THE TIGERS Saltdean United vs Millwall Lionesses Sunday 21st August | 2pm | L&SERWFL Premier Programme 01

2’swelcomegameGoodSALTDEANWELCOMEUNITEDFCafternoonandwelcometoHillParkforourfirstofthenewseason!Wewouldliketogiveawarmtoouropponents,officialsandsupportersforgame.anewseasonuponus,youwillseeanumberoffacesbothonthepitchandinthedugout.Firstly,Dovejoinsasthenewwomen’sfirstteammanager.willbeassistedbyTomSaunterswhowasinvolvedtheheadcoachlastseason.managerJoeMcTiffenhastakenastepbehindscenesandwillnowoperateastheWomenandDirectorofFootballattheclub.MartinPerkinsbecomethenewheadcoachoftheDevelopmentandwillworkwithhisdaughterAmyandformerEllieRamsauerwhoisthenewlyappointedmanarealsodelightedtoannouncethatwehavesetanewU12girlsteamthisseason.PreviousU18’sScottDaltontakesonthereignsandweareexcitedtoseetheirdevelopmentastheseasonalways,wearelookingforanyvolunteerswhomayabletohelpusonmatchdays.Thereareplentyofavailabletosuitanumberofpeople,ifyouarepleasegetintouch.stillhaveanumberofsponsorshippackagesplayersponsorsavailable.Ifthisissomethingwouldbewillingtosupportuswith,pleasegetinYourname/logowillbeonourwebsite,onlineprogrammeandmediathroughouttheseason.foryourcontinuedsupport.Enjoythegame! Saltdean United FC Hill Park, Coombe Vale, Saltdean, East Sussex, BN2 8HJ JoeDirectorLizziePhysioAmyMartinDSEllieDSTomAssistantZakManagerWomen’sKateSecretaryBobChairmanThomasBrownStaffDoveManagerSauntersManagerRamsauerCoachesPerkinsPerkinsO’ConnorofFootballMcTiffen

A special mention goes out to the players that have committed again from last season. This group have helped the new players settle in at the club, and have created an enjoyable team environment. This environment plus the freshness and quality the new players bring will give us a strong possibility to go and achieve the goals we have set ourselves.
First of all I would like to say that I am very happy to have taken over as manager, as always pre season is challenging with all the changes that happen, but when you then throw in a new manager with new ideas it really does challenge everyone. However , I really do feel that we have been very productive with not only making the signings we wanted, but also setting the foundations for the type of team we want to be.
We all know that we will be starting the season with a tough test against Millwall, we are fully expecting a physically fit and strong side to play against.
I am very much looking forward to seeing how we respond to the challenge that they impose, but what I can be sure of is that we will have enough quality and personality to impose ourselves on any team throughout the season Zak

And just like that, the game day buzz is Whatback!a summer it has been. England Women won the Euros, Saltdean Women signed talent not only on the pitch, but off it too! And our Director of Football put a ring on his girlfriend, congratulations to Joe and Mollie. As you will see, the team has had a little shake up with plenty of new faces! Welcome to all of the new signings and welcome back to our warriors from last season who put everything in until the end and stuck with us on this Zakjourney.and the coaching team have been working tirelessy this summer to en sure we are ready for today’s game. We all know what Millwall are about, it’s going to be physical, it’s going to be a fight, but we’re ready to start our 22/23 season and we’re determined to start it in the right way this afternoon. Finally, a huge thank you to our spon sors, player sponsors and volunteers. Your committment and generosity is always appreciated, without you we wouldnt be here today playing the beautiful game. Now it’s your time to get behind your Tigers, we need to hear you today! Up the Tigers! Georgia

5 season!”fromwarriorsbackwelcomesigningsourto“Welcomeallofnew&toourlast

Molly, welcome to the Tigers. After spend ing last year at Hastings, what made you decide to move to Hill Park? What made the decision easier for me was the management and coaching staff. I have played in this tier before with the manage ment and coaches so I know they are profes sional, hardworking, respectful and most of all, super supportive. You scored 17 goals in 16 appear ances last year which is a fantastic return. How do you think you will do playing a tier higher this season? Do you have any specific targets? Scoring goals is what I’m best at, it gives me a buzz and instantly lifts my mood. With the support of the rest of the girls I know as a team, goals will be happening. You have scored goals at every club you have been to, have you always been a striker? Fun fact: In my last season at Brighton I was a winger; however my preferred position is of course a striker.

