Rupesinghe Flynn Salvini Benjamin Santa Maria Hanel Sawa Josh Sequeira Ryan Shaw Harry Shea Biot Shin Jack Sievers Baldeep Singh Skanda Kumar Srikanthan Nicholas Stathopoulos Mark Steiner Jack Stewart Austin Sutherland Alex Taing Regan Tennyson Brendan Tep Vaagesh Thirulojan Nicholas Thomas Matthew Tighello George Tikellis Sebastian Toth Pascal Traczewski Simon Tran Theo Tran Timothy Tran Michael Triantafyllou Will Tucker Rohit Valanki Samuel Vanderhorst Kosta Varkatzos Nicholas Varkatzos Joe Veerasingham Cameron Wales Alexander Watt Linuka Weerasinghe Joshua Whittle Ravindu Wijesinghe Harrison Wilkins-Byrd Anthony Yaing

2014 Salesian College Annual



Year 8

Year 9

Given Surname

Given Surname

Given Surname

Given Surname

Kris Abraham Alexander Akritidis Ushan Almeida Michael Amendola Ethan Andrews Julian Annand Tristen Baldwin Fionn Barritt Rodney Baselyous Anthony Basile Ronan Bell George Billias Sam Bisas Jonathan Bong Antonio Bottalico Jose Box Carl Daniel Calaoagan Mike Gabriel Calaoagan Lachlan Cassar Derric Chacko Benedict Chan Rohan Chand Elio Charbine Arthur Chau Roungvirack Chea Jamie Chhen Ethan Childs John Chronopoulos Emmanuel Chu Chung Chuck Chudor John Chuol Owen Colley Riley Collier-Dawkins Gabriel Cook Jake Cooper Bailey Cotsis Sakuna Daluwatte Khoa Anh Dao Steven De Zilwa James Dell’Aquila Rayesh Dharmaratne Liam Diamantopoulos Craig Dickinson Brian Dinh William Do Vasilios Drakopoulos Patrick Esposito Marcus Facchino Max Fairnie Anthony Fazio Enrique Antonio Theekshana Fernando Joshua Fernando Sheneth Fernando Steve Firfilionis Robin Fleming Athanasios Gakis Anthony Simon Galluccio Raymond George Luke Georgoudis Mihiran Ginige Kyle Gordon Michael Grosso Robert Gudzoski Pravinda Gunasekara Liam Hatt William Hayes Jed Hema Anthony Henderson Oscar Ho

Spencer Hogan Gerard Akesh Irugalbandara Kevin Jayadi Sadeepa Jayalathge Jerry Ji Raul Kaka Kosta Kakavoulis George Kapaklis Athan Karaliolios Thierry Kasimis Steven Kastanas Stephen Kelly Ayden Khalil Dimitri Kosmopoulos Matthew La Brooy Lawrence Lai Robert Lam Tin Trung Le Sunghyun Lee Alexander Leigh Hanno Liebenberg Steven Lim Mark Linden Wing Ki Liu Samuel Lo Rosso Dylan Loo Andrew Hon Bun Lou Andrew Luak Richardson Luu Steven Ly Lucas Macaluso Michael Macdonald Adam Mahony Ryan Mahony Xavier Mamotte Joseph Manual Daniel Marchese Liam McGain Rhiley McLennan Ravidu Meedeniyalage Joshua Meedin Bailey Mejia Kristian Michailidis Hugo Milic Callum Morgan Nathan Murrian Karthik Nadadur Adrian Nadonza Geordie Nagle Ritvik Narayan Nicholas Nathaniel Darren Navaratnarajah Roger Nea Michael Neofit Jason Ng Michael Nguyen Jordan Khee Huang Ong Luca Palma Christian Pansino Paul Papathanasiou Nicolas Pappas Joshua Patterson Ashintha Perera Kaveesha Perera Maneth Perera Purna Perera Thisara Perera Eamon Perkins

