This newly conceived educational equipment is designed to fill a lack in the field of technical education connected to experimental mechanics and construction techniques. In fact, it permits to perform experimental control direct over movements occurred as consequence of stressing loads and deformations, in the most typical loading assumptions for flexural and torsional stressing. It is thereby made possible to perform experimentally, with outmost educational efficiency, the control of formulas derived from the elasticity theory as well as their practical use in a great variety of technological applications. A novelty in this system is represented by the control possibilities over deformations by use of electrical strain-gauges. This represents a further element of educational importance since permitting that students be illustrated with the characteristics and operation of these transducer which have now become of current use in practical engineering tasks, even outside of research laboratories. The complete apparatuses of the unit are contained in a box-shaped container that may be parted into three sub-assemblies, and includes: 1. Metal bars for experimental testing. These have different shapes, mechanical properties and dimensions. Strain gauges are already bonded on them. 2. Arrangement of bars and relevant supports suitable for reproducing different constrain conditions and load applications. 3. Different weight masses suitable for providing flexural and torsional stressing. 4. Mechanical comparator and electronic measurement control board.
I - 16153 P.D. da Bissone 36r. GENOA - ITALY - Tel.: +39 010 6501969 Fax: +39 010 6501969 e-mail: patrone@