THE TIGERS Saltdean United vs AFC Acorns Sunday 28th August | 2pm | L&SERWFL Premier Programme 02

2,2-0wasgetWesupportersgivesecondGoodSALTDEANWELCOMEUNITEDFCafternoonandwelcometoHillParkforourhomegameinasmanyweeks!Wewouldliketoawarmwelcometoouropponents,officialsandfortoday’sgame.startedlastweekwithabanganditwasgreattothethreepointsagainstaveryphysicalMillwall.ItalsopleasingtoseetheDevelopmentSquadwinagainstBurgessHillintheirfinalpreseasonfriendly.MartinandAmyareworkinghardwithaverysquadandweareexcitedtoseetheirprogressseason.weekwetraveltoEbbsfleetwhichshouldbeagameagainstateamwhohaverecentlycomeThisleagueisverystrongforTier5andwewillanumberofplayerswhohaveplayedatahigherEverypointisvitalandit’simportantwemakeHillaverydifficultplacetocome.always,wearelookingforanyvolunteerswhomayabletohelpusonmatchdays.Thereareplentyofavailabletosuitanumberofpeople,ifyouarepleasegetintouch.stillhaveanumberofsponsorshippackagesplayersponsorsavailable.Ifthisissomethingwouldbewillingtosupportuswith,pleasegetinYourname/logowillbeonourwebsite,onlineprogrammeandmediathroughouttheseason.foryourcontinuedsupport.Enjoythegame! Saltdean United FC Hill Park, Coombe Vale, Saltdean, East Sussex, BN2 8HJ JoeDirectorLizziePhysioAmyMartinDSEllieDSTomAssistantZakManagerWomen’sKateSecretaryBobChairmanThomasBrownStaffDoveManagerSauntersManagerRamsauerCoachesPerkinsPerkinsO’ConnorofFootballMcTiffen

3 atedencouragementthatteamwellnumberI’mweek.lookingplayersasinThethreePaddy,whenwhodelightedInandsuccessforwardprepared,willandTodayZAKMANAGERDOVEwewillfaceAFCAcorns,astrongtalentedteamwhoIhavenodoubtbringtheirAgametoHillPark.Wearereadyandwearealllookingtothematch.Afterlastweekswewanttomaintainourpositiveencouragingstarttotheseason.ourprevioushomeleaguegameIwaswiththe3-2winagainstMillwallalwaysmakelifeverydifficultforustheycomehere.AgoalapieceforMollyandAbbiegaveusthepointswewanted!playershavebeenworkinghardtrainingthisweek,comingtogetherateamunitandwelcominginafewfromtheDSwhoweareforwardtoseeingplaythishopingthatwewillhavealargeofourregularsupporters,asasnewonestogetbehindtheandtodriveusontothesuccessweallwant.Yourpositivevocalismostwelcome,appreciandneeded. Zak

Welcome back to Hill Park. Well, wasn’t last Sunday an action packed game... Winning the first game of the football campaign is always a rewarding feeling when you’ve worked so hard off season as a team. I was so impressed with the fight every single player gave, we all dug in deep and left everything on that pitch to ensure we achieved the three points. You could probably tell by the amount of cramp on the pitch! We know the standard has now been set and we want to ensure we only im prove from here as there’s still a long way to go. Congratulations to Molly who won opposition player of the match, an outstanding debut game from you! Our attention now turns to today where we play the newly promoted side Acorns. I am sure they are still riding the promotion buzz so today will not be easy. The girls and I are determined to keep this winning momentum going as Monday mornings feel much sweeter after a win so we will be giving it all we’ve got. We’re missing a few today from injuries, however, in better news we welcome debutant Sienna Howell to the Tigers Den who’s experience and passion is going to be integral to the squad this season. Now it’s time for us to go and get those 3 points!
Thanks for your continued support.

5 “We know the standard has fromimprovewetoandbeennowsetwewantensureonlyhere”

Ruby, you were part of the Brighton and Hove Albion set up for many years, how did you find the change from RTC football to senior football at Saltdean?
We had a really good start last week against Millwall, how did you find it for the first game of the season? It was so nice to be back playing a decent team in a competitive game. The win is just what we needed to start the season and to keep our momentum going. The league this season is very strong, a number of players are stepping down from tier 3/4 to play. How do you see the Tigers getting on? I have full faith that we’re going to smash it this season. With the great coaching and ability we have in the squad i don’t see why we wouldn’t succeed this year. It has been a fantastic summer with the Lionesses winning the Euros! How do you think this is going to help women’s football moving forward?
Yeah, it was incredible to watch. Its a massive push in the right direction and will certainly encourage younger girls to start playing.
Well, I was used to playing teams of around my age so I definitely noticed a strength and fitness difference which improved my game a lot. You seem to be able to play in every position! What would you say it your favored position to play in? I have no idea what my favourite position is any more, maybe left wing!