Daniel Perrella Maximilian Perri Lukas Petrov Anthony Phung Jamie Phung Max Piccolo Tyson Pirie Leon Babu Plackal Max Posselt Antony Pradeep Regan Privitera Sohan Pujar Liam Quinn Nicholas Ramachandran Shashika Anjana Ranathunga Zachary Rattray Joshua Rees Lachlan Roberton Dhiren Rodrigues Niluk Samaranayake Adam Sarhan Navaneet Sathiyendra Oliver Scholast Benjamin Sexton Jason Shan Aaron Simas Anthony Sirait Elijah Skeggs Aaron Soa Nicholas Stannard Tom Stanton Adam Steiner Jack Stewart Blake Swaris Patrick Tanudjaja Harrison Tate Brian Tennyson Dhairya Thakkar Thiep Thiep Lefteri Thomopoulos Willie To Nathan Toward John Tran Kenny Tran George Triskelidis David Truong Stacey Valiakas Ethan Van Langenberg Zach Vanderputt Ishan Vir Quang Vo Tony Vu Alan Wang Kuang Jun Wang Timothy Wang Darshana Wasalatilake Imalsa Weragoda Uvindu Wickramaarachchi Louis Wilmann Conor Withers Anthony Wong Paul Xylourgidis Alex Yip Alexander Yoshawirja Anthony Zulli Miguel Zuniga

James Abarra Michael Abbott James Accadia Kareem Aljaber Stephen Angeloudas Dinith Anguru Kankanamge Theo Arvanitis Zale Athanasius Anthony Atherinos Matthew Avila Kevin Balapitiya Dineth Bandara Santino Belmuda Mark Bernadas Lukas Bernardo Yianni Billias Michael Brew Morgan Bryant Dillon Caminos Joseph Cardaci James Casserly Joshua Cayetano Nicolas Cerda Kian Leng Timothy Chan Steven Charles Fred Chen Joshua Chhen Misha Chuykov Harley Clarke Fraser Colgrave Lindsay Collins Lukas Condovrakis Roshane Cooray Matthew Corrie Michael D’Rozario Achilles Datsopoulos Calvin Davey Keyan De La Motte Akash Deo Thuva Dharmakulasingam Benjamin Di Cioccio Peter Dionissopoulos Wilson Dixon Min Soo Donovan Dean Dritsas Geoffrey Ear George Ekonomopoulos Kai Everett Mayo Everett Terence Fatouros Ian Felipe Brian Fernando Luke Fonseca Kiir Gatkouth Matthew Georgaklis Nicholas Gioulekas Arjun Girish Paolo Gomez Matt Gonzalez Jara Dylan Goodwill Roland Ha Karl-Heinz Hagen-Mujica Lachie Hardiman Karan Harihara Christian Hatt Dylan Hema Charles Hennessey Felipe Herrera


2014 Salesian College Annual

Year 10 Given Surname

Given Surname

Given Surname

Given Surname

Jacky Hung Alan Huynh Koli Ika Anthony Ishak Corey Jansz Jason Jiang Nathaniel Jones Adam Kakkos Kartik Kashyap Athiesh Katheesan Lucas Kellett Jimin Kim George Koltsidas Steven Kraloglou Jacky Kuah Liam La’Brooy Nicholas Lai Daniel Lee Brandon Lek Robert Lim Kevin Liu Patrick Lov Sabastian Lucky Lachlan Magee Melvin Malbas Cristian Martinelli Stefano Mascaro Justin McCarthy Griffin McPhee Denny Michael William Michailidis Dean Mitropoulos Alexander Mollaneda Hans Montera Yastheel Naidoo Alex Nanfra Thomas Newstead Nathan Ng Tommy Nguyen Bao Minh Nguyen Vo Aaron Nipps Tom Ogutu Damon Ollerenshaw Ross Palavras Kanchana Pallage Peter Pamouktsis Evan Panagiotou Lachlan Park Ryan Pearce Ziggy Pedersen Cook Dylan Perera Jehan Perera Monolith Perera Peter Pham Emil Plackal Gregory Pletsias Kylen Puveendran Alexander Quach Oscar Rajkowski Anthony Ralogaivau Kurt Richter Kieran Roach Jack Robertson Julian Russo Kris Sabeshkumar Stephan Sands Ashley Sanqui