The league this season is very strong, a number of players are stepping down from tier 3/4 to play. How do you see the Tigers getting on?
Growing up as a kid it was always Ronaldinho because I admired his skill.
I have confidence in the girls and management his season. We all battle for each other. Every team in this tier has upped their game so it’ll be a challenge for every team.
Worst banter in the dressing room?
It has been a fantastic summer with the Lionesses winning the Euros! How do you think this is going to help women’s football moving forward?
I think what has happened this summer is amazing, I agree with everything the lionesses are saying with this is only the beginning. So many more young girls will be inspired to start up football.
It’s got to be Mia Hyland. Along with the worst banter, she has to be the worst DJ.
Attending a Scotland international camp at the age of 14 and an England camp at the age of 13. Who is your football icon and why?
What is your best footballing memory of your career?

8 2022-23FIRSTTEAMSQUAD Zak Dove Manager Ruby SponsoredAtkinsbyAVAILABLE Avilla SponsoredBerginbyAVAILABLE Alessia SponsoredCiocanbyAVAILABLE Megan SponsoredGatesbyAVAILABLE

9 Tom Saunters Assistant Manager GeorgiaSponsoredBridgesby Jan & Iain Fielding Molly SponsoredHillby Stuart @ Merrie Harriera Tabby SponsoredSponsoredBurrowsbyAVAILABLEMiaHylandby Impetus

10 CharlotteSponsoredSponsoredLewingtonbyAVAILABLEEvieNebbittby Impetus Amy SponsoredSindenbyAVAILABLE Maya HannahSponsoredPritchardbyAVAILABLESturdySponsoredby APAN Construction AbbieSponsoredMeasuresbyAVAILABLE

11 Daisy NaomiSponsoredMeehanbyAVAILABLERobinsonSponsoredby Simon Roe Faye SponsoredWilliamsby BW Sports Therapy BetsySponsoredRoutledgeby Held Trading Ruby SponsoredMelisbyAVAILABLE We have many player sponsors still available this season. If you are interested please email us at:

12 TEAM P W D L GD PTS AFC Acorns 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aylesford 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dartford 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dulwich Hamlet 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ebbsfleet United 0 0 0 0 0 0 Enfield Town 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fulham 0 0 0 0 0 0 Millwall Lionesses 0 0 0 0 0 0 New London Lionesses 0 0 0 0 0 0 Saltdean United 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sutton United 0 0 0 0 0 0 Worthing 0 0 0 0 0 0 LEAGUE TABLE L&SERWFL PREMIER

13 COMING SundayAUGUSTFIXTURES/RESULTSUP202221st|HomevsMillwallLionesses | 2pm kick off | League Sunday 28th | Home vs AFC Acorns | 2pm kick off | League SEPTEMBER 2022 Sunday 4th | Away vs Ebbsfleet United | 2pm kick off | League Sunday 11th | Home vs Fulham | 2pm kick off | League Sunday 18th | Away vs Aylesford | 3.30pm kick off | League Sunday 25th | Home vs Sutton United | 2pm kick off | League OCTOBER 2022 Sunday 2nd | Away vs AFC Acorns | 2pm kick off | ??? Cup Sunday 9th | Home vs Worthing | 2pm kick off | League Sunday 23rd | Home vs Dulwich Hamlet | 2pm kick off | League Sunday 30th | Home vs Enfield Town | 2pm kick off | League NOVEMBER 2022 Sunday 13th | Away vs Millwall Lionesses | 3pm kick off | League Sunday 27th | Home vs Dartford | 2pm kick off | League

14 DS UPDATE ELLIE RAMSAUERSCWGFLPREMIER DIVISION TEAM P W D L F A PTS AFC Acorns Dev 0 0 0 0 Burgess Hill Town 0 0 0 0 Denne Park 0 0 0 0 Hassocks 0 0 0 0 Pagham 0 0 0 0 Saltdean United Dev 0 0 0 0 Seaford Town 0 0 0 0 Welcome back! I am excited to be here at Saltdean United FC after my move from Lewes FC Development Pathway. I have been so impressed with the standard and the motivation of the players since I joined which makes me eager for the season to Westart.have had two pre-season fixtures so far this year. The first one was a 1-1 draw against Moneyfields Reserves in which the girls gave a great performance against a tough side, with Jess Tolley scoring an amazing solo goal. The second was an even tougher test against Sutton United U21s, which was made more difficult with the heat. Two very late goals in that fixture saw us lose 0-2 but we learned a number of lessons from that game that we will take forward. Today we play Burgess Hill (A) which will really help us to prepare for the season that starts in UpSeptember.theTigers!

15 SPONSORS OFFICIAL TEAM SPONSOR OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER We are still actively seeking sponsors and would be interested in talking to any individuals / businesses that would be interested in supporting the Tigers. We have a number of packages available which include programme sponsor, sleeve sponsor and highlights sponsor. Please email if you would like some more information.
