Architecture Criticism | Fall 2015
PLAYGROUNDS OF A MEMORY PALACE Salma Sherif January 18, 2016
We knew no boundaries and stopped at others, we were all over the place, yet we experienced order, we had destinations to reach, goals to accomplish, time to beat, pressures to face, obstacles to tackle. .. We were part of the natural order of this place, fueled by our bodies and movement.
It is said that our memories are only as good as our buildings. But is it also the other way round? Do memories enliven a place?
Heliopolis Sporting Club, amongst many places I have visited throughout my life, encompasses my most vivid memories and continues to shape my present ones. It has always been associated with movement, from sports to activities that varied the body’s posture and position in space. It is a micro-scaled community, a culture of its own, with its own signs and norms. It is a place where ‘social’ and ‘sports’ co-exist, a confluence of ludic play and social aristocracy. A society which created rules that evolved over time; some perished, others grew and inherited by generations, sharing some of those ideal ideas of ‘sport and social’.
The architecture of this place plays a tremendous part in shaping such society. Its architecture is quite humble yet proud. It is far from being loud nor is it shy. It is present in a way that appears and dims according to the use and action. Its astounding subtleness makes way for movement and minimally disrupts its ‘ecologies of movement’.