Jack Santa Maria Kojitha Senanayake Sushant Shakya Peter Sio Sebastian Skoutas James Smirneos Sebastian Sokolowski Christopher Stamatis Eddie Standish Alan Taing Daniel Tan Erik Tan Justin Tan Kevin Tat Tibin Thampy Christian Theoharous Vasili Thomopoulos Sayan Thuraisamy James Tighello Stefan Tikellis Brendon To Mitchell Tonta Bo Tran Jason Tran Thomas Tran Nicholas Tsakistaras Kyle Valadon Adrian Vargiu Vince Vo Brendan Wales Eric Walker Leighton Ward Timothy Wee Thomas Wilson Shi Yan Yichao Yuan Mike Zhao Nicholas Zoel Joshua Zomaya

Rajul Abeyratne Oliver Abuawad Christopher Alevizos Zachary Allas Deeshan Ambawatta Mithiran Anandeswaran Michael Andrea Nicholas Andrejic Thomas Andrews Nathan Antonucci Jonnel Aquino Albin Bennys Charlie Billing Jack Bisas Finn Bloomer Matthew Braham Dylan Brambleby Jayden Brown Pocholo Bueno Arjay Bywaters Mathieu Caroff Luke Carron Sandeep Chand Lenny Chiem Stefano Ciccotosto George Cousseris Noel Crouch Luc Crugnale Kirtan Dave Tharusha De Alwis Daniel De Blasis Ashley De La Sota Nicholas Dean Adam Dell’Arciprete Jake Dell’Arciprete Massimo Dell’Arciprete Joseph Dikranian Jordan Dimitrin Andrew Dong James Esposito Jack Fairnie Jesse Falla Marc-Antoine Faure Liam Forster John Fouad Jeremy Furfaro Charles Galluccio Joseph Galluccio Larry Genovese Ben Gundry Kyle Hasan Tommy Huynh Josef Indovino Thomas Inglis Jake Ioannou Ben Jackson Alvin Jomy Vishal Kahawatte Vincent Kakkos Samuel Kee Todd Kingston Josh Knight Jack Kolar Bediet Kuea Pan Paguir Carter Kulikovskis Marque La Brooy Alex La Riccia

Jacob Latu Alex Le Andy Li Max Li David Luong Charlie Maglio Andrew McGuinness Jarrod McNamee Taniel Meguerditchian Fabrice Min Fa Simon Minopoli Javid Mohammadi Matthew Montague Jordan Morgan James Morrey Harry Morris Jonathan Navaratnarajah Gayashan Navaratne Danny Ngo Dinh Ngo Alan Nguyen Tom Nguyen Leftere Nikitas Jamie Nixon Kevin O’Malley Sacheen Paramesh Sean Patterson Kishon Pawar Maynard Perera Vivek Perera Dominic Pham Delarno Pharoe Michael Psomiadis Rachith Rajakumar Rangithkumar Ramesh Akash Ramesh Kumar Adriano Recce James Roberts Christos Romios William Ryoo Edwin Saravanapavaan Bruno Scalise Patrick Scott Jeremy Seneviratne Luke Sexton Madukapriya Silva Kevin Soares Christopher Staffieri Nicholas Stevens Alexander Sunny Anthony Te Michael Te Jojo Thomas Tim Tith Sammy To Jack Tran Thanh Tran Van Tran Ilias Triantafyllou Thomas Tsiros Jackson Turnbull Marc Urban Spencer Van Dyke Adrian Veerasingham Bryan Viegas John Vuong James Wee

