The Dystopia of Zuqaq Al Midaq Salma Sherif 09.06.2016
______________ Keywords:, Dystopia, envy, dysfunctional, narrative interpretation, anger, resentment, fleeing away, disloyalty, hatred, Colonial Modernity, Hermeneutic phenomenology, Panopticism
Introduction This Paper explores how Naguib Mahfouz, with the use of narrative fiction unravels a practical simulated understanding of how a place can become so dysfunctional. Dwellers of the Zuqaq (alley) are continually charged with an upheaval of negative emotions towards each other and towards their place of residence, Zuqaq Al Midaq, and even life at some points in the narrative. A novel based in a dystopia that ended with a tragedy after a succession of unfortunate events filled with hatred, aspirations to abandon the place, disproportionate anger, envy and resentment. In the first two parts , the paper questions the negative atmosphere that prevails upon Zuqaq Al Midaq, understood against the ideal notion of ‘being-in-the-world’ described by Martin Heidegger. It also examines how Naguib Mahfouz’s style, use of language, and interpretations, not only provides thick descriptions of the events but also reveals the ‘presuppositions’ that help the reader relate to the past, present and future aspirations of the characters, an intervention that privileges the reader to become aware and develop a better understanding of the several phenomena occurring in Zuqaq Al Midaq. Through such hermeneutic phenomenological approach, this paper explores where such negative feelings come from and how the Zuqaq disrupts the ideal idea of ‘being-in-the world’? The paper also questions the relevance of Zuqaq Al Midaq’s spatial qualities , social structure that shape its disciplinary, punishment and torturing modes described by Foucault. This part tries to question the relation between the strong negative emotions portrayed in the novel and the spatial qualities of the Midaq Alley.