Hardest trainer in the team? As well as being hard workers, I think Nay and Georgia also have the ability to bring other peoples work ethics up with theirs which makes them great players for training sessions.
Worst banter in the dressing room?
I’ve never really had a professional footballing icon as I find I’m more inspired by my older team mates, who encourage me, give me advice and also act like role models.
I would definitely say Betsy Routledge for crying laughing at my toes, even though they’re
Attending England camps is definitely a proud moment but also moving up to the first team from the Saltdean Development Squad was a highlight. Who is your football icon and why?
What is your best footballing memory of your career?

8 2022-23FIRSTTEAMSQUAD Zak Dove Manager CharlotteSponsoredLewingtonbyAVAILABLE Avilla SponsoredBerginbyAVAILABLE Alessia SponsoredCiocanbyAVAILABLE Megan SponsoredGatesbyAVAILABLE

9 Tom Saunters Assistant Manager GeorgiaSponsoredBridgesby Jan & Iain Fielding Molly SponsoredHillby Stuart @ Merrie Harriera Tabby SponsoredSponsoredBurrowsbyAVAILABLEMiaHylandby Impetus

10 Ruby SponsoredSponsoredAtkinsbyAVAILABLEEvieNebbittby Impetus Amy SponsoredSindenbyAVAILABLE Maya HannahSponsoredPritchardbyAVAILABLESturdySponsoredby APAN Construction AbbieSponsoredMeasuresbyAVAILABLE

11 Daisy NaomiSponsoredMeehanbyAVAILABLERobinsonSponsoredby Simon Roe Faye SponsoredWilliamsby BW Sports Therapy BetsySponsoredRoutledgeby Held Trading Ruby SiennaSponsoredMelisbyAVAILABLEHowellSponsoredby AVAILABLE

12 TEAM P W D L GD PTS Enfield Town 1 1 0 0 7 3 New London Lionesses 1 1 0 0 1 3 Saltdean United 1 1 0 0 1 3 Fulham 1 1 0 0 1 3 Worthing 1 1 0 0 1 3 Dulwich Hamlet 1 0 1 0 0 1 Ebbsfleet United 1 0 1 0 0 1 Aylesford 1 0 0 1 -1 0 Millwall Lionesses 1 0 0 1 -1 0 Dartford 1 0 0 1 -1 0 Sutton United 1 0 0 1 -1 0 AFC Acorns 1 0 0 1 -7 0 LEAGUE TABLE L&SERWFL PREMIER

13 COMING SundayAUGUSTFIXTURES/RESULTSUP202221st|HomevsMillwallLionesses | 3-2 Win Sunday 28th | Home vs AFC Acorns | 2pm kick off | League SEPTEMBER 2022 Sunday 4th | Away vs Ebbsfleet United | 2pm kick off | League Sunday 11th | Home vs Fulham | 2pm kick off | League Sunday 18th | Away vs Aylesford | 3.30pm kick off | League Sunday 25th | Home vs Sutton United | 2pm kick off | League OCTOBER 2022 Sunday 2nd | Away vs AFC Acorns | 2pm kick off | FA Cup Sunday 9th | Home vs Worthing | 2pm kick off | League Sunday 23rd | Home vs Dulwich Hamlet | 2pm kick off | League Sunday 30th | Home vs Enfield Town | 2pm kick off | League NOVEMBER 2022 Sunday 13th | Away vs Millwall Lionesses | 3pm kick off | League Sunday 27th | Home vs Dartford | 2pm kick off | League

14 DS UPDATE ELLIE RAMSAUERSCWGFLPREMIER DIVISION TEAM P W D L F A PTS AFC Acorns Dev 0 0 0 0 Burgess Hill Town 0 0 0 0 Denne Park 0 0 0 0 Hassocks 0 0 0 0 Pagham 0 0 0 0 Saltdean United Dev 0 0 0 0 Seaford Town 0 0 0 0 Welcome back! I am excited to be here at Saltdean United FC after my move from Lewes FC Development Pathway. I have been so impressed with the standard and the motivation of the players since I joined which makes me eager for the season to Westart.have had two pre-season fixtures so far this year. The first one was a 1-1 draw against Moneyfields Reserves in which the girls gave a great performance against a tough side, with Jess Tolley scoring an amazing solo goal. The second was an even tougher test against Sutton United U21s, which was made more difficult with the heat. Two very late goals in that fixture saw us lose 0-2 but we learned a number of lessons from that game that we will take forward. Today we play Burgess Hill (A) which will really help us to prepare for the season that starts in UpSeptember.theTigers!

15 SPONSORS OFFICIAL TEAM SPONSORS OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER We are still actively seeking sponsors and would be interested in talking to any individuals / businesses that would be interested in supporting the Tigers. Please email if you would like some more information.