2014 Salesian College Annual


Year 11 Given Surname

Given Surname

Given Surname

Given Surname

Ashley Wijayakumara Sasi Wijewardana Jimmy Wong Jack Zhu Paul Zhu

Patrick Adrien Christos Akritidis Aziz Aljaber Johnathan Almeida Connor Andrews Francesco Antonino Mark Antonopoulos Alex Arnold Patrick Atallah Anthony Bandalan Max Barrett Akhil Binoy Naudrik Borja Micheal Botros Dominic Bowes Jesse Brink Keith Brooks Crofton Burrows Koji Campitelli Jack Casey Alex Catalano Michael Cateaux Jordan Cave Brodie Chapman Matthew Chau Enoch Cheung Joshua Chiaravalle Samuel Childs Rimish Chopra Michael Clarke Taeylor Collison Robert Conway Stuart Cunningham Dion D’Cruz Jack Daniels Aidan De La Motte Anjana Deegodaliyanage Kosta Dionissopoulos Athan Dritsas Dien Duong James Ellis Shehan Elpitiya Badalge Joshua Ernestine - Finette Jevon Fernando Alexander Fleming Christian Gabbert Dion Garth Geordan Gianakoudakis Sukhmeet Grewal Zia Haydari James Hatzinicolaou Dominic Heaphy Sathvik Hemantharaju Casey Henderson Matthew Hennessey Callum Hensman Mitch Holding Aaron Holt Brian Hong James Hurst Luke Jeffery Luke Johnston Jackson Joseph Varghese Brendon Kang Dharaan Kannipiran Sairam Bill Karisserickal Andrew Kelly

Bailey Knight Tony Kok Stefan Kokkalis Athan Koltsidas Dean Kouvelis Nimesh Kularatne Alec Kumar Wai Kin Lai Joshua Lean Jonathan Leone Ashwin Libera Jiamin Lin Gabriel Lubin Monaal Madan Benjamin Madden Dishan Malalasekera Nick Mallis Poorna Manawadu Luis Mascaro Alex Masocco Matthew Mawal Jimmy Mihaloudakis John Mileti Elia Milonas Gerald Mini Farfan Julian Miranda Albert Misajon Kyle Moldrich Tapiwanashe Munyanyiwa Daniel Muscara Anthony Nalbant Christopher Nanfra Jashneel Narayan Selaka Nelson Laurence Newport Dylan Ng Yung Kiat Andy Nguy Andy Nguyen Hieu Nguyen Michael Nguyen Jordan Panagiotopoulos Andrew Papanikolaou Anthony Parissi Jin Woo Park Hamish Patterson Daniel Pereira Dylan Perera Suehan Perera Connor Perkins George Pezos Jo Mathai Philip Demos Phylactou Anastastios Prantalos Thimesh Raluwage Matthew Redman Brendon Rodrigo Ralph Rodrigo Derwen Rozario Simon Ruys Alexander Sang Darra Sao Peter Savat Marcus Sawan Sam Sempio Julian Sezenias Gurkaran Singh Alexander Skapetis

Danyon Smart Nathan Sos Daniel Subbiah Madison Talarico Jackson Tate Nathan Torkar Andy Tran Joseph Tran Kenneth Tran George Triafylos Jeremy Trinh Sinthu Vaithiyanathan John Valles Nicholas Vargiu Alexander Versace Nesan Vivekananthan Beau Watson Suran Wickramaarachchi Ruween Wijesinghe Joshua Wilmann Jimmy Xu Jonathan Xylourgidis Tianyi Zhou Jayden Zimsen


