C O R P.
Extec Corp., a manufacturer of supplies and sample preparation equipment, is proud to provide you with our catalog of EXTEC® Premium Supplies and Equipment. Extec’s focus is on the critical supplies side for sample preparation with a full range of equipment to accomodate your every need. Utilizing the most advanced and thoroughly tested materials, Extec prides itself on offering the professional technician high quality, affordable, supplies and equipment needed for consistent, reliable precision testing. Extec strives to be the premier choice to laboratories throughout the world for accurate sample preparation. We make things easy for you with our extensive Web site, www.extec.com., and a dedicated helpline to answer technical questions. Extec and www.extec.com signify our commitment to provide the highest quality products and service available. We welcome your comments and suggestions about the EXTEC® product line. EXTEC CORP.
J. Ronald Rinaldi
online at www.extec.com