2014 Salesian College Annual

Year 12 Given Surname

Given Surname

Given Surname

Aneeb Adrees Johnathan Alevizos Bradley Almeida Dean Antoniadis Tate Bell Nicholas Berlangieri James Bicknell Dean Bourozikas Richard Bradley Jordan Brambleby Marco Buontempo Patrick Burnell Luke Carpino Brodie Carr Jonson Chan Sumeet Chand Sajid Chaudhery Hayden Colgrave Liam Collins Sebastian Correa Nathaniel Cramer Damian Cybulski James D’Elia Timothy D’Elia Robert D’Leema Justin D’Souza Nathan D’Souza Sion Davies Aidan Davitt Garett De Kauwe Dino De Oliveira Thivishka De Silva Craig Dirckze Nathan Djung Nipul Don Yasith Don Kaluthantrige Khaalid Fazly Harry Ferguson Dustin Fernandez Peshala Fernando Shehan Fernando Peter Fouad Christos Fournarakis Mason Franz Thomas Fritz Jason Giccominato Matthew Green Chathura Haluwadana Anuth Hatharasinghe Rhys Hawker Simon Hawkins Ricky He Joshua Henderson Philip Hoang Andrew Hogan Tyler Hookens Cory Hutchinson Shaun Infantino John Ioannou Liam Jacobs Cameron Jansz Reshitha Jayasooriya Sanjay Kahawatte Shaun Khambatta Dohwon Kim Matthew La Michael Laoumtzis

George Lapatas Nicholas Lebrasse Nathan Lertnibuna Clark Loza Anthony Lucarelli Patrick Lucarelli David Marben David Marchese Simon Marchese Samuel Marwoto James McDowell Daniel Mennilli Luke Michailidis Conor Morgan Devin Nanayakkara Grant Napitupulu Robert Nea Willoughby Newport Martin Nguyen Tevin Nguyen Timmy Nguyen Jeremiah Nicolas Joel Nixon Marcel Nowosiak Mario Noyahr Michael Olivetti Cameron Panagis Anthony Parveris Christopher Pascal-Therios Thomas Pastean Nathan Patterson Jude Perera Lachlan Perkins Andy Pham Zane Philip Daniel Pilch Tony Prasad Michael Prete Kian Privitera Moweit Qian Vishal Ravi John Requizo Carl Rodricks Ryan Rodrigo John Rofail Andre Rogers Rafael Ruslianto Carl Santiago Adam Savvas Maneesh Selvarajah Gehan Seneviratne Jasmohit Singh Jordan Skalamera Johnathon Stevens Don Joseph Suraweera Jon Tamvakis Diego Tandoc Jonathan Thamrin Andrea Michele Torcasio David Tran Hai Phu Tran Jackson Trieu Brian Tu Harrison Tullberg Don Tuy Daniel Urban Franco Vanni

Alexander Veneros James Vo Aidan Wall Liam Wallace Michael Watkins Blake Westoby Jake Winn Nicholas Winn Tony Wong Tristan Yates Ares Zheng

2014 Salesian College Annual




2014 Salesian College Annual


Congratulations to Justin D’Souza for his Unit 3 & 4 VCD production work being short listed into Top Designs for 2015. Justin’s concept presentation and folio production was judged to be outstanding by the selection panel and was taherefore shortlisted from thousands of entries all over Victoria. Justin is currently studying Industrial Design at Monash University in Caulfield.

He wishes to extend his study to complete a double degree in Engineering and Product Design to be competitive in the field.

“Photography has allowed me to explore my environment and appreciate it in new ways. Not only has this been an enjoyable experience but it also has given me the option of using that art form in the future.”

“The process was quite exciting, and it’s great to have my name published in the 2014 Top Designs booklet. Having my work published was a valuable experience.”

Pocholo Bueno Digital Photography under the Visual Arts Department

Ms Roslyn Aylward Head of Visual Arts Ms Anne Garofalo Art Department

Proposed Light Fixture Design Artist, Justin D’Souza

Photograph Artwork, Pocholo Bueno

2014 Salesian College Annual

2014 Salesian College Annual


ABN 43 797 631 001


T +61 3 9807 2644 F +61 3 9888 1289


10 Bosco Street Chadstone Victoria Australia 3148

www.salesian.vic.edu.au INSPIRE EDUCATE BECOME Great men.

2014 Annual

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